

Versions in this module

Feb 14, 2025
Jan 31, 2025
Dec 26, 2024
Dec 3, 2024
Nov 5, 2024
Changes in this version
+ const IF_MAX_PHYS_ADDRESS_LENGTH windows/amd64
+ const IF_MAX_STRING_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const MibAddInstance windows/amd64
+ const MibDeleteInstance windows/amd64
+ const MibIfEntryNormal windows/amd64
+ const MibInitialNotification windows/amd64
+ const MibParameterNotification windows/amd64
+ const ScopeLevelCount windows/amd64
Oct 1, 2024
Sep 4, 2024
Aug 7, 2024
Changes in this version
+ const IpDadStateDeprecated windows/amd64
+ const IpDadStateDuplicate windows/amd64
+ const IpDadStateInvalid windows/amd64
+ const IpDadStatePreferred windows/amd64
+ const IpDadStateTentative windows/amd64
+ const IpPrefixOriginDhcp windows/amd64
+ const IpPrefixOriginManual windows/amd64
+ const IpPrefixOriginOther windows/amd64
+ const IpPrefixOriginUnchanged windows/amd64
+ const IpPrefixOriginWellKnown windows/amd64
+ const IpSuffixOriginDhcp windows/amd64
+ const IpSuffixOriginManual windows/amd64
+ const IpSuffixOriginOther windows/amd64
+ const IpSuffixOriginRandom windows/amd64
+ const IpSuffixOriginUnchanged windows/amd64
+ const IpSuffixOriginWellKnown windows/amd64
+ const NldsDeprecated windows/amd64
+ const NldsDuplicate windows/amd64
+ const NldsInvalid windows/amd64
+ const NldsPreferred windows/amd64
+ const NldsTentative windows/amd64
+ const NlsoDhcp windows/amd64
+ const NlsoLinkLayerAddress windows/amd64
+ const NlsoManual windows/amd64
+ const NlsoOther windows/amd64
+ const NlsoRandom windows/amd64
+ const NlsoWellKnown windows/amd64
Aug 3, 2024
Jul 3, 2024
May 17, 2024
May 3, 2024
Apr 4, 2024
Changes in this version
+ const CBR_110 windows/amd64
+ const CBR_115200 windows/amd64
+ const CBR_1200 windows/amd64
+ const CBR_128000 windows/amd64
+ const CBR_14400 windows/amd64
+ const CBR_19200 windows/amd64
+ const CBR_2400 windows/amd64
+ const CBR_256000 windows/amd64
+ const CBR_300 windows/amd64
+ const CBR_38400 windows/amd64
+ const CBR_4800 windows/amd64
+ const CBR_57600 windows/amd64
+ const CBR_600 windows/amd64
+ const CBR_9600 windows/amd64
+ const CLRBREAK windows/amd64
+ const CLRDTR windows/amd64
+ const CLRRTS windows/amd64
+ const DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE windows/amd64
+ const DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE windows/amd64
+ const DTR_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE windows/amd64
+ const EVENPARITY windows/amd64
+ const EV_BREAK windows/amd64
+ const EV_CTS windows/amd64
+ const EV_DSR windows/amd64
+ const EV_ERR windows/amd64
+ const EV_RING windows/amd64
+ const EV_RLSD windows/amd64
+ const EV_RXCHAR windows/amd64
+ const EV_RXFLAG windows/amd64
+ const EV_TXEMPTY windows/amd64
+ const MARKPARITY windows/amd64
+ const NOPARITY windows/amd64
+ const ODDPARITY windows/amd64
+ const ONE5STOPBITS windows/amd64
+ const ONESTOPBIT windows/amd64
+ const PURGE_RXABORT windows/amd64
+ const PURGE_RXCLEAR windows/amd64
+ const PURGE_TXABORT windows/amd64
+ const PURGE_TXCLEAR windows/amd64
+ const RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE windows/amd64
+ const RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE windows/amd64
+ const RTS_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE windows/amd64
+ const RTS_CONTROL_TOGGLE windows/amd64
+ const SETBREAK windows/amd64
+ const SETDTR windows/amd64
+ const SETRTS windows/amd64
+ const SETXOFF windows/amd64
+ const SETXON windows/amd64
+ const SPACEPARITY windows/amd64
+ const TWOSTOPBITS windows/amd64
Feb 16, 2024
Feb 1, 2024
Jan 3, 2024
Nov 18, 2023
Nov 3, 2023
Changes in this version
+ const TCP_ATMARK windows/amd64
+ const TCP_CONGESTION_ALGORITHM windows/amd64
+ const TCP_DELAY_FIN_ACK windows/amd64
+ const TCP_EXPEDITED_1122 windows/amd64
+ const TCP_FASTOPEN windows/amd64
+ const TCP_ICMP_ERROR_INFO windows/amd64
+ const TCP_KEEPALIVE windows/amd64
+ const TCP_KEEPCNT windows/amd64
+ const TCP_KEEPIDLE windows/amd64
+ const TCP_KEEPINTVL windows/amd64
+ const TCP_MAXRT windows/amd64
+ const TCP_MAXRTMS windows/amd64
+ const TCP_MAXSEG windows/amd64
+ const TCP_NOSYNRETRIES windows/amd64
+ const TCP_NOURG windows/amd64
+ const TCP_OFFLOAD_PREFERENCE windows/amd64
+ const TCP_STDURG windows/amd64
+ const TCP_TIMESTAMPS windows/amd64
+ const UDP_CHECKSUM_COVERAGE windows/amd64
+ const UDP_COALESCED_INFO windows/amd64
+ const UDP_NOCHECKSUM windows/amd64
+ const UDP_RECV_MAX_COALESCED_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const UDP_SEND_MSG_SIZE windows/amd64
Sep 28, 2023
Aug 25, 2023
Changes in this version
Jul 26, 2023
Jun 27, 2023
Jun 12, 2023
May 3, 2023
Apr 4, 2023
Mar 4, 2023
Changes in this version
+ const LUP_ADDRCONFIG windows/amd64
+ const LUP_API_ANSI windows/amd64
+ const LUP_CONTAINERS windows/amd64
+ const LUP_DEEP windows/amd64
+ const LUP_DISABLE_IDN_ENCODING windows/amd64
+ const LUP_DNS_ONLY windows/amd64
+ const LUP_DUAL_ADDR windows/amd64
+ const LUP_FILESERVER windows/amd64
+ const LUP_FLUSHCACHE windows/amd64
+ const LUP_FLUSHPREVIOUS windows/amd64
+ const LUP_NEAREST windows/amd64
+ const LUP_NOCONTAINERS windows/amd64
+ const LUP_NON_AUTHORITATIVE windows/amd64
+ const LUP_RESOLUTION_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const LUP_RES_SERVICE windows/amd64
+ const LUP_RETURN_ADDR windows/amd64
+ const LUP_RETURN_ALIASES windows/amd64
+ const LUP_RETURN_ALL windows/amd64
+ const LUP_RETURN_BLOB windows/amd64
+ const LUP_RETURN_COMMENT windows/amd64
+ const LUP_RETURN_NAME windows/amd64
+ const LUP_RETURN_PREFERRED_NAMES windows/amd64
+ const LUP_RETURN_QUERY_STRING windows/amd64
+ const LUP_RETURN_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const LUP_RETURN_VERSION windows/amd64
+ const LUP_SECURE windows/amd64
+ const NS_ALL windows/amd64
+ const NS_BTH windows/amd64
+ const NS_DNS windows/amd64
+ const NS_EMAIL windows/amd64
+ const NS_NLA windows/amd64
+ const NS_PNRPCLOUD windows/amd64
+ const NS_PNRPNAME windows/amd64
Feb 7, 2023
Jan 4, 2023
Dec 3, 2022
Changes in this version
Nov 2, 2022
Oct 13, 2022
Changes in this version
+ const ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS windows/amd64
+ const ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY windows/amd64
+ const ACE_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT windows/amd64
+ const AF_BTH windows/amd64
+ const AF_INET windows/amd64
+ const AF_INET6 windows/amd64
+ const AF_IRDA windows/amd64
+ const AF_NETBIOS windows/amd64
+ const AF_UNIX windows/amd64
+ const AF_UNSPEC windows/amd64
+ const AI_CANONNAME windows/amd64
+ const AI_NUMERICHOST windows/amd64
+ const AI_PASSIVE windows/amd64
+ const ALL_PROCESSOR_GROUPS windows/amd64
+ const APPLICATION_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const APPMODEL_ERROR_NO_PACKAGE windows/amd64
+ const APPX_E_BLOCK_HASH_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const APPX_E_CORRUPT_CONTENT windows/amd64
+ const APPX_E_INVALID_APPINSTALLER windows/amd64
+ const APPX_E_INVALID_BLOCKMAP windows/amd64
+ const APPX_E_INVALID_KEY_INFO windows/amd64
+ const APPX_E_INVALID_MANIFEST windows/amd64
+ const APPX_E_PACKAGING_INTERNAL windows/amd64
+ const AT_KEYEXCHANGE windows/amd64
+ const AT_SIGNATURE windows/amd64
+ const AUTHTYPE_CLIENT windows/amd64
+ const AUTHTYPE_SERVER windows/amd64
+ const BASE_PROTOCOL windows/amd64
+ const BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS windows/amd64
+ const BTHPROTO_RFCOMM windows/amd64
+ const BT_E_SPURIOUS_ACTIVATION windows/amd64
+ const CACHE_E_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const CACHE_E_LAST windows/amd64
+ const CACHE_E_NOCACHE_UPDATED windows/amd64
+ const CACHE_S_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const CACHE_S_LAST windows/amd64
+ const CACHE_S_SAMECACHE windows/amd64
+ const CAT_E_CATIDNOEXIST windows/amd64
+ const CAT_E_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const CAT_E_LAST windows/amd64
+ const CAT_E_NODESCRIPTION windows/amd64
+ const CERTSRV_E_ALIGNMENT_FAULT windows/amd64
+ const CERTSRV_E_BAD_REQUESTSTATUS windows/amd64
+ const CERTSRV_E_CERT_TYPE_OVERLAP windows/amd64
+ const CERTSRV_E_ENCODING_LENGTH windows/amd64
+ const CERTSRV_E_ENROLL_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const CERTSRV_E_EXPIRED_CHALLENGE windows/amd64
+ const CERTSRV_E_INVALID_EK windows/amd64
+ const CERTSRV_E_INVALID_IDBINDING windows/amd64
+ const CERTSRV_E_INVALID_REQUESTID windows/amd64
+ const CERTSRV_E_INVALID_RESPONSE windows/amd64
+ const CERTSRV_E_KEY_ATTESTATION windows/amd64
+ const CERTSRV_E_KEY_LENGTH windows/amd64
+ const CERTSRV_E_NO_CERT_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const CERTSRV_E_NO_DB_SESSIONS windows/amd64
+ const CERTSRV_E_NO_POLICY_SERVER windows/amd64
+ const CERTSRV_E_NO_REQUEST windows/amd64
+ const CERTSRV_E_NO_VALID_KRA windows/amd64
+ const CERTSRV_E_PROPERTY_EMPTY windows/amd64
+ const CERTSRV_E_ROLECONFLICT windows/amd64
+ const CERTSRV_E_SERVER_SUSPENDED windows/amd64
+ const CERTSRV_E_SIGNATURE_COUNT windows/amd64
+ const CERTSRV_E_SMIME_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const CERTSRV_E_TEMPLATE_CONFLICT windows/amd64
+ const CERTSRV_E_TEMPLATE_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const CERTSRV_E_UNKNOWN_CERT_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const CERT_CHAIN_FIND_BY_ISSUER windows/amd64
+ const CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_BASE windows/amd64
+ const CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_EV windows/amd64
+ const CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_NT_AUTH windows/amd64
+ const CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_SSL windows/amd64
+ const CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_SSL_F12 windows/amd64
+ const CERT_CLOSE_STORE_CHECK_FLAG windows/amd64
+ const CERT_CLOSE_STORE_FORCE_FLAG windows/amd64
+ const CERT_COMPARE_ANY windows/amd64
+ const CERT_COMPARE_ATTR windows/amd64
+ const CERT_COMPARE_CERT_ID windows/amd64
+ const CERT_COMPARE_CTL_USAGE windows/amd64
+ const CERT_COMPARE_ENHKEY_USAGE windows/amd64
+ const CERT_COMPARE_EXISTING windows/amd64
+ const CERT_COMPARE_HASH windows/amd64
+ const CERT_COMPARE_HASH_STR windows/amd64
+ const CERT_COMPARE_ISSUER_OF windows/amd64
+ const CERT_COMPARE_KEY_IDENTIFIER windows/amd64
+ const CERT_COMPARE_KEY_SPEC windows/amd64
+ const CERT_COMPARE_MASK windows/amd64
+ const CERT_COMPARE_MD5_HASH windows/amd64
+ const CERT_COMPARE_NAME windows/amd64
+ const CERT_COMPARE_NAME_STR_A windows/amd64
+ const CERT_COMPARE_NAME_STR_W windows/amd64
+ const CERT_COMPARE_PROPERTY windows/amd64
+ const CERT_COMPARE_PUBLIC_KEY windows/amd64
+ const CERT_COMPARE_SHA1_HASH windows/amd64
+ const CERT_COMPARE_SHIFT windows/amd64
+ const CERT_COMPARE_SIGNATURE_HASH windows/amd64
+ const CERT_COMPARE_SUBJECT_CERT windows/amd64
+ const CERT_E_CHAINING windows/amd64
+ const CERT_E_CN_NO_MATCH windows/amd64
+ const CERT_E_CRITICAL windows/amd64
+ const CERT_E_EXPIRED windows/amd64
+ const CERT_E_INVALID_NAME windows/amd64
+ const CERT_E_INVALID_POLICY windows/amd64
+ const CERT_E_ISSUERCHAINING windows/amd64
+ const CERT_E_MALFORMED windows/amd64
+ const CERT_E_PATHLENCONST windows/amd64
+ const CERT_E_PURPOSE windows/amd64
+ const CERT_E_REVOCATION_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const CERT_E_REVOKED windows/amd64
+ const CERT_E_ROLE windows/amd64
+ const CERT_E_UNTRUSTEDCA windows/amd64
+ const CERT_E_UNTRUSTEDROOT windows/amd64
+ const CERT_E_UNTRUSTEDTESTROOT windows/amd64
+ const CERT_E_WRONG_USAGE windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_ANY windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_CERT_ID windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_CTL_USAGE windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_ENHKEY_USAGE windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_EXISTING windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_HASH windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_HASH_STR windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_HAS_PRIVATE_KEY windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_ISSUER_ATTR windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_ISSUER_NAME windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_ISSUER_OF windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_ISSUER_STR windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_ISSUER_STR_A windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_ISSUER_STR_W windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_KEY_IDENTIFIER windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_KEY_SPEC windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_MD5_HASH windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_NO_CTL_USAGE_FLAG windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_OR_CTL_USAGE_FLAG windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_PROPERTY windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_PUBKEY_MD5_HASH windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_PUBLIC_KEY windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_SHA1_HASH windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_SIGNATURE_HASH windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_SUBJECT_ATTR windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_SUBJECT_CERT windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_SUBJECT_NAME windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_SUBJECT_STR windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_SUBJECT_STR_A windows/amd64
+ const CERT_FIND_SUBJECT_STR_W windows/amd64
+ const CERT_INFO_EXTENSION_FLAG windows/amd64
+ const CERT_INFO_ISSUER_FLAG windows/amd64
+ const CERT_INFO_NOT_AFTER_FLAG windows/amd64
+ const CERT_INFO_NOT_BEFORE_FLAG windows/amd64
+ const CERT_INFO_SUBJECT_FLAG windows/amd64
+ const CERT_INFO_VERSION_FLAG windows/amd64
+ const CERT_LDAP_STORE_OPENED_FLAG windows/amd64
+ const CERT_LDAP_STORE_SIGN_FLAG windows/amd64
+ const CERT_LDAP_STORE_UNBIND_FLAG windows/amd64
+ const CERT_NAME_ATTR_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const CERT_NAME_DNS_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const CERT_NAME_EMAIL_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const CERT_NAME_ISSUER_FLAG windows/amd64
+ const CERT_NAME_RDN_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const CERT_NAME_UPN_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const CERT_NAME_URL_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const CERT_NCRYPT_KEY_SPEC windows/amd64
+ const CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_CERT windows/amd64
+ const CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_CRL windows/amd64
+ const CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_CTL windows/amd64
+ const CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_ALL windows/amd64
+ const CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_CRL windows/amd64
+ const CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_CTL windows/amd64
+ const CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_PFX windows/amd64
+ const CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PFX windows/amd64
+ const CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_PKCS10 windows/amd64
+ const CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_BINARY windows/amd64
+ const CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_FLAG_ALL windows/amd64
+ const CERT_QUERY_OBJECT_BLOB windows/amd64
+ const CERT_QUERY_OBJECT_FILE windows/amd64
+ const CERT_STORE_ADD_ALWAYS windows/amd64
+ const CERT_STORE_ADD_NEW windows/amd64
+ const CERT_STORE_ADD_NEWER windows/amd64
+ const CERT_STORE_ADD_USE_EXISTING windows/amd64
+ const CERT_STORE_CREATE_NEW_FLAG windows/amd64
+ const CERT_STORE_DELETE_FLAG windows/amd64
+ const CERT_STORE_MANIFOLD_FLAG windows/amd64
+ const CERT_STORE_PROV_COLLECTION windows/amd64
+ const CERT_STORE_PROV_FILE windows/amd64
+ const CERT_STORE_PROV_FILENAME windows/amd64
+ const CERT_STORE_PROV_FILENAME_A windows/amd64
+ const CERT_STORE_PROV_FILENAME_W windows/amd64
+ const CERT_STORE_PROV_LDAP windows/amd64
+ const CERT_STORE_PROV_LDAP_W windows/amd64
+ const CERT_STORE_PROV_MEMORY windows/amd64
+ const CERT_STORE_PROV_MSG windows/amd64
+ const CERT_STORE_PROV_PHYSICAL windows/amd64
+ const CERT_STORE_PROV_PHYSICAL_W windows/amd64
+ const CERT_STORE_PROV_PKCS12 windows/amd64
+ const CERT_STORE_PROV_PKCS7 windows/amd64
+ const CERT_STORE_PROV_REG windows/amd64
+ const CERT_STORE_PROV_SERIALIZED windows/amd64
+ const CERT_STORE_PROV_SMART_CARD windows/amd64
+ const CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM windows/amd64
+ const CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM_A windows/amd64
+ const CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM_W windows/amd64
+ const CERT_STORE_READONLY_FLAG windows/amd64
+ const CERT_STORE_SHARE_STORE_FLAG windows/amd64
+ const CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_SERVICES windows/amd64
+ const CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_USERS windows/amd64
+ const CERT_TRUST_IS_CA_TRUSTED windows/amd64
+ const CERT_TRUST_IS_COMPLEX_CHAIN windows/amd64
+ const CERT_TRUST_IS_CYCLIC windows/amd64
+ const CERT_TRUST_IS_PARTIAL_CHAIN windows/amd64
+ const CERT_TRUST_IS_PEER_TRUSTED windows/amd64
+ const CERT_TRUST_IS_REVOKED windows/amd64
+ const CERT_TRUST_IS_SELF_SIGNED windows/amd64
+ const CERT_TRUST_NO_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const CLASSFACTORY_E_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const CLASSFACTORY_E_LAST windows/amd64
+ const CLASSFACTORY_S_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const CLASSFACTORY_S_LAST windows/amd64
+ const CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION windows/amd64
+ const CLASS_E_NOTLICENSED windows/amd64
+ const CLIENTSITE_E_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const CLIENTSITE_E_LAST windows/amd64
+ const CLIENTSITE_S_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const CLIENTSITE_S_LAST windows/amd64
+ const CLIPBRD_E_BAD_DATA windows/amd64
+ const CLIPBRD_E_CANT_CLOSE windows/amd64
+ const CLIPBRD_E_CANT_EMPTY windows/amd64
+ const CLIPBRD_E_CANT_OPEN windows/amd64
+ const CLIPBRD_E_CANT_SET windows/amd64
+ const CLIPBRD_E_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const CLIPBRD_E_LAST windows/amd64
+ const CLIPBRD_S_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const CLIPBRD_S_LAST windows/amd64
+ const CLSCTX_ACTIVATE_AAA_AS_IU windows/amd64
+ const CLSCTX_APPCONTAINER windows/amd64
+ const CLSCTX_DISABLE_AAA windows/amd64
+ const CLSCTX_ENABLE_AAA windows/amd64
+ const CLSCTX_ENABLE_CLOAKING windows/amd64
+ const CLSCTX_ENABLE_CODE_DOWNLOAD windows/amd64
+ const CLSCTX_FROM_DEFAULT_CONTEXT windows/amd64
+ const CLSCTX_INPROC_HANDLER windows/amd64
+ const CLSCTX_INPROC_HANDLER16 windows/amd64
+ const CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER windows/amd64
+ const CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER16 windows/amd64
+ const CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER windows/amd64
+ const CLSCTX_NO_CODE_DOWNLOAD windows/amd64
+ const CLSCTX_NO_CUSTOM_MARSHAL windows/amd64
+ const CLSCTX_NO_FAILURE_LOG windows/amd64
+ const CLSCTX_PS_DLL windows/amd64
+ const CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER windows/amd64
+ const CLSCTX_RESERVED1 windows/amd64
+ const CLSCTX_RESERVED2 windows/amd64
+ const CLSCTX_RESERVED3 windows/amd64
+ const CLSCTX_RESERVED4 windows/amd64
+ const CLSCTX_RESERVED5 windows/amd64
+ const COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED windows/amd64
+ const COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE windows/amd64
+ const COINIT_MULTITHREADED windows/amd64
+ const COINIT_SPEED_OVER_MEMORY windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_APPDIRNOTFOUND windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_APP_FILE_VERSION windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_APP_NOT_RUNNING windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_BADPATH windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_CANTCOPYFILE windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_CAT_SERVERFAULT windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_BADTLB windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_COMPONENTEXISTS windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_DEST windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_LOCKED windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_SOURCE windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_DLLLOADFAILED windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_INVALIDUSERIDS windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_KEYMISSING windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_NOREGISTRYCLSID windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_NOSERVERSHARE windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_NOTCHANGEABLE windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_NOTDELETEABLE windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_NOTINREGISTRY windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_NOUSER windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_OBJECTERRORS windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_OBJECTEXISTS windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_OBJECTINVALID windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_REGDB_NOTOPEN windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_REGDB_SYSTEMERR windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_REGFILE_CORRUPT windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_REGISTERTLB windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_REGISTRARFAILED windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_REMOTEINTERFACE windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_ROLEEXISTS windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_SAFERINVALID windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_SESSION windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_SYSTEMAPP windows/amd64
+ const COMADMIN_E_USER_IN_SET windows/amd64
+ const COMQC_E_BAD_MESSAGE windows/amd64
+ const COMQC_E_NO_IPERSISTSTREAM windows/amd64
+ const COMQC_E_UNAUTHENTICATED windows/amd64
+ const COMQC_E_UNTRUSTED_ENQUEUER windows/amd64
+ const CONFIGMG_VERSION windows/amd64
+ const CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE windows/amd64
+ const CONTEXT_E_ABORTED windows/amd64
+ const CONTEXT_E_ABORTING windows/amd64
+ const CONTEXT_E_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const CONTEXT_E_LAST windows/amd64
+ const CONTEXT_E_NOCONTEXT windows/amd64
+ const CONTEXT_E_NOJIT windows/amd64
+ const CONTEXT_E_NOTRANSACTION windows/amd64
+ const CONTEXT_E_OLDREF windows/amd64
+ const CONTEXT_E_ROLENOTFOUND windows/amd64
+ const CONTEXT_E_SYNCH_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const CONTEXT_E_TMNOTAVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const CONTEXT_E_WOULD_DEADLOCK windows/amd64
+ const CONTEXT_S_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const CONTEXT_S_LAST windows/amd64
+ const CONVERT10_E_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const CONVERT10_E_LAST windows/amd64
+ const CONVERT10_E_OLESTREAM_FMT windows/amd64
+ const CONVERT10_E_OLESTREAM_GET windows/amd64
+ const CONVERT10_E_OLESTREAM_PUT windows/amd64
+ const CONVERT10_E_STG_FMT windows/amd64
+ const CONVERT10_S_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const CONVERT10_S_LAST windows/amd64
+ const CONVERT10_S_NO_PRESENTATION windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_ACCESSCHECKFAILED windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_ACESINWRONGORDER windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_ACNOTINITIALIZED windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_ACTIVATIONFAILED windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_ALREADYINITIALIZED windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_APPDIDNTREG windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_APPNOTFOUND windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_APPSINGLEUSE windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_ASYNC_WORK_REJECTED windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_BAD_PATH windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_BAD_SERVER_NAME windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_CANCEL_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_CANTDETERMINECLASS windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_CANT_REMOTE windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_CLASSSTRING windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_CLASS_CREATE_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_CLASS_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_CLRNOTAVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_CLSREG_INCONSISTENT windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_CONVERSIONFAILED windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_CREATEPROCESS_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_DBERROR windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_DECODEFAILED windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_DLLNOTFOUND windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_ELEVATION_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_ERRORINAPP windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_ERRORINDLL windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_EXCEEDSYSACLLIMIT windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_FAILEDTOCLOSEHANDLE windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_FAILEDTOCREATEFILE windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_FAILEDTOGENUUID windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_FAILEDTOGETSECCTX windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_FAILEDTOGETTOKENINFO windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_FAILEDTOGETWINDIR windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_FAILEDTOIMPERSONATE windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_FAILEDTOSETDACL windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_IIDREG_INCONSISTENT windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_IIDSTRING windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_INITIALIZATIONFAILED windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_INIT_CLASS_CACHE windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_INIT_MEMORY_ALLOCATOR windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_INIT_RPC_CHANNEL windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_INIT_SCM_EXEC_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_INIT_SCM_MUTEX_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_INIT_SHARED_ALLOCATOR windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_INIT_TLS windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_INVALIDSID windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_ISOLEVELMISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_LAST windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_LOOKUPACCNAMEFAILED windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_LOOKUPACCSIDFAILED windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_MALFORMED_SPN windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_MISSING_DISPLAYNAME windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_MSI_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_NETACCESSAPIFAILED windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_NOCOOKIES windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_NOIISINTRINSICS windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_NOMATCHINGNAMEFOUND windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_NOMATCHINGSIDFOUND windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_NOSYNCHRONIZATION windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_NOTCONSTRUCTED windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_NOTINITIALIZED windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_NOTPOOLED windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_NO_SECCTX_IN_ACTIVATE windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_OBJISREG windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_OBJNOTREG windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_OBJSRV_RPC_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_OLE1DDE_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_PATHTOOLONG windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_PREMATURE_STUB_RUNDOWN windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_RELEASED windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_RELOAD_DLL windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_RUNAS_LOGON_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_RUNAS_SYNTAX windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_SCM_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_SCM_RPC_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_SERVER_EXEC_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_SERVER_INIT_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_SERVER_NOT_PAUSED windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_SERVER_PAUSED windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_SERVER_START_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_SERVER_STOPPING windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_SETSERLHNDLFAILED windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_START_SERVICE_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_SXS_CONFIG windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_THREADINGMODEL_CHANGED windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_THREADPOOL_CONFIG windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_TRACKER_CONFIG windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_WRONGOSFORAPP windows/amd64
+ const CO_E_WRONG_SERVER_IDENTITY windows/amd64
+ const CO_S_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const CO_S_LAST windows/amd64
+ const CO_S_MACHINENAMENOTFOUND windows/amd64
+ const CO_S_NOTALLINTERFACES windows/amd64
+ const CREATE_ALWAYS windows/amd64
+ const CREATE_BREAKAWAY_FROM_JOB windows/amd64
+ const CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE windows/amd64
+ const CREATE_EVENT_INITIAL_SET windows/amd64
+ const CREATE_EVENT_MANUAL_RESET windows/amd64
+ const CREATE_MUTEX_INITIAL_OWNER windows/amd64
+ const CREATE_NEW windows/amd64
+ const CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE windows/amd64
+ const CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP windows/amd64
+ const CREATE_NO_WINDOW windows/amd64
+ const CREATE_PROTECTED_PROCESS windows/amd64
+ const CREATE_SEPARATE_WOW_VDM windows/amd64
+ const CREATE_SHARED_WOW_VDM windows/amd64
+ const CREATE_SUSPENDED windows/amd64
+ const CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT windows/amd64
+ const CRYPTPROTECT_AUDIT windows/amd64
+ const CRYPTPROTECT_CRED_SYNC windows/amd64
+ const CRYPTPROTECT_LOCAL_MACHINE windows/amd64
+ const CRYPTPROTECT_NO_RECOVERY windows/amd64
+ const CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPT_STRONG windows/amd64
+ const CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_ACQUIRE_CACHE_FLAG windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_ACQUIRE_NO_HEALING windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_ACQUIRE_SILENT_FLAG windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_DELETEKEYSET windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_EXPORTABLE windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_ALREADY_DECRYPTED windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_ASN1_BADARGS windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_ASN1_BADPDU windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_ASN1_BADREAL windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_ASN1_BADTAG windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_ASN1_CHOICE windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_ASN1_CONSTRAINT windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_ASN1_CORRUPT windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_ASN1_EOD windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_ASN1_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_ASN1_EXTENDED windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_ASN1_INTERNAL windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_ASN1_LARGE windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_ASN1_MEMORY windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_ASN1_NOEOD windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_ASN1_NYI windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_ASN1_OVERFLOW windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_ASN1_PDU_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_ASN1_RULE windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_ASN1_UTF8 windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_ATTRIBUTES_MISSING windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_AUTH_ATTR_MISSING windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_BAD_ENCODE windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_BAD_LEN windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_BAD_MSG windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_CONTROL_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_DELETED_PREV windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_FILERESIZED windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_FILE_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_HASH_VALUE windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_INVALID_IA5_STRING windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_INVALID_INDEX windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_INVALID_MSG_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_INVALID_X500_STRING windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_ISSUER_SERIALNUMBER windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_MISSING_PUBKEY_PARA windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_MSG_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_NOT_CHAR_STRING windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_NOT_DECRYPTED windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_NOT_IN_CTL windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_NO_DECRYPT_CERT windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_NO_KEY_PROPERTY windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_NO_MATCH windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_NO_PROVIDER windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_NO_REVOCATION_CHECK windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_NO_REVOCATION_DLL windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_NO_SIGNER windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_NO_TRUSTED_SIGNER windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_NO_VERIFY_USAGE_DLL windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_OID_FORMAT windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_OSS_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_PENDING_CLOSE windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_RECIPIENT_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_REVOCATION_OFFLINE windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_REVOKED windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_SECURITY_SETTINGS windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_SELF_SIGNED windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_SIGNER_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_UNEXPECTED_ENCODING windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_UNEXPECTED_MSG_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_E_UNKNOWN_ALGO windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_MACHINE_KEYSET windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_NEWKEYSET windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_SILENT windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_USER_KEYSET windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_USER_PROTECTED windows/amd64
+ const CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT windows/amd64
+ const CS_E_ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED windows/amd64
+ const CS_E_CLASS_NOTFOUND windows/amd64
+ const CS_E_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const CS_E_INTERNAL_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const CS_E_INVALID_PATH windows/amd64
+ const CS_E_INVALID_VERSION windows/amd64
+ const CS_E_LAST windows/amd64
+ const CS_E_NETWORK_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const CS_E_NOT_DELETABLE windows/amd64
+ const CS_E_NO_CLASSSTORE windows/amd64
+ const CS_E_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const CS_E_OBJECT_NOTFOUND windows/amd64
+ const CS_E_PACKAGE_NOTFOUND windows/amd64
+ const CS_E_SCHEMA_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const CTRL_BREAK_EVENT windows/amd64
+ const CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT windows/amd64
+ const CTRL_C_EVENT windows/amd64
+ const CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT windows/amd64
+ const CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT windows/amd64
+ const ComputerNameDnsDomain windows/amd64
+ const ComputerNameDnsHostname windows/amd64
+ const ComputerNameMax windows/amd64
+ const ComputerNameNetBIOS windows/amd64
+ const ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS windows/amd64
+ const D2DERR_BAD_NUMBER windows/amd64
+ const D2DERR_BITMAP_CANNOT_DRAW windows/amd64
+ const D2DERR_CYCLIC_GRAPH windows/amd64
+ const D2DERR_INTERNAL_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const D2DERR_INVALID_CALL windows/amd64
+ const D2DERR_INVALID_GLYPH_IMAGE windows/amd64
+ const D2DERR_INVALID_PROPERTY windows/amd64
+ const D2DERR_INVALID_TARGET windows/amd64
+ const D2DERR_LAYER_ALREADY_IN_USE windows/amd64
+ const D2DERR_NOT_INITIALIZED windows/amd64
+ const D2DERR_NO_HARDWARE_DEVICE windows/amd64
+ const D2DERR_NO_SUBPROPERTIES windows/amd64
+ const D2DERR_PRINT_JOB_CLOSED windows/amd64
+ const D2DERR_PUSH_POP_UNBALANCED windows/amd64
+ const D2DERR_RECREATE_TARGET windows/amd64
+ const D2DERR_SCANNER_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const D2DERR_SCREEN_ACCESS_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const D2DERR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION windows/amd64
+ const D2DERR_WIN32_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const D2DERR_WRONG_FACTORY windows/amd64
+ const D2DERR_WRONG_STATE windows/amd64
+ const D2DERR_ZERO_VECTOR windows/amd64
+ const D3D10_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const D3D11_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION windows/amd64
+ const DATA_E_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const DATA_E_LAST windows/amd64
+ const DATA_S_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const DATA_S_LAST windows/amd64
+ const DATA_S_SAMEFORMATETC windows/amd64
+ const DDD_EXACT_MATCH_ON_REMOVE windows/amd64
+ const DDD_NO_BROADCAST_SYSTEM windows/amd64
+ const DDD_RAW_TARGET_PATH windows/amd64
+ const DDD_REMOVE_DEFINITION windows/amd64
+ const DEBUG_ONLY_THIS_PROCESS windows/amd64
+ const DEBUG_PROCESS windows/amd64
+ const DELETE windows/amd64
+ const DENY_ACCESS windows/amd64
+ const DETACHED_PROCESS windows/amd64
+ const DIGSIG_E_CRYPTO windows/amd64
+ const DIGSIG_E_DECODE windows/amd64
+ const DIGSIG_E_ENCODE windows/amd64
+ const DIGSIG_E_EXTENSIBILITY windows/amd64
+ const DISABLE_NEWLINE_AUTO_RETURN windows/amd64
+ const DISP_E_ARRAYISLOCKED windows/amd64
+ const DISP_E_BADCALLEE windows/amd64
+ const DISP_E_BADINDEX windows/amd64
+ const DISP_E_BADPARAMCOUNT windows/amd64
+ const DISP_E_BADVARTYPE windows/amd64
+ const DISP_E_BUFFERTOOSMALL windows/amd64
+ const DISP_E_DIVBYZERO windows/amd64
+ const DISP_E_EXCEPTION windows/amd64
+ const DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND windows/amd64
+ const DISP_E_NONAMEDARGS windows/amd64
+ const DISP_E_NOTACOLLECTION windows/amd64
+ const DISP_E_OVERFLOW windows/amd64
+ const DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND windows/amd64
+ const DISP_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL windows/amd64
+ const DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const DISP_E_UNKNOWNINTERFACE windows/amd64
+ const DISP_E_UNKNOWNLCID windows/amd64
+ const DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_ADDRESS_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_ALIAS_LOOP windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_AXFR windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_BAD_KEYMASTER windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_BAD_PACKET windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_CNAME_COLLISION windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_CNAME_LOOP windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_DATABASE_BASE windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_DATAFILE_BASE windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_DATAFILE_PARSING windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_DEFAULT_SCOPE windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_DEFAULT_ZONESCOPE windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_DNAME_COLLISION windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_DNSSEC_BASE windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_DP_ALREADY_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_DP_BASE windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_DP_DOES_NOT_EXIST windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_DP_FSMO_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_DP_NOT_AVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_DP_NOT_ENLISTED windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_DS_UNAVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_GENERAL_API_BASE windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_INVALID_DATA windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_INVALID_KEY_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_INVALID_NAME windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_INVALID_NAME_CHAR windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_INVALID_PROPERTY windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_INVALID_XML windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_INVALID_ZONE_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_MASK windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_NAME_NOT_IN_ZONE windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_NEED_WINS_SERVERS windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_NODE_IS_CNAME windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_NODE_IS_DNAME windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_NON_RFC_NAME windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_NOT_UNIQUE windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_NO_DNS_SERVERS windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_NO_PACKET windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_NO_TCPIP windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_NO_ZONE_INFO windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_NUMERIC_NAME windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_OPERATION_BASE windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_PACKET_FMT_BASE windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_POLICY_LOCKED windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_RCODE windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_RCODE_BADKEY windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_RCODE_BADSIG windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_RCODE_BADTIME windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_RCODE_LAST windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NAME_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NOTAUTH windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NOTZONE windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NO_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NXRRSET windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_RCODE_REFUSED windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_RCODE_YXDOMAIN windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_RCODE_YXRRSET windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_RECORD_FORMAT windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_RECORD_TIMED_OUT windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_RRL_NOT_ENABLED windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_SCOPE_LOCKED windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_SECONDARY_DATA windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_SECURE_BASE windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_SETUP_BASE windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_TOO_MANY_SKDS windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_TRY_AGAIN_LATER windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_UNSECURE_PACKET windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_WINS_INIT_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_ZONE_BASE windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_ZONE_IS_SHUTDOWN windows/amd64
+ const DNS_ERROR_ZONE_LOCKED windows/amd64
+ const DNS_INFO_ADDED_LOCAL_WINS windows/amd64
+ const DNS_INFO_AXFR_COMPLETE windows/amd64
+ const DNS_INFO_NO_RECORDS windows/amd64
+ const DNS_REQUEST_PENDING windows/amd64
+ const DNS_STATUS_CONTINUE_NEEDED windows/amd64
+ const DNS_STATUS_DOTTED_NAME windows/amd64
+ const DNS_STATUS_FQDN windows/amd64
+ const DNS_STATUS_PACKET_UNSECURE windows/amd64
+ const DNS_STATUS_SINGLE_PART_NAME windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_A windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_A6 windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_AAAA windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_ADDRS windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_AFSDB windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_ALL windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_ANY windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_ATMA windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_AXFR windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_CERT windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_CNAME windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_DHCID windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_DNAME windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_DNSKEY windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_DS windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_EID windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_GID windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_GPOS windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_HINFO windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_ISDN windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_IXFR windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_KEY windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_KX windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_LOC windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_MAILA windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_MAILB windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_MB windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_MD windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_MF windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_MG windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_MINFO windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_MR windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_MX windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_NAPTR windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_NBSTAT windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_NIMLOC windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_NS windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_NSAP windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_NSAPPTR windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_NSEC windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_NULL windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_NXT windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_OPT windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_PTR windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_PX windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_RP windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_RRSIG windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_RT windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_SIG windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_SINK windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_SOA windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_SRV windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_TEXT windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_TKEY windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_TSIG windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_UID windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_UINFO windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_UNSPEC windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_WINS windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_WINSR windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_WKS windows/amd64
