Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddNoopAudit(conf *CoreConfig)
- func AddTestCredentialBackend(name string, factory logical.Factory) error
- func AddTestLogicalBackend(name string, factory logical.Factory) error
- func CleanupClusters(clusters []*TestCluster)
- func CubbyholeBackendFactory(ctx context.Context, conf *logical.BackendConfig) (logical.Backend, error)
- func GenerateRandBytes(length int) ([]byte, error)
- func IsFatalError(err error) bool
- func LeaseSwitchedPassthroughBackend(ctx context.Context, conf *logical.BackendConfig, leases bool) (logical.Backend, error)
- func LeasedPassthroughBackendFactory(ctx context.Context, conf *logical.BackendConfig) (logical.Backend, error)
- func NewMockBuiltinRegistry() *mockBuiltinRegistry
- func NewRequestForwardingHandler(c *Core, fws *http2.Server, perfStandbySlots chan struct{}, ...) (*requestForwardingHandler, error)
- func NewSealUnwrapper(underlying physical.Backend, logger log.Logger) physical.Backend
- func NoopBackendFactory(_ context.Context, _ *logical.BackendConfig) (logical.Backend, error)
- func PassthroughBackendFactory(ctx context.Context, conf *logical.BackendConfig) (logical.Backend, error)
- func RegisterRequestForwardingServer(s *grpc.Server, srv RequestForwardingServer)
- func SetReplicationFailureMode(core *TestClusterCore, mode uint32)
- func StartSSHHostTestServer() (string, error)
- func TestAddTestPlugin(t testing.T, c *Core, name string, pluginType consts.PluginType, ...)
- func TestCoreInit(t testing.T, core *Core) ([][]byte, string)
- func TestCoreInitClusterWrapperSetup(t testing.T, core *Core, handler http.Handler) ([][]byte, [][]byte, string)
- func TestCoreUnseal(core *Core, key []byte) (bool, error)
- func TestCoreUnsealWithRecoveryKeys(core *Core, key []byte) (bool, error)
- func TestDynamicSystemView(c *Core) *dynamicSystemView
- func TestKeyCopy(key []byte) []byte
- func TestWaitActive(t testing.T, core *Core)
- func TestWaitActiveWithError(core *Core) error
- type ACL
- type ACLPermissions
- type ACLResults
- type AESGCMBarrier
- func (b *AESGCMBarrier) ActiveKeyInfo() (*KeyInfo, error)
- func (b *AESGCMBarrier) CheckUpgrade(ctx context.Context) (bool, uint32, error)
- func (b *AESGCMBarrier) CreateUpgrade(ctx context.Context, term uint32) error
- func (b *AESGCMBarrier) Decrypt(ctx context.Context, key string, ciphertext []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (b *AESGCMBarrier) Delete(ctx context.Context, key string) error
- func (b *AESGCMBarrier) DestroyUpgrade(ctx context.Context, term uint32) error
- func (b *AESGCMBarrier) Encrypt(ctx context.Context, key string, plaintext []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (b *AESGCMBarrier) GenerateKey() ([]byte, error)
- func (b *AESGCMBarrier) Get(ctx context.Context, key string) (*logical.StorageEntry, error)
- func (b *AESGCMBarrier) Initialize(ctx context.Context, key []byte) error
- func (b *AESGCMBarrier) Initialized(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
- func (b *AESGCMBarrier) KeyLength() (int, int)
- func (b *AESGCMBarrier) Keyring() (*Keyring, error)
- func (b *AESGCMBarrier) List(ctx context.Context, prefix string) ([]string, error)
- func (b *AESGCMBarrier) Put(ctx context.Context, entry *logical.StorageEntry) error
- func (b *AESGCMBarrier) Rekey(ctx context.Context, key []byte) error
- func (b *AESGCMBarrier) ReloadKeyring(ctx context.Context) error
- func (b *AESGCMBarrier) ReloadMasterKey(ctx context.Context) error
- func (b *AESGCMBarrier) Rotate(ctx context.Context) (uint32, error)
- func (b *AESGCMBarrier) Seal() error
- func (b *AESGCMBarrier) Sealed() (bool, error)
- func (b *AESGCMBarrier) SetMasterKey(key []byte) error
- func (b *AESGCMBarrier) Unseal(ctx context.Context, key []byte) error
- func (b *AESGCMBarrier) VerifyMaster(key []byte) error
- type APIMountConfig
- type AuditBroker
- func (a *AuditBroker) Deregister(name string)
- func (a *AuditBroker) GetHash(ctx context.Context, name string, input string) (string, error)
- func (a *AuditBroker) Invalidate(ctx context.Context, key string)
- func (a *AuditBroker) IsLocal(name string) (bool, error)
- func (a *AuditBroker) IsRegistered(name string) bool
- func (a *AuditBroker) LogRequest(ctx context.Context, in *audit.LogInput, headersConfig *AuditedHeadersConfig) (ret error)
- func (a *AuditBroker) LogResponse(ctx context.Context, in *audit.LogInput, headersConfig *AuditedHeadersConfig) (ret error)
- func (a *AuditBroker) Register(name string, b audit.Backend, v *BarrierView, local bool)
- type AuditedHeadersConfig
- type AuthResults
- type BarrierEncryptor
- type BarrierEncryptorAccess
- type BarrierStorage
- type BarrierView
- func (v *BarrierView) Delete(ctx context.Context, key string) error
- func (v *BarrierView) Get(ctx context.Context, key string) (*logical.StorageEntry, error)
- func (v *BarrierView) List(ctx context.Context, prefix string) ([]string, error)
- func (v *BarrierView) Prefix() string
- func (v *BarrierView) Put(ctx context.Context, entry *logical.StorageEntry) error
- func (v *BarrierView) SubView(prefix string) *BarrierView
- type BuiltinRegistry
- type CORSConfig
- type ClientKey
- func (*ClientKey) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
- func (m *ClientKey) GetD() []byte
- func (m *ClientKey) GetType() string
- func (m *ClientKey) GetX() []byte
- func (m *ClientKey) GetY() []byte
- func (*ClientKey) ProtoMessage()
- func (m *ClientKey) Reset()
- func (m *ClientKey) String() string
- func (m *ClientKey) XXX_DiscardUnknown()
- func (m *ClientKey) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error)
- func (m *ClientKey) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message)
- func (m *ClientKey) XXX_Size() int
- func (m *ClientKey) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error
- type Cluster
- type ClusterClient
- type ClusterHandler
- type ClusterLeaderParams
- type ClusterListener
- func (cl *ClusterListener) AddClient(alpn string, client ClusterClient)
- func (cl *ClusterListener) AddHandler(alpn string, handler ClusterHandler)
- func (cl *ClusterListener) RemoveClient(alpn string)
- func (cl *ClusterListener) Run(ctx context.Context) error
- func (cl *ClusterListener) Server() *http2.Server
- func (cl *ClusterListener) Stop()
- func (cl *ClusterListener) StopHandler(alpn string)
- func (cl *ClusterListener) TLSConfig(ctx context.Context) (*tls.Config, error)
- type ControlGroup
- type ControlGroupFactor
- type ControlGroupHCL
- type Core
- func NewCore(conf *CoreConfig) (*Core, error)
- func TestCore(t testing.T) *Core
- func TestCoreNewSeal(t testing.T) *Core
- func TestCoreRaw(t testing.T) *Core
- func TestCoreUI(t testing.T, enableUI bool) *Core
- func TestCoreUnsealed(t testing.T) (*Core, [][]byte, string)
- func TestCoreUnsealedBackend(t testing.T, backend physical.Backend) (*Core, [][]byte, string)
- func TestCoreUnsealedRaw(t testing.T) (*Core, [][]byte, string)
- func TestCoreUnsealedWithConfig(t testing.T, conf *CoreConfig) (*Core, [][]byte, string)
- func TestCoreUnsealedWithConfigSealOpts(t testing.T, barrierConf, recoveryConf *SealConfig, sealOpts *TestSealOpts) (*Core, [][]byte, [][]byte, string)
- func TestCoreWithConfig(t testing.T, conf *CoreConfig) *Core
- func TestCoreWithSeal(t testing.T, testSeal Seal, enableRaw bool) *Core
- func TestCoreWithSealAndUI(t testing.T, opts *CoreConfig) *Core
- func (c *Core) ActiveNodeReplicationState() consts.ReplicationState
- func (c *Core) AddLogger(logger log.Logger)
- func (c *Core) AuditedHeadersConfig() *AuditedHeadersConfig
- func (c *Core) BarrierEncryptorAccess() *BarrierEncryptorAccess
- func (c *Core) BarrierKeyLength() (min, max int)
- func (c *Core) BarrierRekeyInit(config *SealConfig) logical.HTTPCodedError
- func (c *Core) BarrierRekeyUpdate(ctx context.Context, key []byte, nonce string) (*RekeyResult, logical.HTTPCodedError)
- func (c *Core) CORSConfig() *CORSConfig
- func (c *Core) Capabilities(ctx context.Context, token, path string) ([]string, error)
- func (c *Core) Cluster(ctx context.Context) (*Cluster, error)
- func (c *Core) Features() license.Features
- func (c *Core) ForwardRequest(req *http.Request) (int, http.Header, []byte, error)
- func (c *Core) GenerateRootCancel() error
- func (c *Core) GenerateRootConfiguration() (*GenerateRootConfig, error)
- func (c *Core) GenerateRootInit(otp, pgpKey string, strategy GenerateRootStrategy) error
- func (c *Core) GenerateRootProgress() (int, error)
- func (c *Core) GenerateRootUpdate(ctx context.Context, key []byte, nonce string, strategy GenerateRootStrategy) (*GenerateRootResult, error)
- func (c *Core) GetContext() (context.Context, context.CancelFunc)
- func (c *Core) HandleRequest(httpCtx context.Context, req *logical.Request) (resp *logical.Response, err error)
- func (c *Core) HasFeature(license.Features) bool
- func (c *Core) IdentityStore() *IdentityStore
- func (c *Core) Initialize(ctx context.Context, initParams *InitParams) (*InitResult, error)
- func (c *Core) Initialized(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
- func (c *Core) IsBatchTokenCreationRequest(ctx context.Context, path string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Core) IsDRSecondary() bool
- func (c *Core) IsInSealMigration() bool
- func (c *Core) Leader() (isLeader bool, leaderAddr, clusterAddr string, err error)
- func (c *Core) Logger() log.Logger
- func (c *Core) LookupToken(ctx context.Context, token string) (*logical.TokenEntry, error)
- func (c *Core) PerfStandby() bool
- func (c *Core) PhysicalAccess() *physical.PhysicalAccess
- func (c *Core) PhysicalSealConfigs(ctx context.Context) (*SealConfig, *SealConfig, error)
- func (c *Core) RecoveryRekeyInit(config *SealConfig) logical.HTTPCodedError
- func (c *Core) RecoveryRekeyUpdate(ctx context.Context, key []byte, nonce string) (*RekeyResult, logical.HTTPCodedError)
- func (c *Core) RegisterAuth(ctx context.Context, tokenTTL time.Duration, path string, auth *logical.Auth) error
- func (c *Core) RekeyCancel(recovery bool) logical.HTTPCodedError
- func (c *Core) RekeyConfig(recovery bool) (*SealConfig, logical.HTTPCodedError)
- func (c *Core) RekeyDeleteBackup(ctx context.Context, recovery bool) logical.HTTPCodedError
- func (c *Core) RekeyInit(config *SealConfig, recovery bool) logical.HTTPCodedError
- func (c *Core) RekeyProgress(recovery, verification bool) (bool, int, logical.HTTPCodedError)
- func (c *Core) RekeyRetrieveBackup(ctx context.Context, recovery bool) (*RekeyBackup, logical.HTTPCodedError)
- func (c *Core) RekeyThreshold(ctx context.Context, recovery bool) (int, logical.HTTPCodedError)
- func (c *Core) RekeyUpdate(ctx context.Context, key []byte, nonce string, recovery bool) (*RekeyResult, logical.HTTPCodedError)
- func (c *Core) RekeyVerify(ctx context.Context, key []byte, nonce string, recovery bool) (ret *RekeyVerifyResult, retErr logical.HTTPCodedError)
- func (c *Core) RekeyVerifyRestart(recovery bool) logical.HTTPCodedError
- func (c *Core) ReplicationState() consts.ReplicationState
- func (c *Core) ResetUnsealProcess()
- func (c *Core) RouterAccess() *RouterAccess
- func (c *Core) Seal(token string) error
- func (c *Core) SealAccess() *SealAccess
- func (c *Core) SealWithRequest(httpCtx context.Context, req *logical.Request) error
- func (c *Core) Sealed() bool
- func (c *Core) SecretProgress() (int, string)
- func (c *Core) SetClusterHandler(handler http.Handler)
- func (c *Core) SetClusterListenerAddrs(addrs []*net.TCPAddr)
- func (c *Core) SetLoadCaseSensitiveIdentityStore(caseSensitive bool)
- func (c *Core) SetLogLevel(level log.Level)
- func (c *Core) SetNeverBecomeActive(on bool)
- func (c *Core) SetSealsForMigration(migrationSeal, newSeal, unwrapSeal Seal)
- func (c *Core) Shutdown() error
- func (c *Core) Standby() (bool, error)
- func (c *Core) StepDown(httpCtx context.Context, req *logical.Request) (retErr error)
- func (c *Core) UIEnabled() bool
- func (c *Core) UIHeaders() (http.Header, error)
- func (c *Core) Unseal(key []byte) (bool, error)
- func (c *Core) UnsealWithRecoveryKeys(key []byte) (bool, error)
- func (c *Core) UnsealWithStoredKeys(ctx context.Context) error
- func (c *Core) ValidateWrappingToken(ctx context.Context, req *logical.Request) (bool, error)
- type CoreConfig
- type CubbyholeBackend
- type DatedRequestCounter
- type EchoReply
- func (*EchoReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
- func (m *EchoReply) GetClusterAddrs() []string
- func (m *EchoReply) GetMessage() string
- func (m *EchoReply) GetReplicationState() uint32
- func (*EchoReply) ProtoMessage()
- func (m *EchoReply) Reset()
- func (m *EchoReply) String() string
- func (m *EchoReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown()
- func (m *EchoReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error)
- func (m *EchoReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message)
- func (m *EchoReply) XXX_Size() int
- func (m *EchoReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error
- type EchoRequest
- func (*EchoRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
- func (m *EchoRequest) GetClusterAddr() string
- func (m *EchoRequest) GetClusterAddrs() []string
- func (m *EchoRequest) GetMessage() string
- func (*EchoRequest) ProtoMessage()
- func (m *EchoRequest) Reset()
- func (m *EchoRequest) String() string
- func (m *EchoRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown()
- func (m *EchoRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error)
- func (m *EchoRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message)
- func (m *EchoRequest) XXX_Size() int
- func (m *EchoRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error
- type EncodedKeyring
- type ErrInvalidKey
- type ExpirationManager
