Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func NewRoundConsensus(eligibleList []string, consensusGroupSize int, selfId string) *roundConsensus
- func NewRoundState() *roundState
- func NewRoundStatus() *roundStatus
- func NewRoundThreshold() *roundThreshold
- func ValidateConsensusCore(container ConsensusCoreHandler) error
- type ConsensusCore
- func (cc *ConsensusCore) BlockProcessor() process.BlockProcessor
- func (cc *ConsensusCore) Blockchain() data.ChainHandler
- func (cc *ConsensusCore) BootStrapper() process.Bootstrapper
- func (cc *ConsensusCore) Chronology() consensus.ChronologyHandler
- func (cc *ConsensusCore) Hasher() hashing.Hasher
- func (cc *ConsensusCore) Marshalizer() marshal.Marshalizer
- func (cc *ConsensusCore) MultiSigner() crypto.MultiSigner
- func (cc *ConsensusCore) RandomnessPrivateKey() crypto.PrivateKey
- func (cc *ConsensusCore) RandomnessSingleSigner() crypto.SingleSigner
- func (cc *ConsensusCore) Rounder() consensus.Rounder
- func (cc *ConsensusCore) ShardCoordinator() sharding.Coordinator
- func (cc *ConsensusCore) SyncTimer() ntp.SyncTimer
- func (cc *ConsensusCore) ValidatorGroupSelector() consensus.ValidatorGroupSelector
- type ConsensusCoreHandler
- type ConsensusService
- type ConsensusState
- func (cns *ConsensusState) CanDoSubroundJob(currentSubroundId int) bool
- func (cns *ConsensusState) CanProcessReceivedMessage(cnsDta *consensus.Message, currentRoundIndex int32, currentSubroundId int) bool
- func (rcns ConsensusState) ComputeSize(subroundId int) int
- func (rcns ConsensusState) ConsensusGroup() []string
- func (rcns ConsensusState) ConsensusGroupIndex(pubKey string) (int, error)
- func (rcns ConsensusState) ConsensusGroupSize() int
- func (rcns ConsensusState) EligibleList() []string
- func (cns *ConsensusState) GenerateBitmap(subroundId int) []byte
- func (cns *ConsensusState) GetData() []byte
- func (cns *ConsensusState) GetLeader() (string, error)
- func (cns *ConsensusState) GetNextConsensusGroup(randomSource string, vgs consensus.ValidatorGroupSelector) ([]string, error)
- func (cns *ConsensusState) IsBlockBodyAlreadyReceived() bool
- func (cns *ConsensusState) IsConsensusDataEqual(data []byte) bool
- func (cns *ConsensusState) IsConsensusDataSet() bool
- func (cns *ConsensusState) IsCurrentSubroundFinished(currentSubroundId int) bool
- func (cns *ConsensusState) IsHeaderAlreadyReceived() bool
- func (cns *ConsensusState) IsJobDone(node string, currentSubroundId int) bool
- func (rcns ConsensusState) IsNodeInConsensusGroup(node string) bool
- func (rcns ConsensusState) IsNodeInEligibleList(node string) bool
- func (cns *ConsensusState) IsNodeLeaderInCurrentRound(node string) bool
- func (cns *ConsensusState) IsNodeSelf(node string) bool
- func (cns *ConsensusState) IsSelfJobDone(currentSubroundId int) bool
- func (cns *ConsensusState) IsSelfLeaderInCurrentRound() bool
- func (rcns ConsensusState) JobDone(key string, subroundId int) (bool, error)
- func (cns *ConsensusState) ProcessingBlock() bool
- func (cns *ConsensusState) ResetConsensusState()
- func (rcns ConsensusState) ResetRoundState()
- func (rstatus ConsensusState) ResetRoundStatus()
- func (rcns ConsensusState) SelfConsensusGroupIndex() (int, error)
- func (rcns ConsensusState) SelfJobDone(subroundId int) (bool, error)
- func (rcns ConsensusState) SelfPubKey() string
- func (rcns ConsensusState) SetConsensusGroup(consensusGroup []string)
- func (rcns ConsensusState) SetConsensusGroupSize(consensusGroudpSize int)
- func (rcns ConsensusState) SetEligibleList(eligibleList []string)
- func (rcns ConsensusState) SetJobDone(key string, subroundId int, value bool) error
- func (cns *ConsensusState) SetProcessingBlock(processingBlock bool)
- func (rcns ConsensusState) SetSelfJobDone(subroundId int, value bool) error
- func (rcns ConsensusState) SetSelfPubKey(selfPubKey string)
- func (rstatus ConsensusState) SetStatus(subroundId int, subroundStatus SubroundStatus)
- func (rthr ConsensusState) SetThreshold(subroundId int, threshold int)
- func (rstatus ConsensusState) Status(subroundId int) SubroundStatus
- func (rthr ConsensusState) Threshold(subroundId int) int
- type Subround
- func (rcns Subround) ComputeSize(subroundId int) int
- func (rcns Subround) ConsensusGroup() []string
- func (rcns Subround) ConsensusGroupIndex(pubKey string) (int, error)
- func (rcns Subround) ConsensusGroupSize() int
- func (sr *Subround) Current() int
- func (sr *Subround) DoWork(rounder consensus.Rounder) bool
