
v0.0.0-...-3c640c9 Latest Latest

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Published: Dec 4, 2024 License: GPL-3.0 Imports: 6 Imported by: 0




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This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type CommandStatus

type CommandStatus struct {
	CLIVersion      string `json:"CLI Version"`
	OperatingSystem string `json:"Operating system"`
	Status          string `json:"Status"`
	Description     string `json:"Description"`
	Controller      int    `json:"Controller"`

type StorCLIControllers

type StorCLIControllers struct {
	Controllers []struct {
		CommandStatus CommandStatus `json:"Command Status"`
		ResponseData  struct {
			SupportedAdapterOperations struct {
				RebuildRate                               string `json:"Rebuild Rate"`
				CCRate                                    string `json:"CC Rate"`
				BGIRate                                   string `json:"BGI Rate "`
				ReconstructRate                           string `json:"Reconstruct Rate"`
				PatrolReadRate                            string `json:"Patrol Read Rate"`
				AlarmControl                              string `json:"Alarm Control"`
				ClusterSupport                            string `json:"Cluster Support"`
				BBU                                       string `json:"BBU"`
				Spanning                                  string `json:"Spanning"`
				DedicatedHotSpare                         string `json:"Dedicated Hot Spare"`
				RevertibleHotSpares                       string `json:"Revertible Hot Spares"`
				ForeignConfigImport                       string `json:"Foreign Config Import"`
				SelfDiagnostic                            string `json:"Self Diagnostic"`
				AllowMixedRedundancyOnArray               string `json:"Allow Mixed Redundancy on Array"`
				GlobalHotSpares                           string `json:"Global Hot Spares"`
				DenySCSIPassthrough                       string `json:"Deny SCSI Passthrough"`
				DenySMPPassthrough                        string `json:"Deny SMP Passthrough"`
				DenySTPPassthrough                        string `json:"Deny STP Passthrough"`
				SupportMoreThan8Phys                      string `json:"Support more than 8 Phys"`
				FWAndEventTimeInGMT                       string `json:"FW and Event Time in GMT"`
				SupportEnhancedForeignImport              string `json:"Support Enhanced Foreign Import"`
				SupportEnclosureEnumeration               string `json:"Support Enclosure Enumeration"`
				SupportAllowedOperations                  string `json:"Support Allowed Operations"`
				AbortCCOnError                            string `json:"Abort CC on Error"`
				SupportMultipath                          string `json:"Support Multipath"`
				SupportOddEvenDriveCountInRAID1E          string `json:"Support Odd & Even Drive count in RAID1E"`
				SupportSecurity                           string `json:"Support Security"`
				SupportConfigPageModel                    string `json:"Support Config Page Model"`
				SupportTheOCEWithoutAddingDrives          string `json:"Support the OCE without adding drives"`
				SupportEKM                                string `json:"Support EKM"`
				SnapshotEnabled                           string `json:"Snapshot Enabled"`
				SupportPFK                                string `json:"Support PFK"`
				SupportPI                                 string `json:"Support PI"`
				SupportLdBBMInfo                          string `json:"Support Ld BBM Info"`
				SupportShieldState                        string `json:"Support Shield State"`
				BlockSSDWriteDiskCacheChange              string `json:"Block SSD Write Disk Cache Change"`
				SupportSuspendResumeBGOps                 string `json:"Support Suspend Resume BG ops"`
				SupportEmergencySpares                    string `json:"Support Emergency Spares"`
				SupportSetLinkSpeed                       string `json:"Support Set Link Speed"`
				SupportBootTimePFKChange                  string `json:"Support Boot Time PFK Change"`
				SupportSystemPD                           string `json:"Support SystemPD"`
				DisableOnlinePFKChange                    string `json:"Disable Online PFK Change"`
				SupportPerfTuning                         string `json:"Support Perf Tuning"`
				SupportSSDPatrolRead                      string `json:"Support SSD PatrolRead"`
				RealTimeScheduler                         string `json:"Real Time Scheduler"`
				SupportResetNow                           string `json:"Support Reset Now"`
				SupportEmulatedDrives                     string `json:"Support Emulated Drives"`