- func (m *ExpirationManager) CreateOrFetchRevocationLeaseByToken(ctx context.Context, te *logical.TokenEntry) (string, error)
- func (m *ExpirationManager) FetchLeaseTimes(ctx context.Context, leaseID string) (*leaseEntry, error)
- func (m *ExpirationManager) FetchLeaseTimesByToken(ctx context.Context, te *logical.TokenEntry) (*leaseEntry, error)
- func (m *ExpirationManager) LazyRevoke(ctx context.Context, leaseID string) error
- func (m *ExpirationManager) Register(ctx context.Context, req *logical.Request, resp *logical.Response) (id string, retErr error)
- func (m *ExpirationManager) RegisterAuth(ctx context.Context, te *logical.TokenEntry, auth *logical.Auth) error
- func (m *ExpirationManager) Renew(ctx context.Context, leaseID string, increment time.Duration) (*logical.Response, error)
- func (m *ExpirationManager) RenewToken(ctx context.Context, req *logical.Request, te *logical.TokenEntry, ...) (*logical.Response, error)
- func (m *ExpirationManager) Restore(errorFunc func()) (retErr error)
- func (m *ExpirationManager) Revoke(ctx context.Context, leaseID string) error
- func (m *ExpirationManager) RevokeByToken(ctx context.Context, te *logical.TokenEntry) error
- func (m *ExpirationManager) RevokeForce(ctx context.Context, prefix string) error
- func (m *ExpirationManager) RevokePrefix(ctx context.Context, prefix string, sync bool) error
- func (m *ExpirationManager) Stop() error
- func (m *ExpirationManager) Tidy(ctx context.Context) error
- type ExpireLeaseStrategy
- type GenerateRootConfig
- type GenerateRootResult
- type GenerateRootStrategy
- type HandlerProperties
- type IdentityFactor
- type IdentityStore
- func (i *IdentityStore) CreateOrFetchEntity(ctx context.Context, alias *logical.Alias) (*identity.Entity, error)
- func (i *IdentityStore) Invalidate(ctx context.Context, key string)
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBAliasByFactors(mountAccessor, aliasName string, clone bool, groupAlias bool) (*identity.Alias, error)
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBAliasByFactorsInTxn(txn *memdb.Txn, mountAccessor, aliasName string, clone bool, groupAlias bool) (*identity.Alias, error)
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBAliasByID(aliasID string, clone bool, groupAlias bool) (*identity.Alias, error)
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBAliasByIDInTxn(txn *memdb.Txn, aliasID string, clone bool, groupAlias bool) (*identity.Alias, error)
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBAliases(ws memdb.WatchSet, groupAlias bool) (memdb.ResultIterator, error)
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBDeleteAliasByIDInTxn(txn *memdb.Txn, aliasID string, groupAlias bool) error
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBDeleteEntityByID(entityID string) error
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBDeleteEntityByIDInTxn(txn *memdb.Txn, entityID string) error
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBDeleteGroupByIDInTxn(txn *memdb.Txn, groupID string) error
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBEntitiesByBucketEntryKeyHashInTxn(txn *memdb.Txn, hashValue string) ([]*identity.Entity, error)
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBEntityByAliasID(aliasID string, clone bool) (*identity.Entity, error)
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBEntityByAliasIDInTxn(txn *memdb.Txn, aliasID string, clone bool) (*identity.Entity, error)
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBEntityByID(entityID string, clone bool) (*identity.Entity, error)
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBEntityByIDInTxn(txn *memdb.Txn, entityID string, clone bool) (*identity.Entity, error)
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBEntityByMergedEntityID(mergedEntityID string, clone bool) (*identity.Entity, error)
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBEntityByName(ctx context.Context, entityName string, clone bool) (*identity.Entity, error)
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBEntityByNameInTxn(ctx context.Context, txn *memdb.Txn, entityName string, clone bool) (*identity.Entity, error)
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBGroupByAliasID(aliasID string, clone bool) (*identity.Group, error)
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBGroupByAliasIDInTxn(txn *memdb.Txn, aliasID string, clone bool) (*identity.Group, error)
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBGroupByID(groupID string, clone bool) (*identity.Group, error)
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBGroupByIDInTxn(txn *memdb.Txn, groupID string, clone bool) (*identity.Group, error)
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBGroupByName(ctx context.Context, groupName string, clone bool) (*identity.Group, error)
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBGroupByNameInTxn(ctx context.Context, txn *memdb.Txn, groupName string, clone bool) (*identity.Group, error)
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBGroupsByBucketEntryKeyHashInTxn(txn *memdb.Txn, hashValue string) ([]*identity.Group, error)
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBGroupsByMemberEntityID(entityID string, clone bool, externalOnly bool) ([]*identity.Group, error)
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBGroupsByMemberEntityIDInTxn(txn *memdb.Txn, entityID string, clone bool, externalOnly bool) ([]*identity.Group, error)
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBGroupsByParentGroupID(memberGroupID string, clone bool) ([]*identity.Group, error)
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBGroupsByParentGroupIDInTxn(txn *memdb.Txn, memberGroupID string, clone bool) ([]*identity.Group, error)
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBUpsertAliasInTxn(txn *memdb.Txn, alias *identity.Alias, groupAlias bool) error
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBUpsertEntityInTxn(txn *memdb.Txn, entity *identity.Entity) error
- func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBUpsertGroupInTxn(txn *memdb.Txn, group *identity.Group) error
- func (i *IdentityStore) UpsertGroup(group *identity.Group, persist bool) error
- func (i *IdentityStore) UpsertGroupInTxn(txn *memdb.Txn, group *identity.Group, persist bool) error
- type InitParams
- type InitResult
- type Key
- type KeyInfo
- type Keyring
- func (k *Keyring) ActiveKey() *Key
- func (k *Keyring) ActiveTerm() uint32
- func (k *Keyring) AddKey(key *Key) (*Keyring, error)
- func (k *Keyring) Clone() *Keyring
- func (k *Keyring) MasterKey() []byte
- func (k *Keyring) RemoveKey(term uint32) (*Keyring, error)
- func (k *Keyring) Serialize() ([]byte, error)
- func (k *Keyring) SetMasterKey(val []byte) *Keyring
- func (k *Keyring) TermKey(term uint32) *Key
- func (k *Keyring) Zeroize(keysToo bool)
- type LicensingConfig
- type ListingVisibilityType
- type MountConfig
- type MountEntry
- type MountTable
- type NonFatalError
- type NoopBackend
- func (n *NoopBackend) Cleanup(ctx context.Context)
- func (n *NoopBackend) HandleExistenceCheck(ctx context.Context, req *logical.Request) (bool, bool, error)
- func (n *NoopBackend) HandleRequest(ctx context.Context, req *logical.Request) (*logical.Response, error)
- func (n *NoopBackend) Initialize(ctx context.Context) error
- func (n *NoopBackend) InvalidateKey(ctx context.Context, k string)
- func (n *NoopBackend) Logger() log.Logger
- func (n *NoopBackend) Setup(ctx context.Context, config *logical.BackendConfig) error
- func (n *NoopBackend) SpecialPaths() *logical.Paths
- func (n *NoopBackend) System() logical.SystemView
- func (n *NoopBackend) Type() logical.BackendType
- type PassthroughBackend
- type PathRules
- type PerfStandbyElectionInput
- func (*PerfStandbyElectionInput) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
- func (*PerfStandbyElectionInput) ProtoMessage()
- func (m *PerfStandbyElectionInput) Reset()
- func (m *PerfStandbyElectionInput) String() string
- func (m *PerfStandbyElectionInput) XXX_DiscardUnknown()
- func (m *PerfStandbyElectionInput) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error)
- func (m *PerfStandbyElectionInput) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message)
- func (m *PerfStandbyElectionInput) XXX_Size() int
- func (m *PerfStandbyElectionInput) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error
- type PerfStandbyElectionResponse
- func (*PerfStandbyElectionResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
- func (m *PerfStandbyElectionResponse) GetCaCert() []byte
- func (m *PerfStandbyElectionResponse) GetClientCert() []byte
- func (m *PerfStandbyElectionResponse) GetClientKey() *ClientKey
- func (m *PerfStandbyElectionResponse) GetClusterId() string
- func (m *PerfStandbyElectionResponse) GetId() string
- func (m *PerfStandbyElectionResponse) GetPrimaryClusterAddr() string
- func (*PerfStandbyElectionResponse) ProtoMessage()
- func (m *PerfStandbyElectionResponse) Reset()
- func (m *PerfStandbyElectionResponse) String() string
- func (m *PerfStandbyElectionResponse) XXX_DiscardUnknown()
- func (m *PerfStandbyElectionResponse) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error)
- func (m *PerfStandbyElectionResponse) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message)
- func (m *PerfStandbyElectionResponse) XXX_Size() int
- func (m *PerfStandbyElectionResponse) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error
- type PluginCatalog
- func (c *PluginCatalog) Delete(ctx context.Context, name string, pluginType consts.PluginType) error
- func (c *PluginCatalog) Get(ctx context.Context, name string, pluginType consts.PluginType) (*pluginutil.PluginRunner, error)
- func (c *PluginCatalog) List(ctx context.Context, pluginType consts.PluginType) ([]string, error)
- func (c *PluginCatalog) Set(ctx context.Context, name string, pluginType consts.PluginType, command string, ...) error
- func (c *PluginCatalog) UpgradePlugins(ctx context.Context, logger log.Logger) error
- type Policy
- type PolicyCheckOpts
- type PolicyEntry
- type PolicyStore
- func (ps *PolicyStore) ACL(ctx context.Context, entity *identity.Entity, policyNames map[string][]string) (*ACL, error)
- func (ps *PolicyStore) DeletePolicy(ctx context.Context, name string, policyType PolicyType) error
- func (ps *PolicyStore) GetPolicy(ctx context.Context, name string, policyType PolicyType) (*Policy, error)
- func (ps *PolicyStore) ListPolicies(ctx context.Context, policyType PolicyType) ([]string, error)
- func (ps *PolicyStore) SetPolicy(ctx context.Context, p *Policy) error
- type PolicyType
- type RegisterAuthFunc
- type RekeyBackup
- type RekeyResult
- type RekeyVerifyResult
- type ReplicationTokenInfo
- type RequestCounter
- type RequestForwardingClient
- type RequestForwardingServer
- type RequestForwarding_PerformanceStandbyElectionRequestClient
- type RequestForwarding_PerformanceStandbyElectionRequestServer
- type RollbackManager
- type Router
- func (r *Router) LoginPath(ctx context.Context, path string) bool
- func (r *Router) MatchingAPIPrefixByStoragePath(ctx context.Context, path string) (*namespace.Namespace, string, string, bool)
- func (r *Router) MatchingBackend(ctx context.Context, path string) logical.Backend
- func (r *Router) MatchingMount(ctx context.Context, path string) string
- func (r *Router) MatchingMountByAccessor(mountAccessor string) *MountEntry
- func (r *Router) MatchingMountByUUID(mountID string) *MountEntry
- func (r *Router) MatchingMountEntry(ctx context.Context, path string) *MountEntry
- func (r *Router) MatchingStorageByAPIPath(ctx context.Context, path string) logical.Storage
- func (r *Router) MatchingStorageByStoragePath(ctx context.Context, path string) logical.Storage
- func (r *Router) MatchingStoragePrefixByAPIPath(ctx context.Context, path string) (string, bool)
- func (r *Router) MatchingSystemView(ctx context.Context, path string) logical.SystemView
- func (r *Router) Mount(backend logical.Backend, prefix string, mountEntry *MountEntry, ...) error
- func (r *Router) MountConflict(ctx context.Context, path string) string
- func (r *Router) Remount(ctx context.Context, src, dst string) error
- func (r *Router) RootPath(ctx context.Context, path string) bool
- func (r *Router) Route(ctx context.Context, req *logical.Request) (*logical.Response, error)
- func (r *Router) RouteExistenceCheck(ctx context.Context, req *logical.Request) (*logical.Response, bool, bool, error)
- func (r *Router) Taint(ctx context.Context, path string) error
- func (r *Router) Unmount(ctx context.Context, prefix string) error
- func (r *Router) Untaint(ctx context.Context, path string) error
- type RouterAccess
- type RouterTestHandlerFunc
- type Seal
- type SealAccess
- func (s *SealAccess) BarrierConfig(ctx context.Context) (*SealConfig, error)
- func (s *SealAccess) BarrierType() string
- func (s *SealAccess) ClearCaches(ctx context.Context)
- func (s *SealAccess) RecoveryConfig(ctx context.Context) (*SealConfig, error)
- func (s *SealAccess) RecoveryKeySupported() bool
- func (s *SealAccess) SetTestingParams(params *SealAccessTestingParams) error
- func (s *SealAccess) StoredKeysSupported() bool
- func (s *SealAccess) VerifyRecoveryKey(ctx context.Context, key []byte) error
- type SealAccessTestingParams
- type SealConfig
- type SecurityBarrier
- type SystemBackend
- type TemplateError
- type TestCluster
- type TestClusterCore
- type TestClusterOptions
- type TestListener
- type TestSealOpts
- type TokenStore
- func (ts *TokenStore) Invalidate(ctx context.Context, key string)
- func (ts *TokenStore) Lookup(ctx context.Context, id string) (*logical.TokenEntry, error)
- func (ts *TokenStore) Salt(ctx context.Context) (*salt.Salt, error)
