Overview ¶
Package xyz provides a 3D scenegraph for the Cogent Core GUI framework.
The scenegraph is rooted at a xyz.Scene node which is like core.Viewport2D, where the scene is rendered, similar to the svg.SVG node for SVG drawings.
Children of the Scene are Node nodes, with Group and Solid as the main subtypes. NodeBase is the base implementation, which has a Pose for the full matrix transform of relative position, scale, rotation, and bounding boxes at multiple levels.
* Group is a container -- most discrete objects should be organized into a Group, with Groups of Solids underneath. For maximum efficiency it is important to organize large scenegraphs into hierarchical groups by location, so that regions can be pruned for rendering. The Pose on the Group is inherited by everything under it, so things can be transformed at different levels as well.
* Solid has a Material to define the color / texture of the solid, and the name of a Mesh that defines the shape.
Objects that have uniform Material color properties on all surfaces can be a single Solid, but if you need e.g., different textures for each side of a box then that must be represented as a Group of Solids using Plane Mesh's, each of which can then bind to a different Texture via their Material settings.
Node bounding boxes are in both local and World reference frames, and are used for visibility and event selection.
All Meshes are stored directly on the Scene, and must have unique names, as they are referenced from Solids by name. The Mesh contains all the verticies, etc that define a shape, and are the major memory-consuming elements of the scene (along with textures). Thus, the Solid is very lightweight and just points to the Mesh, so Meshes can be reused across multiple Solids for efficiency.
Meshes are only indexed triangles, and there are standard shapes such as Box, Sphere, Cylinder, Capsule, and Line (rendered as a thin Box with end points specified).
Textures are also stored by unique names on the Scene, and the Material can optionally refer to a texture -- likewise allowing efficient re-use across different Solids.
The Scene also contains a Library of uniquely-named "objects" (Groups) which can be loaded from 3D object files, and then added into the scenegraph as needed. Thus, a typical, efficient workflow is to initialize a Library of such objects, and then configure the specific scene from these objects. The library objects are Cloned into the scenegraph -- because the Group and Solid nodes are lightweight, this is all very efficient.
The Scene also holds the Camera and Lights for rendering -- there is no point in putting these out in the scenegraph -- if you want to add a Solid representing one of these elements, you can easily do so.
The Scene is fully in charge of the rendering process by iterating over the scene elements and culling out-of-view elements, ordering opaque then transparent elements, etc.
There are standard Render types that manage the relevant GPU programs / Pipelines to do the actual rendering, depending on Material and Mesh properties (e.g., uniform vs per-vertex color vs. texture).
Any change to the Mesh after first initialization (Config) must be activated by calling Scene.InitMesh(nm) or Scene.InitMeshes() to redo all. The Update method on the Scene does Config and re-renders.
Mouse events are handled by the standard Cogent Core Window event dispatching methods, based on bounding boxes which are always updated -- this greatly simplifies gui interactions. There is default support for selection and Pose manipulation handling -- see manip.go code and NodeBase's ConnectEvents3D which responds to mouse clicks.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AsNode(n tree.Node) (Node, *NodeBase)
- func SetLineStartEnd(ln *Solid, st, ed math32.Vector3)
- func UpdateWorldMatrix(n tree.Node)
- type AmbientLight
- type BBox
- type Box
- func (bx *Box) Set(sc *Scene, vtxAry, normAry, texAry, clrAry math32.ArrayF32, ...)
- func (t *Box) SetColor(v bool) *Box
- func (t *Box) SetDynamic(v bool) *Box
- func (t *Box) SetSegs(v math32.Vector3i) *Box
- func (t *Box) SetSize(v math32.Vector3) *Box
- func (t *Box) SetTrans(v bool) *Box
- func (bx *Box) Sizes() (nVtx, nIndex int, hasColor bool)
- type Camera
- func (cm *Camera) DefaultPose()
- func (cm *Camera) Defaults()
- func (cm *Camera) DistTo(pt math32.Vector3) float32
- func (cm *Camera) GenGoSet(path string) string
- func (cm *Camera) LookAt(target, upDir math32.Vector3)
- func (cm *Camera) LookAtOrigin()
- func (cm *Camera) LookAtTarget()
- func (cm *Camera) Orbit(delX, delY float32)
- func (cm *Camera) Pan(delX, delY float32)
- func (cm *Camera) PanAxis(delX, delY float32)
- func (cm *Camera) PanTarget(delX, delY, delZ float32)
- func (cm *Camera) TargetFromView()
- func (cm *Camera) UpdateMatrix()
- func (cm *Camera) ViewMainAxis() (dim math32.Dims, sign float32)
- func (cm *Camera) ViewVector() math32.Vector3
- func (cm *Camera) Zoom(zoomPct float32)
- func (cm *Camera) ZoomTo(pt, size image.Point, zoomPct float32)
- type Capsule
- func (cp *Capsule) Defaults()
- func (cp *Capsule) Set(sc *Scene, vtxAry, normAry, texAry, clrAry math32.ArrayF32, ...)
- func (t *Capsule) SetAngLen(v float32) *Capsule
- func (t *Capsule) SetAngStart(v float32) *Capsule
- func (t *Capsule) SetBotRad(v float32) *Capsule
- func (t *Capsule) SetCapSegs(v int) *Capsule
- func (t *Capsule) SetColor(v bool) *Capsule
- func (t *Capsule) SetDynamic(v bool) *Capsule
- func (t *Capsule) SetHeight(v float32) *Capsule
- func (t *Capsule) SetHeightSegs(v int) *Capsule
- func (t *Capsule) SetRadialSegs(v int) *Capsule
- func (t *Capsule) SetTopRad(v float32) *Capsule
- func (t *Capsule) SetTrans(v bool) *Capsule
- func (cp *Capsule) Sizes() (nVtx, nIndex int, hasColor bool)
- type Cylinder
- func NewCone(sc *Scene, name string, height, radius float32, radialSegs, heightSegs int, ...) *Cylinder
- func NewCylinder(sc *Scene, name string, height, radius float32, radialSegs, heightSegs int, ...) *Cylinder
- func NewCylinderSector(sc *Scene, name string, height, topRad, botRad float32, ...) *Cylinder
- func UnitConeMesh(sc *Scene, segs int) *Cylinder
- func (cy *Cylinder) Defaults()
- func (cy *Cylinder) Set(sc *Scene, vtxAry, normAry, texAry, clrAry math32.ArrayF32, ...)
- func (t *Cylinder) SetAngLen(v float32) *Cylinder
- func (t *Cylinder) SetAngStart(v float32) *Cylinder
- func (t *Cylinder) SetBotRad(v float32) *Cylinder
- func (t *Cylinder) SetBottom(v bool) *Cylinder
- func (t *Cylinder) SetColor(v bool) *Cylinder
- func (t *Cylinder) SetDynamic(v bool) *Cylinder
- func (t *Cylinder) SetHeight(v float32) *Cylinder
- func (t *Cylinder) SetHeightSegs(v int) *Cylinder
- func (t *Cylinder) SetRadialSegs(v int) *Cylinder
- func (t *Cylinder) SetTop(v bool) *Cylinder
- func (t *Cylinder) SetTopRad(v float32) *Cylinder
- func (t *Cylinder) SetTrans(v bool) *Cylinder
- func (cy *Cylinder) Sizes() (nVtx, nIndex int, hasColor bool)
- type Decoder
- type DirLight
- type GenMesh
- type Group
- func (gp *Group) Defaults()
- func (t *Group) New() tree.Node
- func (t *Group) NodeType() *types.Type
- func (gp *Group) RaySolidIntersections(ray math32.Ray) []*SolidPoint
- func (gp *Group) RenderClass() RenderClasses
- func (gp *Group) SetAxisRotation(x, y, z, angle float32) *Group
- func (gp *Group) SetEulerRotation(x, y, z float32) *Group
- func (gp *Group) SetPos(x, y, z float32) *Group
- func (gp *Group) SetScale(x, y, z float32) *Group
- func (gp *Group) UpdateMeshBBox()
- type Light
- type LightBase
- type LightColors
- func (i LightColors) Desc() string
- func (i LightColors) Int64() int64
- func (i LightColors) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)
- func (i *LightColors) SetInt64(in int64)
- func (i *LightColors) SetString(s string) error
- func (i LightColors) String() string
- func (i *LightColors) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
- func (i LightColors) Values() []enums.Enum
- type Lines
- type Material
- func (mt *Material) Defaults()
- func (mt *Material) Disconnect()
- func (mt *Material) IsTransparent() bool
- func (mt *Material) NoTexture()
- func (mt *Material) Render(sc *Scene)
- func (t *Material) SetBright(v float32) *Material
- func (t *Material) SetColor(v color.RGBA) *Material
- func (t *Material) SetCullBack(v bool) *Material
- func (t *Material) SetCullFront(v bool) *Material
- func (t *Material) SetEmissive(v color.RGBA) *Material
- func (t *Material) SetReflective(v float32) *Material
- func (t *Material) SetShiny(v float32) *Material
- func (mt *Material) SetTexture(tex Texture) *Material
- func (mt *Material) SetTextureName(sc *Scene, texName string) error
- func (t *Material) SetTiling(v Tiling) *Material
- func (mt *Material) ShowShow(field string) bool
- func (mt Material) String() string
- func (mt *Material) Validate(sc *Scene) error
- type Mesh
- type MeshBase
- func (ms *MeshBase) AsMeshBase() *MeshBase
- func (ms *MeshBase) ComputeNorms(pos, norm math32.ArrayF32)
- func (ms *MeshBase) HasColor() bool
- func (ms *MeshBase) IsTransparent() bool
- func (ms *MeshBase) Name() string
- func (t *MeshBase) SetColor(v bool) *MeshBase
- func (t *MeshBase) SetDynamic(v bool) *MeshBase
- func (ms *MeshBase) SetMod(sc *Scene)
- func (ms *MeshBase) SetName(nm string)
- func (t *MeshBase) SetTrans(v bool) *MeshBase
- func (ms *MeshBase) Sizes() (nVtx, nIndex int, hasColor bool)
- func (ms *MeshBase) Update(sc *Scene, vtxAry, normAry, texAry, clrAry math32.ArrayF32, ...)
- type MeshName
- type Node
- type NodeBase
- func (nb *NodeBase) AsNode() *NodeBase
- func (nb *NodeBase) AsSolid() *Solid
- func (nb *NodeBase) BaseIface() reflect.Type
- func (nb *NodeBase) Config()
- func (nb *NodeBase) IsSolid() bool
- func (nb *NodeBase) IsTransparent() bool
- func (nb *NodeBase) IsVisible() bool
- func (t *NodeBase) New() tree.Node
- func (t *NodeBase) NodeType() *types.Type
- func (nb *NodeBase) NormDCBBox() math32.Box3
- func (nb *NodeBase) OnAdd()
- func (nb *NodeBase) RayPick(pos image.Point) math32.Ray
- func (nb *NodeBase) Render()
- func (nb *NodeBase) SetPosePos(pos math32.Vector3)
- func (nb *NodeBase) SetPoseQuat(quat math32.Quat)
- func (nb *NodeBase) SetPoseScale(scale math32.Vector3)
- func (nb *NodeBase) TrackCamera()
- func (nb *NodeBase) TrackLight(lightName string) error
- func (nb *NodeBase) UpdateBBox2D(size math32.Vector2)
- func (nb *NodeBase) UpdateMVPMatrix(viewMat, prjnMat *math32.Matrix4)
- func (nb *NodeBase) UpdateNode()
- func (nb *NodeBase) UpdateWorldMatrix(parWorld *math32.Matrix4)
- func (nb *NodeBase) Validate() error
- func (nb *NodeBase) WorldMatrix() *math32.Matrix4
- type NodeFlags
- func (i NodeFlags) BitIndexString() string
- func (i NodeFlags) Desc() string
- func (i NodeFlags) HasFlag(f enums.BitFlag) bool
- func (i NodeFlags) Int64() int64
- func (i NodeFlags) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)
- func (i *NodeFlags) SetFlag(on bool, f ...enums.BitFlag)
- func (i *NodeFlags) SetInt64(in int64)
- func (i *NodeFlags) SetString(s string) error
- func (i *NodeFlags) SetStringOr(s string) error
- func (i NodeFlags) String() string
- func (i *NodeFlags) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
- func (i NodeFlags) Values() []enums.Enum
- type Plane
- func (pl *Plane) Set(sc *Scene, vtxAry, normAry, texAry, clrAry math32.ArrayF32, ...)
