Index ¶
Constants ¶
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const ( KotlinLexerShebangLine = 1 KotlinLexerDelimitedComment = 2 KotlinLexerLineComment = 3 KotlinLexerWS = 4 KotlinLexerNL = 5 KotlinLexerRESERVED = 6 KotlinLexerDOT = 7 KotlinLexerCOMMA = 8 KotlinLexerLPAREN = 9 KotlinLexerRPAREN = 10 KotlinLexerLSQUARE = 11 KotlinLexerRSQUARE = 12 KotlinLexerLCURL = 13 KotlinLexerRCURL = 14 KotlinLexerMULT = 15 KotlinLexerMOD = 16 KotlinLexerDIV = 17 KotlinLexerADD = 18 KotlinLexerSUB = 19 KotlinLexerINCR = 20 KotlinLexerDECR = 21 KotlinLexerCONJ = 22 KotlinLexerDISJ = 23 KotlinLexerEXCL = 24 KotlinLexerCOLON = 25 KotlinLexerSEMICOLON = 26 KotlinLexerASSIGNMENT = 27 KotlinLexerADD_ASSIGNMENT = 28 KotlinLexerSUB_ASSIGNMENT = 29 KotlinLexerMULT_ASSIGNMENT = 30 KotlinLexerDIV_ASSIGNMENT = 31 KotlinLexerMOD_ASSIGNMENT = 32 KotlinLexerARROW = 33 KotlinLexerDOUBLE_ARROW = 34 KotlinLexerRANGE = 35 KotlinLexerCOLONCOLON = 36 KotlinLexerQ_COLONCOLON = 37 KotlinLexerDOUBLE_SEMICOLON = 38 KotlinLexerHASH = 39 KotlinLexerAT = 40 KotlinLexerQUEST = 41 KotlinLexerELVIS = 42 KotlinLexerLANGLE = 43 KotlinLexerRANGLE = 44 KotlinLexerLE = 45 KotlinLexerGE = 46 KotlinLexerEXCL_EQ = 47 KotlinLexerEXCL_EQEQ = 48 KotlinLexerAS_SAFE = 49 KotlinLexerEQEQ = 50 KotlinLexerEQEQEQ = 51 KotlinLexerSINGLE_QUOTE = 52 KotlinLexerRETURN_AT = 53 KotlinLexerCONTINUE_AT = 54 KotlinLexerBREAK_AT = 55 KotlinLexerFILE = 56 KotlinLexerPACKAGE = 57 KotlinLexerIMPORT = 58 KotlinLexerCLASS = 59 KotlinLexerINTERFACE = 60 KotlinLexerFUN = 61 KotlinLexerOBJECT = 62 KotlinLexerVAL = 63 KotlinLexerVAR = 64 KotlinLexerTYPE_ALIAS = 65 KotlinLexerCONSTRUCTOR = 66 KotlinLexerBY = 67 KotlinLexerCOMPANION = 68 KotlinLexerINIT = 69 KotlinLexerTHIS = 70 KotlinLexerSUPER = 71 KotlinLexerTYPEOF = 72 KotlinLexerWHERE = 73 KotlinLexerIF = 74 KotlinLexerELSE = 75 KotlinLexerWHEN = 76 KotlinLexerTRY = 77 KotlinLexerCATCH = 78 KotlinLexerFINALLY = 79 KotlinLexerFOR = 80 KotlinLexerDO = 81 KotlinLexerWHILE = 82 KotlinLexerTHROW = 83 KotlinLexerRETURN = 84 KotlinLexerCONTINUE = 85 KotlinLexerBREAK = 86 KotlinLexerAS = 87 KotlinLexerIS = 88 KotlinLexerIN = 89 KotlinLexerNOT_IS = 90 KotlinLexerNOT_IN = 91 KotlinLexerOUT = 92 KotlinLexerFIELD = 93 KotlinLexerPROPERTY = 94 KotlinLexerGET = 95 KotlinLexerSET = 96 KotlinLexerGETTER = 97 KotlinLexerSETTER = 98 KotlinLexerRECEIVER = 99 KotlinLexerPARAM = 100 KotlinLexerSETPARAM = 101 KotlinLexerDELEGATE = 102 KotlinLexerDYNAMIC = 103 KotlinLexerPUBLIC = 104 KotlinLexerPRIVATE = 105 KotlinLexerPROTECTED = 106 KotlinLexerINTERNAL = 107 KotlinLexerENUM = 108 KotlinLexerSEALED = 109 KotlinLexerANNOTATION = 110 KotlinLexerDATA = 111 KotlinLexerINNER = 112 KotlinLexerTAILREC = 113 KotlinLexerOPERATOR = 114 KotlinLexerINLINE = 115 KotlinLexerINFIX = 116 KotlinLexerEXTERNAL = 117 KotlinLexerSUSPEND = 118 KotlinLexerOVERRIDE = 119 KotlinLexerABSTRACT = 120 KotlinLexerFINAL = 121 KotlinLexerOPEN = 122 KotlinLexerCONST = 123 KotlinLexerLATEINIT = 124 KotlinLexerVARARG = 125 KotlinLexerNOINLINE = 126 KotlinLexerCROSSINLINE = 127 KotlinLexerREIFIED = 128 KotlinLexerQUOTE_OPEN = 129 KotlinLexerTRIPLE_QUOTE_OPEN = 130 KotlinLexerRealLiteral = 131 KotlinLexerFloatLiteral = 132 KotlinLexerDoubleLiteral = 133 KotlinLexerLongLiteral = 134 KotlinLexerIntegerLiteral = 135 KotlinLexerHexLiteral = 136 KotlinLexerBinLiteral = 137 KotlinLexerBooleanLiteral = 138 KotlinLexerNullLiteral = 139 KotlinLexerIdentifier = 140 KotlinLexerLabelReference = 141 KotlinLexerLabelDefinition = 142 KotlinLexerFieldIdentifier = 143 KotlinLexerCharacterLiteral = 144 KotlinLexerUNICODE_CLASS_LL = 145 KotlinLexerUNICODE_CLASS_LM = 146 KotlinLexerUNICODE_CLASS_LO = 147 KotlinLexerUNICODE_CLASS_LT = 148 KotlinLexerUNICODE_CLASS_LU = 149 KotlinLexerUNICODE_CLASS_ND = 150 KotlinLexerUNICODE_CLASS_NL = 151 KotlinLexerInside_Comment = 152 KotlinLexerInside_WS = 153 KotlinLexerInside_NL = 154 KotlinLexerQUOTE_CLOSE = 155 KotlinLexerLineStrRef = 156 KotlinLexerLineStrText = 157 KotlinLexerLineStrEscapedChar = 158 KotlinLexerLineStrExprStart = 159 KotlinLexerTRIPLE_QUOTE_CLOSE = 160 KotlinLexerMultiLineStringQuote = 161 KotlinLexerMultiLineStrRef = 162 KotlinLexerMultiLineStrText = 163 KotlinLexerMultiLineStrEscapedChar = 164 KotlinLexerMultiLineStrExprStart = 165 KotlinLexerMultiLineNL = 166 KotlinLexerStrExpr_IN = 167 KotlinLexerStrExpr_Comment = 168 KotlinLexerStrExpr_WS = 169 KotlinLexerStrExpr_NL = 170 )
KotlinLexer tokens.
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const ( KotlinLexerInside = iota + 1 KotlinLexerLineString KotlinLexerMultiLineString KotlinLexerStringExpression )
KotlinLexer modes.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type KotlinLexer ¶
func NewKotlinLexer ¶
func NewKotlinLexer(input antlr.CharStream) *KotlinLexer
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