Overview ¶
Copyright (C) THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Index ¶
- Constants
- func GetEVMAddressFromCertBytes(certBytes []byte) (string, error)
- func GetEVMAddressFromCertPath(certFilePath string) (string, error)
- func SignPayload(keyBytes, crtBytes []byte, payload *common.Payload) (*common.EndorsementEntry, error)
- func SignPayloadWithPath(keyFilePath, crtFilePath string, payload *common.Payload) (*common.EndorsementEntry, error)
- type ArchiveConfig
- type ArchiveOption
- type ChainClient
- func (cc *ChainClient) AddCert() (*common.TxResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CheckCallerCertAuth(payload string, orgIds []string, signPairs []*syscontract.SignInfo) (*common.TxResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CheckNewBlockChainConfig() error
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateArchiveBlockPayload(targetBlockHeight uint64) (*common.Payload, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateCertManageFrozenPayload(certs []string) *common.Payload
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateCertManagePayload(method string, kvs []*common.KeyValuePair) *common.Payload
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateCertManageRevocationPayload(certCrl string) *common.Payload
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateCertManageUnfrozenPayload(certs []string) *common.Payload
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigBlockUpdatePayload(txTimestampVerify bool, ...) (*common.Payload, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigConsensusExtAddPayload(kvs []*common.KeyValuePair) (*common.Payload, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigConsensusExtDeletePayload(keys []string) (*common.Payload, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigConsensusExtUpdatePayload(kvs []*common.KeyValuePair) (*common.Payload, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigConsensusNodeIdAddPayload(nodeOrgId string, nodeIds []string) (*common.Payload, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigConsensusNodeIdDeletePayload(nodeOrgId, nodeId string) (*common.Payload, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigConsensusNodeIdUpdatePayload(nodeOrgId, nodeOldIds, nodeNewIds string) (*common.Payload, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigConsensusNodeOrgAddPayload(nodeOrgId string, nodeIds []string) (*common.Payload, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigConsensusNodeOrgDeletePayload(nodeOrgId string) (*common.Payload, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigConsensusNodeOrgUpdatePayload(nodeOrgId string, nodeIds []string) (*common.Payload, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigCoreUpdatePayload(txSchedulerTimeout, txSchedulerValidateTimeout uint64) (*common.Payload, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigPermissionAddPayload(permissionResourceName string, policy *accesscontrol.Policy) (*common.Payload, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigPermissionDeletePayload(resourceName string) (*common.Payload, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigPermissionUpdatePayload(permissionResourceName string, policy *accesscontrol.Policy) (*common.Payload, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigTrustMemberAddPayload(trustMemberOrgId, trustMemberNodeId, trustMemberRole, trustMemberInfo string) (*common.Payload, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigTrustMemberDeletePayload(trustMemberInfo string) (*common.Payload, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigTrustRootAddPayload(trustRootOrgId string, trustRootCrt []string) (*common.Payload, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigTrustRootDeletePayload(trustRootOrgId string) (*common.Payload, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigTrustRootUpdatePayload(trustRootOrgId string, trustRootCrt []string) (*common.Payload, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateContractCreatePayload(contractName, version, byteCode string, runtime common.RuntimeType, ...) (*common.Payload, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateContractFreezePayload(contractName string) (*common.Payload, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateContractRevokePayload(contractName string) (*common.Payload, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateContractUnfreezePayload(contractName string) (*common.Payload, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateContractUpgradePayload(contractName, version, byteCode string, runtime common.RuntimeType, ...) (*common.Payload, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateHibeInitParamsTxPayloadParams(orgId string, hibeParams []byte) ([]*common.KeyValuePair, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateHibeTxPayloadParamsWithHibeParams(plaintext []byte, receiverIds []string, paramsBytesList [][]byte, txId string, ...) ([]*common.KeyValuePair, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateHibeTxPayloadParamsWithoutHibeParams(contractName, queryParamsMethod string, plaintext []byte, receiverIds []string, ...) ([]*common.KeyValuePair, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateRestoreBlockPayload(fullBlock []byte) (*common.Payload, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateSaveEnclaveCACertPayload(enclaveCACert string, txId string) (*common.Payload, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) CreateSaveEnclaveReportPayload(enclaveId, report, txId string) (*common.Payload, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) DecryptHibeTxByTxId(localId string, hibeParams []byte, hibePrvKey []byte, txId string, ...) ([]byte, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) DeleteCert(certHashes []string) (*common.TxResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) DisableCertHash() error
- func (cc *ChainClient) EasyCodecItemToParamsMap(items []*serialize.EasyCodecItem) map[string][]byte
- func (cc *ChainClient) EnableCertHash() error
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetArchivedBlockByHash(blockHash string, withRWSet bool) (*common.BlockInfo, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetArchivedBlockByHeight(blockHeight uint64, withRWSet bool) (*common.BlockInfo, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetArchivedBlockByTxId(txId string, withRWSet bool) (*common.BlockInfo, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetArchivedBlockFromMySQL(blockHeight uint64) (*store.BlockWithRWSet, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetArchivedBlockHeight() (uint64, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetArchivedFullBlockByHeight(blockHeight uint64) (*store.BlockWithRWSet, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetArchivedTxByTxId(txId string) (*common.TransactionInfo, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetBlockByHash(blockHash string, withRWSet bool) (*common.BlockInfo, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetBlockByHeight(blockHeight uint64, withRWSet bool) (*common.BlockInfo, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetBlockByTxId(txId string, withRWSet bool) (*common.BlockInfo, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetBlockHeaderByHeight(blockHeight uint64) (*common.BlockHeader, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetBlockHeightByHash(blockHash string) (uint64, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetBlockHeightByTxId(txId string) (uint64, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetCertHash() ([]byte, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetChainConfig() (*config.ChainConfig, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetChainConfigByBlockHeight(blockHeight uint64) (*config.ChainConfig, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetChainConfigSequence() (uint64, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetChainInfo() (*discovery.ChainInfo, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetChainMakerServerVersion() (string, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetContract(contractName, codeHash string) (*common.PrivateGetContract, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetCurrentBlockHeight() (uint64, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetData(contractName, key string) ([]byte, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetDir(orderId string) ([]byte, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetEnabledCrtHash() bool
