
package module
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Published: Jan 27, 2025 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 18 Imported by: 597



Collections is a library meant to simplify the experience with respect to module state handling.

Cosmos SDK modules handle their state using the KVStore interface. The problem with working with KVStore is that it forces you to think of state as a bytes KV pairings when in reality the majority of state comes from complex concrete golang objects (strings, ints, structs, etc.).

Collections allows you to work with state as if they were normal golang objects and removes the need for you to think of your state as raw bytes in your code.

It also allows you to migrate your existing state without causing any state breakage that forces you into tedious and complex chain state migrations.


To install collections in your cosmos-sdk chain project, run the following command:

go get

Core types

Collections offers 5 different APIs to work with state, which will be explored in the next sections, these APIs are:

  • Map: to work with typed arbitrary KV pairings.
  • KeySet: to work with just typed keys
  • Item: to work with just one typed value
  • Sequence: which is a monotonically increasing number.
  • IndexedMap: which combines Map and KeySet to provide a Map with indexing capabilities.

Preliminary components

Before exploring the different collections types and their capability it is necessary to introduce the three components that every collection shares. In fact when instantiating a collection type by doing, for example, collections.NewMap/collections.NewItem/... you will find yourself having to pass them some common arguments.

For example, in code:

package collections

import (
    storetypes ""
    sdk ""

var AllowListPrefix = collections.NewPrefix(0)

type Keeper struct {
	Schema    collections.Schema
	AllowList collections.KeySet[string]

func NewKeeper(storeKey *storetypes.KVStoreKey) Keeper {
	sb := collections.NewSchemaBuilder(sdk.OpenKVStore(storeKey))

	return Keeper{
		AllowList: collections.NewKeySet(sb, AllowListPrefix, "allow_list", collections.StringKey),

Let's analyse the shared arguments, what they do, and why we need them.


The first argument passed is the SchemaBuilder

SchemaBuilder is a structure that keeps track of all the state of a module, it is not required by the collections to deal with state but it offers a dynamic and reflective way for clients to explore a module's state.

We instantiate a SchemaBuilder by passing it a function that given the modules store key returns the module's specific store.

We then need to pass the schema builder to every collection type we instantiate in our keeper, in our case the AllowList.


The second argument passed to our KeySet is a collections.Prefix, a prefix represents a partition of the module's KVStore where all the state of a specific collection will be saved.

Since a module can have multiple collections, the following is expected:

  • module params will become a collections.Item
  • the AllowList is a collections.KeySet

We don't want a collection to write over the state of the other collection so we pass it a prefix, which defines a storage partition owned by the collection.

If you already built modules, the prefix translates to the items you were creating in your types/keys.go file, example:

your old:

var (
	// FeeAllowanceKeyPrefix is the set of the kvstore for fee allowance data
	// - 0x00<allowance_key_bytes>: allowance
	FeeAllowanceKeyPrefix = []byte{0x00}

	// FeeAllowanceQueueKeyPrefix is the set of the kvstore for fee allowance keys data
	// - 0x01<allowance_prefix_queue_key_bytes>: <empty value>
	FeeAllowanceQueueKeyPrefix = []byte{0x01}


var (
	// FeeAllowanceKeyPrefix is the set of the kvstore for fee allowance data
	// - 0x00<allowance_key_bytes>: allowance
	FeeAllowanceKeyPrefix = collections.NewPrefix(0)

	// FeeAllowanceQueueKeyPrefix is the set of the kvstore for fee allowance keys data
	// - 0x01<allowance_prefix_queue_key_bytes>: <empty value>
	FeeAllowanceQueueKeyPrefix = collections.NewPrefix(1)

collections.NewPrefix accepts either uint8, string or []bytes it's good practice to use an always increasing uint8for disk space efficiency.

A collection MUST NOT share the same prefix as another collection in the same module, and a collection prefix MUST NEVER start with the same prefix as another, examples:

prefix1 := collections.NewPrefix("prefix")
prefix2 := collections.NewPrefix("prefix") // THIS IS BAD!
prefix1 := collections.NewPrefix("a")
prefix2 := collections.NewPrefix("aa") // prefix2 starts with the same as prefix1: BAD!!!
Human-Readable Name

The third parameter we pass to a collection is a string, which is a human-readable name. It is needed to make the role of a collection understandable by clients who have no clue about what a module is storing in state.


Each collection in a module MUST have a unique humanised name.

Key and Value Codecs

A collection is generic over the type you can use as keys or values. This makes collections dumb, but also means that hypothetically we can store everything that can be a go type into a collection. We are not bounded to any type of encoding (be it proto, json or whatever)

So a collection needs to be given a way to understand how to convert your keys and values to bytes. This is achieved through KeyCodec and ValueCodec, which are arguments that you pass to your collections when you're instantiating them using the collections.NewMap/collections.NewItem/... instantiation functions.

NOTE: Generally speaking you will never be required to implement your own Key/ValueCodec as the SDK and collections libraries already come with default, safe and fast implementation of those. You might need to implement them only if you're migrating to collections and there are state layout incompatibilities.

Let's explore an example:

package collections

import (
	storetypes ""
	sdk ""

var IDsPrefix = collections.NewPrefix(0)

type Keeper struct {
	Schema    collections.Schema
	IDs   collections.Map[string, uint64]

func NewKeeper(storeKey *storetypes.KVStoreKey) Keeper {
	sb := collections.NewSchemaBuilder(sdk.OpenKVStore(storeKey))

	return Keeper{
		IDs: collections.NewMap(sb, IDsPrefix, "ids", collections.StringKey, collections.Uint64Value),

We're now instantiating a map where the key is string and the value is uint64. We already know the first three arguments of the NewMap function.

The fourth parameter is our KeyCodec, we know that the Map has string as key so we pass it a KeyCodec that handles strings as keys.

The fifth parameter is our ValueCodec, we know that the Map has a uint64 as value so we pass it a ValueCodec that handles uint64.

Collections already comes with all the required implementations for golang primitive types.

Let's make another example, this falls closer to what we build using cosmos SDK, let's say we want to create a collections.Map that maps account addresses to their base account. So we want to map an sdk.AccAddress to an auth.BaseAccount (which is a proto):

package collections

import (
	storetypes ""
	sdk ""
	authtypes ""

var AccountsPrefix = collections.NewPrefix(0)

type Keeper struct {
	Schema    collections.Schema
	Accounts   collections.Map[sdk.AccAddress, authtypes.BaseAccount]

func NewKeeper(storeKey *storetypes.KVStoreKey, cdc codec.BinaryCodec) Keeper {
	sb := collections.NewSchemaBuilder(sdk.OpenKVStore(storeKey))
	return Keeper{
		Accounts: collections.NewMap(sb, AccountsPrefix, "accounts",
			sdk.AccAddressKey, codec.CollValue[authtypes.BaseAccount](cdc)),

As we can see here since our collections.Map maps sdk.AccAddress to authtypes.BaseAccount, we use the sdk.AccAddressKey which is the KeyCodec implementation for AccAddress and we use codec.CollValue to encode our proto type BaseAccount.

Generally speaking you will always find the respective key and value codecs for types in the go.mod path you're using to import that type. If you want to encode proto values refer to the codec codec.CollValue function, which allows you to encode any type implement the proto.Message interface.


We analyse the first and most important collection type, the collections.Map. This is the type that everything else builds on top of.

Use case

A collections.Map is used to map arbitrary keys with arbitrary values.


It's easier to explain a collections.Map capabilities through an example:

package collections

import (
	storetypes ""
	sdk ""
	authtypes ""

var AccountsPrefix = collections.NewPrefix(0)

type Keeper struct {
	Schema    collections.Schema
	Accounts   collections.Map[sdk.AccAddress, authtypes.BaseAccount]

func NewKeeper(storeKey *storetypes.KVStoreKey, cdc codec.BinaryCodec) Keeper {
	sb := collections.NewSchemaBuilder(sdk.OpenKVStore(storeKey))
	return Keeper{
		Accounts: collections.NewMap(sb, AccountsPrefix, "accounts",
			sdk.AccAddressKey, codec.CollValue[authtypes.BaseAccount](cdc)),

func (k Keeper) CreateAccount(ctx sdk.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress, account authtypes.BaseAccount) error {
	has, err := k.Accounts.Has(ctx, addr)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if has {
		return fmt.Errorf("account already exists: %s", addr)
	err = k.Accounts.Set(ctx, addr, account)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

func (k Keeper) GetAccount(ctx sdk.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress) (authtypes.BaseAccount, error) {
	acc, err := k.Accounts.Get(ctx, addr)
	if err != nil {
		return authtypes.BaseAccount{}, err
	return acc,	nil

func (k Keeper) RemoveAccount(ctx sdk.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress) error {
	err := k.Accounts.Remove(ctx, addr)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Set method

Set maps with the provided AccAddress (the key) to the auth.BaseAccount (the value).

Under the hood the collections.Map will convert the key and value to bytes using the key and value codec. It will prepend to our bytes key the prefix and store it in the KVStore of the module.

Has method

The has method reports if the provided key exists in the store.

Get method

The get method accepts the AccAddress and returns the associated auth.BaseAccount if it exists, otherwise it errors.

Remove method

The remove method accepts the AccAddress and removes it from the store. It won't report errors if it does not exist, to check for existence before removal use the Has method.


Iteration has a separate section.


The second type of collection is collections.KeySet, as the word suggests it maintains only a set of keys without values.

Implementation curiosity

A collections.KeySet is just a collections.Map with a key but no value. The value internally is always the same and is represented as an empty byte slice []byte{}.