- func (t *Plane) SetColor(v bool) *Plane
- func (t *Plane) SetDynamic(v bool) *Plane
- func (t *Plane) SetNormAxis(v math32.Dims) *Plane
- func (t *Plane) SetNormNeg(v bool) *Plane
- func (t *Plane) SetOffset(v float32) *Plane
- func (t *Plane) SetSegs(v math32.Vector2i) *Plane
- func (t *Plane) SetSize(v math32.Vector2) *Plane
- func (t *Plane) SetTrans(v bool) *Plane
- func (pl *Plane) Sizes() (nVtx, nIndex int, hasColor bool)
- type PointLight
- type Pose
- func (ps *Pose) CopyFrom(op *Pose)
- func (ps *Pose) Defaults()
- func (ps *Pose) EulerRotation() math32.Vector3
- func (ps *Pose) EulerRotationRad() math32.Vector3
- func (ps *Pose) GenGoSet(path string) string
- func (ps *Pose) LookAt(target, upDir math32.Vector3)
- func (ps *Pose) MoveOnAxis(x, y, z, dist float32)
- func (ps *Pose) MoveOnAxisAbs(x, y, z, dist float32)
- func (ps *Pose) MulMatrix(mat *math32.Matrix4)
- func (ps *Pose) RotateEuler(x, y, z float32)
- func (ps *Pose) RotateEulerRad(x, y, z, angle float32)
- func (ps *Pose) RotateOnAxis(x, y, z, angle float32)
- func (ps *Pose) RotateOnAxisRad(x, y, z, angle float32)
- func (ps *Pose) SetAxisRotation(x, y, z, angle float32)
- func (ps *Pose) SetAxisRotationRad(x, y, z, angle float32)
- func (ps *Pose) SetEulerRotation(x, y, z float32)
- func (ps *Pose) SetEulerRotationRad(x, y, z float32)
- func (ps *Pose) SetMatrix(m *math32.Matrix4)
- func (ps *Pose) String() string
- func (ps *Pose) UpdateMVPMatrix(viewMat, prjnMat *math32.Matrix4)
- func (ps *Pose) UpdateMatrix()
- func (ps *Pose) UpdateWorldMatrix(parWorld *math32.Matrix4)
- func (ps *Pose) WorldEulerRotation() math32.Vector3
- func (ps *Pose) WorldPos() math32.Vector3
- func (ps *Pose) WorldQuat() math32.Quat
- func (ps *Pose) WorldScale() math32.Vector3
- type RenderClasses
- func (i RenderClasses) Desc() string
- func (i RenderClasses) Int64() int64
- func (i RenderClasses) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)
- func (i *RenderClasses) SetInt64(in int64)
- func (i *RenderClasses) SetString(s string) error
- func (i RenderClasses) String() string
- func (i *RenderClasses) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
- func (i RenderClasses) Values() []enums.Enum
- type ScFlags
- func (i ScFlags) BitIndexString() string
- func (i ScFlags) Desc() string
- func (i ScFlags) HasFlag(f enums.BitFlag) bool
- func (i ScFlags) Int64() int64
- func (i ScFlags) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)
- func (i *ScFlags) SetFlag(on bool, f ...enums.BitFlag)
- func (i *ScFlags) SetInt64(in int64)
- func (i *ScFlags) SetString(s string) error
- func (i *ScFlags) SetStringOr(s string) error
- func (i ScFlags) String() string
- func (i *ScFlags) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
- func (i ScFlags) Values() []enums.Enum
- type Scene
- func (sc *Scene) AddFromLibrary(nm string, parent tree.Node) (*Group, error)
- func (sc *Scene) AddLight(lt Light)
- func (sc *Scene) AddMesh(ms Mesh)
- func (sc *Scene) AddMeshUnique(ms Mesh)
- func (sc *Scene) AddTexture(tx Texture)
- func (sc *Scene) AddToLibrary(gp *Group)
- func (t *Scene) AsScene() *Scene
- func (sc *Scene) Config()
- func (sc *Scene) ConfigFrame(gpu *vgpu.GPU, dev *vgpu.Device)
- func (sc *Scene) ConfigFrameFromSurface(surf *vgpu.Surface)
- func (sc *Scene) ConfigLights()
- func (sc *Scene) ConfigMeshes()
- func (sc *Scene) ConfigMeshesTextures()
- func (sc *Scene) ConfigNodes()
- func (sc *Scene) ConfigTextures()
- func (sc *Scene) Defaults()
- func (sc *Scene) DeleteMesh(nm string)
- func (sc *Scene) DeleteMeshes()
- func (sc *Scene) DeleteTexture(nm string)
- func (sc *Scene) DeleteTextures()
- func (sc *Scene) DeleteUnusedMeshes()
- func (sc *Scene) DepthImage() ([]float32, error)
- func (sc *Scene) Destroy()
- func (sc *Scene) DoUpdate() bool
- func (sc *Scene) Image() (*image.RGBA, error)
- func (sc *Scene) ImageCopy() (*image.RGBA, error)
- func (sc *Scene) ImageDone()
- func (sc *Scene) IsConfiged() bool
- func (sc *Scene) KeyChordEvent(e events.Event)
- func (sc *Scene) MeshByName(nm string) Mesh
- func (sc *Scene) MeshByNameTry(nm string) (Mesh, error)
- func (sc *Scene) MeshList() []string
- func (sc *Scene) MouseScrollEvent(e *events.MouseScroll)
- func (sc *Scene) NavKeyEvents(kt events.Event)
- func (sc *Scene) NeedsConfig()
- func (sc *Scene) NeedsRender()
- func (sc *Scene) NeedsUpdate()
- func (t *Scene) New() tree.Node
- func (sc *Scene) NewInLibrary(nm string) *Group
- func (t *Scene) NodeType() *types.Type
- func (sc *Scene) OpenNewObj(fname string, parent tree.Node) (*Group, error)
- func (sc *Scene) OpenNewObjFS(fsys fs.FS, fname string, parent tree.Node) (*Group, error)
- func (sc *Scene) OpenObj(fname string, gp *Group) error
- func (sc *Scene) OpenObjFS(fsys fs.FS, fname string, gp *Group) error
- func (sc *Scene) OpenScene(fname string) error
- func (sc *Scene) OpenSceneFS(fsys fs.FS, fname string) error
- func (sc *Scene) OpenToLibrary(fname string, libnm string) (*Group, error)
- func (sc *Scene) OpenToLibraryFS(fsys fs.FS, fname string, libnm string) (*Group, error)
- func (sc *Scene) PlaneMesh2D() Mesh
- func (sc *Scene) ReadObj(fname string, rs []io.Reader, gp *Group) error
- func (sc *Scene) ReadScene(fname string, rs []io.Reader, gp *Group) error
- func (sc *Scene) ReconfigMeshes()
- func (sc *Scene) ReconfigTextures()
- func (sc *Scene) Render() bool
- func (sc *Scene) RenderImpl()
- func (sc *Scene) SaveCamera(name string)
- func (t *Scene) SetBackgroundColor(v color.RGBA) *Scene
- func (sc *Scene) SetCamera(name string) error
- func (sc *Scene) SetMeshes()
- func (t *Scene) SetMultiSample(v int) *Scene
- func (t *Scene) SetNoNav(v bool) *Scene
- func (sc *Scene) SetSize(sz image.Point) *Scene
- func (t *Scene) SetWireframe(v bool) *Scene
- func (sc *Scene) SlideMoveEvent(e events.Event)
- func (sc *Scene) SolidsIntersectingPoint(pos image.Point) []Node
- func (sc *Scene) TextureByName(nm string) Texture
- func (sc *Scene) TextureByNameTry(nm string) (Texture, error)
- func (sc *Scene) TextureList() []string
- func (sc *Scene) TrackCamera() bool
- func (sc *Scene) Update()
- func (sc *Scene) UpdateMVPMatrix()
- func (sc *Scene) UpdateMeshBBox()
- func (sc *Scene) UpdateMeshes()
- func (sc *Scene) UpdateNodes()
- func (sc *Scene) UpdateNodesIfNeeded()
- func (sc *Scene) Validate() error
- type SceneEmbedder
- type Solid
- func (sld *Solid) AsSolid() *Solid
- func (sld *Solid) Config()
- func (sld *Solid) Defaults()
- func (sld *Solid) IsSolid() bool
- func (sld *Solid) IsTransparent() bool
- func (sld *Solid) IsVisible() bool
- func (t *Solid) New() tree.Node
- func (t *Solid) NodeType() *types.Type
- func (sld *Solid) OnInit()
- func (sld *Solid) ParentMaterial() *Material
- func (sld *Solid) Render()
- func (sld *Solid) RenderClass() RenderClasses
- func (sld *Solid) SetAxisRotation(x, y, z, angle float32) *Solid
- func (sld *Solid) SetBright(v float32) *Solid
- func (sld *Solid) SetColor(v color.RGBA) *Solid
- func (sld *Solid) SetEmissive(v color.RGBA) *Solid
- func (sld *Solid) SetEulerRotation(x, y, z float32) *Solid
- func (t *Solid) SetMat(v Material) *Solid
- func (sld *Solid) SetMesh(ms Mesh) *Solid
- func (sld *Solid) SetMeshName(meshName string) error
- func (sld *Solid) SetPos(x, y, z float32) *Solid
- func (sld *Solid) SetReflective(v float32) *Solid
- func (sld *Solid) SetScale(x, y, z float32) *Solid
- func (sld *Solid) SetShiny(v float32) *Solid
- func (sld *Solid) SetTexture(tex Texture) *Solid
- func (sld *Solid) SetTextureName(texName string) *Solid
- func (sld *Solid) UpdateMeshBBox()
- func (sld *Solid) Validate() error
- type SolidPoint
- type Sphere
- func (sp *Sphere) Defaults()
- func (sp *Sphere) Set(sc *Scene, vtxAry, normAry, texAry, clrAry math32.ArrayF32, ...)
- func (t *Sphere) SetAngLen(v float32) *Sphere
- func (t *Sphere) SetAngStart(v float32) *Sphere
- func (t *Sphere) SetColor(v bool) *Sphere
- func (t *Sphere) SetDynamic(v bool) *Sphere
- func (t *Sphere) SetElevLen(v float32) *Sphere
- func (t *Sphere) SetElevStart(v float32) *Sphere
- func (t *Sphere) SetHeightSegs(v int) *Sphere
- func (t *Sphere) SetRadius(v float32) *Sphere
- func (t *Sphere) SetTrans(v bool) *Sphere
- func (t *Sphere) SetWidthSegs(v int) *Sphere
- func (sp *Sphere) Sizes() (nVtx, nIndex int, hasColor bool)
- type SpotLight
- type TexName
- type Text2D
- func (txt *Text2D) Config()
- func (txt *Text2D) Defaults()
- func (txt *Text2D) IsTransparent() bool
- func (t *Text2D) New() tree.Node
- func (t *Text2D) NodeType() *types.Type
- func (txt *Text2D) OnInit()
- func (txt *Text2D) RenderClass() RenderClasses
- func (txt *Text2D) RenderText()
- func (t *Text2D) SetMat(v Material) *Text2D
- func (t *Text2D) SetText(v string) *Text2D
- func (txt *Text2D) TextSize() (math32.Vector2, bool)
- func (txt *Text2D) UpdateWorldMatrix(parWorld *math32.Matrix4)
- func (txt *Text2D) Validate() error
- type Texture
- type TextureBase
- type TextureFile
- type TextureGi2D
- type Tiling
- type Torus
- func (tr *Torus) Defaults()
- func (tr *Torus) Set(sc *Scene, vtxAry, normAry, texAry, clrAry math32.ArrayF32, ...)
- func (t *Torus) SetAngLen(v float32) *Torus
- func (t *Torus) SetAngStart(v float32) *Torus
- func (t *Torus) SetColor(v bool) *Torus
- func (t *Torus) SetDynamic(v bool) *Torus
- func (t *Torus) SetRadialSegs(v int) *Torus
- func (t *Torus) SetRadius(v float32) *Torus
- func (t *Torus) SetTrans(v bool) *Torus
- func (t *Torus) SetTubeRadius(v float32) *Torus
- func (t *Torus) SetTubeSegs(v int) *Torus
- func (tr *Torus) Sizes() (nVtx, nIndex int, hasColor bool)
Constants ¶
const ( // CloseLines is used for the closed arg in NewLines: // connect first and last CloseLines = true // OpenLines is used for the closed arg in NewLines: // don't connect first and last OpenLines = false )
const ( // StartArrow specifies to add a starting arrow StartArrow = true // NoStartArrow specifies not to add a starting arrow NoStartArrow = false // EndArrow specifies to add a ending arrow EndArrow = true // EndArrow specifies not to add a ending arrow NoEndArrow = false )
const ( // Inactive is used for args indicating if node should be inactive Inactive = true // Active is used for args indicating if node should be inactive or not Active = false )
const ( // TrackCameraName is a reserved top-level Group name -- this group // will have its Pose updated to match that of the camera automatically. TrackCameraName = "TrackCamera" // Plane2DMeshName is the reserved name for the 2D plane mesh // used for Text2D and Embed2D Plane2DMeshName = "__Plane2D" // LineMeshName is the reserved name for a unit-sized Line segment LineMeshName = "__UnitLine" // ConeMeshName is the reserved name for a unit-sized Cone segment. // Has the number of segments appended. ConeMeshName = "__UnitCone" )
Variables ¶
var ( OrbitFactor = float32(0.025) PanFactor = float32(0.001) )
var Decoders = map[string]Decoder{}
Decoders is the master list of decoders, indexed by the primary extension. .obj = Wavefront object file -- only has mesh data, not scene info.
