
v1.1.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 8, 2019 License: MIT Imports: 9 Imported by: 0




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var Index = &ctx.Context{Name: "mdb", Help: "数据中心",
	Caches: map[string]*ctx.Cache{
		"nsource": &ctx.Cache{Name: "nsource", Value: "0", Help: "已打开数据库的数量"},
		"redis":   &ctx.Cache{Name: "redis", Value: "", Help: "服务地址"},
	Configs: map[string]*ctx.Config{
		"database": &ctx.Config{Name: "database", Value: "demo", Help: "默认数据库"},
		"username": &ctx.Config{Name: "username", Value: "demo", Help: "默认账户"},
		"password": &ctx.Config{Name: "password", Value: "demo", Help: "默认密码"},
		"protocol": &ctx.Config{Name: "protocol(tcp)", Value: "tcp", Help: "默认协议"},
		"address":  &ctx.Config{Name: "address", Value: "", Help: "默认地址"},
		"driver":   &ctx.Config{Name: "driver(mysql)", Value: "mysql", Help: "默认驱动"},

		"temp":        &ctx.Config{Name: "temp", Value: map[string]interface{}{}, Help: "缓存数据"},
		"temp_view":   &ctx.Config{Name: "temp_view", Value: map[string]interface{}{}, Help: "缓存数据"},
		"temp_expire": &ctx.Config{Name: "temp_expire(s)", Value: "3000", Help: "缓存数据"},

		"note": &ctx.Config{Name: "note", Value: map[string]interface{}{
			"faa01a8fc2fc92dae3fbc02ac1b4ec75": map[string]interface{}{
				"create_time": "1990-07-30 07:08:09", "access_time": "2017-11-01 02:03:04",
				"type": "index", "name": "shy", "data": "", "ship": map[string]interface{}{
					"prev": map[string]interface{}{"type": "index", "data": ""},
			"81c5709d091eb04bd31ee751c3f81023": map[string]interface{}{
				"create_time": "1990-07-30 07:08:09", "access_time": "2017-11-01 02:03:04",
				"meta": []interface{}{"text", "text", "place", "place", "label", "label", "friend", "friend", "username", "username"},
				"view": map[string]interface{}{
					"list": map[string]interface{}{"name": "left", "create_date": "right"},
					"edit": map[string]interface{}{"model": "hidden", "username": "hidden"},
				"bind": map[string]interface{}{},
				"type": "model", "name": "shy", "data": "", "ship": map[string]interface{}{
					"prev": map[string]interface{}{"type": "model", "data": ""},
		}, Help: "数据结构"},
		"note_view": &ctx.Config{Name: "note_view", Value: map[string]interface{}{
			"default": []interface{}{"key", "create_time", "type", "name", "model", "value"},
			"base":    []interface{}{"key", "create_time", "type", "name", "model", "value"},
			"full":    []interface{}{"key", "create_time", "access_time", "type", "name", "model", "value", "view", "data", "ship"},
		}, Help: "数据视图"},

