Versions in this module Expand all Collapse all v0 v0.0.3 Jun 14, 2023 v0.0.2 Jun 14, 2023 v0.0.1 Jun 14, 2023 v0.0.0 Jun 13, 2023 Changes in this version + const ACTION + const ACTIVE + const ADD + const ADMIN + const AFTER + const AGAINST + const ALL + const ALTER + const ANALYZE + const AND + const APPROXNUM + const ARRAY + const AS + const ASC + const AUTO_INCREMENT + const AVG + const AddAutoIncStr + const AddStr + const AfterStr + const AlterStr + const AscScr + const BEFORE + const BEGIN + const BETWEEN + const BIGINT + const BINARY + const BIT + const BIT_AND + const BIT_LITERAL + const BIT_OR + const BIT_XOR + const BLOB + const BOOL + const BOOLEAN + const BUCKETS + const BY + const BangStr + const BeforeStr + const BetweenStr + const BinaryStr + const BitAndStr + const BitOrStr + const BitVal + const BitXorStr + const BooleanModeStr + const CALL + const CASCADE + const CASE + const CAST + const CATALOG_NAME + const CHANGE + const CHAR + const CHARACTER + const CHARSET + const CHECK + const CLASS_ORIGIN + const CLONE + const COLLATE + const COLLATION + const COLUMN + const COLUMNS + const COLUMN_NAME + const COMMENT + const COMMENT_KEYWORD + const COMMIT + const COMMITTED + const COMPONENT + const CONDITION + const CONSTRAINT + const CONSTRAINT_CATALOG + const CONSTRAINT_NAME + const CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA + const CONTAINS + const CONTINUE + const CONVERT + const COUNT + const CREATE + const CROSS + const CUME_DIST + const CURRENT_DATE + const CURRENT_TIME + const CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + const CURRENT_USER + const CURSOR + const CURSOR_NAME + const ChangeStr + const CharacterSetStr + const CharsetStr + const CreateStr + const CreateTriggerStr + const DATA + const DATABASE + const DATABASES + const DATE + const DATETIME + const DEC + const DECIMAL + const DECLARE + const DEFAULT + const DEFINER + const DEFINITION + const DELETE + const DENSE_RANK + const DESC + const DESCRIBE + const DESCRIPTION + const DETERMINISTIC + const DISTINCT + const DIV + const DOUBLE + const DROP + const DUPLICATE + const DeleteStr + const DescScr + const DirectiveMultiShardAutocommit + const DirectiveQueryTimeout + const DirectiveScatterErrorsAsWarnings + const DirectiveSkipQueryPlanCache + const DistinctStr + const DivStr + const DropStr + const EACH + const ELSE + const ELSEIF + const EMPTY + const ENCLOSED + const END + const ENFORCED + const ENGINES + const ENUM + const ESCAPE + const ESCAPED + const EXCEPT + const EXCLUDE + const EXISTS + const EXIT + const EXPANSION + const EXPLAIN + const EqualStr + const FALSE + const FIELDS + const FIRST + const FIRST_VALUE + const FIXED + const FLOAT + const FLOAT_TYPE + const FLUSH + const FOLLOWING + const FOLLOWS + const FOR + const FORCE + const FOREIGN + const FORMAT + const FOUND + const FROM + const FULL + const FULLTEXT + const FUNCTION + const FloatVal + const FlushStr + const FollowsStr + const ForUpdateStr + const ForceStr + const FulltextStr + const GE + const GEOMCOLLECTION + const GEOMETRY + const GEOMETRYCOLLECTION + const GET_MASTER_PUBLIC_KEY + const GLOBAL + const GROUP + const GROUPING + const GROUPS + const GROUP_CONCAT + const GlobalStr + const GreaterEqualStr + const GreaterThanStr + const HANDLER + const HAVING + const HEX + const HEXNUM + const HISTOGRAM + const HISTORY + const HavingStr + const HexNum + const HexVal + const ID + const IF + const IGNORE + const IN + const INACTIVE + const INDEX + const INDEXES + const INFILE + const INNER + const INOUT + const INSERT + const INT + const INTEGER + const INTEGRAL + const INTERVAL + const INTNUM + const INTO + const INVISIBLE + const INVOKER + const IS + const ISOLATION + const IgnoreStr + const InStr + const IndexStr + const InsertStr + const IntDivStr + const IntVal + const IsFalseStr + const IsNotFalseStr + const IsNotNullStr + const IsNotTrueStr + const IsNullStr + const IsTrueStr + const IsolationLevelReadCommitted + const IsolationLevelReadUncommitted + const IsolationLevelRepeatableRead + const IsolationLevelSerializable + const JOIN + const JSON + const JSONExtractOp + const JSONUnquoteExtractOp + const JSON_ARRAYAGG + const JSON_EXTRACT_OP + const JSON_OBJECTAGG + const JSON_TABLE + const JSON_UNQUOTE_EXTRACT_OP + const JoinStr + const JsonStr + const KEY + const KEYS + const KEY_BLOCK_SIZE + const LAG + const LANGUAGE + const LAST_INSERT_ID + const LAST_VALUE + const LATERAL + const LE + const LEAD + const LEFT + const LESS + const LEVEL + const LEX_ERROR + const LIKE + const LIMIT + const LINES + const LINESTRING + const LIST_ARG + const LOAD + const LOCAL + const LOCALTIME + const LOCALTIMESTAMP + const LOCK + const LOCKED + const LONG + const LONGBLOB + const LONGTEXT + const LOW_PRIORITY + const LeftJoinStr + const LessEqualStr + const LessThanStr + const LikeStr + const MASTER_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHMS + const MASTER_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH + const MASTER_TLS_CIPHERSUITES + const MASTER_ZSTD_COMPRESSION_LEVEL + const MATCH + const MAX + const MAXVALUE + const MEDIUMBLOB + const MEDIUMINT + const MEDIUMTEXT + const MEMBER + const MESSAGE_TEXT + const MIN + const MOD + const MODE + const MODIFIES + const MODIFY + const MULTILINESTRING + const MULTIPOINT + const MULTIPOLYGON + const MYSQL_ERRNO + const MinusStr + const ModStr + const ModifyStr + const MultStr + const NAMES + const NATIONAL + const NATURAL + const NCHAR + const NE + const NESTED + const NETWORK_NAMESPACE + const NEXT + const NO + const