Path | Synopsis |
Package cue creates, evaluates and manipulates CUE configurations.
Package cue creates, evaluates and manipulates CUE configurations. |
Package ast declares the types used to represent syntax trees for CUE packages.
Package ast declares the types used to represent syntax trees for CUE packages. |
Package build defines data types and utilities for defining CUE configuration instances.
Package build defines data types and utilities for defining CUE configuration instances. |
Package encoding provides support for managing data format files supported by CUE.
Package encoding provides support for managing data format files supported by CUE. |
Package errors defines shared types for handling CUE errors.
Package errors defines shared types for handling CUE errors. |
Package format implements standard formatting of CUE configurations.
Package format implements standard formatting of CUE configurations. |
Package literal implements conversions to and from string representations of basic data types.
Package literal implements conversions to and from string representations of basic data types. |
Package load loads CUE instances.
Package load loads CUE instances. |
Package parser implements a parser for CUE source files.
Package parser implements a parser for CUE source files. |
Package scanner implements a scanner for CUE source text.
Package scanner implements a scanner for CUE source text. |
Package token defines constants representing the lexical tokens of the Go programming language and basic operations on tokens (printing, predicates).
Package token defines constants representing the lexical tokens of the Go programming language and basic operations on tokens (printing, predicates). |
Package cuego allows using CUE constraints in Go programs.
Package cuego allows using CUE constraints in Go programs. |
Package encoding contains subpackages to convert CUE to and from byte-level and textual representations.
Package encoding contains subpackages to convert CUE to and from byte-level and textual representations. |
Package gocode defines functions for extracting CUE definitions from Go code and generating Go code from CUE values.
Package gocode defines functions for extracting CUE definitions from Go code and generating Go code from CUE values. |
Package codec converts Go to and from CUE and validates Go values based on CUE constraints.
Package codec converts Go to and from CUE and validates Go values based on CUE constraints. |
Package yaml converts JSON to and from CUE.
Package yaml converts JSON to and from CUE. |
Package openapi provides functionality for mapping CUE to and from OpenAPI v3.0.0.
Package openapi provides functionality for mapping CUE to and from OpenAPI v3.0.0. |
Package protobuf defines functionality for parsing protocol buffer definitions and instances.
Package protobuf defines functionality for parsing protocol buffer definitions and instances. |
Package yaml converts YAML encodings to and from CUE.
Package yaml converts YAML encodings to and from CUE. |
Package internal exposes some cue internals to other packages.
Package internal exposes some cue internals to other packages. |
qgo builds CUE builtin packages from Go packages.
qgo builds CUE builtin packages from Go packages. |
Package source contains utility functions that standardize reading source bytes across cue packages.
Package source contains utility functions that standardize reading source bytes across cue packages. |
Package str provides string manipulation utilities.
Package str provides string manipulation utilities. |
Package task provides a registry for tasks to be used by commands.
Package task provides a registry for tasks to be used by commands. |
Package yaml implements YAML support for the Go language.
Package yaml implements YAML support for the Go language. |
Package pkg define CUE standard packages.
Package pkg define CUE standard packages. |
Package base64 implements base64 encoding as specified by RFC 4648.
Package base64 implements base64 encoding as specified by RFC 4648. |
Package list contains functions for manipulating and examining lists.
Package list contains functions for manipulating and examining lists. |
Package net provides net-related type definitions.
Package net provides net-related type definitions. |
Package strings implements simple functions to manipulate UTF-8 encoded strings.package strings.
Package strings implements simple functions to manipulate UTF-8 encoded strings.package strings. |
Package struct defines utilities for struct types.
Package struct defines utilities for struct types. |
Package time defines time-related types.
Package time defines time-related types. |
Package tool defines statefull operation types for cue commands.
Package tool defines statefull operation types for cue commands. |
Package cli provides tasks dealing with a console.
Package cli provides tasks dealing with a console. |
Package exec defines tasks for running commands.
Package exec defines tasks for running commands. |
Package file provides file operations for cue tasks.
Package file provides file operations for cue tasks. |
Package http provides tasks related to the HTTP protocol.
Package http provides tasks related to the HTTP protocol. |
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