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Published: May 15, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 9 Imported by: 0




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type Account

type Account struct {
	bun.BaseModel `bun:"accounts"`

	AccountID int     `bun:",pk,autoincrement" json:"id"`
	PenguinID string  `json:"penguinId"`
	Weight    float64 `json:"weight"`
	// Tags      []string `json:"tags"`
	CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`

type Activity

type Activity struct {
	bun.BaseModel `bun:"activities"`

	ActivityID int             `bun:",pk,autoincrement" json:"id"`
	StartTime  *time.Time      `json:"startTime"`
	EndTime    *time.Time      `json:"endTime"`
	Name       json.RawMessage `json:"name"`
	Existence  json.RawMessage `json:"existence"`

type AllQuantitiesResultForGlobalDropMatrix

type AllQuantitiesResultForGlobalDropMatrix struct {
	StageID  int `json:"stageId" bun:"stage_id"`
	ItemID   int `json:"itemId" bun:"item_id"`
	Quantity int `json:"quantity" bun:"quantity"`

type AllQuantitiesResultForGlobalPatternMatrix

type AllQuantitiesResultForGlobalPatternMatrix struct {
	StageID   int `json:"stageId" bun:"stage_id"`
	PatternID int `json:"patternId" bun:"pattern_id"`
	Quantity  int `json:"quantity" bun:"quantity"`

type AllQuantityBucketsResultForGlobalDropMatrix

type AllQuantityBucketsResultForGlobalDropMatrix struct {
	StageID         int         `json:"stageId" bun:"stage_id"`
	ItemID          int         `json:"itemId" bun:"item_id"`
	QuantityBuckets map[int]int `json:"quantityBuckets" bun:"type:jsonb"`

type AllTimesResultForGlobalDropMatrix

type AllTimesResultForGlobalDropMatrix struct {
	StageID int `json:"stageId" bun:"stage_id"`
	ItemID  int `json:"itemId" bun:"item_id"`
	Times   int `json:"times" bun:"times"`

type AllTimesResultForGlobalPatternMatrix

type AllTimesResultForGlobalPatternMatrix struct {
	StageID int `json:"stageId" bun:"stage_id"`
	Times   int `json:"times" bun:"times"`

type Bounds

type Bounds struct {
	Upper      int   `json:"upper"`
	Lower      int   `json:"lower"`
	Exceptions []int `json:"exceptions,omitempty"`

func (*Bounds) Scan

func (b *Bounds) Scan(src any) error

type CombinedResultForDropMatrix

type CombinedResultForDropMatrix struct {
	StageID         int         `json:"stageId"`
	ItemID          int         `json:"itemId"`
	Times           int         `json:"times"`
	Quantity        int         `json:"quantity"`
	QuantityBuckets map[int]int `json:"quantityBuckets"`
	TimeRange       *TimeRange  `json:"timeRange"`

type CombinedResultForDropPattern

type CombinedResultForDropPattern struct {
	StageID   int `json:"stageId"`
	PatternID int `json:"patternId"`
	Times     int `json:"times"`
	Quantity  int `json:"quantity"`

type CombinedResultForTrend

type CombinedResultForTrend struct {
	GroupID   int        `json:"groupId"`
	StartTime *time.Time `json:"startTime"`
	EndTime   *time.Time `json:"endTime"`
	StageID   int        `json:"stageId"`
	ItemID    int        `json:"itemId"`
	Times     int        `json:"times"`
	Quantity  int        `json:"quantity"`

type Cursor

type Cursor struct {
	Start int // pointer to the first item for the previous page
	End   int // pointer to the last item for the next page

type DropInfo

type DropInfo struct {
	bun.BaseModel `bun:"drop_infos,alias:di"`

	DropID      int             `bun:",pk,autoincrement" json:"id"`
	Server      string          `json:"server"`
	StageID     int             `json:"stageId"`
	ItemID      null.Int        `json:"itemId" swaggertype:"integer"`
	DropType    string          `json:"dropType"`
	RangeID     int             `json:"rangeId"`
	Accumulable bool            `json:"accumulable"`
	Bounds      *Bounds         `json:"bounds"`
	Extras      json.RawMessage `json:"extras,omitempty"`

type DropMatrixElement

type DropMatrixElement struct {
	bun.BaseModel `bun:"drop_matrix_elements,alias:dme"`

