P2Pool Consensus
This repository contains a consensus-compatible reimplementation of a P2Pool server instance for Monero P2Pool decentralized pool and experimental stratum support.
You may be looking for P2Pool Consensus or P2Pool Observer instead.
This project is provided for everyone to use, for free, as a hobby project. Any support is appreciated.
Donate to support this project, its development, and running the Observer Instances on 4AeEwC2Uik2Zv4uooAUWjQb2ZvcLDBmLXN4rzSn3wjBoY8EKfNkSUqeg5PxcnWTwB1b2V39PDwU9gaNE5SnxSQPYQyoQtr7
You can also use the OpenAlias
directly on the GUI.
You can run or build go-p2pool via Golang to create native binaries for your system.
See the Dependencies section below if you want to use the tevador/RandomX library. If you do so, remove all CGO_ENABLED=0
from your commands and add -tags enable_randomx_library
to go commands.
Use -tags packedaddress_base58
for outputting Base58 version of the PackedAddress whenever it's shown on JSON (and parsing it as well). Note this won't be compatible with programs which expect the hex format.
# Directly run go-p2pool
CGO_ENABLED=0 go run[email protected] -help
# Install go-p2pool
CGO_ENABLED=0 go install[email protected]
go-p2pool -help
# Compile from this repository
git clone --depth 1 --branch v4.0.5
cd go-p2pool
CGO_ENABLED=0 go install .
go-p2pool -help
# Alternatively you can use go build to specify an output path
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -trimpath -v -pgo=auto -o /usr/bin/go-p2pool .
# If tags are desired
# CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -tags packedaddress_base58 -trimpath -v -pgo=auto -o /usr/bin/go-p2pool .
go-p2pool -help
Arguments are similar to SChernykh/p2pool, with some differences and additions.
You can use either -[arg] or --[arg]
Adds itself to the peer list regularly, based on found local interfaces for IPv4/IPv6
-addpeers string
Comma-separated list of IP:port of other p2pool nodes to connect to
-api-bind string
Bind to this address to serve blocks, and other utility methods. If -archive is specified, serve archived blocks.
-archive string
If specified, create an archive store of sidechain blocks on this path.
-block-cache string
Block cache for faster startups. Set to empty to disable (default "p2pool.cache")
-consensus-config string
Name of the p2pool consensus config file
Log more details. Default false
-debug-listen string
Provide a bind address and port to expose a pprof HTTP API on it.
-host string
IP address of your Monero node (default "")
-in-peers uint
Maximum number of incoming connections for p2p server (any value between 10 and 450) (default 10)
Use only IPv6. Default false
Don't allocate RandomX dataset, saves 2GB of RAM
-memory-limit uint
Memory limit for go managed sections in GiB, set 0 to disable
Connect to p2pool-mini sidechain. Note that it will also change default p2p port.
Disable DNS queries, use only IP addresses to connect to peers (seed node DNS will be unavailable too)
-out-peers uint
Maximum number of outgoing connections for p2p server (any value between 10 and 450) (default 10)
-p2p string
IP:port for p2p server to listen on. (default "")
-p2p-external-port uint
Port number that your router uses for mapping to your local p2p port. Use it if you are behind a NAT and still want to accept incoming connections
-peer-list string
Either a path or an URL to obtain peer lists from. If it is a path, new peers will be saved to this path. Set to empty to disable (default "p2pool_peers.txt")
-rpc-port uint
monerod RPC API port number (default 18081)
-stratum string
IP:port for stratum server to listen on. Empty to disable.
-zmq-port uint
monerod ZMQ pub port number (default 18083)
There is no documentation for this package.