
package module
v1.42.2 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Mar 10, 2023 License: MIT Imports: 21 Imported by: 0


Golang SDK 接入指南


  1. Go version == 1.8
  2. 通过 go get 命令安装 SDK
  3. 创建 Config 配置类,填入 key,secret 和 sandbox 参数
  4. 使用 SDK 提供的接口进行开发调试
  5. 上线前调用 Config.SetSandbox 为 false 以及填入正式环境的 key 和 secret


    go get e.coding.net/napos_openapi/eleme-openapi-go-sdk.git


    import openapi "e.coding.net/napos_openapi/eleme-openapi-go-sdk.git"

    // 新建一个配置实例
    config := openapi.NewConfig(false, app_key, app_secret)
    // 设置 token
    // 新建一个 API 实例
    eleme := openapi.NewAPIClient(config)
    // 调用服务 API
    data := eleme.Shop.GetShop(shopId)


企业应用与个人应用的 token 获取方法略有不同。

实际使用过程中,在 token 获取成功后,该 token 可以使用较长一段时间,需要缓存起来,请勿每次请求都重新获取 token。

    import openapi "git.coding.net/napos_openapi/eleme-openapi-go-sdk.git"
    // 新建一个配置实例
    config := openapi.NewConfig(false, app_key, app_secret)

    // 新建 oauth 客户端实例
    oauth := openapi.NewAuthClient(config)

    // 获取 token
    token := oauth.GetClientToken()
    // 根据 OAuth 2.0 中的对应 state,scope 和 callback_url,获取授权 URL
    authURL := oauth.GenerateAuthUrl(state, scope, redirecrUri)


    // 通过授权得到的 code,以及正确的 callback_url,获取token
    token := oauth.GetTokenByAuthCode(code, redirectURL)
    import openapi "git.coding.net/napos_openapi/eleme-openapi-go-sdk.git"

    // 新建一个配置实例
    config := openapi.NewConfig(false, app_key, app_secret)

    // 新建 oauth 客户端实例
    oauth := openapi.NewAuthClient(config)

    // 获取 token
    token := oauth.GetClientToken()

    // 设置 token


    import openapi "git.coding.net/napos_openapi/eleme-openapi-go-sdk.git"

    // 新建一个配置实例
    config := openapi.NewConfig(true, app_key, app_secret)

    // 新建一个空 Token
	t := openapi.Token{}
	t.Access_token = ""

    // 设置 token

    // 创建 openapi client
    eleme := elemeOpenApi.NewAPIClient(config)

    // 完成调用
    res, _ := eleme.Market.SyncMarketMessages(1512057600000, 1516185234000, 0, 10)



该 demo 主要用来演示企业应用的授权流程和展示应用信息

  1. 在开发者中心创建企业应用,记下沙箱环境店铺的账号和密码,并在沙箱环境中填入回调地址(该地址需要https)

  2. 在 demo 的同一目录创建 config.json 并配置沙箱环境,否则无法运行 demo。

  1. 运行 demo。

  2. 打开SDK生成的授权URL,使用沙箱店铺的账号和密码进行授权,成功后调转回调接口,输出页面,展示店铺信息

  3. 使用沙箱店铺的账号密码在 napos 客户端登陆,会发现刚刚授权的应用已安装,并能够打开应用跳转回调页,展示店铺信息

Change Log

Release Date : 2023-03-10
  • [Feature] 更新接口
Release Date : 2023-01-04
  • [Feature] 更新接口
Release Date : 2022-11-07
  • [Feature] 更新接口
Release Date : 2022-10-25
  • [Feature] bug修复
Release Date : 2022-10-24
  • [Feature] 签名逻辑更新
Release Date : 2022-10-10
  • [Feature] 商品服务,店铺服务新增接口;金融服务部分接口下线;新增部分三方服务接口
Release Date : 2022-06-05
  • [Feature] 新增禁用推送消息相关接口,更新金融,订单相关接口
Release Date : 2022-05-08
  • [Feature] 金融服务更新,订单服务、店铺服务接口变更,商品服务新增接口
Release Date : 2022-01-14
  • [Feature] 订单服务增加接口,ugc服务接口变更
Release Date : 2021-12-03
  • [Feature] 接口变更
Release Date : 2021-09-18
  • [Feature] 增加新接口
Release Date : 2021-07-08
  • [Feature] 增加新接口
Release Date : 2021-01-12
  • [Feature] 活动服务增加接口;订单服务增加接口
Release Date : 2020-11-03
  • [Feature] 金融服务增加接口;订单服务更新接口
Release Date : 2020-04-24
  • [Feature] 新增招聘市场服务、企业订单服务;订单服务更新接口
Release Date : 2019-12-27
  • [Feature] 商品服务更新、新增接口
Release Date : 2019-12-27
  • [Feature] 金融服务新增接口
Release Date : 2019-12-23
  • [Feature] 店铺服务新增接口
Release Date : 2019-11-18
  • [Feature] 新增商户信用分服务,订单服务更新接口
Release Date : 2019-9-26
  • [Feature] 活动服务下线接口
Release Date : 2019-9-03
  • [Feature] 新增经营体检服务
Release Date : 2019-7-19
  • [Feature] 服务市场服务新增接口
Release Date : 2019-7-09
  • [Feature] 消息服务新增接口
Release Date : 2019-6-28
  • [Feature] 内容服务下线接口
Release Date : 2019-5-24
  • [Feature] 店铺服务新增接口
Release Date : 2019-5-10
  • [Feature] 活动服务下线接口
Release Date : 2019-4-15
  • [Feature] 活动服务新增接口
Release Date : 2019-4-12
  • [Feature] 商户会员卡服务新增接口
Release Date : 2019-3-5
  • [Feature] 商品服务新增接口
Release Date : 2019-2-22
  • [Feature] 餐厅入口流量服务下线接口
Release Date : 2019-1-3
  • [Feature] 商品服务新增更新接口
Release Date : 2018-12-28
  • [Feature] 商品服务新增接口
  • [Feature] 服务市场服务新增接口
Release Date : 2018-12-21
  • [Feature] 订单评价服务新增更新接口
  • [Feature] 门店装修服务下线接口
Release Date : 2018-12-7
  • [Feature] 订单服务更新接口
Release Date : 2018-11-30
  • [Feature] 店铺服务新增接口
  • [Feature] requestId新增时间戳后缀
Release Date : 2018-11-15
  • [Feature] 活动服务新增接口
  • [Feature] 店铺服务新增接口
  • [Feature] 商户会员卡服务更新接口
Release Date : 2018-10-17
  • [Feature] 活动服务新增接口
  • [Feature] 订单评论服务更新接口
  • [Feature] 订单服务新增更新接口
Release Date : 2018-09-29
  • [Feature] 新增商户数据服务
  • [Feature] 店铺服务更新接口
Release Date : 2018-09-21
  • [Feature] 商户会员卡服务更新接口
  • [Feature] 店铺装修服务服务更新接口
  • [Feature] 短信服务新增接口
Release Date : 2018-09-14
  • [Feature] 订单服务新增接口
Release Date : 2018-09-07
  • [Feature] 活动服务新增接口
  • [Feature] 店铺服务新增接口
  • [Feature] 商品服务新增接口
Release Date : 2018-08-17
  • [Feature] 活动服务新增接口
  • [Feature] 商户会员卡服务修复bug
Release Date : 2018-08-03
  • [Feature] 商品服务更新接口
  • [Feature] 新增商户会员卡服务
  • [Feature] 新增CPC竞价服务
Release Date : 2018-7-27
  • [Feature] 订单服务新增接口
  • [Feature] 商品服务新增接口
  • [Feature] 店铺服务新增接口
Release Date : 2018-7-13
  • [Feature] 订单评论服务新增接口
Release Date : 2018-7-6
  • [Feature] 上传视频接口封装
  • [Feature] 商品服务新增接口
  • [Feature] 内容服务新增接口
Release Date : 2018-6-28
  • [Feature] 内容服务新增接口
  • [Feature] 商品服务新增接口
  • [Feature] 订单服务新增接口
  • [Feature] 店铺装修服务新增接口
  • [Feature] 店铺服务新增接口
Release Date : 2018-6-22
  • [Feature] 更新了店铺服务
Release Date : 2018-6-08
  • [Feature] 更新了活动服务
  • [Feature] 更新了订单服务
Release Date : 2018-5-18
  • [Feature] 新增授权码换取OpenId接口
  • [Feature] 活动服务新增若干接口
  • [Feature] 商品服务新增接口
Release Date : 2018-3-23
  • [Feature] 新增流量服务
  • [Feature] 活动服务增加若干红包接口
Release Date : 2018-2-2
  • [Feature] 订单评论服务增加若干接口
  • [Feature] 活动服务增加定向送红包接口
Release Date : 2018-1-17
  • [Feature] 增加服务市场服务
Release Date : 2018-1-5
  • [Feature] 商品服务新增根据店铺 Id 查询商品接口
Release Date : 2017-12-29
  • [Feature] 店铺服务新增设置是否支持预定单及预定天数接口
Release Date : 2017-12-24
  • [Feature] 订单服务新增出餐和评价骑手接口
  • [Feature] 订单评论服务新增新版回复评论接口
Release Date : 2017-12-1
  • [Feature] 新增众包查询配送费接口
Release Date : 2017-10-27
  • [Feature] 新增了代金券和零元试吃的活动接口
Release Date : 2017-09-01
  • [Feature] 新增了限时抢购活动服务的接口
  • [Feature] 新增了订单评论服务的接口
Release Date : 2017-08-18
  • [Feature] 在订单服务中增加了三个关于索赔的接口
Release Date : 2017-08-03
  • [Feature] 在金融服务中增加了五个用来查询账单的特权接口
Release Date : 2017-07-07
  • [Feature] 新增了两个金融服务的特权接口 eleme.finance.queryBalance 和 eleme.finance.queryBalanceLog
  • [Feature] 在商品服务中添加了查看活动商品的接口 eleme.product.item.getItemIdsHasActivityByShopId
  • [Feature] 在商品服务中 OItem 实体类中 specs 里新增了一个 activityLevel 的属性
  • [Feature] 订单服务中 shopId 由原来的 int 变为 int64
  • [Feature] 订单服务中 OOrder 实体新增了纳税人识别号 taxpayerId 属性
Release Date : 2017-05-27
  • [Feature] 在订单服务中增加了若干订单操作的轻量接口
  • [Feature] 在用户服务中增加了 eleme.user.getPhoneNumber 获取当前授权帐号的手机号的接口
  • [Feature] 在店铺服务中增加了 eleme.shop.setOnlineRefund 设置是否支持在线退单
Release Date : 2017-05-18
  • [Feature] 在商品服务中增加了eleme.product.item.getItemByShopIdAndExtendCode 根据商品扩展码获取商品和eleme.product.item.getItemsByShopIdAndBarCode 根据商品条形码获取商品这两个新接口
  • [Feature] 在订单服务中增加了 eleme.order.getUnreplyReminders 获取店铺未回复的催单;eleme.order.getUnprocessOrders 查询店铺未处理订单;eleme.order.getCancelOrders 查询店铺未处理的取消单;eleme.order.getRefundOrders 查询店铺未处理的退单;eleme.order.getAllOrders 查询全部订单这五个新接口
Release Date : 2017-05-12
  • [Feature] 在商品服务中增加了 eleme.product.item.batchUpdatePrices 批量修改商品价格的接口
  • [Feature] 在订单服务中增加了 eleme.order.cancelDelivery 取消呼叫配送和 eleme.order.callDelivery 呼叫配送这两个接口
  • [Feature] 在订单服务中修改了 OOrder 类的定义,增加了一个 List 的属性
  • [Feature] 在商品服务中增加了 eleme.product.category.getShopCategoriesWithChildren 查询店铺商品分类,包含二级分类;eleme.product.category.getCategoryWithChildren 查询商品分类详情,包含二级分类;eleme.product.category.createCategoryWithChildren 添加商品分类,支持二级分类;eleme.product.category.updateCategoryWithChildren 更新商品分类,包含二级分类;eleme.product.category.setCategoryPositionsWithChildren 设置二级分类排序这五个接口
Release Date : 2017-05-8
  • [Feature] 在订单服务中新增了 eleme.order.replyReminder eleme.order.getCommodities eleme.order.mgetCommodities eleme.order.getRefundOrder eleme.order.mgetRefundOrders 这五个接口
Release Date : 2017-05-5
  • [Feature] 将签约服务 Package 重命名为 Packs
Release Date : 2017-04-25
  • [Feature] 增加接口查询商品后台分类 eleme.product.category.getBackCategory
Release Date : 2017-04-21
  • [Feature] 增加接口查询店铺当前生效合同类型 eleme.package.getEffectServicePackContract
Release Date : 2017-04-21
  • [Feature] 增加 user-agent eleme-openapi-go-sdk 帮助 debug
Release Date : 2017-04-14
  • [Feature] 增加接口设置送达时间 SetDeliveryTime (只针对特定商户开放)
Release Date : 2017-4-11
  • [Feature] 增加接口批量沽清库存 ClearAndTimingMaxStock (只针对特定商户开放)
Release Date : 2017-04-7
  • [Feature] 增加接口确认订单送达 ReceivedOrder
























提供给dy的查询服务 包括:服务数据,仲裁信息,赔付信息等












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This section is empty.


func APIInterface

func APIInterface(config *Config, strAction string, params map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, error)

api 通用接口


type APIClient

type APIClient struct {
	Message    Message
	Order      Order
	Shop       Shop
	Product    Product
	User       User
	File       File
	Packs      Packs
	Finance    Finance
	Activity   Activity
	Ugc        Ugc
	Market     Market
	Flow       Flow
	Content    Content
	Decoration Decoration
	Diagnosis  Diagnosis
	Card       Card
	Cpc        Cpc
	Sms        Sms
	Data       Data