NOT + const NOWAIT + const NTH_VALUE + const NTILE + const NULL + const NULLS + const NULLX + const NULL_SAFE_EQUAL + const NUMERIC + const NVARCHAR + const NaturalJoinStr + const NaturalLanguageModeStr + const NaturalLanguageModeWithQueryExpansionStr + const NaturalLeftJoinStr + const NaturalRightJoinStr + const NotBetweenStr + const NotEqualStr + const NotInStr + const NotLikeStr + const NotRegexpStr + const NullSafeEqualStr + const OF + const OFF + const OFFSET + const OJ + const OLD + const ON + const ONLY + const OPTIMIZE + const OPTIONAL + const OPTIONALLY + const OR + const ORDER + const ORDINALITY + const ORGANIZATION + const OTHERS + const OUT + const OUTER + const OUTFILE + const OVER + const PARTITION + const PATH + const PERCENT_RANK + const PERSIST + const PERSIST_ONLY + const PLUGINS + const POINT + const POLYGON + const PRECEDES + const PRECEDING + const PRECISION + const PRIMARY + const PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER + const PROCEDURE + const PROCESS + const PROCESSLIST + const PlusStr + const PrecedesStr + const PrimaryStr + const QUERY + const QueryExpansionStr + const RANDOM + const RANK + const READ + const READS + const REAL + const RECURSIVE + const REFERENCE + const REFERENCES + const REGEXP + const RELEASE + const RENAME + const REORGANIZE + const REPAIR + const REPEATABLE + const REPLACE + const REQUIRE_ROW_FORMAT + const RESIGNAL + const RESOURCE + const RESPECT + const RESTART + const RESTRICT + const RETAIN + const REUSE + const RIGHT + const ROLE + const ROLLBACK + const ROW + const ROW_NUMBER + const RegexpStr + const RenameStr + const ReorganizeStr + const ReplaceStr + const RightJoinStr + const SAVEPOINT + const SCHEMA + const SCHEMAS + const SCHEMA_NAME + const SECONDARY + const SECONDARY_ENGINE + const SECONDARY_LOAD + const SECONDARY_UNLOAD + const SECURITY + const SELECT + const SEPARATOR + const SEQUENCE + const SERIALIZABLE + const SESSION + const SET + const SHARE + const SHIFT_LEFT + const SHIFT_RIGHT + const SHOW + const SIGNAL + const SIGNED + const SKIP + const SMALLINT + const SPATIAL + const SQL + const SQLCacheStr + const SQLEXCEPTION + const SQLNoCacheStr + const SQLSTATE + const SQLWARNING + const SQL_CACHE + const SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS + const SQL_NO_CACHE + const SRID + const START + const STARTING + const STATUS + const STD + const STDDEV + const STDDEV_POP + const STDDEV_SAMP + const STRAIGHT_JOIN + const STREAM + const STRING + const SUBCLASS_ORIGIN + const SUBSTR + const SUBSTRING + const SUM + const SYSTEM + const SYSTEM_TIME + const SessionStr + const SetStr + const ShareModeStr + const ShiftLeftStr + const ShiftRightStr + const SpatialStr + const StrVal + const StraightJoinHint + const StraightJoinStr + const TABLE + const TABLES + const TABLE_NAME + const TEMPORARY + const TERMINATED + const TEXT + const THAN + const THEN + const THREAD_PRIORITY + const TIES + const TIME + const TIMESTAMP + const TIMESTAMPADD + const TIMESTAMPDIFF + const TINYBLOB + const TINYINT + const TINYTEXT + const TO + const TRANSACTION + const TRIGGER + const TRIGGERS + const TRUE + const TRUNCATE + const TemporaryStr + const TildaStr + const TraditionalStr + const TransactionStr + const TreeStr + const TruncateStr + const TxReadOnly + const TxReadWrite + const UBinaryStr + const UMinusStr + const UNARY + const UNBOUNDED + const UNCOMMITTED + const UNDERSCORE_BINARY + const UNDERSCORE_UTF8MB4 + const UNDO + const UNION + const UNIQUE + const UNLOCK + const UNSIGNED + const UNUSED + const UPDATE + const UPlusStr + const USE + const USING + const UTC_DATE + const UTC_TIME + const UTC_TIMESTAMP + const UnionAllStr + const UnionDistinctStr + const UnionStr + const UniqueStr + const UpdateStr + const UseStr + const Utf8mb4Str + const VALUE + const VALUES + const VALUE_ARG + const VARBINARY + const VARCHAR + const VARIABLES + const VARIANCE + const VARYING + const VAR_POP + const VAR_SAMP + const VCPU + const VIEW + const VISIBLE + const ValArg + const WARNINGS + const WHEN + const WHERE + const WINDOW + const WITH + const WORK + const WRITE + const WhereStr + const YEAR + const ZEROFILL + var Aggregates = map[string]bool + var ErrEmpty = errors.New("empty statement") + var TruncateErrLen = flag.Int("sql-max-length-errors", 0, ...) + var TruncateUILen = flag.Int("sql-max-length-ui", 512, ...) + func Append(buf *strings.Builder, node SQLNode) + func EncodeValue(buf *strings.Builder, value *querypb.BindVariable) + func ExtractMysqlComment(sql string) (version string, innerSQL string) + func FetchBindVar(name string, bindVariables map[string]*querypb.BindVariable) (val *querypb.BindVariable, isList bool, err error) + func FormatImpossibleQuery(buf *TrackedBuffer, node SQLNode) + func GetBindvars(stmt Statement) map[string]struct + func KeywordString(id int) string + func Normalize(stmt Statement, bindVars map[string]*querypb.BindVariable, prefix string) + func ParseTokenizer(tokenizer *Tokenizer) int + func RedactSQLQuery(sql string) (string, error) + func SkipQueryPlanCacheDirective(stmt Statement) bool + func SplitStatement(blob string) (string, string, error) + func SplitStatementToPieces(blob string) (pieces []string, err error) + func String(node SQLNode) string + func StripComments(sql string) string + func StripLeadingComments(sql string) string + func TruncateForLog(query string) string + func TruncateForUI(query string) string + func VarScopeForColName(colName *ColName) (*ColName, SetScope, error) + func Walk(visit Visit, nodes ...SQLNode) error + type AccountLimitItem struct + Count *SQLVal + type AccountLimitItemType byte + const AccountLimitItemType_Connections + const AccountLimitItemType_Connections_PH + const AccountLimitItemType_Queries_PH + const AccountLimitItemType_Updates_PH + type AccountLimits struct + MaxConnectionsPerHour *SQLVal + MaxQueriesPerHour *SQLVal + MaxUpdatesPerHour *SQLVal + MaxUserConnections *SQLVal + func NewAccountLimits(items []AccountLimitItem) (*AccountLimits, error) + func (al *AccountLimits) String() string + type AccountName struct + AnyHost bool + Host string + Name string + func (an *AccountName) String() string + type AccountRename struct + From AccountName + To AccountName + func (ar *AccountRename) String() string + type AccountWithAuth struct + Auth1 *Authentication + Auth2 *Authentication + Auth3 *Authentication + AuthInitial *Authentication + func (awa *AccountWithAuth) String() string + type AliasedExpr struct + As ColIdent + EndParsePos int + Expr Expr + InputExpression string + StartParsePos int + func (node *AliasedExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type AliasedTableExpr struct + As TableIdent + AsOf *AsOf + Expr SimpleTableExpr + Hints *IndexHints + Partitions Partitions + func (node *AliasedTableExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + func (node *AliasedTableExpr) RemoveHints() *AliasedTableExpr + type AndExpr struct + Left Expr + Right Expr + func (node *AndExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type AsOf struct + Time Expr + func (node *AsOf) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type AssignmentExpr struct + Expr Expr + Name *ColName + func (node *AssignmentExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type AssignmentExprs []*AssignmentExpr + func (node AssignmentExprs) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type Authentication struct + Identity string + Password string + Plugin string + RandomPassword bool + func (auth *Authentication) String() string + type AutoIncSpec struct + Column ColIdent + Sequence TableName + Value Expr + func (node *AutoIncSpec) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type Begin struct + TransactionCharacteristic string + func (node *Begin) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type BeginEndBlock struct + Statements Statements + func (b *BeginEndBlock) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type BinaryExpr struct + Left Expr + Operator string + Right Expr + func (node *BinaryExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type BoolVal bool + func (node BoolVal) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type Call struct + FuncName string + Params []Expr + func (c *Call) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type CaseExpr struct + Else Expr + Expr Expr + Whens []*When + func (node *CaseExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type CaseStatement struct + Cases []CaseStatementCase + Else Statements + Expr Expr + func (c *CaseStatement) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type CaseStatementCase struct + Case Expr + Statements Statements + type Characteristic struct + Comment string + Type CharacteristicValue + func (c Characteristic) String() string + type CharacteristicValue string + const CharacteristicValue_Comment + const CharacteristicValue_ContainsSql + const CharacteristicValue_Deterministic + const CharacteristicValue_LanguageSql + const CharacteristicValue_ModifiesSqlData + const CharacteristicValue_NoSql + const CharacteristicValue_NotDeterministic + const CharacteristicValue_ReadsSqlData + const CharacteristicValue_SqlSecurityDefiner + const CharacteristicValue_SqlSecurityInvoker + type CheckConstraintDefinition struct + Enforced bool + Expr Expr + func (c *CheckConstraintDefinition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type ColIdent struct + func NewColIdent(str string) ColIdent + func (node *ColIdent) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error + func (node ColIdent) CompliantName() string + func (node ColIdent) Equal(in ColIdent) bool + func (node ColIdent) EqualString(str string) bool + func (node ColIdent) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + func (node ColIdent) IsEmpty() bool + func (node ColIdent) Lowered() string + func (node ColIdent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) + func (node ColIdent) String() string + type ColName struct + Metadata interface{} + Name ColIdent + Qualifier TableName + func NewColName(name string) *ColName + func (node *ColName) Equal(c *ColName) bool + func (node *ColName) EqualString(s string) bool + func (node *ColName) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + func (node *ColName) String() string + type ColTuple interface + type CollateExpr struct + Charset string + Expr Expr + func (node *CollateExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type ColumnDefinition struct + Name ColIdent + Type ColumnType + func (col *ColumnDefinition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type ColumnKeyOption int + type ColumnOrder struct + AfterColumn ColIdent + First bool + type ColumnType struct + Autoincrement BoolVal + Charset string + Collate string + Comment *SQLVal + Default Expr + EnumValues []string + KeyOpt ColumnKeyOption + Length *SQLVal + NotNull BoolVal + OnUpdate Expr + Scale *SQLVal + Type string + Unsigned BoolVal + Zerofill BoolVal + func (ct *ColumnType) DescribeType() string + func (ct *ColumnType) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + func (ct *ColumnType) SQLType() querypb.Type + func (ct *ColumnType) String() string + type Columns []ColIdent + func (node Columns) FindColumn(col ColIdent) int + func (node Columns) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type CommentDirectives map[string]interface + func (d CommentDirectives) IsSet(key string) bool + func ExtractCommentDirectives(comments Comments) CommentDirectives + type Comments [][]byte + func (node Comments) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type Commit struct + func (node *Commit) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type CommonTableExpr struct + Columns Columns + func (e *CommonTableExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type ComparisonExpr struct + Escape Expr + Left Expr + Operator string + Right Expr + func (node *ComparisonExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + func (node *ComparisonExpr) IsImpossible() bool + type ConstraintDefinition struct + Details ConstraintInfo + Name string + func (c *ConstraintDefinition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type ConstraintInfo interface + type ConvertExpr struct + Expr Expr + Type *ConvertType + func (node *ConvertExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type ConvertType struct + Charset string + Length *SQLVal + Operator string + Scale *SQLVal + Type string + func (node *ConvertType) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type ConvertUsingExpr struct + Expr Expr + Type string + func (node *ConvertUsingExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type CreateRole struct + IfNotExists bool + Roles []AccountName + func (c *CreateRole) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type CreateUser struct + AccountLimits *AccountLimits + Attribute string + DefaultRoles []AccountName + IfNotExists bool + Locked bool + PasswordOptions *PasswordOptions + TLSOptions *TLSOptions + Users []AccountWithAuth + func (c *CreateUser) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type CurTimeFuncExpr struct + Fsp Expr + Name ColIdent + func (node *CurTimeFuncExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type DBDDL struct + Action string + Charset string + Collate string + DBName string + IfExists bool + IfNotExists bool + func (node *DBDDL) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type DDL struct + Action string + AutoIncSpec *AutoIncSpec + Column ColIdent + ColumnAction string + ColumnOrder *ColumnOrder + ConstraintAction string + DefaultSpec *DefaultSpec + FromTables TableNames + FromViews TableNames + IfExists bool + IfNotExists bool + IndexSpec *IndexSpec + OptLike *OptLike + OptSelect *OptSelect + OrReplace bool + PartitionSpec *PartitionSpec + ProcedureSpec *ProcedureSpec + SubStatementPositionEnd int + SubStatementPositionStart int + Table TableName + TableSpec *TableSpec + Temporary bool + ToColumn ColIdent + ToTables TableNames + TriggerSpec *TriggerSpec + View TableName + ViewExpr SelectStatement + func (node *DDL) AffectedTables() TableNames + func (node *DDL) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type Declare struct + Condition *DeclareCondition + Cursor *DeclareCursor + Handler *DeclareHandler + Variables *DeclareVariables + func (d *Declare) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type DeclareCondition struct + MysqlErrorCode *SQLVal + Name string + SqlStateValue string + type DeclareCursor struct + Name string + SelectStmt SelectStatement + type DeclareHandler struct + Action DeclareHandlerAction + ConditionValues []DeclareHandlerCondition + Statement Statement + type DeclareHandlerAction string + const DeclareHandlerAction_Continue + const DeclareHandlerAction_Exit + const DeclareHandlerAction_Undo + type DeclareHandlerCondition struct + MysqlErrorCode *SQLVal + String string + ValueType DeclareHandlerConditionValue + type DeclareHandlerConditionValue string + const DeclareHandlerCondition_ConditionName + const DeclareHandlerCondition_MysqlErrorCode + const DeclareHandlerCondition_NotFound + const DeclareHandlerCondition_SqlException + const DeclareHandlerCondition_SqlState + const DeclareHandlerCondition_SqlWarning + type DeclareVariables struct + Names []ColIdent + VarType ColumnType + type Default struct + ColName string + func (node *Default) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type DefaultSpec struct + Action string + Column ColIdent + Value Expr + func (node *DefaultSpec) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type Delete struct + Comments Comments + Limit *Limit + OrderBy OrderBy + Partitions Partitions + TableExprs TableExprs + Targets TableNames + Where *Where + func (node *Delete) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type DropRole struct + IfExists bool + Roles []AccountName + func (d *DropRole) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type DropUser struct + AccountNames []AccountName + IfExists bool + func (d *DropUser) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type EnclosedBy struct + Delim *SQLVal + Optionally BoolVal + func (node *EnclosedBy) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type Encodable interface + EncodeSQL func(buf *strings.Builder) + type ExistsExpr struct + Subquery *Subquery + func (node *ExistsExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type Explain struct + Analyze bool + ExplainFormat string + Statement Statement + func (node *Explain) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type Expr interface + func ExprFromValue(value sqltypes.Value) (Expr, error) + func ReplaceExpr(root, from, to