
package module
v0.0.0-...-a27e948 Latest Latest

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Published: Aug 27, 2021 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 13 Imported by: 0



Copyright (C) BABEC. All rights reserved.

SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Copyright (C) BABEC. All rights reserved.

SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

define vm parameter and interface



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const (
	ConfigNameOrgId = "org_id"
	ConfigNameRoot  = "root"

	CertFreezeKey       = "CERT_FREEZE"
	CertFreezeKeyPrefix = "freeze_"
	CertRevokeKey       = "CERT_CRL"
	CertRevokeKeyPrefix = "c_"

	// fine-grained resource id for different policies
	ResourceNameUnknown          = "UNKNOWN"
	ResourceNameReadData         = "READ"
	ResourceNameWriteData        = "WRITE"
	ResourceNameP2p              = "P2P"
	ResourceNameConsensusNode    = "CONSENSUS"
	ResourceNameAdmin            = "ADMIN"
	ResourceNameUpdateConfig     = "CONFIG"
	ResourceNameUpdateSelfConfig = "SELF_CONFIG"
	ResourceNameAllTest          = "ALL_TEST"

	ResourceNameTxQuery    = "query"
	ResourceNameTxTransact = "transaction"

	ResourceNamePrivateCompute = "PRIVATE_COMPUTE"
	ResourceNameArchive        = "ARCHIVE"
	ResourceNameSubscribe      = "SUBSCRIBE"

	RoleAdmin         Role = "ADMIN"
	RoleClient        Role = "CLIENT"
	RoleLight         Role = "LIGHT"
	RoleConsensusNode Role = "CONSENSUS"
	RoleCommonNode    Role = "COMMON"

	RuleMajority  Rule = "MAJORITY"
	RuleAll       Rule = "ALL"
	RuleAny       Rule = "ANY"
	RuleSelf      Rule = "SELF"
	RuleForbidden Rule = "FORBIDDEN"
	RuleDelete    Rule = "DELETE"
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const (
	TBFT_propose_timeout_key       = "TBFT_propose_timeout"
	TBFT_propose_delta_timeout_key = "TBFT_propose_delta_timeout"
	TBFT_blocks_per_proposer       = "TBFT_blocks_per_proposer"

TBFT chain config keys

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const (
	TBFTAddtionalDataKey = "TBFTAddtionalDataKey"
	RAFTAddtionalDataKey = "RAFTAddtionalDataKey"

TBFT data key in Block.AdditionalData.ExtraData

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const (
	GasLimit            = 1e10    // invoke user contract max gas
	TimeLimit           = 1 * 1e9 // 1s
	CallContractGasOnce = 1e5     // Gas consumed per cross call contract
	CallContractDepth   = 5       // cross call contract stack depth, must less than vm pool min size
	EvmGasPrice         = 1
	EvmMaxStackDepth    = 1024

	ContractSdkSignalResultSuccess = 0 // sdk call chain method success result
	ContractSdkSignalResultFail    = 1 // sdk call chain method success result

	DefaultStateLen   = 64                  // key & name for contract state length
	DefaultStateRegex = "^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$" // key & name for contract state regex

	DefaultVersionLen   = 64                  // key & name for contract state length
	DefaultVersionRegex = "^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$" // key & name for contract state regex

	ParametersKeyMaxCount    = 50 //
	ParametersValueMaxLength = 1024 * 1024

	TopicMaxLen       = 255
	EventDataMaxLen   = 65535
	EventDataMaxCount = 16

	//ContractKey            = ":K:"
	//ContractByteHeader     = ":H:"
	//ContractByteCode       = ":B:"
	//ContractVersion        = ":V:"
	//ContractRuntimeType    = ":R:"
	//ContractCreator        = ":C:"
	//ContractFreeze         = ":F:"
	//ContractRevoke         = ":RV:"
	//ContractAddress        = ":A:"
	ContractStoreSeparator = "#"

	// special parameters passed to contract
	ContractCreatorOrgIdParam = "__creator_org_id__"
	ContractCreatorRoleParam  = "__creator_role__"
	ContractCreatorPkParam    = "__creator_pk__"
	ContractSenderOrgIdParam  = "__sender_org_id__"
	ContractSenderRoleParam   = "__sender_role__"
	ContractSenderPkParam     = "__sender_pk__"
	ContractBlockHeightParam  = "__block_height__"
	ContractTxIdParam         = "__tx_id__"
	ContractContextPtrParam   = "__context_ptr__"