- func (rcns Subround) EligibleList() []string
- func (sr *Subround) EndTime() int64
- func (rcns Subround) IsNodeInConsensusGroup(node string) bool
- func (rcns Subround) IsNodeInEligibleList(node string) bool
- func (rcns Subround) JobDone(key string, subroundId int) (bool, error)
- func (sr *Subround) Name() string
- func (sr *Subround) Next() int
- func (sr *Subround) Previous() int
- func (rcns Subround) ResetRoundState()
- func (rstatus Subround) ResetRoundStatus()
- func (rcns Subround) SelfConsensusGroupIndex() (int, error)
- func (rcns Subround) SelfJobDone(subroundId int) (bool, error)
- func (rcns Subround) SelfPubKey() string
- func (rcns Subround) SetConsensusGroup(consensusGroup []string)
- func (rcns Subround) SetConsensusGroupSize(consensusGroudpSize int)
- func (rcns Subround) SetEligibleList(eligibleList []string)
- func (rcns Subround) SetJobDone(key string, subroundId int, value bool) error
- func (rcns Subround) SetSelfJobDone(subroundId int, value bool) error
- func (rcns Subround) SetSelfPubKey(selfPubKey string)
- func (rstatus Subround) SetStatus(subroundId int, subroundStatus SubroundStatus)
- func (rthr Subround) SetThreshold(subroundId int, threshold int)
- func (sr *Subround) StartTime() int64
- func (rstatus Subround) Status(subroundId int) SubroundStatus
- func (rthr Subround) Threshold(subroundId int) int
- type SubroundStatus
- type SubroundsFactory
- type Worker
- func (wrk *Worker) AddReceivedMessageCall(messageType consensus.MessageType, ...)
- func (wrk *Worker) BroadcastBlock(body data.BodyHandler, header data.HeaderHandler) error
- func (wrk *Worker) BroadcastUnnotarisedBlocks()
- func (wrk *Worker) ExecuteStoredMessages()
- func (wrk *Worker) Extend(subroundId int)
- func (wrk *Worker) GetConsensusStateChangedChannel() chan bool
- func (wrk *Worker) ProcessReceivedMessage(message p2p.MessageP2P) error
- func (wrk *Worker) RemoveAllReceivedMessagesCalls()
- func (wrk *Worker) SendConsensusMessage(cnsDta *consensus.Message) bool
- type WorkerHandler
Constants ¶
const MaxRoundsGap = 3
MaxRoundsGap defines the maximum expected gap in terms of rounds, between metachain and shardchain, after which a block committed and broadcast from shardchain would be visible as notarized in metachain
Variables ¶
var ErrCommitmentHashDoesNotMatch = errors.New("commitment hash does not match")
ErrCommitmentHashDoesNotMatch is raised when the commitment hash does not match expected value
var ErrEmptyConsensusGroup = errors.New("consensusGroup is empty")
ErrEmptyConsensusGroup is raised when an operation is attempted with an empty consensus group
var ErrInvalidKey = errors.New("map key is invalid")
ErrInvalidKey is raised when an invalid key is used with a map
var ErrInvalidMultiSigner = errors.New("multiSigner is invalid")
ErrInvalidMultiSigner is raised when an invalid multiSigner is used
var ErrInvalidSignature = errors.New("signature is invalid")
ErrInvalidSignature is raised when signature is invalid
var ErrMessageForPastRound = errors.New("message is for past round")
ErrMessageForPastRound is raised when message is for past round
var ErrMessageFromItself = errors.New("message is from itself")
ErrMessageFromItself is raised when a message from itself is received
var ErrNilBlockChain = errors.New("blockchain is nil")
ErrNilBlockChain is raised when a valid blockchain is expected but nil used
var ErrNilBlockProcessor = errors.New("block processor is nil")
ErrNilBlockProcessor is raised when a valid block processor is expected but nil used
var ErrNilBlockTracker = errors.New("block tracker is nil")
ErrNilBlockTracker is raised when a valid block tracker is expected but nil used
var ErrNilBlootstraper = errors.New("boostraper is nil")
ErrNilBlootstraper is raised when a valid block processor is expected but nil used
var ErrNilBlsPrivateKey = errors.New("BLS private key should not be nil")
ErrNilBlsPrivateKey is raised when the bls private key is nil
var ErrNilBlsSingleSigner = errors.New("BLS single signer should not be nil")
ErrNilBlsSingleSigner is raised when a message from itself is received
var ErrNilBroadcastBlock = errors.New("broadcastBlock is nil")
ErrNilBroadcastBlock is raised when a valid broadcastBlock function is expected but nil used
var ErrNilBroadcastBlockFunction = errors.New("broadcast block function is nil")
ErrNilBroadcastBlockFunction is raised when a valid broadcast block function is expected but nil used
var ErrNilBroadcastHeader = errors.New("broadcastHeader is nil")