		"ktv": &ctx.Config{Name: "ktv", Value: map[string]interface{}{
			"conf": map[string]interface{}{"expire": "24h"}, "data": map[string]interface{}{},
		}, Help: "缓存数据"},
	Commands: map[string]*ctx.Command{
		"ktv": &ctx.Command{Name: "ktv", Help: "", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) {
			if len(arg) == 0 {
				now := kit.Int(m.Time("stamp"))
				m.Confm("ktv", "data", func(key string, value map[string]interface{}) {
					m.Push("key", key)
					m.Push("expire", kit.Int(value["expire"])-now)
					m.Push("value", value["value"])
			if len(arg) == 1 {
				if m.Confi("ktv", []string{"data", arg[0], "expire"}) < kit.Int(m.Time("stamp")) {
					m.Conf("ktv", []string{"data", arg[0]}, "")
				m.Echo(m.Conf("ktv", []string{"data", arg[0], "value"}))
			m.Confv("ktv", []string{"data", arg[0]}, map[string]interface{}{
				"expire": m.Time(kit.Select(m.Conf("ktv", "conf.expire"), arg, 2), "stamp"),
				"value":  arg[1],
		"redis": &ctx.Command{Name: "redis conn address [protocol]", Help: "", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) {
			if mdb, ok := m.Target().Server.(*MDB); m.Assert(ok) {
				switch arg[0] {
				case "conn":
					mdb.conn, e = redis.Dial("tcp", m.Cap("redis", arg[1]), redis.DialKeepAlive(time.Second*10))
					if mdb.conn == nil {
						m.Echo("not open")
					if mdb.conn.Err() != nil {
						mdb.conn, e = redis.Dial("tcp", m.Cap("redis"), redis.DialKeepAlive(time.Second*10))
					args := []interface{}{}
					for _, v := range arg[1:] {
						args = append(args, v)
					res, err := mdb.conn.Do(arg[0], args...)
					switch val := res.(type) {
					case redis.Error:
						m.Echo("%v", val)
					case []interface{}:
						for i, v := range val {
							m.Add("append", "index", i)
							m.Add("append", "value", v)
						str := kit.Format(res)
						var data interface{}
						if json.Unmarshal([]byte(str), &data) == nil {
						} else {
		"open": &ctx.Command{Name: "open [database [username [password [address [protocol [driver]]]]]]",
			Help: "打开数据库, database: 数据库名, username: 用户名, password: 密码, address: 服务地址, protocol: 服务协议, driver: 数据库类型",
			Form: map[string]int{"dbname": 1, "dbhelp": 1},
			Auto: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) bool {
				switch len(arg) {
				case 0:
					m.Auto("", fmt.Sprintf("database(%s)", m.Conf("database")), "数据库")
				case 1:
					m.Auto("", fmt.Sprintf("username(%s)", m.Conf("username")), "账号")
				case 2:
					m.Auto("", fmt.Sprintf("password(%s)", m.Conf("password")), "密码")
				case 3:
					m.Auto("", fmt.Sprintf("address(%s)", m.Conf("address")), "地址")
				case 4:
					m.Auto("", fmt.Sprintf("protocol(%s)", m.Conf("protocol")), "协议")
				case 5:
					m.Auto("", fmt.Sprintf("driver(%s)", m.Conf("driver")), "驱动")
					m.Auto("", "[dbname name]", "模块名")
					m.Auto("", "[dbhelp help]", "帮助文档")
				return true
			Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) {
				m.Start(kit.Select(fmt.Sprintf("db%d", m.Capi("nsource", 1)), m.Option("dbname")),
					kit.Select("数据源", m.Option("dbhelp")), arg...)
		"exec": &ctx.Command{Name: "exec sql [arg]", Help: "操作数据库, sql: SQL语句, arg: 操作参数", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) {
			if mdb, ok := m.Target().Server.(*MDB); m.Assert(ok) && mdb.DB != nil {
				which := make([]interface{}, 0, len(arg))
				for _, v := range arg[1:] {
					which = append(which, v)

				ret, e := mdb.Exec(arg[0], which...)
				id, e := ret.LastInsertId()
				n, e := ret.RowsAffected()

				m.Log("info", "last(%s) nrow(%s)", m.Append("last", id), m.Append("nrow", n))
				m.Echo("%d", n)
		"query": &ctx.Command{Name: "query sql [arg]", Help: "查询数据库, sql: SQL语句, arg: 查询参数", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) {
			if mdb, ok := m.Target().Server.(*MDB); m.Assert(ok) && mdb.DB != nil {
				which := make([]interface{}, 0, len(arg))
				for _, v := range arg[1:] {
					which = append(which, v)

				rows, e := mdb.Query(arg[0], which...)
				defer rows.Close()

				cols, e := rows.Columns()
				num := len(cols)

				for rows.Next() {
					vals := make([]interface{}, num)
					ptrs := make([]interface{}, num)
					for i := range vals {
						ptrs[i] = &vals[i]

					for i, k := range cols {
						switch b := vals[i].(type) {
						case nil:
							m.Add("append", k, "")
						case []byte:
							m.Add("append", k, string(b))
						case int64:
							m.Add("append", k, fmt.Sprintf("%d", b))
							m.Add("append", k, fmt.Sprintf("%v", b))

				if len(m.Meta["append"]) > 0 {
					m.Log("info", "rows(%d) cols(%d)", len(m.Meta[m.Meta["append"][0]]), len(m.Meta["append"]))
				} else {
					m.Log("info", "rows(0) cols(0)")

