
v0.4.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 13, 2020 License: ISC Imports: 13 Imported by: 0



Go bindings for GTK+ 3. Supports version 3.6 and later.

Functions use the same names as the native C function calls, but use CamelCase. In cases where native GTK uses pointers to values to simulate multiple return values, Go's native multiple return values are used instead. Whenever a native GTK call could return an unexpected NULL pointer, an additional error is returned in the Go binding.

GTK's C API documentation can be very useful for understanding how the functions in this package work and what each type is for. This documentation can be found at

In addition to Go versions of the C GTK functions, every struct type includes a method named Native (either by direct implementation, or by means of struct embedding). These methods return a uintptr of the native C object the binding type represents. These pointers may be type switched to a native C pointer using unsafe and used with cgo function calls outside this package.

Memory management is handled in proper Go fashion, using runtime finalizers to properly free memory when it is no longer needed. Each time a Go type is created with a pointer to a GObject, a reference is added for Go, sinking the floating reference when necessary. After going out of scope and the next time Go's garbage collector is run, a finalizer is run to remove Go's reference to the GObject. When this reference count hits zero (when neither Go nor GTK holds ownership) the object will be freed internally by GTK.



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const (
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Use as column id in SetSortColumnId to specify ListStore sorted by default column or unsorted

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const (

stock offset macro values of GtkLevelBar

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const (
	UNIT_PIXEL           int    = C.GTK_UNIT_PIXEL
	PAPER_NAME_A3        string = C.GTK_PAPER_NAME_A3
	PAPER_NAME_A4        string = C.GTK_PAPER_NAME_A4
	PAPER_NAME_A5        string = C.GTK_PAPER_NAME_A5
	PAPER_NAME_B5        string = C.GTK_PAPER_NAME_B5
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var WrapMap = map[string]WrapFn{
	"GtkAccelGroup":           wrapAccelGroup,
	"GtkAccelMao":             wrapAccelMap,
	"GtkAdjustment":           wrapAdjustment,
	"GtkApplicationWindow":    wrapApplicationWindow,
	"GtkAssistant":            wrapAssistant,
	"GtkBin":                  wrapBin,
	"GtkBox":                  wrapBox,
	"GtkButton":               wrapButton,
	"GtkCalendar":             wrapCalendar,
	"GtkCellLayout":           wrapCellLayout,
	"GtkCellRenderer":         wrapCellRenderer,
	"GtkCellRendererSpinner":  wrapCellRendererSpinner,
	"GtkCellRendererPixbuf":   wrapCellRendererPixbuf,
	"GtkCellRendererText":     wrapCellRendererText,
	"GtkCellRendererProgress": wrapCellRendererProgress,
	"GtkCellRendererToggle":   wrapCellRendererToggle,
	"GtkCheckButton":          wrapCheckButton,
	"GtkCheckMenuItem":        wrapCheckMenuItem,
	"GtkClipboard":            wrapClipboard,
	"GtkColorButton":          wrapColorButton,
	"GtkContainer":            wrapContainer,
	"GtkDialog":               wrapDialog,
	"GtkDrawingArea":          wrapDrawingArea,
	"GtkEditable":             wrapEditable,
	"GtkEntry":                wrapEntry,
	"GtkEntryBuffer":          wrapEntryBuffer,
	"GtkEntryCompletion":      wrapEntryCompletion,
	"GtkEventBox":             wrapEventBox,
	"GtkExpander":             wrapExpander,
	"GtkFrame":                wrapFrame,
	"GtkFileChooser":          wrapFileChooser,
	"GtkFileChooserButton":    wrapFileChooserButton,
	"GtkFileChooserDialog":    wrapFileChooserDialog,
	"GtkFileChooserWidget":    wrapFileChooserWidget,
	"GtkGrid":                 wrapGrid,
	"GtkIconView":             wrapIconView,
	"GtkImage":                wrapImage,
	"GtkLabel":                wrapLabel,
	"GtkLayout":               wrapLayout,
	"GtkLinkButton":           wrapLinkButton,
	"GtkListStore":            wrapListStore,
	"GtkMenu":                 wrapMenu,
	"GtkMenuBar":              wrapMenuBar,
	"GtkMenuButton":           wrapMenuButton,
	"GtkMenuItem":             wrapMenuItem,
	"GtkMenuShell":            wrapMenuShell,
	"GtkMessageDialog":        wrapMessageDialog,
	"GtkNotebook":             wrapNotebook,
	"GtkOffscreenWindow":      wrapOffscreenWindow,
	"GtkOrientable":           wrapOrientable,
	"GtkOverlay":              wrapOverlay,
	"GtkPaned":                wrapPaned,
	"GtkProgressBar":          wrapProgressBar,
	"GtkRadioButton":          wrapRadioButton,
	"GtkRadioMenuItem":        wrapRadioMenuItem,
	"GtkRange":                wrapRange,
	"GtkRecentChooser":        wrapRecentChooser,
	"GtkRecentChooserMenu":    wrapRecentChooserMenu,
	"GtkRecentFilter":         wrapRecentFilter,
	"GtkRecentManager":        wrapRecentManager,
	"GtkScaleButton":          wrapScaleButton,
	"GtkScale":                wrapScale,
	"GtkScrollable":           wrapScrollable,
	"GtkScrollbar":            wrapScrollbar,
	"GtkScrolledWindow":       wrapScrolledWindow,
	"GtkSearchEntry":          wrapSearchEntry,
	"GtkSeparator":            wrapSeparator,
	"GtkSeparatorMenuItem":    wrapSeparatorMenuItem,
	"GtkSeparatorToolItem":    wrapSeparatorToolItem,
	"GtkSpinButton":           wrapSpinButton,
	"GtkSpinner":              wrapSpinner,
	"GtkStatusbar":            wrapStatusbar,
	"GtkSwitch":               wrapSwitch,
	"GtkTextView":             wrapTextView,
	"GtkTextBuffer":           wrapTextBuffer,
	"GtkTextTag":              wrapTextTag,
	"GtkTextTagTable":         wrapTextTagTable,
	"GtkToggleButton":         wrapToggleButton,
	"GtkToolbar":              wrapToolbar,
	"GtkToolButton":           wrapToolButton,
	"GtkToggleToolButton":     wrapToggleToolButton,
	"GtkToolItem":             wrapToolItem,
	"GtkTreeModel":            wrapTreeModel,
	"GtkTreeModelFilter":      wrapTreeModelFilter,
	"GtkTreeModelSort":        wrapTreeModelSort,
	"GtkTreeSelection":        wrapTreeSelection,
	"GtkTreeStore":            wrapTreeStore,
	"GtkTreeView":             wrapTreeView,
	"GtkTreeViewColumn":       wrapTreeViewColumn,
	"GtkViewport":             wrapViewport,
	"GtkVolumeButton":         wrapVolumeButton,
	"GtkWidget":               wrapWidget,
	"GtkWindow":               wrapWindow,


func AccelGroupsActivate

func AccelGroupsActivate(obj *glib.Object, key uint, mods gdk.ModifierType) bool

AccelGroupsActivate is a wrapper around gtk_accel_groups_activate().

func AccelGroupsFromObject

func AccelGroupsFromObject(obj *glib.Object) *glib.SList

AccelGroupsFromObject is a wrapper around gtk_accel_groups_from_object().

func AccelMapAddEntry

func AccelMapAddEntry(path string, key uint, mods gdk.ModifierType)

AccelMapAddEntry is a wrapper around gtk_accel_map_add_entry().

func AccelMapAddFilter

func AccelMapAddFilter(filter string)

AccelMapAddFilter is a wrapper around gtk_accel_map_add_filter().

func AccelMapChangeEntry

func AccelMapChangeEntry(path string, key uint, mods gdk.ModifierType, replace bool) bool

AccelMapChangeEntry is a wrapper around gtk_accel_map_change_entry().

func AccelMapLoad

func AccelMapLoad(fileName string)

AccelMapLoad is a wrapper around gtk_accel_map_load().

func AccelMapLoadFD

func AccelMapLoadFD(fd int)

AccelMapLoadFD is a wrapper around gtk_accel_map_load_fd().

func AccelMapLockPath

func AccelMapLockPath(path string)

AccelMapLockPath is a wrapper around gtk_accel_map_lock_path().

func AccelMapSave

func AccelMapSave(fileName string)

AccelMapSave is a wrapper around gtk_accel_map_save().

func AccelMapSaveFD

func AccelMapSaveFD(fd int)

AccelMapSaveFD is a wrapper around gtk_accel_map_save_fd().

func AccelMapUnlockPath

func AccelMapUnlockPath(path string)

AccelMapUnlockPath is a wrapper around gtk_accel_map_unlock_path().

func AcceleratorGetDefaultModMask

func AcceleratorGetDefaultModMask() gdk.ModifierType

AcceleratorGetDefaultModMask is a wrapper around gtk_accelerator_get_default_mod_mask().

func AcceleratorGetLabel

func AcceleratorGetLabel(key uint, mods gdk.ModifierType) string

AcceleratorGetLabel is a wrapper around gtk_accelerator_get_label().

func AcceleratorName

func AcceleratorName(key uint, mods gdk.ModifierType) string

AcceleratorName is a wrapper around gtk_accelerator_name().

func AcceleratorParse

func AcceleratorParse(acc string) (key uint, mods gdk.ModifierType)

AcceleratorParse is a wrapper around gtk_accelerator_parse().

func AcceleratorSetDefaultModMask

func AcceleratorSetDefaultModMask(mods gdk.ModifierType)

AcceleratorSetDefaultModMask is a wrapper around gtk_accelerator_set_default_mod_mask().

func AcceleratorValid

func AcceleratorValid(key uint, mods gdk.ModifierType) bool

AcceleratorValid is a wrapper around gtk_accelerator_valid().

func AddProviderForScreen

func AddProviderForScreen(s *gdk.Screen, provider IStyleProvider, prio uint)

AddProviderForScreen is a wrapper around gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_screen().

func CheckVersion

func CheckVersion(major, minor, micro uint) error

func DragSetIconPixbuf

func DragSetIconPixbuf(context *gdk.DragContext, pixbuf *gdk.Pixbuf, hot_x int, hot_y int)

for "drag-begin" event

func EventsPending

func EventsPending() bool

EventsPending is a wrapper around gtk_events_pending.

func GdkCairoSetSourcePixBuf

func GdkCairoSetSourcePixBuf(cr *cairo.Context, pixbuf *gdk.Pixbuf, pixbufX, pixbufY float64)

GdkCairoSetSourcePixBuf() is a wrapper around gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf().

func GetData

func GetData(pointer uintptr) (data []byte)

fixed GetData directly from ptr

func GetMajorVersion

func GetMajorVersion() uint

func GetMicroVersion

func GetMicroVersion() uint

func GetMinorVersion

func GetMinorVersion() uint

func Init

func Init(args *[]string)

Init() is a wrapper around gtk_init() and must be called before any other GTK calls and is used to initialize everything necessary.

In addition to setting up GTK for usage, a pointer to a slice of strings may be passed in to parse standard GTK command line arguments. args will be modified to remove any flags that were handled. Alternatively, nil may be passed in to not perform any command line parsing.

func InitCheck

func InitCheck(args *[]string) error

InitCheck() is a wrapper around gtk_init_check() and works exactly like Init() only that it doesn't terminate the program if initialization fails.

func Main

func Main()

Main() is a wrapper around gtk_main() and runs the GTK main loop, blocking until MainQuit() is called.

func MainIteration

func MainIteration() bool

MainIteration is a wrapper around gtk_main_iteration.

func MainIterationDo

func MainIterationDo(blocking bool) bool

MainIterationDo is a wrapper around gtk_main_iteration_do.

func MainQuit

func MainQuit()

MainQuit() is a wrapper around gtk_main_quit() is used to terminate the GTK main loop (started by Main()).

func OpenFileChooserNative

func OpenFileChooserNative(title string, parent_window IWindow) *string

* FileChooserNative

func PaperSizeGetDefaultRightMargin

func PaperSizeGetDefaultRightMargin(unit Unit) string

PaperSizeGetDefault() is a wrapper around gtk_paper_size_get_default().

func PaperSizeGetPaperSizes

func PaperSizeGetPaperSizes(includeCustom bool) *glib.List

PaperSizeGetPaperSizes() is a wrapper around gtk_paper_size_get_paper_sizes().

func PrintRunPageSetupDialogAsync

func PrintRunPageSetupDialogAsync(parent IWindow, setup *PageSetup,
	settings *PrintSettings, cb PageSetupDoneCallback, data uintptr)

PrintRunPageSetupDialogAsync() is a wrapper around gtk_print_run_page_setup_dialog_async().

func RemoveProviderForScreen

func RemoveProviderForScreen(s *gdk.Screen, provider IStyleProvider)

RemoveProviderForScreen is a wrapper around gtk_style_context_remove_provider_for_screen().

func SetData

func SetData(pointer uintptr, atom gdk.Atom, data []byte)

for "drag-data-get"

func SetInteractiveDebugging

func SetInteractiveDebugging(enable bool)

SetInteractiveDebugging is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_interactive_debugging().

func StyleContextResetWidgets

func StyleContextResetWidgets(v *gdk.Screen)

StyleContextResetWidgets is a wrapper around gtk_style_context_reset_widgets().

func TestInit

func TestInit(args *[]string)

TestInit is a wrapper around gtk_test_init(). This function is used to initialize a GTK+ test program. It will in turn call g_test_init() and gtk_init() to properly initialize the testing framework and graphical toolkit. It’ll also set the program’s locale to “C” and prevent loading of rc files and Gtk+ modules. This is done to make tets program environments as deterministic as possible.

Like gtk_init() and g_test_init(), any known arguments will be processed and stripped from argc and argv.

func TestListAllTypes

func TestListAllTypes() []glib.Type

TestListAllTypes is a wrapper around gtk_test_list_all_types(). Return the type ids that have been registered after calling TestRegisterAllTypes().

func TestRegisterAllTypes

func TestRegisterAllTypes()

TestRegisterAllTypes is a wrapper around gtk_test_register_all_types(). Force registration of all core Gtk+ and Gdk object types. This allowes to refer to any of those object types via g_type_from_name() after calling this function.

func TestWidgetSendKey

func TestWidgetSendKey(widget IWidget, keyval uint, modifiers gdk.ModifierType) bool

TestWidgetSendKey is a wrapper around gtk_test_widget_send_key()

This function will generate keyboard press and release events in the middle of the first GdkWindow found that belongs to widget. For windowless widgets like GtkButton (which returns FALSE from gtk_widget_get_has_window()), this will often be an input-only event window. For other widgets, this is usually widget->window.

widget: Widget to generate a key press and release on. keyval: A Gdk keyboard value. modifiers: Keyboard modifiers the event is setup with.

returns: whether all actions neccessary for the key event simulation were carried out successfully.

func TestWidgetWaitForDraw

func TestWidgetWaitForDraw(widget IWidget)

TestWidgetWaitForDraw is a wrapper around gtk_test_widget_wait_for_draw(). Enters the main loop and waits for widget to be “drawn”. In this context that means it waits for the frame clock of widget to have run a full styling, layout and drawing cycle. This function is intended to be used for syncing with actions that depend on widget relayouting or on interaction with the display server.

func WidgetToLabel

func WidgetToLabel(widget *Widget) (interface{}, error)

func WindowGetDefaultIconList

func WindowGetDefaultIconList() *glib.List

WindowGetDefaultIconList is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_default_icon_list(). Returned list is wrapped to return *gdk.Pixbuf elements.

func WindowGetDefaultIconName

func WindowGetDefaultIconName() (string, error)

WindowGetDefaultIconName is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_default_icon_name().

func WindowListToplevels

func WindowListToplevels() *glib.List

WindowListToplevels is a wrapper around gtk_window_list_toplevels(). Returned list is wrapped to return *gtk.Window elements. TODO: Use IWindow and wrap to correct type

func WindowSetAutoStartupNotification

func WindowSetAutoStartupNotification(setting bool)

WindowSetAutoStartupNotification is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_auto_startup_notification().

func WindowSetDefaultIcon

func WindowSetDefaultIcon(icon *gdk.Pixbuf)

WindowSetDefaultIcon is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_default_icon().

func WindowSetDefaultIconFromFile

func WindowSetDefaultIconFromFile(file string) error

WindowSetDefaultIconFromFile is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_default_icon_from_file().

func WindowSetDefaultIconList

func WindowSetDefaultIconList(list *glib.List)

WindowSetDefaultIconList is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_default_icon_list(). List should only contain *gdk.Pixbuf elements!

func WindowSetDefaultIconName

func WindowSetDefaultIconName(s string)

WindowSetDefaultIconName is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_default_icon_name().


type AboutDialog

type AboutDialog struct {

AboutDialog is a representation of GTK's GtkAboutDialog.

func AboutDialogNew

func AboutDialogNew() (*AboutDialog, error)

AboutDialogNew is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_new().

func (*AboutDialog) AddCreditSection

func (v *AboutDialog) AddCreditSection(sectionName string, people []string)

AddCreditSection is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_add_credit_section().

func (*AboutDialog) GetArtists

func (v *AboutDialog) GetArtists() []string

GetArtists is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_get_artists().

func (*AboutDialog) GetAuthors

func (v *AboutDialog) GetAuthors() []string

GetAuthors is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_get_authors().

func (*AboutDialog) GetComments

func (v *AboutDialog) GetComments() string

GetComments is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_get_comments().

func (*AboutDialog) GetCopyright

func (v *AboutDialog) GetCopyright() string

GetCopyright is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_get_copyright().

func (*AboutDialog) GetDocumenters

func (v *AboutDialog) GetDocumenters() []string

GetDocumenters is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_get_documenters().

func (*AboutDialog) GetLicense

func (v *AboutDialog) GetLicense() string

GetLicense is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_get_license().

func (*AboutDialog) GetLicenseType

func (v *AboutDialog) GetLicenseType() License

GetLicenseType is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_get_license_type().

func (v *AboutDialog) GetLogo() (*gdk.Pixbuf, error)

GetLogo is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_get_logo().

func (*AboutDialog) GetLogoIconName

func (v *AboutDialog) GetLogoIconName() string

GetLogoIconName is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_get_logo_icon_name().

func (*AboutDialog) GetProgramName

func (v *AboutDialog) GetProgramName() string

GetProgramName is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_get_program_name().

func (*AboutDialog) GetTranslatorCredits

func (v *AboutDialog) GetTranslatorCredits() string

GetTranslatorCredits is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_get_translator_credits().

func (*AboutDialog) GetVersion

func (v *AboutDialog) GetVersion() string

GetVersion is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_get_version().

func (*AboutDialog) GetWebsite

func (v *AboutDialog) GetWebsite() string

GetWebsite is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_get_website().

func (*AboutDialog) GetWebsiteLabel

func (v *AboutDialog) GetWebsiteLabel() string

GetWebsiteLabel is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_get_website_label().

func (*AboutDialog) GetWrapLicense

func (v *AboutDialog) GetWrapLicense() bool

GetWrapLicense is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_get_wrap_license().

func (*AboutDialog) SetArtists

func (v *AboutDialog) SetArtists(artists []string)

SetArtists is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_set_artists().

func (*AboutDialog) SetAuthors

func (v *AboutDialog) SetAuthors(authors []string)

SetAuthors is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_set_authors().

func (*AboutDialog) SetComments

func (v *AboutDialog) SetComments(comments string)

SetComments is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_set_comments().

func (*AboutDialog) SetCopyright

func (v *AboutDialog) SetCopyright(copyright string)

SetCopyright is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_set_copyright().

func (*AboutDialog) SetDocumenters

func (v *AboutDialog) SetDocumenters(documenters []string)

SetDocumenters is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_set_documenters().

func (*AboutDialog) SetLicense

func (v *AboutDialog) SetLicense(license string)

SetLicense is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_set_license().

func (*AboutDialog) SetLicenseType

func (v *AboutDialog) SetLicenseType(license License)

SetLicenseType is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_set_license_type().

func (v *AboutDialog) SetLogo(logo *gdk.Pixbuf)

SetLogo is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_set_logo().

func (*AboutDialog) SetLogoIconName

func (v *AboutDialog) SetLogoIconName(name string)

SetLogoIconName is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_set_logo_icon_name().

func (*AboutDialog) SetProgramName

func (v *AboutDialog) SetProgramName(name string)

SetProgramName is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_set_program_name().

func (*AboutDialog) SetTranslatorCredits

func (v *AboutDialog) SetTranslatorCredits(translatorCredits string)

SetTranslatorCredits is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_set_translator_credits().

func (*AboutDialog) SetVersion

func (v *AboutDialog) SetVersion(version string)

SetVersion is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_set_version().

func (*AboutDialog) SetWebsite

func (v *AboutDialog) SetWebsite(website string)

SetWebsite is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_set_website().

func (*AboutDialog) SetWebsiteLabel

func (v *AboutDialog) SetWebsiteLabel(websiteLabel string)

SetWebsiteLabel is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_set_website_label().

func (*AboutDialog) SetWrapLicense

func (v *AboutDialog) SetWrapLicense(wrapLicense bool)

SetWrapLicense is a wrapper around gtk_about_dialog_set_wrap_license().

type AccelFlags

type AccelFlags int

AccelFlags is a representation of GTK's GtkAccelFlags

const (

type AccelGroup

type AccelGroup struct {

AccelGroup is a representation of GTK's GtkAccelGroup.

func AccelGroupFromClosure

func AccelGroupFromClosure(f interface{}) *AccelGroup

AccelGroupFromClosure is a wrapper around gtk_accel_group_from_accel_closure().

func AccelGroupNew

func AccelGroupNew() (*AccelGroup, error)

AccelGroup is a wrapper around gtk_accel_group_new().

func (*AccelGroup) Activate

func (v *AccelGroup) Activate(quark glib.Quark, acceleratable *glib.Object, key uint, mods gdk.ModifierType) bool

Activate is a wrapper around gtk_accel_group_activate().

func (*AccelGroup) Connect

func (v *AccelGroup) Connect(key uint, mods gdk.ModifierType, flags AccelFlags, f interface{})

Connect is a wrapper around gtk_accel_group_connect().

func (*AccelGroup) ConnectByPath

func (v *AccelGroup) ConnectByPath(path string, f interface{})

ConnectByPath is a wrapper around gtk_accel_group_connect_by_path().

func (*AccelGroup) Disconnect

func (v *AccelGroup) Disconnect(f interface{})

Disconnect is a wrapper around gtk_accel_group_disconnect().

func (*AccelGroup) DisconnectKey

func (v *AccelGroup) DisconnectKey(key uint, mods gdk.ModifierType)

DisconnectKey is a wrapper around gtk_accel_group_disconnect_key().

func (*AccelGroup) GetModifierMask

func (v *AccelGroup) GetModifierMask() gdk.ModifierType

GetModifierMask is a wrapper around gtk_accel_group_get_modifier_mask().

func (*AccelGroup) IsLocked

func (v *AccelGroup) IsLocked() bool

IsLocked is a wrapper around gtk_accel_group_get_is_locked().

func (*AccelGroup) Lock

func (v *AccelGroup) Lock()

Lock is a wrapper around gtk_accel_group_lock().

func (*AccelGroup) Unlock

func (v *AccelGroup) Unlock()

Unlock is a wrapper around gtk_accel_group_unlock().

type AccelKey

type AccelKey struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func AccelMapLookupEntry

func AccelMapLookupEntry(path string) *AccelKey

AccelMapLookupEntry is a wrapper around gtk_accel_map_lookup_entry().

type AccelMap

type AccelMap struct {

AccelMap is a representation of GTK's GtkAccelMap.

func AccelMapGet

func AccelMapGet() *AccelMap

AccelMapGet is a wrapper around gtk_accel_map_get().

type ActionBar

type ActionBar struct {

ActionBar is a representation of GtkActionBar

func ActionBarNew

func ActionBarNew() (*ActionBar, error)

ActionBarNew is a wrapper around gtk_action_bar_new()

func (*ActionBar) GetCenterWidget

func (a *ActionBar) GetCenterWidget() *Widget

GetCenterWidget is a wrapper around gtk_action_bar_get_center_widget().

func (*ActionBar) PackEnd

func (a *ActionBar) PackEnd(child IWidget)

PackEnd is a wrapper around gtk_action_bar_pack_end().

func (*ActionBar) PackStart

func (a *ActionBar) PackStart(child IWidget)

PackStart is a wrapper around gtk_action_bar_pack_start().

func (*ActionBar) SetCenterWidget

func (a *ActionBar) SetCenterWidget(child IWidget)

SetCenterWidget is a wrapper around gtk_action_bar_set_center_widget().

type Actionable

type Actionable struct {

Actionable is a representation of the GtkActionable GInterface. Do not embed this concrete type in implementing structs but rather use IActionable (see Button wrapper for an example)

func (*Actionable) GetActionName

func (v *Actionable) GetActionName() (string, error)

GetActionName is a wrapper around gtk_actionable_set_action_name(). Since 3.4

func (*Actionable) SetActionName

func (v *Actionable) SetActionName(action_name string)

SetActionName is a wrapper around gtk_actionable_set_action_name(). Since 3.4

func (*Actionable) SetDetailedActionName

func (v *Actionable) SetDetailedActionName(detailed_action_name string)

SetDetailedActionName is a wrapper around gtk_actionable_set_detailed_action_name(). Since 3.4

type Adjustment

type Adjustment struct {

Adjustment is a representation of GTK's GtkAdjustment.

func AdjustmentNew

func AdjustmentNew(value, lower, upper, stepIncrement, pageIncrement, pageSize float64) (*Adjustment, error)

AdjustmentNew is a wrapper around gtk_adjustment_new().

func (*Adjustment) Configure

func (v *Adjustment) Configure(value, lower, upper, stepIncrement, pageIncrement, pageSize float64)

Configure is a wrapper around gtk_adjustment_configure().

func (*Adjustment) GetLower

func (v *Adjustment) GetLower() float64

GetLower is a wrapper around gtk_adjustment_get_lower().

func (*Adjustment) GetMinimumIncrement

func (v *Adjustment) GetMinimumIncrement() float64

GetMinimumIncrement is a wrapper around gtk_adjustment_get_minimum_increment().

func (*Adjustment) GetPageIncrement

func (v *Adjustment) GetPageIncrement() float64

GetPageIncrement is a wrapper around gtk_adjustment_get_page_increment().

func (*Adjustment) GetPageSize

func (v *Adjustment) GetPageSize() float64

GetPageSize is a wrapper around gtk_adjustment_get_page_size().

func (*Adjustment) GetStepIncrement

func (v *Adjustment) GetStepIncrement() float64

GetStepIncrement is a wrapper around gtk_adjustment_get_step_increment().

func (*Adjustment) GetUpper

func (v *Adjustment) GetUpper() float64

GetUpper is a wrapper around gtk_adjustment_get_upper().

func (*Adjustment) GetValue

func (v *Adjustment) GetValue() float64

GetValue is a wrapper around gtk_adjustment_get_value().

func (*Adjustment) SetLower

func (v *Adjustment) SetLower(value float64)

SetLower is a wrapper around gtk_adjustment_set_lower().

func (*Adjustment) SetPageIncrement

func (v *Adjustment) SetPageIncrement(value float64)

SetPageIncrement is a wrapper around gtk_adjustment_set_page_increment().

func (*Adjustment) SetPageSize

func (v *Adjustment) SetPageSize(value float64)

SetPageSize is a wrapper around gtk_adjustment_set_page_size().

func (*Adjustment) SetStepIncrement

func (v *Adjustment) SetStepIncrement(value float64)

SetStepIncrement is a wrapper around gtk_adjustment_set_step_increment().

func (*Adjustment) SetUpper

func (v *Adjustment) SetUpper(value float64)

SetUpper is a wrapper around gtk_adjustment_set_upper().

func (*Adjustment) SetValue

func (v *Adjustment) SetValue(value float64)

SetValue is a wrapper around gtk_adjustment_set_value().

type Align

type Align int

Align is a representation of GTK's GtkAlign.

const (
const (

type Allocation

type Allocation struct {

Allocation is a representation of GTK's GtkAllocation type.

type AppChooser

type AppChooser struct {

AppChooser is a representation of GTK's GtkAppChooser GInterface.

func (*AppChooser) GetContentType

func (v *AppChooser) GetContentType() string

GetContentType is a wrapper around gtk_app_chooser_get_content_type().

func (*AppChooser) Refresh

func (v *AppChooser) Refresh()

Refresh is a wrapper around gtk_app_chooser_refresh().

type AppChooserButton

type AppChooserButton struct {

	// Interfaces

AppChooserButton is a representation of GTK's GtkAppChooserButton.

func AppChooserButtonNew

func AppChooserButtonNew(content_type string) (*AppChooserButton, error)

AppChooserButtonNew() is a wrapper around gtk_app_chooser_button_new().

func (*AppChooserButton) AppendSeparator

func (v *AppChooserButton) AppendSeparator()

AppendSeparator() is a wrapper around gtk_app_chooser_button_append_separator().

func (*AppChooserButton) GetHeading

func (v *AppChooserButton) GetHeading() (string, error)

GetHeading() is a wrapper around gtk_app_chooser_button_get_heading(). In case when gtk_app_chooser_button_get_heading() returns a nil string, GetHeading() returns a non-nil error.

func (*AppChooserButton) GetShowDefaultItem

func (v *AppChooserButton) GetShowDefaultItem() bool

GetShowDefaultItem() is a wrapper around gtk_app_chooser_button_get_show_default_item().

func (*AppChooserButton) GetShowDialogItem

func (v *AppChooserButton) GetShowDialogItem() bool

GetShowDialogItem() is a wrapper around gtk_app_chooser_button_get_show_dialog_item().

func (*AppChooserButton) SetActiveCustomItem

func (v *AppChooserButton) SetActiveCustomItem(name string)

SetActiveCustomItem() is a wrapper around gtk_app_chooser_button_set_active_custom_item().

func (*AppChooserButton) SetHeading

func (v *AppChooserButton) SetHeading(heading string)

SetHeading() is a wrapper around gtk_app_chooser_button_set_heading().

func (*AppChooserButton) SetShowDefaultItem

func (v *AppChooserButton) SetShowDefaultItem(setting bool)

SetShowDefaultItem() is a wrapper around gtk_app_chooser_button_set_show_default_item().

func (*AppChooserButton) SetShowDialogItem

func (v *AppChooserButton) SetShowDialogItem(setting bool)

SetShowDialogItem() is a wrapper around gtk_app_chooser_button_set_show_dialog_item().

type AppChooserDialog

type AppChooserDialog struct {

	// Interfaces

AppChooserDialog is a representation of GTK's GtkAppChooserDialog.

func AppChooserDialogNewForContentType

func AppChooserDialogNewForContentType(parent IWindow, flags DialogFlags, content_type string) (*AppChooserDialog, error)

AppChooserDialogNewForContentType() is a wrapper around gtk_app_chooser_dialog_new_for_content_type().

func (*AppChooserDialog) GetHeading

func (v *AppChooserDialog) GetHeading() (string, error)

GetHeading() is a wrapper around gtk_app_chooser_dialog_get_heading(). In case when gtk_app_chooser_dialog_get_heading() returns a nil string, GetHeading() returns a non-nil error.

func (*AppChooserDialog) GetWidget

func (v *AppChooserDialog) GetWidget() *AppChooserWidget

GetWidget() is a wrapper around gtk_app_chooser_dialog_get_widget().

func (*AppChooserDialog) SetHeading

func (v *AppChooserDialog) SetHeading(heading string)

SetHeading() is a wrapper around gtk_app_chooser_dialog_set_heading().

type AppChooserWidget

type AppChooserWidget struct {

	// Interfaces

AppChooserWidget is a representation of GTK's GtkAppChooserWidget.

func AppChooserWidgetNew

func AppChooserWidgetNew(content_type string) (*AppChooserWidget, error)

AppChooserWidgetNew() is a wrapper around gtk_app_chooser_widget_new().

func (*AppChooserWidget) GetDefaultText

func (v *AppChooserWidget) GetDefaultText() (string, error)

GetDefaultText() is a wrapper around gtk_app_chooser_widget_get_default_text(). In case when gtk_app_chooser_widget_get_default_text() returns a nil string, GetDefaultText() returns a non-nil error.

func (*AppChooserWidget) GetShowAll

func (v *AppChooserWidget) GetShowAll() bool

GetShowAll() is a wrapper around gtk_app_chooser_widget_get_show_all().

func (*AppChooserWidget) GetShowDefault

func (v *AppChooserWidget) GetShowDefault() bool

GetShowDefault() is a wrapper around gtk_app_chooser_widget_get_show_default().

func (*AppChooserWidget) GetShowFallback

func (v *AppChooserWidget) GetShowFallback() bool

GetShowFallback() is a wrapper around gtk_app_chooser_widget_get_show_fallback().

func (*AppChooserWidget) GetShowOther

func (v *AppChooserWidget) GetShowOther() bool

GetShowOther() is a wrapper around gtk_app_chooser_widget_get_show_other().

func (*AppChooserWidget) GetShowRecommended

func (v *AppChooserWidget) GetShowRecommended() bool

GetShowRecommended() is a wrapper around gtk_app_chooser_widget_get_show_recommended().

func (*AppChooserWidget) SetDefaultText

func (v *AppChooserWidget) SetDefaultText(text string)

SetDefaultText() is a wrapper around gtk_app_chooser_widget_set_default_text().

func (*AppChooserWidget) SetShowAll

func (v *AppChooserWidget) SetShowAll(setting bool)

SetShowAll() is a wrapper around gtk_app_chooser_widget_set_show_all().

func (*AppChooserWidget) SetShowDefault

func (v *AppChooserWidget) SetShowDefault(setting bool)

SetShowDefault() is a wrapper around gtk_app_chooser_widget_set_show_default().

func (*AppChooserWidget) SetShowFallback

func (v *AppChooserWidget) SetShowFallback(setting bool)

SetShowFallback() is a wrapper around gtk_app_chooser_widget_set_show_fallback().

func (*AppChooserWidget) SetShowOther

func (v *AppChooserWidget) SetShowOther(setting bool)

SetShowOther() is a wrapper around gtk_app_chooser_widget_set_show_other().

func (*AppChooserWidget) SetShowRecommended

func (v *AppChooserWidget) SetShowRecommended(setting bool)

