Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AccumulateUniqueHostPorts(containers []corev1.Container, accumulator *sets.String, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList
- func AddOrUpdateTolerationInPod(pod *corev1.Pod, toleration *corev1.Toleration) bool
- func GetAccessModesAsString(modes []corev1.PersistentVolumeAccessMode) string
- func GetAccessModesFromString(modes string) []corev1.PersistentVolumeAccessMode
- func GetPersistentVolumeClaimClass(claim *corev1.PersistentVolumeClaim) string
- func GetPersistentVolumeClass(volume *corev1.PersistentVolume) string
- func GetVolumeDeviceMap(devices []corev1.VolumeDevice) map[string]string
- func GetVolumeMountMap(mounts []corev1.VolumeMount) map[string]string
- func HugePageResourceName(pageSize resource.Quantity) corev1.ResourceName
- func HugePageSizeFromResourceName(name corev1.ResourceName) (resource.Quantity, error)
- func IsExtendedResourceName(name corev1.ResourceName) bool
- func IsHugePageResourceName(name corev1.ResourceName) bool
- func IsIntegerResourceName(str string) bool
- func IsMatchedVolume(name string, volumes map[string]corev1.VolumeSource) bool
- func IsNativeResource(name corev1.ResourceName) bool
- func IsOvercommitAllowed(name corev1.ResourceName) bool
- func IsQuotaHugePageResourceName(name corev1.ResourceName) bool
- func IsResourceQuotaScopeValidForResource(scope corev1.ResourceQuotaScope, resource string) bool
- func IsServiceIPSet(service *corev1.Service) bool
- func IsStandardContainerResourceName(str string) bool
- func IsStandardFinalizerName(str string) bool
- func IsStandardLimitRangeType(str string) bool
- func IsStandardQuotaResourceName(str string) bool
- func IsStandardResourceName(str string) bool
- func IsStandardResourceQuotaScope(str string) bool
- func IsValidSysctlName(name string) bool
- func Kind(kind string) schema.GroupKind
- func LoadBalancerStatusEqual(l, r *corev1.LoadBalancerStatus) bool
- func NodeSelectorRequirementsAsFieldSelector(nsm []corev1.NodeSelectorRequirement) (fields.Selector, error)
- func NodeSelectorRequirementsAsSelector(nsm []corev1.NodeSelectorRequirement) (labels.Selector, error)
- func NonConvertibleFields(annotations map[string]string) map[string]string
- func PersistentVolumeClaimHasClass(claim *corev1.PersistentVolumeClaim) bool
- func Resource(resource string) schema.GroupResource
- func ValidateConfigMap(cfg *corev1.ConfigMap) field.ErrorList
- func ValidateDNS1123Label(value string, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList
- func ValidateDNS1123Subdomain(value string, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList
- func ValidateEnv(vars []corev1.EnvVar, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList
- func ValidateEnvFrom(vars []corev1.EnvFromSource, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList
- func ValidateHostAliases(hostAliases []corev1.HostAlias, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList
- func ValidateNonnegativeField(value int64, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList
- func ValidateNonnegativeQuantity(value resource.Quantity, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList
- func ValidateObjectMeta(meta *metav1.ObjectMeta, requiresNamespace bool, nameFn ValidateNameFunc, ...) field.ErrorList
- func ValidatePodSecurityContext(securityContext *corev1.PodSecurityContext, spec *corev1.PodSpec, ...) field.ErrorList
- func ValidatePodSpec(spec *corev1.PodSpec, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList
- func ValidatePortNumOrName(port intstr.IntOrString, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList
- func ValidatePreemptionPolicy(preemptionPolicy *corev1.PreemptionPolicy, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList
- func ValidateProcMountType(fldPath *field.Path, procMountType corev1.ProcMountType) *field.Error
- func ValidateResourceQuantityValue(resource string, value resource.Quantity, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList
- func ValidateResourceRequirements(requirements *corev1.ResourceRequirements, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList
- func ValidateRuntimeClassName(name string, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList
- func ValidateSecurityContext(sc *corev1.SecurityContext, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList
- func ValidateTolerations(tolerations []corev1.Toleration, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList
- func ValidateVolumeDevices(devices []corev1.VolumeDevice, volmounts map[string]string, ...) field.ErrorList
- func ValidateVolumeMounts(mounts []corev1.VolumeMount, voldevices map[string]string, ...) field.ErrorList
- func ValidateVolumes(volumes []corev1.Volume, fldPath *field.Path) (map[string]corev1.VolumeSource, field.ErrorList)
- type APIDefinition
- type ApiPublisherConfig
- type Cell
- type CellCondition
- type CellConditionType
- type CellCurrentStatus
- type CellList
- type CellSpec
- type CellStatus
- type ClusterIngressConfig
- type Component
- type ComponentCurrentStatus
- type ComponentList
- type ComponentScalingPolicy
- func (in *ComponentScalingPolicy) DeepCopy() *ComponentScalingPolicy
- func (in *ComponentScalingPolicy) DeepCopyInto(out *ComponentScalingPolicy)
- func (sp *ComponentScalingPolicy) Default()
- func (sp *ComponentScalingPolicy) IsHpa() bool
- func (sp *ComponentScalingPolicy) IsKpa() bool
- func (sp *ComponentScalingPolicy) MinReplicas() int32
- type ComponentSpec
- type ComponentStatus
- type ComponentType
- type Composite
- type CompositeCondition
- type CompositeConditionType
- type CompositeCurrentStatus
- type CompositeList
- type CompositeSpec
- type CompositeStatus
- type Destination
- type GRPCRoute
- type Gateway
- func (in *Gateway) DeepCopy() *Gateway
- func (in *Gateway) DeepCopyInto(out *Gateway)
- func (in *Gateway) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
- func (g *Gateway) Default()
- func (sp *Gateway) IsHpa() bool
- func (sp *Gateway) MaxReplicas() int32
- func (sp *Gateway) Metrics() []v2beta1.MetricSpec
- func (sp *Gateway) MinReplicas() *int32
- func (c *Gateway) Validate() field.ErrorList
- type GatewayCurrentStatus
- type GatewayList
- type GatewaySpec
- type GatewayStatus
- type GwScalingPolicy
- type HTTPRoute
- type HorizontalPodAutoscaler
- type Ingress
- type IngressExtensions
- type InterceptMode
- type KnativePodAutoscaler
- type OidcConfig
- type OpaPolicy
- type PortMapping
- type Protocol
- type PublisherCurrentStatus
- type ReplicaRange
- type TCPRoute
- type TlsConfig
- type TokenService
- type TokenServiceCurrentStatus
- type TokenServiceList
- type TokenServiceSpec
- type TokenServiceStatus
- type TokenServiceTemplateSpec
- type ValidateNameFunc
- type VolumeClaim
Constants ¶
const ( // a sysctl segment regex, concatenated with dots to form a sysctl name SysctlSegmentFmt string = "[a-z0-9]([-_a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?" // a sysctl name regex SysctlFmt string = "(" + SysctlSegmentFmt + "\\.)*" + SysctlSegmentFmt // the maximal length of a sysctl name SysctlMaxLength int = 253 )
Variables ¶
var ( SchemeBuilder = runtime.NewSchemeBuilder(addKnownTypes) AddToScheme = SchemeBuilder.AddToScheme )
var SchemeGroupVersion = schema.GroupVersion{Group: mesh.GroupName, Version: "v1alpha2"}
SchemeGroupVersion is group version used to register these objects
var Semantic = conversion.EqualitiesOrDie( func(a, b resource.Quantity) bool { return a.Cmp(b) == 0 }, func(a, b metav1.MicroTime) bool { return a.UTC() == b.UTC() }, func(a, b metav1.Time) bool { return a.UTC() == b.UTC() }, func(a, b labels.Selector) bool { return a.String() == b.String() }, func(a, b fields.Selector) bool { return a.String() == b.String() }, )
Semantic can do semantic deep equality checks for core objects. Example: apiequality.Semantic.DeepEqual(aPod, aPodWithNonNilButEmptyMaps) == true
var ValidateConfigMapName = apimachineryvalidation.NameIsDNSSubdomain
// Validate resource names that can go in a resource quota // Refer to docs/design/ for more details.
func ValidateResourceQuotaResourceName(value string, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList { allErrs := validateResourceName(value, fldPath) if len(strings.Split(value, "/")) == 1 { if !helper.IsStandardQuotaResourceName(value) { return append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath, value, isInvalidQuotaResource)) } } return allErrs }
// Validate limit range types
func validateLimitRangeTypeName(value string, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList { allErrs := field.ErrorList{} for _, msg := range validation.IsQualifiedName(value) { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath, value, msg)) } if len(allErrs) != 0 { return allErrs } if len(strings.Split(value, "/")) == 1 { if !helper.IsStandardLimitRangeType(value) { return append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath, value, "must be a standard limit type or fully qualified")) } } return allErrs }
// Validate limit range resource name // limit types (other than Pod/Container) could contain storage not just cpu or memory
func validateLimitRangeResourceName(limitType corev1.LimitType, value string, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList { switch limitType { case corev1.LimitTypePod, corev1.LimitTypeContainer: return validateContainerResourceName(value, fldPath) default: return validateResourceName(value, fldPath) } }
// ValidateLimitRange tests if required fields in the LimitRange are set.
