Overview ¶
Package theme defines how a Fyne app should look when rendered.
Index ¶
- Constants
- func AccountIcon() fyne.Resource
- func BackgroundColor() color.Colordeprecated
- func BrokenImageIcon() fyne.Resource
- func ButtonColor() color.Colordeprecated
- func CancelIcon() fyne.Resource
- func CaptionTextSize() float32
- func CheckButtonCheckedIcon() fyne.Resource
- func CheckButtonFillIcon() fyne.Resource
- func CheckButtonIcon() fyne.Resource
- func Color(name fyne.ThemeColorName) color.Color
- func ColorAchromaticIcon() fyne.Resource
- func ColorChromaticIcon() fyne.Resource
- func ColorForWidget(name fyne.ThemeColorName, w fyne.Widget) color.Color
- func ColorPaletteIcon() fyne.Resource
- func ComputerIcon() fyne.Resource
- func ConfirmIcon() fyne.Resource
- func ContentAddIcon() fyne.Resource
- func ContentClearIcon() fyne.Resource
- func ContentCopyIcon() fyne.Resource
- func ContentCutIcon() fyne.Resource
- func ContentPasteIcon() fyne.Resource
- func ContentRedoIcon() fyne.Resource
- func ContentRemoveIcon() fyne.Resource
- func ContentUndoIcon() fyne.Resource
- func Current() fyne.Theme
- func CurrentForWidget(w fyne.CanvasObject) fyne.Theme
- func DarkTheme() fyne.Themedeprecated
- func DefaultEmojiFont() fyne.Resource
- func DefaultSymbolFont() fyne.Resource
- func DefaultTextBoldFont() fyne.Resource
- func DefaultTextBoldItalicFont() fyne.Resource
- func DefaultTextFont() fyne.Resource
- func DefaultTextItalicFont() fyne.Resource
- func DefaultTextMonospaceFont() fyne.Resource
- func DefaultTheme() fyne.Theme
- func DeleteIcon() fyne.Resource
- func DesktopIcon() fyne.Resource
- func DisabledButtonColor() color.Colordeprecated
- func DisabledColor() color.Colordeprecated
- func DisabledTextColor() color.Colordeprecated
- func DocumentCreateIcon() fyne.Resource
- func DocumentIcon() fyne.Resource
- func DocumentPrintIcon() fyne.Resource
- func DocumentSaveIcon() fyne.Resource
- func DownloadIcon() fyne.Resource
- func ErrorColor() color.Colordeprecated
- func ErrorIcon() fyne.Resource
- func FileApplicationIcon() fyne.Resource
- func FileAudioIcon() fyne.Resource
- func FileIcon() fyne.Resource
- func FileImageIcon() fyne.Resource
- func FileTextIcon() fyne.Resource
- func FileVideoIcon() fyne.Resource
- func FocusColor() color.Colordeprecated
- func FolderIcon() fyne.Resource
- func FolderNewIcon() fyne.Resource
- func FolderOpenIcon() fyne.Resource
- func Font(style fyne.TextStyle) fyne.Resource
- func ForegroundColor() color.Colordeprecated
- func FromJSON(data string) (fyne.Theme, error)
- func FromJSONReader(r io.Reader) (fyne.Theme, error)
- func FromLegacy(t fyne.LegacyTheme) fyne.Theme
- func FyneLogo() fyne.Resourcedeprecated
- func GridIcon() fyne.Resource
- func HeaderBackgroundColor() color.Colordeprecated
- func HelpIcon() fyne.Resource
- func HistoryIcon() fyne.Resource
- func HomeIcon() fyne.Resource
- func HoverColor() color.Colordeprecated
- func HyperlinkColor() color.Colordeprecated
- func Icon(name fyne.ThemeIconName) fyne.Resource
- func IconForWidget(name fyne.ThemeIconName, w fyne.Widget) fyne.Resource
- func IconInlineSize() float32
- func InfoIcon() fyne.Resource
- func InnerPadding() float32
- func InputBackgroundColor() color.Colordeprecated
- func InputBorderColor() color.Colordeprecated
- func InputBorderSize() float32
- func InputRadiusSize() float32
- func LightTheme() fyne.Themedeprecated
- func LineSpacing() float32
- func ListIcon() fyne.Resource
- func LoginIcon() fyne.Resource
- func LogoutIcon() fyne.Resource
- func MailAttachmentIcon() fyne.Resource
- func MailComposeIcon() fyne.Resource
- func MailForwardIcon() fyne.Resource
- func MailReplyAllIcon() fyne.Resource
- func MailReplyIcon() fyne.Resource
- func MailSendIcon() fyne.Resource
- func MediaFastForwardIcon() fyne.Resource
- func MediaFastRewindIcon() fyne.Resource
- func MediaMusicIcon() fyne.Resource
- func MediaPauseIcon() fyne.Resource
- func MediaPhotoIcon() fyne.Resource
- func MediaPlayIcon() fyne.Resource
- func MediaRecordIcon() fyne.Resource
- func MediaReplayIcon() fyne.Resource
- func MediaSkipNextIcon() fyne.Resource
- func MediaSkipPreviousIcon() fyne.Resource
- func MediaStopIcon() fyne.Resource
- func MediaVideoIcon() fyne.Resource
- func MenuBackgroundColor() color.Colordeprecated
- func MenuDropDownIcon() fyne.Resource
- func MenuDropUpIcon() fyne.Resource
- func MenuExpandIcon() fyne.Resource
- func MenuIcon() fyne.Resource
- func MoreHorizontalIcon() fyne.Resource
- func MoreVerticalIcon() fyne.Resource
- func MoveDownIcon() fyne.Resource
- func MoveUpIcon() fyne.Resource
- func NavigateBackIcon() fyne.Resource
- func NavigateNextIcon() fyne.Resource
- func OverlayBackgroundColor() color.Colordeprecated
- func Padding() float32
- func PlaceHolderColor() color.Colordeprecated
- func PressedColor() color.Colordeprecated
- func PrimaryColor() color.Colordeprecated
- func PrimaryColorNamed(name string) color.Colordeprecated
- func PrimaryColorNames() []string
- func QuestionIcon() fyne.Resource
- func RadioButtonCheckedIcon() fyne.Resource
- func RadioButtonFillIcon() fyne.Resource
- func RadioButtonIcon() fyne.Resource
- func ScrollBarColor() color.Colordeprecated
- func ScrollBarSize() float32
- func ScrollBarSmallSize() float32
- func SearchIcon() fyne.Resource
- func SearchReplaceIcon() fyne.Resource
- func SelectionColor() color.Colordeprecated
- func SelectionRadiusSize() float32
- func SeparatorColor() color.Colordeprecated
- func SeparatorThicknessSize() float32
- func SettingsIcon() fyne.Resource
- func ShadowColor() color.Colordeprecated
- func Size(name fyne.ThemeSizeName) float32
- func SizeForWidget(name fyne.ThemeSizeName, w fyne.Widget) float32
- func StorageIcon() fyne.Resource
- func SuccessColor() color.Colordeprecated
- func SymbolFont() fyne.Resource
- func TextBoldFont() fyne.Resource
- func TextBoldItalicFont() fyne.Resource
- func TextColor() color.Colordeprecated
- func TextFont() fyne.Resource
- func TextHeadingSize() float32