Expr) Expr + type Exprs []Expr + func (node Exprs) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type Fields struct + EscapedBy *SQLVal + TerminatedBy *SQLVal + func (node *Fields) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type ForeignKeyDefinition struct + OnDelete ReferenceAction + OnUpdate ReferenceAction + ReferencedColumns Columns + ReferencedTable TableName + Source Columns + func (f *ForeignKeyDefinition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type FuncExpr struct + Distinct bool + Exprs SelectExprs + Name ColIdent + Over *Over + Qualifier TableIdent + func (node *FuncExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + func (node *FuncExpr) IsAggregate() bool + type GrantObjectType byte + const GrantObjectType_Any + const GrantObjectType_Function + const GrantObjectType_Procedure + const GrantObjectType_Table + type GrantPrivilege struct + As *GrantUserAssumption + ObjectType GrantObjectType + PrivilegeLevel PrivilegeLevel + Privileges []Privilege + To []AccountName + WithGrantOption bool + func (g *GrantPrivilege) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type GrantProxy struct + On AccountName + To []AccountName + WithGrantOption bool + func (g *GrantProxy) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type GrantRole struct + Roles []AccountName + To []AccountName + WithAdminOption bool + func (g *GrantRole) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type GrantUserAssumption struct + Roles []AccountName + Type GrantUserAssumptionType + User AccountName + func (gau *GrantUserAssumption) String() string + type GrantUserAssumptionType byte + const GrantUserAssumptionType_All + const GrantUserAssumptionType_AllExcept + const GrantUserAssumptionType_Default + const GrantUserAssumptionType_None + const GrantUserAssumptionType_Roles + type GroupBy []Expr + func (node GroupBy) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type GroupConcatExpr struct + Distinct string + Exprs SelectExprs + OrderBy OrderBy + Separator string + func (node *GroupConcatExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type IfStatement struct + Conditions []IfStatementCondition + Else Statements + func (i *IfStatement) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type IfStatementCondition struct + Expr Expr + Statements Statements + type IndexColumn struct + Column ColIdent + Length *SQLVal + Order string + type IndexDefinition struct + Columns []*IndexColumn + Info *IndexInfo + Options []*IndexOption + func (idx *IndexDefinition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type IndexHints struct + Indexes []ColIdent + Type string + func (node *IndexHints) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type IndexInfo struct + Name ColIdent + Primary bool + Spatial bool + Type string + Unique bool + func (ii *IndexInfo) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type IndexOption struct + Name string + Using string + Value *SQLVal + type IndexSpec struct + Action string + Columns []*IndexColumn + FromName ColIdent + Options []*IndexOption + ToName ColIdent + Type string + Using ColIdent + func (idx *IndexSpec) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type Insert struct + Action string + Columns Columns + Comments Comments + Ignore string + OnDup OnDup + Partitions Partitions + Rows InsertRows + Table TableName + func (node *Insert) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type InsertRows interface + type InsertValues [][]sqltypes.Value + func (iv InsertValues) EncodeSQL(buf *strings.Builder) + type IntervalExpr struct + Expr Expr + Unit string + func (node *IntervalExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type IsExpr struct + Expr Expr + Operator string + func (node *IsExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type JoinCondition struct + On Expr + Using Columns + func (node JoinCondition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type JoinTableExpr struct + Condition JoinCondition + Join string + LeftExpr TableExpr + RightExpr TableExpr + func (node *JoinTableExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type LengthScaleOption struct + Length *SQLVal + Scale *SQLVal + type Limit struct + Offset Expr + Rowcount Expr + func (node *Limit) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type Lines struct + StartingBy *SQLVal + TerminatedBy *SQLVal + func (node *Lines) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type ListArg []byte + func (node ListArg) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type Load struct + Charset string + IgnoreNum *SQLVal + Infile string + Local BoolVal + Partition Partitions + Table TableName + func (node *Load) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type LoadStatement interface + type LockTables struct + Tables TableAndLockTypes + func (node *LockTables) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type LockType string + const LockLowPriorityWrite + const LockRead + const LockReadLocal + const LockWrite + type MarginComments struct + Leading string + Trailing string + func SplitMarginComments(sql string) (query string, comments MarginComments) + type MatchExpr struct + Columns SelectExprs + Expr Expr + Option string + func (node *MatchExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type MultiAlterDDL struct + Statements []*DDL + Table TableName + func (m *MultiAlterDDL) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type Nextval struct + Expr Expr + func (node Nextval) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type