
v1.2.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Nov 9, 2020 License: Apache-2.0



This is a Command Line Interface to make it easier to use horusec services. Its objective is to find vulnerabilities and errors in projects. Working as an information centralizer, horusec becomes an orchestrator of security tools by centralizing its outputs in one place, thus facilitating the analytical part of how many security flaws my projects contain, what those flaws are, who made that flaw and even in some cases the best way to correct it. To learn more about the structure of this service you can see more in this /assets/horusec-cli.jpg.


To install you can follow some steps:

- Installing download binary
  • Example of link to download binary automatic for linux and mac in latest version
    curl -fsSL https://horusec-cli.s3.amazonaws.com/install.sh | bash
  • Example of link to download binary automatic for linux and mac in specific version
    curl -fsSL https://horusec-cli.s3.amazonaws.com/install.sh | bash -s v1-0-0
  • All versions are enable in:
  • All operational system enable are:
    • linux_x86, linux_x64, mac_x64, win_x86, win_x64
  • Download binary manually
    • Also Replace your $version and $os
    • Example to download the latest version manually to windows x64:
      curl "https://horusec-cli.s3.amazonaws.com/latest/win_x64/horusec.exe" -o "./horusec.exe" && ./horusec.exe version
    • Example to download the latest version manually to linux x64:
      curl "https://horusec-cli.s3.amazonaws.com/latest/linux_x64/horusec" -o "./horusec" && chmod +x ./horusec && ./horusec version
    • Example to download the latest version manually to mac x64:
      curl "https://horusec-cli.s3.amazonaws.com/latest/mac_x64/horusec" -o "./horusec" && chmod +x ./horusec && ./horusec version
- Integrate in your pipeline

To integrate horusec in your pipeline also your download binary and run yourself.

  • Example using github actions
name: SecurityPipeline

on: [push]

    name: horusec-security
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Check out code
      uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Running Horusec Security
      run: |
        curl -fsSL https://horusec-cli.s3.amazonaws.com/install.sh | bash
        horusec start -p="./" -e="true"
  • Example using jenkins
stages {
        stage('Security') {
            agent {
                docker { image 'docker:dind' }
            steps {
                sh 'curl -fsSL https://horusec-cli.s3.amazonaws.com/install.sh | bash'
                sh 'horusec start -p="./" -e="true"'
  • Example using circle-ci
version: 2.1

      image: ubuntu-1604:202004-01

    executor: horusec-executor
      - checkout
      - run:
          name: Horusec Security Test
          command: |
            curl -fsSL https://horusec-cli.s3.amazonaws.com/install.sh | bash
            horus start -p ./ -e "true"
      - horusec
  • Example using code-build:
    • Environment:

      • CUstom Image
        • Environment type: Linux
        • Image registry: Other registry
        • External registry URL: horuszup/horusec-cli
        • Image Version: Alway use the latest image for this runtime version
        • Privileged: true
        • Allow AWS CodeBuild to modify this service role so it can be used with this build project: true
    • Buildspec:

    version: 0.2
           - sh /usr/local/bin/hoursec-cli.sh -p="./" -e="true"
Check the installation
horusec version


The available commands to usage are:

Command Description
start This command start analysis with default values and in your current directory
version You see actual version running in your local machine

Command Start Options

When we run the start command, there are some settings that can be changed. The settings can be passed in 3 ways:

  • Configuration file
  • Environment variables
  • Flags

One overwriting the other the flag being the highest level of overwriting

Using Configuration File

All flags configurations can also be performed through a file called horusec-config.json (You can see more details about flag configurations at: HERE).