ErrNilBroadcastHeader is raised when a valid broadcastHeader function is expected but nil used
var ErrNilBroadcastUnnotarisedBlocks = errors.New("broadcastUnnotarisedBlocks is nil")
ErrNilBroadcastUnnotarisedBlocks is raised when a valid broadcastUnnotarisedBlocks function is expected but nil used
var ErrNilChannel = errors.New("channel is nil")
ErrNilChannel is raised when a valid channel is expected but nil used
var ErrNilChronologyHandler = errors.New("chronology handler is nil")
ErrNilChronologyHandler is raised when a valid chronology handler is expected but nil used
var ErrNilCommitment = errors.New("commitment is nil")
ErrNilCommitment is raised when a valid commitment was expected but nil was used
var ErrNilConsensusCore = errors.New("consensus core is nil")
ErrNilConsensusCore is raised when a valid ConsensusCore is expected but nil used
var ErrNilConsensusData = errors.New("consensus data is nil")
ErrNilConsensusData is raised when valid consensus data was expected but nil was received
var ErrNilConsensusGroup = errors.New("consensusGroup is null")
ErrNilConsensusGroup is raised when an operation is attempted with a nil consensus group
var ErrNilConsensusService = errors.New("consensus service is nil")
ErrNilConsensusService is raised when a valid ConsensusService is expected but nil used
var ErrNilConsensusState = errors.New("consensus state is nil")
ErrNilConsensusState is raised when a valid consensus is expected but nil used
var ErrNilDataToProcess = errors.New("nil data to process")
ErrNilDataToProcess signals that nil data was provided
var ErrNilForkDetector = errors.New("fork detector is nil")
ErrNilForkDetector is raised when a valid fork detector is expected but nil used
var ErrNilHasher = errors.New("hasher is nil")
ErrNilHasher is raised when a valid hasher is expected but nil used
var ErrNilHeader = errors.New("header is nil")
ErrNilHeader is raised when an expected header is nil
var ErrNilKeyGenerator = errors.New("key generator is nil")
ErrNilKeyGenerator is raised when a valid key generator is expected but nil was used
var ErrNilMarshalizer = errors.New("marshalizer is nil")
ErrNilMarshalizer is raised when a valid marshalizer is expected but nil used
var ErrNilMessage = errors.New("nil message")
ErrNilMessage signals that a nil message has been received
var ErrNilMultiSigner = errors.New("multiSigner is nil")
ErrNilMultiSigner is raised when a valid multiSigner is expected but nil used
var ErrNilPrivateKey = errors.New("private key is nil")
ErrNilPrivateKey is raised when a valid private key was expected but nil was used
var ErrNilPublicKey = errors.New("public key is nil")
ErrNilPublicKey is raised when a valid public key was expected but nil was used
var ErrNilRoundState = errors.New("round state is nil")
ErrNilRoundState is raised when a valid round state is expected but nil used
var ErrNilRounder = errors.New("rounder is nil")
ErrNilRounder is raised when a valid rounder is expected but nil used
var ErrNilSendConsensusMessageFunction = errors.New("send consnensus message function is nil")
ErrNilSendConsensusMessageFunction is raised when a valid send consensus message function is expected but nil used
var ErrNilSendMessage = errors.New("sendMessage is nil")
ErrNilSendMessage is raised when a valid sendMessage function is expected but nil used
var ErrNilShardCoordinator = errors.New("shard coordinator is nil")
ErrNilShardCoordinator is raised when a valid shard coordinator is expected but nil used
var ErrNilSignature = errors.New("signature is nil")
ErrNilSignature is raised when a valid signature was expected but nil was used
var ErrNilSingleSigner = errors.New("singleSigner is nil")
ErrNilSingleSigner is raised when a valid singleSigner is expected but nil used
var ErrNilSubround = errors.New("subround is nil")
ErrNilSubround is raised when a valid subround is expected but nil used
var ErrNilSyncTimer = errors.New("sync timer is nil")
ErrNilSyncTimer is raised when a valid sync timer is expected but nil used
var ErrNilValidatorGroupSelector = errors.New("validator group selector is nil")
ErrNilValidatorGroupSelector is raised when a valid validator group selector is expected but nil used
var ErrNilWorker = errors.New("worker is nil")
ErrNilWorker is raised when a valid Worker is expected but nil used
var ErrNotFoundInConsensus = errors.New("self not found in consensus group")
ErrNotFoundInConsensus is raised when self expected in consensus group but not found