				HeadlessMode                              string `json:"Headless Mode"`
				DedicatedHotSparesLimited                 string `json:"Dedicated HotSpares Limited"`
				PointInTimeProgress                       string `json:"Point In Time Progress"`
				ExtendedLD                                string `json:"Extended LD"`
				SupportUnevenSpan                         string `json:"Support Uneven span "`
				SupportConfigAutoBalance                  string `json:"Support Config Auto Balance"`
				SupportMaintenanceMode                    string `json:"Support Maintenance Mode"`
				SupportDiagnosticResults                  string `json:"Support Diagnostic results"`
				SupportExtEnclosure                       string `json:"Support Ext Enclosure"`
				SupportSesmonitoring                      string `json:"Support Sesmonitoring"`
				SupportSecurityonJBOD                     string `json:"Support SecurityonJBOD"`
				SupportForceFlash                         string `json:"Support ForceFlash"`
				SupportDisableImmediateIO                 string `json:"Support DisableImmediateIO"`
				SupportLargeIOSupport                     string `json:"Support LargeIOSupport"`
				SupportDrvActivityLEDSetting              string `json:"Support DrvActivityLEDSetting"`
				SupportFlushWriteVerify                   string `json:"Support FlushWriteVerify"`
				SupportCPLDUpdate                         string `json:"Support CPLDUpdate"`
				SupportForceTo512E                        string `json:"Support ForceTo512e"`
				SupportDiscardCacheDuringLDDelete         string `json:"Support discardCacheDuringLDDelete"`
				SupportJBODWriteCache                     string `json:"Support JBOD Write cache"`
				SupportLargeQDSupport                     string `json:"Support Large QD Support"`
				SupportCtrlInfoExtended                   string `json:"Support Ctrl Info Extended"`
				SupportIButtonLess                        string `json:"Support IButton less"`
				SupportAESEncryptionAlgorithm             string `json:"Support AES Encryption Algorithm"`
				SupportEncryptedMFC                       string `json:"Support Encrypted MFC"`
				SupportSnapdump                           string `json:"Support Snapdump"`
				SupportForcePersonalityChange             string `json:"Support Force Personality Change"`
				SupportDualFwImage                        string `json:"Support Dual Fw Image"`
				SupportPSOCUpdate                         string `json:"Support PSOC Update"`
				SupportSecureBoot                         string `json:"Support Secure Boot"`
				SupportDebugQueue                         string `json:"Support Debug Queue"`
				SupportLeastLatencyMode                   string `json:"Support Least Latency Mode"`
				SupportOnDemandSnapdump                   string `json:"Support OnDemand Snapdump"`
				SupportClearSnapdump                      string `json:"Support Clear Snapdump"`
				SupportPHYCurrentSpeed                    string `json:"Support PHY current speed"`
				SupportLaneCurrentSpeed                   string `json:"Support Lane current speed"`
				SupportNVMeWidth                          string `json:"Support NVMe Width"`
				SupportLaneDeviceType                     string `json:"Support Lane DeviceType"`
				SupportExtendedDrivePerformanceMonitoring string `json:"Support Extended Drive performance Monitoring"`
				SupportNVMeRepair                         string `json:"Support NVMe Repair"`
				SupportPlatformSecurity                   string `json:"Support Platform Security"`
				SupportNoneModeParams                     string `json:"Support None Mode Params"`
				SupportExtendedControllerProperty         string `json:"Support Extended Controller Property"`
				SupportSmartPollIntervalForDirectAttached string `json:"Support Smart Poll Interval for DirectAttached"`
				SupportWriteJournalPinning                string `json:"Support Write Journal Pinning"`
				SupportSMPPassthruWithPortNumber          string `json:"Support SMP Passthru with Port Number"`
				SupportSnapDumpPrebootTraceBufferToggle   string `json:"Support SnapDump Preboot Trace Buffer Toggle"`
				SupportParityReadCacheBypass              string `json:"Support Parity Read Cache Bypass"`
				SupportNVMeInitErrorDeviceConnectorIndex  string `json:"Support NVMe Init Error Device ConnectorIndex"`
				SupportVolatileKey                        string `json:"Support VolatileKey"`
				SupportPSOCPartInformation                string `json:"Support PSOC Part Information"`
				SupportSlowArrayThresholdCalculation      string `json:"Support Slow array threshold calculation"`