The configuration file receive an object with the content follow:

      "horusecCliHorusecApiUri": "",
      "horusecCliTimeoutInSecondsRequest": 300,
      "horusecCliTimeoutInSecondsAnalysis": 600,
      "horusecCliMonitorRetryInSeconds": 15,
      "horusecCliRepositoryAuthorization": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "horusecCliPrintOutputType": "text",
      "horusecCliJsonOutputFilepath": "",
      "horusecCliTypesOfVulnerabilitiesToIgnore": "",
      "horusecCliFilesOrPathsToIgnore": "",
      "horusecCliReturnErrorIfFoundVulnerability": false,
      "horusecCliProjectPath": "",
      "horusecCliFilterPath": "",
      "horusecCliEnableGitHistoryAnalysis": false,
      "horusecCliCertPath": "",
      "horusecCliCertInsecureSkipVerify":  false,
      "horusecCliEnableCommitAuthor": false,
      "horusecCliRepositoryName": "",
      "horusecCliFalsePositiveHashes": "",
      "horusecCliRiskAcceptHashes": "",
      "horusecCliWorkDir": {
	        "go":         [],
	        "netCore":    [],
	        "ruby":       [],
	        "python":     [],
	        "java" :      [],
	        "kotlin":     [],
	        "javaScript": [],
	        "leaks":      [],
                "hlc":        []    

By default, horusec will fetch the configuration file from the directory where horusec start is being executed. Therefore, it is recommended that you are at the root of your project and that the horusec start command be executed there

Using Environments Variables

For user Environments Variables to setup how the horusec will run just configure as follows below: To see more details about this configurations HERE

export HORUSEC_CLI_REPOSITORY_AUTHORIZATION="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
Using Flags

You can pass some flags and change their values, for example:

horusec start --help

All available flags are:

Name Configuration File Attr Flag name Flag shortcut Default Value Description
log-level info This setting will define what level of logging I want to see. The available levels are: "panic","fatal","error","warn","info","debug","trace"
HORUSEC_CLI_MONITOR_RETRY_IN_SECONDS horusecCliMonitorRetryInSeconds monitor-retry-count m 15 This setting will identify how many in how many seconds. I want to check if my analysis is close to the timeout. The minimum time is 10.
HORUSEC_CLI_PRINT_OUTPUT_TYPE horusecCliPrintOutputType output-format o text The print output has been change into json or sonarqube or text
HORUSEC_CLI_TYPES_OF_VULNERABILITIES_TO_IGNORE horusecCliTypesOfVulnerabilitiesToIgnore ignore-severity s You can specified some type of vulnerabilities to no apply with a error. The types available are: "LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, AUDIT". Ex.: LOW, AUDIT all vulnerabilities of type configured are ignored
HORUSEC_CLI_JSON_OUTPUT_FILEPATH horusecCliJsonOutputFilepath json-output-file O Name of the json file to save result of the analysis Ex.:./output.json
HORUSEC_CLI_FILES_OR_PATHS_TO_IGNORE horusecCliFilesOrPathsToIgnore ignore i You can specified some path absolutes of files or folders to ignore in sent to analysis. Ex.: /home/user/go/project/helpers/ , /home/user/go/project/utils/logger.go, **/*tests.go This examples all files inside the folder helpers are ignored and the file logger.go is ignored too. Is recommended you not send node_modules, vendor, etc.. folders of dependence of the your project
HORUSEC_CLI_HORUSEC_API_URI horusecCliHorusecApiUri horusec-url u This setting has the purpose of identifying where the url where the horusec-api service is hosted will be
HORUSEC_CLI_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS_REQUEST horusecCliTimeoutInSecondsRequest request-timeout r 300 This setting will identify how long I want to wait in seconds to send the analysis object to horusec-api. The minimum time is 10.
HORUSEC_CLI_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS_ANALYSIS horusecCliTimeoutInSecondsAnalysis analysis-timeout t 600 This setting will identify how long I want to wait in seconds to carry out an analysis that includes: "acquiring a project", "sending it to analysis", "containers" and "acquiring a response". The minimum time is 10.
HORUSEC_CLI_REPOSITORY_AUTHORIZATION horusecCliRepositoryAuthorization authorization a 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 To run analysis you need of the token of authorization. This token you can getting generating a new token inside of the your repository horusec. See more HERE
HORUSEC_CLI_RETURN_ERROR_IF_FOUND_VULNERABILITY horusecCliReturnErrorIfFoundVulnerability return-error e false This setting is to know if I want return exit(1) if I find any vulnerability in the analysis
HORUSEC_CLI_PROJECT_PATH horusecCliProjectPath project-path p ${CURRENT_DIRECTORY} This setting is to know if I want to change the analysis directory and do not want to run in the current directory. If this value is not passed, Horusec will ask if you want to run the analysis in the current directory. If you pass it it will start the analysis in the directory informed by you without asking anything.
HORUSEC_CLI_CERT_INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY horusecCliCertInsecureSkipVerify insecure-skip-verify S false This is used to disable certificate validation. Its use is not recommended outside of test cases.
HORUSEC_CLI_CERT_PATH horusecCliCertPath certificate-path C Used to pass the certificate path. Ex.:C="/home/example/ca.crt".
HORUSEC_CLI_FILTER_PATH horusecCliFilterPath filter-path f This setting is to setup the path to run analysis keep current path in your base.
HORUSEC_CLI_ENABLE_GIT_HISTORY_ANALYSIS horusecCliEnableGitHistoryAnalysis enable-git-history false This setting is to know if I want enable run gitleaks tools and analysis in all git history searching vulnerabilities.
HORUSEC_CLI_ENABLE_COMMIT_AUTHOR horusecCliEnableCommitAuthor enable-commit-author G false Used to enable and disable commit author. Ex.: G="true"
HORUSEC_CLI_REPOSITORY_NAME horusecCliRepositoryName repository-name n Used to send the repository name to the server, must be used together with the company token.
HORUSEC_CLI_FALSE_POSITIVE_HASHES horusecCliFalsePositiveHashes false-positive F Used to ignore vulnerability on analysis and setup with type False positive. ATTENTION when you add this configuration directly to the CLI, the configuration performed via the Horusec graphical interface will be overwritten.
HORUSEC_CLI_RISK_ACCEPT_HASHES horusecCliRiskAcceptHashes risk-accept R Used to ignore vulnerability on analysis and setup with type Risk accept. ATTENTION when you add this configuration directly to the CLI, the configuration performed via the Horusec graphical interface will be overwritten.
horusecCliWorkDir This setting tells to horusec the right directory to run a specific language.