	ShopCreditScore        ShopCreditScore
	Enterprise             Enterprise
	Recruitment            Recruitment
	Msorder                Msorder
	Partnercommercial      Partnercommercial
	Partnercomplain        Partnercomplain
	Partnercustomer        Partnercustomer
	Partnercustomerservice Partnercustomerservice
	Partnerrisk            Partnerrisk
	Msgnew                 Msgnew
	Seller                 Seller
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewAPIClient

func NewAPIClient(config Config) APIClient

func (*APIClient) SetConfig

func (client *APIClient) SetConfig(config Config)

type APIError

type APIError struct {
	Code    string
	Message string

func (APIError) Error

func (e APIError) Error() string

type Accuratecategory added in v1.40.0

type Accuratecategory struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Accuratecategory) GetAccurateCategory added in v1.40.0

func (accuratecategory *Accuratecategory) GetAccurateCategory(category_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

根据门店ID获取精准分类 category 查询参数

func (*Accuratecategory) QueryAccurateCategoryList added in v1.40.0

func (accuratecategory *Accuratecategory) QueryAccurateCategoryList(category_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

查询精准分类 category 查询参数

func (*Accuratecategory) SaveCategory added in v1.40.0

func (accuratecategory *Accuratecategory) SaveCategory(category_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

保存精准分类 category 精准分类信息

type Activity added in v1.40.0

type Activity struct {
	Food        Food
	Flash       Flash
	Shippingfee Shippingfee
	Coupon      Coupon
	Skuchain    Skuchain
	Marketing   Marketing
	Dy          Dy
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type ApiBody

type ApiBody struct {
	Token     string                 `json:"token"`
	Nop       string                 `json:"nop"`
	Metas     map[string]interface{} `json:"metas"`
	Params    map[string]interface{} `json:"params"`
	Action    string                 `json:"action"`
	ID        string                 `json:"id"`
	Signature string                 `json:"signature"`

func (*ApiBody) Sign

func (body *ApiBody) Sign(secret string)

给 body 签名

type Burstwindow added in v1.40.0

type Burstwindow struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Burstwindow) CloseBurstWindowByShopId added in v1.40.0

func (burstwindow *Burstwindow) CloseBurstWindowByShopId(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

根据门店ID关闭店铺爆款橱窗 shopId 门店ID

func (*Burstwindow) GetBurstWindowByShopId added in v1.40.0

func (burstwindow *Burstwindow) GetBurstWindowByShopId(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

根据店铺ID查询该店铺的爆款橱窗信息 shopId 店铺ID

func (*Burstwindow) QueryBurstWindowList added in v1.40.0

func (burstwindow *Burstwindow) QueryBurstWindowList(shopIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

根据门店ID集合查询店铺爆款橱窗信息集合 shopIds 查询条件

func (*Burstwindow) SaveBurstWindow added in v1.40.0

func (burstwindow *Burstwindow) SaveBurstWindow(burstWindow_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

保存爆款橱窗 burstWindow 爆款橱窗信息

type Card added in v1.40.0

type Card struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Card) ApplyTemplate added in v1.40.0

func (card *Card) ApplyTemplate(templateId_ string, shopIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

应用模板 templateId 模板id shopIds 店铺列表

func (*Card) ConfirmSendCoupon added in v1.40.0

func (card *Card) ConfirmSendCoupon(couponRequest_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

确认是否发券接口 couponRequest 是否发券请求

func (*Card) CreateTemplate added in v1.40.0

func (card *Card) CreateTemplate(templateInfo_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

创建模板 templateInfo 模板信息

func (*Card) GetUserByToken added in v1.40.0

func (card *Card) GetUserByToken(userToken_ string) (interface{}, error)

根据userToken获取用户信息(该接口不再使用) userToken userToken有效期10分钟.饿了么app上跳转到外部H5页面https://www.abc.com?accessToken=c8cea843-1fb5-473f-bb10-a9d2aa239c39,其中accessToken为userToken,用其作为该接口的入参获取到用户信息

func (*Card) MgetShopIdsByTemplateIds added in v1.40.0

func (card *Card) MgetShopIdsByTemplateIds(templateId_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

查询模板应用的店铺 templateId 模板id列表

func (*Card) MgetTemplateInfo added in v1.40.0

func (card *Card) MgetTemplateInfo(templateId_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

查询模板信息 templateId 模板id列表

func (*Card) OpenCard added in v1.40.0

func (card *Card) OpenCard(templateId_ string, cardUserInfo_ interface{}, cardAccountInfo_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

开卡 templateId 模板ID cardUserInfo 会员用户信息 cardAccountInfo 会员账户信息

func (*Card) UpdateTemplate added in v1.40.0

func (card *Card) UpdateTemplate(templateId_ string, templateInfo_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

更新模板信息 templateId 模板id templateInfo 模板更新信息

func (*Card) UpdateUserInfo added in v1.40.0

func (card *Card) UpdateUserInfo(cardUserInfo_ interface{}, cardAccountInfo_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

更新会员信息 cardUserInfo 用户基本信息 cardAccountInfo 用户账户信息

func (*Card) UploadImage added in v1.40.0

func (card *Card) UploadImage(imageBase64_ string) (interface{}, error)

上传图片 imageBase64 上传图片

type Category

type Category struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Category) CreateCategory

func (category *Category) CreateCategory(shopId_ int64, name_ string, description_ string) (interface{}, error)

添加商品分类 shopId 店铺Id name 商品分类名称,长度需在50字以内 description 商品分类描述,长度需在50字以内

func (*Category) CreateCategoryWithChildren added in v1.9.0

func (category *Category) CreateCategoryWithChildren(shopId_ int64, name_ string, parentId_ int64, description_ string) (interface{}, error)

添加商品分类,支持二级分类 shopId 店铺Id name 商品分类名称,长度需在50字以内 parentId 父分类ID,如果没有可以填0 description 商品分类描述,长度需在50字以内

func (*Category) GetBackCategory added in v1.9.0

func (category *Category) GetBackCategory(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

查询商品后台类目 shopId 店铺Id

func (*Category) GetBackCategoryPropertyV2 added in v1.41.5

func (category *Category) GetBackCategoryPropertyV2(shopId_ int64, backCategoryId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

查询新版商品后台类目属性 shopId 店铺Id backCategoryId 后台类目id

func (*Category) GetBackCategoryV2 added in v1.41.5

func (category *Category) GetBackCategoryV2(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

查询新版商品后台类目 shopId 店铺Id

func (*Category) GetCategory

func (category *Category) GetCategory(categoryId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

查询商品分类详情 categoryId 商品分类Id

func (*Category) GetCategoryWithChildren added in v1.9.0

func (category *Category) GetCategoryWithChildren(categoryId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

查询商品分类详情,包含二级分类 categoryId 商品分类Id

func (*Category) GetMaterials added in v1.41.5

func (category *Category) GetMaterials(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

查询新版商品原材料 shopId 店铺Id

func (*Category) GetShopCategories

func (category *Category) GetShopCategories(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

查询店铺商品分类 shopId 店铺Id

func (*Category) GetShopCategoriesWithChildren added in v1.9.0

func (category *Category) GetShopCategoriesWithChildren(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

查询店铺商品分类,包含二级分类 shopId 店铺Id

func (*Category) InvalidCategory added in v1.40.0

func (category *Category) InvalidCategory(categoryId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

删除商品分类(新版) categoryId 商品分类Id

func (*Category) RemoveCategory

func (category *Category) RemoveCategory(categoryId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

删除商品分类 categoryId 商品分类Id

func (*Category) RemoveDayPartingStickTime added in v1.40.0

func (category *Category) RemoveDayPartingStickTime(shopId_ int64, categoryId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

删除分组的分时置顶功能 shopId 店铺Id categoryId 商品分类Id

func (*Category) SetCategoryPositions

func (category *Category) SetCategoryPositions(shopId_ int64, categoryIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

设置分类排序 shopId 饿了么店铺Id categoryIds 需要排序的分类Id

func (*Category) SetCategoryPositionsWithChildren added in v1.9.0

func (category *Category) SetCategoryPositionsWithChildren(shopId_ int64, categoryWithChildrenIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

设置二级分类排序 shopId 饿了么店铺Id categoryWithChildrenIds 需要排序的父分类Id,及其下属的二级分类ID

func (*Category) SetCategorySequence added in v1.40.0

func (category *Category) SetCategorySequence(shopId_ int64, categoryIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

设置分类排序(新版) shopId 饿了么店铺Id categoryIds 需要排序的全部一级分类Id

func (*Category) SetCategoryType added in v1.40.0

func (category *Category) SetCategoryType(shopId_ int64, categoryId_ int64, categoryType_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

设置分类类型 shopId 店铺Id categoryId 商品分类Id categoryType 分类类型

func (*Category) SetDayPartingStickTime added in v1.40.0

func (category *Category) SetDayPartingStickTime(shopId_ int64, categoryId_ int64, dayPartingStick_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

设置分组分时段置顶 shopId 店铺Id categoryId 商品分类Id dayPartingStick 置顶时间设置

func (*Category) UpdateCategory

func (category *Category) UpdateCategory(categoryId_ int64, name_ string, description_ string) (interface{}, error)

更新商品分类 categoryId 商品分类Id name 商品分类名称,长度需在50字以内 description 商品分类描述,长度需在50字以内

func (*Category) UpdateCategoryWithChildren added in v1.9.0

func (category *Category) UpdateCategoryWithChildren(categoryId_ int64, name_ string, parentId_ int64, description_ string) (interface{}, error)

更新商品分类,包含二级分类 categoryId 商品分类Id name 商品分类名称,长度需在50字以内 parentId 父分类ID,如果没有可以填0 description 商品分类描述,长度需在50字以内

type Chain added in v1.40.0

type Chain struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Chain) BatchQueryShopCreditScoreRecords added in v1.40.0

func (chain *Chain) BatchQueryShopCreditScoreRecords(shopIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

连锁店根据商户ID集合批量查询查询商户信用分变更记录 shopIds 商户ID集合

func (*Chain) BatchQueryShopCreditScores added in v1.40.0

func (chain *Chain) BatchQueryShopCreditScores(shopIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

连锁店根据商户ID集合批量查询商户信用分信息 shopIds 商户ID集合

func (*Chain) BatchQueryShopEquityRules added in v1.40.0

func (chain *Chain) BatchQueryShopEquityRules(shopIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

连锁店根据商户ID集合批量查询店铺权益规则 shopIds 商户ID集合

func (*Chain) BatchQueryShopPunishRules added in v1.40.0

func (chain *Chain) BatchQueryShopPunishRules(shopIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

连锁店根据商户ID集合批量查询店铺扣罚规则 shopIds 商户ID集合

func (*Chain) GetChainRealTimeSaleDetail added in v1.40.0

func (chain *Chain) GetChainRealTimeSaleDetail(shopIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

获取连锁店今日实时的营业数据汇总 shopIds 连锁子店Id

func (*Chain) GetChainRestaurantSaleDetail added in v1.40.0

func (chain *Chain) GetChainRestaurantSaleDetail(shopIds_ interface{}, startTime_ string, endTime_ string) (interface{}, error)

查询指定时间段内连锁店营业数据汇总(历史数据) shopIds 连锁子店Id startTime 查询起始日期 endTime 查询结束日期

func (*Chain) GetChainRestaurantSaleRatio added in v1.40.0

func (chain *Chain) GetChainRestaurantSaleRatio(shopIds_ interface{}, startTime_ string, endTime_ string) (interface{}, error)

查询指定时间段内连锁店相关营业数据指标增长率 shopIds 连锁子店Id startTime 查询起始日期 endTime 查询结束日期

type Config

type Config struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewConfig

func NewConfig(bSandbox bool, key string, secret string) Config

构造一个新的 openapi 配置

func (*Config) GetAPIHost

func (conf *Config) GetAPIHost() string

获取 openapi host

func (*Config) SetKey

func (conf *Config) SetKey(key string)

设置 openapi key

func (*Config) SetLogger

func (conf *Config) SetLogger(logger ElemeSdkLogger)


func (*Config) SetSandbox

func (conf *Config) SetSandbox(b bool)


func (*Config) SetSecret

func (conf *Config) SetSecret(secret string)

设置 openapi secret

func (*Config) SetToken

func (conf *Config) SetToken(token Token)

设置 token

func (*Config) SetURL

func (conf *Config) SetURL(url string)

设置 openapi URL

type Content added in v1.40.0

type Content struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Content) GetEfsConfig added in v1.41.5

func (content *Content) GetEfsConfig(videoType_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

获取efs配置 videoType 视频类型

func (*Content) GetUploadToken added in v1.40.0

func (content *Content) GetUploadToken(scene_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

获取视频上传token scene 场景码

func (*Content) GetVideoBindInfo added in v1.40.0

func (content *Content) GetVideoBindInfo(videoId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

通过视频id获取所有相关联的业务关系 videoId 视频Id

func (*Content) GetVideoInfo added in v1.40.0

func (content *Content) GetVideoInfo(videoId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

通过视频id查询视频信息 videoId 视频Id

func (*Content) PublishVideoContent added in v1.40.0

func (content *Content) PublishVideoContent(request_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

发布视频 request 内容发布对象

func (*Content) SetVideoBindRelation added in v1.40.0

func (content *Content) SetVideoBindRelation(videoId_ int64, bizId_ int64, bindBizType_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

建立视频与相对应的业务的关联关系 videoId 视频Id bizId 业务Id(如业务类型为GOOD,业务Id为商品Id) bindBizType 业务类型

func (*Content) UnsetVideoBindRelation added in v1.40.0

func (content *Content) UnsetVideoBindRelation(videoId_ int64, bizId_ int64, bindBizType_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

取消视频与对应业务的关联关系 videoId 视频Id bizId 业务Id(如业务类型为GOOD,业务Id为商品Id) bindBizType 业务类型

func (*Content) UploadVideo added in v1.41.5

func (content *Content) UploadVideo(oVideoInfo_ interface{}, shopId_ int64, videoType_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

上传视频 oVideoInfo 视频信息 shopId 店铺Id videoType 视频类型

type Coupon added in v1.40.0

type Coupon struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Coupon) CreateActivityTemplateV2 added in v1.40.0

func (coupon *Coupon) CreateActivityTemplateV2(activityTemplate_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