var GroupType = types.AddType(&types.Type{Name: "", IDName: "group", Doc: "Group collects individual elements in a scene but does not have a Mesh or Material of\nits own. It does have a transform that applies to all nodes under it.", Embeds: []types.Field{{Name: "NodeBase"}}, Instance: &Group{}})
GroupType is the types.Type for Group
var LightColorMap = map[LightColors]color.RGBA{ DirectSun: {255, 255, 255, 255}, CarbonArc: {255, 250, 244, 255}, Halogen: {255, 241, 224, 255}, Tungsten100W: {255, 214, 170, 255}, Tungsten40W: {255, 197, 143, 255}, Candle: {255, 147, 41, 255}, Overcast: {201, 226, 255, 255}, FluorWarm: {255, 244, 229, 255}, FluorStd: {244, 255, 250, 255}, FluorCool: {212, 235, 255, 255}, FluorFull: {255, 244, 242, 255}, FluorGrow: {255, 239, 247, 255}, MercuryVapor: {216, 247, 255, 255}, SodiumVapor: {255, 209, 178, 255}, MetalHalide: {242, 252, 255, 255}, }
LightColorMap provides a map of named light colors
var NodeBaseType = types.AddType(&types.Type{Name: "", IDName: "node-base", Doc: "NodeBase is the basic 3D scenegraph node, which has the full transform information\nrelative to parent, and computed bounding boxes, etc.\nThere are only two different kinds of Nodes: Group and Solid", Embeds: []types.Field{{Name: "NodeBase"}}, Fields: []types.Field{{Name: "Pose", Doc: "complete specification of position and orientation"}, {Name: "Sc", Doc: "Sc is the cached Scene"}, {Name: "PoseMu", Doc: "mutex on pose access -- needed for parallel updating"}, {Name: "MeshBBox", Doc: "mesh-based local bounding box (aggregated for groups)"}, {Name: "WorldBBox", Doc: "world coordinates bounding box"}, {Name: "NDCBBox", Doc: "normalized display coordinates bounding box, used for frustrum clipping"}, {Name: "BBox", Doc: "raw original bounding box for the widget within its parent Scene.\nThis is prior to intersecting with Frame bounds."}, {Name: "ScBBox", Doc: "2D bounding box for region occupied within Scene Frame that we render onto.\nThis is BBox intersected with Frame bounds."}}, Instance: &NodeBase{}})
NodeBaseType is the types.Type for NodeBase
var SceneType = types.AddType(&types.Type{Name: "", IDName: "scene", Doc: "Scene is the overall scenegraph containing nodes as children.\nIt renders to its own vgpu.RenderFrame.\nThe Image of this Frame is usable directly or, via xyzview.Scene,\nwhere it is copied into an overall core.Scene image.\n\nThere is default navigation event processing (disabled by setting NoNav)\nwhere mouse drag events Orbit the camera (Shift = Pan, Alt = PanTarget)\nand arrow keys do Orbit, Pan, PanTarget with same key modifiers.\nSpacebar restores original \"default\" camera, and numbers save (1st time)\nor restore (subsequently) camera views (Control = always save)\n\nA Group at the top-level named \"TrackCamera\" will automatically track\nthe camera (i.e., its Pose is copied) -- Solids in that group can\nset their relative Pos etc to display relative to the camera, to achieve\n\"first person\" effects.", Directives: []types.Directive{{Tool: "core", Directive: "no-new"}, {Tool: "core", Directive: "embedder"}}, Embeds: []types.Field{{Name: "NodeBase"}}, Fields: []types.Field{{Name: "Geom", Doc: "Viewport-level viewbox within any parent Viewport2D"}, {Name: "MultiSample", Doc: "number of samples in multisampling -- must be a power of 2, and must be 1 if grabbing the Depth buffer back from the RenderFrame"}, {Name: "Wireframe", Doc: "render using wireframe instead of filled polygons -- this must be set prior to configuring the Phong rendering system (i.e., just after Scene is made)"}, {Name: "Camera", Doc: "camera determines view onto scene"}, {Name: "BackgroundColor", Doc: "background color, which is used directly as an RGB color in vulkan"}, {Name: "Lights", Doc: "all lights used in the scene"}, {Name: "Meshes", Doc: "meshes -- holds all the mesh data -- must be configured prior to rendering"}, {Name: "Textures", Doc: "textures -- must be configured prior to rendering -- a maximum of 16 textures is supported for full cross-platform portability"}, {Name: "Library", Doc: "library of objects that can be used in the scene"}, {Name: "NoNav", Doc: "don't activate the standard navigation keyboard and mouse event processing to move around the camera in the scene"}, {Name: "SavedCams", Doc: "saved cameras -- can Save and Set these to view the scene from different angles"}, {Name: "SetDragCursor", Doc: "has dragging cursor been set yet?"}, {Name: "Phong", Doc: "the vphong rendering system"}, {Name: "Frame", Doc: "the vgpu render frame holding the rendered scene"}, {Name: "ImgCopy", Doc: "image used to hold a copy of the Frame image, for ImageCopy() call.\nThis is re-used across calls to avoid large memory allocations,\nso it will automatically update after every ImageCopy call.\nIf a persistent image is required, call [iox/imagex.CloneAsRGBA]."}, {Name: "DirUpIndex", Doc: "index in list of window direct uploading images"}, {Name: "RenderMu", Doc: "mutex on rendering"}}, Instance: &Scene{}})
SceneType is the types.Type for Scene
var SolidType = types.AddType(&types.Type{Name: "", IDName: "solid", Doc: "Solid represents an individual 3D solid element.\nIt has its own unique spatial transforms and material properties,\nand points to a mesh structure defining the shape of the solid.", Embeds: []types.Field{{Name: "NodeBase"}}, Fields: []types.Field{{Name: "Mesh", Doc: "name of the mesh shape information used for rendering this solid -- all meshes are collected on the Scene"}, {Name: "Mat", Doc: "material properties of the surface (color, shininess, texture, etc)"}, {Name: "MeshPtr", Doc: "cached pointer to mesh"}}, Instance: &Solid{}})
SolidType is the types.Type for Solid
var Text2DType = types.AddType(&types.Type{Name: "", IDName: "text2-d", Doc: "Text2D presents 2D rendered text on a vertically-oriented plane, using a texture.\nCall SetText() which calls RenderText to update fortext changes (re-renders texture).\nThe native scale is such that a unit height value is the height of the default font\nset by the font-size property, and the X axis is scaled proportionally based on the\nrendered text size to maintain the aspect ratio. Further scaling can be applied on\ntop of that by setting the Pose.Scale values as usual.\nStandard styling properties can be set on the node to set font size, family,\nand text alignment relative to the Pose.Pos position (e.g., Left, Top puts the\nupper-left corner of text at Pos).\nNote that higher quality is achieved by using a larger font size (36 default).\nThe margin property creates blank margin of the background color around the text\n(2 px default) and the background-color defaults to transparent\nbut can be set to any color.", Embeds: []types.Field{{Name: "Solid"}}, Fields: []types.Field{{Name: "Text", Doc: "the text string to display"}, {Name: "Styles", Doc: "styling settings for the text"}, {Name: "TxtPos", Doc: "position offset of start of text rendering relative to upper-left corner"}, {Name: "TxtRender", Doc: "render data for text label"}, {Name: "RenderState", Doc: "render state for rendering text"}}, Instance: &Text2D{}})
Text2DType is the types.Type for Text2D
var Update3DTrace = false
Set Update3DTrace to true to get a trace of 3D updating
Functions ¶
func AsNode ¶
AsNode converts the given tree node to a Node and NodeBase, returning nil if that is not possible.
func SetLineStartEnd ¶
SetLineStartEnd sets line Pose such that it starts / ends at given poitns.
func UpdateWorldMatrix ¶
UpdateWorldMatrix updates the world matrix for node and everything inside it
Types ¶
type AmbientLight ¶
type AmbientLight struct {
AmbientLight provides diffuse uniform lighting -- typically only one of these
func NewAmbientLight ¶
func NewAmbientLight(sc *Scene, name string, lumens float32, color LightColors) *AmbientLight
NewAmbientLight adds Ambient to given scene, with given name, standard color, and lumens (0-1 normalized)
type BBox ¶
type BBox struct { // bounding box in local coords BBox math32.Box3 // bounding sphere in local coords BSphere math32.Sphere // area Area float32 // volume Volume float32 }
BBox contains bounding box and other gross solid properties
func (*BBox) UpdateFromBBox ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (bb *BBox) UpdateFromBBox()
UpdateFromBBox updates other values from BBox
type Box ¶
type Box struct { MeshBase // size along each dimension Size math32.Vector3 // number of segments to divide each plane into (enforced to be at least 1) -- may potentially increase rendering quality to have > 1 Segs math32.Vector3i }
Box is a rectangular-shaped solid (cuboid)
func (*Box) SetSegs ¶
SetSegs sets the [Box.Segs]: number of segments to divide each plane into (enforced to be at least 1) -- may potentially increase rendering quality to have > 1
type Camera ¶
type Camera struct { // overall orientation and direction of the camera, relative to pointing at negative Z axis with up (positive Y) direction Pose Pose // mutex protecting camera data CamMu sync.RWMutex // target location for the camera -- where it is pointing at -- defaults to the origin, but moves with panning movements, and is reset by a call to LookAt method Target math32.Vector3 // up direction for camera -- which way is up -- defaults to positive Y axis, and is reset by call to LookAt method UpDir math32.Vector3 // default is a Perspective camera -- set this to make it Orthographic instead, in which case the view includes the volume specified by the Near - Far distance (i.e., you probably want to decrease Far). Ortho bool // field of view in degrees FOV float32 // aspect ratio (width/height) Aspect float32 // near plane z coordinate Near float32 // far plane z coordinate Far float32 // view matrix (inverse of the Pose.Matrix) ViewMatrix math32.Matrix4 `view:"-"` // projection matrix, defining the camera perspective / ortho transform PrjnMatrix math32.Matrix4 `view:"-"` // vulkan projection matrix -- required for vgpu -- produces same effect as PrjnMatrix, which should be used for all other math VkPrjnMatrix math32.Matrix4 `view:"-"` // inverse of the projection matrix InvPrjnMatrix math32.Matrix4 `view:"-"` // frustum of projection -- viewable space defined by 6 planes of a pyrammidal shape Frustum *math32.Frustum `view:"-"` }
Camera defines the properties of the camera
func (*Camera) DefaultPose ¶
func (cm *Camera) DefaultPose()
DefaultPose resets the camera pose to default location and orientation, looking at the origin from 0,0,10, with up Y axis
func (*Camera) LookAt ¶
LookAt points the camera at given target location, using given up direction, and sets the Target, UpDir fields for future camera movements.
func (*Camera) LookAtOrigin ¶
func (cm *Camera) LookAtOrigin()
LookAtOrigin points the camera at origin with Y axis pointing Up (i.e., standard)
func (*Camera) LookAtTarget ¶
func (cm *Camera) LookAtTarget()
LookAtTarget points the camera at current target using current up direction
func (*Camera) Orbit ¶
Orbit moves the camera along the given 2D axes in degrees (delX = left/right, delY = up/down), relative to current position and orientation, keeping the same distance from the Target, and rotating the camera and the Up direction vector to keep looking at the target.
func (*Camera) Pan ¶
Pan moves the camera along the given 2D axes (left/right, up/down), relative to current position and orientation (i.e., in the plane of the current window view) and it moves the target by the same increment, changing the target position.
func (*Camera) PanTarget ¶
PanTarget moves the target along world X,Y,Z axes and does LookAt at the new target location. It ensures that the target is not identical to the camera position.
func (*Camera) TargetFromView ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (cm *Camera) TargetFromView()
TargetFromView updates the target location from the current view matrix, by projecting the current target distance along the current camera view matrix.
func (*Camera) UpdateMatrix ¶
func (cm *Camera) UpdateMatrix()
UpdateMatrix updates the view and prjn matricies
func (*Camera) ViewMainAxis ¶
ViewMainAxis returns the dimension along which the view vector is largest along with the sign of that axis (+1 for positive, -1 for negative). this is useful for determining how manipulations should function, for example.
func (*Camera) ViewVector ¶
ViewVector is the vector between the camera position and target
func (*Camera) Zoom ¶
Zoom moves along axis given pct closer or further from the target it always moves the target back also if it distance is < 1
func (*Camera) ZoomTo ¶
ZoomTo moves along axis in vector pointing through the given 2D point as into the camera NDC normalized display coordinates. Point must be 0 normalized, (subtract the Scene ObjBBox.Min) and size of Scene is passed as size argument. ZoomPct is proportion closer (positive) or further (negative) from the target.
type Capsule ¶
type Capsule struct { MeshBase // height of the cylinder portion Height float32 // radius of the top -- set to 0 for a cone TopRad float32 // radius of the bottom BotRad float32 // number of radial segments (32 is a reasonable default for full circle) RadialSegs int `min:"1"` // number of height segments HeightSegs int // number of segments in the hemisphere cap ends (16 is a reasonable default) CapSegs int // starting angle in degrees, relative to -1,0,0 left side starting point AngStart float32 `min:"0" max:"360" step:"5"` // total angle to generate in degrees (max 360) AngLen float32 `min:"0" max:"360" step:"5"` }
Capsule is a generalized capsule shape: a cylinder with hemisphere end caps. Supports different radii on each end. Height is along the Y axis -- total height is Height + TopRad + BotRad.
