
v0.14.0 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Feb 8, 2025 License: MIT Imports: 4 Imported by: 2




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const (
	ProbeOrderBinUnique = 0   // binary with unlikely overlap
	ProbeOrderBinFuzzy  = 100 // binary with possible overlap
	ProbeOrderTextJSON  = 200 // text json has prio as yaml overlap
	ProbeOrderTextFuzzy = 300 // text with possible overlap

TODO: do before-format somehow and topology sort?

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const (
	LinkTypeNULL                       = 0
	LinkTypeETHERNET                   = 1
	LinkTypeAX25                       = 3
	LinkTypeIEEE802_5                  = 6
	LinkTypeARCNET_BSD                 = 7
	LinkTypeSLIP                       = 8
	LinkTypePPP                        = 9
	LinkTypeFDDI                       = 10
	LinkTypePPP_HDLC                   = 50
	LinkTypePPP_ETHER                  = 51
	LinkTypeATM_RFC1483                = 100
	LinkTypeRAW                        = 101
	LinkTypeC_HDLC                     = 104
	LinkTypeIEEE802_11                 = 105
	LinkTypeFRELAY                     = 107
	LinkTypeLOOP                       = 108
	LinkTypeLINUX_SLL                  = 113
	LinkTypeLTALK                      = 114
	LinkTypePFLOG                      = 117
	LinkTypeIEEE802_11_PRISM           = 119
	LinkTypeIP_OVER_FC                 = 122
	LinkTypeSUNATM                     = 123
	LinkTypeIEEE802_11_RADIOTAP        = 127
	LinkTypeARCNET_LINUX               = 129
	LinkTypeAPPLE_IP_OVER_IEEE1394     = 138
	LinkTypeMTP2_WITH_PHDR             = 139
	LinkTypeMTP2                       = 140
	LinkTypeMTP3                       = 141
	LinkTypeSCCP                       = 142
	LinkTypeDOCSIS                     = 143
	LinkTypeLINUX_IRDA                 = 144
	LinkTypeUSER0                      = 147
	LinkTypeUSER1                      = 148
	LinkTypeUSER2                      = 149
	LinkTypeUSER3                      = 150
	LinkTypeUSER4                      = 151
	LinkTypeUSER5                      = 152
	LinkTypeUSER6                      = 153
	LinkTypeUSER7                      = 154
	LinkTypeUSER8                      = 155
	LinkTypeUSER9                      = 156
	LinkTypeUSER10                     = 157
	LinkTypeUSER11                     = 158
	LinkTypeUSER12                     = 159
	LinkTypeUSER13                     = 160
	LinkTypeUSER14                     = 161
	LinkTypeUSER15                     = 162
	LinkTypeIEEE802_11_AVS             = 163
	LinkTypeBACNET_MS_TP               = 165
	LinkTypePPP_PPPD                   = 166
	LinkTypeGPRS_LLC                   = 169
	LinkTypeGPF_T                      = 170
	LinkTypeGPF_F                      = 171
	LinkTypeLINUX_LAPD                 = 177
	LinkTypeMFR                        = 182
	LinkTypeBLUETOOTH_HCI_H4           = 187
	LinkTypeUSB_LINUX                  = 189
	LinkTypePPI                        = 192
	LinkTypeIEEE802_15_4_WITHFCS       = 195
	LinkTypeSITA                       = 196
	LinkTypeERF                        = 197
	LinkTypeAX25_KISS                  = 202
	LinkTypeLAPD                       = 203
	LinkTypePPP_WITH_DIR               = 204
	LinkTypeC_HDLC_WITH_DIR            = 205
	LinkTypeFRELAY_WITH_DIR            = 206
	LinkTypeLAPB_WITH_DIR              = 207
	LinkTypeIPMB_LINUX                 = 209
	LinkTypeFLEXRAY                    = 210
	LinkTypeLIN                        = 212
	LinkTypeIEEE802_15_4_NONASK_PHY    = 215
	LinkTypeUSB_LINUX_MMAPPED          = 220
	LinkTypeFC_2                       = 224
	LinkTypeFC_2_WITH_FRAME_DELIMS     = 225
	LinkTypeIPNET                      = 226
	LinkTypeCAN_SOCKETCAN              = 227
	LinkTypeIPv4                       = 228
	LinkTypeIPv6                       = 229
	LinkTypeIEEE802_15_4_NOFCS         = 230
	LinkTypeDBUS                       = 231
	LinkTypeDVB_CI                     = 235
	LinkTypeMUX27010                   = 236
	LinkTypeSTANAG_5066_D_PDU          = 237
	LinkTypeNFLOG                      = 239
	LinkTypeNETANALYZER                = 240
	LinkTypeIPOIB                      = 242
	LinkTypeMPEG_2_TS                  = 243
	LinkTypeNG40                       = 244
	LinkTypeNFC_LLCP                   = 245
	LinkTypeINFINIBAND                 = 247
	LinkTypeSCTP                       = 248
	LinkTypeUSBPCAP                    = 249
	LinkTypeRTAC_SERIAL                = 250
	LinkTypeBLUETOOTH_LE_LL            = 251
	LinkTypeNETLINK                    = 253
	LinkTypeBLUETOOTH_BREDR_BB         = 255
	LinkTypePROFIBUS_DL                = 257
	LinkTypePKTAP                      = 258
	LinkTypeEPON                       = 259
	LinkTypeIPMI_HPM_2                 = 260
	LinkTypeZWAVE_R1_R2                = 261
	LinkTypeZWAVE_R3                   = 262
	LinkTypeWATTSTOPPER_DLM            = 263
	LinkTypeISO_14443                  = 264
	LinkTypeRDS                        = 265
	LinkTypeUSB_DARWIN                 = 266
	LinkTypeSDLC                       = 268
	LinkTypeLORATAP                    = 270
	LinkTypeVSOCK                      = 271
	LinkTypeNORDIC_BLE                 = 272
	LinkTypeDOCSIS31_XRA31             = 273
	LinkTypeETHERNET_MPACKET           = 274
	LinkTypeDISPLAYPORT_AUX            = 275
	LinkTypeLINUX_SLL2                 = 276
	LinkTypeOPENVIZSLA                 = 278
	LinkTypeEBHSCR                     = 279
	LinkTypeVPP_DISPATCH               = 280
	LinkTypeDSA_TAG_BRCM               = 281
	LinkTypeDSA_TAG_BRCM_PREPEND       = 282
	LinkTypeIEEE802_15_4_TAP           = 283
	LinkTypeDSA_TAG_DSA                = 284
	LinkTypeDSA_TAG_EDSA               = 285
	LinkTypeELEE                       = 286
	LinkTypeZ_WAVE_SERIAL              = 287
	LinkTypeUSB_2_0                    = 288
	LinkTypeATSC_ALP                   = 289
	LinkTypeETW                        = 290

from TODO cleanup

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const (
	EtherTypeIPv4 = 0x0800
	EtherTypeIPv6 = 0x86dd
View Source
const (
	IPv4ProtocolICMP   = 1
	IPv4ProtocolIGMP   = 2
	IPv4ProtocolTCP    = 6
	IPv4ProtocolUDP    = 17
	IPv4ProtocolICMPv6 = 58
View Source
const (
	UDPPortDomain = 53
	UDPPortMDNS   = 5353
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const (
	TCPPortDomain = 53
	TCPPortRTMP   = 1935
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const (
	MPEGObjectTypeMOV_TEXT          = 0x08
	MPEGObjectTypeMPEG4             = 0x20
	MPEGObjectTypeH264              = 0x21
	MPEGObjectTypeHEVC              = 0x23
	MPEGObjectTypeAAC               = 0x40
	MPEGObjectTypeMPEG2VideoMain    = 0x61 /* MPEG-2 Main */
	MPEGObjectTypeMPEG2VideoSimple  = 0x60 /* MPEG-2 Simple */
	MPEGObjectTypeMPEG2VideoSNR     = 0x62 /* MPEG-2 SNR */
	MPEGObjectTypeMPEG2VideoSpatial = 0x63 /* MPEG-2 Spatial */
	MPEGObjectTypeMPEG2VideoHigh    = 0x64 /* MPEG-2 High */
	MPEGObjectTypeMPEG2Video422     = 0x65 /* MPEG-2 422 */
	MPEGObjectTypeAACMain           = 0x66 /* MPEG-2 AAC Main */
	MPEGObjectTypeAACLow            = 0x67 /* MPEG-2 AAC Low */
	MPEGObjectTypeAACSSR            = 0x68 /* MPEG-2 AAC SSR */
	MPEGObjectTypeMP32MP3           = 0x69 /* 13818-3 */
	MPEGObjectTypeMPEG1VIDEO        = 0x6a /* 11172-2 */
	MPEGObjectTypeMP3               = 0x6b /* 11172-3 */
	MPEGObjectTypeMJPEG             = 0x6c /* 10918-1 */
	MPEGObjectTypePNG               = 0x6d
	MPEGObjectTypeJPEG2000          = 0x6e /* 15444-1 */
	MPEGObjectTypeVC1               = 0xa3
	MPEGObjectTypeDIRAC             = 0xa4
	MPEGObjectTypeAC3               = 0xa5
	MPEGObjectTypeEAC3              = 0xa6
	MPEGObjectTypeDTS               = 0xa9 /* */
	MPEGObjectTypeOPUS              = 0xad /* */
	MPEGObjectTypeVP9               = 0xb1 /* */
	MPEGObjectTypeFLAC              = 0xc1 /* nonstandard, update when there is a standard value */
	MPEGObjectTypeTSCC2             = 0xd0 /* nonstandard, camtasia uses it */
	MPEGObjectTypeEVRC              = 0xd1 /* nonstandard, pvAuthor uses it */
	MPEGObjectTypeVORBIS            = 0xdd /* nonstandard, gpac uses it */
	MPEGObjectTypeDVDSubtitle       = 0xe0 /* nonstandard, see unsupported-embedded-subs-2.mp4 */
	MPEGObjectTypeQCELP             = 0xe1
	MPEGObjectTypeMPEG4SYSTEMS1     = 0x01
	MPEGObjectTypeMPEG4SYSTEMS2     = 0x02
	MPEGObjectTypeNONE              = 0