- func TextItalicFont() fyne.Resource
- func TextMonospaceFont() fyne.Resource
- func TextSize() float32
- func TextSubHeadingSize() float32
- func UploadIcon() fyne.Resource
- func ViewFullScreenIcon() fyne.Resource
- func ViewRefreshIcon() fyne.Resource
- func ViewRestoreIcon() fyne.Resource
- func VisibilityIcon() fyne.Resource
- func VisibilityOffIcon() fyne.Resource
- func VolumeDownIcon() fyne.Resource
- func VolumeMuteIcon() fyne.Resource
- func VolumeUpIcon() fyne.Resource
- func WarningColor() color.Colordeprecated
- func WarningIcon() fyne.Resource
- func WindowCloseIcon() fyne.Resource
- func WindowMaximizeIcon() fyne.Resource
- func WindowMinimizeIcon() fyne.Resource
- func ZoomFitIcon() fyne.Resource
- func ZoomInIcon() fyne.Resource
- func ZoomOutIcon() fyne.Resource
- type DisabledResource
- type ErrorThemedResource
- type InvertedThemedResource
- type PrimaryThemedResource
- type ThemedResource
Constants ¶
const ( // ColorRed is the red primary color name. // // Since: 1.4 ColorRed = internaltheme.ColorRed // ColorOrange is the orange primary color name. // // Since: 1.4 ColorOrange = internaltheme.ColorOrange // ColorYellow is the yellow primary color name. // // Since: 1.4 ColorYellow = internaltheme.ColorYellow // ColorGreen is the green primary color name. // // Since: 1.4 ColorGreen = internaltheme.ColorGreen // ColorBlue is the blue primary color name. // // Since: 1.4 ColorBlue = internaltheme.ColorBlue // ColorPurple is the purple primary color name. // // Since: 1.4 ColorPurple = internaltheme.ColorPurple // ColorBrown is the brown primary color name. // // Since: 1.4 ColorBrown = internaltheme.ColorBrown // ColorGray is the gray primary color name. // // Since: 1.4 ColorGray = internaltheme.ColorGray // ColorNameBackground is the name of theme lookup for background color. // // Since: 2.0 ColorNameBackground fyne.ThemeColorName = "background" // ColorNameButton is the name of theme lookup for button color. // // Since: 2.0 ColorNameButton fyne.ThemeColorName = "button" // ColorNameDisabledButton is the name of theme lookup for disabled button color. // // Since: 2.0 ColorNameDisabledButton fyne.ThemeColorName = "disabledButton" // ColorNameDisabled is the name of theme lookup for disabled foreground color. // // Since: 2.0 ColorNameDisabled fyne.ThemeColorName = "disabled" // ColorNameError is the name of theme lookup for error color. // // Since: 2.0 ColorNameError fyne.ThemeColorName = "error" // ColorNameFocus is the name of theme lookup for focus color. // // Since: 2.0 ColorNameFocus fyne.ThemeColorName = "focus" // ColorNameForeground is the name of theme lookup for foreground color. // // Since: 2.0 ColorNameForeground fyne.ThemeColorName = "foreground" // ColorNameForegroundOnError is the name of theme lookup for a contrast color to the error color. // // Since: 2.5 ColorNameForegroundOnError fyne.ThemeColorName = "foregroundOnError" // ColorNameForegroundOnPrimary is the name of theme lookup for a contrast color to the primary color. // // Since: 2.5 ColorNameForegroundOnPrimary fyne.ThemeColorName = "foregroundOnPrimary" // ColorNameForegroundOnSuccess is the name of theme lookup for a contrast color to the success color. // // Since: 2.5 ColorNameForegroundOnSuccess fyne.ThemeColorName = "foregroundOnSuccess" // ColorNameForegroundOnWarning is the name of theme lookup for a contrast color to the warning color. // // Since: 2.5 ColorNameForegroundOnWarning fyne.ThemeColorName = "foregroundOnWarning" // ColorNameHeaderBackground is the name of theme lookup for background color of a collection header. // // Since: 2.4 ColorNameHeaderBackground fyne.ThemeColorName = "headerBackground" // ColorNameHover is the name of theme lookup for hover color. // // Since: 2.0 ColorNameHover fyne.ThemeColorName = "hover" // ColorNameHyperlink is the name of theme lookup for hyperlink color. // // Since: 2.4 ColorNameHyperlink fyne.ThemeColorName = "hyperlink" // ColorNameInputBackground is the name of theme lookup for background color of an input field. // // Since: 2.0 ColorNameInputBackground fyne.ThemeColorName = "inputBackground" // ColorNameInputBorder is the name of theme lookup for border color of an input field. // // Since: 2.3 ColorNameInputBorder fyne.ThemeColorName = "inputBorder" // ColorNameMenuBackground is the name of theme lookup for background color of menus. // // Since: 2.3 ColorNameMenuBackground fyne.ThemeColorName = "menuBackground" // ColorNameOverlayBackground is the name of theme lookup for background color of overlays like dialogs. // // Since: 2.3 ColorNameOverlayBackground fyne.ThemeColorName = "overlayBackground" // ColorNamePlaceHolder is the name of theme lookup for placeholder text color. // // Since: 2.0 ColorNamePlaceHolder fyne.ThemeColorName = "placeholder" // ColorNamePressed is the name of theme lookup for the tap overlay color. // // Since: 2.0 ColorNamePressed fyne.ThemeColorName = "pressed" // ColorNamePrimary is the name of theme lookup for primary color. // // Since: 2.0 ColorNamePrimary fyne.ThemeColorName = "primary" // ColorNameScrollBar is the name of theme lookup for scrollbar color. // // Since: 2.0 ColorNameScrollBar fyne.ThemeColorName = "scrollBar" // ColorNameSelection is the name of theme lookup for selection color. // // Since: 2.1 ColorNameSelection fyne.ThemeColorName = "selection" // ColorNameSeparator is the name of theme lookup for separator bars. // // Since: 2.3 ColorNameSeparator fyne.ThemeColorName = "separator" // ColorNameShadow is the name of theme lookup for shadow color. // // Since: 2.0 ColorNameShadow fyne.ThemeColorName = "shadow" // ColorNameSuccess is the name of theme lookup for success color. // // Since: 2.3 ColorNameSuccess fyne.ThemeColorName = "success" // ColorNameWarning is the name of theme lookup for warning color. // // Since: 2.3 ColorNameWarning fyne.ThemeColorName = "warning" )
Keep in mind to add new constants to the tests at test/theme.go.