	// user contract must implement such method
	ContractInitMethod        = "init_contract"
	ContractUpgradeMethod     = "upgrade"
	ContractAllocateMethod    = "allocate"
	ContractDeallocateMethod  = "deallocate"
	ContractRuntimeTypeMethod = "runtime_type"
	ContractEvmParamKey       = "data"
	// method name used by smart contract sdk
	// common
	ContractMethodLogMessage      = "LogMessage"
	ContractMethodSuccessResult   = "SuccessResult"
	ContractMethodErrorResult     = "ErrorResult"
	ContractMethodCallContract    = "CallContract"
	ContractMethodCallContractLen = "CallContractLen"
	// kv
	ContractMethodGetStateLen = "GetStateLen"
	ContractMethodGetState    = "GetState"
	ContractMethodPutState    = "PutState"
	ContractMethodDeleteState = "DeleteState"
	// kv iterator author:whang1234
	ContractMethodKvIterator        = "KvIterator"
	ContractMethodKvPreIterator     = "KvPreIterator"
	ContractMethodKvIteratorHasNext = "KvIteratorHasNext"
	ContractMethodKvIteratorNextLen = "KvIteratorNextLen"
	ContractMethodKvIteratorNext    = "KvIteratorNext"
	ContractMethodKvIteratorClose   = "KvIteratorClose"
	// sql
	ContractMethodExecuteQuery       = "ExecuteQuery"
	ContractMethodExecuteQueryOne    = "ExecuteQueryOne"
	ContractMethodExecuteQueryOneLen = "ExecuteQueryOneLen"
	ContractMethodRSNext             = "RSNext"
	ContractMethodRSNextLen          = "RSNextLen"
	ContractMethodRSHasNext          = "RSHasNext"
	ContractMethodRSClose            = "RSClose"
	ContractMethodExecuteUpdate      = "ExecuteUpdate"
	ContractMethodExecuteDdl         = "ExecuteDDL"
	ContractMethodEmitEvent          = "EmitEvent"
	// paillier
	ContractMethodGetPaillierOperationResult    = "GetPaillierOperationResult"
	ContractMethodGetPaillierOperationResultLen = "GetPaillierOperationResultLen"
	PaillierOpTypeAddCiphertext                 = "AddCiphertext"
	PaillierOpTypeAddPlaintext                  = "AddPlaintext"
	PaillierOpTypeSubCiphertext                 = "SubCiphertext"
	PaillierOpTypeSubPlaintext                  = "SubPlaintext"
	PaillierOpTypeNumMul                        = "NumMul"
	// bulletproofs
	ContractMethodGetBulletproofsResult     = "GetBulletproofsResult"
	ContractMethodGetBulletproofsResultLen  = "GetBulletproofsResultLen"
	BulletProofsOpTypePedersenAddNum        = "PedersenAddNum"
	BulletProofsOpTypePedersenAddCommitment = "PedersenAddCommitment"
	BulletProofsOpTypePedersenSubNum        = "PedersenSubNum"
	BulletProofsOpTypePedersenSubCommitment = "PedersenSubCommitment"
	BulletProofsOpTypePedersenMulNum        = "PedersenMulNum"
	BulletProofsVerify                      = "BulletproofsVerify"
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const DefaultBlockVersion = uint32(20) // default version of chain


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var (
	// ConsensusDBName is used to store consensus data
	ConsensusDBName = "consensus"


func CheckEventData

func CheckEventData(eventData []string) error

CheckEventTopicTableData verify event data

func CheckKeyFieldStr

func CheckKeyFieldStr(key string, field string) error

CheckKeyFieldStr verify param

func CheckTopicStr

func CheckTopicStr(topic string) error


func GetKey

func GetKey(key []byte, field []byte) []byte

GetKey get state key from byte

func GetKeyStr

func GetKeyStr(key string, field string) []byte

GetKeyStr get state key from string


type AccessControlProvider

type AccessControlProvider interface {

	// GetHashAlg return hash algorithm the access control provider uses
	GetHashAlg() string

	// ValidateResourcePolicy checks whether the given resource policy is valid
	ValidateResourcePolicy(resourcePolicy *config.ResourcePolicy) bool

	//LookUpPolicy returns corresponding policy configured for the given resource name
	LookUpPolicy(resourceName string) (*pbac.Policy, error)

	// CreatePrincipal creates a principal for one time authentication
	CreatePrincipal(resourceName string, endorsements []*common.EndorsementEntry, message []byte) (Principal, error)

	// CreatePrincipalForTargetOrg creates a principal for "SELF" type policy,
	// which needs to convert SELF to a sepecific organization id in one authentication
	CreatePrincipalForTargetOrg(resourceName string, endorsements []*common.EndorsementEntry, message []byte, targetOrgId string) (Principal, error)

	// VerifyPrincipal verifies if the policy for the resource is met
	VerifyPrincipal(principal Principal) (bool, error)

	// NewMember creates a member from pb Member
	NewMember(member *pbac.Member) (Member, error)

	//GetMemberStatus get the status information of the member
	GetMemberStatus(member *pbac.Member) (pbac.MemberStatus, error)

	//VerifyRelatedMaterial verify the member's relevant identity material
	VerifyRelatedMaterial(verifyType pbac.VerifyType, data []byte) (bool, error)

AccessControlProvider manages policies and principals.

type BlockCommitter

type BlockCommitter interface {
	// Put block into ledger(DB) after block verify. Invoke by consensus or sync module.
	AddBlock(blk *common.Block) error