		"db": &ctx.Command{Name: "db [which]", Help: "查看或选择数据库",
			Auto: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) bool {
				if len(arg) == 0 {
					m.Put("option", "auto_cmd", "").Spawn().Cmd("query", "show databases").Table(func(line map[string]string) {
						for _, v := range line {
							m.Auto(v, "", "")
				return true
			Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) {
				if len(arg) == 0 {
					m.Cmdy(".query", "show databases").Table()

				m.Assert(m.Cmdy("exec", fmt.Sprintf("use %s", arg[0])))
				m.Echo(m.Cap("database", arg[0]))
		"tab": &ctx.Command{Name: "tab [which [field]]", Help: "查看关系表,which: 表名, field: 字段名",
			Auto: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) bool {
				switch len(arg) {
				case 0:
					m.Put("option", "auto_cmd", "").Spawn().Cmd("query", "show tables").Table(func(line map[string]string) {
						for _, v := range line {
							m.Auto(v, "", "")
				case 1:
					m.Put("option", "auto_cmd", "").Spawn().Cmd("query", fmt.Sprintf("desc %s", arg[0])).Table(func(line map[string]string) {
						m.Auto(line["Field"], line["Type"], line["Default"])
				return true
			Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) {
				switch len(arg) {
				case 0:
					m.Cmdy(".query", "show tables").Table()
				case 1:
					m.Cmdy(".query", fmt.Sprintf("desc %s", arg[0])).Table()
				case 2:
					m.Cmdy(".query", fmt.Sprintf("desc %s", arg[0])).Cmd("select", "Field", arg[1]).CopyTo(m)
		"show": &ctx.Command{Name: "show table fields...", Help: "查询数据, table: 表名, fields: 字段, where: 查询条件, group: 聚合字段, order: 排序字段",
			Form: map[string]int{"where": 1, "eq": 2, "like": 2, "in": 2, "begin": 2, "group": 1, "order": 1, "desc": 0, "limit": 1, "offset": 1, "other": -1},
			Auto: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) bool {
				if len(arg) == 0 {
					m.Put("option", "auto_cmd", "").Spawn().Cmd("query", "show tables").Table(func(line map[string]string) {
						for _, v := range line {
							m.Auto(v, "", "")
					return true

				m.Auto("where", "stmt", "条件语句")
				m.Auto("eq", "field value", "条件语句")
				m.Auto("in", "field value", "条件语句")
				m.Auto("like", "field value", "条件语句")
				m.Auto("begin", "field value", "条件语句")

				m.Auto("group", "field", "聚合")
				m.Auto("order", "field", "排序")
				m.Auto("desc", "", "降序")
				m.Auto("limit", "10", "分页")
				m.Auto("offset", "0", "偏移")
				m.Auto("other", "stmt", "其它")
				return true
			Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) {
				if len(arg) == 0 {
					m.Cmdy(".query", "show tables")

				stmt := []string{
					fmt.Sprintf("select %s", kit.Select("*", strings.Join(arg[1:], ","))),
					fmt.Sprintf("from %s", arg[0]),

				where := []string{}
				if m.Has("where") {
					where = append(where, m.Option("where"))
				for i := 0; i < len(m.Meta["eq"]); i += 2 {
					where = append(where, fmt.Sprintf("%s='%s'", m.Meta["eq"][i], m.Meta["eq"][i+1]))
				for i := 0; i < len(m.Meta["in"]); i += 2 {
					where = append(where, fmt.Sprintf("%s in (%s)", m.Meta["in"][i], m.Meta["in"][i+1]))
				for i := 0; i < len(m.Meta["like"]); i += 2 {
					where = append(where, fmt.Sprintf("%s like '%s'", m.Meta["like"][i], m.Meta["like"][i+1]))
				for i := 0; i < len(m.Meta["begin"]); i += 2 {
					where = append(where, fmt.Sprintf("%s like '%s%%'", m.Meta["begin"][i], m.Meta["begin"][i+1]))
				if len(where) > 0 {
					stmt = append(stmt, "where", strings.Join(where, " and "))

				if m.Has("group") {
					stmt = append(stmt, fmt.Sprintf("group by %s", m.Option("group")))
				if m.Has("order") {
					stmt = append(stmt, fmt.Sprintf("order by %s", m.Option("order")))
				if m.Has("desc") {
					stmt = append(stmt, "desc")

				stmt = append(stmt, fmt.Sprintf("limit %s", m.Confx("limit")))
				stmt = append(stmt, fmt.Sprintf("offset %s", m.Confx("offset")))

				for _, v := range m.Meta["other"] {
					stmt = append(stmt, m.Parse(v))