const ( // IconNameCancel is the name of theme lookup for cancel icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameCancel fyne.ThemeIconName = "cancel" // IconNameConfirm is the name of theme lookup for confirm icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameConfirm fyne.ThemeIconName = "confirm" // IconNameDelete is the name of theme lookup for delete icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameDelete fyne.ThemeIconName = "delete" // IconNameSearch is the name of theme lookup for search icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameSearch fyne.ThemeIconName = "search" // IconNameSearchReplace is the name of theme lookup for search and replace icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameSearchReplace fyne.ThemeIconName = "searchReplace" // IconNameMenu is the name of theme lookup for menu icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameMenu fyne.ThemeIconName = "menu" // IconNameMenuExpand is the name of theme lookup for menu expansion icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameMenuExpand fyne.ThemeIconName = "menuExpand" // IconNameCheckButton is the name of theme lookup for unchecked check button icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameCheckButton fyne.ThemeIconName = "unchecked" // IconNameCheckButtonChecked is the name of theme lookup for checked check button icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameCheckButtonChecked fyne.ThemeIconName = "checked" // IconNameCheckButtonFill is the name of theme lookup for filled check button icon. // // Since: 2.5 IconNameCheckButtonFill fyne.ThemeIconName = "iconNameCheckButtonFill" // IconNameRadioButton is the name of theme lookup for radio button unchecked icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameRadioButton fyne.ThemeIconName = "radioButton" // IconNameRadioButtonChecked is the name of theme lookup for radio button checked icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameRadioButtonChecked fyne.ThemeIconName = "radioButtonChecked" // IconNameRadioButtonFill is the name of theme lookup for filled radio button icon. // // Since: 2.5 IconNameRadioButtonFill fyne.ThemeIconName = "iconNameRadioButtonFill" // IconNameColorAchromatic is the name of theme lookup for greyscale color icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameColorAchromatic fyne.ThemeIconName = "colorAchromatic" // IconNameColorChromatic is the name of theme lookup for full color icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameColorChromatic fyne.ThemeIconName = "colorChromatic" // IconNameColorPalette is the name of theme lookup for color palette icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameColorPalette fyne.ThemeIconName = "colorPalette" // IconNameContentAdd is the name of theme lookup for content add icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameContentAdd fyne.ThemeIconName = "contentAdd" // IconNameContentRemove is the name of theme lookup for content remove icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameContentRemove fyne.ThemeIconName = "contentRemove" // IconNameContentCut is the name of theme lookup for content cut icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameContentCut fyne.ThemeIconName = "contentCut" // IconNameContentCopy is the name of theme lookup for content copy icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameContentCopy fyne.ThemeIconName = "contentCopy" // IconNameContentPaste is the name of theme lookup for content paste icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameContentPaste fyne.ThemeIconName = "contentPaste" // IconNameContentClear is the name of theme lookup for content clear icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameContentClear fyne.ThemeIconName = "contentClear" // IconNameContentRedo is the name of theme lookup for content redo icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameContentRedo fyne.ThemeIconName = "contentRedo" // IconNameContentUndo is the name of theme lookup for content undo icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameContentUndo fyne.ThemeIconName = "contentUndo" // IconNameInfo is the name of theme lookup for info icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameInfo fyne.ThemeIconName = "info" // IconNameQuestion is the name of theme lookup for question icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameQuestion fyne.ThemeIconName = "question" // IconNameWarning is the name of theme lookup for warning icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameWarning fyne.ThemeIconName = "warning" // IconNameError is the name of theme lookup for error icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameError fyne.ThemeIconName = "error" // IconNameBrokenImage is the name of the theme lookup for broken-image icon. // // Since: 2.4 IconNameBrokenImage fyne.ThemeIconName = "broken-image" // IconNameDocument is the name of theme lookup for document icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameDocument fyne.ThemeIconName = "document" // IconNameDocumentCreate is the name of theme lookup for document create icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameDocumentCreate fyne.ThemeIconName = "documentCreate" // IconNameDocumentPrint is the name of theme lookup for document print icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameDocumentPrint fyne.ThemeIconName = "documentPrint" // IconNameDocumentSave is the name of theme lookup for document save icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameDocumentSave fyne.ThemeIconName = "documentSave" // IconNameDragCornerIndicator is the name of the icon used in inner windows to indicate a draggable corner. // // Since: 2.5 IconNameDragCornerIndicator fyne.ThemeIconName = "dragCornerIndicator" // IconNameMoreHorizontal is the name of theme lookup for horizontal more. // // Since 2.0 IconNameMoreHorizontal fyne.ThemeIconName = "moreHorizontal" // IconNameMoreVertical is the name of theme lookup for vertical more. // // Since 2.0 IconNameMoreVertical fyne.ThemeIconName = "moreVertical" // IconNameMailAttachment is the name of theme lookup for mail attachment icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameMailAttachment fyne.ThemeIconName = "mailAttachment" // IconNameMailCompose is the name of theme lookup for mail compose icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameMailCompose fyne.ThemeIconName = "mailCompose" // IconNameMailForward is the name of theme lookup for mail forward icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameMailForward fyne.ThemeIconName = "mailForward" // IconNameMailReply is the name of theme lookup for mail reply icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameMailReply fyne.ThemeIconName = "mailReply" // IconNameMailReplyAll is the name of theme lookup for mail reply-all icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameMailReplyAll fyne.ThemeIconName = "mailReplyAll" // IconNameMailSend is the name of theme lookup for mail send icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameMailSend fyne.ThemeIconName = "mailSend" // IconNameMediaMusic is the name of theme lookup for media music icon. // // Since: 2.1 IconNameMediaMusic fyne.ThemeIconName = "mediaMusic" // IconNameMediaPhoto is the name of theme lookup for media photo icon. // // Since: 2.1 IconNameMediaPhoto fyne.ThemeIconName = "mediaPhoto" // IconNameMediaVideo is the name of theme lookup for media video icon. // // Since: 2.1 IconNameMediaVideo fyne.ThemeIconName = "mediaVideo" // IconNameMediaFastForward is the name of theme lookup for media fast-forward icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameMediaFastForward fyne.ThemeIconName = "mediaFastForward" // IconNameMediaFastRewind is the name of theme lookup for media fast-rewind icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameMediaFastRewind fyne.ThemeIconName = "mediaFastRewind" // IconNameMediaPause is the name of theme lookup for media pause icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameMediaPause fyne.ThemeIconName = "mediaPause" // IconNameMediaPlay is the name of theme lookup for media play icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameMediaPlay fyne.ThemeIconName = "mediaPlay" // IconNameMediaRecord is the name of theme lookup for media record icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameMediaRecord fyne.ThemeIconName = "mediaRecord" // IconNameMediaReplay is the name of theme lookup for media replay icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameMediaReplay fyne.ThemeIconName = "mediaReplay" // IconNameMediaSkipNext is the name of theme lookup for media skip next icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameMediaSkipNext fyne.ThemeIconName = "mediaSkipNext" // IconNameMediaSkipPrevious is the name of theme lookup for media skip previous icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameMediaSkipPrevious fyne.ThemeIconName = "mediaSkipPrevious" // IconNameMediaStop is the name of theme lookup for media stop icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameMediaStop fyne.ThemeIconName = "mediaStop" // IconNameMoveDown is the name of theme lookup for move down icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameMoveDown fyne.ThemeIconName = "arrowDown" // IconNameMoveUp is the name of theme lookup for move up icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameMoveUp fyne.ThemeIconName = "arrowUp" // // Since: 2.0 IconNameNavigateBack fyne.ThemeIconName = "arrowBack" // // Since: 2.0 IconNameNavigateNext fyne.ThemeIconName = "arrowForward" // IconNameArrowDropDown is the name of theme lookup for drop-down arrow icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameArrowDropDown fyne.ThemeIconName = "arrowDropDown" // IconNameArrowDropUp is the name of theme lookup for drop-up arrow icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameArrowDropUp fyne.ThemeIconName = "arrowDropUp" // IconNameFile is the name of theme lookup for file icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameFile fyne.ThemeIconName = "file" // IconNameFileApplication is the name of theme lookup for file application icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameFileApplication fyne.ThemeIconName = "fileApplication" // IconNameFileAudio is the name of theme lookup for file audio icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameFileAudio fyne.ThemeIconName = "fileAudio" // IconNameFileImage is the name of theme lookup for file image icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameFileImage fyne.ThemeIconName = "fileImage" // IconNameFileText is the name of theme lookup for file text icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameFileText fyne.ThemeIconName = "fileText" // IconNameFileVideo is the name of theme lookup for file video icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameFileVideo fyne.ThemeIconName = "fileVideo" // IconNameFolder is the name of theme lookup for folder icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameFolder fyne.ThemeIconName = "folder" // IconNameFolderNew is the name of theme lookup for folder new icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameFolderNew fyne.ThemeIconName = "folderNew" // IconNameFolderOpen is the name of theme lookup for folder open icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameFolderOpen fyne.ThemeIconName = "folderOpen" // IconNameHelp is the name of theme lookup for help icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameHelp fyne.ThemeIconName = "help" // IconNameHistory is the name of theme lookup for history icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameHistory fyne.ThemeIconName = "history" // IconNameHome is the name of theme lookup for home icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameHome fyne.ThemeIconName = "home" // IconNameSettings is the name of theme lookup for settings icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameSettings fyne.ThemeIconName = "settings" // IconNameStorage is the name of theme lookup for storage icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameStorage fyne.ThemeIconName = "storage" // IconNameUpload is the name of theme lookup for upload icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameUpload fyne.ThemeIconName = "upload" // IconNameViewFullScreen is the name of theme lookup for view fullscreen icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameViewFullScreen fyne.ThemeIconName = "viewFullScreen" // IconNameViewRefresh is the name of theme lookup for view refresh icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameViewRefresh fyne.ThemeIconName = "viewRefresh" // IconNameViewZoomFit is the name of theme lookup for view zoom fit icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameViewZoomFit fyne.ThemeIconName = "viewZoomFit" // IconNameViewZoomIn is the name of theme lookup for view zoom in icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameViewZoomIn fyne.ThemeIconName = "viewZoomIn" // IconNameViewZoomOut is the name of theme lookup for view zoom out icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameViewZoomOut fyne.ThemeIconName = "viewZoomOut" // IconNameViewRestore is the name of theme lookup for view restore icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameViewRestore fyne.ThemeIconName = "viewRestore" // IconNameVisibility is the name of theme lookup for visibility icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameVisibility fyne.ThemeIconName = "visibility" // IconNameVisibilityOff is the name of theme lookup for invisibility icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameVisibilityOff fyne.ThemeIconName = "visibilityOff" // IconNameVolumeDown is the name of theme lookup for volume down icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameVolumeDown fyne.ThemeIconName = "volumeDown" // IconNameVolumeMute is the name of theme lookup for volume mute icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameVolumeMute fyne.ThemeIconName = "volumeMute" // IconNameVolumeUp is the name of theme lookup for volume up icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameVolumeUp fyne.ThemeIconName = "volumeUp" // IconNameDownload is the name of theme lookup for download icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameDownload fyne.ThemeIconName = "download" // IconNameComputer is the name of theme lookup for computer icon. // // Since: 2.0 IconNameComputer fyne.ThemeIconName = "computer" // IconNameDesktop is the name of theme lookup for desktop icon. // // Since: 2.5 IconNameDesktop fyne.ThemeIconName = "desktop" // IconNameAccount is the name of theme lookup for account icon. // // Since: 2.1 IconNameAccount fyne.ThemeIconName = "account" // IconNameLogin is the name of theme lookup for login icon. // // Since: 2.1 IconNameLogin fyne.ThemeIconName = "login" // IconNameLogout is the name of theme lookup for logout icon. // // Since: 2.1 IconNameLogout fyne.ThemeIconName = "logout" // IconNameList is the name of theme lookup for list icon. // // Since: 2.1 IconNameList fyne.ThemeIconName = "list" // IconNameGrid is the name of theme lookup for grid icon. // // Since: 2.1 IconNameGrid fyne.ThemeIconName = "grid" // IconNameWindowClose is the name of theme lookup for window close icon. // // Since: 2.5 IconNameWindowClose fyne.ThemeIconName = "windowClose" // IconNameWindowMaximize is the name of theme lookup for window maximize icon. // // Since: 2.5 IconNameWindowMaximize fyne.ThemeIconName = "windowMaximize" // IconNameWindowMinimize is the name of theme lookup for window minimize icon. // // Since: 2.5 IconNameWindowMinimize fyne.ThemeIconName = "windowMinimize" )
const ( // SizeNameCaptionText is the name of theme lookup for helper text size, normally smaller than regular text size. // // Since: 2.0 SizeNameCaptionText fyne.ThemeSizeName = "helperText" // SizeNameInlineIcon is the name of theme lookup for inline icons size. // // Since: 2.0 SizeNameInlineIcon fyne.ThemeSizeName = "iconInline" // SizeNameInnerPadding is the name of theme lookup for internal widget padding size. // // Since: 2.3 SizeNameInnerPadding fyne.ThemeSizeName = "innerPadding" // SizeNameLineSpacing is the name of theme lookup for between text line spacing. // // Since: 2.3 SizeNameLineSpacing fyne.ThemeSizeName = "lineSpacing" // SizeNamePadding is the name of theme lookup for padding size. // // Since: 2.0 SizeNamePadding fyne.ThemeSizeName = "padding" // SizeNameScrollBar is the name of theme lookup for the scrollbar size. // // Since: 2.0 SizeNameScrollBar fyne.ThemeSizeName = "scrollBar" // SizeNameScrollBarSmall is the name of theme lookup for the shrunk scrollbar size. // // Since: 2.0 SizeNameScrollBarSmall fyne.ThemeSizeName = "scrollBarSmall" // SizeNameSeparatorThickness is the name of theme lookup for the thickness of a separator. // // Since: 2.0 SizeNameSeparatorThickness fyne.ThemeSizeName = "separator" // SizeNameText is the name of theme lookup for text size. // // Since: 2.0 SizeNameText fyne.ThemeSizeName = "text" // SizeNameHeadingText is the name of theme lookup for text size of a heading. // // Since: 2.1 SizeNameHeadingText fyne.ThemeSizeName = "headingText" // SizeNameSubHeadingText is the name of theme lookup for text size of a sub-heading. // // Since: 2.1 SizeNameSubHeadingText fyne.ThemeSizeName = "subHeadingText" // SizeNameInputBorder is the name of theme lookup for input border size. // // Since: 2.0 SizeNameInputBorder fyne.ThemeSizeName = "inputBorder" // SizeNameInputRadius is the name of theme lookup for input corner radius. // // Since: 2.4 SizeNameInputRadius fyne.ThemeSizeName = "inputRadius" // SizeNameSelectionRadius is the name of theme lookup for selection corner radius. // // Since: 2.4 SizeNameSelectionRadius fyne.ThemeSizeName = "selectionRadius" // SizeNameScrollBarRadius is the name of theme lookup for the scroll bar corner radius. // // Since: 2.5 SizeNameScrollBarRadius = "scrollBarRadius" )
const ( // VariantDark is the version of a theme that satisfies a user preference for a dark look. // // Since: 2.0 VariantDark = internaltheme.VariantDark // VariantLight is the version of a theme that satisfies a user preference for a light look. // // Since: 2.0 VariantLight = internaltheme.VariantLight )
Keep in mind to add new constants to the tests at test/theme.go.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func AccountIcon ¶ added in v2.1.0
func AccountIcon() fyne.Resource
AccountIcon returns a resource containing the standard account icon for the current theme
func BackgroundColor
func BrokenImageIcon ¶ added in v2.4.0
func BrokenImageIcon() fyne.Resource
BrokenImageIcon returns a resource containing an icon to specify a broken or missing image
Since: 2.4
func ButtonColor
func CancelIcon ¶
func CancelIcon() fyne.Resource
CancelIcon returns a resource containing the standard cancel icon for the current theme
func CaptionTextSize ¶
func CaptionTextSize() float32
CaptionTextSize returns the size for caption text.