创建券模板 activityTemplate 创建券模板对象

func (*Coupon) HostShops added in v1.40.0

func (coupon *Coupon) HostShops(shopIds_ interface{}, hostedType_ interface{}, discounts_ float64) (interface{}, error)

托管单店红包服务 shopIds 餐厅id列表,长度不能超过20 hostedType 红包服务业务类型,暂只支持超级会员,"SUPER_VIP" discounts 扣减额,请设置在[4,15]元,小数点后最多1位

func (*Coupon) InvalidActivityTemplateV2 added in v1.40.0

func (coupon *Coupon) InvalidActivityTemplateV2(invalidModel_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

作废券模板 invalidModel 作废券模板对象

func (*Coupon) ModifyActivityTemplateV2 added in v1.40.0

func (coupon *Coupon) ModifyActivityTemplateV2(updateModel_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

修改券模板 updateModel 修改券模板对象

func (*Coupon) PresentChainSkuCoupons added in v1.40.0

func (coupon *Coupon) PresentChainSkuCoupons(chainId_ int64, targetList_ interface{}, targetListType_ interface{}, chainSkuCouponDetail_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

定向赠连锁通用商品券 chainId 连锁店id targetList 目标列表 targetListType 目标类型 chainSkuCouponDetail 通用定向赠连锁商品券模板细节

func (*Coupon) PresentCommonTargetCoupons added in v1.40.0

func (coupon *Coupon) PresentCommonTargetCoupons(chainId_ int64, targetList_ interface{}, targetListType_ interface{}, commonTargetCouponDetail_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

定向赠通用红包 chainId 连锁店id targetList 目标列表 targetListType 目标类型 commonTargetCouponDetail 通用定向赠红包模板细节

func (*Coupon) PresentCommonTargetSkuCoupons added in v1.40.0

func (coupon *Coupon) PresentCommonTargetSkuCoupons(chainId_ int64, targetList_ interface{}, targetListType_ interface{}, commonTargetSkuCouponDetail_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

定向赠通用商品券 chainId 连锁店id targetList 目标列表 targetListType 目标类型 commonTargetSkuCouponDetail 通用定向赠连锁商品券模板细节

func (*Coupon) PresentCoupon added in v1.40.0

func (coupon *Coupon) PresentCoupon(shopId_ int64, mobile_ string, couponTemplate_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

定向赠红包 shopId 店铺Id mobile 需要发放红包的用户手机号 couponTemplate 定向赠红包的模板信息

func (*Coupon) PresentCouponWithTemplateIdV2 added in v1.40.0

func (coupon *Coupon) PresentCouponWithTemplateIdV2(presentWithTemplateModel_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

根据券模板发券 presentWithTemplateModel 发券对象

func (*Coupon) PresentSkuCoupons added in v1.40.0

func (coupon *Coupon) PresentSkuCoupons(targetList_ interface{}, targetListType_ interface{}, skuCouponDetail_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

定向赠指定商品券 targetList 目标列表 targetListType 目标类型 skuCouponDetail 商品券模板细节

func (*Coupon) PresentTargetCoupons added in v1.40.0

func (coupon *Coupon) PresentTargetCoupons(shopId_ int64, targetList_ interface{}, targetListType_ interface{}, targetCouponDetail_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

定向赠红包(单店红包) shopId 店铺id targetList 目标列表 targetListType 目标类型 targetCouponDetail 定向赠红包模板细节

func (*Coupon) QueryByTemplateIdV2 added in v1.40.0

func (coupon *Coupon) QueryByTemplateIdV2(queryModel_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

查询券模板 queryModel 查询券模板对象

func (*Coupon) QueryCouponOrder added in v1.42.0

func (coupon *Coupon) QueryCouponOrder(request_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

查询卡券订单信息 request 查询条件

func (*Coupon) QueryHostInfo added in v1.40.0

func (coupon *Coupon) QueryHostInfo(shopIds_ interface{}, hostedType_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

查询红包服务托管情况 shopIds 餐厅id列表,长度不能超过20 hostedType 红包服务业务类型,暂只支持超级会员,"SUPER_VIP"

func (*Coupon) QueryTargetCouponInfo added in v1.40.0

func (coupon *Coupon) QueryTargetCouponInfo(targetCouponQueryRequest_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

分页查询店铺的定向赠红包信息 targetCouponQueryRequest 定向赠红包查询入参对象

func (*Coupon) RehostShop added in v1.40.0

func (coupon *Coupon) RehostShop(shopId_ int64, hostedType_ interface{}, oActivityServiceDetails_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

更改单店红包服务托管方式 shopId 店铺Id hostedType 红包服务业务类型,暂只支持超级会员,"SUPER_VIP" oActivityServiceDetails 服务内容

func (*Coupon) UnhostShops added in v1.40.0

func (coupon *Coupon) UnhostShops(shopIds_ interface{}, hostedType_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

取消托管单店红包服务 shopIds 餐厅id列表,长度不能超过20 hostedType 红包服务业务类型,暂只支持超级会员,"SUPER_VIP"

func (*Coupon) UpdateCouponStatus added in v1.40.0

func (coupon *Coupon) UpdateCouponStatus(criteria_ interface{}, type_ int) (interface{}, error)

券状态变更 criteria 券状态修改对象 type 操作类型

type Cpc added in v1.40.0

type Cpc struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Cpc) CheckShopCertification added in v1.40.0

func (cpc *Cpc) CheckShopCertification(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

确认店铺两证是否齐全 shopId 店铺ID

func (*Cpc) GetActualRanking added in v1.40.0

func (cpc *Cpc) GetActualRanking(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

获取竞价推广实时排名 shopId 店铺ID

func (*Cpc) GetAllBalance added in v1.40.0

func (cpc *Cpc) GetAllBalance(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

查询余额 shopId 店铺ID

func (*Cpc) GetRankAndCostInfo added in v1.40.0

func (cpc *Cpc) GetRankAndCostInfo(shopId_ int64, beginDate_ string, endDate_ string) (interface{}, error)

查询推广点击分布信息 shopId 店铺ID beginDate 开始时间 endDate 结束时间

func (*Cpc) GetResidueDegree added in v1.40.0

func (cpc *Cpc) GetResidueDegree(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

查询推广修改剩余次数 shopId 店铺ID

func (*Cpc) GetSuggestWagerInfo added in v1.40.0

func (cpc *Cpc) GetSuggestWagerInfo(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

查询推荐价格、预估信息 shopId 店铺ID

func (*Cpc) GetUVSummary added in v1.40.0

func (cpc *Cpc) GetUVSummary(shopId_ int64, beginDate_ string, endDate_ string) (interface{}, error)

查询推广效果数据 shopId 店铺ID beginDate 开始时间 endDate 结束时间

func (*Cpc) GetUserDistribution added in v1.40.0

func (cpc *Cpc) GetUserDistribution(shopId_ int64, date_ string) (interface{}, error)

获取推广活跃顾客的点击结构 shopId 店铺ID date 时间

func (*Cpc) GetWagerEstimate added in v1.40.0

func (cpc *Cpc) GetWagerEstimate(shopId_ int64, bid_ float64) (interface{}, error)

根据出价查询预估信息 shopId 店铺ID bid CPC出价

func (*Cpc) GetWagerInformation added in v1.40.0

func (cpc *Cpc) GetWagerInformation(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

查询推广信息 shopId 店铺ID

func (*Cpc) SetWagerBudget added in v1.40.0

func (cpc *Cpc) SetWagerBudget(shopId_ int64, budget_ float64) (interface{}, error)

设置预算 shopId 店铺ID budget 要设置的预算(元)

func (*Cpc) SetWagerGrade added in v1.40.0

func (cpc *Cpc) SetWagerGrade(shopId_ int64, bid_ float64) (interface{}, error)

设置推广出价 shopId 店铺ID bid 要设置的出价(元)

func (*Cpc) SetWagerSpeed added in v1.40.0

func (cpc *Cpc) SetWagerSpeed(shopId_ int64, wagerSpeedMode_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

设置推广速率 shopId 店铺ID wagerSpeedMode 速率类型

func (*Cpc) UpdateAutoStatus added in v1.40.0

func (cpc *Cpc) UpdateAutoStatus(shopId_ int64, autoStatus_ interface{}, launchHours_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

更新自动投放状态 shopId 店铺ID autoStatus 操作状态 launchHours 小时集合

func (*Cpc) UpdateWagerStatus added in v1.40.0

func (cpc *Cpc) UpdateWagerStatus(shopId_ int64, status_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

设置推广状态 shopId 店铺ID status 推广状态

type Credentials added in v1.40.0

type Credentials struct {
	AccessKeyId     string
	SecretAccessKey string
	SessionToken    string
	Expiration      float64

type Data added in v1.40.0

type Data struct {
	Single Single
	Chain  Chain
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type Decoration added in v1.40.0

type Decoration struct {
	Windows          Windows
	Sign             Sign
	Poster           Poster
	Story            Story
	Image            Image
	Accuratecategory Accuratecategory
	Burstwindow      Burstwindow
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type Delivery added in v1.40.0

type Delivery struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Delivery) GetDeliveryRoutes added in v1.40.0

func (delivery *Delivery) GetDeliveryRoutes(orderId_ string) (interface{}, error)

获取订单配送轨迹 orderId 订单Id

type Diagnosis added in v1.40.0

type Diagnosis struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type Dy added in v1.41.6

type Dy struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Dy) AuditStatusCallBack added in v1.42.0

func (dy *Dy) AuditStatusCallBack(request_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

抖音审核状态回调 request 抖音审核状态回调

func (*Dy) CreateCampaignDyChannel added in v1.42.0

func (dy *Dy) CreateCampaignDyChannel(request_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

抖音创建招商活动后调用,创建e侧抖音频道 request 创建e侧抖音频道

func (*Dy) CreateCouponActivity added in v1.42.0

func (dy *Dy) CreateCouponActivity(request_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

抖音侧创建券活动时调用 request 抖音创建券活动

func (*Dy) DyAuditStatusCallBack added in v1.41.6

func (dy *Dy) DyAuditStatusCallBack(request_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

抖音审核回调 request 回调请求参数

func (*Dy) OfflineSkuApply added in v1.42.0

func (dy *Dy) OfflineSkuApply(request_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

抖音侧商品退出报名时调用,e侧商品退出报名 request 商品退出报名

func (*Dy) QueryEleApplyStatus added in v1.42.0

func (dy *Dy) QueryEleApplyStatus(request_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

抖音查询e侧报名单状态,用于核对状态一致性 request 查询e侧报名单状态

type EfsClient added in v1.40.0

type EfsClient struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewEfsClient added in v1.40.0

func NewEfsClient(efsConf EfsConfig) EfsClient

func (*EfsClient) SetEfsConfig added in v1.40.0

func (efsClient *EfsClient) SetEfsConfig(efsConf EfsConfig)


type EfsConfig added in v1.40.0

type EfsConfig struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EfsConfig) SetAccessKeyId added in v1.40.0

func (efsConf *EfsConfig) SetAccessKeyId(str string)

func (*EfsConfig) SetBucketName added in v1.40.0

func (efsConf *EfsConfig) SetBucketName(str string)

func (*EfsConfig) SetCredentials added in v1.40.0

func (efsConf *EfsConfig) SetCredentials(credentials Credentials)

func (*EfsConfig) SetEfsAddress added in v1.40.0

func (efsConf *EfsConfig) SetEfsAddress(str string)

func (*EfsConfig) SetExpiration added in v1.40.0

func (efsConf *EfsConfig) SetExpiration(str float64)

func (*EfsConfig) SetSecretAccessKey added in v1.40.0

func (efsConf *EfsConfig) SetSecretAccessKey(str string)

func (*EfsConfig) SetSessionToken added in v1.40.0

func (efsConf *EfsConfig) SetSessionToken(str string)

type ElemeSdkLogger

type ElemeSdkLogger interface {
	Info(message string)
	Error(message string)

type Enterprise added in v1.40.0

type Enterprise struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Enterprise) CreateOnlineOrder added in v1.40.0

func (enterprise *Enterprise) CreateOnlineOrder(createReq_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

ISV创建饿了么订单,获取订单编号 createReq 创单参数

func (*Enterprise) GetEntArrivalOrderDetail added in v1.40.0

func (enterprise *Enterprise) GetEntArrivalOrderDetail(orderReqDto_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

企业付订单查询接口 orderReqDto 订单请求

func (*Enterprise) GetUserAuthentication added in v1.40.0

func (enterprise *Enterprise) GetUserAuthentication(req_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

获取饿了么企餐用户认证 req 饿了么企餐用户

func (*Enterprise) LoadPaymentPage added in v1.40.0

func (enterprise *Enterprise) LoadPaymentPage(req_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

加载企业订餐买单页面 req 买单参数

func (*Enterprise) PushOrderDetail added in v1.40.0

func (enterprise *Enterprise) PushOrderDetail(detailReq_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

ISV订单详情同步 detailReq 订单详情

func (*Enterprise) UpdateArrivalShopOnlineOrderEnable added in v1.40.0

func (enterprise *Enterprise) UpdateArrivalShopOnlineOrderEnable(enableRequest_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

更新企业订餐店铺在线点餐启用状态 enableRequest 门店启用请求

func (*Enterprise) UpdateEntArrivalOrderRelate added in v1.40.0

func (enterprise *Enterprise) UpdateEntArrivalOrderRelate(relateReqDto_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

关联企业订餐到店订单 relateReqDto 订单关联请求

func (*Enterprise) UpdateEntArrivalShopEnable added in v1.40.0

func (enterprise *Enterprise) UpdateEntArrivalShopEnable(enableRequest_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

更新企业订餐店铺订单关联启用状态 enableRequest 门店启用请求

type File

type File struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*File) GetImageUrl added in v1.40.0

func (file *File) GetImageUrl(hash_ string) (interface{}, error)

获取上传图片的url地址(新版) hash 图片hash值

func (*File) GetUploadedUrl

func (file *File) GetUploadedUrl(hash_ string) (interface{}, error)