For run an analysis is necessary get an token of repository. Using the web platform HORUSEC-MANAGER follow there steps bellow you can generate an new token:


The WorkDir is an representation to run multiple projects inside one directory, that can be configured through the horusec-config.json file. Let's assume that your project is a netcore app using angular and has the following structure:

|- NetCoreProject/
|--- horusec-config.json
|--- controllers/
|--- NetCoreProject.csproj
|--- views/
|------ pages/
|------ package.json
|------ package-lock.json

Because your initial .csproj is inside /NetCoreProject and your package-lock is inside /NetCoreProject/views. Then you will need to configure the workdir. For this example the configuration would be:

    "horusecCliWorkDir": {
        "netCore": [
        "javaScript": [

As you can see, the structure of projects will be divided by language and can support many in each one.

The interface of languages accepts is:

    go         []string
    netCore    []string
    ruby       []string
    python     []string
    java       []string
    kotlin     []string
    javaScript []string
    leaks      []string
    hlc        []string

Example of usage

Example simple

horusec start

Example using other directory. You can see when you pass the flag of projec-path the Horusec not ask for you if the directory is correct.

horusec start -a="REPOSITORY_TOKEN" -p="/home/user/project" 

Example using other directory full flag name

horusec start --authorization="REPOSITORY_TOKEN" --project-path="/home/user/project" 

Example to ignore folders or paths

horusec start -p="/home/user/project" -a="REPOSITORY_TOKEN" -i="./node_modules,./vendor,./public, **/*test.go"

Example to get output json

horusec start -p="/home/user/project" -a="REPOSITORY_TOKEN" -o="json" -O="./output.json"

Example to get output sonarqube

horusec start -p="/home/user/project" -a="REPOSITORY_TOKEN" -o="sonarqube" -O="./sonarqube.json"


When horusec-cli start a new analysis and YOU DON'T PASS FLAG TO RUN IN THE SPECIFIC PROJECT PATH, you can see it ask for you if the directory informed is correctly.