SetShowRecommended() is a wrapper around gtk_app_chooser_widget_set_show_recommended().

type Application

type Application struct {

Application is a representation of GTK's GtkApplication.

func ApplicationNew

func ApplicationNew(appId string, flags glib.ApplicationFlags) (*Application, error)

ApplicationNew is a wrapper around gtk_application_new().

func (*Application) AddWindow

func (v *Application) AddWindow(w IWindow)

AddWindow is a wrapper around gtk_application_add_window().

func (*Application) GetAccelsForAction

func (v *Application) GetAccelsForAction(act string) []string

GetAccelsForAction is a wrapper around gtk_application_get_accels_for_action().

func (*Application) GetActionsForAccel

func (v *Application) GetActionsForAccel(acc string) []string

GetActionsForAccel is a wrapper around gtk_application_get_actions_for_accel().

func (*Application) GetActiveWindow

func (v *Application) GetActiveWindow() *Window

GetActiveWindow is a wrapper around gtk_application_get_active_window().

func (*Application) GetAppMenu

func (v *Application) GetAppMenu() *glib.MenuModel

GetAppMenu is a wrapper around gtk_application_get_app_menu().

func (*Application) GetMenuByID

func (v *Application) GetMenuByID(id string) *glib.Menu

GetMenuByID is a wrapper around gtk_application_get_menu_by_id().

func (*Application) GetMenubar

func (v *Application) GetMenubar() *glib.MenuModel

GetMenubar is a wrapper around gtk_application_get_menubar().

func (*Application) GetWindowByID

func (v *Application) GetWindowByID(id uint) *Window

GetWindowByID is a wrapper around gtk_application_get_window_by_id().

func (*Application) GetWindows

func (v *Application) GetWindows() *glib.List

GetWindows is a wrapper around gtk_application_get_windows(). Returned list is wrapped to return *gtk.Window elements.

func (*Application) Inhibited

func (v *Application) Inhibited(w IWindow, flags ApplicationInhibitFlags, reason string) uint

Inhibited is a wrapper around gtk_application_inhibit().

func (*Application) IsInhibited

func (v *Application) IsInhibited(flags ApplicationInhibitFlags) bool

IsInhibited is a wrapper around gtk_application_is_inhibited().

func (*Application) ListActionDescriptions

func (v *Application) ListActionDescriptions() []string

ListActionDescriptions is a wrapper around gtk_application_list_action_descriptions().

func (*Application) PrefersAppMenu

func (v *Application) PrefersAppMenu() bool

PrefersAppMenu is a wrapper around gtk_application_prefers_app_menu().

func (*Application) RemoveWindow

func (v *Application) RemoveWindow(w IWindow)

RemoveWindow is a wrapper around gtk_application_remove_window().

func (*Application) SetAccelsForAction

func (v *Application) SetAccelsForAction(act string, accels []string)

SetAccelsForAction is a wrapper around gtk_application_set_accels_for_action().

func (*Application) SetAppMenu

func (v *Application) SetAppMenu(m *glib.MenuModel)

SetAppMenu is a wrapper around gtk_application_set_app_menu().

func (*Application) SetMenubar

func (v *Application) SetMenubar(m *glib.MenuModel)

SetMenubar is a wrapper around gtk_application_set_menubar().

func (*Application) Uninhibit

func (v *Application) Uninhibit(cookie uint)

Uninhibit is a wrapper around gtk_application_uninhibit().

type ApplicationInhibitFlags

type ApplicationInhibitFlags int

ApplicationInhibitFlags is a representation of GTK's GtkApplicationInhibitFlags.

type ApplicationWindow

type ApplicationWindow struct {

	// Interfaces

ApplicationWindow is a representation of GTK's GtkApplicationWindow.

func ApplicationWindowNew

func ApplicationWindowNew(app *Application) (*ApplicationWindow, error)

ApplicationWindowNew is a wrapper around gtk_application_window_new().

func (*ApplicationWindow) GetHelpOverlay

func (v *ApplicationWindow) GetHelpOverlay() *ShortcutsWindow

GetHelpOverlay is a wrapper around gtk_application_window_get_help_overlay().

func (*ApplicationWindow) GetID

func (v *ApplicationWindow) GetID() uint

GetID is a wrapper around gtk_application_window_get_id().

func (*ApplicationWindow) GetShowMenubar

func (v *ApplicationWindow) GetShowMenubar() bool

GetShowMenubar is a wrapper around gtk_application_window_get_show_menubar().

func (*ApplicationWindow) SetHelpOverlay

func (v *ApplicationWindow) SetHelpOverlay(helpOverlay *ShortcutsWindow)

SetHelpOverlay is a wrapper around gtk_application_window_set_help_overlay().

func (*ApplicationWindow) SetShowMenubar

func (v *ApplicationWindow) SetShowMenubar(b bool)

SetShowMenubar is a wrapper around gtk_application_window_set_show_menubar().

type ArrowPlacement

type ArrowPlacement int

ArrowPlacement is a representation of GTK's GtkArrowPlacement.

const (

type ArrowType

type ArrowType int

ArrowType is a representation of GTK's GtkArrowType.

const (

type AspectFrame

type AspectFrame struct {

AspectFrame is a representation of GTK's GtkAspectFrame.

func AspectFrameNew

func AspectFrameNew(label string, xalign, yalign, ratio float32, obeyChild bool) (*AspectFrame, error)

AspectFrameNew is a wrapper around gtk_aspect_frame_new().

type Assistant

type Assistant struct {

Assistant is a representation of GTK's GtkAssistant.

func AssistantNew

func AssistantNew() (*Assistant, error)

AssistantNew is a wrapper around gtk_assistant_new().

func (*Assistant) AddActionWidget

func (v *Assistant) AddActionWidget(child IWidget)

AddActionWidget is a wrapper around gtk_assistant_add_action_widget().

func (*Assistant) AppendPage

func (v *Assistant) AppendPage(page IWidget) int

AppendPage is a wrapper around gtk_assistant_append_page().

func (*Assistant) Commit

func (v *Assistant) Commit()

Commit is a wrapper around gtk_assistant_commit().

func (*Assistant) GetCurrentPage

func (v *Assistant) GetCurrentPage() int

GetCurrentPage is a wrapper around gtk_assistant_get_current_page().

func (*Assistant) GetNPages

func (v *Assistant) GetNPages() int

GetNPages is a wrapper around gtk_assistant_get_n_pages().

func (*Assistant) GetNthPage

func (v *Assistant) GetNthPage(pageNum int) (*Widget, error)

GetNthPage is a wrapper around gtk_assistant_get_nth_page().

func (*Assistant) GetPageComplete

func (v *Assistant) GetPageComplete(page IWidget) bool

GetPageComplete is a wrapper around gtk_assistant_get_page_complete().

func (*Assistant) GetPageTitle

func (v *Assistant) GetPageTitle(page IWidget) string

GetPageTitle is a wrapper around gtk_assistant_get_page_title().

func (*Assistant) GetPageType

func (v *Assistant) GetPageType(page IWidget) AssistantPageType

GetPageType is a wrapper around gtk_assistant_get_page_type().

func (*Assistant) InsertPage

func (v *Assistant) InsertPage(page IWidget, position int) int

InsertPage is a wrapper around gtk_assistant_insert_page().

func (*Assistant) NextPage

func (v *Assistant) NextPage()

NextPage is a wrapper around gtk_assistant_next_page().

func (*Assistant) PrependPage

func (v *Assistant) PrependPage(page IWidget) int

PrependPage is a wrapper around gtk_assistant_prepend_page().

func (*Assistant) PreviousPage

func (v *Assistant) PreviousPage()

PreviousPage is a wrapper around gtk_assistant_previous_page().

func (*Assistant) RemoveActionWidget

func (v *Assistant) RemoveActionWidget(child IWidget)

RemoveActionWidget is a wrapper around gtk_assistant_remove_action_widget().

func (*Assistant) RemovePage

func (v *Assistant) RemovePage(pageNum int)

RemovePage is a wrapper around gtk_assistant_remove_page().

func (*Assistant) SetCurrentPage

func (v *Assistant) SetCurrentPage(pageNum int)

SetCurrentPage is a wrapper around gtk_assistant_set_current_page().

func (*Assistant) SetPageComplete

func (v *Assistant) SetPageComplete(page IWidget, complete bool)

SetPageComplete is a wrapper around gtk_assistant_set_page_complete().

func (*Assistant) SetPageTitle

func (v *Assistant) SetPageTitle(page IWidget, title string)

SetPageTitle is a wrapper around gtk_assistant_set_page_title().

func (*Assistant) SetPageType

func (v *Assistant) SetPageType(page IWidget, ptype AssistantPageType)

SetPageType is a wrapper around gtk_assistant_set_page_type().

func (*Assistant) UpdateButtonsState

func (v *Assistant) UpdateButtonsState()

UpdateButtonsState is a wrapper around gtk_assistant_update_buttons_state().

type AssistantPageType

type AssistantPageType int

AssistantPageType is a representation of GTK's GtkAssistantPageType.

const (

type Bin

type Bin struct {

Bin is a representation of GTK's GtkBin.

func (*Bin) GetChild

func (v *Bin) GetChild() (*Widget, error)

GetChild is a wrapper around gtk_bin_get_child().

type Box

type Box struct {

Box is a representation of GTK's GtkBox.

func BoxNew

func BoxNew(orientation Orientation, spacing int) (*Box, error)

BoxNew() is a wrapper around gtk_box_new().

func (*Box) GetCenterWidget

func (a *Box) GetCenterWidget() *Widget

GetCenterWidget is a wrapper around gtk_box_get_center_widget().

func (*Box) GetHomogeneous

func (v *Box) GetHomogeneous() bool

GetHomogeneous() is a wrapper around gtk_box_get_homogeneous().

func (*Box) GetOrientation

func (v *Box) GetOrientation() Orientation

GetOrientation() is a wrapper around C.gtk_orientable_get_orientation() for a GtkBox

func (*Box) GetSpacing

func (v *Box) GetSpacing() int

GetSpacing() is a wrapper around gtk_box_get_spacing().

func (*Box) PackEnd

func (v *Box) PackEnd(child IWidget, expand, fill bool, padding uint)

PackEnd() is a wrapper around gtk_box_pack_end().

func (*Box) PackStart

func (v *Box) PackStart(child IWidget, expand, fill bool, padding uint)

PackStart() is a wrapper around gtk_box_pack_start().

func (*Box) QueryChildPacking

func (v *Box) QueryChildPacking(child IWidget) (expand, fill bool, padding uint, packType PackType)

QueryChildPacking() is a wrapper around gtk_box_query_child_packing().

func (*Box) ReorderChild

func (v *Box) ReorderChild(child IWidget, position int)

ReorderChild() is a wrapper around gtk_box_reorder_child().

func (*Box) SetCenterWidget

func (a *Box) SetCenterWidget(child IWidget)

SetCenterWidget is a wrapper around gtk_box_set_center_widget().

func (*Box) SetChildPacking

func (v *Box) SetChildPacking(child IWidget, expand, fill bool, padding uint, packType PackType)

SetChildPacking() is a wrapper around gtk_box_set_child_packing().

func (*Box) SetHomogeneous

func (v *Box) SetHomogeneous(homogeneous bool)

SetHomogeneous() is a wrapper around gtk_box_set_homogeneous().

func (*Box) SetOrientation

func (v *Box) SetOrientation(o Orientation)

SetOrientation() is a wrapper around C.gtk_orientable_set_orientation() for a GtkBox

func (*Box) SetSpacing

func (v *Box) SetSpacing(spacing int)

SetSpacing() is a wrapper around gtk_box_set_spacing()

type Builder

type Builder struct {

Builder is a representation of GTK's GtkBuilder.

func BuilderNew

func BuilderNew() (*Builder, error)

BuilderNew is a wrapper around gtk_builder_new().

func BuilderNewFromFile

func BuilderNewFromFile(filePath string) (*Builder, error)

BuilderNewFromFile is a wrapper around gtk_builder_new_from_file().

func BuilderNewFromResource

func BuilderNewFromResource(resourcePath string) (*Builder, error)

BuilderNewFromResource is a wrapper around gtk_builder_new_from_resource().

func (*Builder) AddFromFile

func (b *Builder) AddFromFile(filename string) error

AddFromFile is a wrapper around gtk_builder_add_from_file().

func (*Builder) AddFromResource

func (b *Builder) AddFromResource(path string) error

AddFromResource is a wrapper around gtk_builder_add_from_resource().

func (*Builder) AddFromString

func (b *Builder) AddFromString(str string) error

AddFromString is a wrapper around gtk_builder_add_from_string().

func (*Builder) ConnectSignals

func (b *Builder) ConnectSignals(signals map[string]interface{})

ConnectSignals is a wrapper around gtk_builder_connect_signals_full().

func (*Builder) GetObject

func (b *Builder) GetObject(name string) (glib.IObject, error)

GetObject is a wrapper around gtk_builder_get_object(). The returned result is an IObject, so it will need to be type-asserted to the appropriate type before being used. For example, to get an object and type assert it as a window:

obj, err := builder.GetObject("window")
if err != nil {
    // object not found
if w, ok := obj.(*gtk.Window); ok {
    // do stuff with w here
} else {
    // not a *gtk.Window

type Button

type Button struct {

	// Interfaces

Button is a representation of GTK's GtkButton.

func ButtonNew

func ButtonNew() (*Button, error)

ButtonNew() is a wrapper around gtk_button_new().

func ButtonNewFromIconName

func ButtonNewFromIconName(iconName string, size IconSize) (*Button, error)

ButtonNewFromIconName is a wrapper around gtk_button_new_from_icon_name().

func ButtonNewWithLabel

func ButtonNewWithLabel(label string) (*Button, error)

ButtonNewWithLabel() is a wrapper around gtk_button_new_with_label().

func ButtonNewWithMnemonic

func ButtonNewWithMnemonic(label string) (*Button, error)

ButtonNewWithMnemonic() is a wrapper around gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic().

func (*Button) Clicked

func (v *Button) Clicked()

Clicked() is a wrapper around gtk_button_clicked().

func (*Button) GetAlwaysShowImage

func (v *Button) GetAlwaysShowImage() bool

GetAlwaysShowImage() is a wrapper around gtk_button_get_always_show_image().

func (*Button) GetEventWindow

func (v *Button) GetEventWindow() (*gdk.Window, error)

GetEventWindow() is a wrapper around gtk_button_get_event_window().

func (*Button) GetImage

func (v *Button) GetImage() (*Widget, error)

GetImage() is a wrapper around gtk_button_get_image().

func (*Button) GetImagePosition

func (v *Button) GetImagePosition() PositionType

GetImagePosition() is a wrapper around gtk_button_get_image_position().

func (*Button) GetLabel

func (v *Button) GetLabel() (string, error)

GetLabel() is a wrapper around gtk_button_get_label().

func (*Button) GetRelief

func (v *Button) GetRelief() ReliefStyle

GetRelief() is a wrapper around gtk_button_get_relief().

func (*Button) GetUseUnderline

func (v *Button) GetUseUnderline() bool

GetUseUnderline() is a wrapper around gtk_button_get_use_underline().

func (*Button) SetAlwaysShowImage

func (v *Button) SetAlwaysShowImage(alwaysShow bool)

SetAlwaysShowImage() is a wrapper around gtk_button_set_always_show_image().

func (*Button) SetImage

func (v *Button) SetImage(image IWidget)

SetImage() is a wrapper around gtk_button_set_image().

func (*Button) SetImagePosition

func (v *Button) SetImagePosition(position PositionType)

SetImagePosition() is a wrapper around gtk_button_set_image_position().

func (*Button) SetLabel

func (v *Button) SetLabel(label string)

SetLabel() is a wrapper around gtk_button_set_label().

func (*Button) SetRelief

func (v *Button) SetRelief(newStyle ReliefStyle)

SetRelief() is a wrapper around gtk_button_set_relief().

func (*Button) SetUseUnderline

func (v *Button) SetUseUnderline(useUnderline bool)

SetUseUnderline() is a wrapper around gtk_button_set_use_underline().

type ButtonBox

type ButtonBox struct {

ButtonBox is a representation of GTK's GtkButtonBox.

func ButtonBoxNew

func ButtonBoxNew(o Orientation) (*ButtonBox, error)

ButtonBoxNew is a wrapper around gtk_button_box_new().

func (*ButtonBox) GetChildNonHomogeneous

func (v *ButtonBox) GetChildNonHomogeneous(child IWidget) bool

GetChildNonHomogeneous() is a wrapper around gtk_button_box_get_child_non_homogeneous().

func (*ButtonBox) GetChildSecondary

func (v *ButtonBox) GetChildSecondary(child IWidget) bool

GetChildSecondary() is a wrapper around gtk_button_box_get_child_secondary().

func (*ButtonBox) GetLayout

func (v *ButtonBox) GetLayout() ButtonBoxStyle

GetLayout() is a wrapper around gtk_button_box_get_layout().

func (*ButtonBox) SetChildNonHomogeneous

func (v *ButtonBox) SetChildNonHomogeneous(child IWidget, nonHomogeneous bool)

SetChildNonHomogeneous() is a wrapper around gtk_button_box_set_child_non_homogeneous().

func (*ButtonBox) SetChildSecondary

func (v *ButtonBox) SetChildSecondary(child IWidget, isSecondary bool)

SetChildSecondary() is a wrapper around gtk_button_box_set_child_secondary().

func (*ButtonBox) SetLayout

func (v *ButtonBox) SetLayout(style ButtonBoxStyle)

SetLayout() is a wrapper around gtk_button_box_set_layout().

type ButtonBoxStyle

type ButtonBoxStyle int
const (
const (

type ButtonRole

type ButtonRole int

ButtonRole is a representation of GTK's GtkButtonRole.

const (

type ButtonsType

type ButtonsType int

ButtonsType is a representation of GTK's GtkButtonsType.

const (
	BUTTONS_OK        ButtonsType = C.GTK_BUTTONS_OK

type Calendar

type Calendar struct {

Calendar is a representation of GTK's GtkCalendar.

func CalendarNew

func CalendarNew() (*Calendar, error)

CalendarNew is a wrapper around gtk_calendar_new().

func (*Calendar) ClearMarks

func (v *Calendar) ClearMarks()

ClearMarks is a wrapper around gtk_calendar_clear_marks().

func (*Calendar) GetDate

func (v *Calendar) GetDate() (year, month, day uint)

GetDate is a wrapper around gtk_calendar_get_date().

func (*Calendar) GetDayIsMarked

func (v *Calendar) GetDayIsMarked(day uint) bool

GetDayIsMarked is a wrapper around gtk_calendar_get_day_is_marked().

func (*Calendar) GetDetailHeightRows

func (v *Calendar) GetDetailHeightRows() int

GetDetailHeightRows is a wrapper around gtk_calendar_get_detail_height_rows().

func (*Calendar) GetDetailWidthChars

func (v *Calendar) GetDetailWidthChars() int

GetDetailWidthChars is a wrapper around gtk_calendar_get_detail_width_chars().

func (*Calendar) GetDisplayOptions

func (v *Calendar) GetDisplayOptions() CalendarDisplayOptions

GetDisplayOptions is a wrapper around gtk_calendar_get_display_options().

func (*Calendar) MarkDay

func (v *Calendar) MarkDay(day uint)

MarkDay is a wrapper around gtk_calendar_mark_day().

func (*Calendar) SelectDay

func (v *Calendar) SelectDay(day uint)

SelectDay is a wrapper around gtk_calendar_select_day().

func (*Calendar) SelectMonth

func (v *Calendar) SelectMonth(month, year uint)

SelectMonth is a wrapper around gtk_calendar_select_month().

func (*Calendar) SetDetailHeightRows

func (v *Calendar) SetDetailHeightRows(rows int)

SetDetailHeightRows is a wrapper around gtk_calendar_set_detail_height_rows().

func (*Calendar) SetDetailWidthChars

func (v *Calendar) SetDetailWidthChars(chars int)

SetDetailWidthChars is a wrapper around gtk_calendar_set_detail_width_chars().

func (*Calendar) SetDisplayOptions

func (v *Calendar) SetDisplayOptions(flags CalendarDisplayOptions)

SetDisplayOptions is a wrapper around gtk_calendar_set_display_options().

func (*Calendar) UnmarkDay

func (v *Calendar) UnmarkDay(day uint)

UnmarkDay is a wrapper around gtk_calendar_unmark_day().

type CalendarDisplayOptions

type CalendarDisplayOptions int

CalendarDisplayOptions is a representation of GTK's GtkCalendarDisplayOptions

type CellLayout

type CellLayout struct {

CellLayout is a representation of GTK's GtkCellLayout GInterface.

func (*CellLayout) AddAttribute

func (v *CellLayout) AddAttribute(cell ICellRenderer, attribute string, column int)

AddAttribute is a wrapper around gtk_cell_layout_add_attribute().

func (*CellLayout) PackStart

func (v *CellLayout) PackStart(cell ICellRenderer, expand bool)

PackStart is a wrapper around gtk_cell_layout_pack_start().

type CellRenderer

type CellRenderer struct {

CellRenderer is a representation of GTK's GtkCellRenderer.

type CellRendererPixbuf

type CellRendererPixbuf struct {

CellRendererPixbuf is a representation of GTK's GtkCellRendererPixbuf.

func CellRendererPixbufNew

func CellRendererPixbufNew() (*CellRendererPixbuf, error)

CellRendererPixbufNew is a wrapper around gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf_new().

type CellRendererProgress

type CellRendererProgress struct {

CellRendererProgress is a representation of GTK's GtkCellRendererProgress.

func CellRendererProgressNew

func CellRendererProgressNew() (*CellRendererProgress, error)

CellRendererProgressNew is a wrapper around gtk_cell_renderer_progress_new().

type CellRendererSpinner

type CellRendererSpinner struct {

CellRendererSpinner is a representation of GTK's GtkCellRendererSpinner.

func CellRendererSpinnerNew

func CellRendererSpinnerNew() (*CellRendererSpinner, error)

CellRendererSpinnerNew is a wrapper around gtk_cell_renderer_spinner_new().

type CellRendererText

type CellRendererText struct {

CellRendererText is a representation of GTK's GtkCellRendererText.

func CellRendererTextNew

func CellRendererTextNew() (*CellRendererText, error)

CellRendererTextNew is a wrapper around gtk_cell_renderer_text_new().

type CellRendererToggle

type CellRendererToggle struct {

CellRendererToggle is a representation of GTK's GtkCellRendererToggle.

func CellRendererToggleNew

func CellRendererToggleNew() (*CellRendererToggle, error)

CellRendererToggleNew is a wrapper around gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_new().

func (*CellRendererToggle) GetActivatable

func (v *CellRendererToggle) GetActivatable() bool

GetActivatable is a wrapper around gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_get_activatable().

func (*CellRendererToggle) GetActive

func (v *CellRendererToggle) GetActive() bool

GetActive is a wrapper around gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_get_active().

func (*CellRendererToggle) GetRadio

func (v *CellRendererToggle) GetRadio() bool

GetRadio is a wrapper around gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_get_radio().

func (*CellRendererToggle) SetActivatable

func (v *CellRendererToggle) SetActivatable(activatable bool)

SetActivatable is a wrapper around gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_set_activatable().

func (*CellRendererToggle) SetActive

func (v *CellRendererToggle) SetActive(active bool)

SetActive is a wrapper around gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_set_active().

func (*CellRendererToggle) SetRadio

func (v *CellRendererToggle) SetRadio(set bool)

SetRadio is a wrapper around gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_set_radio().

type CheckButton

type CheckButton struct {

CheckButton is a wrapper around GTK's GtkCheckButton.

func CheckButtonNew

func CheckButtonNew() (*CheckButton, error)

CheckButtonNew is a wrapper around gtk_check_button_new().

func CheckButtonNewWithLabel

func CheckButtonNewWithLabel(label string) (*CheckButton, error)

CheckButtonNewWithLabel is a wrapper around gtk_check_button_new_with_label().

func CheckButtonNewWithMnemonic

func CheckButtonNewWithMnemonic(label string) (*CheckButton, error)

CheckButtonNewWithMnemonic is a wrapper around gtk_check_button_new_with_mnemonic().

type CheckMenuItem

type CheckMenuItem struct {

func CheckMenuItemNew

func CheckMenuItemNew() (*CheckMenuItem, error)

CheckMenuItemNew is a wrapper around gtk_check_menu_item_new().

func CheckMenuItemNewWithLabel

func CheckMenuItemNewWithLabel(label string) (*CheckMenuItem, error)

CheckMenuItemNewWithLabel is a wrapper around gtk_check_menu_item_new_with_label().

func CheckMenuItemNewWithMnemonic

func CheckMenuItemNewWithMnemonic(label string) (*CheckMenuItem, error)

CheckMenuItemNewWithMnemonic is a wrapper around gtk_check_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic().

func (*CheckMenuItem) GetActive

func (v *CheckMenuItem) GetActive() bool

GetActive is a wrapper around gtk_check_menu_item_get_active().

func (*CheckMenuItem) GetDrawAsRadio

func (v *CheckMenuItem) GetDrawAsRadio() bool

GetDrawAsRadio is a wrapper around gtk_check_menu_item_get_draw_as_radio().

func (*CheckMenuItem) GetInconsistent

func (v *CheckMenuItem) GetInconsistent() bool

GetInconsistent is a wrapper around gtk_check_menu_item_get_inconsistent().

func (*CheckMenuItem) SetActive

func (v *CheckMenuItem) SetActive(isActive bool)

SetActive is a wrapper around gtk_check_menu_item_set_active().

func (*CheckMenuItem) SetDrawAsRadio

func (v *CheckMenuItem) SetDrawAsRadio(drawAsRadio bool)

SetDrawAsRadio is a wrapper around gtk_check_menu_item_set_draw_as_radio().

func (*CheckMenuItem) SetInconsistent

func (v *CheckMenuItem) SetInconsistent(setting bool)

SetInconsistent is a wrapper around gtk_check_menu_item_set_inconsistent().

func (*CheckMenuItem) Toggled

func (v *CheckMenuItem) Toggled()

Toggled is a wrapper around gtk_check_menu_item_toggled().

type Clipboard

type Clipboard struct {

Clipboard is a wrapper around GTK's GtkClipboard.

func ClipboardGet

func ClipboardGet(atom gdk.Atom) (*Clipboard, error)

ClipboardGet() is a wrapper around gtk_clipboard_get().

func ClipboardGetForDisplay

func ClipboardGetForDisplay(display *gdk.Display, atom gdk.Atom) (*Clipboard, error)

ClipboardGetForDisplay() is a wrapper around gtk_clipboard_get_for_display().

func (*Clipboard) SetImage

func (v *Clipboard) SetImage(pixbuf *gdk.Pixbuf)

SetImage is a wrapper around gtk_clipboard_set_image

func (*Clipboard) SetText

func (v *Clipboard) SetText(text string)

SetText() is a wrapper around gtk_clipboard_set_text().

func (*Clipboard) Store

func (v *Clipboard) Store()

Store is a wrapper around gtk_clipboard_store

func (*Clipboard) WaitForContents

func (v *Clipboard) WaitForContents(target gdk.Atom) (*SelectionData, error)

WaitForContents is a wrapper around gtk_clipboard_wait_for_contents

func (*Clipboard) WaitForImage

func (v *Clipboard) WaitForImage() (*gdk.Pixbuf, error)

WaitForImage is a wrapper around gtk_clipboard_wait_for_image

func (*Clipboard) WaitForText

func (v *Clipboard) WaitForText() (string, error)

WaitForText is a wrapper around gtk_clipboard_wait_for_text

func (*Clipboard) WaitIsImageAvailable

func (v *Clipboard) WaitIsImageAvailable() bool

WaitIsImageAvailable is a wrapper around gtk_clipboard_wait_is_image_available

func (*Clipboard) WaitIsRichTextAvailable

func (v *Clipboard) WaitIsRichTextAvailable(buf *TextBuffer) bool

WaitIsRichTextAvailable is a wrapper around gtk_clipboard_wait_is_rich_text_available

func (*Clipboard) WaitIsTargetAvailable

func (v *Clipboard) WaitIsTargetAvailable(target gdk.Atom) bool

WaitIsTargetAvailable is a wrapper around gtk_clipboard_wait_is_target_available

func (*Clipboard) WaitIsTextAvailable

func (v *Clipboard) WaitIsTextAvailable() bool

WaitIsTextAvailable is a wrapper around gtk_clipboard_wait_is_text_available

func (*Clipboard) WaitIsUrisAvailable

func (v *Clipboard) WaitIsUrisAvailable() bool

WaitIsUrisAvailable is a wrapper around gtk_clipboard_wait_is_uris_available

type ColorButton

type ColorButton struct {

	// Interfaces

ColorButton is a representation of GTK's GtkColorButton.

func ColorButtonNew

func ColorButtonNew() (*ColorButton, error)

ColorButtonNew is a wrapper around gtk_color_button_new().

func ColorButtonNewWithRGBA

func ColorButtonNewWithRGBA(gdkColor *gdk.RGBA) (*ColorButton, error)

ColorButtonNewWithRGBA is a wrapper around gtk_color_button_new_with_rgba().

func (*ColorButton) GetTitle

func (v *ColorButton) GetTitle() string

GetTitle is a wrapper around gtk_color_button_get_title().

func (*ColorButton) SetTitle

func (v *ColorButton) SetTitle(title string)

SetTitle is a wrapper around gtk_color_button_set_title().

type ColorChooser

type ColorChooser struct {

ColorChooser is a representation of GTK's GtkColorChooser GInterface.

func (*ColorChooser) AddPalette

func (v *ColorChooser) AddPalette(orientation Orientation, colors_per_line int, colors []*gdk.RGBA)

AddPalette() is a wrapper around gtk_color_chooser_add_palette().

func (*ColorChooser) GetRGBA

func (v *ColorChooser) GetRGBA() *gdk.RGBA

GetRGBA() is a wrapper around gtk_color_chooser_get_rgba().

func (*ColorChooser) GetUseAlpha

func (v *ColorChooser) GetUseAlpha() bool

GetUseAlpha() is a wrapper around gtk_color_chooser_get_use_alpha().

func (*ColorChooser) SetRGBA

func (v *ColorChooser) SetRGBA(gdkColor *gdk.RGBA)

SetRGBA() is a wrapper around gtk_color_chooser_set_rgba().

func (*ColorChooser) SetUseAlpha

func (v *ColorChooser) SetUseAlpha(use_alpha bool)

SetUseAlpha() is a wrapper around gtk_color_chooser_set_use_alpha().

type ColorChooserDialog

type ColorChooserDialog struct {

	// Interfaces

ColorChooserDialog is a representation of GTK's GtkColorChooserDialog.

func ColorChooserDialogNew

func ColorChooserDialogNew(title string, parent IWindow) (*ColorChooserDialog, error)

ColorChooserDialogNew() is a wrapper around gtk_color_chooser_dialog_new().

type Cols

type Cols map[int]interface{}

Convenient map for Columns and values (See ListStore, TreeStore)

type ComboBox

type ComboBox struct {

	// Interfaces

ComboBox is a representation of GTK's GtkComboBox.

func ComboBoxNew

func ComboBoxNew() (*ComboBox, error)

ComboBoxNew is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_new().

func ComboBoxNewWithEntry

func ComboBoxNewWithEntry() (*ComboBox, error)

ComboBoxNewWithEntry is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_new_with_entry().

func ComboBoxNewWithModel

func ComboBoxNewWithModel(model ITreeModel) (*ComboBox, error)

ComboBoxNewWithModel is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_new_with_model().

func ComboBoxNewWithModelAndEntry

func ComboBoxNewWithModelAndEntry(model ITreeModel) (*ComboBox, error)

is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_new_with_model_and_entry().

func (*ComboBox) GetActive

func (v *ComboBox) GetActive() int

GetActive is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_get_active().

func (*ComboBox) GetActiveID

func (v *ComboBox) GetActiveID() string

GetActiveID is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_get_active_id().

func (*ComboBox) GetActiveIter

func (v *ComboBox) GetActiveIter() (*TreeIter, error)

GetActiveIter is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_get_active_iter().

func (*ComboBox) GetColumnSpanColumn

func (v *ComboBox) GetColumnSpanColumn() int

GetColumnSpanColumn is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_get_column_span_column().

func (*ComboBox) GetEntry

func (v *ComboBox) GetEntry() (*Entry, error)

GetEntry is a convenience func to get the Entry within the ComboBox. If the Combobox does not contain an Entry, an error is returned.

func (*ComboBox) GetEntryTextColumn

func (v *ComboBox) GetEntryTextColumn() int

GetEntryTextColumn is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_get_entry_text_column().

func (*ComboBox) GetHasEntry

func (v *ComboBox) GetHasEntry() bool

GetHasEntry is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_get_has_entry().

func (*ComboBox) GetIDColumn

func (v *ComboBox) GetIDColumn() int

GetIDColumn is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_get_id_column()

func (*ComboBox) GetModel

func (v *ComboBox) GetModel() (*TreeModel, error)

GetModel is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_get_model().

func (*ComboBox) GetPopupFixedWidth

func (v *ComboBox) GetPopupFixedWidth() bool

GetPopupFixedWidth is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_get_popup_fixed_width

func (*ComboBox) GetRowSpanColumn

func (v *ComboBox) GetRowSpanColumn() int

GetRowSpanColumn is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_get_row_span_column().

func (*ComboBox) GetWrapWidth

func (v *ComboBox) GetWrapWidth() int

GetWrapWidth is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_get_wrap_width().

func (*ComboBox) Popdown

func (v *ComboBox) Popdown()

Popdown is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_popdown().

func (*ComboBox) Popup

func (v *ComboBox) Popup()

Popup is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_popup().

func (*ComboBox) PopupForDevice

func (v *ComboBox) PopupForDevice(device *gdk.Device)

PopupForDevice is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_popup_for_device()

func (*ComboBox) SetActive

func (v *ComboBox) SetActive(index int)

SetActive is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_set_active().

func (*ComboBox) SetActiveID

func (v *ComboBox) SetActiveID(id string) bool

SetActiveID is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_set_active_id().

func (*ComboBox) SetActiveIter

func (v *ComboBox) SetActiveIter(iter *TreeIter)