Block committer, put block and read write set into ledger(DB).

type BlockProposer

type BlockProposer interface {
	// Start proposer.
	Start() error
	// Stop proposer
	Stop() error
	// Receive propose signal from txpool module.
	OnReceiveTxPoolSignal(proposeSignal *txpool.TxPoolSignal)
	// Receive signal indicates if node is proposer from consensus module.
	OnReceiveProposeStatusChange(proposeStatus bool)
	// Receive signal from chained bft consensus(Hotstuff) and propose new block.
	OnReceiveChainedBFTProposal(proposal *chainedbft.BuildProposal)

Block proposer, generate new block when node is consensus proposer.

type BlockVerifier

type BlockVerifier interface {
	// Verify if a block is valid
	VerifyBlock(block *common.Block, mode VerifyMode) error

Block verifier, verify if a block is valid

type BlockchainStore

type BlockchainStore interface {
	//InitGenesis 初始化创世单元到数据库
	InitGenesis(genesisBlock *store.BlockWithRWSet) error
	// PutBlock commits the block and the corresponding rwsets in an atomic operation
	PutBlock(block *common.Block, txRWSets []*common.TxRWSet) error

	// GetBlockByHash returns a block given it's hash, or returns nil if none exists.
	GetBlockByHash(blockHash []byte) (*common.Block, error)

	// BlockExists returns true if the black hash exist, or returns false if none exists.
	BlockExists(blockHash []byte) (bool, error)

	// GetHeightByHash returns a block height given it's hash, or returns nil if none exists.
	GetHeightByHash(blockHash []byte) (uint64, error)

	// GetBlockHeaderByHeight returns a block header by given it's height, or returns nil if none exists.
	GetBlockHeaderByHeight(height uint64) (*common.BlockHeader, error)

	// GetBlock returns a block given it's block height, or returns nil if none exists.
	GetBlock(height uint64) (*common.Block, error)

	// GetLastConfigBlock returns the last config block.
	GetLastConfigBlock() (*common.Block, error)
	//GetLastChainConfig return the last chain config
	GetLastChainConfig() (*configPb.ChainConfig, error)
	// GetBlockByTx returns a block which contains a tx.
	GetBlockByTx(txId string) (*common.Block, error)

	// GetBlockWithRWSets returns a block and the corresponding rwsets given
	// it's block height, or returns nil if none exists.
	GetBlockWithRWSets(height uint64) (*store.BlockWithRWSet, error)

	// GetTx retrieves a transaction by txid, or returns nil if none exists.
	GetTx(txId string) (*common.Transaction, error)

	// TxExists returns true if the tx exist, or returns false if none exists.
	TxExists(txId string) (bool, error)

	// GetTxHeight retrieves a transaction height by txid, or returns nil if none exists.
	GetTxHeight(txId string) (uint64, error)

	// GetTxConfirmedTime returns the confirmed time for given tx
	GetTxConfirmedTime(txId string) (int64, error)

	// GetLastBlock returns the last block.
	GetLastBlock() (*common.Block, error)

	// ReadObject returns the state value for given contract name and key, or returns nil if none exists.
	ReadObject(contractName string, key []byte) ([]byte, error)

	// SelectObject returns an iterator that contains all the key-values between given key ranges.
	// startKey is included in the results and limit is excluded.
	SelectObject(contractName string, startKey []byte, limit []byte) (StateIterator, error)

	// GetTxRWSet returns an txRWSet for given txId, or returns nil if none exists.
	GetTxRWSet(txId string) (*common.TxRWSet, error)

	// GetTxRWSetsByHeight returns all the rwsets corresponding to the block,
	// or returns nil if zhe block does not exist
	GetTxRWSetsByHeight(height uint64) ([]*common.TxRWSet, error)

	// GetDBHandle returns the database handle for given dbName
	GetDBHandle(dbName string) DBHandle

	// GetArchivedPivot returns the archived pivot (include this pivot height)
	GetArchivedPivot() uint64

	// ArchiveBlock the block after backup
	ArchiveBlock(archiveHeight uint64) error

	//RestoreBlocks restore blocks from outside block data
	RestoreBlocks(serializedBlocks [][]byte) error

	// Close closes all the store db instances and releases any resources held by BlockchainStore
	Close() error
	//GetHistoryForKey 查询某合约中某个Key的变更历史
	GetHistoryForKey(contractName string, key []byte) (KeyHistoryIterator, error)
	//GetAccountTxHistory 查询一个账户的交易历史记录
	GetAccountTxHistory(accountId []byte) (TxHistoryIterator, error)
	//GetContractTxHistory 查询一个合约的调用交易历史记录
	GetContractTxHistory(contractName string) (TxHistoryIterator, error)

