shh manages secrets for projects and small teams. Secrets are encrypted and safe to commit to version control software like git.
Unlike Hashicorp Vault, shh requires no infrastructure. There's no server to manage and secure -- just a single file.
$ go get -u
Getting started
First, generate encryption keys:
shh gen-keys
You'll be asked to choose a username and set a password. Be sure to remember your password.
places keys in ~/.config/shh
. Back up your id_rsa private key; if
lost there's no way to recover it!
Next, initialize a new project:
shh init
This creates a .shh
file in your current working directory which will be used
to store your secrets. Your public key was automatically added to the .shh
file, so you can now add secrets, like so:
shh set staging/env "$(cat staging.env)"
Where staging/env
is the name of the secret and the content of the file
is the secret itself.
You can retrieve that secret with get
like this:
shh get staging/env
You'll have to enter your password to retrieve the secret.
NOTE: There's no concept in shh of directories or
, but it's useful to namespace your secrets for glob matches as described later.Also note that secrets belong to a global namespace. If Bob creates secret "A", but Alice doesn't have access, Alice trying to create a secret named "A" will result in an error. The same name resolves to the same secret for every user in the project, regardless of whether or not that user has access.
If you need to edit your secret, shh edit staging/env
can do it. That uses
your $EDITOR
of choice. Note that $EDITOR
should be an absolute path. Save
and quit to re-encrypt the updated version without ever saving an unencrypted
version to disk.
You can rename a secret with rename
like this:
shh rename old-name new-name
If you want to start a new secret using another secret as a starting point and maintain all teammates' access:
shh copy old-name new-name
This may be useful when you're setting up a new environment, such as:
shh copy production/env staging/env
Team management
You can grant and revoke access to secrets among teammates at any time. First
ensure they're added to the project, which will require their public key
generated via gen-key
shh add-user [email protected] pubkey.pem
Now they're added to the project, but they don't have access to any keys:
shh allow [email protected] staging/env
You can only allow access to keys which you, yourself, have access to.
Save time by using glob matches like this to grant access to an entire namespace:
shh allow [email protected] staging/*
You can revoke access to individual or globbed keys, like this:
shh deny [email protected] staging/env
Or you can remove a user from a project entirely, which will remove all of
their secrets and delete their public key from .shh
shh rm-user [email protected]
Advanced usage
Serve and login
If you're using shh, you'll probably need to retrieve secrets during deploys
and other scripts. That's why there's shh serve
, which saves your password in
memory for 1 hour.
You can set the port in your ~/.config/shh/config
file like this:
[email protected]
Then run shh serve
and from another terminal run shh login
to set your
password in memory. Now you can run get
or allow
without needing to enter
your password each time -- especially useful during deploy scripts.
If your private key is compromised or you need to change your password, you can easily change your keys:
shh rotate
This will ask for a new password, generate new keys and re-encrypt all secrets using that new password.
Using the command line
See the difference in secrets granted between two users:
diff -y <(shh show [email protected]) <(shh show [email protected])
Edit all files containing a regular expression:
shh search "\d{8,}" | xargs -I % -o shh edit %
Count the number of secrets to which a user has access:
shh show [email protected] | wc -l
See the changes in an shh file across commits:
vimdiff \
<(shh -f <(git show commit_1:.shh) get my_secret) \
<(shh -f <(git show commit_2:.shh) get my_secret)
Key commands
shh init # initialize project, creating .shh file
shh gen-keys # generate keys
shh get $secret_name # get secret or secrets
shh set $secret_name $value # set value
shh del $secret_name # delete secret
shh allow $user $secret # allow access to secret
shh deny $user $secret # deny access to secret
shh add-user [$user $pubkey] # add user to project, default self
shh rm-user $user # remove user from project
shh show [$user] # show user's allowed and denied keys
shh search $regex # list all secrets containing the regex
shh edit # edit secret using $EDITOR
shh rotate # rotate your key
shh serve # start server to maintain password in memory
shh login # login to server
shh version # version info
shh help # usage info
Example usage:
# Create secret file and keys.
shh init
> creating new .shh
> username (usually email): [email protected]
> password:
> confirm password:
> generated ~/.config/shh/config
> generated ~/.config/shh/id_rsa
> generated ~/.config/shh/
> created .shh
> be sure to back up ~/.config/shh/id_rsa and remember your password, or you
> may lose access to your secrets!
# Add user to an existing project (on a different computer than above)
shh init
> adding user to existing .shh
> your username (usually email): [email protected]
> password:
> confirm password:
> generated ~/.config/shh/config
> generated ~/.config/shh/id_rsa
> generated ~/.config/shh/
> added [email protected] to .ssh
> be sure to back up ~/.config/shh/id_rsa and remember your password, or you
> may lose access to your secrets!
# Create a secret named "database_url"
shh set database_url $DATABASE_URL
# An alternative syntax to set a secret from a file
shh set very_secret "$(< secret.txt)"
# You can also namespace the secrets like a filesystem. There's no built-in
# support for this, but it makes it easy to support different projects/repos
# within a single project.
shh set my_project/staging/database_url ""
# Allow a user to access a secret
shh allow [email protected] database_url
# Deny a user from accessing a secret
shh deny [email protected] database_url
# Deny a user from accessing all secrets. The quotes are necessary
shh deny [email protected] "*"
# Deny a user from accessing any secrets matching a glob pattern
shh deny [email protected] staging/*
# Show your accessible keys and meta info
shh show
# Show Bob's keys and meta info
shh show user [email protected]
# Show all user keys and meta info
shh show user "*"
# Show all secrets containing the regular expression
shh search "example.(com|net)"
# In case of stolen key, you can regenerate/rotate your key
shh rotate
> old password:
> new password:
> confirm password:
> generated ~/.config/shh/id_rsa
> generated ~/.config/shh/
> be sure to back up ~/.config/shh/id_rsa and remember your password, or you
> may lose access to your secrets!
# Stream staging secrets to server.env on deploy
shh get staging/env | ssh alice@staging "cat > server.env"
Encryption details
shh uses envelope encryption to keep your project secrets secure. gen-key
creates 4096-bit RSA keys in your home directory, encrypting the private key
using AES-256 with a mandated 24-char minimum length password, which is long
enough to prevent re-use/memorization and forcing use of a password manager.
Each secret is encrypted with a random AES-256 key. The AES key is encrypted using your RSA private key and stored alongside the secret.
There is no documentation for this package.