NodeFormatter func(buf *TrackedBuffer, node SQLNode) + type NotExpr struct + Expr Expr + func (node *NotExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type NullVal struct + func (node *NullVal) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type OnDup AssignmentExprs + func (node OnDup) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type OptLike struct + LikeTable TableName + func (node *OptLike) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type OptSelect struct + Select SelectStatement + func (node *OptSelect) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type OrExpr struct + Left Expr + Right Expr + func (node *OrExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type Order struct + Direction string + Expr Expr + func (node *Order) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type OrderBy []*Order + func (node OrderBy) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type OtherAdmin struct + func (node *OtherAdmin) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type OtherRead struct + func (node *OtherRead) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type Over struct + OrderBy OrderBy + PartitionBy Exprs + WindowName ColIdent + func (node *Over) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type ParenExpr struct + Expr Expr + func (node *ParenExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type ParenSelect struct + Select SelectStatement + func (node *ParenSelect) AddOrder(order *Order) + func (node *ParenSelect) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + func (node *ParenSelect) SetLimit(limit *Limit) + func (node *ParenSelect) SetLock(lock string) + func (node *ParenSelect) SetOrderBy(orders OrderBy) + type ParenTableExpr struct + Exprs TableExprs + func (node *ParenTableExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type ParsedQuery struct + Query string + func BuildParsedQuery(in string, vars ...interface{}) *ParsedQuery + func NewParsedQuery(node SQLNode) *ParsedQuery + func (pq *ParsedQuery) Append(buf *strings.Builder, bindVariables map[string]*querypb.BindVariable, ...) error + func (pq *ParsedQuery) GenerateQuery(bindVariables map[string]*querypb.BindVariable, extras map[string]Encodable) (string, error) + func (pq *ParsedQuery) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) + type PartitionDefinition struct + Limit Expr + Maxvalue bool + Name ColIdent + func (node *PartitionDefinition) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type PartitionSpec struct + Action string + Definitions []*PartitionDefinition + Name ColIdent + func (node *PartitionSpec) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type Partitions Columns + func (node Partitions) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type PassLockItem struct + Value *SQLVal + type PassLockItemType byte + const PassLockItemType_AccountLock + const PassLockItemType_AccountUnlock + const PassLockItemType_PassExpireDefault + const PassLockItemType_PassExpireInterval + const PassLockItemType_PassExpireNever + const PassLockItemType_PassFailedLogins + const PassLockItemType_PassHistory + const PassLockItemType_PassLockTime + const PassLockItemType_PassReqCurrentDefault + const PassLockItemType_PassReqCurrentOptional + const PassLockItemType_PassReuseInterval + type PasswordOptions struct + ExpirationTime *SQLVal + FailedAttempts *SQLVal + History *SQLVal + LockTime *SQLVal + RequireCurrentOptional bool + ReuseInterval *SQLVal + func NewPasswordOptionsWithLock(items []PassLockItem) (*PasswordOptions, bool) + func (po *PasswordOptions) String() string + type Privilege struct + Columns []string + DynamicName string + Type PrivilegeType + func (p *Privilege) String() string + type PrivilegeLevel struct + Database string + TableRoutine string + func (p *PrivilegeLevel) String() string + type PrivilegeType byte + const PrivilegeType_All + const PrivilegeType_Alter + const PrivilegeType_AlterRoutine + const PrivilegeType_Create + const PrivilegeType_CreateRole + const PrivilegeType_CreateRoutine + const PrivilegeType_CreateTablespace + const PrivilegeType_CreateTemporaryTables + const PrivilegeType_CreateUser + const PrivilegeType_CreateView + const PrivilegeType_Delete + const PrivilegeType_Drop + const PrivilegeType_DropRole + const PrivilegeType_Dynamic + const PrivilegeType_Event + const PrivilegeType_Execute + const PrivilegeType_File + const PrivilegeType_GrantOption + const PrivilegeType_Index + const PrivilegeType_Insert + const PrivilegeType_LockTables + const PrivilegeType_Process + const PrivilegeType_References + const PrivilegeType_Reload + const PrivilegeType_ReplicationClient + const PrivilegeType_ReplicationSlave + const PrivilegeType_Select + const PrivilegeType_ShowDatabases + const PrivilegeType_ShowView + const PrivilegeType_Shutdown + const PrivilegeType_Super + const PrivilegeType_Trigger + const PrivilegeType_Update + const PrivilegeType_Usage + type ProcedureParam struct + Direction ProcedureParamDirection + Name string + Type ColumnType + type ProcedureParamDirection string + const ProcedureParamDirection_In + const ProcedureParamDirection_Inout + const ProcedureParamDirection_Out + type ProcedureSpec struct + Body Statement + Characteristics []Characteristic + Definer string + Name string + Params []ProcedureParam + type RangeCond struct + From Expr + Left Expr + Operator string + To Expr + func (node *RangeCond) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type ReferenceAction int + const Cascade + const DefaultAction + const NoAction + const Restrict + const SetDefault + const SetNull + func (a ReferenceAction) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type ReleaseSavepoint struct + Identifier string + func (node *ReleaseSavepoint) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type RenameUser struct + Accounts []AccountRename + func (r *RenameUser) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type Resignal struct + func (s *Resignal) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type RevokeAllPrivileges struct + From []AccountName + func (r *RevokeAllPrivileges) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type RevokePrivilege struct + From []AccountName + ObjectType GrantObjectType + PrivilegeLevel PrivilegeLevel + Privileges []Privilege + func (r *RevokePrivilege) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type RevokeProxy struct + From []AccountName + On AccountName + func (r *RevokeProxy) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type RevokeRole struct + From []AccountName + Roles []AccountName + func (r *RevokeRole) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type Rollback struct + func (node *Rollback) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type RollbackSavepoint struct + Identifier string + func (node *RollbackSavepoint) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type SQLNode interface + Format func(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type SQLVal struct + Type ValType + Val []byte + func NewBitVal(in []byte) *SQLVal + func NewFloatVal(in []byte) *SQLVal + func NewHexNum(in []byte) *SQLVal + func NewHexVal(in []byte) *SQLVal + func NewIntVal(in []byte) *SQLVal + func NewStrVal(in []byte) *SQLVal + func NewValArg(in []byte) *SQLVal + func (node *SQLVal) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + func (node *SQLVal) HexDecode() ([]byte, error) + func (node *SQLVal) String() string + type Savepoint struct + Identifier string + func (node *Savepoint) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type Select struct + Cache string + CalcFoundRows bool + Comments Comments + CommonTableExprs TableExprs + Distinct string + From TableExprs + GroupBy GroupBy + Having *Where + Hints string + Limit *Limit + Lock string + OrderBy OrderBy + SelectExprs SelectExprs + Where *Where + func (node *Select) AddHaving(expr Expr) + func (node *Select) AddOrder(order *Order) + func (node *Select) AddWhere(expr Expr) + func (node *Select) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + func (node *Select) SetLimit(limit *Limit) + func (node *Select) SetLock(lock string) + func (node *Select) SetOrderBy(orderBy OrderBy) + type SelectExpr interface + type SelectExprs []SelectExpr + func (node SelectExprs) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type SelectStatement interface + AddOrder func(*Order) + SetLimit func(*Limit) + SetLock func(string) + SetOrderBy func(OrderBy) + type Set struct + Comments Comments + Exprs SetVarExprs + func (node *Set) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type SetScope string + const SetScope_Global + const SetScope_None + const SetScope_Persist + const SetScope_PersistOnly + const SetScope_Session + const SetScope_User + func VarScope(nameParts ...string) (string, SetScope, error) + type SetVarExpr struct + Expr Expr + Name *ColName + Scope SetScope + func (node *SetVarExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type SetVarExprs []*SetVarExpr + func (node SetVarExprs) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type Show struct + Database string + Filter *ShowFilter + IfNotExists bool + OnTable TableName + Scope string + ShowCollationFilterOpt *Expr + ShowIndexFilterOpt Expr + ShowTablesOpt *ShowTablesOpt + Table TableName + Type string + func (node *Show) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + func (node *Show) HasOnTable() bool + func (node *Show) HasTable() bool + type ShowFilter struct + Filter Expr + Like string + func (node *ShowFilter) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type ShowGrants struct + CurrentUser bool + For *AccountName + Using []AccountName + func (s *ShowGrants) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type ShowPrivileges struct + func (s *ShowPrivileges) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type ShowTablesOpt struct + AsOf Expr + DbName string + Filter *ShowFilter + Full string + type Signal struct + ConditionName string + Info []SignalInfo + SqlStateValue string + func (s *Signal) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type SignalConditionItemName string + const SignalConditionItemName_CatalogName + const SignalConditionItemName_ClassOrigin + const SignalConditionItemName_ColumnName + const SignalConditionItemName_ConstraintCatalog + const SignalConditionItemName_ConstraintName + const SignalConditionItemName_ConstraintSchema + const SignalConditionItemName_CursorName + const SignalConditionItemName_MessageText + const SignalConditionItemName_MysqlErrno + const SignalConditionItemName_SchemaName + const SignalConditionItemName_SubclassOrigin + const SignalConditionItemName_TableName + type SignalInfo struct + ConditionItemName SignalConditionItemName + Value *SQLVal + type SimpleTableExpr interface + type StarExpr struct + TableName TableName + func (node *StarExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type Statement interface + func Parse(sql string) (Statement, error) + func ParseNext(tokenizer *Tokenizer) (Statement, error) + func ParseNextStrictDDL(tokenizer *Tokenizer) (Statement, error) + func ParseStrictDDL(sql string) (Statement, error) + type Statements []Statement + type Stream struct + Comments Comments + SelectExpr SelectExpr + Table TableName + func (node *Stream) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type Subquery struct + Columns Columns + Select SelectStatement + func (node *Subquery) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type SubstrExpr struct + From Expr + Name *ColName + StrVal *SQLVal + To Expr + func (node *SubstrExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type TLSOptionItem struct + ItemData string + type TLSOptionItemType byte + const TLSOptionItemType_Cipher + const TLSOptionItemType_Issuer + const TLSOptionItemType_SSL + const TLSOptionItemType_Subject + const TLSOptionItemType_X509 + type TLSOptions struct + Cipher string + Issuer string + SSL bool + Subject string + X509 bool + func NewTLSOptions(items []TLSOptionItem) (*TLSOptions, error) + func (tls *TLSOptions) String() string + type TableAndLockType struct + Lock LockType + Table TableExpr + func (node *TableAndLockType) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type TableAndLockTypes []*TableAndLockType + type TableExpr interface + type TableExprs []TableExpr + func (node TableExprs) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type TableIdent struct + func NewTableIdent(str string) TableIdent + func (node *TableIdent) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error + func (node TableIdent) CompliantName() string + func (node TableIdent) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + func (node TableIdent) IsEmpty() bool + func (node TableIdent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) + func (node TableIdent) String() string + type TableName struct + Name TableIdent + Qualifier TableIdent + func (node TableName) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + func (node TableName) IsEmpty() bool + func (node TableName) String() string + func (node TableName) ToViewName() TableName + type TableNames []TableName + func (node TableNames) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type TableSpec struct + Columns []*ColumnDefinition + Constraints []*ConstraintDefinition + Indexes []*IndexDefinition + Options string + func (ts *TableSpec) AddColumn(cd *ColumnDefinition) + func (ts *TableSpec) AddConstraint(cd *ConstraintDefinition) + func (ts *TableSpec) AddIndex(id *IndexDefinition) + func (ts *TableSpec) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type TimestampFuncExpr struct + Expr1 Expr + Expr2 Expr + Name string + Unit string + func (node *TimestampFuncExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type Tokenizer struct + AllowComments bool + InStream io.Reader + LastError error + OldPosition int + ParseTree Statement + Position int + SkipSpecialComments bool + SkipToEnd bool + func NewStringTokenizer(sql string) *Tokenizer + func NewTokenizer(r io.Reader) *Tokenizer + func (tkn *Tokenizer) Error(err string) + func (tkn *Tokenizer) Lex(lval *yySymType) int + func (tkn *Tokenizer) Scan() (int, []byte) + type TrackedBuffer struct + func NewTrackedBuffer(nodeFormatter NodeFormatter) *TrackedBuffer + func (buf *TrackedBuffer) HasBindVars() bool + func (buf *TrackedBuffer) Myprintf(format string, values ...interface{}) + func (buf *TrackedBuffer) ParsedQuery() *ParsedQuery + func (buf *TrackedBuffer) WriteArg(arg string) + func (buf *TrackedBuffer) WriteNode(node SQLNode) *TrackedBuffer + type TriggerOrder struct + OtherTriggerName string + PrecedesOrFollows string + type TriggerSpec struct + Body Statement + Event string + Name string + Order *TriggerOrder + Time string + type TupleEqualityList struct + Columns []ColIdent + Rows [][]sqltypes.Value + func (tpl *TupleEqualityList) EncodeSQL(buf *strings.Builder) + type UnaryExpr struct + Expr Expr + Operator string + func (node *UnaryExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type Union struct + Left SelectStatement + Limit *Limit + Lock string + OrderBy OrderBy + Right SelectStatement + Type string + func (node *Union) AddOrder(order *Order) + func (node *Union) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + func (node *Union) SetLimit(limit *Limit) + func (node *Union) SetLock(lock string) + func (node *Union) SetOrderBy(orderBy OrderBy) + type UnlockTables struct + func (node *UnlockTables) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type Update struct + Comments Comments + Exprs AssignmentExprs + Ignore string + Limit *Limit + OrderBy OrderBy + TableExprs TableExprs + Where *Where + func (node *Update) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type Use struct + DBName TableIdent + func (node *Use) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type ValTuple Exprs + func (node ValTuple) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type ValType int + type Values []ValTuple + func (node Values) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type ValuesFuncExpr struct + Name *ColName + func (node *ValuesFuncExpr) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type ValuesStatement struct + Columns Columns + Rows Values + func (s *ValuesStatement) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type Visit func(node SQLNode) (kontinue bool, err error) + type When struct + Cond Expr + Val Expr + func (node *When) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer) + type Where struct + Expr Expr + Type string + func NewWhere(typ string, expr Expr) *Where + func (node *Where) Format(buf *TrackedBuffer)