BlockchainStore provides handle to store instances

type ChainConf

type ChainConf interface {
	Init() error                                                              // init
	ChainConfig() *config.ChainConfig                                         // get the latest chainconfig
	GetChainConfigFromFuture(blockHeight uint64) (*config.ChainConfig, error) // get chainconfig by (blockHeight-1)
	GetChainConfigAt(blockHeight uint64) (*config.ChainConfig, error)         // get chainconfig by blockHeight
	GetConsensusNodeIdList() ([]string, error)                                // get node list
	CompleteBlock(block *common.Block) error                                  // callback after insert block to db success
	AddWatch(w Watcher)                                                       // add watcher
	AddVmWatch(w VmWatcher)                                                   // add vm watcher

ChainConf chainconf interface

type ChainNodeInfo

type ChainNodeInfo struct {
	NodeUid     string
	NodeAddress []string
	NodeTlsCert []byte

type ChainNodesInfoProvider

type ChainNodesInfoProvider interface {
	// GetChainNodesInfo return base node info list of chain.
	GetChainNodesInfo() ([]*ChainNodeInfo, error)

ChainNodesInfoProvider provide base node info list of chain.

type ConsensusEngine

type ConsensusEngine interface {
	// Init starts the consensus engine.
	Start() error

	// Stop stops the consensus engine.
	Stop() error

type ContractWacsiCommon

type ContractWacsiCommon interface {
	LogMessage() int32
	SuccessResult() int32
	ErrorResult() int32
	CallContract() int32

type ContractWacsiKV

type ContractWacsiKV interface {
	GetState() int32
	PutState() int32
	DeleteState() int32
	KvIterator() int32
	KvPreIterator() int32
	KvIteratorClose() int32
	KvIteratorNext() int32
	KvIteratorHasNext() int32

type ContractWacsiSQL

type ContractWacsiSQL interface {
	ExecuteQuery() int32
	ExecuteQueryOne() int32
	RSHasNext() int32
	RSNext() int32
	RSClose() int32
	ExecuteUpdate() int32
	ExecuteDDL() int32

type CoreEngine

type CoreEngine interface {
	GetBlockCommitter() BlockCommitter
	GetBlockVerifier() BlockVerifier
	GetHotStuffHelper() HotStuffHelper

type DBHandle

type DBHandle interface {
	// Get returns the value for the given key, or returns nil if none exists
	Get(key []byte) ([]byte, error)

	// Put saves the key-values
	Put(key []byte, value []byte) error

	// Has return true if the given key exist, or return false if none exists
	Has(key []byte) (bool, error)

	// Delete deletes the given key
	Delete(key []byte) error

	// WriteBatch writes a batch in an atomic operation
	WriteBatch(batch StoreBatcher, sync bool) error

	// CompactRange compacts the underlying DB for the given key range.
	CompactRange(start, limit []byte) error

	// NewIteratorWithRange returns an iterator that contains all the key-values between given key ranges
	// start is included in the results and limit is excluded.
	NewIteratorWithRange(start []byte, limit []byte) Iterator

	// NewIteratorWithPrefix returns an iterator that contains all the key-values with given prefix
	NewIteratorWithPrefix(prefix []byte) Iterator
	Close() error

DBHandle is an handle to a db

type DPoS

type DPoS interface {
	// CreateDPoSRWSet Creates a RwSet for DPoS for the proposed block
	CreateDPoSRWSet(preBlkHash []byte, proposedBlock *consensuspb.ProposalBlock) error
	// VerifyConsensusArgs Verify the contents of the DPoS RwSet contained within the block
	VerifyConsensusArgs(block *common.Block, blockTxRwSet map[string]*common.TxRWSet) error
	// GetValidators Gets the validators for the current epoch
	GetValidators() ([]string, error)

type DirectMsgHandler

type DirectMsgHandler func(from string, netMsg *net.NetMsg) error

DirectMsgHandler handle the msg received from other node.

type Government

type Government interface {
	//used to verify consensus data
	Verify(consensusType consensuspb.ConsensusType, chainConfig *config.ChainConfig) error

	GetGovernanceContract() (*consensuspb.GovernanceContract, error)

type HotStuffHelper

type HotStuffHelper interface {
	// DiscardAboveHeight Delete blocks data greater than the baseHeight
	DiscardAboveHeight(baseHeight uint64)

type Iterator

type Iterator interface {
	Next() bool
	First() bool
	Error() error
	Key() []byte
	Value() []byte

Iterator allows a chaincode to iterator over a set of kev/value pairs returned by range query.

type KeyHistoryIterator

type KeyHistoryIterator interface {
	Next() bool
	Value() (*store.KeyModification, error)

type LedgerCache

type LedgerCache interface {
	// Get the latest committed block
	GetLastCommittedBlock() *common.Block
	// Set the latest committed block
	SetLastCommittedBlock(b *common.Block)
	// Return current block height
	CurrentHeight() (uint64, error)

Cache the latest block in ledger(DB).