+ const DNS_TYPE_X25 windows/amd64
+ const DN_APM_DRIVER windows/amd64
+ const DN_APM_ENUMERATOR windows/amd64
+ const DN_ARM_WAKEUP windows/amd64
+ const DN_BAD_PARTIAL windows/amd64
+ const DN_BOOT_LOG_PROB windows/amd64
+ const DN_CHANGEABLE_FLAGS windows/amd64
+ const DN_CHILD_WITH_INVALID_ID windows/amd64
+ const DN_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED windows/amd64
+ const DN_DISABLEABLE windows/amd64
+ const DN_DRIVER_BLOCKED windows/amd64
+ const DN_DRIVER_LOADED windows/amd64
+ const DN_ENUM_LOADED windows/amd64
+ const DN_FILTERED windows/amd64
+ const DN_HARDWARE_ENUM windows/amd64
+ const DN_HAS_MARK windows/amd64
+ const DN_HAS_PROBLEM windows/amd64
+ const DN_LEGACY_DRIVER windows/amd64
+ const DN_LIAR windows/amd64
+ const DN_MANUAL windows/amd64
+ const DN_MF_CHILD windows/amd64
+ const DN_MF_PARENT windows/amd64
+ const DN_MOVED windows/amd64
+ const DN_NEEDS_LOCKING windows/amd64
+ const DN_NEED_RESTART windows/amd64
+ const DN_NEED_TO_ENUM windows/amd64
+ const DN_NOT_FIRST_TIME windows/amd64
+ const DN_NOT_FIRST_TIMEE windows/amd64
+ const DN_NO_SHOW_IN_DM windows/amd64
+ const DN_NT_DRIVER windows/amd64
+ const DN_NT_ENUMERATOR windows/amd64
+ const DN_PRIVATE_PROBLEM windows/amd64
+ const DN_QUERY_REMOVE_ACTIVE windows/amd64
+ const DN_QUERY_REMOVE_PENDING windows/amd64
+ const DN_REBAL_CANDIDATE windows/amd64
+ const DN_REMOVABLE windows/amd64
+ const DN_ROOT_ENUMERATED windows/amd64
+ const DN_SILENT_INSTALL windows/amd64
+ const DN_STARTED windows/amd64
+ const DN_STOP_FREE_RES windows/amd64
+ const DN_WILL_BE_REMOVED windows/amd64
+ const DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS windows/amd64
+ const DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_BACKUP_OPS windows/amd64
+ const DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_DCOM_USERS windows/amd64
+ const DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_GUESTS windows/amd64
+ const DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_IUSERS windows/amd64
+ const DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_PRINT_OPS windows/amd64
+ const DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_REPLICATOR windows/amd64
+ const DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_SYSTEM_OPS windows/amd64
+ const DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_USERS windows/amd64
+ const DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES windows/amd64
+ const DRAGDROP_E_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const DRAGDROP_E_INVALIDHWND windows/amd64
+ const DRAGDROP_E_LAST windows/amd64
+ const DRAGDROP_E_NOTREGISTERED windows/amd64
+ const DRAGDROP_S_CANCEL windows/amd64
+ const DRAGDROP_S_DROP windows/amd64
+ const DRAGDROP_S_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const DRAGDROP_S_LAST windows/amd64
+ const DRIVE_CDROM windows/amd64
+ const DRIVE_FIXED windows/amd64
+ const DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR windows/amd64
+ const DRIVE_RAMDISK windows/amd64
+ const DRIVE_REMOTE windows/amd64
+ const DRIVE_REMOVABLE windows/amd64
+ const DRIVE_UNKNOWN windows/amd64
+ const DS_S_SUCCESS windows/amd64
+ const DUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCE windows/amd64
+ const DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS windows/amd64
+ const DV_E_CLIPFORMAT windows/amd64
+ const DV_E_DVASPECT windows/amd64
+ const DV_E_DVTARGETDEVICE windows/amd64
+ const DV_E_DVTARGETDEVICE_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const DV_E_FORMATETC windows/amd64
+ const DV_E_LINDEX windows/amd64
+ const DV_E_NOIVIEWOBJECT windows/amd64
+ const DV_E_STATDATA windows/amd64
+ const DV_E_STGMEDIUM windows/amd64
+ const DV_E_TYMED windows/amd64
+ const DWMERR_THEME_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const DWMWA_ALLOW_NCPAINT windows/amd64
+ const DWMWA_BORDER_COLOR windows/amd64
+ const DWMWA_CAPTION_BUTTON_BOUNDS windows/amd64
+ const DWMWA_CAPTION_COLOR windows/amd64
+ const DWMWA_CLOAK windows/amd64
+ const DWMWA_CLOAKED windows/amd64
+ const DWMWA_DISALLOW_PEEK windows/amd64
+ const DWMWA_EXCLUDED_FROM_PEEK windows/amd64
+ const DWMWA_EXTENDED_FRAME_BOUNDS windows/amd64
+ const DWMWA_FLIP3D_POLICY windows/amd64
+ const DWMWA_HAS_ICONIC_BITMAP windows/amd64
+ const DWMWA_NCRENDERING_ENABLED windows/amd64
+ const DWMWA_NCRENDERING_POLICY windows/amd64
+ const DWMWA_NONCLIENT_RTL_LAYOUT windows/amd64
+ const DWMWA_PASSIVE_UPDATE_MODE windows/amd64
+ const DWMWA_TEXT_COLOR windows/amd64
+ const DWM_E_ADAPTER_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const DWM_E_COMPOSITIONDISABLED windows/amd64
+ const DWM_E_NOT_QUEUING_PRESENTS windows/amd64
+ const DWM_E_TEXTURE_TOO_LARGE windows/amd64
+ const DWRITE_E_ALREADYREGISTERED windows/amd64
+ const DWRITE_E_CACHEFORMAT windows/amd64
+ const DWRITE_E_CACHEVERSION windows/amd64
+ const DWRITE_E_DOWNLOADCANCELLED windows/amd64
+ const DWRITE_E_DOWNLOADFAILED windows/amd64
+ const DWRITE_E_FILEACCESS windows/amd64
+ const DWRITE_E_FILEFORMAT windows/amd64
+ const DWRITE_E_FILENOTFOUND windows/amd64
+ const DWRITE_E_NOCOLOR windows/amd64
+ const DWRITE_E_NOFONT windows/amd64
+ const DWRITE_E_REMOTEFONT windows/amd64
+ const DWRITE_E_TOOMANYDOWNLOADS windows/amd64
+ const DWRITE_E_UNEXPECTED windows/amd64
+ const DXGI_DDI_ERR_NONEXCLUSIVE windows/amd64
+ const DXGI_DDI_ERR_UNSUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const DXGI_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const DXGI_ERROR_ACCESS_LOST windows/amd64
+ const DXGI_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const DXGI_ERROR_CACHE_CORRUPT windows/amd64
+ const DXGI_ERROR_CACHE_FULL windows/amd64
+ const DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG windows/amd64
+ const DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED windows/amd64
+ const DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_RESET windows/amd64
+ const DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL windows/amd64
+ const DXGI_ERROR_MORE_DATA windows/amd64
+ const DXGI_ERROR_NONEXCLUSIVE windows/amd64
+ const DXGI_ERROR_NOT_CURRENT windows/amd64
+ const DXGI_ERROR_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const DXGI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const DXGI_ERROR_WAIT_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const DXGI_STATUS_CLIPPED windows/amd64
+ const DXGI_STATUS_MODE_CHANGED windows/amd64
+ const DXGI_STATUS_NO_REDIRECTION windows/amd64
+ const DXGI_STATUS_OCCLUDED windows/amd64
+ const DXGI_STATUS_UNOCCLUDED windows/amd64
+ const DnsSectionAdditional windows/amd64
+ const DnsSectionAnswer windows/amd64
+ const DnsSectionAuthority windows/amd64
+ const DnsSectionQuestion windows/amd64
+ const ENABLE_AUTO_POSITION windows/amd64
+ const ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT windows/amd64
+ const ENABLE_EXTENDED_FLAGS windows/amd64
+ const ENABLE_INSERT_MODE windows/amd64
+ const ENABLE_LINE_INPUT windows/amd64
+ const ENABLE_LVB_GRID_WORLDWIDE windows/amd64
+ const ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT windows/amd64
+ const ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT windows/amd64
+ const ENABLE_PROCESSED_OUTPUT windows/amd64
+ const ENABLE_QUICK_EDIT_MODE windows/amd64
+ const ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT windows/amd64
+ const ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT windows/amd64
+ const ENUM_E_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const ENUM_E_LAST windows/amd64
+ const ENUM_S_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const ENUM_S_LAST windows/amd64
+ const EPT_S_CANT_CREATE windows/amd64
+ const EPT_S_CANT_PERFORM_OP windows/amd64
+ const EPT_S_INVALID_ENTRY windows/amd64
+ const EPT_S_NOT_REGISTERED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ABANDONED_WAIT_0 windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ABANDONED_WAIT_63 windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ABANDON_HIBERFILE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ABIOS_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ACCOUNT_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_OUT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ACCOUNT_RESTRICTION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ACPI_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ADAP_HDW_ERR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ALERTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ALIAS_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ALLOCATE_BUCKET windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ALL_SIDS_FILTERED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ALREADY_ASSIGNED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ALREADY_FIBER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ALREADY_HAS_STREAM_ID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ALREADY_REGISTERED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ALREADY_RUNNING_LKG windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ALREADY_THREAD windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ALREADY_WAITING windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ALREADY_WIN32 windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_API_UNAVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_APPEXEC_NO_DONOR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_APPEXEC_UNKNOWN_USER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_APPHELP_BLOCK windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_APP_DATA_CORRUPT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_APP_DATA_EXPIRED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_APP_DATA_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_APP_HANG windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_APP_INIT_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_APP_WRONG_OS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ARENA_TRASHED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ASSERTION_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_PRESENT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_AUDITING_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_AUDIT_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_AUTHIP_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BACKUP_CONTROLLER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BADDB windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BADKEY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BADSTARTPOSITION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_ACCESSOR_FLAGS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_CLUSTERS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_COMMAND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_CURRENT_DIRECTORY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_FORMAT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_DEVICE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_DEVICE_PATH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_DEV_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_DLL_ENTRYPOINT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_DRIVER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_DRIVER_LEVEL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_ENVIRONMENT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_FILE_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_FORMAT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_FUNCTION_TABLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_INHERITANCE_ACL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_LENGTH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_MCFG_TABLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_NETPATH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_NET_RESP windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_PIPE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_PROFILE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_PROVIDER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_QUERY_SYNTAX windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_RECOVERY_POLICY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_REM_ADAP windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_STACK windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_THREADID_ADDR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_TOKEN_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_UNIT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_USERNAME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_USER_PROFILE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BAD_VALIDATION_CLASS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BCD_TOO_MANY_ELEMENTS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BEGINNING_OF_MEDIA windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BEYOND_VDL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BIZRULES_NOT_ENABLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BOOT_ALREADY_ACCEPTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BUFFER_ALL_ZEROS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BUSY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BUSY_DRIVE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_BUS_RESET windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CACHE_PAGE_LOCKED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CALLBACK_POP_STACK windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CANCELLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CANCEL_VIOLATION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CANNOT_BREAK_OPLOCK windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CANNOT_COPY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CANNOT_FIND_WND_CLASS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CANNOT_IMPERSONATE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CANNOT_MAKE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CANNOT_OPEN_PROFILE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CANTFETCHBACKWARDS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CANTOPEN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CANTREAD windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CANTWRITE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CANT_ACCESS_FILE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CANT_DELETE_LAST_ITEM windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CANT_ENABLE_DENY_ONLY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CANT_OPEN_ANONYMOUS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CANT_RESOLVE_FILENAME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CANT_TERMINATE_SELF windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CANT_WAIT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CAPAUTHZ_CHANGE_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CAPAUTHZ_DB_CORRUPTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CAPAUTHZ_NO_POLICY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CARDBUS_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CHECKING_FILE_SYSTEM windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CHECKOUT_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CHILD_NOT_COMPLETE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CHILD_PROCESS_BLOCKED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CHILD_WINDOW_MENU windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CIRCULAR_DEPENDENCY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLASS_ALREADY_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLASS_DOES_NOT_EXIST windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLASS_HAS_WINDOWS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLEANER_SLOT_NOT_SET windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLEANER_SLOT_SET windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLIPBOARD_NOT_OPEN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLIP_LICENSE_EXPIRED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLOUD_FILE_IN_USE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLOUD_FILE_PINNED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLUSTERLOG_CORRUPT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLUSTER_GROUP_BUSY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLUSTER_GROUP_MOVING windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLUSTER_GROUP_QUEUED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLUSTER_INVALID_NODE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLUSTER_IPADDR_IN_USE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLUSTER_JOIN_ABORTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_DOWN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_ISOLATED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_PAUSED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_UP windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLUSTER_NOT_INSTALLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLUSTER_NO_QUORUM windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLUSTER_NULL_DATA windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLUSTER_OLD_VERSION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLUSTER_PARTIAL_READ windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLUSTER_PARTIAL_SEND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLUSTER_PARTIAL_WRITE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLUSTER_POISONED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CLUSTER_SHUTTING_DOWN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_COLORSPACE_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_COMMITMENT_LIMIT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_COMMITMENT_MINIMUM windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_COMPRESSION_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_COM_TASK_STOP_PENDING windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CONNECTION_ABORTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CONNECTION_ACTIVE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CONNECTION_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CONNECTION_UNAVAIL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CONTAINER_ASSIGNED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CONTENT_BLOCKED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CONTEXT_EXPIRED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CONTINUE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CONTROLLING_IEPORT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CONTROL_C_EXIT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CONTROL_ID_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CONVERT_TO_LARGE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CORE_RESOURCE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CORRUPT_LOG_CLEARED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CORRUPT_LOG_CORRUPTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CORRUPT_LOG_OVERFULL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CORRUPT_SYSTEM_FILE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_COULD_NOT_INTERPRET windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_COULD_NOT_RESIZE_LOG windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_COUNTER_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CPU_SET_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CRASH_DUMP windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CRC windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CREATE_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CSCSHARE_OFFLINE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CSV_VOLUME_NOT_LOCAL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CTX_BAD_VIDEO_MODE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CTX_CDM_CONNECT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CTX_CDM_DISCONNECT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CTX_CLOSE_PENDING windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CTX_CONSOLE_CONNECT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CTX_GRAPHICS_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CTX_INVALID_MODEMNAME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CTX_INVALID_PD windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CTX_INVALID_WD windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CTX_LICENSE_EXPIRED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CTX_LOGON_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CTX_NOT_CONSOLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CTX_NO_FORCE_LOGOFF windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CTX_NO_OUTBUF windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CTX_PD_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CTX_SESSION_IN_USE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CTX_SHADOW_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CTX_SHADOW_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CTX_SHADOW_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CTX_TD_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CTX_WD_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CTX_WINSTATION_BUSY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_CURRENT_DIRECTORY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DATABASE_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DATABASE_FULL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DATATYPE_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DATA_CHECKSUM_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DATA_LOST_REPAIR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DATA_NOT_ACCEPTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DAX_MAPPING_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DBG_COMMAND_EXCEPTION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DBG_CONTINUE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DBG_CONTROL_BREAK windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DBG_CONTROL_C windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DBG_PRINTEXCEPTION_C windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DBG_REPLY_LATER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DBG_RIPEXCEPTION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DBG_TERMINATE_PROCESS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DBG_TERMINATE_THREAD windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DC_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DDE_FAIL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DEBUGGER_INACTIVE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DEBUG_ATTACH_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DECRYPTION_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DELAY_LOAD_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DELETE_PENDING windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DELETING_ICM_XFORM windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DEPENDENCY_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DEVICE_DOOR_OPEN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DEVICE_HARDWARE_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DEVICE_IN_MAINTENANCE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DEVICE_IN_USE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DEVICE_NO_RESOURCES windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DEVICE_UNREACHABLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DEV_NOT_EXIST windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DHCP_ADDRESS_CONFLICT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DIRECTORY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DIRECTORY_NOT_RM windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DIRECT_ACCESS_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DIR_EFS_DISALLOWED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DIR_NOT_EMPTY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DIR_NOT_ROOT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DISCARDED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DISK_CHANGE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DISK_CORRUPT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DISK_FULL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DISK_NOT_CSV_CAPABLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DISK_OPERATION_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DISK_QUOTA_EXCEEDED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DISK_REPAIR_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DISK_RESET_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DISK_TOO_FRAGMENTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DLL_INIT_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DLL_MIGHT_BE_INSECURE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DLL_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DOMAIN_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DOMAIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DOWNGRADE_DETECTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DRIVER_BLOCKED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DRIVER_CANCEL_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DRIVER_DATABASE_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DRIVER_FAILED_SLEEP windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DRIVE_LOCKED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DRIVE_MEDIA_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_ALIAS_PROBLEM windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_ATT_ALREADY_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_ATT_IS_NOT_ON_OBJ windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_ATT_SCHEMA_REQ_ID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_AUDIT_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_AUTH_UNKNOWN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_AUX_CLS_TEST_FAIL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_BAD_HIERARCHY_FILE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_BAD_INSTANCE_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_BAD_NAME_SYNTAX windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_BUSY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_CANT_ADD_TO_GC windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_CANT_CACHE_ATT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_CANT_CACHE_CLASS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_CANT_DELETE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_CANT_DEREF_ALIAS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_CANT_FIND_DSA_OBJ windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_CANT_MOD_OBJ_CLASS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_CANT_ON_NON_LEAF windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_CANT_ON_RDN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_CANT_RETRIEVE_ATTS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_CANT_RETRIEVE_DN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_CANT_RETRIEVE_SD windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_CANT_START windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_CHILDREN_EXIST windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_CLASS_NOT_DSA windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_CLIENT_LOOP windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_CODE_INCONSISTENCY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_COMPARE_FALSE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_COMPARE_TRUE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_CONTROL_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_CROSS_NC_DN_RENAME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_CROSS_REF_BUSY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_CROSS_REF_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DATABASE_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DECODING_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DNS_LOOKUP_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DRA_ABANDON_SYNC windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DRA_ACCESS_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DRA_BAD_DN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DRA_BAD_NC windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DRA_BUSY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DRA_DB_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DRA_DN_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DRA_GENERIC windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DRA_INTERNAL_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DRA_MAIL_PROBLEM windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DRA_MISSING_PARENT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DRA_NAME_COLLISION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DRA_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DRA_NO_REPLICA windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DRA_OUT_OF_MEM windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DRA_PREEMPTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DRA_REF_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DRA_REPL_PENDING windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DRA_RPC_CANCELLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DRA_SECRETS_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DRA_SHUTDOWN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DRA_SINK_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DST_NC_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DS_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DUPLICATE_ID_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DUP_LINK_ID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DUP_MAPI_ID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DUP_MSDS_INTID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DUP_OID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DUP_RDN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_DUP_SCHEMA_ID_GUID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_ENCODING_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_EPOCH_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_EXISTS_IN_AUX_CLS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_EXISTS_IN_MAY_HAVE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_EXISTS_IN_POSS_SUP windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_EXISTS_IN_RDNATTID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_EXISTS_IN_SUB_CLS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_FILTER_UNKNOWN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_GCVERIFY_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_GC_NOT_AVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_GC_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_GENERIC_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_GOVERNSID_MISSING windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_HIGH_ADLDS_FFL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_HIGH_DSA_VERSION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_ILLEGAL_SUPERIOR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_INAPPROPRIATE_AUTH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_INIT_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_INTERNAL_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_INVALID_DMD windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_INVALID_DN_SYNTAX windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_INVALID_GROUP_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_INVALID_ROLE_OWNER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_INVALID_SCRIPT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_IS_LEAF windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_KEY_NOT_UNIQUE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_LOCAL_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_LOOP_DETECT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_LOW_ADLDS_FFL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_LOW_DSA_VERSION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_MASTERDSA_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_MISSING_SUPREF windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_NAME_NOT_UNIQUE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_NAME_TOO_LONG windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_NAME_TYPE_UNKNOWN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_NAME_UNPARSEABLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_NAMING_MASTER_GC windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_NAMING_VIOLATION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_NCNAME_MUST_BE_NC windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_NC_STILL_HAS_DSAS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_NON_ASQ_SEARCH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_NON_BASE_SEARCH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_NOT_AN_OBJECT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_NOT_CLOSEST windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_NOT_INSTALLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_NOT_ON_BACKLINK windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_NO_CHAINED_EVAL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_NO_CHAINING windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_NO_CROSSREF_FOR_NC windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_NO_DELETED_NAME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_NO_MORE_RIDS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_NO_MSDS_INTID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_NO_NTDSA_OBJECT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_NO_PARENT_OBJECT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_NO_REF_DOMAIN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_NO_RIDS_ALLOCATED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_NO_SERVER_OBJECT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_NO_SUCH_OBJECT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_OBJ_GUID_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_OBJ_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_OBJ_TOO_LARGE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_OFFSET_RANGE_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_OID_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_OPERATIONS_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_OUT_OF_SCOPE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_PARAM_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_PARENT_IS_AN_ALIAS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_POLICY_NOT_KNOWN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_PROTOCOL_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_RANGE_CONSTRAINT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_REFERRAL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_REPLICATOR_ONLY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_RESERVED_LINK_ID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_RESERVED_MAPI_ID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_RIDMGR_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_RIDMGR_INIT_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_ROLE_NOT_VERIFIED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_ROOT_MUST_BE_NC windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_SAM_INIT_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_SCHEMA_NOT_LOADED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_SEC_DESC_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_SEC_DESC_TOO_SHORT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_SEMANTIC_ATT_TEST windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_SERVER_DOWN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_SHUTTING_DOWN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_SRC_GUID_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_SRC_NAME_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_SUB_CLS_TEST_FAIL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_SYNTAX_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_TIMELIMIT_EXCEEDED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_UNAVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_UNKNOWN_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_UNKNOWN_OPERATION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DS_WRONG_OM_OBJ_CLASS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DUPLICATE_PRIVILEGES windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DUPLICATE_TAG windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DUP_DOMAINNAME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DUP_NAME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_DYNAMIC_CODE_BLOCKED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EAS_DIDNT_FIT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EAS_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EA_ACCESS_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EA_FILE_CORRUPT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EA_LIST_INCONSISTENT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EA_TABLE_FULL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EC_CREDSTORE_FULL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EC_CRED_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EC_LOG_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EC_NO_ACTIVE_CHANNEL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EFS_ALG_BLOB_TOO_BIG windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EFS_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ELEVATION_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EMPTY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ENCLAVE_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ENCLAVE_VIOLATION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ENCRYPTION_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ENCRYPTION_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_END_OF_MEDIA windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ENLISTMENT_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EOM_OVERFLOW windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ERRORS_ENCOUNTERED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EVENTLOG_CANT_START windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EVENTLOG_FILE_CHANGED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EVENTLOG_FILE_CORRUPT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EVENT_DONE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EVENT_PENDING windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EVT_CHANNEL_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EVT_FILTER_INVARG windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EVT_FILTER_INVTEST windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EVT_FILTER_INVTYPE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EVT_FILTER_NOTELTSET windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EVT_FILTER_PARSEERR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EVT_INVALID_QUERY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EVT_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EVT_VERSION_TOO_NEW windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EVT_VERSION_TOO_OLD windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EXCEPTION_IN_SERVICE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EXE_MARKED_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EXPIRED_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_EXTENDED_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FAILED_DRIVER_ENTRY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FAIL_FAST_EXCEPTION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FAIL_I24 windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FAIL_NOACTION_REBOOT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FAIL_REBOOT_INITIATED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FAIL_REBOOT_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FAIL_RESTART windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FAIL_SHUTDOWN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FATAL_APP_EXIT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FILEMARK_DETECTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FILE_CHECKED_OUT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FILE_ENCRYPTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FILE_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FILE_HANDLE_REVOKED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FILE_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FILE_NOT_ENCRYPTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FILE_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FILE_OFFLINE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FILE_READ_ONLY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FILE_TOO_LARGE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FIRMWARE_UPDATED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FLOATED_SECTION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FLOAT_MULTIPLE_FAULTS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FLOAT_MULTIPLE_TRAPS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FLOPPY_BAD_REGISTERS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FLOPPY_UNKNOWN_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FLOPPY_VOLUME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FLOPPY_WRONG_CYLINDER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FLT_ALREADY_ENLISTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FLT_CBDQ_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FLT_DELETING_OBJECT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FLT_DISALLOW_FAST_IO windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FLT_DO_NOT_ATTACH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FLT_DO_NOT_DETACH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FLT_DUPLICATE_ENTRY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FLT_FILTER_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FLT_FILTER_NOT_READY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FLT_INTERNAL_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FLT_IO_COMPLETE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FLT_NAME_CACHE_MISS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FLT_NOT_INITIALIZED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FLT_NO_DEVICE_OBJECT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FLT_REGISTRATION_BUSY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FLT_VOLUME_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FORMS_AUTH_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FOUND_OUT_OF_SCOPE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FS_DRIVER_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FT_DI_SCAN_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FT_READ_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FT_WRITE_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FT_WRITE_RECOVERY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FULLSCREEN_MODE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FULL_BACKUP windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_FUNCTION_NOT_CALLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_GDI_HANDLE_LEAK windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_GENERIC_NOT_MAPPED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_GEN_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_GLOBAL_ONLY_HOOK windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_GPIO_OPERATION_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_GRACEFUL_DISCONNECT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_GRAPHICS_NO_VIDPNMGR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_GROUPSET_CANT_PROVIDE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_GROUPSET_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_GROUP_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_GROUP_NOT_AVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_GROUP_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_GROUP_NOT_ONLINE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HANDLES_CLOSED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HANDLE_EOF windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HANDLE_REVOKED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HASH_NOT_PRESENT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HASH_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HIBERNATED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HIBERNATION_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HOOK_NEEDS_HMOD windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HOOK_NOT_INSTALLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HOOK_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HOST_DOWN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HOST_UNREACHABLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HOTKEY_NOT_REGISTERED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HV_ACCESS_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HV_ACKNOWLEDGED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HV_INACTIVE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HV_INVALID_ALIGNMENT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HV_INVALID_DEVICE_ID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HV_INVALID_LP_INDEX windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HV_INVALID_PARAMETER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HV_INVALID_PORT_ID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HV_INVALID_VP_INDEX windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HV_INVALID_VP_STATE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HV_INVALID_VTL_STATE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HV_NOT_ACKNOWLEDGED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HV_NOT_PRESENT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HV_NO_DATA windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HV_NO_RESOURCES windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HV_NX_NOT_DETECTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HV_OBJECT_IN_USE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HV_OPERATION_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HV_OPERATION_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HV_PARTITION_TOO_DEEP windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HV_SMX_ENABLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_HV_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ICM_NOT_ENABLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IEPORT_FULL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ILLEGAL_FLOAT_CONTEXT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ILL_FORMED_PASSWORD windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IMAGE_NOT_AT_BASE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IMPLEMENTATION_LIMIT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INCORRECT_ADDRESS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INCORRECT_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INC_BACKUP windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INDEX_ABSENT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INDIGENOUS_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INSTALL_CANCEL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INSTALL_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INSTALL_LOG_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INSTALL_NOTUSED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INSTALL_REJECTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INSTALL_SOURCE_ABSENT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INSTALL_SUSPEND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INSTALL_UI_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INSTALL_USEREXIT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_POWER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INTERNAL_DB_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_ACCEL_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_ACCOUNT_NAME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_ACE_CONDITION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_ACL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_BLOCK windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_BLOCK_LENGTH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_CAP windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_CATEGORY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_CLEANER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_CMM windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_COLORINDEX windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_COLORSPACE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_COMMAND_LINE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_COMPUTERNAME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_CURSOR_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_DATA windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_DATATYPE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_DLL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_DOMAINNAME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_DOMAIN_ROLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_DOMAIN_STATE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE_OBJECT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_DWP_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_EA_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_EA_NAME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_EDIT_HEIGHT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_ENVIRONMENT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_EVENTNAME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_EVENT_COUNT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_EXE_SIGNATURE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_FIELD windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_FILTER_PROC windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_FLAG_NUMBER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_FORM_NAME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_FORM_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_GROUPNAME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_GW_COMMAND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE_STATE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_HOOK_FILTER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_HOOK_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_HW_PROFILE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_ICON_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_ID_AUTHORITY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_IMAGE_HASH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_INDEX windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_LABEL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_LB_MESSAGE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_LDT_OFFSET windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_LDT_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_LIBRARY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_LIST_FORMAT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_LOCK_RANGE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_LOGON_HOURS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_LOGON_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_MEDIA windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_MEDIA_POOL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_MEMBER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_MENU_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_MESSAGE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_MESSAGEDEST windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_MESSAGENAME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_MINALLOCSIZE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_MODULETYPE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_MSGBOX_STYLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_NAME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_NETNAME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_ORDINAL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_OWNER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORDNAME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_PATCH_XML windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_PIXEL_FORMAT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_PRIMARY_GROUP windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_PRINTER_NAME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_PRINTER_STATE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_PRINT_MONITOR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_PRIORITY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_PROFILE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_QUOTA_LOWER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_REPARSE_DATA windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_SEGDPL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_SERVER_STATE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_SERVICENAME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_SERVICE_LOCK windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_SHARENAME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_SID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_SIGNAL_NUMBER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_SPI_VALUE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_STACKSEG windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_STATE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_SUB_AUTHORITY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_TABLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_TARGET_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_TASK_INDEX windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_TASK_NAME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_THREAD_ID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_TIME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_TRANSACTION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_TRANSFORM windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_UNWIND_TARGET windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_USER_BUFFER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_VARIANT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_VERIFY_SWITCH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_WINDOW_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_WINDOW_STYLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_INVALID_WORKSTATION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IOPL_NOT_ENABLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IO_DEVICE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IO_PENDING windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IO_PREEMPTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IO_PRIVILEGE_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IO_REISSUE_AS_CACHED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_BAD_SPI windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_CLEAR_TEXT_DROP windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_DOSP_BLOCK windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_ATTRIB_FAIL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_AUTH_FAIL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_CRL_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_DECRYPT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_DH_FAIL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_DH_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_ENCRYPT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_FAILSSPINIT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_GETSPIFAIL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_SIG windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_LOAD_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_MM_EXPIRED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_MM_LIMIT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_NOTCBPRIV windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_NO_CERT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_NO_POLICY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_QM_EXPIRED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_QM_LIMIT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_RPC_DELETE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_SA_DELETED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_SA_REAPED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_SECLOADFAIL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_SRVACQFAIL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_TIMED_OUT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_UNKNOWN_DOI windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_INVALID_PACKET windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_MM_AUTH_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_MM_AUTH_IN_USE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_THROTTLE_DROP windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IPSEC_WRONG_SA windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IP_ADDRESS_CONFLICT1 windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IP_ADDRESS_CONFLICT2 windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IRQ_BUSY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IS_JOINED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IS_JOIN_PATH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IS_JOIN_TARGET windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IS_SUBSTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IS_SUBST_PATH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_IS_SUBST_TARGET windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_JOB_NO_CONTAINER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_JOIN_TO_JOIN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_JOIN_TO_SUBST windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_JOURNAL_ENTRY_DELETED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_JOURNAL_HOOK_SET windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_JOURNAL_NOT_ACTIVE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_KERNEL_APC windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_KEY_DELETED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_KEY_HAS_CHILDREN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_KM_DRIVER_BLOCKED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LABEL_TOO_LONG windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LAST_ADMIN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LB_WITHOUT_TABSTOPS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LIBRARY_FULL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LIBRARY_OFFLINE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LISTBOX_ID_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOCKED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOCK_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOGON_NOT_GRANTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOGON_SERVER_CONFLICT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOGON_SESSION_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOG_BLOCKS_EXHAUSTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOG_BLOCK_INCOMPLETE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOG_BLOCK_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOG_BLOCK_VERSION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOG_CANT_DELETE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOG_DEDICATED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOG_EPHEMERAL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOG_FILE_FULL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOG_FULL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOG_GROWTH_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOG_HARD_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOG_INVALID_RANGE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOG_METADATA_CORRUPT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOG_METADATA_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOG_MULTIPLEXED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOG_NO_RESTART windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOG_PINNED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOG_POLICY_CONFLICT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOG_POLICY_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOG_READ_MODE_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOG_RESTART_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOG_SECTOR_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOG_SECTOR_REMAPPED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOG_START_OF_LOG windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOG_STATE_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOG_TAIL_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LONGJUMP windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LOST_WRITEBEHIND_DATA windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_LUIDS_EXHAUSTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MACHINE_LOCKED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MAGAZINE_NOT_PRESENT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MAPPED_ALIGNMENT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MARSHALL_OVERFLOW windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MAX_SESSIONS_REACHED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MAX_THRDS_REACHED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MCA_EXCEPTION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MCA_INTERNAL_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MCA_OCCURED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MEDIA_CHANGED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MEDIA_CHECK windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MEDIA_INCOMPATIBLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MEDIA_NOT_AVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MEDIA_OFFLINE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MEDIA_UNAVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MEDIUM_NOT_ACCESSIBLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MEMBERS_PRIMARY_GROUP windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MEMBER_IN_ALIAS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MEMBER_IN_GROUP windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MEMBER_NOT_IN_ALIAS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MEMBER_NOT_IN_GROUP windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MEMORY_HARDWARE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MENU_ITEM_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MESSAGE_SYNC_ONLY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MISSING_SYSTEMFILE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MONITOR_NO_DESCRIPTOR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MORE_DATA windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MORE_WRITES windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MP_PROCESSOR_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MRM_AUTOMERGE_ENABLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MRM_DUPLICATE_ENTRY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MRM_FILEPATH_TOO_LONG windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MRM_INVALID_FILE_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MRM_INVALID_PRICONFIG windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MRM_INVALID_PRI_FILE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MRM_MAP_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MRM_NO_CANDIDATE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MRM_PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MRM_UNKNOWN_QUALIFIER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MR_MID_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MUI_FILE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MUI_FILE_NOT_LOADED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MUI_INVALID_FILE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MUI_INVALID_RC_CONFIG windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MUTANT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_MUTUAL_AUTH_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NDIS_ADAPTER_REMOVED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NDIS_ALREADY_MAPPED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NDIS_BAD_VERSION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NDIS_BUFFER_TOO_SHORT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NDIS_DEVICE_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NDIS_FILE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NDIS_INVALID_ADDRESS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NDIS_INVALID_DATA windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NDIS_INVALID_LENGTH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NDIS_INVALID_OID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NDIS_INVALID_PACKET windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NDIS_INVALID_PORT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NDIS_LOW_POWER_STATE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NDIS_MULTICAST_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NDIS_MULTICAST_FULL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NDIS_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NDIS_NO_QUEUES windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NDIS_OFFLOAD_POLICY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NDIS_OPEN_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NDIS_PAUSED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NDIS_REINIT_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NDIS_REQUEST_ABORTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NEEDS_REGISTRATION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NEEDS_REMEDIATION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NEGATIVE_SEEK windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NESTING_NOT_ALLOWED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NETLOGON_NOT_STARTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NETNAME_DELETED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NETWORK_BUSY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NETWORK_NOT_AVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NET_OPEN_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NET_WRITE_FAULT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOACCESS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NODE_NOT_AVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOINTERFACE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NONCORE_GROUPS_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NONE_MAPPED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NON_ACCOUNT_SID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NON_CSV_PATH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NON_DOMAIN_SID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NON_MDICHILD_WINDOW windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOTHING_TO_TERMINATE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOTIFY_CLEANUP windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOTIFY_ENUM_DIR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_ALL_ASSIGNED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_APPCONTAINER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_AUTHENTICATED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_A_CLOUD_FILE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_A_CLOUD_SYNC_ROOT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_A_DAX_VOLUME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_A_REPARSE_POINT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_A_TIERED_VOLUME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_CAPABLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_CHILD_WINDOW windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_CONTAINER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_DAX_MAPPABLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_DOS_DISK windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_EMPTY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_QUOTA windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_EXPORT_FORMAT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_GUI_PROCESS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_JOINED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_LOCKED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_ON windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_LOGON_PROCESS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_OWNER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_QUORUM_CAPABLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_QUORUM_CLASS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_READY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_READ_FROM_COPY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_REDUNDANT_STORAGE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_REGISTRY_FILE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_SAFEBOOT_SERVICE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_SAFE_MODE_DRIVER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_SAME_DEVICE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_SAME_OBJECT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_SNAPSHOT_VOLUME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_SUBSTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_DAX windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_SBS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NOT_TINY_STREAM windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_ACE_CONDITION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_ADMIN_ACCESS_POINT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_ASSOCIATION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_CALLBACK_ACTIVE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_DATA windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_DATA_DETECTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_EFS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_EVENT_PAIR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_GUID_TRANSLATION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_INHERITANCE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_LOGON_SERVERS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_LOG_SPACE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_MATCH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_MEDIA_IN_DRIVE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_MORE_DEVICES windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_MORE_MATCHES windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_MORE_USER_HANDLES windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_NETWORK windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_NET_OR_BAD_PATH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_NVRAM_RESOURCES windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_PAGEFILE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_PROC_SLOTS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_PROMOTION_ACTIVE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_QUOTAS_FOR_ACCOUNT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_RANGES_PROCESSED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_RECOVERY_POLICY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_RECOVERY_PROGRAM windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_SCROLLBARS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_SECRETS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_SECURITY_ON_OBJECT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_SIGNAL_SENT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_SITENAME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_SPOOL_SPACE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_SUCH_ALIAS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_SUCH_DEVICE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_SUCH_GROUP windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_SUCH_LOGON_SESSION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_SUCH_MEMBER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_SUCH_PACKAGE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_SUCH_PRIVILEGE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_SUCH_SITE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_SUCH_USER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_SUPPORTING_DRIVES windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_MENU windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_TASK_QUEUE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_TOKEN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_TRACKING_SERVICE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_TRUST_LSA_SECRET windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_TRUST_SAM_ACCOUNT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_TXF_METADATA windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_USER_KEYS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_USER_SESSION_KEY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_VOLUME_ID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_VOLUME_LABEL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_WORK_DONE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_WRITABLE_DC_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NO_YIELD_PERFORMED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NTLM_BLOCKED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_NULL_LM_PASSWORD windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_OBJECT_IN_LIST windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_OBJECT_NAME_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_OLD_WIN_VERSION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ONLY_IF_CONNECTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_OPEN_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_OPEN_FILES windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_OPLOCK_HANDLE_CLOSED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_OPLOCK_NOT_GRANTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ORPHAN_NAME_EXHAUSTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_OUT_OF_PAPER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_OUT_OF_STRUCTURES windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_OVERRIDE_NOCHANGES windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PACKAGES_IN_USE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PACKAGE_MOVE_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PACKAGE_UPDATING windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PAGEFILE_QUOTA windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PAGE_FAULT_GUARD_PAGE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PAGE_FAULT_TRANSITION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PARTITION_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PASSWORD_EXPIRED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PASSWORD_MUST_CHANGE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PASSWORD_RESTRICTION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PATCH_NO_SEQUENCE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PATCH_PACKAGE_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PATH_BUSY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PIPE_BUSY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PIPE_LISTENING windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PIPE_LOCAL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PIPE_NOT_CONNECTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PKINIT_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PLUGPLAY_QUERY_VETOED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PNP_BAD_MPS_TABLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PNP_INVALID_ID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PNP_REBOOT_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_POINT_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_POLICY_ONLY_IN_DS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_POPUP_ALREADY_ACTIVE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PORT_MESSAGE_TOO_LONG windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PORT_NOT_SET windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PORT_UNREACHABLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_POSSIBLE_DEADLOCK windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_POTENTIAL_FILE_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PREDEFINED_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PRINTER_DELETED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PRINTER_DRIVER_IN_USE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PRINTER_DRIVER_WARNED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PRINTER_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PRINTER_NOT_SHAREABLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PRINTQ_FULL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PRINT_CANCELLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PRINT_MONITOR_IN_USE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PRIVATE_DIALOG_INDEX windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PROCESS_ABORTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PROCESS_IN_JOB windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PROCESS_IS_PROTECTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PROCESS_NOT_IN_JOB windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PRODUCT_UNINSTALLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PRODUCT_VERSION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PROFILING_AT_LIMIT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PROFILING_NOT_STARTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PROFILING_NOT_STOPPED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PROMOTION_ACTIVE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PROTOCOL_UNREACHABLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PWD_HISTORY_CONFLICT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PWD_TOO_LONG windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PWD_TOO_RECENT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_PWD_TOO_SHORT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_QUERY_STORAGE_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_QUORUMLOG_OPEN_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_QUORUM_DISK_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_QUORUM_OWNER_ALIVE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_QUORUM_RESOURCE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_QUOTA_ACTIVITY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RANGE_LIST_CONFLICT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RANGE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RDP_PROTOCOL_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_READ_FAULT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RECEIVE_EXPEDITED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RECEIVE_PARTIAL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RECOVERY_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RECOVERY_FILE_CORRUPT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RECOVERY_NOT_NEEDED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_REC_NON_EXISTENT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_REDIR_PAUSED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_REGISTRY_IO_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_REGISTRY_QUOTA_LIMIT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_REGISTRY_RECOVERED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_REG_NAT_CONSUMPTION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_REMOVE_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_REM_NOT_LIST windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_REPARSE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_REPARSE_OBJECT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_REPARSE_TAG_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_REPARSE_TAG_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_REQUEST_ABORTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_REQUEST_PAUSED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_REQUEST_REFUSED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_REQ_NOT_ACCEP windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RESMON_CREATE_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RESMON_INVALID_STATE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RESMON_ONLINE_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RESOURCE_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RESOURCE_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_ONLINE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_PRESENT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RESOURCE_ONLINE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RESTART_APPLICATION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RESUME_HIBERNATION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RETRY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_REVISION_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RING2_STACK_IN_USE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RMODE_APP windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RM_ALREADY_STARTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RM_DISCONNECTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RM_METADATA_CORRUPT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RM_NOT_ACTIVE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_ROWSNOTRELEASED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RPL_NOT_ALLOWED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RXACT_COMMITTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RXACT_COMMIT_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RXACT_INVALID_STATE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_RXACT_STATE_CREATED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SAME_DRIVE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SAM_INIT_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SCOPE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SCREEN_ALREADY_LOCKED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SCRUB_DATA_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SECRET_TOO_LONG windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SECTOR_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SEEK windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SEEK_ON_DEVICE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SEGMENT_NOTIFICATION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SEM_IS_SET windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SEM_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SEM_OWNER_DIED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SEM_USER_LIMIT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SERIAL_NO_DEVICE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SERVER_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SERVER_NOT_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SERVER_SID_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SERVICE_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SERVICE_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SERVICE_LOGON_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SERVICE_NEVER_STARTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_IN_EXE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SERVICE_NO_THREAD windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SERVICE_START_HANG windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SETCOUNT_ON_BAD_LB windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SETMARK_DETECTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SET_CONTEXT_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SET_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SHARED_POLICY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SHUTDOWN_CLUSTER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SHUTDOWN_IS_SCHEDULED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SIGNAL_PENDING windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SIGNAL_REFUSED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SINGLE_INSTANCE_APP windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SMB1_NOT_AVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SOME_NOT_MAPPED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SOURCE_ELEMENT_EMPTY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SPACES_ENTRY_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SPACES_EXTENDED_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SPACES_INTERNAL_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SPECIAL_ACCOUNT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SPECIAL_GROUP windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SPECIAL_USER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SPL_NO_ADDJOB windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SPL_NO_STARTDOC windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SPOOL_FILE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_STACK_OVERFLOW windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_STACK_OVERFLOW_READ windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_STATIC_INIT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_STOPPED_ON_SYMLINK windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_STRICT_CFG_VIOLATION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SUBST_TO_JOIN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SUBST_TO_SUBST windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SUCCESS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SVHDX_ERROR_STORED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SVHDX_NO_INITIATOR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SVHDX_WRONG_FILE_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SWAPERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SXS_ASSEMBLY_MISSING windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SXS_CANT_GEN_ACTCTX windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SXS_CORRUPTION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SXS_DUPLICATE_CLSID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SXS_DUPLICATE_IID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SXS_DUPLICATE_PROGID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SXS_DUPLICATE_TLBID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SXS_FILE_HASH_MISSING windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SXS_KEY_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SXS_MANIFEST_TOO_BIG windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SXS_SECTION_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SXS_UNKNOWN_ENCODING windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SXS_VERSION_CONFLICT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SXS_XML_E_BADCHARDATA windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SXS_XML_E_BADNAMECHAR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SXS_XML_E_BADXMLCASE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SXS_XML_E_BADXMLDECL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SXS_XML_E_MISSINGROOT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SXS_XML_E_UNCLOSEDTAG windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SYMLINK_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SYSTEM_HIVE_TOO_LARGE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_SYSTEM_TRACE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TAG_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TAG_NOT_PRESENT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_THREAD_1_INACTIVE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_THREAD_NOT_IN_PROCESS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_THREAD_WAS_SUSPENDED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TIMER_NOT_CANCELED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TIMER_RESUME_IGNORED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TIME_SENSITIVE_THREAD windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TIME_SKEW windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TLW_WITH_WSCHILD windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TM_IDENTITY_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TM_VOLATILE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TOKEN_ALREADY_IN_USE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TOO_MANY_CMDS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TOO_MANY_CONTEXT_IDS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TOO_MANY_DESCRIPTORS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TOO_MANY_LINKS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TOO_MANY_MODULES windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TOO_MANY_MUXWAITERS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TOO_MANY_NAMES windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TOO_MANY_POSTS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TOO_MANY_SECRETS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TOO_MANY_SEMAPHORES windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TOO_MANY_SEM_REQUESTS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TOO_MANY_SESS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TOO_MANY_SIDS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TOO_MANY_TCBS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TOO_MANY_THREADS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TRANSACTION_NOT_ROOT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TRANSLATION_COMPLETE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TRANSPORT_FULL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TRUST_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TXF_ATTRIBUTE_CORRUPT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_TXF_DIR_NOT_EMPTY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_UNABLE_TO_CLEAN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_MEDIUM windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_UNABLE_TO_LOCK_MEDIA windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_UNDEFINED_CHARACTER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_UNDEFINED_SCOPE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_UNEXPECTED_OMID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_UNEXP_NET_ERR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_UNIDENTIFIED_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_UNKNOWN_COMPONENT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_UNKNOWN_FEATURE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_UNKNOWN_PATCH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_UNKNOWN_PORT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRINT_MONITOR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_UNKNOWN_REVISION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_UNRECOGNIZED_VOLUME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_UNWIND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_UNWIND_CONSOLIDATE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_USER_APC windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_USER_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_USER_MAPPED_FILE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_USER_PROFILE_LOAD windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VALIDATE_CONTINUE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VC_DISCONNECTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VDM_DISALLOWED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VDM_HARD_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VERIFIER_STOP windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VERSION_PARSE_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VHD_BITMAP_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VHD_FORMAT_UNKNOWN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VHD_INVALID_FILE_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VHD_INVALID_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VHD_INVALID_STATE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VHD_INVALID_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VHD_METADATA_FULL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VHD_SHARED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VID_DUPLICATE_HANDLER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VID_MBPS_ARE_LOCKED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VID_QUEUE_FULL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VID_STOP_PENDING windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VID_TOO_MANY_HANDLERS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VID_VTL_ACCESS_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VIRUS_DELETED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VIRUS_INFECTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VMCOMPUTE_TERMINATED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VMCOMPUTE_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VOLMGR_BAD_BOOT_DISK windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VOLMGR_DATABASE_FULL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VOLMGR_DISK_DUPLICATE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VOLMGR_DISK_DYNAMIC windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VOLMGR_DISK_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VOLMGR_DISK_MISSING windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VOLMGR_DISK_NOT_EMPTY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VOLMGR_MEMBER_IN_SYNC windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VOLMGR_MEMBER_MISSING windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VOLMGR_NO_SUCH_USER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VOLMGR_PACK_DUPLICATE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VOLMGR_PACK_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VOLMGR_PACK_OFFLINE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VOLMGR_PLEX_IN_SYNC windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VOLMGR_PLEX_MISSING windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VOLMGR_PLEX_NOT_RAID5 windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VOLMGR_VOLUME_OFFLINE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VOLUME_DIRTY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VOLUME_MOUNTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VRF_CFG_ENABLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_VSM_NOT_INITIALIZED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WAIT_1 windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WAIT_2 windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WAIT_3 windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WAIT_63 windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WAIT_FOR_OPLOCK windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WAIT_NO_CHILDREN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WAKE_SYSTEM windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WAKE_SYSTEM_DEBUGGER windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WAS_LOCKED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WAS_UNLOCKED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WINDOW_NOT_COMBOBOX windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WINDOW_NOT_DIALOG windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WINS_INTERNAL windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WIP_ENCRYPTION_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WMI_ALREADY_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WMI_ALREADY_ENABLED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WMI_DP_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WMI_DP_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WMI_GUID_DISCONNECTED windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WMI_GUID_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WMI_INVALID_MOF windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WMI_INVALID_REGINFO windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WMI_ITEMID_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WMI_READ_ONLY windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WMI_SET_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WMI_TRY_AGAIN windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WORKING_SET_QUOTA windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WOW_ASSERTION windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WRITE_FAULT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WRONG_COMPARTMENT windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WRONG_DISK windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WRONG_EFS windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WRONG_PASSWORD windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WRONG_TARGET_NAME windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WX86_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_WX86_WARNING windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_XMLDSIG_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_XML_ENCODING_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const ERROR_XML_PARSE_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const EVENTLOG_AUDIT_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const EVENTLOG_AUDIT_SUCCESS windows/amd64
+ const EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const EVENTLOG_SUCCESS windows/amd64
+ const EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const EVENT_ALL_ACCESS windows/amd64
+ const EVENT_E_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const EVENT_E_INTERNALERROR windows/amd64
+ const EVENT_E_INTERNALEXCEPTION windows/amd64
+ const EVENT_E_LAST windows/amd64
+ const EVENT_E_MISSING_EVENTCLASS windows/amd64
+ const EVENT_E_NOT_ALL_REMOVED windows/amd64
+ const EVENT_E_QUERYFIELD windows/amd64
+ const EVENT_E_QUERYSYNTAX windows/amd64
+ const EVENT_E_TOO_MANY_METHODS windows/amd64
+ const EVENT_E_USER_EXCEPTION windows/amd64
+ const EVENT_MODIFY_STATE windows/amd64
+ const EVENT_S_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const EVENT_S_LAST windows/amd64
+ const EVENT_S_NOSUBSCRIBERS windows/amd64
+ const EWX_BOOTOPTIONS windows/amd64
+ const EWX_FORCE windows/amd64
+ const EWX_FORCEIFHUNG windows/amd64
+ const EWX_HYBRID_SHUTDOWN windows/amd64
+ const EWX_LOGOFF windows/amd64
+ const EWX_POWEROFF windows/amd64
+ const EWX_QUICKRESOLVE windows/amd64
+ const EWX_REBOOT windows/amd64
+ const EWX_RESTARTAPPS windows/amd64
+ const EWX_SHUTDOWN windows/amd64
+ const E_ABORT windows/amd64
+ const E_ACCESSDENIED windows/amd64
+ const E_APPLICATION_EXITING windows/amd64
+ const E_APPLICATION_VIEW_EXITING windows/amd64
+ const E_BLUETOOTH_ATT_INVALID_PDU windows/amd64
+ const E_BLUETOOTH_ATT_UNLIKELY windows/amd64
+ const E_BOUNDS windows/amd64
+ const E_CHANGED_STATE windows/amd64
+ const E_FAIL windows/amd64
+ const E_FULL_ADMIN_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const E_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const E_ILLEGAL_METHOD_CALL windows/amd64
+ const E_ILLEGAL_STATE_CHANGE windows/amd64
+ const E_INVALIDARG windows/amd64
+ const E_INVALID_PROTOCOL_FORMAT windows/amd64
+ const E_MBN_BAD_SIM windows/amd64
+ const E_MBN_CONTEXT_NOT_ACTIVATED windows/amd64
+ const E_MBN_DEFAULT_PROFILE_EXIST windows/amd64
+ const E_MBN_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const E_MBN_INVALID_ACCESS_STRING windows/amd64
+ const E_MBN_INVALID_CACHE windows/amd64
+ const E_MBN_INVALID_PROFILE windows/amd64
+ const E_MBN_NOT_REGISTERED windows/amd64