func ValidateLimitRange(limitRange *corev1.LimitRange) field.ErrorList { allErrs := ValidateObjectMeta(&limitRange.ObjectMeta, true, ValidateLimitRangeName, field.NewPath("metadata")) // ensure resource names are properly qualified per docs/design/ limitTypeSet := map[corev1.LimitType]bool{} fldPath := field.NewPath("spec", "limits") for i := range limitRange.Spec.Limits { idxPath := fldPath.Index(i) limit := &limitRange.Spec.Limits[i] allErrs = append(allErrs, validateLimitRangeTypeName(string(limit.Type), idxPath.Child("type"))...) _, found := limitTypeSet[limit.Type] if found { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Duplicate(idxPath.Child("type"), limit.Type)) } limitTypeSet[limit.Type] = true keys := sets.String{} min := map[string]resource.Quantity{} max := map[string]resource.Quantity{} defaults := map[string]resource.Quantity{} defaultRequests := map[string]resource.Quantity{} maxLimitRequestRatios := map[string]resource.Quantity{} for k, q := range limit.Max { allErrs = append(allErrs, validateLimitRangeResourceName(limit.Type, string(k), idxPath.Child("max").Key(string(k)))...) keys.Insert(string(k)) max[string(k)] = q } for k, q := range limit.Min { allErrs = append(allErrs, validateLimitRangeResourceName(limit.Type, string(k), idxPath.Child("min").Key(string(k)))...) keys.Insert(string(k)) min[string(k)] = q } if limit.Type == corev1.LimitTypePod { if len(limit.Default) > 0 { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Forbidden(idxPath.Child("default"), "may not be specified when `type` is 'Pod'")) } if len(limit.DefaultRequest) > 0 { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Forbidden(idxPath.Child("defaultRequest"), "may not be specified when `type` is 'Pod'")) } } else { for k, q := range limit.Default { allErrs = append(allErrs, validateLimitRangeResourceName(limit.Type, string(k), idxPath.Child("default").Key(string(k)))...) keys.Insert(string(k)) defaults[string(k)] = q } for k, q := range limit.DefaultRequest { allErrs = append(allErrs, validateLimitRangeResourceName(limit.Type, string(k), idxPath.Child("defaultRequest").Key(string(k)))...) keys.Insert(string(k)) defaultRequests[string(k)] = q } } if limit.Type == corev1.LimitTypePersistentVolumeClaim { _, minQuantityFound := limit.Min[corev1.ResourceStorage] _, maxQuantityFound := limit.Max[corev1.ResourceStorage] if !minQuantityFound && !maxQuantityFound { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Required(idxPath.Child("limits"), "either minimum or maximum storage value is required, but neither was provided")) } } for k, q := range limit.MaxLimitRequestRatio { allErrs = append(allErrs, validateLimitRangeResourceName(limit.Type, string(k), idxPath.Child("maxLimitRequestRatio").Key(string(k)))...) keys.Insert(string(k)) maxLimitRequestRatios[string(k)] = q } for k := range keys { minQuantity, minQuantityFound := min[k] maxQuantity, maxQuantityFound := max[k] defaultQuantity, defaultQuantityFound := defaults[k] defaultRequestQuantity, defaultRequestQuantityFound := defaultRequests[k] maxRatio, maxRatioFound := maxLimitRequestRatios[k] if minQuantityFound && maxQuantityFound && minQuantity.Cmp(maxQuantity) > 0 { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(idxPath.Child("min").Key(string(k)), minQuantity, fmt.Sprintf("min value %s is greater than max value %s", minQuantity.String(), maxQuantity.String()))) } if defaultRequestQuantityFound && minQuantityFound && minQuantity.Cmp(defaultRequestQuantity) > 0 { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(idxPath.Child("defaultRequest").Key(string(k)), defaultRequestQuantity, fmt.Sprintf("min value %s is greater than default request value %s", minQuantity.String(), defaultRequestQuantity.String()))) } if defaultRequestQuantityFound && maxQuantityFound && defaultRequestQuantity.Cmp(maxQuantity) > 0 { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(idxPath.Child("defaultRequest").Key(string(k)), defaultRequestQuantity, fmt.Sprintf("default request value %s is greater than max value %s", defaultRequestQuantity.String(), maxQuantity.String()))) } if defaultRequestQuantityFound && defaultQuantityFound && defaultRequestQuantity.Cmp(defaultQuantity) > 0 { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(idxPath.Child("defaultRequest").Key(string(k)), defaultRequestQuantity, fmt.Sprintf("default request value %s is greater than default limit value %s", defaultRequestQuantity.String(), defaultQuantity.String()))) } if defaultQuantityFound && minQuantityFound && minQuantity.Cmp(defaultQuantity) > 0 { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(idxPath.Child("default").Key(string(k)), minQuantity, fmt.Sprintf("min value %s is greater than default value %s", minQuantity.String(), defaultQuantity.String()))) } if defaultQuantityFound && maxQuantityFound && defaultQuantity.Cmp(maxQuantity) > 0 { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(idxPath.Child("default").Key(string(k)), maxQuantity, fmt.Sprintf("default value %s is greater than max value %s", defaultQuantity.String(), maxQuantity.String()))) } if maxRatioFound && maxRatio.Cmp(*resource.NewQuantity(1, resource.DecimalSI)) < 0 { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(idxPath.Child("maxLimitRequestRatio").Key(string(k)), maxRatio, fmt.Sprintf("ratio %s is less than 1", maxRatio.String()))) } if maxRatioFound && minQuantityFound && maxQuantityFound { maxRatioValue := float64(maxRatio.Value()) minQuantityValue := minQuantity.Value() maxQuantityValue := maxQuantity.Value() if maxRatio.Value() < resource.MaxMilliValue && minQuantityValue < resource.MaxMilliValue && maxQuantityValue < resource.MaxMilliValue { maxRatioValue = float64(maxRatio.MilliValue()) / 1000 minQuantityValue = minQuantity.MilliValue() maxQuantityValue = maxQuantity.MilliValue() } maxRatioLimit := float64(maxQuantityValue) / float64(minQuantityValue) if maxRatioValue > maxRatioLimit { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(idxPath.Child("maxLimitRequestRatio").Key(string(k)), maxRatio, fmt.Sprintf("ratio %s is greater than max/min = %f", maxRatio.String(), maxRatioLimit))) } } // for GPU, hugepages and other resources that are not allowed to overcommit, // the default value and defaultRequest value must match if both are specified if !helper.IsOvercommitAllowed(corev1.ResourceName(k)) && defaultQuantityFound && defaultRequestQuantityFound && defaultQuantity.Cmp(defaultRequestQuantity) != 0 { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(idxPath.Child("defaultRequest").Key(string(k)), defaultRequestQuantity, fmt.Sprintf("default value %s must equal to defaultRequest value %s in %s", defaultQuantity.String(), defaultRequestQuantity.String(), k))) } } } return allErrs }
// ValidateServiceAccount tests if required fields in the ServiceAccount are set.
func ValidateServiceAccount(serviceAccount *corev1.ServiceAccount) field.ErrorList { allErrs := ValidateObjectMeta(&serviceAccount.ObjectMeta, true, ValidateServiceAccountName, field.NewPath("metadata")) return allErrs }
// ValidateServiceAccountUpdate tests if required fields in the ServiceAccount are set.
func ValidateServiceAccountUpdate(newServiceAccount, oldServiceAccount *corev1.ServiceAccount) field.ErrorList { allErrs := ValidateObjectMetaUpdate(&newServiceAccount.ObjectMeta, &oldServiceAccount.ObjectMeta, field.NewPath("metadata")) allErrs = append(allErrs, ValidateServiceAccount(newServiceAccount)...) return allErrs }
// ValidateSecret tests if required fields in the Secret are set.
func ValidateSecret(secret *corev1.Secret) field.ErrorList { allErrs := ValidateObjectMeta(&secret.ObjectMeta, true, ValidateSecretName, field.NewPath("metadata")) dataPath := field.NewPath("data") totalSize := 0 for key, value := range secret.Data { for _, msg := range validation.IsConfigMapKey(key) { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(dataPath.Key(key), key, msg)) } totalSize += len(value) } if totalSize > corev1.MaxSecretSize { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.TooLong(dataPath, "", corev1.MaxSecretSize)) } switch secret.Type { case corev1.SecretTypeServiceAccountToken: // Only require Annotations[] // Additional fields (like Annotations[] and Data[token]) might be contributed later by a controller loop if value := secret.Annotations[corev1.ServiceAccountNameKey]; len(value) == 0 { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Required(field.NewPath("metadata", "annotations").Key(corev1.ServiceAccountNameKey), "")) } case corev1.SecretTypeOpaque, "": // no-op case corev1.SecretTypeDockercfg: dockercfgBytes, exists := secret.Data[corev1.DockerConfigKey] if !exists { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Required(dataPath.Key(corev1.DockerConfigKey), "")) break } // make sure that the content is well-formed json. if err := json.Unmarshal(dockercfgBytes, &map[string]interface{}{}); err != nil { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(dataPath.Key(corev1.DockerConfigKey), "<secret contents redacted>", err.Error())) } case corev1.SecretTypeDockerConfigJson: dockerConfigJsonBytes, exists := secret.Data[corev1.DockerConfigJsonKey] if !exists { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Required(dataPath.Key(corev1.DockerConfigJsonKey), "")) break } // make sure that the content is well-formed json. if err := json.Unmarshal(dockerConfigJsonBytes, &map[string]interface{}{}); err != nil { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(dataPath.Key(corev1.DockerConfigJsonKey), "<secret contents redacted>", err.Error())) } case corev1.SecretTypeBasicAuth: _, usernameFieldExists := secret.Data[corev1.BasicAuthUsernameKey] _, passwordFieldExists := secret.Data[corev1.BasicAuthPasswordKey] // username or password might be empty, but the field must be present if !usernameFieldExists && !passwordFieldExists { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Required(field.NewPath("data[%s]").Key(corev1.BasicAuthUsernameKey), "")) allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Required(field.NewPath("data[%s]").Key(corev1.BasicAuthPasswordKey), "")) break } case corev1.SecretTypeSSHAuth: if len(secret.Data[corev1.SSHAuthPrivateKey]) == 0 { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Required(field.NewPath("data[%s]").Key(corev1.SSHAuthPrivateKey), "")) break } case corev1.SecretTypeTLS: if _, exists := secret.Data[corev1.TLSCertKey]; !exists { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Required(dataPath.Key(corev1.TLSCertKey), "")) } if _, exists := secret.Data[corev1.TLSPrivateKeyKey]; !exists { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Required(dataPath.Key(corev1.TLSPrivateKeyKey), "")) } // TODO: Verify that the key matches the cert. default: // no-op } return allErrs }
// ValidateSecretUpdate tests if required fields in the Secret are set.