type Logger

type Logger interface {
	Debug(args ...interface{})
	Debugf(format string, args ...interface{})
	Debugw(msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{})
	Error(args ...interface{})
	Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})
	Errorw(msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{})
	Fatal(args ...interface{})
	Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{})
	Fatalw(msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{})
	Info(args ...interface{})
	Infof(format string, args ...interface{})
	Infow(msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{})
	Panic(args ...interface{})
	Panicf(format string, args ...interface{})
	Panicw(msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{})
	Warn(args ...interface{})
	Warnf(format string, args ...interface{})
	Warnw(msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{})
	DebugDynamic(getStr func() string)
	InfoDynamic(getStr func() string)

Logger is logger interface of chainmaker.

type Member

type Member interface {
	// GetMemberId returns the identity of this member (non-uniqueness)
	GetMemberId() string

	// GetOrgId returns the organization id which this member belongs to
	GetOrgId() string

	// GetRole returns roles of this member
	GetRole() Role

	// GetUid returns the identity of this member (unique)
	GetUid() string

	// Verify verifies a signature over some message using this member
	Verify(hashType string, msg []byte, sig []byte) error

	// GetMember returns Member
	GetMember() (*pbac.Member, error)

Member is the identity of a node or user.

type MsgHandler

type MsgHandler func(from string, msg []byte, msgType net.NetMsg_MsgType) error

type NetService

type NetService interface {
	// BroadcastMsg broadcast a msg to the net.
	BroadcastMsg(msg []byte, msgType net.NetMsg_MsgType) error
	// Subscribe register a MsgHandler for subscribe.
	Subscribe(msgType net.NetMsg_MsgType, handler MsgHandler) error
	// CancelSubscribe cancel subscribe.
	CancelSubscribe(msgType net.NetMsg_MsgType) error
	// ConsensusBroadcastMsg broadcast a msg to the consensus nodes.
	ConsensusBroadcastMsg(msg []byte, msgType net.NetMsg_MsgType) error
	// ConsensusSubscribe register a MsgHandler handle the msg from consensus nodes for subscribe.
	ConsensusSubscribe(msgType net.NetMsg_MsgType, handler MsgHandler) error
	// CancelConsensusSubscribe cancel subscribe.
	CancelConsensusSubscribe(msgType net.NetMsg_MsgType) error
	// SendMsg send msg to any nodes.
	SendMsg(msg []byte, msgType net.NetMsg_MsgType, to ...string) error
	// ReceiveMsg register a MsgHandler to handle the msg received from other node.
	ReceiveMsg(msgType net.NetMsg_MsgType, handler MsgHandler) error

	// Start the net service.
	Start() error

	// Stop the net service.
	Stop() error

	// GetNodeUidByCertId return node uid which mapped to the given cert id. If unmapped return error.
	GetNodeUidByCertId(certId string) (string, error)

	// GetChainNodesInfoProvider return a implementation of ChainNodesInfoProvider.
	GetChainNodesInfoProvider() ChainNodesInfoProvider


type NetType

type NetType int

NetType is the type of net.

const (
	// Libp2p is a type of p2p net.
	Libp2p NetType = iota
	// GRpc is a type of rpc net.

type Principal

type Principal interface {
	// GetResourceName returns resource name of the verification
	GetResourceName() string

	// GetEndorsement returns all endorsements (signatures) of the verification
	GetEndorsement() []*common.EndorsementEntry

	// GetMessage returns signing data of the verification
	GetMessage() []byte

	// GetTargetOrgId returns target organization id of the verification if the verification is for a specific organization
	GetTargetOrgId() string

Principal contains all information related to one time verification

type ProposalCache

type ProposalCache interface {
	// Clear proposed blocks with height.
	ClearProposedBlockAt(height uint64)
	// Get all proposed blocks at a specific height
	GetProposedBlocksAt(height uint64) []*common.Block
	// Get proposed block with specific block hash in current consensus height.
	GetProposedBlock(b *common.Block) (*common.Block, map[string]*common.TxRWSet, map[string][]*common.ContractEvent)
	// Set porposed block in current consensus height, after it's generated or verified.
	SetProposedBlock(b *common.Block, rwSetMap map[string]*common.TxRWSet, contractEventMap map[string][]*common.ContractEvent, selfProposed bool) error
	// Get proposed block that is proposed by node itself.
	GetSelfProposedBlockAt(height uint64) *common.Block
	// Get proposed block by block hash and block height
	GetProposedBlockByHashAndHeight(hash []byte, height uint64) (*common.Block, map[string]*common.TxRWSet)
	// Return if a proposed block has cached in current consensus height.
	HasProposedBlockAt(height uint64) bool
	// Return if this node has proposed a block as proposer.
	IsProposedAt(height uint64) bool
	// To mark this node has proposed a block as proposer.
	SetProposedAt(height uint64)
	// Reset propose status of this node.
	ResetProposedAt(height uint64)
	// Remove proposed block in height except the specific block.
	KeepProposedBlock(hash []byte, height uint64) []*common.Block
	// DiscardAboveHeight Delete blocks data greater than the baseHeight
	DiscardAboveHeight(baseHeight uint64) []*common.Block
	// ClearTheBlock clean the special block in proposerCache
	ClearTheBlock(block *common.Block)

