Versions in this module Expand all Collapse all v1 v1.2.1 Apr 24, 2024 v1.2.0 Apr 24, 2024 Changes in this version + const Allow + const ConsoleAnimatedLogin + const ConsoleDevMode + const ConsoleHostname + const ConsoleLogQueryAuthToken + const ConsoleLogQueryURL + const ConsoleMaxConcurrentDownloads + const ConsoleMaxConcurrentUploads + const ConsoleMinIORegion + const ConsoleMinIOServer + const ConsolePort + const ConsoleSecureAllowedHosts + const ConsoleSecureAllowedHostsAreRegex + const ConsoleSecureBrowserXSSFilter + const ConsoleSecureContentSecurityPolicy + const ConsoleSecureContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly + const ConsoleSecureContentTypeNoSniff + const ConsoleSecureExpectCTHeader + const ConsoleSecureFeaturePolicy + const ConsoleSecureForceSTSHeader + const ConsoleSecureFrameDeny + const ConsoleSecureHostsProxyHeaders + const ConsoleSecurePublicKey + const ConsoleSecureReferrerPolicy + const ConsoleSecureSTSIncludeSubdomains + const ConsoleSecureSTSPreload + const ConsoleSecureSTSSeconds + const ConsoleSecureTLSHost + const ConsoleSecureTLSRedirect + const ConsoleSecureTLSTemporaryRedirect + const ConsoleSubnetProxy + const ConsoleTLSPort + const Deny + const EnvSubnetLicense + const LocalAddress + const LogSearchQueryAuthToken + const PrometheusAuthToken + const PrometheusExtraLabels + const PrometheusJobID + const PrometheusURL + const SlashSeparator + const SubPath + const Unknown + var ConsoleResourceName = "console-ui" + var ErrAccessDenied = errors.New("access denied") + var ErrAvoidSelfAccountDelete = errors.New("logged in user cannot be deleted by itself") + var ErrBadRequest = errors.New("400 Bad Request") + var ErrBucketBodyNotInRequest = errors.New("error bucket body not in request") + var ErrBucketLifeCycleNotConfigured = errors.New("error bucket life cycle configuration not found") + var ErrBucketNameNotInRequest = errors.New("error bucket name not in request") + var ErrChangePassword = errors.New("error please check your current password") + var ErrDefault = errors.New("an error occurred, please try again") + var ErrDeletingEncryptionConfig = errors.New("error disabling tenant encryption") + var ErrEncryptionConfigNotFound = errors.New("encryption configuration not found") + var ErrFewerThanFourNodes = errors.New("at least 4 nodes are required for a tenant") + var ErrFileTooLarge = errors.New("413 File too Large") + var ErrForbidden = errors.New("403 Forbidden") + var ErrGroupAlreadyExists = errors.New("error group name already in use") + var ErrGroupBodyNotInRequest = errors.New("error group body not in request") + var ErrGroupNameNotInRequest = errors.New("error group name not in request") + var ErrHealthReportFail = errors.New("failure to generate Health report") + var ErrInvalidEncryptionAlgorithm = errors.New("error invalid encryption algorithm") + var ErrInvalidErasureCodingValue = errors.New("invalid Erasure Coding Value") + var ErrInvalidLicense = errors.New("invalid license key") + var ErrInvalidLogin = errors.New("invalid Login") + var ErrInvalidSession = errors.New("invalid session") + var ErrLicenseNotFound = errors.New("license not found") + var ErrLoginNotAllowed = errors.New("login not allowed") + var ErrNonUniqueAccessKey = errors.New("access key already in use") + var ErrNotFound = errors.New("not found") + var ErrOauth2Login = errors.New("unable to login using configured identity provider") + var ErrOauth2Provider = errors.New("unable to contact configured identity provider") + var ErrPolicyBodyNotInRequest = errors.New("error policy body not in request") + var ErrPolicyNameContainsSpace = errors.New("error policy