SetActiveIter is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_set_active_iter().

func (*ComboBox) SetColumnSpanColumn

func (v *ComboBox) SetColumnSpanColumn(wrapWidth int)

SetColumnSpanColumn is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_set_column_span_column().

func (*ComboBox) SetEntryTextColumn

func (v *ComboBox) SetEntryTextColumn(textColumn int)

SetEntryTextColumn is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_set_entry_text_column().

func (*ComboBox) SetIDColumn

func (v *ComboBox) SetIDColumn(idColumn int)

SetIDColumn is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_set_id_column()

func (*ComboBox) SetModel

func (v *ComboBox) SetModel(model ITreeModel)

SetModel is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_set_model().

func (*ComboBox) SetPopupFixedWidth

func (v *ComboBox) SetPopupFixedWidth(fixedWidth bool)

SetPopupFixedWidth is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_set_popup_fixed_width

func (*ComboBox) SetRowSpanColumn

func (v *ComboBox) SetRowSpanColumn(rowSpan int)

SetRowSpanColumn is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_set_row_span_column().

func (*ComboBox) SetWrapWidth

func (v *ComboBox) SetWrapWidth(wrapWidth int)

SetWrapWidth is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_set_wrap_width().

type ComboBoxText

type ComboBoxText struct {

ComboBoxText is a representation of GTK's GtkComboBoxText.

func ComboBoxTextNew

func ComboBoxTextNew() (*ComboBoxText, error)

ComboBoxTextNew is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_text_new().

func ComboBoxTextNewWithEntry

func ComboBoxTextNewWithEntry() (*ComboBoxText, error)

ComboBoxTextNewWithEntry is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_text_new_with_entry().

func (*ComboBoxText) Append

func (v *ComboBoxText) Append(id, text string)

Append is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_text_append().

func (*ComboBoxText) AppendText

func (v *ComboBoxText) AppendText(text string)

AppendText is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_text_append_text().

func (*ComboBoxText) GetActiveText

func (v *ComboBoxText) GetActiveText() string

GetActiveText is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_text_get_active_text().

func (*ComboBoxText) Insert

func (v *ComboBoxText) Insert(position int, id, text string)

Insert is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_text_insert().

func (*ComboBoxText) InsertText

func (v *ComboBoxText) InsertText(position int, text string)

InsertText is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_text_insert_text().

func (*ComboBoxText) Prepend

func (v *ComboBoxText) Prepend(id, text string)

Prepend is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_text_prepend().

func (*ComboBoxText) PrependText

func (v *ComboBoxText) PrependText(text string)

PrependText is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_text_prepend_text().

func (*ComboBoxText) Remove

func (v *ComboBoxText) Remove(position int)

Remove is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_text_remove().

func (*ComboBoxText) RemoveAll

func (v *ComboBoxText) RemoveAll()

RemoveAll is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_text_remove_all().

type Container

type Container struct {

Container is a representation of GTK's GtkContainer.

func (*Container) Add

func (v *Container) Add(w IWidget)

Add is a wrapper around gtk_container_add().

func (*Container) CheckResize

func (v *Container) CheckResize()

CheckResize is a wrapper around gtk_container_check_resize().

func (*Container) ChildGetProperty

func (v *Container) ChildGetProperty(child IWidget, name string, valueType glib.Type) (interface{}, error)

ChildGetProperty is a wrapper around gtk_container_child_get_property().

func (*Container) ChildNotify

func (v *Container) ChildNotify(child IWidget, childProperty string)

ChildNotify is a wrapper around gtk_container_child_notify().

func (*Container) ChildSetProperty

func (v *Container) ChildSetProperty(child IWidget, name string, value interface{}) error

ChildSetProperty is a wrapper around gtk_container_child_set_property().

func (*Container) ChildType

func (v *Container) ChildType() glib.Type

ChildType is a wrapper around gtk_container_child_type().

func (*Container) GetBorderWidth

func (v *Container) GetBorderWidth() uint

GetBorderWidth is a wrapper around gtk_container_get_border_width().

func (*Container) GetChildren

func (v *Container) GetChildren() *glib.List

GetChildren is a wrapper around gtk_container_get_children().

func (*Container) GetFocusChild

func (v *Container) GetFocusChild() *Widget

GetFocusChild is a wrapper around gtk_container_get_focus_child().

func (*Container) GetFocusHAdjustment

func (v *Container) GetFocusHAdjustment() *Adjustment

GetFocusHAdjustment is a wrapper around gtk_container_get_focus_hadjustment().

func (*Container) GetFocusVAdjustment

func (v *Container) GetFocusVAdjustment() *Adjustment

GetFocusVAdjustment is a wrapper around gtk_container_get_focus_vadjustment().

func (*Container) PropagateDraw

func (v *Container) PropagateDraw(child IWidget, cr *cairo.Context)

PropagateDraw is a wrapper around gtk_container_propagate_draw().

func (*Container) Remove

func (v *Container) Remove(w IWidget)

Remove is a wrapper around gtk_container_remove().

func (*Container) SetBorderWidth

func (v *Container) SetBorderWidth(borderWidth uint)

SetBorderWidth is a wrapper around gtk_container_set_border_width().

func (*Container) SetFocusChild

func (v *Container) SetFocusChild(child IWidget)

SetFocusChild is a wrapper around gtk_container_set_focus_child().

func (*Container) SetFocusHAdjustment

func (v *Container) SetFocusHAdjustment(adjustment *Adjustment)

SetFocusHAdjustment is a wrapper around gtk_container_set_focus_hadjustment().

func (*Container) SetFocusVAdjustment

func (v *Container) SetFocusVAdjustment(adjustment *Adjustment)

SetFocusVAdjustment is a wrapper around gtk_container_set_focus_vadjustment().

type CornerType

type CornerType int

CornerType is a representation of GTK's GtkCornerType.

const (

type CssProvider

type CssProvider struct {

CssProvider is a representation of GTK's GtkCssProvider.

func CssProviderGetNamed

func CssProviderGetNamed(name string, variant string) (*CssProvider, error)

GetNamed is a wrapper around gtk_css_provider_get_named().

func CssProviderNew

func CssProviderNew() (*CssProvider, error)

CssProviderNew is a wrapper around gtk_css_provider_new().

func (*CssProvider) LoadFromData

func (v *CssProvider) LoadFromData(data string) error

LoadFromData is a wrapper around gtk_css_provider_load_from_data().

func (*CssProvider) LoadFromPath

func (v *CssProvider) LoadFromPath(path string) error

LoadFromPath is a wrapper around gtk_css_provider_load_from_path().

func (*CssProvider) ToString

func (v *CssProvider) ToString() (string, error)

ToString is a wrapper around gtk_css_provider_to_string().

type DestDefaults

type DestDefaults int

DestDefaults is a representation of GTK's GtkDestDefaults.

const (

type Dialog

type Dialog struct {

Dialog is a representation of GTK's GtkDialog.

func DialogNew

func DialogNew() (*Dialog, error)

DialogNew() is a wrapper around gtk_dialog_new().

func DialogNewWithButtons

func DialogNewWithButtons(title string, parent IWindow, flags DialogFlags, buttons ...[]interface{}) (dialog *Dialog, err error)

DialogNewWithButtons() is a wrapper around gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons(). i.e: []interface{}{"Accept", gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT}.

func (*Dialog) AddActionWidget

func (v *Dialog) AddActionWidget(child IWidget, id ResponseType)

AddActionWidget() is a wrapper around gtk_dialog_add_action_widget().

func (*Dialog) AddButton

func (v *Dialog) AddButton(text string, id ResponseType) (*Button, error)

AddButton() is a wrapper around gtk_dialog_add_button(). text may be either the literal button text, or if using GTK 3.8 or earlier, a Stock type converted to a string.

func (*Dialog) GetContentArea

func (v *Dialog) GetContentArea() (*Box, error)

GetContentArea() is a wrapper around gtk_dialog_get_content_area().

func (*Dialog) GetHeaderBar

func (v *Dialog) GetHeaderBar() *Widget

GetHeaderBar is a wrapper around gtk_dialog_get_header_bar().

func (*Dialog) GetResponseForWidget

func (v *Dialog) GetResponseForWidget(widget IWidget) ResponseType

GetResponseForWidget is a wrapper around gtk_dialog_get_response_for_widget().

func (*Dialog) GetWidgetForResponse

func (v *Dialog) GetWidgetForResponse(id ResponseType) (*Widget, error)

GetWidgetForResponse is a wrapper around gtk_dialog_get_widget_for_response().

func (*Dialog) Response

func (v *Dialog) Response(response ResponseType)

Response() is a wrapper around gtk_dialog_response().

func (*Dialog) Run

func (v *Dialog) Run() ResponseType

Run() is a wrapper around gtk_dialog_run().

func (*Dialog) SetDefaultResponse

func (v *Dialog) SetDefaultResponse(id ResponseType)

SetDefaultResponse() is a wrapper around gtk_dialog_set_default_response().

func (*Dialog) SetResponseSensitive

func (v *Dialog) SetResponseSensitive(id ResponseType, setting bool)

SetResponseSensitive() is a wrapper around gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive().

type DialogFlags

type DialogFlags int

DialogFlags is a representation of GTK's GtkDialogFlags.

const (
	DIALOG_MODAL               DialogFlags = C.GTK_DIALOG_MODAL

type DrawingArea

type DrawingArea struct {

DrawingArea is a representation of GTK's GtkDrawingArea.

func DrawingAreaNew

func DrawingAreaNew() (*DrawingArea, error)

DrawingAreaNew is a wrapper around gtk_drawing_area_new().

type Editable

type Editable struct {

Editable is a representation of GTK's GtkEditable GInterface.

func (*Editable) CopyClipboard

func (v *Editable) CopyClipboard()

CopyClipboard is a wrapper around gtk_editable_copy_clipboard().

func (*Editable) CutClipboard

func (v *Editable) CutClipboard()

CutClipboard is a wrapper around gtk_editable_cut_clipboard().

func (*Editable) DeleteSelection

func (v *Editable) DeleteSelection()

DeleteSelection is a wrapper around gtk_editable_delete_selection().

func (*Editable) DeleteText

func (v *Editable) DeleteText(startPos, endPos int)

DeleteText is a wrapper around gtk_editable_delete_text().

func (*Editable) GetChars

func (v *Editable) GetChars(startPos, endPos int) string

GetChars is a wrapper around gtk_editable_get_chars().

func (*Editable) GetEditable

func (v *Editable) GetEditable() bool

GetEditable is a wrapper around gtk_editable_get_editable().

func (*Editable) GetPosition

func (v *Editable) GetPosition() int

GetPosition is a wrapper around gtk_editable_get_position().

func (*Editable) GetSelectionBounds

func (v *Editable) GetSelectionBounds() (start, end int, nonEmpty bool)

GetSelectionBounds is a wrapper around gtk_editable_get_selection_bounds().

func (*Editable) InsertText

func (v *Editable) InsertText(newText string, position int) int

InsertText is a wrapper around gtk_editable_insert_text(). The returned int is the position after the inserted text.

func (*Editable) PasteClipboard

func (v *Editable) PasteClipboard()

PasteClipboard is a wrapper around gtk_editable_paste_clipboard().

func (*Editable) SelectRegion

func (v *Editable) SelectRegion(startPos, endPos int)

SelectRegion is a wrapper around gtk_editable_select_region().

func (*Editable) SetEditable

func (v *Editable) SetEditable(isEditable bool)

SetEditable is a wrapper around gtk_editable_set_editable().

func (*Editable) SetPosition

func (v *Editable) SetPosition(position int)

SetPosition is a wrapper around gtk_editable_set_position().

type Entry

type Entry struct {

	// Interfaces

Entry is a representation of GTK's GtkEntry.

func EntryNew

func EntryNew() (*Entry, error)

EntryNew() is a wrapper around gtk_entry_new().

func EntryNewWithBuffer

func EntryNewWithBuffer(buffer *EntryBuffer) (*Entry, error)

EntryNewWithBuffer() is a wrapper around gtk_entry_new_with_buffer().

func (*Entry) GetActivatesDefault

func (v *Entry) GetActivatesDefault() bool

GetActivatesDefault is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_activates_default().

func (*Entry) GetAlignment

func (v *Entry) GetAlignment() float32

GetAlignment is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_alignment().

func (*Entry) GetBuffer

func (v *Entry) GetBuffer() (*EntryBuffer, error)

GetBuffer() is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_buffer().

func (*Entry) GetCompletion

func (v *Entry) GetCompletion() (*EntryCompletion, error)

GetCompletion is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_completion().

func (*Entry) GetCurrentIconDragSource

func (v *Entry) GetCurrentIconDragSource() int

GetCurrentIconDragSource is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_current_icon_drag_source().

func (*Entry) GetCursorHAdjustment

func (v *Entry) GetCursorHAdjustment() (*Adjustment, error)

GetCursorHAdjustment is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_cursor_hadjustment().

func (*Entry) GetHasFrame

func (v *Entry) GetHasFrame() bool

GetHasFrame is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_has_frame().

func (*Entry) GetIconActivatable

func (v *Entry) GetIconActivatable(iconPos EntryIconPosition) bool

GetIconActivatable is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_icon_activatable().

func (*Entry) GetIconArea

func (v *Entry) GetIconArea(iconPos EntryIconPosition) *gdk.Rectangle

GetIconArea is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_icon_area().

func (*Entry) GetIconAtPos

func (v *Entry) GetIconAtPos(x, y int) int

GetIconAtPos is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_icon_at_pos().

func (*Entry) GetIconName

func (v *Entry) GetIconName(iconPos EntryIconPosition) (string, error)

GetIconName is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_icon_name().

func (*Entry) GetIconSensitive

func (v *Entry) GetIconSensitive(iconPos EntryIconPosition) bool

GetIconSensitive is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_icon_sensitive().

func (*Entry) GetIconStorageType

func (v *Entry) GetIconStorageType(iconPos EntryIconPosition) ImageType

GetIconStorageType is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_icon_storage_type().

func (*Entry) GetIconTooltipMarkup

func (v *Entry) GetIconTooltipMarkup(iconPos EntryIconPosition) (string, error)

GetIconTooltipMarkup is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_icon_tooltip_markup().

func (*Entry) GetIconTooltipText

func (v *Entry) GetIconTooltipText(iconPos EntryIconPosition) (string, error)

GetIconTooltipText is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_icon_tooltip_text().

func (*Entry) GetInputHints

func (v *Entry) GetInputHints() InputHints

GetInputHints is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_input_hints().

func (*Entry) GetInputPurpose

func (v *Entry) GetInputPurpose() InputPurpose

GetInputPurpose is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_input_purpose().

func (*Entry) GetInvisibleChar

func (v *Entry) GetInvisibleChar() rune

GetInvisibleChar is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_invisible_char().

func (*Entry) GetLayoutOffsets

func (v *Entry) GetLayoutOffsets() (x, y int)

GetLayoutOffsets is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_layout_offsets().

func (*Entry) GetMaxLength

func (v *Entry) GetMaxLength() int

GetMaxLength is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_max_length().

func (*Entry) GetMaxWidthChars

func (v *Entry) GetMaxWidthChars() int

GetMaxWidthChars is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_max_width_chars().

func (*Entry) GetOverwriteMode

func (v *Entry) GetOverwriteMode() bool

GetOverwriteMode is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_overwrite_mode().

func (*Entry) GetPlaceholderText

func (v *Entry) GetPlaceholderText() (string, error)

GetPlaceholderText is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_placeholder_text().

func (*Entry) GetProgressFraction

func (v *Entry) GetProgressFraction() float64

GetProgressFraction is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_progress_fraction().

func (*Entry) GetProgressPulseStep

func (v *Entry) GetProgressPulseStep() float64

GetProgressPulseSte) is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_progress_pulse_step().

func (*Entry) GetText

func (v *Entry) GetText() (string, error)

GetText() is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_text().

func (*Entry) GetTextArea

func (v *Entry) GetTextArea() *gdk.Rectangle

GetTextArea is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_text_area().

func (*Entry) GetTextLength

func (v *Entry) GetTextLength() uint16

GetTextLength() is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_text_length().

func (*Entry) GetVisibility

func (v *Entry) GetVisibility() bool

GetVisibility is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_visibility().

func (*Entry) GetWidthChars

func (v *Entry) GetWidthChars() int

GetWidthChars is a wrapper around gtk_entry_get_width_chars().

func (*Entry) GrabFocusWithoutSelecting

func (v *Entry) GrabFocusWithoutSelecting()

GrabFocusWithoutSelecting is a wrapper for gtk_entry_grab_focus_without_selecting()

func (*Entry) LayoutIndexToTextIndex

func (v *Entry) LayoutIndexToTextIndex(layoutIndex int) int

LayoutIndexToTextIndex is a wrapper around gtk_entry_layout_index_to_text_index().

func (*Entry) ProgressPulse

func (v *Entry) ProgressPulse()

ProgressPulse is a wrapper around gtk_entry_progress_pulse().

func (*Entry) RemoveIcon

func (v *Entry) RemoveIcon(iconPos EntryIconPosition)

RemoveIcon is a convenience func to set a nil pointer to the icon name.

func (*Entry) ResetIMContext

func (v *Entry) ResetIMContext()

ResetIMContext is a wrapper around gtk_entry_reset_im_context().

func (*Entry) SetActivatesDefault

func (v *Entry) SetActivatesDefault(setting bool)

SetActivatesDefault is a wrapper around gtk_entry_set_activates_default().

func (*Entry) SetAlignment

func (v *Entry) SetAlignment(xalign float32)

SetAlignment is a wrapper around gtk_entry_set_alignment().

func (*Entry) SetBuffer

func (v *Entry) SetBuffer(buffer *EntryBuffer)

SetBuffer() is a wrapper around gtk_entry_set_buffer().

func (*Entry) SetCompletion

func (v *Entry) SetCompletion(completion *EntryCompletion)

SetCompletion is a wrapper around gtk_entry_set_completion().

func (*Entry) SetCursorHAdjustment

func (v *Entry) SetCursorHAdjustment(adjustment *Adjustment)

SetCursorHAdjustment is a wrapper around gtk_entry_set_cursor_hadjustment().

func (*Entry) SetHasFrame

func (v *Entry) SetHasFrame(setting bool)

SetHasFrame is a wrapper around gtk_entry_set_has_frame().

func (*Entry) SetIconActivatable

func (v *Entry) SetIconActivatable(iconPos EntryIconPosition, activatable bool)

SetIconActivatable is a wrapper around gtk_entry_set_icon_activatable().

func (*Entry) SetIconFromIconName

func (v *Entry) SetIconFromIconName(iconPos EntryIconPosition, name string)

SetIconFromIconName is a wrapper around gtk_entry_set_icon_from_icon_name().

func (*Entry) SetIconFromPixbuf

func (v *Entry) SetIconFromPixbuf(iconPos EntryIconPosition, pixbuf *gdk.Pixbuf)

SetIconFromPixbuf is a wrapper around gtk_entry_set_icon_from_pixbuf().

func (*Entry) SetIconSensitive

func (v *Entry) SetIconSensitive(iconPos EntryIconPosition, sensitive bool)

SetIconSensitive is a wrapper around gtk_entry_set_icon_sensitive().

func (*Entry) SetIconTooltipMarkup

func (v *Entry) SetIconTooltipMarkup(iconPos EntryIconPosition, tooltip string)

SetIconTooltipMarkup is a wrapper around gtk_entry_set_icon_tooltip_markup().

func (*Entry) SetIconTooltipText

func (v *Entry) SetIconTooltipText(iconPos EntryIconPosition, tooltip string)

SetIconTooltipText is a wrapper around gtk_entry_set_icon_tooltip_text().

func (*Entry) SetInputHints

func (v *Entry) SetInputHints(hints InputHints)

SetInputHints is a wrapper around gtk_entry_set_input_hints().

func (*Entry) SetInputPurpose

func (v *Entry) SetInputPurpose(purpose InputPurpose)

SetInputPurpose is a wrapper around gtk_entry_set_input_purpose().

func (*Entry) SetInvisibleChar

func (v *Entry) SetInvisibleChar(ch rune)

SetInvisibleChar is a wrapper around gtk_entry_set_invisible_char().

func (*Entry) SetMaxLength

func (v *Entry) SetMaxLength(len int)

SetMaxLength is a wrapper around gtk_entry_set_max_length().

func (*Entry) SetMaxWidthChars

func (v *Entry) SetMaxWidthChars(nChars int)

SetMaxWidthChars is a wrapper around gtk_entry_set_max_width_chars().

func (*Entry) SetOverwriteMode

func (v *Entry) SetOverwriteMode(overwrite bool)

SetOverwriteMode is a wrapper around gtk_entry_set_overwrite_mode().

func (*Entry) SetPlaceholderText

func (v *Entry) SetPlaceholderText(text string)

SetPlaceholderText is a wrapper around gtk_entry_set_placeholder_text().

func (*Entry) SetProgressFraction

func (v *Entry) SetProgressFraction(fraction float64)

SetProgressFraction is a wrapper around gtk_entry_set_progress_fraction().

func (*Entry) SetProgressPulseStep

func (v *Entry) SetProgressPulseStep(fraction float64)

SetProgressPulseStep is a wrapper around gtk_entry_set_progress_pulse_step().

func (*Entry) SetText

func (v *Entry) SetText(text string)

SetText() is a wrapper around gtk_entry_set_text().

func (*Entry) SetVisibility

func (v *Entry) SetVisibility(visible bool)

SetVisibility is a wrapper around gtk_entry_set_visibility().

func (*Entry) SetWidthChars

func (v *Entry) SetWidthChars(nChars int)

SetWidthChars is a wrapper around gtk_entry_set_width_chars().

func (*Entry) TextIndexToLayoutIndex

func (v *Entry) TextIndexToLayoutIndex(textIndex int) int

TextIndexToLayoutIndex is a wrapper around gtk_entry_text_index_to_layout_index().

func (*Entry) UnsetInvisibleChar

func (v *Entry) UnsetInvisibleChar()

UnsetInvisibleChar is a wrapper around gtk_entry_unset_invisible_char().

type EntryBuffer

type EntryBuffer struct {

EntryBuffer is a representation of GTK's GtkEntryBuffer.

func EntryBufferNew

func EntryBufferNew(initialChars string, nInitialChars int) (*EntryBuffer, error)

EntryBufferNew() is a wrapper around gtk_entry_buffer_new().

func (*EntryBuffer) DeleteText

func (v *EntryBuffer) DeleteText(position uint, nChars int) uint

DeleteText() is a wrapper around gtk_entry_buffer_delete_text().

func (*EntryBuffer) EmitDeletedText

func (v *EntryBuffer) EmitDeletedText(pos, nChars uint)

EmitDeletedText() is a wrapper around gtk_entry_buffer_emit_deleted_text().

func (*EntryBuffer) EmitInsertedText

func (v *EntryBuffer) EmitInsertedText(pos uint, text string)

EmitInsertedText() is a wrapper around gtk_entry_buffer_emit_inserted_text().

func (*EntryBuffer) GetBytes

func (v *EntryBuffer) GetBytes() uint

GetBytes() is a wrapper around gtk_entry_buffer_get_bytes().

func (*EntryBuffer) GetLength

func (v *EntryBuffer) GetLength() uint

GetLength() is a wrapper around gtk_entry_buffer_get_length().

func (*EntryBuffer) GetMaxLength

func (v *EntryBuffer) GetMaxLength() int

GetMaxLength() is a wrapper around gtk_entry_buffer_get_max_length().

func (*EntryBuffer) GetText

func (v *EntryBuffer) GetText() (string, error)

GetText() is a wrapper around gtk_entry_buffer_get_text(). A non-nil error is returned in the case that gtk_entry_buffer_get_text returns NULL to differentiate between NULL and an empty string.

func (*EntryBuffer) InsertText

func (v *EntryBuffer) InsertText(position uint, text string) uint

InsertText() is a wrapper around gtk_entry_buffer_insert_text().

func (*EntryBuffer) SetMaxLength

func (v *EntryBuffer) SetMaxLength(maxLength int)

SetMaxLength() is a wrapper around gtk_entry_buffer_set_max_length().

func (*EntryBuffer) SetText

func (v *EntryBuffer) SetText(text string)

SetText() is a wrapper around gtk_entry_buffer_set_text().

type EntryCompletion

type EntryCompletion struct {

EntryCompletion is a representation of GTK's GtkEntryCompletion.

func EntryCompletionNew

func EntryCompletionNew() (*EntryCompletion, error)

EntryCompletionNew is a wrapper around gtk_entry_completion_new

func (*EntryCompletion) GetInlineCompletion

func (v *EntryCompletion) GetInlineCompletion() bool

GetInlineCompletion is a wrapper around gtk_entry_completion_get_inline_completion

func (*EntryCompletion) GetMinimumKeyLength

func (v *EntryCompletion) GetMinimumKeyLength() int

GetMinimumKeyLength is a wrapper around gtk_entry_completion_get_minimum_key_length

func (*EntryCompletion) GetModel

func (v *EntryCompletion) GetModel() (*TreeModel, error)

GetModel is a wrapper around gtk_entry_completion_get_model

func (*EntryCompletion) GetPopupCompletion

func (v *EntryCompletion) GetPopupCompletion() bool

GetPopupCompletion is a wrapper around gtk_entry_completion_get_popup_completion

func (*EntryCompletion) GetPopupSetWidth

func (v *EntryCompletion) GetPopupSetWidth() bool

GetPopupSetWidth is a wrapper around gtk_entry_completion_get_popup_set_width

func (*EntryCompletion) GetTextColumn

func (v *EntryCompletion) GetTextColumn() int

GetTextColumn is a wrapper around gtk_entry_completion_get_text_column

func (*EntryCompletion) SetInlineCompletion

func (v *EntryCompletion) SetInlineCompletion(inlineCompletion bool)

SetInlineCompletion is a wrapper around gtk_entry_completion_set_inline_completion

func (*EntryCompletion) SetMinimumKeyLength

func (v *EntryCompletion) SetMinimumKeyLength(minimumLength int)

SetMinimumKeyLength is a wrapper around gtk_entry_completion_set_minimum_key_length

func (*EntryCompletion) SetModel

func (v *EntryCompletion) SetModel(model ITreeModel)

SetModel is a wrapper around gtk_entry_completion_set_model

func (*EntryCompletion) SetPopupCompletion

func (v *EntryCompletion) SetPopupCompletion(popupCompletion bool)

SetPopupCompletion is a wrapper around gtk_entry_completion_set_popup_completion

func (*EntryCompletion) SetPopupSetWidth

func (v *EntryCompletion) SetPopupSetWidth(popupSetWidth bool)

SetPopupSetWidth is a wrapper around gtk_entry_completion_set_popup_set_width

func (*EntryCompletion) SetTextColumn

func (v *EntryCompletion) SetTextColumn(textColumn int)

SetTextColumn is a wrapper around gtk_entry_completion_set_text_column

type EntryIconPosition

type EntryIconPosition int

EntryIconPosition is a representation of GTK's GtkEntryIconPosition.

const (

type EventBox

type EventBox struct {

EventBox is a representation of GTK's GtkEventBox.

func EventBoxNew

func EventBoxNew() (*EventBox, error)

EventBoxNew is a wrapper around gtk_event_box_new().

func (*EventBox) GetAboveChild

func (v *EventBox) GetAboveChild() bool

GetAboveChild is a wrapper around gtk_event_box_get_above_child().

func (*EventBox) GetVisibleWindow

func (v *EventBox) GetVisibleWindow() bool

GetVisibleWindow is a wrapper around gtk_event_box_get_visible_window().

func (*EventBox) SetAboveChild

func (v *EventBox) SetAboveChild(aboveChild bool)

SetAboveChild is a wrapper around gtk_event_box_set_above_child().

func (*EventBox) SetVisibleWindow

func (v *EventBox) SetVisibleWindow(visibleWindow bool)

SetVisibleWindow is a wrapper around gtk_event_box_set_visible_window().

type Expander

type Expander struct {

Expander is a representation of GTK's GtkExpander.

func ExpanderNew

func ExpanderNew(label string) (*Expander, error)

ExpanderNew is a wrapper around gtk_expander_new().

func (*Expander) GetExpanded

func (v *Expander) GetExpanded() bool

GetExpanded is a wrapper around gtk_expander_get_expanded().

func (*Expander) GetLabel

func (v *Expander) GetLabel() string

GetLabel is a wrapper around gtk_expander_get_label().

func (*Expander) SetExpanded

func (v *Expander) SetExpanded(expanded bool)

SetExpanded is a wrapper around gtk_expander_set_expanded().

func (*Expander) SetLabel

func (v *Expander) SetLabel(label string)

SetLabel is a wrapper around gtk_expander_set_label().

func (*Expander) SetLabelWidget

func (v *Expander) SetLabelWidget(widget IWidget)

SetLabelWidget is a wrapper around gtk_expander_set_label_widget().

type FileChooser

type FileChooser struct {

FileChoser is a representation of GTK's GtkFileChooser GInterface.

func (*FileChooser) AddFilter

func (v *FileChooser) AddFilter(filter *FileFilter)

AddFilter is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_add_filter().

func (*FileChooser) AddShortcutFolder

func (v *FileChooser) AddShortcutFolder(folder string) bool

AddShortcutFolder is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_add_shortcut_folder().

func (*FileChooser) GetCreateFolders

func (v *FileChooser) GetCreateFolders() bool

GetCreateFolders is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_get_create_folders().

func (*FileChooser) GetCurrentFolder

func (v *FileChooser) GetCurrentFolder() (string, error)

GetCurrentFolder is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_get_current_folder().

func (*FileChooser) GetDoOverwriteConfirmation

func (v *FileChooser) GetDoOverwriteConfirmation() bool

GetDoOverwriteConfirmation is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_get_do_overwrite_confirmation().

func (*FileChooser) GetFilename

func (v *FileChooser) GetFilename() string

GetFilename is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_get_filename().

func (*FileChooser) GetFilenames

func (v *FileChooser) GetFilenames() (*glib.SList, error)

GetFilenames is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_get_filenames().

func (*FileChooser) GetLocalOnly

func (v *FileChooser) GetLocalOnly() bool

GetLocalOnly is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_get_local_only().

func (*FileChooser) GetPreviewFilename

func (v *FileChooser) GetPreviewFilename() string

GetPreviewFilename is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_get_preview_filename().

func (*FileChooser) GetSelectMultiple

func (v *FileChooser) GetSelectMultiple() bool

GetSelectMultiple is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_get_select_multiple().

func (*FileChooser) GetURI

func (v *FileChooser) GetURI() string

GetURI is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_get_uri().

func (FileChooser) GetURIs

func (v FileChooser) GetURIs() (*glib.SList, error)

GetURIs is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_get_uris().

func (*FileChooser) RemoveFilter

func (v *FileChooser) RemoveFilter(filter *FileFilter)

RemoveFilter is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_remove_filter().

func (*FileChooser) SelectAll

func (v *FileChooser) SelectAll()

SelectAll is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_select_all().

func (*FileChooser) SelectFilename

func (v *FileChooser) SelectFilename(filename string) bool

SelectFilename is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_select_filename().

func (*FileChooser) SetCreateFolders

func (v *FileChooser) SetCreateFolders(value bool)

SetCreateFolders is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_set_create_folders().

func (*FileChooser) SetCurrentFolder

func (v *FileChooser) SetCurrentFolder(folder string) bool

SetCurrentFolder is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder().

func (*FileChooser) SetCurrentName

func (v *FileChooser) SetCurrentName(name string)

SetCurrentName is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_set_current_name().

func (*FileChooser) SetDoOverwriteConfirmation

func (v *FileChooser) SetDoOverwriteConfirmation(value bool)

SetDoOverwriteConfirmation is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_set_do_overwrite_confirmation().

func (*FileChooser) SetFilename

func (v *FileChooser) SetFilename(filename string) bool

SetFilename is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_set_filename().

func (*FileChooser) SetFilter

func (v *FileChooser) SetFilter(filter *FileFilter)

SetFilter is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_set_filter().

func (*FileChooser) SetLocalOnly

func (v *FileChooser) SetLocalOnly(value bool)

SetLocalOnly is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_set_local_only().

func (*FileChooser) SetPreviewWidget

func (v *FileChooser) SetPreviewWidget(widget IWidget)

SetPreviewWidget is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_set_preview_widget().

func (*FileChooser) SetPreviewWidgetActive

func (v *FileChooser) SetPreviewWidgetActive(active bool)

SetPreviewWidgetActive is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_set_preview_widget_active().

func (*FileChooser) SetSelectMultiple

func (v *FileChooser) SetSelectMultiple(value bool)

SetSelectMultiple is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_set_select_multiple().

func (*FileChooser) UnselectAll

func (v *FileChooser) UnselectAll()

UnselectAll is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_unselect_all().

func (*FileChooser) UnselectFilename

func (v *FileChooser) UnselectFilename(filename string)

UnselectFilename is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_unselect_filename().

type FileChooserAction

type FileChooserAction int

FileChooserAction is a representation of GTK's GtkFileChooserAction.

const (

type FileChooserButton

type FileChooserButton struct {

	// Interfaces

FileChooserButton is a representation of GTK's GtkFileChooserButton.

func FileChooserButtonNew

func FileChooserButtonNew(title string, action FileChooserAction) (*FileChooserButton, error)

FileChooserButtonNew is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_button_new().

type FileChooserDialog

type FileChooserDialog struct {

	// Interfaces

FileChooserDialog is a representation of GTK's GtkFileChooserDialog.

func FileChooserDialogNewWith1Button

func FileChooserDialogNewWith1Button(
	title string,
	parent IWindow,
	action FileChooserAction,
	first_button_text string,
	first_button_id ResponseType) (*FileChooserDialog, error)

FileChooserDialogNewWith1Button is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new() with one button.

func FileChooserDialogNewWith2Buttons

func FileChooserDialogNewWith2Buttons(
	title string,
	parent IWindow,
	action FileChooserAction,
	first_button_text string,
	first_button_id ResponseType,
	second_button_text string,
	second_button_id ResponseType) (*FileChooserDialog, error)

FileChooserDialogNewWith2Buttons is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new() with two buttons.