获取上传文件的访问URL,返回文件的Url地址 hash 图片hash值

func (*File) UploadImage

func (file *File) UploadImage(image_ string) (interface{}, error)

上传图片,返回图片的hash值 image 文件内容base64编码值

func (*File) UploadImageWithRemoteUrl

func (file *File) UploadImageWithRemoteUrl(url_ string) (interface{}, error)

通过远程URL上传图片,返回图片的hash值 url 远程Url地址

type Finance added in v1.10.0

type Finance struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Finance) GetOrderNew added in v1.40.0

func (finance *Finance) GetOrderNew(shopId_ int64, orderId_ string) (interface{}, error)

查询订单(新接口) shopId 饿了么店铺id orderId 订单id

func (*Finance) QueryAllowanceBillDetail added in v1.40.0

func (finance *Finance) QueryAllowanceBillDetail(shopId_ int64, query_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

查询返现每日详单 shopId 饿了么分店、单店、总店店铺id query 查询条件

func (*Finance) QueryAllowanceBills added in v1.40.0

func (finance *Finance) QueryAllowanceBills(shopId_ int64, query_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

查询返现汇总信息账单 shopId 饿了么分店、单店、总店店铺id query 查询条件

func (*Finance) QueryBalanceLog added in v1.10.0

func (finance *Finance) QueryBalanceLog(request_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

查询余额流水,有流水改动的交易 request 查询条件

func (*Finance) QueryBranchBillsNew added in v1.40.0

func (finance *Finance) QueryBranchBillsNew(shopId_ int64, query_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

查询分店账单(新接口) shopId 饿了么分店店铺id query 查询条件

func (*Finance) QueryBranchOrdersNew added in v1.40.0

func (finance *Finance) QueryBranchOrdersNew(shopId_ int64, query_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

查询分店订单(新接口) shopId 饿了么分店店铺id query 查询条件

func (*Finance) QueryBySlave added in v1.41.5

func (finance *Finance) QueryBySlave(relationsRequest_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

子资金账号查询关系 relationsRequest 查询条件

func (*Finance) QueryGoodsOrders added in v1.42.2

func (finance *Finance) QueryGoodsOrders(settleAccountShopId_ int64, shopIdList_ interface{}, query_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量查询分店商品维度账单数据 settleAccountShopId 结算入账ID shopIdList 门店id列表(限制100) query 查询条件

func (*Finance) QueryHeadBillsNew added in v1.40.0

func (finance *Finance) QueryHeadBillsNew(shopId_ int64, query_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

查询总店账单(新接口) shopId 饿了么总店店铺id query 查询条件

func (*Finance) QueryHeadOrdersNew added in v1.40.0

func (finance *Finance) QueryHeadOrdersNew(shopId_ int64, query_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

查询总店订单(新接口) shopId 饿了么总店店铺id query 查询条件

func (*Finance) QueryNewBalance added in v1.41.5

func (finance *Finance) QueryNewBalance(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

查询商户余额 返回可用余额和子账户余额明细 shopId 饿了么总店店铺id

func (*Finance) QuerySlaveShopIdsByChainId added in v1.42.2

func (finance *Finance) QuerySlaveShopIdsByChainId(chainId_ int64, checkoutDate_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

查询连锁总店结算子门店关系列表 chainId 饿了么连锁店店铺id checkoutDate 入账日期

func (*Finance) QueryTermAndName added in v1.41.5

func (finance *Finance) QueryTermAndName(termAndNameQuery_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

查询商户帐期和名称 termAndNameQuery 查询条件

type Flash added in v1.40.0

type Flash struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type Flow added in v1.40.0

type Flow struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type Food added in v1.40.0

type Food struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Food) ApplyFoodActivity added in v1.40.0

func (food *Food) ApplyFoodActivity(activityId_ int64, activityApplyInfo_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

报名美食活动 activityId 活动Id activityApplyInfo 活动报名信息

func (*Food) OfflineFoodActivityItem added in v1.40.0

func (food *Food) OfflineFoodActivityItem(activityId_ int64, shopId_ int64, itemId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

取消参与了美食活动的菜品 activityId 活动Id shopId 店铺Id itemId 菜品Id

func (*Food) QueryFoodActivities added in v1.40.0

func (food *Food) QueryFoodActivities(activityId_ int64, shopId_ int64, pageNo_ int64, pageSize_ int64) (interface{}, error)

通过店铺Id和活动Id分页查询店铺已报名的美食活动 activityId 活动Id shopId 店铺Id pageNo 页码 pageSize 每页数量

func (*Food) QueryInvitedFoodActivities added in v1.40.0

func (food *Food) QueryInvitedFoodActivities(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

通过店铺Id查询该店铺被邀约的美食活动 shopId 店铺Id

func (*Food) UnbindFoodActivity added in v1.40.0

func (food *Food) UnbindFoodActivity(activityId_ int64, shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

作废店铺与美食活动的关联关系 activityId 活动Id shopId 店铺Id

func (*Food) UpdateFoodActivityItemStock added in v1.40.0

func (food *Food) UpdateFoodActivityItemStock(activityId_ int64, shopId_ int64, itemId_ int64, stock_ int64) (interface{}, error)

修改美食活动的菜品库存 activityId 活动Id shopId 店铺Id itemId 菜品Id stock 库存

type Im added in v1.40.4

type Im struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Im) GetIMStatus added in v1.40.4

func (im *Im) GetIMStatus(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

查询店铺IM状态 shopId 店铺ID

func (*Im) GetWssAddress added in v1.40.4

func (im *Im) GetWssAddress(queryLongLineAddressDTO_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

查询长链地址 queryLongLineAddressDTO 查询长链地址表单

func (*Im) UpdateIMStatus added in v1.40.4

func (im *Im) UpdateIMStatus(shopId_ int64, status_ int) (interface{}, error)

更新店铺IM开关状态 shopId 店铺ID status IM开关状态(0:关闭 1:开启)

type Image added in v1.40.0

type Image struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Image) Upload added in v1.40.0

func (image *Image) Upload(image_ string) (interface{}, error)

上传图片 image 文件内容base64编码值

type Item

type Item struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Item) BatchClearStock

func (item *Item) BatchClearStock(specIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量沽清库存 specIds 商品及商品规格的列表

func (*Item) BatchCreateIngredientGroups added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) BatchCreateIngredientGroups(ingredientGroups_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量创建配料组 ingredientGroups 配料组数据

func (*Item) BatchCreateItems

func (item *Item) BatchCreateItems(categoryId_ int64, items_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量添加商品 categoryId 商品分类Id items 商品属性的列表

func (*Item) BatchCreateItemsIgnoreError added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) BatchCreateItemsIgnoreError(categoryId_ int64, items_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量添加商品,且忽略异常,专为星巴克开发 categoryId 商品分类Id items 商品属性的列表

func (*Item) BatchCreateMultiSpecItem added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) BatchCreateMultiSpecItem(categoryId_ int64, items_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量添加多规格商品 categoryId 商品分类Id items 商品属性的列表

func (*Item) BatchDelistItems added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) BatchDelistItems(itemIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量下架商品(新版) itemIds 商品ID列表

func (*Item) BatchFillStock

func (item *Item) BatchFillStock(specIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量置满库存 specIds 商品及商品规格的列表

func (*Item) BatchGetItems

func (item *Item) BatchGetItems(itemIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量查询商品详情 itemIds 商品Id的列表

func (*Item) BatchListItems added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) BatchListItems(itemIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量上架商品(新版) itemIds 商品ID列表

func (*Item) BatchOffShelf

func (item *Item) BatchOffShelf(specIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量下架商品 specIds 商品及商品规格的列表

func (*Item) BatchOnShelf

func (item *Item) BatchOnShelf(specIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量上架商品 specIds 商品及商品规格的列表

func (*Item) BatchRemoveItems

func (item *Item) BatchRemoveItems(itemIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量删除商品 itemIds 商品Id的列表

func (*Item) BatchUpdateItemCategory added in v1.42.1

func (item *Item) BatchUpdateItemCategory(request_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量更新商品类目、类目属性、主材料信息 request 店铺商品信息

func (*Item) BatchUpdateItemIngredient added in v1.42.1

func (item *Item) BatchUpdateItemIngredient(request_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量更新商品配料信息 request 店铺商品信息

func (*Item) BatchUpdateItems added in v1.40.4

func (item *Item) BatchUpdateItems(requests_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量更新商品 requests 批量更新请求

func (*Item) BatchUpdateMultiSpecItem added in v1.41.5

func (item *Item) BatchUpdateMultiSpecItem(requests_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量更新多规格商品 requests 商品规格

func (*Item) BatchUpdatePrices added in v1.9.0

func (item *Item) BatchUpdatePrices(shopId_ int64, specPrices_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量修改商品价格 shopId 店铺Id specPrices 商品Id及其下SkuId和价格对应Map(限制最多50个)

func (*Item) BatchUpdateShopItems added in v1.42.1

func (item *Item) BatchUpdateShopItems(request_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量更新商品信息 request 店铺商品信息

func (*Item) BatchUpdateSpecStocks

func (item *Item) BatchUpdateSpecStocks(specStocks_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量更新商品库存 specStocks 商品以及规格库存列表

func (*Item) BatchUpdateStock added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) BatchUpdateStock(stockMap_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量更新商品库存(新版) stockMap 商品规格ID和库存设值的映射

func (*Item) BatchUpdateStockDetail added in v1.41.5

func (item *Item) BatchUpdateStockDetail(shopId_ int64, updateStockRequests_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量修改库存详细信息 shopId 店铺Id updateStockRequests 更新规格请求列表

func (*Item) BindIngredientGroups added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) BindIngredientGroups(itemId_ int64, ingredientGroupIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

给主料商品绑定配料组 itemId 主料商品id ingredientGroupIds 配料组id列表

func (*Item) BindVideo added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) BindVideo(itemId_ int64, contentId_ string) (interface{}, error)

绑定商品视频 itemId 商品id contentId 内容id

func (*Item) ClearAndTimingMaxStock added in v1.2.0

func (item *Item) ClearAndTimingMaxStock(clearStocks_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量沽清库存并在次日2:00开始置满 clearStocks 店铺Id及商品Id的列表

func (*Item) CreateIngredientGroup added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) CreateIngredientGroup(ingredientGroup_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

创建配料组 ingredientGroup 配料组数据

func (*Item) CreateItem

func (item *Item) CreateItem(categoryId_ int64, properties_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

添加商品 categoryId 商品分类Id properties 商品属性

func (*Item) CreateMultiSpecItem added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) CreateMultiSpecItem(categoryId_ int64, properties_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

添加多规格商品 categoryId 商品分类Id properties 商品属性

func (*Item) DeleteIngredientGroup added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) DeleteIngredientGroup(ingredientGroupId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

删除配料组 ingredientGroupId 配料组id

func (*Item) DisplayRelatedItemIds added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) DisplayRelatedItemIds(shopId_ int64, itemId_ int64, display_ bool) (interface{}, error)

对主菜itemId设置是否开启菜品推荐 shopId 店铺ID itemId 商品ID display 是否展示

func (*Item) GetIngredientGroup added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) GetIngredientGroup(ingredientGroupId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

查询配料组 ingredientGroupId 配料组id

func (*Item) GetItem

func (item *Item) GetItem(itemId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

查询商品详情 itemId 商品Id

func (*Item) GetItemByShopIdAndExtendCode added in v1.9.0

func (item *Item) GetItemByShopIdAndExtendCode(shopId_ int64, extendCode_ string) (interface{}, error)

根据商品扩展码获取商品 shopId 店铺Id extendCode 商品扩展码

func (*Item) GetItemIdsHasActivityByShopId added in v1.10.0

func (item *Item) GetItemIdsHasActivityByShopId(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

查询活动商品 shopId 店铺Id

func (*Item) GetItemMaterialTree added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) GetItemMaterialTree(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

获取商品原材料数据(即将下线) shopId 店铺ID

func (*Item) GetItemsByCategoryId

func (item *Item) GetItemsByCategoryId(categoryId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

获取一个分类下的所有商品 categoryId 商品分类Id

func (*Item) GetItemsByCategoryIdV2 added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) GetItemsByCategoryIdV2(categoryId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

获取一个分类下的所有商品V2接口 categoryId 商品分类Id

func (*Item) GetItemsByShopIdAndBarCode added in v1.9.0

func (item *Item) GetItemsByShopIdAndBarCode(shopId_ int64, barCode_ string) (interface{}, error)

根据商品条形码获取商品 shopId 店铺Id barCode 商品条形码

func (*Item) GetMaterialTree added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) GetMaterialTree(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

获取原材料树(即将下线) shopId 店铺ID

func (*Item) GetRelatedItemIds added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) GetRelatedItemIds(shopId_ int64, itemId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

针对主菜itemId查询菜品推荐 shopId 店铺ID itemId 商品ID

func (*Item) GetShopLimitedItems added in v1.42.1

func (item *Item) GetShopLimitedItems(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

获取店铺内修改受限制的商品,包含两类商品:有锁的商品和有pid关系的商品。这两种商品信息修改受到限制。 shopId 店铺id

func (*Item) GetShopSalesItems added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) GetShopSalesItems(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

查询店铺活动商品(新版) shopId 店铺Id

func (*Item) InvalidItem added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) InvalidItem(itemId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

删除商品(新版) itemId 商品Id

func (*Item) ListIngredientGroups added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) ListIngredientGroups(ingredientGroupIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量查询配料组 ingredientGroupIds 配料组id列表

func (*Item) QueryItemByPage added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) QueryItemByPage(queryPage_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

分页获取店铺下的商品 queryPage 分页查询参数

func (*Item) RemoveIngredient added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) RemoveIngredient(shopId_ int64, mainItemId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

删除配料(接口已过期,请勿使用) shopId 店铺ID mainItemId 主料ID(商品ID)

func (*Item) RemoveIngredientGroup added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) RemoveIngredientGroup(itemId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

删除配料组数据 itemId 商品Id

func (*Item) RemoveItem

func (item *Item) RemoveItem(itemId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

删除商品 itemId 商品Id

func (*Item) RemoveMainItemIngredientGroups added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) RemoveMainItemIngredientGroups(itemId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