func CheckButtonCheckedIcon ¶
func CheckButtonCheckedIcon() fyne.Resource
CheckButtonCheckedIcon returns a resource containing the standard checkbox checked icon for the current theme
func CheckButtonFillIcon ¶ added in v2.5.0
func CheckButtonFillIcon() fyne.Resource
CheckButtonFillIcon returns a resource containing the filled checkbox icon for the current theme.
Since: 2.5
func CheckButtonIcon ¶
func CheckButtonIcon() fyne.Resource
CheckButtonIcon returns a resource containing the standard checkbox icon for the current theme
func Color ¶ added in v2.5.0
Color looks up the named colour for current theme and variant.
Since: 2.5
func ColorAchromaticIcon ¶
func ColorAchromaticIcon() fyne.Resource
ColorAchromaticIcon returns a resource containing the standard achromatic color icon for the current theme
func ColorChromaticIcon ¶
func ColorChromaticIcon() fyne.Resource
ColorChromaticIcon returns a resource containing the standard chromatic color icon for the current theme
func ColorForWidget ¶ added in v2.5.0
ColorForWidget looks up the named colour for the requested widget using the current theme and variant. If the widget theme has been overridden that theme will be used.
Since: 2.5
func ColorPaletteIcon ¶
func ColorPaletteIcon() fyne.Resource
ColorPaletteIcon returns a resource containing the standard color palette icon for the current theme
func ComputerIcon ¶
func ComputerIcon() fyne.Resource
ComputerIcon returns a resource containing the standard computer icon for the current theme
func ConfirmIcon ¶
func ConfirmIcon() fyne.Resource
ConfirmIcon returns a resource containing the standard confirm icon for the current theme
func ContentAddIcon ¶
func ContentAddIcon() fyne.Resource
ContentAddIcon returns a resource containing the standard content add icon for the current theme
func ContentClearIcon ¶
func ContentClearIcon() fyne.Resource
ContentClearIcon returns a resource containing the standard content clear icon for the current theme
func ContentCopyIcon ¶
func ContentCopyIcon() fyne.Resource
ContentCopyIcon returns a resource containing the standard content copy icon for the current theme
func ContentCutIcon ¶
func ContentCutIcon() fyne.Resource
ContentCutIcon returns a resource containing the standard content cut icon for the current theme
func ContentPasteIcon ¶
func ContentPasteIcon() fyne.Resource
ContentPasteIcon returns a resource containing the standard content paste icon for the current theme
func ContentRedoIcon ¶
func ContentRedoIcon() fyne.Resource
ContentRedoIcon returns a resource containing the standard content redo icon for the current theme
func ContentRemoveIcon ¶
func ContentRemoveIcon() fyne.Resource
ContentRemoveIcon returns a resource containing the standard content remove icon for the current theme
func ContentUndoIcon ¶
func ContentUndoIcon() fyne.Resource
ContentUndoIcon returns a resource containing the standard content undo icon for the current theme
func Current ¶ added in v2.5.0
func Current() fyne.Theme
Current returns the theme that is currently used for the running application. It looks up based on user preferences and application configuration.
Since: 2.5
func CurrentForWidget ¶ added in v2.5.0
func CurrentForWidget(w fyne.CanvasObject) fyne.Theme
CurrentForWidget returns the theme that is currently used for the specified widget. It looks for widget overrides and falls back to the application's current theme.
Since: 2.5
func DarkTheme
func DarkTheme() fyne.Theme
DarkTheme defines the built-in dark theme colors and sizes.
Deprecated: This method ignores user preference and should not be used, it will be removed in v3.0. If developers want to ignore user preference for theme variant they can set a custom theme.
func DefaultEmojiFont ¶ added in v2.4.0
func DefaultEmojiFont() fyne.Resource
DefaultEmojiFont returns the font resource for the built-in emoji font. This may return nil if the application was packaged without an emoji font.
Since: 2.4
func DefaultSymbolFont ¶ added in v2.2.0
func DefaultSymbolFont() fyne.Resource
DefaultSymbolFont returns the font resource for the built-in symbol font.
Since: 2.2
func DefaultTextBoldFont ¶
func DefaultTextBoldFont() fyne.Resource
DefaultTextBoldFont returns the font resource for the built-in bold font style.
func DefaultTextBoldItalicFont ¶
func DefaultTextBoldItalicFont() fyne.Resource
DefaultTextBoldItalicFont returns the font resource for the built-in bold and italic font style.
func DefaultTextFont ¶
func DefaultTextFont() fyne.Resource
DefaultTextFont returns the font resource for the built-in regular font style.
func DefaultTextItalicFont ¶
func DefaultTextItalicFont() fyne.Resource
DefaultTextItalicFont returns the font resource for the built-in italic font style.
func DefaultTextMonospaceFont ¶
func DefaultTextMonospaceFont() fyne.Resource
DefaultTextMonospaceFont returns the font resource for the built-in monospace font face.
func DefaultTheme ¶
func DefaultTheme() fyne.Theme
DefaultTheme returns a built-in theme that can adapt to the user preference of light or dark colors.