- func (ts *TokenStore) SaltID(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, error)
- func (ts *TokenStore) SetExpirationManager(exp *ExpirationManager)
- func (ts *TokenStore) UseToken(ctx context.Context, te *logical.TokenEntry) (*logical.TokenEntry, error)
- func (ts *TokenStore) UseTokenByID(ctx context.Context, id string) (*logical.TokenEntry, error)
- type UIConfig
- func (c *UIConfig) DeleteHeader(ctx context.Context, header string) error
- func (c *UIConfig) Enabled() bool
- func (c *UIConfig) GetHeader(ctx context.Context, header string) (string, error)
- func (c *UIConfig) HeaderKeys(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error)
- func (c *UIConfig) Headers(ctx context.Context) (http.Header, error)
- func (c *UIConfig) SetHeader(ctx context.Context, header, value string) error
- type UnsealStrategy
Constants ¶
const ( AESGCMVersion1 = 0x1 AESGCMVersion2 = 0x2 )
Versions of the AESGCM storage methodology
const ( CORSDisabled uint32 = iota CORSEnabled )
const ( DenyCapability = "deny" CreateCapability = "create" ReadCapability = "read" UpdateCapability = "update" DeleteCapability = "delete" ListCapability = "list" SudoCapability = "sudo" RootCapability = "root" // Backwards compatibility OldDenyPathPolicy = "deny" OldReadPathPolicy = "read" OldWritePathPolicy = "write" OldSudoPathPolicy = "sudo" )
const ( DenyCapabilityInt uint32 = 1 << iota CreateCapabilityInt ReadCapabilityInt UpdateCapabilityInt DeleteCapabilityInt ListCapabilityInt SudoCapabilityInt )
const ( // PerformanceReplicationALPN is the negotiated protocol used for // performance replication. PerformanceReplicationALPN = "replication_v1" // DRReplicationALPN is the negotiated protocol used for // dr replication. DRReplicationALPN = "replication_dr_v1" )
const ( RecoveryTypeUnsupported = "unsupported" RecoveryTypeShamir = "shamir" )
const ( // CoreLockPath is the path used to acquire a coordinating lock // for a highly-available deploy. CoreLockPath = "core/lock" )
const (
// Internal so as not to log a trace message
IntNoForwardingHeaderName = "X-Vault-Internal-No-Request-Forwarding"
const (
// StoredBarrierKeysPath is the path used for storing HSM-encrypted unseal keys
StoredBarrierKeysPath = "core/hsm/barrier-unseal-keys"
Variables ¶
var ( // ErrBarrierSealed is returned if an operation is performed on // a sealed barrier. No operation is expected to succeed before unsealing ErrBarrierSealed = errors.New("Vault is sealed") // ErrBarrierAlreadyInit is returned if the barrier is already // initialized. This prevents a re-initialization. ErrBarrierAlreadyInit = errors.New("Vault is already initialized") // ErrBarrierNotInit is returned if a non-initialized barrier // is attempted to be unsealed. ErrBarrierNotInit = errors.New("Vault is not initialized") // ErrBarrierInvalidKey is returned if the Unseal key is invalid ErrBarrierInvalidKey = errors.New("Unseal failed, invalid key") )
var ( // ErrAlreadyInit is returned if the core is already // initialized. This prevents a re-initialization. ErrAlreadyInit = errors.New("Vault is already initialized") // ErrNotInit is returned if a non-initialized barrier // is attempted to be unsealed. ErrNotInit = errors.New("Vault is not initialized") // ErrInternalError is returned when we don't want to leak // any information about an internal error ErrInternalError = errors.New("internal error") // ErrHANotEnabled is returned if the operation only makes sense // in an HA setting ErrHANotEnabled = errors.New("Vault is not configured for highly-available mode") LastWAL = lastWALImpl LastRemoteWAL = lastRemoteWALImpl WaitUntilWALShipped = waitUntilWALShippedImpl )
var ( ErrDirectoryNotConfigured = errors.New("could not set plugin, plugin directory is not configured") ErrPluginNotFound = errors.New("plugin not found in the catalog") ErrPluginBadType = errors.New("unable to determine plugin type") )
var ( TestCoreUnsealedWithConfigs = testCoreUnsealedWithConfigs TestSealDefConfigs = testSealDefConfigs )
var ( // DefaultMaxRequestDuration is the amount of time we'll wait for a request // to complete, unless overridden on a per-handler basis DefaultMaxRequestDuration = 90 * time.Second )
var DefaultNumCores = 3
var (
ErrCannotForward = errors.New("cannot forward request; no connection or address not known")
var ( // Making this a package var allows tests to modify HeartbeatInterval = 5 * time.Second )
var (
NamespaceByID func(context.Context, string, *Core) (*namespace.Namespace, error) = namespaceByID
var StdAllowedHeaders = []string{ "Content-Type", "X-Requested-With", "X-Vault-AWS-IAM-Server-ID", "X-Vault-MFA", "X-Vault-No-Request-Forwarding", "X-Vault-Wrap-Format", "X-Vault-Wrap-TTL", "X-Vault-Policy-Override", "Authorization", consts.AuthHeaderName, }
var ( // TokenLength is the size of tokens we are currently generating, without // any namespace information TokenLength = 24 )
Functions ¶
func AddNoopAudit ¶ added in v1.1.1
func AddNoopAudit(conf *CoreConfig)
func AddTestCredentialBackend ¶
This adds a credential backend for the test core. This needs to be invoked before the test core is created.
func AddTestLogicalBackend ¶
This adds a logical backend for the test core. This needs to be invoked before the test core is created.
func CleanupClusters ¶
func CleanupClusters(clusters []*TestCluster)
func CubbyholeBackendFactory ¶
func CubbyholeBackendFactory(ctx context.Context, conf *logical.BackendConfig) (logical.Backend, error)
CubbyholeBackendFactory constructs a new cubbyhole backend
func GenerateRandBytes ¶
func IsFatalError ¶ added in v1.0.3
IsFatalError returns true if the given error is a non-fatal error.
func LeaseSwitchedPassthroughBackend ¶
func LeaseSwitchedPassthroughBackend(ctx context.Context, conf *logical.BackendConfig, leases bool) (logical.Backend, error)
LeaseSwitchedPassthroughBackend returns a PassthroughBackend with leases switched on or off
func LeasedPassthroughBackendFactory ¶
func LeasedPassthroughBackendFactory(ctx context.Context, conf *logical.BackendConfig) (logical.Backend, error)
LeasedPassthroughBackendFactory returns a PassthroughBackend with leases switched on
func NewMockBuiltinRegistry ¶
func NewMockBuiltinRegistry() *mockBuiltinRegistry
func NewRequestForwardingHandler ¶ added in v1.1.0
func NewRequestForwardingHandler(c *Core, fws *http2.Server, perfStandbySlots chan struct{}, perfStandbyRepCluster *replication.Cluster, perfStandbyCache *cache.Cache) (*requestForwardingHandler, error)
NewRequestForwardingHandler creates a cluster handler for use with request forwarding.
func NewSealUnwrapper ¶
NewSealUnwrapper creates a new seal unwrapper
func NoopBackendFactory ¶ added in v1.1.4
func PassthroughBackendFactory ¶
func PassthroughBackendFactory(ctx context.Context, conf *logical.BackendConfig) (logical.Backend, error)
PassthroughBackendFactory returns a PassthroughBackend with leases switched off
func RegisterRequestForwardingServer ¶
func RegisterRequestForwardingServer(s *grpc.Server, srv RequestForwardingServer)
func SetReplicationFailureMode ¶
func SetReplicationFailureMode(core *TestClusterCore, mode uint32)
func StartSSHHostTestServer ¶
StartSSHHostTestServer starts the test server which responds to SSH authentication. Used to test the SSH secret backend.
func TestAddTestPlugin ¶
func TestAddTestPlugin(t testing.T, c *Core, name string, pluginType consts.PluginType, testFunc string, env []string, tempDir string)
TestAddTestPlugin registers the testFunc as part of the plugin command to the plugin catalog. If provided, uses tmpDir as the plugin directory.
func TestCoreInit ¶
TestCoreInit initializes the core with a single key, and returns the key that must be used to unseal the core and a root token.
func TestDynamicSystemView ¶
func TestDynamicSystemView(c *Core) *dynamicSystemView
func TestKeyCopy ¶
TestKeyCopy is a silly little function to just copy the key so that it can be used with Unseal easily.
func TestWaitActive ¶
func TestWaitActiveWithError ¶
Types ¶
type ACL ¶
type ACL struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ACL is used to wrap a set of policies to provide an efficient interface for access control.
func (*ACL) AllowOperation ¶
func (a *ACL) AllowOperation(ctx context.Context, req *logical.Request, capCheckOnly bool) (ret *ACLResults)
AllowOperation is used to check if the given operation is permitted.
func (*ACL) Capabilities ¶
func (*ACL) CheckAllowedFromNonExactPaths ¶ added in v1.1.1
func (a *ACL) CheckAllowedFromNonExactPaths(path string, bareMount bool) *ACLPermissions
CheckAllowedFromNonExactPaths returns permissions corresponding to a matching path with wildcards/globs. If bareMount is true, the path should correspond to a mount prefix, and what is returned is either a non-nil set of permissions from some allowed path underneath the mount (for use in mount access checks), or nil indicating no non-deny permissions were found.
type ACLPermissions ¶
type ACLPermissions struct { CapabilitiesBitmap uint32 MinWrappingTTL time.Duration MaxWrappingTTL time.Duration AllowedParameters map[string][]interface{} DeniedParameters map[string][]interface{} RequiredParameters []string MFAMethods []string ControlGroup *ControlGroup }
func (*ACLPermissions) Clone ¶
func (p *ACLPermissions) Clone() (*ACLPermissions, error)
type ACLResults ¶
type AESGCMBarrier ¶
type AESGCMBarrier struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AESGCMBarrier is a SecurityBarrier implementation that uses the AES cipher core and the Galois Counter Mode block mode. It defaults to the golang NONCE default value of 12 and a key size of 256 bit. AES-GCM is high performance, and provides both confidentiality and integrity.
func NewAESGCMBarrier ¶
func NewAESGCMBarrier(physical physical.Backend) (*AESGCMBarrier, error)
NewAESGCMBarrier is used to construct a new barrier that uses the provided physical backend for storage.
func (*AESGCMBarrier) ActiveKeyInfo ¶
func (b *AESGCMBarrier) ActiveKeyInfo() (*KeyInfo, error)
ActiveKeyInfo is used to inform details about the active key
func (*AESGCMBarrier) CheckUpgrade ¶
CheckUpgrade looks for an upgrade to the current term and installs it
func (*AESGCMBarrier) CreateUpgrade ¶
func (b *AESGCMBarrier) CreateUpgrade(ctx context.Context, term uint32) error
CreateUpgrade creates an upgrade path key to the given term from the previous term
func (*AESGCMBarrier) Decrypt ¶
Decrypt is used to decrypt in-memory for the BarrierEncryptor interface
func (*AESGCMBarrier) Delete ¶
func (b *AESGCMBarrier) Delete(ctx context.Context, key string) error
Delete is used to permanently delete an entry
func (*AESGCMBarrier) DestroyUpgrade ¶
func (b *AESGCMBarrier) DestroyUpgrade(ctx context.Context, term uint32) error
DestroyUpgrade destroys the upgrade path key to the given term
func (*AESGCMBarrier) Encrypt ¶
Encrypt is used to encrypt in-memory for the BarrierEncryptor interface
func (*AESGCMBarrier) GenerateKey ¶
func (b *AESGCMBarrier) GenerateKey() ([]byte, error)
GenerateKey is used to generate a new key
func (*AESGCMBarrier) Get ¶
func (b *AESGCMBarrier) Get(ctx context.Context, key string) (*logical.StorageEntry, error)
Get is used to fetch an entry
func (*AESGCMBarrier) Initialize ¶
func (b *AESGCMBarrier) Initialize(ctx context.Context, key []byte) error
Initialize works only if the barrier has not been initialized and makes use of the given master key.
func (*AESGCMBarrier) Initialized ¶
func (b *AESGCMBarrier) Initialized(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
Initialized checks if the barrier has been initialized and has a master key set.
func (*AESGCMBarrier) KeyLength ¶
func (b *AESGCMBarrier) KeyLength() (int, int)
KeyLength is used to sanity check a key
func (*AESGCMBarrier) Keyring ¶
func (b *AESGCMBarrier) Keyring() (*Keyring, error)
func (*AESGCMBarrier) List ¶
List is used ot list all the keys under a given prefix, up to the next prefix.
func (*AESGCMBarrier) Put ¶
func (b *AESGCMBarrier) Put(ctx context.Context, entry *logical.StorageEntry) error
Put is used to insert or update an entry
func (*AESGCMBarrier) Rekey ¶
func (b *AESGCMBarrier) Rekey(ctx context.Context, key []byte) error
Rekey is used to change the master key used to protect the keyring
func (*AESGCMBarrier) ReloadKeyring ¶
func (b *AESGCMBarrier) ReloadKeyring(ctx context.Context) error
ReloadKeyring is used to re-read the underlying keyring. This is used for HA deployments to ensure the latest keyring is present in the leader.
func (*AESGCMBarrier) ReloadMasterKey ¶
func (b *AESGCMBarrier) ReloadMasterKey(ctx context.Context) error
ReloadMasterKey is used to re-read the underlying masterkey. This is used for HA deployments to ensure the latest master key is available for keyring reloading.
func (*AESGCMBarrier) Rotate ¶
func (b *AESGCMBarrier) Rotate(ctx context.Context) (uint32, error)
Rotate is used to create a new encryption key. All future writes should use the new key, while old values should still be decryptable.
func (*AESGCMBarrier) Seal ¶
func (b *AESGCMBarrier) Seal() error
Seal is used to re-seal the barrier. This requires the barrier to be unsealed again to perform any further operations.
func (*AESGCMBarrier) Sealed ¶
func (b *AESGCMBarrier) Sealed() (bool, error)
Sealed checks if the barrier has been unlocked yet. The Barrier is not expected to be able to perform any CRUD until it is unsealed.
func (*AESGCMBarrier) SetMasterKey ¶
func (b *AESGCMBarrier) SetMasterKey(key []byte) error
SetMasterKey updates the keyring's in-memory master key but does not persist anything to storage
func (*AESGCMBarrier) Unseal ¶
func (b *AESGCMBarrier) Unseal(ctx context.Context, key []byte) error
Unseal is used to provide the master key which permits the barrier to be unsealed. If the key is not correct, the barrier remains sealed.