var ErrRoundCanceled = errors.New("round is canceled")
ErrRoundCanceled is raised when round is canceled
var ErrSenderNotOk = errors.New("sender is invalid")
ErrSenderNotOk is raised when sender is invalid
Functions ¶
func NewRoundConsensus ¶
func NewRoundConsensus( eligibleList []string, consensusGroupSize int, selfId string, ) *roundConsensus
NewRoundConsensus creates a new roundConsensus object
func NewRoundStatus ¶
func NewRoundStatus() *roundStatus
NewRoundStatus creates a new roundStatus object
func NewRoundThreshold ¶
func NewRoundThreshold() *roundThreshold
NewRoundThreshold creates a new roundThreshold object
func ValidateConsensusCore ¶
func ValidateConsensusCore(container ConsensusCoreHandler) error
Types ¶
type ConsensusCore ¶
type ConsensusCore struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ConsensusCore implements ConsensusCoreHandler and provides access to common functionalities
for the rest of the consensus structures
func NewConsensusCore ¶
func NewConsensusCore( blockChain data.ChainHandler, blockProcessor process.BlockProcessor, bootstraper process.Bootstrapper, chronologyHandler consensus.ChronologyHandler, hasher hashing.Hasher, marshalizer marshal.Marshalizer, blsPrivateKey crypto.PrivateKey, blsSingleSigner crypto.SingleSigner, multiSigner crypto.MultiSigner, rounder consensus.Rounder, shardCoordinator sharding.Coordinator, syncTimer ntp.SyncTimer, validatorGroupSelector consensus.ValidatorGroupSelector) (*ConsensusCore, error)
NewConsensusCore creates a new ConsensusCore instance
func (*ConsensusCore) BlockProcessor ¶
func (cc *ConsensusCore) BlockProcessor() process.BlockProcessor
BlockProcessor gets the BlockProcessor stored in the ConsensusCore
func (*ConsensusCore) Blockchain ¶
func (cc *ConsensusCore) Blockchain() data.ChainHandler
Blockchain gets the ChainHandler stored in the ConsensusCore
func (*ConsensusCore) BootStrapper ¶
func (cc *ConsensusCore) BootStrapper() process.Bootstrapper
BootStrapper gets the Bootstrapper stored in the ConsensusCore
func (*ConsensusCore) Chronology ¶
func (cc *ConsensusCore) Chronology() consensus.ChronologyHandler
Chronology gets the ChronologyHandler stored in the ConsensusCore
func (*ConsensusCore) Hasher ¶
func (cc *ConsensusCore) Hasher() hashing.Hasher
Hasher gets the Hasher stored in the ConsensusCore
func (*ConsensusCore) Marshalizer ¶
func (cc *ConsensusCore) Marshalizer() marshal.Marshalizer
Marshalizer gets the Marshalizer stored in the ConsensusCore
func (*ConsensusCore) MultiSigner ¶
func (cc *ConsensusCore) MultiSigner() crypto.MultiSigner
MultiSigner gets the MultiSigner stored in the ConsensusCore
func (*ConsensusCore) RandomnessPrivateKey ¶
func (cc *ConsensusCore) RandomnessPrivateKey() crypto.PrivateKey
RandomnessPrivateKey returns the BLS private key stored in the ConsensusStore
func (*ConsensusCore) RandomnessSingleSigner ¶
func (cc *ConsensusCore) RandomnessSingleSigner() crypto.SingleSigner
RandomnessSingleSigner returns the bls single signer stored in the ConsensusStore
func (*ConsensusCore) Rounder ¶
func (cc *ConsensusCore) Rounder() consensus.Rounder
Rounder gets the Rounder stored in the ConsensusCore
func (*ConsensusCore) ShardCoordinator ¶
func (cc *ConsensusCore) ShardCoordinator() sharding.Coordinator
ShardCoordinator gets the Coordinator stored in the ConsensusCore
func (*ConsensusCore) SyncTimer ¶
func (cc *ConsensusCore) SyncTimer() ntp.SyncTimer
SyncTimer gets the SyncTimer stored in the ConsensusCore
func (*ConsensusCore) ValidatorGroupSelector ¶
func (cc *ConsensusCore) ValidatorGroupSelector() consensus.ValidatorGroupSelector
ValidatorGroupSelector gets the ValidatorGroupSelector stored in the ConsensusCore
type ConsensusCoreHandler ¶
type ConsensusCoreHandler interface { // Blockchain gets the ChainHandler stored in the ConsensusCore Blockchain() data.ChainHandler // BlockProcessor gets the BlockProcessor stored in the ConsensusCore BlockProcessor() process.BlockProcessor // BootStrapper gets the Bootstrapper stored in the ConsensusCore BootStrapper() process.Bootstrapper // Chronology gets the ChronologyHandler stored in the ConsensusCore Chronology() consensus.ChronologyHandler // Hasher gets the Hasher stored in the ConsensusCore Hasher() hashing.Hasher // Marshalizer gets the Marshalizer stored in the ConsensusCore Marshalizer() marshal.Marshalizer // MultiSigner gets the MultiSigner stored in the ConsensusCore MultiSigner() crypto.MultiSigner // Rounder gets the Rounder stored in the ConsensusCore