As always we explore the collection type through an example:

package collections

import (
	storetypes ""
	sdk ""

var ValidatorsSetPrefix = collections.NewPrefix(0)

type Keeper struct {
	Schema        collections.Schema
	ValidatorsSet collections.KeySet[sdk.ValAddress]

func NewKeeper(storeKey *storetypes.KVStoreKey) Keeper {
	sb := collections.NewSchemaBuilder(sdk.OpenKVStore(storeKey))
	return Keeper{
		ValidatorsSet: collections.NewKeySet(sb, ValidatorsSetPrefix, "validators_set", sdk.ValAddressKey),

func (k Keeper) AddValidator(ctx sdk.Context, validator sdk.ValAddress) error {
	has, err := k.ValidatorsSet.Has(ctx, validator)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if has {
		return fmt.Errorf("validator already in set: %s", validator)
	err = k.ValidatorsSet.Set(ctx, validator)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

func (k Keeper) RemoveValidator(ctx sdk.Context, validator sdk.ValAddress) error {
	err := k.ValidatorsSet.Remove(ctx, validator)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

The first difference we notice is that KeySet needs use to specify only one type parameter: the key (sdk.ValAddress in this case). The second difference we notice is that KeySet in its NewKeySet function does not require us to specify a ValueCodec but only a KeyCodec. This is because a KeySet only saves keys and not values.

Let's explore the methods.

Has method

Has allows us to understand if a key is present in the collections.KeySet or not, functions in the same way as collections.Map.Has

Set method

Set inserts the provided key in the KeySet.

Remove method

Remove removes the provided key from the KeySet, it does not error if the key does not exist, if existence check before removal is required it needs to be coupled with the Has method.


The third type of collection is the collections.Item. It stores only one single item, it's useful for example for parameters, there's only one instance of parameters in state always.

implementation curiosity

A collections.Item is just a collections.Map with no key but just a value. The key is the prefix of the collection!

package collections

import (
	storetypes ""
	sdk ""
	stakingtypes ""

var ParamsPrefix = collections.NewPrefix(0)

type Keeper struct {
	Schema        collections.Schema
	Params collections.Item[stakingtypes.Params]

func NewKeeper(storeKey *storetypes.KVStoreKey, cdc codec.BinaryCodec) Keeper {
	sb := collections.NewSchemaBuilder(sdk.OpenKVStore(storeKey))
	return Keeper{
		Params: collections.NewItem(sb, ParamsPrefix, "params", codec.CollValue[stakingtypes.Params](cdc)),

func (k Keeper) UpdateParams(ctx sdk.Context, params stakingtypes.Params) error {
	err := k.Params.Set(ctx, params)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

func (k Keeper) GetParams(ctx sdk.Context) (stakingtypes.Params, error) {
	return k.Params.Get(ctx)

The first key difference we notice is that we specify only one type parameter, which is the value we're storing. The second key difference is that we don't specify the KeyCodec, since we store only one item we already know the key and the fact that it is constant.


One of the key features of the KVStore is iterating over keys.

Collections which deal with keys (so Map, KeySet and IndexedMap) allow you to iterate over keys in a safe and typed way. They all share the same API, the only difference being that KeySet returns a different type of Iterator because KeySet only deals with keys.


Every collection shares the same Iterator semantics.


Let's have a look at the Map.Iterate method:

func (m Map[K, V]) Iterate(ctx context.Context, ranger Ranger[K]) (Iterator[K, V], error) 

It accepts a collections.Ranger[K], which is an API that instructs map on how to iterate over keys. As always we don't need to implement anything here as collections already provides some generic Ranger implementers that expose all you need to work with ranges.


We have a collections.Map that maps accounts using uint64 IDs.

package collections

import (
	storetypes ""
	sdk ""
	authtypes ""

var AccountsPrefix = collections.NewPrefix(0)

type Keeper struct {
	Schema   collections.Schema
	Accounts collections.Map[uint64, authtypes.BaseAccount]

func NewKeeper(storeKey *storetypes.KVStoreKey, cdc codec.BinaryCodec) Keeper {
	sb := collections.NewSchemaBuilder(sdk.OpenKVStore(storeKey))
	return Keeper{
		Accounts: collections.NewMap(sb, AccountsPrefix, "accounts", collections.Uint64Key, codec.CollValue[authtypes.BaseAccount](cdc)),

func (k Keeper) GetAllAccounts(ctx sdk.Context) ([]authtypes.BaseAccount, error) {
	// passing a nil Ranger equals to: iterate over every possible key
	iter, err := k.Accounts.Iterate(ctx, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	accounts, err := iter.Values()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return accounts, err

func (k Keeper) IterateAccountsBetween(ctx sdk.Context, start, end uint64) ([]authtypes.BaseAccount, error) {
	// The collections.Range API offers a lot of capabilities
	// like defining where the iteration starts or ends.
	rng := new(collections.Range[uint64]).

	iter, err := k.Accounts.Iterate(ctx, rng)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	accounts, err := iter.Values()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return accounts, nil

func (k Keeper) IterateAccounts(ctx sdk.Context, do func(id uint64, acc authtypes.BaseAccount) (stop bool)) error {
	iter, err := k.Accounts.Iterate(ctx, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer iter.Close()

	for ; iter.Valid(); iter.Next() {
		kv, err := iter.KeyValue()
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if do(kv.Key, kv.Value) {
	return nil

Let's analyse each method in the example and how it makes use of the Iterate and the returned Iterator API.


In GetAllAccounts we pass to our Iterate a nil Ranger. This means that the returned Iterator will include all the existing keys within the collection.

Then we use the Values method from the returned Iterator API to collect all the values into a slice.

Iterator offers other methods such as Keys() to collect only the keys and not the values and KeyValues to collect all the keys and values.


Here we make use of the collections.Range helper to specialise our range. We make it start in a point through StartInclusive and end in the other with EndExclusive, then we instruct it to report us results in reverse order through Descending

Then we pass the range instruction to Iterate and get an Iterator, which will contain only the results we specified in the range.

Then we use again the Values method of the Iterator to collect all the results.

collections.Range also offers a Prefix API which is not applicable to all keys types, for example uint64 cannot be prefix because it is of constant size, but a string key can be prefixed.


Here we showcase how to lazily collect values from an Iterator.


Keys/Values/KeyValues fully consume and close the Iterator, here we need to explicitly do a defer iterator.Close() call.


Iterator also exposes a Value and Key method to collect only the current value or key, if collecting both is not needed.


For this callback pattern, collections expose a Walk API.


Composite keys

So far we've worked only with simple keys, like uint64, the account address, etc. There are some more complex cases in, which we need to deal with composite keys.

A key is composite when it is composed of multiple keys, for example bank balances as stored as the composite key (AccAddress, string) where the first part is the address holding the coins and the second part is the denom.

Example, let's say address BOB holds 10atom,15osmo, this is how it is stored in state:

(bob, atom) => 10
(bob, osmos) => 15

Now this allows to efficiently get a specific denom balance of an address, by simply getting (address, denom), or getting all the balances of an address by prefixing over (address).

Let's see now how we can work with composite keys using collections.


In our example we will show-case how we can use collections when we are dealing with balances, similar to bank, a balance is a mapping between (address, denom) => math.Int the composite key in our case is (address, denom).

Instantiation of a composite key collection

package collections

import (
	storetypes ""
	sdk ""

var BalancesPrefix = collections.NewPrefix(1)

type Keeper struct {
	Schema   collections.Schema
	Balances collections.Map[collections.Pair[sdk.AccAddress, string], math.Int]

func NewKeeper(storeKey *storetypes.KVStoreKey) Keeper {
	sb := collections.NewSchemaBuilder(sdk.OpenKVStore(storeKey))
	return Keeper{
		Balances: collections.NewMap(
			sb, BalancesPrefix, "balances",
			collections.PairKeyCodec(sdk.AccAddressKey, collections.StringKey),
The Map Key definition

First of all we can see that in order to define a composite key of two elements we use the collections.Pair type:

collections.Map[collections.Pair[sdk.AccAddress, string], math.Int]

collections.Pair defines a key composed of two other keys, in our case the first part is sdk.AccAddress, the second part is string.

The Key Codec instantiation

The arguments to instantiate are always the same, the only thing that changes is how we instantiate the KeyCodec, since this key is composed of two keys we use collections.PairKeyCodec, which generates a KeyCodec composed of two key codecs. The first one will encode the first part of the key, the second one will encode the second part of the key.

Working with composite key collections

Let's expand on the example we used before:

var BalancesPrefix = collections.NewPrefix(1)

type Keeper struct {
	Schema   collections.Schema
	Balances collections.Map[collections.Pair[sdk.AccAddress, string], math.Int]

func NewKeeper(storeKey *storetypes.KVStoreKey) Keeper {
	sb := collections.NewSchemaBuilder(sdk.OpenKVStore(storeKey))
	return Keeper{
		Balances: collections.NewMap(
			sb, BalancesPrefix, "balances",
			collections.PairKeyCodec(sdk.AccAddressKey, collections.StringKey),

func (k Keeper) SetBalance(ctx sdk.Context, address sdk.AccAddress, denom string, amount math.Int) error {
	key := collections.Join(address, denom)
	return k.Balances.Set(ctx, key, amount)

func (k Keeper) GetBalance(ctx sdk.Context, address sdk.AccAddress, denom string) (math.Int, error) {
	return k.Balances.Get(ctx, collections.Join(address, denom))

func (k Keeper) GetAllAddressBalances(ctx sdk.Context, address sdk.AccAddress) (sdk.Coins, error) {
	balances := sdk.NewCoins()

	rng := collections.NewPrefixedPairRange[sdk.AccAddress, string](address)

	iter, err := k.Balances.Iterate(ctx, rng)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	kvs, err := iter.KeyValues()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	for _, kv := range kvs {
		balances = balances.Add(sdk.NewCoin(kv.Key.K2(), kv.Value))
	return balances, nil

func (k Keeper) GetAllAddressBalancesBetween(ctx sdk.Context, address sdk.AccAddress, startDenom, endDenom string) (sdk.Coins, error) {
    rng := collections.NewPrefixedPairRange[sdk.AccAddress, string](address).

    iter, err := k.Balances.Iterate(ctx, rng)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

As we can see here we're setting the balance of an address for a specific denom. We use the collections.Join function to generate the composite key. collections.Join returns a collections.Pair (which is the key of our collections.Map)

collections.Pair contains the two keys we have joined, it also exposes two methods: K1 to fetch the 1st part of the key and K2 to fetch the second part.