				SupportPCIeReferenceClockOverride         string `json:"Support PCIe Reference Clock override"`
				SupportPCIePERSTOverride                  string `json:"Support PCIe PERST override"`
				SupportDriveFWDownloadMask                string `json:"Support Drive FW Download Mask"`
				SupportStartOfDayPLLogCapture             string `json:"Support Start of day PL log capture"`
				SupportDriveUnrecoveredMediumErrorCount   string `json:"Support Drive Unrecovered Medium Error Count"`
				SupportReportDelayOCRRange                string `json:"Support Report Delay OCR Range"`
				SupportPhyStateControl                    string `json:"Support Phy State Control"`
			} `json:"Supported Adapter Operations"`
			SupportedVDOperations struct {
				ReadPolicy                          string `json:"Read Policy"`
				WritePolicy                         string `json:"Write Policy"`
				IOPolicy                            string `json:"IO Policy"`
				AccessPolicy                        string `json:"Access Policy"`
				DiskCachePolicy                     string `json:"Disk Cache Policy"`
				Reconstruction                      string `json:"Reconstruction"`
				DenyLocate                          string `json:"Deny Locate"`
				DenyCC                              string `json:"Deny CC"`
				AllowCtrlEncryption                 string `json:"Allow Ctrl Encryption"`
				EnableLDBBM                         string `json:"Enable LDBBM"`
				SupportFastPath                     string `json:"Support FastPath"`
				PerformanceMetrics                  string `json:"Performance Metrics"`
				PowerSavings                        string `json:"Power Savings"`
				SupportPowersaveMaxWithCache        string `json:"Support Powersave Max With Cache"`
				SupportBreakmirror                  string `json:"Support Breakmirror"`
				SupportSSCWriteBack                 string `json:"Support SSC WriteBack"`
				SupportSSCAssociation               string `json:"Support SSC Association"`
				SupportVDHide                       string `json:"Support VD Hide"`
				SupportVDCachebypass                string `json:"Support VD Cachebypass"`
				SupportVDDiscardCacheDuringLDDelete string `json:"Support VD discardCacheDuringLDDelete"`
				SupportVDScsiUnmap                  string `json:"Support VD Scsi Unmap"`
			} `json:"Supported VD Operations"`
			SupportedPDOperations struct {
				ForceOnline             string `json:"Force Online"`
				ForceOffline            string `json:"Force Offline"`
				ForceRebuild            string `json:"Force Rebuild"`
				DenyForceFailed         string `json:"Deny Force Failed"`
				DenyForceGoodBad        string `json:"Deny Force Good/Bad"`
				DenyMissingReplace      string `json:"Deny Missing Replace"`
				DenyClear               string `json:"Deny Clear"`
				DenyLocate              string `json:"Deny Locate"`
				SupportPowerState       string `json:"Support Power State"`
				SetPowerStateForCfg     string `json:"Set Power State For Cfg"`
				SupportT10PowerState    string `json:"Support T10 Power State"`
				SupportTemperature      string `json:"Support Temperature"`
				NCQ                     string `json:"NCQ"`
				SupportMaxRateSATA      string `json:"Support Max Rate SATA"`
				SupportDegradedMedia    string `json:"Support Degraded Media"`
				SupportParallelFWUpdate string `json:"Support Parallel FW Update"`
				SupportDriveCryptoErase string `json:"Support Drive Crypto Erase"`
				SupportSSDWearGauge     string `json:"Support SSD Wear Gauge"`
				SupportSanitize         string `json:"Support Sanitize"`
				SupportExtendedSanitize string `json:"Support Extended Sanitize"`
			} `json:"Supported PD Operations"`
			Version struct {
				FirmwarePackageBuild string `json:"Firmware Package Build"`
				FirmwareVersion      string `json:"Firmware Version"`
				BiosVersion          string `json:"Bios Version"`
				CtrlRVersion         string `json:"Ctrl-R Version"`
				NVDATAVersion        string `json:"NVDATA Version"`
				BootBlockVersion     string `json:"Boot Block Version"`
				DriverName           string `json:"Driver Name"`
				DriverVersion        string `json:"Driver Version"`
			} `json:"Version"`
			HighAvailability struct {
				TopologyType     string `json:"Topology Type"`
				ClusterPermitted string `json:"Cluster Permitted"`
				ClusterActive    string `json:"Cluster Active"`
			} `json:"High Availability"`
			PendingImagesInFlash struct {
				ImageName string `json:"Image name"`
			} `json:"Pending Images in Flash"`
			ScheduledTasks             string `json:"Scheduled Tasks"`
			SecurityProtocolProperties struct {
