
v0.0.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 16, 2018 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 13 Imported by: 2




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const (
	// Marks which only have a Type attribute.
	Code      = basicmark("code")
	Em        = basicmark("em")
	Strike    = basicmark("strike")
	Strong    = basicmark("strong")
	Underline = basicmark("underline")
View Source
const (
	ModuleActionTarget  = ModuleType("chat:actionTarget")
	ModuleBot           = ModuleType("chat:bot")
	ModuleBotMessages   = ModuleType("chat:bot:messages")
	ModuleConfiguration = ModuleType("chat:configuration")
	ModuleDialog        = ModuleType("chat:dialog")
	ModuleExternalPage  = ModuleType("chat:externalPage")
	ModuleGlance        = ModuleType("chat:glance")
	ModuleInputAction   = ModuleType("chat:inputAction")
	ModuleMessageAction = ModuleType("chat:messageAction")
	ModuleSidebar       = ModuleType("chat:sidebar")
	ModuleWebhook       = ModuleType("chat:webhook")
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const (
	// Actions
	ActionAdd       = Action("add")
	ActionArchive   = Action("archive")
	ActionCreate    = Action("create")
	ActionDelete    = Action("delete")
	ActionRemove    = Action("remove")
	ActionUnarchive = Action("unarchive")
	ActionUpdate    = Action("update")
	// Badges
	BadgeAdded        = BadgeState("added")
	BadgeDefault      = BadgeState("default")
	BadgeImportant    = BadgeState("important")
	BadgePrimary      = BadgeState("primary")
	BadgeRemoved      = BadgeState("removed")
	BadgeThemeDefault = BadgeTheme("default")
	BadgeThemeDark    = BadgeTheme("dark")
	// Conditions
	ConditionRoomPublic    = "room_is_public"
	ConditionUserAdmin     = "user_is_admin"
	ConditionUserGuest     = "user_is_guest"
	ConditionUserRoomOwner = "user_is_room_owner"
	// Events
	EventConversationUpdates = "conversation:updates"
	EventRosterUpdates       = "roster:updates"
	// Lozenges
	LozengeDefault    = LozengeState("default")
	LozengeInProgress = LozengeState("inprogress")
	LozengeMoved      = LozengeState("moved")
	LozengeNew        = LozengeState("new")
	LozengeRemoved    = LozengeState("removed")
	LozengeSuccess    = LozengeState("success")
	// Scopes
	ScopeParticipateConversation = "participate:conversation"
	ScopeManageConversation      = "manage:conversation"
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const (
	// "conversation:updates" actions.
	ConversationUpdatesArchive   = "archive"
	ConversationUpdatesCreate    = "create"
	ConversationUpdatesDelete    = "delete"
	ConversationUpdatesUnarchive = "unarchive"
	ConversationUpdatesUpdate    = "update"
	// "roster:updates" actions.
	RosterUpdatesAdd    = "add"
	RosterUpdatesRemove = "remove"


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var NotImplemented = errors.New("HTTP 501 Not Implemented")


func AsText

func AsText(elem interface{}, buf io.Writer)

func RefreshDescriptor

func RefreshDescriptor(url string) error

func RequireTokenMiddleware

func RequireTokenMiddleware(c Client, next http.Handler) http.Handler

RequireTokenMiddleware requires a Bearer token signed with the client secret.

func SendReply

func SendReply(c Client, m *Message, reply *Payload) error

func SendText

func SendText(client Client, cloudID, conversationID, text string) error

func SendTextReply

func SendTextReply(c Client, m *Message, reply string) error


type Action

type Action string

type ActionTarget

type ActionTarget struct {
	Key               string `json:"key"`
	CallService       *URL   `json:"callService,omitempty"`
	OpenConfiguration *Key   `json:"openConfiguration,omitempty"`
	OpenDialog        *Key   `json:"openDialog,omitempty"`
	OpenExternalPage  *Key   `json:"openExternaPage,omitempty"`
	OpenSidebar       *Key   `json:"openSidebar,omitempty"`

TODO: lookup authoritative definition of this object once stride docs updated with it.