func ValidateSecretUpdate(newSecret, oldSecret *corev1.Secret) field.ErrorList { allErrs := ValidateObjectMetaUpdate(&newSecret.ObjectMeta, &oldSecret.ObjectMeta, field.NewPath("metadata")) if len(newSecret.Type) == 0 { newSecret.Type = oldSecret.Type } allErrs = append(allErrs, ValidateImmutableField(newSecret.Type, oldSecret.Type, field.NewPath("type"))...) allErrs = append(allErrs, ValidateSecret(newSecret)...) return allErrs }
ValidateConfigMapName can be used to check whether the given ConfigMap name is valid. Prefix indicates this name will be used as part of generation, in which case trailing dashes are allowed.
var ValidateNodeName = apimachineryvalidation.NameIsDNSSubdomain
ValidateNodeName can be used to check whether the given node name is valid. Prefix indicates this name will be used as part of generation, in which case trailing dashes are allowed.
var ValidatePriorityClassName = apimachineryvalidation.NameIsDNSSubdomain
ValidatePiorityClassName can be used to check whether the given priority class name is valid.
var ValidateSecretName = apimachineryvalidation.NameIsDNSSubdomain
// ValidateNamespaceName can be used to check whether the given namespace name is valid. // Prefix indicates this name will be used as part of generation, in which case // trailing dashes are allowed. var ValidateNamespaceName = apimachineryvalidation.ValidateNamespaceName
// ValidateLimitRangeName can be used to check whether the given limit range name is valid. // Prefix indicates this name will be used as part of generation, in which case // trailing dashes are allowed. var ValidateLimitRangeName = apimachineryvalidation.NameIsDNSSubdomain
// ValidateResourceQuotaName can be used to check whether the given // resource quota name is valid. // Prefix indicates this name will be used as part of generation, in which case // trailing dashes are allowed. var ValidateResourceQuotaName = apimachineryvalidation.NameIsDNSSubdomain
ValidateSecretName can be used to check whether the given secret name is valid. Prefix indicates this name will be used as part of generation, in which case trailing dashes are allowed.
var ValidateServiceAccountName = apimachineryvalidation.ValidateServiceAccountName
ValidateServiceAccountName can be used to check whether the given service account name is valid. Prefix indicates this name will be used as part of generation, in which case trailing dashes are allowed.
Functions ¶
func AccumulateUniqueHostPorts ¶
func AccumulateUniqueHostPorts(containers []corev1.Container, accumulator *sets.String, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList
AccumulateUniqueHostPorts extracts each HostPort of each Container, accumulating the results and returning an error if any ports conflict.
func AddOrUpdateTolerationInPod ¶
func AddOrUpdateTolerationInPod(pod *corev1.Pod, toleration *corev1.Toleration) bool
AddOrUpdateTolerationInPod tries to add a toleration to the pod's toleration list. Returns true if something was updated, false otherwise.
func GetAccessModesAsString ¶
func GetAccessModesAsString(modes []corev1.PersistentVolumeAccessMode) string
GetAccessModesAsString returns a string representation of an array of access modes. modes, when present, are always in the same order: RWO,ROX,RWX.
func GetAccessModesFromString ¶
func GetAccessModesFromString(modes string) []corev1.PersistentVolumeAccessMode
GetAccessModesFromString returns an array of AccessModes from a string created by GetAccessModesAsString
func GetPersistentVolumeClaimClass ¶
func GetPersistentVolumeClaimClass(claim *corev1.PersistentVolumeClaim) string
GetPersistentVolumeClaimClass returns StorageClassName. If no storage class was requested, it returns "".
func GetPersistentVolumeClass ¶
func GetPersistentVolumeClass(volume *corev1.PersistentVolume) string
GetPersistentVolumeClass returns StorageClassName.
func GetVolumeDeviceMap ¶
func GetVolumeDeviceMap(devices []corev1.VolumeDevice) map[string]string
func GetVolumeMountMap ¶
func GetVolumeMountMap(mounts []corev1.VolumeMount) map[string]string
func HugePageResourceName ¶
func HugePageResourceName(pageSize resource.Quantity) corev1.ResourceName
HugePageResourceName returns a ResourceName with the canonical hugepage prefix prepended for the specified page size. The page size is converted to its canonical representation.
func HugePageSizeFromResourceName ¶
func HugePageSizeFromResourceName(name corev1.ResourceName) (resource.Quantity, error)
HugePageSizeFromResourceName returns the page size for the specified huge page resource name. If the specified input is not a valid huge page resource name an error is returned.
func IsExtendedResourceName ¶
func IsExtendedResourceName(name corev1.ResourceName) bool
IsExtendedResourceName returns true if: 1. the resource name is not in the default namespace; 2. resource name does not have "requests." prefix, to avoid confusion with the convention in quota 3. it satisfies the rules in IsQualifiedName() after converted into quota resource name
func IsHugePageResourceName ¶
func IsHugePageResourceName(name corev1.ResourceName) bool
IsHugePageResourceName returns true if the resource name has the huge page resource prefix.
func IsIntegerResourceName ¶
IsIntegerResourceName returns true if the resource is measured in integer values
func IsMatchedVolume ¶
func IsMatchedVolume(name string, volumes map[string]corev1.VolumeSource) bool
// ValidateObjectMetaUpdate validates an object's metadata when updated
func ValidateObjectMetaUpdate(newMeta, oldMeta *metav1.ObjectMeta, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList { allErrs := apimachineryvalidation.ValidateObjectMetaUpdate(newMeta, oldMeta, fldPath) // run additional checks for the finalizer name for i := range newMeta.Finalizers { allErrs = append(allErrs, validateKubeFinalizerName(string(newMeta.Finalizers[i]), fldPath.Child("finalizers").Index(i))...) } return allErrs }
func IsNativeResource ¶
func IsNativeResource(name corev1.ResourceName) bool
IsNativeResource returns true if the resource name is in the * namespace. Partially-qualified (unprefixed) names are implicitly in the namespace.
func IsOvercommitAllowed ¶
func IsOvercommitAllowed(name corev1.ResourceName) bool
IsOvercommitAllowed returns true if the resource is in the default namespace and is not hugepages.
func IsQuotaHugePageResourceName ¶
func IsQuotaHugePageResourceName(name corev1.ResourceName) bool
IsQuotaHugePageResourceName returns true if the resource name has the quota related huge page resource prefix.
func IsResourceQuotaScopeValidForResource ¶
func IsResourceQuotaScopeValidForResource(scope corev1.ResourceQuotaScope, resource string) bool
IsResourceQuotaScopeValidForResource returns true if the resource applies to the specified scope
func IsServiceIPSet ¶
IsServiceIPSet aims to check if the service's ClusterIP is set or not the objective is not to perform validation here
func IsStandardContainerResourceName ¶
IsStandardContainerResourceName returns true if the container can make a resource request for the specified resource
func IsStandardFinalizerName ¶
IsStandardFinalizerName checks if the input string is a standard finalizer name
func IsStandardLimitRangeType ¶
IsStandardLimitRangeType returns true if the type is Pod or Container
func IsStandardQuotaResourceName ¶
IsStandardQuotaResourceName returns true if the resource is known to the quota tracking system
func IsStandardResourceName ¶
IsStandardResourceName returns true if the resource is known to the system
func IsStandardResourceQuotaScope ¶
IsStandardResourceQuotaScope returns true if the scope is a standard value
func IsValidSysctlName ¶
IsValidSysctlName checks that the given string is a valid sysctl name, i.e. matches SysctlFmt.
func LoadBalancerStatusEqual ¶
func LoadBalancerStatusEqual(l, r *corev1.LoadBalancerStatus) bool
LoadBalancerStatusEqual checks if the status of the load balancer is equal to the target status TODO: make method on LoadBalancerStatus?
func NodeSelectorRequirementsAsFieldSelector ¶
func NodeSelectorRequirementsAsFieldSelector(nsm []corev1.NodeSelectorRequirement) (fields.Selector, error)
NodeSelectorRequirementsAsFieldSelector converts the []NodeSelectorRequirement core type into a struct that implements fields.Selector.
func NodeSelectorRequirementsAsSelector ¶
func NodeSelectorRequirementsAsSelector(nsm []corev1.NodeSelectorRequirement) (labels.Selector, error)
NodeSelectorRequirementsAsSelector converts the []NodeSelectorRequirement core type into a struct that implements labels.Selector.