Rounder() consensus.Rounder // ShardCoordinator gets the Coordinator stored in the ConsensusCore ShardCoordinator() sharding.Coordinator // SyncTimer gets the SyncTimer stored in the ConsensusCore SyncTimer() ntp.SyncTimer // ValidatorGroupSelector gets the ValidatorGroupSelector stored in the ConsensusCore ValidatorGroupSelector() consensus.ValidatorGroupSelector // RandomnessPrivateKey returns the private key stored in the ConsensusStore used for randomness generation RandomnessPrivateKey() crypto.PrivateKey // RandomnessSingleSigner returns the single signer stored in the ConsensusStore used for randomness generation RandomnessSingleSigner() crypto.SingleSigner }
ConsensusCoreHandler encapsulates all needed Data for the Consensus
type ConsensusService ¶
type ConsensusService interface { //InitReceivedMessages initializes the MessagesType map for all messages for the current ConsensusService InitReceivedMessages() map[consensus.MessageType][]*consensus.Message //GetStringValue gets the name of the messageType GetStringValue(consensus.MessageType) string //GetSubroundName gets the subround name for the subround id provided GetSubroundName(int) string //GetMessageRange provides the MessageType range used in checks by the consensus GetMessageRange() []consensus.MessageType //CanProceed returns if the current messageType can proceed further if previous subrounds finished CanProceed(*ConsensusState, consensus.MessageType) bool //IsMessageWithBlockHeader returns if the current messageType is about block header IsMessageWithBlockHeader(consensus.MessageType) bool }
ConsensusService encapsulates the methods specifically for a consensus type (bls, bn) and will be used in the sposWorker
type ConsensusState ¶
type ConsensusState struct { // hold the data on which validators do the consensus (could be for example a hash of the block header // proposed by the leader) Data []byte BlockBody data.BodyHandler Header data.HeaderHandler RoundIndex int32 RoundTimeStamp time.Time RoundCanceled bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ConsensusState defines the data needed by spos to do the consensus in each round
func NewConsensusState ¶
func NewConsensusState( roundConsensus *roundConsensus, roundThreshold *roundThreshold, roundStatus *roundStatus, ) *ConsensusState
NewConsensusState creates a new ConsensusState object
func (*ConsensusState) CanDoSubroundJob ¶
func (cns *ConsensusState) CanDoSubroundJob(currentSubroundId int) bool
CanDoSubroundJob method returns true if the job of the subround can be done and false otherwise
func (*ConsensusState) CanProcessReceivedMessage ¶
func (cns *ConsensusState) CanProcessReceivedMessage(cnsDta *consensus.Message, currentRoundIndex int32, currentSubroundId int) bool
CanProcessReceivedMessage method returns true if the message received can be processed and false otherwise
func (ConsensusState) ComputeSize ¶
ComputeSize method returns the number of messages received from the nodes belonging to the current jobDone group related to this subround
func (ConsensusState) ConsensusGroup ¶
func (rcns ConsensusState) ConsensusGroup() []string
ConsensusGroup returns the consensus group ID's
func (ConsensusState) ConsensusGroupIndex ¶
ConsensusGroupIndex returns the index of given public key in the current consensus group
func (ConsensusState) ConsensusGroupSize ¶
func (rcns ConsensusState) ConsensusGroupSize() int
ConsensusGroupSize returns the consensus group size
func (ConsensusState) EligibleList ¶
func (rcns ConsensusState) EligibleList() []string
EligibleList returns the eligible list ID's
func (*ConsensusState) GenerateBitmap ¶
func (cns *ConsensusState) GenerateBitmap(subroundId int) []byte
GenerateBitmap method generates a bitmap, for a given subround, in which each node will be marked with 1 if its job has been done
func (*ConsensusState) GetData ¶
func (cns *ConsensusState) GetData() []byte
GetData gets the Data of the consensusState
func (*ConsensusState) GetLeader ¶
func (cns *ConsensusState) GetLeader() (string, error)
GetLeader method gets the leader of the current round
func (*ConsensusState) GetNextConsensusGroup ¶
func (cns *ConsensusState) GetNextConsensusGroup(randomSource string, vgs consensus.ValidatorGroupSelector) ([]string, error)
GetNextConsensusGroup gets the new consensus group for the current round based on current eligible list and a random source for the new selection
func (*ConsensusState) IsBlockBodyAlreadyReceived ¶
func (cns *ConsensusState) IsBlockBodyAlreadyReceived() bool