移除主料商品的全部配料组 itemId 主料商品id

func (*Item) SetIngredient added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) SetIngredient(shopId_ int64, mainItemId_ int64, ingredientGroup_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

主料关联配料(接口已过期,请勿使用) shopId 店铺ID mainItemId 主料ID(商品ID) ingredientGroup 商品配料分组

func (*Item) SetIngredientGroup added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) SetIngredientGroup(itemId_ int64, groupRelations_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

设置配料组数据 itemId 商品Id groupRelations 配料组信息

func (*Item) SetItemPositions

func (item *Item) SetItemPositions(categoryId_ int64, itemIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

设置商品排序 categoryId 商品分类Id itemIds 商品Id列表

func (*Item) SetOrderPackingFee added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) SetOrderPackingFee(shopId_ int64, status_ bool, packingFee_ float64) (interface{}, error)

设置订单餐盒费 shopId 店铺ID status 是否按照订单设置餐盒费 packingFee 订单餐盒费费用

func (*Item) SetRelatedItemIds added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) SetRelatedItemIds(shopId_ int64, itemId_ int64, relatedItemIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

针对主菜itemId设置菜品推荐 shopId 店铺ID itemId 商品ID relatedItemIds 关联的商品ID

func (*Item) UnbindIngredientGroups added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) UnbindIngredientGroups(itemId_ int64, ingredientGroupIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

解绑配料组 itemId 主料商品id ingredientGroupIds 配料组id列表

func (*Item) UnbindVideo added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) UnbindVideo(itemId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

解绑商品视频 itemId 商品id

func (*Item) UpdateItem

func (item *Item) UpdateItem(itemId_ int64, categoryId_ int64, properties_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

更新商品 itemId 商品Id categoryId 商品分类Id properties 商品属性

func (*Item) UpdateItemGroup added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) UpdateItemGroup(shopId_ int64, itemId_ int64, categoryId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

更新单店商品所属分组 shopId 店铺id itemId 商品id categoryId 分类id

func (*Item) UpdateMultiSpecItem added in v1.40.0

func (item *Item) UpdateMultiSpecItem(itemId_ int64, categoryId_ int64, properties_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

更新多规格商品 itemId 商品Id categoryId 商品分类Id properties 商品属性

type Market added in v1.40.0

type Market struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Market) ConfirmOrder added in v1.40.0

func (market *Market) ConfirmOrder(orderNo_ string) (interface{}, error)

服务市场确认订单 orderNo 服务市场订单编号

func (*Market) CreateOrder added in v1.40.0

func (market *Market) CreateOrder(request_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

创建内购项目订单 request 创建订单请求信息

func (*Market) GetUploadFileSignatureInfo added in v1.40.0

func (market *Market) GetUploadFileSignatureInfo() (interface{}, error)


func (*Market) MarkFinishCookingTime added in v1.40.0

func (market *Market) MarkFinishCookingTime(deviceInfo_ interface{}, orderId_ string) (interface{}, error)

物联网设备确认出餐 deviceInfo 设备信息 orderId 订单id

func (*Market) QueryOfflineOrder added in v1.42.2

func (market *Market) QueryOfflineOrder(orderNo_ string) (interface{}, error)

查询服务市场线下服务订单 orderNo 服务市场订单编号

func (*Market) QueryOrder added in v1.40.0

func (market *Market) QueryOrder(orderNo_ string) (interface{}, error)

查询服务市场订单 orderNo 服务市场订单编号

func (*Market) SyncMarketMessages added in v1.40.0

func (market *Market) SyncMarketMessages(start_ interface{}, end_ interface{}, offset_ int, limit_ int) (interface{}, error)

同步某一段时间内的服务市场消息 start 开始时间 end 结束时间 offset 消息偏移量 limit 查询消息数

func (*Market) UploadImageInfo added in v1.40.0

func (market *Market) UploadImageInfo(imageInfos_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

上传图片信息 imageInfos 图片信息(最多100条)

func (*Market) UploadLogisticInfo added in v1.40.0

func (market *Market) UploadLogisticInfo(logisticInfos_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

线下服务上传订单物流单号 logisticInfos 订单物流信息(最多100条)

type Marketing added in v1.40.0

type Marketing struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Marketing) QueryOrderSubsidy added in v1.40.0

func (marketing *Marketing) QueryOrderSubsidy(orderId_ string) (interface{}, error)

查询订单内营销相关数据 orderId 饿了么订单Id

type Message

type Message struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Message) DisablePushConfig added in v1.41.5

func (message *Message) DisablePushConfig(disablePushRequest_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

禁止推送消息设置 disablePushRequest 禁止推送消息设置

func (*Message) GetNonReachedMessages

func (message *Message) GetNonReachedMessages(appId_ int) (interface{}, error)

获取未到达的推送消息 appId 应用ID

func (*Message) GetNonReachedOMessages

func (message *Message) GetNonReachedOMessages(appId_ int) (interface{}, error)

获取未到达的推送消息实体 appId 应用ID

func (*Message) QueryDisablePush added in v1.41.5

func (message *Message) QueryDisablePush(disablePushQuery_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

查询已经设置禁用推送的设置信息 disablePushQuery 查询已经设置禁用推送的设置信息

func (*Message) QueryFailedMessageLog added in v1.40.0

func (message *Message) QueryFailedMessageLog(request_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

获取http推送失败的消息 request 查询推送失败消息日志结构体

func (*Message) TestInterface added in v1.41.5

func (message *Message) TestInterface() (interface{}, error)


type Msgnew added in v1.42.1

type Msgnew struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Msgnew) ConfirmPullMsg added in v1.42.2

func (msgnew *Msgnew) ConfirmPullMsg(msgConfirmRequest_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

ISV通过该接口向平台确认已成功拉取消息 msgConfirmRequest 查询条件

func (*Msgnew) GetPushFailMsg added in v1.42.1

func (msgnew *Msgnew) GetPushFailMsg(msgQueryRequest_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

获取推送失败的消息列表 msgQueryRequest 查询条件

type Msorder added in v1.40.0

type Msorder struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Msorder) ComplaintAgree added in v1.40.0

func (msorder *Msorder) ComplaintAgree(complaintAgreeRequest_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

投诉单-协商同意 complaintAgreeRequest 商户同意投诉入参

func (*Msorder) ComplaintApplyPlatform added in v1.40.0

func (msorder *Msorder) ComplaintApplyPlatform(complaintApplyPlatformRequest_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

投诉单-申请平台介入 complaintApplyPlatformRequest 商家申请平台介入入参

func (*Msorder) ComplaintSendVoucher added in v1.40.0

func (msorder *Msorder) ComplaintSendVoucher(complaintSendVoucherRequest_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

投诉单-发券 complaintSendVoucherRequest 商家发券入参

func (*Msorder) QueryComplaintDetail added in v1.40.0

func (msorder *Msorder) QueryComplaintDetail(queryComplaintDetailRequest_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

投诉单-明细查询 queryComplaintDetailRequest 投诉单详情入参

func (*Msorder) QueryList added in v1.40.0

func (msorder *Msorder) QueryList(queryListRequest_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

服务单-列表查询 queryListRequest 服务单列表查询入参

type OAuthClient

type OAuthClient struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewAuthClient

func NewAuthClient(conf Config) OAuthClient

func (*OAuthClient) GenerateAuthUrl

func (oauth *OAuthClient) GenerateAuthUrl(state string, scope string, redirectUri string) string

获取授权 URL

func (*OAuthClient) GetClientToken

func (oauth *OAuthClient) GetClientToken() Token

获取 token 客户端模式

func (*OAuthClient) GetOpenIdByAuthCode added in v1.40.0

func (oauth *OAuthClient) GetOpenIdByAuthCode(code string, redirectURL string) OpenID

通过 code 获取 openId

func (*OAuthClient) GetTokenByAuthCode

func (oauth *OAuthClient) GetTokenByAuthCode(code string, redirectURL string) Token

通过 auth code 获取 token

func (*OAuthClient) GetTokenByRefreshToken

func (oauth *OAuthClient) GetTokenByRefreshToken(refreshToken string, scope string) Token

通过刷新 token 获取 token

func (*OAuthClient) SetConfig

func (oauth *OAuthClient) SetConfig(conf Config)


type OpenID added in v1.40.0

type OpenID struct {
	OpenId string

type Order

type Order struct {
	Delivery Delivery
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Order) AddDeliveryTipByOrderId added in v1.40.0

func (order *Order) AddDeliveryTipByOrderId(orderId_ string, tip_ int) (interface{}, error)

订单加小费 orderId 订单Id tip 小费金额

func (*Order) AgreeRefundLite added in v1.9.0

func (order *Order) AgreeRefundLite(orderId_ string) (interface{}, error)

同意退单/同意取消单(推荐) orderId 订单Id

func (*Order) ApplyRefund added in v1.40.0

func (order *Order) ApplyRefund(orderId_ string, type_ interface{}, remark_ string) (interface{}, error)

主动发起退单 orderId 订单Id type 取消原因 remark 备注说明

func (*Order) BatchApplyCompensations added in v1.12.0

func (order *Order) BatchApplyCompensations(requests_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量申请索赔 requests 索赔请求的列表

func (*Order) BatchGetDeliveryStates

func (order *Order) BatchGetDeliveryStates(orderIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量获取订单最新配送记录 orderIds 订单Id列表

func (*Order) BatchGetOrderAddress added in v1.41.5

func (order *Order) BatchGetOrderAddress(orderIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量获取订单地址 orderIds 查询订单对应地址信息

func (*Order) BatchGetRefundOrders added in v1.40.0

func (order *Order) BatchGetRefundOrders(orderIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量获取订单退款信息V2 orderIds 订单Id列表

func (*Order) CallDelivery added in v1.9.0

func (order *Order) CallDelivery(orderId_ string, fee_ int) (interface{}, error)

呼叫配送 orderId 订单Id fee 小费,1-8之间的整数

func (*Order) CancelDelivery added in v1.9.0

func (order *Order) CancelDelivery(orderId_ string) (interface{}, error)

取消呼叫配送 orderId 订单Id

func (*Order) CancelOrderLite added in v1.9.0

func (order *Order) CancelOrderLite(orderId_ string, type_ interface{}, remark_ string) (interface{}, error)

取消订单(推荐) orderId 订单Id type 取消原因 remark 备注说明

func (*Order) CommodityActualFinishTime added in v1.40.0

func (order *Order) CommodityActualFinishTime(shopId_ int64, commodityInfo_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

菜品实际出餐时间 shopId 店铺Id commodityInfo 菜品信息

func (*Order) CommodityPredictFinishTime added in v1.40.0

func (order *Order) CommodityPredictFinishTime(shopId_ int64, commodityInfo_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

菜品预计出餐时间 shopId 店铺Id commodityInfo 菜品信息

func (*Order) ConfirmOrderLite added in v1.9.0

func (order *Order) ConfirmOrderLite(orderId_ string) (interface{}, error)

确认订单(推荐) orderId 订单Id

func (*Order) DeliveryBySelfLite added in v1.9.0

func (order *Order) DeliveryBySelfLite(orderId_ string) (interface{}, error)

配送异常或者物流拒单后选择自行配送(推荐) orderId 订单Id

func (*Order) DisagreeRefundLite added in v1.9.0

func (order *Order) DisagreeRefundLite(orderId_ string, reason_ string) (interface{}, error)

不同意退单/不同意取消单(推荐) orderId 订单Id reason 商家不同意退单原因

func (*Order) EvaluateRider added in v1.40.0

func (order *Order) EvaluateRider(orderId_ string, evaluationInfo_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

评价骑手 orderId 订单Id evaluationInfo 评价信息

func (*Order) GetAllOrders added in v1.9.0

func (order *Order) GetAllOrders(shopId_ int64, pageNo_ int, pageSize_ int, date_ string) (interface{}, error)

查询全部订单 shopId 店铺Id pageNo 页码。取值范围:大于零的整数最大限制为100 pageSize 每页获取条数。最小值1,最大值50。 date 日期,默认当天,格式:yyyy-MM-dd

func (*Order) GetCancelOrders added in v1.9.0

func (order *Order) GetCancelOrders(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

查询店铺未处理的取消单 shopId 店铺Id

func (*Order) GetCommodities added in v1.9.0

func (order *Order) GetCommodities(orderId_ string) (interface{}, error)

获取指定订单菜品活动价格. orderId 订单Id

func (*Order) GetDeliveryFeeForCrowd added in v1.40.0

func (order *Order) GetDeliveryFeeForCrowd(orderId_ string) (interface{}, error)

众包订单询价,获取配送费 orderId 订单Id

func (*Order) GetDeliveryStateRecord

func (order *Order) GetDeliveryStateRecord(orderId_ string) (interface{}, error)

获取订单配送记录 orderId 订单Id

func (*Order) GetOrder

func (order *Order) GetOrder(orderId_ string) (interface{}, error)

获取订单 orderId 订单Id

func (*Order) GetPreparedTimesByOrderIds added in v1.40.0

func (order *Order) GetPreparedTimesByOrderIds(orderIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

查询已出餐列表 orderIds 查询已出餐订单Id的列表

func (*Order) GetRefundOrder added in v1.9.0

func (order *Order) GetRefundOrder(orderId_ string) (interface{}, error)

获取订单退款信息 orderId 订单Id

func (*Order) GetRefundOrders added in v1.9.0

func (order *Order) GetRefundOrders(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

查询店铺未处理的退单 shopId 店铺Id

func (*Order) GetUnprocessOrders added in v1.9.0

func (order *Order) GetUnprocessOrders(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

查询店铺未处理订单 shopId 店铺Id

func (*Order) GetUnreplyReminders added in v1.9.0

func (order *Order) GetUnreplyReminders(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