				m.Cmdy(".query", strings.Join(stmt, " "))
		"update": &ctx.Command{Name: "update [table [condition [field [value]]...]]",
			Help: "修改数据, table: 关系表, condition: 条件语句, field: 字段名, value: 字段值",
			Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) {
				switch len(arg) {
				case 0:
				case 1:
					m.Cmdy(".show", arg[0])
				case 2:
					m.Cmdy(".show", arg[0], "where", arg[1])
				case 3:
					m.Cmdy(".show", arg[0], arg[2], "where", arg[1])
					fields := []string{}
					values := []string{}
					for i := 2; i < len(arg)-1; i += 2 {
						fields = append(fields, arg[i])
						values = append(values, fmt.Sprintf("%s='%s'", arg[i], arg[i+1]))

					stmt := []string{fmt.Sprintf("update %s", arg[0])}
					stmt = append(stmt, "set", strings.Join(values, ","))
					stmt = append(stmt, fmt.Sprintf("where %s", arg[1]))

					m.Cmd(".exec", strings.Join(stmt, " "))
					m.Cmdy("show", arg[0], fields, "where", arg[1])

		"temp": &ctx.Command{Name: "temp [type [meta [data]]] [tid [node|ship|data] [chain... [select ...]]]", Form: map[string]int{"select": -1, "limit": 1}, Help: "缓存数据", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) {
			if len(arg) > 0 && arg[0] == "check" {
				h := ""
				for i := 1; i < len(arg)-1; i += 2 {
					switch arg[i] {
					case "url", "trans":
						h = ""
					if h = m.Cmdx("aaa.hash", arg[i], arg[i+1], h); !m.Confs("temp", h) {
					expire := kit.Time(m.Conf("temp", []string{h, "create_time"})) + kit.Int(m.Confx("temp_expire")) - kit.Time(m.Time())
					m.Log("info", "expire: %ds", expire)
					if expire < 0 {

			if len(arg) > 2 {
				if temp := m.Confm("temp", arg[0]); temp == nil {
					h := m.Cmdx("aaa.hash", arg[0], arg[1])
					m.Confv("temp", h, map[string]interface{}{
						"create_time": m.Time(), "expire_time": m.Time("60s"),
						"type": arg[0], "meta": arg[1], "data": m.Optionv(arg[2]),
					arg[2], arg = h, arg[2:]

			if len(arg) > 1 {
				if temp, msg := m.Confm("temp", arg[0]), m; temp != nil {
					hash, arg := arg[0], arg[1:]
					switch arg[0] {
					case "node":
						m.Put("option", "temp", temp).Cmdy("ctx.trans", "temp")
					case "ship":
						for k, v := range temp {
							val := v.(map[string]interface{})
							m.Add("append", "key", k)
							m.Add("append", "create_time", val["create_time"])
							m.Add("append", "type", val["type"])
							m.Add("append", "meta", val["meta"])
						m.Sort("create_time", "time_r").Table()
					case "data":
						arg = arg[1:]

					trans := strings.Join(append([]string{hash, "data"}, arg...), ".")
					h := m.Cmdx("aaa.hash", "trans", trans)

					if len(arg) == 0 || temp["type"].(string) == "trans" {
						h = hash
					} else {
						if view := m.Confm("temp", h); view != nil && false {
							msg = m.Spawn()
							switch data := view["data"].(type) {
							case map[string][]string:
								msg.Meta = data
							case map[string]interface{}:
								for k, v := range data {
									switch val := v.(type) {
									case []interface{}:
										msg.Add("append", k, val)
								m.Confv("temp", []string{h, "data"}, msg.Meta)
							temp = view
						} else if arg[0] == "hash" {
						} else if arg[0] == "" {
							b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(temp["data"], "", "  ")
						} else {
							msg = m.Put("option", "temp", temp["data"]).Cmd("ctx.trans", "temp", arg)

							m.Confv("temp", h, map[string]interface{}{
								"create_time": m.Time(), "expire_time": m.Time("60s"),
								"type": "trans", "meta": trans, "data": msg.Meta,
								"ship": map[string]interface{}{
									hash: map[string]interface{}{"create_time": m.Time(), "ship": "0", "type": temp["type"], "meta": temp["meta"]},
							m.Confv("temp", []string{hash, "ship", h}, map[string]interface{}{
								"create_time": m.Time(), "ship": "1", "type": "trans", "meta": trans,
							temp = m.Confm("temp", h)