based on ffmpeg libavformat/isom.c ff_mp4_obj_type

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const (
	MPEGStreamTypeUnknown = iota
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const (
	MPEGAudioObjectTypeMain      = 1
	MPEGAudioObjectTypeLC        = 2
	MPEGAudioObjectTypeSSR       = 3
	MPEGAudioObjectTypeLTP       = 4
	MPEGAudioObjectTypeSBR       = 5
	MPEGAudioObjectTypeER_AAC_LD = 23
	MPEGAudioObjectTypePS        = 29
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const (
	WAVTagPCM             = 0x0001
	WAVTagADPCM_MS        = 0x0002
	WAVTagPCM_Float       = 0x0003
	WAVTagPCM_ALAW        = 0x0006
	WAVTagPCM_MULAW       = 0x0007
	WAVTagWMAVOICE        = 0x000a
	WAVTagADPCM_IMA_OKI   = 0x0010
	WAVTagADPCM_IMA_WAV   = 0x0011
	WAVTagADPCM_IMA_OKI_2 = 0x0017
	WAVTagADPCM_YAMAHA    = 0x0020
	WAVTagTRUESPEECH      = 0x0022
	WAVTagGSM_MS          = 0x0031
	WAVTagGSM_MS_2        = 0x0032
	WAVTagAMR_NB          = 0x0038
	WAVTagG723_1          = 0x0042
	WAVTagADPCM_G726      = 0x0045
	WAVTagADPCM_G726_2    = 0x0014
	WAVTagADPCM_G726_3    = 0x0040
	WAVTagMP2             = 0x0050
	WAVTagMP3             = 0x0055
	WAVTagAMR_NB_2        = 0x0057
	WAVTagAMR_WB          = 0x0058
	WAVTagADPCM_IMA_DK4   = 0x0061
	WAVTagADPCM_IMA_DK3   = 0x0062
	WAVTagADPCM_G726_4    = 0x0064
	WAVTagADPCM_IMA_WAV_2 = 0x0069
	WAVTagMETASOUND       = 0x0075
	WAVTagG729            = 0x0083
	WAVTagAAC             = 0x00ff
	WAVTagG723_1_2        = 0x0111
	WAVTagSIPR            = 0x0130
	WAVTagACELP_KELVIN    = 0x0135
	WAVTagWMAV1           = 0x0160
	WAVTagWMAV2           = 0x0161
	WAVTagWMAPRO          = 0x0162
	WAVTagWMALOSSLESS     = 0x0163
	WAVTagXMA1            = 0x0165
	WAVTagXMA2            = 0x0166
	WAVTagFTR             = 0x0180
	WAVTagADPCM_CT        = 0x0200
	WAVTagDVAUDIO         = 0x0215
	WAVTagDVAUDIO_2       = 0x0216
	WAVTagATRAC3          = 0x0270
	WAVTagMSNSIREN        = 0x028e
	WAVTagADPCM_G722      = 0x028f
	WAVTagMISC4           = 0x0350
	WAVTagIMC             = 0x0401
	WAVTagIAC             = 0x0402
	WAVTagON2AVC          = 0x0500
	WAVTagON2AVC_2        = 0x0501
	WAVTagGSM_MS_3        = 0x1500
	WAVTagTRUESPEECH_2    = 0x1501
	WAVTagAAC_2           = 0x1600
	WAVTagAAC_LATM        = 0x1602
	WAVTagAC3             = 0x2000
	WAVTagDTS             = 0x2001
	WAVTagSONIC           = 0x2048
	WAVTagG729_2          = 0x2222
	WAVTagPCM_MULAW_2     = 0x6c75
	WAVTagAAC_3           = 0x706d
	WAVTagAAC_4           = 0x4143
	WAVTagFTR_2           = 0x4180
	WAVTagXAN_DPCM        = 0x594a
	WAVTagG729_3          = 0x729a
	WAVTagFTR_3           = 0x8180
	WAVTagG723_1_3        = 0xa100
	WAVTagAAC_5           = 0xa106
	WAVTagSPEEX           = 0xa109
	WAVTagFLAC            = 0xf1ac
	WAVTagFORMATEX        = 0xfffe
	WAVTagADPCM_SWF       = 0x5356
	WAVTagVORBIS          = 0x566f

