Overview ¶
Package token defines a complete set of all lexical tokens for any kind of language! It is based on the alecthomas/chroma / pygments lexical tokens plus all the more detailed tokens needed for actually parsing languages
Index ¶
- Variables
- func InitCatMap()
- func InitSubCatMap()
- type KeyToken
- type KeyTokenList
- type Tokens
- func (tk Tokens) Cat() Tokens
- func (tk Tokens) ClassName() string
- func (tk Tokens) CombineRepeats() bool
- func (i Tokens) Desc() string
- func (tk Tokens) IconName() string
- func (tk Tokens) InCat(other Tokens) bool
- func (tk Tokens) InSubCat(other Tokens) bool
- func (i Tokens) Int64() int64
- func (tk Tokens) IsAmbigUnaryOp() bool
- func (tk Tokens) IsCat() bool
- func (tk Tokens) IsCode() bool
- func (tk Tokens) IsKeyword() bool
- func (tk Tokens) IsPunctGpLeft() bool
- func (tk Tokens) IsPunctGpRight() bool
- func (tk Tokens) IsSubCat() bool
- func (tk Tokens) IsUnaryOp() bool
- func (i Tokens) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)
- func (tk Tokens) Match(otk Tokens) bool
- func (tk Tokens) Parent() Tokens
- func (tk Tokens) PunctGpMatch() Tokens
- func (i *Tokens) SetInt64(in int64)
- func (i *Tokens) SetString(s string) error
- func (i Tokens) String() string
- func (tk Tokens) StyleName() string
- func (tk Tokens) SubCat() Tokens
- func (i *Tokens) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
- func (i Tokens) Values() []enums.Enum
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var CatMap map[Tokens]Tokens
CatMap is the map into the category level for each token
var Cats = []Tokens{ None, Keyword, Name, Literal, Operator, Punctuation, Comment, Text, TokensN, }
var KeyTokenZero = KeyToken{}
var Names = map[Tokens]string{}/* 125 elements not displayed */
Names are the short tag names for each token, used e.g., for syntax highlighting These are based on alecthomas/chroma / pygments
var OpPunctMap = map[string]Tokens{ "+": OpMathAdd, "-": OpMathSub, "*": OpMathMul, "/": OpMathDiv, "%": OpMathRem, "&": OpBitAnd, "|": OpBitOr, "~": OpBitNot, "^": OpBitXor, "<<": OpBitShiftLeft, ">>": OpBitShiftRight, "&^": OpBitAndNot, "=": OpAsgnAssign, "++": OpAsgnInc, "--": OpAsgnDec, "<-": OpAsgnArrow, ":=": OpAsgnDefine, "+=": OpMathAsgnAdd, "-=": OpMathAsgnSub, "*=": OpMathAsgnMul, "/=": OpMathAsgnDiv, "%=": OpMathAsgnRem, "&=": OpBitAsgnAnd, "|=": OpBitAsgnOr, "^=": OpBitAsgnXor, "<<=": OpBitAsgnShiftLeft, ">>=": OpBitAsgnShiftRight, "&^=": OpBitAsgnAndNot, "&&": OpLogAnd, "||": OpLogOr, "!": OpLogNot, "==": OpRelEqual, "!=": OpRelNotEqual, "<": OpRelLess, ">": OpRelGreater, "<=": OpRelLtEq, ">=": OpRelGtEq, "...": OpListEllipsis, "(": PunctGpLParen, ")": PunctGpRParen, "[": PunctGpLBrack, "]": PunctGpRBrack, "{": PunctGpLBrace, "}": PunctGpRBrace, ",": PunctSepComma, ".": PunctSepPeriod, ";": PunctSepSemicolon, ":": PunctSepColon, "\"": PunctStrDblQuote, "'": PunctStrQuote, "`": PunctStrBacktick, "\\": PunctStrEsc, }
OpPunctMap provides a lookup of operators and punctuation tokens by their usual string representation
var SubCatMap map[Tokens]Tokens
SubCatMap is the map into the sub-category level for each token
var SubCats = []Tokens{ None, Keyword, Name, NameType, NameFunction, NameScope, NameVar, NameValue, Literal, LitStr, LitNum, Operator, OpMath, OpBit, OpAsgn, OpMathAsgn, OpBitAsgn, OpLog, OpRel, OpList, Punctuation, PunctGp, PunctSep, PunctStr, Comment, CommentPreproc, Text, TextStyle, TokensN, }
Functions ¶
Types ¶
type KeyToken ¶
KeyToken combines a token and an optional keyword name for Keyword token types if Tok is in Keyword category, then Key string can be used to check for same keyword. Also has a Depth for matching against a particular nesting depth
func (KeyToken) Equal ¶
Equal compares equality of two tokens including keywords if token is in Keyword category. See also Match for version that uses category / subcategory matching