type FileChooserNativeDialog

type FileChooserNativeDialog struct {

	// Interfaces

FileChooserNativeDialog is a representation of GTK's GtkFileChooserNative.

func FileChooserNativeDialogNew

func FileChooserNativeDialogNew(
	title string,
	parent IWindow,
	action FileChooserAction,
	accept_label string,
	cancel_label string) (*FileChooserNativeDialog, error)

FileChooserNativeDialogNew is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_native_new().

func (*FileChooserNativeDialog) GetAcceptLabel

func (v *FileChooserNativeDialog) GetAcceptLabel() (string, error)

GetAcceptLabel() is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_native_get_accept_label().

func (*FileChooserNativeDialog) GetCancelLabel

func (v *FileChooserNativeDialog) GetCancelLabel() (string, error)

GetCancelLabel() is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_native_get_cancel_label().

func (*FileChooserNativeDialog) SetAcceptLabel

func (v *FileChooserNativeDialog) SetAcceptLabel(accept_label string)

SetAcceptLabel is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_native_set_accept_label().

func (*FileChooserNativeDialog) SetCancelLabel

func (v *FileChooserNativeDialog) SetCancelLabel(cancel_label string)

SetCancelLabel is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_native_set_cancel_label().

type FileChooserWidget

type FileChooserWidget struct {

	// Interfaces

FileChooserWidget is a representation of GTK's GtkFileChooserWidget.

func FileChooserWidgetNew

func FileChooserWidgetNew(action FileChooserAction) (*FileChooserWidget, error)

FileChooserWidgetNew is a wrapper around gtk_file_chooser_widget_new().

type FileFilter

type FileFilter struct {

FileChoser is a representation of GTK's GtkFileFilter GInterface.

func FileFilterNew

func FileFilterNew() (*FileFilter, error)

FileFilterNew is a wrapper around gtk_file_filter_new().

func (*FileFilter) AddMimeType

func (v *FileFilter) AddMimeType(mimeType string)

AddMimeType is a wrapper around gtk_file_filter_add_mime_type().

func (*FileFilter) AddPattern

func (v *FileFilter) AddPattern(pattern string)

AddPattern is a wrapper around gtk_file_filter_add_pattern().

func (*FileFilter) AddPixbufFormats

func (v *FileFilter) AddPixbufFormats()

AddPixbufFormats is a wrapper around gtk_file_filter_add_pixbuf_formats().

func (*FileFilter) SetName

func (v *FileFilter) SetName(name string)

SetName is a wrapper around gtk_file_filter_set_name().

type Fixed

type Fixed struct {

Fixed is a representation of GTK's GtkFixed.

func FixedNew

func FixedNew() (*Fixed, error)

FixedNew is a wrapper around gtk_fixed_new().

func (*Fixed) Move

func (v *Fixed) Move(w IWidget, x, y int)

Move is a wrapper around gtk_fixed_move().

func (*Fixed) Put

func (v *Fixed) Put(w IWidget, x, y int)

Put is a wrapper around gtk_fixed_put().

type FlowBox

type FlowBox struct {

* FlowBox

func FlowBoxNew

func FlowBoxNew() (*FlowBox, error)

FlowBoxNew is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_new()

func (*FlowBox) GetActivateOnSingleClick

func (fb *FlowBox) GetActivateOnSingleClick() bool

GetActivateOnSingleClick gtk_flow_box_get_activate_on_single_click()

func (*FlowBox) GetChildAtIndex

func (fb *FlowBox) GetChildAtIndex(idx int) *FlowBoxChild

GetChildAtIndex is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_get_child_at_index()

func (*FlowBox) GetColumnSpacing

func (fb *FlowBox) GetColumnSpacing() uint

GetColumnSpacing is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_get_column_spacing()

func (*FlowBox) GetHomogeneous

func (fb *FlowBox) GetHomogeneous() bool

GetHomogeneous is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_get_homogeneous()

func (*FlowBox) GetMaxChildrenPerLine

func (fb *FlowBox) GetMaxChildrenPerLine() uint

GetMaxChildrenPerLine is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_get_max_children_per_line()

func (*FlowBox) GetMinChildrenPerLine

func (fb *FlowBox) GetMinChildrenPerLine() uint

GetMinChildrenPerLine is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_get_min_children_per_line()

func (*FlowBox) GetRowSpacing

func (fb *FlowBox) GetRowSpacing() uint

GetRowSpacing is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_get_row_spacing()

func (*FlowBox) GetSelectedChildren

func (fb *FlowBox) GetSelectedChildren() (rv []*FlowBoxChild)

GetSelectedChildren is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_get_selected_children()

func (*FlowBox) GetSelectionMode

func (fb *FlowBox) GetSelectionMode() SelectionMode

GetSelectionMode is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_get_selection_mode()

func (*FlowBox) Insert

func (fb *FlowBox) Insert(widget IWidget, position int)

Insert is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_insert()

func (*FlowBox) SelectAll

func (fb *FlowBox) SelectAll()

SelectAll is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_select_all()

func (*FlowBox) SelectChild

func (fb *FlowBox) SelectChild(child *FlowBoxChild)

SelectChild is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_select_child()

func (*FlowBox) SetActivateOnSingleClick

func (fb *FlowBox) SetActivateOnSingleClick(single bool)

SetActivateOnSingleClick is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_set_activate_on_single_click()

func (*FlowBox) SetColumnSpacing

func (fb *FlowBox) SetColumnSpacing(spacing uint)

SetColumnSpacing is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_set_column_spacing()

func (*FlowBox) SetHAdjustment

func (fb *FlowBox) SetHAdjustment(adjustment *Adjustment)

SetHAdjustment is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_set_hadjustment()

func (*FlowBox) SetHomogeneous

func (fb *FlowBox) SetHomogeneous(homogeneous bool)

SetHomogeneous is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_set_homogeneous()

func (*FlowBox) SetMaxChildrenPerLine

func (fb *FlowBox) SetMaxChildrenPerLine(n_children uint)

SetMaxChildrenPerLine is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_set_max_children_per_line()

func (*FlowBox) SetMinChildrenPerLine

func (fb *FlowBox) SetMinChildrenPerLine(n_children uint)

SetMinChildrenPerLine is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_set_min_children_per_line()

func (*FlowBox) SetRowSpacing

func (fb *FlowBox) SetRowSpacing(spacing uint)

SetRowSpacing is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_set_row_spacing()

func (*FlowBox) SetSelectionMode

func (fb *FlowBox) SetSelectionMode(mode SelectionMode)

SetSelectionMode is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_set_selection_mode()

func (*FlowBox) SetVAdjustment

func (fb *FlowBox) SetVAdjustment(adjustment *Adjustment)

SetVAdjustment is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_set_vadjustment()

func (*FlowBox) UnselectAll

func (fb *FlowBox) UnselectAll()

UnselectAll is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_unselect_all()

func (*FlowBox) UnselectChild

func (fb *FlowBox) UnselectChild(child *FlowBoxChild)

UnselectChild is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_unselect_child()

type FlowBoxChild

type FlowBoxChild struct {

* FlowBoxChild

func FlowBoxChildNew

func FlowBoxChildNew() (*FlowBoxChild, error)

FlowBoxChildNew is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_child_new()

func (*FlowBoxChild) Changed

func (fbc *FlowBoxChild) Changed()

Changed is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_child_changed()

func (*FlowBoxChild) GetIndex

func (fbc *FlowBoxChild) GetIndex() int

GetIndex is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_child_get_index()

func (*FlowBoxChild) IsSelected

func (fbc *FlowBoxChild) IsSelected() bool

IsSelected is a wrapper around gtk_flow_box_child_is_selected()

type FontButton

type FontButton struct {

	// Interfaces

FontButton is a representation of GTK's GtkFontButton.

func FontButtonNew

func FontButtonNew() (*FontButton, error)

FontButtonNew is a wrapper around gtk_font_button_new().

func FontButtonNewWithFont

func FontButtonNewWithFont(fontname string) (*FontButton, error)

FontButtonNewWithFont is a wrapper around gtk_font_button_new_with_font().

func (*FontButton) GetShowSize

func (v *FontButton) GetShowSize() bool

GetShowSize is a wrapper around gtk_font_button_get_show_size().

func (*FontButton) GetShowStyle

func (v *FontButton) GetShowStyle() bool

GetShowStyle is a wrapper around gtk_font_button_get_show_style().

func (*FontButton) GetTitle

func (v *FontButton) GetTitle() string

GetTitle is a wrapper around gtk_font_button_get_title().

func (*FontButton) GetUseFont

func (v *FontButton) GetUseFont() bool

GetUseFont is a wrapper around gtk_font_button_get_use_font().

func (*FontButton) GetUseSize

func (v *FontButton) GetUseSize() bool

GetUseSize is a wrapper around gtk_font_button_get_use_size().

func (*FontButton) SetShowSize

func (v *FontButton) SetShowSize(showSize bool)

SetShowSize is a wrapper around gtk_font_button_set_show_size().

func (*FontButton) SetShowStyle

func (v *FontButton) SetShowStyle(showStyle bool)

SetShowStyle is a wrapper around gtk_font_button_set_show_style().

func (*FontButton) SetTitle

func (v *FontButton) SetTitle(title string)

SetTitle is a wrapper around gtk_font_button_set_title().

func (*FontButton) SetUseFont

func (v *FontButton) SetUseFont(useFont bool)

SetUseFont is a wrapper around gtk_font_button_set_use_font().

func (*FontButton) SetUseSize

func (v *FontButton) SetUseSize(useSize bool)

SetUseSize is a wrapper around gtk_font_button_set_use_size().

type FontChooser

type FontChooser struct {

FontChooser is a representation of GTK's GtkFontChooser GInterface.

func (*FontChooser) GetFont

func (v *FontChooser) GetFont() string

GetFont is a wrapper around gtk_font_chooser_get_font().

func (*FontChooser) SetFont

func (v *FontChooser) SetFont(font string)

SetFont is a wrapper around gtk_font_chooser_set_font().

type Frame

type Frame struct {

Frame is a representation of GTK's GtkFrame.

func FrameNew

func FrameNew(label string) (*Frame, error)

FrameNew is a wrapper around gtk_frame_new().

func (*Frame) GetLabel

func (v *Frame) GetLabel() string

GetLabel is a wrapper around gtk_frame_get_label().

func (*Frame) GetLabelAlign

func (v *Frame) GetLabelAlign() (xAlign, yAlign float32)

GetLabelAlign is a wrapper around gtk_frame_get_label_align().

func (*Frame) GetLabelWidget

func (v *Frame) GetLabelWidget() (*Widget, error)

GetLabelWidget is a wrapper around gtk_frame_get_label_widget().

func (*Frame) GetShadowType

func (v *Frame) GetShadowType() ShadowType

GetShadowType is a wrapper around gtk_frame_get_shadow_type().

func (*Frame) SetLabel

func (v *Frame) SetLabel(label string)

SetLabel is a wrapper around gtk_frame_set_label().

func (*Frame) SetLabelAlign

func (v *Frame) SetLabelAlign(xAlign, yAlign float32)

SetLabelAlign is a wrapper around gtk_frame_set_label_align().

func (*Frame) SetLabelWidget

func (v *Frame) SetLabelWidget(labelWidget IWidget)

SetLabelWidget is a wrapper around gtk_frame_set_label_widget().

func (*Frame) SetShadowType

func (v *Frame) SetShadowType(t ShadowType)

SetShadowType is a wrapper around gtk_frame_set_shadow_type().

type GLArea

type GLArea struct {

GLArea is a representation of GTK's GtkGLArea.

func GLAreaNew

func GLAreaNew() (*GLArea, error)

GLAreaNew is a wrapper around gtk_gl_area_new().

func WidgetToGLArea

func WidgetToGLArea(widget *Widget) (*GLArea, error)

func (*GLArea) AttachBuffers

func (v *GLArea) AttachBuffers()

AttachBuffers is a wrapper around gtk_gl_area_attach_buffers().

func (*GLArea) GetAutoRender

func (v *GLArea) GetAutoRender() bool

GetAutoRender is a wrapper around gtk_gl_area_get_auto_render().

func (*GLArea) GetContext

func (v *GLArea) GetContext() (*gdk.GLContext, error)

GetContext is a wrapper around gtk_gl_area_get_context().

func (*GLArea) GetError

func (v *GLArea) GetError() error

GError* gtk_gl_area_get_error (GtkGLArea *area);

func (*GLArea) GetRequiredVersion

func (v *GLArea) GetRequiredVersion() (MajorVersion, MinorVersion)

GetRequiredVersion is a wrapper around gtk_gl_area_get_required_version().

func (*GLArea) GetUseES

func (v *GLArea) GetUseES() bool

GetUseES is a wrapper around gtk_gl_area_get_use_es().

func (*GLArea) HasDepthBuffer

func (v *GLArea) HasDepthBuffer() bool

HasDepthBuffer is a wrapper around gtk_gl_area_get_has_depth_buffer().

func (*GLArea) HasStencilBuffer

func (v *GLArea) HasStencilBuffer() bool

HasStencilBuffer is a wrapper around gtk_gl_area_get_has_stencil_buffer().

func (*GLArea) MakeCurrent

func (v *GLArea) MakeCurrent()

MakeCurrent is a wrapper around gtk_gl_area_make_current().

func (*GLArea) QueueRender

func (v *GLArea) QueueRender()

QueueRender is a wrapper around gtk_gl_area_queue_render().

func (*GLArea) SetAutoRender

func (v *GLArea) SetAutoRender(autoRender bool)

SetAutoRender is a wrapper around gtk_gl_area_set_auto_render().

func (*GLArea) SetHasDepthBuffer

func (v *GLArea) SetHasDepthBuffer(hasDepthBuffer bool)

SetHasDepthBuffer is a wrapper around gtk_gl_area_set_has_depth_buffer().

func (*GLArea) SetHasStencilBuffer

func (v *GLArea) SetHasStencilBuffer(hasStencilBuffer bool)

SetHasStencilBuffer is a wrapper around gtk_gl_area_set_has_stencil_buffer().

func (*GLArea) SetRequiredVersion

func (v *GLArea) SetRequiredVersion(major, minor int)

SetRequiredVersion is a wrapper around gtk_gl_area_set_required_version().

func (*GLArea) SetUseES

func (v *GLArea) SetUseES(es bool)

SetUseES is a wrapper around gtk_gl_area_set_use_es().

type Grid

type Grid struct {

	// Interfaces

Grid is a representation of GTK's GtkGrid.

func GridNew

func GridNew() (*Grid, error)

GridNew() is a wrapper around gtk_grid_new().

func (*Grid) Attach

func (v *Grid) Attach(child IWidget, left, top, width, height int)

Attach() is a wrapper around gtk_grid_attach().

func (*Grid) AttachNextTo

func (v *Grid) AttachNextTo(child, sibling IWidget, side PositionType, width, height int)

AttachNextTo() is a wrapper around gtk_grid_attach_next_to().

func (*Grid) GetChildAt

func (v *Grid) GetChildAt(left, top int) (*Widget, error)

GetChildAt() is a wrapper around gtk_grid_get_child_at().

func (*Grid) GetColumnHomogeneous

func (v *Grid) GetColumnHomogeneous() bool

GetColumnHomogeneous() is a wrapper around gtk_grid_get_column_homogeneous().

func (*Grid) GetColumnSpacing

func (v *Grid) GetColumnSpacing() uint

GetColumnSpacing() is a wrapper around gtk_grid_get_column_spacing().

func (*Grid) GetRowHomogeneous

func (v *Grid) GetRowHomogeneous() bool

GetRowHomogeneous() is a wrapper around gtk_grid_get_row_homogeneous().

func (*Grid) GetRowSpacing

func (v *Grid) GetRowSpacing() uint

GetRowSpacing() is a wrapper around gtk_grid_get_row_spacing().

func (*Grid) InsertColumn

func (v *Grid) InsertColumn(position int)

InsertColumn() is a wrapper around gtk_grid_insert_column().

func (*Grid) InsertNextTo

func (v *Grid) InsertNextTo(sibling IWidget, side PositionType)

InsertNextTo() is a wrapper around gtk_grid_insert_next_to()

func (*Grid) InsertRow

func (v *Grid) InsertRow(position int)

InsertRow() is a wrapper around gtk_grid_insert_row().

func (*Grid) RemoveColumn

func (v *Grid) RemoveColumn(position int)

RemoveColumn() is a wrapper around gtk_grid_remove_column().

func (*Grid) RemoveRow

func (v *Grid) RemoveRow(position int)

RemoveRow() is a wrapper around gtk_grid_remove_row().

func (*Grid) SetColumnHomogeneous

func (v *Grid) SetColumnHomogeneous(homogeneous bool)

SetColumnHomogeneous() is a wrapper around gtk_grid_set_column_homogeneous().

func (*Grid) SetColumnSpacing

func (v *Grid) SetColumnSpacing(spacing uint)

SetColumnSpacing() is a wrapper around gtk_grid_set_column_spacing().

func (*Grid) SetRowHomogeneous

func (v *Grid) SetRowHomogeneous(homogeneous bool)

SetRowHomogeneous() is a wrapper around gtk_grid_set_row_homogeneous().

func (*Grid) SetRowSpacing

func (v *Grid) SetRowSpacing(spacing uint)

SetRowSpacing() is a wrapper around gtk_grid_set_row_spacing().

type HeaderBar

type HeaderBar struct {

func HeaderBarNew

func HeaderBarNew() (*HeaderBar, error)

HeaderBarNew is a wrapper around gtk_header_bar_new().

func (*HeaderBar) GetCustomTitle

func (v *HeaderBar) GetCustomTitle() (*Widget, error)

GetCustomTitle is a wrapper around gtk_header_bar_get_custom_title().

func (*HeaderBar) GetDecorationLayout

func (v *HeaderBar) GetDecorationLayout() string

GetDecorationLayout is a wrapper around gtk_header_bar_get_decoration_layout().

func (*HeaderBar) GetHasSubtitle

func (v *HeaderBar) GetHasSubtitle() bool

GetHasSubtitle is a wrapper around gtk_header_bar_get_has_subtitle().

func (*HeaderBar) GetShowCloseButton

func (v *HeaderBar) GetShowCloseButton() bool

GetShowCloseButton is a wrapper around gtk_header_bar_get_show_close_button().

func (*HeaderBar) GetSubtitle

func (v *HeaderBar) GetSubtitle() string

GetSubtitle is a wrapper around gtk_header_bar_get_subtitle().

func (*HeaderBar) GetTitle

func (v *HeaderBar) GetTitle() string

GetTitle is a wrapper around gtk_header_bar_get_title().

func (*HeaderBar) PackEnd

func (v *HeaderBar) PackEnd(child IWidget)

PackEnd is a wrapper around gtk_header_bar_pack_end().

func (*HeaderBar) PackStart

func (v *HeaderBar) PackStart(child IWidget)

PackStart is a wrapper around gtk_header_bar_pack_start().

func (*HeaderBar) SetCustomTitle

func (v *HeaderBar) SetCustomTitle(titleWidget IWidget)

SetCustomTitle is a wrapper around gtk_header_bar_set_custom_title().

func (*HeaderBar) SetDecorationLayout

func (v *HeaderBar) SetDecorationLayout(layout string)

SetDecorationLayout is a wrapper around gtk_header_bar_set_decoration_layout().

func (*HeaderBar) SetHasSubtitle

func (v *HeaderBar) SetHasSubtitle(setting bool)

SetHasSubtitle is a wrapper around gtk_header_bar_set_has_subtitle().

func (*HeaderBar) SetShowCloseButton

func (v *HeaderBar) SetShowCloseButton(setting bool)

SetShowCloseButton is a wrapper around gtk_header_bar_set_show_close_button().

func (*HeaderBar) SetSubtitle

func (v *HeaderBar) SetSubtitle(subtitle string)

SetSubtitle is a wrapper around gtk_header_bar_set_subtitle().

func (*HeaderBar) SetTitle

func (v *HeaderBar) SetTitle(title string)

SetTitle is a wrapper around gtk_header_bar_set_title().

type IActionable

type IActionable interface {
	Native() uintptr

	SetActionName(name string)
	GetActionName() (string, error)
	// SetActionTargetValue(value *glib.Variant)
	// GetActionTargetValue() (*glib.Variant, error)
	// SetActionTarget(string, params...)
	SetDetailedActionName(name string)
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

IActionable is a representation of the GtkActionable GInterface, used to avoid duplication when embedding the type in a wrapper of another GObject-based type. The non-Interface version should only be used Actionable is used if the concrete type is not known.

type IAppChooser

type IAppChooser interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

IAppChooser is an interface type implemented by all structs embedding an AppChooser. It is meant to be used as an argument type for wrapper functions that wrap around a C GTK function taking a GtkAppChooser.

type ICellLayout

type ICellLayout interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

ICellLayout is an interface type implemented by all structs embedding a CellLayout. It is meant to be used as an argument type for wrapper functions that wrap around a C GTK function taking a GtkCellLayout.

type ICellRenderer

type ICellRenderer interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

ICellRenderer is an interface type implemented by all structs embedding a CellRenderer. It is meant to be used as an argument type for wrapper functions that wrap around a C GTK function taking a GtkCellRenderer.

type IColorChooser

type IColorChooser interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

IColorChooser is an interface type implemented by all structs embedding an ColorChooser. It is meant to be used as an argument type for wrapper functions that wrap around a C GTK function taking a GtkColorChooser.

type IEditable

type IEditable interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

IEditable is an interface type implemented by all structs embedding an Editable. It is meant to be used as an argument type for wrapper functions that wrap around a C GTK function taking a GtkEditable.

type IEntry

type IEntry interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

type IFontChooser

type IFontChooser interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

IFontChooser is an interface type implemented by all structs embedding an FontChooser. It is meant to be used as an argument type for wrapper functions that wrap around a C GTK function taking a GtkFontChooser.

type IMenu

type IMenu interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

IMenu is an interface type implemented by all structs embedding a Menu. It is meant to be used as an argument type for wrapper functions that wrap around a C GTK function taking a GtkMenu.

type IMenuItem

type IMenuItem interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

IMenuItem is an interface type implemented by all structs embedding a MenuItem. It is meant to be used as an argument type for wrapper functions that wrap around a C GTK function taking a GtkMenuItem.

type IOrientable

type IOrientable interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

IOrientable is an interface type implemented by all structs embedding an Orientable. It is meant to be used as an argument type for wrapper functions that wrap around a C GTK function taking a GtkOrientable.

type IPrintOperationPreview

type IPrintOperationPreview interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

IPrintOperationPreview is an interface type implemented by all structs embedding a PrintOperationPreview. It is meant to be used as an argument type for wrapper functions that wrap around a C GTK function taking a GtkPrintOperationPreview.

type IRecentChooser

type IRecentChooser interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

IRecentChooser is an interface type implemented by all structs embedding a RecentChooser. It is meant to be used as an argument type for wrapper functions that wrap around a C GTK function taking a GtkWidget.

type IScrollable

type IScrollable interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

IScrollable is an interface type implemented by all structs embedding a Scrollable. It is meant to be used as an argument type for wrapper functions that wrap around a C GTK function taking a GtkScrollable.

type IStyleProvider

type IStyleProvider interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

type IToolItem

type IToolItem interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

IToolItem is an interface type implemented by all structs embedding a ToolItem. It is meant to be used as an argument type for wrapper functions that wrap around a C GTK function taking a GtkToolItem.

type ITreeModel

type ITreeModel interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

ITreeModel is an interface type implemented by all structs embedding a TreeModel. It is meant to be used as an argument type for wrapper functions that wrap around a C GTK function taking a GtkTreeModel.

type ITreeSortable

type ITreeSortable interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

ITreeSortable is an interface type implemented by all structs embedding a TreeSortable. It is meant to be used as an argument type for wrapper functions that wrap around a C GTK function taking a GtkTreeSortable.

type IViewport

type IViewport interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

IViewport is an interface type implemented by all structs embedding a Viewport. It is meant to be used as an argument type for wrapper functions that wrap around a C GTK function taking a GtkViewport.

type IWidget

type IWidget interface {
	Set(string, interface{}) error
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

IWidget is an interface type implemented by all structs embedding a Widget. It is meant to be used as an argument type for wrapper functions that wrap around a C GTK function taking a GtkWidget.

func TestFindLabel

func TestFindLabel(widget IWidget, labelPattern string) (IWidget, error)

TestFindLabel is a wrapper around gtk_test_find_label(). This function will search widget and all its descendants for a GtkLabel widget with a text string matching label_pattern. The labelPattern may contain asterisks “*” and question marks “?” as placeholders, g_pattern_match() is used for the matching.

func TestFindSibling

func TestFindSibling(baseWidget IWidget, widgetType glib.Type) (IWidget, error)

TestFindSibling is a wrapper around gtk_test_find_sibling(). This function will search siblings of base_widget and siblings of its ancestors for all widgets matching widgetType. Of the matching widgets, the one that is geometrically closest to base_widget will be returned.

func TestFindWidget

func TestFindWidget(widget IWidget, labelPattern string, widgetType glib.Type) (IWidget, error)

TestFindWidget is a wrapper around gtk_test_find_widget(). This function will search the descendants of widget for a widget of type widget_type that has a label matching labelPattern next to it. This is most useful for automated GUI testing, e.g. to find the “OK” button in a dialog and synthesize clicks on it. However see TestFindLabel(), TestFindSibling() and TestWidgetClick() (and their GTK documentation) for possible caveats involving the search of such widgets and synthesizing widget events.

type IWidgetable

type IWidgetable interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

type IWindow

type IWindow interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

IWindow is an interface type implemented by all structs embedding a Window. It is meant to be used as an argument type for wrapper functions that wrap around a C GTK function taking a GtkWindow.

type IconLookupFlags

type IconLookupFlags int

IconLookupFlags is a representation of GTK's GtkIconLookupFlags.

type IconSize

type IconSize int

IconSize is a representation of GTK's GtkIconSize.

const (

type IconTheme

type IconTheme struct {
	Theme *C.GtkIconTheme

IconTheme is a representation of GTK's GtkIconTheme

func IconThemeGetDefault

func IconThemeGetDefault() (*IconTheme, error)

IconThemeGetDefault is a wrapper around gtk_icon_theme_get_default().

func IconThemeGetForScreen

func IconThemeGetForScreen(screen gdk.Screen) (*IconTheme, error)

IconThemeGetForScreen is a wrapper around gtk_icon_theme_get_for_screen().

func (*IconTheme) LoadIcon

func (v *IconTheme) LoadIcon(iconName string, size int, flags IconLookupFlags) (*gdk.Pixbuf, error)

LoadIcon is a wrapper around gtk_icon_theme_load_icon().

type IconView

type IconView struct {

IconView is a representation of GTK's GtkIconView.

func IconViewNew

func IconViewNew() (*IconView, error)

IconViewNew is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_new().

func IconViewNewWithModel

func IconViewNewWithModel(model ITreeModel) (*IconView, error)

IconViewNewWithModel is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_new_with_model().

func (*IconView) ConvertWidgetToBinWindowCoords

func (v *IconView) ConvertWidgetToBinWindowCoords(x, y int) (int, int)

ConvertWidgetToBinWindowCoords is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_convert_widget_to_bin_window_coords().

func (*IconView) GetActivateOnSingleClick

func (v *IconView) GetActivateOnSingleClick() bool

GetActivateOnSingleClick is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_get_activate_on_single_click().

func (*IconView) GetCellRect

func (v *IconView) GetCellRect(path *TreePath, cell *CellRenderer) *gdk.Rectangle

GetCellRect is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_get_cell_rect().

func (*IconView) GetColumnSpacing

func (v *IconView) GetColumnSpacing() int

GetColumnSpacing is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_get_column_spacing().

func (*IconView) GetColumns

func (v *IconView) GetColumns() int

GetColumns is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_get_columns().

func (*IconView) GetCursor

func (v *IconView) GetCursor() (*TreePath, *CellRenderer)

GetCursor is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_get_cursor().

func (*IconView) GetItemAtPos

func (v *IconView) GetItemAtPos(x, y int) (*TreePath, *CellRenderer)

GetItemAtPos is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_get_item_at_pos().

func (*IconView) GetItemOrientation

func (v *IconView) GetItemOrientation() Orientation

GetItemOrientation is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_get_item_orientation().

func (*IconView) GetItemPadding

func (v *IconView) GetItemPadding() int

GetItemPadding is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_get_item_padding().

func (*IconView) GetItemRow

func (v *IconView) GetItemRow(path *TreePath) int

GetItemRow is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_get_item_row().

func (*IconView) GetItemWidth

func (v *IconView) GetItemWidth() int

GetItemWidth is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_get_item_width().

func (*IconView) GetMargin

func (v *IconView) GetMargin() int

GetMargin is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_get_margin().

func (*IconView) GetMarkupColumn

func (v *IconView) GetMarkupColumn() int

GetMarkupColumn is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_get_markup_column().

func (*IconView) GetModel

func (v *IconView) GetModel() (*TreeModel, error)

GetModel is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_get_model().

func (*IconView) GetPathAtPos

func (v *IconView) GetPathAtPos(x, y int) *TreePath

GetPathAtPos is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_get_path_at_pos().

func (*IconView) GetPixbufColumn

func (v *IconView) GetPixbufColumn() int

GetPixbufColumn is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_get_pixbuf_column().

func (*IconView) GetReorderable

func (v *IconView) GetReorderable() bool

GetReorderable is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_get_reorderable().

func (*IconView) GetRowSpacing

func (v *IconView) GetRowSpacing() int

GetRowSpacing is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_get_row_spacing().

func (*IconView) GetSelectedItems

func (v *IconView) GetSelectedItems() *glib.List

GetSelectedItems is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_get_selected_items().

func (*IconView) GetSelectionMode

func (v *IconView) GetSelectionMode() SelectionMode

GetSelectionMode is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_get_selection_mode().

func (*IconView) GetSpacing

func (v *IconView) GetSpacing() int

GetSpacing is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_get_spacing().

func (*IconView) GetTextColumn

func (v *IconView) GetTextColumn() int

GetTextColumn is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_get_text_column().

func (*IconView) GetTooltipColumn

func (v *IconView) GetTooltipColumn() int

GetTooltipColumn is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_get_tooltip_column().

func (*IconView) GetTooltipContext

func (v *IconView) GetTooltipContext(x, y int, keyboardTip bool) (*TreeModel, *TreePath, *TreeIter)

GetTooltipContext is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_get_tooltip_context().

func (*IconView) GetVisibleRange

func (v *IconView) GetVisibleRange() (*TreePath, *TreePath)

GetVisibleRange is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_get_visible_range().

func (*IconView) ItemActivated

func (v *IconView) ItemActivated(path *TreePath)

ItemActivated is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_item_activated().

func (*IconView) PathIsSelected

func (v *IconView) PathIsSelected(path *TreePath) bool

PathIsSelected is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_path_is_selected().

func (*IconView) ScrollToPath

func (v *IconView) ScrollToPath(path *TreePath, useAlign bool, rowAlign, colAlign float64)

ScrollToPath is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_scroll_to_path().

func (*IconView) SelectAll

func (v *IconView) SelectAll()

SelectAll is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_select_all().

func (*IconView) SelectPath

func (v *IconView) SelectPath(path *TreePath)

SelectPath is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_select_path().

func (*IconView) SetActivateOnSingleClick

func (v *IconView) SetActivateOnSingleClick(single bool)

SetActivateOnSingleClick is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_set_activate_on_single_click().

func (*IconView) SetColumnSpacing

func (v *IconView) SetColumnSpacing(columnSpacing int)

SetColumnSpacing is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_set_column_spacing().

func (*IconView) SetColumns

func (v *IconView) SetColumns(columns int)

SetColumns is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_set_columns().

func (*IconView) SetCursor

func (v *IconView) SetCursor(path *TreePath, cell *CellRenderer, startEditing bool)

SetCursor is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_set_cursor().

func (*IconView) SetItemOrientation

func (v *IconView) SetItemOrientation(orientation Orientation)

SetItemOrientation is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_set_item_orientation().

func (*IconView) SetItemPadding

func (v *IconView) SetItemPadding(itemPadding int)

SetItemPadding is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_set_item_padding().

func (*IconView) SetItemWidth

func (v *IconView) SetItemWidth(width int)

SetItemWidth is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_set_item_width().

func (*IconView) SetMargin

func (v *IconView) SetMargin(margin int)

SetMargin is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_set_margin().

func (*IconView) SetMarkupColumn

func (v *IconView) SetMarkupColumn(column int)

SetMarkupColumn is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_set_markup_column().

func (*IconView) SetModel

func (v *IconView) SetModel(model ITreeModel)

SetModel is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_set_model().

func (*IconView) SetPixbufColumn

func (v *IconView) SetPixbufColumn(column int)

SetPixbufColumn is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_set_pixbuf_column().

func (*IconView) SetReorderable

func (v *IconView) SetReorderable(reorderable bool)

SetReorderable is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_set_reorderable().

func (*IconView) SetRowSpacing

func (v *IconView) SetRowSpacing(rowSpacing int)

SetRowSpacing is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_set_row_spacing().

func (*IconView) SetSelectionMode

func (v *IconView) SetSelectionMode(mode SelectionMode)

SetSelectionMode is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_set_selection_mode().

func (*IconView) SetSpacing

func (v *IconView) SetSpacing(spacing int)

SetSpacing is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_set_spacing().

func (*IconView) SetTextColumn

func (v *IconView) SetTextColumn(column int)

SetTextColumn is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_set_text_column().

func (*IconView) SetTooltipCell

func (v *IconView) SetTooltipCell(tooltip *Tooltip, path *TreePath, cell *CellRenderer)

SetTooltipCell is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_set_tooltip_cell().

func (*IconView) SetTooltipColumn

func (v *IconView) SetTooltipColumn(column int)

SetTooltipColumn is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_set_tooltip_column().

func (*IconView) SetTooltipItem

func (v *IconView) SetTooltipItem(tooltip *Tooltip, path *TreePath)

SetTooltipItem is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_set_tooltip_item().

func (*IconView) UnselectAll

func (v *IconView) UnselectAll()

UnselectAll is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_unselect_all().

func (*IconView) UnselectPath

func (v *IconView) UnselectPath(path *TreePath)