获取店铺未回复的催单 shopId 店铺Id

func (*Order) MgetCommodities added in v1.9.0

func (order *Order) MgetCommodities(orderIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量获取订单菜品活动价格 orderIds 订单Id列表

func (*Order) MgetDeliveryTipInfos added in v1.40.0

func (order *Order) MgetDeliveryTipInfos(orderIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量获取订单加小费信息 orderIds 订单Id的列表

func (*Order) MgetEvaluationInfos added in v1.40.0

func (order *Order) MgetEvaluationInfos(orderIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量获取骑手评价信息 orderIds 订单Id的列表

func (*Order) MgetEvaluationStatus added in v1.40.0

func (order *Order) MgetEvaluationStatus(orderIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量获取是否可以评价骑手 orderIds 订单Id的列表

func (*Order) MgetOrders

func (order *Order) MgetOrders(orderIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量获取订单 orderIds 订单Id的列表

func (*Order) MgetRefundOrders added in v1.9.0

func (order *Order) MgetRefundOrders(orderIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量获取订单退款信息 orderIds 订单Id列表

func (*Order) MgetUserSimpleInfoByOrderIds added in v1.40.0

func (order *Order) MgetUserSimpleInfoByOrderIds(orderIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

查询顾客联系方式 orderIds 订单Id的列表

func (*Order) NoMoreDeliveryLite added in v1.9.0

func (order *Order) NoMoreDeliveryLite(orderId_ string) (interface{}, error)

配送异常或者物流拒单后选择不再配送(推荐) orderId 订单Id

func (*Order) OrderPredictFinishTime added in v1.40.0

func (order *Order) OrderPredictFinishTime(orderId_ string, predictTime_ string) (interface{}, error)

订单预计出餐时间 orderId 订单Id predictTime 预计订单出餐时间

func (*Order) QueryCallAvailable added in v1.40.0

func (order *Order) QueryCallAvailable(orderId_ string) (interface{}, error)

匿名订单查询可用虚拟小号 orderId 订单Id

func (*Order) QueryCompensationOrders added in v1.12.0

func (order *Order) QueryCompensationOrders(orderIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量查询索赔结果 orderIds 索赔订单Id的列表

func (*Order) QueryCookingTimeConfig added in v1.40.0

func (order *Order) QueryCookingTimeConfig(shopId_ string) (interface{}, error)

查询店铺订单出餐时长和推荐出餐时长 shopId 店铺Id

func (*Order) QueryRefundAmountInfo added in v1.40.0

func (order *Order) QueryRefundAmountInfo(orderId_ string) (interface{}, error)

获取订单退款金额分摊明细信息 orderId 订单Id

func (*Order) QuerySupportedCompensationOrders added in v1.12.0

func (order *Order) QuerySupportedCompensationOrders(orderIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量查询订单是否支持索赔 orderIds 索赔订单Id的列表

func (*Order) RefundPart added in v1.40.0

func (order *Order) RefundPart(orderId_ string, refundOrderMessage_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

商家部分退款 orderId 订单Id refundOrderMessage 退款详情

func (*Order) ReplyReminder added in v1.9.0

func (order *Order) ReplyReminder(remindId_ string, type_ interface{}, content_ string) (interface{}, error)

回复催单 remindId 催单Id type 回复类别 content 回复内容,如果type为custom,content必填,回复内容不能超过30个字符

func (*Order) SelfDeliveryLocationSync added in v1.40.0

func (order *Order) SelfDeliveryLocationSync(shopId_ int64, orderId_ string, locationInfo_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

自配送商家同步运单的位置信息 shopId 店铺Id orderId 订单Id locationInfo 位置信息,仅接受火星坐标系

func (*Order) SelfDeliveryStateSync added in v1.40.0

func (order *Order) SelfDeliveryStateSync(shopId_ int64, stateInfo_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

自配送商家同步运单的状态信息 shopId 店铺Id stateInfo 运单状态信息

func (*Order) SetDelayCookingTimeSetting added in v1.40.5

func (order *Order) SetDelayCookingTimeSetting(request_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

商户设置延长出餐 request 延长出餐时长

func (*Order) SetInvoiceUrl added in v1.40.0

func (order *Order) SetInvoiceUrl(orderId_ string, invoiceUrl_ string) (interface{}, error)

设置订单开票地址 orderId 订单Id invoiceUrl 开票地址

func (*Order) SetNonPeakPeriodCookingTime added in v1.40.0

func (order *Order) SetNonPeakPeriodCookingTime(shopId_ string, config_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

设置店铺非高峰期出餐时长 shopId 店铺Id config 非高峰期出餐配置

func (*Order) SetOrderPrepared added in v1.40.0

func (order *Order) SetOrderPrepared(orderId_ string) (interface{}, error)

非自配送餐厅标记已出餐 orderId 订单Id

func (*Order) SetPeakPeriodCookingTime added in v1.40.0

func (order *Order) SetPeakPeriodCookingTime(shopId_ string, configs_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

设置店铺高峰期出餐时长 shopId 店铺Id configs 高峰期出餐时长配置

func (*Order) ShopPayApplyRefund added in v1.40.0

func (order *Order) ShopPayApplyRefund(orderId_ string, type_ interface{}, remark_ string) (interface{}, error)

商家主动发起退单(企业到店买单订单) orderId 订单Id type 取消原因 remark 备注说明

type Package added in v1.40.0

type Package struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Package) CreatePackage added in v1.40.0

func (package_ *Package) CreatePackage(categoryId_ int64, oPackage_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

添加套餐 categoryId 分类Id oPackage 套餐属性

func (*Package) RemovePackage added in v1.40.0

func (package_ *Package) RemovePackage(itemId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

删除套餐 itemId 套餐Id

func (*Package) UpdatePackageContent added in v1.40.0

func (package_ *Package) UpdatePackageContent(itemId_ int64, categoryId_ int64, update_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

修改套餐基本信息 itemId 新套餐id即OItem中的商品Id categoryId 分类Id即OCategory中的分类Id update 套餐基本信息

func (*Package) UpdatePackageRelation added in v1.40.0

func (package_ *Package) UpdatePackageRelation(itemId_ int64, packages_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

修改套餐和主料的关联关系 itemId 新套餐id即OItem中的商品Id packages 套餐关系

type Packs added in v1.9.0

type Packs struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Packs) GetEffectServicePackContract added in v1.9.0

func (packs *Packs) GetEffectServicePackContract(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

查询店铺当前生效合同类型 shopId 店铺id

type Partnercommercial added in v1.41.5

type Partnercommercial struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Partnercommercial) SyncCooperateRelationChange added in v1.41.5

func (partnercommercial *Partnercommercial) SyncCooperateRelationChange(request_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

服务商/代运营绑定通知 request 查询条件

type Partnercomplain added in v1.41.5

type Partnercomplain struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Partnercomplain) CreateTicket added in v1.41.5

func (partnercomplain *Partnercomplain) CreateTicket(createTicketDto_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

创建woos工单 createTicketDto 查询条件

func (*Partnercomplain) GetTicketInfo added in v1.41.5

func (partnercomplain *Partnercomplain) GetTicketInfo(ticketQueryDto_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

查询工单信息 ticketQueryDto 查询条件

func (*Partnercomplain) UploadTicketFile added in v1.41.5

func (partnercomplain *Partnercomplain) UploadTicketFile(uploadTicketFileDto_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

上传工单附件 uploadTicketFileDto 查询条件

func (*Partnercomplain) UrgeTicket added in v1.41.5

func (partnercomplain *Partnercomplain) UrgeTicket(urgeTicketDto_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

催促工单 urgeTicketDto 查询条件

type Partnercustomer added in v1.41.5

type Partnercustomer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Partnercustomer) QueryCommodityInfoByLocation added in v1.41.5

func (partnercustomer *Partnercustomer) QueryCommodityInfoByLocation(request_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

POI&LIVE&SQUARE&LIST配送信息和跳转链接实时补全(接入方必须做数据安全防控) request 查询条件

type Partnercustomerservice added in v1.41.5

type Partnercustomerservice struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Partnercustomerservice) QueryArbitrationByOrderId added in v1.41.5

func (partnercustomerservice *Partnercustomerservice) QueryArbitrationByOrderId(queryArbitrationParam_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

仲裁 查询订单仲裁信息 queryArbitrationParam 查询条件

func (*Partnercustomerservice) QueryCompensationByOrderId added in v1.41.5

func (partnercustomerservice *Partnercustomerservice) QueryCompensationByOrderId(queryCompensationParam_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

赔付 查询订单赔付信息 queryCompensationParam 查询条件

func (*Partnercustomerservice) QueryFoodSafetyCompensationByOrderId added in v1.41.5

func (partnercustomerservice *Partnercustomerservice) QueryFoodSafetyCompensationByOrderId(queryCompensationParam_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

赔付 查询订单食安赔付 queryCompensationParam 查询条件

func (*Partnercustomerservice) QueryServerInfoByOrderId added in v1.41.5

func (partnercustomerservice *Partnercustomerservice) QueryServerInfoByOrderId(queryServerParam_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

服务数据 查询订单服务信息 queryServerParam 查询条件

type Partnerrisk added in v1.41.5

type Partnerrisk struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Partnerrisk) SyncRiskResult added in v1.41.5

func (partnerrisk *Partnerrisk) SyncRiskResult(request_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

抖音风险同步 request 同步参数

type Poster added in v1.40.0

type Poster struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Poster) CreatePoster added in v1.40.0

func (poster *Poster) CreatePoster(poster_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

创建海报 poster 海报信息和其关联门店ID和门店商品

func (*Poster) GetPosterDetailById added in v1.40.0

func (poster *Poster) GetPosterDetailById(posterId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

根据海报ID获取海报详情 posterId 海报ID

func (*Poster) GetPosterDetailByIdV2 added in v1.40.6

func (poster *Poster) GetPosterDetailByIdV2(posterId_ int64, shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

根据海报ID获取海报详情 V2 posterId 海报ID shopId 当前店铺ID,默认情况下和当前帐号一致,如果是连锁分店想切换到子店进行操作,那么使用子店的店铺id进行设置

func (*Poster) GetPosterHistoryImage added in v1.40.0

func (poster *Poster) GetPosterHistoryImage() (interface{}, error)


func (*Poster) InvalidPoster added in v1.40.0

func (poster *Poster) InvalidPoster(poster_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

作废海报 poster 作废海报信息

func (*Poster) QueryEffectivePosters added in v1.40.0

func (poster *Poster) QueryEffectivePosters() (interface{}, error)


func (*Poster) QueryEffectivePostersV2 added in v1.40.6

func (poster *Poster) QueryEffectivePostersV2(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

查询有效的海报信息集合 V2 shopId 当前店铺ID,默认情况下和当前帐号一致,如果是连锁分店想切换到子店进行操作,那么使用子店的店铺id进行设置

func (*Poster) UpdatePoster added in v1.40.0

func (poster *Poster) UpdatePoster(posterId_ int64, poster_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

修改海报 posterId 海报ID poster 海报信息和其关联门店ID和门店商品

type Product

type Product struct {
	Item     Item
	Category Category
	Package  Package
	Dy       Dy
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Product) AddSku added in v1.40.0

func (product *Product) AddSku(iid_ string, chainSkuBaseDTO_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

新增连锁总店商品规格 iid 连锁总店商品Id chainSkuBaseDTO 添加规格信息

func (*Product) BatchCreateChainItem added in v1.40.0

func (product *Product) BatchCreateChainItem(gid_ string, chainItemBaseDTOs_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量添加连锁总店商品 gid 连锁总店商品分组Id chainItemBaseDTOs 商品创建信息列表

func (*Product) BatchCreateGroup added in v1.40.0

func (product *Product) BatchCreateGroup(mid_ string, chainGroupBaseDTOs_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量添加连锁总店商品分组 mid 菜单Id chainGroupBaseDTOs 分组创建信息列表

func (*Product) BatchDeletePidBySpecId added in v1.40.0

func (product *Product) BatchDeletePidBySpecId(specIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量解除连锁总店商品规格与单店商品规格关系 specIds 子店的商品规格Id列表

func (*Product) BatchGetChainItem added in v1.40.0

func (product *Product) BatchGetChainItem(iids_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量查询连锁总店商品信息 iids 连锁总店商品Id列表

func (*Product) BatchReplaceChainItem added in v1.40.0

func (product *Product) BatchReplaceChainItem(gid_ string, chainItemDTOs_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量替换连锁总店商品 gid 商品分组Id chainItemDTOs 商品替换信息列表

func (*Product) BatchSetPid added in v1.40.0

func (product *Product) BatchSetPid(pId_ string, specIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量设置连锁总店商品规格与单店商品规格关系 pId 连锁总店商品规格Id specIds 子店商品规格Id列表

func (*Product) BatchSetSaleStatus added in v1.40.4

func (product *Product) BatchSetSaleStatus(itemSaleStatusMap_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量设置售卖状态 itemSaleStatusMap 商品id和对应的售卖状态集合

func (*Product) BatchSetStock added in v1.40.4

func (product *Product) BatchSetStock(skuStockMap_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量设置库存 skuStockMap 规格id和对应的库存值

func (*Product) Create added in v1.40.4

func (product *Product) Create(item_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

创建渠道商品 item 创建商品模型

func (*Product) CreateChainItem added in v1.40.0

func (product *Product) CreateChainItem(gid_ string, chainItemBaseDTO_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

添加连锁总店商品 gid 连锁总店商品分组Id chainItemBaseDTO 商品创建信息

func (*Product) CreateGroup added in v1.40.0

func (product *Product) CreateGroup(mid_ string, chainGroupBaseDTO_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

添加连锁总店商品分组 mid 菜单Id chainGroupBaseDTO 分组创建信息

func (*Product) CreateMenu added in v1.40.0

func (product *Product) CreateMenu(chainMenuBaseDTO_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

添加连锁总店菜单 chainMenuBaseDTO 添加的菜单信息

func (*Product) DeleteChainItem added in v1.40.0

func (product *Product) DeleteChainItem(iid_ string) (interface{}, error)

删除连锁总店商品 iid 连锁总店商品Id

func (*Product) DeleteGroup added in v1.40.0

func (product *Product) DeleteGroup(gid_ string) (interface{}, error)

删除连锁总店商品分组 gid 连锁总店商品分组Id

func (*Product) DeleteMenu added in v1.40.0

func (product *Product) DeleteMenu(mid_ string) (interface{}, error)