func NonConvertibleFields ¶
NonConvertibleFields iterates over the provided map and filters out all but any keys with the "" prefix.
func PersistentVolumeClaimHasClass ¶
func PersistentVolumeClaimHasClass(claim *corev1.PersistentVolumeClaim) bool
PersistentVolumeClaimHasClass returns true if given claim has set StorageClassName field.
func Resource ¶
func Resource(resource string) schema.GroupResource
Resource takes an unqualified resource and returns a Group qualified GroupResource
func ValidateConfigMap ¶
ValidateConfigMap tests whether required fields in the ConfigMap are set.
func ValidateDNS1123Label ¶
// BannedOwners is a black list of object that are not allowed to be owners. var BannedOwners = apimachineryvalidation.BannedOwners
var iscsiInitiatorIqnRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`iqn\.\d{4}-\d{2}\.([[:alnum:]-.]+)(:[^,;*&$|\s]+)$`) var iscsiInitiatorEuiRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^eui.[[:alnum:]]{16}$`) var iscsiInitiatorNaaRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^naa.[[:alnum:]]{32}$`)
// ValidateHasLabel requires that metav1.ObjectMeta has a Label with key and expectedValue
func ValidateHasLabel(meta metav1.ObjectMeta, fldPath *field.Path, key, expectedValue string) field.ErrorList { allErrs := field.ErrorList{} actualValue, found := meta.Labels[key] if !found { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Required(fldPath.Child("labels").Key(key), fmt.Sprintf("must be '%s'", expectedValue))) return allErrs } if actualValue != expectedValue { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath.Child("labels").Key(key), meta.Labels, fmt.Sprintf("must be '%s'", expectedValue))) } return allErrs }
// ValidateAnnotations validates that a set of annotations are correctly defined.
func ValidateAnnotations(annotations map[string]string, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList { return apimachineryvalidation.ValidateAnnotations(annotations, fldPath) }
func ValidateDNS1123Subdomain ¶
ValidateDNS1123Subdomain validates that a name is a proper DNS subdomain.
func ValidateEnv ¶
ValidateEnv validates env vars
func ValidateEnvFrom ¶
func ValidateHostAliases ¶
func ValidateNonnegativeField ¶
Validates that given value is not negative.
func ValidateNonnegativeQuantity ¶
Validates that a Quantity is not negative
func ValidateObjectMeta ¶
func ValidateObjectMeta(meta *metav1.ObjectMeta, requiresNamespace bool, nameFn ValidateNameFunc, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList
// Validates that a Quantity is positive
func ValidatePositiveQuantityValue(value resource.Quantity, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList { allErrs := field.ErrorList{} if value.Cmp(resource.Quantity{}) <= 0 { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath, value.String(), isNotPositiveErrorMsg)) } return allErrs }
func ValidateImmutableField(newVal, oldVal interface{}, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList { return apimachineryvalidation.ValidateImmutableField(newVal, oldVal, fldPath) }
func ValidateImmutableAnnotation(newVal string, oldVal string, annotation string, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList { allErrs := field.ErrorList{} if oldVal != newVal { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath.Child("annotations", annotation), newVal, fieldImmutableErrorMsg)) } return allErrs }
ValidateObjectMeta validates an object's metadata on creation. It expects that name generation has already been performed. It doesn't return an error for rootscoped resources with namespace, because namespace should already be cleared before. TODO: Remove calls to this method scattered in validations of specific resources, e.g., ValidatePodUpdate.
func ValidatePodSecurityContext ¶
func ValidatePodSecurityContext(securityContext *corev1.PodSecurityContext, spec *corev1.PodSpec, specPath, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList
ValidatePodSecurityContext test that the specified PodSecurityContext has valid data.
func ValidatePodSpec ¶
func ValidatePortNumOrName ¶
func ValidateProcMountType ¶
ValidateProcMountType tests that the argument is a valid ProcMountType.
func ValidateResourceQuantityValue ¶
func ValidateResourceQuantityValue(resource string, value resource.Quantity, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList
// validateResourceQuotaScopes ensures that each enumerated hard resource constraint is valid for set of scopes
func validateResourceQuotaScopes(resourceQuotaSpec *corev1.ResourceQuotaSpec, fld *field.Path) field.ErrorList { allErrs := field.ErrorList{} if len(resourceQuotaSpec.Scopes) == 0 { return allErrs } hardLimits := sets.NewString() for k := range resourceQuotaSpec.Hard { hardLimits.Insert(string(k)) } fldPath := fld.Child("scopes") scopeSet := sets.NewString() for _, scope := range resourceQuotaSpec.Scopes { if !helper.IsStandardResourceQuotaScope(string(scope)) { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath, resourceQuotaSpec.Scopes, "unsupported scope")) } for _, k := range hardLimits.List() { if helper.IsStandardQuotaResourceName(k) && !helper.IsResourceQuotaScopeValidForResource(scope, k) { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath, resourceQuotaSpec.Scopes, "unsupported scope applied to resource")) } } scopeSet.Insert(string(scope)) } invalidScopePairs := []sets.String{ sets.NewString(string(corev1.ResourceQuotaScopeBestEffort), string(corev1.ResourceQuotaScopeNotBestEffort)), sets.NewString(string(corev1.ResourceQuotaScopeTerminating), string(corev1.ResourceQuotaScopeNotTerminating)), } for _, invalidScopePair := range invalidScopePairs { if scopeSet.HasAll(invalidScopePair.List()...) { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath, resourceQuotaSpec.Scopes, "conflicting scopes")) } } return allErrs }
// validateScopedResourceSelectorRequirement tests that the match expressions has valid data
func validateScopedResourceSelectorRequirement(resourceQuotaSpec *corev1.ResourceQuotaSpec, fld *field.Path) field.ErrorList { allErrs := field.ErrorList{} hardLimits := sets.NewString() for k := range resourceQuotaSpec.Hard { hardLimits.Insert(string(k)) } fldPath := fld.Child("matchExpressions") scopeSet := sets.NewString() for _, req := range resourceQuotaSpec.ScopeSelector.MatchExpressions { if !helper.IsStandardResourceQuotaScope(string(req.ScopeName)) { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath.Child("scopeName"), req.ScopeName, "unsupported scope")) } for _, k := range hardLimits.List() { if helper.IsStandardQuotaResourceName(k) && !helper.IsResourceQuotaScopeValidForResource(req.ScopeName, k) { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath, resourceQuotaSpec.ScopeSelector, "unsupported scope applied to resource")) } } switch req.ScopeName { case corev1.ResourceQuotaScopeBestEffort, corev1.ResourceQuotaScopeNotBestEffort, corev1.ResourceQuotaScopeTerminating, corev1.ResourceQuotaScopeNotTerminating: if req.Operator != corev1.ScopeSelectorOpExists { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath.Child("operator"), req.Operator, "must be 'Exist' only operator when scope is any of ResourceQuotaScopeTerminating, ResourceQuotaScopeNotTerminating, ResourceQuotaScopeBestEffort and ResourceQuotaScopeNotBestEffort")) } } switch req.Operator { case corev1.ScopeSelectorOpIn, corev1.ScopeSelectorOpNotIn: if len(req.Values) == 0 { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Required(fldPath.Child("values"), "must be at least one value when `operator` is 'In' or 'NotIn' for scope selector")) } case corev1.ScopeSelectorOpExists, corev1.ScopeSelectorOpDoesNotExist: if len(req.Values) != 0 { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath.Child("values"), req.Values, "must be no value when `operator` is 'Exist' or 'DoesNotExist' for scope selector")) } default: allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath.Child("operator"), req.Operator, "not a valid selector operator")) } scopeSet.Insert(string(req.ScopeName)) } invalidScopePairs := []sets.String{ sets.NewString(string(corev1.ResourceQuotaScopeBestEffort), string(corev1.ResourceQuotaScopeNotBestEffort)), sets.NewString(string(corev1.ResourceQuotaScopeTerminating), string(corev1.ResourceQuotaScopeNotTerminating)), } for _, invalidScopePair := range invalidScopePairs { if scopeSet.HasAll(invalidScopePair.List()...) { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath, resourceQuotaSpec.Scopes, "conflicting scopes")) } } return allErrs }
// validateScopeSelector tests that the specified scope selector has valid data
func validateScopeSelector(resourceQuotaSpec *corev1.ResourceQuotaSpec, fld *field.Path) field.ErrorList { allErrs := field.ErrorList{} if resourceQuotaSpec.ScopeSelector == nil { return allErrs } allErrs = append(allErrs, validateScopedResourceSelectorRequirement(resourceQuotaSpec, fld.Child("scopeSelector"))...) return allErrs }
// ValidateResourceQuota tests if required fields in the ResourceQuota are set.
