Path | Synopsis |
Package base contains a collection of base infrastructure packages that serve as a base for the main Cogent Core packages.
Package base contains a collection of base infrastructure packages that serve as a base for the main Cogent Core packages. |
Package atomiccounter implements a basic atomic int64 counter.
Package atomiccounter implements a basic atomic int64 counter. |
Package auth provides a system for identifying and authenticating users through third party cloud systems in Cogent Core apps.
Package auth provides a system for identifying and authenticating users through third party cloud systems in Cogent Core apps. |
Package bools provides functions and interfaces for interacting with bool values.
Package bools provides functions and interfaces for interacting with bool values. |
Package datasize provides a data size type and constants.
Package datasize provides a data size type and constants. |
Package elide provides basic text eliding functions.
Package elide provides basic text eliding functions. |
Package errors provides a set of error handling helpers, extending the standard library errors package.
Package errors provides a set of error handling helpers, extending the standard library errors package. |
Package exec provides an easy way to execute commands, improving the ease-of-use and error handling of the standard library os/exec package.
Package exec provides an easy way to execute commands, improving the ease-of-use and error handling of the standard library os/exec package. |
Package fileinfo manages file information and categorizes file types; it is the single, consolidated place where file info, mimetypes, and filetypes are managed in Cogent Core.
Package fileinfo manages file information and categorizes file types; it is the single, consolidated place where file info, mimetypes, and filetypes are managed in Cogent Core. |
Package mimedata defines MIME data support used in clipboard and drag-and-drop functions in the Cogent Core GUI.
Package mimedata defines MIME data support used in clipboard and drag-and-drop functions in the Cogent Core GUI. |
Package fsx provides various utility functions for dealing with filesystems.
Package fsx provides various utility functions for dealing with filesystems. |
Package generate provides utilities for building code generators in Go.
Package generate provides utilities for building code generators in Go. |
Package indent provides indentation generation methods.
Package indent provides indentation generation methods. |
Package iox provides boilerplate wrapper functions for the Go standard io functions to Read, Open, Write, and Save, with implementations for commonly used encoding formats.
Package iox provides boilerplate wrapper functions for the Go standard io functions to Read, Open, Write, and Save, with implementations for commonly used encoding formats. |
Package logx implements structured log handling and provides global log and print verbosity and color options.
Package logx implements structured log handling and provides global log and print verbosity and color options. |
Package mergefs provides support for merging multiple filesystems together.
Package mergefs provides support for merging multiple filesystems together. |
Package mpi wraps the Message Passing Interface for distributed memory data sharing across a collection of processors (procs).
Package mpi wraps the Message Passing Interface for distributed memory data sharing across a collection of processors (procs). |
Package nptime provides a non-pointer version of the time.Time struct that does not have the location pointer information that time.Time has, which is more efficient from a memory management perspective, in cases where you have a lot of time values being kept:
Package nptime provides a non-pointer version of the time.Time struct that does not have the location pointer information that time.Time has, which is more efficient from a memory management perspective, in cases where you have a lot of time values being kept: |
Package option provides optional (nullable) types.
Package option provides optional (nullable) types. |
package ordmap implements an ordered map that retains the order of items added to a slice, while also providing fast key-based map lookup of items, using the Go 1.18 generics system.
package ordmap implements an ordered map that retains the order of items added to a slice, while also providing fast key-based map lookup of items, using the Go 1.18 generics system. |
Package plan provides an efficient mechanism for updating a slice to contain a target list of elements, generating minimal edits to modify the current slice contents to match the target.
Package plan provides an efficient mechanism for updating a slice to contain a target list of elements, generating minimal edits to modify the current slice contents to match the target. |
Package profile provides basic but effective profiling of targeted functions or code sections, which can often be more informative than generic cpu profiling.
Package profile provides basic but effective profiling of targeted functions or code sections, which can often be more informative than generic cpu profiling. |
Package randx provides randomization functionality built on top of standard math/rand random number generation functions.