As always, we use the collections.Map.Set method to map the composite key to our value (math.Int in this case)


To get a value in composite key collection, we simply use collections.Join to compose the key.


We use collections.PrefixedPairRange to iterate over all the keys starting with the provided address. Concretely the iteration will report all the balances belonging to the provided address.

The first part is that we instantiate a PrefixedPairRange, which is a Ranger implementer aimed to help in Pair keys iterations.

	rng := collections.NewPrefixedPairRange[sdk.AccAddress, string](address)

As we can see here we're passing the type parameters of the collections.Pair because golang type inference with respect to generics is not as permissive as other languages, so we need to explicitly say what are the types of the pair key.


This showcases how we can further specialise our range to limit the results further, by specifying the range between the second part of the key (in our case the denoms, which are strings).


collections.IndexedMap is a collection that uses under the hood a collections.Map, and has a struct, which contains the indexes that we need to define.


Let's say we have an auth.BaseAccount struct which looks like the following:

type BaseAccount struct {
	AccountNumber uint64     `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=account_number,json=accountNumber,proto3" json:"account_number,omitempty"`
	Sequence      uint64     `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=sequence,proto3" json:"sequence,omitempty"`

First of all, when we save our accounts in state we map them using a primary key sdk.AccAddress. If it were to be a collections.Map it would be collections.Map[sdk.AccAddress, authtypes.BaseAccount].

Then we also want to be able to get an account not only by its sdk.AccAddress, but also by its AccountNumber.

So we can say we want to create an Index that maps our BaseAccount to its AccountNumber.

We also know that this Index is unique. Unique means that there can only be one BaseAccount that maps to a specific AccountNumber.

First of all, we start by defining the object that contains our index:

var AccountsNumberIndexPrefix = collections.NewPrefix(1)

type AccountsIndexes struct {
	Number *indexes.Unique[uint64, sdk.AccAddress, authtypes.BaseAccount]

func NewAccountIndexes(sb *collections.SchemaBuilder) AccountsIndexes {
	return AccountsIndexes{
		Number: indexes.NewUnique(
			sb, AccountsNumberIndexPrefix, "accounts_by_number",
			collections.Uint64Key, sdk.AccAddressKey,
			func(_ sdk.AccAddress, v authtypes.BaseAccount) (uint64, error) {
				return v.AccountNumber, nil

We create an AccountIndexes struct which contains a field: Number. This field represents our AccountNumber index. AccountNumber is a field of authtypes.BaseAccount and it's a uint64.

Then we can see in our AccountIndexes struct the Number field is defined as:

*indexes.Unique[uint64, sdk.AccAddress, authtypes.BaseAccount]

Where the first type parameter is uint64, which is the field type of our index. The second type parameter is the primary key sdk.AccAddress. And the third type parameter is the actual object we're storing authtypes.BaseAccount.

Then we create a NewAccountIndexes function that instantiates and returns the AccountsIndexes struct.

The function takes a SchemaBuilder. Then we instantiate our indexes.Unique, let's analyse the arguments we pass to indexes.NewUnique.

NOTE: indexes list

The AccountsIndexes struct contains the indexes, the NewIndexedMap function will infer the indexes form that struct using reflection, this happens only at init and is not computationally expensive. In case you want to explicitly declare indexes: implement the Indexes interface in the AccountsIndexes struct:

func (a AccountsIndexes) IndexesList() []collections.Index[sdk.AccAddress, authtypes.BaseAccount] {
    return []collections.Index[sdk.AccAddress, authtypes.BaseAccount]{a.Number}
Instantiating a indexes.Unique

The first three arguments, we already know them, they are: SchemaBuilder, Prefix which is our index prefix (the partition where index keys relationship for the Number index will be maintained), and the human name for the Number index.

The second argument is a collections.Uint64Key which is a key codec to deal with uint64 keys, we pass that because the key we're trying to index is a uint64 key (the account number), and then we pass as fifth argument the primary key codec, which in our case is sdk.AccAddress (remember: we're mapping sdk.AccAddress => BaseAccount).

Then as last parameter we pass a function that: given the BaseAccount returns its AccountNumber.

After this we can proceed instantiating our IndexedMap.

var AccountsPrefix = collections.NewPrefix(0)

type Keeper struct {
	Schema   collections.Schema
	Accounts *collections.IndexedMap[sdk.AccAddress, authtypes.BaseAccount, AccountsIndexes]

func NewKeeper(storeKey *storetypes.KVStoreKey, cdc codec.BinaryCodec) Keeper {
	sb := collections.NewSchemaBuilder(sdk.OpenKVStore(storeKey))
	return Keeper{
		Accounts: collections.NewIndexedMap(
			sb, AccountsPrefix, "accounts",
			sdk.AccAddressKey, codec.CollValue[authtypes.BaseAccount](cdc),

As we can see here what we do, for now, is the same thing as we did for collections.Map. We pass it the SchemaBuilder, the Prefix where we plan to store the mapping between sdk.AccAddress and authtypes.BaseAccount, the human name and the respective sdk.AccAddress key codec and authtypes.BaseAccount value codec.

Then we pass the instantiation of our AccountIndexes through NewAccountIndexes.

Full example:

package docs

import (
	storetypes ""
	sdk ""
	authtypes ""

var AccountsNumberIndexPrefix = collections.NewPrefix(1)

type AccountsIndexes struct {
	Number *indexes.Unique[uint64, sdk.AccAddress, authtypes.BaseAccount]

func (a AccountsIndexes) IndexesList() []collections.Index[sdk.AccAddress, authtypes.BaseAccount] {
	return []collections.Index[sdk.AccAddress, authtypes.BaseAccount]{a.Number}

func NewAccountIndexes(sb *collections.SchemaBuilder) AccountsIndexes {
	return AccountsIndexes{
		Number: indexes.NewUnique(
			sb, AccountsNumberIndexPrefix, "accounts_by_number",
			collections.Uint64Key, sdk.AccAddressKey,
			func(_ sdk.AccAddress, v authtypes.BaseAccount) (uint64, error) {
				return v.AccountNumber, nil

var AccountsPrefix = collections.NewPrefix(0)

type Keeper struct {
	Schema   collections.Schema
	Accounts *collections.IndexedMap[sdk.AccAddress, authtypes.BaseAccount, AccountsIndexes]

func NewKeeper(storeKey *storetypes.KVStoreKey, cdc codec.BinaryCodec) Keeper {
	sb := collections.NewSchemaBuilder(sdk.OpenKVStore(storeKey))
	return Keeper{
		Accounts: collections.NewIndexedMap(
			sb, AccountsPrefix, "accounts",
			sdk.AccAddressKey, codec.CollValue[authtypes.BaseAccount](cdc),
Working with IndexedMaps

Whilst instantiating collections.IndexedMap is tedious, working with them is extremely smooth.

Let's take the full example, and expand it with some use-cases.

package docs

import (
	storetypes ""
	sdk ""
	authtypes ""

var AccountsNumberIndexPrefix = collections.NewPrefix(1)

type AccountsIndexes struct {
	Number *indexes.Unique[uint64, sdk.AccAddress, authtypes.BaseAccount]

func (a AccountsIndexes) IndexesList() []collections.Index[sdk.AccAddress, authtypes.BaseAccount] {
	return []collections.Index[sdk.AccAddress, authtypes.BaseAccount]{a.Number}

func NewAccountIndexes(sb *collections.SchemaBuilder) AccountsIndexes {
	return AccountsIndexes{
		Number: indexes.NewUnique(
			sb, AccountsNumberIndexPrefix, "accounts_by_number",
			collections.Uint64Key, sdk.AccAddressKey,
			func(_ sdk.AccAddress, v authtypes.BaseAccount) (uint64, error) {
				return v.AccountNumber, nil

var AccountsPrefix = collections.NewPrefix(0)

type Keeper struct {
	Schema   collections.Schema
	Accounts *collections.IndexedMap[sdk.AccAddress, authtypes.BaseAccount, AccountsIndexes]

func NewKeeper(storeKey *storetypes.KVStoreKey, cdc codec.BinaryCodec) Keeper {
	sb := collections.NewSchemaBuilder(sdk.OpenKVStore(storeKey))
	return Keeper{
		Accounts: collections.NewIndexedMap(
			sb, AccountsPrefix, "accounts",
			sdk.AccAddressKey, codec.CollValue[authtypes.BaseAccount](cdc),

func (k Keeper) CreateAccount(ctx sdk.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress) error {
	nextAccountNumber := k.getNextAccountNumber()
	newAcc := authtypes.BaseAccount{
		AccountNumber: nextAccountNumber,
		Sequence:      0,
	return k.Accounts.Set(ctx, addr, newAcc)

func (k Keeper) RemoveAccount(ctx sdk.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress) error {
	return k.Accounts.Remove(ctx, addr)

func (k Keeper) GetAccountByNumber(ctx sdk.Context, accNumber uint64) (sdk.AccAddress, authtypes.BaseAccount, error) {
	accAddress, err := k.Accounts.Indexes.Number.MatchExact(ctx, accNumber)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, authtypes.BaseAccount{}, err
	acc, err := k.Accounts.Get(ctx, accAddress)
	return accAddress, acc, nil

func (k Keeper) GetAccountsByNumber(ctx sdk.Context, startAccNum, endAccNum uint64) ([]authtypes.BaseAccount, error) {
	rng := new(collections.Range[uint64]).
	iter, err := k.Accounts.Indexes.Number.Iterate(ctx, rng)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return indexes.CollectValues(ctx, k.Accounts, iter)

func (k Keeper) getNextAccountNumber() uint64 {
	return 0

Collections with interfaces as values

Although cosmos-sdk is shifting away from the usage of interface registry, there are still some places where it is used. In order to support old code, we have to support collections with interface values.

