Cloud security posture management core component collects findings to database,
manages priority and alerts according to defined rule set.
Alerts are sent via email.
Collected findings stored in database can be visualized for example with:
Environment specific configuration files located in config directory.
Development Configuration Example (config/dev.ini)
# Space (Data Seggregation)
space_id = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # Spaces are used to seggregate data from different organizations.
aws_account_ids = 000000000000,111111111111 # Define static list of AWS account IDs. (Optional)
aws_account_names = test-account-1,test-account-2 # Define static list of AWS account names. (Optional)
aws_organization_master_account_id = #xxx # Define to read organization accounts dynamically. (Optional)
aws_log_account_id = #yyy # Define if loki is used via AWS API Gateway and signing is needed. (Optional)
aws_iam_role = SecurityAuditorRole # AWS IAM role which is assumed when accessing resources on each account.
aws_regions = us-east-1,eu-west-1,eu-central-1 # AWS regions being inspected.
aws_primary_region = eu-central-1 # Primary AWS region is used for defining organization master account context and loki signing account context.
aws_account_tag_key_team = team # Used to define which AWS account tag contains team name owning the AWS account.
aws_account_tag_key_environment_type = environment-type # Used to define which AWS account tag contains environment type of the AWS account.
# Database
database_host =
database_port = 5432
database_name = cspm
database_user = cspm
database_password = secrets/database_password
database_ssl = false
# SMTP (Notifications)
smtp_host = x.x.x.x
smtp_port = 465
smtp_username = xxx
smtp_password = secrets/smtp_password
smtp_secure = true
smtp_from = [email protected]
smtp_alert_to = [email protected]
go build
go test -short ./test/...
export ENV=dev
aws-vault exec <profile> -- ./cspm-core
Build Docker Image
docker build . -t cspm-core:1.0
Run Docker Image
aws-vault exec <profile> -- docker run --rm --name=cspm-core -e AWS_REGION -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY -e AWS_SESSION_TOKEN -e AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN -e ENV=docker --mount type=bind,src="$(pwd)"/config,dst=/home/app/config --mount type=bind,src="$(pwd)"/secrets,dst=/home/app/secrets cspm-core:1.0
docker stop cspm-core
docker rm cspm-core