dontpanic is a tool for debugging issues with Garden containers and
their host environment. It collects and tars all necessary data to help
Garden engineers investigate bugs. This data includes Garden logs and
general system information. It should not contain any sensitive
information, but you are free to review before sending to us. The Garden
team is comprised of engineers from multiple companies and all bugs are
investigated together. Your report will not be shared outside the team.
A full list of what is collected can be found below.
The current date
The machine's uptime and current load
The deployed gdn version
The machine hostname
Free memory
Operating system and kernel information
Monit summary
Monit logs
The number of running garden containers
The number of open files
The max number of open files permitted on the machine
The current disk usage
A list of all open files
Process table
Process tree
Kernel logs
System logs
Garden logs
Network interfaces
IP tables
The mount table
A list of the contents of Garden's depot (container metadata store)
XFS filesystem information
Memory structure information
General VM statistics (IO, Memory etc etc)
General process information
This repository should be imported as