The generic codec.CollValue is not able to handle interface values, so we need to use a special type codec.CollValueInterface. codec.CollValueInterface takes a codec.BinaryCodec as an argument, and uses it to marshal and unmarshal values as interfaces. The codec.CollValueInterface lives in the codec package, whose import path is

Instantiating Collections with interface values

In order to instantiate a collection with interface values, we need to use codec.CollValueInterface instead of codec.CollValue.

package example

import (
    storetypes ""
    sdk ""
	authtypes ""

var AccountsPrefix = collections.NewPrefix(0)

type Keeper struct {
    Schema   collections.Schema
    Accounts *collections.Map[sdk.AccAddress, sdk.AccountI]

func NewKeeper(cdc codec.BinaryCodec, storeKey *storetypes.KVStoreKey) Keeper {
    sb := collections.NewSchemaBuilder(sdk.OpenKVStore(storeKey))
    return Keeper{
        Accounts: collections.NewMap(
            sb, AccountsPrefix, "accounts",
            sdk.AccAddressKey, codec.CollInterfaceValue[sdk.AccountI](cdc),

func (k Keeper) SaveBaseAccount(ctx sdk.Context, account authtypes.BaseAccount) error {
    return k.Accounts.Set(ctx, account.GetAddress(), account)

func (k Keeper) SaveModuleAccount(ctx sdk.Context, account authtypes.ModuleAccount) error {
    return k.Accounts.Set(ctx, account.GetAddress(), account)

func (k Keeper) GetAccount(ctx sdk.context, addr sdk.AccAddress) (sdk.AccountI, error) {
    return k.Accounts.Get(ctx, addr)

Triple key

The collections.Triple is a special type of key composed of three keys, it's identical to collections.Pair.

Let's see an example.

package example

import (

 storetypes ""

type AccAddress = string
type ValAddress = string

type Keeper struct {
 // let's simulate we have redelegations which are stored as a triple key composed of
 // the delegator, the source validator and the destination validator.
 Redelegations collections.KeySet[collections.Triple[AccAddress, ValAddress, ValAddress]]

func NewKeeper(storeKey *storetypes.KVStoreKey) Keeper {
 sb := collections.NewSchemaBuilder(sdk.OpenKVStore(storeKey))
 return Keeper{
  Redelegations: collections.NewKeySet(sb, collections.NewPrefix(0), "redelegations", collections.TripleKeyCodec(collections.StringKey, collections.StringKey, collections.StringKey)

// RedelegationsByDelegator iterates over all the redelegations of a given delegator and calls onResult providing
// each redelegation from source validator towards the destination validator.
func (k Keeper) RedelegationsByDelegator(ctx context.Context, delegator AccAddress, onResult func(src, dst ValAddress) (stop bool, err error)) error {
 rng := collections.NewPrefixedTripleRange[AccAddress, ValAddress, ValAddress](delegator)
 return k.Redelegations.Walk(ctx, rng, func(key collections.Triple[AccAddress, ValAddress, ValAddress]) (stop bool, err error) {
  return onResult(key.K2(), key.K3())

// RedelegationsByDelegatorAndValidator iterates over all the redelegations of a given delegator and its source validator and calls onResult for each
// destination validator.
func (k Keeper) RedelegationsByDelegatorAndValidator(ctx context.Context, delegator AccAddress, validator ValAddress, onResult func(dst ValAddress) (stop bool, err error)) error {
 rng := collections.NewSuperPrefixedTripleRange[AccAddress, ValAddress, ValAddress](delegator, validator)
 return k.Redelegations.Walk(ctx, rng, func(key collections.Triple[AccAddress, ValAddress, ValAddress]) (stop bool, err error) {
  return onResult(key.K3())

Advanced Usages

Alternative Value Codec

The codec.AltValueCodec allows a collection to decode values using a different codec than the one used to encode them. Basically it enables to decode two different byte representations of the same concrete value. It can be used to lazily migrate values from one bytes representation to another, as long as the new representation is not able to decode the old one.

A concrete example can be found in x/bank where the balance was initially stored as Coin and then migrated to Int.

var BankBalanceValueCodec = codec.NewAltValueCodec(sdk.IntValue, func(b []byte) (sdk.Int, error) {
    coin := sdk.Coin{}
    err := coin.Unmarshal(b)
    if err != nil {
        return sdk.Int{}, err
    return coin.Amount, nil

The above example shows how to create an AltValueCodec that can decode both sdk.Int and sdk.Coin values. The provided decoder function will be used as a fallback in case the default decoder fails. When the value will be encoded back into state it will use the default encoder. This allows to lazily migrate values to a new bytes representation.




View Source
const (
	VecElementsNameSuffix   = "_elements"
	VecLengthNameSuffix     = "_length"
	VecElementsPrefixSuffix = 0x0
	VecLengthPrefixSuffix   = 0x1
View Source
const DefaultSequenceStart uint64 = 0

DefaultSequenceStart defines the default starting number of a sequence.

View Source
const NameRegex = "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*"

NameRegex is the regular expression that all valid collection names must match.


View Source
var (
	// ErrNotFound is returned when the provided key is not present in the StorageProvider.
	ErrNotFound = errors.New("collections: not found")
	// ErrEncoding is returned when something fails during key or value encoding/decoding.
	ErrEncoding = codec.ErrEncoding
	// ErrConflict is returned when there are conflicts, for example in UniqueIndex.
	ErrConflict = errors.New("collections: conflict")
View Source
var (
	// Uint16Key can be used to encode uint16 keys. Encoding is big endian to retain ordering.
	Uint16Key = codec.NewUint16Key[uint16]()
	// Uint32Key can be used to encode uint32 keys. Encoding is big endian to retain ordering.
	Uint32Key = codec.NewUint32Key[uint32]()
	// Uint64Key can be used to encode uint64 keys. Encoding is big endian to retain ordering.
	Uint64Key = codec.NewUint64Key[uint64]()
	// Int32Key can be used to encode int32 keys. Encoding retains ordering by toggling the MSB.
	Int32Key = codec.NewInt32Key[int32]()
	// Int64Key can be used to encode int64 keys. Encoding retains ordering by toggling the MSB.
	Int64Key = codec.NewInt64Key[int64]()
	// StringKey can be used to encode string keys. The encoding just converts the string
	// to bytes.
	// Non-terminality in multipart keys is handled by appending the StringDelimiter,
	// this means that a string key when used as the non final part of a multipart key cannot
	// contain the StringDelimiter.
	// Lexicographical ordering is retained both in non and multipart keys.
	StringKey = codec.NewStringKeyCodec[string]()
	// BytesKey can be used to encode bytes keys. The encoding will just use
	// the provided bytes.
	// When used as the non-terminal part of a multipart key, we prefix the bytes key
	// with a single byte representing the length of the key. This means two things:
	// 1. When used in multipart keys the length can be at maximum 255 (max number that
	// can be represented with a single byte).
	// 2. When used in multipart keys the lexicographical ordering is lost due to the
	// length prefixing.
	// JSON encoding represents a bytes key as a hex encoded string.
	BytesKey = codec.NewBytesKey[[]byte]()
	// BoolKey can be used to encode booleans. It uses a single byte to represent the boolean.
	// 0x0 is used to represent false, and 0x1 is used to represent true.
	BoolKey = codec.NewBoolKey[bool]()
View Source
var (
	// BoolValue implements a ValueCodec for bool.
	BoolValue = codec.KeyToValueCodec(BoolKey)
	// Uint16Value implements a ValueCodec for uint16.
	Uint16Value = codec.KeyToValueCodec(Uint16Key)
	// Uint32Value implements a ValueCodec for uint32.
	Uint32Value = codec.KeyToValueCodec(Uint32Key)
	// Uint64Value implements a ValueCodec for uint64.
	Uint64Value = codec.KeyToValueCodec(Uint64Key)
	// Int32Value implements a ValueCodec for int32.
	Int32Value = codec.KeyToValueCodec(Int32Key)
	// Int64Value implements a ValueCodec for int64.
	Int64Value = codec.KeyToValueCodec(Int64Key)
	// StringValue implements a ValueCodec for string.
	StringValue = codec.KeyToValueCodec(StringKey)
	// BytesValue implements a ValueCodec for bytes.
	BytesValue = codec.KeyToValueCodec(BytesKey)
View Source
var (
	// ErrEmptyVec is returned when trying to pop an element from an empty Vec.
	ErrEmptyVec = errors.New("vec is empty")
	// ErrOutOfBounds is returned when trying to do an operation on an index that is out of bounds.
	ErrOutOfBounds = errors.New("vec index is out of bounds")
View Source
var ErrInvalidIterator = errors.New("collections: invalid iterator")

ErrInvalidIterator is returned when an Iterate call resulted in an invalid iterator.


func EncodeKeyWithPrefix added in v0.2.0

func EncodeKeyWithPrefix[K any](prefix []byte, kc codec.KeyCodec[K], key K) ([]byte, error)

EncodeKeyWithPrefix returns how the collection would store the key in storage given prefix, key codec and the concrete key.

func NamedPairKeyCodec added in v1.0.0

func NamedPairKeyCodec[K1, K2 any](key1Name string, keyCodec1 codec.KeyCodec[K1], key2Name string, keyCodec2 codec.KeyCodec[K2]) codec.KeyCodec[Pair[K1, K2]]

NamedPairKeyCodec instantiates a new KeyCodec instance that can encode the Pair, given the KeyCodec of the first part of the key and the KeyCodec of the second part of the key. It also provides names for the keys which are used for indexing purposes.

func NamedQuadKeyCodec added in v1.0.0

func NamedQuadKeyCodec[K1, K2, K3, K4 any](key1Name string, keyCodec1 codec.KeyCodec[K1], key2Name string, keyCodec2 codec.KeyCodec[K2], key3Name string, keyCodec3 codec.KeyCodec[K3], key4Name string, keyCodec4 codec.KeyCodec[K4]) codec.KeyCodec[Quad[K1, K2, K3, K4]]

NamedQuadKeyCodec instantiates a new KeyCodec instance that can encode the Quad, given the KeyCodecs of the four parts of the key, in order. The provided names are used to identify the parts of the key in the schema for indexing.