IsBlockBodyAlreadyReceived method returns true if block body is already received and false otherwise
func (*ConsensusState) IsConsensusDataEqual ¶
func (cns *ConsensusState) IsConsensusDataEqual(data []byte) bool
IsConsensusDataEqual method returns true if the consensus data for the current round is the same with the given one and false otherwise
func (*ConsensusState) IsConsensusDataSet ¶
func (cns *ConsensusState) IsConsensusDataSet() bool
IsConsensusDataSet method returns true if the consensus data for the current round is set and false otherwise
func (*ConsensusState) IsCurrentSubroundFinished ¶
func (cns *ConsensusState) IsCurrentSubroundFinished(currentSubroundId int) bool
IsCurrentSubroundFinished method returns true if the current subround is finished and false otherwise
func (*ConsensusState) IsHeaderAlreadyReceived ¶
func (cns *ConsensusState) IsHeaderAlreadyReceived() bool
IsHeaderAlreadyReceived method returns true if header is already received and false otherwise
func (*ConsensusState) IsJobDone ¶
func (cns *ConsensusState) IsJobDone(node string, currentSubroundId int) bool
IsJobDone method returns true if the node job for the current subround is done and false otherwise
func (ConsensusState) IsNodeInConsensusGroup ¶
IsNodeInConsensusGroup method checks if the node is part of consensus group of the current round
func (ConsensusState) IsNodeInEligibleList ¶
IsNodeInEligibleList method checks if the node is part of the eligible list
func (*ConsensusState) IsNodeLeaderInCurrentRound ¶
func (cns *ConsensusState) IsNodeLeaderInCurrentRound(node string) bool
IsNodeLeaderInCurrentRound method checks if the given node is leader in the current round
func (*ConsensusState) IsNodeSelf ¶
func (cns *ConsensusState) IsNodeSelf(node string) bool
IsNodeSelf method returns true if the message is received from itself and false otherwise
func (*ConsensusState) IsSelfJobDone ¶
func (cns *ConsensusState) IsSelfJobDone(currentSubroundId int) bool
IsSelfJobDone method returns true if self job for the current subround is done and false otherwise
func (*ConsensusState) IsSelfLeaderInCurrentRound ¶
func (cns *ConsensusState) IsSelfLeaderInCurrentRound() bool
IsSelfLeaderInCurrentRound method checks if the current node is leader in the current round
func (ConsensusState) JobDone ¶
JobDone returns the state of the action done, by the node represented by the key parameter, in subround given by the subroundId parameter
func (*ConsensusState) ProcessingBlock ¶
func (cns *ConsensusState) ProcessingBlock() bool
ProcessingBlock gets the state of block processing
func (*ConsensusState) ResetConsensusState ¶
func (cns *ConsensusState) ResetConsensusState()
ResetConsensusState method resets all the consensus data
func (ConsensusState) ResetRoundState ¶
func (rcns ConsensusState) ResetRoundState()
ResetRoundState method resets the state of each node from the current jobDone group, regarding to the consensus validatorRoundStates
func (ConsensusState) ResetRoundStatus ¶
func (rstatus ConsensusState) ResetRoundStatus()
ResetRoundStatus method resets the state of each subround
func (ConsensusState) SelfConsensusGroupIndex ¶
SelfConsensusGroupIndex returns the index of self public key in current consensus group
func (ConsensusState) SelfJobDone ¶
SelfJobDone returns the self state of the action done in subround given by the subroundId parameter
func (ConsensusState) SelfPubKey ¶
func (rcns ConsensusState) SelfPubKey() string
SelfPubKey returns selfPubKey ID
func (ConsensusState) SetConsensusGroup ¶
func (rcns ConsensusState) SetConsensusGroup(consensusGroup []string)
SetConsensusGroup sets the consensus group ID's
func (ConsensusState) SetConsensusGroupSize ¶
func (rcns ConsensusState) SetConsensusGroupSize(consensusGroudpSize int)
SetConsensusGroupSize sets the consensus group size
func (ConsensusState) SetEligibleList ¶
func (rcns ConsensusState) SetEligibleList(eligibleList []string)
SetEligibleList sets the eligible list ID's
func (ConsensusState) SetJobDone ¶
SetJobDone set the state of the action done, by the node represented by the key parameter, in subround given by the subroundId parameter
func (*ConsensusState) SetProcessingBlock ¶
func (cns *ConsensusState) SetProcessingBlock(processingBlock bool)
SetProcessingBlock sets the state of block processing
func (ConsensusState) SetSelfJobDone ¶
SetSelfJobDone set the self state of the action done in subround given by the subroundId parameter