UnselectPath is a wrapper around gtk_icon_view_unselect_path().

type Image

type Image struct {

Image is a representation of GTK's GtkImage.

func ImageNew

func ImageNew() (*Image, error)

ImageNew() is a wrapper around gtk_image_new().

func ImageNewFromAnimation

func ImageNewFromAnimation(animation *gdk.PixbufAnimation) (*Image, error)

ImageNewFromAnimation() is a wrapper around gtk_image_new_from_animation()

func ImageNewFromFile

func ImageNewFromFile(filename string) (*Image, error)

ImageNewFromFile() is a wrapper around gtk_image_new_from_file().

func ImageNewFromIconName

func ImageNewFromIconName(iconName string, size IconSize) (*Image, error)

ImageNewFromIconName() is a wrapper around gtk_image_new_from_icon_name().

func ImageNewFromPixbuf

func ImageNewFromPixbuf(pixbuf *gdk.Pixbuf) (*Image, error)

ImageNewFromPixbuf is a wrapper around gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf().

func ImageNewFromResource

func ImageNewFromResource(resourcePath string) (*Image, error)

ImageNewFromResource() is a wrapper around gtk_image_new_from_resource().

func (*Image) Clear

func (v *Image) Clear()

Clear() is a wrapper around gtk_image_clear().

func (*Image) GetAnimation

func (v *Image) GetAnimation() *gdk.PixbufAnimation

GetAnimation() is a wrapper around gtk_image_get_animation()

func (*Image) GetIconName

func (v *Image) GetIconName() (string, IconSize)

GetIconName() is a wrapper around gtk_image_get_icon_name().

func (*Image) GetPixbuf

func (v *Image) GetPixbuf() *gdk.Pixbuf

GetPixbuf() is a wrapper around gtk_image_get_pixbuf().

func (*Image) GetPixelSize

func (v *Image) GetPixelSize() int

GetPixelSize() is a wrapper around gtk_image_get_pixel_size().

func (*Image) GetStorageType

func (v *Image) GetStorageType() ImageType

GetStorageType() is a wrapper around gtk_image_get_storage_type().

func (*Image) SetFromAnimation

func (v *Image) SetFromAnimation(animation *gdk.PixbufAnimation)

SetFromAnimation is a wrapper around gtk_image_set_from_animation().

func (*Image) SetFromFile

func (v *Image) SetFromFile(filename string)

SetFromFile() is a wrapper around gtk_image_set_from_file().

func (*Image) SetFromIconName

func (v *Image) SetFromIconName(iconName string, size IconSize)

SetFromIconName() is a wrapper around gtk_image_set_from_icon_name().

func (*Image) SetFromPixbuf

func (v *Image) SetFromPixbuf(pixbuf *gdk.Pixbuf)

SetFromFixbuf is a wrapper around gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf().

func (*Image) SetFromResource

func (v *Image) SetFromResource(resourcePath string)

SetFromResource() is a wrapper around gtk_image_set_from_resource().

func (*Image) SetPixelSize

func (v *Image) SetPixelSize(pixelSize int)

SetPixelSize() is a wrapper around gtk_image_set_pixel_size().

type ImageType

type ImageType int

ImageType is a representation of GTK's GtkImageType.

const (

type InfoBar

type InfoBar struct {

func InfoBarNew

func InfoBarNew() (*InfoBar, error)

InfoBarNew is a wrapper around gtk_info_bar_new().

func (*InfoBar) AddActionWidget

func (v *InfoBar) AddActionWidget(w IWidget, responseId ResponseType)

AddActionWidget is a wrapper around gtk_info_bar_add_action_widget().

func (*InfoBar) AddButton

func (v *InfoBar) AddButton(buttonText string, responseId ResponseType)

AddButton is a wrapper around gtk_info_bar_add_button().

func (*InfoBar) GetActionArea

func (v *InfoBar) GetActionArea() (*Widget, error)

GetActionArea is a wrapper around gtk_info_bar_get_action_area().

func (*InfoBar) GetContentArea

func (v *InfoBar) GetContentArea() (*Box, error)

GetContentArea is a wrapper around gtk_info_bar_get_content_area().

func (*InfoBar) GetMessageType

func (v *InfoBar) GetMessageType() MessageType

GetMessageType is a wrapper around gtk_info_bar_get_message_type().

func (*InfoBar) GetShowCloseButton

func (v *InfoBar) GetShowCloseButton() bool

GetShowCloseButton is a wrapper around gtk_info_bar_get_show_close_button().

func (*InfoBar) SetDefaultResponse

func (v *InfoBar) SetDefaultResponse(responseId ResponseType)

SetDefaultResponse is a wrapper around gtk_info_bar_set_default_response().

func (*InfoBar) SetMessageType

func (v *InfoBar) SetMessageType(messageType MessageType)

SetMessageType is a wrapper around gtk_info_bar_set_message_type().

func (*InfoBar) SetResponseSensitive

func (v *InfoBar) SetResponseSensitive(responseId ResponseType, setting bool)

SetResponseSensitive is a wrapper around gtk_info_bar_set_response_sensitive().

func (*InfoBar) SetShowCloseButton

func (v *InfoBar) SetShowCloseButton(setting bool)

SetShowCloseButton is a wrapper around gtk_info_bar_set_show_close_button().

type InputHints

type InputHints int

InputHints is a representation of GTK's GtkInputHints.

const (
	INPUT_HINT_NONE                InputHints = C.GTK_INPUT_HINT_NONE

type InputPurpose

type InputPurpose int

InputPurpose is a representation of GTK's GtkInputPurpose.

const (

type Justification

type Justification int

Justify is a representation of GTK's GtkJustification.

const (

type Label

type Label struct {

Label is a representation of GTK's GtkLabel.

func LabelNew

func LabelNew(str string) (*Label, error)

LabelNew is a wrapper around gtk_label_new().

func LabelNewWithMnemonic

func LabelNewWithMnemonic(str string) (*Label, error)

LabelNewWithMnemonic is a wrapper around gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic().

func (*Label) GetAngle

func (v *Label) GetAngle() float64

GetAngle is a wrapper around gtk_label_get_angle().

func (*Label) GetCurrentUri

func (v *Label) GetCurrentUri() string

GetCurrentUri is a wrapper around gtk_label_get_current_uri().

func (*Label) GetEllipsize

func (v *Label) GetEllipsize() pango.EllipsizeMode

GetEllipsize is a wrapper around gtk_label_get_ellipsize().

func (*Label) GetJustify

func (v *Label) GetJustify() Justification

GetJustify is a wrapper around gtk_label_get_justify().

func (*Label) GetLabel

func (v *Label) GetLabel() string

GetLabel is a wrapper around gtk_label_get_label().

func (*Label) GetLineWrap

func (v *Label) GetLineWrap() bool

GetLineWrap is a wrapper around gtk_label_get_line_wrap().

func (*Label) GetLines

func (v *Label) GetLines() int

GetLines() is a wrapper around gtk_label_get_lines().

func (*Label) GetMaxWidthChars

func (v *Label) GetMaxWidthChars() int

GetMaxWidthChars is a wrapper around gtk_label_get_max_width_chars().

func (*Label) GetMnemonicKeyval

func (v *Label) GetMnemonicKeyval() uint

GetMnemonicKeyval is a wrapper around gtk_label_get_mnemonic_keyval().

func (*Label) GetSelectable

func (v *Label) GetSelectable() bool

GetSelectable is a wrapper around gtk_label_get_selectable().

func (*Label) GetSelectionBounds

func (v *Label) GetSelectionBounds() (start, end int, nonEmpty bool)

GetSelectionBounds is a wrapper around gtk_label_get_selection_bounds().

func (*Label) GetSingleLineMode

func (v *Label) GetSingleLineMode() bool

GetSingleLineMode is a wrapper around gtk_label_get_single_line_mode().

func (*Label) GetText

func (v *Label) GetText() (string, error)

GetText is a wrapper around gtk_label_get_text().

func (v *Label) GetTrackVisitedLinks() bool

GetTrackVisitedLinks is a wrapper around gtk_label_get_track_visited_links().

func (*Label) GetUseMarkup

func (v *Label) GetUseMarkup() bool

GetUseMarkup is a wrapper around gtk_label_get_use_markup().

func (*Label) GetUseUnderline

func (v *Label) GetUseUnderline() bool

GetUseUnderline is a wrapper around gtk_label_get_use_underline().

func (*Label) GetWidthChars

func (v *Label) GetWidthChars() int

GetWidthChars is a wrapper around gtk_label_get_width_chars().

func (*Label) GetXAlign

func (v *Label) GetXAlign() float64

GetXAlign is a wrapper around gtk_label_get_xalign().

func (*Label) GetYAlign

func (v *Label) GetYAlign() float64

GetYAlign is a wrapper around gtk_label_get_yalign().

func (*Label) SelectRegion

func (v *Label) SelectRegion(startOffset, endOffset int)

SelectRegion is a wrapper around gtk_label_select_region().

func (*Label) SetAngle

func (v *Label) SetAngle(angle float64)

SetAngle is a wrapper around gtk_label_set_angle().

func (*Label) SetEllipsize

func (v *Label) SetEllipsize(mode pango.EllipsizeMode)

SetEllipsize is a wrapper around gtk_label_set_ellipsize().

func (*Label) SetJustify

func (v *Label) SetJustify(jtype Justification)

SetJustify is a wrapper around gtk_label_set_justify().

func (*Label) SetLabel

func (v *Label) SetLabel(str string)

SetLabel is a wrapper around gtk_label_set_label().

func (*Label) SetLineWrap

func (v *Label) SetLineWrap(wrap bool)

SetLineWrap is a wrapper around gtk_label_set_line_wrap().

func (*Label) SetLineWrapMode

func (v *Label) SetLineWrapMode(wrapMode pango.WrapMode)

SetLineWrapMode is a wrapper around gtk_label_set_line_wrap_mode().

func (*Label) SetLines

func (v *Label) SetLines(lines int)

SetLines() is a wrapper around gtk_label_set_lines().

func (*Label) SetMarkup

func (v *Label) SetMarkup(str string)

SetMarkup is a wrapper around gtk_label_set_markup().

func (*Label) SetMarkupWithMnemonic

func (v *Label) SetMarkupWithMnemonic(str string)

SetMarkupWithMnemonic is a wrapper around gtk_label_set_markup_with_mnemonic().

func (*Label) SetMaxWidthChars

func (v *Label) SetMaxWidthChars(nChars int)

SetMaxWidthChars is a wrapper around gtk_label_set_max_width_chars().

func (*Label) SetMnemonicWidget

func (v *Label) SetMnemonicWidget(widget IWidget)

SetMnemonicWidget is a wrapper around gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget().

func (*Label) SetPattern

func (v *Label) SetPattern(patern string)

SetPattern is a wrapper around gtk_label_set_pattern().

func (*Label) SetSelectable

func (v *Label) SetSelectable(setting bool)

SetSelectable is a wrapper around gtk_label_set_selectable().

func (*Label) SetSingleLineMode

func (v *Label) SetSingleLineMode(mode bool)

SetSingleLineMode is a wrapper around gtk_label_set_single_line_mode().

func (*Label) SetText

func (v *Label) SetText(str string)

SetText is a wrapper around gtk_label_set_text().

func (v *Label) SetTrackVisitedLinks(trackLinks bool)

SetTrackVisitedLinks is a wrapper around gtk_label_set_track_visited_links().

func (*Label) SetUseMarkup

func (v *Label) SetUseMarkup(use bool)

SetUseMarkup is a wrapper around gtk_label_set_use_markup().

func (*Label) SetUseUnderline

func (v *Label) SetUseUnderline(use bool)

SetUseUnderline is a wrapper around gtk_label_set_use_underline().

func (*Label) SetWidthChars

func (v *Label) SetWidthChars(nChars int)

SetWidthChars is a wrapper around gtk_label_set_width_chars().

func (*Label) SetXAlign

func (v *Label) SetXAlign(n float64)

SetXAlign is a wrapper around gtk_label_set_xalign().

func (*Label) SetYAlign

func (v *Label) SetYAlign(n float64)

SetYAlign is a wrapper around gtk_label_set_yalign().

type Layout

type Layout struct {

Layout is a representation of GTK's GtkLayout.

func LayoutNew

func LayoutNew(hadjustment, vadjustment *Adjustment) (*Layout, error)

LayoutNew is a wrapper around gtk_layout_new().

func (*Layout) GetSize

func (v *Layout) GetSize() (width, height uint)

Layout.GetSize is a wrapper around gtk_layout_get_size

func (*Layout) Move

func (v *Layout) Move(w IWidget, x, y int)

Layout.Move is a wrapper around gtk_layout_move().

func (*Layout) Put

func (v *Layout) Put(w IWidget, x, y int)

Layout.Put is a wrapper around gtk_layout_put().

func (*Layout) SetSize

func (v *Layout) SetSize(width, height uint)

Layout.SetSize is a wrapper around gtk_layout_set_size

type LevelBar

type LevelBar struct {

func LevelBarNew

func LevelBarNew() (*LevelBar, error)

LevelBarNew is a wrapper around gtk_level_bar_new().

func LevelBarNewForInterval

func LevelBarNewForInterval(min_value, max_value float64) (*LevelBar, error)

LevelBarNewForInterval is a wrapper around gtk_level_bar_new_for_interval().

func (*LevelBar) AddOffsetValue

func (v *LevelBar) AddOffsetValue(name string, value float64)

AddOffsetValue is a wrapper around gtk_level_bar_add_offset_value().

func (*LevelBar) GetInverted

func (v *LevelBar) GetInverted() bool

GetInverted() is a wrapper around gtk_level_bar_get_inverted().

func (*LevelBar) GetMaxValue

func (v *LevelBar) GetMaxValue() float64

GetMaxValue is a wrapper around gtk_level_bar_get_max_value().

func (*LevelBar) GetMinValue

func (v *LevelBar) GetMinValue() float64

GetMinValue is a wrapper around gtk_level_bar_get_min_value().

func (*LevelBar) GetMode

func (v *LevelBar) GetMode() LevelBarMode

GetMode is a wrapper around gtk_level_bar_get_mode().

func (*LevelBar) GetOffsetValue

func (v *LevelBar) GetOffsetValue(name string) (float64, bool)

GetOffsetValue is a wrapper around gtk_level_bar_get_offset_value().

func (*LevelBar) GetValue

func (v *LevelBar) GetValue() float64

GetValue is a wrapper around gtk_level_bar_get_value().

func (*LevelBar) RemoveOffsetValue

func (v *LevelBar) RemoveOffsetValue(name string)

RemoveOffsetValue is a wrapper around gtk_level_bar_remove_offset_value().

func (*LevelBar) SetInverted

func (v *LevelBar) SetInverted(inverted bool)

SetInverted() is a wrapper around gtk_level_bar_set_inverted().

func (*LevelBar) SetMaxValue

func (v *LevelBar) SetMaxValue(value float64)

SetMaxValue is a wrapper around gtk_level_bar_set_max_value().

func (*LevelBar) SetMinValue

func (v *LevelBar) SetMinValue(value float64)

SetMinValue is a wrapper around gtk_level_bar_set_min_value().

func (*LevelBar) SetMode

func (v *LevelBar) SetMode(m LevelBarMode)

SetMode is a wrapper around gtk_level_bar_set_mode().

func (*LevelBar) SetValue

func (v *LevelBar) SetValue(value float64)

SetValue is a wrapper around gtk_level_bar_set_value().

type LevelBarMode

type LevelBarMode int

LevelBarMode is a representation of GTK's GtkLevelBarMode.

const (

type License

type License int

License is a representation of GTK's GtkLicense.

const (
	LICENSE_GPL_2_0      License = C.GTK_LICENSE_GPL_2_0
	LICENSE_GPL_3_0      License = C.GTK_LICENSE_GPL_3_0
	LICENSE_LGPL_2_1     License = C.GTK_LICENSE_LGPL_2_1
	LICENSE_LGPL_3_0     License = C.GTK_LICENSE_LGPL_3_0

type LinkButton

type LinkButton struct {

LinkButton is a representation of GTK's GtkLinkButton.

func LinkButtonNew

func LinkButtonNew(label string) (*LinkButton, error)

LinkButtonNew is a wrapper around gtk_link_button_new().

func LinkButtonNewWithLabel

func LinkButtonNewWithLabel(uri, label string) (*LinkButton, error)

LinkButtonNewWithLabel is a wrapper around gtk_link_button_new_with_label().

func (*LinkButton) GetUri

func (v *LinkButton) GetUri() string

GetUri is a wrapper around gtk_link_button_get_uri().

func (*LinkButton) GetVisited

func (v *LinkButton) GetVisited() bool

GetVisited is a wrapper around gtk_link_button_get_visited().

func (*LinkButton) SetUri

func (v *LinkButton) SetUri(uri string)

SetUri is a wrapper around gtk_link_button_set_uri().

func (*LinkButton) SetVisited

func (v *LinkButton) SetVisited(visited bool)

SetVisited is a wrapper around gtk_link_button_set_visited().

type ListBox

type ListBox struct {

ListBox is a representation of GTK's GtkListBox.

func ListBoxNew

func ListBoxNew() (*ListBox, error)

ListBoxNew is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_new().

func (*ListBox) DragHighlightRow

func (v *ListBox) DragHighlightRow(row *ListBoxRow)

DragHighlightRow is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_drag_highlight_row()

func (*ListBox) GetActivateOnSingleClick

func (v *ListBox) GetActivateOnSingleClick() bool

GetActivateOnSingleClick is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_get_activate_on_single_click().

func (*ListBox) GetAdjustment

func (v *ListBox) GetAdjustment() *Adjustment

GetAdjustment is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_get_adjustment().

func (*ListBox) GetRowAtIndex

func (v *ListBox) GetRowAtIndex(index int) *ListBoxRow

GetRowAtIndex is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_get_row_at_index().

func (*ListBox) GetRowAtY

func (v *ListBox) GetRowAtY(y int) *ListBoxRow

GetRowAtY is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_get_row_at_y().

func (*ListBox) GetSelectedRow

func (v *ListBox) GetSelectedRow() *ListBoxRow

GetSelectedRow is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_get_selected_row().

func (*ListBox) GetSelectedRows

func (v *ListBox) GetSelectedRows() *glib.List

GetSelectedRows is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_get_selected_rows().

func (*ListBox) GetSelectionMode

func (v *ListBox) GetSelectionMode() SelectionMode

GetSelectionMode is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_get_selection_mode()

func (*ListBox) Insert

func (v *ListBox) Insert(child IWidget, position int)

Insert is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_insert().

func (*ListBox) InvalidateFilter

func (v *ListBox) InvalidateFilter()

InvalidateFilter is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_invalidate_filter().

func (*ListBox) InvalidateHeaders

func (v *ListBox) InvalidateHeaders()

InvalidateHeaders is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_invalidate_headers().

func (*ListBox) InvalidateSort

func (v *ListBox) InvalidateSort()

InvalidateSort is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_invalidate_sort().

func (*ListBox) Prepend

func (v *ListBox) Prepend(child IWidget)

Prepend is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_prepend().

func (*ListBox) SelectAll

func (v *ListBox) SelectAll()

SelectAll is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_select_all().

func (*ListBox) SelectRow

func (v *ListBox) SelectRow(row *ListBoxRow)

SelectRow is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_select_row().

func (*ListBox) SelectedForeach

func (v *ListBox) SelectedForeach(fn ListBoxForeachFunc, userData uintptr)

SelectedForeach is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_selected_foreach().

func (*ListBox) SetActivateOnSingleClick

func (v *ListBox) SetActivateOnSingleClick(single bool)

SetActivateOnSingleClick is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_set_activate_on_single_click().

func (*ListBox) SetAdjustment

func (v *ListBox) SetAdjustment(adjustment *Adjustment)

SetAdjustment is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_set_adjustment().

func (*ListBox) SetFilterFunc

func (v *ListBox) SetFilterFunc(fn ListBoxFilterFunc, userData uintptr)

func (*ListBox) SetHeaderFunc

func (v *ListBox) SetHeaderFunc(fn ListBoxHeaderFunc, userData uintptr)

func (*ListBox) SetPlaceholder

func (v *ListBox) SetPlaceholder(placeholder IWidget)

SetPlaceholder is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_set_placeholder().

func (*ListBox) SetSelectionMode

func (v *ListBox) SetSelectionMode(mode SelectionMode)

SetSelectionMode is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_set_selection_mode().

func (*ListBox) SetSortFunc

func (v *ListBox) SetSortFunc(fn ListBoxSortFunc, userData uintptr)

func (*ListBox) UnselectAll

func (v *ListBox) UnselectAll()

UnselectAll is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_unselect_all().

func (*ListBox) UnselectRow

func (v *ListBox) UnselectRow(row *ListBoxRow)

UnselectRow is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_unselect_row().

type ListBoxFilterFunc

type ListBoxFilterFunc func(row *ListBoxRow, userData uintptr) bool

type ListBoxForeachFunc

type ListBoxForeachFunc func(box *ListBox, row *ListBoxRow, userData uintptr) int

type ListBoxHeaderFunc

type ListBoxHeaderFunc func(row *ListBoxRow, before *ListBoxRow, userData uintptr)

type ListBoxRow

type ListBoxRow struct {

ListBoxRow is a representation of GTK's GtkListBoxRow.

func ListBoxRowNew

func ListBoxRowNew() (*ListBoxRow, error)

ListBoxRowNew is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_row_new().

func (*ListBoxRow) Changed

func (v *ListBoxRow) Changed()

Changed is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_row_changed().

func (*ListBoxRow) GetActivatable

func (v *ListBoxRow) GetActivatable() bool

GetActivatable is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_row_get_activatable().

func (*ListBoxRow) GetHeader

func (v *ListBoxRow) GetHeader() *Widget

GetHeader is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_row_get_header().

func (*ListBoxRow) GetIndex

func (v *ListBoxRow) GetIndex() int

GetIndex is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_row_get_index()

func (*ListBoxRow) GetSelectable

func (v *ListBoxRow) GetSelectable() bool

GetSelectable is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_row_get_selectable().

func (*ListBoxRow) IsSelected

func (v *ListBoxRow) IsSelected() bool

IsSelected is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_row_is_selected().

func (*ListBoxRow) SetActivatable

func (v *ListBoxRow) SetActivatable(activatable bool)

SetActivatable is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_row_set_activatable().

func (*ListBoxRow) SetHeader

func (v *ListBoxRow) SetHeader(header IWidget)

SetHeader is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_row_set_header().

func (*ListBoxRow) SetSelectable

func (v *ListBoxRow) SetSelectable(selectable bool)

SetSelectable is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_row_set_selectable().

type ListBoxSortFunc

type ListBoxSortFunc func(row1 *ListBoxRow, row2 *ListBoxRow, userData uintptr) int

type ListStore

type ListStore struct {

	// Interfaces

ListStore is a representation of GTK's GtkListStore.

func ListStoreNew

func ListStoreNew(types ...glib.Type) (*ListStore, error)

ListStoreNew is a wrapper around gtk_list_store_newv().

func (*ListStore) Append

func (v *ListStore) Append() *TreeIter

Append() is a wrapper around gtk_list_store_append().

func (*ListStore) Clear

func (v *ListStore) Clear()

Clear() is a wrapper around gtk_list_store_clear().

func (*ListStore) InsertAfter

func (v *ListStore) InsertAfter(sibling *TreeIter) *TreeIter

InsertAfter() is a wrapper around gtk_list_store_insert_after().

func (*ListStore) InsertBefore

func (v *ListStore) InsertBefore(sibling *TreeIter) *TreeIter

InsertBefore() is a wrapper around gtk_list_store_insert_before().

func (*ListStore) InsertWithValues

func (v *ListStore) InsertWithValues(iter *TreeIter, position int, inColumns []int, inValues []interface{}) error

InsertWithValues() is a wrapper around gtk_list_store_insert_with_valuesv().

func (*ListStore) IterIsValid

func (v *ListStore) IterIsValid(iter *TreeIter) bool

IterIsValid() is a wrapper around gtk_list_store_iter_is_valid().

func (*ListStore) MoveAfter

func (v *ListStore) MoveAfter(iter, position *TreeIter)

MoveAfter() is a wrapper around gtk_list_store_move_after().

func (*ListStore) MoveBefore

func (v *ListStore) MoveBefore(iter, position *TreeIter)

MoveBefore() is a wrapper around gtk_list_store_move_before().

func (*ListStore) Prepend

func (v *ListStore) Prepend() *TreeIter

Prepend() is a wrapper around gtk_list_store_prepend().

func (*ListStore) Remove

func (v *ListStore) Remove(iter *TreeIter) bool

Remove is a wrapper around gtk_list_store_remove().

func (*ListStore) Set

func (v *ListStore) Set(iter *TreeIter, columns []int, values []interface{}) error

Set() is a wrapper around gtk_list_store_set_value() but provides a function similar to gtk_list_store_set() in that multiple columns may be set by one call. The length of columns and values slices must match, or Set() will return a non-nil error.

As an example, a call to:

store.Set(iter, []int{0, 1}, []interface{}{"Foo", "Bar"})

is functionally equivalent to calling the native C GTK function:

gtk_list_store_set(store, iter, 0, "Foo", 1, "Bar", -1);

func (*ListStore) SetCols

func (v *ListStore) SetCols(iter *TreeIter, cols Cols) error

func (*ListStore) SetValue

func (v *ListStore) SetValue(iter *TreeIter, column int, value interface{}) error

SetValue is a wrapper around gtk_list_store_set_value().

func (*ListStore) Swap

func (v *ListStore) Swap(a, b *TreeIter)

Swap() is a wrapper around gtk_list_store_swap().

type MajorVersion

type MajorVersion int

MajorVersion is a representation of OpenGL major version.

type Menu struct {

Menu is a representation of GTK's GtkMenu.

func MenuNew() (*Menu, error)

MenuNew() is a wrapper around gtk_menu_new().

func (v *Menu) GetAccelGroup() *AccelGroup

GetAccelGroup is a wrapper around gtk_menu_get_accel_group().

func (v *Menu) GetAccelPath() string

GetAccelPath is a wrapper around gtk_menu_get_accel_path().

func (v *Menu) Popdown()

Popdown() is a wrapper around gtk_menu_popdown().

func (v *Menu) PopupAtPointer(triggerEvent *gdk.Event)

PopupAtPointer() is a wrapper for gtk_menu_popup_at_pointer(), on older versions it uses PopupAtMouseCursor

func (v *Menu) PopupAtWidget(widget IWidget, widgetAnchor gdk.Gravity, menuAnchor gdk.Gravity, triggerEvent *gdk.Event)

PopupAtWidget() is a wrapper for gtk_menu_popup_at_widget()

func (v *Menu) ReorderChild(child IWidget, position int)

ReorderChild() is a wrapper around gtk_menu_reorder_child().

func (v *Menu) SetAccelGroup(accelGroup *AccelGroup)

SetAccelGroup is a wrapper around gtk_menu_set_accel_group().

func (v *Menu) SetAccelPath(path string)

SetAccelPath is a wrapper around gtk_menu_set_accel_path().

type MenuBar struct {

MenuBar is a representation of GTK's GtkMenuBar.

func MenuBarNew() (*MenuBar, error)

MenuBarNew() is a wrapper around gtk_menu_bar_new().

type MenuButton struct {

MenuButton is a representation of GTK's GtkMenuButton.

func MenuButtonNew() (*MenuButton, error)

MenuButtonNew is a wrapper around gtk_menu_button_new().

func (v *MenuButton) GetAlignWidget() *Widget

GetAlignWidget is a wrapper around gtk_menu_button_get_align_widget().

func (v *MenuButton) GetDirection() ArrowType

GetDirection is a wrapper around gtk_menu_button_get_direction().

func (v *MenuButton) GetMenuModel() *glib.MenuModel

GetMenuModel is a wrapper around gtk_menu_button_get_menu_model().

func (v *MenuButton) GetPopover() *Popover

GetPopover is a wrapper around gtk_menu_button_get_popover().

func (v *MenuButton) GetPopup() *Menu

GetPopup is a wrapper around gtk_menu_button_get_popup().

func (v *MenuButton) GetUsePopover() bool

GetUsePopover is a wrapper around gtk_menu_button_get_use_popover().

func (v *MenuButton) SetAlignWidget(alignWidget IWidget)

SetAlignWidget is a wrapper around gtk_menu_button_set_align_widget().

func (v *MenuButton) SetDirection(direction ArrowType)

SetDirection is a wrapper around gtk_menu_button_set_direction().

func (v *MenuButton) SetMenuModel(menuModel *glib.MenuModel)

SetMenuModel is a wrapper around gtk_menu_button_set_menu_model().

func (v *MenuButton) SetPopover(popover *Popover)

SetPopover is a wrapper around gtk_menu_button_set_popover().

func (v *MenuButton) SetPopup(menu IMenu)

SetPopup is a wrapper around gtk_menu_button_set_popup().

func (v *MenuButton) SetUsePopover(setting bool)

SetUsePopover is a wrapper around gtk_menu_button_set_use_popover().

type MenuItem struct {

MenuItem is a representation of GTK's GtkMenuItem.

func MenuItemNew() (*MenuItem, error)

MenuItemNew() is a wrapper around gtk_menu_item_new().

func MenuItemNewWithLabel(label string) (*MenuItem, error)

MenuItemNewWithLabel() is a wrapper around gtk_menu_item_new_with_label().

func MenuItemNewWithMnemonic(label string) (*MenuItem, error)

MenuItemNewWithMnemonic() is a wrapper around gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic().

func (v *MenuItem) GetAccelPath() string

GetAccelPath is a wrapper around gtk_menu_item_get_accel_path().

func (v *MenuItem) GetLabel() string

GetLabel is a wrapper around gtk_menu_item_get_label().

func (v *MenuItem) GetUseUnderline() bool

GetUseUnderline() is a wrapper around gtk_menu_item_get_use_underline()

func (v *MenuItem) SetAccelPath(path string)

SetAccelPath is a wrapper around gtk_menu_item_set_accel_path().

func (v *MenuItem) SetLabel(label string)

SetLabel is a wrapper around gtk_menu_item_set_label().

func (v *MenuItem) SetSubmenu(submenu IWidget)

SetSubmenu() is a wrapper around gtk_menu_item_set_submenu().

func (v *MenuItem) SetUseUnderline(settings bool)

SetUseUnderline() is a wrapper around gtk_menu_item_set_use_underline()

type MenuShell struct {

MenuShell is a representation of GTK's GtkMenuShell.

func (v *MenuShell) ActivateItem(child IMenuItem, forceDeactivate bool)

ActivateItem is a wrapper around gtk_menu_shell_activate_item().

func (v *MenuShell) Append(child IMenuItem)

Append is a wrapper around gtk_menu_shell_append().

func (v *MenuShell) Cancel()

Cancel is a wrapper around gtk_menu_shell_cancel().

func (v *MenuShell) Deactivate()

Deactivate is a wrapper around gtk_menu_shell_deactivate().

func (v *MenuShell) Deselect()

Deselect is a wrapper around gtk_menu_shell_deselect().

func (v *MenuShell) Insert(child IMenuItem, position int)

Insert is a wrapper around gtk_menu_shell_insert().

func (v *MenuShell) Prepend(child IMenuItem)

Prepend is a wrapper around gtk_menu_shell_prepend().

func (v *MenuShell) SelectFirst(searchSensitive bool)

SelectFirst is a wrapper around gtk_menu_shell_select_first().

func (v *MenuShell) SelectItem(child IMenuItem)

SelectItem is a wrapper around gtk_menu_shell_select_item().

func (v *MenuShell) SetTakeFocus(takeFocus bool)

SetTakeFocus is a wrapper around gtk_menu_shell_set_take_focus().

type MessageDialog

type MessageDialog struct {

MessageDialog is a representation of GTK's GtkMessageDialog.

func MessageDialogNew

func MessageDialogNew(parent IWindow, flags DialogFlags, mType MessageType, buttons ButtonsType, format string, a ...interface{}) *MessageDialog

MessageDialogNew() is a wrapper around gtk_message_dialog_new(). The text is created and formatted by the format specifier and any additional arguments.

func MessageDialogNewWithMarkup

func MessageDialogNewWithMarkup(parent IWindow, flags DialogFlags, mType MessageType, buttons ButtonsType, format string, a ...interface{}) *MessageDialog

MessageDialogNewWithMarkup is a wrapper around gtk_message_dialog_new_with_markup().

func (*MessageDialog) FormatSecondaryMarkup

func (v *MessageDialog) FormatSecondaryMarkup(format string, a ...interface{})

FormatSecondaryMarkup is a wrapper around gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_text().

func (*MessageDialog) FormatSecondaryText

func (v *MessageDialog) FormatSecondaryText(format string, a ...interface{})

FormatSecondaryText is a wrapper around gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_text().

func (*MessageDialog) GetMessageArea

func (v *MessageDialog) GetMessageArea() (*Box, error)

GetMessageArea() is a wrapper around gtk_message_dialog_get_message_area().

func (*MessageDialog) SetMarkup

func (v *MessageDialog) SetMarkup(str string)

SetMarkup is a wrapper around gtk_message_dialog_set_markup().

type MessageType

type MessageType int

MessageType is a representation of GTK's GtkMessageType.

const (

type MinorVersion

type MinorVersion int

MinorVersion is a representation of OpenGL minor version.

type ModelButton

type ModelButton struct {

ModelButton is a representation of GTK's GtkModelButton.

func ModelButtonNew

func ModelButtonNew() (*ModelButton, error)

ModelButtonNew is a wrapper around gtk_model_button_new

type NativeDialog

type NativeDialog struct {

NativeDialog is a representation of GTK's GtkNativeDialog.

func (*NativeDialog) Destroy

func (v *NativeDialog) Destroy()

Destroy() is a wrapper around gtk_native_dialog_destroy().

func (*NativeDialog) GetModal

func (v *NativeDialog) GetModal() bool

GetModal() is a wrapper around gtk_native_dialog_get_modal().

func (*NativeDialog) GetTitle

func (v *NativeDialog) GetTitle() (string, error)

GetTitle() is a wrapper around gtk_native_dialog_get_title().

func (*NativeDialog) GetTransientFor

func (v *NativeDialog) GetTransientFor() (*Window, error)