func NamedTripleKeyCodec added in v1.0.0

func NamedTripleKeyCodec[K1, K2, K3 any](key1Name string, keyCodec1 codec.KeyCodec[K1], key2Name string, keyCodec2 codec.KeyCodec[K2], key3Name string, keyCodec3 codec.KeyCodec[K3]) codec.KeyCodec[Triple[K1, K2, K3]]

func NewJSONValueCodec added in v1.0.0

func NewJSONValueCodec[T any]() codec.ValueCodec[T]

func PairKeyCodec

func PairKeyCodec[K1, K2 any](keyCodec1 codec.KeyCodec[K1], keyCodec2 codec.KeyCodec[K2]) codec.KeyCodec[Pair[K1, K2]]

PairKeyCodec instantiates a new KeyCodec instance that can encode the Pair, given the KeyCodec of the first part of the key and the KeyCodec of the second part of the key.

func QuadKeyCodec added in v1.0.0

func QuadKeyCodec[K1, K2, K3, K4 any](keyCodec1 codec.KeyCodec[K1], keyCodec2 codec.KeyCodec[K2], keyCodec3 codec.KeyCodec[K3], keyCodec4 codec.KeyCodec[K4]) codec.KeyCodec[Quad[K1, K2, K3, K4]]

QuadKeyCodec instantiates a new KeyCodec instance that can encode the Quad, given the KeyCodecs of the four parts of the key, in order.

func TripleKeyCodec added in v0.4.0

func TripleKeyCodec[K1, K2, K3 any](keyCodec1 codec.KeyCodec[K1], keyCodec2 codec.KeyCodec[K2], keyCodec3 codec.KeyCodec[K3]) codec.KeyCodec[Triple[K1, K2, K3]]

TripleKeyCodec instantiates a new KeyCodec instance that can encode the Triple, given the KeyCodecs of the three parts of the key, in order.

func WithKeySetSecondaryIndex added in v1.0.0

func WithKeySetSecondaryIndex() func(opt *keySetOptions)

WithKeySetSecondaryIndex changes the behavior of the KeySet to be a secondary index.

func WithKeySetUncheckedValue added in v0.3.0

func WithKeySetUncheckedValue() func(opt *keySetOptions)

WithKeySetUncheckedValue changes the behavior of the KeySet when it encounters a value different from '[]byte{}', by default the KeySet errors when this happens. This option allows to ignore the value and continue with the operation, in turn the value will be cleared out and set to '[]byte{}'. You should never use this option if you're creating a new state object from scratch. This should be used only to behave nicely in case you have used values different from '[]byte{}' in your storage before migrating to collections.


type Collection added in v0.2.0

type Collection interface {
	// GetName is the unique name of the collection within a schema. It must
	// match format specified by NameRegex.
	GetName() string

	// GetPrefix is the unique prefix of the collection within a schema.
	GetPrefix() []byte

	// ValueCodec returns the codec used to encode/decode values of the collection.
	ValueCodec() codec.UntypedValueCodec
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

Collection is the interface that all collections implement. It will eventually include methods for importing/exporting genesis data and schema reflection for clients. NOTE: Unstable.

type Index

type Index[PrimaryKey, Value any] interface {
	// Reference creates a reference between the provided primary key and value.
	// It provides a lazyOldValue function that if called will attempt to fetch
	// the previous old value, returns ErrNotFound if no value existed.
	Reference(ctx context.Context, pk PrimaryKey, newValue Value, lazyOldValue func() (Value, error)) error
	// Unreference removes the reference between the primary key and value.
	// If error is ErrNotFound then it means that the value did not exist before.
	Unreference(ctx context.Context, pk PrimaryKey, lazyOldValue func() (Value, error)) error

Index represents an index of the Value indexed using the type PrimaryKey.

type IndexedMap

type IndexedMap[PrimaryKey, Value, Idx any] struct {
	Indexes Idx
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndexedMap works like a Map but creates references between fields of Value and its PrimaryKey. These relationships are expressed and maintained using the Indexes type. Internally IndexedMap can be seen as a partitioned collection, one partition is a Map[PrimaryKey, Value], that maintains the object, the second are the Indexes.

func NewIndexedMap

func NewIndexedMap[PrimaryKey, Value, Idx any](
	schema *SchemaBuilder,
	prefix Prefix,
	name string,
	pkCodec codec.KeyCodec[PrimaryKey],
	valueCodec codec.ValueCodec[Value],
	indexes Idx,
) *IndexedMap[PrimaryKey, Value, Idx]

NewIndexedMap instantiates a new IndexedMap. Accepts a SchemaBuilder, a Prefix, a humanized name that defines the name of the collection, the primary key codec which is basically what IndexedMap uses to encode the primary key to bytes, the value codec which is what the IndexedMap uses to encode the value. Then it expects the initialized indexes. Reflection is used to infer the indexes, Indexes can optionally be implemented to be explicit. Panics on failure to create indexes. If you want an erroring API use NewIndexedMapSafe.

func NewIndexedMapSafe added in v1.0.0

func NewIndexedMapSafe[K, V, I any](
	schema *SchemaBuilder,
	prefix Prefix,
	name string,
	pkCodec codec.KeyCodec[K],
	valueCodec codec.ValueCodec[V],
	indexes I,
) (im *IndexedMap[K, V, I], err error)

NewIndexedMapSafe behaves like NewIndexedMap but returns errors.

func (*IndexedMap[PrimaryKey, Value, Idx]) Get

func (m *IndexedMap[PrimaryKey, Value, Idx]) Get(ctx context.Context, pk PrimaryKey) (Value, error)

Get gets the object given its primary key.

func (*IndexedMap[PrimaryKey, Value, Idx]) Has

func (m *IndexedMap[PrimaryKey, Value, Idx]) Has(ctx context.Context, pk PrimaryKey) (bool, error)

Has reports if exists a value with the provided primary key.

func (*IndexedMap[PrimaryKey, Value, Idx]) Iterate

func (m *IndexedMap[PrimaryKey, Value, Idx]) Iterate(ctx context.Context, ranger Ranger[PrimaryKey]) (Iterator[PrimaryKey, Value], error)

Iterate allows to iterate over the objects given a Ranger of the primary key.

func (*IndexedMap[PrimaryKey, Value, Idx]) IterateRaw

func (m *IndexedMap[PrimaryKey, Value, Idx]) IterateRaw(ctx context.Context, start, end []byte, order Order) (Iterator[PrimaryKey, Value], error)

IterateRaw iterates the IndexedMap using raw bytes keys. Follows the same semantics as Map.IterateRaw

func (*IndexedMap[PrimaryKey, Value, Idx]) KeyCodec

func (m *IndexedMap[PrimaryKey, Value, Idx]) KeyCodec() codec.KeyCodec[PrimaryKey]

func (*IndexedMap[PrimaryKey, Value, Idx]) Remove

func (m *IndexedMap[PrimaryKey, Value, Idx]) Remove(ctx context.Context, pk PrimaryKey) error

Remove removes the value associated with the primary key from the map. Then it iterates over all the indexes and instructs them to remove all the references associated with the removed value.

func (*IndexedMap[PrimaryKey, Value, Idx]) Set

func (m *IndexedMap[PrimaryKey, Value, Idx]) Set(ctx context.Context, pk PrimaryKey, value Value) error

Set maps the value using the primary key. It will also iterate every index and instruct them to add or update the indexes.

func (*IndexedMap[PrimaryKey, Value, Idx]) ValueCodec

func (m *IndexedMap[PrimaryKey, Value, Idx]) ValueCodec() codec.ValueCodec[Value]

func (*IndexedMap[PrimaryKey, Value, Idx]) Walk

func (m *IndexedMap[PrimaryKey, Value, Idx]) Walk(ctx context.Context, ranger Ranger[PrimaryKey], walkFunc func(key PrimaryKey, value Value) (stop bool, err error)) error

Walk applies the same semantics as Map.Walk.

type Indexes

type Indexes[PrimaryKey, Value any] interface {
	// IndexesList is implemented by the Indexes type
	// and returns all the grouped Index of Value.
	IndexesList() []Index[PrimaryKey, Value]

Indexes represents a type which groups multiple Index of one Value saved with the provided PrimaryKey. Indexes is just meant to be a struct containing all the indexes to maintain relationship for.

type IndexingOptions added in v1.0.0

type IndexingOptions struct {
	// RetainDeletionsFor is the list of collections to retain deletions for.
	RetainDeletionsFor []string

IndexingOptions are indexing options for the collections schema.

type Item

type Item[V any] Map[noKey, V]

Item is a type declaration based on Map with a non-existent key.

func NewItem

func NewItem[V any](
	schema *SchemaBuilder,
	prefix Prefix,
	name string,
	valueCodec codec.ValueCodec[V],
) Item[V]

NewItem instantiates a new Item instance, given the value encoder of the item V. Name and prefix must be unique within the schema and name must match the format specified by NameRegex, or else this method will panic.

func (Item[V]) Get

func (i Item[V]) Get(ctx context.Context) (V, error)

Get gets the item, if it is not set it returns an ErrNotFound error. If value decoding fails then an ErrEncoding is returned.

func (Item[V]) Has

func (i Item[V]) Has(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)

Has reports whether the item exists in the store or not. Returns an error in case encoding fails.

func (Item[V]) Remove

func (i Item[V]) Remove(ctx context.Context) error

Remove removes the item in the store.

func (Item[V]) Set

func (i Item[V]) Set(ctx context.Context, value V) error

Set sets the item in the store. If Value encoding fails then an ErrEncoding is returned.

type Iterator

type Iterator[K, V any] struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Iterator defines a generic wrapper around a storetypes.Iterator. This iterator provides automatic key and value encoding, it assumes all the keys and values contained within the storetypes.Iterator range are the same.

func (Iterator[K, V]) Close

func (i Iterator[K, V]) Close() error

func (Iterator[K, V]) Key

func (i Iterator[K, V]) Key() (K, error)

Key returns the current storetypes.Iterator decoded key.

func (Iterator[K, V]) KeyValue

func (i Iterator[K, V]) KeyValue() (kv KeyValue[K, V], err error)

KeyValue returns the current key and value decoded.