func ValidateResourceQuota(resourceQuota *corev1.ResourceQuota) field.ErrorList { allErrs := ValidateObjectMeta(&resourceQuota.ObjectMeta, true, ValidateResourceQuotaName, field.NewPath("metadata")) allErrs = append(allErrs, ValidateResourceQuotaSpec(&resourceQuota.Spec, field.NewPath("spec"))...) allErrs = append(allErrs, ValidateResourceQuotaStatus(&resourceQuota.Status, field.NewPath("status"))...) return allErrs }
func ValidateResourceQuotaStatus(status *corev1.ResourceQuotaStatus, fld *field.Path) field.ErrorList { allErrs := field.ErrorList{} fldPath := fld.Child("hard") for k, v := range status.Hard { resPath := fldPath.Key(string(k)) allErrs = append(allErrs, ValidateResourceQuotaResourceName(string(k), resPath)...) allErrs = append(allErrs, ValidateResourceQuantityValue(string(k), v, resPath)...) } fldPath = fld.Child("used") for k, v := range status.Used { resPath := fldPath.Key(string(k)) allErrs = append(allErrs, ValidateResourceQuotaResourceName(string(k), resPath)...) allErrs = append(allErrs, ValidateResourceQuantityValue(string(k), v, resPath)...) } return allErrs }
func ValidateResourceQuotaSpec(resourceQuotaSpec *corev1.ResourceQuotaSpec, fld *field.Path) field.ErrorList { allErrs := field.ErrorList{} fldPath := fld.Child("hard") for k, v := range resourceQuotaSpec.Hard { resPath := fldPath.Key(string(k)) allErrs = append(allErrs, ValidateResourceQuotaResourceName(string(k), resPath)...) allErrs = append(allErrs, ValidateResourceQuantityValue(string(k), v, resPath)...) } allErrs = append(allErrs, validateResourceQuotaScopes(resourceQuotaSpec, fld)...) allErrs = append(allErrs, validateScopeSelector(resourceQuotaSpec, fld)...) return allErrs }
ValidateResourceQuantityValue enforces that specified quantity is valid for specified resource
func ValidateResourceRequirements ¶
func ValidateResourceRequirements(requirements *corev1.ResourceRequirements, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList
// ValidateConfigMapUpdate tests if required fields in the ConfigMap are set.
func ValidateConfigMapUpdate(newCfg, oldCfg *corev1.ConfigMap) field.ErrorList { allErrs := field.ErrorList{} allErrs = append(allErrs, ValidateObjectMetaUpdate(&newCfg.ObjectMeta, &oldCfg.ObjectMeta, field.NewPath("metadata"))...) allErrs = append(allErrs, ValidateConfigMap(newCfg)...) return allErrs }
func validateBasicResource(quantity resource.Quantity, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList { if quantity.Value() < 0 { return field.ErrorList{field.Invalid(fldPath, quantity.Value(), "must be a valid resource quantity")} } return field.ErrorList{} }
Validates resource requirement spec.
func ValidateRuntimeClassName ¶
ValidateRuntimeClassName can be used to check whether the given RuntimeClass name is valid. Prefix indicates this name will be used as part of generation, in which case trailing dashes are allowed.
func ValidateSecurityContext ¶
// ValidateNamespaceUpdate tests to make sure a namespace update can be applied. // newNamespace is updated with fields that cannot be changed
func ValidateNamespaceUpdate(newNamespace *corev1.Namespace, oldNamespace *corev1.Namespace) field.ErrorList { allErrs := ValidateObjectMetaUpdate(&newNamespace.ObjectMeta, &oldNamespace.ObjectMeta, field.NewPath("metadata")) newNamespace.Spec.Finalizers = oldNamespace.Spec.Finalizers newNamespace.Status = oldNamespace.Status return allErrs }
// ValidateNamespaceStatusUpdate tests to see if the update is legal for an end user to make. newNamespace is updated with fields // that cannot be changed.
func ValidateNamespaceStatusUpdate(newNamespace, oldNamespace *corev1.Namespace) field.ErrorList { allErrs := ValidateObjectMetaUpdate(&newNamespace.ObjectMeta, &oldNamespace.ObjectMeta, field.NewPath("metadata")) newNamespace.Spec = oldNamespace.Spec if newNamespace.DeletionTimestamp.IsZero() { if newNamespace.Status.Phase != corev1.NamespaceActive { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(field.NewPath("status", "Phase"), newNamespace.Status.Phase, "may only be 'Active' if `deletionTimestamp` is empty")) } } else { if newNamespace.Status.Phase != corev1.NamespaceTerminating { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(field.NewPath("status", "Phase"), newNamespace.Status.Phase, "may only be 'Terminating' if `deletionTimestamp` is not empty")) } } return allErrs }
// ValidateNamespaceFinalizeUpdate tests to see if the update is legal for an end user to make. // newNamespace is updated with fields that cannot be changed.
func ValidateNamespaceFinalizeUpdate(newNamespace, oldNamespace *corev1.Namespace) field.ErrorList { allErrs := ValidateObjectMetaUpdate(&newNamespace.ObjectMeta, &oldNamespace.ObjectMeta, field.NewPath("metadata")) fldPath := field.NewPath("spec", "finalizers") for i := range newNamespace.Spec.Finalizers { idxPath := fldPath.Index(i) allErrs = append(allErrs, validateFinalizerName(string(newNamespace.Spec.Finalizers[i]), idxPath)...) } newNamespace.Status = oldNamespace.Status return allErrs }
// ValidateEndpoints tests if required fields are set.
func ValidateEndpoints(endpoints *corev1.Endpoints) field.ErrorList { allErrs := ValidateObjectMeta(&endpoints.ObjectMeta, true, ValidateEndpointsName, field.NewPath("metadata")) allErrs = append(allErrs, ValidateEndpointsSpecificAnnotations(endpoints.Annotations, field.NewPath("annotations"))...) allErrs = append(allErrs, validateEndpointSubsets(endpoints.Subsets, field.NewPath("subsets"))...) return allErrs }
func validateEndpointSubsets(subsets []corev1.EndpointSubset, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList { allErrs := field.ErrorList{} for i := range subsets { ss := &subsets[i] idxPath := fldPath.Index(i) // EndpointSubsets must include endpoint address. For headless service, we allow its endpoints not to have ports. if len(ss.Addresses) == 0 && len(ss.NotReadyAddresses) == 0 { //TODO: consider adding a RequiredOneOf() error for this and similar cases allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Required(idxPath, "must specify `addresses` or `notReadyAddresses`")) } for addr := range ss.Addresses { allErrs = append(allErrs, validateEndpointAddress(&ss.Addresses[addr], idxPath.Child("addresses").Index(addr))...) } for addr := range ss.NotReadyAddresses { allErrs = append(allErrs, validateEndpointAddress(&ss.NotReadyAddresses[addr], idxPath.Child("notReadyAddresses").Index(addr))...) } for port := range ss.Ports { allErrs = append(allErrs, validateEndpointPort(&ss.Ports[port], len(ss.Ports) > 1, idxPath.Child("ports").Index(port))...) } } return allErrs }
func validateEndpointAddress(address *corev1.EndpointAddress, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList { allErrs := field.ErrorList{} for _, msg := range validation.IsValidIP(address.IP) { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath.Child("ip"), address.IP, msg)) } if len(address.Hostname) > 0 { allErrs = append(allErrs, ValidateDNS1123Label(address.Hostname, fldPath.Child("hostname"))...) } // During endpoint update, verify that NodeName is a DNS subdomain and transition rules allow the update if address.NodeName != nil { for _, msg := range ValidateNodeName(*address.NodeName, false) { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath.Child("nodeName"), *address.NodeName, msg)) } } allErrs = append(allErrs, validateNonSpecialIP(address.IP, fldPath.Child("ip"))...) return allErrs }
func validateNonSpecialIP(ipAddress string, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList { // We disallow some IPs as endpoints or external-ips. Specifically, // unspecified and loopback addresses are nonsensical and link-local // addresses tend to be used for node-centric purposes (e.g. metadata // service). allErrs := field.ErrorList{} ip := net.ParseIP(ipAddress) if ip == nil { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath, ipAddress, "must be a valid IP address")) return allErrs } if ip.IsUnspecified() { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath, ipAddress, "may not be unspecified (")) } if ip.IsLoopback() { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath, ipAddress, "may not be in the loopback range (")) } if ip.IsLinkLocalUnicast() { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath, ipAddress, "may not be in the link-local range (")) } if ip.IsLinkLocalMulticast() { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath, ipAddress, "may not be in the link-local multicast range (")) } return allErrs }
func validateEndpointPort(port *corev1.EndpointPort, requireName bool, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList { allErrs := field.ErrorList{} if requireName && len(port.Name) == 0 { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Required(fldPath.Child("name"), "")) } else if len(port.Name) != 0 { allErrs = append(allErrs, ValidateDNS1123Label(port.Name, fldPath.Child("name"))...) } for _, msg := range validation.IsValidPortNum(int(port.Port)) { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(fldPath.Child("port"), port.Port, msg)) } if len(port.Protocol) == 0 { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Required(fldPath.Child("protocol"), "")) } else if !supportedPortProtocols.Has(string(port.Protocol)) { allErrs = append(allErrs, field.NotSupported(fldPath.Child("protocol"), port.Protocol, supportedPortProtocols.List())) } return allErrs }
// ValidateEndpointsUpdate tests to make sure an endpoints update can be applied. // NodeName changes are allowed during update to accommodate the case where nodeIP or PodCIDR is reused. // An existing endpoint ip will have a different nodeName if this happens.
func ValidateEndpointsUpdate(newEndpoints, oldEndpoints *corev1.Endpoints) field.ErrorList { allErrs := ValidateObjectMetaUpdate(&newEndpoints.ObjectMeta, &oldEndpoints.ObjectMeta, field.NewPath("metadata")) allErrs = append(allErrs, validateEndpointSubsets(newEndpoints.Subsets, field.NewPath("subsets"))...) allErrs = append(allErrs, ValidateEndpointsSpecificAnnotations(newEndpoints.Annotations, field.NewPath("annotations"))...) return allErrs }
ValidateSecurityContext ensures the security context contains valid settings
func ValidateTolerations ¶
ValidateTolerations tests if given tolerations have valid data.