func (KeyToken) Match ¶
Match compares equality of two tokens including keywords if token is in Keyword category. returns true if the two tokens match, in a category / subcategory sensitive manner: if receiver token is a category, then it matches other token if it is the same category and likewise for subcategory
func (KeyToken) MatchDepth ¶
MatchDepth compares equality of two tokens including depth -- see Match for other matching criteria
type KeyTokenList ¶
type KeyTokenList []KeyToken
KeyTokenList is a list (slice) of KeyTokens
func (KeyTokenList) Match ¶
func (kl KeyTokenList) Match(okt KeyToken) bool
Match returns true if given keytoken matches any of the items on the list
type Tokens ¶
type Tokens int32 //enums:enum
Tokens is a complete set of lexical tokens that encompasses all programming and text markup languages. It includes everything in alecthomas/chroma (pygments) and everything needed for Go, C, C++, Python, etc.
There are categories and sub-categories, and methods to get those from a given element. The first category is 'None'.
See for more docs on the different categories
Anything missing should be added via a pull request etc
const ( // None is the nil token value -- for non-terminal cases or TBD None Tokens = iota // Error is an input that could not be tokenized due to syntax error etc Error // EOF is end of file EOF // EOL is end of line (typically implicit -- used for rule matching) EOL // EOS is end of statement -- a key meta-token -- in C it is ;, in Go it is either ; or EOL EOS // Background is for syntax highlight styles based on these tokens Background // Cat: Keywords (actual keyword is just the string) Keyword KeywordConstant KeywordDeclaration KeywordNamespace // incl package, import KeywordPseudo KeywordReserved KeywordType // Cat: Names. Name NameBuiltin // e.g., true, false -- builtin values.. NameBuiltinPseudo // e.g., this, self NameOther NamePseudo // SubCat: Type names NameType NameClass NameStruct NameField NameInterface NameConstant NameEnum NameEnumMember NameArray // includes slice etc NameMap NameObject NameTypeParam // for generics, templates // SubCat: Function names NameFunction NameDecorator // function-like wrappers in python NameFunctionMagic // e.g., __init__ in python NameMethod NameOperator NameConstructor // includes destructor.. NameException NameLabel // e.g., goto label NameEvent // for LSP -- not really sure what it is.. // SubCat: Scoping names NameScope NameNamespace NameModule NamePackage NameLibrary // SubCat: NameVar -- variable names NameVar NameVarAnonymous NameVarClass NameVarGlobal NameVarInstance NameVarMagic NameVarParam // SubCat: Value -- data-like elements NameValue NameTag // e.g., HTML tag NameProperty NameAttribute // e.g., HTML attr NameEntity // special entities. (e.g. in HTML). seems like other.. // Cat: Literals. Literal LiteralDate LiteralOther LiteralBool // SubCat: Literal Strings. LitStr LitStrAffix // unicode specifiers etc LitStrAtom LitStrBacktick LitStrBoolean LitStrChar LitStrDelimiter LitStrDoc // doc-specific strings where syntactically noted LitStrDouble LitStrEscape // esc sequences within strings LitStrHeredoc // in ruby, perl LitStrInterpol // interpolated parts of strings in #{foo} in Ruby LitStrName LitStrOther LitStrRegex LitStrSingle LitStrSymbol LitStrFile // filename // SubCat: Literal Numbers. LitNum LitNumBin LitNumFloat LitNumHex LitNumInteger LitNumIntegerLong LitNumOct LitNumImag // Cat: Operators. Operator OperatorWord // SubCat: Math operators OpMath OpMathAdd // + OpMathSub // - OpMathMul // * OpMathDiv // / OpMathRem // % // SubCat: Bitwise operators OpBit OpBitAnd // & OpBitOr // | OpBitNot // ~ OpBitXor // ^ OpBitShiftLeft // << OpBitShiftRight // >> OpBitAndNot // &^ // SubCat: Assign operators