				SecurityProtocol string `json:"Security Protocol"`
			} `json:"Security Protocol properties"`
			Basics struct {
				Model                     string `json:"Model"`
				SerialNumber              string `json:"Serial Number"`
				CurrentControllerDateTime string `json:"Current Controller Date/Time"`
				CurrentSystemDateTime     string `json:"Current System Date/time"`
				SASAddress                string `json:"SAS Address"`
				PCIAddress                string `json:"PCI Address"`
				MfgDate                   string `json:"Mfg Date"`
				ReworkDate                string `json:"Rework Date"`
				RevisionNo                string `json:"Revision No"`
				Controller                int    `json:"Controller"`
			} `json:"Basics"`
			JBODLIST []struct {
				EIDSlt string `json:"EID:Slt"`
				State  string `json:"State"`
				DG     string `json:"DG"`
				Size   string `json:"Size"`
				Intf   string `json:"Intf"`
				Med    string `json:"Med"`
				SED    string `json:"SED"`
				PI     string `json:"PI"`
				SeSz   string `json:"SeSz"`
				Model  string `json:"Model"`
				Sp     string `json:"Sp"`
				Type   string `json:"Type"`
				DID    int    `json:"DID"`
			} `json:"JBOD LIST"`
			PDLIST []struct {
				EIDSlt string `json:"EID:Slt"`
				State  string `json:"State"`
				DG     string `json:"DG"`
				Size   string `json:"Size"`
				Intf   string `json:"Intf"`
				Med    string `json:"Med"`
				SED    string `json:"SED"`
				PI     string `json:"PI"`
				SeSz   string `json:"SeSz"`
				Model  string `json:"Model"`
				Sp     string `json:"Sp"`
				Type   string `json:"Type"`
				DID    int    `json:"DID"`
			} `json:"PD LIST"`
			EnclosureLIST []struct {
				State          string `json:"State"`
				Port           string `json:"Port#"`
				ProdID         string `json:"ProdID"`
				VendorSpecific string `json:"VendorSpecific"`
				EID            int    `json:"EID"`
				Slots          int    `json:"Slots"`
				PD             int    `json:"PD"`
				PS             int    `json:"PS"`
				Fans           int    `json:"Fans"`
				TSs            int    `json:"TSs"`
				Alms           int    `json:"Alms"`
				SIM            int    `json:"SIM"`
			} `json:"Enclosure LIST"`
			BBUInfo []struct {
				Model         string `json:"Model"`
				State         string `json:"State"`
				RetentionTime string `json:"RetentionTime"`
				Temp          string `json:"Temp"`
				Mode          string `json:"Mode"`
				MfgDate       string `json:"MfgDate"`
			} `json:"BBU_Info"`
			Policies struct {
				FlushTimeDefault             string `json:"Flush Time(Default)"`
				DriveCoercionMode            string `json:"Drive Coercion Mode"`
				AutoRebuild                  string `json:"Auto Rebuild"`
				BatteryWarning               string `json:"Battery Warning"`
				RestoreHotSpareOnInsertion   string `json:"Restore Hot Spare on Insertion"`
				ExposeEnclosureDevices       string `json:"Expose Enclosure Devices"`
				MaintainPDFailHistory        string `json:"Maintain PD Fail History"`
				ReorderHostRequests          string `json:"Reorder Host Requests"`
				AutoDetectBackPlane          string `json:"Auto detect BackPlane"`
				LoadBalanceMode              string `json:"Load Balance Mode"`
				SecurityKeyAssigned          string `json:"Security Key Assigned"`
				DisableOnlineControllerReset string `json:"Disable Online Controller Reset"`
				UseDriveActivityForLocate    string `json:"Use drive activity for locate"`
				PoliciesTable                []struct {
					Policy  string `json:"Policy"`
					Current string `json:"Current"`
					Default string `json:"Default"`
				} `json:"Policies Table"`
				ECCBucketSize        int `json:"ECC Bucket Size"`
				ECCBucketLeakRateHrs int `json:"ECC Bucket Leak Rate (hrs)"`
			} `json:"Policies"`
			Defaults struct {
				StripSize                     string `json:"Strip Size"`
				WritePolicy                   string `json:"Write Policy"`
				ReadPolicy                    string `json:"Read Policy"`
				CacheWhenBBUBad               string `json:"Cache When BBU Bad"`
				CachedIO                      string `json:"Cached IO"`
				VDPowerSavePolicy             string `json:"VD PowerSave Policy"`
				CoercionMode                  string `json:"Coercion Mode"`
				ZCRConfig                     string `json:"ZCR Config"`
				DirectPDMapping               string `json:"Direct PD Mapping"`
				RestoreHotSpareOnInsertion    string `json:"Restore Hot Spare on Insertion"`
				ExposeEnclosureDevices        string `json:"Expose Enclosure Devices"`
				MaintainPDFailHistory         string `json:"Maintain PD Fail History"`