func ValidateVolumeDevices ¶
func ValidateVolumeMounts ¶
Types ¶
type APIDefinition ¶
func (*APIDefinition) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *APIDefinition) DeepCopy() *APIDefinition
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new APIDefinition.
func (*APIDefinition) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *APIDefinition) DeepCopyInto(out *APIDefinition)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type ApiPublisherConfig ¶
type ApiPublisherConfig struct { Authenticate bool `json:"authenticate"` Backend string `json:"backend"` Context string `json:"context"` Version string `json:"version"` }
func (*ApiPublisherConfig) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *ApiPublisherConfig) DeepCopy() *ApiPublisherConfig
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new ApiPublisherConfig.
func (*ApiPublisherConfig) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *ApiPublisherConfig) DeepCopyInto(out *ApiPublisherConfig)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*ApiPublisherConfig) HasVersion ¶
func (ap *ApiPublisherConfig) HasVersion() bool
type Cell ¶
type Cell struct { metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Spec CellSpec `json:"spec"` Status CellStatus `json:"status"` }
func (*Cell) DeepCopy ¶
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Cell.
func (*Cell) DeepCopyInto ¶
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*Cell) DeepCopyObject ¶
DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.
type CellCondition ¶
type CellCondition struct { Type CellConditionType `json:"type"` Status corev1.ConditionStatus `json:"status"` }
func (*CellCondition) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *CellCondition) DeepCopy() *CellCondition
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new CellCondition.
func (*CellCondition) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *CellCondition) DeepCopyInto(out *CellCondition)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type CellConditionType ¶
type CellConditionType string
const (
CellReady CellConditionType = "Ready"
type CellCurrentStatus ¶
type CellCurrentStatus string
const ( CellCurrentStatusUnknown CellCurrentStatus = "Unknown" CellCurrentStatusReady CellCurrentStatus = "Ready" CellCurrentStatusNotReady CellCurrentStatus = "NotReady" )
type CellList ¶
type CellList struct { metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata"` Items []Cell `json:"items"` }
func (*CellList) DeepCopy ¶
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new CellList.
func (*CellList) DeepCopyInto ¶
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*CellList) DeepCopyObject ¶
DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.
type CellSpec ¶
type CellSpec struct { Gateway Gateway `json:"gateway"` Components []Component `json:"components"` TokenService TokenService `json:"sts"` }
func (*CellSpec) DeepCopy ¶
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new CellSpec.
func (*CellSpec) DeepCopyInto ¶
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*CellSpec) SetDefaults ¶
func (cs *CellSpec) SetDefaults()
type CellStatus ¶
type CellStatus struct { ComponentCount int `json:"componentCount"` ActiveComponentCount int `json:"activeComponentCount"` GatewayServiceName string `json:"gatewayServiceName"` Status CellCurrentStatus `json:"status"` GatewayStatus GatewayCurrentStatus `json:"gatewayStatus"` TokenServiceStatus TokenServiceCurrentStatus `json:"tokenServiceStatus"` ComponentStatuses map[string]ComponentCurrentStatus `json:"componentStatuses"` // Status string `json:"status"` ObservedGeneration int64 `json:"observedGeneration,omitempty"` NetworkPolicyGeneration int64 `json:"networkPolicyGeneration,omitempty"` SecretGeneration int64 `json:"secretGeneration,omitempty"` GatewayGeneration int64 `json:"gatewayGeneration,omitempty"` TokenServiceGeneration int64 `json:"tokenServiceGeneration,omitempty"` RoutingVsGeneration int64 `json:"routingVsGeneration,omitempty"` ComponentGenerations map[string]int64 `json:"componentGenerations,omitempty"` // Current conditions of the cell. // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge Conditions []CellCondition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type"` }
func (*CellStatus) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *CellStatus) DeepCopy() *CellStatus
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new CellStatus.
func (*CellStatus) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *CellStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *CellStatus)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*CellStatus) SetDefaults ¶
func (cstat *CellStatus) SetDefaults()
type ClusterIngressConfig ¶
type ClusterIngressConfig struct { Host string `json:"host,omitempty"` Tls TlsConfig `json:"tls,omitempty"` }
func (*ClusterIngressConfig) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *ClusterIngressConfig) DeepCopy() *ClusterIngressConfig
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new ClusterIngressConfig.
func (*ClusterIngressConfig) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *ClusterIngressConfig) DeepCopyInto(out *ClusterIngressConfig)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*ClusterIngressConfig) HasCertAndKey ¶
func (ci *ClusterIngressConfig) HasCertAndKey() bool
func (*ClusterIngressConfig) HasSecret ¶
func (ci *ClusterIngressConfig) HasSecret() bool
type Component ¶
type Component struct { metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Spec ComponentSpec `json:"spec"` Status ComponentStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` }
func (*Component) DeepCopy ¶
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Component.
func (*Component) DeepCopyInto ¶
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*Component) DeepCopyObject ¶
DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.
type ComponentCurrentStatus ¶
type ComponentCurrentStatus string
const ( ComponentCurrentStatusUnknown ComponentCurrentStatus = "Unknown" ComponentCurrentStatusReady ComponentCurrentStatus = "Ready" ComponentCurrentStatusNotReady ComponentCurrentStatus = "NotReady" ComponentCurrentStatusIdle ComponentCurrentStatus = "Idle" )
type ComponentList ¶
type ComponentList struct { metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata"` Items []Component `json:"items"` }
func (*ComponentList) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *ComponentList) DeepCopy() *ComponentList
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new ComponentList.
func (*ComponentList) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *ComponentList) DeepCopyInto(out *ComponentList)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*ComponentList) DeepCopyObject ¶
func (in *ComponentList) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.
type ComponentScalingPolicy ¶
type ComponentScalingPolicy struct { Replicas *int32 `json:"replicas,omitempty"` Hpa *HorizontalPodAutoscaler `json:"hpa,omitempty"` Kpa *KnativePodAutoscaler `json:"kpa,omitempty"` }
func (*ComponentScalingPolicy) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *ComponentScalingPolicy) DeepCopy() *ComponentScalingPolicy
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new ComponentScalingPolicy.
func (*ComponentScalingPolicy) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *ComponentScalingPolicy) DeepCopyInto(out *ComponentScalingPolicy)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*ComponentScalingPolicy) Default ¶
func (sp *ComponentScalingPolicy) Default()
func (*ComponentScalingPolicy) IsHpa ¶
func (sp *ComponentScalingPolicy) IsHpa() bool
func (*ComponentScalingPolicy) IsKpa ¶
func (sp *ComponentScalingPolicy) IsKpa() bool
func (*ComponentScalingPolicy) MinReplicas ¶
func (sp *ComponentScalingPolicy) MinReplicas() int32
type ComponentSpec ¶
type ComponentSpec struct { Type ComponentType `json:"type,omitempty"` ScalingPolicy ComponentScalingPolicy `json:"scalingPolicy,omitempty"` Template corev1.PodSpec `json:"template,omitempty"` Ports []PortMapping `json:"ports,omitempty"` VolumeClaims []VolumeClaim `json:"volumeClaims,omitempty"` Configurations []corev1.ConfigMap `json:"configurations,omitempty"` Secrets []corev1.Secret `json:"secrets,omitempty"` }
func (*ComponentSpec) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *ComponentSpec) DeepCopy() *ComponentSpec
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new ComponentSpec.
func (*ComponentSpec) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *ComponentSpec) DeepCopyInto(out *ComponentSpec)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*ComponentSpec) Default ¶
func (cs *ComponentSpec) Default()
type ComponentStatus ¶
type ComponentStatus struct { Type ComponentType `json:"componentType"` Status ComponentCurrentStatus `json:"status"` ServiceName string `json:"serviceName"` AvailableReplicas int32 `json:"availableReplicas"` ObservedGeneration int64 `json:"observedGeneration,omitempty"` DeploymentGeneration int64 `json:"deploymentGeneration,omitempty"` StatefulSetGeneration int64 `json:"statefulSetGeneration,omitempty"` JobGeneration int64 `json:"jobGeneration,omitempty"` ServiceGeneration int64 `json:"serviceGeneration,omitempty"` HpaGeneration int64 `json:"hpaGeneration,omitempty"` ServingConfigurationGeneration int64 `json:"servingConfigurationGeneration,omitempty"` ServingVirtualServiceGeneration int64 `json:"servingVirtualServiceGeneration,omitempty"` TlsPolicyGeneration int64 `json:"TlsPolicyGeneration,omitempty"` PersistantVolumeClaimGenerations map[string]int64 `json:"persistantVolumeClaimGenerations,omitempty"` ConfigMapGenerations map[string]int64 `json:"configMapGenerations,omitempty"` SecretGenerations map[string]int64 `json:"secretGenerations,omitempty"` }
func (*ComponentStatus) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *ComponentStatus) DeepCopy() *ComponentStatus
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new ComponentStatus.
