
v0.0.0-...-9243753 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 7, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 7 Imported by: 0



Package forecast access the National Digital Forecast Database.

The service has 12 exposed functions, NDFDgen, NDFDgenLatLonList, NDFDgenByDay, NDFDgenByDayLatLonList, LatLonListSubgrid, LatLonListLine, LatLonListZipCode, CornerPoints, LatLonListSquare, GmlLatLonList, GmlTimeSeries, and LatLonListCityNames. For the NDFDgen function, the client needs to provide a latitude and longitude pair and the product type. The Unit will default to U.S. Standard (english) unless Metric is chosen by client. The client also needs to provide the start and end time (Local) of the period that it wants data for (if shorter than the 7 days is wanted). For the time-series product, the client needs to provide an array of boolean values corresponding to which NDFD values are desired. For the NDFDgenByDay function, the client needs to provide a latitude and longitude pair, the date (Local) it wants to start retrieving data for and the number of days worth of data. The Unit will default to U.S. Standard (english) unless Metric is chosen by client. The client also needs to provide the format that is desired. For the multi point versions, NDFDgenLatLonList and NDFDgenByDayLatLonList a space delimited list of latitude and longitude pairs are substituted for the single latitude and longitude input. Each latitude and longitude pair is composed of a latitude and longitude delimited by a comma. For the LatLonListSubgrid, the user provides a comma delimited latitude and longitude pair for the lower left and for the upper right corners of a rectangular subgrid. The function can also take a integer resolution to reduce the number of grid points returned. The service then returns a list of latitude and longitude pairs for all the grid points contained in the subgrid. weather values should appear in the time series product. For the LatLonListLine, The inputs are the same as the function NDFDgen except the latitude and longitude pair is replaced by two latitude and longitude pairs, one for each end point a line. The two points are delimited with a space. The service then returns data for all the NDFD points on the line formed by the two points. For the LatLonListZipCode function, the input is the same as the NDFDgen function except the latitude and longitude values are relaced by a zip code for the 50 United States and Puerto Rico. For the LatLonListSquare function, the input is the same as the NDFDgen function except the latitude and longitude values are relaced by a zip code for the 50 United States and Puerto Rico. For the CornerPoints function, the service requires a valid NDFD grid name. The function returns a list of four latitude and longitude pairs, one for each corner of the NDFD grid. The function also returns the minimum resolution required to return the entire grid below the maximum points threshold. For the GmlLatLonList function, the service requires a list of latitude and longitude pairs, the time (UTC) the user wants data for, the GML feature type and the array of boolean values corresponding to which NDFD values are desired. For the GmlTimeSeries function, the service requires a list of latitude and longitude pairs, the start and end time (UTC) the user wants data for, a comparison type (IsEqual, Between, GreaterThan, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEqualTo, LessThan, and LessThanEqualTo), the GML feature type and The input variable "propertyName" contains a comma delimited string of NDFD element to indicate which weather parameters are being requested. For the LatLonListCityNames function, the services requires a detail level that that ranges from 1 to 4. Level 1 generally represents large main cities. Level 2 represents progressively smaller cities or large cities that are close to another even larger city. Levels 3 and 4 are part one and two of a list of cities that help increase the areal coverage of the cities dataset. This functions returns a list of latitude and longitude values along with a seperate list of city name for those point.



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type Client

type Client struct {
	HTTPClient   *http.Client
	ResponseHook func(*http.Response) *http.Response
	RequestHook  func(*http.Request) *http.Request

func NewClient

func NewClient() *Client

func (*Client) CornerPoints

func (c *Client) CornerPoints(ctx context.Context, sector Sector) (ListLatLon, error)

Returns four latitude and longitude pairs for corners of an NDFD grid and the minimum resolution that will return the entire grid

func (*Client) GmlLatLonList

func (c *Client) GmlLatLonList(ctx context.Context, v GmlLatLonListRequest) (string, error)

Returns National Weather Service digital weather forecast data encoded in GML for a single time

func (*Client) GmlTimeSeries

func (c *Client) GmlTimeSeries(ctx context.Context, v GmlTimeSeriesRequest) (string, error)

Returns National Weather Service digital weather forecast data encoded in GML for a time period

func (*Client) LatLonListCityNames

func (c *Client) LatLonListCityNames(ctx context.Context, displayLevel DisplayLevel) (ListCityNames, error)