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetEnclaveCACert() ([]byte, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetEnclaveChallenge(enclaveId string) ([]byte, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetEnclaveEncryptPubKey(enclaveId string) ([]byte, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetEnclaveProof(enclaveId string) ([]byte, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetEnclaveReport(enclaveId string) ([]byte, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetEnclaveSignature(enclaveId string) ([]byte, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetEnclaveVerificationPubKey(enclaveId string) ([]byte, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetFromArchiveStore(blockHeight uint64) (*store.BlockWithRWSet, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetFullBlockByHeight(blockHeight uint64) (*store.BlockWithRWSet, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetLastBlock(withRWSet bool) (*common.BlockInfo, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetLastConfigBlock(withRWSet bool) (*common.BlockInfo, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetNodeChainList() (*discovery.ChainList, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetTxByTxId(txId string) (*common.TransactionInfo, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetTxRequest(contractName, method, txId string, kvs []*common.KeyValuePair) (*common.TxRequest, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) GetUserCrtHash() []byte
- func (cc *ChainClient) InvokeContract(contractName, method, txId string, kvs []*common.KeyValuePair, timeout int64, ...) (*common.TxResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) InvokeSystemContract(contractName, method, txId string, kvs []*common.KeyValuePair, timeout int64, ...) (*common.TxResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryCert(certHashes []string) (*common.CertInfos, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryContract(contractName, method string, kvs []*common.KeyValuePair, timeout int64) (*common.TxResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QueryHibeParamsWithOrgId(contractName, method, orgId string, timeout int64) ([]byte, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) QuerySystemContract(contractName, method string, kvs []*common.KeyValuePair, timeout int64) (*common.TxResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) SaveData(contractName string, contractVersion string, isDeployment bool, ...) (*common.TxResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) SaveDir(orderId, txId string, privateDir *common.StrSlice, withSyncResult bool, ...) (*common.TxResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) SaveEnclaveCACert(enclaveCACert, txId string, withSyncResult bool, timeout int64) (*common.TxResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) SaveEnclaveReport(enclaveId, report, txId string, withSyncResult bool, timeout int64) (*common.TxResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) SaveRemoteAttestationProof(proof, txId string, withSyncResult bool, timeout int64) (*common.TxResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) SendArchiveBlockRequest(payload *common.Payload, timeout int64) (*common.TxResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) SendCertManageRequest(payload *common.Payload, endorsers []*common.EndorsementEntry, timeout int64, ...) (*common.TxResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) SendChainConfigUpdateRequest(payload *common.Payload, endorsers []*common.EndorsementEntry, timeout int64, ...) (*common.TxResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) SendContractManageRequest(payload *common.Payload, endorsers []*common.EndorsementEntry, timeout int64, ...) (*common.TxResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) SendMultiSigningRequest(payload *common.Payload, endorsers []*common.EndorsementEntry, timeout int64, ...) (*common.TxResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) SendRestoreBlockRequest(payload *common.Payload, timeout int64) (*common.TxResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) SendTxRequest(txRequest *common.TxRequest, timeout int64, withSyncResult bool) (*common.TxResponse, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) SignArchivePayload(payload *common.Payload) (*common.Payload, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) SignCertManagePayload(payload *common.Payload) (*common.EndorsementEntry, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) SignChainConfigPayload(payload *common.Payload) (*common.EndorsementEntry, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) SignContractManagePayload(payload *common.Payload) (*common.EndorsementEntry, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) SignPayload(payload *common.Payload) (*common.EndorsementEntry, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) Stop() error
- func (cc *ChainClient) Subscribe(ctx context.Context, payload *common.Payload) (<-chan interface{}, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) SubscribeBlock(ctx context.Context, startBlock, endBlock int64, withRWSet, onlyHeader bool) (<-chan interface{}, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) SubscribeContractEvent(ctx context.Context, topic string, contractName string) (<-chan interface{}, error)
- func (cc *ChainClient) SubscribeTx(ctx context.Context, startBlock, endBlock int64, contractName string, ...) (<-chan interface{}, error)
- type ChainClientConfig
- type ChainClientOption
- func AddChainClientNodeConfig(nodeConfig *NodeConfig) ChainClientOption
- func WithArchiveConfig(conf *ArchiveConfig) ChainClientOption
- func WithChainClientChainId(chainId string) ChainClientOption
- func WithChainClientLogger(logger utils.Logger) ChainClientOption
- func WithChainClientOrgId(orgId string) ChainClientOption
- func WithConfPath(confPath string) ChainClientOption
- func WithRPCClientConfig(conf *RPCClientConfig) ChainClientOption
- func WithUserCrtBytes(userCrtBytes []byte) ChainClientOption
- func WithUserCrtFilePath(userCrtFilePath string) ChainClientOption
- func WithUserKeyBytes(userKeyBytes []byte) ChainClientOption
- func WithUserKeyFilePath(userKeyFilePath string) ChainClientOption
- func WithUserSignCrtBytes(userSignCrtBytes []byte) ChainClientOption
- func WithUserSignCrtFilePath(userSignCrtFilePath string) ChainClientOption