func NewCapsule ¶
NewCapsule creates a generalized capsule mesh (cylinder + hemisphere caps) with the specified height and radius, number of radial, sphere segments, and number of height segments Height is along the Y axis.
func (*Capsule) SetAngLen ¶
SetAngLen sets the [Capsule.AngLen]: total angle to generate in degrees (max 360)
func (*Capsule) SetAngStart ¶
SetAngStart sets the [Capsule.AngStart]: starting angle in degrees, relative to -1,0,0 left side starting point
func (*Capsule) SetCapSegs ¶
SetCapSegs sets the [Capsule.CapSegs]: number of segments in the hemisphere cap ends (16 is a reasonable default)
func (*Capsule) SetDynamic ¶
SetDynamic sets the [Capsule.Dynamic]
func (*Capsule) SetHeightSegs ¶
SetHeightSegs sets the [Capsule.HeightSegs]: number of height segments
func (*Capsule) SetRadialSegs ¶
SetRadialSegs sets the [Capsule.RadialSegs]: number of radial segments (32 is a reasonable default for full circle)
func (*Capsule) SetTopRad ¶
SetTopRad sets the [Capsule.TopRad]: radius of the top -- set to 0 for a cone
type Cylinder ¶
type Cylinder struct { MeshBase // height of the cylinder Height float32 // radius of the top -- set to 0 for a cone TopRad float32 // radius of the bottom BotRad float32 // number of radial segments (32 is a reasonable default for full circle) RadialSegs int `min:"1"` // number of height segments HeightSegs int // render the top disc Top bool // render the bottom disc Bottom bool // starting angle in degrees, relative to -1,0,0 left side starting point AngStart float32 `min:"0" max:"360" step:"5"` // total angle to generate in degrees (max 360) AngLen float32 `min:"0" max:"360" step:"5"` }
Cylinder is a generalized cylinder shape, including a cone or truncated cone by having different size circles at either end. Height is up along the Y axis.
func NewCone ¶
func NewCone(sc *Scene, name string, height, radius float32, radialSegs, heightSegs int, bottom bool) *Cylinder
NewCone creates a cone mesh with the specified base radius, height, number of radial segments, number of height segments, and presence of a bottom cap. Height is along the Y axis.
func NewCylinder ¶
func NewCylinder(sc *Scene, name string, height, radius float32, radialSegs, heightSegs int, top, bottom bool) *Cylinder
NewCylinder creates a cylinder mesh with the specified radius, height, number of radial segments, number of height segments, and presence of a top and/or bottom cap. Height is along the Y axis.
func NewCylinderSector ¶
func NewCylinderSector(sc *Scene, name string, height, topRad, botRad float32, radialSegs, heightSegs int, angStart, angLen float32, top, bottom bool) *Cylinder
NewCylinderSector creates a generalized cylinder (truncated cone) sector mesh with the specified top and bottom radii, height, number of radial segments, number of height segments, sector start angle in degrees, sector size angle in degrees, and presence of a top and/or bottom cap. Height is along the Y axis.
func UnitConeMesh ¶
UnitConeMesh returns the unit-sized cone mesh, of name ConeMeshName-segs
func (*Cylinder) SetAngLen ¶
SetAngLen sets the [Cylinder.AngLen]: total angle to generate in degrees (max 360)
func (*Cylinder) SetAngStart ¶
SetAngStart sets the [Cylinder.AngStart]: starting angle in degrees, relative to -1,0,0 left side starting point
func (*Cylinder) SetDynamic ¶
SetDynamic sets the [Cylinder.Dynamic]
func (*Cylinder) SetHeightSegs ¶
SetHeightSegs sets the [Cylinder.HeightSegs]: number of height segments
func (*Cylinder) SetRadialSegs ¶
SetRadialSegs sets the [Cylinder.RadialSegs]: number of radial segments (32 is a reasonable default for full circle)
func (*Cylinder) SetTopRad ¶
SetTopRad sets the [Cylinder.TopRad]: radius of the top -- set to 0 for a cone
type Decoder ¶
type Decoder interface { // New returns a new instance of the decoder used for a specific decoding New() Decoder // Desc returns the description of this decoder Desc() string // SetFile sets the file name being used for decoding, or error if not found. // Returns a list of files that should be loaded along with the main one, if needed. // For example, .obj decoder adds a corresponding .mtl file. In addition, // decoded files may specify further files (textures, etc) that must be located // relative to the same fsys directory. // All file operations use the fsys file system for access, and this should be a // Sub FS anchored at the directory where the filename is located. SetFileFS(fsys fs.FS, fname string) ([]string, error) // Decode reads the given data and decodes it, returning a new instance // of the Decoder that contains all the decoded info. // Some formats (e.g., Wavefront .obj) have separate .obj and .mtl files // which are passed as two reader args. Decode(rs []io.Reader) error // SetGroup sets the group to contain the decoded objects within the // given scene. SetGroup(sc *Scene, gp *Group) // HasScene returns true if this decoder has full scene information -- // otherwise it only supports objects to be used in SetGroup. HasScene() bool // SetScene sets the scene according to the decoded data. SetScene(sc *Scene) }
Decoder parses 3D object / scene file(s) and imports into a Group or Scene. This interface is implemented by the different format-specific decoders.
func DecodeFile ¶
DecodeFile decodes the given file using a decoder based on the file extension. Returns decoder instance with full decoded state. Supported formats include: .obj = Wavefront OBJ format, including associated materials (.mtl) which
must have same name as .obj, or a default material is used.
func DecodeFileFS ¶
DecodeFileFS decodes the given file from the given filesystem using a decoder based on the file extension. Returns decoder instance with full decoded state. Supported formats include: .obj = Wavefront OBJ format, including associated materials (.mtl) which
must have same name as .obj, or a default material is used.
type DirLight ¶
type DirLight struct { LightBase // position of direct light -- assumed to point at the origin so this determines direction Pos math32.Vector3 }
DirLight is directional light, which is assumed to project light toward the origin based on its position, with no attenuation, like the Sun. For rendering, the position is negated and normalized to get the direction vector (i.e., absolute distance doesn't matter)
func NewDirLight ¶
func NewDirLight(sc *Scene, name string, lumens float32, color LightColors) *DirLight
NewDirLight adds direct light to given scene, with given name, standard color, and lumens (0-1 normalized) By default it is located overhead and toward the default camera (0, 1, 1) -- change Pos otherwise
type GenMesh ¶
type GenMesh struct { MeshBase Vtx math32.ArrayF32 Norm math32.ArrayF32 Tex math32.ArrayF32 Clr math32.ArrayF32 Index math32.ArrayU32 }
GenMesh is a generic, arbitrary Mesh, storing its values
type Group ¶
type Group struct {
Group collects individual elements in a scene but does not have a Mesh or Material of its own. It does have a transform that applies to all nodes under it.
func NewArrow ¶
func NewArrow(sc *Scene, parent tree.Node, name string, st, ed math32.Vector3, width float32, clr color.RGBA, startArrow, endArrow bool, arrowSize, arrowWidth float32, arrowSegs int) *Group
NewArrow adds a group with a new line + cone between two specified points, using shared mesh unit line and arrow heads, which are rotated and positioned to go between the designated points. The arrowSize is a multiplier on the width for the radius and length of the arrow head, with width providing an additional multiplicative factor for width to achieve "fat" vs. "thin" arrows. arrowSegs determines how many faces there are on the arrowhead -- 4 = a 4-sided pyramid, etc.
func NewGroup ¶
NewGroup adds a new Group with the given name to the given parent: Group collects individual elements in a scene but does not have a Mesh or Material of its own. It does have a transform that applies to all nodes under it.
func NewLineBox ¶
func NewLineBox(sc *Scene, parent tree.Node, meshNm, boxNm string, bbox math32.Box3, width float32, clr color.RGBA, inactive bool) *Group
NewLineBox adds a new Group with Solid's and two Meshes defining the edges of a Box. This can be used for drawing a selection box around a Node in the scene, for example. offset is an arbitrary offset (for composing shapes). Meshes are named meshNm+"-front" and meshNm+"-side" -- need to be initialized, e.g., using sc.InitMesh() inactive indicates whether the box and solids should be flagged as inactive (not selectable).
func (*Group) NodeType ¶ added in v0.0.10
NodeType returns the *types.Type of Group
func (*Group) RaySolidIntersections ¶
func (gp *Group) RaySolidIntersections(ray math32.Ray) []*SolidPoint
RaySolidIntersections returns a list of solids whose bounding box intersects with the given ray, with the point of intersection. Results are sorted from closest to furthest.
func (*Group) RenderClass ¶
func (gp *Group) RenderClass() RenderClasses
func (*Group) SetAxisRotation ¶
SetAxisRotation sets the [Pose.Quat] rotation of the solid, from local axis and angle in degrees.
func (*Group) SetEulerRotation ¶
SetEulerRotation sets the [Pose.Quat] rotation of the solid, from euler angles in degrees
func (*Group) UpdateMeshBBox ¶
func (gp *Group) UpdateMeshBBox()
UpdateMeshBBox updates the Mesh-based BBox info for all nodes. groups aggregate over elements
type Light ¶
type Light interface { // Name returns name of the light -- lights are accessed by name Name() string // Color returns color of light Color() color.RGBA // Lumens returns brightness of light Lumens() float32 }
Light represents a light that illuminates a scene these are stored on the Scene object and not within the graph
type LightBase ¶
type LightBase struct { // name of light -- lights accessed by name so it matters Nm string // whether light is on or off On bool // brightness / intensity / strength of the light, in normalized 0-1 units -- just multiplies the color, and is convenient for easily modulating overall brightness Lumns float32 `min:"0" step:"0.1"` // color of light a full intensity Clr color.RGBA }
LightBase provides the base implementation for Light interface
type LightColors ¶
type LightColors int32 //enums:enum
LightColors are standard light colors for different light sources
const ( DirectSun LightColors = iota CarbonArc Halogen Tungsten100W Tungsten40W Candle Overcast FluorWarm FluorStd FluorCool FluorFull FluorGrow MercuryVapor SodiumVapor MetalHalide )
const LightColorsN LightColors = 15
LightColorsN is the highest valid value for type LightColors, plus one.
func LightColorsValues ¶
func LightColorsValues() []LightColors
LightColorsValues returns all possible values for the type LightColors.
func (LightColors) Desc ¶
func (i LightColors) Desc() string
Desc returns the description of the LightColors value.
func (LightColors) Int64 ¶
func (i LightColors) Int64() int64
Int64 returns the LightColors value as an int64.
func (LightColors) MarshalText ¶
func (i LightColors) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)
MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.
func (*LightColors) SetInt64 ¶
func (i *LightColors) SetInt64(in int64)
SetInt64 sets the LightColors value from an int64.
func (*LightColors) SetString ¶
func (i *LightColors) SetString(s string) error
SetString sets the LightColors value from its string representation, and returns an error if the string is invalid.
func (LightColors) String ¶
func (i LightColors) String() string
String returns the string representation of this LightColors value.
func (*LightColors) UnmarshalText ¶
func (i *LightColors) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.
func (LightColors) Values ¶
func (i LightColors) Values() []enums.Enum
Values returns all possible values for the type LightColors.
type Lines ¶
type Lines struct { MeshBase // line points (must be 2 or more) Points []math32.Vector3 // line width, Y = height perpendicular to line direction, and X = depth Width math32.Vector2 // optional colors for each point -- actual color interpolates between Colors []color.RGBA // if true, connect the first and last points to form a closed shape Closed bool }
Lines are lines rendered as long thin boxes defined by points and width parameters. The Mesh must be drawn in the XY plane (i.e., use Z = 0 or a constant unless specifically relevant to have full 3D variation). Rotate the solid to put into other planes.