	ElementID       int         `bun:",pk,autoincrement" json:"id"`
	StageID         int         `json:"stageId"`
	ItemID          int         `json:"itemId"`
	StartTime       *time.Time  `json:"startTime"`
	EndTime         *time.Time  `json:"endTime"`
	DayNum          int         `json:"dayNum"`
	Quantity        int         `json:"quantity"`
	Times           int         `json:"times"`
	QuantityBuckets map[int]int `bun:"type:jsonb" json:"quantityBuckets"`
	Server          string      `json:"server"`
	SourceCategory  string      `json:"sourceCategory"` // sourceCategory can be: "automated", "manual", "all"

	RangeID int `bun:"-" json:"-"`
	// TimeRange field is for those elements whose time range is not saved in DB, but a customized one
	TimeRange *TimeRange `bun:"-" json:"-"`

type DropMatrixQueryResult

type DropMatrixQueryResult struct {
	Matrix []*OneDropMatrixElement `json:"matrix"`

type DropPattern

type DropPattern struct {
	bun.BaseModel `bun:"drop_patterns,alias:dp"`

	PatternID           int    `bun:",pk,autoincrement" json:"id"`
	Hash                string `json:"hash"`
	OriginalFingerprint string `json:"original_fingerprint"`

type DropPatternElement

type DropPatternElement struct {
	bun.BaseModel `bun:"drop_pattern_elements,alias:dpe"`

	ElementID     int `bun:",pk,autoincrement" json:"id"`
	DropPatternID int `json:"dropPatternId"`
	ItemID        int `json:"itemId"`
	Quantity      int `json:"quantity"`

type DropPatternElementForExport

type DropPatternElementForExport struct {
	ArkItemID string `json:"itemId"`
	Quantity  int    `json:"quantity"`

type DropPatternForExport

type DropPatternForExport struct {
	PatternID           int                            `json:"pattern_id"`
	DropPatternElements []*DropPatternElementForExport `json:"drop_pattern_elements"`

type DropReport

type DropReport struct {
	bun.BaseModel `bun:"drop_reports,alias:dr"`

	ReportID    int        `bun:",pk,autoincrement" json:"id"`
	StageID     int        `json:"stageId"`
	PatternID   int        `json:"patternId"`
	Times       int        `json:"times"`
	CreatedAt   *time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
	Reliability int        `json:"reliability"`
	Server      string     `json:"server"`
	AccountID   int        `json:"accountId"`
	SourceName  string     `json:"sourceName"`
	Version     string     `json:"version"`

type DropReportExtra

type DropReportExtra struct {
	bun.BaseModel `bun:"drop_report_extras,alias:dre"`

	ReportID int                          `bun:",pk,autoincrement" json:"id"`
	IP       string                       `json:"ip"`
	Metadata *types.ReportRequestMetadata `json:"metadata"`
	MD5      null.String                  `json:"md5" swaggertype:"string"`

type DropReportForExport

type DropReportForExport struct {
	Times      int    `json:"times"`
	PatternID  int    `json:"pattern_id"`
	CreatedAt  int64  `json:"created_at"`
	AccountID  int    `json:"account_id"`
	SourceName string `json:"source_name"`
	Version    string `json:"version"`

type DropReportQueryContext

type DropReportQueryContext struct {
	Server             string         `json:"server"`
	StartTime          *time.Time     `json:"startTime"`
	EndTime            *time.Time     `json:"endTime"`
	AccountID          null.Int       `json:"accountId"`
	StageItemFilter    *map[int][]int `json:"stageItemFilter"`
	SourceCategory     string         `json:"sourceCategory"`
	ExcludeNonOneTimes bool           `json:"excludeNonOneTimes"`
	Times              null.Int       `json:"times"`

func (*DropReportQueryContext) GetItemIdsSet

func (queryCtx *DropReportQueryContext) GetItemIdsSet(stageId int) map[int]struct{}

func (*DropReportQueryContext) GetStageIds

func (queryCtx *DropReportQueryContext) GetStageIds() []int

func (*DropReportQueryContext) HasItemIds

func (queryCtx *DropReportQueryContext) HasItemIds() bool

type Existence

type Existence struct {
	// CN: 国服 Mainland China Server (maintained by Hypergryph Network Technology Co., Ltd.)
	CN ServerExistence `json:"CN" validate:"required"`
	// US: 美服/国际服 Global Server (maintained by Yostar Limited)
	US ServerExistence `json:"US" validate:"required"`
	// JP: 日服 Japan Server (maintained by Yostar Inc,.)
	JP ServerExistence `json:"JP" validate:"required"`
	// KR: 韩服 Korea Server (maintained by Yostar Limited)
	KR ServerExistence `json:"KR" validate:"required"`