Since: 2.0
func DeleteIcon ¶
func DeleteIcon() fyne.Resource
DeleteIcon returns a resource containing the standard delete icon for the current theme
func DesktopIcon ¶ added in v2.5.0
func DesktopIcon() fyne.Resource
DesktopIcon returns a resource containing the standard desktop icon for the current theme
func DisabledButtonColor
func DisabledColor
func DisabledTextColor
func DocumentCreateIcon ¶
func DocumentCreateIcon() fyne.Resource
DocumentCreateIcon returns a resource containing the standard document create icon for the current theme
func DocumentIcon ¶
func DocumentIcon() fyne.Resource
DocumentIcon returns a resource containing the standard document icon for the current theme
func DocumentPrintIcon ¶
func DocumentPrintIcon() fyne.Resource
DocumentPrintIcon returns a resource containing the standard document print icon for the current theme
func DocumentSaveIcon ¶
func DocumentSaveIcon() fyne.Resource
DocumentSaveIcon returns a resource containing the standard document save icon for the current theme
func DownloadIcon ¶
func DownloadIcon() fyne.Resource
DownloadIcon returns a resource containing the standard download icon for the current theme
func ErrorColor
func ErrorIcon ¶
func ErrorIcon() fyne.Resource
ErrorIcon returns a resource containing the standard dialog error icon for the current theme
func FileApplicationIcon ¶
func FileApplicationIcon() fyne.Resource
FileApplicationIcon returns a resource containing the file icon representing application files for the current theme
func FileAudioIcon ¶
func FileAudioIcon() fyne.Resource
FileAudioIcon returns a resource containing the file icon representing audio files for the current theme
func FileIcon ¶
func FileIcon() fyne.Resource
FileIcon returns a resource containing the appropriate file icon for the current theme
func FileImageIcon ¶
func FileImageIcon() fyne.Resource
FileImageIcon returns a resource containing the file icon representing image files for the current theme
func FileTextIcon ¶
func FileTextIcon() fyne.Resource
FileTextIcon returns a resource containing the file icon representing text files for the current theme
func FileVideoIcon ¶
func FileVideoIcon() fyne.Resource
FileVideoIcon returns a resource containing the file icon representing video files for the current theme
func FocusColor
func FolderIcon ¶
func FolderIcon() fyne.Resource
FolderIcon returns a resource containing the standard folder icon for the current theme
func FolderNewIcon ¶
func FolderNewIcon() fyne.Resource
FolderNewIcon returns a resource containing the standard folder creation icon for the current theme
func FolderOpenIcon ¶
func FolderOpenIcon() fyne.Resource
FolderOpenIcon returns a resource containing the standard folder open icon for the current theme
func Font ¶ added in v2.5.0
func Font(style fyne.TextStyle) fyne.Resource
Font looks up the font for current theme and text style.
Since: 2.5
func ForegroundColor
func FromJSON ¶ added in v2.2.0
FromJSON returns a Theme created from the given JSON metadata. Any values not present in the data will fall back to the default theme. If a parse error occurs it will be returned along with a default theme.
Since: 2.2
func FromJSONReader ¶ added in v2.2.0
FromJSONReader returns a Theme created from the given JSON metadata through the reader. Any values not present in the data will fall back to the default theme. If a parse error occurs it will be returned along with a default theme.
Since: 2.2
func FromLegacy ¶
func FromLegacy(t fyne.LegacyTheme) fyne.Theme
FromLegacy returns a 2.0 Theme created from the given LegacyTheme data. This is a transition path and will be removed in the future (probably version 3.0).
Since: 2.0
func FyneLogo
func FyneLogo() fyne.Resource
FyneLogo returns a resource containing the Fyne logo.
Deprecated: Applications should use their own icon in most cases.
func GridIcon ¶ added in v2.1.0
func GridIcon() fyne.Resource
GridIcon returns a resource containing the standard grid icon for the current theme
func HeaderBackgroundColor
added in
func HelpIcon ¶
func HelpIcon() fyne.Resource
HelpIcon returns a resource containing the standard help icon for the current theme
func HistoryIcon ¶
func HistoryIcon() fyne.Resource
HistoryIcon returns a resource containing the standard history icon for the current theme
func HomeIcon ¶
func HomeIcon() fyne.Resource
HomeIcon returns a resource containing the standard home folder icon for the current theme
func HoverColor
func HyperlinkColor
added in
func Icon ¶ added in v2.5.0
func Icon(name fyne.ThemeIconName) fyne.Resource
Icon looks up the specified icon for current theme.
Since: 2.5
func IconForWidget ¶ added in v2.5.0
func IconForWidget(name fyne.ThemeIconName, w fyne.Widget) fyne.Resource
IconForWidget looks up the specified icon for requested widget using the current theme. If the widget theme has been overridden that theme will be used.
Since: 2.5
func IconInlineSize ¶
func IconInlineSize() float32
IconInlineSize is the standard size of icons which appear within buttons, labels etc.
func InfoIcon ¶
func InfoIcon() fyne.Resource
InfoIcon returns a resource containing the standard dialog info icon for the current theme
func InnerPadding ¶ added in v2.3.0
func InnerPadding() float32
InnerPadding is the standard gap between element content and the outside edge of a widget.
Since: 2.3
func InputBackgroundColor
func InputBorderColor
added in
func InputBorderSize ¶
func InputBorderSize() float32
InputBorderSize returns the input border size (or underline size for an entry).
Since: 2.0
func InputRadiusSize ¶ added in v2.4.0
func InputRadiusSize() float32
InputRadiusSize returns the input radius size.
Since: 2.4
func LightTheme
func LightTheme() fyne.Theme
LightTheme defines the built-in light theme colors and sizes.
Deprecated: This method ignores user preference and should not be used, it will be removed in v3.0. If developers want to ignore user preference for theme variant they can set a custom theme.
func LineSpacing ¶ added in v2.3.0
func LineSpacing() float32
LineSpacing is the default gap between multiple lines of text.
Since: 2.3
func ListIcon ¶ added in v2.1.0
func ListIcon() fyne.Resource
ListIcon returns a resource containing the standard list icon for the current theme
func LoginIcon ¶ added in v2.1.0
func LoginIcon() fyne.Resource
LoginIcon returns a resource containing the standard login icon for the current theme
func LogoutIcon ¶ added in v2.1.0
func LogoutIcon() fyne.Resource
LogoutIcon returns a resource containing the standard logout icon for the current theme
func MailAttachmentIcon ¶
func MailAttachmentIcon() fyne.Resource
MailAttachmentIcon returns a resource containing the standard mail attachment icon for the current theme
func MailComposeIcon ¶
func MailComposeIcon() fyne.Resource
MailComposeIcon returns a resource containing the standard mail compose icon for the current theme
func MailForwardIcon ¶
func MailForwardIcon() fyne.Resource
MailForwardIcon returns a resource containing the standard mail forward icon for the current theme
func MailReplyAllIcon ¶
func MailReplyAllIcon() fyne.Resource
MailReplyAllIcon returns a resource containing the standard mail reply all icon for the current theme
func MailReplyIcon ¶
func MailReplyIcon() fyne.Resource
MailReplyIcon returns a resource containing the standard mail reply icon for the current theme
func MailSendIcon ¶
func MailSendIcon() fyne.Resource
MailSendIcon returns a resource containing the standard mail send icon for the current theme