				ZeroBasedEnclosureEnumeration string `json:"Zero Based Enclosure Enumeration"`
				DisablePuncturing             string `json:"Disable Puncturing"`
				EnableLDBBM                   string `json:"EnableLDBBM"`
				DisableHII                    string `json:"DisableHII"`
				UnCertifiedHardDiskDrives     string `json:"Un-Certified Hard Disk Drives"`
				SMARTMode                     string `json:"SMART Mode"`
				EnableLEDHeader               string `json:"Enable LED Header"`
				LEDShowDriveActivity          string `json:"LED Show Drive Activity"`
				DirtyLEDShowsDriveActivity    string `json:"Dirty LED Shows Drive Activity"`
				EnableCrashDump               string `json:"EnableCrashDump"`
				DisableOnlineControllerReset  string `json:"Disable Online Controller Reset"`
				TreatSingleSpanR1EAsR10       string `json:"Treat Single span R1E as R10"`
				PowerSavingOption             string `json:"Power Saving option"`
				TTYLogInFlash                 string `json:"TTY Log In Flash"`
				AutoEnhancedImport            string `json:"Auto Enhanced Import"`
				BreakMirrorRAIDSupport        string `json:"BreakMirror RAID Support"`
				DisableJoinMirror             string `json:"Disable Join Mirror"`
				EnableShieldState             string `json:"Enable Shield State"`
				TimeTakenToDetectCME          string `json:"Time taken to detect CME"`
				PhyPolarity                   int    `json:"Phy Polarity"`
				PhyPolaritySplit              int    `json:"Phy PolaritySplit"`
				DefaultSpinDownTimeMins       int    `json:"Default spin down time (mins)"`
				MaxChainedEnclosures          int    `json:"Max Chained Enclosures"`
			} `json:"Defaults"`
			Status struct {
				ControllerStatus                                    string `json:"Controller Status"`
				AnyOfflineVDCachePreserved                          string `json:"Any Offline VD Cache Preserved"`
				PDFirmwareDownloadInProgress                        string `json:"PD Firmware Download in progress"`
				SupportPDFirmwareDownload                           string `json:"Support PD Firmware Download"`
				LockKeyAssigned                                     string `json:"Lock Key Assigned"`
				FailedToGetLockKeyOnBootup                          string `json:"Failed to get lock key on bootup"`
				LockKeyHasNotBeenBackedUp                           string `json:"Lock key has not been backed up"`
				BiosWasNotDetectedDuringBoot                        string `json:"Bios was not detected during boot"`
				ControllerMustBeRebootedToCompleteSecurityOperation string `json:"Controller must be rebooted to complete security operation"`
				ARollbackOperationIsInProgress                      string `json:"A rollback operation is in progress"`
				AtLeastOnePFKExistsInNVRAM                          string `json:"At least one PFK exists in NVRAM"`
				SSCPolicyIsWB                                       string `json:"SSC Policy is WB"`
				ControllerHasBootedIntoSafeMode                     string `json:"Controller has booted into safe mode"`
				ControllerShutdownRequired                          string `json:"Controller shutdown required"`
				ControllerHasBootedIntoCertificateProvisionMode     string `json:"Controller has booted into certificate provision mode"`
				CurrentPersonality                                  string `json:"Current Personality"`
				MemoryCorrectableErrors                             int    `json:"Memory Correctable Errors"`
				MemoryUncorrectableErrors                           int    `json:"Memory Uncorrectable Errors"`
				ECCBucketCount                                      int    `json:"ECC Bucket Count"`
				BBUStatus                                           int    `json:"BBU Status"`
			} `json:"Status"`
			Boot struct {
				StopBIOSOnError                                   string `json:"Stop BIOS on Error"`
				SpinDownMode                                      string `json:"Spin Down Mode"`
				EnableCtrlR                                       string `json:"Enable Ctrl-R"`
				EnableWebBIOS                                     string `json:"Enable Web BIOS"`
				EnablePreBootCLI                                  string `json:"Enable PreBoot CLI"`
				EnableBIOS                                        string `json:"Enable BIOS"`
				AllowBootWithPreservedCache                       string `json:"Allow Boot with Preserved Cache"`
				BIOSEnumerateVDs                                  int    `json:"BIOS Enumerate VDs"`
				DelayDuringPOST                                   int    `json:"Delay during POST"`
				MaxDrivesToSpinupAtOneTime                        int    `json:"Max Drives to Spinup at One Time"`