func (*AESGCMBarrier) VerifyMaster ¶
func (b *AESGCMBarrier) VerifyMaster(key []byte) error
VerifyMaster is used to check if the given key matches the master key
type APIMountConfig ¶
type APIMountConfig struct { DefaultLeaseTTL string `json:"default_lease_ttl" structs:"default_lease_ttl" mapstructure:"default_lease_ttl"` MaxLeaseTTL string `json:"max_lease_ttl" structs:"max_lease_ttl" mapstructure:"max_lease_ttl"` ForceNoCache bool `json:"force_no_cache" structs:"force_no_cache" mapstructure:"force_no_cache"` AuditNonHMACRequestKeys []string `json:"audit_non_hmac_request_keys,omitempty" structs:"audit_non_hmac_request_keys" mapstructure:"audit_non_hmac_request_keys"` AuditNonHMACResponseKeys []string `` /* 128-byte string literal not displayed */ ListingVisibility ListingVisibilityType `json:"listing_visibility,omitempty" structs:"listing_visibility" mapstructure:"listing_visibility"` PassthroughRequestHeaders []string `json:"passthrough_request_headers,omitempty" structs:"passthrough_request_headers" mapstructure:"passthrough_request_headers"` AllowedResponseHeaders []string `json:"allowed_response_headers,omitempty" structs:"allowed_response_headers" mapstructure:"allowed_response_headers"` TokenType string `json:"token_type" structs:"token_type" mapstructure:"token_type"` // PluginName is the name of the plugin registered in the catalog. // // Deprecated: MountEntry.Type should be used instead for Vault 1.0.0 and beyond. PluginName string `json:"plugin_name,omitempty" structs:"plugin_name,omitempty" mapstructure:"plugin_name"` }
APIMountConfig is an embedded struct of api.MountConfigInput
type AuditBroker ¶
AuditBroker is used to provide a single ingest interface to auditable events given that multiple backends may be configured.
func NewAuditBroker ¶
func NewAuditBroker(log log.Logger) *AuditBroker
NewAuditBroker creates a new audit broker
func (*AuditBroker) Deregister ¶
func (a *AuditBroker) Deregister(name string)
Deregister is used to remove an audit backend from the broker
func (*AuditBroker) Invalidate ¶
func (a *AuditBroker) Invalidate(ctx context.Context, key string)
func (*AuditBroker) IsLocal ¶
func (a *AuditBroker) IsLocal(name string) (bool, error)
IsLocal is used to check if a given audit backend is registered
func (*AuditBroker) IsRegistered ¶
func (a *AuditBroker) IsRegistered(name string) bool
IsRegistered is used to check if a given audit backend is registered
func (*AuditBroker) LogRequest ¶
func (a *AuditBroker) LogRequest(ctx context.Context, in *audit.LogInput, headersConfig *AuditedHeadersConfig) (ret error)
LogRequest is used to ensure all the audit backends have an opportunity to log the given request and that *at least one* succeeds.
func (*AuditBroker) LogResponse ¶
func (a *AuditBroker) LogResponse(ctx context.Context, in *audit.LogInput, headersConfig *AuditedHeadersConfig) (ret error)
LogResponse is used to ensure all the audit backends have an opportunity to log the given response and that *at least one* succeeds.
func (*AuditBroker) Register ¶
func (a *AuditBroker) Register(name string, b audit.Backend, v *BarrierView, local bool)
Register is used to add new audit backend to the broker
type AuditedHeadersConfig ¶
type AuditedHeadersConfig struct { Headers map[string]*auditedHeaderSettings sync.RWMutex // contains filtered or unexported fields }
AuditedHeadersConfig is used by the Audit Broker to write only approved headers to the audit logs. It uses a BarrierView to persist the settings.
func (*AuditedHeadersConfig) ApplyConfig ¶
func (a *AuditedHeadersConfig) ApplyConfig(ctx context.Context, headers map[string][]string, hashFunc func(context.Context, string) (string, error)) (result map[string][]string, retErr error)
ApplyConfig returns a map of approved headers and their values, either hmac'ed or plaintext
type AuthResults ¶
type AuthResults struct { ACLResults *ACLResults Allowed bool RootPrivs bool DeniedError bool Error *multierror.Error }
type BarrierEncryptor ¶
type BarrierEncryptor interface { Encrypt(ctx context.Context, key string, plaintext []byte) ([]byte, error) Decrypt(ctx context.Context, key string, ciphertext []byte) ([]byte, error) }
BarrierEncryptor is the in memory only interface that does not actually use the underlying barrier. It is used for lower level modules like the Write-Ahead-Log and Merkle index to allow them to use the barrier.
type BarrierEncryptorAccess ¶
type BarrierEncryptorAccess struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BarrierEncryptorAccess is a wrapper around BarrierEncryptor that allows Core to expose its barrier encrypt/decrypt operations through BarrierEncryptorAccess() while restricting the ability to modify Core.barrier itself.
func NewBarrierEncryptorAccess ¶
func NewBarrierEncryptorAccess(barrierEncryptor BarrierEncryptor) *BarrierEncryptorAccess
type BarrierStorage ¶
type BarrierStorage interface { // Put is used to insert or update an entry Put(ctx context.Context, entry *logical.StorageEntry) error // Get is used to fetch an entry Get(ctx context.Context, key string) (*logical.StorageEntry, error) // Delete is used to permanently delete an entry Delete(ctx context.Context, key string) error // List is used ot list all the keys under a given // prefix, up to the next prefix. List(ctx context.Context, prefix string) ([]string, error) }
BarrierStorage is the storage only interface required for a Barrier.
type BarrierView ¶
type BarrierView struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BarrierView wraps a SecurityBarrier and ensures all access is automatically prefixed. This is used to prevent anyone with access to the view to access any data in the durable storage outside of their prefix. Conceptually this is like a "chroot" into the barrier.
BarrierView implements logical.Storage so it can be passed in as the durable storage mechanism for logical views.
func NewBarrierView ¶
func NewBarrierView(barrier logical.Storage, prefix string) *BarrierView
NewBarrierView takes an underlying security barrier and returns a view of it that can only operate with the given prefix.
func (*BarrierView) Delete ¶
func (v *BarrierView) Delete(ctx context.Context, key string) error
logical.Storage impl.
func (*BarrierView) Get ¶
func (v *BarrierView) Get(ctx context.Context, key string) (*logical.StorageEntry, error)
func (*BarrierView) Prefix ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (v *BarrierView) Prefix() string
func (*BarrierView) Put ¶
func (v *BarrierView) Put(ctx context.Context, entry *logical.StorageEntry) error
Put differs from List/Get because it checks read-only errors
func (*BarrierView) SubView ¶
func (v *BarrierView) SubView(prefix string) *BarrierView
SubView constructs a nested sub-view using the given prefix
type BuiltinRegistry ¶
type BuiltinRegistry interface { Contains(name string, pluginType consts.PluginType) bool Get(name string, pluginType consts.PluginType) (func() (interface{}, error), bool) Keys(pluginType consts.PluginType) []string }
BuiltinRegistry is an interface that allows the "vault" package to use the registry of builtin plugins without getting an import cycle. It also allows for mocking the registry easily.
type CORSConfig ¶
type CORSConfig struct { sync.RWMutex `json:"-"` Enabled *uint32 `json:"enabled"` AllowedOrigins []string `json:"allowed_origins,omitempty"` AllowedHeaders []string `json:"allowed_headers,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CORSConfig stores the state of the CORS configuration.
func (*CORSConfig) Disable ¶
func (c *CORSConfig) Disable(ctx context.Context) error
Disable sets CORS to disabled and clears the allowed origins & headers.
func (*CORSConfig) Enable ¶
Enable takes either a '*' or a comma-separated list of URLs that can make cross-origin requests to Vault.
func (*CORSConfig) IsEnabled ¶
func (c *CORSConfig) IsEnabled() bool
IsEnabled returns the value of CORSConfig.isEnabled
func (*CORSConfig) IsValidOrigin ¶
func (c *CORSConfig) IsValidOrigin(origin string) bool
IsValidOrigin determines if the origin of the request is allowed to make cross-origin requests based on the CORSConfig.
type ClientKey ¶
type ClientKey struct { Type string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=type,proto3" json:"type,omitempty"` X []byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=x,proto3" json:"x,omitempty"` Y []byte `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=y,proto3" json:"y,omitempty"` D []byte `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=d,proto3" json:"d,omitempty"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` }
func (*ClientKey) Descriptor ¶
func (*ClientKey) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*ClientKey) ProtoMessage()
func (*ClientKey) XXX_DiscardUnknown ¶
func (m *ClientKey) XXX_DiscardUnknown()
func (*ClientKey) XXX_Marshal ¶
func (*ClientKey) XXX_Unmarshal ¶
type Cluster ¶
type Cluster struct { // Name of the cluster Name string `json:"name" structs:"name" mapstructure:"name"` // Identifier of the cluster ID string `json:"id" structs:"id" mapstructure:"id"` }
Structure representing the storage entry that holds cluster information
type ClusterClient ¶ added in v1.1.0
type ClusterClient interface {
ClientLookup(context.Context, *tls.CertificateRequestInfo) (*tls.Certificate, error)
ClusterClient is used to lookup a client certificate.
type ClusterHandler ¶ added in v1.1.0
type ClusterHandler interface { ServerLookup(context.Context, *tls.ClientHelloInfo) (*tls.Certificate, error) CALookup(context.Context) (*x509.Certificate, error) // Handoff is used to pass the connection lifetime off to // the handler Handoff(context.Context, *sync.WaitGroup, chan struct{}, *tls.Conn) error Stop() error }
ClusterHandler exposes functions for looking up TLS configuration and handing off a connection for a cluster listener application.
type ClusterLeaderParams ¶ added in v1.0.3
type ClusterListener ¶ added in v1.1.0
type ClusterListener struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterListener is the source of truth for cluster handlers and connection clients. It dynamically builds the cluster TLS information. It's also responsible for starting tcp listeners and accepting new cluster connections.
func (*ClusterListener) AddClient ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (cl *ClusterListener) AddClient(alpn string, client ClusterClient)
AddClient adds a new client for an ALPN name
func (*ClusterListener) AddHandler ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (cl *ClusterListener) AddHandler(alpn string, handler ClusterHandler)
AddHandler registers a new cluster handler for the provided ALPN name.
func (*ClusterListener) RemoveClient ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (cl *ClusterListener) RemoveClient(alpn string)
RemoveClient removes the client for the specified ALPN name
func (*ClusterListener) Run ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (cl *ClusterListener) Run(ctx context.Context) error
Run starts the tcp listeners and will accept connections until stop is called.
func (*ClusterListener) Server ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (cl *ClusterListener) Server() *http2.Server
Server returns the http2 server that the cluster listener is using
func (*ClusterListener) Stop ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (cl *ClusterListener) Stop()
Stop stops the cluster listner
func (*ClusterListener) StopHandler ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (cl *ClusterListener) StopHandler(alpn string)
StopHandler stops the cluster handler for the provided ALPN name, it also calls stop on the handler.
type ControlGroup ¶
type ControlGroup struct { TTL time.Duration Factors []*ControlGroupFactor }
type ControlGroupFactor ¶
type ControlGroupFactor struct { Name string Identity *IdentityFactor `hcl:"identity"` }
type ControlGroupHCL ¶
type ControlGroupHCL struct { TTL interface{} `hcl:"ttl"` Factors map[string]*ControlGroupFactor `hcl:"factor"` }
type Core ¶
type Core struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Core is used as the central manager of Vault activity. It is the primary point of interface for API handlers and is responsible for managing the logical and physical backends, router, security barrier, and audit trails.
func NewCore ¶
func NewCore(conf *CoreConfig) (*Core, error)
NewCore is used to construct a new core
func TestCoreNewSeal ¶
TestCoreNewSeal returns a pure in-memory, uninitialized core with the new seal configuration.
func TestCoreRaw ¶
TestCoreRaw returns a pure in-memory, uninitialized core for testing. The raw storage endpoints are enabled with this core.
func TestCoreUnsealed ¶
TestCoreUnsealed returns a pure in-memory core that is already initialized and unsealed.
func TestCoreUnsealedBackend ¶
func TestCoreUnsealedRaw ¶
TestCoreUnsealedRaw returns a pure in-memory core that is already initialized, unsealed, and with raw endpoints enabled.
func TestCoreUnsealedWithConfig ¶
TestCoreUnsealedWithConfig returns a pure in-memory core that is already initialized, unsealed, with the any provided core config values overridden.
func TestCoreUnsealedWithConfigSealOpts ¶
func TestCoreUnsealedWithConfigSealOpts(t testing.T, barrierConf, recoveryConf *SealConfig, sealOpts *TestSealOpts) (*Core, [][]byte, [][]byte, string)
func TestCoreWithConfig ¶
func TestCoreWithConfig(t testing.T, conf *CoreConfig) *Core
TestCoreWithConfig returns a pure in-memory, uninitialized core with the specified core configurations overridden for testing.
func TestCoreWithSeal ¶
TestCoreWithSeal returns a pure in-memory, uninitialized core with the specified seal for testing.
func TestCoreWithSealAndUI ¶
func TestCoreWithSealAndUI(t testing.T, opts *CoreConfig) *Core
func (*Core) ActiveNodeReplicationState ¶
func (c *Core) ActiveNodeReplicationState() consts.ReplicationState
func (*Core) AuditedHeadersConfig ¶
func (c *Core) AuditedHeadersConfig() *AuditedHeadersConfig
func (*Core) BarrierEncryptorAccess ¶
func (c *Core) BarrierEncryptorAccess() *BarrierEncryptorAccess
func (*Core) BarrierKeyLength ¶
func (*Core) BarrierRekeyInit ¶
func (c *Core) BarrierRekeyInit(config *SealConfig) logical.HTTPCodedError
BarrierRekeyInit is used to initialize the rekey settings for the barrier key
func (*Core) BarrierRekeyUpdate ¶
func (c *Core) BarrierRekeyUpdate(ctx context.Context, key []byte, nonce string) (*RekeyResult, logical.HTTPCodedError)
BarrierRekeyUpdate is used to provide a new key part. Barrier rekey can be done with unseal keys, or recovery keys if that's supported and we are storing the barrier key.