- func WithUserSignKeyBytes(userSignKeyBytes []byte) ChainClientOption
- func WithUserSignKeyFilePath(userSignKeyFilePath string) ChainClientOption
- type ClientConnectionPool
- type ConnectionPool
- type NodeConfig
- type NodeOption
- type RPCClientConfig
- type RPCClientOption
- type SDKInterface
Constants ¶
const ( // MaxConnCnt 单ChainMaker节点最大连接数 MaxConnCnt = 1024 // DefaultGetTxTimeout 查询交易超时时间 DefaultGetTxTimeout = 10 // DefaultSendTxTimeout 发送交易超时时间 DefaultSendTxTimeout = 10 // DefaultRpcClientMaxReceiveMessageSize 默认grpc客户端接受最大值 4M DefaultRpcClientMaxReceiveMessageSize = 4 )
const ( // HibeMsgKey as a payload parameter HibeMsgKey = "hibe_msg" // HibeMsgIdKey Key as a hibeMsgMap parameter HibeMsgIdKey = "tx_id" // HibeMsgCipherTextKey Key as a hibeMsgMap parameter // The value of the key (CT) is the hibe_msg's message (ciphertext) HibeMsgCipherTextKey = "CT" // HibeParamsKey The value of the key (org_id) is the unique identifier of a HIBE params HibeParamsKey = "org_id" // HibeParamsValueKey The value of the key (params) is the Hibe's params HibeParamsValueKey = "params" )
hibe msg's Keys
const ContractResultCode_OK uint32 = 0 //todo pb create const
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func GetEVMAddressFromCertPath ¶
func SignPayload ¶
Types ¶
type ArchiveConfig ¶
type ArchiveConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ArchiveConfig Archive配置
func NewArchiveConfig ¶
func NewArchiveConfig(opts ...ArchiveOption) *ArchiveConfig
type ArchiveOption ¶
type ArchiveOption func(config *ArchiveConfig)
func WithSecretKey ¶
func WithSecretKey(key string) ArchiveOption
WithSecretKey 设置Archive的secret key
type ChainClient ¶
type ChainClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func CreateChainClient ¶
func CreateChainClient(pool ConnectionPool, userCrtBytes, privKey, userCrtHash []byte, orgId, chainId string, enabledCrtHash int) (*ChainClient, error)
func NewChainClient ¶
func NewChainClient(opts ...ChainClientOption) (*ChainClient, error)
func (*ChainClient) AddCert ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) AddCert() (*common.TxResponse, error)
func (*ChainClient) CheckCallerCertAuth ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CheckCallerCertAuth(payload string, orgIds []string, signPairs []*syscontract.SignInfo) ( *common.TxResponse, error)
func (*ChainClient) CheckNewBlockChainConfig ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CheckNewBlockChainConfig() error
func (*ChainClient) CreateArchiveBlockPayload ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CreateArchiveBlockPayload(targetBlockHeight uint64) (*common.Payload, error)
func (*ChainClient) CreateCertManageFrozenPayload ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CreateCertManageFrozenPayload(certs []string) *common.Payload
func (*ChainClient) CreateCertManagePayload ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CreateCertManagePayload(method string, kvs []*common.KeyValuePair) *common.Payload
func (*ChainClient) CreateCertManageRevocationPayload ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CreateCertManageRevocationPayload(certCrl string) *common.Payload
func (*ChainClient) CreateCertManageUnfrozenPayload ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CreateCertManageUnfrozenPayload(certs []string) *common.Payload
func (*ChainClient) CreateChainConfigBlockUpdatePayload ¶
func (*ChainClient) CreateChainConfigConsensusExtAddPayload ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigConsensusExtAddPayload(kvs []*common.KeyValuePair) (*common.Payload, error)
func (*ChainClient) CreateChainConfigConsensusExtDeletePayload ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigConsensusExtDeletePayload(keys []string) (*common.Payload, error)
func (*ChainClient) CreateChainConfigConsensusExtUpdatePayload ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigConsensusExtUpdatePayload(kvs []*common.KeyValuePair) (*common.Payload, error)
func (*ChainClient) CreateChainConfigConsensusNodeIdAddPayload ¶
func (*ChainClient) CreateChainConfigConsensusNodeIdDeletePayload ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigConsensusNodeIdDeletePayload(nodeOrgId, nodeId string) (*common.Payload, error)
func (*ChainClient) CreateChainConfigConsensusNodeIdUpdatePayload ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigConsensusNodeIdUpdatePayload(nodeOrgId, nodeOldIds, nodeNewIds string) (*common.Payload, error)
func (*ChainClient) CreateChainConfigConsensusNodeOrgAddPayload ¶
func (*ChainClient) CreateChainConfigConsensusNodeOrgDeletePayload ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigConsensusNodeOrgDeletePayload(nodeOrgId string) (*common.Payload, error)
func (*ChainClient) CreateChainConfigConsensusNodeOrgUpdatePayload ¶
func (*ChainClient) CreateChainConfigCoreUpdatePayload ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigCoreUpdatePayload(txSchedulerTimeout, txSchedulerValidateTimeout uint64) (*common.Payload, error)
func (*ChainClient) CreateChainConfigPermissionAddPayload ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigPermissionAddPayload(permissionResourceName string, policy *accesscontrol.Policy) (*common.Payload, error)
func (*ChainClient) CreateChainConfigPermissionDeletePayload ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigPermissionDeletePayload(resourceName string) (*common.Payload, error)
func (*ChainClient) CreateChainConfigPermissionUpdatePayload ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigPermissionUpdatePayload(permissionResourceName string, policy *accesscontrol.Policy) (*common.Payload, error)
func (*ChainClient) CreateChainConfigTrustMemberAddPayload ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigTrustMemberAddPayload(trustMemberOrgId, trustMemberNodeId, trustMemberRole, trustMemberInfo string) (*common.Payload, error)
func (*ChainClient) CreateChainConfigTrustMemberDeletePayload ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigTrustMemberDeletePayload(trustMemberInfo string) (*common.Payload, error)
func (*ChainClient) CreateChainConfigTrustRootAddPayload ¶
func (*ChainClient) CreateChainConfigTrustRootDeletePayload ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CreateChainConfigTrustRootDeletePayload(trustRootOrgId string) (*common.Payload, error)
func (*ChainClient) CreateChainConfigTrustRootUpdatePayload ¶
func (*ChainClient) CreateContractCreatePayload ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CreateContractCreatePayload(contractName, version, byteCode string, runtime common.RuntimeType, kvs []*common.KeyValuePair) (*common.Payload, error)
func (*ChainClient) CreateContractFreezePayload ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CreateContractFreezePayload(contractName string) (*common.Payload, error)
func (*ChainClient) CreateContractRevokePayload ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CreateContractRevokePayload(contractName string) (*common.Payload, error)
func (*ChainClient) CreateContractUnfreezePayload ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CreateContractUnfreezePayload(contractName string) (*common.Payload, error)
func (*ChainClient) CreateContractUpgradePayload ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CreateContractUpgradePayload(contractName, version, byteCode string, runtime common.RuntimeType, kvs []*common.KeyValuePair) (*common.Payload, error)