type ExportDropReportsAndPatternsResult

type ExportDropReportsAndPatternsResult struct {
	DropReports  []*DropReportForExport  `json:"drop_reports"`
	DropPatterns []*DropPatternForExport `json:"drop_patterns"`

type I18nOptionalString

type I18nOptionalString struct {
	// ZH: 中文 (zh-CN)
	ZH string `json:"zh"`
	// EN: English (en)
	EN string `json:"en"`
	// JP: 日本語 (ja)
	JA string `json:"ja"`
	// KR: 한국어 (ko)
	KO string `json:"ko"`

type I18nString

type I18nString struct {
	// ZH: 中文 (zh-CN)
	ZH string `json:"zh" validate:"required"`
	// EN: English (en)
	EN string `json:"en" validate:"required"`
	// JP: 日本語 (ja)
	JA string `json:"ja" validate:"required"`
	// KR: 한국어 (ko)
	KO string `json:"ko" validate:"required"`

type Item

type Item struct {
	bun.BaseModel `bun:"items,alias:it" swaggerignore:"true"`

	// ItemID (penguinItemId) is the numerical ID of the item.
	ItemID int `bun:",pk,autoincrement" json:"penguinItemId"`
	// ArkItemID (itemId) is the previously used, string form ID of the item; in JSON-representation `itemId` is used as key.
	ArkItemID string `json:"itemId"`
	Type      string `json:"type"`
	// Name is a map with language code as key and the name of the item in that language as value.
	Name json.RawMessage `json:"name" swaggertype:"object"`
	// Existence is a map with server code as key and the existence of the item in that server as value.
	Existence json.RawMessage `json:"existence" swaggertype:"object"`
	// SortID is the sort position of the item.
	SortID int `json:"sortId"`
	Rarity int `json:"rarity"`
	// Group is an identifier of what the item actually is. For example, both orirock and orirock cube would have the same group, `orirock`.
	Group null.String `json:"group,omitempty" swaggertype:"string"`
	// Sprite describes the location of the item's sprite on the sprite image, in a form of Y:X.
	Sprite null.String `json:"sprite,omitempty" swaggertype:"string"`
	// Keywords is an arbitrary JSON object containing the keywords of the item, for optimizing the results of the frontend built-in search engine.
	Keywords json.RawMessage `json:"keywords,omitempty" swaggertype:"object"`

type ItemTrend

type ItemTrend struct {
	ItemID     int        `json:"itemId"`
	StartTime  *time.Time `json:"startTime"`
	Times      []int      `json:"times"`
	Quantity   []int      `json:"quantity"`
	MinGroupID int        `json:"-"`
	MaxGroupID int        `json:"-"`

type Keywords

type Keywords struct {
	// Alias of the item
	Alias I18nOptionalString `json:"alias"`
	// Pronunciation hints of the item
	Pron I18nOptionalString `json:"pron"`

type Notice

type Notice struct {
	bun.BaseModel `bun:"notices"`

	NoticeID  int             `bun:",pk,autoincrement" json:"id"`
	Existence json.RawMessage `json:"existence" swaggertype:"object"`
	Severity  null.Int        `json:"severity" swaggertype:"integer"`
	Content   json.RawMessage `json:"content_i18n"`

type OneDropMatrixElement

type OneDropMatrixElement struct {
	StageID   int        `json:"stageId"`
	ItemID    int        `json:"itemId"`
	Times     int        `json:"times"`
	Quantity  int        `json:"quantity"`
	StdDev    float64    `json:"stdDev"`
	TimeRange *TimeRange `json:"timeRange"`

type OnePatternMatrixElement

type OnePatternMatrixElement struct {
	StageID   int        `json:"stageId"`
	PatternID int        `json:"patternId"`
	TimeRange *TimeRange `json:"timeRange"`
	Times     int        `json:"times"`
	Quantity  int        `json:"quantity"`

type PatternMatrixElement

type PatternMatrixElement struct {
	bun.BaseModel `bun:"pattern_matrix_elements,alias:pme"`

	ElementID      int        `bun:",pk,autoincrement" json:"id"`
	StageID        int        `json:"stageId"`
	PatternID      int        `json:"patternId"`
	StartTime      *time.Time `json:"startTime"`
	EndTime        *time.Time `json:"endTime"`
	DayNum         int        `json:"dayNum"`
	Quantity       int        `json:"quantity"`
	Times          int        `json:"times"`
	Server         string     `json:"server"`
	SourceCategory string     `json:"sourceCategory"` // sourceCategory can be: "automated", "manual", "all"