func (Iterator[K, V]) KeyValues

func (i Iterator[K, V]) KeyValues() ([]KeyValue[K, V], error)

KeyValues fully consumes the iterator and returns the list of key and values within the iterator range.

func (Iterator[K, V]) Keys

func (i Iterator[K, V]) Keys() ([]K, error)

Keys fully consumes the iterator and returns all the decoded keys contained within the range.

func (Iterator[K, V]) Next

func (i Iterator[K, V]) Next()

func (Iterator[K, V]) Valid

func (i Iterator[K, V]) Valid() bool

func (Iterator[K, V]) Value

func (i Iterator[K, V]) Value() (V, error)

Value returns the current iterator value bytes decoded.

func (Iterator[K, V]) Values

func (i Iterator[K, V]) Values() ([]V, error)

Values fully consumes the iterator and returns all the decoded values contained within the range.

type KeySet

type KeySet[K any] Map[K, NoValue]

KeySet builds on top of a Map and represents a collection retaining only a set of keys and no value. It can be used, for example, in an allow list.

func NewKeySet

func NewKeySet[K any](
	schema *SchemaBuilder,
	prefix Prefix,
	name string,
	keyCodec codec.KeyCodec[K],
	options ...func(opt *keySetOptions),
) KeySet[K]

NewKeySet returns a KeySet given a Schema, Prefix a human name for the collection and a KeyCodec for the key K.

func (KeySet[K]) Clear added in v0.3.0

func (k KeySet[K]) Clear(ctx context.Context, ranger Ranger[K]) error

Clear clears the KeySet using the provided Ranger. Refer to Map.Clear for behavioral documentation.

func (KeySet[K]) Has

func (k KeySet[K]) Has(ctx context.Context, key K) (bool, error)

Has returns if the key is present in the KeySet. An error is returned only in case of encoding problems.

func (KeySet[K]) Iterate

func (k KeySet[K]) Iterate(ctx context.Context, ranger Ranger[K]) (KeySetIterator[K], error)

Iterate iterates over the keys given the provided Ranger. If ranger is nil, the KeySetIterator will include all the existing keys within the KeySet.

func (KeySet[K]) IterateRaw

func (k KeySet[K]) IterateRaw(ctx context.Context, start, end []byte, order Order) (Iterator[K, NoValue], error)

func (KeySet[K]) KeyCodec

func (k KeySet[K]) KeyCodec() codec.KeyCodec[K]

func (KeySet[K]) Remove

func (k KeySet[K]) Remove(ctx context.Context, key K) error

Remove removes the key for the KeySet. An error is returned in case of encoding error, it won't report through the error if the key was removed or not.

func (KeySet[K]) Set

func (k KeySet[K]) Set(ctx context.Context, key K) error

Set adds the key to the KeySet. Errors on encoding problems.

func (KeySet[K]) ValueCodec

func (k KeySet[K]) ValueCodec() codec.ValueCodec[NoValue]

func (KeySet[K]) Walk

func (k KeySet[K]) Walk(ctx context.Context, ranger Ranger[K], walkFunc func(key K) (stop bool, err error)) error

Walk provides the same functionality as Map.Walk, but callbacks the walk function only with the key.

type KeySetIterator

type KeySetIterator[K any] Iterator[K, NoValue]

KeySetIterator works like an Iterator, but it does not expose any API to deal with values.

func (KeySetIterator[K]) Close

func (i KeySetIterator[K]) Close() error

func (KeySetIterator[K]) Key

func (i KeySetIterator[K]) Key() (K, error)

func (KeySetIterator[K]) Keys

func (i KeySetIterator[K]) Keys() ([]K, error)

func (KeySetIterator[K]) Next

func (i KeySetIterator[K]) Next()

func (KeySetIterator[K]) Valid

func (i KeySetIterator[K]) Valid() bool

type KeyValue

type KeyValue[K, V any] struct {
	Key   K
	Value V

KeyValue represent a Key and Value pair of an iteration.

type LookupMap added in v1.0.0

type LookupMap[K, V any] Map[K, V]

LookupMap represents a map that is not iterable.

func NewLookupMap added in v1.0.0

func NewLookupMap[K, V any](
	schemaBuilder *SchemaBuilder,
	prefix Prefix,
	name string,
	keyCodec codec.KeyCodec[K],
	valueCodec codec.ValueCodec[V],
) LookupMap[K, V]

NewLookupMap creates a new LookupMap.

func (LookupMap[K, V]) Get added in v1.0.0

func (m LookupMap[K, V]) Get(ctx context.Context, key K) (v V, err error)

Get returns the value associated with the provided key, errors with ErrNotFound if the key does not exist, or with ErrEncoding if the key or value decoding fails.

func (LookupMap[K, V]) GetName added in v1.0.0

func (m LookupMap[K, V]) GetName() string

GetName returns the name of the collection.

func (LookupMap[K, V]) GetPrefix added in v1.0.0

func (m LookupMap[K, V]) GetPrefix() []byte

GetPrefix returns the prefix of the collection.

func (LookupMap[K, V]) Has added in v1.0.0

func (m LookupMap[K, V]) Has(ctx context.Context, key K) (bool, error)

Has reports whether the key is present in storage or not. Errors with ErrEncoding if key encoding fails.

func (LookupMap[K, V]) KeyCodec added in v1.0.0

func (m LookupMap[K, V]) KeyCodec() codec.KeyCodec[K]

KeyCodec returns the Map's KeyCodec.

func (LookupMap[K, V]) Remove added in v1.0.0

func (m LookupMap[K, V]) Remove(ctx context.Context, key K) error

Remove removes the key from the storage. Errors with ErrEncoding if key encoding fails. If the key does not exist then this is a no-op.

func (LookupMap[K, V]) Set added in v1.0.0

func (m LookupMap[K, V]) Set(ctx context.Context, key K, value V) error

Set maps the provided value to the provided key in the store. Errors with ErrEncoding if key or value encoding fails.

func (LookupMap[K, V]) ValueCodec added in v1.0.0

func (m LookupMap[K, V]) ValueCodec() codec.ValueCodec[V]

ValueCodec returns the Map's ValueCodec.

type Map

type Map[K, V any] struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Map represents the basic collections object. It is used to map arbitrary keys to arbitrary objects.

func NewMap

func NewMap[K, V any](
	schemaBuilder *SchemaBuilder,
	prefix Prefix,
	name string,
	keyCodec codec.KeyCodec[K],
	valueCodec codec.ValueCodec[V],
	options ...func(opt *mapOptions),
) Map[K, V]

NewMap returns a Map given a StoreKey, a Prefix, human-readable name and the relative value and key encoders. Name and prefix must be unique within the schema and name must match the format specified by NameRegex, or else this method will panic.

func (Map[K, V]) Clear added in v0.3.0

func (m Map[K, V]) Clear(ctx context.Context, ranger Ranger[K]) error

Clear clears the collection contained within the provided key range. A nil ranger equals to clearing the whole collection. NOTE: this API needs to be used with care, considering that as of today cosmos-sdk stores the deletion records to be committed in a memory cache, clearing a lot of data might make the node go OOM.

func (Map[K, V]) Get

func (m Map[K, V]) Get(ctx context.Context, key K) (v V, err error)

Get returns the value associated with the provided key, errors with ErrNotFound if the key does not exist, or with ErrEncoding if the key or value decoding fails.

func (Map[K, V]) GetName added in v0.2.0

func (m Map[K, V]) GetName() string

func (Map[K, V]) GetPrefix added in v0.2.0

func (m Map[K, V]) GetPrefix() []byte

func (Map[K, V]) Has

func (m Map[K, V]) Has(ctx context.Context, key K) (bool, error)

Has reports whether the key is present in storage or not. Errors with ErrEncoding if key encoding fails.

func (Map[K, V]) Iterate

func (m Map[K, V]) Iterate(ctx context.Context, ranger Ranger[K]) (Iterator[K, V], error)

Iterate provides an Iterator over K and V. It accepts a Ranger interface. A nil ranger equals to iterate over all the keys in ascending order.

func (Map[K, V]) IterateRaw

func (m Map[K, V]) IterateRaw(ctx context.Context, start, end []byte, order Order) (Iterator[K, V], error)

IterateRaw iterates over the collection. The iteration range is untyped, it uses raw bytes. The resulting Iterator is typed. A nil start iterates from the first key contained in the collection. A nil end iterates up to the last key contained in the collection. A nil start and a nil end iterates over every key contained in the collection. TODO(tip): simplify after is merged

func (Map[K, V]) KeyCodec

func (m Map[K, V]) KeyCodec() codec.KeyCodec[K]

KeyCodec returns the Map's KeyCodec.

func (Map[K, V]) Remove

func (m Map[K, V]) Remove(ctx context.Context, key K) error

Remove removes the key from the storage. Errors with ErrEncoding if key encoding fails. If the key does not exist then this is a no-op.

func (Map[K, V]) Set

func (m Map[K, V]) Set(ctx context.Context, key K, value V) error

Set maps the provided value to the provided key in the store. Errors with ErrEncoding if key or value encoding fails.

func (Map[K, V]) ValueCodec

func (m Map[K, V]) ValueCodec() codec.ValueCodec[V]

ValueCodec returns the Map's ValueCodec.

func (Map[K, V]) Walk

func (m Map[K, V]) Walk(ctx context.Context, ranger Ranger[K], walkFunc func(key K, value V) (stop bool, err error)) error

Walk iterates over the Map with the provided range, calls the provided walk function with the decoded key and value. If the callback function returns true then the walking is stopped. A nil ranger equals to walking over the entire key and value set.

type NoValue

type NoValue struct{}

NoValue is a type that can be used to represent a non-existing value.

func (NoValue) Decode

func (NoValue) Decode(b []byte) (NoValue, error)

func (NoValue) DecodeJSON

func (n NoValue) DecodeJSON(b []byte) (NoValue, error)

func (NoValue) Encode

func (NoValue) Encode(_ NoValue) ([]byte, error)

func (NoValue) EncodeJSON

func (n NoValue) EncodeJSON(_ NoValue) ([]byte, error)

func (NoValue) Stringify

func (NoValue) Stringify(_ NoValue) string

func (NoValue) ValueType

func (n NoValue) ValueType() string

type Order

type Order uint8

Order defines the key order.