OpAsgn OpAsgnAssign // = OpAsgnInc // ++ OpAsgnDec // -- OpAsgnArrow // <- OpAsgnDefine // := // SubCat: Math Assign operators OpMathAsgn OpMathAsgnAdd // += OpMathAsgnSub // -= OpMathAsgnMul // *= OpMathAsgnDiv // /= OpMathAsgnRem // %= // SubCat: Bitwise Assign operators OpBitAsgn OpBitAsgnAnd // &= OpBitAsgnOr // |= OpBitAsgnXor // ^= OpBitAsgnShiftLeft // <<= OpBitAsgnShiftRight // >>= OpBitAsgnAndNot // &^= // SubCat: Logical operators OpLog OpLogAnd // && OpLogOr // || OpLogNot // ! // SubCat: Relational operators OpRel OpRelEqual // == OpRelNotEqual // != OpRelLess // < OpRelGreater // > OpRelLtEq // <= OpRelGtEq // >= // SubCat: List operators OpList OpListEllipsis // ... // Cat: Punctuation. Punctuation // SubCat: Grouping punctuation PunctGp PunctGpLParen // ( PunctGpRParen // ) PunctGpLBrack // [ PunctGpRBrack // ] PunctGpLBrace // { PunctGpRBrace // } // SubCat: Separator punctuation PunctSep PunctSepComma // , PunctSepPeriod // . PunctSepSemicolon // ; PunctSepColon // : // SubCat: String punctuation PunctStr PunctStrDblQuote // " PunctStrQuote // ' PunctStrBacktick // ` PunctStrEsc // \ // Cat: Comments. Comment CommentHashbang CommentMultiline CommentSingle CommentSpecial // SubCat: Preprocessor "comments". CommentPreproc CommentPreprocFile // Cat: Text. Text TextWhitespace TextSymbol TextPunctuation TextSpellErr // SubCat: TextStyle (corresponds to Generic in chroma / pygments) todo: look in font deco for more TextStyle TextStyleDeleted // strike-through TextStyleEmph // italics TextStyleError TextStyleHeading TextStyleInserted TextStyleOutput TextStylePrompt TextStyleStrong // bold TextStyleSubheading TextStyleTraceback TextStyleUnderline TextStyleLink )
The list of tokens
const TokensN Tokens = 177
TokensN is the highest valid value for type Tokens, plus one.
func TokensValues ¶
func TokensValues() []Tokens
TokensValues returns all possible values for the type Tokens.
func (Tokens) ClassName ¶
ClassName returns the . prefixed CSS classname of the tag style for styling, a CSS property should exist with this name
func (Tokens) CombineRepeats ¶
CombineRepeats are token types where repeated tokens of the same type should be combined together -- literals, comments, text
func (Tokens) IconName ¶
IconName returns the appropriate icon name for the type of lexical item this is
func (Tokens) IsAmbigUnaryOp ¶
IsAmbigUnaryOp returns true if this token is an operator that could either be a Unary or Binary operator -- need special matching for this. includes * and & which are used for address operations in C-like languages
func (Tokens) IsCode ¶
IsCode returns true if this token is in Keyword, Name, Operator, or Punctuation categs. these are recognized code (program) elements that can usefully be distinguished from other forms of raw text (e.g., for spell checking)
func (Tokens) IsPunctGpLeft ¶
IsPunctGpLeft returns true if token is a PunctGpL token -- left paren, brace, bracket
func (Tokens) IsPunctGpRight ¶
IsPunctGpRight returns true if token is a PunctGpR token -- right paren, brace, bracket
func (Tokens) IsUnaryOp ¶
IsUnaryOp returns true if this token is an operator that is typically used as a Unary operator: - + & * ! ^ ! <-
func (Tokens) MarshalText ¶
MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.
func (Tokens) Match ¶
Match returns true if the two tokens match, in a category / subcategory sensitive manner: if receiver token is a category, then it matches other token if it is the same category and likewise for subcategory
func (Tokens) PunctGpMatch ¶
PunctGpMatch returns the matching token for given PunctGp token
func (*Tokens) SetString ¶
SetString sets the Tokens value from its string representation, and returns an error if the string is invalid.
func (*Tokens) UnmarshalText ¶
UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.