based on ffmpeg libavformat/riff.c

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const (
	BMPTagH264                = "H264"
	BMPTagH264_h264           = "h264"
	BMPTagH264_X264           = "X264"
	BMPTagH264_x264           = "x264"
	BMPTagH264_avc1           = "avc1"
	BMPTagH264_DAVC           = "DAVC"
	BMPTagH264_SMV2           = "SMV2"
	BMPTagH264_VSSH           = "VSSH"
	BMPTagH264_Q264           = "Q264" // QNAP surveillance system
	BMPTagH264_V264           = "V264" // CCTV recordings
	BMPTagH264_GAVC           = "GAVC" // GeoVision camera
	BMPTagH264_UMSV           = "UMSV"
	BMPTagH264_tshd           = "tshd"
	BMPTagH264_INMC           = "INMC"
	BMPTagH263                = "H263"
	BMPTagH263_X263           = "X263"
	BMPTagH263_T263           = "T263"
	BMPTagH263_L263           = "L263"
	BMPTagH263_VX1K           = "VX1K"
	BMPTagH263_ZyGo           = "ZyGo"
	BMPTagH263_M263           = "M263"
	BMPTagH263_lsvm           = "lsvm"
	BMPTagH263P               = "H263"
	BMPTagH263I               = "I263" // Intel H.263
	BMPTagH261                = "H261"
	BMPTagH263_U263           = "U263"
	BMPTagH263_VSM4           = "VSM4" // needs -vf il=l=i:c=i
	BMPTagMPEG4               = "FMP4"
	BMPTagMPEG4_DIVX          = "DIVX"
	BMPTagMPEG4_DX50          = "DX50"
	BMPTagMPEG4_XVID          = "XVID"
	BMPTagMPEG4_MP4S          = "MP4S"
	BMPTagMPEG4_M4S2          = "M4S2"             // some broken AVIs use this
	BMPTagMPEG4_04000000      = "\x04\x00\x00\x00" // some broken AVIs use this
	BMPTagMPEG4_ZMP4          = "ZMP4"
	BMPTagMPEG4_DIV1          = "DIV1"
	BMPTagMPEG4_BLZ0          = "BLZ0"
	BMPTagMPEG4_mp4v          = "mp4v"
	BMPTagMPEG4_UMP4          = "UMP4"
	BMPTagMPEG4_WV1F          = "WV1F"
	BMPTagMPEG4_SEDG          = "SEDG"
	BMPTagMPEG4_RMP4          = "RMP4"
	BMPTagMPEG4_3IV2          = "3IV2" // WaWv MPEG-4 Video Codec
	BMPTagMPEG4_WAWV          = "WAWV"
	BMPTagMPEG4_FFDS          = "FFDS"
	BMPTagMPEG4_FVFW          = "FVFW"
	BMPTagMPEG4_DCOD          = "DCOD"
	BMPTagMPEG4_MVXM          = "MVXM"
	BMPTagMPEG4_PM4V          = "PM4V"
	BMPTagMPEG4_SMP4          = "SMP4"
	BMPTagMPEG4_DXGM          = "DXGM"
	BMPTagMPEG4_VIDM          = "VIDM"
	BMPTagMPEG4_M4T3          = "M4T3"
	BMPTagMPEG4_GEOX          = "GEOX" // flipped video
	BMPTagMPEG4_G264          = "G264" // flipped video
	BMPTagMPEG4_HDX4          = "HDX4"
	BMPTagMPEG4_DM4V          = "DM4V"
	BMPTagMPEG4_DMK2          = "DMK2"
	BMPTagMPEG4_DYM4          = "DYM4"
	BMPTagMPEG4_DIGI          = "DIGI" // Ephv MPEG-4
	BMPTagMPEG4_EPHV          = "EPHV"
	BMPTagMPEG4_EM4A          = "EM4A" // Divio MPEG-4
	BMPTagMPEG4_M4CC          = "M4CC"
	BMPTagMPEG4_SN40          = "SN40"
	BMPTagMPEG4_VSPX          = "VSPX"
	BMPTagMPEG4_ULDX          = "ULDX"
	BMPTagMPEG4_GEOV          = "GEOV" // Samsung SHR-6040
	BMPTagMPEG4_SIPP          = "SIPP"
	BMPTagMPEG4_SM4V          = "SM4V"
	BMPTagMPEG4_XVIX          = "XVIX"
	BMPTagMPEG4_DreX          = "DreX"
	BMPTagMPEG4_QMP4          = "QMP4" // QNAP Systems
	BMPTagMPEG4_PLV1          = "PLV1" // Pelco DVR MPEG-4
	BMPTagMPEG4_GLV4          = "GLV4"
	BMPTagMPEG4_GMP4          = "GMP4" // GeoVision camera
	BMPTagMPEG4_MNM4          = "MNM4" // March Networks DVR
	BMPTagMPEG4_GTM4          = "GTM4" // Telefactor
	BMPTagMSMPEG4V3           = "MP43"
	BMPTagMSMPEG4V3_DIV3      = "DIV3"
	BMPTagMSMPEG4V3_MPG3      = "MPG3"
	BMPTagMSMPEG4V3_DIV5      = "DIV5"
	BMPTagMSMPEG4V3_DIV6      = "DIV6"
	BMPTagMSMPEG4V3_DIV4      = "DIV4"
	BMPTagMSMPEG4V3_DVX3      = "DVX3"
	BMPTagMSMPEG4V3_AP41      = "AP41"
	BMPTagMSMPEG4V3_COL1      = "COL1"
	BMPTagMSMPEG4V3_COL0      = "COL0"
	BMPTagMSMPEG4V2           = "MP42"
	BMPTagMSMPEG4V2_DIV2      = "DIV2"
	BMPTagMSMPEG4V1           = "MPG4"
	BMPTagMSMPEG4V1_MP41      = "MP41"
	BMPTagWMV1                = "WMV1"
	BMPTagWMV2                = "WMV2"
	BMPTagWMV2_GXVE           = "GXVE"
	BMPTagDVVIDEO             = "dvsd"
	BMPTagDVVIDEO_dvhd        = "dvhd"
	BMPTagDVVIDEO_dvh1        = "dvh1"
	BMPTagDVVIDEO_dvsl        = "dvsl"
	BMPTagDVVIDEO_dv25        = "dv25"
	BMPTagDVVIDEO_dv50        = "dv50" // Canopus DV
	BMPTagDVVIDEO_cdvc        = "cdvc" // Canopus DV
	BMPTagDVVIDEO_CDVH        = "CDVH" // Canopus DV
	BMPTagDVVIDEO_CDV5        = "CDV5"
	BMPTagDVVIDEO_dvc         = "dvc "
	BMPTagDVVIDEO_dvcs        = "dvcs"
	BMPTagDVVIDEO_dvis        = "dvis"
	BMPTagDVVIDEO_pdvc        = "pdvc"
	BMPTagDVVIDEO_SL25        = "SL25"
	BMPTagDVVIDEO_AVd1        = "AVd1"
	BMPTagMPEG1VIDEO          = "mpg1"
	BMPTagMPEG2VIDEO_mpg2     = "mpg2"
	BMPTagMPEG1VIDEO_01000016 = "\x01\x00\x00\x16"
	BMPTagMPEG2VIDEO_02000016 = "\x02\x00\x00\x16"
	BMPTagMPEG4_04000016      = "\x04\x00\x00\x16"
	BMPTagMPEG2VIDEO          = "DVR "
	BMPTagMPEG2VIDEOslif      = "slif"
	BMPTagMPEG2VIDEOEM2V      = "EM2V" // Matrox MPEG-2 intra-only
	BMPTagMPEG2VIDEOM701      = "M701"
	BMPTagMPEG2VIDEOM702      = "M702"
	BMPTagMPEG2VIDEOM703      = "M703"
	BMPTagMPEG2VIDEOM704      = "M704"
	BMPTagMPEG2VIDEOM705      = "M705"
	BMPTagMPEG2VIDEOmpgv      = "mpgv"
	BMPTagMPEG1VIDEO_BW10     = "BW10"
	BMPTagMPEG1VIDEO_XMPG     = "XMPG" // Xing MPEG intra only
	BMPTagMJPEG               = "MJPG"
	BMPTagMJPEG_MSC2          = "MSC2" // Multiscope II
	BMPTagMJPEG_LJPG          = "LJPG"
	BMPTagMJPEG_dmb1          = "dmb1"
	BMPTagMJPEG_mjpa          = "mjpa"
	BMPTagMJPEG_JR24          = "JR24" // Quadrox Mjpeg
	BMPTagLJPEG               = "LJPG" // Pegasus lossless JPEG
	BMPTagMJPEG_JPGL          = "JPGL" // JPEG-LS custom FOURCC for AVI - encoder
	BMPTagJPEGLS              = "MJLS"
	BMPTagJPEGLS_MJPG         = "MJPG" // JPEG-LS custom FOURCC for AVI - decoder
	BMPTagMJPEG_MJLS          = "MJLS"
	BMPTagMJPEG_jpeg          = "jpeg"
	BMPTagMJPEG_IJPG          = "IJPG"
	BMPTagAVRN                = "AVRn"
	BMPTagMJPEG_ACDV          = "ACDV"
	BMPTagMJPEG_QIVG          = "QIVG" // SL M-JPEG
	BMPTagMJPEG_SLMJ          = "SLMJ" // Creative Webcam JPEG
	BMPTagMJPEG_CJPG          = "CJPG" // Intel JPEG Library Video Codec
	BMPTagMJPEG_IJLV          = "IJLV" // Midvid JPEG Video Codec
	BMPTagMJPEG_MVJP          = "MVJP"
	BMPTagMJPEG_AVI1          = "AVI1"
	BMPTagMJPEG_AVI2          = "AVI2"
	BMPTagMJPEG_MTSJ          = "MTSJ" // Paradigm Matrix M-JPEG Codec
	BMPTagMJPEG_ZJPG          = "ZJPG"
	BMPTagMJPEG_MMJP          = "MMJP"
	BMPTagHUFFYUV             = "HFYU"
	BMPTagFFVHUFF             = "FFVH"
	BMPTagCYUV                = "CYUV"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_00000000   = "\x00\x00\x00\x00"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_03000000   = "\x03\x00\x00\x00"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_I420       = "I420"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_Y422       = "Y422"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_V422       = "V422"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_uyv1       = "uyv1"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_2Vu1       = "2Vu1"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_2vuy       = "2vuy"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_yuvs       = "yuvs"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_yuv2       = "yuv2"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_P422       = "P422"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_YV12       = "YV12"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_YV16       = "YV16"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_YV24       = "YV24"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_Y800       = "Y800"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_Y8         = "Y8  "
