dukkha 苦

Make YAML files Makefiles
- Type checked configuration (like workflow definitions for github actions)
- Language and tool specific support (like
's support for go/docker/rpm)
- Flexible scripting (e.g.
, shell scripts)
- Content generation and certral management of config recipes. (e.g.
, cuelang
A typical build automation tool only takes one or two from the above at the same time, but we have them all in dukkha
thanks to the rendering suffix support.
Content Rendering Features
Rendering suffix: extremely extensible & dynamic but type checked config wherever you want.
- This is the way we make YAML files Makefiles, have a look at arhat-dev/rs to familiar yourself with rendering suffix.
- Renderers like
, env
, file
, tmpl
... are available in dukkha as built-in renderers, see docs/renderers for more details.
- In addition to basic renderer support, we have renderer attributes (
) to produce different kind of result
- A common use case of this feature is to reuse renderer
: by default it returns the content fetched from remote endpoint, but when applied with attribute cached-file
as http#cached-file
, it will produce local file path to the cached content.
Available as a cli for custom content rendering, run dukkha render
over your own yaml docs using rendering suffix.
Editor support: Autocompletion for dukkha config (including autocompletion of patch spec)
- Add
to your yaml schemas
Task Execution Features
Declarative task definition, context aware tool invocation.
- Tools have access to task related values, and can adapt itself for all use cases (e.g. cross compiling).
Embedded cross-platform bash environment, you can completely forget external shells with dukkha
- Predictable command execution made esay, gain full control on when and how the arguments get evaluated.
NOTE: You can still use external shells as long as you configure them in shells
Matrix execution for every task
- Use command line option
) to control which vectors are chosen.
NOTE: Vectors are currently limited to string values.
Shell completion for defined tools, tasks and task matrix
- Run
dukkha completion --help
for instructions
ANSI escape sequence handling for commands not respecting tty settings to avoid lengthy while meaningless log output (e.g. maven)
- Automatically enabled when stdout/stderr is not a tty
- Can be manually enabled by setting flag
and --retain-ansi-style
when running task
- This functionality is largely based on
NOTE: You can find more details in docs
How it looks?
see docs/examples
Build from source (not stripped)
Clone and build with make
and go
git clone https://github.com/arhat-dev/dukkha.git
cd dukkha
# checkout branch or commit as you prefer
make dukkha
Then you can find the built executable inside ./build
Download Pre-built Executables
Option 1: Download and verify signature of dukkha using sget
# set dukkha version
export VERSION=latest
# set to your host kernel (same as GOOS value)
export KERNEL=linux
# set to your host arch (slightly different from GOARCH, see ./docs/constants.md)
export ARCH=amd64
sget --key https://arhat.dev/.well-known/cosign.pub -o dukkha \
chmod +x dukkha
NOTE: Please refer to arhat-dev/dukkha-presets golang common matrix for KERNEL
and ARCH
Option 2: Download signed artifacts from releases, then decompress the tarball/zipfile.
Further Thoughts
As you may have noticed, the core of dukkha
is the rendering suffix, we have more thoughts on the usage of rendering suffix as it dramatically eases the management of yaml config:
- Extend dukkha to be something like
for system configration and process management
- Manage kubernetes manifests in GitOps pipeline
- Infrastructure as Config instead of Infrastructure as Code
More to come up with ...
Copyright 2021 The arhat.dev Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.