				MaximumNumberOfDirectAttachedDrivesToSpinUpIn1Min int    `json:"Maximum number of direct attached drives to spin up in 1 min"`
				DelayAmongSpinupGroupsSec                         int    `json:"Delay Among Spinup Groups (sec)"`
			} `json:"Boot"`
			HwCfg struct {
				ChipRevision                   string `json:"ChipRevision"`
				BatteryFRU                     string `json:"BatteryFRU"`
				BBU                            string `json:"BBU"`
				Alarm                          string `json:"Alarm"`
				SerialDebugger                 string `json:"Serial Debugger"`
				NVRAMSize                      string `json:"NVRAM Size"`
				FlashSize                      string `json:"Flash Size"`
				OnBoardMemorySize              string `json:"On Board Memory Size"`
				CacheVaultFlashSize            string `json:"CacheVault Flash Size"`
				TPM                            string `json:"TPM"`
				UpgradeKey                     string `json:"Upgrade Key"`
				OnBoardExpander                string `json:"On Board Expander"`
				TemperatureSensorForROC        string `json:"Temperature Sensor for ROC"`
				TemperatureSensorForController string `json:"Temperature Sensor for Controller"`
				UpgradableCPLD                 string `json:"Upgradable CPLD"`
				UpgradablePSOC                 string `json:"Upgradable PSOC"`
				FrontEndPortCount              int    `json:"Front End Port Count"`
				BackendPortCount               int    `json:"Backend Port Count"`
				CurrentSizeOfCacheCadeGB       int    `json:"Current Size of CacheCade (GB)"`
				CurrentSizeOfFWCacheMB         int    `json:"Current Size of FW Cache (MB)"`
				ROCTemperatureDegreeCelsius    int    `json:"ROC temperature(Degree Celsius)"`
				CtrlTemperatureDegreeCelsius   int    `json:"Ctrl temperature(Degree Celsius)"`
			} `json:"HwCfg"`
			Bus struct {
				HostInterface   string `json:"Host Interface"`
				DeviceInterface string `json:"Device Interface"`
				VendorID        int    `json:"Vendor Id"`
				DeviceID        int    `json:"Device Id"`
				SubVendorID     int    `json:"SubVendor Id"`
				SubDeviceID     int    `json:"SubDevice Id"`
				BusNumber       int    `json:"Bus Number"`
				DeviceNumber    int    `json:"Device Number"`
				FunctionNumber  int    `json:"Function Number"`
				DomainID        int    `json:"Domain ID"`
			} `json:"Bus"`
			Capabilities struct {
				SupportedDrives                        string `json:"Supported Drives"`
				RAIDLevelSupported                     string `json:"RAID Level Supported"`
				EnableSystemPD                         string `json:"Enable SystemPD"`
				MixInEnclosure                         string `json:"Mix in Enclosure"`
				MixOfSASSATAOfHDDTypeInVD              string `json:"Mix of SAS/SATA of HDD type in VD"`
				MixOfSASSATAOfSSDTypeInVD              string `json:"Mix of SAS/SATA of SSD type in VD"`
				MixOfSSDHDDInVD                        string `json:"Mix of SSD/HDD in VD"`
				SASDisable                             string `json:"SAS Disable"`
				MaxDataTransferSize                    string `json:"Max Data Transfer Size"`
				EnableSnapdump                         string `json:"Enable Snapdump"`
				EnableSCSIUnmap                        string `json:"Enable SCSI Unmap"`
				ReadCacheBypassEnabledForParityRAIDLDs string `json:"Read cache bypass enabled for Parity RAID LDs"`
				FDEDriveMixSupport                     string `json:"FDE Drive Mix Support"`
				MinStripSize                           string `json:"Min Strip Size"`
				MaxStripSize                           string `json:"Max Strip Size"`
				MaxArmsPerVD                           int    `json:"Max Arms Per VD"`
				MaxSpansPerVD                          int    `json:"Max Spans Per VD"`
				MaxArrays                              int    `json:"Max Arrays"`
				MaxVDPerArray                          int    `json:"Max VD per array"`
				MaxNumberOfVDs                         int    `json:"Max Number of VDs"`
				MaxParallelCommands                    int    `json:"Max Parallel Commands"`
				MaxSGECount                            int    `json:"Max SGE Count"`
				MaxStripsPerIO                         int    `json:"Max Strips PerIO"`
				MaxConfigurableCacheCadeSizeGB         int    `json:"Max Configurable CacheCade Size(GB)"`
				MaxTransportableDGs                    int    `json:"Max Transportable DGs"`
			} `json:"Capabilities"`
			JBODDrives     int `json:"JBOD Drives"`
			PhysicalDrives int `json:"Physical Drives"`
			Enclosures     int `json:"Enclosures"`
		} `json:"Response Data"`
	} `json:"Controllers"`

