10 second pitch:
srchd is a privacy-respecting metasearch engine written in Go.
Search several search engines at once without switching tabs, and reap the benefits of (occasionally) better results.
Note: The canonical repository is located at
A mirror exists on GitHub.
Search engines of today are a far cry from what they used to be.
I find it hard at times to find exactly what I am looking for, and often I would jump across two or three different search engines to find what I am looking for.
This is no fun.
Naturally, I became a user of SearxNG for a period of time, however I found it hard to run on my memory constrained servers and configuration is complicated.
Though, I can vouch for its usefulness, it's a great piece of software.
I set out to replace SearxNG with something a bit lighter (and to satisfy my NIH syndrome) and srchd is the result.
I started using it as my primary search engine about two weeks after I started working on it and haven't looked back.
Get up and going in under 30 seconds (provided your machine is moderately fast):
Ensure you have Go installed and run go run
From this repository, you can use the usual Go commands to build and run binaries.
Simply use go build .
to build a binary that holds all of the resources it needs to run within itself, or go run .
to run the code right out of this repository.
An example configuration file can be found at ./docs/config.yaml.example
and documentation at ./docs/
Search engine support
srchd is a young project and as such doesn't have a lot of support.
- Bing (likely broken, disabled by default)
- DuckDuckGo
- Google
- Mediawiki (e.g. Wikipedia, requires configuration)
- Yahoo
- (native API)