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_Y411       = "Y411"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_NV12       = "NV12"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_NV21       = "NV21"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_Y41B       = "Y41B"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_Y42B       = "Y42B"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_auv2       = "auv2"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_I410       = "I410"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_I411       = "I411"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_I422       = "I422"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_I440       = "I440"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_I444       = "I444"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_J420       = "J420"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_J422       = "J422"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_J440       = "J440"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_J444       = "J444"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_I40A       = "I40A"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_I42A       = "I42A"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_RV15       = "RV15"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_RV16       = "RV16"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_RV24       = "RV24"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_RV32       = "RV32"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_AV32       = "AV32"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_I09L       = "I09L"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_I09B       = "I09B"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_I29L       = "I29L"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_I29B       = "I29B"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_I49L       = "I49L"
	BMPTagRAWVIDEO_I49B       = "I49B"
	BMPTagFRWU                = "FRWU"
	BMPTagR10K                = "R10k"
	BMPTagR210                = "r210"
	BMPTagV210_v210           = "v210"
	BMPTagV210_C210           = "C210"
	BMPTagV308                = "v308"
	BMPTagV408                = "v408"
	BMPTagV410                = "v410"
	BMPTagYUV4                = "yuv4"
	BMPTagINDEO3_IV31         = "IV31"
	BMPTagINDEO3_IV32         = "IV32"
	BMPTagINDEO4              = "IV41"
	BMPTagINDEO5              = "IV50"
	BMPTagVP3_VP31            = "VP31"
	BMPTagVP3_VP30            = "VP30"
	BMPTagVP4                 = "VP40"
	BMPTagVP5                 = "VP50"
	BMPTagVP6_VP60            = "VP60"
	BMPTagVP6_VP61            = "VP61"
	BMPTagVP6_VP62            = "VP62"
	BMPTagVP6A                = "VP6A"
	BMPTagVP6F_VP6F           = "VP6F"
	BMPTagVP6F_FLV4           = "FLV4"
	BMPTagVP7_VP70            = "VP70"
	BMPTagVP7_VP71            = "VP71"
	BMPTagVP8                 = "VP80"
	BMPTagVP9                 = "VP90"
	BMPTagASV1                = "ASV1"
	BMPTagASV2                = "ASV2"
	BMPTagVCR1                = "VCR1"
	BMPTagFFV1                = "FFV1"
	BMPTagXAN_WC4             = "Xxan"
	BMPTagMIMIC               = "LM20"
	BMPTagMSRLE_mrle          = "mrle"
	BMPTagMSRLE_01000000      = "\x01\x00\x00\x00"
	BMPTagMSRLE_02000000      = "\x02\x00\x00\x00"
	BMPTagMSVIDEO1_msvc       = "msvc"
	BMPTagMSVIDEO1_cram       = "cram"
	BMPTagMSVIDEO1_wham       = "wham"
	BMPTagCINEPAK             = "cvid"
	BMPTagMSZH                = "MSZH"
	BMPTagZLIB                = "ZLIB"
	BMPTagSNOW                = "SNOW"
	BMPTag4XM                 = "4XMV"
	BMPTagFLV1                = "FLV1"
	BMPTagFLV1_S263           = "S263"
	BMPTagFLASHSV             = "FSV1"
	BMPTagSVQ1                = "svq1"
	BMPTagTSCC                = "tscc"
	BMPTagULTI                = "ULTI"
	BMPTagVIXL                = "VIXL"
	BMPTagQPEG                = "QPEG"
	BMPTagQPEG_Q1_0           = "Q1.0"
	BMPTagQPEG_Q1_1           = "Q1.1"
	BMPTagWMV3                = "WMV3"
	BMPTagWMV3IMAGE           = "WMVP"
	BMPTagVC1_WVC1            = "WVC1"
	BMPTagVC1_WMVA            = "WMVA"
	BMPTagVC1IMAGE            = "WVP2"
	BMPTagLOCO                = "LOCO"
	BMPTagWNV1_WNV1           = "WNV1"
	BMPTagWNV1_YUV8           = "YUV8"
	BMPTagAASC_AAS4           = "AAS4" // Autodesk 24 bit RLE compressor
	BMPTagAASC                = "AASC"
	BMPTagINDEO2              = "RT21"
	BMPTagFRAPS               = "FPS1"
	BMPTagTHEORA              = "theo"
	BMPTagTRUEMOTION2         = "TM20"
	BMPTagCSCD                = "CSCD"
	BMPTagZMBV                = "ZMBV"
	BMPTagKMVC                = "KMVC"
	BMPTagCAVS                = "CAVS"
	BMPTagAVS2                = "AVS2"
	BMPTagJPEG2000_mjp2       = "mjp2"
	BMPTagJPEG2000_MJ2C       = "MJ2C"
	BMPTagJPEG2000_LJ2C       = "LJ2C"
	BMPTagJPEG2000_LJ2K       = "LJ2K"
	BMPTagJPEG2000_IPJ2       = "IPJ2"
	BMPTagJPEG2000_AVj2       = "AVj2" // Avid jpeg2000
	BMPTagVMNC                = "VMnc"
	BMPTagTARGA               = "tga "
	BMPTagPNG_MPNG            = "MPNG"
	BMPTagPNG_PNG1            = "PNG1"
	BMPTagPNG                 = "png " // ImageJ
	BMPTagCLJR                = "CLJR"
	BMPTagDIRAC               = "drac"
	BMPTagRPZA_azpr           = "azpr"
	BMPTagRPZA                = "RPZA"
	BMPTagRPZA_rpza           = "rpza"
	BMPTagSP5X                = "SP54"
	BMPTagAURA                = "AURA"
	BMPTagAURA2               = "AUR2"
	BMPTagDPX                 = "dpx "
	BMPTagKGV1                = "KGV1"
	BMPTagLAGARITH            = "LAGS"
	BMPTagAMV                 = "AMVF"
	BMPTagUTVIDEO_ULY0        = "ULY0"
	BMPTagUTVIDEO_ULY2        = "ULY2"
	BMPTagUTVIDEO_ULY4        = "ULY4" // Ut Video version 13.0.1 BT.709 codecs
	BMPTagUTVIDEO_ULH0        = "ULH0"
	BMPTagUTVIDEO_ULH2        = "ULH2"
	BMPTagUTVIDEO_ULH4        = "ULH4"
	BMPTagUTVIDEO_UQY0        = "UQY0"
	BMPTagUTVIDEO_UQY2        = "UQY2"
	BMPTagUTVIDEO_UMY2        = "UMY2"
	BMPTagUTVIDEO_UMH2        = "UMH2"
	BMPTagUTVIDEO_UMY4        = "UMY4"
	BMPTagUTVIDEO_UMH4        = "UMH4"
	BMPTagVBLE                = "VBLE"
	BMPTagESCAPE130           = "E130"
	BMPTagDXTORY              = "xtor"
	BMPTagZEROCODEC           = "ZECO"
	BMPTagY41P                = "Y41P"
	BMPTagFLIC                = "AFLC"
	BMPTagMSS1                = "MSS1"
	BMPTagMSA1                = "MSA1"
	BMPTagTSCC2               = "TSC2"
	BMPTagMTS2                = "MTS2"
	BMPTagCLLC                = "CLLC"
	BMPTagMSS2                = "MSS2"
	BMPTagSVQ3                = "SVQ3"
	BMPTag012V                = "012v"
	BMPTag012V_a12v           = "a12v"
	BMPTagG2M_G2M2            = "G2M2"
	BMPTagG2M_G2M3            = "G2M3"
	BMPTagG2M_G2M4            = "G2M4"
	BMPTagG2M_G2M5            = "G2M5"
	BMPTagFIC                 = "FICV"
	BMPTagHQX                 = "CHQX"
	BMPTagTDSC                = "TDSC"
	BMPTagHQ_HQA              = "CUVC"
	BMPTagRV40                = "RV40"
	BMPTagRSCC                = "RSCC"
	BMPTagRSCC_ISCC           = "ISCC"
	BMPTagCFHD                = "CFHD"
	BMPTagM101                = "M101"
	BMPTagM101_M102           = "M102"
	BMPTagMAGICYUV_M8G0       = "M8G0"
	BMPTagMAGICYUV_M8Y0       = "M8Y0"
	BMPTagMAGICYUV_M8Y2       = "M8Y2"
	BMPTagMAGICYUV_M8Y4       = "M8Y4"
	BMPTagMAGICYUV_M0G0       = "M0G0"
	BMPTagMAGICYUV_M0Y0       = "M0Y0"
	BMPTagMAGICYUV_M0Y2       = "M0Y2"
	BMPTagMAGICYUV_M0Y4       = "M0Y4"
	BMPTagYLC                 = "YLC0"
	BMPTagSPEEDHQ_SHQ0        = "SHQ0"
	BMPTagSPEEDHQ_SHQ1        = "SHQ1"
	BMPTagSPEEDHQ_SHQ2        = "SHQ2"
	BMPTagSPEEDHQ_SHQ3        = "SHQ3"
	BMPTagSPEEDHQ_SHQ4        = "SHQ4"
	BMPTagSPEEDHQ_SHQ5        = "SHQ5"
	BMPTagSPEEDHQ_SHQ7        = "SHQ7"
	BMPTagSPEEDHQ_SHQ9        = "SHQ9"
	BMPTagFMVC                = "FMVC"
	BMPTagSCPR                = "SCPR"
	BMPTagAV1                 = "AV01"
	BMPTagMSCC                = "MSCC"
	BMPTagSRGC                = "SRGC"
	BMPTagIMM4                = "IMM4"
	BMPTagPROSUMER            = "BT20"
	BMPTagMWSC                = "MWSC"
	BMPTagWCMV                = "WCMV"
	BMPTagRASC                = "RASC"
	BMPTagHYMT                = "HYMT"
	BMPTagARBC                = "ARBC"
	BMPTagAGM_AGM0            = "AGM0"
	BMPTagAGM_AGM1            = "AGM1"
	BMPTagAGM_AGM2            = "AGM2"
	BMPTagAGM_AGM3            = "AGM3"
	BMPTagAGM_AGM4            = "AGM4"
	BMPTagAGM_AGM5            = "AGM5"
	BMPTagAGM_AGM6            = "AGM6"
	BMPTagAGM_AGM7            = "AGM7"
	BMPTagLSCR                = "LSCR"
	BMPTagIMM5                = "IMM5"
	BMPTagMVDV                = "MVDV"
	BMPTagMVHA                = "MVHA"
	BMPTagMV30                = "MV30"
	BMPTagNOTCHLC             = "nlc1"
	BMPTagVQC_VQC1            = "VQC1"
	BMPTagVQC_VQC2            = "VQC2"
	// unofficial
	BMPTagHEVC      = "HEVC"
	BMPTagHEVC_H265 = "H265"