func (ConsensusState) SetSelfPubKey ¶
func (rcns ConsensusState) SetSelfPubKey(selfPubKey string)
SetSelfPubKey sets selfPubKey ID
func (ConsensusState) SetStatus ¶
func (rstatus ConsensusState) SetStatus(subroundId int, subroundStatus SubroundStatus)
SetStatus sets the status of the given subround id
func (ConsensusState) SetThreshold ¶
SetThreshold sets the threshold of agreements needed in the given subround id
func (ConsensusState) Status ¶
func (rstatus ConsensusState) Status(subroundId int) SubroundStatus
Status returns the status of the given subround id
type Subround ¶
type Subround struct { ConsensusCoreHandler *ConsensusState Job func() bool // method does the Subround Job and send the result to the peers Check func() bool // method checks if the consensus of the Subround is done Extend func(subroundId int) // method is called when round time is out // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Subround struct contains the needed data for one Subround and the Subround properties. It defines a Subround with it's properties (it's ID, next Subround ID, it's duration, it's name) and also it has some handler functions which should be set. Job function will be the main function of this Subround, Extend function will handle the overtime situation of the Subround and Check function will decide if in this Subround the consensus is achieved
func NewSubround ¶
func NewSubround( previous int, current int, next int, startTime int64, endTime int64, name string, consensusState *ConsensusState, consensusStateChangedChannel chan bool, container ConsensusCoreHandler, ) (*Subround, error)
NewSubround creates a new SubroundId object
func (Subround) ComputeSize ¶
ComputeSize method returns the number of messages received from the nodes belonging to the current jobDone group related to this subround
func (Subround) ConsensusGroup ¶
func (rcns Subround) ConsensusGroup() []string
ConsensusGroup returns the consensus group ID's
func (Subround) ConsensusGroupIndex ¶
ConsensusGroupIndex returns the index of given public key in the current consensus group
func (Subround) ConsensusGroupSize ¶
func (rcns Subround) ConsensusGroupSize() int
ConsensusGroupSize returns the consensus group size
func (*Subround) DoWork ¶
DoWork method actually does the work of this Subround. First it tries to do the Job of the Subround then it will Check the consensus. If the upper time limit of this Subround is reached, the Extend method will be called before returning. If this method returns true the chronology will advance to the next Subround.
func (Subround) EligibleList ¶
func (rcns Subround) EligibleList() []string
EligibleList returns the eligible list ID's
func (Subround) IsNodeInConsensusGroup ¶
IsNodeInConsensusGroup method checks if the node is part of consensus group of the current round
func (Subround) IsNodeInEligibleList ¶
IsNodeInEligibleList method checks if the node is part of the eligible list
func (Subround) JobDone ¶
JobDone returns the state of the action done, by the node represented by the key parameter, in subround given by the subroundId parameter
func (Subround) ResetRoundState ¶
func (rcns Subround) ResetRoundState()
ResetRoundState method resets the state of each node from the current jobDone group, regarding to the consensus validatorRoundStates
func (Subround) ResetRoundStatus ¶
func (rstatus Subround) ResetRoundStatus()
ResetRoundStatus method resets the state of each subround
func (Subround) SelfConsensusGroupIndex ¶
SelfConsensusGroupIndex returns the index of self public key in current consensus group
func (Subround) SelfJobDone ¶
SelfJobDone returns the self state of the action done in subround given by the subroundId parameter
func (Subround) SelfPubKey ¶
func (rcns Subround) SelfPubKey() string
SelfPubKey returns selfPubKey ID
func (Subround) SetConsensusGroup ¶
func (rcns Subround) SetConsensusGroup(consensusGroup []string)
SetConsensusGroup sets the consensus group ID's
func (Subround) SetConsensusGroupSize ¶
func (rcns Subround) SetConsensusGroupSize(consensusGroudpSize int)
SetConsensusGroupSize sets the consensus group size
func (Subround) SetEligibleList ¶
func (rcns Subround) SetEligibleList(eligibleList []string)
SetEligibleList sets the eligible list ID's
func (Subround) SetJobDone ¶
SetJobDone set the state of the action done, by the node represented by the key parameter, in subround given by the subroundId parameter
func (Subround) SetSelfJobDone ¶
SetSelfJobDone set the self state of the action done in subround given by the subroundId parameter