+ const E_MBN_PACKET_SVC_DETACHED windows/amd64
+ const E_MBN_PIN_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const E_MBN_PIN_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const E_MBN_PIN_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const E_MBN_PROVIDERS_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const E_MBN_PROVIDER_NOT_VISIBLE windows/amd64
+ const E_MBN_RADIO_POWER_OFF windows/amd64
+ const E_MBN_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVATED windows/amd64
+ const E_MBN_SIM_NOT_INSERTED windows/amd64
+ const E_MBN_SMS_MEMORY_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const E_MBN_SMS_MEMORY_FULL windows/amd64
+ const E_MBN_SMS_NETWORK_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const E_NOINTERFACE windows/amd64
+ const E_NOTIMPL windows/amd64
+ const E_NOT_SET windows/amd64
+ const E_NOT_SUFFICIENT_BUFFER windows/amd64
+ const E_NOT_VALID_STATE windows/amd64
+ const E_NO_TASK_QUEUE windows/amd64
+ const E_OUTOFMEMORY windows/amd64
+ const E_PENDING windows/amd64
+ const E_POINTER windows/amd64
+ const E_SUBPROTOCOL_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const E_TIME_SENSITIVE_THREAD windows/amd64
+ const E_UAC_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const E_UNEXPECTED windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_AAF windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_ACCELERATOR windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_ACS windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_ACTION_QUEUE windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_AUDCLNT windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_AUDIO windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_AUDIOSTREAMING windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_BACKGROUNDCOPY windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_BCD windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_BLB windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_BLBUI windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_BLB_CLI windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_BLUETOOTH_ATT windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_CERT windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_CMI windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_COMPLUS windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_CONFIGURATION windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_CONTROL windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_DAF windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_DEBUGGERS windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_DEFRAG windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_DIRECT2D windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_DIRECT3D10 windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_DIRECT3D11 windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_DIRECT3D11_DEBUG windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_DIRECT3D12 windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_DIRECT3D12_DEBUG windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_DIRECTMUSIC windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_DISPATCH windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_DLS windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_DMSERVER windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_DPLAY windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_DRVSERVICING windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_DXGI windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_DXGI_DDI windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_EAP windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_EAS windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_FVE windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_FWP windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_GAME windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_GRAPHICS windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_HTTP windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_INPUT windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_INTERNET windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_ITF windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_JSCRIPT windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_LEAP windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_MBN windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_MEDIASERVER windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_METADIRECTORY windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_MOBILE windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_MSMQ windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_NAP windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_NDIS windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_NT_BIT windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_NULL windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_ONLINE_ID windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_OPC windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_P2P windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_P2P_INT windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_PARSE windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_PIDGENX windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_PIX windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_PLA windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_POWERSHELL windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_RAS windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_RESTORE windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_RPC windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_SCARD windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_SCRIPT windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_SDIAG windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_SECURITY windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_SETUPAPI windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_SHELL windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_SOS windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_SPP windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_SQLITE windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_SSPI windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_STATEREPOSITORY windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_STATE_MANAGEMENT windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_STORAGE windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_SXS windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_SYNCENGINE windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_TIERING windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_TPM_SERVICES windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_TPM_SOFTWARE windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_UI windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_UMI windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_URT windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_USERMODE_HNS windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_USERMODE_SDBUS windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_USERMODE_SPACES windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_USERMODE_VHD windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_USERMODE_VOLMGR windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_USERMODE_VOLSNAP windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_USN windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_UTC windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_VISUALCPP windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_WEB windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_WEBSERVICES windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_WEB_SOCKET windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_WEP windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_WER windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_WIA windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_WIN32 windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_WINDOWS windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_WINDOWSUPDATE windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_WINDOWS_CE windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_WINDOWS_DEFENDER windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_WINDOWS_SETUP windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_WINDOWS_STORE windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_WINML windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_WINPE windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_WINRM windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_WMAAECMA windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_WPN windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_WSBAPP windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_WSB_ONLINE windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_XAML windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_XBOX windows/amd64
+ const FACILITY_XPS windows/amd64
+ const FILE_ACTION_ADDED windows/amd64
+ const FILE_ACTION_MODIFIED windows/amd64
+ const FILE_ACTION_REMOVED windows/amd64
+ const FILE_APPEND_DATA windows/amd64
+ const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED windows/amd64
+ const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY windows/amd64
+ const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED windows/amd64
+ const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN windows/amd64
+ const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL windows/amd64
+ const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY windows/amd64
+ const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM windows/amd64
+ const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY windows/amd64
+ const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_VIRTUAL windows/amd64
+ const FILE_BEGIN windows/amd64
+ const FILE_CASE_PRESERVED_NAMES windows/amd64
+ const FILE_CASE_SENSITIVE_SEARCH windows/amd64
+ const FILE_COMPLETE_IF_OPLOCKED windows/amd64
+ const FILE_CREATE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_CREATE_TREE_CONNECTION windows/amd64
+ const FILE_CURRENT windows/amd64
+ const FILE_DAX_VOLUME windows/amd64
+ const FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_DISALLOW_EXCLUSIVE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_DISPOSITION_DELETE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_DISPOSITION_ON_CLOSE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_END windows/amd64
+ const FILE_EXECUTE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_FILE_COMPRESSION windows/amd64
+ const FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS windows/amd64
+ const FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING windows/amd64
+ const FILE_FLAG_OPEN_NO_RECALL windows/amd64
+ const FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED windows/amd64
+ const FILE_FLAG_POSIX_SEMANTICS windows/amd64
+ const FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS windows/amd64
+ const FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN windows/amd64
+ const FILE_FLAG_SESSION_AWARE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH windows/amd64
+ const FILE_GENERIC_EXECUTE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_GENERIC_READ windows/amd64
+ const FILE_GENERIC_WRITE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_LINK_FORCE_RESIZE_SR windows/amd64
+ const FILE_LINK_POSIX_SEMANTICS windows/amd64
+ const FILE_LINK_REPLACE_IF_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY windows/amd64
+ const FILE_MAP_COPY windows/amd64
+ const FILE_MAP_EXECUTE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_MAP_READ windows/amd64
+ const FILE_MAP_WRITE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_MAXIMUM_DISPOSITION windows/amd64
+ const FILE_NAMED_STREAMS windows/amd64
+ const FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_CREATION windows/amd64
+ const FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME windows/amd64
+ const FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SECURITY windows/amd64
+ const FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_NO_COMPRESSION windows/amd64
+ const FILE_NO_EA_KNOWLEDGE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_OPEN windows/amd64
+ const FILE_OPEN_BY_FILE_ID windows/amd64
+ const FILE_OPEN_FOR_BACKUP_INTENT windows/amd64
+ const FILE_OPEN_IF windows/amd64
+ const FILE_OPEN_NO_RECALL windows/amd64
+ const FILE_OPEN_REMOTE_INSTANCE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT windows/amd64
+ const FILE_OPEN_REQUIRING_OPLOCK windows/amd64
+ const FILE_OVERWRITE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_OVERWRITE_IF windows/amd64
+ const FILE_PERSISTENT_ACLS windows/amd64
+ const FILE_PIPE_BYTE_STREAM_MODE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_PIPE_BYTE_STREAM_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_PIPE_CLIENT_END windows/amd64
+ const FILE_PIPE_CLOSING_STATE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_PIPE_CONNECTED_STATE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_PIPE_FULL_DUPLEX windows/amd64
+ const FILE_PIPE_INBOUND windows/amd64
+ const FILE_PIPE_LISTENING_STATE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_PIPE_MESSAGE_MODE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_PIPE_MESSAGE_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_PIPE_OUTBOUND windows/amd64
+ const FILE_PIPE_QUEUE_OPERATION windows/amd64
+ const FILE_PIPE_SERVER_END windows/amd64
+ const FILE_PIPE_TYPE_VALID_MASK windows/amd64
+ const FILE_RANDOM_ACCESS windows/amd64
+ const FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES windows/amd64
+ const FILE_READ_DATA windows/amd64
+ const FILE_READ_EA windows/amd64
+ const FILE_READ_ONLY_VOLUME windows/amd64
+ const FILE_RENAME_FORCE_RESIZE_SR windows/amd64
+ const FILE_RENAME_POSIX_SEMANTICS windows/amd64
+ const FILE_RESERVE_OPFILTER windows/amd64
+ const FILE_SEQUENTIAL_ONLY windows/amd64
+ const FILE_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_ONCE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_SHARE_DELETE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_SHARE_READ windows/amd64
+ const FILE_SHARE_WRITE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_SUPERSEDE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPTION windows/amd64
+ const FILE_SUPPORTS_HARD_LINKS windows/amd64
+ const FILE_SUPPORTS_OBJECT_IDS windows/amd64
+ const FILE_SUPPORTS_SPARSE_FILES windows/amd64
+ const FILE_SUPPORTS_TRANSACTIONS windows/amd64
+ const FILE_SUPPORTS_USN_JOURNAL windows/amd64
+ const FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_ALERT windows/amd64
+ const FILE_TRAVERSE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_TYPE_CHAR windows/amd64
+ const FILE_TYPE_DISK windows/amd64
+ const FILE_TYPE_PIPE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_TYPE_REMOTE windows/amd64
+ const FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN windows/amd64
+ const FILE_UNICODE_ON_DISK windows/amd64
+ const FILE_VOLUME_IS_COMPRESSED windows/amd64
+ const FILE_VOLUME_QUOTAS windows/amd64
+ const FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES windows/amd64
+ const FILE_WRITE_DATA windows/amd64
+ const FILE_WRITE_EA windows/amd64
+ const FILE_WRITE_THROUGH windows/amd64
+ const FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE windows/amd64
+ const FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING windows/amd64
+ const FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM windows/amd64
+ const FRS_ERR_AUTHENTICATION windows/amd64
+ const FRS_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_PRIV windows/amd64
+ const FRS_ERR_INTERNAL windows/amd64
+ const FRS_ERR_INTERNAL_API windows/amd64
+ const FRS_ERR_SERVICE_COMM windows/amd64
+ const FRS_ERR_STARTING_SERVICE windows/amd64
+ const FRS_ERR_STOPPING_SERVICE windows/amd64
+ const FRS_ERR_SYSVOL_DEMOTE windows/amd64
+ const FRS_ERR_SYSVOL_IS_BUSY windows/amd64
+ const FRS_ERR_SYSVOL_POPULATE windows/amd64
+ const FSCTL_DELETE_OBJECT_ID windows/amd64
+ const FSCTL_DELETE_REPARSE_POINT windows/amd64
+ const FSCTL_FILE_LEVEL_TRIM windows/amd64
+ const FSCTL_FIND_FILES_BY_SID windows/amd64
+ const FSCTL_GET_COMPRESSION windows/amd64
+ const FSCTL_GET_NTFS_VOLUME_DATA windows/amd64
+ const FSCTL_GET_OBJECT_ID windows/amd64
+ const FSCTL_GET_REFS_VOLUME_DATA windows/amd64
+ const FSCTL_GET_REPARSE_POINT windows/amd64
+ const FSCTL_IS_PATHNAME_VALID windows/amd64
+ const FSCTL_MARK_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const FSCTL_OFFLOAD_READ windows/amd64
+ const FSCTL_OFFLOAD_WRITE windows/amd64
+ const FSCTL_PIPE_PEEK windows/amd64
+ const FSCTL_PIPE_TRANSCEIVE windows/amd64
+ const FSCTL_PIPE_WAIT windows/amd64
+ const FSCTL_QUERY_FAT_BPB windows/amd64
+ const FSCTL_QUERY_FILE_REGIONS windows/amd64
+ const FSCTL_QUERY_SPARING_INFO windows/amd64
+ const FSCTL_READ_FILE_USN_DATA windows/amd64
+ const FSCTL_RECALL_FILE windows/amd64
+ const FSCTL_SET_COMPRESSION windows/amd64
+ const FSCTL_SET_DEFECT_MANAGEMENT windows/amd64
+ const FSCTL_SET_ENCRYPTION windows/amd64
+ const FSCTL_SET_OBJECT_ID windows/amd64
+ const FSCTL_SET_REPARSE_POINT windows/amd64
+ const FSCTL_SET_SPARSE windows/amd64
+ const FSCTL_SET_ZERO_DATA windows/amd64
+ const FSCTL_SIS_COPYFILE windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_ACTION_NOT_ALLOWED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_ADBACKUP_NOT_ENABLED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_AD_ATTR_NOT_SET windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_AD_GUID_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_AD_INVALID_DATASIZE windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_AD_INVALID_DATATYPE windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_AD_NO_VALUES windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_AUTH_INVALID_CONFIG windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_AUTOUNLOCK_ENABLED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_BAD_DATA windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_BAD_INFORMATION windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_BAD_PARTITION_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_BOOTABLE_CDDVD windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_BUFFER_TOO_LARGE windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_CANNOT_ENCRYPT_NO_KEY windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_CONV_READ windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_CONV_RECOVERY_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_CONV_WRITE windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_DEBUGGER_ENABLED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_DEVICE_NOT_JOINED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_DE_DEVICE_LOCKEDOUT windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_DE_PREVENTED_FOR_OS windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_DE_VOLUME_OPTED_OUT windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_DRY_RUN_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_DV_NOT_ALLOWED_BY_GP windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_EDRIVE_BAND_IN_USE windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_EDRIVE_DRY_RUN_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_EFI_ONLY windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_ENH_PIN_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_FAILED_AUTHENTICATION windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_FAILED_SECTOR_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_FAILED_WRONG_FS windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_FIPS_RNG_CHECK_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_FOREIGN_VOLUME windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_FS_MOUNTED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_FS_NOT_EXTENDED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_HIDDEN_VOLUME windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_INVALID_BITLOCKER_OID windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_INVALID_DATUM_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_INVALID_KEY_FORMAT windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_INVALID_NKP_CERT windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_INVALID_PIN_CHARS windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_KEYFILE_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_KEYFILE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_KEYFILE_NO_VMK windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_KEY_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_LOCKED_VOLUME windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_MOR_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_MULTIPLE_NKP_CERTS windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_NON_BITLOCKER_KU windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_NON_BITLOCKER_OID windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_NOT_ACTIVATED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_NOT_DATA_VOLUME windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_NOT_DECRYPTED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_NOT_DE_VOLUME windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_NOT_ENCRYPTED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_NOT_ON_STACK windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_NOT_OS_VOLUME windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_NO_BOOTMGR_METRIC windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_NO_BOOTSECTOR_METRIC windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_NO_EXISTING_PIN windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_NO_FEATURE_LICENSE windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_NO_LICENSE windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_NO_MBR_METRIC windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_NO_PROTECTORS_TO_TEST windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_NO_TPM_BIOS windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_OSV_KSR_NOT_ALLOWED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_OS_NOT_PROTECTED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_OVERLAPPED_UPDATE windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_PASSPHRASE_TOO_LONG windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_PIN_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_PROTECTION_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_PROTECTOR_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_PROTECTOR_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_PUBKEY_NOT_ALLOWED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_RAW_ACCESS windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_RAW_BLOCKED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_REBOOT_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_RECOVERY_KEY_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_RECOVERY_PARTITION windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_RELATIVE_PATH windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_REMOVAL_OF_DRA_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_REMOVAL_OF_NKP_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_SECUREBOOT_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_SECURE_KEY_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_SHADOW_COPY_PRESENT windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_SYSTEM_VOLUME windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_TOO_SMALL windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_TPM_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_TPM_INVALID_PCR windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_TPM_NOT_OWNED windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_TPM_NO_VMK windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_TPM_SRK_AUTH_NOT_ZERO windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_TRANSIENT_STATE windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_VOLUME_BOUND_ALREADY windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_VOLUME_HANDLE_OPEN windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_VOLUME_NOT_BOUND windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_VOLUME_TOO_SMALL windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_WRONG_BOOTMGR windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_WRONG_BOOTSECTOR windows/amd64
+ const FVE_E_WRONG_SYSTEM_FS windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_ALREADY_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_BUILTIN_OBJECT windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_CALLOUT_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_CONDITION_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_CONNECTIONS_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_DROP_NOICMP windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_DUPLICATE_AUTH_METHOD windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_DUPLICATE_CONDITION windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_DUPLICATE_KEYMOD windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_EM_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_FILTER_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_IKEEXT_NOT_RUNNING windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_INCOMPATIBLE_DH_GROUP windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_INCOMPATIBLE_LAYER windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_INCOMPATIBLE_SA_STATE windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_INCOMPATIBLE_TXN windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_INVALID_ACTION_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_INVALID_DNS_NAME windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_INVALID_ENUMERATOR windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_INVALID_FLAGS windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_INVALID_INTERVAL windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_INVALID_NET_MASK windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_INVALID_PARAMETER windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_INVALID_RANGE windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_INVALID_WEIGHT windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_IN_USE windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_KM_CLIENTS_ONLY windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_L2_DRIVER_NOT_READY windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_LAYER_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_LIFETIME_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_MATCH_TYPE_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_NET_EVENTS_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_NEVER_MATCH windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_NOTIFICATION_DROPPED windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_NO_TXN_IN_PROGRESS windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_NULL_DISPLAY_NAME windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_NULL_POINTER windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_OUT_OF_BOUNDS windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_PROVIDER_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_RESERVED windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_SESSION_ABORTED windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_STILL_ON windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_SUBLAYER_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_TOO_MANY_CALLOUTS windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_TOO_MANY_SUBLAYERS windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_TRAFFIC_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_TXN_ABORTED windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_TXN_IN_PROGRESS windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_TYPE_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_WRONG_SESSION windows/amd64
+ const FWP_E_ZERO_LENGTH_ARRAY windows/amd64
+ const FileAlignmentInfo windows/amd64
+ const FileAllocationInfo windows/amd64
+ const FileAttributeTagInfo windows/amd64
+ const FileBasicInfo windows/amd64
+ const FileBasicInformation windows/amd64
+ const FileCaseSensitiveInfo windows/amd64
+ const FileCompressionInfo windows/amd64
+ const FileDispositionInfo windows/amd64
+ const FileDispositionInfoEx windows/amd64
+ const FileDispositionInformation windows/amd64
+ const FileEndOfFileInfo windows/amd64
+ const FileEndOfFileInformation windows/amd64
+ const FileFullDirectoryInfo windows/amd64
+ const FileIdBothDirectoryInfo windows/amd64
+ const FileIdExtdDirectoryInfo windows/amd64
+ const FileIdInfo windows/amd64
+ const FileIoPriorityHintInfo windows/amd64
+ const FileKnownFolderInformation windows/amd64
+ const FileLinkInformation windows/amd64
+ const FileNameInfo windows/amd64
+ const FileNormalizedNameInfo windows/amd64
+ const FilePositionInformation windows/amd64
+ const FileRemoteProtocolInfo windows/amd64
+ const FileRenameInfo windows/amd64
+ const FileRenameInfoEx windows/amd64
+ const FileRenameInformation windows/amd64
+ const FileShortNameInformation windows/amd64
+ const FileStandardInfo windows/amd64
+ const FileStorageInfo windows/amd64
+ const FileStreamInfo windows/amd64
+ const GAA_FLAG_INCLUDE_PREFIX windows/amd64
+ const GCN_E_MODULE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const GCN_E_NETADAPTER_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const GCN_E_NETADAPTER_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const GCN_E_NO_REQUEST_HANDLERS windows/amd64
+ const GCN_E_REQUEST_UNSUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const GCN_E_RUNTIMEKEYS_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const GENERIC_ALL windows/amd64
+ const GENERIC_EXECUTE windows/amd64
+ const GENERIC_READ windows/amd64
+ const GENERIC_WRITE windows/amd64
+ const GRANT_ACCESS windows/amd64
+ const GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION windows/amd64
+ const GetFileExInfoStandard windows/amd64
+ const GetFileExMaxInfoLevel windows/amd64
+ const HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT windows/amd64
+ const HCN_E_ADAPTER_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const HCN_E_DEGRADED_OPERATION windows/amd64
+ const HCN_E_ENDPOINT_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const HCN_E_ENTITY_HAS_REFERENCES windows/amd64
+ const HCN_E_ICS_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const HCN_E_INVALID_ENDPOINT windows/amd64
+ const HCN_E_INVALID_INTERNAL_PORT windows/amd64
+ const HCN_E_INVALID_IP windows/amd64
+ const HCN_E_INVALID_JSON windows/amd64
+ const HCN_E_INVALID_NETWORK windows/amd64
+ const HCN_E_INVALID_NETWORK_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const HCN_E_INVALID_POLICY windows/amd64
+ const HCN_E_INVALID_POLICY_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const HCN_E_LAYER_ALREADY_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const HCN_E_LAYER_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const HCN_E_MANAGER_STOPPED windows/amd64
+ const HCN_E_MAPPING_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const HCN_E_NETWORK_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const HCN_E_POLICY_ALREADY_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const HCN_E_POLICY_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const HCN_E_PORT_ALREADY_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const HCN_E_PORT_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const HCN_E_REGKEY_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const HCN_E_REQUEST_UNSUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const HCN_E_SUBNET_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const HCN_E_SWITCH_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const HCS_E_ACCESS_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const HCS_E_CONNECTION_CLOSED windows/amd64
+ const HCS_E_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const HCS_E_CONNECT_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const HCS_E_GUEST_CRITICAL_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const HCS_E_HYPERV_NOT_INSTALLED windows/amd64
+ const HCS_E_IMAGE_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const HCS_E_INVALID_JSON windows/amd64
+ const HCS_E_INVALID_LAYER windows/amd64
+ const HCS_E_INVALID_STATE windows/amd64
+ const HCS_E_OPERATION_NOT_STARTED windows/amd64
+ const HCS_E_OPERATION_PENDING windows/amd64
+ const HCS_E_OPERATION_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const HCS_E_PROTOCOL_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const HCS_E_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const HCS_E_SYSTEM_ALREADY_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const HCS_E_SYSTEM_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const HCS_E_TERMINATED windows/amd64
+ const HCS_E_UNEXPECTED_EXIT windows/amd64
+ const HCS_E_UNKNOWN_MESSAGE windows/amd64
+ const HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS windows/amd64
+ const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT windows/amd64
+ const HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG windows/amd64
+ const HKEY_CURRENT_USER windows/amd64
+ const HKEY_DYN_DATA windows/amd64
+ const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE windows/amd64
+ const HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA windows/amd64
+ const HKEY_USERS windows/amd64
+ const HTTP_E_STATUS_AMBIGUOUS windows/amd64
+ const HTTP_E_STATUS_BAD_GATEWAY windows/amd64
+ const HTTP_E_STATUS_BAD_METHOD windows/amd64
+ const HTTP_E_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST windows/amd64
+ const HTTP_E_STATUS_CONFLICT windows/amd64
+ const HTTP_E_STATUS_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const HTTP_E_STATUS_FORBIDDEN windows/amd64
+ const HTTP_E_STATUS_GONE windows/amd64
+ const HTTP_E_STATUS_MOVED windows/amd64
+ const HTTP_E_STATUS_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const HTTP_E_STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED windows/amd64
+ const HTTP_E_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const HTTP_E_STATUS_PAYMENT_REQ windows/amd64
+ const HTTP_E_STATUS_REDIRECT windows/amd64
+ const HTTP_E_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const HTTP_E_STATUS_UNEXPECTED windows/amd64
+ const HTTP_E_STATUS_URI_TOO_LONG windows/amd64
+ const HTTP_E_STATUS_USE_PROXY windows/amd64
+ const IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS windows/amd64
+ const IFF_BROADCAST windows/amd64
+ const IFF_LOOPBACK windows/amd64
+ const IFF_MULTICAST windows/amd64
+ const IFF_POINTTOPOINT windows/amd64
+ const IFF_UP windows/amd64
+ const IF_TYPE_ATM windows/amd64
+ const IF_TYPE_ETHERNET_CSMACD windows/amd64
+ const IF_TYPE_IEEE1394 windows/amd64
+ const IF_TYPE_IEEE80211 windows/amd64
+ const IF_TYPE_ISO88025_TOKENRING windows/amd64
+ const IF_TYPE_OTHER windows/amd64
+ const IF_TYPE_PPP windows/amd64
+ const IF_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK windows/amd64
+ const IF_TYPE_TUNNEL windows/amd64
+ const IGNORE windows/amd64
+ const INET_E_CANNOT_CONNECT windows/amd64
+ const INET_E_CANNOT_LOAD_DATA windows/amd64
+ const INET_E_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const INET_E_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const INET_E_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const INET_E_INVALID_CERTIFICATE windows/amd64
+ const INET_E_INVALID_REQUEST windows/amd64
+ const INET_E_INVALID_URL windows/amd64
+ const INET_E_NO_SESSION windows/amd64
+ const INET_E_NO_VALID_MEDIA windows/amd64
+ const INET_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const INET_E_REDIRECT_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const INET_E_REDIRECT_TO_DIR windows/amd64
+ const INET_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const INET_E_SECURITY_PROBLEM windows/amd64
+ const INET_E_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL windows/amd64
+ const INFINITE windows/amd64
+ const INHERITED_ACCESS_ENTRY windows/amd64
+ const INHERITED_ACE windows/amd64
+ const INHERITED_GRANDPARENT windows/amd64
+ const INHERITED_PARENT windows/amd64
+ const INHERIT_NO_PROPAGATE windows/amd64
+ const INHERIT_ONLY windows/amd64
+ const INHERIT_ONLY_ACE windows/amd64
+ const INHERIT_PARENT_AFFINITY windows/amd64
+ const INPLACE_E_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const INPLACE_E_LAST windows/amd64
+ const INPLACE_E_NOTOOLSPACE windows/amd64
+ const INPLACE_E_NOTUNDOABLE windows/amd64
+ const INPLACE_S_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const INPLACE_S_LAST windows/amd64
+ const INPLACE_S_TRUNCATED windows/amd64
+ const INPUT_E_DEVICE_INFO windows/amd64
+ const INPUT_E_DEVICE_PROPERTY windows/amd64
+ const INPUT_E_FRAME windows/amd64
+ const INPUT_E_HISTORY windows/amd64
+ const INPUT_E_MULTIMODAL windows/amd64
+ const INPUT_E_OUT_OF_ORDER windows/amd64
+ const INPUT_E_PACKET windows/amd64
+ const INPUT_E_REENTRANCY windows/amd64
+ const INPUT_E_TRANSFORM windows/amd64
+ const INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES windows/amd64
+ const IOC_IN windows/amd64
+ const IOC_INOUT windows/amd64
+ const IOC_OUT windows/amd64
+ const IOC_VENDOR windows/amd64
+ const IOC_WS2 windows/amd64
+ const IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT windows/amd64
+ const IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK windows/amd64
+ const IPPROTO_ICMP windows/amd64
+ const IPPROTO_ICMPV6 windows/amd64
+ const IPPROTO_IGMP windows/amd64
+ const IPPROTO_IP windows/amd64
+ const IPPROTO_IPV6 windows/amd64
+ const IPPROTO_RM windows/amd64
+ const IPPROTO_TCP windows/amd64
+ const IPPROTO_UDP windows/amd64
+ const IPV6_JOIN_GROUP windows/amd64
+ const IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP windows/amd64
+ const IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS windows/amd64
+ const IPV6_MULTICAST_IF windows/amd64
+ const IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP windows/amd64
+ const IPV6_PKTINFO windows/amd64
+ const IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS windows/amd64
+ const IPV6_V6ONLY windows/amd64
+ const IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP windows/amd64
+ const IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP windows/amd64
+ const IP_HDRINCL windows/amd64
+ const IP_MULTICAST_IF windows/amd64
+ const IP_MULTICAST_LOOP windows/amd64
+ const IP_MULTICAST_TTL windows/amd64
+ const IP_PKTINFO windows/amd64
+ const IP_TOS windows/amd64
+ const IP_TTL windows/amd64
+ const IfOperStatusDormant windows/amd64
+ const IfOperStatusDown windows/amd64
+ const IfOperStatusLowerLayerDown windows/amd64
+ const IfOperStatusNotPresent windows/amd64
+ const IfOperStatusTesting windows/amd64
+ const IfOperStatusUnknown windows/amd64
+ const IfOperStatusUp windows/amd64
+ const ImplementsGetwd windows/amd64
+ const InvalidHWND windows/amd64
+ const InvalidHandle windows/amd64
+ const JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_AFFINITY windows/amd64
+ const JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_JOB_MEMORY windows/amd64
+ const JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_JOB_TIME windows/amd64
+ const JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_WORKINGSET windows/amd64
+ const JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT_DESKTOP windows/amd64
+ const JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT_HANDLES windows/amd64
+ const JSCRIPT_E_CANTEXECUTE windows/amd64
+ const JobObjectGroupInformation windows/amd64
+ const JobObjectGroupInformationEx windows/amd64
+ const KEY_ALL_ACCESS windows/amd64
+ const KEY_CREATE_LINK windows/amd64
+ const KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY windows/amd64
+ const KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS windows/amd64
+ const KEY_EXECUTE windows/amd64
+ const KEY_NOTIFY windows/amd64
+ const KEY_QUERY_VALUE windows/amd64
+ const KEY_READ windows/amd64
+ const KEY_SET_VALUE windows/amd64
+ const KEY_WOW64_32KEY windows/amd64
+ const KEY_WOW64_64KEY windows/amd64
+ const KEY_WRITE windows/amd64
+ const KF_FLAG_ALIAS_ONLY windows/amd64
+ const KF_FLAG_CREATE windows/amd64
+ const KF_FLAG_DEFAULT windows/amd64
+ const KF_FLAG_DEFAULT_PATH windows/amd64
+ const KF_FLAG_DONT_UNEXPAND windows/amd64
+ const KF_FLAG_DONT_VERIFY windows/amd64
+ const KF_FLAG_INIT windows/amd64
+ const KF_FLAG_NOT_PARENT_RELATIVE windows/amd64
+ const KF_FLAG_NO_ALIAS windows/amd64
+ const KF_FLAG_SIMPLE_IDLIST windows/amd64
+ const LABEL_SECURITY_INFORMATION windows/amd64
+ const LANG_ENGLISH windows/amd64
+ const LAYERED_PROTOCOL windows/amd64
+ const LHND windows/amd64
+ const LINE_LEN windows/amd64
+ const LIST_MODULES_32BIT windows/amd64
+ const LIST_MODULES_64BIT windows/amd64
+ const LIST_MODULES_ALL windows/amd64
+ const LIST_MODULES_DEFAULT windows/amd64
+ const LMEM_DISCARDABLE windows/amd64
+ const LMEM_FIXED windows/amd64
+ const LMEM_INVALID_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const LMEM_MODIFY windows/amd64
+ const LMEM_MOVEABLE windows/amd64
+ const LMEM_NOCOMPACT windows/amd64
+ const LMEM_NODISCARD windows/amd64
+ const LMEM_VALID_FLAGS windows/amd64
+ const LMEM_ZEROINIT windows/amd64
+ const LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE windows/amd64
+ const LOCKFILE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK windows/amd64
+ const LOCKFILE_FAIL_IMMEDIATELY windows/amd64
+ const LPTR windows/amd64
+ const MARSHAL_E_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const MARSHAL_E_LAST windows/amd64
+ const MARSHAL_S_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const MARSHAL_S_LAST windows/amd64
+ const MAXIMUM_ALLOWED windows/amd64
+ const MAXLEN_IFDESCR windows/amd64
+ const MAXLEN_PHYSADDR windows/amd64
+ const MAX_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_LENGTH windows/amd64
+ const MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH windows/amd64
+ const MAX_CLASS_NAME_LEN windows/amd64
+ const MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH windows/amd64
+ const MAX_CONFIG_VALUE windows/amd64
+ const MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN windows/amd64
+ const MAX_DEVNODE_ID_LEN windows/amd64
+ const MAX_DHCPV6_DUID_LENGTH windows/amd64
+ const MAX_GUID_STRING_LEN windows/amd64
+ const MAX_INF_SECTION_NAME_LENGTH windows/amd64
+ const MAX_INF_STRING_LENGTH windows/amd64
+ const MAX_INSTANCE_VALUE windows/amd64
+ const MAX_INSTRUCTION_LEN windows/amd64
+ const MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN windows/amd64
+ const MAX_LABEL_LEN windows/amd64
+ const MAX_LONG_PATH windows/amd64
+ const MAX_MODULE_NAME32 windows/amd64
+ const MAX_PATH windows/amd64
+ const MAX_PROFILE_LEN windows/amd64
+ const MAX_PROTOCOL_CHAIN windows/amd64
+ const MAX_SERVICE_NAME_LEN windows/amd64
+ const MAX_SUBTITLE_LEN windows/amd64
+ const MAX_TITLE_LEN windows/amd64
+ const MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE windows/amd64
+ const MB_APPLMODAL windows/amd64
+ const MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE windows/amd64
+ const MB_DEFAULT_DESKTOP_ONLY windows/amd64
+ const MB_DEFBUTTON1 windows/amd64
+ const MB_DEFBUTTON2 windows/amd64
+ const MB_DEFBUTTON3 windows/amd64
+ const MB_DEFBUTTON4 windows/amd64
+ const MB_HELP windows/amd64
+ const MB_ICONASTERISK windows/amd64
+ const MB_ICONERROR windows/amd64
+ const MB_ICONEXCLAMATION windows/amd64
+ const MB_ICONHAND windows/amd64
+ const MB_ICONINFORMATION windows/amd64
+ const MB_ICONQUESTION windows/amd64
+ const MB_ICONSTOP windows/amd64
+ const MB_ICONWARNING windows/amd64
+ const MB_NOFOCUS windows/amd64
+ const MB_OK windows/amd64
+ const MB_OKCANCEL windows/amd64
+ const MB_RETRYCANCEL windows/amd64
+ const MB_RIGHT windows/amd64
+ const MB_RTLREADING windows/amd64
+ const MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION windows/amd64
+ const MB_SETFOREGROUND windows/amd64
+ const MB_SYSTEMMODAL windows/amd64
+ const MB_TASKMODAL windows/amd64
+ const MB_TOPMOST windows/amd64
+ const MB_USERICON windows/amd64
+ const MB_YESNO windows/amd64
+ const MB_YESNOCANCEL windows/amd64
+ const MEM_COMMIT windows/amd64
+ const MEM_DECOMMIT windows/amd64
+ const MEM_E_INVALID_LINK windows/amd64
+ const MEM_E_INVALID_ROOT windows/amd64
+ const MEM_E_INVALID_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const MEM_LARGE_PAGES windows/amd64
+ const MEM_PHYSICAL windows/amd64
+ const MEM_RELEASE windows/amd64
+ const MEM_RESERVE windows/amd64
+ const MEM_RESET windows/amd64
+ const MEM_RESET_UNDO windows/amd64
+ const MEM_TOP_DOWN windows/amd64
+ const MEM_WRITE_WATCH windows/amd64
+ const MILAVERR_MODULENOTLOADED windows/amd64
+ const MILAVERR_NOCLOCK windows/amd64
+ const MILAVERR_NOMEDIATYPE windows/amd64
+ const MILAVERR_NOREADYFRAMES windows/amd64
+ const MILAVERR_NOVIDEOMIXER windows/amd64
+ const MILAVERR_SEEKFAILED windows/amd64
+ const MILEFFECTSERR_RESERVED windows/amd64
+ const MILERR_ADAPTER_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const MILERR_ALREADYLOCKED windows/amd64
+ const MILERR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED windows/amd64
+ const MILERR_BADNUMBER windows/amd64
+ const MILERR_GENERIC_IGNORE windows/amd64
+ const MILERR_GLYPHBITMAPMISSED windows/amd64
+ const MILERR_INTERNALERROR windows/amd64
+ const MILERR_INVALIDCALL windows/amd64
+ const MILERR_MISMATCHED_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const MILERR_MROW_READLOCK_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const MILERR_MROW_UPDATE_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const MILERR_NOTLOCKED windows/amd64
+ const MILERR_NOT_QUEUING_PRESENTS windows/amd64
+ const MILERR_NO_HARDWARE_DEVICE windows/amd64
+ const MILERR_OBJECTBUSY windows/amd64
+ const MILERR_SCANNER_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const MILERR_TERMINATED windows/amd64
+ const MILERR_WIN32ERROR windows/amd64
+ const MILERR_ZEROVECTOR windows/amd64
+ const MK_E_CANTOPENFILE windows/amd64
+ const MK_E_CONNECTMANUALLY windows/amd64
+ const MK_E_ENUMERATION_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const MK_E_EXCEEDEDDEADLINE windows/amd64
+ const MK_E_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const MK_E_INVALIDEXTENSION windows/amd64
+ const MK_E_LAST windows/amd64
+ const MK_E_MUSTBOTHERUSER windows/amd64
+ const MK_E_NEEDGENERIC windows/amd64
+ const MK_E_NOINVERSE windows/amd64
+ const MK_E_NOOBJECT windows/amd64
+ const MK_E_NOPREFIX windows/amd64
+ const MK_E_NOSTORAGE windows/amd64
+ const MK_E_NOTBINDABLE windows/amd64
+ const MK_E_NOTBOUND windows/amd64
+ const MK_E_NO_NORMALIZED windows/amd64
+ const MK_E_SYNTAX windows/amd64
+ const MK_E_UNAVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const MK_S_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const MK_S_HIM windows/amd64
+ const MK_S_LAST windows/amd64
+ const MK_S_ME windows/amd64
+ const MK_S_REDUCED_TO_SELF windows/amd64
+ const MK_S_US windows/amd64
+ const MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED windows/amd64
+ const MOVEFILE_CREATE_HARDLINK windows/amd64
+ const MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT windows/amd64
+ const MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING windows/amd64
+ const MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH windows/amd64
+ const MSDTC_E_DUPLICATE_RESOURCE windows/amd64
+ const MSG_BCAST windows/amd64
+ const MSG_CTRUNC windows/amd64
+ const MSG_DONTROUTE windows/amd64
+ const MSG_MCAST windows/amd64
+ const MSG_OOB windows/amd64
+ const MSG_PEEK windows/amd64
+ const MSG_TRUNC windows/amd64
+ const MSG_WAITALL windows/amd64
+ const MSSIPOTF_E_BADVERSION windows/amd64
+ const MSSIPOTF_E_BAD_MAGICNUMBER windows/amd64
+ const MSSIPOTF_E_BAD_OFFSET_TABLE windows/amd64
+ const MSSIPOTF_E_CANTGETOBJECT windows/amd64
+ const MSSIPOTF_E_CRYPT windows/amd64
+ const MSSIPOTF_E_DSIG_STRUCTURE windows/amd64
+ const MSSIPOTF_E_FAILED_POLICY windows/amd64
+ const MSSIPOTF_E_FILE windows/amd64
+ const MSSIPOTF_E_FILETOOSMALL windows/amd64
+ const MSSIPOTF_E_FILE_CHECKSUM windows/amd64
+ const MSSIPOTF_E_NOHEADTABLE windows/amd64
+ const MSSIPOTF_E_NOT_OPENTYPE windows/amd64
+ const MSSIPOTF_E_OUTOFMEMRANGE windows/amd64
+ const MSSIPOTF_E_PCONST_CHECK windows/amd64
+ const MSSIPOTF_E_STRUCTURE windows/amd64
+ const MSSIPOTF_E_TABLES_OVERLAP windows/amd64
+ const MSSIPOTF_E_TABLE_CHECKSUM windows/amd64
+ const MSSIPOTF_E_TABLE_LONGWORD windows/amd64
+ const MSSIPOTF_E_TABLE_PADBYTES windows/amd64
+ const MSSIPOTF_E_TABLE_TAGORDER windows/amd64
+ const MUI_COMPLEX_SCRIPT_FILTER windows/amd64
+ const MUI_CONSOLE_FILTER windows/amd64
+ const MUI_FILEINFO_VERSION windows/amd64
+ const MUI_FULL_LANGUAGE windows/amd64
+ const MUI_LANGUAGE_ID windows/amd64
+ const MUI_LANGUAGE_INSTALLED windows/amd64
+ const MUI_LANGUAGE_LICENSED windows/amd64
+ const MUI_LANGUAGE_NAME windows/amd64
+ const MUI_LANG_NEUTRAL_PE_FILE windows/amd64
+ const MUI_LIP_LANGUAGE windows/amd64
+ const MUI_MERGE_SYSTEM_FALLBACK windows/amd64
+ const MUI_MERGE_USER_FALLBACK windows/amd64
+ const MUI_NON_LANG_NEUTRAL_FILE windows/amd64
+ const MUI_PARTIAL_LANGUAGE windows/amd64
+ const MUI_QUERY_CHECKSUM windows/amd64
+ const MUI_QUERY_LANGUAGE_NAME windows/amd64
+ const MUI_QUERY_RESOURCE_TYPES windows/amd64
