Overview ¶
Example ¶
package main import ( "" "fmt" "" ) type exampleListener struct { *peoplecode.BasePeopleCodeListener } func (l *exampleListener) EnterEveryRule(ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) { fmt.Println(ctx.GetText()) } func main() { // Setup the input is := antlr.NewInputStream("...some text to parse...") // Create the Lexer lexer := peoplecode.NewPeopleCodeLexer(is) stream := antlr.NewCommonTokenStream(lexer, antlr.TokenDefaultChannel) // Create the Parser p := peoplecode.NewPeopleCodeParser(stream) p.BuildParseTrees = true p.AddErrorListener(antlr.NewDiagnosticErrorListener(true)) // Finally walk the tree tree := p.Program() antlr.ParseTreeWalkerDefault.Walk(&exampleListener{}, tree) }
Index ¶
- Constants
- type AppClassImportContext
- func (s *AppClassImportContext) AppClassPath() IAppClassPathContext
- func (s *AppClassImportContext) AppPkgPath() IAppPkgPathContext
- func (s *AppClassImportContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *AppClassImportContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *AppClassImportContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *AppClassImportContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*AppClassImportContext) IsAppClassImportContext()
- func (s *AppClassImportContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type AppClassPathContext
- func (s *AppClassPathContext) AllGENERIC_ID() []antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *AppClassPathContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *AppClassPathContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *AppClassPathContext) GENERIC_ID(i int) antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *AppClassPathContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *AppClassPathContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*AppClassPathContext) IsAppClassPathContext()
- func (s *AppClassPathContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type AppPkgPathContext
- func (s *AppPkgPathContext) AllGENERIC_ID() []antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *AppPkgPathContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *AppPkgPathContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *AppPkgPathContext) GENERIC_ID(i int) antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *AppPkgPathContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *AppPkgPathContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*AppPkgPathContext) IsAppPkgPathContext()
- func (s *AppPkgPathContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type BasePeopleCodeListener
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterAppClassImport(ctx *AppClassImportContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterAppClassPath(ctx *AppClassPathContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterAppPkgPath(ctx *AppPkgPathContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterCatchSignature(ctx *CatchSignatureContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterClassBlock(ctx *ClassBlockContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterClassBlockStmt(ctx *ClassBlockStmtContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterClassDeclaration(ctx *ClassDeclarationContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterConstant(ctx *ConstantContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterCreateInvocation(ctx *CreateInvocationContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterEvaluateStmt(ctx *EvaluateStmtContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterEvent(ctx *EventContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterEveryRule(ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprAddSub(ctx *ExprAddSubContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprArrayIndex(ctx *ExprArrayIndexContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprBoolean(ctx *ExprBooleanContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprComparison(ctx *ExprComparisonContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprConcat(ctx *ExprConcatContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprCreate(ctx *ExprCreateContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprDotAccess(ctx *ExprDotAccessContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprDynamicReference(ctx *ExprDynamicReferenceContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprEquality(ctx *ExprEqualityContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprFnOrIdxCall(ctx *ExprFnOrIdxCallContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprId(ctx *ExprIdContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprList(ctx *ExprListContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprLiteral(ctx *ExprLiteralContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprMulDiv(ctx *ExprMulDivContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprNegate(ctx *ExprNegateContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprNot(ctx *ExprNotContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprParenthesized(ctx *ExprParenthesizedContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExtFuncImport(ctx *ExtFuncImportContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterForStmt(ctx *ForStmtContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterFormalParamList(ctx *FormalParamListContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterFuncImpl(ctx *FuncImplContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterFuncSignature(ctx *FuncSignatureContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterGetImpl(ctx *GetImplContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterId(ctx *IdContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterIfStmt(ctx *IfStmtContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterInstance(ctx *InstanceContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterLiteral(ctx *LiteralContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterMethod(ctx *MethodContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterMethodImpl(ctx *MethodImplContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterParam(ctx *ParamContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterProgram(ctx *ProgramContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterProperty(ctx *PropertyContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterRecDefnPath(ctx *RecDefnPathContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterReturnType(ctx *ReturnTypeContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterSetImpl(ctx *SetImplContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtAppClassImport(ctx *StmtAppClassImportContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtAssign(ctx *StmtAssignContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtBreak(ctx *StmtBreakContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtClassDeclaration(ctx *StmtClassDeclarationContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtError(ctx *StmtErrorContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtEvaluate(ctx *StmtEvaluateContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtExit(ctx *StmtExitContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtExpr(ctx *StmtExprContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtExternalFuncImport(ctx *StmtExternalFuncImportContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtFor(ctx *StmtForContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtFuncImpl(ctx *StmtFuncImplContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtGetImpl(ctx *StmtGetImplContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtIf(ctx *StmtIfContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtList(ctx *StmtListContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtMethodImpl(ctx *StmtMethodImplContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtReturn(ctx *StmtReturnContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtSetImpl(ctx *StmtSetImplContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtThrow(ctx *StmtThrowContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtTryCatch(ctx *StmtTryCatchContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtVarDeclaration(ctx *StmtVarDeclarationContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtWarning(ctx *StmtWarningContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtWhile(ctx *StmtWhileContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterTryCatchStmt(ctx *TryCatchStmtContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterVarDeclaration(ctx *VarDeclarationContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterVarDeclarator(ctx *VarDeclaratorContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterVarType(ctx *VarTypeContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterWhenBranch(ctx *WhenBranchContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterWhenOtherBranch(ctx *WhenOtherBranchContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterWhileStmt(ctx *WhileStmtContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitAppClassImport(ctx *AppClassImportContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitAppClassPath(ctx *AppClassPathContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitAppPkgPath(ctx *AppPkgPathContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitCatchSignature(ctx *CatchSignatureContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitClassBlock(ctx *ClassBlockContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitClassBlockStmt(ctx *ClassBlockStmtContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitClassDeclaration(ctx *ClassDeclarationContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitConstant(ctx *ConstantContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitCreateInvocation(ctx *CreateInvocationContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitEvaluateStmt(ctx *EvaluateStmtContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitEvent(ctx *EventContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitEveryRule(ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprAddSub(ctx *ExprAddSubContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprArrayIndex(ctx *ExprArrayIndexContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprBoolean(ctx *ExprBooleanContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprComparison(ctx *ExprComparisonContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprConcat(ctx *ExprConcatContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprCreate(ctx *ExprCreateContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprDotAccess(ctx *ExprDotAccessContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprDynamicReference(ctx *ExprDynamicReferenceContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprEquality(ctx *ExprEqualityContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprFnOrIdxCall(ctx *ExprFnOrIdxCallContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprId(ctx *ExprIdContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprList(ctx *ExprListContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprLiteral(ctx *ExprLiteralContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprMulDiv(ctx *ExprMulDivContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprNegate(ctx *ExprNegateContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprNot(ctx *ExprNotContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprParenthesized(ctx *ExprParenthesizedContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExtFuncImport(ctx *ExtFuncImportContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitForStmt(ctx *ForStmtContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitFormalParamList(ctx *FormalParamListContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitFuncImpl(ctx *FuncImplContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitFuncSignature(ctx *FuncSignatureContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitGetImpl(ctx *GetImplContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitId(ctx *IdContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitIfStmt(ctx *IfStmtContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitInstance(ctx *InstanceContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitLiteral(ctx *LiteralContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitMethod(ctx *MethodContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitMethodImpl(ctx *MethodImplContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitParam(ctx *ParamContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitProgram(ctx *ProgramContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitProperty(ctx *PropertyContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitRecDefnPath(ctx *RecDefnPathContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitReturnType(ctx *ReturnTypeContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitSetImpl(ctx *SetImplContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtAppClassImport(ctx *StmtAppClassImportContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtAssign(ctx *StmtAssignContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtBreak(ctx *StmtBreakContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtClassDeclaration(ctx *StmtClassDeclarationContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtError(ctx *StmtErrorContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtEvaluate(ctx *StmtEvaluateContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtExit(ctx *StmtExitContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtExpr(ctx *StmtExprContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtExternalFuncImport(ctx *StmtExternalFuncImportContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtFor(ctx *StmtForContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtFuncImpl(ctx *StmtFuncImplContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtGetImpl(ctx *StmtGetImplContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtIf(ctx *StmtIfContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtList(ctx *StmtListContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtMethodImpl(ctx *StmtMethodImplContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtReturn(ctx *StmtReturnContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtSetImpl(ctx *StmtSetImplContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtThrow(ctx *StmtThrowContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtTryCatch(ctx *StmtTryCatchContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtVarDeclaration(ctx *StmtVarDeclarationContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtWarning(ctx *StmtWarningContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtWhile(ctx *StmtWhileContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitTryCatchStmt(ctx *TryCatchStmtContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitVarDeclaration(ctx *VarDeclarationContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitVarDeclarator(ctx *VarDeclaratorContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitVarType(ctx *VarTypeContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitWhenBranch(ctx *WhenBranchContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitWhenOtherBranch(ctx *WhenOtherBranchContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitWhileStmt(ctx *WhileStmtContext)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) VisitErrorNode(node antlr.ErrorNode)
- func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) VisitTerminal(node antlr.TerminalNode)
- type CatchSignatureContext
- func (s *CatchSignatureContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *CatchSignatureContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *CatchSignatureContext) GetExClass() antlr.Token
- func (s *CatchSignatureContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *CatchSignatureContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*CatchSignatureContext) IsCatchSignatureContext()
- func (s *CatchSignatureContext) SetExClass(v antlr.Token)
- func (s *CatchSignatureContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- func (s *CatchSignatureContext) VAR_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
- type ClassBlockContext
- func (s *ClassBlockContext) AllClassBlockStmt() []IClassBlockStmtContext
- func (s *ClassBlockContext) ClassBlockStmt(i int) IClassBlockStmtContext
- func (s *ClassBlockContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ClassBlockContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ClassBlockContext) GetALvl() antlr.Token
- func (s *ClassBlockContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *ClassBlockContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*ClassBlockContext) IsClassBlockContext()
- func (s *ClassBlockContext) SetALvl(v antlr.Token)
- func (s *ClassBlockContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type ClassBlockStmtContext
- func (s *ClassBlockStmtContext) Constant() IConstantContext
- func (s *ClassBlockStmtContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ClassBlockStmtContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ClassBlockStmtContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *ClassBlockStmtContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *ClassBlockStmtContext) Instance() IInstanceContext
- func (*ClassBlockStmtContext) IsClassBlockStmtContext()
- func (s *ClassBlockStmtContext) Method() IMethodContext
- func (s *ClassBlockStmtContext) Property() IPropertyContext
- func (s *ClassBlockStmtContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type ClassDeclarationContext
- func (s *ClassDeclarationContext) AllClassBlock() []IClassBlockContext
- func (s *ClassDeclarationContext) ClassBlock(i int) IClassBlockContext
- func (s *ClassDeclarationContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ClassDeclarationContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ClassDeclarationContext) GENERIC_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ClassDeclarationContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *ClassDeclarationContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*ClassDeclarationContext) IsClassDeclarationContext()
- func (s *ClassDeclarationContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type ConstantContext
- func (s *ConstantContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ConstantContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ConstantContext) Expr() IExprContext
- func (s *ConstantContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *ConstantContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*ConstantContext) IsConstantContext()
- func (s *ConstantContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- func (s *ConstantContext) VAR_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
- type CreateInvocationContext
- func (s *CreateInvocationContext) AppClassPath() IAppClassPathContext
- func (s *CreateInvocationContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *CreateInvocationContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *CreateInvocationContext) ExprList() IExprListContext
- func (s *CreateInvocationContext) GENERIC_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *CreateInvocationContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *CreateInvocationContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*CreateInvocationContext) IsCreateInvocationContext()
- func (s *CreateInvocationContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type EvaluateStmtContext
- func (s *EvaluateStmtContext) AllWhenBranch() []IWhenBranchContext
- func (s *EvaluateStmtContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *EvaluateStmtContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *EvaluateStmtContext) Expr() IExprContext
- func (s *EvaluateStmtContext) GetEndevaluate() antlr.Token
- func (s *EvaluateStmtContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *EvaluateStmtContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*EvaluateStmtContext) IsEvaluateStmtContext()
- func (s *EvaluateStmtContext) SetEndevaluate(v antlr.Token)
- func (s *EvaluateStmtContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- func (s *EvaluateStmtContext) WhenBranch(i int) IWhenBranchContext
- func (s *EvaluateStmtContext) WhenOtherBranch() IWhenOtherBranchContext
- type EventContext
- func (s *EventContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *EventContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *EventContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *EventContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*EventContext) IsEventContext()
- func (s *EventContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type ExprAddSubContext
- func (s *ExprAddSubContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
- func (s *ExprAddSubContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ExprAddSubContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ExprAddSubContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
- func (s *ExprAddSubContext) GetA() antlr.Token
- func (s *ExprAddSubContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *ExprAddSubContext) GetS() antlr.Token
- func (s *ExprAddSubContext) SetA(v antlr.Token)
- func (s *ExprAddSubContext) SetS(v antlr.Token)
- type ExprArrayIndexContext
- func (s *ExprArrayIndexContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ExprArrayIndexContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ExprArrayIndexContext) Expr() IExprContext
- func (s *ExprArrayIndexContext) ExprList() IExprListContext
- func (s *ExprArrayIndexContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- type ExprBooleanContext
- func (s *ExprBooleanContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
- func (s *ExprBooleanContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ExprBooleanContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ExprBooleanContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
- func (s *ExprBooleanContext) GetOp() antlr.Token
- func (s *ExprBooleanContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *ExprBooleanContext) SetOp(v antlr.Token)
- type ExprComparisonContext
- func (s *ExprComparisonContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
- func (s *ExprComparisonContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ExprComparisonContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ExprComparisonContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
- func (s *ExprComparisonContext) GetG() antlr.Token
- func (s *ExprComparisonContext) GetGe() antlr.Token
- func (s *ExprComparisonContext) GetL() antlr.Token
- func (s *ExprComparisonContext) GetLe() antlr.Token
- func (s *ExprComparisonContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *ExprComparisonContext) SetG(v antlr.Token)
- func (s *ExprComparisonContext) SetGe(v antlr.Token)
- func (s *ExprComparisonContext) SetL(v antlr.Token)
- func (s *ExprComparisonContext) SetLe(v antlr.Token)
- type ExprConcatContext
- func (s *ExprConcatContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
- func (s *ExprConcatContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ExprConcatContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ExprConcatContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
- func (s *ExprConcatContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- type ExprContext
- type ExprCreateContext
- type ExprDotAccessContext
- func (s *ExprDotAccessContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ExprDotAccessContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ExprDotAccessContext) Expr() IExprContext
- func (s *ExprDotAccessContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *ExprDotAccessContext) Id() IIdContext
- type ExprDynamicReferenceContext
- type ExprEqualityContext
- func (s *ExprEqualityContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
- func (s *ExprEqualityContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ExprEqualityContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ExprEqualityContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
- func (s *ExprEqualityContext) GetE() antlr.Token
- func (s *ExprEqualityContext) GetI() antlr.Token
- func (s *ExprEqualityContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *ExprEqualityContext) SetE(v antlr.Token)
- func (s *ExprEqualityContext) SetI(v antlr.Token)
- type ExprFnOrIdxCallContext
- func (s *ExprFnOrIdxCallContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ExprFnOrIdxCallContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ExprFnOrIdxCallContext) Expr() IExprContext
- func (s *ExprFnOrIdxCallContext) ExprList() IExprListContext
- func (s *ExprFnOrIdxCallContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- type ExprIdContext
- type ExprListContext
- func (s *ExprListContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
- func (s *ExprListContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ExprListContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ExprListContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
- func (s *ExprListContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *ExprListContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*ExprListContext) IsExprListContext()
- func (s *ExprListContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type ExprLiteralContext
- type ExprMulDivContext
- func (s *ExprMulDivContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
- func (s *ExprMulDivContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ExprMulDivContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ExprMulDivContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
- func (s *ExprMulDivContext) GetD() antlr.Token
- func (s *ExprMulDivContext) GetM() antlr.Token
- func (s *ExprMulDivContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *ExprMulDivContext) SetD(v antlr.Token)
- func (s *ExprMulDivContext) SetM(v antlr.Token)
- type ExprNegateContext
- type ExprNotContext
- type ExprParenthesizedContext