	RangeID int `bun:"-" json:"-"`

type PatternMatrixQueryResult

type PatternMatrixQueryResult struct {
	PatternMatrix []*OnePatternMatrixElement `json:"dropPatterns"`

type Property

type Property struct {
	bun.BaseModel `bun:"properties"`

	PropertyID int    `bun:",pk,autoincrement" json:"id"`
	Key        string `json:"key"`
	Value      string `json:"value"`

type QuantityUniqCountResultForDropMatrix

type QuantityUniqCountResultForDropMatrix struct {
	StageID  int `json:"stageId" bun:"stage_id"`
	ItemID   int `json:"itemId" bun:"item_id"`
	Quantity int `json:"quantity" bun:"quantity"`
	Count    int `json:"count" bun:"count"`

type RecognitionDefect

type RecognitionDefect struct {
	bun.BaseModel `bun:"recognition_defects"`

	// DefectID is the primary key for this table; it is generated by client
	DefectID          string          `bun:"defect_id,pk" json:"defectId"`
	CreatedAt         *time.Time      `bun:"created_at,nullzero,default:current_timestamp" json:"createdAt"`
	UpdatedAt         *time.Time      `bun:"updated_at,nullzero" json:"updatedAt"`
	SessionID         string          `bun:"session_id,notnull" json:"sessionId"`
	AccountID         int             `bun:"account_id,nullzero" json:"accountId"`
	ImageURI          string          `bun:"image_uri" json:"imageUrl"`
	RecognitionResult json.RawMessage `bun:"recognition_result,notnull" json:"recognitionResult"`
	Environment       json.RawMessage `bun:"environment,notnull" json:"environment"`

type RejectRule

type RejectRule struct {
	bun.BaseModel `bun:"reject_rules"`

	RuleID          int        `bun:",pk,autoincrement" json:"id"`
	CreatedAt       *time.Time `bun:"created_at" json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt       *time.Time `bun:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"`
	Status          int        `bun:"status" json:"status"`
	Expr            string     `bun:"expr" json:"expr"`
	WithReliability int        `bun:"with_reliability" json:"with_reliability"`

type ServerExistence

type ServerExistence struct {
	Exist     bool `json:"exist" validate:"required" example:"true"`
	StartTime *int `json:"openTime,omitempty" extension:"x-nullable" example:"1634799600000"`
	EndTime   *int `json:"closeTime,omitempty" extension:"x-nullable" example:"1635966000000"`

type Snapshot

type Snapshot struct {
	bun.BaseModel `bun:"snapshots"`

	SnapshotID int        `bun:",pk,autoincrement" json:"id"`
	CreatedAt  *time.Time `bun:"created_at" json:"created_at"`
	Key        string     `bun:"key" json:"key"`
	Version    string     `bun:"version" json:"version"`
	Content    string     `bun:"content" json:"content"`

type Stage

type Stage struct {
	bun.BaseModel `bun:"stages,alias:st"`

	// StageID (penguinStageId) is the numerical ID of the stage.
	StageID int `bun:",pk,autoincrement" json:"penguinStageId"`
	// ArkStageID (stageId) is the previously used, string form ID of the stage; in JSON-representation `stageId` is used as key.
	ArkStageID string `json:"stageId"`
	// ZoneID is the numerical ID of the zone the stage is in.
	ZoneID int `json:"zoneId"`
	// StageType is the type of the stage, e.g. "MAIN", "SUB", "ACTIVITY" and "DAILY".
	StageType string `json:"stageType"`
	// ExtraProcessType is the type of extra process that is used in the stage, e.g. "GACHABOX".
	ExtraProcessType null.String `json:"extraProcessType" swaggertype:"string"`
	// Code is a map with language code as key and the code of the stage in that language as value.
	Code json.RawMessage `json:"code"`
	// Sanity is the sanity requirement for a full clear of the stage.
	Sanity null.Int `json:"sanity" swaggertype:"integer"`
	// Existence is a map with server code as key and the existence of the item in that server as value.
	Existence json.RawMessage `json:"existence" swaggertype:"object"`
	// MinClearTime is the minimum time (in milliseconds as a duration) it takes to clear the stage, referencing from
	MinClearTime null.Int `json:"minClearTime" swaggertype:"integer"`