N.B.: If recovery keys are used to rekey, the new barrier key shares are not returned.
func (*Core) CORSConfig ¶
func (c *Core) CORSConfig() *CORSConfig
CORSConfig returns the current CORS configuration
func (*Core) Capabilities ¶
Capabilities is used to fetch the capabilities of the given token on the given path
func (*Core) Cluster ¶
Cluster fetches the details of the local cluster. This method errors out when Vault is sealed.
func (*Core) ForwardRequest ¶
ForwardRequest forwards a given request to the active node and returns the response.
func (*Core) GenerateRootCancel ¶
GenerateRootCancel is used to cancel an in-progress root generation
func (*Core) GenerateRootConfiguration ¶
func (c *Core) GenerateRootConfiguration() (*GenerateRootConfig, error)
GenerateRootConfiguration is used to read the root generation configuration It stubbornly refuses to return the OTP if one is there.
func (*Core) GenerateRootInit ¶
func (c *Core) GenerateRootInit(otp, pgpKey string, strategy GenerateRootStrategy) error
GenerateRootInit is used to initialize the root generation settings
func (*Core) GenerateRootProgress ¶
GenerateRootProgress is used to return the root generation progress (num shares)
func (*Core) GenerateRootUpdate ¶
func (c *Core) GenerateRootUpdate(ctx context.Context, key []byte, nonce string, strategy GenerateRootStrategy) (*GenerateRootResult, error)
GenerateRootUpdate is used to provide a new key part
func (*Core) GetContext ¶
func (c *Core) GetContext() (context.Context, context.CancelFunc)
func (*Core) HandleRequest ¶
func (c *Core) HandleRequest(httpCtx context.Context, req *logical.Request) (resp *logical.Response, err error)
HandleRequest is used to handle a new incoming request
func (*Core) IdentityStore ¶
func (c *Core) IdentityStore() *IdentityStore
func (*Core) Initialize ¶
func (c *Core) Initialize(ctx context.Context, initParams *InitParams) (*InitResult, error)
Initialize is used to initialize the Vault with the given configurations.
func (*Core) Initialized ¶
Initialized checks if the Vault is already initialized
func (*Core) IsBatchTokenCreationRequest ¶
func (*Core) IsDRSecondary ¶
IsDRSecondary returns if the current cluster state is a DR secondary.
func (*Core) IsInSealMigration ¶
func (*Core) LookupToken ¶
LookupToken returns the properties of the token from the token store. This is particularly useful to fetch the accessor of the client token and get it populated in the logical request along with the client token. The accessor of the client token can get audit logged.
func (*Core) PerfStandby ¶
PerfStandby checks if the vault is a performance standby
func (*Core) PhysicalAccess ¶
func (c *Core) PhysicalAccess() *physical.PhysicalAccess
func (*Core) PhysicalSealConfigs ¶
func (c *Core) PhysicalSealConfigs(ctx context.Context) (*SealConfig, *SealConfig, error)
func (*Core) RecoveryRekeyInit ¶
func (c *Core) RecoveryRekeyInit(config *SealConfig) logical.HTTPCodedError
RecoveryRekeyInit is used to initialize the rekey settings for the recovery key
func (*Core) RecoveryRekeyUpdate ¶
func (c *Core) RecoveryRekeyUpdate(ctx context.Context, key []byte, nonce string) (*RekeyResult, logical.HTTPCodedError)
RecoveryRekeyUpdate is used to provide a new key part
func (*Core) RegisterAuth ¶
func (*Core) RekeyCancel ¶
func (c *Core) RekeyCancel(recovery bool) logical.HTTPCodedError
RekeyCancel is used to cancel an in-progress rekey
func (*Core) RekeyConfig ¶
func (c *Core) RekeyConfig(recovery bool) (*SealConfig, logical.HTTPCodedError)
RekeyConfig is used to read the rekey configuration
func (*Core) RekeyDeleteBackup ¶
RekeyDeleteBackup is used to delete any backed-up PGP-encrypted unseal keys
func (*Core) RekeyInit ¶
func (c *Core) RekeyInit(config *SealConfig, recovery bool) logical.HTTPCodedError
RekeyInit will either initialize the rekey of barrier or recovery key. recovery determines whether this is a rekey on the barrier or recovery key.
func (*Core) RekeyProgress ¶
RekeyProgress is used to return the rekey progress (num shares).
func (*Core) RekeyRetrieveBackup ¶
func (c *Core) RekeyRetrieveBackup(ctx context.Context, recovery bool) (*RekeyBackup, logical.HTTPCodedError)
RekeyRetrieveBackup is used to retrieve any backed-up PGP-encrypted unseal keys
func (*Core) RekeyThreshold ¶
RekeyThreshold returns the secret threshold for the current seal config. This threshold can either be the barrier key threshold or the recovery key threshold, depending on whether rekey is being performed on the recovery key, or whether the seal supports recovery keys.
func (*Core) RekeyUpdate ¶
func (c *Core) RekeyUpdate(ctx context.Context, key []byte, nonce string, recovery bool) (*RekeyResult, logical.HTTPCodedError)
RekeyUpdate is used to provide a new key part for the barrier or recovery key.
func (*Core) RekeyVerify ¶
func (c *Core) RekeyVerify(ctx context.Context, key []byte, nonce string, recovery bool) (ret *RekeyVerifyResult, retErr logical.HTTPCodedError)
func (*Core) RekeyVerifyRestart ¶
func (c *Core) RekeyVerifyRestart(recovery bool) logical.HTTPCodedError
RekeyVerifyRestart is used to start the verification process over
func (*Core) ReplicationState ¶
func (c *Core) ReplicationState() consts.ReplicationState
func (*Core) ResetUnsealProcess ¶
func (c *Core) ResetUnsealProcess()
ResetUnsealProcess removes the current unlock parts from memory, to reset the unsealing process
func (*Core) RouterAccess ¶
func (c *Core) RouterAccess() *RouterAccess
func (*Core) Seal ¶
Seal takes in a token and creates a logical.Request, acquires the lock, and passes through to sealInternal
func (*Core) SealAccess ¶
func (c *Core) SealAccess() *SealAccess
func (*Core) SealWithRequest ¶
SealWithRequest takes in a logical.Request, acquires the lock, and passes through to sealInternal
func (*Core) SecretProgress ¶
SecretProgress returns the number of keys provided so far
func (*Core) SetClusterHandler ¶
func (*Core) SetClusterListenerAddrs ¶
func (*Core) SetLoadCaseSensitiveIdentityStore ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (*Core) SetLogLevel ¶
func (*Core) SetNeverBecomeActive ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (*Core) SetSealsForMigration ¶
func (*Core) Shutdown ¶
Shutdown is invoked when the Vault instance is about to be terminated. It should not be accessible as part of an API call as it will cause an availability problem. It is only used to gracefully quit in the case of HA so that failover happens as quickly as possible.
func (*Core) Unseal ¶
Unseal is used to provide one of the key parts to unseal the Vault.
They key given as a parameter will automatically be zerod after this method is done with it. If you want to keep the key around, a copy should be made.
func (*Core) UnsealWithRecoveryKeys ¶
func (*Core) UnsealWithStoredKeys ¶
UnsealWithStoredKeys performs auto-unseal using stored keys. An error return value of "nil" implies the Vault instance is unsealed.
Callers should attempt to retry any NOnFatalErrors. Callers should not re-attempt fatal errors.
type CoreConfig ¶
type CoreConfig struct { DevToken string `json:"dev_token" structs:"dev_token" mapstructure:"dev_token"` BuiltinRegistry BuiltinRegistry `json:"builtin_registry" structs:"builtin_registry" mapstructure:"builtin_registry"` LogicalBackends map[string]logical.Factory `json:"logical_backends" structs:"logical_backends" mapstructure:"logical_backends"` CredentialBackends map[string]logical.Factory `json:"credential_backends" structs:"credential_backends" mapstructure:"credential_backends"` AuditBackends map[string]audit.Factory `json:"audit_backends" structs:"audit_backends" mapstructure:"audit_backends"` Physical physical.Backend `json:"physical" structs:"physical" mapstructure:"physical"` // May be nil, which disables HA operations HAPhysical physical.HABackend `json:"ha_physical" structs:"ha_physical" mapstructure:"ha_physical"` Seal Seal `json:"seal" structs:"seal" mapstructure:"seal"` Logger log.Logger `json:"logger" structs:"logger" mapstructure:"logger"` // Disables the LRU cache on the physical backend DisableCache bool `json:"disable_cache" structs:"disable_cache" mapstructure:"disable_cache"` // Disables mlock syscall DisableMlock bool `json:"disable_mlock" structs:"disable_mlock" mapstructure:"disable_mlock"` // Custom cache size for the LRU cache on the physical backend, or zero for default CacheSize int `json:"cache_size" structs:"cache_size" mapstructure:"cache_size"` // Set as the leader address for HA RedirectAddr string `json:"redirect_addr" structs:"redirect_addr" mapstructure:"redirect_addr"` // Set as the cluster address for HA ClusterAddr string `json:"cluster_addr" structs:"cluster_addr" mapstructure:"cluster_addr"` DefaultLeaseTTL time.Duration `json:"default_lease_ttl" structs:"default_lease_ttl" mapstructure:"default_lease_ttl"` MaxLeaseTTL time.Duration `json:"max_lease_ttl" structs:"max_lease_ttl" mapstructure:"max_lease_ttl"` ClusterName string `json:"cluster_name" structs:"cluster_name" mapstructure:"cluster_name"` ClusterCipherSuites string `json:"cluster_cipher_suites" structs:"cluster_cipher_suites" mapstructure:"cluster_cipher_suites"` EnableUI bool `json:"ui" structs:"ui" mapstructure:"ui"` // Enable the raw endpoint EnableRaw bool `json:"enable_raw" structs:"enable_raw" mapstructure:"enable_raw"` PluginDirectory string `json:"plugin_directory" structs:"plugin_directory" mapstructure:"plugin_directory"` DisableSealWrap bool `json:"disable_sealwrap" structs:"disable_sealwrap" mapstructure:"disable_sealwrap"` ReloadFuncs *map[string][]reload.ReloadFunc ReloadFuncsLock *sync.RWMutex // Licensing LicensingConfig *LicensingConfig // Don't set this unless in dev mode, ideally only when using inmem DevLicenseDuration time.Duration DisablePerformanceStandby bool DisableIndexing bool DisableKeyEncodingChecks bool AllLoggers []log.Logger // Telemetry objects MetricsHelper *metricsutil.MetricsHelper CounterSyncInterval time.Duration }
CoreConfig is used to parameterize a core
func (*CoreConfig) Clone ¶
func (c *CoreConfig) Clone() *CoreConfig
type CubbyholeBackend ¶
CubbyholeBackend is used for storing secrets directly into the physical backend. The secrets are encrypted in the durable storage. This differs from kv in that every token has its own private storage view. The view is removed when the token expires.
type DatedRequestCounter ¶ added in v1.1.0
type DatedRequestCounter struct { // StartTime is when the period starts. StartTime time.Time `json:"start_time"` // RequestCounter counts requests. RequestCounter }
DatedRequestCounter holds request counters from a single period of time.
type EchoReply ¶
type EchoReply struct { Message string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=message,proto3" json:"message,omitempty"` ClusterAddrs []string `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=cluster_addrs,json=clusterAddrs,proto3" json:"cluster_addrs,omitempty"` ReplicationState uint32 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=replication_state,json=replicationState,proto3" json:"replication_state,omitempty"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` }
func (*EchoReply) Descriptor ¶
func (*EchoReply) GetClusterAddrs ¶
func (*EchoReply) GetMessage ¶
func (*EchoReply) GetReplicationState ¶
func (*EchoReply) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*EchoReply) ProtoMessage()
func (*EchoReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown ¶
func (m *EchoReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown()
func (*EchoReply) XXX_Marshal ¶
func (*EchoReply) XXX_Unmarshal ¶
type EchoRequest ¶
type EchoRequest struct { Message string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=message,proto3" json:"message,omitempty"` // ClusterAddr is used to send up a standby node's address to the active // node upon heartbeat ClusterAddr string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=cluster_addr,json=clusterAddr,proto3" json:"cluster_addr,omitempty"` // ClusterAddrs is used to send up a list of cluster addresses to a dr // primary from a dr secondary ClusterAddrs []string `protobuf:"bytes,3,rep,name=cluster_addrs,json=clusterAddrs,proto3" json:"cluster_addrs,omitempty"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` }
func (*EchoRequest) Descriptor ¶
func (*EchoRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
func (*EchoRequest) GetClusterAddr ¶
func (m *EchoRequest) GetClusterAddr() string
func (*EchoRequest) GetClusterAddrs ¶
func (m *EchoRequest) GetClusterAddrs() []string
func (*EchoRequest) GetMessage ¶
func (m *EchoRequest) GetMessage() string
func (*EchoRequest) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*EchoRequest) ProtoMessage()
func (*EchoRequest) Reset ¶
func (m *EchoRequest) Reset()
func (*EchoRequest) String ¶
func (m *EchoRequest) String() string
func (*EchoRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown ¶
func (m *EchoRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown()
func (*EchoRequest) XXX_Marshal ¶
func (m *EchoRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error)
func (*EchoRequest) XXX_Merge ¶
func (m *EchoRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message)
func (*EchoRequest) XXX_Size ¶
func (m *EchoRequest) XXX_Size() int
func (*EchoRequest) XXX_Unmarshal ¶
func (m *EchoRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error
type EncodedKeyring ¶
EncodedKeyring is used for serialization of the keyring
type ErrInvalidKey ¶
type ErrInvalidKey struct {
Reason string
ErrInvalidKey is returned if there is a user-based error with a provided unseal key. This will be shown to the user, so should not contain information that is sensitive.
func (*ErrInvalidKey) Error ¶
func (e *ErrInvalidKey) Error() string
type ExpirationManager ¶
type ExpirationManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ExpirationManager is used by the Core to manage leases. Secrets can provide a lease, meaning that they can be renewed or revoked. If a secret is not renewed in timely manner, it may be expired, and the ExpirationManager will handle doing automatic revocation.
func NewExpirationManager ¶
func NewExpirationManager(c *Core, view *BarrierView, e ExpireLeaseStrategy, logger log.Logger) *ExpirationManager
NewExpirationManager creates a new ExpirationManager that is backed using a given view, and uses the provided router for revocation.
func (*ExpirationManager) CreateOrFetchRevocationLeaseByToken ¶
func (m *ExpirationManager) CreateOrFetchRevocationLeaseByToken(ctx context.Context, te *logical.TokenEntry) (string, error)
CreateOrFetchRevocationLeaseByToken is used to create or fetch the matching leaseID for a particular token. The lease is set to expire immediately after it's created.