+ const MUI_QUERY_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const MUI_RESET_FILTERS windows/amd64
+ const MUI_THREAD_LANGUAGES windows/amd64
+ const MUI_UI_FALLBACK windows/amd64
+ const MUI_USE_INSTALLED_LANGUAGES windows/amd64
+ const MUTANT_ALL_ACCESS windows/amd64
+ const MUTANT_QUERY_STATE windows/amd64
+ const MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS windows/amd64
+ const MUTEX_MODIFY_STATE windows/amd64
+ const MaxTokenInfoClass windows/amd64
+ const NAP_E_CONFLICTING_ID windows/amd64
+ const NAP_E_ENTITY_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const NAP_E_ID_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const NAP_E_INVALID_PACKET windows/amd64
+ const NAP_E_MAXSIZE_TOO_SMALL windows/amd64
+ const NAP_E_MISMATCHED_ID windows/amd64
+ const NAP_E_MISSING_SOH windows/amd64
+ const NAP_E_NOT_INITIALIZED windows/amd64
+ const NAP_E_NOT_PENDING windows/amd64
+ const NAP_E_NOT_REGISTERED windows/amd64
+ const NAP_E_NO_CACHED_SOH windows/amd64
+ const NAP_E_SERVICE_NOT_RUNNING windows/amd64
+ const NAP_E_SHV_CONFIG_EXISTED windows/amd64
+ const NAP_E_SHV_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const NAP_E_SHV_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const NAP_E_STILL_BOUND windows/amd64
+ const NAP_E_TOO_MANY_CALLS windows/amd64
+ const NAP_S_CERT_ALREADY_PRESENT windows/amd64
+ const NOERROR windows/amd64
+ const NONZEROLHND windows/amd64
+ const NONZEROLPTR windows/amd64
+ const NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS windows/amd64
+ const NOT_USED_ACCESS windows/amd64
+ const NO_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const NO_INHERITANCE windows/amd64
+ const NO_MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE windows/amd64
+ const NO_PROPAGATE_INHERIT_ACE windows/amd64
+ const NTE_AUTHENTICATION_IGNORED windows/amd64
+ const NTE_BAD_ALGID windows/amd64
+ const NTE_BAD_DATA windows/amd64
+ const NTE_BAD_FLAGS windows/amd64
+ const NTE_BAD_HASH windows/amd64
+ const NTE_BAD_HASH_STATE windows/amd64
+ const NTE_BAD_KEY windows/amd64
+ const NTE_BAD_KEYSET windows/amd64
+ const NTE_BAD_KEYSET_PARAM windows/amd64
+ const NTE_BAD_KEY_STATE windows/amd64
+ const NTE_BAD_LEN windows/amd64
+ const NTE_BAD_PROVIDER windows/amd64
+ const NTE_BAD_PROV_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const NTE_BAD_PUBLIC_KEY windows/amd64
+ const NTE_BAD_SIGNATURE windows/amd64
+ const NTE_BAD_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const NTE_BAD_UID windows/amd64
+ const NTE_BAD_VER windows/amd64
+ const NTE_BUFFERS_OVERLAP windows/amd64
+ const NTE_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL windows/amd64
+ const NTE_DECRYPTION_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const NTE_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const NTE_DEVICE_NOT_READY windows/amd64
+ const NTE_DOUBLE_ENCRYPT windows/amd64
+ const NTE_ENCRYPTION_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const NTE_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const NTE_FAIL windows/amd64
+ const NTE_FIXEDPARAMETER windows/amd64
+ const NTE_HMAC_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const NTE_INCORRECT_PASSWORD windows/amd64
+ const NTE_INTERNAL_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const NTE_INVALID_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const NTE_INVALID_PARAMETER windows/amd64
+ const NTE_KEYSET_ENTRY_BAD windows/amd64
+ const NTE_KEYSET_NOT_DEF windows/amd64
+ const NTE_NOT_ACTIVE_CONSOLE windows/amd64
+ const NTE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const NTE_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const NTE_NO_KEY windows/amd64
+ const NTE_NO_MEMORY windows/amd64
+ const NTE_NO_MORE_ITEMS windows/amd64
+ const NTE_OP_OK windows/amd64
+ const NTE_PERM windows/amd64
+ const NTE_PROVIDER_DLL_FAIL windows/amd64
+ const NTE_PROV_DLL_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const NTE_PROV_TYPE_ENTRY_BAD windows/amd64
+ const NTE_PROV_TYPE_NOT_DEF windows/amd64
+ const NTE_PROV_TYPE_NO_MATCH windows/amd64
+ const NTE_SIGNATURE_FILE_BAD windows/amd64
+ const NTE_SILENT_CONTEXT windows/amd64
+ const NTE_SYS_ERR windows/amd64
+ const NTE_TEMPORARY_PROFILE windows/amd64
+ const NTE_UI_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const NTE_USER_CANCELLED windows/amd64
+ const NTE_VALIDATION_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const NameCanonical windows/amd64
+ const NameCanonicalEx windows/amd64
+ const NameDisplay windows/amd64
+ const NameDnsDomain windows/amd64
+ const NameFullyQualifiedDN windows/amd64
+ const NameSamCompatible windows/amd64
+ const NameServicePrincipal windows/amd64
+ const NameUniqueId windows/amd64
+ const NameUnknown windows/amd64
+ const NameUserPrincipal windows/amd64
+ const NetSetupDomainName windows/amd64
+ const NetSetupUnjoined windows/amd64
+ const NetSetupUnknownStatus windows/amd64
+ const NetSetupWorkgroupName windows/amd64
+ const OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE windows/amd64
+ const OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE windows/amd64
+ const OBJ_DONT_REPARSE windows/amd64
+ const OBJ_EXCLUSIVE windows/amd64
+ const OBJ_FORCE_ACCESS_CHECK windows/amd64
+ const OBJ_INHERIT windows/amd64
+ const OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const OBJ_OPENIF windows/amd64
+ const OBJ_OPENLINK windows/amd64
+ const OBJ_PERMANENT windows/amd64
+ const OBJ_VALID_ATTRIBUTES windows/amd64
+ const OLEOBJ_E_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const OLEOBJ_E_INVALIDVERB windows/amd64
+ const OLEOBJ_E_LAST windows/amd64
+ const OLEOBJ_E_NOVERBS windows/amd64
+ const OLEOBJ_S_CANNOT_DOVERB_NOW windows/amd64
+ const OLEOBJ_S_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const OLEOBJ_S_INVALIDHWND windows/amd64
+ const OLEOBJ_S_INVALIDVERB windows/amd64
+ const OLEOBJ_S_LAST windows/amd64
+ const OLE_E_ADVF windows/amd64
+ const OLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const OLE_E_BLANK windows/amd64
+ const OLE_E_CANTCONVERT windows/amd64
+ const OLE_E_CANT_BINDTOSOURCE windows/amd64
+ const OLE_E_CANT_GETMONIKER windows/amd64
+ const OLE_E_CLASSDIFF windows/amd64
+ const OLE_E_ENUM_NOMORE windows/amd64
+ const OLE_E_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const OLE_E_INVALIDHWND windows/amd64
+ const OLE_E_INVALIDRECT windows/amd64
+ const OLE_E_LAST windows/amd64
+ const OLE_E_NOCACHE windows/amd64
+ const OLE_E_NOCONNECTION windows/amd64
+ const OLE_E_NOSTORAGE windows/amd64
+ const OLE_E_NOTRUNNING windows/amd64
+ const OLE_E_NOT_INPLACEACTIVE windows/amd64
+ const OLE_E_OLEVERB windows/amd64
+ const OLE_E_PROMPTSAVECANCELLED windows/amd64
+ const OLE_E_STATIC windows/amd64
+ const OLE_E_WRONGCOMPOBJ windows/amd64
+ const OLE_S_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const OLE_S_LAST windows/amd64
+ const OLE_S_MAC_CLIPFORMAT windows/amd64
+ const OLE_S_STATIC windows/amd64
+ const OLE_S_USEREG windows/amd64
+ const ONL_CONNECTION_COUNT_LIMIT windows/amd64
+ const ONL_E_ACCESS_DENIED_BY_TOU windows/amd64
+ const ONL_E_ACCOUNT_LOCKED windows/amd64
+ const ONL_E_ACTION_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const ONL_E_FORCESIGNIN windows/amd64
+ const ONL_E_INVALID_APPLICATION windows/amd64
+ const ONL_E_REQUEST_THROTTLED windows/amd64
+ const OPEN_ALWAYS windows/amd64
+ const OPEN_EXISTING windows/amd64
+ const OR_INVALID_OID windows/amd64
+ const OR_INVALID_OXID windows/amd64
+ const OR_INVALID_SET windows/amd64
+ const OSS_API_DLL_NOT_LINKED windows/amd64
+ const OSS_BAD_ARG windows/amd64
+ const OSS_BAD_ENCRULES windows/amd64
+ const OSS_BAD_PTR windows/amd64
+ const OSS_BAD_TABLE windows/amd64
+ const OSS_BAD_TIME windows/amd64
+ const OSS_BAD_VERSION windows/amd64
+ const OSS_BERDER_DLL_NOT_LINKED windows/amd64
+ const OSS_CANT_CLOSE_TRACE_FILE windows/amd64
+ const OSS_CANT_OPEN_TRACE_FILE windows/amd64
+ const OSS_CANT_OPEN_TRACE_WINDOW windows/amd64
+ const OSS_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATED windows/amd64
+ const OSS_COPIER_DLL_NOT_LINKED windows/amd64
+ const OSS_DATA_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const OSS_FATAL_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const OSS_LIMITED windows/amd64
+ const OSS_MEM_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const OSS_MEM_MGR_DLL_NOT_LINKED windows/amd64
+ const OSS_MORE_BUF windows/amd64
+ const OSS_MORE_INPUT windows/amd64
+ const OSS_MUTEX_NOT_CREATED windows/amd64
+ const OSS_NEGATIVE_UINTEGER windows/amd64
+ const OSS_NULL_FCN windows/amd64
+ const OSS_NULL_TBL windows/amd64
+ const OSS_OID_DLL_NOT_LINKED windows/amd64
+ const OSS_OPEN_TYPE_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const OSS_OUT_MEMORY windows/amd64
+ const OSS_OUT_OF_RANGE windows/amd64
+ const OSS_PDU_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const OSS_PDU_RANGE windows/amd64
+ const OSS_PDV_CODE_NOT_LINKED windows/amd64
+ const OSS_PDV_DLL_NOT_LINKED windows/amd64
+ const OSS_PER_DLL_NOT_LINKED windows/amd64
+ const OSS_REAL_CODE_NOT_LINKED windows/amd64
+ const OSS_REAL_DLL_NOT_LINKED windows/amd64
+ const OSS_TABLE_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const OSS_TOO_LONG windows/amd64
+ const OSS_TRACE_FILE_ALREADY_OPEN windows/amd64
+ const OSS_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const OSS_UNAVAIL_ENCRULES windows/amd64
+ const OSS_UNIMPLEMENTED windows/amd64
+ const OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION windows/amd64
+ const O_APPEND windows/amd64
+ const O_ASYNC windows/amd64
+ const O_CLOEXEC windows/amd64
+ const O_CREAT windows/amd64
+ const O_EXCL windows/amd64
+ const O_NOCTTY windows/amd64
+ const O_NONBLOCK windows/amd64
+ const O_RDONLY windows/amd64
+ const O_RDWR windows/amd64
+ const O_SYNC windows/amd64
+ const O_TRUNC windows/amd64
+ const O_WRONLY windows/amd64
+ const PAGE_EXECUTE windows/amd64
+ const PAGE_EXECUTE_READ windows/amd64
+ const PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE windows/amd64
+ const PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY windows/amd64
+ const PAGE_GUARD windows/amd64
+ const PAGE_NOACCESS windows/amd64
+ const PAGE_NOCACHE windows/amd64
+ const PAGE_READONLY windows/amd64
+ const PAGE_READWRITE windows/amd64
+ const PAGE_TARGETS_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const PAGE_TARGETS_NO_UPDATE windows/amd64
+ const PAGE_WRITECOMBINE windows/amd64
+ const PAGE_WRITECOPY windows/amd64
+ const PEERDIST_ERROR_INVALIDATED windows/amd64
+ const PEERDIST_ERROR_MISSING_DATA windows/amd64
+ const PEERDIST_ERROR_NOT_LICENSED windows/amd64
+ const PEERDIST_ERROR_NO_MORE windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_ALREADY_LISTENING windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_CANNOT_START_SERVICE windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_CERT_STORE_CORRUPTED windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_CHAIN_TOO_LONG windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_CLASSIFIER_TOO_LONG windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_CLOUD_NAME_AMBIGUOUS windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_CONNECTION_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_CONNECTION_REFUSED windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_CONNECT_SELF windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_CONTACT_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_DATABASE_NOT_PRESENT windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_DBNAME_CHANGED windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_DEFERRED_VALIDATION windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_DUPLICATE_GRAPH windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_FW_BLOCKED_BY_POLICY windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_FW_DECLINED windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_GRAPH_IN_USE windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_GRAPH_NOT_READY windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_GRAPH_SHUTTING_DOWN windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_GROUPS_EXIST windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_GROUP_IN_USE windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_GROUP_NOT_READY windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_IDENTITY_DELETED windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_IDENTITY_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_INVALID_ADDRESS windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_INVALID_ATTRIBUTES windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_INVALID_CLASSIFIER windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_INVALID_CREDENTIAL windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_INVALID_DATABASE windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_INVALID_GRAPH windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_INVALID_GROUP windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_INVALID_PEER_NAME windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_INVALID_RECORD windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_INVALID_RECORD_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_INVALID_SEARCH windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_INVALID_TIME_PERIOD windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_INVITE_CANCELLED windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_IPV6_NOT_INSTALLED windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_NODE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_NOT_AUTHORIZED windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_NOT_INITIALIZED windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_NOT_LICENSED windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_NOT_SIGNED_IN windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_NO_CLOUD windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_NO_KEY_ACCESS windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_NO_MEMBERS_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_NO_MORE windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_PRIVACY_DECLINED windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_RECORD_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_TOO_MANY_ATTRIBUTES windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_TOO_MANY_IDENTITIES windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_UNABLE_TO_LISTEN windows/amd64
+ const PEER_E_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION windows/amd64
+ const PEER_S_ALREADY_A_MEMBER windows/amd64
+ const PEER_S_ALREADY_CONNECTED windows/amd64
+ const PEER_S_GRAPH_DATA_CREATED windows/amd64
+ const PEER_S_NO_CONNECTIVITY windows/amd64
+ const PEER_S_NO_EVENT_DATA windows/amd64
+ const PEER_S_SUBSCRIPTION_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const PERSIST_E_NOTSELFSIZING windows/amd64
+ const PERSIST_E_SIZEDEFINITE windows/amd64
+ const PERSIST_E_SIZEINDEFINITE windows/amd64
+ const PFL_HIDDEN windows/amd64
+ const PFL_MATCHES_PROTOCOL_ZERO windows/amd64
+ const PFL_MULTIPLE_PROTO_ENTRIES windows/amd64
+ const PFL_NETWORKDIRECT_PROVIDER windows/amd64
+ const PFL_RECOMMENDED_PROTO_ENTRY windows/amd64
+ const PIPE_ACCEPT_REMOTE_CLIENTS windows/amd64
+ const PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX windows/amd64
+ const PIPE_ACCESS_INBOUND windows/amd64
+ const PIPE_ACCESS_OUTBOUND windows/amd64
+ const PIPE_CLIENT_END windows/amd64
+ const PIPE_NOWAIT windows/amd64
+ const PIPE_READMODE_BYTE windows/amd64
+ const PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE windows/amd64
+ const PIPE_REJECT_REMOTE_CLIENTS windows/amd64
+ const PIPE_SERVER_END windows/amd64
+ const PIPE_TYPE_BYTE windows/amd64
+ const PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE windows/amd64
+ const PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES windows/amd64
+ const PIPE_WAIT windows/amd64
+ const PKCS12_ALLOW_OVERWRITE_KEY windows/amd64
+ const PKCS12_ALWAYS_CNG_KSP windows/amd64
+ const PKCS12_NO_PERSIST_KEY windows/amd64
+ const PKCS12_PREFER_CNG_KSP windows/amd64
+ const PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING windows/amd64
+ const PLA_E_CABAPI_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const PLA_E_CREDENTIALS_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const PLA_E_DCS_ALREADY_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const PLA_E_DCS_IN_USE windows/amd64
+ const PLA_E_DCS_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const PLA_E_DCS_NOT_RUNNING windows/amd64
+ const PLA_E_DC_ALREADY_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const PLA_E_DC_START_WAIT_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const PLA_E_EXE_PATH_NOT_VALID windows/amd64
+ const PLA_E_INVALID_SESSION_NAME windows/amd64
+ const PLA_E_NETWORK_EXE_NOT_VALID windows/amd64
+ const PLA_E_NO_DUPLICATES windows/amd64
+ const PLA_E_NO_MIN_DISK windows/amd64
+ const PLA_E_PROPERTY_CONFLICT windows/amd64
+ const PLA_E_REPORT_WAIT_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const PLA_E_RULES_MANAGER_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const PLA_E_TOO_MANY_FOLDERS windows/amd64
+ const PLA_S_PROPERTY_IGNORED windows/amd64
+ const PROCESS_CREATE_PROCESS windows/amd64
+ const PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD windows/amd64
+ const PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const PROCESS_MODE_BACKGROUND_END windows/amd64
+ const PROCESS_NAME_NATIVE windows/amd64
+ const PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION windows/amd64
+ const PROCESS_SET_INFORMATION windows/amd64
+ const PROCESS_SET_QUOTA windows/amd64
+ const PROCESS_SUSPEND_RESUME windows/amd64
+ const PROCESS_TERMINATE windows/amd64
+ const PROCESS_VM_OPERATION windows/amd64
+ const PROCESS_VM_READ windows/amd64
+ const PROCESS_VM_WRITE windows/amd64
+ const PROV_DH_SCHANNEL windows/amd64
+ const PROV_DSS windows/amd64
+ const PROV_DSS_DH windows/amd64
+ const PROV_EC_ECDSA_FULL windows/amd64
+ const PROV_EC_ECDSA_SIG windows/amd64
+ const PROV_EC_ECNRA_FULL windows/amd64
+ const PROV_EC_ECNRA_SIG windows/amd64
+ const PROV_FORTEZZA windows/amd64
+ const PROV_INTEL_SEC windows/amd64
+ const PROV_MS_EXCHANGE windows/amd64
+ const PROV_REPLACE_OWF windows/amd64
+ const PROV_RNG windows/amd64
+ const PROV_RSA_AES windows/amd64
+ const PROV_RSA_FULL windows/amd64
+ const PROV_RSA_SCHANNEL windows/amd64
+ const PROV_RSA_SIG windows/amd64
+ const PROV_SPYRUS_LYNKS windows/amd64
+ const PROV_SSL windows/amd64
+ const ProcessAccessToken windows/amd64
+ const ProcessAffinityMask windows/amd64
+ const ProcessAffinityUpdateMode windows/amd64
+ const ProcessBasePriority windows/amd64
+ const ProcessBasicInformation windows/amd64
+ const ProcessBreakOnTermination windows/amd64
+ const ProcessConsoleHostProcess windows/amd64
+ const ProcessCookie windows/amd64
+ const ProcessCycleTime windows/amd64
+ const ProcessDebugAuthInformation windows/amd64
+ const ProcessDebugFlags windows/amd64
+ const ProcessDebugObjectHandle windows/amd64
+ const ProcessDebugPort windows/amd64
+ const ProcessDefaultHardErrorMode windows/amd64
+ const ProcessDeviceMap windows/amd64
+ const ProcessEnableLogging windows/amd64
+ const ProcessEnclaveInformation windows/amd64
+ const ProcessEnergyTrackingState windows/amd64
+ const ProcessEnergyValues windows/amd64
+ const ProcessExceptionPort windows/amd64
+ const ProcessExecuteFlags windows/amd64
+ const ProcessFaultInformation windows/amd64
+ const ProcessGroupInformation windows/amd64
+ const ProcessHandleCheckingMode windows/amd64
+ const ProcessHandleCount windows/amd64
+ const ProcessHandleInformation windows/amd64
+ const ProcessHandleTable windows/amd64
+ const ProcessHandleTracing windows/amd64
+ const ProcessImageFileMapping windows/amd64
+ const ProcessImageFileName windows/amd64
+ const ProcessImageFileNameWin32 windows/amd64
+ const ProcessImageInformation windows/amd64
+ const ProcessImageSection windows/amd64
+ const ProcessInPrivate windows/amd64
+ const ProcessIoCounters windows/amd64
+ const ProcessIoPortHandlers windows/amd64
+ const ProcessIoPriority windows/amd64
+ const ProcessIumChallengeResponse windows/amd64
+ const ProcessJobMemoryInformation windows/amd64
+ const ProcessKeepAliveCount windows/amd64
+ const ProcessLdtInformation windows/amd64
+ const ProcessLdtSize windows/amd64
+ const ProcessLoaderDetour windows/amd64
+ const ProcessMemoryAllocationMode windows/amd64
+ const ProcessMemoryExhaustion windows/amd64
+ const ProcessMitigationPolicy windows/amd64
+ const ProcessPagePriority windows/amd64
+ const ProcessPooledUsageAndLimits windows/amd64
+ const ProcessPriorityBoost windows/amd64
+ const ProcessPriorityClass windows/amd64
+ const ProcessQuotaLimits windows/amd64
+ const ProcessRaisePriority windows/amd64
+ const ProcessRevokeFileHandles windows/amd64
+ const ProcessSequenceNumber windows/amd64
+ const ProcessSessionInformation windows/amd64
+ const ProcessSubsystemInformation windows/amd64
+ const ProcessSubsystemProcess windows/amd64
+ const ProcessTelemetryCoverage windows/amd64
+ const ProcessTimes windows/amd64
+ const ProcessTlsInformation windows/amd64
+ const ProcessUptimeInformation windows/amd64
+ const ProcessUserModeIOPL windows/amd64
+ const ProcessVmCounters windows/amd64
+ const ProcessWakeInformation windows/amd64
+ const ProcessWindowInformation windows/amd64
+ const ProcessWorkingSetControl windows/amd64
+ const ProcessWorkingSetWatch windows/amd64
+ const ProcessWorkingSetWatchEx windows/amd64
+ const ProcessWow64Information windows/amd64
+ const ProcessWx86Information windows/amd64
+ const READ_CONTROL windows/amd64
+ const REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS windows/amd64
+ const REGDB_E_BADTHREADINGMODEL windows/amd64
+ const REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG windows/amd64
+ const REGDB_E_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const REGDB_E_IIDNOTREG windows/amd64
+ const REGDB_E_INVALIDVALUE windows/amd64
+ const REGDB_E_KEYMISSING windows/amd64
+ const REGDB_E_LAST windows/amd64
+ const REGDB_E_READREGDB windows/amd64
+ const REGDB_E_WRITEREGDB windows/amd64
+ const REGDB_S_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const REGDB_S_LAST windows/amd64
+ const REG_BINARY windows/amd64
+ const REG_DWORD windows/amd64
+ const REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN windows/amd64
+ const REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN windows/amd64
+ const REG_EXPAND_SZ windows/amd64
+ const REG_LINK windows/amd64
+ const REG_MULTI_SZ windows/amd64
+ const REG_NONE windows/amd64
+ const REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_SET windows/amd64
+ const REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_NAME windows/amd64
+ const REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SECURITY windows/amd64
+ const REG_NOTIFY_THREAD_AGNOSTIC windows/amd64
+ const REG_QWORD windows/amd64
+ const REG_QWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN windows/amd64
+ const REG_RESOURCE_LIST windows/amd64
+ const REG_SZ windows/amd64
+ const REVOKE_ACCESS windows/amd64
+ const RO_E_CLOSED windows/amd64
+ const RO_E_COMMITTED windows/amd64
+ const RO_E_ERROR_STRING_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const RO_E_EXCLUSIVE_WRITE windows/amd64
+ const RO_E_INVALID_METADATA_FILE windows/amd64
+ const RO_E_MUST_BE_AGILE windows/amd64
+ const RO_E_UNSUPPORTED_FROM_MTA windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_ACCESS_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_ATTEMPTED_MULTITHREAD windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_CALL_CANCELED windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_CALL_COMPLETE windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_CALL_REJECTED windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_CANTCALLOUT_AGAIN windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_CANTPOST_INSENDCALL windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_CANTTRANSMIT_CALL windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_CLIENT_DIED windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_CONNECTION_TERMINATED windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_DISCONNECTED windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_FAULT windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_FULLSIC_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_INVALIDMETHOD windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_INVALID_CALLDATA windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_INVALID_DATA windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_INVALID_DATAPACKET windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_INVALID_EXTENSION windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_INVALID_HEADER windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_INVALID_IPID windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_INVALID_OBJECT windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_INVALID_OBJREF windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_INVALID_PARAMETER windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_INVALID_STD_NAME windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_NOT_REGISTERED windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_NO_CONTEXT windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_NO_SYNC windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_OUT_OF_RESOURCES windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_REMOTE_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_RETRY windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_SERVERCALL_REJECTED windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_SERVERCALL_RETRYLATER windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_SERVERFAULT windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_SERVER_DIED windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_SERVER_DIED_DNE windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_SYS_CALL_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_THREAD_NOT_INIT windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_TOO_LATE windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_UNEXPECTED windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_UNSECURE_CALL windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_VERSION_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const RPC_E_WRONG_THREAD windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_ADDRESS_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_ALREADY_LISTENING windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_ALREADY_REGISTERED windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_BINDING_HAS_NO_AUTH windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_BINDING_INCOMPLETE windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_CALLPENDING windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_CALL_CANCELLED windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_CALL_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_CALL_FAILED_DNE windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_CALL_IN_PROGRESS windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_CANNOT_SUPPORT windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_CANT_CREATE_ENDPOINT windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_COMM_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_COOKIE_AUTH_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_DO_NOT_DISTURB windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_DUPLICATE_ENDPOINT windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_ENTRY_TYPE_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_FP_DIV_ZERO windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_FP_OVERFLOW windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_FP_UNDERFLOW windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_GRP_ELT_NOT_ADDED windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_GRP_ELT_NOT_REMOVED windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_INCOMPLETE_NAME windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_INTERFACE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_INTERNAL_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_INVALID_ASYNC_CALL windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_INVALID_ASYNC_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_INVALID_AUTH_IDENTITY windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_INVALID_BINDING windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_INVALID_BOUND windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_INVALID_NAF_ID windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_INVALID_NAME_SYNTAX windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_INVALID_NET_ADDR windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_INVALID_OBJECT windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_INVALID_RPC_PROTSEQ windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_INVALID_STRING_UUID windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_INVALID_TAG windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_INVALID_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_INVALID_VERS_OPTION windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_MAX_CALLS_TOO_SMALL windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_NOTHING_TO_EXPORT windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_NOT_ALL_OBJS_EXPORTED windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_NOT_CANCELLED windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_NOT_LISTENING windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_NOT_RPC_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_NO_BINDINGS windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_NO_CALL_ACTIVE windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_NO_CONTEXT_AVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_NO_ENDPOINT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_NO_ENTRY_NAME windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_NO_INTERFACES windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_NO_MORE_BINDINGS windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_NO_MORE_MEMBERS windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_NO_PRINC_NAME windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_NO_PROTSEQS windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_OUT_OF_RESOURCES windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_PRF_ELT_NOT_ADDED windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_PRF_ELT_NOT_REMOVED windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_PROCNUM_OUT_OF_RANGE windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_PROFILE_NOT_ADDED windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_PROTOCOL_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_PROTSEQ_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_PROTSEQ_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_PROXY_ACCESS_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_SEC_PKG_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_SEND_INCOMPLETE windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_SERVER_TOO_BUSY windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_STRING_TOO_LONG windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_UNKNOWN_AUTHN_LEVEL windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_UNKNOWN_AUTHN_SERVICE windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_UNKNOWN_AUTHN_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_UNKNOWN_AUTHZ_SERVICE windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_UNKNOWN_IF windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_UNKNOWN_MGR_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_UNSUPPORTED_TRANS_SYN windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_UUID_NO_ADDRESS windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_WAITONTIMER windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_WRONG_KIND_OF_BINDING windows/amd64
+ const RPC_S_ZERO_DIVIDE windows/amd64
+ const RPC_X_BAD_STUB_DATA windows/amd64
+ const RPC_X_BYTE_COUNT_TOO_SMALL windows/amd64
+ const RPC_X_INVALID_ES_ACTION windows/amd64
+ const RPC_X_INVALID_PIPE_OBJECT windows/amd64
+ const RPC_X_NO_MORE_ENTRIES windows/amd64
+ const RPC_X_NULL_REF_POINTER windows/amd64
+ const RPC_X_PIPE_CLOSED windows/amd64
+ const RPC_X_PIPE_DISCIPLINE_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const RPC_X_PIPE_EMPTY windows/amd64
+ const RPC_X_SS_CONTEXT_DAMAGED windows/amd64
+ const RPC_X_SS_HANDLES_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const RPC_X_SS_IN_NULL_CONTEXT windows/amd64
+ const RPC_X_WRONG_ES_VERSION windows/amd64
+ const RPC_X_WRONG_PIPE_ORDER windows/amd64
+ const RPC_X_WRONG_PIPE_VERSION windows/amd64
+ const RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION windows/amd64
+ const SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_BAD_SEEK windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_CANCELLED windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_CANT_DISPOSE windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_CARD_UNSUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_COMM_DATA_LOST windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_DIR_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_DUPLICATE_READER windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_ICC_CREATEORDER windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_ICC_INSTALLATION windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_INVALID_ATR windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_INVALID_CHV windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_INVALID_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_INVALID_PARAMETER windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_INVALID_TARGET windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_INVALID_VALUE windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_NOT_READY windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_NOT_TRANSACTED windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_NO_ACCESS windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_NO_DIR windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_NO_FILE windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_NO_KEY_CONTAINER windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_NO_MEMORY windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_NO_PIN_CACHE windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_NO_SERVICE windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_NO_SMARTCARD windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_NO_SUCH_CERTIFICATE windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_PCI_TOO_SMALL windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_PIN_CACHE_EXPIRED windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_PROTO_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_READER_UNAVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_READER_UNSUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_READ_ONLY_CARD windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_SERVER_TOO_BUSY windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_SERVICE_STOPPED windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_SHARING_VIOLATION windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_SYSTEM_CANCELLED windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_UNEXPECTED windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_UNKNOWN_CARD windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_UNKNOWN_READER windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_UNKNOWN_RES_MNG windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_E_WRITE_TOO_MANY windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_F_COMM_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_F_UNKNOWN_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_F_WAITED_TOO_LONG windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_P_SHUTDOWN windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_S_SUCCESS windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_W_CACHE_ITEM_STALE windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_W_CACHE_ITEM_TOO_BIG windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_W_CANCELLED_BY_USER windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_W_CHV_BLOCKED windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_W_EOF windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_W_REMOVED_CARD windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_W_RESET_CARD windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_W_SECURITY_VIOLATION windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_W_UNPOWERED_CARD windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_W_UNRESPONSIVE_CARD windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_W_UNSUPPORTED_CARD windows/amd64
+ const SCARD_W_WRONG_CHV windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_E_ALREADY_RUNNING windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_E_CANNOT_OPEN_TASK windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_E_INVALIDVALUE windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_E_INVALID_TASK windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_E_INVALID_TASK_HASH windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_E_MALFORMEDXML windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_E_MISSINGNODE windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_E_NAMESPACE windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_E_PAST_END_BOUNDARY windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_E_SERVICE_NOT_RUNNING windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_E_SERVICE_TOO_BUSY windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_E_START_ON_DEMAND windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_E_TASK_ATTEMPTED windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_E_TASK_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_E_TASK_NOT_READY windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_E_TASK_NOT_RUNNING windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_E_TASK_NOT_V1_COMPAT windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_E_TOO_MANY_NODES windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_E_TRIGGER_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_E_UNEXPECTEDNODE windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_E_USER_NOT_LOGGED_ON windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_S_BATCH_LOGON_PROBLEM windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_S_EVENT_TRIGGER windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_S_TASK_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_S_TASK_HAS_NOT_RUN windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_S_TASK_NOT_SCHEDULED windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_S_TASK_NO_MORE_RUNS windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_S_TASK_QUEUED windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_S_TASK_READY windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_S_TASK_RUNNING windows/amd64
+ const SCHED_S_TASK_TERMINATED windows/amd64
+ const SCOPE_SECURITY_INFORMATION windows/amd64
+ const SC_ACTION_NONE windows/amd64
+ const SC_ACTION_REBOOT windows/amd64
+ const SC_ACTION_RESTART windows/amd64
+ const SC_ACTION_RUN_COMMAND windows/amd64
+ const SC_ENUM_PROCESS_INFO windows/amd64
+ const SC_EVENT_DATABASE_CHANGE windows/amd64
+ const SC_EVENT_PROPERTY_CHANGE windows/amd64
+ const SC_EVENT_STATUS_CHANGE windows/amd64
+ const SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS windows/amd64
+ const SC_MANAGER_CONNECT windows/amd64
+ const SC_MANAGER_CREATE_SERVICE windows/amd64
+ const SC_MANAGER_LOCK windows/amd64
+ const SC_STATUS_PROCESS_INFO windows/amd64
+ const SDIAG_E_CANCELLED windows/amd64
+ const SDIAG_E_CANNOTRUN windows/amd64
+ const SDIAG_E_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const SDIAG_E_MANAGEDHOST windows/amd64
+ const SDIAG_E_NOVERIFIER windows/amd64
+ const SDIAG_E_POWERSHELL windows/amd64
+ const SDIAG_E_RESOURCE windows/amd64
+ const SDIAG_E_ROOTCAUSE windows/amd64
+ const SDIAG_E_SCRIPT windows/amd64
+ const SDIAG_E_TRUST windows/amd64
+ const SDIAG_E_VERSION windows/amd64
+ const SDIAG_S_CANNOTRUN windows/amd64
+ const SECURITY_ANONYMOUS windows/amd64
+ const SECURITY_BATCH_RID windows/amd64
+ const SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID windows/amd64
+ const SECURITY_CONTEXT_TRACKING windows/amd64
+ const SECURITY_CREATOR_GROUP_RID windows/amd64
+ const SECURITY_CREATOR_OWNER_RID windows/amd64
+ const SECURITY_DELEGATION windows/amd64
+ const SECURITY_DIALUP_RID windows/amd64
+ const SECURITY_DYNAMIC_TRACKING windows/amd64
+ const SECURITY_EFFECTIVE_ONLY windows/amd64
+ const SECURITY_IDENTIFICATION windows/amd64
+ const SECURITY_IMPERSONATION windows/amd64
+ const SECURITY_INTERACTIVE_RID windows/amd64
+ const SECURITY_LOCAL_RID windows/amd64
+ const SECURITY_LOCAL_SYSTEM_RID windows/amd64
+ const SECURITY_LOGON_IDS_RID windows/amd64
+ const SECURITY_NETWORK_RID windows/amd64
+ const SECURITY_NT_NON_UNIQUE_RID windows/amd64
+ const SECURITY_NULL_RID windows/amd64
+ const SECURITY_PRINCIPAL_SELF_RID windows/amd64
+ const SECURITY_PROXY_RID windows/amd64
+ const SECURITY_SERVER_LOGON_RID windows/amd64
+ const SECURITY_SERVICE_RID windows/amd64
+ const SECURITY_SQOS_PRESENT windows/amd64
+ const SECURITY_STATIC_TRACKING windows/amd64
+ const SECURITY_VALID_SQOS_FLAGS windows/amd64
+ const SECURITY_WORLD_RID windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_ALGORITHM_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_BAD_BINDINGS windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_BAD_PKGID windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_CANNOT_INSTALL windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_CANNOT_PACK windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_CERT_EXPIRED windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_CERT_UNKNOWN windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_CERT_WRONG_USAGE windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_CONTEXT_EXPIRED windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_CRYPTO_SYSTEM_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_DECRYPT_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_DELEGATION_POLICY windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_DELEGATION_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_DOWNGRADE_DETECTED windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_ENCRYPT_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_EXT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_MESSAGE windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFERS windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_INTERNAL_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_INVALID_PARAMETER windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_INVALID_UPN_NAME windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_ISSUING_CA_UNTRUSTED windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_KDC_CERT_EXPIRED windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_KDC_CERT_REVOKED windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_KDC_INVALID_REQUEST windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_KDC_UNABLE_TO_REFER windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_KDC_UNKNOWN_ETYPE windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_LOGON_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_MESSAGE_ALTERED windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_MULTIPLE_ACCOUNTS windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_MUST_BE_KDC windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_MUTUAL_AUTH_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_NOT_OWNER windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_NO_CONTEXT windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_NO_CREDENTIALS windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_NO_IMPERSONATION windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_NO_IP_ADDRESSES windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_NO_KERB_KEY windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_NO_PA_DATA windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_NO_S4U_PROT_SUPPORT windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_NO_SPM windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_NO_TGT_REPLY windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_OK windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_ONLY_HTTPS_ALLOWED windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_OUT_OF_SEQUENCE windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_PKINIT_CLIENT_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_PKINIT_NAME_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_PKU2U_CERT_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_POLICY_NLTM_ONLY windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_QOP_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_REVOCATION_OFFLINE_C windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_SECPKG_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_SECURITY_QOS_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_TARGET_UNKNOWN windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_TIME_SKEW windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_TOO_MANY_PRINCIPALS windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_UNKNOWN_CREDENTIALS windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_PREAUTH windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_UNTRUSTED_ROOT windows/amd64
+ const SEC_E_WRONG_PRINCIPAL windows/amd64
+ const SEC_I_ASYNC_CALL_PENDING windows/amd64
+ const SEC_I_COMPLETE_AND_CONTINUE windows/amd64
+ const SEC_I_COMPLETE_NEEDED windows/amd64
+ const SEC_I_CONTEXT_EXPIRED windows/amd64
+ const SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED windows/amd64
+ const SEC_I_LOCAL_LOGON windows/amd64
+ const SEC_I_MESSAGE_FRAGMENT windows/amd64
+ const SEC_I_NO_LSA_CONTEXT windows/amd64
+ const SEC_I_NO_RENEGOTIATION windows/amd64
+ const SEC_I_RENEGOTIATE windows/amd64
+ const SEC_I_SIGNATURE_NEEDED windows/amd64
+ const SEMAPHORE_ALL_ACCESS windows/amd64
+ const SEMAPHORE_MODIFY_STATE windows/amd64
+ const SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS windows/amd64
+ const SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX windows/amd64
+ const SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_ACCEPT_PARAMCHANGE windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_ACCEPT_POWEREVENT windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_ACCEPT_PRESHUTDOWN windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_ACCEPT_SHUTDOWN windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_ACTIVE windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_ADAPTER windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_AUTO_START windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_BOOT_START windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_CONFIG_TRIGGER_INFO windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_CONTROL_NETBINDADD windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_DEMAND_START windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_DRIVER windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_ERROR_CRITICAL windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_ERROR_SEVERE windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_INACTIVE windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_INTERROGATE windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_NOTIFY_CREATED windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_NOTIFY_DELETED windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_NOTIFY_PAUSED windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_NOTIFY_RUNNING windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_NOTIFY_STOPPED windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_NOTIFY_STOP_PENDING windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_NO_CHANGE windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_PAUSED windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_PAUSE_CONTINUE windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_RECOGNIZER_DRIVER windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_RUNNING windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_SID_TYPE_NONE windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_SID_TYPE_RESTRICTED windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_START windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_START_PENDING windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_START_REASON_AUTO windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_START_REASON_DEMAND windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_STATE_ALL windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_STOP windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_STOPPED windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_STOP_PENDING windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_SYSTEM_START windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_TYPE_ALL windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_WIN32 windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS windows/amd64
+ const SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS windows/amd64
+ const SET_ACCESS windows/amd64
+ const SET_AUDIT_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const SET_AUDIT_SUCCESS windows/amd64