					if m.Options("select") {
						chain := strings.Join(m.Optionv("select").([]string), " ")
						hh := m.Cmdx("aaa.hash", "select", chain, h)

						if view := m.Confm("temp", hh); view != nil && false {
							msg = msg.Spawn()
							switch data := view["data"].(type) {
							case map[string][]string:
								msg.Meta = data
							case map[string]interface{}:
								for k, v := range data {
									switch val := v.(type) {
									case []interface{}:
										msg.Add("append", k, val)
								m.Confv("temp", []string{h, "data"}, msg.Meta)
						} else {
							msg = msg.Spawn().Copy(msg, "append").Cmd("select", m.Optionv("select"))

							m.Confv("temp", hh, map[string]interface{}{
								"create_time": m.Time(), "expire_time": m.Time("60s"),
								"type": "select", "meta": chain, "data": msg.Meta,
								"ship": map[string]interface{}{
									h: map[string]interface{}{"create_time": m.Time(), "ship": "0", "type": temp["type"], "meta": temp["meta"]},

							m.Confv("temp", []string{h, "ship", hh}, map[string]interface{}{
								"create_time": m.Time(), "ship": "1", "type": "select", "meta": chain,


			arg, h := kit.Slice(arg)
			if h != "" {
				if temp := m.Confm("temp", h); temp != nil {

			m.Confm("temp", func(key string, temp map[string]interface{}) {
				if len(arg) == 0 || strings.HasPrefix(key, arg[0]) || strings.HasSuffix(key, arg[0]) || (temp["type"].(string) == arg[0] && (len(arg) == 1 || strings.Contains(temp["meta"].(string), arg[1]))) {
					m.Add("append", "key", key)
					m.Add("append", "create_time", temp["create_time"])
					m.Add("append", "type", temp["type"])
					m.Add("append", "meta", temp["meta"])
			m.Sort("create_time", "time_r").Table().Cmd("select", m.Optionv("select"))
		"note": &ctx.Command{Name: "note [model [name [type name]...]]|[index [name data...]]|[value name data...]|[name model data...]",
			Form: map[string]int{"eq": 2, "begin": 2, "offset": 1, "limit": 1}, Help: "记事", Hand: func(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, key string, arg ...string) (e error) {
				offset := kit.Int(kit.Select(m.Conf("page_offset"), m.Option("offset")))
				limit := kit.Int(kit.Select(m.Conf("page_limit"), m.Option("limit")))

				if len(arg) == 0 {
					m.CopyFuck(m.Cmd("mdb.config", "note", "format", "table", "fields", "create_time", "access_time", "type", "name", "data", "ship"), "append").Set("result").Table()

				if note := m.Confm("note", arg[0]); note != nil {
					m.CopyFuck(m.Cmd("mdb.config", "note", arg[0]), "append").Set("result").Table()

				hm, _ := kit.Hash("type", arg[0], "name", "shy")
				if len(arg) == 2 && arg[0] == "value" {
					hm, _ = kit.Hash("type", "index", "name", arg[1])
					hm = m.Conf("note", []string{hm, "ship", "value", "data"})
					arg = arg[1:]
				} else if len(arg) == 2 && arg[0] == "note" {
					hm, _ = kit.Hash("type", "model", "name", arg[1])
					hm = m.Conf("note", []string{hm, "ship", "note", "data"})
					arg = arg[1:]
				if len(arg) == 1 && arg[0] != "show" {
					for i := offset; hm != "" && i < limit+offset; hm, i = m.Conf("note", []string{hm, "ship", "prev", "data"}), i+1 {
						model := m.Confm("note", hm)
						m.Add("append", "key", hm)
						m.Add("append", "create_time", model["create_time"])
						m.Add("append", "access_time", model["access_time"])
						m.Add("append", "type", model["type"])
						m.Add("append", "name", model["name"])
						m.Add("append", "view", kit.Format(model["view"]))
						m.Add("append", "data", kit.Format(model["data"]))
						m.Add("append", "ship", kit.Format(model["ship"]))

				switch arg[0] {
				case "show":
					if len(arg) == 1 {
						m.Cmdy("mdb.note", "index")
					if len(arg) == 2 {
						if arg[1] == "model" {
							m.Cmdy("mdb.note", "model")
						} else {
							m.Cmdy("mdb.note", "value", arg[1])

					fields := kit.View(arg[3:], m.Confm("note_view"))