func (*ExpirationManager) FetchLeaseTimes ¶
func (m *ExpirationManager) FetchLeaseTimes(ctx context.Context, leaseID string) (*leaseEntry, error)
FetchLeaseTimes is used to fetch the issue time, expiration time, and last renewed time of a lease entry. It returns a leaseEntry itself, but with only those values copied over.
func (*ExpirationManager) FetchLeaseTimesByToken ¶
func (m *ExpirationManager) FetchLeaseTimesByToken(ctx context.Context, te *logical.TokenEntry) (*leaseEntry, error)
FetchLeaseTimesByToken is a helper function to use token values to compute the leaseID, rather than pushing that logic back into the token store. As a special case, for a batch token it simply returns the information encoded on it.
func (*ExpirationManager) LazyRevoke ¶
func (m *ExpirationManager) LazyRevoke(ctx context.Context, leaseID string) error
LazyRevoke is used to queue revocation for a secret named by the given LeaseID. If the lease was not found it returns nil; if the lease was found it triggers a return of a 202.
func (*ExpirationManager) Register ¶
func (m *ExpirationManager) Register(ctx context.Context, req *logical.Request, resp *logical.Response) (id string, retErr error)
Register is used to take a request and response with an associated lease. The secret gets assigned a LeaseID and the management of of lease is assumed by the expiration manager.
func (*ExpirationManager) RegisterAuth ¶
func (m *ExpirationManager) RegisterAuth(ctx context.Context, te *logical.TokenEntry, auth *logical.Auth) error
RegisterAuth is used to take an Auth response with an associated lease. The token does not get a LeaseID, but the lease management is handled by the expiration manager.
func (*ExpirationManager) Renew ¶
func (m *ExpirationManager) Renew(ctx context.Context, leaseID string, increment time.Duration) (*logical.Response, error)
Renew is used to renew a secret using the given leaseID and a renew interval. The increment may be ignored.
func (*ExpirationManager) RenewToken ¶
func (m *ExpirationManager) RenewToken(ctx context.Context, req *logical.Request, te *logical.TokenEntry, increment time.Duration) (*logical.Response, error)
RenewToken is used to renew a token which does not need to invoke a logical backend.
func (*ExpirationManager) Restore ¶
func (m *ExpirationManager) Restore(errorFunc func()) (retErr error)
Restore is used to recover the lease states when starting. This is used after starting the vault.
func (*ExpirationManager) Revoke ¶
func (m *ExpirationManager) Revoke(ctx context.Context, leaseID string) error
Revoke is used to revoke a secret named by the given LeaseID
func (*ExpirationManager) RevokeByToken ¶
func (m *ExpirationManager) RevokeByToken(ctx context.Context, te *logical.TokenEntry) error
RevokeByToken is used to revoke all the secrets issued with a given token. This is done by using the secondary index. It also removes the lease entry for the token itself. As a result it should *ONLY* ever be called from the token store's revokeSalted function.
func (*ExpirationManager) RevokeForce ¶
func (m *ExpirationManager) RevokeForce(ctx context.Context, prefix string) error
RevokeForce works similarly to RevokePrefix but continues in the case of a revocation error; this is mostly meant for recovery operations
func (*ExpirationManager) RevokePrefix ¶
RevokePrefix is used to revoke all secrets with a given prefix. The prefix maps to that of the mount table to make this simpler to reason about.
func (*ExpirationManager) Stop ¶
func (m *ExpirationManager) Stop() error
Stop is used to prevent further automatic revocations. This must be called before sealing the view.
func (*ExpirationManager) Tidy ¶
func (m *ExpirationManager) Tidy(ctx context.Context) error
Tidy cleans up the dangling storage entries for leases. It scans the storage view to find all the available leases, checks if the token embedded in it is either empty or invalid and in both the cases, it revokes them. It also uses a token cache to avoid multiple lookups of the same token ID. It is normally not required to use the API that invokes this. This is only intended to clean up the corrupt storage due to bugs.
type ExpireLeaseStrategy ¶
type ExpireLeaseStrategy func(context.Context, *ExpirationManager, *leaseEntry)
type GenerateRootConfig ¶
type GenerateRootConfig struct { Nonce string PGPKey string PGPFingerprint string OTP string Strategy GenerateRootStrategy }
GenerateRootConfig holds the configuration for a root generation command.
type GenerateRootResult ¶
type GenerateRootResult struct { Progress int Required int EncodedToken string PGPFingerprint string }
GenerateRootResult holds the result of a root generation update command
type GenerateRootStrategy ¶
type GenerateRootStrategy interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
GenerateRootStrategy allows us to swap out the strategy we want to use to create a token upon completion of the generate root process.
var ( // GenerateStandardRootTokenStrategy is the strategy used to generate a // typical root token GenerateStandardRootTokenStrategy GenerateRootStrategy = generateStandardRootToken{} // GenerateDROperationTokenStrategy is the strategy used to generate a // DR operational token GenerateDROperationTokenStrategy GenerateRootStrategy = generateStandardRootToken{} )
type HandlerProperties ¶
type HandlerProperties struct { Core *Core MaxRequestSize int64 MaxRequestDuration time.Duration DisablePrintableCheck bool }
HandlerProperties is used to seed configuration into a vaulthttp.Handler. It's in this package to avoid a circular dependency
type IdentityFactor ¶
type IdentityStore ¶
type IdentityStore struct { // IdentityStore is a secret backend in Vault *framework.Backend // contains filtered or unexported fields }
IdentityStore is composed of its own storage view and a MemDB which maintains active in-memory replicas of the storage contents indexed by multiple fields.
func NewIdentityStore ¶
func NewIdentityStore(ctx context.Context, core *Core, config *logical.BackendConfig, logger log.Logger) (*IdentityStore, error)
func (*IdentityStore) CreateOrFetchEntity ¶
func (i *IdentityStore) CreateOrFetchEntity(ctx context.Context, alias *logical.Alias) (*identity.Entity, error)
CreateOrFetchEntity creates a new entity. This is used by core to associate each login attempt by an alias to a unified entity in Vault.
func (*IdentityStore) Invalidate ¶
func (i *IdentityStore) Invalidate(ctx context.Context, key string)
Invalidate is a callback wherein the backend is informed that the value at the given key is updated. In identity store's case, it would be the entity storage entries that get updated. The value needs to be read and MemDB needs to be updated accordingly.
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBAliasByFactors ¶
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBAliasByFactorsInTxn ¶
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBAliasByID ¶
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBAliasByIDInTxn ¶
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBAliases ¶
func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBAliases(ws memdb.WatchSet, groupAlias bool) (memdb.ResultIterator, error)
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBDeleteAliasByIDInTxn ¶
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBDeleteEntityByID ¶
func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBDeleteEntityByID(entityID string) error
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBDeleteEntityByIDInTxn ¶
func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBDeleteEntityByIDInTxn(txn *memdb.Txn, entityID string) error
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBDeleteGroupByIDInTxn ¶
func (i *IdentityStore) MemDBDeleteGroupByIDInTxn(txn *memdb.Txn, groupID string) error
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBEntitiesByBucketEntryKeyHashInTxn ¶
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBEntityByAliasID ¶
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBEntityByAliasIDInTxn ¶
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBEntityByID ¶
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBEntityByIDInTxn ¶
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBEntityByMergedEntityID ¶
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBEntityByName ¶
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBEntityByNameInTxn ¶
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBGroupByAliasID ¶
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBGroupByAliasIDInTxn ¶
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBGroupByID ¶
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBGroupByIDInTxn ¶
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBGroupByName ¶
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBGroupByNameInTxn ¶
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBGroupsByBucketEntryKeyHashInTxn ¶
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBGroupsByMemberEntityID ¶
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBGroupsByMemberEntityIDInTxn ¶
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBGroupsByParentGroupID ¶
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBGroupsByParentGroupIDInTxn ¶
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBUpsertAliasInTxn ¶
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBUpsertEntityInTxn ¶
func (*IdentityStore) MemDBUpsertGroupInTxn ¶
func (*IdentityStore) UpsertGroup ¶
func (i *IdentityStore) UpsertGroup(group *identity.Group, persist bool) error
func (*IdentityStore) UpsertGroupInTxn ¶
type InitParams ¶
type InitParams struct { BarrierConfig *SealConfig RecoveryConfig *SealConfig RootTokenPGPKey string }
InitParams keeps the init function from being littered with too many params, that's it!
type InitResult ¶
type InitResult struct { RootToken string }
InitResult is used to provide the key parts back after they are generated as part of the initialization.
type Key ¶
Key represents a single term, along with the key used.
func DeserializeKey ¶
DeserializeKey is used to deserialize and return a new key
type Keyring ¶
type Keyring struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Keyring is used to manage multiple encryption keys used by the barrier. New keys can be installed and each has a sequential term. The term used to encrypt a key is prefixed to the key written out. All data is encrypted with the latest key, but storing the old keys allows for decryption of keys written previously. Along with the encryption keys, the keyring also tracks the master key. This is necessary so that when a new key is added to the keyring, we can encrypt with the master key and write out the new keyring.
func DeserializeKeyring ¶
DeserializeKeyring is used to deserialize and return a new keyring
func (*Keyring) ActiveTerm ¶
ActiveTerm returns the currently active term
func (*Keyring) SetMasterKey ¶
SetMasterKey is used to update the master key
type LicensingConfig ¶
type LicensingConfig struct {
AdditionalPublicKeys []interface{}
type ListingVisibilityType ¶
type ListingVisibilityType string
ListingVisibilityType represents the types for listing visibility
const ( // ListingVisibilityDefault is the default value for listing visibility ListingVisibilityDefault ListingVisibilityType = "" // ListingVisibilityHidden is the hidden type for listing visibility ListingVisibilityHidden ListingVisibilityType = "hidden" // ListingVisibilityUnauth is the unauth type for listing visibility ListingVisibilityUnauth ListingVisibilityType = "unauth" MountTableUpdateStorage = true MountTableNoUpdateStorage = false )
type MountConfig ¶
type MountConfig struct { DefaultLeaseTTL time.Duration `json:"default_lease_ttl" structs:"default_lease_ttl" mapstructure:"default_lease_ttl"` // Override for global default MaxLeaseTTL time.Duration `json:"max_lease_ttl" structs:"max_lease_ttl" mapstructure:"max_lease_ttl"` // Override for global default ForceNoCache bool `json:"force_no_cache" structs:"force_no_cache" mapstructure:"force_no_cache"` // Override for global default AuditNonHMACRequestKeys []string `json:"audit_non_hmac_request_keys,omitempty" structs:"audit_non_hmac_request_keys" mapstructure:"audit_non_hmac_request_keys"` AuditNonHMACResponseKeys []string `` /* 128-byte string literal not displayed */ ListingVisibility ListingVisibilityType `json:"listing_visibility,omitempty" structs:"listing_visibility" mapstructure:"listing_visibility"` PassthroughRequestHeaders []string `json:"passthrough_request_headers,omitempty" structs:"passthrough_request_headers" mapstructure:"passthrough_request_headers"` AllowedResponseHeaders []string `json:"allowed_response_headers,omitempty" structs:"allowed_response_headers" mapstructure:"allowed_response_headers"` TokenType logical.TokenType `json:"token_type" structs:"token_type" mapstructure:"token_type"` // PluginName is the name of the plugin registered in the catalog. // // Deprecated: MountEntry.Type should be used instead for Vault 1.0.0 and beyond. PluginName string `json:"plugin_name,omitempty" structs:"plugin_name,omitempty" mapstructure:"plugin_name"` }
MountConfig is used to hold settable options
type MountEntry ¶
type MountEntry struct { Table string `json:"table"` // The table it belongs to Path string `json:"path"` // Mount Path Type string `json:"type"` // Logical backend Type Description string `json:"description"` // User-provided description UUID string `json:"uuid"` // Barrier view UUID BackendAwareUUID string `json:"backend_aware_uuid"` // UUID that can be used by the backend as a helper when a consistent value is needed outside of storage. Accessor string `json:"accessor"` // Unique but more human-friendly ID. Does not change, not used for any sensitive things (like as a salt, which the UUID sometimes is). Config MountConfig `json:"config"` // Configuration related to this mount (but not backend-derived) Options map[string]string `json:"options"` // Backend options Local bool `json:"local"` // Local mounts are not replicated or affected by replication SealWrap bool `json:"seal_wrap"` // Whether to wrap CSPs Tainted bool `json:"tainted,omitempty"` // Set as a Write-Ahead flag for unmount/remount NamespaceID string `json:"namespace_id"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
MountEntry is used to represent a mount table entry
func (*MountEntry) APIPath ¶
func (e *MountEntry) APIPath() string
APIPath returns the full API Path for the given mount entry
func (*MountEntry) Clone ¶
func (e *MountEntry) Clone() (*MountEntry, error)
Clone returns a deep copy of the mount entry
func (*MountEntry) Namespace ¶
func (e *MountEntry) Namespace() *namespace.Namespace
Namespace returns the namespace for the mount entry
func (*MountEntry) SyncCache ¶
func (e *MountEntry) SyncCache()
SyncCache syncs tunable configuration values to the cache. In the case of cached values, they should be retrieved via synthesizedConfigCache.Load() instead of accessing them directly through MountConfig.
func (*MountEntry) ViewPath ¶
func (e *MountEntry) ViewPath() string
ViewPath returns storage prefix for the view
type MountTable ¶
type MountTable struct { Type string `json:"type"` Entries []*MountEntry `json:"entries"` }
MountTable is used to represent the internal mount table
type NonFatalError ¶
type NonFatalError struct {
Err error
NonFatalError is an error that can be returned during NewCore that should be displayed but not cause a program exit
func NewNonFatalError ¶ added in v1.0.3
func NewNonFatalError(err error) *NonFatalError
NewNonFatalError returns a new non-fatal error.