✔ The folder selected is: [/home/user/go/src/github.com/ZupIT/horusec]. The Analysis can start in this directory? [Y/n]: Y

Press enter or type Y to accept or N to change directory. By default, it auto-fill for you with a current directory.

Shortly thereafter, you may see some skipped file warn logs. Don't worry this is normal. By default, we ignore some files of the type:

  • All files with extensions: ".jpg", ".png", ".gif", ".webp", ".tiff", ".psd", ".raw", ".bmp", ".heif", ".indd" ".jpeg", ".svg", ".ai", ".eps", ".pdf", ".webm", ".mpg", ".mp2", ".mpeg", ".mpe" ".mp4", ".m4p", ".m4v", ".avi", ".wmv", ".mov", ".qt", ".flv", ".swf", ".avchd", ".mpv", ".ogg"
  • IDE folders
  • tmp folders and files
  • .horusec folder used in the analysis.
  • node_modules, vendor folder used by dependence.
  • bin folder
The folder selected is: [/home/user/go/src/github.com/ZupIT/examples]. Proceed? [Y/n]: Y|

WARN[0000] {HORUSEC_CLI} When starting the analysis WE SKIP A TOTAL OF 5 FILES that are not considered to be analyzed. To see more details use flag --log-level=debug 

Before the analysis starts it will send your project to .horusec folder to not change your code!

WARN[0000] {HORUSEC_CLI} PLEASE DON'T REMOVE ".horusec" FOLDER BEFORE THE ANALYSIS FINISH! Don’t worry, we’ll remove it after the analysis ends automatically! Project sent to folder in location: [/home/user/go/src/github.com/ZupIT/examples/horus-example-vulnerabilities/.horusec/b490ca3f-9fd9-479f-bcb7-511ad586fafc] 

Now you can wait horusec work in your files search vulnerabilities.

INFO[0000] Hold on! Horusec still analysis your code. Timeout in: 600s

If your analysis not contains vulnerabilities you can see an proccess of exit with success!




Analysis StartedAt: 2020-10-15 15:07:30
Analysis FinishedAt: 2020-10-15 15:07:45


Language: Leaks
Severity: HIGH
Line: 1
Column: 27
SecurityTool: HorusecLeaks
Confidence: MEDIUM
File: deployments/certs/client-api-cert.pem
Details: Asymmetric Private Key
Found SSH and/or x.509 Cerficates among the files of your project, make sure you want this kind of information inside your Git repo, since it can be missused by someone with access to any kind of copy.  For more information checkout the CWE-312 (https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/312.html) advisory.
Type: Vulnerability
ReferenceHash: a777f0cc3ef58361800f8e837ef142bb5b1da23d09c9bd6ad51040e21a46a82d


Language: Leaks
Severity: HIGH
Line: 1
Column: 31
SecurityTool: HorusecLeaks
Confidence: MEDIUM
File: deployments/certs/ca-key.pem
Details: Asymmetric Private Key
Found SSH and/or x.509 Cerficates among the files of your project, make sure you want this kind of information inside your Git repo, since it can be missused by someone with access to any kind of copy.  For more information checkout the CWE-312 (https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/312.html) advisory.
Type: Vulnerability
ReferenceHash: 5f561d3de881caa747d0b465e4d4892e2b7e2798491a3336ff1b2db7feae03a9


Language: Leaks
Severity: HIGH
Line: 1
Column: 27
SecurityTool: HorusecLeaks
Confidence: MEDIUM
File: deployments/certs/ca.pem
Details: Asymmetric Private Key
Found SSH and/or x.509 Cerficates among the files of your project, make sure you want this kind of information inside your Git repo, since it can be missused by someone with access to any kind of copy.  For more information checkout the CWE-312 (https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/312.html) advisory.
Type: Vulnerability
ReferenceHash: decf93ed7744547378332b3e4cb5afa73a837a4a5bff968a3a9d1cc9d5e00009