based on ffmpeg libavformat/riff.c

View Source
const (
	ProtoBufTypeInt32 = iota


View Source
var (
	Image          = &decode.Group{Name: "image"}
	INET_Packet    = &decode.Group{Name: "inet_packet", DefaultInArg: INET_Packet_In{}} // ex: ipv4
	IP_Packet      = &decode.Group{Name: "ip_packet", DefaultInArg: INET_Packet_In{}}   // ex: tcp
	Link_Frame     = &decode.Group{Name: "link_frame", DefaultInArg: Link_Frame_In{}}   // ex: ethernet
	MP3_Frame_Tags = &decode.Group{Name: "mp3_frame_tags"}
	Probe          = &decode.Group{Name: "probe", DefaultInArg: Probe_In{}}
	Probe_Args     = &decode.Group{Name: "probe_args", DefaultInArg: Probe_Args_In{}}
	TCP_Stream     = &decode.Group{Name: "tcp_stream", DefaultInArg: TCP_Stream_In{}}   // ex: http
	UDP_Payload    = &decode.Group{Name: "udp_payload", DefaultInArg: UDP_Payload_In{}} // ex: dns

	Bits  = &decode.Group{Name: "bits"}
	Bytes = &decode.Group{Name: "bytes"}

	AAC_Frame           = &decode.Group{Name: "aac_frame"}
	ADTS                = &decode.Group{Name: "adts"}
	ADTS_Frame          = &decode.Group{Name: "adts_frame"}
	AIFF                = &decode.Group{Name: "aiff"}
	AMF0                = &decode.Group{Name: "amf0"}
	Apev2               = &decode.Group{Name: "apev2"}
	Apple_Bookmark      = &decode.Group{Name: "apple_bookmark"}
	AR                  = &decode.Group{Name: "ar"}
	ASN1_BER            = &decode.Group{Name: "asn1_ber"}
	AV1_CCR             = &decode.Group{Name: "av1_ccr"}
	AV1_Frame           = &decode.Group{Name: "av1_frame"}
	AV1_OBU             = &decode.Group{Name: "av1_obu"}
	AVC_Annexb          = &decode.Group{Name: "avc_annexb"}
	AVC_AU              = &decode.Group{Name: "avc_au"}
	AVC_DCR             = &decode.Group{Name: "avc_dcr"}
	AVC_NALU            = &decode.Group{Name: "avc_nalu"}
	AVC_PPS             = &decode.Group{Name: "avc_pps"}
	AVC_SEI             = &decode.Group{Name: "avc_sei"}
	AVC_SPS             = &decode.Group{Name: "avc_sps"}
	AVI                 = &decode.Group{Name: "avi"}
	Avro_Ocf            = &decode.Group{Name: "avro_ocf"}
	Bencode             = &decode.Group{Name: "bencode"}
	Bitcoin_Blkdat      = &decode.Group{Name: "bitcoin_blkdat"}
	Bitcoin_Block       = &decode.Group{Name: "bitcoin_block"}
	Bitcoin_Script      = &decode.Group{Name: "bitcoin_script"}
	Bitcoin_Transaction = &decode.Group{Name: "bitcoin_transaction"}
	Bplist              = &decode.Group{Name: "bplist"}
	BSD_Loopback_Frame  = &decode.Group{Name: "bsd_loopback_frame"}
	BSON                = &decode.Group{Name: "bson"}
	Bzip2               = &decode.Group{Name: "bzip2"}
	CAFF                = &decode.Group{Name: "caff"}
	CBOR                = &decode.Group{Name: "cbor"}
	CSV                 = &decode.Group{Name: "csv"}
	DNS                 = &decode.Group{Name: "dns"}
	DNS_TCP             = &decode.Group{Name: "dns_tcp"}
	ELF                 = &decode.Group{Name: "elf"}
	Ether_8023_Frame    = &decode.Group{Name: "ether8023_frame"}
	Exif                = &decode.Group{Name: "exif"}
	Fairplay_SPC        = &decode.Group{Name: "fairplay_spc"}
	FIT                 = &decode.Group{Name: "fit"}
	FLAC                = &decode.Group{Name: "flac"}
	FLAC_Frame          = &decode.Group{Name: "flac_frame"}
	FLAC_Metadatablock  = &decode.Group{Name: "flac_metadatablock"}
	FLAC_Metadatablocks = &decode.Group{Name: "flac_metadatablocks"}
	FLAC_Picture        = &decode.Group{Name: "flac_picture"}
	FLAC_Streaminfo     = &decode.Group{Name: "flac_streaminfo"}
	FLV                 = &decode.Group{Name: "flv"}
	GIF                 = &decode.Group{Name: "gif"}
	Gzip                = &decode.Group{Name: "gzip"}
	HEVC_Annexb         = &decode.Group{Name: "hevc_annexb"}
	HEVC_AU             = &decode.Group{Name: "hevc_au"}
	HEVC_DCR            = &decode.Group{Name: "hevc_dcr"}
	HEVC_NALU           = &decode.Group{Name: "hevc_nalu"}
	HEVC_PPS            = &decode.Group{Name: "hevc_pps"}
	HEVC_SPS            = &decode.Group{Name: "hevc_sps"}
	HEVC_VPS            = &decode.Group{Name: "hevc_vps"}
	HTML                = &decode.Group{Name: "html"}
	ICC_Profile         = &decode.Group{Name: "icc_profile"}
	ICMP                = &decode.Group{Name: "icmp"}
	ICMPv6              = &decode.Group{Name: "icmpv6"}
	ID3v1               = &decode.Group{Name: "id3v1"}
	ID3v11              = &decode.Group{Name: "id3v11"}
	ID3v2               = &decode.Group{Name: "id3v2"}
	IPv4Packet          = &decode.Group{Name: "ipv4_packet"}
	IPv6Packet          = &decode.Group{Name: "ipv6_packet"}
	JP2C                = &decode.Group{Name: "jp2c"}
	JPEG                = &decode.Group{Name: "jpeg"}
	JSON                = &decode.Group{Name: "json"}
	JSONL               = &decode.Group{Name: "jsonl"}
	LevelDB_Descriptor  = &decode.Group{Name: "leveldb_descriptor"}
	LevelDB_LDB         = &decode.Group{Name: "leveldb_table"}
	LevelDB_LOG         = &decode.Group{Name: "leveldb_log"}
	LuaJIT              = &decode.Group{Name: "luajit"}
	MachO               = &decode.Group{Name: "macho"}
	MachO_Fat           = &decode.Group{Name: "macho_fat"}
	Markdown            = &decode.Group{Name: "markdown"}
	Matroska            = &decode.Group{Name: "matroska"}
	MIDI                = &decode.Group{Name: "midi"}
	MOC3                = &decode.Group{Name: "moc3"}
	MP3                 = &decode.Group{Name: "mp3"}
	MP3_Frame           = &decode.Group{Name: "mp3_frame"}
	MP3_Frame_VBRI      = &decode.Group{Name: "mp3_frame_vbri"}
	MP3_Frame_XING      = &decode.Group{Name: "mp3_frame_xing"}
	MP4                 = &decode.Group{Name: "mp4"}
	MPEG_ASC            = &decode.Group{Name: "mpeg_asc"}
	MPEG_ES             = &decode.Group{Name: "mpeg_es"}
	MPEG_PES_Packet     = &decode.Group{Name: "mpeg_pes_packet"}
	MPEG_SPU            = &decode.Group{Name: "mpeg_spu"}
	MPEG_TS             = &decode.Group{Name: "mpeg_ts"}
	MPES_PES            = &decode.Group{Name: "mpeg_pes"}
	MsgPack             = &decode.Group{Name: "msgpack"}
	Negentropy          = &decode.Group{Name: "negentropy"}
	NES                 = &decode.Group{Name: "nes"}
	Ogg                 = &decode.Group{Name: "ogg"}
	Ogg_Page            = &decode.Group{Name: "ogg_page"}
	Opentimestamps      = &decode.Group{Name: "opentimestamps"}
	Opus_Packet         = &decode.Group{Name: "opus_packet"}
	PCAP                = &decode.Group{Name: "pcap"}
	PCAPNG              = &decode.Group{Name: "pcapng"}
	Pg_BTree            = &decode.Group{Name: "pg_btree"}
	Pg_Control          = &decode.Group{Name: "pg_control"}
	Pg_Heap             = &decode.Group{Name: "pg_heap"}
	PNG                 = &decode.Group{Name: "png"}
	Prores_Frame        = &decode.Group{Name: "prores_frame"}
	Protobuf            = &decode.Group{Name: "protobuf"}
	ProtobufWidevine    = &decode.Group{Name: "protobuf_widevine"}
	PSSH_Playready      = &decode.Group{Name: "pssh_playready"}
	RTMP                = &decode.Group{Name: "rtmp"}
	SLL_Packet          = &decode.Group{Name: "sll_packet"}
	SLL2_Packet         = &decode.Group{Name: "sll2_packet"}
	TAP                 = &decode.Group{Name: "tap"}
	TAR                 = &decode.Group{Name: "tar"}
	TCP_Segment         = &decode.Group{Name: "tcp_segment"}
	TIFF                = &decode.Group{Name: "tiff"}
	TLS                 = &decode.Group{Name: "tls"}
	TOML                = &decode.Group{Name: "toml"}
	Tzif                = &decode.Group{Name: "tzif"}
	TZX                 = &decode.Group{Name: "tzx"}
	UDP_Datagram        = &decode.Group{Name: "udp_datagram"}
	Vorbis_Comment      = &decode.Group{Name: "vorbis_comment"}
	Vorbis_Packet       = &decode.Group{Name: "vorbis_packet"}
	VP8_Frame           = &decode.Group{Name: "vp8_frame"}
	VP9_CFM             = &decode.Group{Name: "vp9_cfm"}
	VP9_Frame           = &decode.Group{Name: "vp9_frame"}
	VPX_CCR             = &decode.Group{Name: "vpx_ccr"}
	WASM                = &decode.Group{Name: "wasm"}
	WAV                 = &decode.Group{Name: "wav"}
	WebP                = &decode.Group{Name: "webp"}
	XML                 = &decode.Group{Name: "xml"}
	YAML                = &decode.Group{Name: "yaml"}
	Zip                 = &decode.Group{Name: "zip"}
View Source
var EtherTypeMap = scalar.UintMap{
	EtherTypeIPv4: {Sym: "ipv4", Description: `Internet Protocol version 4`},
	0x0806:        {Sym: "arp", Description: `Address Resolution Protocol`},
	0x0842:        {Sym: "wake", Description: `Wake-on-LAN[9]`},
	0x22f0:        {Sym: "audio", Description: `Audio Video Transport Protocol`},
	0x22f3:        {Sym: "trill", Description: `IETF TRILL Protocol`},
	0x22ea:        {Sym: "srp", Description: `Stream Reservation Protocol`},
	0x6002:        {Sym: "dec", Description: `DEC MOP RC`},
	0x6003:        {Sym: "decnet", Description: `DECnet Phase IV, DNA Routing`},
	0x6004:        {Sym: "declat", Description: `DEC LAT`},
	0x8035:        {Sym: "reverse", Description: `Reverse Address Resolution Protocol`},
	0x809b:        {Sym: "appletalk", Description: `AppleTalk`},
	0x80f3:        {Sym: "appletalk_arp", Description: `AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol`},
	0x8100:        {Sym: "vlan", Description: `VLAN-tagged (IEEE 802.1Q)`},
	0x8102:        {Sym: "slpp", Description: `Simple Loop Prevention Protocol`},
	0x8103:        {Sym: "vlacp", Description: `Virtual Link Aggregation Control Protocol`},
	0x8137:        {Sym: "ipx", Description: `IPX`},
	0x8204:        {Sym: "qnx", Description: `QNX Qnet`},
	EtherTypeIPv6: {Sym: "ipv6", Description: `Internet Protocol Version 6`},
	0x8808:        {Sym: "flow_control", Description: `Ethernet flow control`},
	0x8809:        {Sym: "lacp", Description: `Ethernet Slow Protocols] such as the Link Aggregation Control Protocol`},
	0x8819:        {Sym: "cobranet", Description: `CobraNet`},
	0x8847:        {Sym: "mpls", Description: `MPLS unicast`},
	0x8848:        {Sym: "mpls", Description: `MPLS multicast`},
	0x8863:        {Sym: "pppoe_discovery", Description: `PPPoE Discovery Stage`},
	0x8864:        {Sym: "pppoe_session", Description: `PPPoE Session Stage`},
	0x887b:        {Sym: "homeplug", Description: `HomePlug 1.0 MME`},
	0x888e:        {Sym: "eap", Description: `EAP over LAN (IEEE 802.1X)`},
	0x8892:        {Sym: "profinet", Description: `PROFINET Protocol`},
	0x889a:        {Sym: "hyperscsi", Description: `HyperSCSI (SCSI over Ethernet)`},
	0x88a2:        {Sym: "ata", Description: `ATA over Ethernet`},
	0x88a4:        {Sym: "ethercat", Description: `EtherCAT Protocol`},
	0x88a8:        {Sym: "service", Description: `Service VLAN tag identifier (S-Tag) on Q-in-Q tunnel`},
	0x88ab:        {Sym: "ethernet", Description: `Ethernet Powerlink`},
	0x88b8:        {Sym: "goose", Description: `GOOSE (Generic Object Oriented Substation event)`},
	0x88b9:        {Sym: "gse", Description: `GSE (Generic Substation Events) Management Services`},
	0x88ba:        {Sym: "sv", Description: `SV (Sampled Value Transmission)`},
	0x88bf:        {Sym: "mikrotik", Description: `MikroTik RoMON (unofficial)`},
	0x88cc:        {Sym: "link", Description: `Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)`},
	0x88cd:        {Sym: "sercos", Description: `SERCOS III`},
	0x88e1:        {Sym: "homeplug", Description: `HomePlug Green PHY`},
	0x88e3:        {Sym: "media", Description: `Media Redundancy Protocol (IEC62439-2)`},
	0x88e5:        {Sym: "ieee", Description: `IEEE 802.1AE MAC security (MACsec)`},
	0x88e7:        {Sym: "provider", Description: `Provider Backbone Bridges (PBB) (IEEE 802.1ah)`},
	0x88f7:        {Sym: "precision", Description: `Precision Time Protocol (PTP) over IEEE 802.3 Ethernet`},
	0x88f8:        {Sym: "nc", Description: `NC-SI`},
	0x88fb:        {Sym: "parallel", Description: `Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP)`},
	0x8902:        {Sym: "ieee", Description: `IEEE 802.1ag Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) Protocol / ITU-T Recommendation Y.1731 (OAM)`},
	0x8906:        {Sym: "fibre", Description: `Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)`},
	0x8914:        {Sym: "fcoe", Description: `FCoE Initialization Protocol`},
	0x8915:        {Sym: "rdma", Description: `RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE)`},
	0x891d:        {Sym: "ttethernet", Description: `TTEthernet Protocol Control Frame (TTE)`},
	0x893a:        {Sym: "1905", Description: `1905.1 IEEE Protocol`},
	0x892f:        {Sym: "high", Description: `High-availability Seamless Redundancy (HSR)`},
	0x9000:        {Sym: "ethernet", Description: `Ethernet Configuration Testing Protocol[12]`},
	0xf1c1:        {Sym: "redundancy", Description: `Redundancy Tag (IEEE 802.1CB Frame Replication and Elimination for Reliability)`},