Package randx provides randomization functionality built on top of standard math/rand random number generation functions. |
Package reflectx provides a collection of helpers for the reflect package in the Go standard library.
Package reflectx provides a collection of helpers for the reflect package in the Go standard library. |
Package runes provides a small subset of functions for rune slices that are found in the strings and bytes standard packages.
Package runes provides a small subset of functions for rune slices that are found in the strings and bytes standard packages. |
Package slicesx provides additional slice functions beyond those in the standard slices package.
Package slicesx provides additional slice functions beyond those in the standard slices package. |
Package stack provides a generic stack implementation.
Package stack provides a generic stack implementation. |
Package strcase provides functions for manipulating the case of strings (CamelCase, kebab-case, snake_case, Sentence case, etc).
Package strcase provides functions for manipulating the case of strings (CamelCase, kebab-case, snake_case, Sentence case, etc). |
Package stringsx provides additional string functions beyond those in the standard strings package.
Package stringsx provides additional string functions beyond those in the standard strings package. |
Package tiered provides a type for a tiered set of objects.
Package tiered provides a type for a tiered set of objects. |
Package timer provides a simple wall-clock duration timer based on standard time.
Package timer provides a simple wall-clock duration timer based on standard time. |
Package tolassert provides functions for asserting the equality of numbers with tolerance (in other words, it checks whether numbers are about equal).
Package tolassert provides functions for asserting the equality of numbers with tolerance (in other words, it checks whether numbers are about equal). |
Package vcs provides a more complete version control system (ex: git) interface, building on
Package vcs provides a more complete version control system (ex: git) interface, building on |
Package cli generates powerful CLIs from Go struct types and functions.
Package cli generates powerful CLIs from Go struct types and functions. |
Package clicore extends package cli by generating Cogent Core GUIs.
Package clicore extends package cli by generating Cogent Core GUIs. |
Command core provides command line tools for developing apps and libraries using the Cogent Core framework.
Command core provides command line tools for developing apps and libraries using the Cogent Core framework. |
Package cmd provides utilities for managing apps and packages that use the Cogent Core framework.
Package cmd provides utilities for managing apps and packages that use the Cogent Core framework. |
Package config contains the configuration structs for the Cogent Core tool.
Package config contains the configuration structs for the Cogent Core tool. |
Package generate provides the generation of useful methods, variables, and constants for Cogent Core code.
Package generate provides the generation of useful methods, variables, and constants for Cogent Core code. |
Package mobile provides functions for building Cogent Core apps for mobile devices.
Package mobile provides functions for building Cogent Core apps for mobile devices. |
Package binres implements encoding and decoding of android binary resources.
Package binres implements encoding and decoding of android binary resources. |
Package sdkpath provides functions for locating the Android SDK.
Package sdkpath provides functions for locating the Android SDK. |
Package web provides functions for building Cogent Core apps for the web.
Package web provides functions for building Cogent Core apps for the web. |
Package colors provides named colors, utilities for manipulating colors, and Material Design 3 color schemes, palettes, and keys in Go.
Package colors provides named colors, utilities for manipulating colors, and Material Design 3 color schemes, palettes, and keys in Go. |
Package gradient provides linear, radial, and conic color gradients.
Package gradient provides linear, radial, and conic color gradients. |
Package matcolor provides support for creating Material Design 3 color schemes and palettes.
Package matcolor provides support for creating Material Design 3 color schemes and palettes. |
Package core provides the core GUI functionality of Cogent Core.
Package core provides the core GUI functionality of Cogent Core. |
Package cursors provides Go constant names for cursors as SVG files.
Package cursors provides Go constant names for cursors as SVG files. |
Package cursorimg provides the cached rendering of SVG cursors to images.