name cannot contain spaces") + var ErrPolicyNameNotInRequest = errors.New("error policy name not in request") + var ErrPolicyNotFound = errors.New("policy does not exist") + var ErrRemoteInvalidCredentials = errors.New("invalid remote tier credentials") + var ErrRemoteTierBucketNotFound = errors.New("remote tier bucket not found") + var ErrRemoteTierExists = errors.New("specified remote tier already exists") + var ErrRemoteTierNotFound = errors.New("specified remote tier was not found") + var ErrRemoteTierUppercase = errors.New("tier name must be in uppercase") + var ErrSSENotConfigured = errors.New("error server side encryption configuration not found") + var ErrSubnetLicenseNotFound = errors.New("license not found") + var ErrTooFewAvailableNodes = errors.New("there is not enough available nodes to satisfy this requirement") + var ErrTooFewNodes = errors.New("there are not enough nodes in the cluster to support this tenant") + var ErrTooManyNodes = errors.New("cannot request more nodes than what is available in the cluster") + var ErrUnableToGetTenantLogs = errors.New("unable to get tenant logs") + var ErrUnableToGetTenantUsage = errors.New("unable to get tenant usage") + var ErrUnableToUpdateTenantCertificates = errors.New("unable to update tenant certificates") + var ErrUpdatingEncryptionConfig = errors.New("unable to update encryption configuration") + var FlatSwaggerJSON json.RawMessage + var GlobalPublicCerts []*x509.Certificate + var GlobalRootCAs *x509.CertPool + var GlobalTLSCertsManager *xcerts.Manager + var Hostname = "" + var InstanceLicensePlan = PlanAGPL + var LogError = logError + var LogIf = logIf + var LogInfo = logInfo + var MinioServerInfoMock func(ctx context.Context) (madmin.InfoMessage, error) + var Port = "9090" + var SwaggerJSON json.RawMessage + var TLSPort = "9443" + var TLSRedirect = "on" + func AuditLogMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler + func AuthenticationMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler + func ContextMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler + func DifferenceArrays(a, b []string) []string + func ExpireSessionCookie() http.Cookie + func FileServerMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler + func GetConsoleHTTPClient(address string, clientIP string) *http.Client + func GetHostname() string + func GetMinIORegion() string + func GetPort() int + func GetSecureAllowedHosts() []string + func GetSecureAllowedHostsAreRegex() bool + func GetSecureBrowserXSSFilter() bool + func GetSecureContentSecurityPolicy() string + func GetSecureContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly() string + func GetSecureContentTypeNonSniff() bool + func GetSecureFeaturePolicy() string + func GetSecureForceSTSHeader() bool + func GetSecureFrameDeny() bool + func GetSecureHostsProxyHeaders() []string + func GetSecureReferrerPolicy() string + func GetSecureSTSIncludeSubdomains() bool + func GetSecureSTSPreload() bool + func GetSecureSTSSeconds() int64 + func GetSecureTLSHost() string + func GetSecureTLSTemporaryRedirect() bool + func GetSubnetHTTPClient(ctx context.Context, minioClient MinioAdmin) (*xhttp.Client, error) + func GetSubnetKeyFromMinIOConfig(ctx context.Context, minioClient MinioAdmin) (*subnet.LicenseTokenConfig, error) + func GetSubnetRegToken(ctx context.Context, minioClient MinioAdmin) (string, error) + func GetSubnetRegister(ctx context.Context, minioClient MinioAdmin, httpClient xhttp.ClientI, ...) error + func GetTLSPort() int + func GetTLSRedirect() string + func IsElementInArray(a []string, b string) bool + func NewConsoleCredentials(accessKey, secretKey, location, clientIP