func NewLineBoxMeshes ¶
func NewLineBoxMeshes(sc *Scene, meshNm string, bbox math32.Box3, width float32) (front, side *Lines)
NewLineBoxMeshes adds two Meshes defining the edges of a Box. Meshes are named meshNm+"-front" and meshNm+"-side" -- need to be initialized, e.g., using sc.InitMesh()
func NewLines ¶
func NewLines(sc *Scene, name string, points []math32.Vector3, width math32.Vector2, closed bool) *Lines
NewLines adds Lines mesh to given scene, with given start, end, and width
func UnitLineMesh ¶
UnitLineMesh returns the unit-sized line mesh, of name LineMeshName
type Material ¶
type Material struct { // prop: color = main color of surface, used for both ambient and diffuse color in standard Phong model -- alpha component determines transparency -- note that transparent objects require more complex rendering Color color.RGBA // prop: emissive = color that surface emits independent of any lighting -- i.e., glow -- can be used for marking lights with an object Emissive color.RGBA // prop: shiny = specular shininess factor -- how focally vs. broad the surface shines back directional light -- this is an exponential factor, with 0 = very broad diffuse reflection, and higher values (typically max of 128 or so but can go higher) having a smaller more focal specular reflection. Also set Reflective factor to change overall shininess effect. Shiny float32 // prop: reflective = specular reflectiveness factor -- how much it shines back directional light. The specular reflection color is always white * the incoming light. Reflective float32 // prop: bright = overall multiplier on final computed color value -- can be used to tune the overall brightness of various surfaces relative to each other for a given set of lighting parameters Bright float32 // prop: texture = texture to provide color for the surface Texture TexName `set:"-"` // texture tiling parameters -- repeat and offset Tiling Tiling `view:"inline"` // prop: cull-back = cull the back-facing surfaces CullBack bool // prop: cull-front = cull the front-facing surfaces CullFront bool // pointer to texture TexPtr Texture `set:"-" view:"-"` }
Material describes the material properties of a surface (colors, shininess, texture) i.e., phong lighting parameters. Main color is used for both ambient and diffuse color, and alpha component is used for opacity. The Emissive color is only for glowing objects. The Specular color is always white (multiplied by light color). Textures are stored on the Scene and accessed by name
func (*Material) IsTransparent ¶
IsTransparent returns true if texture says it is, or if color has alpha < 255
func (*Material) NoTexture ¶
func (mt *Material) NoTexture()
NoTexture resets any texture setting that might have been set
func (*Material) SetBright ¶
SetBright sets the [Material.Bright]: prop: bright = overall multiplier on final computed color value -- can be used to tune the overall brightness of various surfaces relative to each other for a given set of lighting parameters
func (*Material) SetColor ¶
SetColor sets the [Material.Color]: prop: color = main color of surface, used for both ambient and diffuse color in standard Phong model -- alpha component determines transparency -- note that transparent objects require more complex rendering
func (*Material) SetCullBack ¶
SetCullBack sets the [Material.CullBack]: prop: cull-back = cull the back-facing surfaces
func (*Material) SetCullFront ¶
SetCullFront sets the [Material.CullFront]: prop: cull-front = cull the front-facing surfaces
func (*Material) SetEmissive ¶
SetEmissive sets the [Material.Emissive]: prop: emissive = color that surface emits independent of any lighting -- i.e., glow -- can be used for marking lights with an object
func (*Material) SetReflective ¶
SetReflective sets the [Material.Reflective]: prop: reflective = specular reflectiveness factor -- how much it shines back directional light. The specular reflection color is always white * the incoming light.
func (*Material) SetShiny ¶
SetShiny sets the [Material.Shiny]: prop: shiny = specular shininess factor -- how focally vs. broad the surface shines back directional light -- this is an exponential factor, with 0 = very broad diffuse reflection, and higher values (typically max of 128 or so but can go higher) having a smaller more focal specular reflection. Also set Reflective factor to change overall shininess effect.
func (*Material) SetTexture ¶
SetTexture sets material to use given texture
func (*Material) SetTextureName ¶
SetTextureName sets material to use given texture name (textures are accessed by name on Scene). If name is empty, then texture is reset
type Mesh ¶
type Mesh interface { // Name returns name of the mesh Name() string // SetName sets the name of the mesh SetName(nm string) // AsMeshBase returns the MeshBase for this Mesh AsMeshBase() *MeshBase // Sizes returns the number of vertex and index elements required for this mesh // including a bool representing whether it has per-vertex color. Sizes() (nVtx, nIndex int, hasColor bool) // Set sets the mesh points into given arrays, which have been allocated // according to the Sizes() returned by this Mesh. // The mesh is automatically marked with SetMod so that does not need to be done here. Set(sc *Scene, vtxAry, normAry, texAry, clrAry math32.ArrayF32, idxAry math32.ArrayU32) // Update updates the mesh points into given arrays, which have previously // been set with SetVerticies -- this can optimize by only updating whatever might // need to be updated for dynamically changing meshes. // You must call SetMod if the mesh was actually updated at this point. Update(sc *Scene, vtxAry, normAry, texAry, clrAry math32.ArrayF32, idxAry math32.ArrayU32) // SetMod flags that the mesh data has been modified and will be sync'd // at next sync of the Scene.Phong render system. SetMod(sc *Scene) // ComputeNorms automatically computes the normals from existing vertex data ComputeNorms(pos, norm math32.ArrayF32) // HasColor returns true if this mesh has vertex-specific colors available HasColor() bool // IsTransparent returns true if this mesh has vertex-specific colors available // and at least some are transparent. IsTransparent() bool }
Mesh parameterizes the mesh-based shape used for rendering a Solid. Only indexed triangle meshes are supported. All Mesh's must know in advance the number of vertex and index points they require, and the SetVerticies method operates on data from the vgpu staging buffer to set the relevant data post-allocation. The vgpu vshape library is used for all basic shapes, and it follows this same logic. Per-vertex Color is optional, as is the ability to update the data after initial SetVerticies call (default is to do nothing).
type MeshBase ¶
type MeshBase struct { // name of mesh -- meshes are linked to Solids by name so this matters Nm string `set:"-"` // number of vertex points, as math32.Vector3 -- always includes math32.Vector3 normals and math32.Vector2 texture coordinates -- only valid after Sizes() has been called NVtx int `set:"-"` // number of indexes, as math32.ArrayU32 -- only valid after Sizes() has been called NIndex int `set:"-"` // has per-vertex colors, as math32.Vector4 per vertex Color bool // if true, this mesh changes frequently -- otherwise considered to be static Dynamic bool // set to true if color has transparency -- not worth checking manually Trans bool // computed bounding-box and other gross solid properties BBox BBox `set:"-"` // mutex on bbox access BBoxMu sync.RWMutex `view:"-" copier:"-" json:"-" xml:"-" set:"-"` }
MeshBase provides the core implementation of Mesh interface
func (*MeshBase) AsMeshBase ¶
func (*MeshBase) IsTransparent ¶
func (*MeshBase) SetColor ¶
SetColor sets the [MeshBase.Color]: has per-vertex colors, as math32.Vector4 per vertex
func (*MeshBase) SetDynamic ¶
SetDynamic sets the [MeshBase.Dynamic]: if true, this mesh changes frequently -- otherwise considered to be static
type MeshName ¶
type MeshName string
MeshName is a mesh name -- provides an automatic gui chooser for meshes. Used on Solid to link to meshes by name.
type Node ¶
type Node interface { tree.Node // IsSolid returns true if this is an Solid node (else a Group) IsSolid() bool // AsNode3D returns a generic NodeBase for our node -- gives generic // access to all the base-level data structures without requiring // interface methods. AsNode() *NodeBase // AsSolid returns a node as Solid (nil if not) AsSolid() *Solid // Validate checks that scene element is valid Validate() error // UpdateWorldMatrix updates this node's local and world matrix based on parent's world matrix // This sets the WorldMatrixUpdated flag but does not check that flag -- calling // routine can optionally do so. UpdateWorldMatrix(parWorld *math32.Matrix4) // UpdateMVPMatrix updates this node's MVP matrix based on // given view and prjn matrix from camera. // Called during rendering. UpdateMVPMatrix(viewMat, prjnMat *math32.Matrix4) // UpdateMeshBBox updates the Mesh-based BBox info for all nodes. // groups aggregate over elements. called from WalkPost traversal UpdateMeshBBox() // UpdateBBox2D updates this node's 2D bounding-box information based on scene // size and other scene bbox info from scene UpdateBBox2D(size math32.Vector2) // RayPick converts a given 2D point in scene image coordinates // into a ray from the camera position pointing through line of sight of camera // into *local* coordinates of the solid. // This can be used to find point of intersection in local coordinates relative // to a given plane of interest, for example (see Ray methods for intersections). RayPick(pos image.Point) math32.Ray // WorldMatrix returns the world matrix for this node, under read-lock protection. WorldMatrix() *math32.Matrix4 // NormDCBBox returns the normalized display coordinates bounding box // which is used for clipping. This is read-lock protected. NormDCBBox() math32.Box3 // IsVisible provides the definitive answer as to whether a given node // is currently visible. It is only entirely valid after a render pass // for widgets in a visible window, but it checks the window and viewport // for their visibility status as well, which is available always. // Non-visible nodes are automatically not rendered and not connected to // window events. The Invisible flag is one key element of the IsVisible // calculus -- it is set by e.g., TabView for invisible tabs, and is also // set if a widget is entirely out of render range. But again, use // IsVisible as the main end-user method. // For robustness, it recursively calls the parent -- this is typically // a short path -- propagating the Invisible flag properly can be // very challenging without mistakenly overwriting invisibility at various // levels. IsVisible() bool // IsTransparent returns true if solid has transparent color IsTransparent() bool Config() // UpdateNode does arbitrary node updating during render process UpdateNode() // RenderClass returns the class of rendering for this solid. // used for organizing the ordering of rendering RenderClass() RenderClasses // Render is called by Scene Render on main thread, // everything ready to go.. Render() // SetPosePos sets Pose.Pos position to given value, under write lock protection SetPosePos(pos math32.Vector3) // SetPoseScale sets Pose.Scale scale to given value, under write lock protection SetPoseScale(scale math32.Vector3) // SetPoseQuat sets Pose.Quat to given value, under write lock protection SetPoseQuat(quat math32.Quat) }
Node is the common interface for all xyz scenegraph nodes
type NodeBase ¶
type NodeBase struct { tree.NodeBase // complete specification of position and orientation Pose Pose `set:"-"` // Sc is the cached Scene Sc *Scene `copier:"-" set:"-"` // mutex on pose access -- needed for parallel updating PoseMu sync.RWMutex `view:"-" copier:"-" json:"-" xml:"-" set:"-"` // mesh-based local bounding box (aggregated for groups) MeshBBox BBox `edit:"-" copier:"-" json:"-" xml:"-" set:"-"` // world coordinates bounding box WorldBBox BBox `edit:"-" copier:"-" json:"-" xml:"-" set:"-"` // normalized display coordinates bounding box, used for frustrum clipping NDCBBox math32.Box3 `edit:"-" copier:"-" json:"-" xml:"-" set:"-"` // raw original bounding box for the widget within its parent Scene. // This is prior to intersecting with Frame bounds. BBox image.Rectangle `edit:"-" copier:"-" json:"-" xml:"-" set:"-"` // 2D bounding box for region occupied within Scene Frame that we render onto. // This is BBox intersected with Frame bounds. ScBBox image.Rectangle `edit:"-" copier:"-" json:"-" xml:"-" set:"-"` }
NodeBase is the basic 3D scenegraph node, which has the full transform information relative to parent, and computed bounding boxes, etc. There are only two different kinds of Nodes: Group and Solid
func AsNodeBase ¶
AsNodeBase converts the given tree node to a NodeBase. Only call this if you know that the given node is a non-nil Node.
func NewNodeBase ¶
NewNodeBase adds a new NodeBase with the given name to the given parent: NodeBase is the basic 3D scenegraph node, which has the full transform information relative to parent, and computed bounding boxes, etc. There are only two different kinds of Nodes: Group and Solid
func (*NodeBase) AsNode ¶
AsNode returns a generic NodeBase for our node, giving generic access to all the base-level data structures without requiring interface methods.
func (*NodeBase) IsTransparent ¶
func (*NodeBase) NodeType ¶ added in v0.0.10
NodeType returns the *types.Type of NodeBase
func (*NodeBase) NormDCBBox ¶
NormDCBBox returns the normalized display coordinates bounding box which is used for clipping. This is read-lock protected.
func (*NodeBase) OnAdd ¶
func (nb *NodeBase) OnAdd()
OnAdd is called when nodes are added to a parent. It sets the scene of the node to that of its parent. It should be called by all other OnAdd functions defined by node types.
func (*NodeBase) RayPick ¶
RayPick converts a given 2D point in scene image coordinates into a ray from the camera position pointing through line of sight of camera into *local* coordinates of the solid. This can be used to find point of intersection in local coordinates relative to a given plane of interest, for example (see Ray methods for intersections). To convert mouse window-relative coords into scene-relative coords subtract the sc.ObjBBox.Min which includes any scrolling effects
func (*NodeBase) SetPosePos ¶
SetPosePos sets Pose.Pos position to given value, under write lock protection
func (*NodeBase) SetPoseQuat ¶
SetPoseQuat sets Pose.Quat to given value, under write lock protection
func (*NodeBase) SetPoseScale ¶
SetPoseScale sets Pose.Scale scale to given value, under write lock protection
func (*NodeBase) TrackCamera ¶
func (nb *NodeBase) TrackCamera()
TrackCamera moves this node to pose of camera
func (*NodeBase) TrackLight ¶
TrackLight moves node to position of light of given name. For SpotLight, copies entire Pose. Does not work for Ambient light which has no position information.
func (*NodeBase) UpdateBBox2D ¶
UpdateBBox2D updates this node's 2D bounding-box information based on scene size and min offset position.
func (*NodeBase) UpdateMVPMatrix ¶
UpdateMVPMatrix updates this node's MVP matrix based on given view, prjn matricies from camera. Called during rendering.
func (*NodeBase) UpdateNode ¶
func (nb *NodeBase) UpdateNode()
func (*NodeBase) UpdateWorldMatrix ¶
UpdateWorldMatrix updates this node's world matrix based on parent's world matrix. If a nil matrix is passed, then the previously-set parent world matrix is used. This sets the WorldMatrixUpdated flag but does not check that flag -- calling routine can optionally do so.