func (*ComponentStatus) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *ComponentStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *ComponentStatus)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*ComponentStatus) Default ¶
func (cstat *ComponentStatus) Default()
func (*ComponentStatus) ResetServiceName ¶
func (cs *ComponentStatus) ResetServiceName()
func (*ComponentStatus) SetType ¶
func (cstat *ComponentStatus) SetType(t ComponentType)
type ComponentType ¶
type ComponentType string
const ( // ServiceTypeDeployment is the default type which run as services. ComponentTypeDeployment ComponentType = "Deployment" // ServiceTypeStatefulSet is the default type which runs for the stateful services. ComponentTypeStatefulSet ComponentType = "StatefulSet" // ServiceTypeJob is a job which run into completion. ComponentTypeJob ComponentType = "Job" )
type Composite ¶
type Composite struct { metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Spec CompositeSpec `json:"spec"` Status CompositeStatus `json:"status"` }
func (*Composite) DeepCopy ¶
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Composite.
func (*Composite) DeepCopyInto ¶
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*Composite) DeepCopyObject ¶
DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.
type CompositeCondition ¶
type CompositeCondition struct { Type CompositeConditionType `json:"type"` Status corev1.ConditionStatus `json:"status"` }
func (*CompositeCondition) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *CompositeCondition) DeepCopy() *CompositeCondition
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new CompositeCondition.
func (*CompositeCondition) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *CompositeCondition) DeepCopyInto(out *CompositeCondition)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type CompositeConditionType ¶
type CompositeConditionType string
const (
CompositeReady CompositeConditionType = "Ready"
type CompositeCurrentStatus ¶
type CompositeCurrentStatus string
const ( CompositeCurrentStatusUnknown CompositeCurrentStatus = "Unknown" CompositeCurrentStatusReady CompositeCurrentStatus = "Ready" CompositeCurrentStatusNotReady CompositeCurrentStatus = "NotReady" )
type CompositeList ¶
type CompositeList struct { metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata"` Items []Composite `json:"items"` }
func (*CompositeList) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *CompositeList) DeepCopy() *CompositeList
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new CompositeList.
func (*CompositeList) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *CompositeList) DeepCopyInto(out *CompositeList)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*CompositeList) DeepCopyObject ¶
func (in *CompositeList) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.
type CompositeSpec ¶
type CompositeSpec struct {
Components []Component `json:"components"`
func (*CompositeSpec) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *CompositeSpec) DeepCopy() *CompositeSpec
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new CompositeSpec.
func (*CompositeSpec) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *CompositeSpec) DeepCopyInto(out *CompositeSpec)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*CompositeSpec) SetDefaults ¶
func (cs *CompositeSpec) SetDefaults()
type CompositeStatus ¶
type CompositeStatus struct { ComponentCount int `json:"componentCount"` ActiveComponentCount int `json:"activeComponentCount"` Status CompositeCurrentStatus `json:"status"` TokenServiceStatus TokenServiceCurrentStatus `json:"tokenServiceStatus"` ComponentStatuses map[string]ComponentCurrentStatus `json:"componentStatuses"` ObservedGeneration int64 `json:"observedGeneration,omitempty"` SecretGeneration int64 `json:"secretGeneration,omitempty"` TokenServiceGeneration int64 `json:"tokenServiceGeneration,omitempty"` ComponentGenerations map[string]int64 `json:"componentGenerations,omitempty"` RoutingVsGeneration int64 `json:"routingVsGeneration,omitempty"` // Current conditions of the composite. // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge Conditions []CompositeCondition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type"` }
func (*CompositeStatus) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *CompositeStatus) DeepCopy() *CompositeStatus
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new CompositeStatus.
func (*CompositeStatus) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *CompositeStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *CompositeStatus)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*CompositeStatus) SetDefaults ¶
func (cstat *CompositeStatus) SetDefaults()
type Destination ¶
func (*Destination) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *Destination) DeepCopy() *Destination
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Destination.
func (*Destination) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *Destination) DeepCopyInto(out *Destination)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type GRPCRoute ¶
type GRPCRoute struct { Port uint32 `json:"port"` Destination Destination `json:"destination,omitempty"` ZeroScale bool `json:"zeroScale,omitempty"` }
func (*GRPCRoute) DeepCopy ¶
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new GRPCRoute.
func (*GRPCRoute) DeepCopyInto ¶
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type Gateway ¶
type Gateway struct { metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Spec GatewaySpec `json:"spec"` Status GatewayStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` }
func (*Gateway) DeepCopy ¶
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Gateway.
func (*Gateway) DeepCopyInto ¶
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*Gateway) DeepCopyObject ¶
DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.
func (*Gateway) MaxReplicas ¶
func (*Gateway) Metrics ¶
func (sp *Gateway) Metrics() []v2beta1.MetricSpec
func (*Gateway) MinReplicas ¶
type GatewayCurrentStatus ¶
type GatewayCurrentStatus string
const ( GatewayCurrentStatusUnknown GatewayCurrentStatus = "Unknown" GatewayCurrentStatusReady GatewayCurrentStatus = "Ready" GatewayCurrentStatusNotReady GatewayCurrentStatus = "NotReady" )
type GatewayList ¶
type GatewayList struct { metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata"` Items []Gateway `json:"items"` }
func (*GatewayList) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *GatewayList) DeepCopy() *GatewayList
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new GatewayList.
func (*GatewayList) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *GatewayList) DeepCopyInto(out *GatewayList)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*GatewayList) DeepCopyObject ¶
func (in *GatewayList) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.
type GatewaySpec ¶
type GatewaySpec struct { Ingress Ingress `json:"ingress,omitempty"` ScalingPolicy GwScalingPolicy `json:"scalingPolicy,omitempty"` }
func (*GatewaySpec) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *GatewaySpec) DeepCopy() *GatewaySpec
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new GatewaySpec.
func (*GatewaySpec) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *GatewaySpec) DeepCopyInto(out *GatewaySpec)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*GatewaySpec) SetDefaults ¶
func (gs *GatewaySpec) SetDefaults()
type GatewayStatus ¶
type GatewayStatus struct { PublisherStatus PublisherCurrentStatus `json:"gatewayType"` ServiceName string `json:"serviceName"` Status GatewayCurrentStatus `json:"status"` AvailableReplicas int32 `json:"availableReplicas"` ObservedGeneration int64 `json:"observedGeneration,omitempty"` DeploymentGeneration int64 `json:"deploymentGeneration,omitempty"` JobGeneration int64 `json:"jobGeneration,omitempty"` ServiceGeneration int64 `json:"serviceGeneration,omitempty"` VirtualServiceGeneration int64 `json:"virtualServiceGeneration,omitempty"` IstioGatewayGeneration int64 `json:"istioGatewayGeneration,omitempty"` ClusterIngressGeneration int64 `json:"clusterIngressGeneration,omitempty"` ClusterIngressSecretGeneration int64 `json:"clusterIngressSecretGeneration,omitempty"` OidcEnvoyFilterGeneration int64 `json:"oidcEnvoyFilterGeneration,omitempty"` ConfigMapGeneration int64 `json:"configMapGeneration,omitempty"` HpaGeneration int64 `json:"hpaGeneration,omitempty"` }
func (*GatewayStatus) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *GatewayStatus) DeepCopy() *GatewayStatus
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new GatewayStatus.
func (*GatewayStatus) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *GatewayStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *GatewayStatus)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*GatewayStatus) ResetServiceName ¶
func (gs *GatewayStatus) ResetServiceName()
func (*GatewayStatus) SetDefaults ¶
func (gs *GatewayStatus) SetDefaults()
type GwScalingPolicy ¶
type GwScalingPolicy struct { Replicas *int32 `json:"replicas,omitempty"` Hpa *HorizontalPodAutoscaler `json:"hpa,omitempty"` }
func (*GwScalingPolicy) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *GwScalingPolicy) DeepCopy() *GwScalingPolicy
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new GwScalingPolicy.
func (*GwScalingPolicy) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *GwScalingPolicy) DeepCopyInto(out *GwScalingPolicy)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*GwScalingPolicy) SetDefaults ¶
func (sp *GwScalingPolicy) SetDefaults()
type HTTPRoute ¶
type HTTPRoute struct { Context string `json:"context"` Version string `json:"version"` Definitions []APIDefinition `json:"definitions"` Global bool `json:"global"` Authenticate bool `json:"authenticate"` Port uint32 `json:"port"` Destination Destination `json:"destination,omitempty"` ZeroScale bool `json:"zeroScale,omitempty"` }
func (*HTTPRoute) DeepCopy ¶
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new HTTPRoute.
func (*HTTPRoute) DeepCopyInto ¶
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type HorizontalPodAutoscaler ¶
type HorizontalPodAutoscaler struct { Overridable *bool `json:"overridable"` ReplicaRange `json:",inline"` Metrics []autoscalingV2beta1.MetricSpec `json:"metrics,omitempty"` }
func (*HorizontalPodAutoscaler) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *HorizontalPodAutoscaler) DeepCopy() *HorizontalPodAutoscaler
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new HorizontalPodAutoscaler.
func (*HorizontalPodAutoscaler) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *HorizontalPodAutoscaler) DeepCopyInto(out *HorizontalPodAutoscaler)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type Ingress ¶
type Ingress struct { IngressExtensions IngressExtensions `json:"extensions,omitempty"` HTTPRoutes []HTTPRoute `json:"http,omitempty"` GRPCRoutes []GRPCRoute `json:"grpc,omitempty"` TCPRoutes []TCPRoute `json:"tcp,omitempty"` }
func (*Ingress) DeepCopy ¶
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Ingress.