func StorCLIQueryControllers

func StorCLIQueryControllers(storcli_path string) (StorCLIControllers, error)

func StorCLIQueryControllersJsonParse

func StorCLIQueryControllersJsonParse(json_input []byte) (StorCLIControllers, error)

type StorCLIDriveDetailedInfo

type StorCLIDriveDetailedInfo struct {
	Attributes       StorCLIDriveDetailedInfoAttributes
	InquiryData      string `json:"Inquiry Data"`
	PoliciesSettings StorCLIDriveDetailedInfoPoliciesSettings
	State            StorCLIDriveDetailedInfoState

func StorCLIQueryDrivesHandleDetailed

func StorCLIQueryDrivesHandleDetailed(json_input map[string]interface{}) (StorCLIDriveDetailedInfo, error)

type StorCLIDriveDetailedInfoAttributes

type StorCLIDriveDetailedInfoAttributes struct {
	SN                 string `json:"SN"`
	ManufacturerID     string `json:"Manufacturer Id"`
	ModelNumber        string `json:"Model Number"`
	NANDVendor         string `json:"NAND Vendor"`
	WWN                string `json:"WWN"`
	FirmwareRevision   string `json:"Firmware Revision"`
	RawSize            string `json:"Raw size"`
	CoercedSize        string `json:"Coerced size"`
	NonCoercedSize     string `json:"Non Coerced size"`
	DeviceSpeed        string `json:"Device Speed"`
	LinkSpeed          string `json:"Link Speed"`
	NCQSetting         string `json:"NCQ setting"`
	WriteCache         string `json:"Write Cache"`
	LogicalSectorSize  string `json:"Logical Sector Size"`
	PhysicalSectorSize string `json:"Physical Sector Size"`
	ConnectorName      string `json:"Connector Name"`

type StorCLIDriveDetailedInfoPoliciesSettings

type StorCLIDriveDetailedInfoPoliciesSettings struct {
	EnclosurePosition                        string                                                    `json:"Enclosure position"`
	ConnectedPortNumber                      string                                                    `json:"Connected Port Number"`
	CommissionedSpare                        string                                                    `json:"Commissioned Spare"`
	EmergencySpare                           string                                                    `json:"Emergency Spare"`
	SuccessfulDiagnosticsCompletionOn        string                                                    `json:"Successful diagnostics completion on"`
	FDEType                                  string                                                    `json:"FDE Type"`
	SEDCapable                               string                                                    `json:"SED Capable"`
	SEDEnabled                               string                                                    `json:"SED Enabled"`
	Secured                                  string                                                    `json:"Secured"`
	CryptographicEraseCapable                string                                                    `json:"Cryptographic Erase Capable"`
	SanitizeSupport                          string                                                    `json:"Sanitize Support"`
	Locked                                   string                                                    `json:"Locked"`
	NeedsEKMAttention                        string                                                    `json:"Needs EKM Attention"`
	PIEligible                               string                                                    `json:"PI Eligible"`
	DriveIsFormattedForPI                    string                                                    `json:"Drive is formatted for PI"`
	PIType                                   string                                                    `json:"PI type"`
	NumberOfBytesOfUserDataInLBA             string                                                    `json:"Number of bytes of user data in LBA"`
	Certified                                string                                                    `json:"Certified"`
	WidePortCapable                          string                                                    `json:"Wide Port Capable"`
	Multipath                                string                                                    `json:"Multipath"`
	PortInformation                          []StorCLIDriveDetailedInfoPoliciesSettingsPortInformation `json:"Port Information"`
	SequenceNumber                           int                                                       `json:"Sequence Number"`
	LastPredictiveFailureEventSequenceNumber string                                                    `json:"Last Predictive Failure Event Sequence Number"`

type StorCLIDriveDetailedInfoPoliciesSettingsPortInformation

type StorCLIDriveDetailedInfoPoliciesSettingsPortInformation struct {
	Status     string `json:"Status"`
	Linkspeed  string `json:"Linkspeed"`
	SASAddress string `json:"SAS address"`
	Port       int    `json:"Port"`

type StorCLIDriveDetailedInfoState

type StorCLIDriveDetailedInfoState struct {
	DriveTemperature         string `json:"Drive Temperature"`
	SMARTAlertFlaggedByDrive string `json:"S.M.A.R.T alert flagged by drive"`
	ShieldCounter            string `json:"Shield Counter"`
	MediaErrorCount          string `json:"Media Error Count"`
	OtherErrorCount          string `json:"Other Error Count"`
	PredictiveFailureCount   string `json:"Predictive Failure Count"`

type StorCLIDriveInfo

type StorCLIDriveInfo struct {
	EIDSlt string `json:"EID:Slt"`
	State  string `json:"State"`
	DG     string `json:"DG"`
	Size   string `json:"Size"`
	Intf   string `json:"Intf"`
	Med    string `json:"Med"`
	SED    string `json:"SED"`
	PI     string `json:"PI"`
	SeSz   string `json:"SeSz"`
	Model  string `json:"Model"`
	Sp     string `json:"Sp"`
	Type   string `json:"Type"`
	DID    int    `json:"DID"`