from TODO: cleanup

View Source
var IPv4ProtocolMap = scalar.UintMap{}/* 136 elements not displayed */
View Source
var ISO_23091_2_ColourPrimariesMap = scalar.UintMap{
	1:  {Sym: "bt709", Description: "ITU-R BT1361 / IEC 61966-2-4 / SMPTE RP 177 Annex B"},
	2:  {Sym: "unspecified", Description: "Unspecified"},
	3:  {Sym: "reserved", Description: "Reserved"},
	4:  {Sym: "bt470m", Description: "FCC Title 47 Code of Federal Regulations 73.682 (a)(20)"},
	5:  {Sym: "bt470bg", Description: "ITU-R BT601-6 625 / ITU-R BT1358 625 / ITU-R BT1700 625 PAL & SECAM"},
	6:  {Sym: "smpte170m", Description: "ITU-R BT601-6 525 / ITU-R BT1358 525 / ITU-R BT1700 NTSC"},
	7:  {Sym: "smpte240m", Description: "ITU-R BT601-6 525 / ITU-R BT1358 525 / ITU-R BT1700 NTSC"},
	8:  {Sym: "film", Description: "Illuminant C"},
	9:  {Sym: "bt2020", Description: "ITU-R BT2020"},
	10: {Sym: "smpte428", Description: "SMPTE ST 428-1 (CIE 1931 XYZ)"},
	11: {Sym: "smpte431", Description: "SMPTE ST 431-2 (2011) / DCI P3"},
	12: {Sym: "smpte432", Description: "SMPTE ST 432-1 (2010) / P3 D65 / Display P3"},
	22: {Sym: "ebu3213", Description: "EBU Tech. 3213-E (nothing there) / one of JEDEC P22 group phosphors"},