string) (*credentials.Credentials, error) + func NewMinioAdminClient(ctx context.Context, sessionClaims *models.Principal) (*madmin.AdminClient, error) + func NewSessionCookieForConsole(token string) http.Cookie + func PrepareConsoleHTTPClient(insecure bool, clientIP string) *http.Client + func RandomCharString(n int) string + func RandomCharStringWithAlphabet(n int, alphabet string) string + func RejectS3Middleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler + func SanitizeEncodedPrefix(rawPrefix string) string + func SetPolicy(ctx context.Context, client MinioAdmin, name, entityName string, ...) error + func SubnetLogin(client xhttp.ClientI, username, password string) (string, string, error) + func SubnetLoginWithMFA(client xhttp.ClientI, username, mfaToken, otp string) (*models.SubnetLoginResponse, error) + func SubnetRegisterWithAPIKey(ctx context.Context, minioClient MinioAdmin, apiKey string) (bool, error) + func UniqueKeys(a []string) []string + func ValidateEncodedStyles(encodedStyles string) error + type AdminClient struct + Client *madmin.AdminClient + func (ac AdminClient) AccountInfo(ctx context.Context) (madmin.AccountInfo, error) + type AdminClientMock struct + func (ac AdminClientMock) AccountInfo(ctx context.Context) (madmin.AccountInfo, error) + type CodedAPIError struct + APIError *models.APIError + Code int + func Error(err ...interface{}) *CodedAPIError + func ErrorWithContext(ctx context.Context, err ...interface{}) *CodedAPIError + func GetKMSAPIsResponse(session *models.Principal, params kmsAPI.KMSAPIsParams) (*models.KmsAPIsResponse, *CodedAPIError) + func GetKMSAssignPolicyResponse(session *models.Principal, params kmsAPI.KMSAssignPolicyParams) *CodedAPIError + func GetKMSCreateKeyResponse(session *models.Principal, params kmsAPI.KMSCreateKeyParams) *CodedAPIError + func GetKMSDeleteIdentityResponse(session *models.Principal, params kmsAPI.KMSDeleteIdentityParams) *CodedAPIError + func GetKMSDeleteKeyResponse(session *models.Principal, params kmsAPI.KMSDeleteKeyParams) *CodedAPIError + func GetKMSDeletePolicyResponse(session *models.Principal, params kmsAPI.KMSDeletePolicyParams) *CodedAPIError + func GetKMSDescribeIdentityResponse(session *models.Principal, params kmsAPI.KMSDescribeIdentityParams) (*models.KmsDescribeIdentityResponse, *CodedAPIError) + func GetKMSDescribePolicyResponse(session *models.Principal, params kmsAPI.KMSDescribePolicyParams) (*models.KmsDescribePolicyResponse, *CodedAPIError) + func GetKMSDescribeSelfIdentityResponse(session *models.Principal, params kmsAPI.KMSDescribeSelfIdentityParams) (*models.KmsDescribeSelfIdentityResponse, *CodedAPIError) + func GetKMSGetPolicyResponse(session *models.Principal, params kmsAPI.KMSGetPolicyParams) (*models.KmsGetPolicyResponse, *CodedAPIError) + func GetKMSImportKeyResponse(session *models.Principal, params kmsAPI.KMSImportKeyParams) *CodedAPIError + func GetKMSKeyStatusResponse(session *models.Principal, params kmsAPI.KMSKeyStatusParams) (*models.KmsKeyStatusResponse, *CodedAPIError) + func GetKMSListIdentitiesResponse(session *models.Principal, params kmsAPI.KMSListIdentitiesParams) (*models.KmsListIdentitiesResponse, *CodedAPIError) + func GetKMSListKeysResponse(session *models.Principal, params kmsAPI.KMSListKeysParams) (*models.KmsListKeysResponse, *CodedAPIError) + func GetKMSListPoliciesResponse(session *models.Principal, params kmsAPI.KMSListPoliciesParams) (*models.KmsListPoliciesResponse, *CodedAPIError) + func GetKMSMetricsResponse(session *models.Principal, params kmsAPI.KMSMetricsParams) (*models.KmsMetricsResponse, *CodedAPIError) + func GetKMSSetPolicyResponse(session *models.Principal, params kmsAPI.KMSSetPolicyParams) *CodedAPIError + func GetKMSStatusResponse(session *models.Principal, params kmsAPI.KMSStatusParams) (*models.KmsStatusResponse, *CodedAPIError) + func GetKMSVersionResponse(session *models.Principal, params kmsAPI.KMSVersionParams) (*models.KmsVersionResponse, *CodedAPIError) + func GetReleaseListResponse(_ *models.Principal, params release.ListReleasesParams) (*models.ReleaseListResponse, *CodedAPIError) + func GetSubnetAPIKeyResponse(session *models.Principal, params subnetApi.SubnetAPIKeyParams) (*models.APIKey, *CodedAPIError) + func GetSubnetInfoResponse(session *models.Principal, params subnetApi.SubnetInfoParams) (*models.License, *CodedAPIError) + func GetSubnetLoginResponse(session *models.Principal, params subnetApi.SubnetLoginParams) (*models.SubnetLoginResponse, *CodedAPIError) + func GetSubnetLoginWithMFAResponse(session *models.Principal, params subnetApi.SubnetLoginMFAParams) (*models.SubnetLoginResponse, *CodedAPIError) + func GetSubnetRegTokenResponse(session *models.Principal, params subnetApi.SubnetRegTokenParams) (*models.SubnetRegTokenResponse, *CodedAPIError) + func GetSubnetRegisterResponse(session *models.Principal, params subnetApi.SubnetRegisterParams) *CodedAPIError + type Conditions struct + S3Prefix []string + type ConfigurationSetItem struct + Enable bool + Value string + type ConsoleCredentials struct + AccountAccessKey string + ConsoleCredentials *credentials.Credentials + func (c ConsoleCredentials) Expire() + func (c ConsoleCredentials) Get() (credentials.Value, error) + func (c ConsoleCredentials) GetAccountAccessKey() string + type ConsoleCredentialsI interface + Expire func() + Get func() (credentials.Value, error) + GetAccountAccessKey func() string + type ConsoleTransport struct + ClientIP string + Transport *http.Transport + func PrepareSTSClientTransport(insecure bool, remoteAddress string) *ConsoleTransport + func (t *ConsoleTransport) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) + type ConsoleWebsocket interface + type ConsoleWebsocketAdmin interface + type ConsoleWebsocketMClient interface + type Context struct + HTTPPort int + HTTPSPort int + Host string + TLSCertificate string + TLSKey string + TLSRedirect string + TLSca string + func (c *Context) Load(ctx *cli.Context) error + type CustomButtonStyle struct + ActiveColor *string + ActiveText *string + BackgroundColor *string + DisabledColor *string + DisabledText *string + HoverColor *string + HoverText *string + TextColor *string + type CustomInputStyle struct + BackgroundColor *string + Border *string + HoverBorder *string + TextColor *string + type CustomStyles struct + BackgroundColor *string + BorderColor *string + BoxBackground *string + ButtonStyles *CustomButtonStyle + DisabledLinkColor *string + ErrorColor *string + FontColor *string + HoverLinkColor *string + InputBox *CustomInputStyle + LinkColor *string + LoaderColor *string + OkColor *string + RegularButtonStyles *CustomButtonStyle + SecondaryButtonStyles *CustomButtonStyle + SecondaryFontColor *string + Switch *CustomSwitchStyle + TableColors *CustomTableStyle + WarnColor *string + type CustomSwitchStyle struct + BulletBGColor *string + BulletBorderColor *string + DisabledBackground *string + DisabledBulletBGColor *string + DisabledBulletBorderColor *string + SwitchBackground *string + type CustomTableStyle struct + Border *string + DeletedDisabled *string + DisabledBG *string + DisabledBorder *string + HoverColor *string + Selected *string + type DataResult struct + Metric map[string]string + Values []interface{} + type GridPos struct + H int32 + W int32 + X