func (*NodeBase) WorldMatrix ¶
WorldMatrix returns the world matrix for this node, under read lock protection
type NodeFlags ¶
NodeFlags extend tree.Flags to hold 3D node state.
const NodeFlagsN NodeFlags = 4
NodeFlagsN is the highest valid value for type NodeFlags, plus one.
func NodeFlagsValues ¶
func NodeFlagsValues() []NodeFlags
NodeFlagsValues returns all possible values for the type NodeFlags.
func (NodeFlags) BitIndexString ¶
BitIndexString returns the string representation of this NodeFlags value if it is a bit index value (typically an enum constant), and not an actual bit flag value.
func (NodeFlags) MarshalText ¶
MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.
func (*NodeFlags) SetFlag ¶
SetFlag sets the value of the given flags in these flags to the given value.
func (*NodeFlags) SetString ¶
SetString sets the NodeFlags value from its string representation, and returns an error if the string is invalid.
func (*NodeFlags) SetStringOr ¶
SetStringOr sets the NodeFlags value from its string representation while preserving any bit flags already set, and returns an error if the string is invalid.
func (*NodeFlags) UnmarshalText ¶
UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.
type Plane ¶
type Plane struct { MeshBase // axis along which the normal perpendicular to the plane points. E.g., if the Y axis is specified, then it is a standard X-Z ground plane -- see also NormNeg for whether it is facing in the positive or negative of the given axis. NormAxis math32.Dims // if false, the plane normal facing in the positive direction along specified NormAxis, otherwise it faces in the negative if true NormNeg bool // 2D size of plane Size math32.Vector2 // number of segments to divide plane into (enforced to be at least 1) -- may potentially increase rendering quality to have > 1 Segs math32.Vector2i // offset from origin along direction of normal to the plane Offset float32 }
Plane is a flat 2D plane, which can be oriented along any axis facing either positive or negative
func NewPlane ¶
NewPlane adds Plane mesh to given scene, with given name and size, with its normal pointing by default in the positive Y axis (i.e., a "ground" plane). Offset is 0.
func (*Plane) SetDynamic ¶
SetDynamic sets the [Plane.Dynamic]
func (*Plane) SetNormAxis ¶
SetNormAxis sets the [Plane.NormAxis]: axis along which the normal perpendicular to the plane points. E.g., if the Y axis is specified, then it is a standard X-Z ground plane -- see also NormNeg for whether it is facing in the positive or negative of the given axis.
func (*Plane) SetNormNeg ¶
SetNormNeg sets the [Plane.NormNeg]: if false, the plane normal facing in the positive direction along specified NormAxis, otherwise it faces in the negative if true
func (*Plane) SetOffset ¶
SetOffset sets the [Plane.Offset]: offset from origin along direction of normal to the plane
func (*Plane) SetSegs ¶
SetSegs sets the [Plane.Segs]: number of segments to divide plane into (enforced to be at least 1) -- may potentially increase rendering quality to have > 1
type PointLight ¶
type PointLight struct { LightBase // position of light in world coordinates Pos math32.Vector3 // Distance linear decay factor -- defaults to .1 LinDecay float32 // Distance quadratic decay factor -- defaults to .01 -- dominates at longer distances QuadDecay float32 }
PointLight is an omnidirectional light with a position and associated decay factors, which divide the light intensity as a function of linear and quadratic distance. The quadratic factor dominates at longer distances.
func NewPointLight ¶
func NewPointLight(sc *Scene, name string, lumens float32, color LightColors) *PointLight
NewPointLight adds point light to given scene, with given name, standard color, and lumens (0-1 normalized) By default it is located at 0,5,5 (up and between default camera and origin) -- set Pos to change.
type Pose ¶
type Pose struct { // position of center of element (relative to parent) Pos math32.Vector3 // scale (relative to parent) Scale math32.Vector3 // Node rotation specified as a Quat (relative to parent) Quat math32.Quat // Local matrix. Contains all position/rotation/scale information (relative to parent) Matrix math32.Matrix4 `view:"-"` // Parent's world matrix -- we cache this so that we can independently update our own matrix ParMatrix math32.Matrix4 `view:"-"` // World matrix. Contains all absolute position/rotation/scale information (i.e. relative to very top parent, generally the scene) WorldMatrix math32.Matrix4 `view:"-"` // model * view matrix -- tranforms into camera-centered coords MVMatrix math32.Matrix4 `view:"-"` // model * view * projection matrix -- full final render matrix MVPMatrix math32.Matrix4 `view:"-"` // normal matrix has no offsets, for normal vector rotation only, based on MVMatrix NormMatrix math32.Matrix3 `view:"-"` }
Pose contains the full specification of position and orientation, always relevant to the parent element.
func (*Pose) CopyFrom ¶
CopyFrom copies just the pose information from the other pose, critically not copying the ParMatrix so that is preserved in the receiver.
func (*Pose) Defaults ¶
func (ps *Pose) Defaults()
Defaults sets defaults only if current values are nil
func (*Pose) EulerRotation ¶
EulerRotation returns the current rotation in Euler angles (degrees).
func (*Pose) EulerRotationRad ¶
EulerRotationRad returns the current rotation in Euler angles (radians).
func (*Pose) MoveOnAxis ¶
MoveOnAxis moves (translates) the specified distance on the specified local axis, relative to the current rotation orientation.
func (*Pose) MoveOnAxisAbs ¶
MoveOnAxisAbs moves (translates) the specified distance on the specified local axis, in absolute X,Y,Z coordinates.
func (*Pose) MulMatrix ¶
MulMatrix multiplies current pose Matrix by given Matrix, and re-extracts the Pos, Scale, Quat from resulting matrix.
func (*Pose) RotateEuler ¶
RotateEuler rotates by given Euler angles (in degrees) relative to existing rotation.
func (*Pose) RotateEulerRad ¶
RotateEulerRad rotates by given Euler angles (in radians) relative to existing rotation.
func (*Pose) RotateOnAxis ¶
RotateOnAxis rotates around the specified local axis the specified angle in degrees.
func (*Pose) RotateOnAxisRad ¶
RotateOnAxisRad rotates around the specified local axis the specified angle in radians.
func (*Pose) SetAxisRotation ¶
SetAxisRotation sets rotation from local axis and angle in degrees.
func (*Pose) SetAxisRotationRad ¶
SetAxisRotationRad sets rotation from local axis and angle in radians.
func (*Pose) SetEulerRotation ¶
SetEulerRotation sets the rotation in Euler angles (degrees).
func (*Pose) SetEulerRotationRad ¶
SetEulerRotationRad sets the rotation in Euler angles (radians).
func (*Pose) SetMatrix ¶
SetMatrix sets the local transformation matrix and updates Pos, Scale, Quat.
func (*Pose) UpdateMVPMatrix ¶
UpdateMVPMatrix updates the model * view, * projection matricies based on camera view, prjn matricies Assumes that WorldMatrix has been updated
func (*Pose) UpdateMatrix ¶
func (ps *Pose) UpdateMatrix()
UpdateMatrix updates the local transform matrix based on its position, quaternion, and scale. Also checks for degenerate nil values
func (*Pose) UpdateWorldMatrix ¶
UpdateWorldMatrix updates the world transform matrix based on Matrix and parent's WorldMatrix. Does NOT call UpdateMatrix so that can include other factors as needed.
func (*Pose) WorldEulerRotation ¶
WorldEulerRotation returns the current world rotation in Euler angles.
func (*Pose) WorldScale ¶
WorldScale returns he current world scale.
type RenderClasses ¶
type RenderClasses int32 //enums:enum -trim-prefix RClass
RenderClasses define the different classes of rendering
const ( RClassNone RenderClasses = iota RClassOpaqueTexture // textures tend to be in background RClassOpaqueUniform RClassOpaqueVertex RClassTransTexture RClassTransUniform RClassTransVertex )
const RenderClassesN RenderClasses = 7
RenderClassesN is the highest valid value for type RenderClasses, plus one.
func RenderClassesValues ¶
func RenderClassesValues() []RenderClasses
RenderClassesValues returns all possible values for the type RenderClasses.
func (RenderClasses) Desc ¶
func (i RenderClasses) Desc() string
Desc returns the description of the RenderClasses value.
func (RenderClasses) Int64 ¶
func (i RenderClasses) Int64() int64
Int64 returns the RenderClasses value as an int64.
func (RenderClasses) MarshalText ¶
func (i RenderClasses) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)
MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.
func (*RenderClasses) SetInt64 ¶
func (i *RenderClasses) SetInt64(in int64)
SetInt64 sets the RenderClasses value from an int64.
func (*RenderClasses) SetString ¶
func (i *RenderClasses) SetString(s string) error
SetString sets the RenderClasses value from its string representation, and returns an error if the string is invalid.
func (RenderClasses) String ¶
func (i RenderClasses) String() string
String returns the string representation of this RenderClasses value.
func (*RenderClasses) UnmarshalText ¶
func (i *RenderClasses) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.
func (RenderClasses) Values ¶
func (i RenderClasses) Values() []enums.Enum
Values returns all possible values for the type RenderClasses.
type ScFlags ¶
ScFlags has critical state information signaling when rendering, updating, or config needs to be done
const ( // ScNeedsConfig means that a GPU resource (Lights, Texture, Meshes, // or more complex Nodes that require ConfigNodes) has been changed // and a Config call is required. ScNeedsConfig ScFlags = ScFlags(tree.FlagsN) + iota // ScNeedsUpdate means that Node Pose has changed and an update pass // is required to update matrix and bounding boxes. ScNeedsUpdate // ScNeedsRender means that something has been updated (minimally the // Camera pose) and a new Render is required. ScNeedsRender )
const ScFlagsN ScFlags = 4
ScFlagsN is the highest valid value for type ScFlags, plus one.
func ScFlagsValues ¶
func ScFlagsValues() []ScFlags
ScFlagsValues returns all possible values for the type ScFlags.
func (ScFlags) BitIndexString ¶
BitIndexString returns the string representation of this ScFlags value if it is a bit index value (typically an enum constant), and not an actual bit flag value.
func (ScFlags) MarshalText ¶
MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.
func (*ScFlags) SetFlag ¶
SetFlag sets the value of the given flags in these flags to the given value.
func (*ScFlags) SetString ¶
SetString sets the ScFlags value from its string representation, and returns an error if the string is invalid.
func (*ScFlags) SetStringOr ¶
SetStringOr sets the ScFlags value from its string representation while preserving any bit flags already set, and returns an error if the string is invalid.
func (*ScFlags) UnmarshalText ¶
UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.
type Scene ¶
type Scene struct { tree.NodeBase // Viewport-level viewbox within any parent Viewport2D Geom math32.Geom2DInt `set:"-"` // number of samples in multisampling -- must be a power of 2, and must be 1 if grabbing the Depth buffer back from the RenderFrame MultiSample int `default:"4"` // render using wireframe instead of filled polygons -- this must be set prior to configuring the Phong rendering system (i.e., just after Scene is made) Wireframe bool `default:"false"` // camera determines view onto scene Camera Camera `set:"-"` // background color, which is used directly as an RGB color in vulkan BackgroundColor color.RGBA // all lights used in the scene Lights ordmap.Map[string, Light] `set:"-"` // meshes -- holds all the mesh data -- must be configured prior to rendering Meshes ordmap.Map[string, Mesh] `set:"-"` // textures -- must be configured prior to rendering -- a maximum of 16 textures is supported for full cross-platform portability Textures ordmap.Map[string, Texture] `set:"-"` // library of objects that can be used in the scene Library map[string]*Group `set:"-"` NoNav bool // saved cameras -- can Save and Set these to view the scene from different angles SavedCams map[string]Camera `set:"-"` // has dragging cursor been set yet? SetDragCursor bool `view:"-" set:"-"` // the vphong rendering system Phong vphong.Phong `set:"-"` // the vgpu render frame holding the rendered scene Frame *vgpu.RenderFrame `set:"-"` // image used to hold a copy of the Frame image, for ImageCopy() call. // This is re-used across calls to avoid large memory allocations, // so it will automatically update after every ImageCopy call. // If a persistent image is required, call [iox/imagex.CloneAsRGBA]. ImgCopy image.RGBA `set:"-"` // index in list of window direct uploading images DirUpIndex int `set:"-"` // mutex on rendering RenderMu sync.Mutex `view:"-" copier:"-" json:"-" xml:"-" set:"-"` }
Scene is the overall scenegraph containing nodes as children. It renders to its own vgpu.RenderFrame. The Image of this Frame is usable directly or, via xyzview.Scene, where it is copied into an overall core.Scene image.