- type ExtFuncImportContext
- func (s *ExtFuncImportContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ExtFuncImportContext) Event() IEventContext
- func (s *ExtFuncImportContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ExtFuncImportContext) GENERIC_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExtFuncImportContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *ExtFuncImportContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*ExtFuncImportContext) IsExtFuncImportContext()
- func (s *ExtFuncImportContext) RecDefnPath() IRecDefnPathContext
- func (s *ExtFuncImportContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type ForStmtContext
- func (s *ForStmtContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
- func (s *ForStmtContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ForStmtContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ForStmtContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
- func (s *ForStmtContext) GetEndfor() antlr.Token
- func (s *ForStmtContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *ForStmtContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*ForStmtContext) IsForStmtContext()
- func (s *ForStmtContext) SetEndfor(v antlr.Token)
- func (s *ForStmtContext) StmtList() IStmtListContext
- func (s *ForStmtContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- func (s *ForStmtContext) VAR_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
- type FormalParamListContext
- func (s *FormalParamListContext) AllParam() []IParamContext
- func (s *FormalParamListContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *FormalParamListContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *FormalParamListContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *FormalParamListContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*FormalParamListContext) IsFormalParamListContext()
- func (s *FormalParamListContext) Param(i int) IParamContext
- func (s *FormalParamListContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type FuncImplContext
- func (s *FuncImplContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *FuncImplContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *FuncImplContext) FuncSignature() IFuncSignatureContext
- func (s *FuncImplContext) GetEndfunction() antlr.Token
- func (s *FuncImplContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *FuncImplContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*FuncImplContext) IsFuncImplContext()
- func (s *FuncImplContext) SetEndfunction(v antlr.Token)
- func (s *FuncImplContext) StmtList() IStmtListContext
- func (s *FuncImplContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type FuncSignatureContext
- func (s *FuncSignatureContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *FuncSignatureContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *FuncSignatureContext) FormalParamList() IFormalParamListContext
- func (s *FuncSignatureContext) GENERIC_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *FuncSignatureContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *FuncSignatureContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*FuncSignatureContext) IsFuncSignatureContext()
- func (s *FuncSignatureContext) ReturnType() IReturnTypeContext
- func (s *FuncSignatureContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type GetImplContext
- func (s *GetImplContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *GetImplContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *GetImplContext) GENERIC_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *GetImplContext) GetEndget() antlr.Token
- func (s *GetImplContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *GetImplContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*GetImplContext) IsGetImplContext()
- func (s *GetImplContext) SetEndget(v antlr.Token)
- func (s *GetImplContext) StmtList() IStmtListContext
- func (s *GetImplContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type IAppClassImportContext
- type IAppClassPathContext
- type IAppPkgPathContext
- type ICatchSignatureContext
- type IClassBlockContext
- type IClassBlockStmtContext
- type IClassDeclarationContext
- type IConstantContext
- type ICreateInvocationContext
- type IEvaluateStmtContext
- type IEventContext
- type IExprContext
- type IExprListContext
- type IExtFuncImportContext
- type IForStmtContext
- type IFormalParamListContext
- type IFuncImplContext
- type IFuncSignatureContext
- type IGetImplContext
- type IIdContext
- type IIfStmtContext
- type IInstanceContext
- type ILiteralContext
- type IMethodContext
- type IMethodImplContext
- type IParamContext
- type IProgramContext
- type IPropertyContext
- type IRecDefnPathContext
- type IReturnTypeContext
- type ISetImplContext
- type IStmtContext
- type IStmtListContext
- type ITryCatchStmtContext
- type IVarDeclarationContext
- type IVarDeclaratorContext
- type IVarTypeContext
- type IWhenBranchContext
- type IWhenOtherBranchContext
- type IWhileStmtContext
- type IdContext
- func (s *IdContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *IdContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *IdContext) GENERIC_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *IdContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *IdContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*IdContext) IsIdContext()
- func (s *IdContext) SYS_VAR_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *IdContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- func (s *IdContext) VAR_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
- type IfStmtContext
- func (s *IfStmtContext) AllStmtList() []IStmtListContext
- func (s *IfStmtContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *IfStmtContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *IfStmtContext) Expr() IExprContext
- func (s *IfStmtContext) GetElsetok() antlr.Token
- func (s *IfStmtContext) GetEndif() antlr.Token
- func (s *IfStmtContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *IfStmtContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*IfStmtContext) IsIfStmtContext()
- func (s *IfStmtContext) SetElsetok(v antlr.Token)
- func (s *IfStmtContext) SetEndif(v antlr.Token)
- func (s *IfStmtContext) StmtList(i int) IStmtListContext
- func (s *IfStmtContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type InstanceContext
- func (s *InstanceContext) AllVAR_ID() []antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *InstanceContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *InstanceContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *InstanceContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *InstanceContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*InstanceContext) IsInstanceContext()
- func (s *InstanceContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- func (s *InstanceContext) VAR_ID(i int) antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *InstanceContext) VarType() IVarTypeContext
- type LiteralContext
- func (s *LiteralContext) BoolLiteral() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *LiteralContext) DecimalLiteral() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *LiteralContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *LiteralContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *LiteralContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *LiteralContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *LiteralContext) IntegerLiteral() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (*LiteralContext) IsLiteralContext()
- func (s *LiteralContext) StringLiteral() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *LiteralContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type MethodContext
- func (s *MethodContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *MethodContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *MethodContext) FormalParamList() IFormalParamListContext
- func (s *MethodContext) GENERIC_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *MethodContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *MethodContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*MethodContext) IsMethodContext()
- func (s *MethodContext) ReturnType() IReturnTypeContext
- func (s *MethodContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type MethodImplContext
- func (s *MethodImplContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *MethodImplContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *MethodImplContext) GENERIC_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *MethodImplContext) GetEndmethod() antlr.Token
- func (s *MethodImplContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *MethodImplContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*MethodImplContext) IsMethodImplContext()
- func (s *MethodImplContext) SetEndmethod(v antlr.Token)
- func (s *MethodImplContext) StmtList() IStmtListContext
- func (s *MethodImplContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type ParamContext
- func (s *ParamContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ParamContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ParamContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *ParamContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*ParamContext) IsParamContext()
- func (s *ParamContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- func (s *ParamContext) VAR_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ParamContext) VarType() IVarTypeContext
- type PeopleCodeLexer
- type PeopleCodeListener
- type PeopleCodeParser
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) AppClassImport() (localctx IAppClassImportContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) AppClassPath() (localctx IAppClassPathContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) AppPkgPath() (localctx IAppPkgPathContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) CatchSignature() (localctx ICatchSignatureContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) ClassBlock() (localctx IClassBlockContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) ClassBlockStmt() (localctx IClassBlockStmtContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) ClassDeclaration() (localctx IClassDeclarationContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) Constant() (localctx IConstantContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) CreateInvocation() (localctx ICreateInvocationContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) EvaluateStmt() (localctx IEvaluateStmtContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) Event() (localctx IEventContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) Expr() (localctx IExprContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) ExprList() (localctx IExprListContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) Expr_Sempred(localctx antlr.RuleContext, predIndex int) bool
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) ExtFuncImport() (localctx IExtFuncImportContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) ForStmt() (localctx IForStmtContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) FormalParamList() (localctx IFormalParamListContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) FuncImpl() (localctx IFuncImplContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) FuncSignature() (localctx IFuncSignatureContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) GetImpl() (localctx IGetImplContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) Id() (localctx IIdContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) IfStmt() (localctx IIfStmtContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) Instance() (localctx IInstanceContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) Literal() (localctx ILiteralContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) Method() (localctx IMethodContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) MethodImpl() (localctx IMethodImplContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) Param() (localctx IParamContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) Program() (localctx IProgramContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) Property() (localctx IPropertyContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) RecDefnPath() (localctx IRecDefnPathContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) ReturnType() (localctx IReturnTypeContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) Sempred(localctx antlr.RuleContext, ruleIndex, predIndex int) bool
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) SetImpl() (localctx ISetImplContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) Stmt() (localctx IStmtContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) StmtList() (localctx IStmtListContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) TryCatchStmt() (localctx ITryCatchStmtContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) VarDeclaration() (localctx IVarDeclarationContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) VarDeclarator() (localctx IVarDeclaratorContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) VarType() (localctx IVarTypeContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) WhenBranch() (localctx IWhenBranchContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) WhenOtherBranch() (localctx IWhenOtherBranchContext)
- func (p *PeopleCodeParser) WhileStmt() (localctx IWhileStmtContext)
- type ProgramContext
- func (s *ProgramContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ProgramContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ProgramContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *ProgramContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*ProgramContext) IsProgramContext()
- func (s *ProgramContext) StmtList() IStmtListContext
- func (s *ProgramContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type PropertyContext
- func (s *PropertyContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *PropertyContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *PropertyContext) GENERIC_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *PropertyContext) GetG() antlr.Token
- func (s *PropertyContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *PropertyContext) GetR() antlr.Token
- func (s *PropertyContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *PropertyContext) GetS() antlr.Token
- func (*PropertyContext) IsPropertyContext()
- func (s *PropertyContext) SetG(v antlr.Token)
- func (s *PropertyContext) SetR(v antlr.Token)
- func (s *PropertyContext) SetS(v antlr.Token)
- func (s *PropertyContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- func (s *PropertyContext) VarType() IVarTypeContext
- type RecDefnPathContext
- func (s *RecDefnPathContext) AllGENERIC_ID() []antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *RecDefnPathContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *RecDefnPathContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *RecDefnPathContext) GENERIC_ID(i int) antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *RecDefnPathContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *RecDefnPathContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*RecDefnPathContext) IsRecDefnPathContext()
- func (s *RecDefnPathContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type ReturnTypeContext
- func (s *ReturnTypeContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ReturnTypeContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *ReturnTypeContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *ReturnTypeContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*ReturnTypeContext) IsReturnTypeContext()
- func (s *ReturnTypeContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- func (s *ReturnTypeContext) VarType() IVarTypeContext
- type SetImplContext
- func (s *SetImplContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *SetImplContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *SetImplContext) GENERIC_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *SetImplContext) GetEndset() antlr.Token
- func (s *SetImplContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *SetImplContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*SetImplContext) IsSetImplContext()
- func (s *SetImplContext) SetEndset(v antlr.Token)
- func (s *SetImplContext) StmtList() IStmtListContext
- func (s *SetImplContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type StmtAppClassImportContext
- func (s *StmtAppClassImportContext) AppClassImport() IAppClassImportContext
- func (s *StmtAppClassImportContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *StmtAppClassImportContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *StmtAppClassImportContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- type StmtAssignContext
- func (s *StmtAssignContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
- func (s *StmtAssignContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *StmtAssignContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *StmtAssignContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
- func (s *StmtAssignContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- type StmtBreakContext
- type StmtClassDeclarationContext
- func (s *StmtClassDeclarationContext) ClassDeclaration() IClassDeclarationContext
- func (s *StmtClassDeclarationContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *StmtClassDeclarationContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *StmtClassDeclarationContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- type StmtContext
- type StmtErrorContext
- type StmtEvaluateContext
- type StmtExitContext
- type StmtExprContext
- type StmtExternalFuncImportContext
- func (s *StmtExternalFuncImportContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *StmtExternalFuncImportContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *StmtExternalFuncImportContext) ExtFuncImport() IExtFuncImportContext
- func (s *StmtExternalFuncImportContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- type StmtForContext
- type StmtFuncImplContext
- type StmtGetImplContext
- type StmtIfContext
- type StmtListContext
- func (s *StmtListContext) AllStmt() []IStmtContext
- func (s *StmtListContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *StmtListContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *StmtListContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *StmtListContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*StmtListContext) IsStmtListContext()
- func (s *StmtListContext) Stmt(i int) IStmtContext
- func (s *StmtListContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type StmtMethodImplContext
- type StmtReturnContext
- type StmtSetImplContext
- type StmtThrowContext
- type StmtTryCatchContext
- type StmtVarDeclarationContext
- func (s *StmtVarDeclarationContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *StmtVarDeclarationContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *StmtVarDeclarationContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *StmtVarDeclarationContext) VarDeclaration() IVarDeclarationContext
- type StmtWarningContext
- type StmtWhileContext
- type TryCatchStmtContext
- func (s *TryCatchStmtContext) AllStmtList() []IStmtListContext
- func (s *TryCatchStmtContext) CatchSignature() ICatchSignatureContext
- func (s *TryCatchStmtContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *TryCatchStmtContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *TryCatchStmtContext) GetEndtry() antlr.Token
- func (s *TryCatchStmtContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *TryCatchStmtContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *TryCatchStmtContext) GetTrytok() antlr.Token
- func (*TryCatchStmtContext) IsTryCatchStmtContext()
- func (s *TryCatchStmtContext) SetEndtry(v antlr.Token)
- func (s *TryCatchStmtContext) SetTrytok(v antlr.Token)
- func (s *TryCatchStmtContext) StmtList(i int) IStmtListContext
- func (s *TryCatchStmtContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type VarDeclarationContext
- func (s *VarDeclarationContext) AllVarDeclarator() []IVarDeclaratorContext
- func (s *VarDeclarationContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *VarDeclarationContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *VarDeclarationContext) GENERIC_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *VarDeclarationContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *VarDeclarationContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *VarDeclarationContext) GetVarScope() antlr.Token
- func (*VarDeclarationContext) IsVarDeclarationContext()
- func (s *VarDeclarationContext) SetVarScope(v antlr.Token)
- func (s *VarDeclarationContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- func (s *VarDeclarationContext) VarDeclarator(i int) IVarDeclaratorContext
- func (s *VarDeclarationContext) VarType() IVarTypeContext
- type VarDeclaratorContext
- func (s *VarDeclaratorContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *VarDeclaratorContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *VarDeclaratorContext) Expr() IExprContext
- func (s *VarDeclaratorContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *VarDeclaratorContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*VarDeclaratorContext) IsVarDeclaratorContext()
- func (s *VarDeclaratorContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- func (s *VarDeclaratorContext) VAR_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
- type VarTypeContext
- func (s *VarTypeContext) AppClassPath() IAppClassPathContext
- func (s *VarTypeContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *VarTypeContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *VarTypeContext) GENERIC_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *VarTypeContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *VarTypeContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*VarTypeContext) IsVarTypeContext()
- func (s *VarTypeContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- func (s *VarTypeContext) VarType() IVarTypeContext
- type WhenBranchContext
- func (s *WhenBranchContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *WhenBranchContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *WhenBranchContext) Expr() IExprContext
- func (s *WhenBranchContext) GetOp() antlr.Token
- func (s *WhenBranchContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *WhenBranchContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*WhenBranchContext) IsWhenBranchContext()
- func (s *WhenBranchContext) SetOp(v antlr.Token)
- func (s *WhenBranchContext) StmtList() IStmtListContext
- func (s *WhenBranchContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type WhenOtherBranchContext
- func (s *WhenOtherBranchContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *WhenOtherBranchContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *WhenOtherBranchContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *WhenOtherBranchContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*WhenOtherBranchContext) IsWhenOtherBranchContext()
- func (s *WhenOtherBranchContext) StmtList() IStmtListContext
- func (s *WhenOtherBranchContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type WhileStmtContext
- func (s *WhileStmtContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *WhileStmtContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
- func (s *WhileStmtContext) Expr() IExprContext
- func (s *WhileStmtContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *WhileStmtContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*WhileStmtContext) IsWhileStmtContext()
- func (s *WhileStmtContext) StmtList() IStmtListContext
- func (s *WhileStmtContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
Examples ¶
Constants ¶
const ( PeopleCodeLexerT__0 = 1 PeopleCodeLexerT__1 = 2 PeopleCodeLexerT__2 = 3 PeopleCodeLexerT__3 = 4 PeopleCodeLexerT__4 = 5 PeopleCodeLexerT__5 = 6 PeopleCodeLexerT__6 = 7 PeopleCodeLexerT__7 = 8 PeopleCodeLexerT__8 = 9 PeopleCodeLexerT__9 = 10 PeopleCodeLexerT__10 = 11 PeopleCodeLexerT__11 = 12 PeopleCodeLexerT__12 = 13 PeopleCodeLexerT__13 = 14 PeopleCodeLexerT__14 = 15 PeopleCodeLexerT__15 = 16 PeopleCodeLexerT__16 = 17 PeopleCodeLexerT__17 = 18 PeopleCodeLexerT__18 = 19 PeopleCodeLexerT__19 = 20 PeopleCodeLexerT__20 = 21 PeopleCodeLexerT__21 = 22 PeopleCodeLexerT__22 = 23 PeopleCodeLexerT__23 = 24 PeopleCodeLexerT__24 = 25 PeopleCodeLexerT__25 = 26 PeopleCodeLexerT__26 = 27 PeopleCodeLexerT__27 = 28 PeopleCodeLexerT__28 = 29 PeopleCodeLexerT__29 = 30 PeopleCodeLexerT__30 = 31 PeopleCodeLexerT__31 = 32 PeopleCodeLexerT__32 = 33 PeopleCodeLexerT__33 = 34 PeopleCodeLexerT__34 = 35 PeopleCodeLexerT__35 = 36 PeopleCodeLexerT__36 = 37 PeopleCodeLexerT__37 = 38 PeopleCodeLexerT__38 = 39 PeopleCodeLexerT__39 = 40 PeopleCodeLexerT__40 = 41 PeopleCodeLexerT__41 = 42 PeopleCodeLexerT__42 = 43 PeopleCodeLexerT__43 = 44 PeopleCodeLexerT__44 = 45 PeopleCodeLexerT__45 = 46 PeopleCodeLexerT__46 = 47 PeopleCodeLexerT__47 = 48 PeopleCodeLexerT__48 = 49 PeopleCodeLexerT__49 = 50 PeopleCodeLexerT__50 = 51 PeopleCodeLexerT__51 = 52 PeopleCodeLexerT__52 = 53 PeopleCodeLexerT__53 = 54 PeopleCodeLexerT__54 = 55 PeopleCodeLexerT__55 = 56 PeopleCodeLexerT__56 = 57 PeopleCodeLexerT__57 = 58 PeopleCodeLexerT__58 = 59 PeopleCodeLexerT__59 = 60 PeopleCodeLexerT__60 = 61 PeopleCodeLexerT__61 = 62 PeopleCodeLexerT__62 = 63 PeopleCodeLexerT__63 = 64 PeopleCodeLexerT__64 = 65 PeopleCodeLexerT__65 = 66 PeopleCodeLexerT__66 = 67 PeopleCodeLexerT__67 = 68 PeopleCodeLexerT__68 = 69 PeopleCodeLexerT__69 = 70 PeopleCodeLexerT__70 = 71 PeopleCodeLexerDecimalLiteral = 72 PeopleCodeLexerIntegerLiteral = 73 PeopleCodeLexerStringLiteral = 74 PeopleCodeLexerBoolLiteral = 75 PeopleCodeLexerVAR_ID = 76 PeopleCodeLexerSYS_VAR_ID = 77 PeopleCodeLexerGENERIC_ID = 78 PeopleCodeLexerREM = 79 PeopleCodeLexerCOMMENT_1 = 80 PeopleCodeLexerCOMMENT_2 = 81 PeopleCodeLexerCOMMENT_3 = 82 PeopleCodeLexerWS = 83 )
PeopleCodeLexer tokens.