Cache proposed blocks that are not committed yet

type PubsubMsgHandler

type PubsubMsgHandler func(publisher string, netMsg *net.NetMsg) error

PubsubMsgHandler handle the msg published by other node.

type Role

type Role string

Role for members in an organization

type Rule

type Rule string

Keywords of authentication rules

type SigningMember

type SigningMember interface {
	// Extends Member interface

	// Sign signs the message with the given hash type and returns signature bytes
	Sign(hashType string, msg []byte) ([]byte, error)

type Snapshot

type Snapshot interface {

	// Get database for virtual machine access
	GetBlockchainStore() BlockchainStore

	//Read the key from the current snapshot and the previous snapshot
	GetKey(txExecSeq int, contractName string, key []byte) ([]byte, error)

	// After the scheduling is completed, get the read and write set from the current snapshot
	GetTxRWSetTable() []*common.TxRWSet

	// After the scheduling is completed, get the result from the current snapshot
	GetTxResultMap() map[string]*common.Result

	// Get exec seq for snapshot
	GetSnapshotSize() int

	// After the scheduling is completed, obtain the transaction sequence table from the current snapshot
	GetTxTable() []*common.Transaction

	// Get previous snapshot
	GetPreSnapshot() Snapshot

	// Set previous snapshot

	// Get Block Height for current snapshot
	GetBlockHeight() uint64

	// Get Block Proposer for current snapshot
	GetBlockProposer() *accesscontrol.Member

	// If the transaction can be added to the snapshot after the conflict dependency is established
	// Even if an exception occurs when the transaction is handed over to the virtual machine module,
	// the transaction is still packed into a block, but the read-write set of the transaction is left empty.
	// This situation includes:
	// 1 wrong txtype is used,
	// 2 parameter error occurs when parsing querypayload and transactpayload,
	// 3 virtual machine runtime throws panic,
	// 4 smart contract byte code actively throws panic
	// The second bool parameter here indicates whether the above exception has occurred
	ApplyTxSimContext(TxSimContext, bool) (bool, int)

	// Build a dag for all transactions that have resolved the read-write conflict dependencies
	BuildDAG(isSql bool) *common.DAG

	// If snapshot is sealed, no more transaction will be added into snapshot
	IsSealed() bool

Snapshot is a chain structure that saves the read and write cache information of the blocks that are not in the library

type SnapshotManager

type SnapshotManager interface {
	// Create ContractStore at the current block height
	NewSnapshot(prevBlock *common.Block, block *common.Block) Snapshot

	//Once the block is submitted, notify the snapshot to clean up
	NotifyBlockCommitted(block *common.Block) error

Snapshot management container to manage chained snapshots

type Spv

type Spv interface {
	Start() error

type SqlDBHandle

type SqlDBHandle interface {
	//CreateDatabaseIfNotExist 如果数据库不存在则创建对应的数据库,创建后将当前数据库设置为新数据库,返回是否已存在
	CreateDatabaseIfNotExist(dbName string) (bool, error)
	//CreateTableIfNotExist 根据一个对象struct,自动构建对应的sql数据库表
	CreateTableIfNotExist(obj interface{}) error
	//Save 直接保存一个对象到SQL数据库中
	Save(value interface{}) (int64, error)
	//ExecSql 执行指定的SQL语句,返回受影响的行数
	ExecSql(sql string, values ...interface{}) (int64, error)
	//QuerySingle 执行指定的SQL语句,查询单条数据记录,如果查询到0条,则返回nil,nil,如果查询到多条,则返回第一条
	QuerySingle(sql string, values ...interface{}) (SqlRow, error)
	//QueryMulti 执行指定的SQL语句,查询多条数据记录,如果查询到0条,则SqlRows.Next()直接返回false
	QueryMulti(sql string, values ...interface{}) (SqlRows, error)
	//BeginDbTransaction 开启一个数据库事务,并指定该事务的名字,并缓存其句柄,如果之前已经开启了同名的事务,则返回错误
	BeginDbTransaction(txName string) (SqlDBTransaction, error)
	//GetDbTransaction 根据事务的名字,获得事务的句柄,如果事务不存在,则返回错误
	GetDbTransaction(txName string) (SqlDBTransaction, error)
	//CommitDbTransaction 提交一个事务,并从缓存中清除该事务,如果找不到对应的事务,则返回错误
	CommitDbTransaction(txName string) error
	//RollbackDbTransaction 回滚一个事务,并从缓存中清除该事务,如果找不到对应的事务,则返回错误
	RollbackDbTransaction(txName string) error