					hv, _ := kit.Hash("type", "value", "name", arg[1], "data", kit.Select(arg[2], m.Option(arg[2])))
					hn := m.Conf("note", []string{hv, "ship", "note", "data"})
					if arg[1] == "model" {
						hm, _ := kit.Hash("type", "model", "name", arg[2])
						hv, hn = "prev", m.Conf("note", []string{hm, "ship", "note", "data"})

					fuck := 0
					for i := 0; hn != "" && i < limit+offset; hn, i = m.Conf("note", []string{hn, "ship", hv, "data"}), i+1 {
						m.Log("fuck", "what %d %d %d %s", offset, limit, i, hn)

						if fuck++; fuck > 1000 {

						if i < offset {

						note := m.Confm("note", hn)
						hvs := kit.Trans(note["data"])
						hm := kit.Format(kit.Chain(note, ""))

						value := []interface{}{}
						values := map[string]interface{}{}
						m.Confm("note", []string{hm, "data"}, func(i int, model map[string]interface{}) {
							v := m.Conf("note", []string{hvs[i], "data"})
							value = append(value, map[string]interface{}{"type": model["type"], "name": model["name"], "value": v})
							values[kit.Format(model["name"])] = v

						miss := false
						if !miss && m.Has("eq") {
							for j := 0; j < len(m.Meta["eq"]); j += 2 {
								if kit.Select(kit.Format(note[m.Meta["eq"][j]]), kit.Format(values[m.Meta["eq"][j]])) != m.Meta["eq"][j+1] {
									miss = true
						if !miss && m.Has("begin") {
							for j := 0; j < len(m.Meta["begin"]); j += 2 {
								if !strings.HasPrefix(kit.Select(kit.Format(note[m.Meta["begin"][j]]),
									kit.Format(values[m.Meta["begin"][j]])), m.Meta["begin"][j+1]) {
									miss = true
						if miss {

						for j := 0; j < len(fields); j++ {
							switch fields[j] {
							case "key":
								m.Add("append", "key", hn)
							case "create_time", "access_time", "type", "name":
								m.Add("append", fields[j], note[fields[j]])
							case "model":
								m.Add("append", "model", m.Conf("note", []string{hm, "name"}))
							case "view":
								m.Add("append", "view", kit.Format(m.Conf("note", []string{hm, "view"})))
							case "value":
								m.Add("append", "value", kit.Format(value))
							case "data", "ship":
								m.Add("append", fields[j], kit.Format(note[fields[j]]))
								m.Add("append", fields[j], kit.Format(values[fields[j]]))

				case "model":

					hm, _ := kit.Hash("type", arg[0], "name", arg[1])
					if len(arg) == 2 {
						m.CopyFuck(m.Cmd("mdb.config", "note", hm), "append").Set("result").Table()

					if arg[2] == "view" {
						for i := 4; i < len(arg)-1; i += 2 {
							m.Conf("note", []string{hm, "view", arg[3], arg[i]}, arg[i+1])

					data := []interface{}{}
					if model := m.Confm("note", hm); model == nil {
						view := map[string]interface{}{}
						m.Confm("note", "81c5709d091eb04bd31ee751c3f81023.view", func(key string, fields map[string]interface{}) {
							vs := map[string]interface{}{}
							for k, v := range fields {
								vs[k] = v
							view[key] = vs

						prev := m.Conf("note", []string{"81c5709d091eb04bd31ee751c3f81023", "ship", "prev", "data"})
						m.Confv("note", hm, map[string]interface{}{
							"type": "model", "name": arg[1], "data": data, "view": view,
							"create_time": m.Time(), "access_time": m.Time(),
							"ship": map[string]interface{}{
								"prev": map[string]interface{}{"type": "model", "data": prev},
								"note": map[string]interface{}{"type": "note", "data": ""},
						m.Conf("note", []string{"81c5709d091eb04bd31ee751c3f81023", "ship", "prev", "data"}, hm)
					} else {
						data = m.Confv("note", []string{hm, "data"}).([]interface{})
						m.Confv("note", []string{hm, "access_time"}, m.Time())

					if len(data) == 0 {
						arg = append(arg, kit.Trans(m.Confv("note", "81c5709d091eb04bd31ee751c3f81023.meta"))...)
						for i := 2; i < len(arg)-1; i += 2 {
							data = append(data, map[string]interface{}{"name": arg[i], "type": arg[i+1]})