GetTransientFor() is a wrapper around gtk_native_dialog_get_transient_for().

func (*NativeDialog) GetVisible

func (v *NativeDialog) GetVisible() bool

GetVisible() is a wrapper around gtk_native_dialog_get_visible().

func (*NativeDialog) Hide

func (v *NativeDialog) Hide()

Hide() is a wrapper around gtk_native_dialog_hide().

func (*NativeDialog) Run

func (v *NativeDialog) Run() int

Run() is a wrapper around gtk_native_dialog_run().

func (*NativeDialog) SetModal

func (v *NativeDialog) SetModal(modal bool)

SetModal is a wrapper around gtk_native_dialog_set_modal().

func (*NativeDialog) SetTitle

func (v *NativeDialog) SetTitle(title string)

SetTitle is a wrapper around gtk_native_dialog_set_title().

func (*NativeDialog) SetTransientFor

func (v *NativeDialog) SetTransientFor(parent IWindow)

SetTransientFor() is a wrapper around gtk_native_dialog_set_transient_for().

func (*NativeDialog) Show

func (v *NativeDialog) Show()

Show() is a wrapper around gtk_native_dialog_show().

type Notebook

type Notebook struct {

Notebook is a representation of GTK's GtkNotebook.

func NotebookNew

func NotebookNew() (*Notebook, error)

NotebookNew() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_new().

func (*Notebook) AppendPage

func (v *Notebook) AppendPage(child IWidget, tabLabel IWidget) int

AppendPage() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_append_page().

func (*Notebook) AppendPageMenu

func (v *Notebook) AppendPageMenu(child IWidget, tabLabel IWidget, menuLabel IWidget) int

AppendPageMenu() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_append_page_menu().

func (*Notebook) GetActionWidget

func (v *Notebook) GetActionWidget(packType PackType) (*Widget, error)

GetActionWidget() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_get_action_widget().

func (*Notebook) GetCurrentPage

func (v *Notebook) GetCurrentPage() int

GetCurrentPage() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_get_current_page().

func (*Notebook) GetGroupName

func (v *Notebook) GetGroupName() (string, error)

GetGroupName() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_get_group_name().

func (*Notebook) GetMenuLabel

func (v *Notebook) GetMenuLabel(child IWidget) (*Widget, error)

GetMenuLabel() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_get_menu_label().

func (*Notebook) GetMenuLabelText

func (v *Notebook) GetMenuLabelText(child IWidget) (string, error)

GetMenuLabelText() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_get_menu_label_text().

func (*Notebook) GetNPages

func (v *Notebook) GetNPages() int

GetNPages() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_get_n_pages().

func (*Notebook) GetNthPage

func (v *Notebook) GetNthPage(pageNum int) (*Widget, error)

GetNthPage() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_get_nth_page().

func (*Notebook) GetScrollable

func (v *Notebook) GetScrollable() bool

GetScrollable() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_get_scrollable().

func (*Notebook) GetShowBorder

func (v *Notebook) GetShowBorder() bool

GetShowBorder() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_get_show_border().

func (*Notebook) GetShowTabs

func (v *Notebook) GetShowTabs() bool

GetShowTabs() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_get_show_tabs().

func (*Notebook) GetTabDetachable

func (v *Notebook) GetTabDetachable(child IWidget) bool

GetTabDetachable() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_get_tab_detachable().

func (*Notebook) GetTabLabel

func (v *Notebook) GetTabLabel(child IWidget) (*Widget, error)

GetTabLabel() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_get_tab_label().

func (*Notebook) GetTabLabelText

func (v *Notebook) GetTabLabelText(child IWidget) (string, error)

GetTabLabelText() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_get_tab_label_text().

func (*Notebook) GetTabPos

func (v *Notebook) GetTabPos() PositionType

GetTabPos() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_get_tab_pos().

func (*Notebook) GetTabReorderable

func (v *Notebook) GetTabReorderable(child IWidget) bool

GetTabReorderable() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_get_tab_reorderable().

func (*Notebook) InsertPage

func (v *Notebook) InsertPage(child IWidget, tabLabel IWidget, position int) int

InsertPage() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_insert_page().

func (*Notebook) InsertPageMenu

func (v *Notebook) InsertPageMenu(child IWidget, tabLabel IWidget, menuLabel IWidget, position int) int

InsertPageMenu() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_insert_page_menu().

func (*Notebook) NextPage

func (v *Notebook) NextPage()

NextPage() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_next_page().

func (*Notebook) PageNum

func (v *Notebook) PageNum(child IWidget) int

PageNum() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_page_num().

func (*Notebook) PopupDisable

func (v *Notebook) PopupDisable()

PopupDisable() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_popup_disable().

func (*Notebook) PopupEnable

func (v *Notebook) PopupEnable()

PopupEnable() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_popup_enable().

func (*Notebook) PrependPage

func (v *Notebook) PrependPage(child IWidget, tabLabel IWidget) int

PrependPage() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_prepend_page().

func (*Notebook) PrependPageMenu

func (v *Notebook) PrependPageMenu(child IWidget, tabLabel IWidget, menuLabel IWidget) int

PrependPageMenu() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_prepend_page_menu().

func (*Notebook) PrevPage

func (v *Notebook) PrevPage()

PrevPage() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_prev_page().

func (*Notebook) RemovePage

func (v *Notebook) RemovePage(pageNum int)

RemovePage() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_remove_page().

func (*Notebook) ReorderChild

func (v *Notebook) ReorderChild(child IWidget, position int)

ReorderChild() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_reorder_child().

func (*Notebook) SetActionWidget

func (v *Notebook) SetActionWidget(widget IWidget, packType PackType)

SetActionWidget() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_set_action_widget().

func (*Notebook) SetCurrentPage

func (v *Notebook) SetCurrentPage(pageNum int)

SetCurrentPage() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_set_current_page().

func (*Notebook) SetGroupName

func (v *Notebook) SetGroupName(groupName string)

SetGroupName() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_set_group_name().

func (*Notebook) SetMenuLabel

func (v *Notebook) SetMenuLabel(child, menuLabel IWidget)

SetMenuLabel() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_set_menu_label().

func (*Notebook) SetMenuLabelText

func (v *Notebook) SetMenuLabelText(child IWidget, menuText string)

SetMenuLabelText() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_set_menu_label_text().

func (*Notebook) SetScrollable

func (v *Notebook) SetScrollable(scrollable bool)

SetScrollable() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_set_scrollable().

func (*Notebook) SetShowBorder

func (v *Notebook) SetShowBorder(showBorder bool)

SetShowBorder() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_set_show_border().

func (*Notebook) SetShowTabs

func (v *Notebook) SetShowTabs(showTabs bool)

SetShowTabs() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_set_show_tabs().

func (*Notebook) SetTabDetachable

func (v *Notebook) SetTabDetachable(child IWidget, detachable bool)

SetTabDetachable() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_set_tab_detachable().

func (*Notebook) SetTabLabel

func (v *Notebook) SetTabLabel(child, tabLabel IWidget)

SetTabLabel() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_set_tab_label().

func (*Notebook) SetTabLabelText

func (v *Notebook) SetTabLabelText(child IWidget, tabText string)

SetTabLabelText() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_set_tab_label_text().

func (*Notebook) SetTabPos

func (v *Notebook) SetTabPos(pos PositionType)

SetTabPos() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_set_tab_pos().

func (*Notebook) SetTabReorderable

func (v *Notebook) SetTabReorderable(child IWidget, reorderable bool)

SetTabReorderable() is a wrapper around gtk_notebook_set_tab_reorderable().

type NumberUpLayout

type NumberUpLayout int

NumberUpLayout is a representation of GTK's GtkNumberUpLayout.

const (

type OffscreenWindow

type OffscreenWindow struct {

OffscreenWindow is a representation of GTK's GtkOffscreenWindow.

func OffscreenWindowNew

func OffscreenWindowNew() (*OffscreenWindow, error)

OffscreenWindowNew is a wrapper around gtk_offscreen_window_new().

func (*OffscreenWindow) GetPixbuf

func (v *OffscreenWindow) GetPixbuf() (*gdk.Pixbuf, error)

GetPixbuf is a wrapper around gtk_offscreen_window_get_pixbuf().

func (*OffscreenWindow) GetSurface

func (v *OffscreenWindow) GetSurface() (*cairo.Surface, error)

GetSurface is a wrapper around gtk_offscreen_window_get_surface(). The returned surface is safe to use over window resizes.

type Orientable

type Orientable struct {

Orientable is a representation of GTK's GtkOrientable GInterface.

func (*Orientable) GetOrientation

func (v *Orientable) GetOrientation() Orientation

GetOrientation is a wrapper around gtk_orientable_get_orientation().

func (*Orientable) SetOrientation

func (v *Orientable) SetOrientation(orientation Orientation)

SetOrientation is a wrapper around gtk_orientable_set_orientation().

type Orientation

type Orientation int

Orientation is a representation of GTK's GtkOrientation.

const (

type Overlay

type Overlay struct {

Overlay is a representation of GTK's GtkOverlay.

func OverlayNew

func OverlayNew() (*Overlay, error)

OverlayNew() is a wrapper around gtk_overlay_new().

func (*Overlay) AddOverlay

func (v *Overlay) AddOverlay(widget IWidget)

AddOverlay() is a wrapper around gtk_overlay_add_overlay().

type PackType

type PackType int

PackType is a representation of GTK's GtkPackType.

const (

type PageOrientation

type PageOrientation int

PageOrientation is a representation of GTK's GtkPageOrientation.

const (

type PageSet

type PageSet int

PageSet is a representation of GTK's GtkPageSet.

const (

type PageSetup

type PageSetup struct {

* GtkPageSetup

func PageSetupNew

func PageSetupNew() (*PageSetup, error)

PageSetupNew() is a wrapper around gtk_page_setup_new().

func PageSetupNewFromFile

func PageSetupNewFromFile(fileName string) (*PageSetup, error)

PageSetupNewFromFile() is a wrapper around gtk_page_setup_new_from_file().

func PrintRunPageSetupDialog

func PrintRunPageSetupDialog(parent IWindow, pageSetup *PageSetup, settings *PrintSettings) *PageSetup

PrintRunPageSetupDialog() is a wrapper around gtk_print_run_page_setup_dialog().

func (*PageSetup) Copy

func (ps *PageSetup) Copy() (*PageSetup, error)

Copy() is a wrapper around gtk_page_setup_copy().

func (*PageSetup) GetBottomMargin

func (ps *PageSetup) GetBottomMargin(unit Unit) float64

GetBottomMargin() is a wrapper around gtk_page_setup_get_bottom_margin().

func (*PageSetup) GetLeftMargin

func (ps *PageSetup) GetLeftMargin(unit Unit) float64

GetLeftMargin() is a wrapper around gtk_page_setup_get_left_margin().

func (*PageSetup) GetOrientation

func (ps *PageSetup) GetOrientation() PageOrientation

GetOrientation() is a wrapper around gtk_page_setup_get_orientation().

func (*PageSetup) GetPageHeight

func (ps *PageSetup) GetPageHeight(unit Unit) float64

GetPageHeight() is a wrapper around gtk_page_setup_get_page_height().

func (*PageSetup) GetPageWidth

func (ps *PageSetup) GetPageWidth(unit Unit) float64

GetPageWidth() is a wrapper around gtk_page_setup_get_page_width().

func (*PageSetup) GetPaperHeight

func (ps *PageSetup) GetPaperHeight(unit Unit) float64

GetPaperHeight() is a wrapper around gtk_page_setup_get_paper_height().

func (*PageSetup) GetPaperSize

func (ps *PageSetup) GetPaperSize() *PaperSize

GetPaperSize() is a wrapper around gtk_page_setup_get_paper_size().

func (*PageSetup) GetPaperWidth

func (ps *PageSetup) GetPaperWidth(unit Unit) float64

GetPaperWidth() is a wrapper around gtk_page_setup_get_paper_width().

func (*PageSetup) GetRightMargin

func (ps *PageSetup) GetRightMargin(unit Unit) float64

GetRightMargin() is a wrapper around gtk_page_setup_get_right_margin().

func (*PageSetup) GetTopMargin

func (ps *PageSetup) GetTopMargin(unit Unit) float64

GetTopMargin() is a wrapper around gtk_page_setup_get_top_margin().

func (*PageSetup) PageSetupLoadFile

func (ps *PageSetup) PageSetupLoadFile(name string) error

PageSetupLoadFile() is a wrapper around gtk_page_setup_load_file().

func (*PageSetup) PageSetupToFile

func (ps *PageSetup) PageSetupToFile(name string) error

PageSetupToFile() is a wrapper around gtk_page_setup_to_file().

func (*PageSetup) SetBottomMargin

func (ps *PageSetup) SetBottomMargin(margin float64, unit Unit)

SetBottomMargin() is a wrapper around gtk_page_setup_set_bottom_margin().

func (*PageSetup) SetLeftMargin

func (ps *PageSetup) SetLeftMargin(margin float64, unit Unit)

SetLeftMargin() is a wrapper around gtk_page_setup_set_left_margin().

func (*PageSetup) SetOrientation

func (ps *PageSetup) SetOrientation(orientation PageOrientation)

SetOrientation() is a wrapper around gtk_page_setup_set_orientation().

func (*PageSetup) SetPaperSize

func (ps *PageSetup) SetPaperSize(size *PaperSize)

SetPaperSize() is a wrapper around gtk_page_setup_set_paper_size().

func (*PageSetup) SetPaperSizeAndDefaultMargins

func (ps *PageSetup) SetPaperSizeAndDefaultMargins(size *PaperSize)

SetPaperSizeAndDefaultMargins() is a wrapper around gtk_page_setup_set_paper_size_and_default_margins().

func (*PageSetup) SetRightMargin

func (ps *PageSetup) SetRightMargin(margin float64, unit Unit)

SetRightMargin() is a wrapper around gtk_page_setup_set_right_margin().

func (*PageSetup) SetTopMargin

func (ps *PageSetup) SetTopMargin(margin float64, unit Unit)

SetTopMargin() is a wrapper around gtk_page_setup_set_top_margin().

type PageSetupDoneCallback

type PageSetupDoneCallback func(setup *PageSetup, userData uintptr)

type Paned

type Paned struct {

Paned is a representation of GTK's GtkPaned.

func PanedNew

func PanedNew(orientation Orientation) (*Paned, error)

PanedNew() is a wrapper around gtk_paned_new().

func (*Paned) Add1

func (v *Paned) Add1(child IWidget)

Add1() is a wrapper around gtk_paned_add1().

func (*Paned) Add2

func (v *Paned) Add2(child IWidget)

Add2() is a wrapper around gtk_paned_add2().

func (*Paned) GetChild1

func (v *Paned) GetChild1() (*Widget, error)

GetChild1() is a wrapper around gtk_paned_get_child1().

func (*Paned) GetChild2

func (v *Paned) GetChild2() (*Widget, error)

GetChild2() is a wrapper around gtk_paned_get_child2().

func (*Paned) GetHandleWindow

func (v *Paned) GetHandleWindow() (*Window, error)

GetHandleWindow() is a wrapper around gtk_paned_get_handle_window().

func (*Paned) GetPosition

func (v *Paned) GetPosition() int

GetPosition() is a wrapper around gtk_paned_get_position().

func (*Paned) GetWideHandle

func (v *Paned) GetWideHandle() bool

GetWideHandle is a wrapper around gtk_paned_get_wide_handle().

func (*Paned) Pack1

func (v *Paned) Pack1(child IWidget, resize, shrink bool)

Pack1() is a wrapper around gtk_paned_pack1().

func (*Paned) Pack2

func (v *Paned) Pack2(child IWidget, resize, shrink bool)

Pack2() is a wrapper around gtk_paned_pack2().

func (*Paned) SetPosition

func (v *Paned) SetPosition(position int)

SetPosition() is a wrapper around gtk_paned_set_position().

func (*Paned) SetWideHandle

func (v *Paned) SetWideHandle(wide bool)

SetWideHandle is a wrapper around gtk_paned_set_wide_handle().

type PaperSize

type PaperSize struct {
	GtkPaperSize *C.GtkPaperSize

PaperSize is a representation of GTK's GtkPaperSize

func PaperSizeNew

func PaperSizeNew(name string) (*PaperSize, error)

PaperSizeNew() is a wrapper around gtk_paper_size_new().

func PaperSizeNewCustom

func PaperSizeNewCustom(name, displayName string, width, height float64, unit Unit) (*PaperSize, error)

PaperSizeNewCustom() is a wrapper around gtk_paper_size_new_custom().

func PaperSizeNewFromIPP

func PaperSizeNewFromIPP(name string, width, height float64) (*PaperSize, error)

PaperSizeNewFromIpp is a wrapper around gtk_paper_size_new_from_ipp().

func PaperSizeNewFromPPD

func PaperSizeNewFromPPD(name, displayName string, width, height float64) (*PaperSize, error)

PaperSizeNewFromPPD() is a wrapper around gtk_paper_size_new_from_ppd().

func (*PaperSize) Copy

func (ps *PaperSize) Copy() (*PaperSize, error)

Copy() is a wrapper around gtk_paper_size_copy().

func (*PaperSize) GetDefaultBottomMargin

func (ps *PaperSize) GetDefaultBottomMargin(unit Unit) float64

GetDefaultBottomMargin() is a wrapper around gtk_paper_size_get_default_bottom_margin().

func (*PaperSize) GetDefaultLeftMargin

func (ps *PaperSize) GetDefaultLeftMargin(unit Unit) float64

GetDefaultLeftMargin() is a wrapper around gtk_paper_size_get_default_left_margin().

func (*PaperSize) GetDefaultRightMargin

func (ps *PaperSize) GetDefaultRightMargin(unit Unit) float64

GetDefaultRightMargin() is a wrapper around gtk_paper_size_get_default_right_margin().

func (*PaperSize) GetDefaultTopMargin

func (ps *PaperSize) GetDefaultTopMargin(unit Unit) float64

GetDefaultTopMargin() is a wrapper around gtk_paper_size_get_default_top_margin().

func (*PaperSize) GetDisplayName

func (ps *PaperSize) GetDisplayName() string

GetDisplayName() is a wrapper around gtk_paper_size_get_display_name().

func (*PaperSize) GetHeight

func (ps *PaperSize) GetHeight(unit Unit) float64

GetHeight() is a wrapper around gtk_paper_size_get_height().

func (*PaperSize) GetName

func (ps *PaperSize) GetName() string

GetName() is a wrapper around gtk_paper_size_get_name().

func (*PaperSize) GetPPDName

func (ps *PaperSize) GetPPDName() (string, error)

GetPPDName() is a wrapper around gtk_paper_size_get_ppd_name().

func (*PaperSize) GetWidth

func (ps *PaperSize) GetWidth(unit Unit) float64

GetWidth() is a wrapper around gtk_paper_size_get_width().

func (*PaperSize) IsCustom

func (ps *PaperSize) IsCustom() bool

IsCustom() is a wrapper around gtk_paper_size_is_custom().

func (*PaperSize) IsEqual

func (ps *PaperSize) IsEqual(other *PaperSize) bool

IsEqual() is a wrapper around gtk_paper_size_is_equal().

func (*PaperSize) IsIPP

func (ps *PaperSize) IsIPP() bool

IsIPP() is a wrapper around gtk_paper_size_is_ipp().

func (*PaperSize) SetSize

func (ps *PaperSize) SetSize(width, height float64, unit Unit)

SetSize() is a wrapper around gtk_paper_size_set_size().

type PathType

type PathType int

PathType is a representation of GTK's GtkPathType.

const (

type Plug

type Plug struct {

Plug is a representation of GTK's GtkPlug

func PlugNew

func PlugNew(socketId uint) (*Plug, error)

PlugNew is a wrapper around gtk_plug_new(). Creates a new plug widget inside the GtkSocket identified by socket_id. If socket_id is 0, the plug is left “unplugged” and can later be plugged into a GtkSocket by gtk_socket_add_id().

func PlugNewForDisplay

func PlugNewForDisplay(display *gdk.Display, socketId uint) (*Plug, error)

PlugNewForDisplay is a wrapper around gtk_plug_new_for_display(). Creates a new plug widget inside the GtkSocket identified by socket_id. If socket_id is 0, the plug is left “unplugged” and can later be plugged into a GtkSocket by gtk_socket_add_id().

func (*Plug) Construct

func (v *Plug) Construct(socketId uint)

Construct is a wrapper around gtk_plug_construct(). Finish the initialization of plug for a given GtkSocket identified by socket_id. This function will generally only be used by classes deriving from GtkPlug.

func (*Plug) ConstructForDisplay

func (v *Plug) ConstructForDisplay(display *gdk.Display, socketId uint)

ConstructForDisplay is a wrapper around gtk_plug_construct_for_display(). Finish the initialization of plug for a given GtkSocket identified by socket_id which is currently displayed on display. This function will generally only be used by classes deriving from GtkPlug.

func (*Plug) GetEmbedded

func (v *Plug) GetEmbedded() bool

GetEmbedded is a wrapper around gtk_plug_get_embedded(). Determines whether the plug is embedded in a socket.

func (*Plug) GetId

func (v *Plug) GetId() uint

GetId is a wrapper around gtk_plug_get_id(). Gets the window ID of a GtkPlug widget, which can then be used to embed this window inside another window, for instance with gtk_socket_add_id().

func (*Plug) GetSocketWindow

func (v *Plug) GetSocketWindow() (*Window, error)

GetSocketWindow is a wrapper around gtk_plug_get_socket_window(). Retrieves the socket the plug is embedded in.

type PolicyType

type PolicyType int

PolicyType is a representation of GTK's GtkPolicyType.

const (
const (

type Popover

type Popover struct {

Popover is a representation of GTK's GtkPopover.

func PopoverNew

func PopoverNew(relative IWidget) (*Popover, error)

PopoverNew is a wrapper around gtk_popover_new().

func PopoverNewFromModel

func PopoverNewFromModel(relative IWidget, model *glib.MenuModel) (*Popover, error)

PopoverNewFromModel is a wrapper around gtk_popover_new_from_model().

func (*Popover) BindModel

func (v *Popover) BindModel(menuModel *glib.MenuModel, actionNamespace string)

BindModel is a wrapper around gtk_popover_bind_model().

func (*Popover) GetConstrainTo

func (v *Popover) GetConstrainTo() PopoverConstraint

GetConstrainTo is a wrapper gtk_popover_get_constrain_to().

func (*Popover) GetModal

func (v *Popover) GetModal() bool

GetModal is a wrapper around gtk_popover_get_modal().

func (*Popover) GetPointingTo

func (v *Popover) GetPointingTo() (*gdk.Rectangle, bool)

GetPointingTo is a wrapper around gtk_popover_get_pointing_to().

func (*Popover) GetPosition

func (v *Popover) GetPosition() PositionType

GetPosition is a wrapper around gtk_popover_get_position().

func (*Popover) GetRelativeTo

func (v *Popover) GetRelativeTo() *Widget

GetRelativeTo is a wrapper around gtk_popover_get_relative_to().

func (*Popover) Popdown

func (v *Popover) Popdown()

Popdown is a wrapper around gtk_popover_popdown().

func (*Popover) Popup

func (v *Popover) Popup()

Popup is a wrapper around gtk_popover_popup().

func (*Popover) SetConstrainTo

func (v *Popover) SetConstrainTo(constrain PopoverConstraint)

SetConstrainTo is a wrapper gtk_popover_set_constrain_to().

func (*Popover) SetModal

func (v *Popover) SetModal(modal bool)

SetModal is a wrapper around gtk_popover_set_modal().

func (*Popover) SetPointingTo

func (v *Popover) SetPointingTo(rect gdk.Rectangle)

SetPointingTo is a wrapper around gtk_popover_set_pointing_to().

func (*Popover) SetPosition

func (v *Popover) SetPosition(position PositionType)

SetPosition is a wrapper around gtk_popover_set_position().

func (*Popover) SetRelativeTo

func (v *Popover) SetRelativeTo(relative IWidget)

SetRelativeTo is a wrapper around gtk_popover_set_relative_to().

type PopoverConstraint

type PopoverConstraint int

PopoverConstraint is a representation of GTK's GtkPopoverConstraint.

const (

type PopoverMenu

type PopoverMenu struct {

PopoverMenu is a representation of GTK's GtkPopoverMenu.

func PopoverMenuNew

func PopoverMenuNew() (*PopoverMenu, error)

PopoverMenuNew is a wrapper around gtk_popover_menu_new

func (*PopoverMenu) OpenSubmenu

func (v *PopoverMenu) OpenSubmenu(name string)

OpenSubmenu is a wrapper around gtk_popover_menu_open_submenu

type PositionType

type PositionType int

PositionType is a representation of GTK's GtkPositionType.

const (
	POS_LEFT   PositionType = C.GTK_POS_LEFT
	POS_TOP    PositionType = C.GTK_POS_TOP

type PrintContext

type PrintContext struct {

PrintContext is a representation of GTK's GtkPrintContext.

func (*PrintContext) CreatePangoContext

func (pc *PrintContext) CreatePangoContext() *pango.Context

CreatePangoContext() is a wrapper around gtk_print_context_create_pango_context().

func (*PrintContext) CreatePangoLayout

func (pc *PrintContext) CreatePangoLayout() *pango.Layout

CreatePangoLayout() is a wrapper around gtk_print_context_create_pango_layout().

func (*PrintContext) GetCairoContext

func (pc *PrintContext) GetCairoContext() *cairo.Context

GetCairoContext() is a wrapper around gtk_print_context_get_cairo_context().

func (*PrintContext) GetDpiX

func (pc *PrintContext) GetDpiX() float64

GetDpiX() is a wrapper around gtk_print_context_get_dpi_x().

func (*PrintContext) GetDpiY

func (pc *PrintContext) GetDpiY() float64

GetDpiY() is a wrapper around gtk_print_context_get_dpi_y().

func (*PrintContext) GetHardMargins

func (pc *PrintContext) GetHardMargins() (float64, float64, float64, float64, error)

GetHardMargins() is a wrapper around gtk_print_context_get_hard_margins().

func (*PrintContext) GetHeight

func (pc *PrintContext) GetHeight() float64

GetHeight() is a wrapper around gtk_print_context_get_height().

func (*PrintContext) GetPageSetup

func (pc *PrintContext) GetPageSetup() *PageSetup

GetPageSetup() is a wrapper around gtk_print_context_get_page_setup().

func (*PrintContext) GetPangoFontMap

func (pc *PrintContext) GetPangoFontMap() *pango.FontMap

GetPangoFontMap() is a wrapper around gtk_print_context_get_pango_fontmap().

func (*PrintContext) GetWidth

func (pc *PrintContext) GetWidth() float64

GetWidth() is a wrapper around gtk_print_context_get_width().

func (*PrintContext) SetCairoContext

func (pc *PrintContext) SetCairoContext(cr *cairo.Context, dpiX, dpiY float64)

SetCairoContext() is a wrapper around gtk_print_context_set_cairo_context().

type PrintDuplex

type PrintDuplex int

PrintDuplex is a representation of GTK's GtkPrintDuplex.

const (

type PrintError

type PrintError int

PrintOperationAction is a representation of GTK's GtkPrintError.

const (

type PrintOperation

type PrintOperation struct {

	// Interfaces

* GtkPrintOperation

func PrintOperationNew

func PrintOperationNew() (*PrintOperation, error)

PrintOperationNew() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_new().

func (*PrintOperation) Cancel

func (po *PrintOperation) Cancel()

Cancel() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_cancel().

func (*PrintOperation) DrawPageFinish

func (po *PrintOperation) DrawPageFinish()

DrawPageFinish() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_draw_page_finish().

func (*PrintOperation) GetDefaultPageSetup

func (po *PrintOperation) GetDefaultPageSetup() (*PageSetup, error)

GetDefaultPageSetup() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_get_default_page_setup().

func (*PrintOperation) GetEmbedPageSetup

func (po *PrintOperation) GetEmbedPageSetup() bool

GetEmbedPageSetup() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_get_embed_page_setup().

func (*PrintOperation) GetHasSelection

func (po *PrintOperation) GetHasSelection() bool

GetHasSelection() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_get_has_selection().

func (*PrintOperation) GetNPagesToPrint

func (po *PrintOperation) GetNPagesToPrint() int

GetNPagesToPrint() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_get_n_pages_to_print().

func (*PrintOperation) GetPrintSettings

func (po *PrintOperation) GetPrintSettings(ps *PageSetup) (*PrintSettings, error)

GetPrintSettings() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_get_print_settings().

func (*PrintOperation) GetStatus

func (po *PrintOperation) GetStatus() PrintStatus

GetStatus() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_get_status().

func (*PrintOperation) GetStatusString

func (po *PrintOperation) GetStatusString() string

GetStatusString() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_get_status_string().

func (*PrintOperation) GetSupportSelection

func (po *PrintOperation) GetSupportSelection() bool

GetSupportSelection() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_get_support_selection().

func (*PrintOperation) IsFinished

func (po *PrintOperation) IsFinished() bool

IsFinished() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_is_finished().

func (*PrintOperation) PrintOperationGetError

func (po *PrintOperation) PrintOperationGetError() error

GetError() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_get_error().

func (*PrintOperation) PrintOperationSetAllowAsync

func (po *PrintOperation) PrintOperationSetAllowAsync(allowSync bool)

SetAllowAsync() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_set_allow_async().

func (*PrintOperation) Run

Run() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_run().

func (*PrintOperation) SetCurrentPage

func (po *PrintOperation) SetCurrentPage(page int)

SetCurrentPage() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_set_current_page().

func (*PrintOperation) SetCustomTabLabel

func (po *PrintOperation) SetCustomTabLabel(label string)

SetCustomTabLabel() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_set_custom_tab_label().

func (*PrintOperation) SetDefaultPageSetup

func (po *PrintOperation) SetDefaultPageSetup(ps *PageSetup)

SetDefaultPageSetup() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_set_default_page_setup().

func (*PrintOperation) SetDeferDrawing

func (po *PrintOperation) SetDeferDrawing()

SetDeferDrawing() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_set_defer_drawing().

func (*PrintOperation) SetEmbedPageSetup

func (po *PrintOperation) SetEmbedPageSetup(embed bool)

SetEmbedPageSetup() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_set_embed_page_setup().

func (*PrintOperation) SetExportFilename

func (po *PrintOperation) SetExportFilename(name string)

SetExportFilename() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_set_export_filename().

func (*PrintOperation) SetHasSelection

func (po *PrintOperation) SetHasSelection(selection bool)

SetHasSelection() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_set_has_selection().

func (*PrintOperation) SetJobName

func (po *PrintOperation) SetJobName(name string)

SetJobName() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_set_job_name().

func (*PrintOperation) SetNPages

func (po *PrintOperation) SetNPages(pages int)

SetNPages() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_set_n_pages().

func (*PrintOperation) SetPrintSettings

func (po *PrintOperation) SetPrintSettings(ps *PrintSettings)

SetPrintSettings() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_set_print_settings().

func (*PrintOperation) SetShowProgress

func (po *PrintOperation) SetShowProgress(show bool)

SetShowProgress() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_set_show_progress().

func (*PrintOperation) SetSupportSelection

func (po *PrintOperation) SetSupportSelection(selection bool)

SetSupportSelection() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_set_support_selection().

func (*PrintOperation) SetTrackPrintStatus

func (po *PrintOperation) SetTrackPrintStatus(progress bool)

SetTrackPrintStatus() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_set_track_print_status().

func (*PrintOperation) SetUnit

func (po *PrintOperation) SetUnit(unit Unit)

SetUnit() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_set_unit().

func (*PrintOperation) SetUseFullPage

func (po *PrintOperation) SetUseFullPage(full bool)

SetUseFullPage() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_set_use_full_page().

type PrintOperationAction

type PrintOperationAction int

PrintOperationAction is a representation of GTK's GtkPrintOperationAction.

const (

type PrintOperationPreview

type PrintOperationPreview struct {

PrintOperationPreview is a representation of GTK's GtkPrintOperationPreview GInterface.

func (*PrintOperationPreview) EndPreview

func (pop *PrintOperationPreview) EndPreview()

EndPreview()() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_preview_end_preview().

func (*PrintOperationPreview) IsSelected

func (pop *PrintOperationPreview) IsSelected(page int) bool

IsSelected()() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_preview_is_selected().

func (*PrintOperationPreview) RenderPage

func (pop *PrintOperationPreview) RenderPage(page int)

RenderPage()() is a wrapper around gtk_print_operation_preview_render_page().

type PrintOperationResult

type PrintOperationResult int

PrintOperationResult is a representation of GTK's GtkPrintOperationResult.

const (

type PrintPages

type PrintPages int

PrintPages is a representation of GTK's GtkPrintPages.

const (

type PrintQuality

type PrintQuality int

PrintQuality is a representation of GTK's GtkPrintQuality.

const (

type PrintSettings

type PrintSettings struct {

func PrintSettingsNew

func PrintSettingsNew() (*PrintSettings, error)

PrintSettingsNew() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_new().

func PrintSettingsNewFromFile

func PrintSettingsNewFromFile(name string) (*PrintSettings, error)

PrintSettingsNewFromFile() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_new_from_file().

func (*PrintSettings) Copy

func (ps *PrintSettings) Copy() (*PrintSettings, error)

Copy() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_copy().

func (*PrintSettings) ForEach

func (ps *PrintSettings) ForEach(cb PrintSettingsCallback, userData uintptr)

Foreach() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_foreach().

func (*PrintSettings) Get

func (ps *PrintSettings) Get(key string) string

Get() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get().

func (*PrintSettings) GetBool

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetBool(key string) bool

GetBool() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_bool().

func (*PrintSettings) GetCollate

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetCollate() bool

GetCollate() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_collate().

func (*PrintSettings) GetDefaultSource

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetDefaultSource() string

GetDefaultSource() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_default_source().

func (*PrintSettings) GetDither

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetDither() string

GetDither() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_dither().

func (*PrintSettings) GetDouble

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetDouble(key string) float64

GetDouble() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_double().

func (*PrintSettings) GetDoubleWithDefault

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetDoubleWithDefault(key string, def float64) float64

GetDoubleWithDefault() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_double_with_default().

func (*PrintSettings) GetDuplex

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetDuplex() PrintDuplex

GetDuplex() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_duplex().