SqlDBHandle 对SQL数据库的操作方法

type SqlDBTransaction

type SqlDBTransaction interface {
	//ChangeContextDb 改变当前上下文所使用的数据库
	ChangeContextDb(dbName string) error
	//Save 直接保存一个对象到SQL数据库中
	Save(value interface{}) (int64, error)
	//ExecSql 执行指定的SQL语句,返回受影响的行数
	ExecSql(sql string, values ...interface{}) (int64, error)
	//QuerySingle 执行指定的SQL语句,查询单条数据记录,如果查询到0条,则返回nil,nil,如果查询到多条,则返回第一条
	QuerySingle(sql string, values ...interface{}) (SqlRow, error)
	//QueryMulti 执行指定的SQL语句,查询多条数据记录,如果查询到0条,则SqlRows.Next()直接返回false
	QueryMulti(sql string, values ...interface{}) (SqlRows, error)
	//BeginDbSavePoint 创建一个新的保存点
	BeginDbSavePoint(savePointName string) error
	RollbackDbSavePoint(savePointName string) error


type SqlRow

type SqlRow interface {
	ScanColumns(dest ...interface{}) error
	//ScanObject(dest interface{}) error
	Data() (map[string][]byte, error)
	IsEmpty() bool


type SqlRows

type SqlRows interface {
	Next() bool
	ScanColumns(dest ...interface{}) error
	//ScanObject(dest interface{}) error
	Data() (map[string][]byte, error)
	Close() error


type SqlType

type SqlType int8
const (
	SqlTypeDdl SqlType = iota

type SqlVerifier

type SqlVerifier interface {
	//VerifyDDLSql 验证输入语句是不是DDL语句,是DDL则返回nil,不是则返回error
	VerifyDDLSql(sql string) error
	//VerifyDMLSql 验证输入的SQL语句是不是更新语句(insert、update、delete),是则返回nil,不是则返回error
	VerifyDMLSql(sql string) error
	//VerifyDQLSql 验证输入的语句是不是查询语句,是则返回nil,不是则返回error
	VerifyDQLSql(sql string) error

SqlVerifier 在支持SQL语句操作状态数据库模式下,对合约中输入的SQL语句进行规则校验

type StateIterator

type StateIterator interface {
	Next() bool
	Value() (*store.KV, error)

type StateSqlOperation

type StateSqlOperation interface {
	QuerySingle(contractName, sql string, values ...interface{}) (SqlRow, error)
	QueryMulti(contractName, sql string, values ...interface{}) (SqlRows, error)
	ExecDdlSql(contractName, sql, version string) error
	BeginDbTransaction(txName string) (SqlDBTransaction, error)
	GetDbTransaction(txName string) (SqlDBTransaction, error)
	CommitDbTransaction(txName string) error
	RollbackDbTransaction(txName string) error

type StoreBatcher

type StoreBatcher interface {
	// Put adds a key-value
	Put(key []byte, value []byte)

	// Delete deletes a key and associated value
	Delete(key []byte)

	// Len retrun the number of key-values
	Len() int

	// Merge used to merge two StoreBatcher
	Merge(batcher StoreBatcher)

	// KVs return the map of key-values
	KVs() map[string][]byte

StoreBatcher used to cache key-values that commit in a atomic operation

type SyncService

type SyncService interface {
	//Init the sync server, and the sync server broadcast the current block height every broadcastTime
	Start() error

	//Stop the sync server

SyncServer is the server to sync the blockchain

type SysContractQuery

type SysContractQuery interface {
	GetContractByName(name string) (*commonPb.Contract, error)
	GetContractBytecode(name string) ([]byte, error)

SysContractQuery query system contract data

type TxHistoryIterator

type TxHistoryIterator interface {
	Next() bool
	Value() (*store.TxHistory, error)

type TxPool

type TxPool interface {
	// Start start the txPool service
	Start() error
	// Stop stop the txPool service
	Stop() error

	// AddTx Add a transaction to the txPool
	// There are three types of Source (RPC/P2P/INTERNAL), which different checks
	// are performed for different types of cases
	AddTx(tx *common.Transaction, source TxSource) error
	// GetTxByTxId Retrieve the transaction by the txId from the txPool
	GetTxByTxId(txId string) (tx *common.Transaction, inBlockHeight uint64)
	// IsTxExistInPool verifies whether the transaction exists in the tx_pool
	TxExists(tx *common.Transaction) bool
	// GetTxsByTxIds Retrieves the tx by the txIds from the tx pool.
	// txsRet if the transaction is in the tx pool, it will be returned in txsRet.
	// txsHeightRet if the transaction is in the pending queue of the tx pool,
	// the corresponding block height when the transaction entered the block is returned,
	// if the transaction is in the normal queue of the tx pool, the tx height is 0,
	// if the transaction is not in the transaction pool, the tx height is -1.
	GetTxsByTxIds(txIds []string) (txsRet map[string]*common.Transaction, txsHeightRet map[string]uint64)
	// RetryAndRemove Process transactions within multiple proposed blocks at the same height to
	// ensure that these transactions are not lost, re-add valid txs which that are not on local node.
	// remove txs in the commit block.
	RetryAndRemoveTxs(retryTxs []*common.Transaction, removeTxs []*common.Transaction)
	// FetchTxBatch Get the batch of transactions from the tx pool to generate new block
	FetchTxBatch(blockHeight uint64) []*common.Transaction
	// AddTxsToPendingCache These transactions will be added to the cache to avoid the transactions
	// are fetched again and re-filled into the new block. Because Because of the chain confirmation
	// rule in the HotStuff consensus algorithm.
	AddTxsToPendingCache(txs []*common.Transaction, blockHeight uint64)