Language: Leaks
Severity: HIGH
Line: 1
Column: 31
SecurityTool: HorusecLeaks
Confidence: MEDIUM
File: deployments/certs/client-api-key.pem
Details: Asymmetric Private Key
Found SSH and/or x.509 Cerficates among the files of your project, make sure you want this kind of information inside your Git repo, since it can be missused by someone with access to any kind of copy.  For more information checkout the CWE-312 (https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/312.html) advisory.
Type: Vulnerability
ReferenceHash: b89ba62ab42e6c9d8d0dfa387e812583a66ea1f8f68b7d9af689bcda1830e1e6


Language: Leaks
Severity: HIGH
Line: 1
Column: 27
SecurityTool: HorusecLeaks
Confidence: MEDIUM
File: deployments/certs/server-cert.pem
Details: Asymmetric Private Key
Found SSH and/or x.509 Cerficates among the files of your project, make sure you want this kind of information inside your Git repo, since it can be missused by someone with access to any kind of copy.  For more information checkout the CWE-312 (https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/312.html) advisory.
Type: Vulnerability
ReferenceHash: 178bf5090b749f5eb7b081bccb0112eadac3d9ed3229d813e727ede62a3c6f15


Language: Leaks
Severity: HIGH
Line: 1
Column: 31
SecurityTool: HorusecLeaks
Confidence: MEDIUM
File: deployments/certs/server-key.pem
Details: Asymmetric Private Key
Found SSH and/or x.509 Cerficates among the files of your project, make sure you want this kind of information inside your Git repo, since it can be missused by someone with access to any kind of copy.  For more information checkout the CWE-312 (https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/312.html) advisory.
Type: Vulnerability
ReferenceHash: be6d266459bdfb52341fdbd36924dcac6259de0acd91b61b71e7d2335b329d67


Language: Leaks
Severity: HIGH
Line: 22
Column: 17
SecurityTool: HorusecLeaks
Confidence: HIGH
File: tmp.json
Code: "code": "password = 'thisisnotapassword'",
Details: Hard-coded password
The software contains hard-coded credentials, such as a password or cryptographic key, which it uses for its own inbound authentication, outbound communication to external components, or encryption of internal data. For more information checkout the CWE-798 (https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/798.html) advisory.
Type: Vulnerability
ReferenceHash: f385c57fea769b3cab37d5697f245733aa10ba0a4260ac139a9bf0de2075c2d2


Language: Leaks
Severity: HIGH
Line: 46
Column: 29
SecurityTool: HorusecLeaks
Confidence: HIGH
File: tmp.json
Code: "code": "\"code\": \"password = 'thisisnotapassword' #nohorus\",",
Details: Hard-coded password
The software contains hard-coded credentials, such as a password or cryptographic key, which it uses for its own inbound authentication, outbound communication to external components, or encryption of internal data. For more information checkout the CWE-798 (https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/798.html) advisory.
Type: Vulnerability
ReferenceHash: 6d0a3695ca2b381c45a211eec9d7a70698b5ef76c871608591c4f6788395e03f


Language: Leaks
Severity: HIGH
Line: 70
Column: 41
SecurityTool: HorusecLeaks
Confidence: HIGH
File: tmp.json
Code: 123!'\\n2 \\n3 password = 'thisisnotapassword' #nohorus\\n4 \\n\",",
Details: Hard-coded password
The software contains hard-coded credentials, such as a password or cryptographic key, which it uses for its own inbound authentication, outbound communication to external components, or encryption of internal data. For more information checkout the CWE-798 (https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/798.html) advisory.
Type: Vulnerability
ReferenceHash: 95921a4bcbe27cc826c9aeaed1d5888ca4858e10e29a237cb7905bcadd9d3247


Language: Leaks
Severity: HIGH
Line: 94
Column: 31
SecurityTool: HorusecLeaks
Confidence: HIGH
File: tmp.json
Code: ' #nohorus\\n4 \\n5 command = 'print \\\"this command is not secure!!\\\"'\\n\",",
Details: Hard-coded password
The software contains hard-coded credentials, such as a password or cryptographic key, which it uses for its own inbound authentication, outbound communication to external components, or encryption of internal data. For more information checkout the CWE-798 (https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/798.html) advisory.
Type: Vulnerability
ReferenceHash: 3e10e7961d29cc18db5b5fa714c6038ddd767abacaeeec519d1fd7c8bf938412