func (*ChainClient) CreateHibeInitParamsTxPayloadParams ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CreateHibeInitParamsTxPayloadParams(orgId string, hibeParams []byte) ([]*common.KeyValuePair, error)
func (*ChainClient) CreateHibeTxPayloadParamsWithHibeParams ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CreateHibeTxPayloadParamsWithHibeParams(plaintext []byte, receiverIds []string, paramsBytesList [][]byte, txId string, keyType crypto.KeyType) ([]*common.KeyValuePair, error)
func (*ChainClient) CreateHibeTxPayloadParamsWithoutHibeParams ¶
func (*ChainClient) CreateRestoreBlockPayload ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CreateRestoreBlockPayload(fullBlock []byte) (*common.Payload, error)
func (*ChainClient) CreateSaveEnclaveCACertPayload ¶
func (*ChainClient) CreateSaveEnclaveReportPayload ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) CreateSaveEnclaveReportPayload(enclaveId, report, txId string) (*common.Payload, error)
func (*ChainClient) DecryptHibeTxByTxId ¶
func (*ChainClient) DeleteCert ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) DeleteCert(certHashes []string) (*common.TxResponse, error)
func (*ChainClient) DisableCertHash ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) DisableCertHash() error
func (*ChainClient) EasyCodecItemToParamsMap ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) EasyCodecItemToParamsMap(items []*serialize.EasyCodecItem) map[string][]byte
func (*ChainClient) EnableCertHash ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) EnableCertHash() error
EnableCertHash Cert Hash logic
func (*ChainClient) GetArchivedBlockByHash ¶
func (*ChainClient) GetArchivedBlockByHeight ¶
func (*ChainClient) GetArchivedBlockByTxId ¶
func (*ChainClient) GetArchivedBlockFromMySQL ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetArchivedBlockFromMySQL(blockHeight uint64) (*store.BlockWithRWSet, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetArchivedBlockHeight ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetArchivedBlockHeight() (uint64, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetArchivedFullBlockByHeight ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetArchivedFullBlockByHeight(blockHeight uint64) (*store.BlockWithRWSet, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetArchivedTxByTxId ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetArchivedTxByTxId(txId string) (*common.TransactionInfo, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetBlockByHash ¶
func (*ChainClient) GetBlockByHeight ¶
func (*ChainClient) GetBlockByTxId ¶
func (*ChainClient) GetBlockHeaderByHeight ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetBlockHeaderByHeight(blockHeight uint64) (*common.BlockHeader, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetBlockHeightByHash ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetBlockHeightByHash(blockHash string) (uint64, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetBlockHeightByTxId ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetBlockHeightByTxId(txId string) (uint64, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetCertHash ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetCertHash() ([]byte, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetChainConfig ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetChainConfig() (*config.ChainConfig, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetChainConfigByBlockHeight ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetChainConfigByBlockHeight(blockHeight uint64) (*config.ChainConfig, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetChainConfigSequence ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetChainConfigSequence() (uint64, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetChainInfo ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetChainInfo() (*discovery.ChainInfo, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetChainMakerServerVersion ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetChainMakerServerVersion() (string, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetContract ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetContract(contractName, codeHash string) (*common.PrivateGetContract, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetCurrentBlockHeight ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetCurrentBlockHeight() (uint64, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetData ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetData(contractName, key string) ([]byte, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetDir ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetDir(orderId string) ([]byte, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetEnabledCrtHash ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetEnabledCrtHash() bool
func (*ChainClient) GetEnclaveCACert ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetEnclaveCACert() ([]byte, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetEnclaveChallenge ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetEnclaveChallenge(enclaveId string) ([]byte, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetEnclaveEncryptPubKey ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetEnclaveEncryptPubKey(enclaveId string) ([]byte, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetEnclaveProof ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetEnclaveProof(enclaveId string) ([]byte, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetEnclaveReport ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetEnclaveReport(enclaveId string) ([]byte, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetEnclaveSignature ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetEnclaveSignature(enclaveId string) ([]byte, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetEnclaveVerificationPubKey ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetEnclaveVerificationPubKey(enclaveId string) ([]byte, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetFromArchiveStore ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetFromArchiveStore(blockHeight uint64) (*store.BlockWithRWSet, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetFullBlockByHeight ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetFullBlockByHeight(blockHeight uint64) (*store.BlockWithRWSet, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetLastBlock ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetLastBlock(withRWSet bool) (*common.BlockInfo, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetLastConfigBlock ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetLastConfigBlock(withRWSet bool) (*common.BlockInfo, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetNodeChainList ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetNodeChainList() (*discovery.ChainList, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetTxByTxId ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetTxByTxId(txId string) (*common.TransactionInfo, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetTxRequest ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetTxRequest(contractName, method, txId string, kvs []*common.KeyValuePair) (*common.TxRequest, error)
func (*ChainClient) GetUserCrtHash ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) GetUserCrtHash() []byte
func (*ChainClient) InvokeContract ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) InvokeContract(contractName, method, txId string, kvs []*common.KeyValuePair, timeout int64, withSyncResult bool) (*common.TxResponse, error)