Package cursorimg provides the cached rendering of SVG cursors to images. |
Command docs provides documentation of Cogent Core, hosted at
Command docs provides documentation of Cogent Core, hosted at |
Package enums provides common interfaces for enums and bit flag enums and utilities for using them
Package enums provides common interfaces for enums and bit flag enums and utilities for using them |
Package main provides the actual command line implementation of the enumgen library.
Package main provides the actual command line implementation of the enumgen library. |
Package enumgen provides functions for generating enum methods for enum types.
Package enumgen provides functions for generating enum methods for enum types. |
Package key defines an event for physical keyboard keys, for the Cogent Core GUI system.
Package key defines an event for physical keyboard keys, for the Cogent Core GUI system. |
Command async demonstrates async updating in Cogent Core.
Command async demonstrates async updating in Cogent Core. |
Package gpu implements a convenient interface to the WebGPU graphics and compute framework, in Go, using the ...
Package gpu implements a convenient interface to the WebGPU graphics and compute framework, in Go, using the ... |
This tool prints out information about your available WebGPU devices.
This tool prints out information about your available WebGPU devices. |
gosl translates Go source code into WGSL compatible shader code.
gosl translates Go source code into WGSL compatible shader code. |
package alignsl performs 16-byte alignment checking of struct fields and total size modulus checking of struct types to ensure WGSL (and GSL) compatibility.
package alignsl performs 16-byte alignment checking of struct fields and total size modulus checking of struct types to ensure WGSL (and GSL) compatibility. |
This example just does some basic calculations on data structures and reports the time difference between the CPU and GPU.
This example just does some basic calculations on data structures and reports the time difference between the CPU and GPU. |
package slbool defines a WGSL friendly int32 Bool type.
package slbool defines a WGSL friendly int32 Bool type. |
Package threading provides a simple parallel run function.
Package threading provides a simple parallel run function. |
Package shape provides a library of 3D shapes, built from indexed triangle meshes, which can be added together in `ShapeGroup` lists.
Package shape provides a library of 3D shapes, built from indexed triangle meshes, which can be added together in `ShapeGroup` lists. |
Package htmlcore converts HTML and MD into Cogent Core widget trees.
Package htmlcore converts HTML and MD into Cogent Core widget trees. |
Package icons provides Material Design Symbols as SVG icon variables.
Package icons provides Material Design Symbols as SVG icon variables. |
Package keymap implements maps from keyboard shortcuts to semantic GUI keyboard functions.
Package keymap implements maps from keyboard shortcuts to semantic GUI keyboard functions. |
math32 is our version of the G3N math32 32-bit, 3D rendering-based math library.
math32 is our version of the G3N math32 32-bit, 3D rendering-based math library. |
Package minmax provides a struct that holds Min and Max values.
Package minmax provides a struct that holds Min and Max values. |
Package vecint has vector types for emergent, including Vector2i which is a 2D vector with int values, using the API based on math32.Vector2i.
Package vecint has vector types for emergent, including Vector2i which is a 2D vector with int values, using the API based on math32.Vector2i. |
Package pages provides an easy way to make content-focused sites consisting of Markdown, HTML, and Cogent Core.
Package pages provides an easy way to make content-focused sites consisting of Markdown, HTML, and Cogent Core. |
Package ppath handles pages paths.
Package ppath handles pages paths. |
Package paint is the rendering package for Cogent Core.
Package paint is the rendering package for Cogent Core. |
Package scan provides an anti-aliasing 2-D rasterizer, which is based on the larger Freetype suite of font-related packages, but the raster package is not specific to font rasterization, and can be used standalone without any other Freetype package.
Package scan provides an anti-aliasing 2-D rasterizer, which is based on the larger Freetype suite of font-related packages, but the raster package is not specific to font rasterization, and can be used standalone without any other Freetype package. |
Package parse is the top-level package for the Cogent Core parsing system.
Package parse is the top-level package for the Cogent Core parsing system. |
Command update updates all of the .parse files within or beneath the current directory by opening and saving them.