func (*NonFatalError) Error ¶
func (e *NonFatalError) Error() string
func (*NonFatalError) WrappedErrors ¶
func (e *NonFatalError) WrappedErrors() []error
type NoopBackend ¶ added in v1.1.4
type NoopBackend struct { sync.Mutex Root []string Login []string Paths []string Requests []*logical.Request Response *logical.Response RequestHandler RouterTestHandlerFunc Invalidations []string DefaultLeaseTTL time.Duration MaxLeaseTTL time.Duration BackendType logical.BackendType }
func (*NoopBackend) Cleanup ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (n *NoopBackend) Cleanup(ctx context.Context)
func (*NoopBackend) HandleExistenceCheck ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (*NoopBackend) HandleRequest ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (*NoopBackend) Initialize ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (n *NoopBackend) Initialize(ctx context.Context) error
func (*NoopBackend) InvalidateKey ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (n *NoopBackend) InvalidateKey(ctx context.Context, k string)
func (*NoopBackend) Logger ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (n *NoopBackend) Logger() log.Logger
func (*NoopBackend) Setup ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (n *NoopBackend) Setup(ctx context.Context, config *logical.BackendConfig) error
func (*NoopBackend) SpecialPaths ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (n *NoopBackend) SpecialPaths() *logical.Paths
func (*NoopBackend) System ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (n *NoopBackend) System() logical.SystemView
func (*NoopBackend) Type ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (n *NoopBackend) Type() logical.BackendType
type PassthroughBackend ¶
PassthroughBackend is used storing secrets directly into the physical backend. The secrets are encrypted in the durable storage and custom TTL information can be specified, but otherwise this backend doesn't do anything fancy.
func (*PassthroughBackend) GeneratesLeases ¶
func (b *PassthroughBackend) GeneratesLeases() bool
type PathRules ¶
type PathRules struct { Path string Policy string Permissions *ACLPermissions IsPrefix bool HasSegmentWildcards bool Capabilities []string // These keys are used at the top level to make the HCL nicer; we store in // the ACLPermissions object though MinWrappingTTLHCL interface{} `hcl:"min_wrapping_ttl"` MaxWrappingTTLHCL interface{} `hcl:"max_wrapping_ttl"` AllowedParametersHCL map[string][]interface{} `hcl:"allowed_parameters"` DeniedParametersHCL map[string][]interface{} `hcl:"denied_parameters"` RequiredParametersHCL []string `hcl:"required_parameters"` MFAMethodsHCL []string `hcl:"mfa_methods"` ControlGroupHCL *ControlGroupHCL `hcl:"control_group"` }
PathRules represents a policy for a path in the namespace.
type PerfStandbyElectionInput ¶
type PerfStandbyElectionInput struct { XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` }
func (*PerfStandbyElectionInput) Descriptor ¶
func (*PerfStandbyElectionInput) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
func (*PerfStandbyElectionInput) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*PerfStandbyElectionInput) ProtoMessage()
func (*PerfStandbyElectionInput) Reset ¶
func (m *PerfStandbyElectionInput) Reset()
func (*PerfStandbyElectionInput) String ¶
func (m *PerfStandbyElectionInput) String() string
func (*PerfStandbyElectionInput) XXX_DiscardUnknown ¶
func (m *PerfStandbyElectionInput) XXX_DiscardUnknown()
func (*PerfStandbyElectionInput) XXX_Marshal ¶
func (m *PerfStandbyElectionInput) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error)
func (*PerfStandbyElectionInput) XXX_Merge ¶
func (m *PerfStandbyElectionInput) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message)
func (*PerfStandbyElectionInput) XXX_Size ¶
func (m *PerfStandbyElectionInput) XXX_Size() int
func (*PerfStandbyElectionInput) XXX_Unmarshal ¶
func (m *PerfStandbyElectionInput) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error
type PerfStandbyElectionResponse ¶
type PerfStandbyElectionResponse struct { Id string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=id,proto3" json:"id,omitempty"` ClusterId string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=cluster_id,json=clusterId,proto3" json:"cluster_id,omitempty"` PrimaryClusterAddr string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=primary_cluster_addr,json=primaryClusterAddr,proto3" json:"primary_cluster_addr,omitempty"` CaCert []byte `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=ca_cert,json=caCert,proto3" json:"ca_cert,omitempty"` ClientCert []byte `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=client_cert,json=clientCert,proto3" json:"client_cert,omitempty"` ClientKey *ClientKey `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=client_key,json=clientKey,proto3" json:"client_key,omitempty"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` }
func (*PerfStandbyElectionResponse) Descriptor ¶
func (*PerfStandbyElectionResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
func (*PerfStandbyElectionResponse) GetCaCert ¶
func (m *PerfStandbyElectionResponse) GetCaCert() []byte
func (*PerfStandbyElectionResponse) GetClientCert ¶
func (m *PerfStandbyElectionResponse) GetClientCert() []byte
func (*PerfStandbyElectionResponse) GetClientKey ¶
func (m *PerfStandbyElectionResponse) GetClientKey() *ClientKey
func (*PerfStandbyElectionResponse) GetClusterId ¶
func (m *PerfStandbyElectionResponse) GetClusterId() string
func (*PerfStandbyElectionResponse) GetId ¶
func (m *PerfStandbyElectionResponse) GetId() string
func (*PerfStandbyElectionResponse) GetPrimaryClusterAddr ¶
func (m *PerfStandbyElectionResponse) GetPrimaryClusterAddr() string
func (*PerfStandbyElectionResponse) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*PerfStandbyElectionResponse) ProtoMessage()
func (*PerfStandbyElectionResponse) Reset ¶
func (m *PerfStandbyElectionResponse) Reset()
func (*PerfStandbyElectionResponse) String ¶
func (m *PerfStandbyElectionResponse) String() string
func (*PerfStandbyElectionResponse) XXX_DiscardUnknown ¶
func (m *PerfStandbyElectionResponse) XXX_DiscardUnknown()
func (*PerfStandbyElectionResponse) XXX_Marshal ¶
func (m *PerfStandbyElectionResponse) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error)
func (*PerfStandbyElectionResponse) XXX_Merge ¶
func (m *PerfStandbyElectionResponse) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message)
func (*PerfStandbyElectionResponse) XXX_Size ¶
func (m *PerfStandbyElectionResponse) XXX_Size() int
func (*PerfStandbyElectionResponse) XXX_Unmarshal ¶
func (m *PerfStandbyElectionResponse) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error
type PluginCatalog ¶
type PluginCatalog struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PluginCatalog keeps a record of plugins known to vault. External plugins need to be registered to the catalog before they can be used in backends. Builtin plugins are automatically detected and included in the catalog.
func (*PluginCatalog) Delete ¶
func (c *PluginCatalog) Delete(ctx context.Context, name string, pluginType consts.PluginType) error
Delete is used to remove an external plugin from the catalog. Builtin plugins can not be deleted.
func (*PluginCatalog) Get ¶
func (c *PluginCatalog) Get(ctx context.Context, name string, pluginType consts.PluginType) (*pluginutil.PluginRunner, error)
Get retrieves a plugin with the specified name from the catalog. It first looks for external plugins with this name and then looks for builtin plugins. It returns a PluginRunner or an error if no plugin was found.
func (*PluginCatalog) List ¶
func (c *PluginCatalog) List(ctx context.Context, pluginType consts.PluginType) ([]string, error)
List returns a list of all the known plugin names. If an external and builtin plugin share the same name, only one instance of the name will be returned.
func (*PluginCatalog) Set ¶
func (c *PluginCatalog) Set(ctx context.Context, name string, pluginType consts.PluginType, command string, args []string, env []string, sha256 []byte) error
Set registers a new external plugin with the catalog, or updates an existing external plugin. It takes the name, command and SHA256 of the plugin.
func (*PluginCatalog) UpgradePlugins ¶
UpdatePlugins will loop over all the plugins of unknown type and attempt to upgrade them to typed plugins
type Policy ¶
type Policy struct { Name string `hcl:"name"` Paths []*PathRules `hcl:"-"` Raw string Type PolicyType Templated bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Policy is used to represent the policy specified by an ACL configuration.
func ParseACLPolicy ¶
ParseACLPolicy is used to parse the specified ACL rules into an intermediary set of policies, before being compiled into the ACL
func (*Policy) ShallowClone ¶
ShallowClone returns a shallow clone of the policy. This should not be used if any of the reference-typed fields are going to be modified
type PolicyCheckOpts ¶
type PolicyEntry ¶
type PolicyEntry struct { Version int Raw string Templated bool Type PolicyType // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PolicyEntry is used to store a policy by name
type PolicyStore ¶
type PolicyStore struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PolicyStore is used to provide durable storage of policy, and to manage ACLs associated with them.
func NewPolicyStore ¶
func NewPolicyStore(ctx context.Context, core *Core, baseView *BarrierView, system logical.SystemView, logger log.Logger) (*PolicyStore, error)
NewPolicyStore creates a new PolicyStore that is backed using a given view. It used used to durable store and manage named policy.
func (*PolicyStore) ACL ¶
func (ps *PolicyStore) ACL(ctx context.Context, entity *identity.Entity, policyNames map[string][]string) (*ACL, error)
ACL is used to return an ACL which is built using the named policies.
func (*PolicyStore) DeletePolicy ¶
func (ps *PolicyStore) DeletePolicy(ctx context.Context, name string, policyType PolicyType) error
DeletePolicy is used to delete the named policy
func (*PolicyStore) GetPolicy ¶
func (ps *PolicyStore) GetPolicy(ctx context.Context, name string, policyType PolicyType) (*Policy, error)
GetPolicy is used to fetch the named policy
func (*PolicyStore) ListPolicies ¶
func (ps *PolicyStore) ListPolicies(ctx context.Context, policyType PolicyType) ([]string, error)
ListPolicies is used to list the available policies
type PolicyType ¶
type PolicyType uint32
const ( PolicyTypeACL PolicyType = iota PolicyTypeRGP PolicyTypeEGP // Triggers a lookup in the map to figure out if ACL or RGP PolicyTypeToken )
func (PolicyType) String ¶
func (p PolicyType) String() string
type RegisterAuthFunc ¶
type RekeyBackup ¶
RekeyBackup stores the backup copy of PGP-encrypted keys
type RekeyResult ¶
type RekeyResult struct { PGPFingerprints []string Backup bool RecoveryKey bool VerificationRequired bool VerificationNonce string }
RekeyResult is used to provide the key parts back after they are generated as part of the rekey.
type RekeyVerifyResult ¶
type ReplicationTokenInfo ¶
type ReplicationTokenInfo struct{}
type RequestCounter ¶ added in v1.1.0
type RequestCounter struct { // Total is the number of requests seen during a given period. Total *uint64 `json:"total"` }
RequestCounter stores the state of request counters for a single unspecified period.
type RequestForwardingClient ¶
type RequestForwardingClient interface { ForwardRequest(ctx context.Context, in *forwarding.Request, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*forwarding.Response, error) Echo(ctx context.Context, in *EchoRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*EchoReply, error) PerformanceStandbyElectionRequest(ctx context.Context, in *PerfStandbyElectionInput, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (RequestForwarding_PerformanceStandbyElectionRequestClient, error) }
RequestForwardingClient is the client API for RequestForwarding service.
For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
func NewRequestForwardingClient ¶
func NewRequestForwardingClient(cc *grpc.ClientConn) RequestForwardingClient
type RequestForwardingServer ¶
type RequestForwardingServer interface { ForwardRequest(context.Context, *forwarding.Request) (*forwarding.Response, error) Echo(context.Context, *EchoRequest) (*EchoReply, error) PerformanceStandbyElectionRequest(*PerfStandbyElectionInput, RequestForwarding_PerformanceStandbyElectionRequestServer) error }
RequestForwardingServer is the server API for RequestForwarding service.
type RequestForwarding_PerformanceStandbyElectionRequestClient ¶
type RequestForwarding_PerformanceStandbyElectionRequestClient interface { Recv() (*PerfStandbyElectionResponse, error) grpc.ClientStream }
type RequestForwarding_PerformanceStandbyElectionRequestServer ¶
type RequestForwarding_PerformanceStandbyElectionRequestServer interface { Send(*PerfStandbyElectionResponse) error grpc.ServerStream }
type RollbackManager ¶
type RollbackManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RollbackManager is responsible for performing rollbacks of partial secrets within logical backends.
During normal operations, it is possible for logical backends to error partially through an operation. These are called "partial secrets": they are never sent back to a user, but they do need to be cleaned up. This manager handles that by periodically (on a timer) requesting that the backends clean up.
The RollbackManager periodically initiates a logical.RollbackOperation on every mounted logical backend. It ensures that only one rollback operation is in-flight at any given time within a single seal/unseal phase.
func NewRollbackManager ¶
func NewRollbackManager(ctx context.Context, logger log.Logger, backendsFunc func() []*MountEntry, router *Router, core *Core) *RollbackManager
NewRollbackManager is used to create a new rollback manager
func (*RollbackManager) Rollback ¶
func (m *RollbackManager) Rollback(ctx context.Context, path string) error
Rollback is used to trigger an immediate rollback of the path, or to join an existing rollback operation if in flight. Caller should have core's statelock held (write OR read). If an already inflight rollback is happening this function will simply wait for it to complete
func (*RollbackManager) Stop ¶
func (m *RollbackManager) Stop()
Stop stops the running manager. This will wait for any in-flight rollbacks to complete.
type Router ¶
type Router struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Router is used to do prefix based routing of a request to a logical backend
func (*Router) MatchingAPIPrefixByStoragePath ¶
func (r *Router) MatchingAPIPrefixByStoragePath(ctx context.Context, path string) (*namespace.Namespace, string, string, bool)
MatchingAPIPrefixByStoragePath the api path information for the given storage path
func (*Router) MatchingBackend ¶
MatchingBackend returns the backend used for a path
func (*Router) MatchingMount ¶
MatchingMount returns the mount prefix that would be used for a path
func (*Router) MatchingMountByAccessor ¶
func (r *Router) MatchingMountByAccessor(mountAccessor string) *MountEntry
MatchingMountByAccessor returns the MountEntry by accessor lookup
func (*Router) MatchingMountByUUID ¶
func (r *Router) MatchingMountByUUID(mountID string) *MountEntry
func (*Router) MatchingMountEntry ¶
func (r *Router) MatchingMountEntry(ctx context.Context, path string) *MountEntry
MatchingMountEntry returns the MountEntry used for a path
func (*Router) MatchingStorageByAPIPath ¶
MatchingStorageByAPIPath/StoragePath returns the storage used for API/Storage paths respectively
func (*Router) MatchingStorageByStoragePath ¶
func (*Router) MatchingStoragePrefixByAPIPath ¶
MatchingStoragePrefixByAPIPath the storage prefix for the given api path
func (*Router) MatchingSystemView ¶
MatchingSystemView returns the SystemView used for a path
func (*Router) Mount ¶
func (r *Router) Mount(backend logical.Backend, prefix string, mountEntry *MountEntry, storageView *BarrierView) error
Mount is used to expose a logical backend at a given prefix, using a unique salt, and the barrier view for that path.