func (*ChainClient) InvokeSystemContract ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) InvokeSystemContract(contractName, method, txId string, kvs []*common.KeyValuePair, timeout int64, withSyncResult bool) (*common.TxResponse, error)
func (*ChainClient) QueryCert ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryCert(certHashes []string) (*common.CertInfos, error)
func (*ChainClient) QueryContract ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryContract(contractName, method string, kvs []*common.KeyValuePair, timeout int64) (*common.TxResponse, error)
func (*ChainClient) QueryHibeParamsWithOrgId ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) QueryHibeParamsWithOrgId(contractName, method, orgId string, timeout int64) ([]byte, error)
func (*ChainClient) QuerySystemContract ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) QuerySystemContract(contractName, method string, kvs []*common.KeyValuePair, timeout int64) (*common.TxResponse, error)
func (*ChainClient) SaveData ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) SaveData(contractName string, contractVersion string, isDeployment bool, codeHash []byte, reportHash []byte, result *common.ContractResult, codeHeader []byte, txId string, rwSet *common.TxRWSet, sign []byte, events *common.StrSlice, privateReq []byte, withSyncResult bool, timeout int64) (*common.TxResponse, error)
func (*ChainClient) SaveDir ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) SaveDir(orderId, txId string, privateDir *common.StrSlice, withSyncResult bool, timeout int64) (*common.TxResponse, error)
func (*ChainClient) SaveEnclaveCACert ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) SaveEnclaveCACert( enclaveCACert, txId string, withSyncResult bool, timeout int64) (*common.TxResponse, error)
func (*ChainClient) SaveEnclaveReport ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) SaveEnclaveReport( enclaveId, report, txId string, withSyncResult bool, timeout int64) (*common.TxResponse, error)
func (*ChainClient) SaveRemoteAttestationProof ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) SaveRemoteAttestationProof(proof, txId string, withSyncResult bool, timeout int64) (*common.TxResponse, error)
func (*ChainClient) SendArchiveBlockRequest ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) SendArchiveBlockRequest(payload *common.Payload, timeout int64) (*common.TxResponse, error)
func (*ChainClient) SendCertManageRequest ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) SendCertManageRequest(payload *common.Payload, endorsers []*common.EndorsementEntry, timeout int64, withSyncResult bool) (*common.TxResponse, error)
func (*ChainClient) SendChainConfigUpdateRequest ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) SendChainConfigUpdateRequest(payload *common.Payload, endorsers []*common.EndorsementEntry, timeout int64, withSyncResult bool) (*common.TxResponse, error)
func (*ChainClient) SendContractManageRequest ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) SendContractManageRequest(payload *common.Payload, endorsers []*common.EndorsementEntry, timeout int64, withSyncResult bool) (*common.TxResponse, error)
func (*ChainClient) SendMultiSigningRequest ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) SendMultiSigningRequest(payload *common.Payload, endorsers []*common.EndorsementEntry, timeout int64, withSyncResult bool) (*common.TxResponse, error)
func (*ChainClient) SendRestoreBlockRequest ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) SendRestoreBlockRequest(payload *common.Payload, timeout int64) (*common.TxResponse, error)
func (*ChainClient) SendTxRequest ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) SendTxRequest(txRequest *common.TxRequest, timeout int64, withSyncResult bool) (*common.TxResponse, error)
func (*ChainClient) SignArchivePayload ¶
func (*ChainClient) SignCertManagePayload ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) SignCertManagePayload(payload *common.Payload) (*common.EndorsementEntry, error)
func (*ChainClient) SignChainConfigPayload ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) SignChainConfigPayload(payload *common.Payload) (*common.EndorsementEntry, error)
func (*ChainClient) SignContractManagePayload ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) SignContractManagePayload(payload *common.Payload) (*common.EndorsementEntry, error)
func (*ChainClient) SignPayload ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) SignPayload(payload *common.Payload) (*common.EndorsementEntry, error)
func (*ChainClient) Stop ¶
func (cc *ChainClient) Stop() error
func (*ChainClient) Subscribe ¶
func (*ChainClient) SubscribeBlock ¶
func (*ChainClient) SubscribeContractEvent ¶
type ChainClientConfig ¶
type ChainClientConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type ChainClientOption ¶
type ChainClientOption func(*ChainClientConfig)
func AddChainClientNodeConfig ¶
func AddChainClientNodeConfig(nodeConfig *NodeConfig) ChainClientOption
AddChainClientNodeConfig 添加ChainMaker节点地址及连接数配置
func WithArchiveConfig ¶
func WithArchiveConfig(conf *ArchiveConfig) ChainClientOption
WithArchiveConfig 设置Archive配置
func WithChainClientChainId ¶
func WithChainClientChainId(chainId string) ChainClientOption
WithChainClientChainId 添加ChainId
func WithChainClientLogger ¶
func WithChainClientLogger(logger utils.Logger) ChainClientOption
WithChainClientLogger 设置Logger对象,便于日志打印
func WithChainClientOrgId ¶
func WithChainClientOrgId(orgId string) ChainClientOption
WithChainClientOrgId 添加OrgId
func WithRPCClientConfig ¶
func WithRPCClientConfig(conf *RPCClientConfig) ChainClientOption
WithRPCClientConfig 设置grpc客户端配置
func WithUserCrtBytes ¶
func WithUserCrtBytes(userCrtBytes []byte) ChainClientOption
WithUserCrtBytes 添加用户证书文件内容配置
func WithUserCrtFilePath ¶
func WithUserCrtFilePath(userCrtFilePath string) ChainClientOption
WithUserCrtFilePath 添加用户证书文件路径配置
func WithUserKeyBytes ¶
func WithUserKeyBytes(userKeyBytes []byte) ChainClientOption
WithUserKeyBytes 添加用户私钥文件内容配置
func WithUserKeyFilePath ¶
func WithUserKeyFilePath(userKeyFilePath string) ChainClientOption
WithUserKeyFilePath 添加用户私钥文件路径配置
func WithUserSignCrtBytes ¶
func WithUserSignCrtBytes(userSignCrtBytes []byte) ChainClientOption
WithUserSignCrtBytes 添加用户签名证书文件内容配置
func WithUserSignCrtFilePath ¶
func WithUserSignCrtFilePath(userSignCrtFilePath string) ChainClientOption
WithUserSignCrtFilePath 添加用户签名证书文件路径配置
func WithUserSignKeyBytes ¶
func WithUserSignKeyBytes(userSignKeyBytes []byte) ChainClientOption
WithUserSignKeyBytes 添加用户签名私钥文件内容配置
func WithUserSignKeyFilePath ¶
func WithUserSignKeyFilePath(userSignKeyFilePath string) ChainClientOption
WithUserSignKeyFilePath 添加用户签名私钥文件路径配置
type ClientConnectionPool ¶
type ClientConnectionPool struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClientConnectionPool 客户端连接池结构定义
func NewConnPool ¶
func NewConnPool(config *ChainClientConfig) (*ClientConnectionPool, error)
NewConnPool 创建连接池
func NewConnPoolWithOptions ¶
func NewConnPoolWithOptions(opts ...ChainClientOption) (*ClientConnectionPool, error)
type ConnectionPool ¶
type ConnectionPool interface { Close() error // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type NodeConfig ¶
type NodeConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NodeConfig 节点配置
func NewNodeConfig ¶
func NewNodeConfig(opts ...NodeOption) *NodeConfig
type NodeOption ¶
type NodeOption func(config *NodeConfig)