Command update updates all of the .parse files within or beneath the current directory by opening and saving them. |
Package lexer provides all the lexing functions that transform text into lexical tokens, using token types defined in the token package.
Package lexer provides all the lexing functions that transform text into lexical tokens, using token types defined in the token package. |
Package lsp contains types for the Language Server Protocol LSP: and mappings from these elements into the token.Tokens types which are used internally in parse.
Package lsp contains types for the Language Server Protocol LSP: and mappings from these elements into the token.Tokens types which are used internally in parse. |
Package parse does the parsing stage after lexing
Package parse does the parsing stage after lexing |
Package supportedlanguages includes all the supported languages for parse -- need to import this package to get those all included in a given target
Package supportedlanguages includes all the supported languages for parse -- need to import this package to get those all included in a given target |
Package syms defines the symbols and their properties that are accumulated from a parsed file, and are then used for e.g., completion lookup, etc.
Package syms defines the symbols and their properties that are accumulated from a parsed file, and are then used for e.g., completion lookup, etc. |
Package token defines a complete set of all lexical tokens for any kind of language! It is based on the alecthomas/chroma / pygments lexical tokens plus all the more detailed tokens needed for actually parsing languages
Package token defines a complete set of all lexical tokens for any kind of language! It is based on the alecthomas/chroma / pygments lexical tokens plus all the more detailed tokens needed for actually parsing languages |
Package plotcore provides Cogent Core widgets for viewing and editing plots.
Package plotcore provides Cogent Core widgets for viewing and editing plots. |
Package plots defines a variety of standard Plotters for the plot package.
Package plots defines a variety of standard Plotters for the plot package. |
Package shell provides the Cogent Shell (cosh), which combines the best parts of Go and bash to provide an integrated shell experience that allows you to easily run terminal commands while using Go for complicated logic.
Package shell provides the Cogent Shell (cosh), which combines the best parts of Go and bash to provide an integrated shell experience that allows you to easily run terminal commands while using Go for complicated logic. |
Command cosh is an interactive cli for running and compiling Cogent Shell (cosh).
Command cosh is an interactive cli for running and compiling Cogent Shell (cosh). |
Package cosh defines convenient utility functions for use in the cosh shell, available with the cosh prefix.
Package cosh defines convenient utility functions for use in the cosh shell, available with the cosh prefix. |
Package spell provides functions for spell check and correction.
Package spell provides functions for spell check and correction. |
Package styles contains the style structures for the Cogent Core GUI framework.
Package styles contains the style structures for the Cogent Core GUI framework. |
Package Units supports full range of CSS-style length units (em, px, dp, etc)
Package Units supports full range of CSS-style length units (em, px, dp, etc) |
Package svg provides SVG rendering classes, I/O parsing: full SVG rendering
Package svg provides SVG rendering classes, I/O parsing: full SVG rendering |
Package system provides a Go operating system interface framework to support events, window management, and other OS-specific functionality needed for full GUI support.
Package system provides a Go operating system interface framework to support events, window management, and other OS-specific functionality needed for full GUI support. |
Package base provides base driver types that platform-specific drivers can extend to implement interfaces defined in package system.
Package base provides base driver types that platform-specific drivers can extend to implement interfaces defined in package system. |
Package mobileinit contains common initialization logic for mobile platforms that is relevant to both all-Go apps and gobind-based apps.
Package mobileinit contains common initialization logic for mobile platforms that is relevant to both all-Go apps and gobind-based apps. |
Package offscreen provides placeholder implementations of system interfaces to allow for offscreen testing and capturing of apps.
Package offscreen provides placeholder implementations of system interfaces to allow for offscreen testing and capturing of apps. |
Package web implements system interfaces on the web through WASM
Package web implements system interfaces on the web through WASM |
Package jsfs provides a Node.js style filesystem API in Go that can be used to allow os functions to work on wasm.