type StageExtended

type StageExtended struct {

	Zone *Zone `bun:"rel:belongs-to,join:zone_id=zone_id" json:"-"`

type StageTrend

type StageTrend struct {
	StageID int          `json:"stageId"`
	Results []*ItemTrend `json:"results"`

type TimeRange

type TimeRange struct {
	bun.BaseModel `bun:"time_ranges,alias:tr"`

	RangeID   int         `bun:",pk,autoincrement" json:"id"`
	Name      null.String `json:"name,omitempty" swaggertype:"string"`
	StartTime *time.Time  `json:"startTime"`
	EndTime   *time.Time  `json:"endTime"`
	Comment   null.String `json:"comment" swaggertype:"string"`
	Server    string      `json:"server"`

func TimeRangeFromString

func TimeRangeFromString(s string) *TimeRange

func (*TimeRange) HumanReadableString

func (tr *TimeRange) HumanReadableString(server string) string

func (*TimeRange) Includes

func (tr *TimeRange) Includes(t time.Time) bool

func (*TimeRange) String

func (tr *TimeRange) String() string

type TotalQuantityResultForDropMatrix

type TotalQuantityResultForDropMatrix struct {
	StageID       int `json:"stageId" bun:"stage_id"`
	ItemID        int `json:"itemId" bun:"item_id"`
	TotalQuantity int `json:"totalQuantity" bun:"total_quantity"`


type TotalQuantityResultForPatternMatrix

type TotalQuantityResultForPatternMatrix struct {
	StageID       int `json:"stageId" bun:"stage_id"`
	PatternID     int `json:"patternId" bun:"pattern_id"`
	TotalQuantity int `json:"totalQuantity" bun:"total_quantity"`


type TotalQuantityResultForTrend

type TotalQuantityResultForTrend struct {
	GroupID       int        `json:"groupId" bun:"group_id"`
	IntervalStart *time.Time `json:"intervalStart" bun:"interval_start"`
	IntervalEnd   *time.Time `json:"intervalEnd" bun:"interval_end"`
	StageID       int        `json:"stageId" bun:"stage_id"`
	ItemID        int        `json:"itemId" bun:"item_id"`
	TotalQuantity int        `json:"totalQuantity" bun:"total_quantity"`


type TotalTimesResult

type TotalTimesResult struct {
	StageID    int `json:"stageId" bun:"stage_id"`
	TotalTimes int `json:"totalTimes" bun:"total_times"`

type TotalTimesResultForTrend

type TotalTimesResultForTrend struct {
	GroupID       int        `json:"groupId" bun:"group_id"`
	IntervalStart *time.Time `json:"intervalStart" bun:"interval_start"`
	IntervalEnd   *time.Time `json:"intervalEnd" bun:"interval_end"`
	StageID       int        `json:"stageId" bun:"stage_id"`
	TotalTimes    int        `json:"totalTimes" bun:"total_times"`

type TrendElement

type TrendElement struct {
	ElementID      int        `json:"id"`
	StageID        int        `json:"stageId"`
	ItemID         int        `json:"itemId"`
	GroupID        int        `json:"groupId"`
	StartTime      *time.Time `json:"startTime"`
	EndTime        *time.Time `json:"endTime"`
	Quantity       int        `json:"quantity"`
	Times          int        `json:"times"`
	Server         string     `json:"server"`
	SourceCategory string     `json:"sourceCategory"` // sourceCategory can be: "automated", "manual", "all"

type TrendQueryResult

type TrendQueryResult struct {
	Trends []*StageTrend `json:"trends"`

type Zone

type Zone struct {
	bun.BaseModel `bun:"zones,alias:zo"`

	// ZoneID is the numerical ID of the zone.
	ZoneID    int    `bun:",pk,autoincrement" json:"penguinZoneId"`
	ArkZoneID string `json:"zoneId"`
	Index     int    `json:"index"`
	// Category of the zone.
	Category string `json:"category" example:"MAINLINE"`
	// Type of the zone, e.g. "AWAKENING_HOUR" or "VISION_SHATTER". Optional and only occurs when `category` is "MAINLINE".
	Type null.String `json:"type,omitempty" swaggertype:"string" example:"AWAKENING_HOUR"`
	// Name is a map with language code as key and the name of the item in that language as value.
	Name json.RawMessage `json:"name"`
	// Existence is a map with server code as key and the existence of the item in that server as value.
	Existence json.RawMessage `json:"existence" swaggertype:"object"`
	// Background is the path of the background image of the zone, relative to the CDN endpoint.
	Background null.String `json:"background,omitempty" swaggertype:"string"`


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