A simple control plane for the obfsvpn node.
It's part of the obfsvpn-server docker image.
Control is intended to be used for communication between different services, such as the gateway and bridge distribution service Menshen.
It exposes the bridge configuration and offers to flag a node as down for maintenance.
The endpoints listening to GET requests are:
: returns bridge config as IP, port, certificate, location and maintenance state
: flags the bridge as working
: flags the bridge as being in maintenance
A couple of environment variables need to be set to run control:
: port control is listening to
: directory of private and public key, certifcate, bridge-line file
: key representing a location of the OpenVPN gateway the bridge is pointing to. It will be used by Menshen to filter requests to the Menshen API for a bridge location
: public IP of the bridge, exposed in the Menshen API
: port of the bridge, exposed in the Menshen API