func (Subround) SetSelfPubKey ¶
func (rcns Subround) SetSelfPubKey(selfPubKey string)
SetSelfPubKey sets selfPubKey ID
func (Subround) SetStatus ¶
func (rstatus Subround) SetStatus(subroundId int, subroundStatus SubroundStatus)
SetStatus sets the status of the given subround id
func (Subround) SetThreshold ¶
SetThreshold sets the threshold of agreements needed in the given subround id
func (Subround) Status ¶
func (rstatus Subround) Status(subroundId int) SubroundStatus
Status returns the status of the given subround id
type SubroundStatus ¶
type SubroundStatus int
SubroundStatus defines the type used to refer the state of the current subround
const ( // SsNotFinished defines the un-finished state of the subround SsNotFinished SubroundStatus = iota // SsFinished defines the finished state of the subround SsFinished )
type SubroundsFactory ¶
type SubroundsFactory interface {
GenerateSubrounds() error
SubroundsFactory encapsulates the methods specifically for a subrounds factory type (bls, bn) for different consensus types
type Worker ¶
type Worker struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Worker defines the data needed by spos to communicate between nodes which are in the validators group
func NewWorker ¶
func NewWorker( consensusService ConsensusService, blockProcessor process.BlockProcessor, blockTracker process.BlocksTracker, bootstraper process.Bootstrapper, consensusState *ConsensusState, forkDetector process.ForkDetector, keyGenerator crypto.KeyGenerator, marshalizer marshal.Marshalizer, privateKey crypto.PrivateKey, rounder consensus.Rounder, shardCoordinator sharding.Coordinator, singleSigner crypto.SingleSigner, syncTimer ntp.SyncTimer, broadcastBlock func(data.BodyHandler, data.HeaderHandler) error, broadcastHeader func(data.HeaderHandler) error, sendMessage func(consensus *consensus.Message), ) (*Worker, error)
NewWorker creates a new Worker object
func (*Worker) AddReceivedMessageCall ¶
func (wrk *Worker) AddReceivedMessageCall(messageType consensus.MessageType, receivedMessageCall func(cnsDta *consensus.Message) bool)
AddReceivedMessageCall adds a new handler function for a received messege type
func (*Worker) BroadcastBlock ¶
func (wrk *Worker) BroadcastBlock(body data.BodyHandler, header data.HeaderHandler) error
BroadcastBlock does a broadcast of the blockBody and blockHeader
func (*Worker) BroadcastUnnotarisedBlocks ¶
func (wrk *Worker) BroadcastUnnotarisedBlocks()
BroadcastUnnotarisedBlocks broadcasts all blocks which are not notarised yet
func (*Worker) ExecuteStoredMessages ¶
func (wrk *Worker) ExecuteStoredMessages()
ExecuteStoredMessages tries to execute all the messages received which are valid for execution
func (*Worker) GetConsensusStateChangedChannel ¶
GetConsensusStateChangedChannel gets the channel for the consensusStateChanged
func (*Worker) ProcessReceivedMessage ¶
func (wrk *Worker) ProcessReceivedMessage(message p2p.MessageP2P) error
ProcessReceivedMessage method redirects the received message to the channel which should handle it
func (*Worker) RemoveAllReceivedMessagesCalls ¶
func (wrk *Worker) RemoveAllReceivedMessagesCalls()
RemoveAllReceivedMessagesCalls removes all the functions handlers
type WorkerHandler ¶
type WorkerHandler interface { //AddReceivedMessageCall adds a new handler function for a received messege type AddReceivedMessageCall(messageType consensus.MessageType, receivedMessageCall func(cnsDta *consensus.Message) bool) //RemoveAllReceivedMessagesCalls removes all the functions handlers RemoveAllReceivedMessagesCalls() //ProcessReceivedMessage method redirects the received message to the channel which should handle it ProcessReceivedMessage(message p2p.MessageP2P) error //SendConsensusMessage sends the consensus message SendConsensusMessage(cnsDta *consensus.Message) bool //Extend does an extension for the subround with subroundId Extend(subroundId int) //GetConsensusStateChangedChannel gets the channel for the consensusStateChanged GetConsensusStateChangedChannel() chan bool //BroadcastBlock does a broadcast of the blockBody and blockHeader BroadcastBlock(body data.BodyHandler, header data.HeaderHandler) error //ExecuteStoredMessages tries to execute all the messages received which are valid for execution ExecuteStoredMessages() //BroadcastUnnotarisedBlocks broadcasts all blocks which are not notarised yet BroadcastUnnotarisedBlocks() }
WorkerHandler represents the interface for the SposWorker