type StorCLIDriveInformation

type StorCLIDriveInformation struct {
	DiskInfo       []StorCLIDriveInfo
	AdditionalInfo StorCLIDriveDetailedInfo

type StorCLIDrives

type StorCLIDrives struct {
	Controllers []StorCLIDrivesController `json:"Controllers"`

func StorCLIQueryDrives

func StorCLIQueryDrives(storcli_path string, controller string, enclosure string) (StorCLIDrives, error)

func StorCLIQueryDrivesJsonParse

func StorCLIQueryDrivesJsonParse(json_input []byte) (StorCLIDrives, error)

type StorCLIDrivesController

type StorCLIDrivesController struct {
	ResponseData struct {
		DiskInfos map[string]StorCLIDriveInformation
	} `json:"Response Data"`
	CommandStatus CommandStatus `json:"Command Status"`

type StorCLIDrivesControllerImport

type StorCLIDrivesControllerImport struct {
	ResponseData  map[string]interface{} `json:"Response Data"`
	CommandStatus CommandStatus          `json:"Command Status"`

type StorCLIDrivesImport

type StorCLIDrivesImport struct {
	Controllers []StorCLIDrivesControllerImport `json:"Controllers"`

type StorCLIEnclosure

type StorCLIEnclosure struct {
	Information    StorCLIEnclosureInformation      `json:"Information"`
	InquiryData    StorCLIEnclosureInquiryData      `json:"Inquiry Data"`
	EnclSasAddress []StorCLIEnclosureEnclSasAddress `json:"EnclSasAddress"`
	Properties     []StorCLIEnclosureProperties     `json:"Properties"`

type StorCLIEnclosureEnclSasAddress

type StorCLIEnclosureEnclSasAddress struct {
	SASAddress string `json:"SAS address"`
	Index      int    `json:"Index"`

type StorCLIEnclosureInformation

type StorCLIEnclosureInformation struct {
	Position              string `json:"Position"`
	ConnectorName         string `json:"Connector Name"`
	EnclosureType         string `json:"Enclosure Type"`
	Status                string `json:"Status"`
	FRUPartNumber         string `json:"FRU Part Number"`
	EnclosureSerialNumber string `json:"Enclosure Serial Number"`
	EnclosureZoningMode   string `json:"Enclosure Zoning Mode"`
	PartnerDeviceID       string `json:"Partner Device ID"`
	DeviceType            string `json:"Device Type"`
	EnclLogicalID         string `json:"EnclLogicalID"`
	DeviceID              int    `json:"Device ID"`

type StorCLIEnclosureInquiryData

type StorCLIEnclosureInquiryData struct {
	VendorIdentification  string `json:"Vendor Identification"`
	ProductIdentification string `json:"Product Identification"`
	ProductRevisionLevel  string `json:"Product Revision Level"`

type StorCLIEnclosureProperties

type StorCLIEnclosureProperties struct {
	State          string `json:"State"`
	Port           string `json:"Port#"`
	ProdID         string `json:"ProdID"`
	VendorSpecific string `json:"VendorSpecific"`
	EID            int    `json:"EID"`
	Slots          int    `json:"Slots"`
	PD             int    `json:"PD"`
	PS             int    `json:"PS"`
	Fans           int    `json:"Fans"`
	TSs            int    `json:"TSs"`
	Alms           int    `json:"Alms"`
	SIM            int    `json:"SIM"`

type StorCLIEnclosures

type StorCLIEnclosures struct {
	Controllers []StorCLIEnclosuresController `json:"Controllers"`

func StorCLIQueryEnclosures

func StorCLIQueryEnclosures(storcli_path string, controller string) (StorCLIEnclosures, error)

func StorCLIQueryEnclosuresJsonParse

func StorCLIQueryEnclosuresJsonParse(json_input []byte) (StorCLIEnclosures, error)

type StorCLIEnclosuresController

type StorCLIEnclosuresController struct {
	CommandStatus CommandStatus `json:"Command Status"`
	ResponseData  struct {
		Enclosures map[string]StorCLIEnclosure
	} `json:"Response Data"`

type StorCLIEnclosuresControllerImport

type StorCLIEnclosuresControllerImport struct {
	CommandStatus CommandStatus          `json:"Command Status"`
	ResponseData  map[string]interface{} `json:"Response Data"`

type StorCLIEnclosuresImport

type StorCLIEnclosuresImport struct {
	Controllers []StorCLIEnclosuresControllerImport `json:"Controllers"`

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