based on ffmpeg/libavutil/pixfmt.h

View Source
var ISO_23091_2_MatrixCoefficients = scalar.UintMap{
	0:  {Sym: "rgb", Description: "GBR, IEC 61966-2-1 (sRGB), YZX and ST 428-1"},
	1:  {Sym: "bt709", Description: "ITU-R BT1361 / IEC 61966-2-4 xvYCC709 / derived in SMPTE RP 177 Annex B"},
	2:  {Sym: "unspecified", Description: "Unspecified"},
	3:  {Sym: "reserved", Description: "Reserved"},
	4:  {Sym: "fcc", Description: "FCC Title 47 Code of Federal Regulations 73.682 (a)(20)"},
	5:  {Sym: "bt470bg", Description: "ITU-R BT601-6 625 / ITU-R BT1358 625 / ITU-R BT1700 625 PAL & SECAM / IEC 61966-2-4 xvYCC601"},
	6:  {Sym: "smpte170m", Description: "ITU-R BT601-6 525 / ITU-R BT1358 525 / ITU-R BT1700 NTSC"},
	7:  {Sym: "smpte240m", Description: "Derived from 170M primaries and D65 white point"},
	8:  {Sym: "ycgco", Description: "VC-2 and H.264 FRext"},
	9:  {Sym: "bt2020_ncl", Description: "ITU-R BT2020 non-constant luminance system"},
	10: {Sym: "bt2020_cl", Description: "ITU-R BT2020 constant luminance system"},
	11: {Sym: "smpte2085", Description: "SMPTE 2085, Y'D'zD'x"},
	12: {Sym: "chroma_derived_ncl", Description: "Chromaticity-derived non-constant luminance system"},
	13: {Sym: "chroma_derived_cl", Description: "Chromaticity-derived constant luminance system"},
	14: {Sym: "ictcp", Description: "ITU-R BT.2100-0, ICtCp"},
View Source
var ISO_23091_2_TransferCharacteristicMap = scalar.UintMap{
	1:  {Sym: "bt709", Description: "ITU-R BT1361"},
	2:  {Sym: "unspecified", Description: "Unspecified"},
	3:  {Sym: "reserved", Description: "Reserved"},
	4:  {Sym: "gamma22", Description: "ITU-R BT470M / ITU-R BT1700 625 PAL & SECAM"},
	5:  {Sym: "gamma28", Description: "ITU-R BT470BG"},
	6:  {Sym: "smpte170m", Description: "ITU-R BT601-6 525 or 625 / ITU-R BT1358 525 or 625 / ITU-R BT1700 NTSC"},
	7:  {Sym: "smpte240m"},
	8:  {Sym: "linear", Description: "Linear transfer characteristics"},
	9:  {Sym: "log", Description: "Logarithmic transfer characteristic (100:1 range)"},
	10: {Sym: "log_sqrt", Description: "Logarithmic transfer characteristic (100 * Sqrt(10) : 1 range)"},
	11: {Sym: "iec61966_2_4", Description: "IEC 61966-2-4"},
	12: {Sym: "bt1361_ecg", Description: "ITU-R BT1361 Extended Colour Gamut"},
	13: {Sym: "iec61966_2_1", Description: "IEC 61966-2-1 (sRGB or sYCC)"},
	14: {Sym: "bt2020_10", Description: "ITU-R BT2020 for 10-bit system"},
	15: {Sym: "bt2020_12", Description: "ITU-R BT2020 for 12-bit system"},
	16: {Sym: "smpte2084", Description: "SMPTE ST 2084 for 10-, 12-, 14- and 16-bit systems"},
	17: {Sym: "smpte428", Description: "SMPTE ST 428-1"},
	18: {Sym: "arib_std_b67", Description: "ARIB STD-B67, known as Hybrid log-gamma"},
View Source
var LinkTypeMap = scalar.UintMap{}/* 131 elements not displayed */
View Source
var MPEGAudioObjectTypeNames = scalar.UintMap{
	0:                            {Sym: "mull", Description: "Null"},
	MPEGAudioObjectTypeMain:      {Sym: "aac_main", Description: "AAC Main"},
	MPEGAudioObjectTypeLC:        {Sym: "aac_lc", Description: "AAC Low Complexity"},
	MPEGAudioObjectTypeSSR:       {Sym: "aac_ssr", Description: "AAC Scalable Sample Rate"},
	MPEGAudioObjectTypeLTP:       {Sym: "aac_ltp", Description: "AAC Long Term Prediction"},
	MPEGAudioObjectTypeSBR:       {Sym: "sbr", Description: "Spectral Band Replication"},
	6:                            {Sym: "aac_scalable", Description: "AAC Scalable"},
	7:                            {Sym: "twinvq", Description: "TwinVQ"},
	8:                            {Sym: "celp", Description: "Code Excited Linear Prediction"},
	9:                            {Sym: "hxvc", Description: "Harmonic Vector eXcitation Coding"},
	10:                           {Sym: "reserved", Description: "Reserved"},
	11:                           {Sym: "reserved", Description: "Reserved"},
	12:                           {Sym: "ttsi", Description: "TTSI (Text-To-Speech Interface)"},
	13:                           {Sym: "main_synthesis", Description: "Main Synthesis"},
	14:                           {Sym: "wavetable_synthesis", Description: "Wavetable Synthesis"},
	15:                           {Sym: "general_midi", Description: "General MIDI"},
	16:                           {Sym: "algorithmic", Description: "Algorithmic Synthesis and Audio Effects"},
	17:                           {Sym: "er_aac_lc", Description: "Error Resilient AAC LC"},
	18:                           {Sym: "reserved", Description: "Reserved"},
	19:                           {Sym: "er_aac_ltp", Description: "ER AAC LTP"},
	20:                           {Sym: "er_aac_Scalable", Description: "ER AAC Scalable"},
	21:                           {Sym: "er_twinvq", Description: "ER TwinVQ"},
	22:                           {Sym: "er_bsac", Description: "ER BSAC Bit-Sliced Arithmetic Coding"},
	MPEGAudioObjectTypeER_AAC_LD: {Sym: "er_aac_ld", Description: "ER AAC LD Low Delay"},
	24:                           {Sym: "er_celp", Description: "ER CELP"},
	25:                           {Sym: "er_hvxc", Description: "ER HVXC"},
	26:                           {Sym: "er_hiln", Description: "ER HILN Harmonic and Individual Lines plus Noise"},
	27:                           {Sym: "er_parametric", Description: "ER Parametric"},
	28:                           {Sym: "ssc", Description: "SinuSoidal Coding"},
	MPEGAudioObjectTypePS:        {Sym: "ps", Description: "Parametric Stereo"},
	30:                           {Sym: "mpeg_surround", Description: "MPEG Surround"},
	31:                           {Description: "(Escape value)"},
	32:                           {Sym: "layer_1", Description: "MPEG Layer-1"},
	33:                           {Sym: "layer_2", Description: "MPEG Layer-2"},
	34:                           {Sym: "layer_3", Description: "MPEG Layer-3"},
	35:                           {Sym: "dst", Description: "Direct Stream Transfer"},
	36:                           {Sym: "als", Description: "Audio Lossless"},
	37:                           {Sym: "sls", Description: "Scalable Lossless"},
	38:                           {Sym: "sls_non_core", Description: "SLS non-core"},
	39:                           {Sym: "er_aac_eld", Description: "ER AAC ELD Enhanced Low Delay"},
	40:                           {Sym: "smr_simple", Description: "Symbolic Music Representation Simple"},
	41:                           {Sym: "smr_main", Description: "Symbolic Music Representation Main"},
	42:                           {Sym: "usac_no_sbr", Description: "Unified Speech and Audio Coding (no SBR)"},
	43:                           {Sym: "saoc", Description: "Spatial Audio Object Coding"},
	44:                           {Sym: "ld_mpeg_surround", Description: "LD MPEG Surround"},
	45:                           {Sym: "usac", Description: "USAC"},
View Source
var MpegObjectTypeNames = scalar.UintMapSymStr{
	MPEGObjectTypeMOV_TEXT:          "MPEGObjectTypeMOV_TEXT",
	MPEGObjectTypeMPEG4:             "MPEGObjectTypeMPEG4",
	MPEGObjectTypeH264:              "MPEGObjectTypeH264",
	MPEGObjectTypeHEVC:              "MPEGObjectTypeHEVC",
	MPEGObjectTypeAAC:               "MPEGObjectTypeAAC",
	MPEGObjectTypeMPEG2VideoMain:    "MPEGObjectTypeMPEG2VideoMain",
	MPEGObjectTypeMPEG2VideoSimple:  "MPEGObjectTypeMPEG2VideoSimple",
	MPEGObjectTypeMPEG2VideoSNR:     "MPEGObjectTypeMPEG2VideoSNR",
	MPEGObjectTypeMPEG2VideoSpatial: "MPEGObjectTypeMPEG2VideoSpatial",
	MPEGObjectTypeMPEG2VideoHigh:    "MPEGObjectTypeMPEG2VideoHigh",
	MPEGObjectTypeMPEG2Video422:     "MPEGObjectTypeMPEG2Video422",
	MPEGObjectTypeAACMain:           "MPEGObjectTypeAACMain",
	MPEGObjectTypeAACLow:            "MPEGObjectTypeAACLow",
	MPEGObjectTypeAACSSR:            "MPEGObjectTypeAACSSR",
	MPEGObjectTypeMP32MP3:           "MPEGObjectTypeMP32MP3",
	MPEGObjectTypeMPEG1VIDEO:        "MPEGObjectTypeMPEG1VIDEO",
	MPEGObjectTypeMP3:               "MPEGObjectTypeMP3",
	MPEGObjectTypeMJPEG:             "MPEGObjectTypeMJPEG",
	MPEGObjectTypePNG:               "MPEGObjectTypePNG",
	MPEGObjectTypeJPEG2000:          "MPEGObjectTypeJPEG2000",
	MPEGObjectTypeVC1:               "MPEGObjectTypeVC1",
	MPEGObjectTypeDIRAC:             "MPEGObjectTypeDIRAC",
	MPEGObjectTypeAC3:               "MPEGObjectTypeAC3",
	MPEGObjectTypeEAC3:              "MPEGObjectTypeEAC3",
	MPEGObjectTypeDTS:               "MPEGObjectTypeDTS",
	MPEGObjectTypeOPUS:              "MPEGObjectTypeOPUS",
	MPEGObjectTypeVP9:               "MPEGObjectTypeVP9",
	MPEGObjectTypeFLAC:              "MPEGObjectTypeFLAC",
	MPEGObjectTypeTSCC2:             "MPEGObjectTypeTSCC2",
	MPEGObjectTypeEVRC:              "MPEGObjectTypeEVRC",
	MPEGObjectTypeVORBIS:            "MPEGObjectTypeVORBIS",
	MPEGObjectTypeDVDSubtitle:       "MPEGObjectTypeDVDSubtitle",
	MPEGObjectTypeQCELP:             "MPEGObjectTypeQCELP",
	MPEGObjectTypeNONE:              "MPEGObjectTypeNONE",
View Source
var MpegObjectTypeStreamType = map[uint64]int{
	MPEGObjectTypeMOV_TEXT:          MPEGStreamTypeText,
	MPEGObjectTypeMPEG4:             MPEGStreamTypeVideo,
	MPEGObjectTypeH264:              MPEGStreamTypeVideo,
	MPEGObjectTypeHEVC:              MPEGStreamTypeVideo,
	MPEGObjectTypeAAC:               MPEGStreamTypeAudio,
	MPEGObjectTypeMPEG2VideoMain:    MPEGStreamTypeVideo,
	MPEGObjectTypeMPEG2VideoSimple:  MPEGStreamTypeVideo,
	MPEGObjectTypeMPEG2VideoSNR:     MPEGStreamTypeVideo,
	MPEGObjectTypeMPEG2VideoSpatial: MPEGStreamTypeVideo,
	MPEGObjectTypeMPEG2VideoHigh:    MPEGStreamTypeVideo,
	MPEGObjectTypeMPEG2Video422:     MPEGStreamTypeVideo,
	MPEGObjectTypeAACMain:           MPEGStreamTypeAudio,
	MPEGObjectTypeAACLow:            MPEGStreamTypeAudio,
	MPEGObjectTypeAACSSR:            MPEGStreamTypeAudio,
	MPEGObjectTypeMP32MP3:           MPEGStreamTypeAudio,
	MPEGObjectTypeMPEG1VIDEO:        MPEGStreamTypeVideo,
	MPEGObjectTypeMP3:               MPEGStreamTypeAudio,
	MPEGObjectTypeMJPEG:             MPEGStreamTypeVideo,
	MPEGObjectTypePNG:               MPEGStreamTypeVideo,
	MPEGObjectTypeJPEG2000:          MPEGStreamTypeVideo,
	MPEGObjectTypeVC1:               MPEGStreamTypeVideo,
	MPEGObjectTypeDIRAC:             MPEGStreamTypeVideo,
	MPEGObjectTypeAC3:               MPEGStreamTypeAudio,
	MPEGObjectTypeEAC3:              MPEGStreamTypeAudio,
	MPEGObjectTypeDTS:               MPEGStreamTypeAudio,
	MPEGObjectTypeOPUS:              MPEGStreamTypeAudio,
	MPEGObjectTypeVP9:               MPEGStreamTypeAudio,
	MPEGObjectTypeFLAC:              MPEGStreamTypeAudio,
	MPEGObjectTypeTSCC2:             MPEGStreamTypeVideo,
	MPEGObjectTypeEVRC:              MPEGStreamTypeAudio,
	MPEGObjectTypeVORBIS:            MPEGStreamTypeAudio,
	MPEGObjectTypeDVDSubtitle:       MPEGStreamTypeText,
	MPEGObjectTypeQCELP:             MPEGStreamTypeAudio,
	MPEGObjectTypeMPEG4SYSTEMS1:     MPEGStreamTypeUnknown,
	MPEGObjectTypeMPEG4SYSTEMS2:     MPEGStreamTypeUnknown,
	MPEGObjectTypeNONE:              MPEGStreamTypeUnknown,
View Source
var ProtoBufTypeNames = scalar.UintMapSymStr{
	ProtoBufTypeInt32:          "int32",
	ProtoBufTypeInt64:          "int64",
	ProtoBufTypeUInt32:         "uint32",
	ProtoBufTypeUInt64:         "uint64",
	ProtoBufTypeSInt32:         "sint32",
	ProtoBufTypeSInt64:         "sint64",
	ProtoBufTypeBool:           "bool",
	ProtoBufTypeEnum:           "enum",
	ProtoBufTypeFixed64:        "fixed64",
	ProtoBufTypeSFixed64:       "sfixed64",
	ProtoBufTypeDouble:         "double",
	ProtoBufTypeString:         "string",
	ProtoBufTypeBytes:          "bytes",
	ProtoBufTypeMessage:        "message",
	ProtoBufTypePackedRepeated: "packed_repeated",
	ProtoBufTypeFixed32:        "fixed32",
	ProtoBufTypeSFixed32:       "sfixed32",
	ProtoBufTypeFloat:          "float",
View Source
var TCPPortMap = scalar.UintMap{}/* 680 elements not displayed */
View Source
var UDPPortMap = scalar.UintMap{}/* 679 elements not displayed */
View Source
var WAVTagNames = scalar.UintMapSymStr{
	WAVTagPCM:             "pcm",
	WAVTagADPCM_MS:        "adpcm_ms",
	WAVTagPCM_Float:       "pcm_float",
	WAVTagPCM_ALAW:        "pcm_alaw",
	WAVTagPCM_MULAW:       "pcm_mulaw",
	WAVTagWMAVOICE:        "wmavoice",
	WAVTagADPCM_IMA_OKI:   "adpcm_ima_oki",
	WAVTagADPCM_IMA_WAV:   "adpcm_ima_wav",
	WAVTagADPCM_IMA_OKI_2: "adpcm_ima_oki_2",
	WAVTagADPCM_YAMAHA:    "adpcm_yamaha",
	WAVTagTRUESPEECH:      "truespeech",
	WAVTagGSM_MS:          "gsm_ms",
	WAVTagGSM_MS_2:        "gsm_ms_2",
	WAVTagAMR_NB:          "amr_nb",
	WAVTagG723_1:          "g723_1",
	WAVTagADPCM_G726:      "adpcm_g726",
	WAVTagADPCM_G726_2:    "adpcm_g726_2",
	WAVTagADPCM_G726_3:    "adpcm_g726_3",
	WAVTagMP2:             "mp2",
	WAVTagMP3:             "mp3",
	WAVTagAMR_NB_2:        "amr_nb_2",
	WAVTagAMR_WB:          "amr_wb",
	WAVTagADPCM_IMA_DK4:   "adpcm_ima_dk4",
	WAVTagADPCM_IMA_DK3:   "adpcm_ima_dk3",
	WAVTagADPCM_G726_4:    "adpcm_g726_4",
	WAVTagADPCM_IMA_WAV_2: "adpcm_ima_wav_2",
	WAVTagMETASOUND:       "metasound",
	WAVTagG729:            "g729",
	WAVTagAAC:             "aac",
	WAVTagG723_1_2:        "g723_1_2",
	WAVTagSIPR:            "sipr",
	WAVTagACELP_KELVIN:    "acelp_kelvin",
	WAVTagWMAV1:           "wmav1",
	WAVTagWMAV2:           "wmav2",
	WAVTagWMAPRO:          "wmapro",
	WAVTagWMALOSSLESS:     "wmalossless",
	WAVTagXMA1:            "xma1",
	WAVTagXMA2:            "xma2",
	WAVTagFTR:             "ftr",
	WAVTagADPCM_CT:        "adpcm_ct",
	WAVTagDVAUDIO:         "dvaudio",
	WAVTagDVAUDIO_2:       "dvaudio_2",
	WAVTagATRAC3:          "atrac3",
	WAVTagMSNSIREN:        "msnsiren",
	WAVTagADPCM_G722:      "adpcm_g722",
	WAVTagMISC4:           "misc4",
	WAVTagIMC:             "imc",
	WAVTagIAC:             "iac",
	WAVTagON2AVC:          "on2avc",
	WAVTagON2AVC_2:        "on2avc_2",
	WAVTagGSM_MS_3:        "gsm_ms_3",
	WAVTagTRUESPEECH_2:    "truespeech_2",
	WAVTagAAC_2:           "aac_2",
	WAVTagAAC_LATM:        "aac_latm",
	WAVTagAC3:             "ac3",
	WAVTagDTS:             "dts",
	WAVTagSONIC:           "sonic",
	WAVTagG729_2:          "g729_2",
	WAVTagPCM_MULAW_2:     "pcm_mulaw_2",
	WAVTagAAC_3:           "aac_3",
	WAVTagAAC_4:           "aac_4",
	WAVTagFTR_2:           "ftr_2",
	WAVTagXAN_DPCM:        "xan_dpcm",
	WAVTagG729_3:          "g729_3",
	WAVTagFTR_3:           "ftr_3",
	WAVTagG723_1_3:        "g723_1_3",
	WAVTagAAC_5:           "aac_5",
	WAVTagSPEEX:           "speex",
	WAVTagFLAC:            "flac",
	WAVTagFORMATEX:        "formatex",
	WAVTagADPCM_SWF:       "adpcm_swf",
	WAVTagVORBIS:          "vorbis",