const (
	// OrderAscending instructs the Iterator to provide keys from the smallest to the greatest.
	OrderAscending Order = 0
	// OrderDescending instructs the Iterator to provide keys from the greatest to the smallest.
	OrderDescending Order = 1

type Pair

type Pair[K1, K2 any] struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Pair defines a key composed of two keys.

func Join

func Join[K1, K2 any](key1 K1, key2 K2) Pair[K1, K2]

Join creates a new Pair instance composed of the two provided keys, in order.

func PairPrefix

func PairPrefix[K1, K2 any](key K1) Pair[K1, K2]

PairPrefix creates a new Pair instance composed only of the first part of the key.

func (Pair[K1, K2]) K1

func (p Pair[K1, K2]) K1() (k1 K1)

K1 returns the first part of the key. If not present the zero value is returned.

func (Pair[K1, K2]) K2

func (p Pair[K1, K2]) K2() (k2 K2)

K2 returns the second part of the key. If not present the zero value is returned.

type PairRange

type PairRange[K1, K2 any] struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PairRange is an API that facilitates working with Pair iteration. It implements the Ranger API. Unstable: API and methods are currently unstable.

func NewPrefixUntilPairRange added in v0.2.0

func NewPrefixUntilPairRange[K1, K2 any](prefix K1) *PairRange[K1, K2]

NewPrefixUntilPairRange defines a collection query which ranges until the provided Pair prefix. Unstable: this API might change in the future.

func NewPrefixedPairRange

func NewPrefixedPairRange[K1, K2 any](prefix K1) *PairRange[K1, K2]

NewPrefixedPairRange creates a new PairRange which will prefix over all the keys starting with the provided prefix.

func (*PairRange[K1, K2]) Descending

func (p *PairRange[K1, K2]) Descending() *PairRange[K1, K2]

func (*PairRange[K1, K2]) EndExclusive

func (p *PairRange[K1, K2]) EndExclusive(k2 K2) *PairRange[K1, K2]

func (*PairRange[K1, K2]) EndInclusive

func (p *PairRange[K1, K2]) EndInclusive(k2 K2) *PairRange[K1, K2]

func (*PairRange[K1, K2]) RangeValues

func (p *PairRange[K1, K2]) RangeValues() (start, end *RangeKey[Pair[K1, K2]], order Order, err error)

func (*PairRange[K1, K2]) StartExclusive

func (p *PairRange[K1, K2]) StartExclusive(k2 K2) *PairRange[K1, K2]

func (*PairRange[K1, K2]) StartInclusive

func (p *PairRange[K1, K2]) StartInclusive(k2 K2) *PairRange[K1, K2]

type Prefix

type Prefix []byte

Prefix defines a segregation bytes namespace for specific collections objects.

func NewPrefix

func NewPrefix[T interface{ int | string | []byte }](identifier T) Prefix

NewPrefix returns a Prefix given the provided namespace identifier. In the same module, no prefixes should share the same starting bytes meaning that having two namespaces whose bytes representation is: p1 := []byte("prefix") p2 := []byte("prefix1") yields to iterations of p1 overlapping over p2. If a numeric prefix is provided, it must be between 0 and 255 (uint8). If out of bounds this function will panic. Reason for which this function is constrained to `int` instead of `uint8` is for API ergonomics, golang's type inference will infer int properly but not uint8 meaning that developers would need to write NewPrefix(uint8(number)) for numeric prefixes.

func (Prefix) Bytes

func (n Prefix) Bytes() []byte

Bytes returns the raw Prefix bytes.

type Quad added in v1.0.0

type Quad[K1, K2, K3, K4 any] struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Quad defines a multipart key composed of four keys.

func Join4 added in v1.0.0

func Join4[K1, K2, K3, K4 any](k1 K1, k2 K2, k3 K3, k4 K4) Quad[K1, K2, K3, K4]

Join4 instantiates a new Quad instance composed of the four provided keys, in order.

func QuadPrefix added in v1.0.0

func QuadPrefix[K1, K2, K3, K4 any](k1 K1) Quad[K1, K2, K3, K4]

QuadPrefix creates a new Quad instance composed only of the first part of the key.

func QuadSuperPrefix added in v1.0.0

func QuadSuperPrefix[K1, K2, K3, K4 any](k1 K1, k2 K2) Quad[K1, K2, K3, K4]

QuadSuperPrefix creates a new Quad instance composed only of the first two parts of the key.

func QuadSuperPrefix3 added in v1.0.0

func QuadSuperPrefix3[K1, K2, K3, K4 any](k1 K1, k2 K2, k3 K3) Quad[K1, K2, K3, K4]

QuadSuperPrefix3 creates a new Quad instance composed only of the first three parts of the key.

func (Quad[K1, K2, K3, K4]) K1 added in v1.0.0

func (t Quad[K1, K2, K3, K4]) K1() (x K1)

K1 returns the first part of the key. If nil, the zero value is returned.

func (Quad[K1, K2, K3, K4]) K2 added in v1.0.0

func (t Quad[K1, K2, K3, K4]) K2() (x K2)

K2 returns the second part of the key. If nil, the zero value is returned.

func (Quad[K1, K2, K3, K4]) K3 added in v1.0.0

func (t Quad[K1, K2, K3, K4]) K3() (x K3)

K3 returns the third part of the key. If nil, the zero value is returned.

func (Quad[K1, K2, K3, K4]) K4 added in v1.0.0

func (t Quad[K1, K2, K3, K4]) K4() (x K4)

K4 returns the fourth part of the key. If nil, the zero value is returned.

type Range

type Range[K any] struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Range is a Ranger implementer.

func (*Range[K]) Descending

func (r *Range[K]) Descending() *Range[K]

func (*Range[K]) EndExclusive

func (r *Range[K]) EndExclusive(end K) *Range[K]

EndExclusive makes the range contain only keys which are smaller to the provided end K.

func (*Range[K]) EndInclusive

func (r *Range[K]) EndInclusive(end K) *Range[K]

EndInclusive makes the range contain only keys which are smaller or equal to the provided end K.

func (*Range[K]) Prefix

func (r *Range[K]) Prefix(key K) *Range[K]

Prefix sets a fixed prefix for the key range.

func (*Range[K]) RangeValues

func (r *Range[K]) RangeValues() (start, end *RangeKey[K], order Order, err error)

func (*Range[K]) StartExclusive

func (r *Range[K]) StartExclusive(start K) *Range[K]

StartExclusive makes the range contain only keys which are bigger to the provided start K.

func (*Range[K]) StartInclusive

func (r *Range[K]) StartInclusive(start K) *Range[K]

StartInclusive makes the range contain only keys which are bigger or equal to the provided start K.

type RangeKey

type RangeKey[K any] struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RangeKey wraps a generic range key K, acts as an enum which defines different ways to encode the wrapped key to bytes when it's being used in an iteration.

func RangeKeyExact

func RangeKeyExact[K any](key K) *RangeKey[K]

RangeKeyExact instantiates a RangeKey that applies no modifications to the key K. So its bytes representation will not be altered.

func RangeKeyNext

func RangeKeyNext[K any](key K) *RangeKey[K]

RangeKeyNext instantiates a RangeKey that when encoded to bytes identifies the next key after the provided key K. Example: given a string key "ABCD" the next key is bytes("ABCD\0") It's useful when defining inclusivity or exclusivity of a key in store iteration. Specifically: to make an Iterator start exclude key K I would return a RangeKeyNext(key) in the Ranger start.

func RangeKeyPrefixEnd

func RangeKeyPrefixEnd[K any](key K) *RangeKey[K]

RangeKeyPrefixEnd instantiates a RangeKey that when encoded to bytes identifies the key that would end the prefix of the key K. Example: if the string key "ABCD" is provided, it would be encoded as bytes("ABCE").

type Ranger

type Ranger[K any] interface {
	// RangeValues is defined by Ranger implementers.
	// The implementer can optionally return a start and an end.
	// If start is nil and end is not, the iteration will include all the keys
	// in the collection up until the provided end.
	// If start is defined and end is nil, the iteration will include all the keys
	// in the collection starting from the provided start.
	// If both are nil then the iteration will include all the possible keys in the
	// collection.
	// Order defines the order of the iteration, if order is OrderAscending then the
	// iteration will yield keys from the smallest to the biggest, if order
	// is OrderDescending then the iteration will yield keys from the biggest to the smallest.
	// Ordering is defined by the keys bytes representation, which is dependent on the KeyCodec used.
	RangeValues() (start, end *RangeKey[K], order Order, err error)

Ranger defines a generic interface that provides a range of keys.

func NewPrefixUntilQuadRange added in v1.0.0

func NewPrefixUntilQuadRange[K1, K2, K3, K4 any](k1 K1) Ranger[Quad[K1, K2, K3, K4]]

NewPrefixUntilQuadRange defines a collection query which ranges until the provided Quad prefix. Unstable: this API might change in the future.

func NewPrefixUntilTripleRange added in v0.4.0

func NewPrefixUntilTripleRange[K1, K2, K3 any](k1 K1) Ranger[Triple[K1, K2, K3]]

NewPrefixUntilTripleRange defines a collection query which ranges until the provided Pair prefix. Unstable: this API might change in the future.

func NewPrefixUntilTripleRangeReversed added in v1.0.0

func NewPrefixUntilTripleRangeReversed[K1, K2, K3 any](k1 K1) Ranger[Triple[K1, K2, K3]]

NewPrefixUntilTripleRangeReversed defines a collection query which ranges until the provided Pair prefix in reverse order. Unstable: this API might change in the future.

func NewPrefixedQuadRange added in v1.0.0

func NewPrefixedQuadRange[K1, K2, K3, K4 any](k1 K1) Ranger[Quad[K1, K2, K3, K4]]

NewPrefixedQuadRange provides a Range for all keys prefixed with the given first part of the Quad key.