const ( PeopleCodeParserEOF = antlr.TokenEOF PeopleCodeParserT__0 = 1 PeopleCodeParserT__1 = 2 PeopleCodeParserT__2 = 3 PeopleCodeParserT__3 = 4 PeopleCodeParserT__4 = 5 PeopleCodeParserT__5 = 6 PeopleCodeParserT__6 = 7 PeopleCodeParserT__7 = 8 PeopleCodeParserT__8 = 9 PeopleCodeParserT__9 = 10 PeopleCodeParserT__10 = 11 PeopleCodeParserT__11 = 12 PeopleCodeParserT__12 = 13 PeopleCodeParserT__13 = 14 PeopleCodeParserT__14 = 15 PeopleCodeParserT__15 = 16 PeopleCodeParserT__16 = 17 PeopleCodeParserT__17 = 18 PeopleCodeParserT__18 = 19 PeopleCodeParserT__19 = 20 PeopleCodeParserT__20 = 21 PeopleCodeParserT__21 = 22 PeopleCodeParserT__22 = 23 PeopleCodeParserT__23 = 24 PeopleCodeParserT__24 = 25 PeopleCodeParserT__25 = 26 PeopleCodeParserT__26 = 27 PeopleCodeParserT__27 = 28 PeopleCodeParserT__28 = 29 PeopleCodeParserT__29 = 30 PeopleCodeParserT__30 = 31 PeopleCodeParserT__31 = 32 PeopleCodeParserT__32 = 33 PeopleCodeParserT__33 = 34 PeopleCodeParserT__34 = 35 PeopleCodeParserT__35 = 36 PeopleCodeParserT__36 = 37 PeopleCodeParserT__37 = 38 PeopleCodeParserT__38 = 39 PeopleCodeParserT__39 = 40 PeopleCodeParserT__40 = 41 PeopleCodeParserT__41 = 42 PeopleCodeParserT__42 = 43 PeopleCodeParserT__43 = 44 PeopleCodeParserT__44 = 45 PeopleCodeParserT__45 = 46 PeopleCodeParserT__46 = 47 PeopleCodeParserT__47 = 48 PeopleCodeParserT__48 = 49 PeopleCodeParserT__49 = 50 PeopleCodeParserT__50 = 51 PeopleCodeParserT__51 = 52 PeopleCodeParserT__52 = 53 PeopleCodeParserT__53 = 54 PeopleCodeParserT__54 = 55 PeopleCodeParserT__55 = 56 PeopleCodeParserT__56 = 57 PeopleCodeParserT__57 = 58 PeopleCodeParserT__58 = 59 PeopleCodeParserT__59 = 60 PeopleCodeParserT__60 = 61 PeopleCodeParserT__61 = 62 PeopleCodeParserT__62 = 63 PeopleCodeParserT__63 = 64 PeopleCodeParserT__64 = 65 PeopleCodeParserT__65 = 66 PeopleCodeParserT__66 = 67 PeopleCodeParserT__67 = 68 PeopleCodeParserT__68 = 69 PeopleCodeParserT__69 = 70 PeopleCodeParserT__70 = 71 PeopleCodeParserDecimalLiteral = 72 PeopleCodeParserIntegerLiteral = 73 PeopleCodeParserStringLiteral = 74 PeopleCodeParserBoolLiteral = 75 PeopleCodeParserVAR_ID = 76 PeopleCodeParserSYS_VAR_ID = 77 PeopleCodeParserGENERIC_ID = 78 PeopleCodeParserREM = 79 PeopleCodeParserCOMMENT_1 = 80 PeopleCodeParserCOMMENT_2 = 81 PeopleCodeParserCOMMENT_3 = 82 PeopleCodeParserWS = 83 )
PeopleCodeParser tokens.
const ( PeopleCodeParserRULE_program = 0 PeopleCodeParserRULE_stmtList = 1 PeopleCodeParserRULE_stmt = 2 PeopleCodeParserRULE_expr = 3 PeopleCodeParserRULE_exprList = 4 PeopleCodeParserRULE_varDeclaration = 5 PeopleCodeParserRULE_varDeclarator = 6 PeopleCodeParserRULE_varType = 7 PeopleCodeParserRULE_appClassImport = 8 PeopleCodeParserRULE_appPkgPath = 9 PeopleCodeParserRULE_appClassPath = 10 PeopleCodeParserRULE_extFuncImport = 11 PeopleCodeParserRULE_recDefnPath = 12 PeopleCodeParserRULE_event = 13 PeopleCodeParserRULE_classDeclaration = 14 PeopleCodeParserRULE_classBlock = 15 PeopleCodeParserRULE_classBlockStmt = 16 PeopleCodeParserRULE_method = 17 PeopleCodeParserRULE_constant = 18 PeopleCodeParserRULE_property = 19 PeopleCodeParserRULE_instance = 20 PeopleCodeParserRULE_methodImpl = 21 PeopleCodeParserRULE_getImpl = 22 PeopleCodeParserRULE_setImpl = 23 PeopleCodeParserRULE_funcImpl = 24 PeopleCodeParserRULE_funcSignature = 25 PeopleCodeParserRULE_formalParamList = 26 PeopleCodeParserRULE_param = 27 PeopleCodeParserRULE_returnType = 28 PeopleCodeParserRULE_ifStmt = 29 PeopleCodeParserRULE_forStmt = 30 PeopleCodeParserRULE_whileStmt = 31 PeopleCodeParserRULE_evaluateStmt = 32 PeopleCodeParserRULE_whenBranch = 33 PeopleCodeParserRULE_whenOtherBranch = 34 PeopleCodeParserRULE_tryCatchStmt = 35 PeopleCodeParserRULE_catchSignature = 36 PeopleCodeParserRULE_createInvocation = 37 PeopleCodeParserRULE_literal = 38 PeopleCodeParserRULE_id = 39 )
PeopleCodeParser rules.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AppClassImportContext ¶
type AppClassImportContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewAppClassImportContext ¶
func NewAppClassImportContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *AppClassImportContext
func NewEmptyAppClassImportContext ¶
func NewEmptyAppClassImportContext() *AppClassImportContext
func (*AppClassImportContext) AppClassPath ¶
func (s *AppClassImportContext) AppClassPath() IAppClassPathContext
func (*AppClassImportContext) AppPkgPath ¶
func (s *AppClassImportContext) AppPkgPath() IAppPkgPathContext
func (*AppClassImportContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *AppClassImportContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*AppClassImportContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *AppClassImportContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*AppClassImportContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *AppClassImportContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*AppClassImportContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *AppClassImportContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*AppClassImportContext) IsAppClassImportContext ¶
func (*AppClassImportContext) IsAppClassImportContext()
func (*AppClassImportContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *AppClassImportContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type AppClassPathContext ¶
type AppClassPathContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewAppClassPathContext ¶
func NewAppClassPathContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *AppClassPathContext
func NewEmptyAppClassPathContext ¶
func NewEmptyAppClassPathContext() *AppClassPathContext
func (*AppClassPathContext) AllGENERIC_ID ¶
func (s *AppClassPathContext) AllGENERIC_ID() []antlr.TerminalNode
func (*AppClassPathContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *AppClassPathContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*AppClassPathContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *AppClassPathContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*AppClassPathContext) GENERIC_ID ¶
func (s *AppClassPathContext) GENERIC_ID(i int) antlr.TerminalNode
func (*AppClassPathContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *AppClassPathContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*AppClassPathContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *AppClassPathContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*AppClassPathContext) IsAppClassPathContext ¶
func (*AppClassPathContext) IsAppClassPathContext()
func (*AppClassPathContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *AppClassPathContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type AppPkgPathContext ¶
type AppPkgPathContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewAppPkgPathContext ¶
func NewAppPkgPathContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *AppPkgPathContext
func NewEmptyAppPkgPathContext ¶
func NewEmptyAppPkgPathContext() *AppPkgPathContext
func (*AppPkgPathContext) AllGENERIC_ID ¶
func (s *AppPkgPathContext) AllGENERIC_ID() []antlr.TerminalNode
func (*AppPkgPathContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *AppPkgPathContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*AppPkgPathContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *AppPkgPathContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*AppPkgPathContext) GENERIC_ID ¶
func (s *AppPkgPathContext) GENERIC_ID(i int) antlr.TerminalNode
func (*AppPkgPathContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *AppPkgPathContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*AppPkgPathContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *AppPkgPathContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*AppPkgPathContext) IsAppPkgPathContext ¶
func (*AppPkgPathContext) IsAppPkgPathContext()
func (*AppPkgPathContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *AppPkgPathContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type BasePeopleCodeListener ¶
type BasePeopleCodeListener struct{}
BasePeopleCodeListener is a complete listener for a parse tree produced by PeopleCodeParser.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterAppClassImport ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterAppClassImport(ctx *AppClassImportContext)
EnterAppClassImport is called when production appClassImport is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterAppClassPath ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterAppClassPath(ctx *AppClassPathContext)
EnterAppClassPath is called when production appClassPath is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterAppPkgPath ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterAppPkgPath(ctx *AppPkgPathContext)
EnterAppPkgPath is called when production appPkgPath is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterCatchSignature ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterCatchSignature(ctx *CatchSignatureContext)
EnterCatchSignature is called when production catchSignature is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterClassBlock ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterClassBlock(ctx *ClassBlockContext)
EnterClassBlock is called when production classBlock is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterClassBlockStmt ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterClassBlockStmt(ctx *ClassBlockStmtContext)
EnterClassBlockStmt is called when production classBlockStmt is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterClassDeclaration ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterClassDeclaration(ctx *ClassDeclarationContext)
EnterClassDeclaration is called when production classDeclaration is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterConstant ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterConstant(ctx *ConstantContext)
EnterConstant is called when production constant is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterCreateInvocation ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterCreateInvocation(ctx *CreateInvocationContext)
EnterCreateInvocation is called when production createInvocation is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterEvaluateStmt ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterEvaluateStmt(ctx *EvaluateStmtContext)
EnterEvaluateStmt is called when production evaluateStmt is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterEvent ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterEvent(ctx *EventContext)
EnterEvent is called when production event is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterEveryRule ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterEveryRule(ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext)
EnterEveryRule is called when any rule is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprAddSub ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprAddSub(ctx *ExprAddSubContext)
EnterExprAddSub is called when production ExprAddSub is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprArrayIndex ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprArrayIndex(ctx *ExprArrayIndexContext)
EnterExprArrayIndex is called when production ExprArrayIndex is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprBoolean ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprBoolean(ctx *ExprBooleanContext)
EnterExprBoolean is called when production ExprBoolean is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprComparison ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprComparison(ctx *ExprComparisonContext)
EnterExprComparison is called when production ExprComparison is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprConcat ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprConcat(ctx *ExprConcatContext)
EnterExprConcat is called when production ExprConcat is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprCreate ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprCreate(ctx *ExprCreateContext)
EnterExprCreate is called when production ExprCreate is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprDotAccess ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprDotAccess(ctx *ExprDotAccessContext)
EnterExprDotAccess is called when production ExprDotAccess is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprDynamicReference ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprDynamicReference(ctx *ExprDynamicReferenceContext)
EnterExprDynamicReference is called when production ExprDynamicReference is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprEquality ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprEquality(ctx *ExprEqualityContext)
EnterExprEquality is called when production ExprEquality is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprFnOrIdxCall ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprFnOrIdxCall(ctx *ExprFnOrIdxCallContext)
EnterExprFnOrIdxCall is called when production ExprFnOrIdxCall is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprId ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprId(ctx *ExprIdContext)
EnterExprId is called when production ExprId is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprList ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprList(ctx *ExprListContext)
EnterExprList is called when production exprList is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprLiteral ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprLiteral(ctx *ExprLiteralContext)
EnterExprLiteral is called when production ExprLiteral is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprMulDiv ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprMulDiv(ctx *ExprMulDivContext)
EnterExprMulDiv is called when production ExprMulDiv is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprNegate ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprNegate(ctx *ExprNegateContext)
EnterExprNegate is called when production ExprNegate is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprNot ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprNot(ctx *ExprNotContext)
EnterExprNot is called when production ExprNot is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprParenthesized ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExprParenthesized(ctx *ExprParenthesizedContext)
EnterExprParenthesized is called when production ExprParenthesized is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExtFuncImport ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterExtFuncImport(ctx *ExtFuncImportContext)
EnterExtFuncImport is called when production extFuncImport is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterForStmt ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterForStmt(ctx *ForStmtContext)
EnterForStmt is called when production forStmt is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterFormalParamList ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterFormalParamList(ctx *FormalParamListContext)
EnterFormalParamList is called when production formalParamList is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterFuncImpl ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterFuncImpl(ctx *FuncImplContext)
EnterFuncImpl is called when production funcImpl is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterFuncSignature ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterFuncSignature(ctx *FuncSignatureContext)
EnterFuncSignature is called when production funcSignature is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterGetImpl ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterGetImpl(ctx *GetImplContext)
EnterGetImpl is called when production getImpl is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterId ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterId(ctx *IdContext)
EnterId is called when production id is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterIfStmt ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterIfStmt(ctx *IfStmtContext)
EnterIfStmt is called when production ifStmt is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterInstance ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterInstance(ctx *InstanceContext)
EnterInstance is called when production instance is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterLiteral ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterLiteral(ctx *LiteralContext)
EnterLiteral is called when production literal is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterMethod ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterMethod(ctx *MethodContext)
EnterMethod is called when production method is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterMethodImpl ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterMethodImpl(ctx *MethodImplContext)
EnterMethodImpl is called when production methodImpl is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterParam ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterParam(ctx *ParamContext)
EnterParam is called when production param is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterProgram ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterProgram(ctx *ProgramContext)
EnterProgram is called when production program is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterProperty ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterProperty(ctx *PropertyContext)
EnterProperty is called when production property is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterRecDefnPath ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterRecDefnPath(ctx *RecDefnPathContext)
EnterRecDefnPath is called when production recDefnPath is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterReturnType ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterReturnType(ctx *ReturnTypeContext)
EnterReturnType is called when production returnType is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterSetImpl ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterSetImpl(ctx *SetImplContext)
EnterSetImpl is called when production setImpl is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtAppClassImport ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtAppClassImport(ctx *StmtAppClassImportContext)
EnterStmtAppClassImport is called when production StmtAppClassImport is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtAssign ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtAssign(ctx *StmtAssignContext)
EnterStmtAssign is called when production StmtAssign is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtBreak ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtBreak(ctx *StmtBreakContext)
EnterStmtBreak is called when production StmtBreak is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtClassDeclaration ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtClassDeclaration(ctx *StmtClassDeclarationContext)
EnterStmtClassDeclaration is called when production StmtClassDeclaration is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtError ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtError(ctx *StmtErrorContext)
EnterStmtError is called when production StmtError is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtEvaluate ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtEvaluate(ctx *StmtEvaluateContext)
EnterStmtEvaluate is called when production StmtEvaluate is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtExit ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtExit(ctx *StmtExitContext)
EnterStmtExit is called when production StmtExit is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtExpr ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtExpr(ctx *StmtExprContext)
EnterStmtExpr is called when production StmtExpr is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtExternalFuncImport ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtExternalFuncImport(ctx *StmtExternalFuncImportContext)
EnterStmtExternalFuncImport is called when production StmtExternalFuncImport is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtFor ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtFor(ctx *StmtForContext)
EnterStmtFor is called when production StmtFor is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtFuncImpl ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtFuncImpl(ctx *StmtFuncImplContext)
EnterStmtFuncImpl is called when production StmtFuncImpl is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtGetImpl ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtGetImpl(ctx *StmtGetImplContext)
EnterStmtGetImpl is called when production StmtGetImpl is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtIf ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtIf(ctx *StmtIfContext)
EnterStmtIf is called when production StmtIf is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtList ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtList(ctx *StmtListContext)
EnterStmtList is called when production stmtList is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtMethodImpl ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtMethodImpl(ctx *StmtMethodImplContext)
EnterStmtMethodImpl is called when production StmtMethodImpl is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtReturn ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtReturn(ctx *StmtReturnContext)
EnterStmtReturn is called when production StmtReturn is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtSetImpl ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtSetImpl(ctx *StmtSetImplContext)
EnterStmtSetImpl is called when production StmtSetImpl is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtThrow ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtThrow(ctx *StmtThrowContext)
EnterStmtThrow is called when production StmtThrow is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtTryCatch ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtTryCatch(ctx *StmtTryCatchContext)
EnterStmtTryCatch is called when production StmtTryCatch is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtVarDeclaration ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtVarDeclaration(ctx *StmtVarDeclarationContext)
EnterStmtVarDeclaration is called when production StmtVarDeclaration is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtWarning ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtWarning(ctx *StmtWarningContext)
EnterStmtWarning is called when production StmtWarning is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtWhile ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterStmtWhile(ctx *StmtWhileContext)
EnterStmtWhile is called when production StmtWhile is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterTryCatchStmt ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterTryCatchStmt(ctx *TryCatchStmtContext)
EnterTryCatchStmt is called when production tryCatchStmt is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterVarDeclaration ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterVarDeclaration(ctx *VarDeclarationContext)
EnterVarDeclaration is called when production varDeclaration is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterVarDeclarator ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterVarDeclarator(ctx *VarDeclaratorContext)
EnterVarDeclarator is called when production varDeclarator is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterVarType ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterVarType(ctx *VarTypeContext)
EnterVarType is called when production varType is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterWhenBranch ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterWhenBranch(ctx *WhenBranchContext)
EnterWhenBranch is called when production whenBranch is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterWhenOtherBranch ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterWhenOtherBranch(ctx *WhenOtherBranchContext)
EnterWhenOtherBranch is called when production whenOtherBranch is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterWhileStmt ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) EnterWhileStmt(ctx *WhileStmtContext)
EnterWhileStmt is called when production whileStmt is entered.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitAppClassImport ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitAppClassImport(ctx *AppClassImportContext)
ExitAppClassImport is called when production appClassImport is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitAppClassPath ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitAppClassPath(ctx *AppClassPathContext)
ExitAppClassPath is called when production appClassPath is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitAppPkgPath ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitAppPkgPath(ctx *AppPkgPathContext)
ExitAppPkgPath is called when production appPkgPath is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitCatchSignature ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitCatchSignature(ctx *CatchSignatureContext)
ExitCatchSignature is called when production catchSignature is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitClassBlock ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitClassBlock(ctx *ClassBlockContext)
ExitClassBlock is called when production classBlock is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitClassBlockStmt ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitClassBlockStmt(ctx *ClassBlockStmtContext)
ExitClassBlockStmt is called when production classBlockStmt is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitClassDeclaration ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitClassDeclaration(ctx *ClassDeclarationContext)
ExitClassDeclaration is called when production classDeclaration is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitConstant ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitConstant(ctx *ConstantContext)