func (*Ingress) DeepCopyInto ¶
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type IngressExtensions ¶
type IngressExtensions struct { ApiPublisher *ApiPublisherConfig `json:"apiPublisher,omitempty"` ClusterIngress *ClusterIngressConfig `json:"clusterIngress,omitempty"` OidcConfig *OidcConfig `json:"oidc,omitempty"` }
func (*IngressExtensions) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *IngressExtensions) DeepCopy() *IngressExtensions
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new IngressExtensions.
func (*IngressExtensions) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *IngressExtensions) DeepCopyInto(out *IngressExtensions)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*IngressExtensions) HasApiPublisher ¶
func (ie *IngressExtensions) HasApiPublisher() bool
func (*IngressExtensions) HasClusterIngress ¶
func (ie *IngressExtensions) HasClusterIngress() bool
func (*IngressExtensions) HasOidc ¶
func (ie *IngressExtensions) HasOidc() bool
type InterceptMode ¶
type InterceptMode string
const ( // Intercept only the incoming traffic InterceptModeInbound InterceptMode = "Inbound" // Intercept only the outgoing traffic InterceptModeOutbound InterceptMode = "Outbound" // Intercept both incoming and outgoing traffic InterceptModeAny InterceptMode = "Any" // Do not intercept any traffic. This will disable the STS InterceptModeNone InterceptMode = "None" )
type KnativePodAutoscaler ¶
type KnativePodAutoscaler struct { ReplicaRange `json:",inline"` Concurrency int64 `json:"concurrency"` Selector map[string]string `json:"selector,omitempty"` }
func (*KnativePodAutoscaler) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *KnativePodAutoscaler) DeepCopy() *KnativePodAutoscaler
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new KnativePodAutoscaler.
func (*KnativePodAutoscaler) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *KnativePodAutoscaler) DeepCopyInto(out *KnativePodAutoscaler)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type OidcConfig ¶
type OidcConfig struct { ProviderUrl string `json:"providerUrl"` ClientId string `json:"clientId"` ClientSecret string `json:"clientSecret"` DcrUrl string `json:"dcrUrl"` DcrUser string `json:"dcrUser"` DcrPassword string `json:"dcrPassword"` RedirectUrl string `json:"redirectUrl"` BaseUrl string `json:"baseUrl"` SubjectClaim string `json:"subjectClaim"` JwtIssuer string `json:"jwtIssuer"` JwtAudience string `json:"jwtAudience"` SecretName string `json:"secretName"` SecurePaths []string `json:"securePaths,omitempty"` NonSecurePaths []string `json:"nonSecurePaths,omitempty"` }
func (*OidcConfig) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *OidcConfig) DeepCopy() *OidcConfig
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new OidcConfig.
func (*OidcConfig) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *OidcConfig) DeepCopyInto(out *OidcConfig)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type OpaPolicy ¶
type OpaPolicy struct { Key string `json:"key,omitempty"` Policy string `json:"regoPolicy,omitempty"` }
func (*OpaPolicy) DeepCopy ¶
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new OpaPolicy.
func (*OpaPolicy) DeepCopyInto ¶
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type PortMapping ¶
type PortMapping struct { Name string `json:"name"` Protocol Protocol `json:"protocol"` Port int32 `json:"port"` TargetContainer string `json:"targetContainer"` TargetPort int32 `json:"targetPort"` }
func (*PortMapping) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *PortMapping) DeepCopy() *PortMapping
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new PortMapping.
func (*PortMapping) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *PortMapping) DeepCopyInto(out *PortMapping)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*PortMapping) Default ¶
func (pm *PortMapping) Default()
type PublisherCurrentStatus ¶
type PublisherCurrentStatus string
const ( PublisherCurrentStatusUnknown PublisherCurrentStatus = "Unknown" PublisherCurrentStatusRunning PublisherCurrentStatus = "Running" PublisherCurrentStatusSucceeded PublisherCurrentStatus = "Succeeded" PublisherCurrentStatusFailed PublisherCurrentStatus = "Failed" )
type ReplicaRange ¶
type ReplicaRange struct { MinReplicas *int32 `json:"minReplicas,omitempty"` MaxReplicas int32 `json:"maxReplicas,omitempty"` }
func (*ReplicaRange) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *ReplicaRange) DeepCopy() *ReplicaRange
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new ReplicaRange.
func (*ReplicaRange) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *ReplicaRange) DeepCopyInto(out *ReplicaRange)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type TCPRoute ¶
type TCPRoute struct { Port uint32 `json:"port"` Destination Destination `json:"destination,omitempty"` }
func (*TCPRoute) DeepCopy ¶
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new TCPRoute.
func (*TCPRoute) DeepCopyInto ¶
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type TlsConfig ¶
type TlsConfig struct { Secret string `json:"secret,omitempty"` Key string `json:"key,omitempty"` Cert string `json:"cert,omitempty"` }
func (*TlsConfig) DeepCopy ¶
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new TlsConfig.
func (*TlsConfig) DeepCopyInto ¶
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type TokenService ¶
type TokenService struct { metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Spec TokenServiceSpec `json:"spec"` Status TokenServiceStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` }
func (*TokenService) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *TokenService) DeepCopy() *TokenService
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new TokenService.
func (*TokenService) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *TokenService) DeepCopyInto(out *TokenService)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*TokenService) DeepCopyObject ¶
func (in *TokenService) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.
func (*TokenService) Default ¶
func (t *TokenService) Default()
func (*TokenService) Validate ¶
func (c *TokenService) Validate() field.ErrorList
type TokenServiceCurrentStatus ¶
type TokenServiceCurrentStatus string
const ( TokenServiceCurrentStatusUnknown TokenServiceCurrentStatus = "Unknown" TokenServiceCurrentStatusReady TokenServiceCurrentStatus = "Ready" TokenServiceCurrentStatusNotReady TokenServiceCurrentStatus = "NotReady" )
type TokenServiceList ¶
type TokenServiceList struct { metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata"` Items []TokenService `json:"items"` }
func (*TokenServiceList) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *TokenServiceList) DeepCopy() *TokenServiceList
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new TokenServiceList.
func (*TokenServiceList) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *TokenServiceList) DeepCopyInto(out *TokenServiceList)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*TokenServiceList) DeepCopyObject ¶
func (in *TokenServiceList) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.
type TokenServiceSpec ¶
type TokenServiceSpec struct { Selector map[string]string `json:"selector,omitempty"` SecretName string `json:"secretName,omitempty"` InstanceName string `json:"instanceName,omitempty"` InterceptMode InterceptMode `json:"interceptMode,omitempty"` OpaPolicies []OpaPolicy `json:"opa,omitempty"` UnsecuredPaths []string `json:"unsecuredPaths,omitempty"` }
func (*TokenServiceSpec) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *TokenServiceSpec) DeepCopy() *TokenServiceSpec
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new TokenServiceSpec.
func (*TokenServiceSpec) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *TokenServiceSpec) DeepCopyInto(out *TokenServiceSpec)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*TokenServiceSpec) SetDefaults ¶
func (ts *TokenServiceSpec) SetDefaults()
type TokenServiceStatus ¶
type TokenServiceStatus struct { Status TokenServiceCurrentStatus `json:"status"` ObservedGeneration int64 `json:"observedGeneration,omitempty"` DeploymentGeneration int64 `json:"deploymentGeneration,omitempty"` ServiceGeneration int64 `json:"serviceGeneration,omitempty"` ConfigMapGeneration int64 `json:"configMapGeneration,omitempty"` OpaConfigMapGeneration int64 `json:"opaConfigMapGeneration,omitempty"` EnvoyFilterGeneration int64 `json:"envoyFilterGeneration,omitempty"` }
func (*TokenServiceStatus) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *TokenServiceStatus) DeepCopy() *TokenServiceStatus
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new TokenServiceStatus.
func (*TokenServiceStatus) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *TokenServiceStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *TokenServiceStatus)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*TokenServiceStatus) SetDefaults ¶
func (ts *TokenServiceStatus) SetDefaults()
type TokenServiceTemplateSpec ¶
type TokenServiceTemplateSpec struct { metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Spec TokenServiceSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"` }
func (*TokenServiceTemplateSpec) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *TokenServiceTemplateSpec) DeepCopy() *TokenServiceTemplateSpec
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new TokenServiceTemplateSpec.
func (*TokenServiceTemplateSpec) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *TokenServiceTemplateSpec) DeepCopyInto(out *TokenServiceTemplateSpec)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type ValidateNameFunc ¶
type ValidateNameFunc apimachineryvalidation.ValidateNameFunc
ValidateNameFunc validates that the provided name is valid for a given resource type. Not all resources have the same validation rules for names. Prefix is true if the name will have a value appended to it. If the name is not valid, this returns a list of descriptions of individual characteristics of the value that were not valid. Otherwise this returns an empty list or nil.
type VolumeClaim ¶
type VolumeClaim struct { Template corev1.PersistentVolumeClaim `json:"template"` }
func (*VolumeClaim) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *VolumeClaim) DeepCopy() *VolumeClaim
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new VolumeClaim.
func (*VolumeClaim) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *VolumeClaim) DeepCopyInto(out *VolumeClaim)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
Source Files
- cell_defaults.go
- cell_types.go
- cell_validate.go
- component_defaults.go
- component_types.go
- component_validate.go
- composite_defaults.go
- composite_types.go
- composite_validate.go
- doc.go
- gateway_defaults.go
- gateway_types.go
- gateway_validate.go
- k8s_helpers.go
- k8s_validations.go
- register.go
- token_service_defaults.go
- token_service_types.go
- token_service_validate.go
- zz_generated.deepcopy.go