func (*ActionTarget) Type

func (t *ActionTarget) Type() ModuleType

type ApplicationCard

type ApplicationCard struct {
	Attrs *ApplicationCardAttrs `json:"attrs"`

func (*ApplicationCard) MarshalJSON

func (n *ApplicationCard) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

type ApplicationCardAttrs

type ApplicationCardAttrs struct {
	Background  *URL              `json:"background,omitempty"`
	Collapsible bool              `json:"collapsible"`
	Context     *CardAttrContext  `json:"context,omitempty"`
	Description *CardAttrText     `json:"description,omitempty"`
	Details     []CardAttrDetails `json:"details,omitempty"`
	Link        *URL              `json:"link,omitempty"`
	Preview     *URL              `json:"preview,omitempty"`
	Text        string            `json:"text"`
	TextURL     string            `json:"textUrl,omitempty"`
	Title       CardAttrTitle     `json:"title"`

type Badge

type Badge struct {
	Appearance BadgeState `json:"appearance,omitempty"`
	Max        int        `json:"max"`
	Theme      string     `json:"theme,omitempty"`
	Value      int        `json:"value"`

type BadgeState

type BadgeState string

type BadgeTheme

type BadgeTheme string

type Bot

type Bot struct {
	Key           string `json:"key"`
	Mention       *URL   `json:"mention,omitempty"`
	DirectMessage *URL   `json:"directMessage,omitempty"`

func (*Bot) Type

func (b *Bot) Type() ModuleType

type BotMessages

type BotMessages struct {
	Key     string `json:"key"`
	Pattern string `json:"pattern"`
	URL     string `json:"url"`

func (*BotMessages) Type

func (b *BotMessages) Type() ModuleType

type CardAttrContext

type CardAttrContext struct {
	Icon Icon   `json:"icon"`
	Text string `json:"text"`

type CardAttrDetails

type CardAttrDetails struct {
	Badge   *Badge          `json:"badge,omitempty"`
	Icon    *Icon           `json:"icon,omitempty"`
	Lozenge *Lozenge        `json:"lozenge,omitempty"`
	Text    string          `json:"text,omitempty"`
	Title   string          `json:"title,omitempty"`
	Users   []*CardAttrUser `json:"users,omitempty"`

type CardAttrText

type CardAttrText struct {
	Text string `json:"text"`

type CardAttrTitle

type CardAttrTitle struct {
	Text string        `json:"text"`
	User *CardAttrUser `json:"user,omitempty"`

type CardAttrUser

type CardAttrUser struct {
	ID   string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Icon *Icon  `json:"icon,omitempty"`

type Client

type Client interface {
	SendMessage(cloudID, conversationID string, payload *Payload) error
	SendUserMessage(cloudID, userID string, payload *Payload) error
	GetConversation(cloudID, conversationID string) (*ConversationCommon, error)
	GetConversationByName(cloudID, conversationName string) (*ConversationCommon, error)
	GetUser(cloudID, userID string) (user *User, err error)
	ConvertDocToText(doc *Document) (plain string, err error)
	ValidateToken(tokenString string) (jwt.MapClaims, error)

func New

func New(clientID, clientSecret string) Client

func NewClient

func NewClient(clientID, clientSecret string, httpClient HttpClient) Client

func NewRoomClient

func NewRoomClient(roomToken string, httpClient HttpClient) Client

NewRoomClient returns a Client configured with a room specific token.

type Configuration

type Configuration struct {
	Key          string             `json:"key"`
	Page         *ConfigurationPage `json:"page,omitempty"`
	ExternalPage *ConfigurationPage `json:"externalPage,omitempty"`
	State        struct {
		URL string `json:"url"`
	} `json:"state"`
	// Defaults to "jwt", alternative is "none"
	Authentication string `json:"authentication,omitempty"`

func (*Configuration) Type

func (c *Configuration) Type() ModuleType

type ConfigurationPage

type ConfigurationPage struct {
	// URL to load in the client (Page) or external browser (ExternalPage).
	URL    string `json:"url,omitempty"`
	Target string `json:"target,omitempty"`