Language: Leaks
Severity: HIGH
Line: 142
Column: 29
SecurityTool: HorusecLeaks
Confidence: HIGH
File: tmp.json
Code: "code": "1 secret = 'password123!'\n2 \n3 password = 'thisisnotapassword'\n4 \n",
Details: Hard-coded password
The software contains hard-coded credentials, such as a password or cryptographic key, which it uses for its own inbound authentication, outbound communication to external components, or encryption of internal data. For more information checkout the CWE-798 (https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/798.html) advisory.
Type: Vulnerability
ReferenceHash: 234c325a526a25c26eba2ec7e10d7bfd77beb921c6ca68ddadf2b78694addd5f


Language: Leaks
Severity: HIGH
Line: 166
Column: 23
SecurityTool: HorusecLeaks
Confidence: HIGH
File: tmp.json
Code:  = 'thisisnotapassword' \n4 \n5 command = 'print \"this command is not secure!!\"'\n",
Details: Hard-coded password
The software contains hard-coded credentials, such as a password or cryptographic key, which it uses for its own inbound authentication, outbound communication to external components, or encryption of internal data. For more information checkout the CWE-798 (https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/798.html) advisory.
Type: Vulnerability
ReferenceHash: 8fcfe8daaac2e7aac63c5447abd2486b8d09d1448a7aca5455c5da33f9091f15


Language: Go
Severity: MEDIUM
Line: 4
Column: 2
SecurityTool: GoSec
Confidence: HIGH
File: api/util/util.go
Code: 3: import (
4: 	"crypto/md5"
5: 	"fmt"

Details: Blocklisted import crypto/md5: weak cryptographic primitive
Type: Vulnerability
ReferenceHash: 52b41d4a4201cff3da8a5fd6303a97ec5c7ce07e24353b8e94e19daa41ce0a87


Language: Go
Severity: MEDIUM
Line: 23
Column: 7
SecurityTool: GoSec
Confidence: HIGH
File: api/util/util.go
Code: 22: func GetMD5(s string) string {
23: 	h := md5.New()
24: 	io.WriteString(h, s) // #nohorus

Details: Use of weak cryptographic primitive
Type: Vulnerability
ReferenceHash: ce77f584d135e67bf1b877710b97a9046e4f69b15f940014c346f7f0cc8810aa


Language: Go
Severity: LOW
Line: 24
Column: 2
SecurityTool: GoSec
Confidence: HIGH
File: api/util/util.go
Code: : 	h := md5.New()
24: 	io.WriteString(h, s) // #nohorus
25: 	md5Result := fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(ni
Details: Errors unhandled.
Type: Vulnerability
ReferenceHash: 37c571ac9bdead7b161a7b152c320428c5372b0beeaa94d1311649354b4d579f

WARN[0001] {HORUSEC_CLI} When starting the analysis WE SKIP A TOTAL OF 5 FILES that are not considered to be analyzed. To see more details use flag --log-level=debug

In this analysis, a total of 15 possible vulnerabilities were found and we classified them into:

Total of Vulnerability HIGH is: 12
Total of Vulnerability MEDIUM is: 2
Total of Vulnerability LOW is: 1


WARN[0015] {HORUSEC_CLI} No authorization token was found, your code it is not going to be sent to horusec. Please enter a token with the -a flag to configure and save your analysis 


Attention if you received a warn of type:

{HORUSEC_CLI} No authorization token was found, your code it is not going to be sent to horusec. Please enter a token with the -a flag to configure and save your analysis 

This means that you did not pass the -a flag when run horusec start and your analysis will not be sent to horusec to be able to analyze the vulnerabilities found. Don't worry, this is not mandatory.

After it print the output, if you pass a configuration to return error if found vulnerabilities the horusec will return in your process exit(1) else it's will return exit(0)

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL
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