+ const SEVERITY_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const SEVERITY_SUCCESS windows/amd64
+ const SE_DACL_AUTO_INHERITED windows/amd64
+ const SE_DACL_AUTO_INHERIT_REQ windows/amd64
+ const SE_DACL_DEFAULTED windows/amd64
+ const SE_DACL_PRESENT windows/amd64
+ const SE_DACL_PROTECTED windows/amd64
+ const SE_DS_OBJECT windows/amd64
+ const SE_DS_OBJECT_ALL windows/amd64
+ const SE_FILE_OBJECT windows/amd64
+ const SE_GROUP_DEFAULTED windows/amd64
+ const SE_GROUP_ENABLED windows/amd64
+ const SE_GROUP_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT windows/amd64
+ const SE_GROUP_INTEGRITY windows/amd64
+ const SE_GROUP_INTEGRITY_ENABLED windows/amd64
+ const SE_GROUP_LOGON_ID windows/amd64
+ const SE_GROUP_MANDATORY windows/amd64
+ const SE_GROUP_OWNER windows/amd64
+ const SE_GROUP_RESOURCE windows/amd64
+ const SE_GROUP_USE_FOR_DENY_ONLY windows/amd64
+ const SE_GROUP_VALID_ATTRIBUTES windows/amd64
+ const SE_KERNEL_OBJECT windows/amd64
+ const SE_LMSHARE windows/amd64
+ const SE_OWNER_DEFAULTED windows/amd64
+ const SE_PRINTER windows/amd64
+ const SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED windows/amd64
+ const SE_PRIVILEGE_REMOVED windows/amd64
+ const SE_PROVIDER_DEFINED_OBJECT windows/amd64
+ const SE_REGISTRY_KEY windows/amd64
+ const SE_REGISTRY_WOW64_32KEY windows/amd64
+ const SE_REGISTRY_WOW64_64KEY windows/amd64
+ const SE_RM_CONTROL_VALID windows/amd64
+ const SE_SACL_AUTO_INHERITED windows/amd64
+ const SE_SACL_AUTO_INHERIT_REQ windows/amd64
+ const SE_SACL_DEFAULTED windows/amd64
+ const SE_SACL_PRESENT windows/amd64
+ const SE_SACL_PROTECTED windows/amd64
+ const SE_SELF_RELATIVE windows/amd64
+ const SE_SERVICE windows/amd64
+ const SE_UNKNOWN_OBJECT_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const SE_WINDOW_OBJECT windows/amd64
+ const SE_WMIGUID_OBJECT windows/amd64
+ const SHTDN_REASON_FLAG_CLEAN_UI windows/amd64
+ const SHTDN_REASON_FLAG_DIRTY_UI windows/amd64
+ const SHTDN_REASON_FLAG_PLANNED windows/amd64
+ const SHTDN_REASON_LEGACY_API windows/amd64
+ const SHTDN_REASON_MAJOR_HARDWARE windows/amd64
+ const SHTDN_REASON_MAJOR_NONE windows/amd64
+ const SHTDN_REASON_MAJOR_OTHER windows/amd64
+ const SHTDN_REASON_MAJOR_POWER windows/amd64
+ const SHTDN_REASON_MAJOR_SOFTWARE windows/amd64
+ const SHTDN_REASON_MAJOR_SYSTEM windows/amd64
+ const SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_DISK windows/amd64
+ const SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_HOTFIX windows/amd64
+ const SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_HUNG windows/amd64
+ const SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_MMC windows/amd64
+ const SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_NONE windows/amd64
+ const SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_OTHER windows/amd64
+ const SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_RECONFIG windows/amd64
+ const SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_SECURITY windows/amd64
+ const SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_TERMSRV windows/amd64
+ const SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_UNSTABLE windows/amd64
+ const SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_UPGRADE windows/amd64
+ const SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_WMI windows/amd64
+ const SHTDN_REASON_UNKNOWN windows/amd64
+ const SHTDN_REASON_VALID_BIT_MASK windows/amd64
+ const SHUTDOWN_NORETRY windows/amd64
+ const SHUT_RD windows/amd64
+ const SHUT_RDWR windows/amd64
+ const SHUT_WR windows/amd64
+ const SIGABRT windows/amd64
+ const SIGALRM windows/amd64
+ const SIGBUS windows/amd64
+ const SIGFPE windows/amd64
+ const SIGHUP windows/amd64
+ const SIGILL windows/amd64
+ const SIGINT windows/amd64
+ const SIGKILL windows/amd64
+ const SIGPIPE windows/amd64
+ const SIGQUIT windows/amd64
+ const SIGSEGV windows/amd64
+ const SIGTERM windows/amd64
+ const SIGTRAP windows/amd64
+ const SIO_GET_INTERFACE_LIST windows/amd64
+ const SIO_KEEPALIVE_VALS windows/amd64
+ const SIO_UDP_CONNRESET windows/amd64
+ const SOCK_DGRAM windows/amd64
+ const SOCK_RAW windows/amd64
+ const SOCK_RDM windows/amd64
+ const SOCK_SEQPACKET windows/amd64
+ const SOCK_STREAM windows/amd64
+ const SOL_SOCKET windows/amd64
+ const SOMAXCONN windows/amd64
+ const SO_BROADCAST windows/amd64
+ const SO_DONTROUTE windows/amd64
+ const SO_KEEPALIVE windows/amd64
+ const SO_LINGER windows/amd64
+ const SO_RCVBUF windows/amd64
+ const SO_RCVTIMEO windows/amd64
+ const SO_REUSEADDR windows/amd64
+ const SO_SNDBUF windows/amd64
+ const SO_UPDATE_ACCEPT_CONTEXT windows/amd64
+ const SO_UPDATE_CONNECT_CONTEXT windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_CANT_REMOVE_DEVINST windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_CLASS_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_DEVINFO_DATA_LOCKED windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_DEVINFO_LIST_LOCKED windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_DI_BAD_PATH windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_DI_DONT_INSTALL windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_DI_DO_DEFAULT windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_DI_NOFILECOPY windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_DRIVER_NONNATIVE windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_DUPLICATE_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_FILEQUEUE_LOCKED windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_GENERAL_SYNTAX windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_INVALID_CLASS windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_INVALID_COINSTALLER windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_INVALID_HWPROFILE windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_INVALID_MACHINENAME windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_INVALID_TARGET windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_IN_WOW64 windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXIST windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_MACHINE_UNAVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_NON_WINDOWS_DRIVER windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_NOT_DISABLEABLE windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_NO_ASSOCIATED_CLASS windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_NO_BACKUP windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_NO_COMPAT_DRIVERS windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_NO_DEVICE_ICON windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_NO_DEVICE_SELECTED windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_NO_DRIVER_SELECTED windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_NO_INF windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_NO_SUCH_DEVINST windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_PNP_REGISTRY_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_REMOTE_COMM_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_SCE_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_SECTION_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_WRONG_INF_STYLE windows/amd64
+ const SPAPI_E_WRONG_INF_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const SPECIFIC_RIGHTS_ALL windows/amd64
+ const SP_MAX_MACHINENAME_LENGTH windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_ABORT windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_ABORT_ROLLBACK windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_AUTH windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_BUSY windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_BUSY_RECOVERY windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_BUSY_SNAPSHOT windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_CANTOPEN windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_CANTOPEN_CONVPATH windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_CANTOPEN_FULLPATH windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_CANTOPEN_ISDIR windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_CANTOPEN_NOTEMPDIR windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_CONSTRAINT windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_CONSTRAINT_CHECK windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_CONSTRAINT_NOTNULL windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_CONSTRAINT_ROWID windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_CONSTRAINT_TRIGGER windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_CONSTRAINT_VTAB windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_CORRUPT windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_CORRUPT_VTAB windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_DONE windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_EMPTY windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_FORMAT windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_FULL windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_INTERNAL windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_INTERRUPT windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_IOERR windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_IOERR_ACCESS windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_IOERR_AUTH windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_IOERR_BLOCKED windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_IOERR_CLOSE windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_IOERR_CONVPATH windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_IOERR_DELETE windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_IOERR_DELETE_NOENT windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_IOERR_DIR_CLOSE windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_IOERR_DIR_FSYNC windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_IOERR_FSTAT windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_IOERR_FSYNC windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_IOERR_GETTEMPPATH windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_IOERR_LOCK windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_IOERR_MMAP windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_IOERR_NOMEM windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_IOERR_RDLOCK windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_IOERR_READ windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_IOERR_SEEK windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_IOERR_SHMLOCK windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_IOERR_SHMMAP windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_IOERR_SHMOPEN windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_IOERR_SHMSIZE windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_IOERR_SHORT_READ windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_IOERR_TRUNCATE windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_IOERR_UNLOCK windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_IOERR_VNODE windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_IOERR_WRITE windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_LOCKED windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_LOCKED_SHAREDCACHE windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_MISUSE windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_NOLFS windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_NOMEM windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_NOTADB windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_NOTFOUND windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_NOTICE windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_NOTICE_RECOVER_WAL windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_PERM windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_PROTOCOL windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_RANGE windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_READONLY windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_READONLY_CANTLOCK windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_READONLY_DBMOVED windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_READONLY_RECOVERY windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_READONLY_ROLLBACK windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_ROW windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_SCHEMA windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_TOOBIG windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_WARNING windows/amd64
+ const SQLITE_E_WARNING_AUTOINDEX windows/amd64
+ const STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL windows/amd64
+ const STANDARD_RIGHTS_EXECUTE windows/amd64
+ const STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ windows/amd64
+ const STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const STANDARD_RIGHTS_WRITE windows/amd64
+ const STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW windows/amd64
+ const STARTF_USESTDHANDLES windows/amd64
+ const STATEREPOSITORY_E_BLOCKED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ABANDONED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ABANDONED_WAIT_0 windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ABANDONED_WAIT_63 windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ABANDON_HIBERFILE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ABIOS_INVALID_LID windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ABIOS_LID_NOT_EXIST windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ABIOS_NOT_LID_OWNER windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ABIOS_NOT_PRESENT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ACCOUNT_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_OUT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ACCOUNT_RESTRICTION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ACPI_ASSERT_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ACPI_FATAL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ACPI_INVALID_ARGTYPE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ACPI_INVALID_DATA windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ACPI_INVALID_INDEX windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ACPI_INVALID_OBJTYPE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ACPI_INVALID_OPCODE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ACPI_INVALID_REGION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ACPI_INVALID_TABLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ACPI_MUTEX_NOT_OWNED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ACPI_MUTEX_NOT_OWNER windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ACPI_NOT_INITIALIZED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ACPI_RS_ACCESS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ACPI_STACK_OVERFLOW windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ADDRESS_CLOSED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_AGENTS_EXHAUSTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ALERTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ALIAS_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ALLOCATE_BUCKET windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ALL_SIDS_FILTERED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ALREADY_COMMITTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ALREADY_COMPLETE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ALREADY_INITIALIZED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ALREADY_REGISTERED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ALREADY_WIN32 windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_APISET_NOT_HOSTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_APISET_NOT_PRESENT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_APPEXEC_NO_DONOR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_APPEXEC_UNKNOWN_USER windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_APPHELP_BLOCK windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_APP_DATA_CORRUPT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_APP_DATA_EXPIRED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_APP_DATA_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_APP_INIT_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ASSERTION_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_AUDITING_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_AUDIT_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_AUTHIP_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_AUTH_TAG_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_BACKUP_CONTROLLER windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_BAD_BINDINGS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_BAD_CLUSTERS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_BAD_DATA windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_BAD_DEVICE_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_BAD_DLL_ENTRYPOINT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_BAD_FILE_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_BAD_FUNCTION_TABLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_BAD_INHERITANCE_ACL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_BAD_INITIAL_PC windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_BAD_INITIAL_STACK windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_BAD_KEY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_BAD_MCFG_TABLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_PATH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_BAD_REMOTE_ADAPTER windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_BAD_STACK windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_BAD_TOKEN_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_BAD_VALIDATION_CLASS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_BEGINNING_OF_MEDIA windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_BEYOND_VDL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_BIZRULES_NOT_ENABLED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_BREAKPOINT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_BTH_ATT_INVALID_PDU windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_BTH_ATT_UNLIKELY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_BUFFER_ALL_ZEROS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_BUS_RESET windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CACHE_PAGE_LOCKED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CALLBACK_BYPASS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CALLBACK_POP_STACK windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CANCELLED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CANNOT_BREAK_OPLOCK windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CANNOT_DELETE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CANNOT_IMPERSONATE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CANNOT_MAKE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CANT_OPEN_ANONYMOUS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CANT_TERMINATE_SELF windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CANT_WAIT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CHECKING_FILE_SYSTEM windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CHECKOUT_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CLIP_LICENSE_EXPIRED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CLOUD_FILE_IN_USE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CLOUD_FILE_PINNED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CLUSTER_INVALID_NODE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CLUSTER_NODE_DOWN windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CLUSTER_NODE_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CLUSTER_NODE_PAUSED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CLUSTER_NODE_UP windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CLUSTER_NON_CSV_PATH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CLUSTER_POISONED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_COMMITMENT_LIMIT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_COMMITMENT_MINIMUM windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CONNECTION_ABORTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CONNECTION_ACTIVE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CONNECTION_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CONNECTION_IN_USE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CONNECTION_RESET windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CONTAINER_ASSIGNED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CONTENT_BLOCKED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CONTEXT_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CONTROL_C_EXIT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CONVERT_TO_LARGE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CORRUPT_LOG_CLEARED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CORRUPT_LOG_OVERFULL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CORRUPT_SYSTEM_FILE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_COULD_NOT_INTERPRET windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_COULD_NOT_RESIZE_LOG windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CPU_SET_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CRASH_DUMP windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CRC_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CSS_KEY_NOT_PRESENT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CSS_REGION_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CSS_RESETS_EXHAUSTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CSS_SCRAMBLED_SECTOR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CSV_IO_PAUSE_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CTX_BAD_VIDEO_MODE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CTX_CDM_CONNECT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CTX_CDM_DISCONNECT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CTX_CLOSE_PENDING windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CTX_CONSOLE_CONNECT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CTX_GRAPHICS_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CTX_INVALID_PD windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CTX_INVALID_WD windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CTX_LICENSE_EXPIRED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CTX_LOGON_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CTX_NOT_CONSOLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CTX_NO_OUTBUF windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CTX_PD_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CTX_RESPONSE_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CTX_SHADOW_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CTX_SHADOW_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CTX_SHADOW_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CTX_TD_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CTX_WD_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_CTX_WINSTATION_BUSY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DATA_CHECKSUM_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DATA_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DATA_LATE_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DATA_LOST_REPAIR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DATA_NOT_ACCEPTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DATA_OVERRUN windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DATA_OVERWRITTEN windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DAX_MAPPING_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DEBUGGER_INACTIVE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DEBUG_ATTACH_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DECRYPTION_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DELAY_LOAD_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DELETE_PENDING windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DEVICE_BUSY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DEVICE_DOOR_OPEN windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DEVICE_HUNG windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_READY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DEVICE_OFF_LINE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DEVICE_PAPER_EMPTY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DEVICE_POWERED_OFF windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DEVICE_POWER_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DEVICE_REMOVED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DEVICE_UNREACHABLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DEVICE_UNRESPONSIVE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DFS_EXIT_PATH_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DFS_UNAVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DIRECTORY_NOT_RM windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DISK_CORRUPT_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DISK_FULL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DISK_QUOTA_EXCEEDED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DISK_REPAIR_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DISK_RESET_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DLL_INIT_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DOMAIN_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DOWNGRADE_DETECTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DRIVER_BLOCKED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DRIVER_FAILED_SLEEP windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DS_BUSY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DS_CANT_ON_NON_LEAF windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DS_CANT_ON_RDN windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DS_CANT_START windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DS_GC_NOT_AVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DS_GC_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DS_INIT_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DS_NAME_NOT_UNIQUE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DS_NO_MORE_RIDS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DS_NO_RIDS_ALLOCATED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DS_OID_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DS_RIDMGR_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DS_RIDMGR_INIT_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DS_SAM_INIT_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DS_SHUTTING_DOWN windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DS_UNAVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DUPLICATE_NAME windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DUPLICATE_OBJECTID windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_DYNAMIC_CODE_BLOCKED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_EAS_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_EA_CORRUPT_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_EA_LIST_INCONSISTENT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_EA_TOO_LARGE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_EFS_ALG_BLOB_TOO_BIG windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ELEVATION_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ENCLAVE_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ENCLAVE_VIOLATION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ENCRYPTION_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ENCRYPTION_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_END_OF_FILE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_END_OF_MEDIA windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ENLISTMENT_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ENTRYPOINT_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_EOF_ON_GHOSTED_RANGE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_EOM_OVERFLOW windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_EVENTLOG_CANT_START windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_EVENT_DONE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_EVENT_PENDING windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_EXPIRED_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FAILED_DRIVER_ENTRY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FAILED_STACK_SWITCH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FAIL_CHECK windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FAIL_FAST_EXCEPTION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FASTPATH_REJECTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FATAL_APP_EXIT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FILEMARK_DETECTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FILES_OPEN windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FILE_CHECKED_OUT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FILE_CLOSED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FILE_CORRUPT_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FILE_DELETED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FILE_ENCRYPTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FILE_FORCED_CLOSED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FILE_HANDLE_REVOKED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FILE_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FILE_IS_A_DIRECTORY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FILE_IS_OFFLINE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FILE_LOCK_CONFLICT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FILE_NOT_AVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FILE_NOT_ENCRYPTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FILE_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FILE_RENAMED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FILE_TOO_LARGE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FIRMWARE_UPDATED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FLOATED_SECTION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FLOAT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FLOAT_INEXACT_RESULT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FLOAT_MULTIPLE_TRAPS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FLOAT_OVERFLOW windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FLOAT_STACK_CHECK windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FLOAT_UNDERFLOW windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FLOPPY_BAD_REGISTERS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FLOPPY_UNKNOWN_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FLOPPY_VOLUME windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FLT_ALREADY_ENLISTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FLT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FLT_CBDQ_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FLT_DELETING_OBJECT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FLT_DISALLOW_FAST_IO windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FLT_DO_NOT_ATTACH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FLT_DO_NOT_DETACH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FLT_DUPLICATE_ENTRY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FLT_FILTER_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FLT_FILTER_NOT_READY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FLT_INTERNAL_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FLT_IO_COMPLETE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FLT_NAME_CACHE_MISS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FLT_NOT_INITIALIZED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FLT_NO_DEVICE_OBJECT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FLT_VOLUME_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FORMS_AUTH_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FOUND_OUT_OF_SCOPE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FREE_VM_NOT_AT_BASE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FS_DRIVER_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FT_DI_SCAN_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FT_MISSING_MEMBER windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FT_ORPHANING windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FT_READ_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FT_READ_FROM_COPY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FT_WRITE_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FT_WRITE_RECOVERY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FULLSCREEN_MODE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_BAD_DATA windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_BAD_INFORMATION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_CONV_READ_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_CONV_WRITE_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_DEBUGGER_ENABLED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_DEVICE_LOCKEDOUT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_DRY_RUN_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_ENH_PIN_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_FAILED_WRONG_FS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_FS_MOUNTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_FS_NOT_EXTENDED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_KEYFILE_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_KEYFILE_NO_VMK windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_LOCKED_VOLUME windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_MOR_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_NOT_DATA_VOLUME windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_NOT_DE_VOLUME windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_NOT_OS_VOLUME windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_NO_LICENSE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_PARTIAL_METADATA windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_PIN_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_RAW_ACCESS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_RAW_BLOCKED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_REBOOT_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_TOO_SMALL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_TPM_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_TPM_INVALID_PCR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_TPM_NO_VMK windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_TRANSIENT_STATE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_VOLUME_NOT_BOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FVE_VOLUME_TOO_SMALL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_ALREADY_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_BUILTIN_OBJECT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_CANNOT_PEND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_DROP_NOICMP windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_DUPLICATE_KEYMOD windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_EM_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_FILTER_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_INCOMPATIBLE_TXN windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_INVALID_DNS_NAME windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_INVALID_FLAGS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_INVALID_INTERVAL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_INVALID_NET_MASK windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_INVALID_RANGE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_INVALID_WEIGHT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_IN_USE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_KM_CLIENTS_ONLY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_LAYER_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_NEVER_MATCH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_NULL_POINTER windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_OUT_OF_BOUNDS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_RESERVED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_SESSION_ABORTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_STILL_ON windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_TCPIP_NOT_READY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_TRAFFIC_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_TXN_ABORTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_TXN_IN_PROGRESS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_TYPE_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_FWP_WRONG_SESSION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_GDI_HANDLE_LEAK windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_GENERIC_NOT_MAPPED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_GHOSTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_GRACEFUL_DISCONNECT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_GRAPHICS_NO_VIDPNMGR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_GROUP_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_GUARD_PAGE_VIOLATION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_GUIDS_EXHAUSTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HANDLES_CLOSED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HANDLE_NOT_CLOSABLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HANDLE_REVOKED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HASH_NOT_PRESENT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HASH_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HEAP_CORRUPTION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HIBERNATED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HIBERNATION_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HIVE_UNLOADED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HMAC_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HOPLIMIT_EXCEEDED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HOST_DOWN windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HOST_UNREACHABLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HV_ACCESS_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HV_ACKNOWLEDGED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HV_INACTIVE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HV_INVALID_ALIGNMENT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HV_INVALID_DEVICE_ID windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HV_INVALID_LP_INDEX windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HV_INVALID_PARAMETER windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HV_INVALID_PORT_ID windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HV_INVALID_VP_INDEX windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HV_INVALID_VP_STATE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HV_INVALID_VTL_STATE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HV_NOT_ACKNOWLEDGED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HV_NOT_PRESENT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HV_NO_DATA windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HV_NO_RESOURCES windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HV_NX_NOT_DETECTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HV_OBJECT_IN_USE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HV_OPERATION_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HV_OPERATION_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HV_SMX_ENABLED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_HV_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ILLEGAL_FUNCTION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ILL_FORMED_PASSWORD windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_IMAGE_ALREADY_LOADED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_IMAGE_CERT_EXPIRED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_IMAGE_CERT_REVOKED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_IMAGE_MP_UP_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_IMAGE_NOT_AT_BASE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_POWER windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INTERNAL_DB_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INTERRUPTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_ACCOUNT_NAME windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_ACL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_ADDRESS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_BLOCK_LENGTH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_CAP windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_CID windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_CONNECTION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_STATE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_DISPOSITION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_DOMAIN_ROLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_DOMAIN_STATE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_EA_FLAG windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_EA_NAME windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_HW_PROFILE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_ID_AUTHORITY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_HASH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_NOT_MZ windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_WIN_16 windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_WIN_32 windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_WIN_64 windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_LABEL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_LDT_OFFSET windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_LDT_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_LEVEL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_LOCK_RANGE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_LOGON_HOURS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_LOGON_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_MEMBER windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_MESSAGE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_OWNER windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_1 windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_10 windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_11 windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_12 windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_2 windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_3 windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_4 windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_5 windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_6 windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_7 windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_8 windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_9 windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_PIPE_STATE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_PORT_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_QUOTA_LOWER windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_READ_MODE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_SERVER_STATE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_SESSION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_SID windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_SIGNATURE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_TASK_INDEX windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_TASK_NAME windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_THREAD windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_TOKEN windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_TRANSACTION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_USER_BUFFER windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_VARIANT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_VIEW_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_VOLUME_LABEL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_WEIGHT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_INVALID_WORKSTATION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_IO_OPERATION_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_IO_PREEMPTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_IO_PRIVILEGE_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_IO_REISSUE_AS_CACHED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_IO_UNALIGNED_WRITE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_IPSEC_BAD_SPI windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_IPSEC_DOSP_BLOCK windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_IPSEC_INVALID_PACKET windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_IPSEC_QUEUE_OVERFLOW windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_IPSEC_THROTTLE_DROP windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_IPSEC_WRONG_SA windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_IP_ADDRESS_CONFLICT1 windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_IP_ADDRESS_CONFLICT2 windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ISSUING_CA_UNTRUSTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_JOB_NOT_EMPTY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_JOB_NO_CONTAINER windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_JOURNAL_NOT_ACTIVE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_KDC_CERT_EXPIRED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_KDC_CERT_REVOKED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_KDC_INVALID_REQUEST windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_KDC_UNABLE_TO_REFER windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_KDC_UNKNOWN_ETYPE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_KERNEL_APC windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_KEY_DELETED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_KEY_HAS_CHILDREN windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LAST_ADMIN windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LICENSE_VIOLATION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LINK_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LINK_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOCAL_DISCONNECT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOCK_NOT_GRANTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOGON_NOT_GRANTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOGON_SESSION_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOG_BLOCKS_EXHAUSTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOG_BLOCK_INCOMPLETE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOG_BLOCK_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOG_BLOCK_VERSION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOG_CANT_DELETE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOG_DEDICATED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOG_EPHEMERAL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOG_FILE_FULL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOG_FULL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOG_GROWTH_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOG_HARD_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOG_INVALID_RANGE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOG_METADATA_CORRUPT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOG_METADATA_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOG_MULTIPLEXED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOG_NO_RESTART windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOG_PINNED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOG_POLICY_CONFLICT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOG_POLICY_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOG_RESTART_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOG_SECTOR_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOG_SECTOR_REMAPPED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOG_START_OF_LOG windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOG_STATE_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LOG_TAIL_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LONGJUMP windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LPAC_ACCESS_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LPC_REPLY_LOST windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_LUIDS_EXHAUSTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_MAGAZINE_NOT_PRESENT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_MAPPED_ALIGNMENT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_MARSHALL_OVERFLOW windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_MCA_EXCEPTION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_MCA_OCCURED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_MEDIA_CHANGED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_MEDIA_CHECK windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_MEMBER_IN_ALIAS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_MEMBER_IN_GROUP windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_MEMBER_NOT_IN_ALIAS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_MEMBER_NOT_IN_GROUP windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_MEMORY_NOT_ALLOCATED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_MESSAGE_LOST windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_MESSAGE_RETRIEVED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_MFT_TOO_FRAGMENTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_MISSING_SYSTEMFILE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_MUI_FILE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_MUI_FILE_NOT_LOADED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_MUI_INVALID_FILE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_MUST_BE_KDC windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_MUTANT_NOT_OWNED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NAME_TOO_LONG windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NDIS_ADAPTER_REMOVED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NDIS_ALREADY_MAPPED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NDIS_BAD_VERSION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NDIS_CLOSING windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NDIS_DEVICE_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NDIS_FILE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NDIS_INVALID_ADDRESS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NDIS_INVALID_DATA windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NDIS_INVALID_LENGTH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NDIS_INVALID_OID windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NDIS_INVALID_PACKET windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NDIS_INVALID_PORT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NDIS_LOW_POWER_STATE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NDIS_MULTICAST_FULL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NDIS_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NDIS_NO_QUEUES windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NDIS_OFFLOAD_POLICY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NDIS_OPEN_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NDIS_PAUSED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NDIS_REINIT_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NDIS_REQUEST_ABORTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ND_QUEUE_OVERFLOW windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NEEDS_REGISTRATION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NEEDS_REMEDIATION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NETLOGON_NOT_STARTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NETWORK_BUSY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NETWORK_NAME_DELETED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NET_WRITE_FAULT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOINTERFACE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NONEXISTENT_EA_ENTRY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NONEXISTENT_SECTOR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NONE_MAPPED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOTHING_TO_TERMINATE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOTIFY_CLEANUP windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOTIFY_ENUM_DIR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_ALL_ASSIGNED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_APPCONTAINER windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_A_CLOUD_FILE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_A_DAX_VOLUME windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_A_DIRECTORY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_A_REPARSE_POINT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_A_TIERED_VOLUME windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_CAPABLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_CLIENT_SESSION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_COMMITTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_DAX_MAPPABLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_EXPORT_FORMAT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_GUI_PROCESS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_LOCKED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_LOGON_PROCESS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_MAPPED_DATA windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_MAPPED_VIEW windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_READ_FROM_COPY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_REGISTRY_FILE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_SAFE_MODE_DRIVER windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_SAME_DEVICE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_SAME_OBJECT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_SERVER_SESSION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_SNAPSHOT_VOLUME windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_DAX windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_SBS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NOT_TINY_STREAM windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_ACE_CONDITION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_CALLBACK_ACTIVE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_DATA_DETECTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_EAS_ON_FILE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_EFS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_EVENT_PAIR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_GUID_TRANSLATION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_INHERITANCE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_IP_ADDRESSES windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_KERB_KEY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_KEY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_LDT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_LOGON_SERVERS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_LOG_SPACE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_MATCH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_MEDIA windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_MEDIA_IN_DEVICE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_MEMORY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_MORE_EAS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_MORE_MATCHES windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_PAGEFILE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_PA_DATA windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_RANGES_PROCESSED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_RECOVERY_POLICY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_S4U_PROT_SUPPORT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_SECRETS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_SECURITY_CONTEXT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_SPOOL_SPACE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_SUCH_ALIAS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_SUCH_FILE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_SUCH_GROUP windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_SUCH_MEMBER windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_SUCH_PACKAGE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_SUCH_PRIVILEGE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_TGT_REPLY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_TOKEN windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_TRACKING_SERVICE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_TRUST_LSA_SECRET windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_TRUST_SAM_ACCOUNT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_TXF_METADATA windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_USER_KEYS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_USER_SESSION_KEY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_WORK_DONE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NO_YIELD_PERFORMED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NTLM_BLOCKED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_NULL_LM_PASSWORD windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_OBJECTID_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_OBJECTID_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_OBJECT_TYPE_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ONLY_IF_CONNECTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_OPEN_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_OPLOCK_HANDLE_CLOSED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_OPLOCK_NOT_GRANTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_ORDINAL_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PACKAGE_UPDATING windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PAGEFILE_QUOTA windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PARITY_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PARTIAL_COPY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PARTITION_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PASSWORD_EXPIRED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PASSWORD_MUST_CHANGE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PATCH_CONFLICT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PATCH_DEFERRED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PATH_NOT_COVERED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PCP_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PCP_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PCP_DEVICE_NOT_READY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PCP_ERROR_MASK windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PCP_INTERNAL_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PCP_INVALID_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PCP_KEY_NOT_AIK windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PCP_KEY_NOT_LOADED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PCP_LOCKED_OUT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PCP_NOT_PCR_BOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PCP_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PCP_POLICY_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PCP_SOFT_KEY_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PCP_TICKET_MISSING windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PCP_WRONG_PARENT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PENDING windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PIPE_BROKEN windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PIPE_BUSY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PIPE_CLOSING windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PIPE_CONNECTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PIPE_DISCONNECTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PIPE_EMPTY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PIPE_LISTENING windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PIPE_NOT_AVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PKINIT_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PKINIT_NAME_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PKU2U_CERT_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PLUGPLAY_NO_DEVICE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PNP_BAD_MPS_TABLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PNP_INVALID_ID windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PNP_REBOOT_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_POLICY_ONLY_IN_DS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PORT_ALREADY_SET windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PORT_CLOSED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PORT_DISCONNECTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PORT_DO_NOT_DISTURB windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PORT_NOT_SET windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PORT_UNREACHABLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_POSSIBLE_DEADLOCK windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_POWER_STATE_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PREDEFINED_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PRINT_CANCELLED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PRINT_QUEUE_FULL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PROCESS_CLONED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PROCESS_IN_JOB windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PROCESS_IS_PROTECTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PROCESS_NOT_IN_JOB windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PROFILING_AT_LIMIT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PROPSET_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PTE_CHANGED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PURGE_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PWD_HISTORY_CONFLICT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PWD_TOO_LONG windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PWD_TOO_RECENT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_PWD_TOO_SHORT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_QUERY_STORAGE_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_QUOTA_ACTIVITY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_QUOTA_EXCEEDED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_QUOTA_NOT_ENABLED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RANGE_LIST_CONFLICT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RANGE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RANGE_NOT_LOCKED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RDBSS_POST_OPERATION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RDBSS_RETRY_LOOKUP windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RDP_PROTOCOL_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RECEIVE_EXPEDITED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RECEIVE_PARTIAL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RECOVERY_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RECOVERY_NOT_NEEDED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RECURSIVE_DISPATCH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_REDIRECTOR_PAUSED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_REDIRECTOR_STARTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_REGISTRY_CORRUPT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_REGISTRY_IO_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_REGISTRY_QUOTA_LIMIT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_REGISTRY_RECOVERED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_REG_NAT_CONSUMPTION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_REMOTE_DISCONNECT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_REMOTE_NOT_LISTENING windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_REMOTE_RESOURCES windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_REMOTE_SESSION_LIMIT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_REPAIR_NEEDED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_REPARSE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_REPARSE_GLOBAL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_REPARSE_OBJECT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_REQUEST_ABORTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_REQUEST_CANCELED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_REQUEST_NOT_ACCEPTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_REQUEST_PAUSED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RESOURCE_IN_USE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RESOURCE_NOT_OWNED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RESUME_HIBERNATION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RETRY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_REVISION_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_REVOCATION_OFFLINE_C windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RING_NEWLY_EMPTY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RING_PREVIOUSLY_FULL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RKF_ACTIVE_KEY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RKF_BLOB_FULL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RKF_DUPLICATE_KEY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RKF_FILE_BLOCKED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RKF_KEY_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RKF_STORE_FULL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RM_ALREADY_STARTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RM_DISCONNECTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RM_METADATA_CORRUPT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RM_NOT_ACTIVE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RTPM_INVALID_CONTEXT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RTPM_NO_RESULT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RTPM_UNSUPPORTED_CMD windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RXACT_COMMITTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RXACT_COMMIT_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RXACT_INVALID_STATE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_RXACT_STATE_CREATED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SAM_INIT_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SCRUB_DATA_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SECRET_TOO_LONG windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SECTION_NOT_EXTENDED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SECTION_NOT_IMAGE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SECTION_PROTECTION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SECTION_TOO_BIG windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SERIAL_MORE_WRITES windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SERVER_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SERVER_NOT_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SERVER_SID_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SETMARK_DETECTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SET_CONTEXT_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SHARED_IRQ_BUSY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SHARED_POLICY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SHARE_UNAVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SHARING_PAUSED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SHARING_VIOLATION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SINGLE_STEP windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SMARTCARD_IO_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SMARTCARD_NO_CARD windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SMARTCARD_NO_KEYSET windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SMARTCARD_WRONG_PIN windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SMB1_NOT_AVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SOME_NOT_MAPPED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SOURCE_ELEMENT_EMPTY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SPACES_COMPLETE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SPACES_DRIVE_SPLIT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SPACES_DRT_FULL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SPACES_ENTRY_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SPACES_LOG_NOT_READY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SPACES_MAP_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SPACES_MARK_DIRTY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SPACES_NO_REDUNDANCY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SPACES_PAUSE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SPACES_REDIRECT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SPACES_REPAIRED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SPECIAL_ACCOUNT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SPECIAL_GROUP windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SPECIAL_USER windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW_READ windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_STOPPED_ON_SYMLINK windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_STOWED_EXCEPTION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_STRICT_CFG_VIOLATION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SUCCESS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SVHDX_ERROR_STORED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SVHDX_NO_INITIATOR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SXS_ASSEMBLY_MISSING windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SXS_CANT_GEN_ACTCTX windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SXS_CORRUPTION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SXS_KEY_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SXS_MANIFEST_TOO_BIG windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SXS_VERSION_CONFLICT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_THREAD_NOT_RUNNING windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_THREAD_WAS_SUSPENDED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TIMER_NOT_CANCELED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TIMER_RESUME_IGNORED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TM_IDENTITY_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TM_VOLATILE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TOKEN_ALREADY_IN_USE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TOO_LATE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TOO_MANY_ADDRESSES windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TOO_MANY_COMMANDS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TOO_MANY_CONTEXT_IDS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TOO_MANY_LINKS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TOO_MANY_NAMES windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TOO_MANY_NODES windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TOO_MANY_PRINCIPALS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TOO_MANY_SECRETS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TOO_MANY_SESSIONS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TOO_MANY_SIDS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TOO_MANY_THREADS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_ASYMMETRIC windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_ATTRIBUTES windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_AUTHSIZE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_AUTH_FAIL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_AUTH_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_BAD_AUTH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_BAD_CONTEXT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_BINDING windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_CPHASH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_CURVE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_ECC_CURVE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_ECC_POINT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_EXCLUSIVE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_EXPIRED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_HASH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_HIERARCHY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_HMAC windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_INITIALIZE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_INTEGRITY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_KDF windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_KEY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_KEY_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_MGF windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_MODE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_NEEDS_TEST windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_NONCE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_NO_RESULT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_NV_DEFINED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_NV_LOCKED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_NV_RANGE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_NV_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_NV_SPACE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_PARENT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_PCR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_PCR_CHANGED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_POLICY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_POLICY_CC windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_POLICY_FAIL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_PP windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_PRIVATE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_RANGE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_REBOOT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_SCHEME windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_SELECTOR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_SENSITIVE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_SEQUENCE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_SIGNATURE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_SYMMETRIC windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_TAG windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_TICKET windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_UNBALANCED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_UPGRADE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_20_E_VALUE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_ACCESS_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_AREA_LOCKED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_AUDITFAILURE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_AUTH2FAIL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_AUTHFAIL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_AUTH_CONFLICT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_BADCONTEXT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_BADINDEX windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_BADTAG windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_BAD_ATTRIBUTES windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_BAD_COUNTER windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_BAD_DATASIZE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_BAD_DELEGATE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_BAD_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_BAD_KEY_PROPERTY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_BAD_LOCALITY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_BAD_MIGRATION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_BAD_MODE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_BAD_ORDINAL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_BAD_PARAMETER windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_BAD_PARAM_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_BAD_PRESENCE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_BAD_SCHEME windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_BAD_SIGNATURE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_BAD_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_BAD_VERSION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_CLEAR_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_COMMAND_BLOCKED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_COMMAND_CANCELED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_CONTEXT_GAP windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_DAA_INPUT_DATA0 windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_DAA_INPUT_DATA1 windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_DAA_RESOURCES windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_DAA_STAGE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_DAA_TPM_SETTINGS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_DAA_WRONG_W windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_DEACTIVATED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_DECRYPT_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_DELEGATE_ADMIN windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_DELEGATE_FAMILY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_DELEGATE_LOCK windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_DISABLED_CMD windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_DOING_SELFTEST windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_ENCRYPT_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_ERROR_MASK windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_FAIL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_FAILEDSELFTEST windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_FAMILYCOUNT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_INSTALL_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_INVALID_FAMILY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_INVALID_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_INVALID_KEYUSAGE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_INVALID_PCR_INFO windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_INVALID_POSTINIT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_INVALID_RESOURCE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_IOERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_KEYNOTFOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_KEY_NOTSUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_MAXNVWRITES windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_MA_AUTHORITY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_MA_DESTINATION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_MA_SOURCE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_MIGRATEFAIL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_NEEDS_SELFTEST windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_NOCONTEXTSPACE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_NOOPERATOR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_NOSPACE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_NOSRK windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_NOTFIPS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_NOTLOCAL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_NOTRESETABLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_NOTSEALED_BLOB windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_NOT_FULLWRITE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_NO_ENDORSEMENT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_NO_NV_PERMISSION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_OWNER_CONTROL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_OWNER_SET windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_PERMANENTEK windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_PER_NOWRITE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_READ_ONLY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_REQUIRES_SIGN windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_RESOURCEMISSING windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_RESOURCES windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_RETRY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_SHA_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_SHA_THREAD windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_SHORTRANDOM windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_TOOMANYCONTEXTS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_WRITE_LOCKED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_WRONGPCRVAL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TPM_WRONG_ENTITYTYPE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TRANSACTION_ABORTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TRANSACTION_NOT_ROOT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TRANSACTION_NO_MATCH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TRANSPORT_FULL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TRUST_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_TXF_DIR_NOT_EMPTY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_UNABLE_TO_FREE_VM windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_UNABLE_TO_LOCK_MEDIA windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_UNDEFINED_CHARACTER windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_UNDEFINED_SCOPE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_UNEXPECTED_IO_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_UNKNOWN_REVISION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED_VOLUME windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_PREAUTH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_UNWIND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_UNWIND_CONSOLIDATE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_USER2USER_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_USER_APC windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_USER_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_USER_MAPPED_FILE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_USER_SESSION_DELETED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VALIDATE_CONTINUE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VALID_CATALOG_HASH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VALID_IMAGE_HASH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VDM_DISALLOWED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VDM_HARD_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VERIFIER_STOP windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VERIFY_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VHD_BITMAP_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VHD_FORMAT_UNKNOWN windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VHD_INVALID_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VHD_INVALID_STATE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VHD_INVALID_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VHD_METADATA_FULL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VHD_SHARED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VID_MBPS_ARE_LOCKED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VID_QUEUE_FULL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VID_STOP_PENDING windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VIRUS_DELETED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VIRUS_INFECTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VOLMGR_BAD_BOOT_DISK windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VOLMGR_DATABASE_FULL windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VOLMGR_DISK_DYNAMIC windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VOLMGR_DISK_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VOLMGR_DISK_MISSING windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VOLMGR_NO_SUCH_USER windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VOLMGR_PACK_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VOLMGR_PACK_OFFLINE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VOLMGR_PLEX_IN_SYNC windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VOLMGR_PLEX_MISSING windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VOLUME_DIRTY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VOLUME_DISMOUNTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VOLUME_MOUNTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VOLUME_NOT_UPGRADED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VRF_CFG_ENABLED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_VSM_NOT_INITIALIZED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WAIT_0 windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WAIT_1 windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WAIT_2 windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WAIT_3 windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WAIT_63 windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WAIT_FOR_OPLOCK windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WAKE_SYSTEM windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WAKE_SYSTEM_DEBUGGER windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WAS_LOCKED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WAS_UNLOCKED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WIM_NOT_BOOTABLE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WMI_ALREADY_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WMI_ALREADY_ENABLED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WMI_GUID_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WMI_ITEMID_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WMI_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WMI_READ_ONLY windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WMI_SET_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WMI_TRY_AGAIN windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WORKING_SET_QUOTA windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WOW_ASSERTION windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WRONG_COMPARTMENT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WRONG_EFS windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD_CORE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WRONG_VOLUME windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WX86_BREAKPOINT windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WX86_CONTINUE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WX86_CREATEWX86TIB windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WX86_EXCEPTION_CHAIN windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WX86_INTERNAL_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WX86_SINGLE_STEP windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_WX86_UNSIMULATE windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_XMLDSIG_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STATUS_XML_PARSE_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const STD_ERROR_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const STD_INPUT_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_ABNORMALAPIEXIT windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_ACCESSDENIED windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_BADBASEADDRESS windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_CANTSAVE windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_CSS_KEY_NOT_PRESENT windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_CSS_REGION_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_CSS_SCRAMBLED_SECTOR windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_DEVICE_UNRESPONSIVE windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_DISKISWRITEPROTECTED windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_DOCFILECORRUPT windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_DOCFILETOOLARGE windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_EXTANTMARSHALLINGS windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_FILEALREADYEXISTS windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_FILENOTFOUND windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_FIRMWARE_SLOT_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_INCOMPLETE windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_INSUFFICIENTMEMORY windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_INUSE windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_INVALIDFLAG windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_INVALIDHANDLE windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_INVALIDHEADER windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_INVALIDNAME windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_INVALIDPOINTER windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_LOCKVIOLATION windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_MEDIUMFULL windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_NOMOREFILES windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_NOTCURRENT windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_NOTFILEBASEDSTORAGE windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_NOTSIMPLEFORMAT windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_OLDDLL windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_OLDFORMAT windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_PATHNOTFOUND windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_PROPSETMISMATCHED windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_READFAULT windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_RESETS_EXHAUSTED windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_REVERTED windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_SEEKERROR windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_SHAREREQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_SHAREVIOLATION windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_TERMINATED windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_TOOMANYOPENFILES windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_UNKNOWN windows/amd64
+ const STG_E_WRITEFAULT windows/amd64
+ const STG_S_BLOCK windows/amd64
+ const STG_S_CANNOTCONSOLIDATE windows/amd64
+ const STG_S_CONSOLIDATIONFAILED windows/amd64
+ const STG_S_CONVERTED windows/amd64
+ const STG_S_MONITORING windows/amd64
+ const STG_S_MULTIPLEOPENS windows/amd64
+ const STG_S_POWER_CYCLE_REQUIRED windows/amd64
+ const STG_S_RETRYNOW windows/amd64
+ const STORE_ERROR_LICENSE_REVOKED windows/amd64
+ const STORE_ERROR_UNLICENSED windows/amd64
+ const STORE_ERROR_UNLICENSED_USER windows/amd64
+ const SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US windows/amd64
+ const SUB_CONTAINERS_ONLY_INHERIT windows/amd64
+ const SUB_OBJECTS_ONLY_INHERIT windows/amd64
+ const SW_FORCEMINIMIZE windows/amd64
+ const SW_HIDE windows/amd64
+ const SW_MAXIMIZE windows/amd64
+ const SW_MINIMIZE windows/amd64
+ const SW_NORMAL windows/amd64
+ const SW_RESTORE windows/amd64
+ const SW_SHOW windows/amd64
+ const SW_SHOWDEFAULT windows/amd64
+ const SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED windows/amd64
+ const SW_SHOWMINIMIZED windows/amd64
+ const SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE windows/amd64
+ const SW_SHOWNA windows/amd64
+ const SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE windows/amd64
+ const SW_SHOWNORMAL windows/amd64
+ const SYNCHRONIZE windows/amd64
+ const S_FALSE windows/amd64
+ const S_IFBLK windows/amd64
+ const S_IFCHR windows/amd64
+ const S_IFDIR windows/amd64
+ const S_IFIFO windows/amd64
+ const S_IFLNK windows/amd64
+ const S_IFMT windows/amd64
+ const S_IFREG windows/amd64
+ const S_IFSOCK windows/amd64
+ const S_IRUSR windows/amd64
+ const S_ISGID windows/amd64
+ const S_ISUID windows/amd64
+ const S_ISVTX windows/amd64
+ const S_IWRITE windows/amd64
+ const S_IWUSR windows/amd64
+ const S_IXUSR windows/amd64
+ const S_OK windows/amd64
+ const SecurityAnonymous windows/amd64
+ const SecurityDelegation windows/amd64
+ const SecurityIdentification windows/amd64
+ const SecurityImpersonation windows/amd64
+ const SidTypeAlias windows/amd64
+ const SidTypeComputer windows/amd64
+ const SidTypeDeletedAccount windows/amd64
+ const SidTypeDomain windows/amd64
+ const SidTypeGroup windows/amd64
+ const SidTypeInvalid windows/amd64
+ const SidTypeLabel windows/amd64
+ const SidTypeUnknown windows/amd64
+ const SidTypeUser windows/amd64
+ const SidTypeWellKnownGroup windows/amd64
+ const SizeofModuleEntry32 windows/amd64
+ const SystemAcpiAuditInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemAitSamplingValue windows/amd64
+ const SystemBadPageInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemBasicInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemBigPoolInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemBootLogoInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemCallCountInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemCallTimeInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemComPlusPackage windows/amd64
+ const SystemConsoleInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemCoverageInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemCpuQuotaInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemDeviceDataInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemDeviceInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemEdidInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemErrorPortInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemExceptionInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemFileCacheInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemFlagsInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemFullMemoryInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemHandleInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemHotpatchInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemHypervisorInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemInterruptInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemKernelDebuggerFlags windows/amd64
+ const SystemLocksInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemLookasideInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemMemoryListInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemModuleInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemModuleInformationEx windows/amd64
+ const SystemNumaAvailableMemory windows/amd64
+ const SystemNumaProcessorMap windows/amd64
+ const SystemObjectInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemObjectSecurityMode windows/amd64
+ const SystemPageFileInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemPageFileInformationEx windows/amd64
+ const SystemPagedPoolInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemPathInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemPoolTagInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemPrefetcherInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemPrioritySeperation windows/amd64
+ const SystemProcessIdInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemProcessInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemProcessorBrandString windows/amd64
+ const SystemProcessorInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemRangeStartInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemRefTraceInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemRegistryAppendString windows/amd64
+ const SystemRootSiloInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemSecureBootInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemSessionCreate windows/amd64
+ const SystemSessionDetach windows/amd64
+ const SystemSessionInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemSoftRebootInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemStackTraceInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemStoreInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemSuperfetchInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemSystemDiskInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemTimeOfDayInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemTimeSlipNotification windows/amd64
+ const SystemTimeZoneInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemVdmBopInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemVerifierInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemVerifierInformationEx windows/amd64
+ const SystemVerifierThunkExtend windows/amd64
+ const SystemVhdBootInformation windows/amd64
+ const SystemWatchdogTimerHandler windows/amd64
+ const TBSIMP_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL windows/amd64
+ const TBSIMP_E_CLEANUP_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const TBSIMP_E_COMMAND_CANCELED windows/amd64
+ const TBSIMP_E_COMMAND_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const TBSIMP_E_DUPLICATE_VHANDLE windows/amd64
+ const TBSIMP_E_HASH_BAD_KEY windows/amd64
+ const TBSIMP_E_HASH_TABLE_FULL windows/amd64
+ const TBSIMP_E_INVALID_PARAMETER windows/amd64
+ const TBSIMP_E_INVALID_RESOURCE windows/amd64
+ const TBSIMP_E_LIST_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const TBSIMP_E_LIST_NO_MORE_ITEMS windows/amd64
+ const TBSIMP_E_NOTHING_TO_UNLOAD windows/amd64
+ const TBSIMP_E_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE windows/amd64
+ const TBSIMP_E_NO_EVENT_LOG windows/amd64
+ const TBSIMP_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY windows/amd64
+ const TBSIMP_E_PPI_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const TBSIMP_E_RESOURCE_EXPIRED windows/amd64
+ const TBSIMP_E_RPC_INIT_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const TBSIMP_E_TOO_MANY_RESOURCES windows/amd64
+ const TBSIMP_E_TPM_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const TBSIMP_E_TPM_INCOMPATIBLE windows/amd64
+ const TBSIMP_E_UNKNOWN_ORDINAL windows/amd64
+ const TBS_E_ACCESS_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const TBS_E_BAD_PARAMETER windows/amd64
+ const TBS_E_BUFFER_TOO_LARGE windows/amd64
+ const TBS_E_COMMAND_CANCELED windows/amd64
+ const TBS_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER windows/amd64
+ const TBS_E_INTERNAL_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const TBS_E_INVALID_CONTEXT windows/amd64
+ const TBS_E_INVALID_CONTEXT_PARAM windows/amd64
+ const TBS_E_IOERROR windows/amd64
+ const TBS_E_NO_EVENT_LOG windows/amd64
+ const TBS_E_OWNERAUTH_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const TBS_E_PPI_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const TBS_E_SERVICE_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const TBS_E_SERVICE_NOT_RUNNING windows/amd64
+ const TBS_E_SERVICE_START_PENDING windows/amd64
+ const TBS_E_TOO_MANY_RESOURCES windows/amd64
+ const TBS_E_TOO_MANY_TBS_CONTEXTS windows/amd64
+ const TBS_E_TPM_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const TCP_NODELAY windows/amd64
+ const TF_DISCONNECT windows/amd64
+ const TF_REUSE_SOCKET windows/amd64
+ const TF_USE_DEFAULT_WORKER windows/amd64
+ const TF_USE_KERNEL_APC windows/amd64
+ const TF_USE_SYSTEM_THREAD windows/amd64
+ const TF_WRITE_BEHIND windows/amd64
+ const TH32CS_INHERIT windows/amd64
+ const TH32CS_SNAPALL windows/amd64
+ const TH32CS_SNAPHEAPLIST windows/amd64
+ const TH32CS_SNAPMODULE windows/amd64
+ const TH32CS_SNAPMODULE32 windows/amd64
+ const TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS windows/amd64
+ const TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD windows/amd64
+ const THREAD_GET_CONTEXT windows/amd64
+ const THREAD_IMPERSONATE windows/amd64
+ const THREAD_QUERY_INFORMATION windows/amd64
+ const THREAD_SET_CONTEXT windows/amd64
+ const THREAD_SET_INFORMATION windows/amd64
+ const THREAD_SET_THREAD_TOKEN windows/amd64
+ const THREAD_SUSPEND_RESUME windows/amd64
+ const THREAD_TERMINATE windows/amd64
+ const TIMER_ALL_ACCESS windows/amd64
+ const TIMER_MODIFY_STATE windows/amd64
+ const TIMER_QUERY_STATE windows/amd64
+ const TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT windows/amd64
+ const TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD windows/amd64