func MediaFastForwardIcon ¶
func MediaFastForwardIcon() fyne.Resource
MediaFastForwardIcon returns a resource containing the standard media fast-forward icon for the current theme
func MediaFastRewindIcon ¶
func MediaFastRewindIcon() fyne.Resource
MediaFastRewindIcon returns a resource containing the standard media fast-rewind icon for the current theme
func MediaMusicIcon ¶ added in v2.1.0
func MediaMusicIcon() fyne.Resource
MediaMusicIcon returns a resource containing the standard media music icon for the current theme
Since: 2.1
func MediaPauseIcon ¶
func MediaPauseIcon() fyne.Resource
MediaPauseIcon returns a resource containing the standard media pause icon for the current theme
func MediaPhotoIcon ¶ added in v2.1.0
func MediaPhotoIcon() fyne.Resource
MediaPhotoIcon returns a resource containing the standard media photo icon for the current theme
Since: 2.1
func MediaPlayIcon ¶
func MediaPlayIcon() fyne.Resource
MediaPlayIcon returns a resource containing the standard media play icon for the current theme
func MediaRecordIcon ¶
func MediaRecordIcon() fyne.Resource
MediaRecordIcon returns a resource containing the standard media record icon for the current theme
func MediaReplayIcon ¶
func MediaReplayIcon() fyne.Resource
MediaReplayIcon returns a resource containing the standard media replay icon for the current theme
func MediaSkipNextIcon ¶
func MediaSkipNextIcon() fyne.Resource
MediaSkipNextIcon returns a resource containing the standard media skip next icon for the current theme
func MediaSkipPreviousIcon ¶
func MediaSkipPreviousIcon() fyne.Resource
MediaSkipPreviousIcon returns a resource containing the standard media skip previous icon for the current theme
func MediaStopIcon ¶
func MediaStopIcon() fyne.Resource
MediaStopIcon returns a resource containing the standard media stop icon for the current theme
func MediaVideoIcon ¶ added in v2.1.0
func MediaVideoIcon() fyne.Resource
MediaVideoIcon returns a resource containing the standard media video icon for the current theme
Since: 2.1
func MenuBackgroundColor
added in
func MenuDropDownIcon ¶
func MenuDropDownIcon() fyne.Resource
MenuDropDownIcon returns a resource containing the standard menu drop down icon for the current theme
func MenuDropUpIcon ¶
func MenuDropUpIcon() fyne.Resource
MenuDropUpIcon returns a resource containing the standard menu drop up icon for the current theme
func MenuExpandIcon ¶
func MenuExpandIcon() fyne.Resource
MenuExpandIcon returns a resource containing the standard (mobile) expand "submenu icon for the current theme
func MenuIcon ¶
func MenuIcon() fyne.Resource
MenuIcon returns a resource containing the standard (mobile) menu icon for the current theme
func MoreHorizontalIcon ¶ added in v2.1.0
func MoreHorizontalIcon() fyne.Resource
MoreHorizontalIcon returns a resource containing the standard horizontal more icon for the current theme
func MoreVerticalIcon ¶ added in v2.1.0
func MoreVerticalIcon() fyne.Resource
MoreVerticalIcon returns a resource containing the standard vertical more icon for the current theme
func MoveDownIcon ¶
func MoveDownIcon() fyne.Resource
MoveDownIcon returns a resource containing the standard down arrow icon for the current theme
func MoveUpIcon ¶
func MoveUpIcon() fyne.Resource
MoveUpIcon returns a resource containing the standard up arrow icon for the current theme
func NavigateBackIcon ¶
func NavigateBackIcon() fyne.Resource
NavigateBackIcon returns a resource containing the standard backward navigation icon for the current theme
func NavigateNextIcon ¶
func NavigateNextIcon() fyne.Resource
NavigateNextIcon returns a resource containing the standard forward navigation icon for the current theme
func OverlayBackgroundColor
added in
func Padding ¶
func Padding() float32
Padding is the standard gap between elements and the border around interface elements.
func PlaceHolderColor
func PressedColor
func PrimaryColor
func PrimaryColorNamed
func PrimaryColorNames ¶
func PrimaryColorNames() []string
PrimaryColorNames returns a list of the standard primary color options.
Since: 1.4
func QuestionIcon ¶
func QuestionIcon() fyne.Resource
QuestionIcon returns a resource containing the standard dialog question icon for the current theme
func RadioButtonCheckedIcon ¶
func RadioButtonCheckedIcon() fyne.Resource
RadioButtonCheckedIcon returns a resource containing the standard radio button checked icon for the current theme
func RadioButtonFillIcon ¶ added in v2.5.0
func RadioButtonFillIcon() fyne.Resource
RadioButtonFillIcon returns a resource containing the filled checkbox icon for the current theme.
Since: 2.5
func RadioButtonIcon ¶
func RadioButtonIcon() fyne.Resource
RadioButtonIcon returns a resource containing the standard radio button icon for the current theme
func ScrollBarColor
func ScrollBarSize ¶
func ScrollBarSize() float32
ScrollBarSize is the width (or height) of the bars on a ScrollContainer.
func ScrollBarSmallSize ¶
func ScrollBarSmallSize() float32
ScrollBarSmallSize is the width (or height) of the minimized bars on a ScrollContainer.
func SearchIcon ¶
func SearchIcon() fyne.Resource
SearchIcon returns a resource containing the standard search icon for the current theme
func SearchReplaceIcon ¶
func SearchReplaceIcon() fyne.Resource
SearchReplaceIcon returns a resource containing the standard search and replace icon for the current theme
func SelectionColor
added in
func SelectionRadiusSize ¶ added in v2.4.0
func SelectionRadiusSize() float32
SelectionRadiusSize returns the selection highlight radius size.
Since: 2.4
func SeparatorColor
added in
func SeparatorThicknessSize ¶
func SeparatorThicknessSize() float32
SeparatorThicknessSize is the standard thickness of the separator widget.
Since: 2.0
func SettingsIcon ¶
func SettingsIcon() fyne.Resource
SettingsIcon returns a resource containing the standard settings icon for the current theme
func ShadowColor
func Size ¶ added in v2.5.0
func Size(name fyne.ThemeSizeName) float32
Size looks up the specified size for current theme.
Since: 2.5
func SizeForWidget ¶ added in v2.5.0
func SizeForWidget(name fyne.ThemeSizeName, w fyne.Widget) float32
SizeForWidget looks up the specified size for the requested widget using the current theme. If the widget theme has been overridden that theme will be used.
Since: 2.5
func StorageIcon ¶
func StorageIcon() fyne.Resource
StorageIcon returns a resource containing the standard storage icon for the current theme
func SuccessColor
added in
func SymbolFont ¶ added in v2.4.0
func SymbolFont() fyne.Resource
SymbolFont returns the font resource for the symbol font style.
Since: 2.4
func TextBoldFont ¶
func TextBoldFont() fyne.Resource
TextBoldFont returns the font resource for the bold font style.
func TextBoldItalicFont ¶
func TextBoldItalicFont() fyne.Resource
TextBoldItalicFont returns the font resource for the bold and italic font style.
func TextFont ¶
func TextFont() fyne.Resource
TextFont returns the font resource for the regular font style.
func TextHeadingSize ¶ added in v2.1.0
func TextHeadingSize() float32
TextHeadingSize returns the text size for header text.
Since: 2.1
func TextItalicFont ¶
func TextItalicFont() fyne.Resource
TextItalicFont returns the font resource for the italic font style.
func TextMonospaceFont ¶
func TextMonospaceFont() fyne.Resource
TextMonospaceFont returns the font resource for the monospace font face.
func TextSubHeadingSize ¶ added in v2.1.0
func TextSubHeadingSize() float32
TextSubHeadingSize returns the text size for sub-header text.