This section is empty.


type AAC_Frame_In added in v0.6.0

type AAC_Frame_In struct {
	ObjectType int `doc:"Audio object type"`

type AVC_AU_In added in v0.6.0

type AVC_AU_In struct {
	LengthSize uint64 `doc:"Length value size"`

type AVC_DCR_Out added in v0.6.0

type AVC_DCR_Out struct {
	LengthSize uint64

type AVI_In added in v0.6.0

type AVI_In struct {
	DecodeSamples        bool `doc:"Decode samples"`
	DecodeExtendedChunks bool `doc:"Decode extended chunks"`

type Bitcoin_Block_In added in v0.6.0

type Bitcoin_Block_In struct {
	HasHeader bool `doc:"Has blkdat header"`

type CAFF_In added in v0.8.0

type CAFF_In struct {
	Uncompress bool `doc:"Uncompress and probe files"`

type CSV_In added in v0.6.0

type CSV_In struct {
	Comma   string `doc:"Separator character"`
	Comment string `doc:"Comment line character"`

type FLAC_Frame_In added in v0.6.0

type FLAC_Frame_In struct {
	SamplesBuf    []byte
	BitsPerSample int `doc:"Bits per sample"`

type FLAC_Frame_Out added in v0.6.0

type FLAC_Frame_Out struct {
	SamplesBuf    []byte
	Samples       uint64
	Channels      int
	BitsPerSample int

type FLAC_Metadatablock_Out added in v0.6.0

type FLAC_Metadatablock_Out struct {
	IsLastBlock   bool
	HasStreamInfo bool
	StreamInfo    FLAC_Stream_Info

type FLAC_Metadatablocks_Out added in v0.6.0

type FLAC_Metadatablocks_Out struct {
	HasStreamInfo bool
	StreamInfo    FLAC_Stream_Info

type FLAC_Stream_Info added in v0.6.0

type FLAC_Stream_Info struct {
	SampleRate           uint64
	BitsPerSample        uint64
	TotalSamplesInStream uint64
	MD5                  []byte

type FLAC_Streaminfo_Out added in v0.6.0

type FLAC_Streaminfo_Out struct {
	StreamInfo FLAC_Stream_Info

type HEVC_AU_In added in v0.6.0

type HEVC_AU_In struct {
	LengthSize uint64 `doc:"Length value size"`

type HEVC_DCR_Out added in v0.6.0

type HEVC_DCR_Out struct {
	LengthSize uint64

type HTML_In added in v0.6.0

type HTML_In struct {
	Seq             bool   `doc:"Use seq attribute to preserve element order"`
	Array           bool   `doc:"Decode as nested arrays"`
	AttributePrefix string `doc:"Prefix for attribute keys"`

type INET_Packet_In added in v0.6.0

type INET_Packet_In struct {
	EtherType int

type IP_Packet_In added in v0.6.0

type IP_Packet_In struct {
	Protocol int
type Link_Frame_In struct {
	Type           int
	IsLittleEndian bool // pcap endian etc

type MP3_Frame_Out added in v0.6.0

type MP3_Frame_Out struct {
	MPEGVersion      int
	ProtectionAbsent bool
	BitRate          int
	SampleRate       int
	ChannelsIndex    int
	ChannelModeIndex int

type MP3_In added in v0.6.0

type MP3_In struct {
	MaxUniqueHeaderConfigs int `doc:"Max number of unique frame header configs allowed"`
	MaxUnknown             int `doc:"Max percent (0-100) unknown bits"`
	MaxSyncSeek            int `doc:"Max byte distance to next sync"`

type MP4_In added in v0.6.0

type MP4_In struct {
	DecodeSamples  bool `doc:"Decode samples"`
	AllowTruncated bool `doc:"Allow box to be truncated"`

type MPEG_ASC_Out added in v0.6.0

type MPEG_ASC_Out struct {
	ObjectType int

type MPEG_Decoder_Config added in v0.6.0

type MPEG_Decoder_Config struct {
	ObjectType    int
	ASCObjectType int

type MPEG_ES_Out added in v0.6.0

type MPEG_ES_Out struct {
	DecoderConfigs []MPEG_Decoder_Config

type Matroska_In added in v0.6.0

type Matroska_In struct {
	DecodeSamples bool `doc:"Decode samples"`

type Ogg_Page_Out added in v0.6.0

type Ogg_Page_Out struct {
	IsLastPage         bool
	IsFirstPage        bool
	IsContinuedPacket  bool
	StreamSerialNumber uint32
	SequenceNo         uint32
	Segments           [][]byte

type Pg_BTree_In added in v0.6.0

type Pg_BTree_In struct {
	Page int `doc:"First page number in file, default is 0"`

type Pg_Control_In added in v0.6.0

type Pg_Control_In struct {
	Flavour string `doc:"PostgreSQL flavour: postgres14, pgproee14.., postgres10"`

type Pg_Heap_In added in v0.6.0

type Pg_Heap_In struct {
	Flavour string `doc:"PostgreSQL flavour: postgres14, pgproee14.., postgres10"`
	Page    int    `doc:"First page number in file, default is 0"`
	Segment int    `doc:"Segment file number (16790.1 is 1), default is 0"`

type Probe_Args_In added in v0.6.0

type Probe_Args_In struct {
	IsProbeArgs bool
	Filename    string
	DecodeGroup string

type Probe_In added in v0.6.0

type Probe_In struct {
	IsProbe  bool
	Filename string

func (Probe_In) HasExt added in v0.6.0

func (pi Probe_In) HasExt(ss ...string) bool

Use HasExt("cer", "CeR", ...)

type ProtoBufField

type ProtoBufField struct {
	Type    int
	Name    string
	Message ProtoBufMessage
	Enums   map[uint64]string

type ProtoBufMessage

type ProtoBufMessage map[int]ProtoBufField

type Protobuf_In added in v0.6.0

type Protobuf_In struct {
	Message ProtoBufMessage

type TCP_Stream_In added in v0.6.0

type TCP_Stream_In struct {
	IsClient        bool
	HasStart        bool
	HasEnd          bool
	SkippedBytes    uint64
	SourcePort      int
	DestinationPort int

func (TCP_Stream_In) IsPort added in v0.6.0

func (t TCP_Stream_In) IsPort(ports bool

func (TCP_Stream_In) MustIsPort added in v0.6.0

func (t TCP_Stream_In) MustIsPort(fn func(format string, a ...any), ports

type TCP_Stream_Out added in v0.6.0

type TCP_Stream_Out struct {
	PostFn func(peerIn any)
	InArg  any

type TLS_In added in v0.6.0

type TLS_In struct {
	Keylog string `doc:"NSS Key Log content"`

type UDP_Payload_In added in v0.6.0

type UDP_Payload_In struct {
	SourcePort      int
	DestinationPort int

func (UDP_Payload_In) IsPort added in v0.6.0

func (u UDP_Payload_In) IsPort(ports bool

func (UDP_Payload_In) MustIsPort added in v0.6.0

func (u UDP_Payload_In) MustIsPort(fn func(format string, a ...any), ports

type XML_In added in v0.6.0

type XML_In struct {
	Seq             bool   `doc:"Use seq attribute to preserve element order"`
	Array           bool   `doc:"Decode as nested arrays"`
	AttributePrefix string `doc:"Prefix for attribute keys"`

type Zip_In added in v0.6.0

type Zip_In struct {
	Uncompress bool `doc:"Uncompress and probe files"`


Path Synopsis
Package all registers all builtin formats with the default registry
Package all registers all builtin formats with the default registry
Code below generated from ebml_matroska.xml
Code below generated from ebml_matroska.xml
Package midi implements an fq plugin to decode [standard MIDI files].
Package midi implements an fq plugin to decode [standard MIDI files].
Package ciphersuites defines TLS and SSL cipher suit properties generated by ciphersuites.jq
Package ciphersuites defines TLS and SSL cipher suit properties generated by ciphersuites.jq
Package keylog parses NSS key log format <Label> <space> <ClientRandom> <space> <Secret> lines
Package keylog parses NSS key log format <Label> <space> <ClientRandom> <space> <Secret> lines
Package rezlib wraps a zlib reader and makes it possible to read until the last current input flush boundary by reading until EOF.
Package rezlib wraps a zlib reader and makes it possible to read until the last current input flush boundary by reading until EOF.

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL
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