func NewPrefixedTripleRange added in v0.4.0

func NewPrefixedTripleRange[K1, K2, K3 any](k1 K1) Ranger[Triple[K1, K2, K3]]

NewPrefixedTripleRange provides a Range for all keys prefixed with the given first part of the Triple key.

func NewPrefixedTripleRangeReversed added in v1.0.0

func NewPrefixedTripleRangeReversed[K1, K2, K3 any](k1 K1) Ranger[Triple[K1, K2, K3]]

NewPrefixedTripleRangeReversed provides a Range for all keys prefixed with the given first part of the Triple key in reverse order.

func NewSuperPrefixedQuadRange added in v1.0.0

func NewSuperPrefixedQuadRange[K1, K2, K3, K4 any](k1 K1, k2 K2) Ranger[Quad[K1, K2, K3, K4]]

NewSuperPrefixedQuadRange provides a Range for all keys prefixed with the given first and second parts of the Quad key.

func NewSuperPrefixedQuadRange3 added in v1.0.0

func NewSuperPrefixedQuadRange3[K1, K2, K3, K4 any](k1 K1, k2 K2, k3 K3) Ranger[Quad[K1, K2, K3, K4]]

NewSuperPrefixedQuadRange3 provides a Range for all keys prefixed with the given first, second and third parts of the Quad key.

func NewSuperPrefixedTripleRange added in v0.4.0

func NewSuperPrefixedTripleRange[K1, K2, K3 any](k1 K1, k2 K2) Ranger[Triple[K1, K2, K3]]

NewSuperPrefixedTripleRange provides a Range for all keys prefixed with the given first and second parts of the Triple key.

func NewSuperPrefixedTripleRangeReversed added in v1.0.0

func NewSuperPrefixedTripleRangeReversed[K1, K2, K3 any](k1 K1, k2 K2) Ranger[Triple[K1, K2, K3]]

NewSuperPrefixedTripleRangeReversed provides a Range for all keys prefixed with the given first and second parts of the Triple key in reverse order.

type Schema

type Schema struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Schema specifies a group of collections stored within the storage specified by a single store key. All the collections within the schema must have a unique binary prefix and human-readable name. Schema will eventually include methods for importing/exporting genesis data and for schema reflection for clients.

func NewMemoryStoreSchema

func NewMemoryStoreSchema(service store.MemoryStoreService) Schema

NewMemoryStoreSchema creates a new schema for the provided MemoryStoreService.

func NewSchema

func NewSchema(service store.KVStoreService) Schema

NewSchema creates a new schema for the provided KVStoreService.

func NewSchemaFromAccessor

func NewSchemaFromAccessor(accessor func(context.Context) store.KVStore) Schema
NewSchemaFromAccessor(func(ctx context.Context) store.KVStore {
		return sdk.UnwrapSDKContext(ctx).KVStore(kvStoreKey)

func (Schema) DefaultGenesis

func (s Schema) DefaultGenesis(target appmodule.GenesisTarget) error

DefaultGenesis implements the appmodule.HasGenesis.DefaultGenesis method.

func (Schema) ExportGenesis

func (s Schema) ExportGenesis(ctx context.Context, target appmodule.GenesisTarget) error

ExportGenesis implements the appmodule.HasGenesis.ExportGenesis method.

func (Schema) InitGenesis

func (s Schema) InitGenesis(ctx context.Context, source appmodule.GenesisSource) error

InitGenesis implements the appmodule.HasGenesis.InitGenesis method.

func (Schema) IsAppModule added in v0.4.0

func (s Schema) IsAppModule()

IsAppModule implements the appmodule.AppModule interface.

func (Schema) IsOnePerModuleType added in v0.4.0

func (s Schema) IsOnePerModuleType()

IsOnePerModuleType implements the depinject.OnePerModuleType interface.

func (Schema) ListCollections added in v0.2.0

func (s Schema) ListCollections() []Collection

func (Schema) ModuleCodec added in v1.0.0

func (s Schema) ModuleCodec(opts IndexingOptions) (schema.ModuleCodec, error)

ModuleCodec returns the ModuleCodec for this schema for the provided options.

func (Schema) ValidateGenesis

func (s Schema) ValidateGenesis(source appmodule.GenesisSource) error

ValidateGenesis implements the appmodule.HasGenesis.ValidateGenesis method.

type SchemaBuilder

type SchemaBuilder struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SchemaBuilder is used for building schemas. The Build method should always be called after all collections have been initialized. Initializing new collections with the builder after initialization will result in panics.

func NewSchemaBuilder

func NewSchemaBuilder(service store.KVStoreService) *SchemaBuilder

NewSchemaBuilder creates a new schema builder from the provided store key. Callers should always call the SchemaBuilder.Build method when they are done adding collections to the schema.

func NewSchemaBuilderFromAccessor

func NewSchemaBuilderFromAccessor(accessorFunc func(ctx context.Context) store.KVStore) *SchemaBuilder

NewSchemaBuilderFromAccessor creates a new schema builder from the provided store accessor function.

func (*SchemaBuilder) Build

func (s *SchemaBuilder) Build() (Schema, error)

Build should be called after all collections that are part of the schema have been initialized in order to get a reference to the Schema. It is important to check the returned error for any initialization errors. The SchemaBuilder CANNOT be used after Build is called - doing so will result in panics.

type Sequence

type Sequence Item[uint64]

Sequence builds on top of an Item, and represents a monotonically increasing number.

func NewSequence

func NewSequence(schema *SchemaBuilder, prefix Prefix, name string) Sequence

NewSequence instantiates a new sequence given a Schema, a Prefix and humanized name for the sequence.

func (Sequence) Next

func (s Sequence) Next(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error)

Next returns the current sequence number, and sets the next expected sequence. Errors on encoding issues.

func (Sequence) Peek

func (s Sequence) Peek(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error)

Peek returns the current sequence value, if no number is set then the DefaultSequenceStart is returned. Errors on encoding issues.

func (Sequence) Set

func (s Sequence) Set(ctx context.Context, value uint64) error

Set hard resets the sequence to the provided value. Errors on encoding issues.

type Triple added in v0.4.0

type Triple[K1, K2, K3 any] struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Triple defines a multipart key composed of three keys.

func Join3 added in v0.4.0

func Join3[K1, K2, K3 any](k1 K1, k2 K2, k3 K3) Triple[K1, K2, K3]

Join3 instantiates a new Triple instance composed of the three provided keys, in order.

func TriplePrefix added in v0.4.0

func TriplePrefix[K1, K2, K3 any](k1 K1) Triple[K1, K2, K3]

TriplePrefix creates a new Triple instance composed only of the first part of the key.

func TripleSuperPrefix added in v0.4.0

func TripleSuperPrefix[K1, K2, K3 any](k1 K1, k2 K2) Triple[K1, K2, K3]

TripleSuperPrefix creates a new Triple instance composed only of the first two parts of the key.

func (Triple[K1, K2, K3]) K1 added in v0.4.0

func (t Triple[K1, K2, K3]) K1() (x K1)

K1 returns the first part of the key. If nil, the zero value is returned.

func (Triple[K1, K2, K3]) K2 added in v0.4.0

func (t Triple[K1, K2, K3]) K2() (x K2)

K2 returns the second part of the key. If nil, the zero value is returned.

func (Triple[K1, K2, K3]) K3 added in v0.4.0

func (t Triple[K1, K2, K3]) K3() (x K3)

K3 returns the third part of the key. If nil, the zero value is returned.

type Vec added in v1.0.0

type Vec[T any] struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Vec works like a slice sitting on top of a KVStore. It relies on two collections, one for the length which is an Item[uint64], the other for the elements which is a Map[uint64, T].

func NewVec added in v1.0.0

func NewVec[T any](sb *SchemaBuilder, prefix Prefix, name string, vc codec.ValueCodec[T]) Vec[T]

NewVec creates a new Vec instance. Since Vec relies on two collections, one for the length and the other for the elements, it will register two state objects on the schema builder. The first is the length which is an item, whose prefix is the provided prefix with a suffix which equals to VecLengthPrefixSuffix, the name is also suffixed with VecLengthNameSuffix. The second is the elements which is a map, whose prefix is the provided prefix with a suffix which equals to VecElementsPrefixSuffix, the name is also suffixed with VecElementsNameSuffix.

func (Vec[T]) Get added in v1.0.0

func (v Vec[T]) Get(ctx context.Context, index uint64) (elem T, err error)

Get returns an element at a given index. Returns ErrOutOfBounds if the index is out of bounds.

func (Vec[T]) Iterate added in v1.0.0

func (v Vec[T]) Iterate(ctx context.Context, rng Ranger[uint64]) (Iterator[uint64, T], error)

Iterate iterates over the Vec. It returns an Iterator whose key is the index and the value is the element at that index.

func (Vec[T]) Len added in v1.0.0

func (v Vec[T]) Len(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error)

Len returns the length of the Vec.

func (Vec[T]) Pop added in v1.0.0

func (v Vec[T]) Pop(ctx context.Context) (elem T, err error)

Pop removes an element from the end of the Vec and returns it. Fails if the Vec is empty.

func (Vec[T]) Push added in v1.0.0

func (v Vec[T]) Push(ctx context.Context, elem T) error

Push adds an element to the end of the Vec.

func (Vec[T]) Replace added in v1.0.0

func (v Vec[T]) Replace(ctx context.Context, index uint64, elem T) error

Replace replaces an element at a given index. Fails if the index is out of bounds.

func (Vec[T]) Walk added in v1.0.0

func (v Vec[T]) Walk(ctx context.Context, rng Ranger[uint64], walkFn func(index uint64, elem T) (stop bool, err error)) error

Walk walks over the Vec. It calls the walkFn for each element in the Vec, where the key is the index and the value is the element at that index.


Path Synopsis
Package codec defines how collections transform keys and values into and from bytes.
Package codec defines how collections transform keys and values into and from bytes.
Package indexes contains the most common indexes types to be used with a collections.IndexedMap.
Package indexes contains the most common indexes types to be used with a collections.IndexedMap.

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