删除连锁总店菜单 mid 菜单Id

func (*Product) DeletePidBySpecId added in v1.40.0

func (product *Product) DeletePidBySpecId(specId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

解除连锁总店商品规格与单店商品规格关系 specId 子店的商品规格Id

func (*Product) DeleteSku added in v1.40.0

func (product *Product) DeleteSku(pId_ string) (interface{}, error)

删除连锁总店商品规格 pId 连锁总店商品规格Id

func (*Product) GetChainItem added in v1.40.0

func (product *Product) GetChainItem(iid_ string) (interface{}, error)

查询连锁总店商品信息 iid 连锁总店商品Id

func (*Product) GetGroup added in v1.40.0

func (product *Product) GetGroup(gid_ string) (interface{}, error)

查询连锁总店商品分组 gid 连锁总店商品分组Id

func (*Product) GetGroupWithItem added in v1.40.0

func (product *Product) GetGroupWithItem(gid_ string) (interface{}, error)

查询连锁总店商品分组及商品详情 gid 连锁总店商品分组Id

func (*Product) GetMenuWithGroup added in v1.40.0

func (product *Product) GetMenuWithGroup(mid_ string) (interface{}, error)

查询连锁总店菜单及分组信息 mid 菜单Id

func (*Product) GetRelationByPid added in v1.40.0

func (product *Product) GetRelationByPid(pId_ string) (interface{}, error)

查询连锁总店商品规格关联的单店商品规格信息 pId 连锁总店商品规格Id

func (*Product) GetSku added in v1.40.0

func (product *Product) GetSku(pId_ string) (interface{}, error)

查询连锁总店商品规格 pId 连锁总店商品规格Id

func (*Product) ListByItemIds added in v1.40.4

func (product *Product) ListByItemIds(itemIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

根据商品id批量查询商品信息 itemIds 批量商品id列表

func (*Product) ListByShopId added in v1.40.4

func (product *Product) ListByShopId(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

查询店铺下的所有有效渠道商品 shopId 店铺id

func (*Product) Modify added in v1.40.4

func (product *Product) Modify(item_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

更新渠道商品 item 更新商品模型

func (*Product) QueryMenuByPage added in v1.40.0

func (product *Product) QueryMenuByPage(offset_ int64, limit_ int64) (interface{}, error)

分页查询连锁总店下的菜单列表 offset 分页起始 limit 一页个数

func (*Product) Remove added in v1.40.4

func (product *Product) Remove(itemId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

删除渠道商品 itemId 商品Id

func (*Product) ReplaceChainItem added in v1.40.0

func (product *Product) ReplaceChainItem(gid_ string, chainItemDTO_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

替换连锁总店商品 gid 商品分组Id chainItemDTO 商品替换信息

func (*Product) SetPid added in v1.40.0

func (product *Product) SetPid(pId_ string, specId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

设置连锁总店商品规格与单店商品规格关系 pId 连锁总店商品规格Id specId 子店商品规格Id

func (*Product) UpdateChainItemWithoutSku added in v1.40.0

func (product *Product) UpdateChainItemWithoutSku(iid_ string, chainItemBaseDTO_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

更新连锁总店商品不包含规格信息 iid 连锁总店商品Id chainItemBaseDTO 商品更新信息

func (*Product) UpdateGroup added in v1.40.0

func (product *Product) UpdateGroup(gid_ string, chainGroupBaseDTO_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

更新连锁总店商品分组 gid 连锁总店商品分组Id chainGroupBaseDTO 分组更新信息

func (*Product) UpdateMenu added in v1.40.0

func (product *Product) UpdateMenu(mid_ string, chainMenuBaseDTO_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

更新连锁总店菜单 mid 菜单Id chainMenuBaseDTO 菜单更新信息

func (*Product) UpdateSku added in v1.40.0

func (product *Product) UpdateSku(pId_ string, chainSkuBaseDTO_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

更新连锁总店商品规格 pId 连锁总店商品规格Id chainSkuBaseDTO 规格更新信息

type Recruitment added in v1.40.0

type Recruitment struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Recruitment) GetShopJobInfos added in v1.40.0

func (recruitment *Recruitment) GetShopJobInfos() (interface{}, error)


func (*Recruitment) UpdateJobPositionStatus added in v1.40.0

func (recruitment *Recruitment) UpdateJobPositionStatus(positionId_ string, status_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

职位状态变更 positionId 职位id status 变更状态

func (*Recruitment) UpdatePositionExposeData added in v1.40.0

func (recruitment *Recruitment) UpdatePositionExposeData(positionId_ string, exposeCount_ int, visitCount_ int, dataDate_ string) (interface{}, error)

回传职位曝光数据 positionId 职位id exposeCount 曝光数量 visitCount 访问数量 dataDate 数据日期

func (*Recruitment) UpdateResumeStatus added in v1.40.0

func (recruitment *Recruitment) UpdateResumeStatus(resumeId_ string, status_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

简历状态变更 resumeId 简历id status 变更状态

func (*Recruitment) UploadResume added in v1.40.0

func (recruitment *Recruitment) UploadResume(resume_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

简历回传 resume 简历信息

type Seller added in v1.42.2

type Seller struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Seller) BatchQueryShopApplication added in v1.42.2

func (seller *Seller) BatchQueryShopApplication(request_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量查询店铺开票申请 request 查询请求

func (*Seller) BatchQueryShopSettings added in v1.42.2

func (seller *Seller) BatchQueryShopSettings(request_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量查询店铺开票设置 request 查询请求

func (*Seller) BatchUpdateShopApplication added in v1.42.2

func (seller *Seller) BatchUpdateShopApplication(request_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量更新店铺开票申请 request 更新请求

func (*Seller) BatchUpdateShopSettings added in v1.42.2

func (seller *Seller) BatchUpdateShopSettings(request_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量更新店铺开票设置 request 更新请求

type Setup added in v1.40.0

type Setup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Setup) QueryProcessStatusBySubmitId added in v1.40.0

func (setup *Setup) QueryProcessStatusBySubmitId(submitId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

查询请求状态接口 submitId 请求提交id

func (*Setup) SubmitOpenStoreForMermaid added in v1.40.0

func (setup *Setup) SubmitOpenStoreForMermaid(openStoreMessage_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

星巴克提交开店申请接口 openStoreMessage 开店申请表单

func (*Setup) SubmitOpenStoreMessageAudit added in v1.40.0

func (setup *Setup) SubmitOpenStoreMessageAudit(openStoreMessage_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

提交开店申请接口 openStoreMessage 开店申请表单

func (*Setup) UpdateOpenStoreMessageAudit added in v1.40.0

func (setup *Setup) UpdateOpenStoreMessageAudit(updateStoreMessageBody_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

更新申请信息接口 updateStoreMessageBody 开店申请表单

func (*Setup) UploadImage added in v1.40.0

func (setup *Setup) UploadImage(imageBase64_ string) (interface{}, error)

图片上传处理接口(5M以内图片) imageBase64 base64字节流

func (*Setup) UploadImageWithRemoteUrl added in v1.40.0

func (setup *Setup) UploadImageWithRemoteUrl(url_ string) (interface{}, error)

远程上传图片接口 url 图片url

func (*Setup) UploadMinImage added in v1.40.0

func (setup *Setup) UploadMinImage(imageBase64_ string) (interface{}, error)

图片上传处理接口(500K以内图片) imageBase64 base64字节流

type Shippingfee added in v1.40.0

type Shippingfee struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Shippingfee) CreateShippingFeeActivity added in v1.40.0

func (shippingfee *Shippingfee) CreateShippingFeeActivity(createInfo_ interface{}, shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

创建减配送费活动 createInfo 创建减配送费活动的结构体 shopId 店铺Id

func (*Shippingfee) InvalidShippingFeeActivity added in v1.40.0

func (shippingfee *Shippingfee) InvalidShippingFeeActivity(activityId_ int64, shopId_ int64, comment_ string) (interface{}, error)

作废减配送费活动 activityId 活动Id shopId 店铺Id comment 作废原因

type Shop

type Shop struct {
	Setup Setup
	Im    Im
	Video Video
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Shop) DyCallBackForEle added in v1.41.5

func (shop *Shop) DyCallBackForEle(ele_dto_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

抖音回调接口 ele_dto 回调对象

func (*Shop) DyUnBindShopForEle added in v1.41.5

func (shop *Shop) DyUnBindShopForEle(accountId_ string, merchantId_ string, version_ string) (interface{}, error)

抖音解绑回调接口 accountId 抖音总户ID merchantId 抖音门店户ID version 版本号

func (*Shop) GetBusyLevelSetting added in v1.40.0

func (shop *Shop) GetBusyLevelSetting(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

获取店铺营业时间预设置 shopId 店铺id

func (*Shop) GetOidByShopIds added in v1.40.0

func (shop *Shop) GetOidByShopIds(shopIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量通过店铺Id获取Oid shopIds 店铺Id的列表

func (*Shop) GetProductSubsidyLimit added in v1.40.0

func (shop *Shop) GetProductSubsidyLimit(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

获取店铺可补贴配送费的标品及补贴上限 shopId 店铺Id

func (*Shop) GetShop

func (shop *Shop) GetShop(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

查询店铺信息 shopId 店铺Id

func (*Shop) GetShopLicense added in v1.40.0

func (shop *Shop) GetShopLicense(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

查询店铺主体资质信息 shopId 店铺id

func (*Shop) GetShopVocation added in v1.40.0

func (shop *Shop) GetShopVocation(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

获取店铺有效的假期歇业日期 shopId 店铺Id

func (*Shop) MgetShopStatus

func (shop *Shop) MgetShopStatus(shopIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

批量获取店铺简要 shopIds 店铺Id的列表

func (*Shop) SetBookingStatus added in v1.40.0

func (shop *Shop) SetBookingStatus(shopId_ int64, enabled_ bool, maxBookingDays_ int) (interface{}, error)

设置是否支持预定单及预定天数 shopId 店铺id enabled 是否支持预订 maxBookingDays 最大预定天数

func (*Shop) SetBrandRankWeight added in v1.40.0

func (shop *Shop) SetBrandRankWeight(shopId_ int64, weight_ float64) (interface{}, error)

设置品牌排序权重 shopId 店铺Id weight 权重值(取值范围[0~10])

func (*Shop) SetDeliveryTime added in v1.3.0

func (shop *Shop) SetDeliveryTime(shopId_ int64, deliveryBasicMins_ int, deliveryAdjustMins_ int) (interface{}, error)

设置送达时间 shopId 店铺Id deliveryBasicMins 配送基准时间(单位分钟) deliveryAdjustMins 配送调整时间(单位分钟)

func (*Shop) SetOnlineRefund added in v1.9.0

func (shop *Shop) SetOnlineRefund(shopId_ int64, enable_ bool) (interface{}, error)

设置是否支持在线退单 shopId 店铺Id enable 是否支持

func (*Shop) SetShopTModel added in v1.40.0

func (shop *Shop) SetShopTModel(shopId_ int64, deliveryTime_ int) (interface{}, error)

设置店铺T模型 shopId 店铺Id deliveryTime 配送总时间(单位:分钟)

func (*Shop) SetShopVocations added in v1.40.0

func (shop *Shop) SetShopVocations(shopId_ int64, vocationDates_ interface{}, enabled_ bool) (interface{}, error)

设置店铺假期歇业 shopId 店铺Id vocationDates 店铺休假日期 enabled 店铺休假是否有效

func (*Shop) UpdateBusyLevelSetting added in v1.40.0

func (shop *Shop) UpdateBusyLevelSetting(shopId_ int64, weekSetting_ interface{}, dateSetting_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

更新店铺营业时间预设置 shopId 店铺id weekSetting 一周营业时间预设置, 参考 OShopBusyLevelSetting weekSetting 字段定义 dateSetting 特定日期营业时间预设置, 参考 OShopBusyLevelSetting dateSetting 字段定义

func (*Shop) UpdateShop

func (shop *Shop) UpdateShop(shopId_ int64, properties_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

更新店铺信息 shopId 店铺Id properties 店铺属性

func (*Shop) UpdateShopBasicInfo added in v1.40.0

func (shop *Shop) UpdateShopBasicInfo(shopId_ int64, properties_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

更新店铺基本信息 shopId 店铺Id properties 店铺基本属性

type ShopCreditScore added in v1.40.0

type ShopCreditScore struct {
	Single Single
	Chain  Chain
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type Sign added in v1.40.0

type Sign struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Sign) CreateSign added in v1.40.0

func (sign *Sign) CreateSign(sign_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

创建招贴 sign 招贴信息和其关联门店ID集合

func (*Sign) GetSignById added in v1.40.0

func (sign *Sign) GetSignById(signId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

根据招贴ID查询店铺招贴详情 signId 招贴ID

func (*Sign) GetSignHistoryImage added in v1.40.0

func (sign *Sign) GetSignHistoryImage(sign_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

获取历史上传过的招贴图片 sign 查询条件

func (*Sign) InvalidSign added in v1.40.0

func (sign *Sign) InvalidSign(signId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

作废招贴 signId 招贴ID

func (*Sign) QuerySign added in v1.40.0

func (sign *Sign) QuerySign() (interface{}, error)


func (*Sign) UpdateSign added in v1.40.0

func (sign *Sign) UpdateSign(signId_ int64, sign_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

修改招贴 signId 招贴ID sign 招贴信息和其关联门店ID

type SimpleLogger

type SimpleLogger struct {

func (*SimpleLogger) Error

func (logger *SimpleLogger) Error(message string)

func (*SimpleLogger) Info

func (logger *SimpleLogger) Info(message string)

type Single added in v1.40.0

type Single struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Single) GetRestaurantFlowData added in v1.40.0

func (single *Single) GetRestaurantFlowData(shopId_ int64, date_ string) (interface{}, error)

查询指定日期的店铺流量数据 shopId 店铺ID date 日期

func (*Single) GetRestaurantRealTimeSaleDetail added in v1.40.0

func (single *Single) GetRestaurantRealTimeSaleDetail(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