func (*Router) MountConflict ¶
MountConflict determines if there are potential path conflicts
func (*Router) RouteExistenceCheck ¶
func (r *Router) RouteExistenceCheck(ctx context.Context, req *logical.Request) (*logical.Response, bool, bool, error)
RouteExistenceCheck is used to route a given existence check request
func (*Router) Taint ¶
Taint is used to mark a path as tainted. This means only RollbackOperation RevokeOperation requests are allowed to proceed
type RouterAccess ¶
type RouterAccess struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RouterAccess provides access into some things necessary for testing
func NewRouterAccess ¶
func NewRouterAccess(c *Core) *RouterAccess
func (*RouterAccess) StoragePrefixByAPIPath ¶
type RouterTestHandlerFunc ¶ added in v1.1.4
type Seal ¶
type Seal interface { SetCore(*Core) Init(context.Context) error Finalize(context.Context) error StoredKeysSupported() bool SetStoredKeys(context.Context, [][]byte) error GetStoredKeys(context.Context) ([][]byte, error) BarrierType() string BarrierConfig(context.Context) (*SealConfig, error) SetBarrierConfig(context.Context, *SealConfig) error SetCachedBarrierConfig(*SealConfig) RecoveryKeySupported() bool RecoveryType() string RecoveryConfig(context.Context) (*SealConfig, error) RecoveryKey(context.Context) ([]byte, error) SetRecoveryConfig(context.Context, *SealConfig) error SetCachedRecoveryConfig(*SealConfig) SetRecoveryKey(context.Context, []byte) error VerifyRecoveryKey(context.Context, []byte) error }
func NewAutoSeal ¶
func NewDefaultSeal ¶
func NewDefaultSeal() Seal
func NewTestSeal ¶
func NewTestSeal(testing.T, *TestSealOpts) Seal
type SealAccess ¶
type SealAccess struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SealAccess is a wrapper around Seal that exposes accessor methods through Core.SealAccess() while restricting the ability to modify Core.seal itself.
func NewSealAccess ¶
func NewSealAccess(seal Seal) *SealAccess
func (*SealAccess) BarrierConfig ¶
func (s *SealAccess) BarrierConfig(ctx context.Context) (*SealConfig, error)
func (*SealAccess) BarrierType ¶
func (s *SealAccess) BarrierType() string
func (*SealAccess) ClearCaches ¶
func (s *SealAccess) ClearCaches(ctx context.Context)
func (*SealAccess) RecoveryConfig ¶
func (s *SealAccess) RecoveryConfig(ctx context.Context) (*SealConfig, error)
func (*SealAccess) RecoveryKeySupported ¶
func (s *SealAccess) RecoveryKeySupported() bool
func (*SealAccess) SetTestingParams ¶
func (s *SealAccess) SetTestingParams(params *SealAccessTestingParams) error
func (*SealAccess) StoredKeysSupported ¶
func (s *SealAccess) StoredKeysSupported() bool
func (*SealAccess) VerifyRecoveryKey ¶
func (s *SealAccess) VerifyRecoveryKey(ctx context.Context, key []byte) error
type SealAccessTestingParams ¶
type SealConfig ¶
type SealConfig struct { // The type, for sanity checking Type string `json:"type"` // the N value of Shamir. SecretShares int `json:"secret_shares"` // SecretThreshold is the number of parts required to open the vault. This // is the T value of Shamir. SecretThreshold int `json:"secret_threshold"` // PGPKeys is the array of public PGP keys used, if requested, to encrypt // the output unseal tokens. If provided, it sets the value of // SecretShares. Ordering is important. PGPKeys []string `json:"pgp_keys"` // Nonce is a nonce generated by Vault used to ensure that when unseal keys // are submitted for a rekey operation, the rekey operation itself is the // one intended. This prevents hijacking of the rekey operation, since it // is unauthenticated. Nonce string `json:"nonce"` // Backup indicates whether or not a backup of PGP-encrypted unseal keys // should be stored at coreUnsealKeysBackupPath after successful rekeying. Backup bool `json:"backup"` StoredShares int `json:"stored_shares"` // Stores the progress of the rekey operation (key shares) RekeyProgress [][]byte `json:"-"` // VerificationRequired indicates that after a rekey validation must be // performed (via providing shares from the new key) before the new key is // actually installed. This is omitted from JSON as we don't persist the // new key, it lives only in memory. VerificationRequired bool `json:"-"` // VerificationKey is the new key that we will roll to after successful // validation VerificationKey []byte `json:"-"` // VerificationNonce stores the current operation nonce for verification VerificationNonce string `json:"-"` // Stores the progress of the verification operation (key shares) VerificationProgress [][]byte `json:"-"` }
SealConfig is used to describe the seal configuration
func (*SealConfig) Clone ¶
func (s *SealConfig) Clone() *SealConfig
func (*SealConfig) Validate ¶
func (s *SealConfig) Validate() error
Validate is used to sanity check the seal configuration
type SecurityBarrier ¶
type SecurityBarrier interface { // Initialized checks if the barrier has been initialized // and has a master key set. Initialized(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) // Initialize works only if the barrier has not been initialized // and makes use of the given master key. Initialize(context.Context, []byte) error // GenerateKey is used to generate a new key GenerateKey() ([]byte, error) // KeyLength is used to sanity check a key KeyLength() (int, int) // Sealed checks if the barrier has been unlocked yet. The Barrier // is not expected to be able to perform any CRUD until it is unsealed. Sealed() (bool, error) // Unseal is used to provide the master key which permits the barrier // to be unsealed. If the key is not correct, the barrier remains sealed. Unseal(ctx context.Context, key []byte) error // VerifyMaster is used to check if the given key matches the master key VerifyMaster(key []byte) error // SetMasterKey is used to directly set a new master key. This is used in // replicated scenarios due to the chicken and egg problem of reloading the // keyring from disk before we have the master key to decrypt it. SetMasterKey(key []byte) error // ReloadKeyring is used to re-read the underlying keyring. // This is used for HA deployments to ensure the latest keyring // is present in the leader. ReloadKeyring(ctx context.Context) error // ReloadMasterKey is used to re-read the underlying masterkey. // This is used for HA deployments to ensure the latest master key // is available for keyring reloading. ReloadMasterKey(ctx context.Context) error // Seal is used to re-seal the barrier. This requires the barrier to // be unsealed again to perform any further operations. Seal() error // Rotate is used to create a new encryption key. All future writes // should use the new key, while old values should still be decryptable. Rotate(ctx context.Context) (uint32, error) // CreateUpgrade creates an upgrade path key to the given term from the previous term CreateUpgrade(ctx context.Context, term uint32) error // DestroyUpgrade destroys the upgrade path key to the given term DestroyUpgrade(ctx context.Context, term uint32) error // CheckUpgrade looks for an upgrade to the current term and installs it CheckUpgrade(ctx context.Context) (bool, uint32, error) // ActiveKeyInfo is used to inform details about the active key ActiveKeyInfo() (*KeyInfo, error) // Rekey is used to change the master key used to protect the keyring Rekey(context.Context, []byte) error // For replication we must send over the keyring, so this must be available Keyring() (*Keyring, error) // SecurityBarrier must provide the storage APIs logical.Storage // SecurityBarrier must provide the encryption APIs BarrierEncryptor }
SecurityBarrier is a critical component of Vault. It is used to wrap an untrusted physical backend and provide a single point of encryption, decryption and checksum verification. The goal is to ensure that any data written to the barrier is confidential and that integrity is preserved. As a real-world analogy, this is the steel and concrete wrapper around a Vault. The barrier should only be Unlockable given its key.
type SystemBackend ¶
type SystemBackend struct { *framework.Backend Core *Core // contains filtered or unexported fields }
SystemBackend implements logical.Backend and is used to interact with the core of the system. This backend is hardcoded to exist at the "sys" prefix. Conceptually it is similar to procfs on Linux.
func NewSystemBackend ¶
func NewSystemBackend(core *Core, logger log.Logger) *SystemBackend
type TemplateError ¶
type TemplateError struct {
Err error
func (*TemplateError) Error ¶
func (t *TemplateError) Error() string
func (*TemplateError) WrappedErrors ¶
func (t *TemplateError) WrappedErrors() []error
type TestCluster ¶
type TestCluster struct { BarrierKeys [][]byte RecoveryKeys [][]byte CACert *x509.Certificate CACertBytes []byte CACertPEM []byte CACertPEMFile string CAKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey CAKeyPEM []byte Cores []*TestClusterCore ID string RootToken string RootCAs *x509.CertPool TempDir string }
func NewTestCluster ¶
func NewTestCluster(t testing.T, base *CoreConfig, opts *TestClusterOptions) *TestCluster
NewTestCluster creates a new test cluster based on the provided core config and test cluster options.
N.B. Even though a single base CoreConfig is provided, NewTestCluster will instantiate a core config for each core it creates. If separate seal per core is desired, opts.SealFunc can be provided to generate a seal for each one. Otherwise, the provided base.Seal will be shared among cores. NewCore's default behavior is to generate a new DefaultSeal if the provided Seal in coreConfig (i.e. base.Seal) is nil.
func (*TestCluster) Cleanup ¶
func (c *TestCluster) Cleanup()
func (*TestCluster) EnsureCoresSealed ¶
func (c *TestCluster) EnsureCoresSealed(t testing.T)
func (*TestCluster) Start ¶
func (c *TestCluster) Start()
func (*TestCluster) UnsealCores ¶
func (c *TestCluster) UnsealCores(t testing.T)
UnsealCores uses the cluster barrier keys to unseal the test cluster cores
func (*TestCluster) UnsealCoresWithError ¶
func (c *TestCluster) UnsealCoresWithError() error
func (*TestCluster) UnsealWithStoredKeys ¶
func (c *TestCluster) UnsealWithStoredKeys(t testing.T) error
UnsealWithStoredKeys uses stored keys to unseal the test cluster cores
type TestClusterCore ¶
type TestClusterCore struct { *Core CoreConfig *CoreConfig Client *api.Client Handler http.Handler Listeners []*TestListener ReloadFuncs *map[string][]reload.ReloadFunc ReloadFuncsLock *sync.RWMutex Server *http.Server ServerCert *x509.Certificate ServerCertBytes []byte ServerCertPEM []byte ServerKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey ServerKeyPEM []byte TLSConfig *tls.Config UnderlyingStorage physical.Backend Barrier SecurityBarrier }
func (*TestClusterCore) Seal ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (c *TestClusterCore) Seal(t testing.T)
type TestClusterOptions ¶
type TestSealOpts ¶
type TokenStore ¶
TokenStore is used to manage client tokens. Tokens are used for clients to authenticate, and each token is mapped to an applicable set of policy which is used for authorization.
func NewTokenStore ¶
func NewTokenStore(ctx context.Context, logger log.Logger, core *Core, config *logical.BackendConfig) (*TokenStore, error)
NewTokenStore is used to construct a token store that is backed by the given barrier view.
func (*TokenStore) Invalidate ¶
func (ts *TokenStore) Invalidate(ctx context.Context, key string)
func (*TokenStore) Lookup ¶
func (ts *TokenStore) Lookup(ctx context.Context, id string) (*logical.TokenEntry, error)
Lookup is used to find a token given its ID. It acquires a read lock, then calls lookupInternal.
func (*TokenStore) SaltID ¶
SaltID is used to apply a salt and hash to an ID to make sure its not reversible
func (*TokenStore) SetExpirationManager ¶
func (ts *TokenStore) SetExpirationManager(exp *ExpirationManager)
SetExpirationManager is used to provide the token store with an expiration manager. This is used to manage prefix based revocation of tokens and to tidy entries when removed from the token store.
func (*TokenStore) UseToken ¶
func (ts *TokenStore) UseToken(ctx context.Context, te *logical.TokenEntry) (*logical.TokenEntry, error)
UseToken is used to manage restricted use tokens and decrement their available uses. Returns two values: a potentially updated entry or, if the token has been revoked, nil; and whether an error was encountered. The locking here isn't perfect, as other parts of the code may update an entry, but usually none after the entry is already this is pretty good.
func (*TokenStore) UseTokenByID ¶
func (ts *TokenStore) UseTokenByID(ctx context.Context, id string) (*logical.TokenEntry, error)
type UIConfig ¶
type UIConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UIConfig contains UI configuration. This takes both a physical view and a barrier view because it is stored in both plaintext and encrypted to allow for getting the header values before the barrier is unsealed
func NewUIConfig ¶
func NewUIConfig(enabled bool, physicalStorage physical.Backend, barrierStorage logical.Storage) *UIConfig
NewUIConfig creates a new UI config
func (*UIConfig) DeleteHeader ¶
DeleteHeader deletes the header configuration for the given header
func (*UIConfig) HeaderKeys ¶
HeaderKeys returns the list of the configured headers
type UnsealStrategy ¶
type UnsealStrategy interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Source Files
- acl.go
- acl_util.go
- audit.go
- audit_broker.go
- audited_headers.go
- auth.go
- barrier.go
- barrier_access.go
- barrier_aes_gcm.go
- barrier_view.go
- barrier_view_util.go
- capabilities.go
- cluster.go
- core.go
- core_util.go
- cors.go
- counters.go
- dynamic_system_view.go
- expiration.go
- expiration_util.go
- generate_root.go
- ha.go
- identity_lookup.go
- identity_store.go
- identity_store_aliases.go
- identity_store_entities.go
- identity_store_group_aliases.go
- identity_store_groups.go
- identity_store_schema.go
- identity_store_structs.go
- identity_store_upgrade.go
- identity_store_util.go
- init.go
- keyring.go
- logical_cubbyhole.go
- logical_passthrough.go
- logical_system.go
- logical_system_helpers.go
- logical_system_paths.go
- mount.go
- mount_util.go
- namespaces.go
- plugin_catalog.go
- plugin_reload.go
- policy.go
- policy_store.go
- policy_store_util.go
- policy_util.go
- rekey.go
- request_forwarding.go
- request_forwarding_rpc.go
- request_forwarding_rpc_util.go
- request_forwarding_service.pb.go
- request_handling.go
- request_handling_util.go
- rollback.go
- router.go
- router_access.go
- router_testing.go
- seal.go
- seal_access.go
- seal_autoseal.go
- seal_testing.go
- seal_testing_util.go
- sealunwrapper.go
- testing.go
- testing_util.go
- token_store.go
- token_store_util.go
- ui.go
- util.go
- wrapping.go
- wrapping_util.go