int32 + Y int32 + type LabelResponse struct + Data []string + Status string + type LabelResults struct + Label string + Response LabelResponse + type ListObjectsOpts struct + type LogRequest struct + type MCClient interface + type Metric struct + GridPos GridPos + ID int32 + MaxDataPoints int32 + Options MetricOptions + Targets []Target + Title string + Type string + type MetricOptions struct + ReduceOptions ReduceOptions + type MinIOConfig struct + OpenIDProviders oauth2.OpenIDPCfg + var GlobalMinIOConfig MinIOConfig + type MinioAdmin interface + AccountInfo func(ctx context.Context) (madmin.AccountInfo, error) + type MinioClient interface + GetBucketTagging func(ctx context.Context, bucketName string) (*tags.Tags, error) + RemoveBucketTagging func(ctx context.Context, bucketName string) error + SetBucketTagging func(ctx context.Context, bucketName string, tags *tags.Tags) error + type MultiLifecycleResult struct + BucketName string + Error string + type ObjectResponse struct + DeleteMarker bool + IsLatest bool + LastModified string + Name string + Size int64 + VersionID string + type ObjectsRequest struct + BucketName string + Date string + Mode string + Prefix string + RequestID int64 + type PromResp struct + Data PromRespData + Status string + type PromRespData struct + Result []DataResult + ResultType string + type ReduceOptions struct + Calcs []string + type RemoteBucketResult struct + Error string + OriginBucket string + TargetBucket string + type Server struct + CleanupTimeout time.Duration + EnabledListeners []string + GracefulTimeout time.Duration + Host string + KeepAlive time.Duration + ListenLimit int + MaxHeaderSize flagext.ByteSize + Port int + ReadTimeout time.Duration + SocketPath flags.Filename + TLSCACertificate flags.Filename + TLSCertificate flags.Filename + TLSCertificateKey flags.Filename + TLSHost string + TLSKeepAlive time.Duration + TLSListenLimit int + TLSPort int + TLSReadTimeout time.Duration + TLSWriteTimeout time.Duration + WriteTimeout time.Duration + func NewServer(api *operations.ConsoleAPI) *Server + func (s *Server) ConfigureAPI() + func (s *Server) ConfigureFlags() + func (s *Server) Fatalf(f string, args ...interface{}) + func (s *Server) GetHandler() http.Handler + func (s *Server) HTTPListener() ([]net.Listener, error) + func (s *Server) Listen() error + func (s *Server) Logf(f string, args ...interface{}) + func (s *Server) Serve() (err error) + func (s *Server) SetAPI(api *operations.ConsoleAPI) + func (s *Server) SetHandler(handler http.Handler) + func (s *Server) Shutdown() error + func (s *Server) TLSListener() ([]net.Listener, error) + func (s *Server) UnixListener() (net.Listener, error) + type SubnetPlan int + const PlanAGPL + const PlanEnterprise + const PlanStandard + func (sp SubnetPlan) String() string + type SubnetRegistration struct + AccessToken string + MFAToken string + Organizations []models.SubnetOrganization + type Target struct + Expr string + InitialTime int64 + Interval string + LegendFormat string + Step int32 + type TraceRequest struct + type UsageInfo struct + Backend *models.BackendProperties + Buckets int64 + DrivesUsage int64 + EndpointNotReady bool + Objects int64 + Servers []*models.ServerProperties + Usage int64 + func GetAdminInfo(ctx context.Context, client MinioAdmin) (*UsageInfo, error) + type VersionState string + const VersionEnable + const VersionSuspend + type WSConn interface + type WSResponse struct + BucketName string + Data []ObjectResponse + Error *CodedAPIError + Prefix string + RequestEnd bool + RequestID int64 + type Widget struct + Title string + Type string + type WidgetLabel struct + Name string