获取单店今日实时的营业数据汇总 shopId 店铺Id

func (*Single) GetRestaurantSaleDetail added in v1.40.0

func (single *Single) GetRestaurantSaleDetail(shopId_ int64, startTime_ string, endTime_ string) (interface{}, error)

查询指定时间段内单店营业数据汇总(历史数据) shopId 店铺Id startTime 查询起始日期 endTime 查询结束日期

func (*Single) GetRestaurantSaleRatio added in v1.40.0

func (single *Single) GetRestaurantSaleRatio(shopId_ int64, startTime_ string, endTime_ string) (interface{}, error)

查询指定时间段内单店相关营业数据指标增长率 shopId 店铺Id startTime 查询起始日期 endTime 查询结束日期

func (*Single) GetShopCreditScore added in v1.40.0

func (single *Single) GetShopCreditScore(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

根据商户ID查询商户信用分信息 shopId 商户ID

func (*Single) GetShopCreditScoreRecord added in v1.40.0

func (single *Single) GetShopCreditScoreRecord(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

查询商户信用分变更记录 shopId 商户ID

func (*Single) GetShopEquityRules added in v1.40.0

func (single *Single) GetShopEquityRules(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

根据商户ID查询店铺权益规则 shopId 商户ID

func (*Single) GetShopPunishList added in v1.40.5

func (single *Single) GetShopPunishList(shopId_ int64, eventId_ string) (interface{}, error)

根据商户id查询商户处置记录 shopId 商户ID eventId 事件id

func (*Single) GetShopPunishRules added in v1.40.0

func (single *Single) GetShopPunishRules(shopId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

根据商户ID查询店铺扣罚规则 shopId 商户ID

type Skuchain added in v1.40.0

type Skuchain struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Skuchain) CreateAndParticipateChainPriceActivity added in v1.40.0

func (skuchain *Skuchain) CreateAndParticipateChainPriceActivity(activity_ interface{}, chainId_ int64, shopApplyInfo_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

创建并绑定连锁店特价活动 activity 活动创建信息 chainId 连锁店Id shopApplyInfo 绑定的商品信息

func (*Skuchain) InValidSkuActivityById added in v1.40.0

func (skuchain *Skuchain) InValidSkuActivityById(activityId_ int64, shopId_ int64, specId_ int64, comment_ string) (interface{}, error)

根据活动Id和店铺Id和商品规格Id,作废参与关系 activityId 活动Id shopId 店铺Id specId 商品规格Id comment 作废原因

type Sms added in v1.40.0

type Sms struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Sms) SendMessage added in v1.40.0

func (sms *Sms) SendMessage(request_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

发送短信 request 短信发送请求

type Story added in v1.40.0

type Story struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Story) CreateBrandStory added in v1.40.0

func (story *Story) CreateBrandStory(story_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

新增品牌故事 story 品牌故事信息和其关联连锁店子店ID

func (*Story) DeleteBrandStory added in v1.40.0

func (story *Story) DeleteBrandStory(brandStoryId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

删除品牌故事 brandStoryId 品牌故事ID

func (*Story) GetBrandStoryById added in v1.40.0

func (story *Story) GetBrandStoryById(brandStoryId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

查询当前设置的品牌故事信息 brandStoryId 品牌故事ID

func (*Story) QueryBrandStoryList added in v1.40.0

func (story *Story) QueryBrandStoryList() (interface{}, error)


func (*Story) UpdateBrandStory added in v1.40.0

func (story *Story) UpdateBrandStory(brandStoryId_ int64, story_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

更新品牌故事 brandStoryId 品牌故事ID story 品牌故事信息和其关联连锁店子店ID

type Token

type Token struct {
	Access_token  string
	Token_type    string
	Expires_in    int
	Refresh_token string

type Ugc added in v1.40.0

type Ugc struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Ugc) CountORateResult added in v1.40.0

func (ugc *Ugc) CountORateResult(rateQuery_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

统计评价信息数量 rateQuery 评价查询参数

func (*Ugc) GetCouponExtendsInfo added in v1.40.0

func (ugc *Ugc) GetCouponExtendsInfo(extendsQueries_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

获取赠券扩展信息(推荐) extendsQueries 评价赠券信息查询条件

func (*Ugc) GetCouponsByOrderIds added in v1.40.0

func (ugc *Ugc) GetCouponsByOrderIds(orderIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

根据订单ID集合获取该订单的已赠券信息集合 orderIds 订单编号集合

func (*Ugc) GetItemRatesByItemId added in v1.40.0

func (ugc *Ugc) GetItemRatesByItemId(itemId_ string, startTime_ string, endTime_ string, offset_ int, pageSize_ int) (interface{}, error)

获取单个商品的评论 itemId 商品id startTime 开始时间,只能查询最近90天的数据 endTime 结束时间 offset 页面偏移量 pageSize 页面大小

func (*Ugc) GetItemRatesByItemIds added in v1.40.0

func (ugc *Ugc) GetItemRatesByItemIds(itemIds_ interface{}, startTime_ string, endTime_ string, offset_ int, pageSize_ int) (interface{}, error)

获取多个商品的评论 itemIds 商品id startTime 开始时间,只能查询最近90天的数据 endTime 结束时间 offset 页面偏移量 pageSize 页面大小

func (*Ugc) GetORateResult added in v1.40.0

func (ugc *Ugc) GetORateResult(rateQuery_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

查询评价信息(推荐) rateQuery 评价查询参数

func (*Ugc) GetOUserRateResult added in v1.40.0

func (ugc *Ugc) GetOUserRateResult(rateQuery_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

查询指定用户的评价信息 rateQuery 评价查询参数

func (*Ugc) GetOrderCouponStatus added in v1.40.0

func (ugc *Ugc) GetOrderCouponStatus(orderId_ string) (interface{}, error)

根据订单ID获取该订单评价用户的可赠券状态 orderId 订单编号

func (*Ugc) GetOrderRateByOrderId added in v1.40.0

func (ugc *Ugc) GetOrderRateByOrderId(orderId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

获取指定订单的评论 orderId 订单id

func (*Ugc) GetOrderRateDetail added in v1.40.5

func (ugc *Ugc) GetOrderRateDetail(orderId_ string) (interface{}, error)

查询订单评价详情 orderId 页面大小

func (*Ugc) GetOrderRatesByOrderIds added in v1.40.0

func (ugc *Ugc) GetOrderRatesByOrderIds(orderIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

获取指定订单的评论 orderIds 订单id

func (*Ugc) GetOrderRatesByShopAndRating added in v1.40.0

func (ugc *Ugc) GetOrderRatesByShopAndRating(shopId_ string, score_ int, startTime_ string, endTime_ string, offset_ int, pageSize_ int) (interface{}, error)

获取店铺的满意度评价信息 shopId 餐厅id score 满意度,取值范围为1~5,1为最不满意,5为非常满意 startTime 开始时间,只能查询最近90天的数据 endTime 结束时间 offset 页面偏移量 pageSize 页面大小

func (*Ugc) GetOrderRatesByShopId added in v1.40.0

func (ugc *Ugc) GetOrderRatesByShopId(shopId_ string, startTime_ string, endTime_ string, offset_ int, pageSize_ int) (interface{}, error)

获取指定店铺的评论 shopId 餐厅id startTime 开始时间,只能查询最近90天的数据 endTime 结束时间 offset 页面偏移量 pageSize 页面大小

func (*Ugc) GetOrderRatesByShopIds added in v1.40.0

func (ugc *Ugc) GetOrderRatesByShopIds(shopIds_ interface{}, startTime_ string, endTime_ string, offset_ int, pageSize_ int) (interface{}, error)

获取指定店铺的评论 shopIds 店铺id startTime 开始时间,只能查询最近90天的数据 endTime 结束时间 offset 页面偏移量 pageSize 页面大小

func (*Ugc) GetRateCouponStatus added in v1.40.0

func (ugc *Ugc) GetRateCouponStatus(rateId_ string, shopId_ string, rateDataType_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

根据rateId和shopId获取该订单评价用户的可赠券状态(推荐) rateId 评论编号(订单维度) shopId 餐厅id rateDataType 评价数据类型

func (*Ugc) GetRecommendCouponByShopId added in v1.40.0

func (ugc *Ugc) GetRecommendCouponByShopId(shopId_ string) (interface{}, error)

获取店铺的推荐赠送代金券信息 shopId 餐厅ID

func (*Ugc) GetShopFactorInfos added in v1.40.5

func (ugc *Ugc) GetShopFactorInfos(supplierId_ int64, shopIds_ interface{}, offset_ int, limit_ int) (interface{}, error)

查询店铺评分及各评分因子数据 supplierId 连锁店id shopIds 店铺id集合 offset 页面偏移量 limit 页面大小

func (*Ugc) GetUnreplyItemRatesByItemIds added in v1.40.0

func (ugc *Ugc) GetUnreplyItemRatesByItemIds(itemIds_ interface{}, startTime_ string, endTime_ string, offset_ int, pageSize_ int) (interface{}, error)

获取多个商品未回复的评论 itemIds 店铺id startTime 开始时间,只能查询最近90天的数据 endTime 结束时间 offset 页面偏移量 pageSize 页面大小

func (*Ugc) GetUnreplyOrderRatesByOrderIds added in v1.40.0

func (ugc *Ugc) GetUnreplyOrderRatesByOrderIds(orderIds_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

获取未回复的评论 orderIds 订单id

func (*Ugc) GetUnreplyOrderRatesByShopIds added in v1.40.0

func (ugc *Ugc) GetUnreplyOrderRatesByShopIds(shopIds_ interface{}, startTime_ string, endTime_ string, offset_ int, pageSize_ int) (interface{}, error)

获取未回复的评论 shopIds 店铺id startTime 开始时间,只能查询最近90天的数据 endTime 结束时间 offset 页面偏移量 pageSize 页面大小

func (*Ugc) RatingCoupon added in v1.40.0

func (ugc *Ugc) RatingCoupon(ratingCouponDTO_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

根据评价编号赠送代金券给评价用户(推荐) ratingCouponDTO 赠券所需的参数

func (*Ugc) ReplyBaiduRate added in v1.40.0

func (ugc *Ugc) ReplyBaiduRate(rateIds_ interface{}, shopId_ string, reply_ string) (interface{}, error)

通过rateIds和shopId 回复饿了么星选评论 rateIds 评论编号(订单维度) shopId 饿了么侧餐厅id reply 回复的内容

func (*Ugc) ReplyCommentByOrderIds added in v1.40.0

func (ugc *Ugc) ReplyCommentByOrderIds(orderIds_ interface{}, reply_ string) (interface{}, error)

批量回复订单未回复的评论 orderIds 订单id reply 回复信息

func (*Ugc) ReplyRateByOrderId added in v1.40.0

func (ugc *Ugc) ReplyRateByOrderId(orderId_ string, reply_ string) (interface{}, error)

回复订单未回复的评论 orderId 订单id reply 回复内容

func (*Ugc) ReplyRateByRateIdAndShopId added in v1.40.0

func (ugc *Ugc) ReplyRateByRateIdAndShopId(rateId_ string, shopId_ string, replyType_ interface{}, reply_ string) (interface{}, error)

通过rateId和shopId 回复指定类型的评论(推荐) rateId 评论编号 shopId 餐厅id replyType 评论类型 reply 回复的内容

func (*Ugc) ReplyRateByRateIdsAndShopId added in v1.40.0

func (ugc *Ugc) ReplyRateByRateIdsAndShopId(rateIds_ interface{}, shopId_ string, replyType_ interface{}, reply_ string) (interface{}, error)

通过rateIds和shopId 批量回复指定类型的评论(推荐) rateIds 评论编号 shopId 餐厅id replyType 评论类型 reply 回复的内容

func (*Ugc) ReplyRateByRateIdsAndShopIdV2 added in v1.40.5

func (ugc *Ugc) ReplyRateByRateIdsAndShopIdV2(rateIds_ interface{}, shopId_ string, replyType_ interface{}, reply_ string, templateId_ int64) (interface{}, error)

通过rateIds和shopId 批量回复指定类型的评论(推荐) rateIds 评论编号 shopId 餐厅id replyType 评论类型 reply 回复的内容 templateId 使用模板ID

func (*Ugc) ReplyRatesByItemId added in v1.40.0

func (ugc *Ugc) ReplyRatesByItemId(itemId_ string, reply_ string, startTime_ string, endTime_ string) (interface{}, error)

回复商品回复的评论 itemId 商品id reply 回复内容 startTime 开始时间,只能查询最近90天的数据 endTime 结束时间

func (*Ugc) ReplyRatesByItemIds added in v1.40.0

func (ugc *Ugc) ReplyRatesByItemIds(itemIds_ interface{}, reply_ string, startTime_ string, endTime_ string) (interface{}, error)

回复多个商品评论 itemIds 商品d reply 回复信息 startTime 开始时间,只能查询最近90天的数据 endTime 结束时间

func (*Ugc) SendBaiduCoupon added in v1.40.0

func (ugc *Ugc) SendBaiduCoupon(rateId_ string, shopId_ string, coupon_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

根据rateId和shopId 赠送代金券给该饿了么星选评价对应订单的评价用户 rateId 评论编号(订单维度) shopId 餐厅id coupon 需要赠送的代金券信息

func (*Ugc) SendCouponByOrderId added in v1.40.0

func (ugc *Ugc) SendCouponByOrderId(orderId_ string, coupon_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

根据订单ID赠送代金券给该订单的评价用户 orderId 订单编号 coupon 需要赠送的代金券信息

type User

type User struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*User) GetPhoneNumber added in v1.9.0

func (user *User) GetPhoneNumber() (interface{}, error)


func (*User) GetUser

func (user *User) GetUser() (interface{}, error)


type Video added in v1.41.6

type Video struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Video) SetVideoStatus added in v1.41.6

func (video *Video) SetVideoStatus(videoDeviceDTO_ interface{}) (interface{}, error)

第三方服务商传递摄像头状态变更消息 videoDeviceDTO 设备状态信息

type Windows added in v1.40.0

type Windows struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


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