+ const TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN windows/amd64
+ const TOKEN_ADJUST_DEFAULT windows/amd64
+ const TOKEN_ADJUST_GROUPS windows/amd64
+ const TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES windows/amd64
+ const TOKEN_ADJUST_SESSIONID windows/amd64
+ const TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS windows/amd64
+ const TOKEN_ASSIGN_PRIMARY windows/amd64
+ const TOKEN_DUPLICATE windows/amd64
+ const TOKEN_EXECUTE windows/amd64
+ const TOKEN_IMPERSONATE windows/amd64
+ const TOKEN_QUERY windows/amd64
+ const TOKEN_QUERY_SOURCE windows/amd64
+ const TOKEN_READ windows/amd64
+ const TOKEN_WRITE windows/amd64
+ const TPC_E_INITIALIZE_FAIL windows/amd64
+ const TPC_E_INVALID_CONFIGURATION windows/amd64
+ const TPC_E_INVALID_INPUT_RECT windows/amd64
+ const TPC_E_INVALID_PROPERTY windows/amd64
+ const TPC_E_INVALID_RIGHTS windows/amd64
+ const TPC_E_INVALID_STROKE windows/amd64
+ const TPC_E_NOT_RELEVANT windows/amd64
+ const TPC_E_NO_DEFAULT_TABLET windows/amd64
+ const TPC_E_OUT_OF_ORDER_CALL windows/amd64
+ const TPC_E_QUEUE_FULL windows/amd64
+ const TPC_E_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY windows/amd64
+ const TPC_S_INTERRUPTED windows/amd64
+ const TPC_S_NO_DATA_TO_PROCESS windows/amd64
+ const TPC_S_TRUNCATED windows/amd64
+ const TPMAPI_E_ACCESS_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const TPMAPI_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL windows/amd64
+ const TPMAPI_E_EMPTY_TCG_LOG windows/amd64
+ const TPMAPI_E_ENCRYPTION_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const TPMAPI_E_INTERNAL_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const TPMAPI_E_INVALID_ENCODING windows/amd64
+ const TPMAPI_E_INVALID_KEY_BLOB windows/amd64
+ const TPMAPI_E_INVALID_KEY_PARAMS windows/amd64
+ const TPMAPI_E_INVALID_KEY_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const TPMAPI_E_INVALID_OWNER_AUTH windows/amd64
+ const TPMAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER windows/amd64
+ const TPMAPI_E_INVALID_PCR_DATA windows/amd64
+ const TPMAPI_E_INVALID_PCR_INDEX windows/amd64
+ const TPMAPI_E_INVALID_STATE windows/amd64
+ const TPMAPI_E_MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE windows/amd64
+ const TPMAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA windows/amd64
+ const TPMAPI_E_NV_BITS_NOT_READY windows/amd64
+ const TPMAPI_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY windows/amd64
+ const TPMAPI_E_TOO_MUCH_DATA windows/amd64
+ const TPMAPI_E_TPM_COMMAND_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_ASYMMETRIC windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_ATTRIBUTES windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_AUTHSIZE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_AUTH_CONTEXT windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_AUTH_FAIL windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_AUTH_MISSING windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_AUTH_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_AUTH_UNAVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_BAD_AUTH windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_BAD_CONTEXT windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_BINDING windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_CANCELED windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_COMMAND_CODE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_COMMAND_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_CONTEXT_GAP windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_CPHASH windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_CURVE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_ECC_CURVE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_ECC_POINT windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_EXCLUSIVE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_EXPIRED windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_HASH windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_HIERARCHY windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_HMAC windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_INITIALIZE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_INSUFFICIENT windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_INTEGRITY windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_KDF windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_KEY windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_KEY_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_LOCALITY windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_LOCKOUT windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_MEMORY windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_MGF windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_MODE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_NEEDS_TEST windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_NONCE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_NO_RESULT windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_NV_AUTHORIZATION windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_NV_DEFINED windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_NV_LOCKED windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_NV_RANGE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_NV_RATE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_NV_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_NV_SPACE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_NV_UNAVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_NV_UNINITIALIZED windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_OBJECT_HANDLES windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_OBJECT_MEMORY windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_PARENT windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_PCR windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_PCR_CHANGED windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_POLICY windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_POLICY_CC windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_POLICY_FAIL windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_PP windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_PRIVATE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_RANGE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_REBOOT windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_RESERVED_BITS windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_RETRY windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_SCHEME windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_SELECTOR windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_SENSITIVE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_SEQUENCE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_SESSION_HANDLES windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_SESSION_MEMORY windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_SIGNATURE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_SYMMETRIC windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_TAG windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_TESTING windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_TICKET windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_TOO_MANY_CONTEXTS windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_UNBALANCED windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_UPGRADE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_VALUE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_20_E_YIELDED windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_AREA_LOCKED windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_AUDITFAILURE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_AUDITFAIL_SUCCESSFUL windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_AUTH2FAIL windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_AUTHFAIL windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_AUTH_CONFLICT windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_BADCONTEXT windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_BADINDEX windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_BADTAG windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_BAD_ATTRIBUTES windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_BAD_COUNTER windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_BAD_DATASIZE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_BAD_DELEGATE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_BAD_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_BAD_KEY_PROPERTY windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_BAD_LOCALITY windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_BAD_MIGRATION windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_BAD_MODE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_BAD_ORDINAL windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_BAD_PARAMETER windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_BAD_PARAM_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_BAD_PRESENCE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_BAD_SCHEME windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_BAD_SIGNATURE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_BAD_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_BAD_VERSION windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_CLEAR_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_COMMAND_BLOCKED windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_CONTEXT_GAP windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_DAA_INPUT_DATA0 windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_DAA_INPUT_DATA1 windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_DAA_ISSUER_SETTINGS windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_DAA_ISSUER_VALIDITY windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_DAA_RESOURCES windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_DAA_STAGE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_DAA_TPM_SETTINGS windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_DAA_WRONG_W windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_DEACTIVATED windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_DECRYPT_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_DEFEND_LOCK_RUNNING windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_DELEGATE_ADMIN windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_DELEGATE_FAMILY windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_DELEGATE_LOCK windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_DISABLED_CMD windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_DOING_SELFTEST windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_DUPLICATE_VHANDLE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_ENCRYPT_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_ERROR_MASK windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_FAIL windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_FAILEDSELFTEST windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_FAMILYCOUNT windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_INAPPROPRIATE_ENC windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_INAPPROPRIATE_SIG windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_INSTALL_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_INVALID_AUTHHANDLE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_INVALID_FAMILY windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_INVALID_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_INVALID_KEYHANDLE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_INVALID_KEYUSAGE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_INVALID_PCR_INFO windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_INVALID_POSTINIT windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_INVALID_RESOURCE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_INVALID_STRUCTURE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_IOERROR windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_KEYNOTFOUND windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_KEY_ALREADY_FINALIZED windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_KEY_NOTSUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_KEY_NOT_AUTHENTICATED windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_KEY_NOT_FINALIZED windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_KEY_NOT_LOADED windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_KEY_NOT_SIGNING_KEY windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_KEY_OWNER_CONTROL windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_LOCKED_OUT windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_MAXNVWRITES windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_MA_AUTHORITY windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_MA_DESTINATION windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_MA_SOURCE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_MA_TICKET_SIGNATURE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_MIGRATEFAIL windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_NEEDS_SELFTEST windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_NOCONTEXTSPACE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_NOOPERATOR windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_NOSPACE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_NOSRK windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_NOTFIPS windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_NOTLOCAL windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_NOTRESETABLE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_NOTSEALED_BLOB windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_NOT_FULLWRITE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_NOT_PCR_BOUND windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_NO_ENDORSEMENT windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_NO_KEY_CERTIFICATION windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_NO_NV_PERMISSION windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_NO_WRAP_TRANSPORT windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_OWNER_CONTROL windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_OWNER_SET windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_PCP_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_PCP_DEVICE_NOT_READY windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_PCP_ERROR_MASK windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_PCP_INTERNAL_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_PCP_INVALID_HANDLE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_PCP_INVALID_PARAMETER windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_PCP_KEY_NOT_AIK windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_PCP_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_PCP_POLICY_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_PCP_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_PCP_TICKET_MISSING windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_PCP_VALIDATION_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_PCP_WRONG_PARENT windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_PERMANENTEK windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_PER_NOWRITE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_PPI_ACPI_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_PPI_BIOS_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_PPI_BLOCKED_IN_BIOS windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_PPI_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_PPI_USER_ABORT windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_READ_ONLY windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_REQUIRES_SIGN windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_RESOURCEMISSING windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_RESOURCES windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_RETRY windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_SHA_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_SHA_THREAD windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_SHORTRANDOM windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_SOFT_KEY_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_TOOMANYCONTEXTS windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_WRITE_LOCKED windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_WRONGPCRVAL windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_WRONG_ENTITYTYPE windows/amd64
+ const TPM_E_ZERO_EXHAUST_ENABLED windows/amd64
+ const TRUNCATE_EXISTING windows/amd64
+ const TRUSTEE_BAD_FORM windows/amd64
+ const TRUSTEE_IS_ALIAS windows/amd64
+ const TRUSTEE_IS_COMPUTER windows/amd64
+ const TRUSTEE_IS_DELETED windows/amd64
+ const TRUSTEE_IS_DOMAIN windows/amd64
+ const TRUSTEE_IS_GROUP windows/amd64
+ const TRUSTEE_IS_IMPERSONATE windows/amd64
+ const TRUSTEE_IS_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const TRUSTEE_IS_NAME windows/amd64
+ const TRUSTEE_IS_OBJECTS_AND_NAME windows/amd64
+ const TRUSTEE_IS_OBJECTS_AND_SID windows/amd64
+ const TRUSTEE_IS_SID windows/amd64
+ const TRUSTEE_IS_UNKNOWN windows/amd64
+ const TRUSTEE_IS_USER windows/amd64
+ const TRUSTEE_IS_WELL_KNOWN_GROUP windows/amd64
+ const TRUST_E_ACTION_UNKNOWN windows/amd64
+ const TRUST_E_BAD_DIGEST windows/amd64
+ const TRUST_E_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS windows/amd64
+ const TRUST_E_CERT_SIGNATURE windows/amd64
+ const TRUST_E_COUNTER_SIGNER windows/amd64
+ const TRUST_E_EXPLICIT_DISTRUST windows/amd64
+ const TRUST_E_FAIL windows/amd64
+ const TRUST_E_FINANCIAL_CRITERIA windows/amd64
+ const TRUST_E_MALFORMED_SIGNATURE windows/amd64
+ const TRUST_E_NOSIGNATURE windows/amd64
+ const TRUST_E_NO_SIGNER_CERT windows/amd64
+ const TRUST_E_PROVIDER_UNKNOWN windows/amd64
+ const TRUST_E_SUBJECT_NOT_TRUSTED windows/amd64
+ const TRUST_E_SYSTEM_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const TRUST_E_TIME_STAMP windows/amd64
+ const TYPE_E_AMBIGUOUSNAME windows/amd64
+ const TYPE_E_BADMODULEKIND windows/amd64
+ const TYPE_E_BUFFERTOOSMALL windows/amd64
+ const TYPE_E_CANTCREATETMPFILE windows/amd64
+ const TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY windows/amd64
+ const TYPE_E_CIRCULARTYPE windows/amd64
+ const TYPE_E_DLLFUNCTIONNOTFOUND windows/amd64
+ const TYPE_E_DUPLICATEID windows/amd64
+ const TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND windows/amd64
+ const TYPE_E_FIELDNOTFOUND windows/amd64
+ const TYPE_E_INVALIDID windows/amd64
+ const TYPE_E_INVALIDSTATE windows/amd64
+ const TYPE_E_INVDATAREAD windows/amd64
+ const TYPE_E_IOERROR windows/amd64
+ const TYPE_E_LIBNOTREGISTERED windows/amd64
+ const TYPE_E_NAMECONFLICT windows/amd64
+ const TYPE_E_OUTOFBOUNDS windows/amd64
+ const TYPE_E_REGISTRYACCESS windows/amd64
+ const TYPE_E_SIZETOOBIG windows/amd64
+ const TYPE_E_TYPEMISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const TYPE_E_UNDEFINEDTYPE windows/amd64
+ const TYPE_E_UNKNOWNLCID windows/amd64
+ const TYPE_E_UNSUPFORMAT windows/amd64
+ const TYPE_E_WRONGTYPEKIND windows/amd64
+ const TokenAccessInformation windows/amd64
+ const TokenAuditPolicy windows/amd64
+ const TokenDefaultDacl windows/amd64
+ const TokenElevation windows/amd64
+ const TokenElevationType windows/amd64
+ const TokenGroups windows/amd64
+ const TokenGroupsAndPrivileges windows/amd64
+ const TokenHasRestrictions windows/amd64
+ const TokenImpersonation windows/amd64
+ const TokenImpersonationLevel windows/amd64
+ const TokenIntegrityLevel windows/amd64
+ const TokenLinkedToken windows/amd64
+ const TokenLogonSid windows/amd64
+ const TokenMandatoryPolicy windows/amd64
+ const TokenOrigin windows/amd64
+ const TokenOwner windows/amd64
+ const TokenPrimary windows/amd64
+ const TokenPrimaryGroup windows/amd64
+ const TokenPrivileges windows/amd64
+ const TokenRestrictedSids windows/amd64
+ const TokenSandBoxInert windows/amd64
+ const TokenSessionId windows/amd64
+ const TokenSessionReference windows/amd64
+ const TokenSource windows/amd64
+ const TokenStatistics windows/amd64
+ const TokenType windows/amd64
+ const TokenUIAccess windows/amd64
+ const TokenUser windows/amd64
+ const TokenVirtualizationAllowed windows/amd64
+ const TokenVirtualizationEnabled windows/amd64
+ const UCEERR_BLOCKSFULL windows/amd64
+ const UCEERR_ILLEGALHANDLE windows/amd64
+ const UCEERR_ILLEGALPACKET windows/amd64
+ const UCEERR_ILLEGALRECORDTYPE windows/amd64
+ const UCEERR_MALFORMEDPACKET windows/amd64
+ const UCEERR_MEMORYFAILURE windows/amd64
+ const UCEERR_MISSINGENDCOMMAND windows/amd64
+ const UCEERR_OUTOFHANDLES windows/amd64
+ const UCEERR_PARTITION_ZOMBIED windows/amd64
+ const UCEERR_UNKNOWNPACKET windows/amd64
+ const UI_E_AMBIGUOUS_MATCH windows/amd64
+ const UI_E_BOOLEAN_EXPECTED windows/amd64
+ const UI_E_CREATE_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const UI_E_DIFFERENT_OWNER windows/amd64
+ const UI_E_FP_OVERFLOW windows/amd64
+ const UI_E_ILLEGAL_REENTRANCY windows/amd64
+ const UI_E_INVALID_DIMENSION windows/amd64
+ const UI_E_INVALID_OUTPUT windows/amd64
+ const UI_E_LOOPS_OVERLAP windows/amd64
+ const UI_E_OBJECT_SEALED windows/amd64
+ const UI_E_SHUTDOWN_CALLED windows/amd64
+ const UI_E_STORYBOARD_ACTIVE windows/amd64
+ const UI_E_STORYBOARD_NOT_PLAYING windows/amd64
+ const UI_E_TRANSITION_ECLIPSED windows/amd64
+ const UI_E_VALUE_NOT_DETERMINED windows/amd64
+ const UI_E_VALUE_NOT_SET windows/amd64
+ const UI_E_WINDOW_CLOSED windows/amd64
+ const UI_E_WRONG_THREAD windows/amd64
+ const UNIX_PATH_MAX windows/amd64
+ const USAGE_MATCH_TYPE_AND windows/amd64
+ const USAGE_MATCH_TYPE_OR windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_AOT_NOT_RUNNING windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_API_BUSY windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_API_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_BINARY_MISSING windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_CERT_REV_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_CHILD_PROCESS_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_DELAY_TERMINATED windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_DEVICE_TICKET_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_ESCALATION_TIMED_OUT windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_EXE_TERMINATED windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_FILTER_ILLEGAL_EVAL windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_FILTER_INVALID_TYPE windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_INVALID_CUSTOM_FILTER windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_INVALID_FILTER windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_RPC_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_RPC_WAIT_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_SCENARIODEF_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_SCENARIO_THROTTLED windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_SCRIPT_MISSING windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_SCRIPT_TERMINATED windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_SCRIPT_TYPE_INVALID windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_SETUP_NOT_AUTHORIZED windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_SETUP_TIMED_OUT windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_SIF_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_SQM_INIT_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_THROTTLED windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_TOGGLE_TRACE_STARTED windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_TRACERS_DONT_EXIST windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_TRACE_NOT_RUNNING windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_TRIGGER_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_TRIGGER_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_TTTRACER_STORAGE_FULL windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_UNAPPROVED_SCRIPT windows/amd64
+ const UTC_E_WINRT_INIT_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const VALID_INHERIT_FLAGS windows/amd64
+ const VIEW_E_DRAW windows/amd64
+ const VIEW_E_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const VIEW_E_LAST windows/amd64
+ const VIEW_S_ALREADY_FROZEN windows/amd64
+ const VIEW_S_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const VIEW_S_LAST windows/amd64
+ const WAIT_ABANDONED windows/amd64
+ const WAIT_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const WAIT_IO_COMPLETION windows/amd64
+ const WAIT_OBJECT_0 windows/amd64
+ const WAIT_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const WEB_E_INVALID_JSON_NUMBER windows/amd64
+ const WEB_E_INVALID_JSON_STRING windows/amd64
+ const WEB_E_INVALID_XML windows/amd64
+ const WEB_E_JSON_VALUE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const WEB_E_RESOURCE_TOO_LARGE windows/amd64
+ const WEB_E_UNEXPECTED_CONTENT windows/amd64
+ const WEB_E_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT windows/amd64
+ const WEP_E_BUFFER_TOO_LARGE windows/amd64
+ const WEP_E_LOCK_NOT_CONFIGURED windows/amd64
+ const WEP_E_NO_LICENSE windows/amd64
+ const WEP_E_OS_NOT_PROTECTED windows/amd64
+ const WEP_E_PROTECTION_SUSPENDED windows/amd64
+ const WEP_E_UNEXPECTED_FAIL windows/amd64
+ const WER_E_ALREADY_REPORTING windows/amd64
+ const WER_E_CANCELED windows/amd64
+ const WER_E_CRASH_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const WER_E_DUMP_THROTTLED windows/amd64
+ const WER_E_INSUFFICIENT_CONSENT windows/amd64
+ const WER_E_NETWORK_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const WER_E_NOT_INITIALIZED windows/amd64
+ const WER_E_TOO_HEAVY windows/amd64
+ const WER_S_ASSERT_CONTINUE windows/amd64
+ const WER_S_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const WER_S_DISABLED_ARCHIVE windows/amd64
+ const WER_S_DISABLED_QUEUE windows/amd64
+ const WER_S_IGNORE_ALL_ASSERTS windows/amd64
+ const WER_S_REPORT_ASYNC windows/amd64
+ const WER_S_REPORT_DEBUG windows/amd64
+ const WER_S_REPORT_QUEUED windows/amd64
+ const WER_S_REPORT_UPLOADED windows/amd64
+ const WER_S_REPORT_UPLOADED_CAB windows/amd64
+ const WER_S_SUSPENDED_UPLOAD windows/amd64
+ const WER_S_THROTTLED windows/amd64
+ const WHV_E_GPA_RANGE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const WHV_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER windows/amd64
+ const WHV_E_INVALID_VP_STATE windows/amd64
+ const WHV_E_UNKNOWN_CAPABILITY windows/amd64
+ const WHV_E_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY windows/amd64
+ const WHV_E_VP_ALREADY_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const WHV_E_VP_DOES_NOT_EXIST windows/amd64
+ const WINCODEC_ERR_ALREADYLOCKED windows/amd64
+ const WINCODEC_ERR_BADHEADER windows/amd64
+ const WINCODEC_ERR_BADIMAGE windows/amd64
+ const WINCODEC_ERR_BADSTREAMDATA windows/amd64
+ const WINCODEC_ERR_CODECPRESENT windows/amd64
+ const WINCODEC_ERR_FRAMEMISSING windows/amd64
+ const WINCODEC_ERR_INTERNALERROR windows/amd64
+ const WINCODEC_ERR_PROPERTYSIZE windows/amd64
+ const WINCODEC_ERR_STREAMREAD windows/amd64
+ const WINCODEC_ERR_STREAMWRITE windows/amd64
+ const WINCODEC_ERR_WIN32ERROR windows/amd64
+ const WINCODEC_ERR_WRONGSTATE windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_BAD_OPTION_LENGTH windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_CANNOT_CONNECT windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_CONNECTION_RESET windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_COOKIE_DECLINED windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_DECODING_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_DIALOG_PENDING windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_DISCONNECTED windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_DOWNLEVEL_SERVER windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_EXTENDED_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_FORCE_RETRY windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_HANDLE_EXISTS windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_HEADER_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_INCORRECT_FORMAT windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_INTERNAL_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_INVALID_CA windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_INVALID_HEADER windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_INVALID_OPERATION windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_INVALID_OPTION windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_INVALID_URL windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_ITEM_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_LOGIN_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_MIXED_SECURITY windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_NEED_UI windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_NOT_INITIALIZED windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_NOT_PROXY_REQUEST windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_NOT_REDIRECTED windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_NO_CALLBACK windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_NO_CONTEXT windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_NO_DIRECT_ACCESS windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_NO_NEW_CONTAINERS windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_OUT_OF_HANDLES windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_REDIRECT_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_REQUEST_PENDING windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_RETRY_DIALOG windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_SEC_CERT_ERRORS windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_SEC_CERT_REVOKED windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_SEC_INVALID_CERT windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_SHUTDOWN windows/amd64
+ const WININET_E_TIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const WINML_ERR_INVALID_BINDING windows/amd64
+ const WINML_ERR_INVALID_DEVICE windows/amd64
+ const WINML_ERR_SIZE_MISMATCH windows/amd64
+ const WINML_ERR_VALUE_NOTFOUND windows/amd64
+ const WPN_E_ACCESS_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const WPN_E_ALL_URL_NOT_COMPLETED windows/amd64
+ const WPN_E_CHANNEL_CLOSED windows/amd64
+ const WPN_E_CLOUD_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const WPN_E_CLOUD_INCAPABLE windows/amd64
+ const WPN_E_DEV_ID_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const WPN_E_DUPLICATE_CHANNEL windows/amd64
+ const WPN_E_GROUP_ALPHANUMERIC windows/amd64
+ const WPN_E_GROUP_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const WPN_E_INTERNET_INCAPABLE windows/amd64
+ const WPN_E_INVALID_APP windows/amd64
+ const WPN_E_INVALID_CLOUD_IMAGE windows/amd64
+ const WPN_E_NOTIFICATION_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const WPN_E_NOTIFICATION_HIDDEN windows/amd64
+ const WPN_E_NOTIFICATION_POSTED windows/amd64
+ const WPN_E_NOTIFICATION_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const WPN_E_OUT_OF_SESSION windows/amd64
+ const WPN_E_PLATFORM_UNAVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const WPN_E_POWER_SAVE windows/amd64
+ const WPN_E_STORAGE_LOCKED windows/amd64
+ const WPN_E_TAG_ALPHANUMERIC windows/amd64
+ const WPN_E_TAG_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const WRITE_DAC windows/amd64
+ const WRITE_OWNER windows/amd64
+ const WSABASEERR windows/amd64
+ const WSADESCRIPTION_LEN windows/amd64
+ const WSAEACCES windows/amd64
+ const WSAEADDRINUSE windows/amd64
+ const WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL windows/amd64
+ const WSAEAFNOSUPPORT windows/amd64
+ const WSAEALREADY windows/amd64
+ const WSAEBADF windows/amd64
+ const WSAECANCELLED windows/amd64
+ const WSAECONNABORTED windows/amd64
+ const WSAECONNREFUSED windows/amd64
+ const WSAECONNRESET windows/amd64
+ const WSAEDESTADDRREQ windows/amd64
+ const WSAEDISCON windows/amd64
+ const WSAEDQUOT windows/amd64
+ const WSAEFAULT windows/amd64
+ const WSAEHOSTDOWN windows/amd64
+ const WSAEHOSTUNREACH windows/amd64
+ const WSAEINPROGRESS windows/amd64
+ const WSAEINTR windows/amd64
+ const WSAEINVAL windows/amd64
+ const WSAEINVALIDPROCTABLE windows/amd64
+ const WSAEINVALIDPROVIDER windows/amd64
+ const WSAEISCONN windows/amd64
+ const WSAELOOP windows/amd64
+ const WSAEMFILE windows/amd64
+ const WSAEMSGSIZE windows/amd64
+ const WSAENAMETOOLONG windows/amd64
+ const WSAENETDOWN windows/amd64
+ const WSAENETRESET windows/amd64
+ const WSAENETUNREACH windows/amd64
+ const WSAENOBUFS windows/amd64
+ const WSAENOMORE windows/amd64
+ const WSAENOPROTOOPT windows/amd64
+ const WSAENOTCONN windows/amd64
+ const WSAENOTEMPTY windows/amd64
+ const WSAENOTSOCK windows/amd64
+ const WSAEOPNOTSUPP windows/amd64
+ const WSAEPFNOSUPPORT windows/amd64
+ const WSAEPROCLIM windows/amd64
+ const WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT windows/amd64
+ const WSAEPROTOTYPE windows/amd64
+ const WSAEPROVIDERFAILEDINIT windows/amd64
+ const WSAEREFUSED windows/amd64
+ const WSAEREMOTE windows/amd64
+ const WSAESHUTDOWN windows/amd64
+ const WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT windows/amd64
+ const WSAESTALE windows/amd64
+ const WSAETIMEDOUT windows/amd64
+ const WSAETOOMANYREFS windows/amd64
+ const WSAEUSERS windows/amd64
+ const WSAEWOULDBLOCK windows/amd64
+ const WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const WSANOTINITIALISED windows/amd64
+ const WSANO_DATA windows/amd64
+ const WSANO_RECOVERY windows/amd64
+ const WSAPROTOCOL_LEN windows/amd64
+ const WSASERVICE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const WSASYSCALLFAILURE windows/amd64
+ const WSASYSNOTREADY windows/amd64
+ const WSASYS_STATUS_LEN windows/amd64
+ const WSATRY_AGAIN windows/amd64
+ const WSATYPE_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const WSA_E_CANCELLED windows/amd64
+ const WSA_E_NO_MORE windows/amd64
+ const WSA_FLAG_MULTIPOINT_C_LEAF windows/amd64
+ const WSA_FLAG_MULTIPOINT_C_ROOT windows/amd64
+ const WSA_FLAG_MULTIPOINT_D_LEAF windows/amd64
+ const WSA_FLAG_MULTIPOINT_D_ROOT windows/amd64
+ const WSA_FLAG_NO_HANDLE_INHERIT windows/amd64
+ const WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED windows/amd64
+ const WSA_FLAG_REGISTERED_IO windows/amd64
+ const WSA_IPSEC_NAME_POLICY_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const WSA_QOS_ADMISSION_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const WSA_QOS_BAD_OBJECT windows/amd64
+ const WSA_QOS_BAD_STYLE windows/amd64
+ const WSA_QOS_EFILTERCOUNT windows/amd64
+ const WSA_QOS_EFILTERSTYLE windows/amd64
+ const WSA_QOS_EFILTERTYPE windows/amd64
+ const WSA_QOS_EFLOWCOUNT windows/amd64
+ const WSA_QOS_EFLOWDESC windows/amd64
+ const WSA_QOS_EFLOWSPEC windows/amd64
+ const WSA_QOS_EOBJLENGTH windows/amd64
+ const WSA_QOS_EPOLICYOBJ windows/amd64
+ const WSA_QOS_EPROVSPECBUF windows/amd64
+ const WSA_QOS_EPSFILTERSPEC windows/amd64
+ const WSA_QOS_EPSFLOWSPEC windows/amd64
+ const WSA_QOS_ESDMODEOBJ windows/amd64
+ const WSA_QOS_ESERVICETYPE windows/amd64
+ const WSA_QOS_ESHAPERATEOBJ windows/amd64
+ const WSA_QOS_EUNKOWNPSOBJ windows/amd64
+ const WSA_QOS_GENERIC_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const WSA_QOS_NO_RECEIVERS windows/amd64
+ const WSA_QOS_NO_SENDERS windows/amd64
+ const WSA_QOS_POLICY_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const WSA_QOS_RECEIVERS windows/amd64
+ const WSA_QOS_REQUEST_CONFIRMED windows/amd64
+ const WSA_QOS_RESERVED_PETYPE windows/amd64
+ const WSA_QOS_SENDERS windows/amd64
+ const WSA_QOS_TRAFFIC_CTRL_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const WSA_SECURE_HOST_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const WS_E_ADDRESS_IN_USE windows/amd64
+ const WS_E_ADDRESS_NOT_AVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const WS_E_ENDPOINT_ACCESS_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const WS_E_ENDPOINT_DISCONNECTED windows/amd64
+ const WS_E_ENDPOINT_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const WS_E_ENDPOINT_NOT_AVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const WS_E_ENDPOINT_NOT_FOUND windows/amd64
+ const WS_E_ENDPOINT_TOO_BUSY windows/amd64
+ const WS_E_ENDPOINT_UNREACHABLE windows/amd64
+ const WS_E_INVALID_ENDPOINT_URL windows/amd64
+ const WS_E_INVALID_FORMAT windows/amd64
+ const WS_E_INVALID_OPERATION windows/amd64
+ const WS_E_NOT_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const WS_E_NUMERIC_OVERFLOW windows/amd64
+ const WS_E_OBJECT_FAULTED windows/amd64
+ const WS_E_OPERATION_ABANDONED windows/amd64
+ const WS_E_OPERATION_ABORTED windows/amd64
+ const WS_E_OPERATION_TIMED_OUT windows/amd64
+ const WS_E_OTHER windows/amd64
+ const WS_E_PROXY_ACCESS_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const WS_E_PROXY_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const WS_E_QUOTA_EXCEEDED windows/amd64
+ const WS_E_SECURITY_TOKEN_EXPIRED windows/amd64
+ const WS_S_ASYNC windows/amd64
+ const WS_S_END windows/amd64
+ const WTD_CHOICE_BLOB windows/amd64
+ const WTD_CHOICE_CATALOG windows/amd64
+ const WTD_CHOICE_CERT windows/amd64
+ const WTD_CHOICE_FILE windows/amd64
+ const WTD_CHOICE_SIGNER windows/amd64
+ const WTD_DISABLE_MD2_MD4 windows/amd64
+ const WTD_HASH_ONLY_FLAG windows/amd64
+ const WTD_LIFETIME_SIGNING_FLAG windows/amd64
+ const WTD_MOTW windows/amd64
+ const WTD_NO_IE4_CHAIN_FLAG windows/amd64
+ const WTD_NO_POLICY_USAGE_FLAG windows/amd64
+ const WTD_REVOCATION_CHECK_CHAIN windows/amd64
+ const WTD_REVOCATION_CHECK_NONE windows/amd64
+ const WTD_REVOKE_NONE windows/amd64
+ const WTD_REVOKE_WHOLECHAIN windows/amd64
+ const WTD_SAFER_FLAG windows/amd64
+ const WTD_STATEACTION_AUTO_CACHE windows/amd64
+ const WTD_STATEACTION_CLOSE windows/amd64
+ const WTD_STATEACTION_IGNORE windows/amd64
+ const WTD_STATEACTION_VERIFY windows/amd64
+ const WTD_UICONTEXT_EXECUTE windows/amd64
+ const WTD_UICONTEXT_INSTALL windows/amd64
+ const WTD_UI_ALL windows/amd64
+ const WTD_UI_NOBAD windows/amd64
+ const WTD_UI_NOGOOD windows/amd64
+ const WTD_UI_NONE windows/amd64
+ const WTD_USE_DEFAULT_OSVER_CHECK windows/amd64
+ const WTD_USE_IE4_TRUST_FLAG windows/amd64
+ const WTSActive windows/amd64
+ const WTSConnectQuery windows/amd64
+ const WTSConnected windows/amd64
+ const WTSDisconnected windows/amd64
+ const WTSDown windows/amd64
+ const WTSIdle windows/amd64
+ const WTSInit windows/amd64
+ const WTSListen windows/amd64
+ const WTSReset windows/amd64
+ const WTSShadow windows/amd64
+ const WTS_CONSOLE_CONNECT windows/amd64
+ const WTS_CONSOLE_DISCONNECT windows/amd64
+ const WTS_REMOTE_CONNECT windows/amd64
+ const WTS_REMOTE_DISCONNECT windows/amd64
+ const WTS_SESSION_CREATE windows/amd64
+ const WTS_SESSION_LOCK windows/amd64
+ const WTS_SESSION_LOGOFF windows/amd64
+ const WTS_SESSION_LOGON windows/amd64
+ const WTS_SESSION_REMOTE_CONTROL windows/amd64
+ const WTS_SESSION_TERMINATE windows/amd64
+ const WTS_SESSION_UNLOCK windows/amd64
+ const WinAccountAdministratorSid windows/amd64
+ const WinAccountCertAdminsSid windows/amd64
+ const WinAccountComputersSid windows/amd64
+ const WinAccountControllersSid windows/amd64
+ const WinAccountDomainAdminsSid windows/amd64
+ const WinAccountDomainGuestsSid windows/amd64
+ const WinAccountDomainUsersSid windows/amd64
+ const WinAccountGuestSid windows/amd64
+ const WinAccountKeyAdminsSid windows/amd64
+ const WinAccountKrbtgtSid windows/amd64
+ const WinAccountPolicyAdminsSid windows/amd64
+ const WinAccountProtectedUsersSid windows/amd64
+ const WinAccountSchemaAdminsSid windows/amd64
+ const WinAnonymousSid windows/amd64
+ const WinAuthenticatedUserSid windows/amd64
+ const WinBatchSid windows/amd64
+ const WinBuiltinAdministratorsSid windows/amd64
+ const WinBuiltinAnyPackageSid windows/amd64
+ const WinBuiltinDCOMUsersSid windows/amd64
+ const WinBuiltinDeviceOwnersSid windows/amd64
+ const WinBuiltinDomainSid windows/amd64
+ const WinBuiltinGuestsSid windows/amd64
+ const WinBuiltinHyperVAdminsSid windows/amd64
+ const WinBuiltinIUsersSid windows/amd64
+ const WinBuiltinPowerUsersSid windows/amd64
+ const WinBuiltinPrintOperatorsSid windows/amd64
+ const WinBuiltinReplicatorSid windows/amd64
+ const WinBuiltinUsersSid windows/amd64
+ const WinCapabilityContactsSid windows/amd64
+ const WinConsoleLogonSid windows/amd64
+ const WinCreatorGroupServerSid windows/amd64
+ const WinCreatorGroupSid windows/amd64
+ const WinCreatorOwnerRightsSid windows/amd64
+ const WinCreatorOwnerServerSid windows/amd64
+ const WinCreatorOwnerSid windows/amd64
+ const WinDialupSid windows/amd64
+ const WinDigestAuthenticationSid windows/amd64
+ const WinEnterpriseControllersSid windows/amd64
+ const WinHighLabelSid windows/amd64
+ const WinIUserSid windows/amd64
+ const WinInteractiveSid windows/amd64
+ const WinLocalAccountSid windows/amd64
+ const WinLocalLogonSid windows/amd64
+ const WinLocalServiceSid windows/amd64
+ const WinLocalSid windows/amd64
+ const WinLocalSystemSid windows/amd64
+ const WinLogonIdsSid windows/amd64
+ const WinLowLabelSid windows/amd64
+ const WinMediumLabelSid windows/amd64
+ const WinMediumPlusLabelSid windows/amd64
+ const WinNTLMAuthenticationSid windows/amd64
+ const WinNetworkServiceSid windows/amd64
+ const WinNetworkSid windows/amd64
+ const WinNtAuthoritySid windows/amd64
+ const WinNullSid windows/amd64
+ const WinOtherOrganizationSid windows/amd64
+ const WinProxySid windows/amd64
+ const WinRemoteLogonIdSid windows/amd64
+ const WinRestrictedCodeSid windows/amd64
+ const WinSelfSid windows/amd64
+ const WinServiceSid windows/amd64
+ const WinSystemLabelSid windows/amd64
+ const WinTerminalServerSid windows/amd64
+ const WinThisOrganizationSid windows/amd64
+ const WinUntrustedLabelSid windows/amd64
+ const WinUserModeDriversSid windows/amd64
+ const WinWorldSid windows/amd64
+ const WinWriteRestrictedCodeSid windows/amd64
+ const X509_ASN_ENCODING windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_ABORTED windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_ABORTING windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_ALREADYINPROGRESS windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_CANTRETAIN windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_CLERKEXISTS windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_CLERKNOTFOUND windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_COMMITFAILED windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_COMMITPREVENTED windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_CONNECTION_DENIED windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_CONNECTION_DOWN windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_DEST_TMNOTAVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_HEURISTICABORT windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_HEURISTICCOMMIT windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_HEURISTICDAMAGE windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_HEURISTICDANGER windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_INDOUBT windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_INVALIDCOOKIE windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_INVALIDLSN windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_ISOLATIONLEVEL windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_LAST windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_LOGFULL windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_LU_TX_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_NETWORK_TX_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_NOASYNC windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_NOENLIST windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_NOIMPORTOBJECT windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_NOISORETAIN windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_NORESOURCE windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_NOTCURRENT windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_NOTIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_NOTRANSACTION windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_NOTSUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_PULL_COMM_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_PUSH_COMM_FAILURE windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_RECOVERYINPROGRESS windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_REENLISTTIMEOUT windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_REPLAYREQUEST windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_TIP_CONNECT_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_TIP_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_TIP_PROTOCOL_ERROR windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_TIP_PULL_FAILED windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_TMNOTAVAILABLE windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_TRANSACTIONCLOSED windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_UNKNOWNRMGRID windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_WRONGSTATE windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_WRONGUOW windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_XA_TX_DISABLED windows/amd64
+ const XACT_E_XTIONEXISTS windows/amd64
+ const XACT_S_ABORTING windows/amd64
+ const XACT_S_ALLNORETAIN windows/amd64
+ const XACT_S_ASYNC windows/amd64
+ const XACT_S_DEFECT windows/amd64
+ const XACT_S_FIRST windows/amd64
+ const XACT_S_LAST windows/amd64
+ const XACT_S_LASTRESOURCEMANAGER windows/amd64
+ const XACT_S_LOCALLY_OK windows/amd64
+ const XACT_S_MADECHANGESCONTENT windows/amd64
+ const XACT_S_MADECHANGESINFORM windows/amd64
+ const XACT_S_OKINFORM windows/amd64
+ const XACT_S_READONLY windows/amd64
+ const XACT_S_SINGLEPHASE windows/amd64
+ const XACT_S_SOMENORETAIN windows/amd64
+ const XP1_CONNECTIONLESS windows/amd64
+ const XP1_CONNECT_DATA windows/amd64
+ const XP1_DISCONNECT_DATA windows/amd64
+ const XP1_EXPEDITED_DATA windows/amd64
+ const XP1_GRACEFUL_CLOSE windows/amd64
+ const XP1_GUARANTEED_DELIVERY windows/amd64
+ const XP1_GUARANTEED_ORDER windows/amd64
+ const XP1_IFS_HANDLES windows/amd64
+ const XP1_MESSAGE_ORIENTED windows/amd64
+ const XP1_MULTIPOINT_DATA_PLANE windows/amd64
+ const XP1_PARTIAL_MESSAGE windows/amd64
+ const XP1_PSEUDO_STREAM windows/amd64
+ const XP1_QOS_SUPPORTED windows/amd64
+ const XP1_SAN_SUPPORT_SDP windows/amd64
+ const XP1_SUPPORT_BROADCAST windows/amd64
+ const XP1_SUPPORT_MULTIPOINT windows/amd64
+ const XP1_UNI_RECV windows/amd64
+ const XP1_UNI_SEND windows/amd64
+ var SocketDisableIPv6 bool windows/amd64
+ var WSAID_CONNECTEX = GUID windows/amd64
+ var WSAID_WSARECVMSG = GUID windows/amd64
+ var WSAID_WSASENDMSG = GUID windows/amd64
+ func Clearenv() windows/amd64
+ func Close(fd Handle) (err error) windows/amd64
+ func CloseOnExec(fd Handle) windows/amd64
+ func CoUninitialize() windows/amd64
+ func Environ() []string windows/amd64
+ func EscapeArg(s string) string windows/amd64
+ func Exit(code int) windows/amd64
+ func ExitProcess(exitcode uint32) windows/amd64
+ func Fsync(fd Handle) (err error) windows/amd64
+ func GetACP() (acp uint32) windows/amd64
+ func Getegid() (egid int) windows/amd64
+ func Geteuid() (euid int) windows/amd64
+ func Getgid() (gid int) windows/amd64
+ func Getpagesize() int windows/amd64
+ func Getpid() (pid int) windows/amd64
+ func Getppid() (ppid int) windows/amd64
+ func Getuid() (uid int) windows/amd64
+ func LoadCancelIoEx() error windows/amd64
+ func LoadConnectEx() error windows/amd64
+ func LoadGetAddrInfo() error windows/amd64
+ func Pipe(p []Handle) (err error) windows/amd64
+ func RevertToSelf() (err error) windows/amd64
+ func Unsetenv(key string) error windows/amd64
+ func WSACleanup() (err error) windows/amd64
+ func WTSFreeMemory(ptr uintptr) windows/amd64
+ type ACCESS_MASK uint32 windows/amd64
+ type ACCESS_MODE uint32 windows/amd64
+ type CONFIGRET uint32 windows/amd64
+ type CertBlob DataBlob windows/amd64
+ type CertNameBlob DataBlob windows/amd64
+ type CertRdnValueBlob DataBlob windows/amd64
+ type CertRevocationCrlInfo struct windows/amd64
+ type CertTrustListInfo struct windows/amd64
+ type Coord struct windows/amd64
+ type CrlBlob DataBlob windows/amd64
+ type CryptAttrBlob DataBlob windows/amd64
+ type CryptDataBlob DataBlob windows/amd64
+ type CryptDerBlob DataBlob windows/amd64
+ type CryptDigestBlob DataBlob windows/amd64
+ type CryptHashBlob DataBlob windows/amd64
+ type CryptIntegerBlob DataBlob windows/amd64
+ type CryptObjidBlob DataBlob windows/amd64
+ type CryptUintBlob DataBlob windows/amd64
+ type DEVINST uint32 windows/amd64
+ type DEVPROPGUID GUID windows/amd64
+ type DNSPTRData struct windows/amd64
+ type DataBlob struct windows/amd64
+ type DevInfo Handle windows/amd64
+ type Errno = syscall.Errno windows/amd64
+ type HSPFILEQ uintptr windows/amd64
+ type Handle uintptr windows/amd64
+ type IpMaskString IpAddressString windows/amd64
+ type KNOWNFOLDERID GUID windows/amd64
+ type Linger struct windows/amd64
+ type Pointer *struct windows/amd64
+ type ResourceIDOrString interface windows/amd64
+ type SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR struct windows/amd64
+ type SECURITY_INFORMATION uint32 windows/amd64
+ type SE_OBJECT_TYPE uint32 windows/amd64
+ type SockaddrGen [24]byte windows/amd64
+ type SockaddrUnix struct windows/amd64
+ type TRUSTEE_FORM uint32 windows/amd64
+ type TRUSTEE_TYPE uint32 windows/amd64
+ type WELL_KNOWN_SID_TYPE uint32 windows/amd64
+ type WSABuf struct windows/amd64

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JackTT - Gopher 🇻🇳