TxPool Manage pending transactions and update the current status of transactions (pending packages, pending warehousing, pending retries, etc.)

type TxScheduler

type TxScheduler interface {
	// schedule a transaction batch into a block with DAG
	// Return result(and read write set) of each transaction, no matter it is executed OK, or fail, or timeout.
	// For cross-contracts invoke, result(and read write set) include all contract relative.
	Schedule(block *common.Block, txBatch []*common.Transaction, snapshot Snapshot) (map[string]*common.TxRWSet, map[string][]*common.ContractEvent, error)
	// Run VM with a given DAG, and return results.
	SimulateWithDag(block *common.Block, snapshot Snapshot) (map[string]*common.TxRWSet, map[string]*common.Result, error)
	// To halt scheduler and release VM resources.

TxScheduler schedules a transaction batch and returns a block (maybe not complete) with DAG TxScheduler also can run VM with a given DAG, and return results. It can only be called by BlockProposer Should have multiple implementations and adaptive mode

type TxSimContext

type TxSimContext interface {
	// Get key from cache
	Get(name string, key []byte) ([]byte, error)
	// Put key into cache
	Put(name string, key []byte, value []byte) error
	// PutRecord put sql state into cache
	PutRecord(contractName string, value []byte, sqlType SqlType)
	// Delete key from cache
	Del(name string, key []byte) error
	// Select range query for key [start, limit)
	Select(name string, startKey []byte, limit []byte) (StateIterator, error)
	// Cross contract call, return (contract result, gas used)
	CallContract(contract *common.Contract, method string, byteCode []byte,
		parameter map[string][]byte, gasUsed uint64, refTxType common.TxType) (*common.ContractResult, common.TxStatusCode)
	// Get cross contract call result, cache for len
	GetCurrentResult() []byte
	// Get related transaction
	GetTx() *common.Transaction
	// Get related transaction
	GetBlockHeight() uint64
	// Get current block proposer
	GetBlockProposer() *pbac.Member
	// Get the tx result
	GetTxResult() *common.Result
	// Set the tx result
	// Get the read and write set completed by the current transaction
	GetTxRWSet(runVmSuccess bool) *common.TxRWSet
	// Get the creator of the contract
	GetCreator(namespace string) *pbac.Member
	// Get the invoker of the transaction
	GetSender() *pbac.Member
	// Get related blockchain store
	GetBlockchainStore() BlockchainStore
	// Get access control service
	GetAccessControl() (AccessControlProvider, error)
	// Get organization service
	GetChainNodesInfoProvider() (ChainNodesInfoProvider, error)
	// The execution sequence of the transaction, used to construct the dag,
	// indicating the number of completed transactions during transaction scheduling
	GetTxExecSeq() int
	// Get cross contract call deep
	GetDepth() int
	SetStateSqlHandle(int32, SqlRows)
	GetStateSqlHandle(int32) (SqlRows, bool)
	SetStateKvHandle(int32, StateIterator)
	GetStateKvHandle(int32) (StateIterator, bool)
	GetBlockVersion() uint32
	//GetContractByName get contract info by name
	GetContractByName(name string) (*common.Contract, error)
	//GetContractBytecode get contract bytecode
	GetContractBytecode(name string) ([]byte, error)

The simulated execution context of the transaction, providing a cache for the transaction to read and write

type TxSource

type TxSource int
const (
	RPC TxSource = iota

type Verifier

type Verifier interface {
	Verify(consensusType consensus.ConsensusType, chainConfig *config.ChainConfig) error

Verifier verify consensus data

type VerifyMode

type VerifyMode int
const (
	CONSENSUS_VERIFY VerifyMode = iota

func (VerifyMode) String

func (i VerifyMode) String() string

type VmManager

type VmManager interface {
	// GetAccessControl get accessControl manages policies and principles
	GetAccessControl() AccessControlProvider
	// GetChainNodesInfoProvider get ChainNodesInfoProvider provide base node info list of chain.
	GetChainNodesInfoProvider() ChainNodesInfoProvider
	// RunContract run native or user contract according ContractName in contractId, and call the specified function
	RunContract(contract *common.Contract, method string, byteCode []byte, parameters map[string][]byte,
		txContext TxSimContext, gasUsed uint64, refTxType common.TxType) (*common.ContractResult, common.TxStatusCode)

VmManager manage vm runtime

type VmWatcher

type VmWatcher interface {
	Module() string                                          // module
	ContractNames() []string                                 // watch the contract
	Callback(contractName string, payloadBytes []byte) error // callback

VmWatcher native vm watcher

type Watcher

type Watcher interface {
	Module() string                              // module
	Watch(chainConfig *config.ChainConfig) error // callback the chainconfig

Watcher chainconfig watcher


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Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.

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