func WithNodeTLSHostName ¶
func WithNodeTLSHostName(tlsHostName string) NodeOption
type RPCClientConfig ¶
type RPCClientConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RPCClientConfig RPC Client 链接配置
func NewRPCClientConfig ¶
func NewRPCClientConfig(opts ...RPCClientOption) *RPCClientConfig
type RPCClientOption ¶
type RPCClientOption func(config *RPCClientConfig)
func WithRPCClientMaxReceiveMessageSize ¶
func WithRPCClientMaxReceiveMessageSize(size int) RPCClientOption
WithRPCClientMaxReceiveMessageSize 设置RPC Client的Max Receive Message Size
type SDKInterface ¶
type SDKInterface interface { // ## 1 用户合约接口 // ### 1.1 创建合约待签名payload生成 // **参数说明** // - contractName: 合约名 // - version: 版本号 // - byteCode: 支持传入合约二进制文件路径或Hex或Base64编码的二进制内容 // - runtime: 合约运行环境 // - kvs: 合约初始化参数 // “`go CreateContractCreatePayload(contractName, version, byteCode string, runtime common.RuntimeType, kvs []*common.KeyValuePair) (*common.Payload, error) // ### 1.2 升级合约待签名payload生成 // **参数说明** // - contractName: 合约名 // - version: 版本号 // - byteCode: 支持传入合约二进制文件路径或Hex或Base64编码的二进制内容 // - runtime: 合约运行环境 // - kvs: 合约升级参数 // “`go CreateContractUpgradePayload(contractName, version, byteCode string, runtime common.RuntimeType, kvs []*common.KeyValuePair) (*common.Payload, error) // ### 1.3 冻结合约payload生成 // **参数说明** // - contractName: 合约名 // “`go CreateContractFreezePayload(contractName string) (*common.Payload, error) // ### 1.4 解冻合约payload生成 // **参数说明** // - contractName: 合约名 // “`go CreateContractUnfreezePayload(contractName string) (*common.Payload, error) // ### 1.5 吊销合约payload生成 // **参数说明** // - contractName: 合约名 // “`go CreateContractRevokePayload(contractName string) (*common.Payload, error) // ### 1.6 合约管理获取Payload签名 // **参数说明** // - payload: 待签名payload // “`go SignContractManagePayload(payload *common.Payload) (*common.EndorsementEntry, error) // ### 1.7 发送合约管理请求(创建、更新、冻结、解冻、吊销) // **参数说明** // - payload: 交易payload // - endorsers: 背书签名信息列表 // - timeout: 超时时间,单位:s,若传入-1,将使用默认超时时间:10s // - withSyncResult: 是否同步获取交易执行结果 // 当为true时,若成功调用,common.TxResponse.ContractResult.Result为common.TransactionInfo // 当为false时,若成功调用,common.TxResponse.ContractResult为空,可以通过common.TxResponse.TxId查询交易结果 // “`go SendContractManageRequest(payload *common.Payload, endorsers []*common.EndorsementEntry, timeout int64, withSyncResult bool) (*common.TxResponse, error) // ### 1.8 合约调用 // **参数说明** // - contractName: 合约名称 // - method: 合约方法 // - txId: 交易ID // 格式要求:长度为64字节,字符在a-z0-9 // 可为空,若为空字符串,将自动生成txId // - kvs: 合约参数 // - timeout: 超时时间,单位:s,若传入-1,将使用默认超时时间:10s // - withSyncResult: 是否同步获取交易执行结果 // 当为true时,若成功调用,common.TxResponse.ContractResult.Result为common.TransactionInfo // 当为false时,若成功调用,common.TxResponse.ContractResult为空,可以通过common.TxResponse.TxId查询交易结果 // “`go InvokeContract(contractName, method, txId string, kvs []*common.KeyValuePair, timeout int64, withSyncResult bool) (*common.TxResponse, error) // ### 1.9 合约查询接口调用 // **参数说明** // - contractName: 合约名称 // - method: 合约方法 // - kvs: 合约参数 // - timeout: 超时时间,单位:s,若传入-1,将使用默认超时时间:10s // “`go QueryContract(contractName, method string, kvs []*common.KeyValuePair, timeout int64) (*common.TxResponse, error) // ### 1.10 构造待发送交易体 // **参数说明** // - contractName: 合约名称 // - method: 合约方法 // - txId: 交易ID // 格式要求:长度为64字节,字符在a-z0-9 // 可为空,若为空字符串,将自动生成txId // - kvs: 合约参数 // “`go GetTxRequest(contractName, method, txId string, kvs []*common.KeyValuePair) (*common.TxRequest, error) // ### 1.11 发送已构造好的交易体 // **参数说明** // - txRequest: 已构造好的交易体 // - timeout: 超时时间,单位:s,若传入-1,将使用默认超时时间:10s // - withSyncResult: 是否同步获取交易执行结果 // 当为true时,若成功调用,common.TxResponse.ContractResult.Result为common.TransactionInfo // 当为false时,若成功调用,common.TxResponse.ContractResult为空,可以通过common.TxResponse.TxId查询交易结果 // “`go SendTxRequest(txRequest *common.TxRequest, timeout int64, withSyncResult bool) (*common.TxResponse, error) // ## 2 系统合约接口 // ### 2.1 根据交易Id查询交易 // **参数说明** // - txId: 交易ID // “`go GetTxByTxId(txId string) (*common.TransactionInfo, error) // ### 2.2 根据区块高度查询区块 // **参数说明** // - blockHeight: 指定区块高度,若为-1,将返回最新区块 // - withRWSet: 是否返回读写集 // “`go GetBlockByHeight(blockHeight uint64, withRWSet bool) (*common.BlockInfo, error) // ### 2.3 根据区块高度查询完整区块 // **参数说明** // - blockHeight: 指定区块高度,若为-1,将返回最新区块 // “`go GetFullBlockByHeight(blockHeight uint64) (*store.BlockWithRWSet, error) // ### 2.4 根据区块哈希查询区块 // **参数说明** // - blockHash: 指定区块Hash // - withRWSet: 是否返回读写集 // “`go GetBlockByHash(blockHash string, withRWSet bool) (*common.BlockInfo, error) // ### 2.5 根据交易Id查询区块 // **参数说明** // - txId: 交易ID // - withRWSet: 是否返回读写集 // “`go GetBlockByTxId(txId string, withRWSet bool) (*common.BlockInfo, error) // ### 2.6 查询最新的配置块 // **参数说明** // - withRWSet: 是否返回读写集 // “`go GetLastConfigBlock(withRWSet bool) (*common.BlockInfo, error) // ### 2.7 查询最新区块 // **参数说明** // - withRWSet: 是否返回读写集 // “`go GetLastBlock(withRWSet bool) (*common.BlockInfo, error) // ### 2.8 查询节点加入的链信息 // - 返回ChainId清单 // “`go GetNodeChainList() (*discovery.ChainList, error) // ### 2.9 查询链信息 // - 包括:当前链最新高度,链节点信息 // “`go GetChainInfo() (*discovery.ChainInfo, error) // ### 2.10 根据交易Id获取区块高度 // **参数说明** // - txId: 交易ID // “`go GetBlockHeightByTxId(txId string) (uint64, error) // ### 2.11 根据区块Hash获取区块高度 // **参数说明** // - blockHash: 指定区块Hash // “`go GetBlockHeightByHash(blockHash string) (uint64, error) // ### 2.12 查询当前最新区块高度 // “`go GetCurrentBlockHeight() (uint64, error) // ### 2.13 根据区块高度查询区块头 // **参数说明** // - blockHeight: 指定区块高度,若为-1,将返回最新区块头 // “`go GetBlockHeaderByHeight(blockHeight uint64) (*common.BlockHeader, error) // ### 2.14 系统合约调用 // **参数说明** // - contractName: 合约名称 // - method: 合约方法 // - txId: 交易ID // 格式要求:长度为64字节,字符在a-z0-9 // 可为空,若为空字符串,将自动生成txId // - kvs: 合约参数 // - timeout: 超时时间,单位:s,若传入-1,将使用默认超时时间:10s // - withSyncResult: 是否同步获取交易执行结果 // 当为true时,若成功调用,common.TxResponse.ContractResult.Result为common.TransactionInfo // 当为false时,若成功调用,common.TxResponse.ContractResult为空,可以通过common.TxResponse.TxId查询交易结果 // “`go InvokeSystemContract(contractName, method, txId string, kvs []*common.KeyValuePair, timeout int64, withSyncResult bool) (*common.TxResponse, error) // ### 2.15 系统合约查询接口调用 // **参数说明** // - contractName: 合约名称 // - method: 合约方法 // - kvs: 合约参数 // - timeout: 超时时间,单位:s,若传入-1,将使用默认超时时间:10s // “`go QuerySystemContract(contractName, method string, kvs []*common.KeyValuePair, timeout int64) (*common.TxResponse, error) // ## 3 链配置接口 // ### 3.1 查询最新链配置 // “`go GetChainConfig() (*config.ChainConfig, error) // ### 3.2 根据指定区块高度查询最近链配置 // **参数说明** // - blockHeight: 指定区块高度 // 如果当前区块就是配置块,直接返回当前区块的链配置 // “`go GetChainConfigByBlockHeight(blockHeight uint64) (*config.ChainConfig, error) // ### 3.3 查询最新链配置序号Sequence // - 用于链配置更新 // “`go GetChainConfigSequence() (uint64, error) // ### 3.4 链配置更新获取Payload签名 // **参数说明** // - payload: 待签名payload // “`go SignChainConfigPayload(payload *common.Payload) (*common.EndorsementEntry, error) // ### 3.5 发送链配置更新请求 // **参数说明** // - payload: 待签名payload // - endorsers: 背书签名信息列表 // - timeout: 超时时间,单位:s,若传入-1,将使用默认超时时间:10s // - withSyncResult: 是否同步获取交易执行结果 // 当为true时,若成功调用,common.TxResponse.ContractResult.Result为common.TransactionInfo // 当为false时,若成功调用,common.TxResponse.ContractResult为空,可以通过common.TxResponse.TxId查询交易结果 // “`go SendChainConfigUpdateRequest(payload *common.Payload, endorsers []*common.EndorsementEntry, timeout int64, withSyncResult bool) (*common.TxResponse, error) // ### 3.6 更新Core模块待签名payload生成 // **参数说明** // - txSchedulerTimeout: 交易调度器从交易池拿到交易后, 进行调度的时间,其值范围为(0, 60], 若设置为0,则抛出错误 // - txSchedulerValidateTimeout: 交易调度器从区块中拿到交易后, 进行验证的超时时间,其值范围为(0, 60], 若设置为0,则抛出错误 // “`go CreateChainConfigCoreUpdatePayload(txSchedulerTimeout, txSchedulerValidateTimeout uint64) (*common.Payload, error) // ### 3.7 更新Core模块待签名payload生成 // **参数说明** // - txTimestampVerify: 是否需要开启交易时间戳校验 // - (以下参数,若无需修改,请置为-1) // - txTimeout: 交易时间戳的过期时间(秒),其值范围为[600, +∞) // - blockTxCapacity: 区块中最大交易数,其值范围为(0, +∞] // - blockSize: 区块最大限制,单位MB,其值范围为(0, +∞] // - blockInterval: 出块间隔,单位:ms,其值范围为[10, +∞] // “`go CreateChainConfigBlockUpdatePayload(txTimestampVerify bool, txTimeout, blockTxCapacity, blockSize, blockInterval uint32) (*common.Payload, error) // ### 3.8 添加信任组织根证书待签名payload生成 // **参数说明** // - trustRootOrgId: 组织Id // - trustRootCrt: 根证书 // “`go CreateChainConfigTrustRootAddPayload(trustRootOrgId string, trustRootCrt []string) (*common.Payload, error) // ### 3.9 更新信任组织根证书待签名payload生成 // **参数说明** // - trustRootOrgId: 组织Id // - trustRootCrt: 根证书 // “`go CreateChainConfigTrustRootUpdatePayload(trustRootOrgId string, trustRootCrt []string) (*common.Payload, error) // ### 3.10 删除信任组织根证书待签名payload生成 // **参数说明** // - trustRootOrgId: 组织Id // “`go CreateChainConfigTrustRootDeletePayload(trustRootOrgId string) (*common.Payload, error) // ### 3.11 添加信任成员证书待签名payload生成 // **参数说明** // - trustMemberOrgId: 组织Id // - trustMemberNodeId: 节点Id // - trustMemberRole: 成员角色 // - trustMemberInfo: 成员信息内容 // “`go CreateChainConfigTrustMemberAddPayload(trustMemberOrgId, trustMemberNodeId, trustMemberRole, trustMemberInfo string) (*common.Payload, error) // ### 3.12 删除信任成员证书待签名payload生成 // **参数说明** // - trustMemberInfo: 成员信息内容 // “`go CreateChainConfigTrustMemberDeletePayload(trustMemberInfo string) (*common.Payload, error) // ### 3.13 添加权限配置待签名payload生成 // **参数说明** // - permissionResourceName: 权限名 // - policy: 权限规则 // “`go CreateChainConfigPermissionAddPayload(permissionResourceName string, policy *accesscontrol.Policy) (*common.Payload, error) // ### 3.14 更新权限配置待签名payload生成 // **参数说明** // - permissionResourceName: 权限名 // - policy: 权限规则 // “`go CreateChainConfigPermissionUpdatePayload(permissionResourceName string, policy *accesscontrol.Policy) (*common.Payload, error) // ### 3.15 删除权限配置待签名payload生成 // **参数说明** // - permissionResourceName: 权限名 // “`go CreateChainConfigPermissionDeletePayload(permissionResourceName string) (*common.Payload, error) // ### 3.16 添加共识节点地址待签名payload生成 // **参数说明** // - nodeOrgId: 节点组织Id // - nodeIds: 节点Id // “`go CreateChainConfigConsensusNodeIdAddPayload(nodeOrgId string, nodeIds []string) (*common.Payload, error) // ### 3.17 更新共识节点地址待签名payload生成 // **参数说明** // - nodeOrgId: 节点组织Id // - nodeOldNodeId: 节点原Id // - nodeNewNodeId: 节点新Id // “`go CreateChainConfigConsensusNodeIdUpdatePayload(nodeOrgId, nodeOldNodeId, nodeNewNodeId string) (*common.Payload, error) // ### 3.18 删除共识节点地址待签名payload生成 // **参数说明** // - nodeOrgId: 节点组织Id // - nodeId: 节点Id // “`go CreateChainConfigConsensusNodeIdDeletePayload(nodeOrgId, nodeId string) (*common.Payload, error) // ### 3.19 添加共识节点待签名payload生成 // **参数说明** // - nodeOrgId: 节点组织Id // - nodeIds: 节点Id // “`go CreateChainConfigConsensusNodeOrgAddPayload(nodeOrgId string, nodeIds []string) (*common.Payload, error) // ### 3.20 更新共识节点待签名payload生成 // **参数说明** // - nodeOrgId: 节点组织Id // - nodeIds: 节点Id // “`go CreateChainConfigConsensusNodeOrgUpdatePayload(nodeOrgId string, nodeIds []string) (*common.Payload, error) // ### 3.21 删除共识节点待签名payload生成 // **参数说明** // - nodeOrgId: 节点组织Id // “`go CreateChainConfigConsensusNodeOrgDeletePayload(nodeOrgId string) (*common.Payload, error) // ### 3.22 添加共识扩展字段待签名payload生成 // **参数说明** // - kvs: 字段key、value对 // “`go CreateChainConfigConsensusExtAddPayload(kvs []*common.KeyValuePair) (*common.Payload, error) // ### 3.23 添加共识扩展字段待签名payload生成 // **参数说明** // - kvs: 字段key、value对 // “`go CreateChainConfigConsensusExtUpdatePayload(kvs []*common.KeyValuePair) (*common.Payload, error) // ### 3.24 添加共识扩展字段待签名payload生成 // **参数说明** // - keys: 待删除字段 // “`go CreateChainConfigConsensusExtDeletePayload(keys []string) (*common.Payload, error) // ## 4 证书管理接口 // ### 4.1 用户证书添加 // **参数说明** // - 在common.TxResponse.ContractResult.Result字段中返回成功添加的certHash // “`go AddCert() (*common.TxResponse, error) // ### 4.2 用户证书删除 // **参数说明** // - certHashes: 证书Hash列表 // “`go DeleteCert(certHashes []string) (*common.TxResponse, error) // ### 4.3 用户证书查询 // **参数说明** // - certHashes: 证书Hash列表 // **返回值说明** // - *common.CertInfos: 包含证书Hash和证书内容的列表 // “`go QueryCert(certHashes []string) (*common.CertInfos, error) // ### 4.4 获取用户证书哈希 // “`go GetCertHash() ([]byte, error) // ### 4.5 生成证书管理操作Payload(三合一接口) // **参数说明** // - method: CERTS_FROZEN(证书冻结)/CERTS_UNFROZEN(证书解冻)/CERTS_REVOCATION(证书吊销) // - kvs: 证书管理操作参数 // “`go CreateCertManagePayload(method string, kvs []*common.KeyValuePair) *common.Payload // ### 4.6 生成证书冻结操作Payload // **参数说明** // - certs: X509证书列表 // “`go CreateCertManageFrozenPayload(certs []string) *common.Payload // ### 4.7 生成证书解冻操作Payload // **参数说明** // - certs: X509证书列表 // “`go CreateCertManageUnfrozenPayload(certs []string) *common.Payload // ### 4.8 生成证书吊销操作Payload // **参数说明** // - certs: X509证书列表 // “`go CreateCertManageRevocationPayload(certCrl string) *common.Payload // ### 4.9 待签payload签名 // *一般需要使用具有管理员权限账号进行签名* // **参数说明** // - payload: 待签名payload // “`go SignCertManagePayload(payload *common.Payload) (*common.EndorsementEntry, error) // ### 4.10 发送证书管理请求(证书冻结、解冻、吊销) // **参数说明** // - payload: 交易payload // - endorsers: 背书签名信息列表 // - timeout: 超时时间,单位:s,若传入-1,将使用默认超时时间:10s // - withSyncResult: 是否同步获取交易执行结果 // 当为true时,若成功调用,common.TxResponse.ContractResult.Result为common.TransactionInfo // 当为false时,若成功调用,common.TxResponse.ContractResult为空,可以通过common.TxResponse.TxId查询交易结果 // “`go SendCertManageRequest(payload *common.Payload, endorsers []*common.EndorsementEntry, timeout int64, withSyncResult bool) (*common.TxResponse, error) // ## 5 消息订阅接口 // ### 5.1 区块订阅 // **参数说明** // - startBlock: 订阅起始区块高度,若为-1,表示订阅实时最新区块 // - endBlock: 订阅结束区块高度,若为-1,表示订阅实时最新区块 // - withRwSet: 是否返回读写集 // - onlyHeader: 若设置为true,将忽略withRwSet选项,仅返回区块头(common.BlockHeader),若设置为false,将返回common.BlockInfo // “`go SubscribeBlock(ctx context.Context, startBlock, endBlock int64, withRWSet, onlyHeader bool) (<-chan interface{}, error) // ### 5.2 交易订阅 // **参数说明** // - startBlock: 订阅起始区块高度,若为-1,表示订阅实时最新区块 // - endBlock: 订阅结束区块高度,若为-1,表示订阅实时最新区块 // - contractName :指定订阅指定合约的交易,可以传用户合约名称或系统合约名称,若为空,表示订阅所有合约的交易 // - txIds: 订阅txId列表,若为空,表示订阅所有txId // “`go SubscribeTx(ctx context.Context, startBlock, endBlock int64, contractName string, txIds []string) (<-chan interface{}, error) // ### 5.3 合约事件订阅 // **参数说明** // - topic :指定订阅主题 // - contractName :指定订阅的合约名称 // “`go SubscribeContractEvent(ctx context.Context, topic string, contractName string) (<-chan interface{}, error) // ### 5.4 多合一订阅 // **参数说明** // - txType: 订阅交易类型,目前已支持:区块消息订阅(common.TxType_SUBSCRIBE_BLOCK_INFO)、交易消息订阅(common.TxType_SUBSCRIBE_TX_INFO) // - payloadBytes: 消息订阅参数payload // “`go Subscribe(ctx context.Context, payloadBytes *common.Payload) (<-chan interface{}, error) // ## 6 证书压缩 // *开启证书压缩可以减小交易包大小,提升处理性能* // ### 6.1 启用压缩证书功能 // “`go EnableCertHash() error // ### 6.2 停用压缩证书功能 // “`go DisableCertHash() error // ## 7 层级属性加密类接口 // > 注意:层级属性加密模块 `Id` 使用 `/` 作为分隔符,例如: Org1/Ou1/Member1 // ### 7.1 生成层级属性参数初始化交易 payload // **参数说明** // - orgId: 参与方组织 id // - hibeParams: 传入序列化后的hibeParams byte数组 // “`go CreateHibeInitParamsTxPayloadParams(orgId string, hibeParams []byte) ([]*common.KeyValuePair, error) // ### 7.2 生成层级属性加密交易 