ExitConstant is called when production constant is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitCreateInvocation ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitCreateInvocation(ctx *CreateInvocationContext)
ExitCreateInvocation is called when production createInvocation is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitEvaluateStmt ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitEvaluateStmt(ctx *EvaluateStmtContext)
ExitEvaluateStmt is called when production evaluateStmt is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitEvent ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitEvent(ctx *EventContext)
ExitEvent is called when production event is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitEveryRule ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitEveryRule(ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext)
ExitEveryRule is called when any rule is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprAddSub ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprAddSub(ctx *ExprAddSubContext)
ExitExprAddSub is called when production ExprAddSub is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprArrayIndex ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprArrayIndex(ctx *ExprArrayIndexContext)
ExitExprArrayIndex is called when production ExprArrayIndex is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprBoolean ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprBoolean(ctx *ExprBooleanContext)
ExitExprBoolean is called when production ExprBoolean is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprComparison ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprComparison(ctx *ExprComparisonContext)
ExitExprComparison is called when production ExprComparison is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprConcat ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprConcat(ctx *ExprConcatContext)
ExitExprConcat is called when production ExprConcat is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprCreate ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprCreate(ctx *ExprCreateContext)
ExitExprCreate is called when production ExprCreate is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprDotAccess ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprDotAccess(ctx *ExprDotAccessContext)
ExitExprDotAccess is called when production ExprDotAccess is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprDynamicReference ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprDynamicReference(ctx *ExprDynamicReferenceContext)
ExitExprDynamicReference is called when production ExprDynamicReference is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprEquality ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprEquality(ctx *ExprEqualityContext)
ExitExprEquality is called when production ExprEquality is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprFnOrIdxCall ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprFnOrIdxCall(ctx *ExprFnOrIdxCallContext)
ExitExprFnOrIdxCall is called when production ExprFnOrIdxCall is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprId ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprId(ctx *ExprIdContext)
ExitExprId is called when production ExprId is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprList ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprList(ctx *ExprListContext)
ExitExprList is called when production exprList is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprLiteral ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprLiteral(ctx *ExprLiteralContext)
ExitExprLiteral is called when production ExprLiteral is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprMulDiv ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprMulDiv(ctx *ExprMulDivContext)
ExitExprMulDiv is called when production ExprMulDiv is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprNegate ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprNegate(ctx *ExprNegateContext)
ExitExprNegate is called when production ExprNegate is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprNot ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprNot(ctx *ExprNotContext)
ExitExprNot is called when production ExprNot is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprParenthesized ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExprParenthesized(ctx *ExprParenthesizedContext)
ExitExprParenthesized is called when production ExprParenthesized is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExtFuncImport ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitExtFuncImport(ctx *ExtFuncImportContext)
ExitExtFuncImport is called when production extFuncImport is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitForStmt ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitForStmt(ctx *ForStmtContext)
ExitForStmt is called when production forStmt is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitFormalParamList ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitFormalParamList(ctx *FormalParamListContext)
ExitFormalParamList is called when production formalParamList is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitFuncImpl ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitFuncImpl(ctx *FuncImplContext)
ExitFuncImpl is called when production funcImpl is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitFuncSignature ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitFuncSignature(ctx *FuncSignatureContext)
ExitFuncSignature is called when production funcSignature is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitGetImpl ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitGetImpl(ctx *GetImplContext)
ExitGetImpl is called when production getImpl is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitId ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitId(ctx *IdContext)
ExitId is called when production id is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitIfStmt ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitIfStmt(ctx *IfStmtContext)
ExitIfStmt is called when production ifStmt is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitInstance ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitInstance(ctx *InstanceContext)
ExitInstance is called when production instance is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitLiteral ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitLiteral(ctx *LiteralContext)
ExitLiteral is called when production literal is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitMethod ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitMethod(ctx *MethodContext)
ExitMethod is called when production method is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitMethodImpl ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitMethodImpl(ctx *MethodImplContext)
ExitMethodImpl is called when production methodImpl is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitParam ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitParam(ctx *ParamContext)
ExitParam is called when production param is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitProgram ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitProgram(ctx *ProgramContext)
ExitProgram is called when production program is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitProperty ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitProperty(ctx *PropertyContext)
ExitProperty is called when production property is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitRecDefnPath ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitRecDefnPath(ctx *RecDefnPathContext)
ExitRecDefnPath is called when production recDefnPath is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitReturnType ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitReturnType(ctx *ReturnTypeContext)
ExitReturnType is called when production returnType is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitSetImpl ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitSetImpl(ctx *SetImplContext)
ExitSetImpl is called when production setImpl is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtAppClassImport ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtAppClassImport(ctx *StmtAppClassImportContext)
ExitStmtAppClassImport is called when production StmtAppClassImport is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtAssign ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtAssign(ctx *StmtAssignContext)
ExitStmtAssign is called when production StmtAssign is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtBreak ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtBreak(ctx *StmtBreakContext)
ExitStmtBreak is called when production StmtBreak is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtClassDeclaration ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtClassDeclaration(ctx *StmtClassDeclarationContext)
ExitStmtClassDeclaration is called when production StmtClassDeclaration is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtError ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtError(ctx *StmtErrorContext)
ExitStmtError is called when production StmtError is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtEvaluate ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtEvaluate(ctx *StmtEvaluateContext)
ExitStmtEvaluate is called when production StmtEvaluate is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtExit ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtExit(ctx *StmtExitContext)
ExitStmtExit is called when production StmtExit is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtExpr ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtExpr(ctx *StmtExprContext)
ExitStmtExpr is called when production StmtExpr is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtExternalFuncImport ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtExternalFuncImport(ctx *StmtExternalFuncImportContext)
ExitStmtExternalFuncImport is called when production StmtExternalFuncImport is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtFor ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtFor(ctx *StmtForContext)
ExitStmtFor is called when production StmtFor is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtFuncImpl ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtFuncImpl(ctx *StmtFuncImplContext)
ExitStmtFuncImpl is called when production StmtFuncImpl is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtGetImpl ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtGetImpl(ctx *StmtGetImplContext)
ExitStmtGetImpl is called when production StmtGetImpl is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtIf ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtIf(ctx *StmtIfContext)
ExitStmtIf is called when production StmtIf is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtList ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtList(ctx *StmtListContext)
ExitStmtList is called when production stmtList is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtMethodImpl ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtMethodImpl(ctx *StmtMethodImplContext)
ExitStmtMethodImpl is called when production StmtMethodImpl is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtReturn ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtReturn(ctx *StmtReturnContext)
ExitStmtReturn is called when production StmtReturn is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtSetImpl ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtSetImpl(ctx *StmtSetImplContext)
ExitStmtSetImpl is called when production StmtSetImpl is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtThrow ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtThrow(ctx *StmtThrowContext)
ExitStmtThrow is called when production StmtThrow is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtTryCatch ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtTryCatch(ctx *StmtTryCatchContext)
ExitStmtTryCatch is called when production StmtTryCatch is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtVarDeclaration ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtVarDeclaration(ctx *StmtVarDeclarationContext)
ExitStmtVarDeclaration is called when production StmtVarDeclaration is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtWarning ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtWarning(ctx *StmtWarningContext)
ExitStmtWarning is called when production StmtWarning is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtWhile ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitStmtWhile(ctx *StmtWhileContext)
ExitStmtWhile is called when production StmtWhile is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitTryCatchStmt ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitTryCatchStmt(ctx *TryCatchStmtContext)
ExitTryCatchStmt is called when production tryCatchStmt is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitVarDeclaration ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitVarDeclaration(ctx *VarDeclarationContext)
ExitVarDeclaration is called when production varDeclaration is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitVarDeclarator ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitVarDeclarator(ctx *VarDeclaratorContext)
ExitVarDeclarator is called when production varDeclarator is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitVarType ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitVarType(ctx *VarTypeContext)
ExitVarType is called when production varType is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitWhenBranch ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitWhenBranch(ctx *WhenBranchContext)
ExitWhenBranch is called when production whenBranch is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitWhenOtherBranch ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitWhenOtherBranch(ctx *WhenOtherBranchContext)
ExitWhenOtherBranch is called when production whenOtherBranch is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitWhileStmt ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) ExitWhileStmt(ctx *WhileStmtContext)
ExitWhileStmt is called when production whileStmt is exited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) VisitErrorNode ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) VisitErrorNode(node antlr.ErrorNode)
VisitErrorNode is called when an error node is visited.
func (*BasePeopleCodeListener) VisitTerminal ¶
func (s *BasePeopleCodeListener) VisitTerminal(node antlr.TerminalNode)
VisitTerminal is called when a terminal node is visited.
type CatchSignatureContext ¶
type CatchSignatureContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCatchSignatureContext ¶
func NewCatchSignatureContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *CatchSignatureContext
func NewEmptyCatchSignatureContext ¶
func NewEmptyCatchSignatureContext() *CatchSignatureContext
func (*CatchSignatureContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *CatchSignatureContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*CatchSignatureContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *CatchSignatureContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*CatchSignatureContext) GetExClass ¶
func (s *CatchSignatureContext) GetExClass() antlr.Token
func (*CatchSignatureContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *CatchSignatureContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*CatchSignatureContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *CatchSignatureContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*CatchSignatureContext) IsCatchSignatureContext ¶
func (*CatchSignatureContext) IsCatchSignatureContext()
func (*CatchSignatureContext) SetExClass ¶
func (s *CatchSignatureContext) SetExClass(v antlr.Token)
func (*CatchSignatureContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *CatchSignatureContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
func (*CatchSignatureContext) VAR_ID ¶
func (s *CatchSignatureContext) VAR_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
type ClassBlockContext ¶
type ClassBlockContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewClassBlockContext ¶
func NewClassBlockContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ClassBlockContext
func NewEmptyClassBlockContext ¶
func NewEmptyClassBlockContext() *ClassBlockContext
func (*ClassBlockContext) AllClassBlockStmt ¶
func (s *ClassBlockContext) AllClassBlockStmt() []IClassBlockStmtContext
func (*ClassBlockContext) ClassBlockStmt ¶
func (s *ClassBlockContext) ClassBlockStmt(i int) IClassBlockStmtContext
func (*ClassBlockContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ClassBlockContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ClassBlockContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ClassBlockContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ClassBlockContext) GetALvl ¶
func (s *ClassBlockContext) GetALvl() antlr.Token
func (*ClassBlockContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *ClassBlockContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*ClassBlockContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ClassBlockContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ClassBlockContext) IsClassBlockContext ¶
func (*ClassBlockContext) IsClassBlockContext()
func (*ClassBlockContext) SetALvl ¶
func (s *ClassBlockContext) SetALvl(v antlr.Token)
func (*ClassBlockContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *ClassBlockContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type ClassBlockStmtContext ¶
type ClassBlockStmtContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewClassBlockStmtContext ¶
func NewClassBlockStmtContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ClassBlockStmtContext
func NewEmptyClassBlockStmtContext ¶
func NewEmptyClassBlockStmtContext() *ClassBlockStmtContext
func (*ClassBlockStmtContext) Constant ¶
func (s *ClassBlockStmtContext) Constant() IConstantContext
func (*ClassBlockStmtContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ClassBlockStmtContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ClassBlockStmtContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ClassBlockStmtContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ClassBlockStmtContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *ClassBlockStmtContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*ClassBlockStmtContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ClassBlockStmtContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ClassBlockStmtContext) Instance ¶
func (s *ClassBlockStmtContext) Instance() IInstanceContext
func (*ClassBlockStmtContext) IsClassBlockStmtContext ¶
func (*ClassBlockStmtContext) IsClassBlockStmtContext()
func (*ClassBlockStmtContext) Method ¶
func (s *ClassBlockStmtContext) Method() IMethodContext
func (*ClassBlockStmtContext) Property ¶
func (s *ClassBlockStmtContext) Property() IPropertyContext
func (*ClassBlockStmtContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *ClassBlockStmtContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type ClassDeclarationContext ¶
type ClassDeclarationContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewClassDeclarationContext ¶
func NewClassDeclarationContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ClassDeclarationContext
func NewEmptyClassDeclarationContext ¶
func NewEmptyClassDeclarationContext() *ClassDeclarationContext
func (*ClassDeclarationContext) AllClassBlock ¶
func (s *ClassDeclarationContext) AllClassBlock() []IClassBlockContext
func (*ClassDeclarationContext) ClassBlock ¶
func (s *ClassDeclarationContext) ClassBlock(i int) IClassBlockContext
func (*ClassDeclarationContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ClassDeclarationContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ClassDeclarationContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ClassDeclarationContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ClassDeclarationContext) GENERIC_ID ¶
func (s *ClassDeclarationContext) GENERIC_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ClassDeclarationContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *ClassDeclarationContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*ClassDeclarationContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ClassDeclarationContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ClassDeclarationContext) IsClassDeclarationContext ¶
func (*ClassDeclarationContext) IsClassDeclarationContext()
func (*ClassDeclarationContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *ClassDeclarationContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type ConstantContext ¶
type ConstantContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewConstantContext ¶
func NewConstantContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ConstantContext
func NewEmptyConstantContext ¶
func NewEmptyConstantContext() *ConstantContext
func (*ConstantContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ConstantContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ConstantContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ConstantContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ConstantContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ConstantContext) Expr() IExprContext
func (*ConstantContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *ConstantContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*ConstantContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ConstantContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ConstantContext) IsConstantContext ¶
func (*ConstantContext) IsConstantContext()
func (*ConstantContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *ConstantContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
func (*ConstantContext) VAR_ID ¶
func (s *ConstantContext) VAR_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
type CreateInvocationContext ¶
type CreateInvocationContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCreateInvocationContext ¶
func NewCreateInvocationContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *CreateInvocationContext
func NewEmptyCreateInvocationContext ¶
func NewEmptyCreateInvocationContext() *CreateInvocationContext
func (*CreateInvocationContext) AppClassPath ¶
func (s *CreateInvocationContext) AppClassPath() IAppClassPathContext
func (*CreateInvocationContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *CreateInvocationContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*CreateInvocationContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *CreateInvocationContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*CreateInvocationContext) ExprList ¶
func (s *CreateInvocationContext) ExprList() IExprListContext
func (*CreateInvocationContext) GENERIC_ID ¶
func (s *CreateInvocationContext) GENERIC_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*CreateInvocationContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *CreateInvocationContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*CreateInvocationContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *CreateInvocationContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*CreateInvocationContext) IsCreateInvocationContext ¶
func (*CreateInvocationContext) IsCreateInvocationContext()
func (*CreateInvocationContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *CreateInvocationContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type EvaluateStmtContext ¶
type EvaluateStmtContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyEvaluateStmtContext ¶
func NewEmptyEvaluateStmtContext() *EvaluateStmtContext
func NewEvaluateStmtContext ¶
func NewEvaluateStmtContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *EvaluateStmtContext
func (*EvaluateStmtContext) AllWhenBranch ¶
func (s *EvaluateStmtContext) AllWhenBranch() []IWhenBranchContext
func (*EvaluateStmtContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *EvaluateStmtContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*EvaluateStmtContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *EvaluateStmtContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*EvaluateStmtContext) Expr ¶
func (s *EvaluateStmtContext) Expr() IExprContext
func (*EvaluateStmtContext) GetEndevaluate ¶
func (s *EvaluateStmtContext) GetEndevaluate() antlr.Token
func (*EvaluateStmtContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *EvaluateStmtContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*EvaluateStmtContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *EvaluateStmtContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*EvaluateStmtContext) IsEvaluateStmtContext ¶
func (*EvaluateStmtContext) IsEvaluateStmtContext()
func (*EvaluateStmtContext) SetEndevaluate ¶
func (s *EvaluateStmtContext) SetEndevaluate(v antlr.Token)
func (*EvaluateStmtContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *EvaluateStmtContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
func (*EvaluateStmtContext) WhenBranch ¶
func (s *EvaluateStmtContext) WhenBranch(i int) IWhenBranchContext
func (*EvaluateStmtContext) WhenOtherBranch ¶
func (s *EvaluateStmtContext) WhenOtherBranch() IWhenOtherBranchContext
type EventContext ¶
type EventContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyEventContext ¶
func NewEmptyEventContext() *EventContext
func NewEventContext ¶
func NewEventContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *EventContext
func (*EventContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *EventContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*EventContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *EventContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*EventContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *EventContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*EventContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *EventContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*EventContext) IsEventContext ¶