							hi, _ := kit.Hash("type", "index", "name", arg[i+1])
							if index := m.Confm("note", hi); index == nil {
								m.Cmd("mdb.note", "index", arg[i+1])

					m.Confv("note", []string{hm, "data"}, data)

				case "index":

					data := arg[2:]
					hi, _ := kit.Hash("type", arg[0], "name", arg[1])
					if index := m.Confm("note", hi); index == nil {
						prev := m.Conf("note", []string{"faa01a8fc2fc92dae3fbc02ac1b4ec75", "ship", "prev", "data"})
						m.Confv("note", hi, map[string]interface{}{
							"create_time": m.Time(), "access_time": m.Time(),
							"type": "index", "name": arg[1], "data": data, "ship": map[string]interface{}{
								"prev":  map[string]interface{}{"type": "index", "data": prev},
								"value": map[string]interface{}{"type": "value", "data": ""},
						m.Confv("note", []string{"faa01a8fc2fc92dae3fbc02ac1b4ec75", "ship", "prev", "data"}, hi)
					} else {
						m.Confv("note", []string{hi, "access_time"}, m.Time())
						data, _ = m.Confv("note", []string{hi, "data"}).([]string)

					m.Confv("note", []string{hi, "data"}, data)

				case "value":
					hi := m.Cmdx("mdb.note", "index", arg[1])
					hv, _ := kit.Hash("type", arg[0], "name", arg[1], "data", arg[2])
					if value := m.Confm("note", hv); value == nil {
						prev := m.Conf("note", []string{hi, "ship", "value", "data"})
						m.Confv("note", hv, map[string]interface{}{
							"create_time": m.Time(), "access_time": m.Time(),
							"type": arg[0], "name": arg[1], "data": arg[2], "ship": map[string]interface{}{
								"prev":  map[string]interface{}{"type": "value", "data": prev},
								"index": map[string]interface{}{"type": "index", "data": hi},
								"note":  map[string]interface{}{"type": "note", "data": ""},
						m.Conf("note", []string{hi, "ship", "value", "data"}, hv)
					} else {
						m.Confv("note", []string{hv, "access_time"}, m.Time())

					if len(arg) == 2 {

					hm, _ := kit.Hash("type", "model", "name", arg[1])
					hn, _ := kit.Hash("type", "note", "name", arg[0], "uniq")
					hp := m.Conf("note", []string{hm, "ship", "note", "data"})
					if hp == hn {
						hp = ""
					ship := map[string]interface{}{
						"prev":  map[string]interface{}{"type": "note", "data": hp},
						"model": map[string]interface{}{"type": "model", "data": hm},

					data := []interface{}{}
					m.Confm("note", []string{hm, "data"}, func(i int, index map[string]interface{}) {
						hv := m.Cmdx("mdb.note", "value", index["type"], kit.Select(m.Option(kit.Format(index["name"])), arg, i+2))
						data = append(data, hv)

						ship[hv] = map[string]interface{}{"type": "note", "data": m.Conf("note", []string{hv, "ship", "note", "data"})}
						m.Conf("note", []string{hv, "ship", "note", "data"}, hn)

					m.Confv("note", hn, map[string]interface{}{
						"create_time": m.Time(), "access_time": m.Time(),
						"type": "note", "name": arg[0], "data": data, "ship": ship,
					m.Conf("note", []string{hm, "ship", "note", "data"}, hn)

				sync := len(arg) > 0 && arg[0] == "sync"
				if sync {
					m.Cmdy("", "sub", "context", "mdb", "note", arg)
					arg = arg[1:]

				h, _ := kit.Hash("uniq")
				data := map[string]interface{}{
					"create_time": m.Time(),
					"type":        arg[0],
					"title":       arg[1],
					"content":     arg[2],
				for i := 3; i < len(arg)-1; i += 2 {
					kit.Chain(data, data[arg[i]], arg[i+1])
				m.Conf("note", h, data)


This section is empty.


type MDB

type MDB struct {

	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MDB) Begin

func (mdb *MDB) Begin(m *ctx.Message, arg ...string) ctx.Server

func (*MDB) Close

func (mdb *MDB) Close(m *ctx.Message, arg ...string) bool

func (*MDB) Spawn

func (mdb *MDB) Spawn(m *ctx.Message, c *ctx.Context, arg ...string) ctx.Server

func (*MDB) Start

func (mdb *MDB) Start(m *ctx.Message, arg ...string) bool

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