type ConversationCommon

type ConversationCommon struct {
	AvatarURL  string `json:"avatarUrl"`
	CloudID    string `json:"cloudId"`
	Created    time.Time
	ID         string `json:"id"`
	IsArchived bool   `json:"isArchived"`
	Modified   time.Time
	Name       string `json:"name"`
	Privacy    string `json:"privacy"`
	Topic      string `json:"topic"`
	Type       string `json:"type"`

type ConversationMeta

type ConversationMeta struct {
	AvatarURL  string `json:"avatarUrl"`
	Created    string `json:"created"`
	ID         string `json:"id"`
	IsArchived bool   `json:"isArchived"`
	Modified   string `json:"modified"`
	Name       string `json:"name"`
	Privacy    string `json:"privacy"`
	Topic      string `json:"topic"`
	Type       string `json:"type"`

type ConversationUpdate

type ConversationUpdate struct {
	Action       string           `json:"action"`
	CloudID      string           `json:"cloudId"`
	Conversation ConversationMeta `json:"conversation"`
	Type         string           `json:"type"`
	Initiator    ID               `json:"initiator"`

type Conversations

type Conversations struct {
	Values []*ConversationCommon `json:"values"`
	// API limits us to a certain number of results per request. The following attributes
	// allow us to determine whether we've hit that limit and how to fetch the next set.
	Cursor string `json:"cursor"`
	Limit  int    `json:"limit"`
	Size   int    `json:"size"`

type Descriptor

type Descriptor struct {
	BaseURL   string                  `json:"baseUrl"`
	Key       string                  `json:"key"`
	LifeCycle *LifeCycle              `json:"lifecycle"`
	Modules   map[ModuleType][]Module `json:"modules"`

type Dialog

type Dialog struct {
	Key     string        `json:"key"`
	Title   Name          `json:"title"`
	Options DialogOptions `json:"options"`
	URL     string        `json:"url"`
	// Defaults to "jwt", alternative is "none"
	Authentication string `json:"authentication,omitempty"`

func (*Dialog) Type

func (d *Dialog) Type() ModuleType

type DialogAction

type DialogAction struct {
	Key  string `json:"key"`
	Name Name   `json:"name"`

type DialogOptions

type DialogOptions struct {
	Size             DialogSize     `json:"size"`
	PrimaryAction    DialogAction   `json:"primaryAction"`
	SecondaryActions []DialogAction `json:"secondaryActions"`

type DialogSize

type DialogSize struct {
	Width  string `json:"width"`
	Height string `json:"height"`

type Document

type Document struct {
	Version int           `json:"version"`
	Content []interface{} `json:"content"`

Document is a representation of a rich object or message.

func (*Document) MarshalJSON

func (d *Document) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*Document) UnmarshalJSON

func (d *Document) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error)

type Emoji

type Emoji struct {
	Attrs EmojiAttrs `json:"attrs"`

Emoji is an inline group node.

func (*Emoji) MarshalJSON

func (n *Emoji) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*Emoji) Type

func (n *Emoji) Type() inlineGroupNode

type EmojiAttrs

type EmojiAttrs struct {
	ID        string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	ShortName string `json:"shortName"`
	Text      string `json:"text,omitempty"`

type ExternalPage

type ExternalPage struct {
	Name Name   `json:"name"`
	URL  string `json:"url"`

func (*ExternalPage) Type

func (e *ExternalPage) Type() ModuleType

type Glance

type Glance struct {
	Key      string `json:"key"`
	Name     Name   `json:"name"`
	Icon     Icon   `json:"icon"`
	Target   string `json:"target,omitempty"`
	QueryURL string `json:"queryUrl"`
	// Default weight is 100, so we should omit this if 0.
	Weight int `json:"weight,omitempty"`
	// Conditions // not supported
	Authentication string `json:"authentication,omitempty"`

func (*Glance) Type

func (g *Glance) Type() ModuleType

type GlanceBody

type GlanceBody struct {
	Context  GlanceContext          `json:"context"`
	Label    GlanceLabel            `json:"label"`
	Metadata map[string]interface{} `json:"metadata"`

type GlanceContext

type GlanceContext struct {
	CloudID        string `json:"cloudId"`
	ConversationID string `json:"conversationId,omitempty"`
	UserID         string `json:"userId,omitempty"`

type GlanceLabel

type GlanceLabel struct {
	Value string `json:"value"`

type HardBreak

type HardBreak struct {

HardBreak is an inline group node.