func (*EventContext) IsEventContext()
func (*EventContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *EventContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type ExprAddSubContext ¶
type ExprAddSubContext struct { *ExprContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewExprAddSubContext ¶
func NewExprAddSubContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprAddSubContext
func (*ExprAddSubContext) AllExpr ¶
func (s *ExprAddSubContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
func (*ExprAddSubContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ExprAddSubContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprAddSubContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ExprAddSubContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprAddSubContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ExprAddSubContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
func (*ExprAddSubContext) GetA ¶
func (s *ExprAddSubContext) GetA() antlr.Token
func (*ExprAddSubContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprAddSubContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ExprAddSubContext) GetS ¶
func (s *ExprAddSubContext) GetS() antlr.Token
func (*ExprAddSubContext) SetA ¶
func (s *ExprAddSubContext) SetA(v antlr.Token)
func (*ExprAddSubContext) SetS ¶
func (s *ExprAddSubContext) SetS(v antlr.Token)
type ExprArrayIndexContext ¶
type ExprArrayIndexContext struct {
func NewExprArrayIndexContext ¶
func NewExprArrayIndexContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprArrayIndexContext
func (*ExprArrayIndexContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ExprArrayIndexContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprArrayIndexContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ExprArrayIndexContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprArrayIndexContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ExprArrayIndexContext) Expr() IExprContext
func (*ExprArrayIndexContext) ExprList ¶
func (s *ExprArrayIndexContext) ExprList() IExprListContext
func (*ExprArrayIndexContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprArrayIndexContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
type ExprBooleanContext ¶
type ExprBooleanContext struct { *ExprContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewExprBooleanContext ¶
func NewExprBooleanContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprBooleanContext
func (*ExprBooleanContext) AllExpr ¶
func (s *ExprBooleanContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
func (*ExprBooleanContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ExprBooleanContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprBooleanContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ExprBooleanContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprBooleanContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ExprBooleanContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
func (*ExprBooleanContext) GetOp ¶
func (s *ExprBooleanContext) GetOp() antlr.Token
func (*ExprBooleanContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprBooleanContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ExprBooleanContext) SetOp ¶
func (s *ExprBooleanContext) SetOp(v antlr.Token)
type ExprComparisonContext ¶
type ExprComparisonContext struct { *ExprContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewExprComparisonContext ¶
func NewExprComparisonContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprComparisonContext
func (*ExprComparisonContext) AllExpr ¶
func (s *ExprComparisonContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
func (*ExprComparisonContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ExprComparisonContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprComparisonContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ExprComparisonContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprComparisonContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ExprComparisonContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
func (*ExprComparisonContext) GetG ¶
func (s *ExprComparisonContext) GetG() antlr.Token
func (*ExprComparisonContext) GetGe ¶
func (s *ExprComparisonContext) GetGe() antlr.Token
func (*ExprComparisonContext) GetL ¶
func (s *ExprComparisonContext) GetL() antlr.Token
func (*ExprComparisonContext) GetLe ¶
func (s *ExprComparisonContext) GetLe() antlr.Token
func (*ExprComparisonContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprComparisonContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ExprComparisonContext) SetG ¶
func (s *ExprComparisonContext) SetG(v antlr.Token)
func (*ExprComparisonContext) SetGe ¶
func (s *ExprComparisonContext) SetGe(v antlr.Token)
func (*ExprComparisonContext) SetL ¶
func (s *ExprComparisonContext) SetL(v antlr.Token)
func (*ExprComparisonContext) SetLe ¶
func (s *ExprComparisonContext) SetLe(v antlr.Token)
type ExprConcatContext ¶
type ExprConcatContext struct {
func NewExprConcatContext ¶
func NewExprConcatContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprConcatContext
func (*ExprConcatContext) AllExpr ¶
func (s *ExprConcatContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
func (*ExprConcatContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ExprConcatContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprConcatContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ExprConcatContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprConcatContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ExprConcatContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
func (*ExprConcatContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprConcatContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
type ExprContext ¶
type ExprContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyExprContext ¶
func NewEmptyExprContext() *ExprContext
func NewExprContext ¶
func NewExprContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ExprContext
func (*ExprContext) CopyFrom ¶
func (s *ExprContext) CopyFrom(ctx *ExprContext)
func (*ExprContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *ExprContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*ExprContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ExprContext) IsExprContext ¶
func (*ExprContext) IsExprContext()
func (*ExprContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *ExprContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type ExprCreateContext ¶
type ExprCreateContext struct {
func NewExprCreateContext ¶
func NewExprCreateContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprCreateContext
func (*ExprCreateContext) CreateInvocation ¶
func (s *ExprCreateContext) CreateInvocation() ICreateInvocationContext
func (*ExprCreateContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ExprCreateContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprCreateContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ExprCreateContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprCreateContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprCreateContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
type ExprDotAccessContext ¶
type ExprDotAccessContext struct {
func NewExprDotAccessContext ¶
func NewExprDotAccessContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprDotAccessContext
func (*ExprDotAccessContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ExprDotAccessContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprDotAccessContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ExprDotAccessContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprDotAccessContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ExprDotAccessContext) Expr() IExprContext
func (*ExprDotAccessContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprDotAccessContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ExprDotAccessContext) Id ¶
func (s *ExprDotAccessContext) Id() IIdContext
type ExprDynamicReferenceContext ¶
type ExprDynamicReferenceContext struct {
func NewExprDynamicReferenceContext ¶
func NewExprDynamicReferenceContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprDynamicReferenceContext
func (*ExprDynamicReferenceContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ExprDynamicReferenceContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprDynamicReferenceContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ExprDynamicReferenceContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprDynamicReferenceContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ExprDynamicReferenceContext) Expr() IExprContext
func (*ExprDynamicReferenceContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprDynamicReferenceContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
type ExprEqualityContext ¶
type ExprEqualityContext struct { *ExprContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewExprEqualityContext ¶
func NewExprEqualityContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprEqualityContext
func (*ExprEqualityContext) AllExpr ¶
func (s *ExprEqualityContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
func (*ExprEqualityContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ExprEqualityContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprEqualityContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ExprEqualityContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprEqualityContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ExprEqualityContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
func (*ExprEqualityContext) GetE ¶
func (s *ExprEqualityContext) GetE() antlr.Token
func (*ExprEqualityContext) GetI ¶
func (s *ExprEqualityContext) GetI() antlr.Token
func (*ExprEqualityContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprEqualityContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ExprEqualityContext) SetE ¶
func (s *ExprEqualityContext) SetE(v antlr.Token)
func (*ExprEqualityContext) SetI ¶
func (s *ExprEqualityContext) SetI(v antlr.Token)
type ExprFnOrIdxCallContext ¶
type ExprFnOrIdxCallContext struct {
func NewExprFnOrIdxCallContext ¶
func NewExprFnOrIdxCallContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprFnOrIdxCallContext
func (*ExprFnOrIdxCallContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ExprFnOrIdxCallContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprFnOrIdxCallContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ExprFnOrIdxCallContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprFnOrIdxCallContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ExprFnOrIdxCallContext) Expr() IExprContext
func (*ExprFnOrIdxCallContext) ExprList ¶
func (s *ExprFnOrIdxCallContext) ExprList() IExprListContext
func (*ExprFnOrIdxCallContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprFnOrIdxCallContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
type ExprIdContext ¶
type ExprIdContext struct {
func NewExprIdContext ¶
func NewExprIdContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprIdContext
func (*ExprIdContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ExprIdContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprIdContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ExprIdContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprIdContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprIdContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ExprIdContext) Id ¶
func (s *ExprIdContext) Id() IIdContext
type ExprListContext ¶
type ExprListContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyExprListContext ¶
func NewEmptyExprListContext() *ExprListContext
func NewExprListContext ¶
func NewExprListContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ExprListContext
func (*ExprListContext) AllExpr ¶
func (s *ExprListContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
func (*ExprListContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ExprListContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprListContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ExprListContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprListContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ExprListContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
func (*ExprListContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *ExprListContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*ExprListContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprListContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ExprListContext) IsExprListContext ¶
func (*ExprListContext) IsExprListContext()
func (*ExprListContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *ExprListContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type ExprLiteralContext ¶
type ExprLiteralContext struct {
func NewExprLiteralContext ¶
func NewExprLiteralContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprLiteralContext
func (*ExprLiteralContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ExprLiteralContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprLiteralContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ExprLiteralContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprLiteralContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprLiteralContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ExprLiteralContext) Literal ¶
func (s *ExprLiteralContext) Literal() ILiteralContext
type ExprMulDivContext ¶
type ExprMulDivContext struct { *ExprContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewExprMulDivContext ¶
func NewExprMulDivContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprMulDivContext
func (*ExprMulDivContext) AllExpr ¶
func (s *ExprMulDivContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
func (*ExprMulDivContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ExprMulDivContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprMulDivContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ExprMulDivContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprMulDivContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ExprMulDivContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
func (*ExprMulDivContext) GetD ¶
func (s *ExprMulDivContext) GetD() antlr.Token
func (*ExprMulDivContext) GetM ¶
func (s *ExprMulDivContext) GetM() antlr.Token
func (*ExprMulDivContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprMulDivContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ExprMulDivContext) SetD ¶
func (s *ExprMulDivContext) SetD(v antlr.Token)
func (*ExprMulDivContext) SetM ¶
func (s *ExprMulDivContext) SetM(v antlr.Token)
type ExprNegateContext ¶
type ExprNegateContext struct {
func NewExprNegateContext ¶
func NewExprNegateContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprNegateContext
func (*ExprNegateContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ExprNegateContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprNegateContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ExprNegateContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprNegateContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ExprNegateContext) Expr() IExprContext
func (*ExprNegateContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprNegateContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
type ExprNotContext ¶
type ExprNotContext struct {
func NewExprNotContext ¶
func NewExprNotContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprNotContext
func (*ExprNotContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ExprNotContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprNotContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ExprNotContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprNotContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ExprNotContext) Expr() IExprContext
func (*ExprNotContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprNotContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
type ExprParenthesizedContext ¶
type ExprParenthesizedContext struct {
func NewExprParenthesizedContext ¶
func NewExprParenthesizedContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprParenthesizedContext
func (*ExprParenthesizedContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ExprParenthesizedContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprParenthesizedContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ExprParenthesizedContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExprParenthesizedContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ExprParenthesizedContext) Expr() IExprContext
func (*ExprParenthesizedContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprParenthesizedContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
type ExtFuncImportContext ¶
type ExtFuncImportContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyExtFuncImportContext ¶
func NewEmptyExtFuncImportContext() *ExtFuncImportContext
func NewExtFuncImportContext ¶
func NewExtFuncImportContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ExtFuncImportContext
func (*ExtFuncImportContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ExtFuncImportContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExtFuncImportContext) Event ¶
func (s *ExtFuncImportContext) Event() IEventContext
func (*ExtFuncImportContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ExtFuncImportContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ExtFuncImportContext) GENERIC_ID ¶
func (s *ExtFuncImportContext) GENERIC_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExtFuncImportContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *ExtFuncImportContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*ExtFuncImportContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExtFuncImportContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ExtFuncImportContext) IsExtFuncImportContext ¶
func (*ExtFuncImportContext) IsExtFuncImportContext()
func (*ExtFuncImportContext) RecDefnPath ¶
func (s *ExtFuncImportContext) RecDefnPath() IRecDefnPathContext
func (*ExtFuncImportContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *ExtFuncImportContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type ForStmtContext ¶
type ForStmtContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyForStmtContext ¶
func NewEmptyForStmtContext() *ForStmtContext
func NewForStmtContext ¶
func NewForStmtContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ForStmtContext
func (*ForStmtContext) AllExpr ¶
func (s *ForStmtContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
func (*ForStmtContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ForStmtContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ForStmtContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ForStmtContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ForStmtContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ForStmtContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
func (*ForStmtContext) GetEndfor ¶
func (s *ForStmtContext) GetEndfor() antlr.Token
func (*ForStmtContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *ForStmtContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*ForStmtContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ForStmtContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ForStmtContext) IsForStmtContext ¶
func (*ForStmtContext) IsForStmtContext()
func (*ForStmtContext) SetEndfor ¶
func (s *ForStmtContext) SetEndfor(v antlr.Token)
func (*ForStmtContext) StmtList ¶
func (s *ForStmtContext) StmtList() IStmtListContext
func (*ForStmtContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *ForStmtContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
func (*ForStmtContext) VAR_ID ¶
func (s *ForStmtContext) VAR_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
type FormalParamListContext ¶
type FormalParamListContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyFormalParamListContext ¶
func NewEmptyFormalParamListContext() *FormalParamListContext
func NewFormalParamListContext ¶
func NewFormalParamListContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *FormalParamListContext
func (*FormalParamListContext) AllParam ¶
func (s *FormalParamListContext) AllParam() []IParamContext
func (*FormalParamListContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *FormalParamListContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*FormalParamListContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *FormalParamListContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*FormalParamListContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *FormalParamListContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*FormalParamListContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *FormalParamListContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*FormalParamListContext) IsFormalParamListContext ¶
func (*FormalParamListContext) IsFormalParamListContext()
func (*FormalParamListContext) Param ¶
func (s *FormalParamListContext) Param(i int) IParamContext
func (*FormalParamListContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *FormalParamListContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type FuncImplContext ¶
type FuncImplContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyFuncImplContext ¶
func NewEmptyFuncImplContext() *FuncImplContext
func NewFuncImplContext ¶
func NewFuncImplContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *FuncImplContext
func (*FuncImplContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *FuncImplContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*FuncImplContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *FuncImplContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*FuncImplContext) FuncSignature ¶
func (s *FuncImplContext) FuncSignature() IFuncSignatureContext
func (*FuncImplContext) GetEndfunction ¶
func (s *FuncImplContext) GetEndfunction() antlr.Token
func (*FuncImplContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *FuncImplContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*FuncImplContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *FuncImplContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*FuncImplContext) IsFuncImplContext ¶
func (*FuncImplContext) IsFuncImplContext()
func (*FuncImplContext) SetEndfunction ¶
func (s *FuncImplContext) SetEndfunction(v antlr.Token)
func (*FuncImplContext) StmtList ¶
func (s *FuncImplContext) StmtList() IStmtListContext
func (*FuncImplContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *FuncImplContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type FuncSignatureContext ¶
type FuncSignatureContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyFuncSignatureContext ¶
func NewEmptyFuncSignatureContext() *FuncSignatureContext
func NewFuncSignatureContext ¶
func NewFuncSignatureContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *FuncSignatureContext
func (*FuncSignatureContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *FuncSignatureContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*FuncSignatureContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *FuncSignatureContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*FuncSignatureContext) FormalParamList ¶
func (s *FuncSignatureContext) FormalParamList() IFormalParamListContext
func (*FuncSignatureContext) GENERIC_ID ¶
func (s *FuncSignatureContext) GENERIC_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*FuncSignatureContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *FuncSignatureContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*FuncSignatureContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *FuncSignatureContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*FuncSignatureContext) IsFuncSignatureContext ¶
func (*FuncSignatureContext) IsFuncSignatureContext()
func (*FuncSignatureContext) ReturnType ¶
func (s *FuncSignatureContext) ReturnType() IReturnTypeContext
func (*FuncSignatureContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *FuncSignatureContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type GetImplContext ¶
type GetImplContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyGetImplContext ¶
func NewEmptyGetImplContext() *GetImplContext
func NewGetImplContext ¶
func NewGetImplContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *GetImplContext
func (*GetImplContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *GetImplContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*GetImplContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *GetImplContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*GetImplContext) GENERIC_ID ¶
func (s *GetImplContext) GENERIC_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*GetImplContext) GetEndget ¶
func (s *GetImplContext) GetEndget() antlr.Token
func (*GetImplContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *GetImplContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*GetImplContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *GetImplContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*GetImplContext) IsGetImplContext ¶
func (*GetImplContext) IsGetImplContext()
func (*GetImplContext) SetEndget ¶
func (s *GetImplContext) SetEndget(v antlr.Token)
func (*GetImplContext) StmtList ¶
func (s *GetImplContext) StmtList() IStmtListContext
func (*GetImplContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *GetImplContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type IAppClassImportContext ¶
type IAppClassImportContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsAppClassImportContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsAppClassImportContext() }
IAppClassImportContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IAppClassPathContext ¶
type IAppClassPathContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsAppClassPathContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsAppClassPathContext() }
IAppClassPathContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IAppPkgPathContext ¶
type IAppPkgPathContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsAppPkgPathContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsAppPkgPathContext() }
IAppPkgPathContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type ICatchSignatureContext ¶
type ICatchSignatureContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // GetExClass returns the exClass token. GetExClass() antlr.Token // SetExClass sets the exClass token. SetExClass(antlr.Token) // IsCatchSignatureContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsCatchSignatureContext() }
ICatchSignatureContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IClassBlockContext ¶
type IClassBlockContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // GetALvl returns the aLvl token. GetALvl() antlr.Token // SetALvl sets the aLvl token. SetALvl(antlr.Token) // IsClassBlockContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsClassBlockContext() }
IClassBlockContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IClassBlockStmtContext ¶
type IClassBlockStmtContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsClassBlockStmtContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsClassBlockStmtContext() }
IClassBlockStmtContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IClassDeclarationContext ¶
type IClassDeclarationContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsClassDeclarationContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsClassDeclarationContext() }
IClassDeclarationContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IConstantContext ¶
type IConstantContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsConstantContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsConstantContext() }
IConstantContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type ICreateInvocationContext ¶
type ICreateInvocationContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsCreateInvocationContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsCreateInvocationContext() }
ICreateInvocationContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IEvaluateStmtContext ¶
type IEvaluateStmtContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // GetEndevaluate returns the endevaluate token. GetEndevaluate() antlr.Token // SetEndevaluate sets the endevaluate token. SetEndevaluate(antlr.Token) // IsEvaluateStmtContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsEvaluateStmtContext() }
IEvaluateStmtContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IEventContext ¶
type IEventContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsEventContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsEventContext() }
IEventContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IExprContext ¶
type IExprContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsExprContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsExprContext() }
IExprContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IExprListContext ¶
type IExprListContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsExprListContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsExprListContext() }
IExprListContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IExtFuncImportContext ¶
type IExtFuncImportContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsExtFuncImportContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsExtFuncImportContext() }
IExtFuncImportContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IForStmtContext ¶
type IForStmtContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // GetEndfor returns the endfor token. GetEndfor() antlr.Token // SetEndfor sets the endfor token. SetEndfor(antlr.Token) // IsForStmtContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsForStmtContext() }
IForStmtContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IFormalParamListContext ¶
type IFormalParamListContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsFormalParamListContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsFormalParamListContext() }
IFormalParamListContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IFuncImplContext ¶
type IFuncImplContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // GetEndfunction returns the endfunction token. GetEndfunction() antlr.Token // SetEndfunction sets the endfunction token. SetEndfunction(antlr.Token) // IsFuncImplContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsFuncImplContext() }
IFuncImplContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IFuncSignatureContext ¶
type IFuncSignatureContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsFuncSignatureContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsFuncSignatureContext() }
IFuncSignatureContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IGetImplContext ¶
type IGetImplContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // GetEndget returns the endget token. GetEndget() antlr.Token // SetEndget sets the endget token. SetEndget(antlr.Token) // IsGetImplContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsGetImplContext() }
IGetImplContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IIdContext ¶
type IIdContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsIdContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsIdContext() }
IIdContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IIfStmtContext ¶
type IIfStmtContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // GetElsetok returns the elsetok token. GetElsetok() antlr.Token // GetEndif returns the endif token. GetEndif() antlr.Token // SetElsetok sets the elsetok token. SetElsetok(antlr.Token) // SetEndif sets the endif token. SetEndif(antlr.Token) // IsIfStmtContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsIfStmtContext() }
IIfStmtContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IInstanceContext ¶
type IInstanceContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsInstanceContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsInstanceContext() }
IInstanceContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type ILiteralContext ¶
type ILiteralContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsLiteralContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsLiteralContext() }
ILiteralContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IMethodContext ¶
type IMethodContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsMethodContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsMethodContext() }
IMethodContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IMethodImplContext ¶
type IMethodImplContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // GetEndmethod returns the endmethod token. GetEndmethod() antlr.Token // SetEndmethod sets the endmethod token. SetEndmethod(antlr.Token) // IsMethodImplContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsMethodImplContext() }
IMethodImplContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IParamContext ¶
type IParamContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsParamContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsParamContext() }
IParamContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IProgramContext ¶
type IProgramContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsProgramContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsProgramContext() }
IProgramContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IPropertyContext ¶
type IPropertyContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // GetG returns the g token. GetG() antlr.Token // GetS returns the s token. GetS() antlr.Token // GetR returns the r token. GetR() antlr.Token // SetG sets the g token. SetG(antlr.Token) // SetS sets the s token. SetS(antlr.Token) // SetR sets the r token. SetR(antlr.Token) // IsPropertyContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsPropertyContext() }
IPropertyContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IRecDefnPathContext ¶
type IRecDefnPathContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsRecDefnPathContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsRecDefnPathContext() }
IRecDefnPathContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IReturnTypeContext ¶
type IReturnTypeContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsReturnTypeContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsReturnTypeContext() }
IReturnTypeContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type ISetImplContext ¶
type ISetImplContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // GetEndset returns the endset token. GetEndset() antlr.Token // SetEndset sets the endset token. SetEndset(antlr.Token) // IsSetImplContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsSetImplContext() }
ISetImplContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IStmtContext ¶
type IStmtContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsStmtContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsStmtContext() }
IStmtContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IStmtListContext ¶
type IStmtListContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsStmtListContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsStmtListContext() }
IStmtListContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type ITryCatchStmtContext ¶
type ITryCatchStmtContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // GetTrytok returns the trytok token. GetTrytok() antlr.Token // GetEndtry returns the endtry token. GetEndtry() antlr.Token // SetTrytok sets the trytok token. SetTrytok(antlr.Token) // SetEndtry sets the endtry token. SetEndtry(antlr.Token) // IsTryCatchStmtContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsTryCatchStmtContext() }
ITryCatchStmtContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IVarDeclarationContext ¶
type IVarDeclarationContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // GetVarScope returns the varScope token. GetVarScope() antlr.Token // SetVarScope sets the varScope token. SetVarScope(antlr.Token) // IsVarDeclarationContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsVarDeclarationContext() }
IVarDeclarationContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IVarDeclaratorContext ¶
type IVarDeclaratorContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsVarDeclaratorContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsVarDeclaratorContext() }
IVarDeclaratorContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IVarTypeContext ¶
type IVarTypeContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsVarTypeContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsVarTypeContext() }
IVarTypeContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IWhenBranchContext ¶
type IWhenBranchContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // GetOp returns the op token. GetOp() antlr.Token // SetOp sets the op token. SetOp(antlr.Token) // IsWhenBranchContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsWhenBranchContext() }
IWhenBranchContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IWhenOtherBranchContext ¶
type IWhenOtherBranchContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsWhenOtherBranchContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsWhenOtherBranchContext() }
IWhenOtherBranchContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IWhileStmtContext ¶
type IWhileStmtContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsWhileStmtContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsWhileStmtContext() }
IWhileStmtContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IdContext ¶
type IdContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyIdContext ¶
func NewEmptyIdContext() *IdContext
func NewIdContext ¶
func (*IdContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *IdContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*IdContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *IdContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*IdContext) GENERIC_ID ¶
func (s *IdContext) GENERIC_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*IdContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *IdContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*IdContext) IsIdContext ¶
func (*IdContext) IsIdContext()
func (*IdContext) SYS_VAR_ID ¶
func (s *IdContext) SYS_VAR_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*IdContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *IdContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
func (*IdContext) VAR_ID ¶
func (s *IdContext) VAR_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
type IfStmtContext ¶
type IfStmtContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyIfStmtContext ¶
func NewEmptyIfStmtContext() *IfStmtContext
func NewIfStmtContext ¶
func NewIfStmtContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *IfStmtContext
func (*IfStmtContext) AllStmtList ¶
func (s *IfStmtContext) AllStmtList() []IStmtListContext
func (*IfStmtContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *IfStmtContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*IfStmtContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *IfStmtContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*IfStmtContext) Expr ¶
func (s *IfStmtContext) Expr() IExprContext
func (*IfStmtContext) GetElsetok ¶
func (s *IfStmtContext) GetElsetok() antlr.Token
func (*IfStmtContext) GetEndif ¶
func (s *IfStmtContext) GetEndif() antlr.Token
func (*IfStmtContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *IfStmtContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*IfStmtContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *IfStmtContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*IfStmtContext) IsIfStmtContext ¶
func (*IfStmtContext) IsIfStmtContext()
func (*IfStmtContext) SetElsetok ¶
func (s *IfStmtContext) SetElsetok(v antlr.Token)
func (*IfStmtContext) SetEndif ¶
func (s *IfStmtContext) SetEndif(v antlr.Token)
func (*IfStmtContext) StmtList ¶
func (s *IfStmtContext) StmtList(i int) IStmtListContext
func (*IfStmtContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *IfStmtContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type InstanceContext ¶
type InstanceContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyInstanceContext ¶
func NewEmptyInstanceContext() *InstanceContext
func NewInstanceContext ¶
func NewInstanceContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *InstanceContext
func (*InstanceContext) AllVAR_ID ¶
func (s *InstanceContext) AllVAR_ID() []antlr.TerminalNode
func (*InstanceContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *InstanceContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*InstanceContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *InstanceContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*InstanceContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *InstanceContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*InstanceContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *InstanceContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*InstanceContext) IsInstanceContext ¶
func (*InstanceContext) IsInstanceContext()
func (*InstanceContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *InstanceContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
func (*InstanceContext) VAR_ID ¶
func (s *InstanceContext) VAR_ID(i int) antlr.TerminalNode
func (*InstanceContext) VarType ¶
func (s *InstanceContext) VarType() IVarTypeContext
type LiteralContext ¶
type LiteralContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyLiteralContext ¶
func NewEmptyLiteralContext() *LiteralContext
func NewLiteralContext ¶
func NewLiteralContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *LiteralContext
func (*LiteralContext) BoolLiteral ¶
func (s *LiteralContext) BoolLiteral() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*LiteralContext) DecimalLiteral ¶
func (s *LiteralContext) DecimalLiteral() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*LiteralContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *LiteralContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*LiteralContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *LiteralContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*LiteralContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *LiteralContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*LiteralContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *LiteralContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*LiteralContext) IntegerLiteral ¶
func (s *LiteralContext) IntegerLiteral() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*LiteralContext) IsLiteralContext ¶
func (*LiteralContext) IsLiteralContext()
func (*LiteralContext) StringLiteral ¶
func (s *LiteralContext) StringLiteral() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*LiteralContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *LiteralContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type MethodContext ¶
type MethodContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyMethodContext ¶
func NewEmptyMethodContext() *MethodContext
func NewMethodContext ¶
func NewMethodContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *MethodContext
func (*MethodContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *MethodContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*MethodContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *MethodContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*MethodContext) FormalParamList ¶
func (s *MethodContext) FormalParamList() IFormalParamListContext
func (*MethodContext) GENERIC_ID ¶
func (s *MethodContext) GENERIC_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*MethodContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *MethodContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*MethodContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *MethodContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*MethodContext) IsMethodContext ¶
func (*MethodContext) IsMethodContext()
func (*MethodContext) ReturnType ¶
func (s *MethodContext) ReturnType() IReturnTypeContext
func (*MethodContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *MethodContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type MethodImplContext ¶
type MethodImplContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyMethodImplContext ¶
func NewEmptyMethodImplContext() *MethodImplContext
func NewMethodImplContext ¶
func NewMethodImplContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *MethodImplContext
func (*MethodImplContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *MethodImplContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*MethodImplContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *MethodImplContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*MethodImplContext) GENERIC_ID ¶
func (s *MethodImplContext) GENERIC_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*MethodImplContext) GetEndmethod ¶
func (s *MethodImplContext) GetEndmethod() antlr.Token
func (*MethodImplContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *MethodImplContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*MethodImplContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *MethodImplContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*MethodImplContext) IsMethodImplContext ¶
func (*MethodImplContext) IsMethodImplContext()
func (*MethodImplContext) SetEndmethod ¶
func (s *MethodImplContext) SetEndmethod(v antlr.Token)
func (*MethodImplContext) StmtList ¶
func (s *MethodImplContext) StmtList() IStmtListContext
func (*MethodImplContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *MethodImplContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type ParamContext ¶
type ParamContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyParamContext ¶
func NewEmptyParamContext() *ParamContext
func NewParamContext ¶
func NewParamContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ParamContext
func (*ParamContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ParamContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ParamContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ParamContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ParamContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *ParamContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*ParamContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ParamContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ParamContext) IsParamContext ¶
func (*ParamContext) IsParamContext()
func (*ParamContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *ParamContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
func (*ParamContext) VAR_ID ¶
func (s *ParamContext) VAR_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ParamContext) VarType ¶
func (s *ParamContext) VarType() IVarTypeContext
type PeopleCodeLexer ¶
func NewPeopleCodeLexer ¶
func NewPeopleCodeLexer(input antlr.CharStream) *PeopleCodeLexer
type PeopleCodeListener ¶
type PeopleCodeListener interface { antlr.ParseTreeListener // EnterProgram is called when entering the program production. EnterProgram(c *ProgramContext) // EnterStmtList is called when entering the stmtList production. EnterStmtList(c *StmtListContext) // EnterStmtAppClassImport is called when entering the StmtAppClassImport production. EnterStmtAppClassImport(c *StmtAppClassImportContext) // EnterStmtExternalFuncImport is called when entering the StmtExternalFuncImport production. EnterStmtExternalFuncImport(c *StmtExternalFuncImportContext) // EnterStmtClassDeclaration is called when entering the StmtClassDeclaration production. EnterStmtClassDeclaration(c *StmtClassDeclarationContext) // EnterStmtMethodImpl is called when entering the StmtMethodImpl production. EnterStmtMethodImpl(c *StmtMethodImplContext) // EnterStmtGetImpl is called when entering the StmtGetImpl production. EnterStmtGetImpl(c *StmtGetImplContext) // EnterStmtSetImpl is called when entering the StmtSetImpl production. EnterStmtSetImpl(c *StmtSetImplContext) // EnterStmtFuncImpl is called when entering the StmtFuncImpl production. EnterStmtFuncImpl(c *StmtFuncImplContext) // EnterStmtVarDeclaration is called when entering the StmtVarDeclaration production. EnterStmtVarDeclaration(c *StmtVarDeclarationContext) // EnterStmtIf is called when entering the StmtIf production. EnterStmtIf(c *StmtIfContext) // EnterStmtFor is called when entering the StmtFor production. EnterStmtFor(c *StmtForContext) // EnterStmtWhile is called when entering the StmtWhile production. EnterStmtWhile(c *StmtWhileContext) // EnterStmtEvaluate is called when entering the StmtEvaluate production. EnterStmtEvaluate(c *StmtEvaluateContext) // EnterStmtTryCatch is called when entering the StmtTryCatch production. EnterStmtTryCatch(c *StmtTryCatchContext) // EnterStmtExit is called when entering the StmtExit production. EnterStmtExit(c *StmtExitContext) // EnterStmtBreak is called when entering the StmtBreak production. EnterStmtBreak(c *StmtBreakContext) // EnterStmtError is called when entering the StmtError production. EnterStmtError(c *StmtErrorContext) // EnterStmtWarning is called when entering the StmtWarning production. EnterStmtWarning(c *StmtWarningContext) // EnterStmtReturn is called when entering the StmtReturn production. EnterStmtReturn(c *StmtReturnContext) // EnterStmtThrow is called when entering the StmtThrow production. EnterStmtThrow(c *StmtThrowContext) // EnterStmtAssign is called when entering the StmtAssign production. EnterStmtAssign(c *StmtAssignContext) // EnterStmtExpr is called when entering the StmtExpr production. EnterStmtExpr(c *StmtExprContext) // EnterExprComparison is called when entering the ExprComparison production. EnterExprComparison(c *ExprComparisonContext) // EnterExprConcat is called when entering the ExprConcat production. EnterExprConcat(c *ExprConcatContext) // EnterExprCreate is called when entering the ExprCreate production. EnterExprCreate(c *ExprCreateContext) // EnterExprBoolean is called when entering the ExprBoolean production. EnterExprBoolean(c *ExprBooleanContext) // EnterExprNot is called when entering the ExprNot production. EnterExprNot(c *ExprNotContext) // EnterExprAddSub is called when entering the ExprAddSub production. EnterExprAddSub(c *ExprAddSubContext) // EnterExprDotAccess is called when entering the ExprDotAccess production. EnterExprDotAccess(c *ExprDotAccessContext) // EnterExprFnOrIdxCall is called when entering the ExprFnOrIdxCall production. EnterExprFnOrIdxCall(c *ExprFnOrIdxCallContext) // EnterExprParenthesized is called when entering the ExprParenthesized production. EnterExprParenthesized(c *ExprParenthesizedContext) // EnterExprMulDiv is called when entering the ExprMulDiv production. EnterExprMulDiv(c *ExprMulDivContext) // EnterExprNegate is called when entering the ExprNegate production. EnterExprNegate(c *ExprNegateContext) // EnterExprArrayIndex is called when entering the ExprArrayIndex production. EnterExprArrayIndex(c *ExprArrayIndexContext) // EnterExprLiteral is called when entering the ExprLiteral production. EnterExprLiteral(c *ExprLiteralContext) // EnterExprEquality is called when entering the ExprEquality production. EnterExprEquality(c *ExprEqualityContext) // EnterExprDynamicReference is called when entering the ExprDynamicReference production. EnterExprDynamicReference(c *ExprDynamicReferenceContext) // EnterExprId is called when entering the ExprId production. EnterExprId(c *ExprIdContext) // EnterExprList is called when entering the exprList production. EnterExprList(c *ExprListContext) // EnterVarDeclaration is called when entering the varDeclaration production. EnterVarDeclaration(c *VarDeclarationContext) // EnterVarDeclarator is called when entering the varDeclarator