func (*PrintSettings) GetFinishings

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetFinishings() string

GetFinishings() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_finishings().

func (*PrintSettings) GetInt

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetInt(key string) int

GetInt() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_int().

func (*PrintSettings) GetIntWithDefault

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetIntWithDefault(key string, def int) int

GetIntWithDefault() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_int_with_default().

func (*PrintSettings) GetLength

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetLength(key string, unit Unit) float64

GetLength() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_length().

func (*PrintSettings) GetMediaType

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetMediaType() string

GetMediaType() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_media_type().

func (*PrintSettings) GetNCopies

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetNCopies() int

GetNCopies() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_n_copies().

func (*PrintSettings) GetNmberUp

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetNmberUp() int

GetNmberUp() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_number_up().

func (*PrintSettings) GetNumberUpLayout

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetNumberUpLayout() NumberUpLayout

GetNumberUpLayout() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_number_up_layout().

func (*PrintSettings) GetOrientation

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetOrientation() PageOrientation

GetOrientation() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_orientation().

func (*PrintSettings) GetOutputBin

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetOutputBin() string

GetOutputBin() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_output_bin().

func (*PrintSettings) GetPageSet

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetPageSet(pages PrintPages) PageSet

GetPageSet() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_page_set().

func (*PrintSettings) GetPaperHeight

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetPaperHeight(unit Unit) float64

GetPaperHeight() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_paper_height().

func (*PrintSettings) GetPaperSize

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetPaperSize() (*PaperSize, error)

GetPaperSize() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_paper_size().

func (*PrintSettings) GetPaperWidth

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetPaperWidth(unit Unit) float64

GetPaperWidth() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_paper_width().

func (*PrintSettings) GetPrintPages

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetPrintPages() PrintPages

GetPrintPages() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_print_pages().

func (*PrintSettings) GetPrinter

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetPrinter() string

GetPrinter() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_printer().

func (*PrintSettings) GetPrinterLpi

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetPrinterLpi() float64

GetPrinterLpi() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_printer_lpi().

func (*PrintSettings) GetQuality

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetQuality() PrintQuality

GetQuality() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_quality().

func (*PrintSettings) GetResolution

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetResolution() int

GetResolution() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_resolution().

func (*PrintSettings) GetResolutionX

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetResolutionX() int

GetResolutionX() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_resolution_x().

func (*PrintSettings) GetResolutionY

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetResolutionY() int

GetResolutionY() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_resolution_y().

func (*PrintSettings) GetReverse

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetReverse() bool

GetReverse() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_reverse().

func (*PrintSettings) GetScale

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetScale() float64

GetScale() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_scale().

func (*PrintSettings) GetUseColor

func (ps *PrintSettings) GetUseColor() bool

GetUseColor() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_get_use_color().

func (*PrintSettings) HasKey

func (ps *PrintSettings) HasKey(key string) bool

HasKey() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_has_key().

func (*PrintSettings) LoadFile

func (ps *PrintSettings) LoadFile(name string) error

LoadFile() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_load_file().

func (*PrintSettings) Set

func (ps *PrintSettings) Set(key, value string)

Set() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_set(). TODO: Since value can't be nil, we can't unset values here.

func (*PrintSettings) SetBool

func (ps *PrintSettings) SetBool(key string, value bool)

SetBool() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_set_bool().

func (*PrintSettings) SetCollate

func (ps *PrintSettings) SetCollate(collate bool)

SetCollate() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_set_collate().

func (*PrintSettings) SetDither

func (ps *PrintSettings) SetDither(dither string)

SetDither() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_set_dither().

func (*PrintSettings) SetDouble

func (ps *PrintSettings) SetDouble(key string, value float64)

SetDouble() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_set_double().

func (*PrintSettings) SetDuplex

func (ps *PrintSettings) SetDuplex(duplex PrintDuplex)

SetDuplex() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_set_duplex().

func (*PrintSettings) SetFinishings

func (ps *PrintSettings) SetFinishings(dither string)

SetFinishings() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_set_finishings().

func (*PrintSettings) SetInt

func (ps *PrintSettings) SetInt(key string, value int)

SetInt() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_set_int().

func (*PrintSettings) SetLength

func (ps *PrintSettings) SetLength(key string, value float64, unit Unit)

SetLength() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_set_length().

func (*PrintSettings) SetMediaType

func (ps *PrintSettings) SetMediaType(mediaType string)

SetMediaType() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_set_media_type().

func (*PrintSettings) SetNCopies

func (ps *PrintSettings) SetNCopies(copies int)

SetNCopies() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_set_n_copies().

func (*PrintSettings) SetNumberUp

func (ps *PrintSettings) SetNumberUp(numberUp int)

SetNumberUp() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_set_number_up().

func (*PrintSettings) SetNumberUpLayout

func (ps *PrintSettings) SetNumberUpLayout(numberUpLayout NumberUpLayout)

SetNumberUpLayout() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_set_number_up_layout().

func (*PrintSettings) SetOrientation

func (ps *PrintSettings) SetOrientation(orientation PageOrientation)

SetOrientation() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_set_orientation().

func (*PrintSettings) SetOutputBin

func (ps *PrintSettings) SetOutputBin(bin string)

SetOutputBin() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_set_output_bin().

func (*PrintSettings) SetPageSet

func (ps *PrintSettings) SetPageSet(pageSet PageSet)

SetPageSet() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_set_page_set().

func (*PrintSettings) SetPaperHeight

func (ps *PrintSettings) SetPaperHeight(width float64, unit Unit)

SetPaperHeight() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_set_paper_height().

func (*PrintSettings) SetPaperSize

func (ps *PrintSettings) SetPaperSize(size *PaperSize)

SetPaperSize() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_set_paper_size().

func (*PrintSettings) SetPaperWidth

func (ps *PrintSettings) SetPaperWidth(width float64, unit Unit)

SetPaperWidth() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_set_paper_width().

func (*PrintSettings) SetPrintPages

func (ps *PrintSettings) SetPrintPages(pages PrintPages)

SetPrintPages() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_set_print_pages().

func (*PrintSettings) SetPrinter

func (ps *PrintSettings) SetPrinter(printer string)

SetPrinter() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_set_printer().

func (*PrintSettings) SetPrinterLpi

func (ps *PrintSettings) SetPrinterLpi(lpi float64)

SetPrinterLpi() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_set_printer_lpi().

func (*PrintSettings) SetQuality

func (ps *PrintSettings) SetQuality(quality PrintQuality)

SetQuality() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_set_quality().

func (*PrintSettings) SetResolution

func (ps *PrintSettings) SetResolution(resolution int)

SetResolution() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_set_resolution().

func (*PrintSettings) SetResolutionXY

func (ps *PrintSettings) SetResolutionXY(resolutionX, resolutionY int)

SetResolutionXY() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_set_resolution_xy().

func (*PrintSettings) SetReverse

func (ps *PrintSettings) SetReverse(reverse bool)

SetReverse() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_set_reverse().

func (*PrintSettings) SetScale

func (ps *PrintSettings) SetScale(scale float64)

SetScale() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_set_scale().

func (*PrintSettings) SetSefaultSource

func (ps *PrintSettings) SetSefaultSource(defaultSource string)

SetSefaultSource() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_set_default_source().

func (*PrintSettings) SetUseColor

func (ps *PrintSettings) SetUseColor(color bool)

SetUseColor() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_set_use_color().

func (*PrintSettings) ToFile

func (ps *PrintSettings) ToFile(name string) error

ToFile() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_to_file().

func (*PrintSettings) Unset

func (ps *PrintSettings) Unset(key string)

Unset() is a wrapper around gtk_print_settings_unset().

type PrintSettingsCallback

type PrintSettingsCallback func(key, value string, userData uintptr)

type PrintStatus

type PrintStatus int

PrintStatus is a representation of GTK's GtkPrintStatus.

const (

type ProgressBar

type ProgressBar struct {
	// Interfaces

ProgressBar is a representation of GTK's GtkProgressBar.

func ProgressBarNew

func ProgressBarNew() (*ProgressBar, error)

ProgressBarNew is a wrapper around gtk_progress_bar_new().

func (*ProgressBar) GetFraction

func (v *ProgressBar) GetFraction() float64

GetFraction is a wrapper around gtk_progress_bar_get_fraction().

func (*ProgressBar) GetInverted

func (v *ProgressBar) GetInverted() bool

GetInverted is a wrapper around gtk_progress_bar_get_inverted().

func (*ProgressBar) GetPulseStep

func (v *ProgressBar) GetPulseStep() float64

GetPulseStep is a wrapper around gtk_progress_bar_get_pulse_step().

func (*ProgressBar) GetShowText

func (v *ProgressBar) GetShowText() bool

GetShowText is a wrapper around gtk_progress_bar_get_show_text().

func (*ProgressBar) Pulse

func (v *ProgressBar) Pulse()

Pulse is a wrapper arountd gtk_progress_bar_pulse().

func (*ProgressBar) SetFraction

func (v *ProgressBar) SetFraction(fraction float64)

SetFraction is a wrapper around gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction().

func (*ProgressBar) SetInverted

func (v *ProgressBar) SetInverted(inverted bool)

SetInverted is a wrapper around gtk_progress_bar_set_inverted().

func (*ProgressBar) SetPulseStep

func (v *ProgressBar) SetPulseStep(fraction float64)

SetPulseStep is a wrapper around gtk_progress_bar_set_pulse_step().

func (*ProgressBar) SetShowText

func (v *ProgressBar) SetShowText(showText bool)

SetShowText is a wrapper around gtk_progress_bar_set_show_text().

func (*ProgressBar) SetText

func (v *ProgressBar) SetText(text string)

SetText is a wrapper around gtk_progress_bar_set_text().

type RadioButton

type RadioButton struct {

RadioButton is a representation of GTK's GtkRadioButton.

func RadioButtonNew

func RadioButtonNew(group *glib.SList) (*RadioButton, error)

RadioButtonNew is a wrapper around gtk_radio_button_new().

func RadioButtonNewFromWidget

func RadioButtonNewFromWidget(radioGroupMember *RadioButton) (*RadioButton, error)

RadioButtonNewFromWidget is a wrapper around gtk_radio_button_new_from_widget().

func RadioButtonNewWithLabel

func RadioButtonNewWithLabel(group *glib.SList, label string) (*RadioButton, error)

RadioButtonNewWithLabel is a wrapper around gtk_radio_button_new_with_label().

func RadioButtonNewWithLabelFromWidget

func RadioButtonNewWithLabelFromWidget(radioGroupMember *RadioButton, label string) (*RadioButton, error)

RadioButtonNewWithLabelFromWidget is a wrapper around gtk_radio_button_new_with_label_from_widget().

func RadioButtonNewWithMnemonic

func RadioButtonNewWithMnemonic(group *glib.SList, label string) (*RadioButton, error)

RadioButtonNewWithMnemonic is a wrapper around gtk_radio_button_new_with_mnemonic().

func RadioButtonNewWithMnemonicFromWidget

func RadioButtonNewWithMnemonicFromWidget(radioGroupMember *RadioButton, label string) (*RadioButton, error)

RadioButtonNewWithMnemonicFromWidget is a wrapper around gtk_radio_button_new_with_mnemonic_from_widget().

func (*RadioButton) GetGroup

func (v *RadioButton) GetGroup() (*glib.SList, error)

GetGroup is a wrapper around gtk_radio_button_get_group().

func (*RadioButton) JoinGroup

func (v *RadioButton) JoinGroup(groupSource *RadioButton)

JoinGroup is a wrapper around gtk_radio_button_join_group().

func (*RadioButton) SetGroup

func (v *RadioButton) SetGroup(group *glib.SList)

SetGroup is a wrapper around gtk_radio_button_set_group().

type RadioMenuItem

type RadioMenuItem struct {

RadioMenuItem is a representation of GTK's GtkRadioMenuItem.

func RadioMenuItemNew

func RadioMenuItemNew(group *glib.SList) (*RadioMenuItem, error)

RadioMenuItemNew is a wrapper around gtk_radio_menu_item_new().

func RadioMenuItemNewFromWidget

func RadioMenuItemNewFromWidget(group *RadioMenuItem) (*RadioMenuItem, error)

RadioMenuItemNewFromWidget is a wrapper around gtk_radio_menu_item_new_from_widget().

func RadioMenuItemNewWithLabel

func RadioMenuItemNewWithLabel(group *glib.SList, label string) (*RadioMenuItem, error)

RadioMenuItemNewWithLabel is a wrapper around gtk_radio_menu_item_new_with_label().

func RadioMenuItemNewWithLabelFromWidget

func RadioMenuItemNewWithLabelFromWidget(group *RadioMenuItem, label string) (*RadioMenuItem, error)

RadioMenuItemNewWithLabelFromWidget is a wrapper around gtk_radio_menu_item_new_with_label_from_widget().

func RadioMenuItemNewWithMnemonic

func RadioMenuItemNewWithMnemonic(group *glib.SList, label string) (*RadioMenuItem, error)

RadioMenuItemNewWithMnemonic is a wrapper around gtk_radio_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic().

func RadioMenuItemNewWithMnemonicFromWidget

func RadioMenuItemNewWithMnemonicFromWidget(group *RadioMenuItem, label string) (*RadioMenuItem, error)

RadioMenuItemNewWithMnemonicFromWidget is a wrapper around gtk_radio_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic_from_widget().

func (*RadioMenuItem) GetGroup

func (v *RadioMenuItem) GetGroup() (*glib.SList, error)

GetGroup is a wrapper around gtk_radio_menu_item_get_group().

func (*RadioMenuItem) SetGroup

func (v *RadioMenuItem) SetGroup(group *glib.SList)

SetGroup is a wrapper around gtk_radio_menu_item_set_group().

type Range

type Range struct {

Range is a representation of GTK's GtkRange.

func (*Range) GetInverted

func (v *Range) GetInverted() bool

GetInverted is a wrapper around gtk_range_get_inverted().

func (*Range) GetValue

func (v *Range) GetValue() float64

GetValue is a wrapper around gtk_range_get_value().

func (*Range) SetIncrements

func (v *Range) SetIncrements(step, page float64)

SetIncrements is a wrapper around gtk_range_set_increments().

func (*Range) SetInverted

func (v *Range) SetInverted(inverted bool)

SetInverted is a wrapper around gtk_range_set_inverted().

func (*Range) SetRange

func (v *Range) SetRange(min, max float64)

SetRange is a wrapper around gtk_range_set_range().

func (*Range) SetValue

func (v *Range) SetValue(value float64)

SetValue is a wrapper around gtk_range_set_value().

type RecentChooser

type RecentChooser struct {

RecentChooser is a representation of GTK's GtkRecentChooser.

func (*RecentChooser) AddFilter

func (v *RecentChooser) AddFilter(filter *RecentFilter)

func (*RecentChooser) GetCurrentUri

func (v *RecentChooser) GetCurrentUri() string

func (*RecentChooser) RemoveFilter

func (v *RecentChooser) RemoveFilter(filter *RecentFilter)

type RecentChooserMenu

type RecentChooserMenu struct {

RecentChooserMenu is a representation of GTK's GtkRecentChooserMenu.

type RecentFilter

type RecentFilter struct {

RecentFilter is a representation of GTK's GtkRecentFilter.

func RecentFilterNew

func RecentFilterNew() (*RecentFilter, error)

RecentFilterNew is a wrapper around gtk_recent_filter_new().

type RecentManager

type RecentManager struct {

RecentManager is a representation of GTK's GtkRecentManager.

func RecentManagerGetDefault

func RecentManagerGetDefault() (*RecentManager, error)

RecentManagerGetDefault is a wrapper around gtk_recent_manager_get_default().

func (*RecentManager) AddItem

func (v *RecentManager) AddItem(fileURI string) bool

AddItem is a wrapper around gtk_recent_manager_add_item().

type ReliefStyle

type ReliefStyle int

ReliefStyle is a representation of GTK's GtkReliefStyle.

const (

type ResponseType

type ResponseType int

ResponseType is a representation of GTK's GtkResponseType.

const (
	RESPONSE_OK           ResponseType = C.GTK_RESPONSE_OK
	RESPONSE_YES          ResponseType = C.GTK_RESPONSE_YES
	RESPONSE_NO           ResponseType = C.GTK_RESPONSE_NO

type Revealer

type Revealer struct {

Revealer is a representation of GTK's GtkRevealer

func RevealerNew

func RevealerNew() (*Revealer, error)

RevealerNew is a wrapper around gtk_revealer_new()

func (*Revealer) GetChildRevealed

func (v *Revealer) GetChildRevealed() bool

GetChildRevealed is a wrapper around gtk_revealer_get_child_revealed().

func (*Revealer) GetRevealChild

func (v *Revealer) GetRevealChild() bool

GetRevealChild is a wrapper around gtk_revealer_get_reveal_child().

func (*Revealer) GetTransitionDuration

func (v *Revealer) GetTransitionDuration() uint

GetTransitionDuration is a wrapper around gtk_revealer_get_transition_duration()

func (*Revealer) GetTransitionType

func (v *Revealer) GetTransitionType() RevealerTransitionType

GetTransitionType is a wrapper around gtk_revealer_get_transition_type()

func (*Revealer) SetRevealChild

func (v *Revealer) SetRevealChild(revealChild bool)

SetRevealChild is a wrapper around gtk_revealer_set_reveal_child().

func (*Revealer) SetTransitionDuration

func (v *Revealer) SetTransitionDuration(duration uint)

SetTransitionDuration is a wrapper around gtk_revealer_set_transition_duration().

func (*Revealer) SetTransitionType

func (v *Revealer) SetTransitionType(transition RevealerTransitionType)

SetTransitionType is a wrapper around gtk_revealer_set_transition_type()

type RevealerTransitionType

type RevealerTransitionType int

RevealerTransitionType is a representation of GTK's GtkRevealerTransitionType.

const (

type Scale

type Scale struct {

Scale is a representation of GTK's GtkScale.

func ScaleNew

func ScaleNew(orientation Orientation, adjustment *Adjustment) (*Scale, error)

ScaleNew is a wrapper around gtk_scale_new().

func ScaleNewWithRange

func ScaleNewWithRange(orientation Orientation, min, max, step float64) (*Scale, error)

ScaleNewWithRange is a wrapper around gtk_scale_new_with_range().

func (*Scale) SetDrawValue

func (v *Scale) SetDrawValue(drawValue bool)

SetDrawValue is a wrapper around gtk_scale_set_draw_value().

type ScaleButton

type ScaleButton struct {

ScaleButton is a representation of GTK's GtkScaleButton.

func ScaleButtonNew

func ScaleButtonNew(size IconSize, min, max, step float64, icons []string) (*ScaleButton, error)

ScaleButtonNew is a wrapper around gtk_scale_button_new().

func (*ScaleButton) GetAdjustment

func (v *ScaleButton) GetAdjustment() *Adjustment

GetAdjustment is a wrapper around gtk_scale_button_get_adjustment().

func (*ScaleButton) GetMinusButton

func (v *ScaleButton) GetMinusButton() *Widget

GetMinusButton is a wrapper around gtk_scale_button_get_minus_button().

func (*ScaleButton) GetPlusButton

func (v *ScaleButton) GetPlusButton() *Widget

GetPlusButton is a wrapper around gtk_scale_button_get_plus_button().

func (*ScaleButton) GetPopup

func (v *ScaleButton) GetPopup() (*Widget, error)

GetPopup is a wrapper around gtk_scale_button_get_popup().

func (*ScaleButton) GetValue

func (v *ScaleButton) GetValue() float64

GetValue is a wrapper around gtk_scale_button_get_value().

func (*ScaleButton) SetAdjustment

func (v *ScaleButton) SetAdjustment(adjustment *Adjustment)

SetAdjustment is a wrapper around gtk_scale_button_set_adjustment().

func (*ScaleButton) SetIcons

func (v *ScaleButton) SetIcons() []string

SetIcons is a wrapper around gtk_scale_button_set_icons().

func (*ScaleButton) SetValue

func (v *ScaleButton) SetValue(value float64)

SetValue is a wrapper around gtk_scale_button_set_value().

type Scrollable

type Scrollable struct {

Scrollable is a representation of GTK's GtkScrollable GInterface.

func (*Scrollable) GetHAdjustment

func (v *Scrollable) GetHAdjustment() (*Adjustment, error)

GetHAdjustment is a wrapper around gtk_scrollable_get_hadjustment().

func (*Scrollable) GetVAdjustment

func (v *Scrollable) GetVAdjustment() (*Adjustment, error)

GetVAdjustment is a wrapper around gtk_scrollable_get_vadjustment().

func (*Scrollable) SetHAdjustment

func (v *Scrollable) SetHAdjustment(adjustment *Adjustment)

SetHAdjustment is a wrapper around gtk_scrollable_set_hadjustment().

func (*Scrollable) SetVAdjustment

func (v *Scrollable) SetVAdjustment(adjustment *Adjustment)

SetVAdjustment is a wrapper around gtk_scrollable_set_vadjustment().

type Scrollbar

type Scrollbar struct {

Scrollbar is a representation of GTK's GtkScrollbar.

func ScrollbarNew

func ScrollbarNew(orientation Orientation, adjustment *Adjustment) (*Scrollbar, error)

ScrollbarNew is a wrapper around gtk_scrollbar_new().

type ScrolledWindow

type ScrolledWindow struct {

ScrolledWindow is a representation of GTK's GtkScrolledWindow.

func ScrolledWindowNew

func ScrolledWindowNew(hadjustment, vadjustment *Adjustment) (*ScrolledWindow, error)

ScrolledWindowNew() is a wrapper around gtk_scrolled_window_new().

func (*ScrolledWindow) GetHAdjustment

func (v *ScrolledWindow) GetHAdjustment() *Adjustment

GetHAdjustment() is a wrapper around gtk_scrolled_window_get_hadjustment().

func (*ScrolledWindow) GetOverlayScrolling

func (v *ScrolledWindow) GetOverlayScrolling() bool

GetOverlayScrolling is a wrapper around gtk_scrolled_window_get_overlay_scrolling().

func (*ScrolledWindow) GetShadowType

func (v *ScrolledWindow) GetShadowType() ShadowType

GetShadowType is a wrapper around gtk_scrolled_window_get_shadow_type().

func (*ScrolledWindow) GetVAdjustment

func (v *ScrolledWindow) GetVAdjustment() *Adjustment

GetVAdjustment() is a wrapper around gtk_scrolled_window_get_vadjustment().

func (*ScrolledWindow) SetHAdjustment

func (v *ScrolledWindow) SetHAdjustment(adjustment *Adjustment)

SetHAdjustment is a wrapper around gtk_scrolled_window_set_hadjustment().

func (*ScrolledWindow) SetOverlayScrolling

func (v *ScrolledWindow) SetOverlayScrolling(scrolling bool)

SetOverlayScrolling is a wrapper around gtk_scrolled_window_set_overlay_scrolling().

func (*ScrolledWindow) SetPolicy

func (v *ScrolledWindow) SetPolicy(hScrollbarPolicy, vScrollbarPolicy PolicyType)

SetPolicy() is a wrapper around gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy().

func (*ScrolledWindow) SetShadowType

func (v *ScrolledWindow) SetShadowType(t ShadowType)

SetShadowType is a wrapper around gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type().

func (*ScrolledWindow) SetVAdjustment

func (v *ScrolledWindow) SetVAdjustment(adjustment *Adjustment)

SetVAdjustment is a wrapper around gtk_scrolled_window_set_vadjustment().

type SearchBar struct {

SearchBar is a representation of GTK's GtkSearchBar.

func SearchBarNew

func SearchBarNew() (*SearchBar, error)

SearchBarNew is a wrapper around gtk_search_bar_new()

func (*SearchBar) ConnectEntry

func (v *SearchBar) ConnectEntry(entry IEntry)

ConnectEntry is a wrapper around gtk_search_bar_connect_entry().

func (*SearchBar) GetSearchMode

func (v *SearchBar) GetSearchMode() bool

GetSearchMode is a wrapper around gtk_search_bar_get_search_mode().

func (*SearchBar) GetShowCloseButton

func (v *SearchBar) GetShowCloseButton() bool

GetShowCloseButton is a wrapper arounb gtk_search_bar_get_show_close_button().

func (*SearchBar) HandleEvent

func (v *SearchBar) HandleEvent(event *gdk.Event)

HandleEvent is a wrapper around gtk_search_bar_handle_event()

func (*SearchBar) SetSearchMode

func (v *SearchBar) SetSearchMode(searchMode bool)

SetSearchMode is a wrapper around gtk_search_bar_set_search_mode().

func (*SearchBar) SetShowCloseButton

func (v *SearchBar) SetShowCloseButton(visible bool)

SetShowCloseButton is a wrapper around gtk_search_bar_set_show_close_button()

type SearchEntry

type SearchEntry struct {

SearchEntry is a reprensentation of GTK's GtkSearchEntry.

func SearchEntryNew

func SearchEntryNew() (*SearchEntry, error)

SearchEntryNew is a wrapper around gtk_search_entry_new().

type SelectionData

type SelectionData struct {
	GtkSelectionData *C.GtkSelectionData

* GtkSelectionData

func (*SelectionData) GetData

func (v *SelectionData) GetData() (data []byte)

GetData is a wrapper around gtk_selection_data_get_data_with_length. It returns a slice of the correct size with the selection's data.

func (*SelectionData) GetLength

func (v *SelectionData) GetLength() int

GetLength is a wrapper around gtk_selection_data_get_length

type SelectionMode

type SelectionMode int

SelectionMode is a representation of GTK's GtkSelectionMode.

const (

type Separator

type Separator struct {

Separator is a representation of GTK's GtkSeparator.

func SeparatorNew

func SeparatorNew(orientation Orientation) (*Separator, error)

SeparatorNew is a wrapper around gtk_separator_new().

type SeparatorMenuItem

type SeparatorMenuItem struct {

SeparatorMenuItem is a representation of GTK's GtkSeparatorMenuItem.

func SeparatorMenuItemNew

func SeparatorMenuItemNew() (*SeparatorMenuItem, error)

SeparatorMenuItemNew is a wrapper around gtk_separator_menu_item_new().

type SeparatorToolItem

type SeparatorToolItem struct {

SeparatorToolItem is a representation of GTK's GtkSeparatorToolItem.

func SeparatorToolItemNew

func SeparatorToolItemNew() (*SeparatorToolItem, error)

SeparatorToolItemNew is a wrapper around gtk_separator_tool_item_new().

func (*SeparatorToolItem) GetDraw

func (v *SeparatorToolItem) GetDraw() bool

GetDraw is a wrapper around gtk_separator_tool_item_get_draw().

func (*SeparatorToolItem) SetDraw

func (v *SeparatorToolItem) SetDraw(draw bool)

SetDraw is a wrapper around gtk_separator_tool_item_set_draw().

type Settings

type Settings struct {


func SettingsGetDefault

func SettingsGetDefault() (*Settings, error)

Get the global non window specific settings

type ShadowType

type ShadowType int

ShadowType is a representation of GTK's GtkShadowType.

const (
	SHADOW_IN         ShadowType = C.GTK_SHADOW_IN
	SHADOW_OUT        ShadowType = C.GTK_SHADOW_OUT

type ShortcutsGroup

type ShortcutsGroup struct {

ShortcutsGroup is a representation of GTK's GtkShortcutsGroup.

type ShortcutsSection

type ShortcutsSection struct {

ShortcutsSection is a representation of GTK's GtkShortcutsSection.

type ShortcutsShortcut

type ShortcutsShortcut struct {

ShortcutsShortcut is a representation of GTK's GtkShortcutsShortcut.

type ShortcutsWindow

type ShortcutsWindow struct {

ShortcutsWindow is a representation of GTK's GtkShortcutsWindow.

type SizeGroup

type SizeGroup struct {

SizeGroup is a representation of GTK's GtkSizeGroup

func SizeGroupNew

func SizeGroupNew(mode SizeGroupMode) (*SizeGroup, error)

SizeGroupNew is a wrapper around gtk_size_group_new().

func (*SizeGroup) AddWidget

func (v *SizeGroup) AddWidget(widget IWidget)

func (*SizeGroup) GetMode

func (v *SizeGroup) GetMode() SizeGroupMode

func (*SizeGroup) GetWidgets

func (v *SizeGroup) GetWidgets() *glib.SList

func (*SizeGroup) RemoveWidget

func (v *SizeGroup) RemoveWidget(widget IWidget)

func (*SizeGroup) SetMode

func (v *SizeGroup) SetMode(mode SizeGroupMode)

type SizeGroupMode

type SizeGroupMode int

SizeGroupMode is a representation of GTK's GtkSizeGroupMode

const (

type Socket

type Socket struct {

Socket is a representation of GTK's GtkSocket

func SocketNew

func SocketNew() (*Socket, error)

SocketNew is a wrapper around gtk_socket_new(). Create a new empty GtkSocket.

func (*Socket) AddId

func (v *Socket) AddId(window uint)

AddId is a wrapper around gtk_socket_add_id(). Adds an XEMBED client, such as a GtkPlug, to the GtkSocket. The client may be in the same process or in a different process. To embed a GtkPlug in a GtkSocket, you can either create the GtkPlug with gtk_plug_new (0), call gtk_plug_get_id() to get the window ID of the plug, and then pass that to the gtk_socket_add_id(), or you can call gtk_socket_get_id() to get the window ID for the socket, and call gtk_plug_new() passing in that ID. The GtkSocket must have already be added into a toplevel window before you can make this call.

func (*Socket) GetId

func (v *Socket) GetId() uint

GetId is a wrapper around gtk_socket_get_id(). Gets the window ID of a GtkSocket widget, which can then be used to create a client embedded inside the socket, for instance with gtk_plug_new(). The GtkSocket must have already be added into a toplevel window before you can make this call.

func (*Socket) GetPlugWindow

func (v *Socket) GetPlugWindow() (*Window, error)

GetPlugWindow is a wrapper around gtk_socket_get_plug_window(). Retrieves the window of the plug. Use this to check if the plug has been created inside of the socket.

type SortType

type SortType int

SortType is a representation of GTK's GtkSortType.

const (

type SpinButton

type SpinButton struct {

SpinButton is a representation of GTK's GtkSpinButton.

func SpinButtonNew

func SpinButtonNew(adjustment *Adjustment, climbRate float64, digits uint) (*SpinButton, error)

SpinButtonNew is a wrapper around gtk_spin_button_new().

func SpinButtonNewWithRange

func SpinButtonNewWithRange(min, max, step float64) (*SpinButton, error)

SpinButtonNewWithRange is a wrapper around gtk_spin_button_new_with_range().

func (*SpinButton) Configure

func (v *SpinButton) Configure(adjustment *Adjustment, climbRate float64, digits uint)

Configure is a wrapper around gtk_spin_button_configure().

func (*SpinButton) GetAdjustment

func (v *SpinButton) GetAdjustment() *Adjustment

GetAdjustment() is a wrapper around gtk_spin_button_get_adjustment

func (*SpinButton) GetValue

func (v *SpinButton) GetValue() float64

GetValue() is a wrapper around gtk_spin_button_get_value().

func (*SpinButton) GetValueAsInt

func (v *SpinButton) GetValueAsInt() int

GetValueAsInt is a wrapper around gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int().

func (*SpinButton) SetIncrements

func (v *SpinButton) SetIncrements(step, page float64)

SetIncrements() is a wrapper around gtk_spin_button_set_increments().

func (*SpinButton) SetRange

func (v *SpinButton) SetRange(min, max float64)

SetRange is a wrapper around gtk_spin_button_set_range().

func (*SpinButton) SetValue

func (v *SpinButton) SetValue(value float64)

SetValue() is a wrapper around gtk_spin_button_set_value().

type Spinner

type Spinner struct {

Spinner is a representation of GTK's GtkSpinner.

func SpinnerNew

func SpinnerNew() (*Spinner, error)

SpinnerNew is a wrapper around gtk_spinner_new().

func (*Spinner) Start

func (v *Spinner) Start()

Start is a wrapper around gtk_spinner_start().

func (*Spinner) Stop

func (v *Spinner) Stop()

Stop is a wrapper around gtk_spinner_stop().

type Stack

type Stack struct {

Stack is a representation of GTK's GtkStack.

func StackNew

func StackNew() (*Stack, error)

StackNew is a wrapper around gtk_stack_new().

func (*Stack) AddNamed

func (v *Stack) AddNamed(child IWidget, name string)

AddNamed is a wrapper around gtk_stack_add_named().

func (*Stack) AddTitled

func (v *Stack) AddTitled(child IWidget, name, title string)

AddTitled is a wrapper around gtk_stack_add_titled().

func (*Stack) GetChildByName

func (v *Stack) GetChildByName(name string) *Widget

GetChildByName is a wrapper around gtk_stack_get_child_by_name().

func (*Stack) GetHomogeneous

func (v *Stack) GetHomogeneous() bool

GetHomogeneous is a wrapper around gtk_stack_get_homogeneous().

func (*Stack) GetTransitionDuration

func (v *Stack) GetTransitionDuration() uint

GetTransitionDuration is a wrapper around gtk_stack_get_transition_duration().

func (*Stack) GetTransitionRunning

func (v *Stack) GetTransitionRunning() bool

GetTransitionRunning is a wrapper around gtk_stack_get_transition_running().

func (*Stack) GetTransitionType

func (v *Stack) GetTransitionType() StackTransitionType

GetTransitionType is a wrapper around gtk_stack_get_transition_type().

func (*Stack) GetVisibleChild

func (v *Stack) GetVisibleChild() *Widget

GetVisibleChild is a wrapper around gtk_stack_get_visible_child().

func (*Stack) GetVisibleChildName

func (v *Stack) GetVisibleChildName() string

GetVisibleChildName is a wrapper around gtk_stack_get_visible_child_name().

func (*Stack) SetHomogeneous

func (v *Stack) SetHomogeneous(homogeneous bool)

SetHomogeneous is a wrapper around gtk_stack_set_homogeneous().

func (*Stack) SetTransitionDuration

func (v *Stack) SetTransitionDuration(duration uint)

SetTransitionDuration is a wrapper around gtk_stack_set_transition_duration().

func (*Stack) SetTransitionType

func (v *Stack) SetTransitionType(transition StackTransitionType)