Package jsfs provides a Node.js style filesystem API in Go that can be used to allow os functions to work on wasm. |
Package bitslice implements a simple slice-of-bits using a []byte slice for storage, which is used for efficient storage of boolean data, such as projection connectivity patterns.
Package bitslice implements a simple slice-of-bits using a []byte slice for storage, which is used for efficient storage of boolean data, such as projection connectivity patterns. |
Package metric provides various similarity / distance metrics for comparing floating-point vectors.
Package metric provides various similarity / distance metrics for comparing floating-point vectors. |
Package norm provides normalization and norm metric computations e.g., L2 = sqrt of sum of squares of a vector.
Package norm provides normalization and norm metric computations e.g., L2 = sqrt of sum of squares of a vector. |
Package pca performs principal component's analysis and associated covariance matrix computations, operating on table.Table or tensor.Tensor data.
Package pca performs principal component's analysis and associated covariance matrix computations, operating on table.Table or tensor.Tensor data. |
Package simat provides similarity / distance matrix functions that create a SimMat matrix from Tensor or Table data.
Package simat provides similarity / distance matrix functions that create a SimMat matrix from Tensor or Table data. |
Package split provides GroupBy, Agg, Permute and other functions that create and populate Splits of table.Table data.
Package split provides GroupBy, Agg, Permute and other functions that create and populate Splits of table.Table data. |
Package agg provides aggregation functions operating on IndexView indexed views of table.Table data, along with standard AggFunc functions that can be used at any level of aggregation from tensor on up.
Package agg provides aggregation functions operating on IndexView indexed views of table.Table data, along with standard AggFunc functions that can be used at any level of aggregation from tensor on up. |
Package tensorcore provides GUI Views of table Table and Tensor structures using the Cogent Core views framework.
Package tensorcore provides GUI Views of table Table and Tensor structures using the Cogent Core views framework. |
Package tensormpi has methods to support use of MPI with tensor and table data structures.
Package tensormpi has methods to support use of MPI with tensor and table data structures. |
Package difflib is a partial port of Python difflib module.
Package difflib is a partial port of Python difflib module. |
Package bytes is a partial port of Python difflib module for bytes.
Package bytes is a partial port of Python difflib module for bytes. |
Package highlighting provides syntax highlighting styles; it is based on, which in turn was based on the python pygments package.
Package highlighting provides syntax highlighting styles; it is based on, which in turn was based on the python pygments package. |
Package tree provides a powerful and extensible tree system, centered on the core Node interface.
Package tree provides a powerful and extensible tree system, centered on the core Node interface. |
Package types provides type information for Go types, methods, and functions.
Package types provides type information for Go types, methods, and functions. |
Command typgen provides the generation of type information for Go types, methods, and functions.
Command typgen provides the generation of type information for Go types, methods, and functions. |
Package typgen provides the generation of type information for Go types, methods, and functions.
Package typgen provides the generation of type information for Go types, methods, and functions. |
Package undo package provides a generic undo / redo functionality based on `[]string` representations of any kind of state representation (typically JSON dump of the 'document' state).
Package undo package provides a generic undo / redo functionality based on `[]string` representations of any kind of state representation (typically JSON dump of the 'document' state). |
Package video implements a video player widget in Cogent Core.
Package video implements a video player widget in Cogent Core. |
Package xyz is a 3D graphics framework written in Go.
Package xyz is a 3D graphics framework written in Go. |
Package obj is used to parse the Wavefront OBJ file format (*.obj), including associated materials (*.mtl).
Package obj is used to parse the Wavefront OBJ file format (*.obj), including associated materials (*.mtl). |
Package xyzcore provides a GUI view for a 3D xyz scene.
Package xyzcore provides a GUI view for a 3D xyz scene. |
Package yaegicore provides functions connecting to Cogent Core.
Package yaegicore provides functions connecting to Cogent Core. |
Package symbols contains yaegi symbols for core packages.
Package symbols contains yaegi symbols for core packages. |
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.