There is default navigation event processing (disabled by setting NoNav) where mouse drag events Orbit the camera (Shift = Pan, Alt = PanTarget) and arrow keys do Orbit, Pan, PanTarget with same key modifiers. Spacebar restores original "default" camera, and numbers save (1st time) or restore (subsequently) camera views (Control = always save)
A Group at the top-level named "TrackCamera" will automatically track the camera (i.e., its Pose is copied) -- Solids in that group can set their relative Pos etc to display relative to the camera, to achieve "first person" effects.
func AsScene ¶
AsScene returns the given value as a value of type Scene if the type of the given value embeds Scene, or nil otherwise
func (*Scene) AddFromLibrary ¶ added in v0.0.10
AddFromLibrary adds a Clone of named item in the Library under given parent in the scenegraph. Returns an error if item not found.
func (*Scene) AddLight ¶
AddLight adds given light to lights see NewX for convenience methods to add specific lights
func (*Scene) AddMesh ¶
AddMesh adds given mesh to mesh collection. Any existing mesh of the same name is deleted. see NewX for convenience methods to add specific shapes
func (*Scene) AddMeshUnique ¶
AddMeshUniqe adds given mesh to mesh collection, ensuring that it has a unique name if one already exists.
func (*Scene) AddTexture ¶
AddTexture adds given texture to texture collection see NewTextureFile to add a texture that loads from file
func (*Scene) AddToLibrary ¶
AddToLibrary adds given Group to library, using group's name as unique key in Library map.
func (*Scene) AsScene ¶
AsScene satisfies the SceneEmbedder interface
func (*Scene) Config ¶
func (sc *Scene) Config()
Config configures the Scene to prepare for rendering. The Frame should already have been configured. This includes the Phong system and frame. It must be called before the first render, or after any change in the lights, meshes, textures, or any changes to the nodes that require Config updates. This must be called on the main thread.
func (*Scene) ConfigFrame ¶
ConfigFrame configures framebuffer for GPU rendering, using given gpu and device, and size set in Geom.Size. Must be called on the main thread. If Frame already exists, it ensures that the Size is correct.
func (*Scene) ConfigFrameFromSurface ¶
ConfigFrameFromSurface configures framebuffer for GPU rendering Using GPU and Device from given vgpu.Surface
func (*Scene) ConfigLights ¶
func (sc *Scene) ConfigLights()
ConfigLights configures 3D rendering for current lights
func (*Scene) ConfigMeshes ¶
func (sc *Scene) ConfigMeshes()
ConfigMeshes configures meshes for rendering must be called after adding or deleting any meshes or altering the number of verticies.
func (*Scene) ConfigMeshesTextures ¶
func (sc *Scene) ConfigMeshesTextures()
ConfigMeshesTextures configures the meshes and the textures to the Phong rendering system. Called by ConfigRender -- can be called separately if just these elements are updated -- see also ReconfigMeshes and ReconfigTextures
func (*Scene) ConfigTextures ¶
func (sc *Scene) ConfigTextures()
must be called after adding or deleting any meshes or altering the number of verticies.
func (*Scene) Defaults ¶
func (sc *Scene) Defaults()
Defaults sets default scene params (camera, bg = white)
func (*Scene) DeleteMesh ¶
DeleteMesh removes given mesh -- returns error if mesh not found.
func (*Scene) DeleteTexture ¶
DeleteTexture deletes texture of given name -- returns error if not found must call ConfigTextures or Config to reset after deleting
func (*Scene) DeleteTextures ¶
func (sc *Scene) DeleteTextures()
DeleteTextures removes all textures must call ConfigTextures or Config to reset after deleting
func (*Scene) DeleteUnusedMeshes ¶
func (sc *Scene) DeleteUnusedMeshes()
DeleteUnusedMeshes deletes all unused meshes
func (*Scene) DepthImage ¶
DepthImage returns the current rendered depth image
func (*Scene) DoUpdate ¶
DoUpdate handles needed updates based on Scene Flags. if ScUpdating is set, then an update is in progress and false is returned. If no updates are required, then false is also returned, else true. ScNeedsConfig is NOT handled here because it must be done on main thread, so this must be checked separately (e.g., in xyzview.Scene, as it requires a separate RunOnMainThread call).
func (*Scene) Image ¶
Image returns the current rendered image from the Frame RenderFrame. This version returns a direct pointer to the underlying host version of the GPU image, and should only be used immediately (for saving or writing to another image). You must call ImageDone() when done with the image. See [ImageCopy] for a version that returns a copy of the image, which will be usable until the next call to ImageCopy.
func (*Scene) ImageCopy ¶
ImageCopy returns a copy of the current rendered image from the Frame RenderFrame. A re-used image.RGBA is returned. This same image is used across calls to avoid large memory allocations, so it will automatically update after the next ImageCopy call. The underlying image is in the [ImgCopy] field. If a persistent image is required, call iox/imagex.CloneAsRGBA.
func (*Scene) ImageDone ¶
func (sc *Scene) ImageDone()
ImageDone must be called when done using the image returned by [Image].
func (*Scene) IsConfiged ¶
IsConfiged Returns true if the scene has already been configured
func (*Scene) KeyChordEvent ¶
func (*Scene) MeshByName ¶
MeshByName looks for mesh by name -- returns nil if not found
func (*Scene) MeshByNameTry ¶
MeshByNameTry looks for mesh by name -- returns error if not found
func (*Scene) MouseScrollEvent ¶
func (sc *Scene) MouseScrollEvent(e *events.MouseScroll)
func (*Scene) NavKeyEvents ¶
NavKeyEvents handles standard viewer keyboard navigation events
func (*Scene) NeedsConfig ¶ added in v0.0.8
func (sc *Scene) NeedsConfig()
func (*Scene) NeedsRender ¶ added in v0.0.8
func (sc *Scene) NeedsRender()
func (*Scene) NeedsUpdate ¶ added in v0.0.8
func (sc *Scene) NeedsUpdate()
func (*Scene) NewInLibrary ¶
NewInLibrary makes a new Group in library, using given name as unique key in Library map.
func (*Scene) NodeType ¶ added in v0.0.10
NodeType returns the *types.Type of Scene
func (*Scene) OpenNewObj ¶
OpenNewObj opens object(s) from given file into a new group under given parent, using a decoder based on the file extension. Supported formats include: .obj = Wavefront OBJ format, including associated materials (.mtl) which
must have same name as .obj, or a default material is used.
func (*Scene) OpenNewObjFS ¶
OpenNewObjFS opens object(s) from given file in the given filesystem into a new group under given parent, using a decoder based on the file extension. Supported formats include: .obj = Wavefront OBJ format, including associated materials (.mtl) which
must have same name as .obj, or a default material is used.
func (*Scene) OpenObj ¶
OpenObj opens object(s) from given file into given group in scene, using a decoder based on the file extension. Supported formats include: .obj = Wavefront OBJ format, including associated materials (.mtl) which
must have same name as .obj, or a default material is used.
func (*Scene) OpenObjFS ¶
OpenObjFS opens object(s) from given file in the given filesystem into given group in scene, using a decoder based on the file extension. Supported formats include: .obj = Wavefront OBJ format, including associated materials (.mtl) which
must have same name as .obj, or a default material is used.
func (*Scene) OpenScene ¶
OpenScene opens a scene from the given file, using a decoder based on the file extension in first file name. Supported formats include: .obj = Wavefront OBJ format, including associated materials (.mtl) which
must have same name as .obj, or a default material is used. Does not support full scene data so only objects are loaded into a new group in scene.
func (*Scene) OpenSceneFS ¶
OpenSceneFS opens a scene from the given file in the given filesystem, using a decoder based on the file extension in first file name. Supported formats include: .obj = Wavefront OBJ format, including associated materials (.mtl) which
must have same name as .obj, or a default material is used. Does not support full scene data so only objects are loaded into a new group in scene.
func (*Scene) OpenToLibrary ¶
OpenToLibrary opens object(s) from given file into the scene's Library using a decoder based on the file extension. The library key name must be unique, and is given by libnm -- if empty, then the filename (only) without extension is used. Supported formats include: .obj = Wavefront OBJ format, including associated materials (.mtl) which
must have same name as .obj, or a default material is used.
func (*Scene) OpenToLibraryFS ¶
OpenToLibraryFS opens object(s) from given file in the given filesystem into the scene's Library using a decoder based on the file extension. The library key name must be unique, and is given by libnm -- if empty, then the filename (only) without extension is used. Supported formats include: .obj = Wavefront OBJ format, including associated materials (.mtl) which
must have same name as .obj, or a default material is used.
func (*Scene) PlaneMesh2D ¶
PlaneMesh2D returns the special Plane mesh used for Text2D and Embed2D (creating it if it does not yet exist). This is a 1x1 plane with a normal pointing in +Z direction.
func (*Scene) ReadObj ¶
ReadObj reads object(s) from given reader(s) into given group in scene, using a decoder based on the extension of the given file name -- even though the file name is not directly used to read the file, it is required for naming and decoding selection. This method can be used for loading data embedded in an executable for example. Supported formats include: .obj = Wavefront OBJ format, including associated materials (.mtl) which
is the 2nd reader arg, or a default material is used.
func (*Scene) ReadScene ¶
ReadScene reads scene from given reader(s), using a decoder based on the file name extension -- even though the file name is not directly used to read the file, it is required for naming and decoding selection. This method can be used for loading data embedded in an executable for example. Supported formats include: .obj = Wavefront OBJ format, including associated materials (.mtl) which
must have same name as .obj, or a default material is used. Does not support full scene data so only objects are loaded into a new group in scene.
func (*Scene) ReconfigMeshes ¶
func (sc *Scene) ReconfigMeshes()
ReconfigMeshes reconfigures meshes on the Phong renderer if there has been any change to the mesh structure. Config does a full configure of everything -- this is optimized just for mesh changes.
func (*Scene) ReconfigTextures ¶
func (sc *Scene) ReconfigTextures()
ReconfigTextures reconfigures textures on the Phong renderer if there has been a change to the mesh structure Config does a full configure of everything -- this is optimized just for texture changes.
func (*Scene) Render ¶
Render renders the scene to the Frame framebuffer. Only the Camera pose view matrix is updated here. If nodes require their own pose etc updates, UpdateNodes must be called prior to render. Returns false if currently already rendering.
func (*Scene) RenderImpl ¶
func (sc *Scene) RenderImpl()
RenderImpl renders the scene to the framebuffer. all scene-level resources must be initialized and activated at this point
func (*Scene) SaveCamera ¶
SaveCamera saves the current camera with given name -- can be restored later with SetCamera. "default" is a special name that is automatically saved on first render, and restored with the spacebar under default NavEvents. Numbered cameras 0-9 also saved / restored with corresponding keys.
func (*Scene) SetBackgroundColor ¶
SetBackgroundColor sets the [Scene.BackgroundColor]: background color, which is used directly as an RGB color in vulkan
func (*Scene) SetCamera ¶
SetCamera sets the current camera to that of given name -- error if not found. "default" is a special name that is automatically saved on first render, and restored with the spacebar under default NavEvents. Numbered cameras 0-9 also saved / restored with corresponding keys.
func (*Scene) SetMultiSample ¶
SetMultiSample sets the [Scene.MultiSample]: number of samples in multisampling -- must be a power of 2, and must be 1 if grabbing the Depth buffer back from the RenderFrame
func (*Scene) SetNoNav ¶
SetNoNav sets the [Scene.NoNav]: don't activate the standard navigation keyboard and mouse event processing to move around the camera in the scene
func (*Scene) SetWireframe ¶
SetWireframe sets the [Scene.Wireframe]: render using wireframe instead of filled polygons -- this must be set prior to configuring the Phong rendering system (i.e., just after Scene is made)
func (*Scene) SlideMoveEvent ¶
func (*Scene) SolidsIntersectingPoint ¶
SolidsIntersectingPoint finds all the solids that contain given 2D window coordinate
func (*Scene) TextureByName ¶
TextureByName looks for texture by name -- returns nil if not found
func (*Scene) TextureByNameTry ¶
TextureByNameTry looks for texture by name -- returns error if not found
func (*Scene) TextureList ¶
TextureList returns a list of available textures (e.g., for chooser)
func (*Scene) TrackCamera ¶
TrackCamera -- a Group at the top-level named "TrackCamera" will automatically track the camera (i.e., its Pose is copied). Solids in that group can set their relative Pos etc to display relative to the camera, to achieve "first person" effects.
func (*Scene) Update ¶
func (sc *Scene) Update()
Update is a global update of everything: config, update, and re-render
func (*Scene) UpdateMVPMatrix ¶
func (sc *Scene) UpdateMVPMatrix()
UpdateMVPMatrix updates the Model-View-Projection matrix for all scene elements and BBox2D
func (*Scene) UpdateMeshBBox ¶
func (sc *Scene) UpdateMeshBBox()
UpdateMeshBBox updates the Mesh-based BBox info for all nodes. groups aggregate over elements
func (*Scene) UpdateMeshes ¶
func (sc *Scene) UpdateMeshes()
UpdateMeshes iterates over meshes and calls their Update method each mesh Update method must call SetMod to trigger the update
func (*Scene) UpdateNodes ¶
func (sc *Scene) UpdateNodes()
func (*Scene) UpdateNodesIfNeeded ¶
func (sc *Scene) UpdateNodesIfNeeded()
UpdateNodesIfNeeded can be called to update prior to an ad-hoc render if the NeedsUpdate flag has been set (resets flag)
type SceneEmbedder ¶
type SceneEmbedder interface {
AsScene() *Scene
SceneEmbedder is an interface that all types that embed Scene satisfy
type Solid ¶
type Solid struct { NodeBase // name of the mesh shape information used for rendering this solid -- all meshes are collected on the Scene Mesh MeshName `set:"-"` // material properties of the surface (color, shininess, texture, etc) Mat Material `view:"add-fields"` // cached pointer to mesh MeshPtr Mesh `view:"-" set:"-"` }
Solid represents an individual 3D solid element. It has its own unique spatial transforms and material properties, and points to a mesh structure defining the shape of the solid.