Returns a list of latitude and longitude pairs paired with the city names they correspond to

func (*Client) LatLonListLine

func (c *Client) LatLonListLine(ctx context.Context, v LatLonListLineRequest) (ListLatLon, error)

Returns a list of latitude and longitude pairs along a line defined by the latitude and longitude of the 2 endpoints

func (*Client) LatLonListSquare

func (c *Client) LatLonListSquare(ctx context.Context, v LatLonListSquareRequest) (ListLatLon, error)

Returns a list of latitude and longitude pairs in a rectangle defined by a central point and distance from that point in the latitudinal and longitudinal directions

func (*Client) LatLonListSubgrid

func (c *Client) LatLonListSubgrid(ctx context.Context, v LatLonListSubgridRequest) (ListLatLon, error)

Returns a list of latitude and longitude pairs in a rectangular subgrid defined by the lower left and upper right points

func (*Client) LatLonListZipCode

func (c *Client) LatLonListZipCode(ctx context.Context, zipCodeList ZipCodeList) (ListLatLon, error)

Returns a list of latitude and longitude pairs with each pair corresponding to an input zip code.

func (*Client) NDFDgen

func (c *Client) NDFDgen(ctx context.Context, v NDFDgenRequest) (string, error)

Returns National Weather Service digital weather forecast data

func (*Client) NDFDgenByDay

func (c *Client) NDFDgenByDay(ctx context.Context, v NDFDgenByDayRequest) (string, error)

Returns National Weather Service digital weather forecast data summarized over either 24- or 12-hourly periods

func (*Client) NDFDgenByDayLatLonList

func (c *Client) NDFDgenByDayLatLonList(ctx context.Context, v NDFDgenByDayLatLonListRequest) (string, error)

Returns National Weather Service digital weather forecast data summarized over either 24- or 12-hourly periods

func (*Client) NDFDgenLatLonList

func (c *Client) NDFDgenLatLonList(ctx context.Context, v NDFDgenLatLonListRequest) (string, error)

Returns National Weather Service digital weather forecast data

type CompType

type CompType string

May be one of IsEqual, Between, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEqualTo, LessThan, LessThanEqualTo

type DisplayLevel

type DisplayLevel int

May be one of 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 34, 1234

type FeatureType

type FeatureType string

May be one of Forecast_Gml2Point, Forecast_Gml2AllWx, Forecast_GmlsfPoint, Forecast_GmlObs, NdfdMultiPointCoverage, Ndfd_KmlPoint

type Format

type Format string

May be one of 24 hourly, 12 hourly

type GmlLatLonListRequest

type GmlLatLonListRequest struct {
	ListLatLon        ListLatLon
	RequestedTime     time.Time
	FeatureType       FeatureType
	WeatherParameters WeatherParameters

type GmlTimeSeriesRequest

type GmlTimeSeriesRequest struct {
	ListLatLon   ListLatLon
	StartTime    time.Time
	EndTime      time.Time
	CompType     CompType
	FeatureType  FeatureType
	PropertyName string

type LatLonListLineRequest

type LatLonListLineRequest struct {
	EndPoint1Lat float64
	EndPoint1Lon float64
	EndPoint2Lat float64
	EndPoint2Lon float64

type LatLonListSquareRequest

type LatLonListSquareRequest struct {
	CenterPointLat float64
	CenterPointLon float64
	DistanceLat    float64
	DistanceLon    float64
	Resolution     float64

type LatLonListSubgridRequest

type LatLonListSubgridRequest struct {
	LowerLeftLatitude   float64
	LowerLeftLongitude  float64
	UpperRightLatitude  float64
	UpperRightLongitude float64
	Resolution          float64

type LatLonPair

type LatLonPair string

Must match the pattern [\-]?\d{1,2}\.\d+,[\-]?\d{1,3}\.\d+

type ListCityNames

type ListCityNames string

Must match the pattern [a-zA-Z'\-]*( ?[a-zA-Z'\-]*)*,[A-Z][A-Z](\|[a-zA-Z'\-]*( ?[a-zA-Z'\-]*)*,[A-Z][A-Z])*

type ListLatLon

type ListLatLon string

Must match the pattern [\-]?\d{1,2}\.\d+,[\-]?\d{1,3}\.\d+( [\-]?\d{1,2}\.\d+,[\-]?\d{1,3}\.\d+)*