Since: 2.1
func UploadIcon ¶
func UploadIcon() fyne.Resource
UploadIcon returns a resource containing the standard upload icon for the current theme
func ViewFullScreenIcon ¶
func ViewFullScreenIcon() fyne.Resource
ViewFullScreenIcon returns a resource containing the standard fullscreen icon for the current theme
func ViewRefreshIcon ¶
func ViewRefreshIcon() fyne.Resource
ViewRefreshIcon returns a resource containing the standard refresh icon for the current theme
func ViewRestoreIcon ¶
func ViewRestoreIcon() fyne.Resource
ViewRestoreIcon returns a resource containing the standard exit fullscreen icon for the current theme
func VisibilityIcon ¶
func VisibilityIcon() fyne.Resource
VisibilityIcon returns a resource containing the standard visibility icon for the current theme
func VisibilityOffIcon ¶
func VisibilityOffIcon() fyne.Resource
VisibilityOffIcon returns a resource containing the standard visibility off icon for the current theme
func VolumeDownIcon ¶
func VolumeDownIcon() fyne.Resource
VolumeDownIcon returns a resource containing the standard volume down icon for the current theme
func VolumeMuteIcon ¶
func VolumeMuteIcon() fyne.Resource
VolumeMuteIcon returns a resource containing the standard volume mute icon for the current theme
func VolumeUpIcon ¶
func VolumeUpIcon() fyne.Resource
VolumeUpIcon returns a resource containing the standard volume up icon for the current theme
func WarningColor
added in
func WarningIcon ¶
func WarningIcon() fyne.Resource
WarningIcon returns a resource containing the standard dialog warning icon for the current theme
func WindowCloseIcon ¶ added in v2.5.0
func WindowCloseIcon() fyne.Resource
WindowCloseIcon returns a resource containing the window close icon for the current theme
Since: 2.5
func WindowMaximizeIcon ¶ added in v2.5.0
func WindowMaximizeIcon() fyne.Resource
WindowMaximizeIcon returns a resource containing the window maximize icon for the current theme
Since: 2.5
func WindowMinimizeIcon ¶ added in v2.5.0
func WindowMinimizeIcon() fyne.Resource
WindowMinimizeIcon returns a resource containing the window minimize icon for the current theme
Since: 2.5
func ZoomFitIcon ¶
func ZoomFitIcon() fyne.Resource
ZoomFitIcon returns a resource containing the standard zoom fit icon for the current theme
func ZoomInIcon ¶
func ZoomInIcon() fyne.Resource
ZoomInIcon returns a resource containing the standard zoom in icon for the current theme
func ZoomOutIcon ¶
func ZoomOutIcon() fyne.Resource
ZoomOutIcon returns a resource containing the standard zoom out icon for the current theme
Types ¶
type DisabledResource ¶
type DisabledResource struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DisabledResource is a resource wrapper that will return an appropriate resource colorized by the current theme's `DisabledColor` color.
func NewDisabledResource ¶
func NewDisabledResource(res fyne.Resource) *DisabledResource
NewDisabledResource creates a resource that adapts to the current theme's DisabledColor setting.
func (*DisabledResource) Content ¶
func (res *DisabledResource) Content() []byte
Content returns the disabled style content of the correct resource for the current theme
func (*DisabledResource) Name ¶
func (res *DisabledResource) Name() string
Name returns the resource source name prefixed with `disabled_` (used for caching)
type ErrorThemedResource ¶
type ErrorThemedResource struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ErrorThemedResource is a resource wrapper that will return a version of the resource with the main color changed to indicate an error.
func NewErrorThemedResource ¶
func NewErrorThemedResource(orig fyne.Resource) *ErrorThemedResource
NewErrorThemedResource creates a resource that adapts to the error color for the current theme.
func (*ErrorThemedResource) Content ¶
func (res *ErrorThemedResource) Content() []byte
Content returns the underlying content of the resource adapted to the current background color.
func (*ErrorThemedResource) Name ¶
func (res *ErrorThemedResource) Name() string
Name returns the underlying resource name (used for caching).
func (*ErrorThemedResource) Original ¶
func (res *ErrorThemedResource) Original() fyne.Resource
Original returns the underlying resource that this error themed resource was adapted from
type InvertedThemedResource ¶
type InvertedThemedResource struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
InvertedThemedResource is a resource wrapper that will return a version of the resource with the main color changed for use over highlighted elements.
func NewInvertedThemedResource ¶
func NewInvertedThemedResource(orig fyne.Resource) *InvertedThemedResource
NewInvertedThemedResource creates a resource that adapts to the current theme for use over highlighted elements.
func (*InvertedThemedResource) Content ¶
func (res *InvertedThemedResource) Content() []byte
Content returns the underlying content of the resource adapted to the current background color.
func (*InvertedThemedResource) Name ¶
func (res *InvertedThemedResource) Name() string
Name returns the underlying resource name (used for caching).
func (*InvertedThemedResource) Original ¶
func (res *InvertedThemedResource) Original() fyne.Resource
Original returns the underlying resource that this inverted themed resource was adapted from
func (*InvertedThemedResource) ThemeColorName ¶ added in v2.5.0
func (res *InvertedThemedResource) ThemeColorName() fyne.ThemeColorName
ThemeColorName returns the fyne.ThemeColorName that is used as foreground color. @implements fyne.ThemedResource
type PrimaryThemedResource ¶
type PrimaryThemedResource struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PrimaryThemedResource is a resource wrapper that will return a version of the resource with the main color changed to the theme primary color.
func NewPrimaryThemedResource ¶
func NewPrimaryThemedResource(orig fyne.Resource) *PrimaryThemedResource
NewPrimaryThemedResource creates a resource that adapts to the primary color for the current theme.
func (*PrimaryThemedResource) Content ¶
func (res *PrimaryThemedResource) Content() []byte
Content returns the underlying content of the resource adapted to the current background color.
func (*PrimaryThemedResource) Name ¶
func (res *PrimaryThemedResource) Name() string
Name returns the underlying resource name (used for caching).
func (*PrimaryThemedResource) Original ¶
func (res *PrimaryThemedResource) Original() fyne.Resource
Original returns the underlying resource that this primary themed resource was adapted from
type ThemedResource ¶
type ThemedResource struct { // ColorName specifies which theme colour should be used to theme the resource // // Since: 2.3 ColorName fyne.ThemeColorName // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ThemedResource is a resource wrapper that will return a version of the resource with the main color changed for the currently selected theme.
func NewColoredResource ¶ added in v2.4.0
func NewColoredResource(src fyne.Resource, name fyne.ThemeColorName) *ThemedResource
NewColoredResource creates a resource that adapts to the current theme setting using the color named in the constructor.
Since: 2.4
func NewSuccessThemedResource ¶ added in v2.4.0
func NewSuccessThemedResource(src fyne.Resource) *ThemedResource
NewSuccessThemedResource creates a resource that adapts to the current theme success color.
Since: 2.4
func NewThemedResource ¶
func NewThemedResource(src fyne.Resource) *ThemedResource
NewThemedResource creates a resource that adapts to the current theme setting. By default, this will match the foreground color, but it can be changed using the `ColorName` field.
func NewWarningThemedResource ¶ added in v2.4.0
func NewWarningThemedResource(src fyne.Resource) *ThemedResource
NewWarningThemedResource creates a resource that adapts to the current theme warning color.
Since: 2.4
func (*ThemedResource) Content ¶
func (res *ThemedResource) Content() []byte
Content returns the underlying content of the resource adapted to the current text color.
func (*ThemedResource) Error ¶
func (res *ThemedResource) Error() *ErrorThemedResource
Error returns a different resource for indicating an error.
func (*ThemedResource) Name ¶
func (res *ThemedResource) Name() string
Name returns the underlying resource name (used for caching).
func (*ThemedResource) ThemeColorName ¶ added in v2.5.0
func (res *ThemedResource) ThemeColorName() fyne.ThemeColorName
ThemeColorName returns the fyne.ThemeColorName that is used as foreground color. @implements fyne.ThemedResource