func NewLine ¶
func NewLine(sc *Scene, parent tree.Node, name string, st, ed math32.Vector3, width float32, clr color.RGBA) *Solid
NewLine adds a new line between two specified points, using a shared mesh unit line, which is rotated and positioned to go between the designated points.
func NewSolid ¶
NewSolid adds a new Solid with the given name to the given parent: Solid represents an individual 3D solid element. It has its own unique spatial transforms and material properties, and points to a mesh structure defining the shape of the solid.
func (*Solid) Defaults ¶
func (sld *Solid) Defaults()
Defaults sets default initial settings for solid params. This is called automatically OnInit.
func (*Solid) IsTransparent ¶
func (*Solid) NodeType ¶ added in v0.0.10
NodeType returns the *types.Type of Solid
func (*Solid) ParentMaterial ¶
ParentMaterial returns parent's material or nil if not avail
func (*Solid) RenderClass ¶
func (sld *Solid) RenderClass() RenderClasses
RenderClass returns the class of rendering for this solid used for organizing the ordering of rendering
func (*Solid) SetAxisRotation ¶
SetAxisRotation sets the [Pose.Quat] rotation of the solid, from local axis and angle in degrees.
func (*Solid) SetBright ¶
SetBright sets the [Material.Bright]: prop: bright = overall multiplier on final computed color value -- can be used to tune the overall brightness of various surfaces relative to each other for a given set of lighting parameters
func (*Solid) SetColor ¶
SetColor sets the [Material.Color]: prop: color = main color of surface, used for both ambient and diffuse color in standard Phong model -- alpha component determines transparency -- note that transparent objects require more complex rendering
func (*Solid) SetEmissive ¶
SetEmissive sets the [Material.Emissive]: prop: emissive = color that surface emits independent of any lighting -- i.e., glow -- can be used for marking lights with an object
func (*Solid) SetEulerRotation ¶
SetEulerRotation sets the [Pose.Quat] rotation of the solid, from euler angles in degrees
func (*Solid) SetMat ¶
SetMat sets the [Solid.Mat]: material properties of the surface (color, shininess, texture, etc)
func (*Solid) SetMeshName ¶
SetMeshName sets mesh to given mesh name.
func (*Solid) SetReflective ¶
SetReflective sets the [Material.Reflective]: prop: reflective = specular reflectiveness factor -- how much it shines back directional light. The specular reflection color is always white * the incoming light.
func (*Solid) SetShiny ¶
SetShiny sets the [Material.Shiny]: prop: shiny = specular shininess factor -- how focally vs. broad the surface shines back directional light -- this is an exponential factor, with 0 = very broad diffuse reflection, and higher values (typically max of 128 or so but can go higher) having a smaller more focal specular reflection. Also set Reflective factor to change overall shininess effect.
func (*Solid) SetTexture ¶
SetTexture sets material to use given texture
func (*Solid) SetTextureName ¶
SetTextureName sets material to use given texture name (textures are accessed by name on Scene). If name is empty, then texture is reset
func (*Solid) UpdateMeshBBox ¶
func (sld *Solid) UpdateMeshBBox()
UpdateMeshBBox updates the Mesh-based BBox info for all nodes. groups aggregate over elements
type SolidPoint ¶
SolidPoint contains a Solid and a Point on that solid
type Sphere ¶
type Sphere struct { MeshBase // radius of the sphere Radius float32 // number of segments around the width of the sphere (32 is reasonable default for full circle) WidthSegs int `min:"3"` // number of height segments (32 is reasonable default for full height) HeightSegs int `min:"3"` // starting radial angle in degrees, relative to -1,0,0 left side starting point AngStart float32 `min:"0" max:"360" step:"5"` // total radial angle to generate in degrees (max = 360) AngLen float32 `min:"0" max:"360" step:"5"` // starting elevation (height) angle in degrees - 0 = top of sphere, and Pi is bottom ElevStart float32 `min:"0" max:"180" step:"5"` // total angle to generate in degrees (max = 180) ElevLen float32 `min:"0" max:"180" step:"5"` }
Sphere is a sphere mesh
func NewSphere ¶
NewSphere creates a sphere mesh with the specified radius, number of segments (resolution).
func (*Sphere) SetAngLen ¶
SetAngLen sets the [Sphere.AngLen]: total radial angle to generate in degrees (max = 360)
func (*Sphere) SetAngStart ¶
SetAngStart sets the [Sphere.AngStart]: starting radial angle in degrees, relative to -1,0,0 left side starting point
func (*Sphere) SetDynamic ¶
SetDynamic sets the [Sphere.Dynamic]
func (*Sphere) SetElevLen ¶
SetElevLen sets the [Sphere.ElevLen]: total angle to generate in degrees (max = 180)
func (*Sphere) SetElevStart ¶
SetElevStart sets the [Sphere.ElevStart]: starting elevation (height) angle in degrees - 0 = top of sphere, and Pi is bottom
func (*Sphere) SetHeightSegs ¶
SetHeightSegs sets the [Sphere.HeightSegs]: number of height segments (32 is reasonable default for full height)
func (*Sphere) SetWidthSegs ¶
SetWidthSegs sets the [Sphere.WidthSegs]: number of segments around the width of the sphere (32 is reasonable default for full circle)
type SpotLight ¶
type SpotLight struct { LightBase Pose Pose // position and orientation // Angular decay factor -- defaults to 15 AngDecay float32 // Cut off angle (in degrees) -- defaults to 45 -- max of 90 CutoffAngle float32 `max:"90" min:"1"` // Distance linear decay factor -- defaults to .01 LinDecay float32 // Distance quadratic decay factor -- defaults to .001 -- dominates at longer distances QuadDecay float32 }
Spotlight is a light with a position and direction and associated decay factors and angles. which divide the light intensity as a function of linear and quadratic distance. The quadratic factor dominates at longer distances.
func NewSpotLight ¶
func NewSpotLight(sc *Scene, name string, lumens float32, color LightColors) *SpotLight
NewSpotLight adds spot light to given scene, with given name, standard color, and lumens (0-1 normalized) By default it is located at 0,5,5 (up and between default camera and origin) and pointing at the origin. Use the Pose LookAt function to point it at other locations. In its unrotated state, it points down the -Z axis (i.e., into the scene using default view parameters)
func (*SpotLight) LookAt ¶
LookAt points the spotlight at given target location, using given up direction.
func (*SpotLight) LookAtOrigin ¶
func (sl *SpotLight) LookAtOrigin()
LookAtOrigin points the spotlight at origin with Y axis pointing Up (i.e., standard)
type Text2D ¶
type Text2D struct { Solid // the text string to display Text string // styling settings for the text Styles styles.Style `set:"-" json:"-" xml:"-"` // position offset of start of text rendering relative to upper-left corner TxtPos math32.Vector2 `set:"-" xml:"-" json:"-"` // render data for text label TxtRender paint.Text `set:"-" xml:"-" json:"-"` // render state for rendering text RenderState paint.State `set:"-" copier:"-" json:"-" xml:"-" view:"-"` }
Text2D presents 2D rendered text on a vertically-oriented plane, using a texture. Call SetText() which calls RenderText to update fortext changes (re-renders texture). The native scale is such that a unit height value is the height of the default font set by the font-size property, and the X axis is scaled proportionally based on the rendered text size to maintain the aspect ratio. Further scaling can be applied on top of that by setting the Pose.Scale values as usual. Standard styling properties can be set on the node to set font size, family, and text alignment relative to the Pose.Pos position (e.g., Left, Top puts the upper-left corner of text at Pos). Note that higher quality is achieved by using a larger font size (36 default). The margin property creates blank margin of the background color around the text (2 px default) and the background-color defaults to transparent but can be set to any color.
func NewText2D ¶
NewText2D adds a new Text2D with the given name to the given parent: Text2D presents 2D rendered text on a vertically-oriented plane, using a texture. Call SetText() which calls RenderText to update fortext changes (re-renders texture). The native scale is such that a unit height value is the height of the default font set by the font-size property, and the X axis is scaled proportionally based on the rendered text size to maintain the aspect ratio. Further scaling can be applied on top of that by setting the Pose.Scale values as usual. Standard styling properties can be set on the node to set font size, family, and text alignment relative to the Pose.Pos position (e.g., Left, Top puts the upper-left corner of text at Pos). Note that higher quality is achieved by using a larger font size (36 default). The margin property creates blank margin of the background color around the text (2 px default) and the background-color defaults to transparent but can be set to any color.
func (*Text2D) IsTransparent ¶
func (*Text2D) NodeType ¶ added in v0.0.10
NodeType returns the *types.Type of Text2D
func (*Text2D) RenderClass ¶
func (txt *Text2D) RenderClass() RenderClasses
func (*Text2D) RenderText ¶
func (txt *Text2D) RenderText()
func (*Text2D) TextSize ¶
TextSize returns the size of the text plane, applying all *local* scaling factors if nothing rendered yet, returns false
func (*Text2D) UpdateWorldMatrix ¶
type Texture ¶
type Texture interface { // Name returns name of the texture Name() string // IsTransparent returns true if there is any transparency present in the texture // This is not auto-detected but rather must be set manually. // It affects the rendering order -- transparent items are rendered last. IsTransparent() bool // SetTransparent sets the transparency flag for this texture. SetTransparent(trans bool) // Image returns image for the texture, in image.RGBA format used internally Image() *image.RGBA // SetImage sets image for the texture SetImage(img image.Image) }
Texture is the interface for all textures
type TextureBase ¶
type TextureBase struct { // name of the texture -- textures are connected to material by name Nm string // set to true if texture has transparency Trans bool // cached image Img *image.RGBA }
TextureBase is the base texture implementation it uses an image.RGBA as underlying image storage to facilitate interface with GPU
func (*TextureBase) Image ¶
func (tx *TextureBase) Image() *image.RGBA
func (*TextureBase) IsTransparent ¶
func (tx *TextureBase) IsTransparent() bool
func (*TextureBase) Name ¶
func (tx *TextureBase) Name() string
func (*TextureBase) SetImage ¶
func (tx *TextureBase) SetImage(img image.Image)
func (*TextureBase) SetTransparent ¶
func (tx *TextureBase) SetTransparent(trans bool)
type TextureFile ¶
type TextureFile struct { TextureBase // filesystem for embedded etc FSys fs.FS // filename for the texture File string }
TextureFile is a texture loaded from a file
func NewTextureFile ¶
func NewTextureFile(sc *Scene, name string, filename string) *TextureFile
NewTextureFile adds a new texture from file of given name and filename
func NewTextureFileFS ¶
NewTextureFileFS adds a new texture from file of given name and filename
func (*TextureFile) Image ¶
func (tx *TextureFile) Image() *image.RGBA
type TextureGi2D ¶
type TextureGi2D struct {
TextureGi2D is a dynamic texture material driven by a core.Viewport2D viewport anything rendered to the viewport will be projected onto the surface of any solid using this texture.
type Tiling ¶
type Tiling struct { // how often to repeat the texture in each direction Repeat math32.Vector2 // offset for when to start the texure in each direction Off math32.Vector2 }
Tiling are the texture tiling parameters
type Torus ¶
type Torus struct { MeshBase // larger radius of the torus ring Radius float32 // radius of the solid tube TubeRadius float32 // number of segments around the radius of the torus (32 is reasonable default for full circle) RadialSegs int `min:"1"` // number of segments for the tube itself (32 is reasonable default for full height) TubeSegs int `min:"1"` // starting radial angle in degrees relative to 1,0,0 starting point AngStart float32 `min:"0" max:"360" step:"5"` // total radial angle to generate in degrees (max = 360) AngLen float32 `min:"0" max:"360" step:"5"` }
Torus is a torus mesh, defined by the radius of the solid tube and the larger radius of the ring.
func NewTorus ¶
NewTorus creates a sphere mesh with the specified outer ring radius, solid tube radius, and number of segments (resolution).
func (*Torus) Set ¶
func (tr *Torus) Set(sc *Scene, vtxAry, normAry, texAry, clrAry math32.ArrayF32, idxAry math32.ArrayU32)
Set sets points for torus in given allocated arrays
func (*Torus) SetAngLen ¶
SetAngLen sets the [Torus.AngLen]: total radial angle to generate in degrees (max = 360)
func (*Torus) SetAngStart ¶
SetAngStart sets the [Torus.AngStart]: starting radial angle in degrees relative to 1,0,0 starting point
func (*Torus) SetDynamic ¶
SetDynamic sets the [Torus.Dynamic]
func (*Torus) SetRadialSegs ¶
SetRadialSegs sets the [Torus.RadialSegs]: number of segments around the radius of the torus (32 is reasonable default for full circle)
func (*Torus) SetTubeRadius ¶
SetTubeRadius sets the [Torus.TubeRadius]: radius of the solid tube
func (*Torus) SetTubeSegs ¶
SetTubeSegs sets the [Torus.TubeSegs]: number of segments for the tube itself (32 is reasonable default for full height)