type NDFDgenByDayLatLonListRequest

type NDFDgenByDayLatLonListRequest struct {
	ListLatLon ListLatLon
	StartDate  time.Time
	NumDays    int
	Unit       Unit
	Format     Format

type NDFDgenByDayRequest

type NDFDgenByDayRequest struct {
	Latitude  float64
	Longitude float64
	StartDate time.Time
	NumDays   int
	Unit      Unit
	Format    Format

type NDFDgenLatLonListRequest

type NDFDgenLatLonListRequest struct {
	ListLatLon        ListLatLon
	Product           Product
	StartTime         time.Time
	EndTime           time.Time
	Unit              Unit
	WeatherParameters WeatherParameters

type NDFDgenRequest

type NDFDgenRequest struct {
	Latitude          float64
	Longitude         float64
	Product           Product
	StartTime         time.Time
	EndTime           time.Time
	Unit              Unit
	WeatherParameters WeatherParameters

type Product

type Product string

May be one of time-series, glance

type Sector

type Sector string

May be one of conus, nhemi, alaska, guam, hawaii, puertori, npacocn

type Unit

type Unit string

May be one of e, m

type WeatherParameters

type WeatherParameters struct {
	Maxt         bool `xml:" maxt"`
	Mint         bool `xml:" mint"`
	Temp         bool `xml:" temp"`
	Dew          bool `xml:" dew"`
	Pop12        bool `xml:" pop12"`
	Qpf          bool `xml:" qpf"`
	Sky          bool `xml:" sky"`
	Snow         bool `xml:" snow"`
	Wspd         bool `xml:" wspd"`
	Wdir         bool `xml:" wdir"`
	Wx           bool `xml:" wx"`
	Waveh        bool `xml:" waveh"`
	Icons        bool `xml:" icons"`
	Rh           bool `xml:" rh"`
	Appt         bool `xml:" appt"`
	Incw34       bool `xml:" incw34"`
	Incw50       bool `xml:" incw50"`
	Incw64       bool `xml:" incw64"`
	Cumw34       bool `xml:" cumw34"`
	Cumw50       bool `xml:" cumw50"`
	Cumw64       bool `xml:" cumw64"`
	Critfireo    bool `xml:" critfireo"`
	Dryfireo     bool `xml:" dryfireo"`
	Conhazo      bool `xml:" conhazo"`
	Ptornado     bool `xml:" ptornado"`
	Phail        bool `xml:" phail"`
	Ptstmwinds   bool `xml:" ptstmwinds"`
	Pxtornado    bool `xml:" pxtornado"`
	Pxhail       bool `xml:" pxhail"`
	Pxtstmwinds  bool `xml:" pxtstmwinds"`
	Ptotsvrtstm  bool `xml:" ptotsvrtstm"`
	Pxtotsvrtstm bool `xml:" pxtotsvrtstm"`
	Tmpabv14d    bool `xml:" tmpabv14d"`
	Tmpblw14d    bool `xml:" tmpblw14d"`
	Tmpabv30d    bool `xml:" tmpabv30d"`
	Tmpblw30d    bool `xml:" tmpblw30d"`
	Tmpabv90d    bool `xml:" tmpabv90d"`
	Tmpblw90d    bool `xml:" tmpblw90d"`
	Prcpabv14d   bool `xml:" prcpabv14d"`
	Prcpblw14d   bool `xml:" prcpblw14d"`
	Prcpabv30d   bool `xml:" prcpabv30d"`
	Prcpblw30d   bool `xml:" prcpblw30d"`
	Prcpabv90d   bool `xml:" prcpabv90d"`
	Prcpblw90d   bool `xml:" prcpblw90d"`
	Precipar     bool `xml:" precipa_r"`
	Skyr         bool `xml:" sky_r"`
	Tdr          bool `xml:" td_r"`
	Tempr        bool `xml:" temp_r"`
	Wdirr        bool `xml:" wdir_r"`
	Wspdr        bool `xml:" wspd_r"`
	Wwa          bool `xml:" wwa"`
	Wgust        bool `xml:" wgust"`
	Iceaccum     bool `xml:" iceaccum"`
	Maxrh        bool `xml:" maxrh"`
	Minrh        bool `xml:" minrh"`

type ZipCode

type ZipCode string

Must match the pattern \d{5}(\-\d{4})?

type ZipCodeList

type ZipCodeList string

Must match the pattern \d{5}(\-\d{4})?( \d{5}(\-\d{4})?)*


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