func (*HardBreak) MarshalJSON

func (n *HardBreak) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*HardBreak) Type

func (n *HardBreak) Type() inlineGroupNode

type HttpClient

type HttpClient interface {
	Do(*http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
	Post(string, string, io.Reader) (*http.Response, error)

type ID

type ID struct {
	ID string `json:"id"`

ID repesents an object with a single field, URL.

type Icon

type Icon struct {
	URL string `json:"url"`
	// URL2x used for descriptor, glances, etc.
	URL2x string `json:"url@2x,omitempty"`
	// Label used in document nodes.
	Label string `json:"label,omitempty"`

type InlineGroupNode

type InlineGroupNode interface {
	Type() inlineGroupNode

type InputAction

type InputAction struct {
	Key    string `json:"key"`
	Name   Name   `json:"name"`
	Target string `json:"target"`

func (*InputAction) Type

func (i *InputAction) Type() ModuleType

type Key

type Key struct {
	Key string `json:"key"`

Key represents an object with a single field, Key.

type LifeCycle

type LifeCycle struct {
	Installed   string `json:"installed"`
	Uninstalled string `json:"uninstalled"`

type LifeCyclePayload

type LifeCyclePayload struct {
	Key           string `json:"key"`
	ProductType   string `json:"productType"`
	CloudID       string `json:"cloudId"`
	ResourceType  string `json:"resourceType"`
	ResourceID    string `json:"resourceId"`
	EventType     string `json:"eventType"`
	UserID        string `json:"userId"`
	OAuthClientID string `json:"oauthClientId"`
	Version       string `json:"version"`
type Link struct {
	Href  string `json:"href"`
	Title string `json:"title,omitempty"`

Link is a mark.

func (*Link) MarshalJSON

func (m *Link) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*Link) Type

func (m *Link) Type() mark

type Lozenge

type Lozenge struct {
	Text       string       `json:"text"`
	Appearance LozengeState `json:"appearance,omitempty"`
	Bold       bool         `json:"bold,omitempty"`

type LozengeState

type LozengeState string

type Mark

type Mark interface {
	Type() mark

type Mention

type Mention struct {
	Attrs MentionAttrs `json:"attrs"`

Mention is an inline group node.

func (*Mention) MarshalJSON

func (n *Mention) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*Mention) Type

func (n *Mention) Type() inlineGroupNode

type MentionAttrs

type MentionAttrs struct {
	ID   string `json:"id"`
	Text string `json:"text"`

type Message

type Message struct {
	CloudID      string `json:"cloudId"`
	Conversation struct {
		ID string `json:"id"`
	} `json:"conversation"`
	Sender struct {
		ID string `json:"id"`
	} `json:"sender"`
	Message struct {
		ID   string `json:"id"`
		Text string `json:"text"`
	} `json:"message"`

Message represents an incoming message.

func ReadMessage

func ReadMessage(req *http.Request) (msg *Message, err error)

type MessageAction

type MessageAction struct {
	Key    string `json:"key"`
	Name   Name   `json:"name"`
	Target string `json:"target"`
	// Default weight is 100, so we should omit this if 0.
	Weight int `json:"weight,omitempty"`

func (*MessageAction) Type

func (m *MessageAction) Type() ModuleType

type Module

type Module interface {
	Type() ModuleType

type ModuleType

type ModuleType string

type Name

type Name struct {
	Value string `json:"value"`
	I18n  string `json:"i18n,omitempty"`

type Panel

type Panel struct {
	Content []interface{} `json:"content"`
	Attrs   PanelAttrs    `json:"attrs"`

Panel is an inline group node.

func (*Panel) MarshalJSON

func (n *Panel) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*Panel) Type

func (n *Panel) Type() inlineGroupNode

Panel is an inline group node.

