Ordoor is an unofficial game engine recreation
of the Random Games, Inc., Strategy Engine,
which was in use from 1996 - 2000.
Four games are known to have been published for this engine:
The aim of Ordoor is to be a complete reimplementation that allows all four
of these games to be played on modern hardware. It should also permit new games
of the same style to be built.
For each of the games above, You must have a copy of the original game data to play.
Links are provided above if we're aware of an active publisher; otherwise, check
your back catalogue, or perhaps a local charity shop.
Trademarks and intellectual property are the property of their respective
owners, and the games mentioned above (including the game data) are protected by
copyright. As a mere game engine recreation, we're confident that this project
operates legally, and that its goal is a noble one. Do get in touch if you
believe otherwise!
Ordoor is a portmanteau of Order Door, which is, of course, the opposite of a
Chaos Gate. The project began with a Chaos Gate recreation, then more games were
discovered, so scope expanded. A rename and/or rewrite may be on the cards as a
Current status
Chaos Gate
Some of the original file formats are either partially or fully decoded. Maps,
menus, and most visual data can be rendered pixel-perfect. Sound can be played
(with a preprocessing step). Some UI tookit work is done. No game mechanics are
implemented yet.
I keep a GIF showcasing interesting progress here:

I've just been informed that another game from 1998, Soldiers At War,
seems to use the same engine. Maybe at some point Ordoor will be able to play
both. Will that need a rename? Hmm. Watch this space.
Soldiers At War
(At least some) objects display. Map support is being worked on in the
branch, which can more-or-less display them, albeit with many
Squad Leader
Squad Leader is the most recent of the games created with this engine. Nothing
has been done with it yet, but a preliminary look at the game data suggests many
changes are afoot. The object files are a different format, at the very least.
Wages of War
This is the oldest of the four games. The object file format seems to be mostly
the same. the installer only copies some data to the game directory; we may want
to work directly from the CDROM instead, if we can.
Maps are uncompressed, around 243K, and no header is present. They look similar
in principle to the tile data of Soldiers At War or Chaos Gate maps, otherwise.
The menu system seen in Chaos Gate is not present; instead, there is a BUTTONS
directory and a lot of pcx
files under PIC
that, I suspect, do the job for
this game.
Even with a full installation, Wages of War leaves a lot of data on the CD. It
may be best to run solely from the WOW
directory on the CD, assuming it's a
strict superset of what gets installed, data-wise.
Long-term goals
Once full playthrough of the official single-player campaign for all four games
has been achieved, thoughts turn to other things we could do. Here are some
ideas, mostly at random.
Multi-player support.
Graphics enhancements - 3D models instead of sprites, high-resolution tile sets,
32-bit colour, etc. Hopefully we'd be able to drop these in one at a time.
Vastly improved AI.
Mash-ups? How do mercenaries fare against cultists fare against Nazis? Only one
way to find out!
New campaigns with existing assets. Tell new stories, or elaborate on / modify
existing ones.
Completely new fantasy game using the same engine.
Building from source
I'm writing code in Go at the moment, so you'll need to have a Go runtime
installed on your system. Dependency management uses go mod
, so ensure you
have at least Go 1.11.
$ go version
go version go1.14 linux/amd64
In addition, you'll also need the following packages installed, at least in
# apt install libx11-dev libxcursor-dev mesa-common-dev libxrandr-dev \
libxinerama-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libxi-dev libasound2-dev mpv ffmpeg
You can then run make all
in the source tree to get the binaries that are
present at the moment.
Since we support multiple games, a fair bit of configuration is required. Copy
to config.toml
and edit it to your requirements. The
for the engine(s) you want to use is probably the most important bit,
along with the default_engine
The various games all use snapshots of the original engine at different points
in time, and specify a lot in code that we need to specify in data. That should
all go into the config file, so new games will be able to adapt the engine to
their needs.
To run:
$ make view-map
$ ./bin/view-map -map Chapter01
Looks like this:

Use the arrow keys to scroll around the map, the mouse wheel to zoom, and the
- 7
keys to change Z level.
Menus / UI widgets have fairly good support now; you can use the view-menu
binary to inspect them:
make view-menu
./bin/view-menu -menu Main
This renders the menus found in Chaos Gate and Soldiers At War. The Squad Leader
format seems basically the same, but has some extra files and aren't 8-bit
colour. They don't display at the moment. Wages of War uses a different format
For Chaos Gate, there is the start of the game in an ordoor
$ make ordoor
$ ./bin/ordoor
The idea is to hook all the different parts together, and to an abstract game
state (which is called ship
for ordoor), to make the whole thing playable. It
isn't playable yet, but it's heading in that direction.
Sound is in the very early stages. Chaos Gate uses ADPCM WAV files, which are a
pain to play in Go, so for now, a preprocessing step that converts them to .ogg
is used instead. To create ./orig/Wav/*.wav.ogg, run:
# apt install ffmpeg
$ ./scripts/convert-wav ./orig/Wav
As with video playback, the ambition is to eventually remove this dependency
and operate on the unmodified files instead.
Here's a collection of links that I'm finding useful or otherwise interesting,
and don't want to lose track of...