payload,加密参数已知 // **参数说明** // - plaintext: 待加密交易消息明文 // - receiverIds: 消息接收者 id 列表,需和 paramsList 一一对应 // - paramsBytesList: 消息接收者对应的加密参数,需和 receiverIds 一一对应 // - txId: 以交易 Id 作为链上存储 hibeMsg 的 Key, 如果不提供存储的信息可能被覆盖 // - keyType: 对明文进行对称加密的方法,请传入 common 中 crypto 包提供的方法,目前提供AES和SM4两种方法 // “`go CreateHibeTxPayloadParamsWithHibeParams(plaintext []byte, receiverIds []string, paramsBytesList [][]byte, txId string, keyType crypto.KeyType) ([]*common.KeyValuePair, error) // ### 7.3 生成层级属性加密交易 payload,参数由链上查询得出 // **参数说明** // - contractName: 合约名 // - queryParamsMethod: 链上查询 hibe.Params 的合约方法 // - plaintext: 待加密交易消息明文 // - receiverIds: 消息接收者 id 列表,需和 paramsList 一一对应 // - paramsList: 消息接收者对应的加密参数,需和 receiverIds 一一对应 // - receiverOrgIds: 链上查询 hibe Params 的 Key 列表,需要和 receiverIds 一一对应 // - txId: 以交易 Id 作为链上存储 hibeMsg 的 Key, 如果不提供存储的信息可能被覆盖 // - keyType: 对明文进行对称加密的方法,请传入 common 中 crypto 包提供的方法,目前提供AES和SM4两种方法 // - timeout: (内部查询 HibeParams 的)超时时间,单位:s,若传入-1,将使用默认超时时间:10s // “`go CreateHibeTxPayloadParamsWithoutHibeParams(contractName, queryParamsMethod string, plaintext []byte, receiverIds []string, receiverOrgIds []string, txId string, keyType crypto.KeyType, timeout int64) ([]*common.KeyValuePair, error) // ### 7.4 查询某一组织的加密公共参数,返回其序列化后的byte数组 // **参数说明** // - contractName: 合约名 // - method: 查询的合约方法名 // - orgId: 参与方 id // - timeout: 查询超时时间,单位:s,若传入-1,将使用默认超时时间:10s // “`go QueryHibeParamsWithOrgId(contractName, method, orgId string, timeout int64) ([]byte, error) // ### 7.5 已知交易id,根据私钥解密密文交易 // **参数说明** // - localId: 本地层级属性加密 id // - hibeParams: hibeParams 序列化后的byte数组 // - hibePrivKey: hibe私钥序列化后的byte数组 // - txId: 层级属性加密交易 id // - keyType: 对加密信息进行对称解密的方法,请和加密时使用的方法保持一致,请传入 common 中 crypto 包提供的方法,目前提供AES和SM4两种方法 // “`go DecryptHibeTxByTxId(localId string, hibeParams []byte, hibePrvKey []byte, txId string, keyType crypto.KeyType) ([]byte, error) // ## 8 数据归档接口 // **(注意:请使用归档工具cmc进行归档操作,以下接口是归档原子接口,并不包括归档完整流程)** // ### 8.1 获取已归档区块高度 // **参数说明** // - 输出已归档的区块高度 // “`go GetArchivedBlockHeight() (uint64, error) // ### 8.2 构造数据归档区块Payload // **参数说明** // - targetBlockHeight: 归档目标区块高度 // “`go CreateArchiveBlockPayload(targetBlockHeight uint64) (*common.Payload, error) // ### 8.3 构造归档数据恢复Payload // **参数说明** // - fullBlock: 完整区块数据(对应结构:store.BlockWithRWSet) // “`go CreateRestoreBlockPayload(fullBlock []byte) (*common.Payload, error) // ### 8.4 获取归档操作Payload签名 // **参数说明** // - payload: 指向payload对象的指针 // “`go SignArchivePayload(payload *common.Payload) (*common.Payload, error) // ### 8.5 发送归档请求 // **参数说明** // - payload: 指向payload对象的指针 // - timeout: 超时时间,单位:s,若传入-1,将使用默认超时时间:10s // “`go SendArchiveBlockRequest(payload *common.Payload, timeout int64) (*common.TxResponse, error) // ### 8.6 归档数据恢复 // **参数说明** // - payload: 指向payload对象的指针 // - timeout: 超时时间,单位:s,若传入-1,将使用默认超时时间:10s // “`go SendRestoreBlockRequest(payload *common.Payload, timeout int64) (*common.TxResponse, error) // ### 8.7 根据交易Id查询已归档交易 // **参数说明** // - txId: 交易ID // “`go GetArchivedTxByTxId(txId string) (*common.TransactionInfo, error) // ### 8.8 根据区块高度查询已归档区块 // **参数说明** // - blockHeight: 指定区块高度 // - withRWSet: 是否返回读写集 // “`go GetArchivedBlockByHeight(blockHeight uint64, withRWSet bool) (*common.BlockInfo, error) // ### 8.9 根据区块高度查询已归档完整区块(包含:区块数据、读写集、合约事件日志) // **参数说明** // - blockHeight: 指定区块高度 // “`go GetArchivedFullBlockByHeight(blockHeight uint64) (*store.BlockWithRWSet, error) // ### 8.10 根据区块哈希查询已归档区块 // **参数说明** // - blockHash: 指定区块Hash // - withRWSet: 是否返回读写集 // “`go GetArchivedBlockByHash(blockHash string, withRWSet bool) (*common.BlockInfo, error) // ### 8.11 根据交易Id查询已归档区块 // **参数说明** // - txId: 交易ID // - withRWSet: 是否返回读写集 // “`go GetArchivedBlockByTxId(txId string, withRWSet bool) (*common.BlockInfo, error) // ## 9 隐私计算系统合约接口 // ### 9.1 保存隐私合约计算结果,包括合约部署 // **参数说明** // - contractName: 合约名称 // - contractVersion: 合约版本号 // - isDeployment: 是否是部署合约 // - codeHash: 合约字节码hash值 // - reportHash: Enclave report hash值 // - result: 隐私合约执行结果 // - codeHeader: solodity合部署合约时合约字节码的header数据 // - txId: 交易Id // - rwSet: 隐私合约执行产生的读写集 // - sign: Enclave对执行结果数据的结果签名 // - events: 合约执行产生的事件 // - privateReq: 用户调用隐私计算请求时的request序列化字节数组 // - withSyncResult: 是否同步返回调用结果 // - timeout: 发送交易的超时时间 // “`go SaveData(contractName string, contractVersion string, isDeployment bool, codeHash []byte, reportHash []byte, result *common.ContractResult, codeHeader []byte, txId string, rwSet *common.TxRWSet, sign []byte, events *common.StrSlice, privateReq []byte, withSyncResult bool, timeout int64) (*common.TxResponse, error) // ### 9.2 保存远程证明 // **参数说明** // - proof: 远程证明 // - txId: 交易Id // - withSyncResult: 是否同步返回调用结果 // - timeout: 交易发送超时时间 // “`go SaveRemoteAttestationProof(proof, txId string, withSyncResult bool, timeout int64) (*common.TxResponse, error) // ### 9.3 构建上传Enclave CA证书的报文 // **参数说明** // - caCert: Enclave CA证书 // - txId: 交易Id // “`go CreateSaveEnclaveCACertPayload(caCert, txId string) (*common.Payload, error) // ### 9.4 获取Enclave CA证书 // “`go GetEnclaveCACert() ([]byte, error) // ### 9.5 隐私计算调用者权限验证 // **参数说明** // - payload: 用户签名验证的payload内容 // - orgIds: 组织Id的slice,注意和signPairs里面SignInfo的证书顺序一致 // - signPairs: 用户多签的签名和证书slice // “`go CheckCallerCertAuth(payload string, orgIds []string, signPairs []*syscontract.SignInfo) (*common.TxResponse, error) // ### 9.6 获取Enclave的report // **参数说明** // - enclaveId: Enclave的Id,当前固定为 // “`go GetEnclaveReport(enclaveId string) ([]byte, error) // ### 9.7 获取隐私证明材 // **参数说明** // - enclaveId: Enclave的Id,当前固定为 // “`go GetEnclaveProof(enclaveId string) ([]byte, error) // ### 9.8 获取隐私合约计算结果 // **参数说明** // - contractName: 合约名称 // - key: 计算结果对应的键值 // “`go GetData(contractName, key string) ([]byte, error) // ### 9.9 保存隐私目录 // **参数说明** // - orderId: 隐私目录的主键,供以后查询使用 // - txId: 交易ID // - privateDir: // - withSyncResult: 是否同步等待交易结果 // - timeout: 等待交易结果的超时时间 // “`go SaveDir(orderId, txId string, privateDir *common.StrSlice, withSyncResult bool, timeout int64) (*common.TxResponse, error) // ### 9.10 获取用户部署的隐私合约 // **参数说明** // - contractName: 合约名称 // - codeHash: 代码哈希 // “`go GetContract(contractName, codeHash string) (*common.PrivateGetContract, error) // ### 9.11 获取用户的隐私目录 // **参数说明** // - orderId: 隐私目录的主键 // “`go GetDir(orderId string) ([]byte, error) // ### 9.12 构建上传隐私计算环境的report的报文 // **参数说明** // - enclaveId: 隐私计算环境的标识 // - report: 隐私计算环境的report // - txId: 交易ID // “`go CreateSaveEnclaveReportPayload(enclaveId, report, txId string) (*common.Payload, error) // ### 9.13 获取隐私计算环境的加密公钥 // **参数说明** // - enclaveId: 隐私计算环境的标识 // “`go GetEnclaveEncryptPubKey(enclaveId string) ([]byte, error) // ### 9.14 获取隐私计算环境的验签公钥 // **参数说明** // - enclaveId: 隐私计算环境的标识 // “`go GetEnclaveVerificationPubKey(enclaveId string) ([]byte, error) // ### 9.15 获取隐私证明材料中的Challenge // **参数说明** // - enclaveId: 隐私计算环境的标识 // “`go GetEnclaveChallenge(enclaveId string) ([]byte, error) // ### 9.16 获取隐私证明材料中的Signature // **参数说明** // - enclaveId: 隐私计算环境的标识 // “`go GetEnclaveSignature(enclaveId string) ([]byte, error) // ## 10 系统类接口 // ### 10.1 SDK停止接口 // *关闭连接池连接,释放资源* // “`go Stop() error // ### 10.2 获取链版本 // “`go GetChainMakerServerVersion() (string, error) }
SDKInterface # ChainMaker Go SDK 接口说明
Source Files
- conn_pool.go
- sdk_archive.go
- sdk_block_chain.go
- sdk_cert_manage.go
- sdk_chain_config.go
- sdk_chainmaker_server.go
- sdk_client.go
- sdk_common.go
- sdk_config.go
- sdk_hibe.go
- sdk_interface.go
- sdk_private_system_contract.go
- sdk_subscribe.go
- sdk_system_contract.go
- sdk_user_contract.go
- sdk_utils.go
- test_helper.go