func (*Panel) UnmarshalJSON

func (d *Panel) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

type PanelAttrs

type PanelAttrs struct {
	// Valid values: “info” | “note” | “tip” | “warning”
	PanelType string `json:"panelType"`

type Paragraph

type Paragraph struct {
	Content []InlineGroupNode `json:"content"`

Paragraph is a container for inline group nodes.

func (*Paragraph) MarshalJSON

func (p *Paragraph) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*Paragraph) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *Paragraph) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error)

type Payload

type Payload struct {
	Body *Document `json:"body"`

Payload represents an outgoing message.

func PlainText

func PlainText(text string) *Payload

func ReadPayload

func ReadPayload(bs []byte) (p *Payload, err error)

func (*Payload) AsText

func (p *Payload) AsText() string

func (*Payload) String

func (payload *Payload) String() string

type RequestContext

type RequestContext struct {
	ConversationID string
	CloudID        string
	UserID         string

func GetRequestContext

func GetRequestContext(r *http.Request) *RequestContext

GetRequestContext returns the RequestContext for a request.

type RosterUpdate

type RosterUpdate struct {
	Action       string           `json:"action"`
	CloudID      string           `json:"cloudId"`
	Conversation ConversationMeta `json:"conversation"`
	Type         string           `json:"type"`
	User         ID               `json:"initiator"`
type Sidebar struct {
	Key  string `json:"key"`
	Name Name   `json:"name"`
	URL  string `json:"url"`
	Icon *Icon  `json:"icon,omitempty"`
	// Defaults to "jwt", alternative is "none"
	Authentication string `json:"authentication,omitempty"`

func (*Sidebar) Type

func (s *Sidebar) Type() ModuleType

type Subscript

type Subscript struct{}

Subscript is a mark. Subscript and Superscript share the 'subsup' mark type and are mutually exclusive.

func (*Subscript) MarshalJSON

func (m *Subscript) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*Subscript) Type

func (m *Subscript) Type() mark

type Superscript

type Superscript struct{}

Superscript is a mark. Subscript and Superscript share the 'subsup' mark type and are mutually exclusive.

func (*Superscript) MarshalJSON

func (m *Superscript) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*Superscript) Type

func (m *Superscript) Type() mark

type Text

type Text struct {
	Text  string `json:"text"`
	Marks []Mark `json:"marks,omitempty"`

func (*Text) MarshalJSON

func (n *Text) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*Text) Type

func (n *Text) Type() inlineGroupNode

Text is an inline group node.

func (*Text) UnmarshalJSON

func (t *Text) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error)

type TextColor

type TextColor struct {
	Color string

TextColor is a mark.

func (*TextColor) MarshalJSON

func (m *TextColor) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*TextColor) Type

func (m *TextColor) Type() mark

type TokenResponse

type TokenResponse struct {
	AccessToken string `json:"access_token"`
	ExpiresIn   int    `json:"expires_in"`
	Scope       string `json:"scope"`
	TokenType   string `json:"token_type"`

TokenResponse represents the expected response from the auth API.

func (*TokenResponse) Validate

func (tr *TokenResponse) Validate() error

type URL

type URL struct {
	URL string `json:"url"`

URL repesents an object with a single field, URL.

type User

type User struct {
	ID          string `json:"id"`
	UserName    string `json:"userName"`
	DisplayName string `json:"displayName"`
	NickName    string `json:"nickName"`
	Name        struct {
		GivenName  string `json:"givenName"`
		Formatted  string `json:"formatted"`
		FamilyName string `json:"familyName"`
	} `json:"name"`
	Title    string `json:"title"`
	Active   bool   `json:"active"`
	Timezone string `json:"timezone"`
	Emails   []struct {
		Primary bool   `json:"primary"`
		Value   string `json:"value"`
	} `json:"emails"`
	Photos []struct {
		Primary bool   `json:"primary"`
		Value   string `json:"value"`
	} `json:"photos"`
	Meta struct {
		ResourceTyoe string `json:"resourceType"`
		LastModified string `json:"lastModified"`
		Created      string `json:"created"`
	} `json:"meta"`

type Webhook

type Webhook struct {
	Key   string `json:"key"`
	Event string `json:"event"`
	URL   string `json:"url"`

func (*Webhook) Type

func (w *Webhook) Type() ModuleType

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL
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