production. EnterVarDeclarator(c *VarDeclaratorContext) // EnterVarType is called when entering the varType production. EnterVarType(c *VarTypeContext) // EnterAppClassImport is called when entering the appClassImport production. EnterAppClassImport(c *AppClassImportContext) // EnterAppPkgPath is called when entering the appPkgPath production. EnterAppPkgPath(c *AppPkgPathContext) // EnterAppClassPath is called when entering the appClassPath production. EnterAppClassPath(c *AppClassPathContext) // EnterExtFuncImport is called when entering the extFuncImport production. EnterExtFuncImport(c *ExtFuncImportContext) // EnterRecDefnPath is called when entering the recDefnPath production. EnterRecDefnPath(c *RecDefnPathContext) // EnterEvent is called when entering the event production. EnterEvent(c *EventContext) // EnterClassDeclaration is called when entering the classDeclaration production. EnterClassDeclaration(c *ClassDeclarationContext) // EnterClassBlock is called when entering the classBlock production. EnterClassBlock(c *ClassBlockContext) // EnterClassBlockStmt is called when entering the classBlockStmt production. EnterClassBlockStmt(c *ClassBlockStmtContext) // EnterMethod is called when entering the method production. EnterMethod(c *MethodContext) // EnterConstant is called when entering the constant production. EnterConstant(c *ConstantContext) // EnterProperty is called when entering the property production. EnterProperty(c *PropertyContext) // EnterInstance is called when entering the instance production. EnterInstance(c *InstanceContext) // EnterMethodImpl is called when entering the methodImpl production. EnterMethodImpl(c *MethodImplContext) // EnterGetImpl is called when entering the getImpl production. EnterGetImpl(c *GetImplContext) // EnterSetImpl is called when entering the setImpl production. EnterSetImpl(c *SetImplContext) // EnterFuncImpl is called when entering the funcImpl production. EnterFuncImpl(c *FuncImplContext) // EnterFuncSignature is called when entering the funcSignature production. EnterFuncSignature(c *FuncSignatureContext) // EnterFormalParamList is called when entering the formalParamList production. EnterFormalParamList(c *FormalParamListContext) // EnterParam is called when entering the param production. EnterParam(c *ParamContext) // EnterReturnType is called when entering the returnType production. EnterReturnType(c *ReturnTypeContext) // EnterIfStmt is called when entering the ifStmt production. EnterIfStmt(c *IfStmtContext) // EnterForStmt is called when entering the forStmt production. EnterForStmt(c *ForStmtContext) // EnterWhileStmt is called when entering the whileStmt production. EnterWhileStmt(c *WhileStmtContext) // EnterEvaluateStmt is called when entering the evaluateStmt production. EnterEvaluateStmt(c *EvaluateStmtContext) // EnterWhenBranch is called when entering the whenBranch production. EnterWhenBranch(c *WhenBranchContext) // EnterWhenOtherBranch is called when entering the whenOtherBranch production. EnterWhenOtherBranch(c *WhenOtherBranchContext) // EnterTryCatchStmt is called when entering the tryCatchStmt production. EnterTryCatchStmt(c *TryCatchStmtContext) // EnterCatchSignature is called when entering the catchSignature production. EnterCatchSignature(c *CatchSignatureContext) // EnterCreateInvocation is called when entering the createInvocation production. EnterCreateInvocation(c *CreateInvocationContext) // EnterLiteral is called when entering the literal production. EnterLiteral(c *LiteralContext) // EnterId is called when entering the id production. EnterId(c *IdContext) // ExitProgram is called when exiting the program production. ExitProgram(c *ProgramContext) // ExitStmtList is called when exiting the stmtList production. ExitStmtList(c *StmtListContext) // ExitStmtAppClassImport is called when exiting the StmtAppClassImport production. ExitStmtAppClassImport(c *StmtAppClassImportContext) // ExitStmtExternalFuncImport is called when exiting the StmtExternalFuncImport production. ExitStmtExternalFuncImport(c *StmtExternalFuncImportContext) // ExitStmtClassDeclaration is called when exiting the StmtClassDeclaration production. ExitStmtClassDeclaration(c *StmtClassDeclarationContext) // ExitStmtMethodImpl is called when exiting the StmtMethodImpl production. ExitStmtMethodImpl(c *StmtMethodImplContext) // ExitStmtGetImpl is called when exiting the StmtGetImpl production. ExitStmtGetImpl(c *StmtGetImplContext) // ExitStmtSetImpl is called when exiting the StmtSetImpl production. ExitStmtSetImpl(c *StmtSetImplContext) // ExitStmtFuncImpl is called when exiting the StmtFuncImpl production. ExitStmtFuncImpl(c *StmtFuncImplContext) // ExitStmtVarDeclaration is called when exiting the StmtVarDeclaration production. ExitStmtVarDeclaration(c *StmtVarDeclarationContext) // ExitStmtIf is called when exiting the StmtIf production. ExitStmtIf(c *StmtIfContext) // ExitStmtFor is called when exiting the StmtFor production. ExitStmtFor(c *StmtForContext) // ExitStmtWhile is called when exiting the StmtWhile production. ExitStmtWhile(c *StmtWhileContext) // ExitStmtEvaluate is called when exiting the StmtEvaluate production. ExitStmtEvaluate(c *StmtEvaluateContext) // ExitStmtTryCatch is called when exiting the StmtTryCatch production. ExitStmtTryCatch(c *StmtTryCatchContext) // ExitStmtExit is called when exiting the StmtExit production. ExitStmtExit(c *StmtExitContext) // ExitStmtBreak is called when exiting the StmtBreak production. ExitStmtBreak(c *StmtBreakContext) // ExitStmtError is called when exiting the StmtError production. ExitStmtError(c *StmtErrorContext) // ExitStmtWarning is called when exiting the StmtWarning production. ExitStmtWarning(c *StmtWarningContext) // ExitStmtReturn is called when exiting the StmtReturn production. ExitStmtReturn(c *StmtReturnContext) // ExitStmtThrow is called when exiting the StmtThrow production. ExitStmtThrow(c *StmtThrowContext) // ExitStmtAssign is called when exiting the StmtAssign production. ExitStmtAssign(c *StmtAssignContext) // ExitStmtExpr is called when exiting the StmtExpr production. ExitStmtExpr(c *StmtExprContext) // ExitExprComparison is called when exiting the ExprComparison production. ExitExprComparison(c *ExprComparisonContext) // ExitExprConcat is called when exiting the ExprConcat production. ExitExprConcat(c *ExprConcatContext) // ExitExprCreate is called when exiting the ExprCreate production. ExitExprCreate(c *ExprCreateContext) // ExitExprBoolean is called when exiting the ExprBoolean production. ExitExprBoolean(c *ExprBooleanContext) // ExitExprNot is called when exiting the ExprNot production. ExitExprNot(c *ExprNotContext) // ExitExprAddSub is called when exiting the ExprAddSub production. ExitExprAddSub(c *ExprAddSubContext) // ExitExprDotAccess is called when exiting the ExprDotAccess production. ExitExprDotAccess(c *ExprDotAccessContext) // ExitExprFnOrIdxCall is called when exiting the ExprFnOrIdxCall production. ExitExprFnOrIdxCall(c *ExprFnOrIdxCallContext) // ExitExprParenthesized is called when exiting the ExprParenthesized production. ExitExprParenthesized(c *ExprParenthesizedContext) // ExitExprMulDiv is called when exiting the ExprMulDiv production. ExitExprMulDiv(c *ExprMulDivContext) // ExitExprNegate is called when exiting the ExprNegate production. ExitExprNegate(c *ExprNegateContext) // ExitExprArrayIndex is called when exiting the ExprArrayIndex production. ExitExprArrayIndex(c *ExprArrayIndexContext) // ExitExprLiteral is called when exiting the ExprLiteral production. ExitExprLiteral(c *ExprLiteralContext) // ExitExprEquality is called when exiting the ExprEquality production. ExitExprEquality(c *ExprEqualityContext) // ExitExprDynamicReference is called when exiting the ExprDynamicReference production. ExitExprDynamicReference(c *ExprDynamicReferenceContext) // ExitExprId is called when exiting the ExprId production. ExitExprId(c *ExprIdContext) // ExitExprList is called when exiting the exprList production. ExitExprList(c *ExprListContext) // ExitVarDeclaration is called when exiting the varDeclaration production. ExitVarDeclaration(c *VarDeclarationContext) // ExitVarDeclarator is called when exiting the varDeclarator production. ExitVarDeclarator(c *VarDeclaratorContext) // ExitVarType is called when exiting the varType production. ExitVarType(c *VarTypeContext) // ExitAppClassImport is called when exiting the appClassImport production. ExitAppClassImport(c *AppClassImportContext) // ExitAppPkgPath is called when exiting the appPkgPath production. ExitAppPkgPath(c *AppPkgPathContext) // ExitAppClassPath is called when exiting the appClassPath production. ExitAppClassPath(c *AppClassPathContext) // ExitExtFuncImport is called when exiting the extFuncImport production. ExitExtFuncImport(c *ExtFuncImportContext) // ExitRecDefnPath is called when exiting the recDefnPath production. ExitRecDefnPath(c *RecDefnPathContext) // ExitEvent is called when exiting the event production. ExitEvent(c *EventContext) // ExitClassDeclaration is called when exiting the classDeclaration production. ExitClassDeclaration(c *ClassDeclarationContext) // ExitClassBlock is called when exiting the classBlock production. ExitClassBlock(c *ClassBlockContext) // ExitClassBlockStmt is called when exiting the classBlockStmt production. ExitClassBlockStmt(c *ClassBlockStmtContext) // ExitMethod is called when exiting the method production. ExitMethod(c *MethodContext) // ExitConstant is called when exiting the constant production. ExitConstant(c *ConstantContext) // ExitProperty is called when exiting the property production. ExitProperty(c *PropertyContext) // ExitInstance is called when exiting the instance production. ExitInstance(c *InstanceContext) // ExitMethodImpl is called when exiting the methodImpl production. ExitMethodImpl(c *MethodImplContext) // ExitGetImpl is called when exiting the getImpl production. ExitGetImpl(c *GetImplContext) // ExitSetImpl is called when exiting the setImpl production. ExitSetImpl(c *SetImplContext) // ExitFuncImpl is called when exiting the funcImpl production. ExitFuncImpl(c *FuncImplContext) // ExitFuncSignature is called when exiting the funcSignature production. ExitFuncSignature(c *FuncSignatureContext) // ExitFormalParamList is called when exiting the formalParamList production. ExitFormalParamList(c *FormalParamListContext) // ExitParam is called when exiting the param production. ExitParam(c *ParamContext) // ExitReturnType is called when exiting the returnType production. ExitReturnType(c *ReturnTypeContext) // ExitIfStmt is called when exiting the ifStmt production. ExitIfStmt(c *IfStmtContext) // ExitForStmt is called when exiting the forStmt production. ExitForStmt(c *ForStmtContext) // ExitWhileStmt is called when exiting the whileStmt production. ExitWhileStmt(c *WhileStmtContext) // ExitEvaluateStmt is called when exiting the evaluateStmt production. ExitEvaluateStmt(c *EvaluateStmtContext) // ExitWhenBranch is called when exiting the whenBranch production. ExitWhenBranch(c *WhenBranchContext) // ExitWhenOtherBranch is called when exiting the whenOtherBranch production. ExitWhenOtherBranch(c *WhenOtherBranchContext) // ExitTryCatchStmt is called when exiting the tryCatchStmt production. ExitTryCatchStmt(c *TryCatchStmtContext) // ExitCatchSignature is called when exiting the catchSignature production. ExitCatchSignature(c *CatchSignatureContext) // ExitCreateInvocation is called when exiting the createInvocation production. ExitCreateInvocation(c *CreateInvocationContext) // ExitLiteral is called when exiting the literal production. ExitLiteral(c *LiteralContext) // ExitId is called when exiting the id production. ExitId(c *IdContext) }
PeopleCodeListener is a complete listener for a parse tree produced by PeopleCodeParser.
type PeopleCodeParser ¶
type PeopleCodeParser struct {
func NewPeopleCodeParser ¶
func NewPeopleCodeParser(input antlr.TokenStream) *PeopleCodeParser
func (*PeopleCodeParser) AppClassImport ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) AppClassImport() (localctx IAppClassImportContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) AppClassPath ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) AppClassPath() (localctx IAppClassPathContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) AppPkgPath ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) AppPkgPath() (localctx IAppPkgPathContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) CatchSignature ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) CatchSignature() (localctx ICatchSignatureContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) ClassBlock ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) ClassBlock() (localctx IClassBlockContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) ClassBlockStmt ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) ClassBlockStmt() (localctx IClassBlockStmtContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) ClassDeclaration ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) ClassDeclaration() (localctx IClassDeclarationContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) Constant ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) Constant() (localctx IConstantContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) CreateInvocation ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) CreateInvocation() (localctx ICreateInvocationContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) EvaluateStmt ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) EvaluateStmt() (localctx IEvaluateStmtContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) Event ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) Event() (localctx IEventContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) Expr ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) Expr() (localctx IExprContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) ExprList ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) ExprList() (localctx IExprListContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) Expr_Sempred ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) Expr_Sempred(localctx antlr.RuleContext, predIndex int) bool
func (*PeopleCodeParser) ExtFuncImport ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) ExtFuncImport() (localctx IExtFuncImportContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) ForStmt ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) ForStmt() (localctx IForStmtContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) FormalParamList ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) FormalParamList() (localctx IFormalParamListContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) FuncImpl ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) FuncImpl() (localctx IFuncImplContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) FuncSignature ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) FuncSignature() (localctx IFuncSignatureContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) GetImpl ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) GetImpl() (localctx IGetImplContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) Id ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) Id() (localctx IIdContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) IfStmt ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) IfStmt() (localctx IIfStmtContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) Instance ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) Instance() (localctx IInstanceContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) Literal ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) Literal() (localctx ILiteralContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) Method ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) Method() (localctx IMethodContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) MethodImpl ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) MethodImpl() (localctx IMethodImplContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) Param ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) Param() (localctx IParamContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) Program ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) Program() (localctx IProgramContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) Property ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) Property() (localctx IPropertyContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) RecDefnPath ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) RecDefnPath() (localctx IRecDefnPathContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) ReturnType ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) ReturnType() (localctx IReturnTypeContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) Sempred ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) Sempred(localctx antlr.RuleContext, ruleIndex, predIndex int) bool
func (*PeopleCodeParser) SetImpl ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) SetImpl() (localctx ISetImplContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) Stmt ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) Stmt() (localctx IStmtContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) StmtList ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) StmtList() (localctx IStmtListContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) TryCatchStmt ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) TryCatchStmt() (localctx ITryCatchStmtContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) VarDeclaration ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) VarDeclaration() (localctx IVarDeclarationContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) VarDeclarator ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) VarDeclarator() (localctx IVarDeclaratorContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) VarType ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) VarType() (localctx IVarTypeContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) WhenBranch ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) WhenBranch() (localctx IWhenBranchContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) WhenOtherBranch ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) WhenOtherBranch() (localctx IWhenOtherBranchContext)
func (*PeopleCodeParser) WhileStmt ¶
func (p *PeopleCodeParser) WhileStmt() (localctx IWhileStmtContext)
type ProgramContext ¶
type ProgramContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyProgramContext ¶
func NewEmptyProgramContext() *ProgramContext
func NewProgramContext ¶
func NewProgramContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ProgramContext
func (*ProgramContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ProgramContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ProgramContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ProgramContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ProgramContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *ProgramContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*ProgramContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ProgramContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ProgramContext) IsProgramContext ¶
func (*ProgramContext) IsProgramContext()
func (*ProgramContext) StmtList ¶
func (s *ProgramContext) StmtList() IStmtListContext
func (*ProgramContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *ProgramContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type PropertyContext ¶
type PropertyContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyPropertyContext ¶
func NewEmptyPropertyContext() *PropertyContext
func NewPropertyContext ¶
func NewPropertyContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *PropertyContext
func (*PropertyContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *PropertyContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*PropertyContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *PropertyContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*PropertyContext) GENERIC_ID ¶
func (s *PropertyContext) GENERIC_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*PropertyContext) GetG ¶
func (s *PropertyContext) GetG() antlr.Token
func (*PropertyContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *PropertyContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*PropertyContext) GetR ¶
func (s *PropertyContext) GetR() antlr.Token
func (*PropertyContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *PropertyContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*PropertyContext) GetS ¶
func (s *PropertyContext) GetS() antlr.Token
func (*PropertyContext) IsPropertyContext ¶
func (*PropertyContext) IsPropertyContext()
func (*PropertyContext) SetG ¶
func (s *PropertyContext) SetG(v antlr.Token)
func (*PropertyContext) SetR ¶
func (s *PropertyContext) SetR(v antlr.Token)
func (*PropertyContext) SetS ¶
func (s *PropertyContext) SetS(v antlr.Token)
func (*PropertyContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *PropertyContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
func (*PropertyContext) VarType ¶
func (s *PropertyContext) VarType() IVarTypeContext
type RecDefnPathContext ¶
type RecDefnPathContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyRecDefnPathContext ¶
func NewEmptyRecDefnPathContext() *RecDefnPathContext
func NewRecDefnPathContext ¶
func NewRecDefnPathContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *RecDefnPathContext
func (*RecDefnPathContext) AllGENERIC_ID ¶
func (s *RecDefnPathContext) AllGENERIC_ID() []antlr.TerminalNode
func (*RecDefnPathContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *RecDefnPathContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*RecDefnPathContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *RecDefnPathContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*RecDefnPathContext) GENERIC_ID ¶
func (s *RecDefnPathContext) GENERIC_ID(i int) antlr.TerminalNode
func (*RecDefnPathContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *RecDefnPathContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*RecDefnPathContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *RecDefnPathContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*RecDefnPathContext) IsRecDefnPathContext ¶
func (*RecDefnPathContext) IsRecDefnPathContext()
func (*RecDefnPathContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *RecDefnPathContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type ReturnTypeContext ¶
type ReturnTypeContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyReturnTypeContext ¶
func NewEmptyReturnTypeContext() *ReturnTypeContext
func NewReturnTypeContext ¶
func NewReturnTypeContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ReturnTypeContext
func (*ReturnTypeContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *ReturnTypeContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ReturnTypeContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *ReturnTypeContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*ReturnTypeContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *ReturnTypeContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*ReturnTypeContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ReturnTypeContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ReturnTypeContext) IsReturnTypeContext ¶
func (*ReturnTypeContext) IsReturnTypeContext()
func (*ReturnTypeContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *ReturnTypeContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
func (*ReturnTypeContext) VarType ¶
func (s *ReturnTypeContext) VarType() IVarTypeContext
type SetImplContext ¶
type SetImplContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptySetImplContext ¶
func NewEmptySetImplContext() *SetImplContext
func NewSetImplContext ¶
func NewSetImplContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *SetImplContext
func (*SetImplContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *SetImplContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*SetImplContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *SetImplContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*SetImplContext) GENERIC_ID ¶
func (s *SetImplContext) GENERIC_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*SetImplContext) GetEndset ¶
func (s *SetImplContext) GetEndset() antlr.Token
func (*SetImplContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *SetImplContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*SetImplContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *SetImplContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*SetImplContext) IsSetImplContext ¶
func (*SetImplContext) IsSetImplContext()
func (*SetImplContext) SetEndset ¶
func (s *SetImplContext) SetEndset(v antlr.Token)
func (*SetImplContext) StmtList ¶
func (s *SetImplContext) StmtList() IStmtListContext
func (*SetImplContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *SetImplContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type StmtAppClassImportContext ¶
type StmtAppClassImportContext struct {
func NewStmtAppClassImportContext ¶
func NewStmtAppClassImportContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *StmtAppClassImportContext
func (*StmtAppClassImportContext) AppClassImport ¶
func (s *StmtAppClassImportContext) AppClassImport() IAppClassImportContext
func (*StmtAppClassImportContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *StmtAppClassImportContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtAppClassImportContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *StmtAppClassImportContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtAppClassImportContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StmtAppClassImportContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
type StmtAssignContext ¶
