Ethereum Test Harness
The harness is a collection of tmux scripts that collectively creates a
sandboxed environment for testing dex swap transactions.
The harness depends on geth
to run.
It also requires tmux and bc.
You must have geth
to use the harness.
The harness script will create four connected private nodes. Two, alpha and
beta, have mining abilities and pre-funded addresses with syncmode set to
"fast". They are meant to be used with server functions. Two more, gamma and
delta, are "light" nodes without mining abilites and with addresses that have
been sent funds. They are intenended to be used with client functions.
Harness control scripts
The ./
script will drop you into a tmux window in a directory
called harness-ctl
. Inside of this directory are a number of scripts to
allow you to perform RPC calls against each wallet.
, ./beta
, ./gamma
, and ./delta
are just geth
configured for
their respective data directories.
Try ./alpha attach
, for example. This will put you in an interactive console
with the alpha node.
shuts down the nodes and closes the tmux session.
./mine-alpha n
and ./mine-beta n
will mine n blocks on the respective node.
Dev Stuff
If things aren't looking right, you may need to look at the node windows to
see errors. In tmux, you can navigate between windows by typing Ctrl+b
then the window number. The window numbers are listed at the bottom
of the tmux window. Ctrl+b
followed by the number 1
, for example, will
change to the alpha node window. Examining the node output to look for errors
is usually a good first debugging step.
If you encouter a problem, the harness can be killed from another terminal with
tmux kill-session -t eth-harness