pmesh is an all-in-one service manager, reverse proxy, and enterprise service bus. It is designed to be a simple and powerful all-in-one replacement for a wide variety of tools commonly deployed in web services. It is currently in alpha and under active development.
The main objective of pmesh is to provide feature parity with all of the following tools, while being simpler and more powerful, with a single binary and a single configuration file:
Reverse proxies (nginx, traefik, haproxy, ...): pmesh can act as a reverse proxy for your services, providing SSL termination, routing, rate-limiting, load balancing and more at very high speeds (200k+ req/s on a 12-core server). It also provides many additional features such as automatic GeoIP identification, automatic TLS certificate issuance, builtin URL signing, publishing webhooks as messages across the bus, and more.
Service managers (systemd, pm2, ...): pmesh can manage your services, automatically restarting them if they crash, scaling them up and down based on load, and providing a simple and powerful API for managing and observing them, rolling updates, checking health, and more. It can also seamlessly hot-swap services with zero downtime and features builtin support for npm, pnpm, yarn, go, flask, and many other languages and frameworks enabling single-line configuration of services, allowing you to focus on writing code, not managing services.
Service discovery (consul, etcd, ...): pmesh can automatically discover and register your services, and route traffic to them based on their health and other factors. It can also automatically configure your services to talk to each other, providing simple APIs such as Lambda functions.
ESB/Message Queues (RabbitMQ, Kafka, ...): pmesh can provide a simple and powerful message bus for your services to communicate with each other, including pub/sub, request/reply, and more. It embeds a fork of the server, which is designed for high performance and low latency, with additional features such as automatic setup of clusters and superclusters, node discovery, and more.
KV and Object Storage: With the embedded JetStream server, pmesh can provide a simple and powerful key-value store and object storage for your services, including automatic replication, sharding, and many other features.
Topology management: pmesh instances can be spread across multiple machines, automatically discovering each other and forming a cluster, optimizing routes based on region detection, all with a simple pmesh join pmtp://...
command. No impossible to maintain configuration of servers, no manual assignment of routes and regions, no need to restart any service. Automatically manage /etc/hosts
, transparently issue TLS certificates, and authenticate mutually with client-certificates.
Distributed logging: pmesh can capture logs from your services and provides a simple and powerful API for querying and observing them, including tailing logs, searching logs, and more, across all your services, all your machines, and all your sessions. It will also assign a unique ID to each request that can be used to precisely identify the logs associated with a request.
The unzip package is required to install pmesh. Use sudo apt install unzip
to install unzip package.
curl -fsSL | bash
# to install a specific version
curl -fsSL | bash -s "v0.1.5"
Building from source
Make sure you have the latest version of Go installed and run:
go install
pmesh [command]
raytrace Find logs by ray ID
tail Tail logs
reload Reloads the manifest, restarts all services
shutdown Shuts down the pmesh node
ls List services
rebuild Invalidates build cache and restarts service
restart Restart service
stop Stops service
view Show service details
get Get the pmesh node configuration
get-seed Get the seed URL
set Set the pmesh node configuration
setup Run the setup utility
go Start the pmesh node with a manifest file
preview Previews the rendered manifest
Additional Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
-B, --bind string Bind address for public connections (default "")
-C, --cwd string Sets the working directory before running the command
-D, --dumb Disable interactive prompts and complex ui
-E, --env string Environment name, used for running multiple instances of pmesh
-h, --help help for pmesh
-H, --http int Listen port for public HTTP (default 80)
-S, --https int Listen port for public HTTPS (default 443)
--internal-port int Internal port (default 8443)
-L, --local-bind string Bind address for local connections (default "")
--subnet-dialer string Dialer subnet (default "")
--subnet-service string Service subnet (default "")
-R, --url string Specifies the node URL for the command if relevant
-V, --verbose Enable verbose logging
Use "pmesh [command] --help" for more information about a command.