type StmtAssignContext struct {
func NewStmtAssignContext ¶
func NewStmtAssignContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *StmtAssignContext
func (*StmtAssignContext) AllExpr ¶
func (s *StmtAssignContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
func (*StmtAssignContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *StmtAssignContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtAssignContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *StmtAssignContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtAssignContext) Expr ¶
func (s *StmtAssignContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
func (*StmtAssignContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StmtAssignContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
type StmtBreakContext ¶
type StmtBreakContext struct {
func NewStmtBreakContext ¶
func NewStmtBreakContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *StmtBreakContext
func (*StmtBreakContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *StmtBreakContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtBreakContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *StmtBreakContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtBreakContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StmtBreakContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
type StmtClassDeclarationContext ¶
type StmtClassDeclarationContext struct {
func NewStmtClassDeclarationContext ¶
func NewStmtClassDeclarationContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *StmtClassDeclarationContext
func (*StmtClassDeclarationContext) ClassDeclaration ¶
func (s *StmtClassDeclarationContext) ClassDeclaration() IClassDeclarationContext
func (*StmtClassDeclarationContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *StmtClassDeclarationContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtClassDeclarationContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *StmtClassDeclarationContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtClassDeclarationContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StmtClassDeclarationContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
type StmtContext ¶
type StmtContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyStmtContext ¶
func NewEmptyStmtContext() *StmtContext
func NewStmtContext ¶
func NewStmtContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *StmtContext
func (*StmtContext) CopyFrom ¶
func (s *StmtContext) CopyFrom(ctx *StmtContext)
func (*StmtContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *StmtContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*StmtContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StmtContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*StmtContext) IsStmtContext ¶
func (*StmtContext) IsStmtContext()
func (*StmtContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *StmtContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type StmtErrorContext ¶
type StmtErrorContext struct {
func NewStmtErrorContext ¶
func NewStmtErrorContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *StmtErrorContext
func (*StmtErrorContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *StmtErrorContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtErrorContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *StmtErrorContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtErrorContext) Expr ¶
func (s *StmtErrorContext) Expr() IExprContext
func (*StmtErrorContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StmtErrorContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
type StmtEvaluateContext ¶
type StmtEvaluateContext struct {
func NewStmtEvaluateContext ¶
func NewStmtEvaluateContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *StmtEvaluateContext
func (*StmtEvaluateContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *StmtEvaluateContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtEvaluateContext) EvaluateStmt ¶
func (s *StmtEvaluateContext) EvaluateStmt() IEvaluateStmtContext
func (*StmtEvaluateContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *StmtEvaluateContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtEvaluateContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StmtEvaluateContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
type StmtExitContext ¶
type StmtExitContext struct {
func NewStmtExitContext ¶
func NewStmtExitContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *StmtExitContext
func (*StmtExitContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *StmtExitContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtExitContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *StmtExitContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtExitContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StmtExitContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
type StmtExprContext ¶
type StmtExprContext struct {
func NewStmtExprContext ¶
func NewStmtExprContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *StmtExprContext
func (*StmtExprContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *StmtExprContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtExprContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *StmtExprContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtExprContext) Expr ¶
func (s *StmtExprContext) Expr() IExprContext
func (*StmtExprContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StmtExprContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
type StmtExternalFuncImportContext ¶
type StmtExternalFuncImportContext struct {
func NewStmtExternalFuncImportContext ¶
func NewStmtExternalFuncImportContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *StmtExternalFuncImportContext
func (*StmtExternalFuncImportContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *StmtExternalFuncImportContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtExternalFuncImportContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *StmtExternalFuncImportContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtExternalFuncImportContext) ExtFuncImport ¶
func (s *StmtExternalFuncImportContext) ExtFuncImport() IExtFuncImportContext
func (*StmtExternalFuncImportContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StmtExternalFuncImportContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
type StmtForContext ¶
type StmtForContext struct {
func NewStmtForContext ¶
func NewStmtForContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *StmtForContext
func (*StmtForContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *StmtForContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtForContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *StmtForContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtForContext) ForStmt ¶
func (s *StmtForContext) ForStmt() IForStmtContext
func (*StmtForContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StmtForContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
type StmtFuncImplContext ¶
type StmtFuncImplContext struct {
func NewStmtFuncImplContext ¶
func NewStmtFuncImplContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *StmtFuncImplContext
func (*StmtFuncImplContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *StmtFuncImplContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtFuncImplContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *StmtFuncImplContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtFuncImplContext) FuncImpl ¶
func (s *StmtFuncImplContext) FuncImpl() IFuncImplContext
func (*StmtFuncImplContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StmtFuncImplContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
type StmtGetImplContext ¶
type StmtGetImplContext struct {
func NewStmtGetImplContext ¶
func NewStmtGetImplContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *StmtGetImplContext
func (*StmtGetImplContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *StmtGetImplContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtGetImplContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *StmtGetImplContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtGetImplContext) GetImpl ¶
func (s *StmtGetImplContext) GetImpl() IGetImplContext
func (*StmtGetImplContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StmtGetImplContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
type StmtIfContext ¶
type StmtIfContext struct {
func NewStmtIfContext ¶
func NewStmtIfContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *StmtIfContext
func (*StmtIfContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *StmtIfContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtIfContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *StmtIfContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtIfContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StmtIfContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*StmtIfContext) IfStmt ¶
func (s *StmtIfContext) IfStmt() IIfStmtContext
type StmtListContext ¶
type StmtListContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyStmtListContext ¶
func NewEmptyStmtListContext() *StmtListContext
func NewStmtListContext ¶
func NewStmtListContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *StmtListContext
func (*StmtListContext) AllStmt ¶
func (s *StmtListContext) AllStmt() []IStmtContext
func (*StmtListContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *StmtListContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtListContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *StmtListContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtListContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *StmtListContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*StmtListContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StmtListContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*StmtListContext) IsStmtListContext ¶
func (*StmtListContext) IsStmtListContext()
func (*StmtListContext) Stmt ¶
func (s *StmtListContext) Stmt(i int) IStmtContext
func (*StmtListContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *StmtListContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type StmtMethodImplContext ¶
type StmtMethodImplContext struct {
func NewStmtMethodImplContext ¶
func NewStmtMethodImplContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *StmtMethodImplContext
func (*StmtMethodImplContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *StmtMethodImplContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtMethodImplContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *StmtMethodImplContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtMethodImplContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StmtMethodImplContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*StmtMethodImplContext) MethodImpl ¶
func (s *StmtMethodImplContext) MethodImpl() IMethodImplContext
type StmtReturnContext ¶
type StmtReturnContext struct {
func NewStmtReturnContext ¶
func NewStmtReturnContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *StmtReturnContext
func (*StmtReturnContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *StmtReturnContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtReturnContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *StmtReturnContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtReturnContext) Expr ¶
func (s *StmtReturnContext) Expr() IExprContext
func (*StmtReturnContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StmtReturnContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
type StmtSetImplContext ¶
type StmtSetImplContext struct {
func NewStmtSetImplContext ¶
func NewStmtSetImplContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *StmtSetImplContext
func (*StmtSetImplContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *StmtSetImplContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtSetImplContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *StmtSetImplContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtSetImplContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StmtSetImplContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*StmtSetImplContext) SetImpl ¶
func (s *StmtSetImplContext) SetImpl() ISetImplContext
type StmtThrowContext ¶
type StmtThrowContext struct {
func NewStmtThrowContext ¶
func NewStmtThrowContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *StmtThrowContext
func (*StmtThrowContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *StmtThrowContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtThrowContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *StmtThrowContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtThrowContext) Expr ¶
func (s *StmtThrowContext) Expr() IExprContext
func (*StmtThrowContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StmtThrowContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
type StmtTryCatchContext ¶
type StmtTryCatchContext struct {
func NewStmtTryCatchContext ¶
func NewStmtTryCatchContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *StmtTryCatchContext
func (*StmtTryCatchContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *StmtTryCatchContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtTryCatchContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *StmtTryCatchContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtTryCatchContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StmtTryCatchContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*StmtTryCatchContext) TryCatchStmt ¶
func (s *StmtTryCatchContext) TryCatchStmt() ITryCatchStmtContext
type StmtVarDeclarationContext ¶
type StmtVarDeclarationContext struct {
func NewStmtVarDeclarationContext ¶
func NewStmtVarDeclarationContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *StmtVarDeclarationContext
func (*StmtVarDeclarationContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *StmtVarDeclarationContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtVarDeclarationContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *StmtVarDeclarationContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtVarDeclarationContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StmtVarDeclarationContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*StmtVarDeclarationContext) VarDeclaration ¶
func (s *StmtVarDeclarationContext) VarDeclaration() IVarDeclarationContext
type StmtWarningContext ¶
type StmtWarningContext struct {
func NewStmtWarningContext ¶
func NewStmtWarningContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *StmtWarningContext
func (*StmtWarningContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *StmtWarningContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtWarningContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *StmtWarningContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtWarningContext) Expr ¶
func (s *StmtWarningContext) Expr() IExprContext
func (*StmtWarningContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StmtWarningContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
type StmtWhileContext ¶
type StmtWhileContext struct {
func NewStmtWhileContext ¶
func NewStmtWhileContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *StmtWhileContext
func (*StmtWhileContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *StmtWhileContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtWhileContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *StmtWhileContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*StmtWhileContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StmtWhileContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*StmtWhileContext) WhileStmt ¶
func (s *StmtWhileContext) WhileStmt() IWhileStmtContext
type TryCatchStmtContext ¶
type TryCatchStmtContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyTryCatchStmtContext ¶
func NewEmptyTryCatchStmtContext() *TryCatchStmtContext
func NewTryCatchStmtContext ¶
func NewTryCatchStmtContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *TryCatchStmtContext
func (*TryCatchStmtContext) AllStmtList ¶
func (s *TryCatchStmtContext) AllStmtList() []IStmtListContext
func (*TryCatchStmtContext) CatchSignature ¶
func (s *TryCatchStmtContext) CatchSignature() ICatchSignatureContext
func (*TryCatchStmtContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *TryCatchStmtContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*TryCatchStmtContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *TryCatchStmtContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*TryCatchStmtContext) GetEndtry ¶
func (s *TryCatchStmtContext) GetEndtry() antlr.Token
func (*TryCatchStmtContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *TryCatchStmtContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*TryCatchStmtContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *TryCatchStmtContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*TryCatchStmtContext) GetTrytok ¶
func (s *TryCatchStmtContext) GetTrytok() antlr.Token
func (*TryCatchStmtContext) IsTryCatchStmtContext ¶
func (*TryCatchStmtContext) IsTryCatchStmtContext()
func (*TryCatchStmtContext) SetEndtry ¶
func (s *TryCatchStmtContext) SetEndtry(v antlr.Token)
func (*TryCatchStmtContext) SetTrytok ¶
func (s *TryCatchStmtContext) SetTrytok(v antlr.Token)
func (*TryCatchStmtContext) StmtList ¶
func (s *TryCatchStmtContext) StmtList(i int) IStmtListContext
func (*TryCatchStmtContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *TryCatchStmtContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type VarDeclarationContext ¶
type VarDeclarationContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyVarDeclarationContext ¶
func NewEmptyVarDeclarationContext() *VarDeclarationContext
func NewVarDeclarationContext ¶
func NewVarDeclarationContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *VarDeclarationContext
func (*VarDeclarationContext) AllVarDeclarator ¶
func (s *VarDeclarationContext) AllVarDeclarator() []IVarDeclaratorContext
func (*VarDeclarationContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *VarDeclarationContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*VarDeclarationContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *VarDeclarationContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*VarDeclarationContext) GENERIC_ID ¶
func (s *VarDeclarationContext) GENERIC_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*VarDeclarationContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *VarDeclarationContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*VarDeclarationContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *VarDeclarationContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*VarDeclarationContext) GetVarScope ¶
func (s *VarDeclarationContext) GetVarScope() antlr.Token
func (*VarDeclarationContext) IsVarDeclarationContext ¶
func (*VarDeclarationContext) IsVarDeclarationContext()
func (*VarDeclarationContext) SetVarScope ¶
func (s *VarDeclarationContext) SetVarScope(v antlr.Token)
func (*VarDeclarationContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *VarDeclarationContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
func (*VarDeclarationContext) VarDeclarator ¶
func (s *VarDeclarationContext) VarDeclarator(i int) IVarDeclaratorContext
func (*VarDeclarationContext) VarType ¶
func (s *VarDeclarationContext) VarType() IVarTypeContext
type VarDeclaratorContext ¶
type VarDeclaratorContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyVarDeclaratorContext ¶
func NewEmptyVarDeclaratorContext() *VarDeclaratorContext
func NewVarDeclaratorContext ¶
func NewVarDeclaratorContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *VarDeclaratorContext
func (*VarDeclaratorContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *VarDeclaratorContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*VarDeclaratorContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *VarDeclaratorContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*VarDeclaratorContext) Expr ¶
func (s *VarDeclaratorContext) Expr() IExprContext
func (*VarDeclaratorContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *VarDeclaratorContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*VarDeclaratorContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *VarDeclaratorContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*VarDeclaratorContext) IsVarDeclaratorContext ¶
func (*VarDeclaratorContext) IsVarDeclaratorContext()
func (*VarDeclaratorContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *VarDeclaratorContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
func (*VarDeclaratorContext) VAR_ID ¶
func (s *VarDeclaratorContext) VAR_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
type VarTypeContext ¶
type VarTypeContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyVarTypeContext ¶
func NewEmptyVarTypeContext() *VarTypeContext
func NewVarTypeContext ¶
func NewVarTypeContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *VarTypeContext
func (*VarTypeContext) AppClassPath ¶
func (s *VarTypeContext) AppClassPath() IAppClassPathContext
func (*VarTypeContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *VarTypeContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*VarTypeContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *VarTypeContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*VarTypeContext) GENERIC_ID ¶
func (s *VarTypeContext) GENERIC_ID() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*VarTypeContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *VarTypeContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*VarTypeContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *VarTypeContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*VarTypeContext) IsVarTypeContext ¶
func (*VarTypeContext) IsVarTypeContext()
func (*VarTypeContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *VarTypeContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
func (*VarTypeContext) VarType ¶
func (s *VarTypeContext) VarType() IVarTypeContext
type WhenBranchContext ¶
type WhenBranchContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyWhenBranchContext ¶
func NewEmptyWhenBranchContext() *WhenBranchContext
func NewWhenBranchContext ¶
func NewWhenBranchContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *WhenBranchContext
func (*WhenBranchContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *WhenBranchContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*WhenBranchContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *WhenBranchContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*WhenBranchContext) Expr ¶
func (s *WhenBranchContext) Expr() IExprContext
func (*WhenBranchContext) GetOp ¶
func (s *WhenBranchContext) GetOp() antlr.Token
func (*WhenBranchContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *WhenBranchContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*WhenBranchContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *WhenBranchContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*WhenBranchContext) IsWhenBranchContext ¶
func (*WhenBranchContext) IsWhenBranchContext()
func (*WhenBranchContext) SetOp ¶
func (s *WhenBranchContext) SetOp(v antlr.Token)
func (*WhenBranchContext) StmtList ¶
func (s *WhenBranchContext) StmtList() IStmtListContext
func (*WhenBranchContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *WhenBranchContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type WhenOtherBranchContext ¶
type WhenOtherBranchContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyWhenOtherBranchContext ¶
func NewEmptyWhenOtherBranchContext() *WhenOtherBranchContext
func NewWhenOtherBranchContext ¶
func NewWhenOtherBranchContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *WhenOtherBranchContext
func (*WhenOtherBranchContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *WhenOtherBranchContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*WhenOtherBranchContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *WhenOtherBranchContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*WhenOtherBranchContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *WhenOtherBranchContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*WhenOtherBranchContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *WhenOtherBranchContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*WhenOtherBranchContext) IsWhenOtherBranchContext ¶
func (*WhenOtherBranchContext) IsWhenOtherBranchContext()
func (*WhenOtherBranchContext) StmtList ¶
func (s *WhenOtherBranchContext) StmtList() IStmtListContext
func (*WhenOtherBranchContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *WhenOtherBranchContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type WhileStmtContext ¶
type WhileStmtContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyWhileStmtContext ¶
func NewEmptyWhileStmtContext() *WhileStmtContext
func NewWhileStmtContext ¶
func NewWhileStmtContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *WhileStmtContext
func (*WhileStmtContext) EnterRule ¶
func (s *WhileStmtContext) EnterRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*WhileStmtContext) ExitRule ¶
func (s *WhileStmtContext) ExitRule(listener antlr.ParseTreeListener)
func (*WhileStmtContext) Expr ¶
func (s *WhileStmtContext) Expr() IExprContext
func (*WhileStmtContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *WhileStmtContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*WhileStmtContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *WhileStmtContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*WhileStmtContext) IsWhileStmtContext ¶
func (*WhileStmtContext) IsWhileStmtContext()
func (*WhileStmtContext) StmtList ¶
func (s *WhileStmtContext) StmtList() IStmtListContext
func (*WhileStmtContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *WhileStmtContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string