SetTransitionType is a wrapper around gtk_stack_set_transition_type().

func (*Stack) SetVisibleChild

func (v *Stack) SetVisibleChild(child IWidget)

SetVisibleChild is a wrapper around gtk_stack_set_visible_child().

func (*Stack) SetVisibleChildFull

func (v *Stack) SetVisibleChildFull(name string, transaction StackTransitionType)

SetVisibleChildFull is a wrapper around gtk_stack_set_visible_child_full().

func (*Stack) SetVisibleChildName

func (v *Stack) SetVisibleChildName(name string)

SetVisibleChildName is a wrapper around gtk_stack_set_visible_child_name().

type StackSidebar

type StackSidebar struct {

StackSidebar is a representation of GTK's GtkStackSidebar.

func StackSidebarNew

func StackSidebarNew() (*StackSidebar, error)

StackSidebarNew is a wrapper around gtk_stack_sidebar_new().

func (*StackSidebar) GetStack

func (v *StackSidebar) GetStack() *Stack

GetStack is a wrapper around gtk_stack_sidebar_get_stack().

func (*StackSidebar) SetStack

func (v *StackSidebar) SetStack(stack *Stack)

SetStack is a wrapper around gtk_stack_sidebar_set_stack().

type StackSwitcher

type StackSwitcher struct {

StackSwitcher is a representation of GTK's GtkStackSwitcher

func StackSwitcherNew

func StackSwitcherNew() (*StackSwitcher, error)

StackSwitcherNew is a wrapper around gtk_stack_switcher_new().

func (*StackSwitcher) GetStack

func (v *StackSwitcher) GetStack() *Stack

GetStack is a wrapper around gtk_stack_switcher_get_stack().

func (*StackSwitcher) SetStack

func (v *StackSwitcher) SetStack(stack *Stack)

SetStack is a wrapper around gtk_stack_switcher_set_stack().

type StackTransitionType

type StackTransitionType int

StackTransitionType is a representation of GTK's GtkStackTransitionType.

const (

type StateFlags

type StateFlags int

StateFlags is a representation of GTK's GtkStateFlags.

const (
const (
const (
const (
const (

type Statusbar

type Statusbar struct {

Statusbar is a representation of GTK's GtkStatusbar

func StatusbarNew

func StatusbarNew() (*Statusbar, error)

StatusbarNew() is a wrapper around gtk_statusbar_new().

func (*Statusbar) GetContextId

func (v *Statusbar) GetContextId(contextDescription string) uint

GetContextId() is a wrapper around gtk_statusbar_get_context_id().

func (*Statusbar) GetMessageArea

func (v *Statusbar) GetMessageArea() (*Box, error)

GetMessageArea() is a wrapper around gtk_statusbar_get_message_area().

func (*Statusbar) Pop

func (v *Statusbar) Pop(contextID uint)

Pop() is a wrapper around gtk_statusbar_pop().

func (*Statusbar) Push

func (v *Statusbar) Push(contextID uint, text string) uint

Push() is a wrapper around gtk_statusbar_push().

func (*Statusbar) RemoveAll

func (v *Statusbar) RemoveAll(contextID uint)

RemoveAll() is a wrapper around gtk_statusbar_remove_all()

type StyleContext

type StyleContext struct {

StyleContext is a representation of GTK's GtkStyleContext.

func (*StyleContext) AddClass

func (v *StyleContext) AddClass(class_name string)

func (*StyleContext) AddProvider

func (v *StyleContext) AddProvider(provider IStyleProvider, prio uint)

AddProvider is a wrapper around gtk_style_context_add_provider().

func (*StyleContext) GetColor

func (v *StyleContext) GetColor(state StateFlags) *gdk.RGBA

GetColor is a wrapper around gtk_style_context_get_color().

func (*StyleContext) GetParent

func (v *StyleContext) GetParent() (*StyleContext, error)

GetParent is a wrapper around gtk_style_context_get_parent().

func (*StyleContext) GetProperty

func (v *StyleContext) GetProperty(property string, state StateFlags) (interface{}, error)

GetProperty is a wrapper around gtk_style_context_get_property().

func (*StyleContext) GetScreen

func (v *StyleContext) GetScreen() (*gdk.Screen, error)

GetScreen is a wrapper around gtk_style_context_get_screen().

func (*StyleContext) GetState

func (v *StyleContext) GetState() StateFlags

GetState is a wrapper around gtk_style_context_get_state().

func (*StyleContext) GetStyleProperty

func (v *StyleContext) GetStyleProperty(property string) (interface{}, error)

GetStyleProperty is a wrapper around gtk_style_context_get_style_property().

func (*StyleContext) HasClass

func (v *StyleContext) HasClass(className string) bool

HasClass is a wrapper around gtk_style_context_has_class().

func (*StyleContext) LookupColor

func (v *StyleContext) LookupColor(colorName string) (*gdk.RGBA, bool)

LookupColor is a wrapper around gtk_style_context_lookup_color().

func (*StyleContext) RemoveClass

func (v *StyleContext) RemoveClass(class_name string)

func (*StyleContext) RemoveProvider

func (v *StyleContext) RemoveProvider(provider IStyleProvider)

RemoveProvider is a wrapper around gtk_style_context_remove_provider().

func (*StyleContext) Restore

func (v *StyleContext) Restore()

Restore is a wrapper around gtk_style_context_restore().

func (*StyleContext) Save

func (v *StyleContext) Save()

Save is a wrapper around gtk_style_context_save().

func (*StyleContext) SetParent

func (v *StyleContext) SetParent(p *StyleContext)

SetParent is a wrapper around gtk_style_context_set_parent().

func (*StyleContext) SetScreen

func (v *StyleContext) SetScreen(s *gdk.Screen)

SetScreen is a wrapper around gtk_style_context_set_screen().

func (*StyleContext) SetState

func (v *StyleContext) SetState(state StateFlags)

SetState is a wrapper around gtk_style_context_set_state().

type StyleProviderPriority

type StyleProviderPriority int

type Switch

type Switch struct {

Switch is a representation of GTK's GtkSwitch.

func SwitchNew

func SwitchNew() (*Switch, error)

SwitchNew is a wrapper around gtk_switch_new().

func (*Switch) GetActive

func (v *Switch) GetActive() bool

GetActive is a wrapper around gtk_switch_get_active().

func (*Switch) SetActive

func (v *Switch) SetActive(isActive bool)

SetActive is a wrapper around gtk_switch_set_active().

type TargetEntry

type TargetEntry C.GtkTargetEntry

TargetEntry is a representation of GTK's GtkTargetEntry

func TargetEntryNew

func TargetEntryNew(target string, flags TargetFlags, info uint) (*TargetEntry, error)

TargetEntryNew is a wrapper around gtk_target_entry_new().

type TargetFlags

type TargetFlags int

TargetFlags is a representation of GTK's GtkTargetFlags.

const (

type TextBuffer

type TextBuffer struct {

TextBuffer is a representation of GTK's GtkTextBuffer.

func TextBufferNew

func TextBufferNew(table *TextTagTable) (*TextBuffer, error)

TextBufferNew() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_new().

func (*TextBuffer) AddSelectionClipboard

func (v *TextBuffer) AddSelectionClipboard(clipboard *Clipboard)

AddSelectionClipboard() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_add_selection_clipboard().

func (*TextBuffer) ApplyTag

func (v *TextBuffer) ApplyTag(tag *TextTag, start, end *TextIter)

ApplyTag() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag().

func (*TextBuffer) ApplyTagByName

func (v *TextBuffer) ApplyTagByName(name string, start, end *TextIter)

ApplyTagByName() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag_by_name().

func (*TextBuffer) CopyClipboard

func (v *TextBuffer) CopyClipboard(clipboard *Clipboard)

CopyClipboard() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_copy_clipboard().

func (*TextBuffer) CreateChildAnchor

func (v *TextBuffer) CreateChildAnchor(iter *TextIter) *TextChildAnchor

CreateChildAnchor() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_create_child_anchor(). Since it copies garbage from the stack into the padding bytes of iter, iter can't be reliably reused after this call unless GODEBUG=cgocheck=0.

func (*TextBuffer) CreateMark

func (v *TextBuffer) CreateMark(mark_name string, where *TextIter, left_gravity bool) *TextMark

CreateMark() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_create_mark().

func (*TextBuffer) CreateTag

func (v *TextBuffer) CreateTag(name string, props map[string]interface{}) (tag *TextTag)

CreateTag() is a variant solution around gtk_text_buffer_create_tag().

func (*TextBuffer) CutClipboard

func (v *TextBuffer) CutClipboard(clipboard *Clipboard, defaultEditable bool)

CutClipboard() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_cut_clipboard().

func (*TextBuffer) Delete

func (v *TextBuffer) Delete(start, end *TextIter)

Delete() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_delete().

func (*TextBuffer) DeleteMark

func (v *TextBuffer) DeleteMark(mark *TextMark)

DeleteMark() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_delete_mark()

func (*TextBuffer) DeleteMarkByName

func (v *TextBuffer) DeleteMarkByName(name string)

DeleteMarkByName() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_delete_mark_by_name()

func (*TextBuffer) DeleteSelection

func (v *TextBuffer) DeleteSelection(interactive, defaultEditable bool) bool

DeleteSelection() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_delete_selection().

func (*TextBuffer) Deserialize

func (v *TextBuffer) Deserialize(contentBuffer *TextBuffer, format gdk.Atom, iter *TextIter, data []byte) (ok bool, err error)

Deserialize() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_deserialize()

func (*TextBuffer) GetBounds

func (v *TextBuffer) GetBounds() (start, end *TextIter)

func (*TextBuffer) GetCharCount

func (v *TextBuffer) GetCharCount() int

GetCharCount() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_get_char_count().

func (*TextBuffer) GetEndIter

func (v *TextBuffer) GetEndIter() *TextIter

GetEndIter() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter().

func (*TextBuffer) GetHasSelection

func (v *TextBuffer) GetHasSelection() bool

GetHasSelection() is a variant solution around gtk_text_buffer_get_has_selection().

func (*TextBuffer) GetInsert

func (v *TextBuffer) GetInsert() *TextMark

GetInsert() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_get_insert().

func (*TextBuffer) GetIterAtLine

func (v *TextBuffer) GetIterAtLine(line int) *TextIter

GetIterAtLine() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_line().

func (*TextBuffer) GetIterAtLineIndex

func (v *TextBuffer) GetIterAtLineIndex(lineNumber, charIndex int) (iter *TextIter)

GetIterAtLineIndex() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_line_index().

func (*TextBuffer) GetIterAtLineOffset

func (v *TextBuffer) GetIterAtLineOffset(lineNumber, charOffset int) (iter *TextIter)

GetIterAtLineOffset() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_line_offset().

func (*TextBuffer) GetIterAtMark

func (v *TextBuffer) GetIterAtMark(mark *TextMark) *TextIter

GetIterAtMark() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_mark().

func (*TextBuffer) GetIterAtOffset

func (v *TextBuffer) GetIterAtOffset(charOffset int) *TextIter

GetIterAtOffset() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset().

func (*TextBuffer) GetLineCount

func (v *TextBuffer) GetLineCount() int

GetLineCount() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_get_line_count().

func (*TextBuffer) GetMark

func (v *TextBuffer) GetMark(mark_name string) *TextMark

GetMark() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_get_mark().

func (*TextBuffer) GetModified

func (v *TextBuffer) GetModified() bool

GetModified() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_get_modified().

func (*TextBuffer) GetSelectionBound

func (v *TextBuffer) GetSelectionBound() *TextMark

GetSelectionBound() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_get_selection_bound().

func (*TextBuffer) GetSelectionBounds

func (v *TextBuffer) GetSelectionBounds() (start, end *TextIter, ok bool)

GetSelectionBounds() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_get_selection_bounds().

func (*TextBuffer) GetStartIter

func (v *TextBuffer) GetStartIter() *TextIter

GetStartIter() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter().

func (*TextBuffer) GetTagTable

func (v *TextBuffer) GetTagTable() (*TextTagTable, error)

GetTagTable() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_get_tag_table().

func (*TextBuffer) GetText

func (v *TextBuffer) GetText(start, end *TextIter, includeHiddenChars bool) (string, error)

func (*TextBuffer) Insert

func (v *TextBuffer) Insert(iter *TextIter, text string)

Insert() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_insert().

func (*TextBuffer) InsertAtCursor

func (v *TextBuffer) InsertAtCursor(text string)

InsertAtCursor() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_insert_at_cursor().

func (*TextBuffer) InsertMarkup

func (v *TextBuffer) InsertMarkup(start *TextIter, text string)

InsertMarkup is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_insert_markup()

func (*TextBuffer) InsertPixbuf

func (v *TextBuffer) InsertPixbuf(iter *TextIter, pixbuf *gdk.Pixbuf)

InsertPixbuf() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_insert_pixbuf().

func (*TextBuffer) InsertWithTag

func (v *TextBuffer) InsertWithTag(iter *TextIter, text string, tag *TextTag)

InsertWithTag() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags() that supports only one tag as cgo does not support functions with variable-argument lists (see

func (*TextBuffer) InsertWithTagByName

func (v *TextBuffer) InsertWithTagByName(iter *TextIter, text string, tagName string)

InsertWithTagByName() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name() that supports only one tag as cgo does not support functions with variable-argument lists (see

func (*TextBuffer) PasteClipboard

func (v *TextBuffer) PasteClipboard(clipboard *Clipboard, overrideLocation *TextIter, defaultEditable bool)

PasteClipboard() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_paste_clipboard().

func (*TextBuffer) PlaceCursor

func (v *TextBuffer) PlaceCursor(iter *TextIter)

PlaceCursor() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_place_cursor()

func (*TextBuffer) RegisterDeserializeTagset

func (v *TextBuffer) RegisterDeserializeTagset(tagsetName string) gdk.Atom

RegisterDeserializeTagset() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_register_deserialize_tagset()

func (*TextBuffer) RegisterSerializeTagset

func (v *TextBuffer) RegisterSerializeTagset(tagsetName string) gdk.Atom

InsertMarkup() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_register_serialize_tagset()

func (*TextBuffer) RemoveAllTags

func (v *TextBuffer) RemoveAllTags(start, end *TextIter)

RemoveAllTags() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_remove_all_tags().

func (*TextBuffer) RemoveSelectionClipboard

func (v *TextBuffer) RemoveSelectionClipboard(clipboard *Clipboard)

RemoveSelectionClipboard() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_remove_selection_clipboard().

func (*TextBuffer) RemoveTag

func (v *TextBuffer) RemoveTag(tag *TextTag, start, end *TextIter)

RemoveTag() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_remove_tag().

func (*TextBuffer) RemoveTagByName

func (v *TextBuffer) RemoveTagByName(name string, start, end *TextIter)

RemoveTagByName() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_remove_tag_by_name()

func (*TextBuffer) SelectRange

func (v *TextBuffer) SelectRange(start, end *TextIter)

SelectRange is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_select_range.

func (*TextBuffer) Serialize

func (v *TextBuffer) Serialize(contentBuffer *TextBuffer, format gdk.Atom, start, end *TextIter) string

Serialize() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_serialize()

func (*TextBuffer) SetModified

func (v *TextBuffer) SetModified(setting bool)

SetModified() is a wrapper around gtk_text_buffer_set_modified().

func (*TextBuffer) SetText

func (v *TextBuffer) SetText(text string)

type TextChildAnchor

type TextChildAnchor C.GtkTextChildAnchor

TextChildAnchor is a representation of GTK's GtkTextChildAnchor

type TextDirection

type TextDirection int

TextDirection is a representation of GTK's GtkTextDirection.

const (

func GetLocaleDirection

func GetLocaleDirection() TextDirection

GetLocaleDirection() is a wrapper around gtk_get_locale_direction().

type TextIter

type TextIter C.GtkTextIter

TextIter is a representation of GTK's GtkTextIter

func (*TextIter) BackwardChar

func (v *TextIter) BackwardChar() bool

BackwardChar is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_backward_char().

func (*TextIter) BackwardChars

func (v *TextIter) BackwardChars(v1 int) bool

BackwardChars is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_backward_chars().

func (*TextIter) BackwardCursorPosition

func (v *TextIter) BackwardCursorPosition() bool

BackwardCursorPosition is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_backward_cursor_position().

func (*TextIter) BackwardCursorPositions

func (v *TextIter) BackwardCursorPositions(v1 int) bool

BackwardCursorPositions is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_backward_cursor_positions().

func (*TextIter) BackwardLine

func (v *TextIter) BackwardLine() bool

BackwardLine is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_backward_line().

func (*TextIter) BackwardLines

func (v *TextIter) BackwardLines(v1 int) bool

BackwardLines is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_backward_lines().

func (*TextIter) BackwardSearch

func (v *TextIter) BackwardSearch(text string, flags TextSearchFlags, limit *TextIter) (matchStart, matchEnd *TextIter, ok bool)

BackwardSearch is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_backward_search().

func (*TextIter) BackwardToTagToggle

func (v *TextIter) BackwardToTagToggle(v1 *TextTag) bool

BackwardToTagToggle is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_backward_to_tag_toggle().

func (*TextIter) BackwardVisibleCursorPosition

func (v *TextIter) BackwardVisibleCursorPosition() bool

BackwardVisibleCursorPosition is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_backward_visible_cursor_position().

func (*TextIter) BackwardVisibleCursorPositions

func (v *TextIter) BackwardVisibleCursorPositions(v1 int) bool

BackwardVisibleCursorPositions is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_backward_visible_cursor_positions().

func (*TextIter) BackwardVisibleLine

func (v *TextIter) BackwardVisibleLine() bool

BackwardVisibleLine is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_backward_visible_line().

func (*TextIter) BackwardVisibleLines

func (v *TextIter) BackwardVisibleLines(v1 int) bool

BackwardVisibleLines is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_backward_visible_lines().

func (*TextIter) CanInsert

func (v *TextIter) CanInsert(v1 bool) bool

CanInsert is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_can_insert().

func (*TextIter) Compare

func (v *TextIter) Compare(v1 *TextIter) int

Compare is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_compare().

func (*TextIter) Editable

func (v *TextIter) Editable(v1 bool) bool

Editable is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_editable().

func (*TextIter) EndsLine

func (v *TextIter) EndsLine() bool

EndsLine is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_ends_line().

func (*TextIter) EndsSentence

func (v *TextIter) EndsSentence() bool

EndsSentence is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_ends_sentence().

func (*TextIter) EndsTag

func (v *TextIter) EndsTag(v1 *TextTag) bool

EndsTag is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_ends_tag().

func (*TextIter) EndsWord

func (v *TextIter) EndsWord() bool

EndsWord is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_ends_word().

func (*TextIter) Equal

func (v *TextIter) Equal(v1 *TextIter) bool

Equal is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_equal().

func (*TextIter) ForwardChar

func (v *TextIter) ForwardChar() bool

ForwardChar is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_forward_char().

func (*TextIter) ForwardChars

func (v *TextIter) ForwardChars(v1 int) bool

ForwardChars is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_forward_chars().

func (*TextIter) ForwardCursorPosition

func (v *TextIter) ForwardCursorPosition() bool

ForwardCursorPosition is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_forward_cursor_position().

func (*TextIter) ForwardCursorPositions

func (v *TextIter) ForwardCursorPositions(v1 int) bool

ForwardCursorPositions is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_forward_cursor_positions().

func (*TextIter) ForwardLine

func (v *TextIter) ForwardLine() bool

ForwardLine is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_forward_line().

func (*TextIter) ForwardLines

func (v *TextIter) ForwardLines(v1 int) bool

ForwardLines is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_forward_lines().

func (*TextIter) ForwardSearch

func (v *TextIter) ForwardSearch(text string, flags TextSearchFlags, limit *TextIter) (matchStart, matchEnd *TextIter, ok bool)

ForwardSearch is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_forward_search().

func (*TextIter) ForwardSentenceEnd

func (v *TextIter) ForwardSentenceEnd() bool

ForwardSentenceEnd is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_forward_sentence_end().

func (*TextIter) ForwardSentenceEnds

func (v *TextIter) ForwardSentenceEnds(v1 int) bool

ForwardSentenceEnds is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_forward_sentence_ends().

func (*TextIter) ForwardToEnd

func (v *TextIter) ForwardToEnd()

ForwardToEnd is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_forward_to_end().

func (*TextIter) ForwardToLineEnd

func (v *TextIter) ForwardToLineEnd() bool

ForwardToLineEnd is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_forward_to_line_end().

func (*TextIter) ForwardToTagToggle

func (v *TextIter) ForwardToTagToggle(v1 *TextTag) bool

ForwardToTagToggle is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_forward_to_tag_toggle().

func (*TextIter) ForwardVisibleCursorPosition

func (v *TextIter) ForwardVisibleCursorPosition() bool

ForwardVisibleCursorPosition is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_forward_visible_cursor_position().

func (*TextIter) ForwardVisibleCursorPositions

func (v *TextIter) ForwardVisibleCursorPositions(v1 int) bool

ForwardVisibleCursorPositions is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_forward_visible_cursor_positions().

func (*TextIter) ForwardVisibleLine

func (v *TextIter) ForwardVisibleLine() bool

ForwardVisibleLine is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_forward_visible_line().

func (*TextIter) ForwardVisibleLines

func (v *TextIter) ForwardVisibleLines(v1 int) bool

ForwardVisibleLines is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_forward_visible_lines().

func (*TextIter) ForwardVisibleWordEnd

func (v *TextIter) ForwardVisibleWordEnd() bool

ForwardVisibleWordEnd is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_forward_visible_word_end().

func (*TextIter) ForwardVisibleWordEnds

func (v *TextIter) ForwardVisibleWordEnds(v1 int) bool

ForwardVisibleWordEnds is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_forward_word_ends().

func (*TextIter) ForwardWordEnd

func (v *TextIter) ForwardWordEnd() bool

ForwardWordEnd is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_forward_word_end().

func (*TextIter) ForwardWordEnds

func (v *TextIter) ForwardWordEnds(v1 int) bool

ForwardWordEnds is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_forward_word_ends().

func (*TextIter) GetBuffer

func (v *TextIter) GetBuffer() *TextBuffer

GetBuffer is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_get_buffer().

func (*TextIter) GetBytesInLine

func (v *TextIter) GetBytesInLine() int

GetBytesInLine is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_get_bytes_in_line().

func (*TextIter) GetChar

func (v *TextIter) GetChar() rune

GetChar is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_get_char().

func (*TextIter) GetCharsInLine

func (v *TextIter) GetCharsInLine() int

GetCharsInLine is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_get_chars_in_line().

func (*TextIter) GetLine

func (v *TextIter) GetLine() int

GetLine is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_get_line().

func (*TextIter) GetLineIndex

func (v *TextIter) GetLineIndex() int

GetLineIndex is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_get_line_index().

func (*TextIter) GetLineOffset

func (v *TextIter) GetLineOffset() int

GetLineOffset is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_get_line_offset().

func (*TextIter) GetOffset

func (v *TextIter) GetOffset() int

GetOffset is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_get_offset().

func (*TextIter) GetSlice

func (v *TextIter) GetSlice(end *TextIter) string

GetSlice is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_get_slice().

func (*TextIter) GetText

func (v *TextIter) GetText(end *TextIter) string

GetText is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_get_text().

func (*TextIter) GetVisibleLineIndex

func (v *TextIter) GetVisibleLineIndex() int

GetVisibleLineIndex is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_get_visible_line_index().

func (*TextIter) GetVisibleLineOffset

func (v *TextIter) GetVisibleLineOffset() int

GetVisibleLineOffset is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_get_visible_line_offset().

func (*TextIter) GetVisibleSlice

func (v *TextIter) GetVisibleSlice(end *TextIter) string

GetVisibleSlice is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_get_visible_slice().

func (*TextIter) GetVisibleText

func (v *TextIter) GetVisibleText(end *TextIter) string

GetVisibleText is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_get_visible_text().

func (*TextIter) HasTag

func (v *TextIter) HasTag(v1 *TextTag) bool

HasTag is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_has_tag().

func (*TextIter) InRange

func (v *TextIter) InRange(v1 *TextIter, v2 *TextIter) bool

InRange is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_in_range().

func (*TextIter) InsideSentence

func (v *TextIter) InsideSentence() bool

InsideSentence is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_inside_sentence().

func (*TextIter) InsideWord

func (v *TextIter) InsideWord() bool

InsideWord is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_inside_word().

func (*TextIter) IsCursorPosition

func (v *TextIter) IsCursorPosition() bool

IsCursorPosition is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_is_cursor_position().

func (*TextIter) IsEnd

func (v *TextIter) IsEnd() bool

IsEnd is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_is_end().

func (*TextIter) IsStart

func (v *TextIter) IsStart() bool

IsStart is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_is_start().

func (*TextIter) SetLine

func (v *TextIter) SetLine(v1 int)

SetLine is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_set_line().

func (*TextIter) SetLineIndex

func (v *TextIter) SetLineIndex(v1 int)

SetLineIndex is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_set_line_index().

func (*TextIter) SetLineOffset

func (v *TextIter) SetLineOffset(v1 int)

SetLineOffset is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_set_line_offset().

func (*TextIter) SetOffset

func (v *TextIter) SetOffset(v1 int)

SetOffset is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_set_offset().

func (*TextIter) SetVisibleLineIndex

func (v *TextIter) SetVisibleLineIndex(v1 int)

SetVisibleLineIndex is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_set_visible_line_index().

func (*TextIter) SetVisibleLineOffset

func (v *TextIter) SetVisibleLineOffset(v1 int)

SetVisibleLineOffset is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_set_visible_line_offset().

func (*TextIter) StartsLine

func (v *TextIter) StartsLine() bool

StartsLine is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_starts_line().

func (*TextIter) StartsSentence

func (v *TextIter) StartsSentence() bool

StartsSentence is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_starts_sentence().

func (*TextIter) StartsWord

func (v *TextIter) StartsWord() bool

StartsWord is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_starts_word().

func (*TextIter) TogglesTag

func (v *TextIter) TogglesTag(v1 *TextTag) bool

TogglesTag is a wrapper around gtk_text_iter_toggles_tag().

type TextMark

type TextMark C.GtkTextMark

TextMark is a representation of GTK's GtkTextMark

type TextSearchFlags

type TextSearchFlags int

TextSearchFlags is a representation of GTK's GtkTextSearchFlags.

const (

type TextTag

type TextTag struct {

func TextTagNew

func TextTagNew(name string) (*TextTag, error)

func (*TextTag) Event

func (v *TextTag) Event(eventObject *glib.Object, event *gdk.Event, iter *TextIter) bool

Event() is a wrapper around gtk_text_tag_event().

func (*TextTag) GetPriority

func (v *TextTag) GetPriority() int

GetPriority() is a wrapper around gtk_text_tag_get_priority().

func (*TextTag) SetPriority

func (v *TextTag) SetPriority(priority int)

SetPriority() is a wrapper around gtk_text_tag_set_priority().

type TextTagTable

type TextTagTable struct {

func TextTagTableNew

func TextTagTableNew() (*TextTagTable, error)

func (*TextTagTable) Add

func (v *TextTagTable) Add(tag *TextTag)

Add() is a wrapper around gtk_text_tag_table_add().

func (*TextTagTable) Lookup

func (v *TextTagTable) Lookup(name string) (*TextTag, error)

Lookup() is a wrapper around gtk_text_tag_table_lookup().

func (*TextTagTable) Remove

func (v *TextTagTable) Remove(tag *TextTag)

Remove() is a wrapper around gtk_text_tag_table_remove().

type TextView

type TextView struct {

TextView is a representation of GTK's GtkTextView

func TextViewNew

func TextViewNew() (*TextView, error)

TextViewNew is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_new().

func TextViewNewWithBuffer

func TextViewNewWithBuffer(buf *TextBuffer) (*TextView, error)

TextViewNewWithBuffer is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_new_with_buffer().

func (*TextView) AddChildAtAnchor

func (v *TextView) AddChildAtAnchor(child IWidget, anchor *TextChildAnchor)

AddChildAtAnchor is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_add_child_at_anchor().

func (*TextView) AddChildInWindow

func (v *TextView) AddChildInWindow(child IWidget, tp TextWindowType, xpos, ypos int)

AddChildInWindow is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_add_child_in_window().

func (*TextView) BackwardDisplayLine

func (v *TextView) BackwardDisplayLine(iter *TextIter) bool

BackwardDisplayLine is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_backward_display_line().

func (*TextView) BackwardDisplayLineStart

func (v *TextView) BackwardDisplayLineStart(iter *TextIter) bool

BackwardDisplayLineStart is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_backward_display_line_start().

func (*TextView) BufferToWindowCoords

func (v *TextView) BufferToWindowCoords(win TextWindowType, buffer_x, buffer_y int) (window_x, window_y int)

BufferToWindowCoords is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_buffer_to_window_coords().

func (*TextView) ForwardDisplayLine

func (v *TextView) ForwardDisplayLine(iter *TextIter) bool

ForwardDisplayLine is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_forward_display_line().

func (*TextView) ForwardDisplayLineEnd

func (v *TextView) ForwardDisplayLineEnd(iter *TextIter) bool

ForwardDisplayLineEnd is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_forward_display_line_end().

func (*TextView) GetAcceptsTab

func (v *TextView) GetAcceptsTab() bool

GetAcceptsTab is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_get_accepts_tab().

func (*TextView) GetBorderWindowSize

func (v *TextView) GetBorderWindowSize(tp TextWindowType) int

GetBorderWindowSize is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_get_border_window_size().

func (*TextView) GetBuffer

func (v *TextView) GetBuffer() (*TextBuffer, error)

GetBuffer is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_get_buffer().

func (*TextView) GetCursorLocations

func (v *TextView) GetCursorLocations(iter *TextIter) (strong, weak *gdk.Rectangle)

GetCursorLocations is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_get_cursor_locations().

func (*TextView) GetCursorVisible

func (v *TextView) GetCursorVisible() bool

GetCursorVisible is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_get_cursor_visible().

func (*TextView) GetEditable

func (v *TextView) GetEditable() bool

GetEditable is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_get_editable().

func (*TextView) GetIndent

func (v *TextView) GetIndent() int

GetIndent is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_get_indent().

func (*TextView) GetInputHints

func (v *TextView) GetInputHints() InputHints

GetInputHints is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_get_input_hints().

func (*TextView) GetInputPurpose

func (v *TextView) GetInputPurpose() InputPurpose

GetInputPurpose is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_get_input_purpose().

func (*TextView) GetIterAtLocation

func (v *TextView) GetIterAtLocation(x, y int) *TextIter

GetIterAtLocation is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_get_iter_at_location().

func (*TextView) GetIterAtPosition

func (v *TextView) GetIterAtPosition(x, y int) (*TextIter, int)

GetIterAtPosition is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_get_iter_at_position().

func (*TextView) GetIterLocation

func (v *TextView) GetIterLocation(iter *TextIter) *gdk.Rectangle

GetIterLocation is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_get_iter_location().

func (*TextView) GetJustification

func (v *TextView) GetJustification() Justification

GetJustification is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_get_justification().

func (*TextView) GetLeftMargin

func (v *TextView) GetLeftMargin() int

GetLeftMargin is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_get_left_margin().

func (*TextView) GetLineAtY

func (v *TextView) GetLineAtY(y int) (*TextIter, int)

GetLineAtY is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_get_line_at_y().

func (*TextView) GetLineYrange

func (v *TextView) GetLineYrange(iter *TextIter) (y, height int)

GetLineYrange is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_get_line_yrange().

func (*TextView) GetOverwrite

func (v *TextView) GetOverwrite() bool

GetOverwrite is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_get_overwrite().

func (*TextView) GetPixelsAboveLines

func (v *TextView) GetPixelsAboveLines() int

GetPixelsAboveLines is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_get_pixels_above_lines().

func (*TextView) GetPixelsBelowLines

func (v *TextView) GetPixelsBelowLines() int

GetPixelsBelowLines is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_get_pixels_below_lines().

func (*TextView) GetPixelsInsideWrap

func (v *TextView) GetPixelsInsideWrap() int

GetPixelsInsideWrap is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_get_pixels_inside_wrap().

func (*TextView) GetRightMargin

func (v *TextView) GetRightMargin() int

GetRightMargin is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_get_right_margin().

func (*TextView) GetVisibleRect

func (v *TextView) GetVisibleRect() *gdk.Rectangle

GetVisibleRect is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_get_visible_rect().

func (*TextView) GetWindow

func (v *TextView) GetWindow(win TextWindowType) *gdk.Window

GetWindow is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_get_window().

func (*TextView) GetWindowType

func (v *TextView) GetWindowType(w *gdk.Window) TextWindowType

GetWindowType is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_get_window_type().

func (*TextView) GetWrapMode

func (v *TextView) GetWrapMode() WrapMode

GetWrapMode is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_get_wrap_mode().

func (*TextView) ImContextFilterKeypress

func (v *TextView) ImContextFilterKeypress(event *gdk.EventKey) bool

ImContextFilterKeypress is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_im_context_filter_keypress().

func (*TextView) MoveChild

func (v *TextView) MoveChild(child IWidget, xpos, ypos int)

MoveChild is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_move_child().

func (*TextView) MoveMarkOnscreen

func (v *TextView) MoveMarkOnscreen(mark *TextMark) bool

MoveMarkOnscreen is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_move_mark_onscreen().

func (*TextView) MoveVisually

func (v *TextView) MoveVisually(iter *TextIter, count int) bool

MoveVisually is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_move_visually().

func (*TextView) PlaceCursorOnscreen

func (v *TextView) PlaceCursorOnscreen() bool

PlaceCursorOnscreen is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_place_cursor_onscreen().

func (*TextView) ResetImContext

func (v *TextView) ResetImContext()

ResetImContext is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_reset_im_context().

func (*TextView) ScrollMarkOnscreen

func (v *TextView) ScrollMarkOnscreen(mark *TextMark)

ScrollMarkOnscreen is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_scroll_mark_onscreen().

func (*TextView) ScrollToIter

func (v *TextView) ScrollToIter(iter *TextIter, within_margin float64, use_align bool, xalign, yalign float64) bool

ScrollToIter is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_scroll_to_iter().

func (*TextView) ScrollToMark

func (v *TextView) ScrollToMark(mark *TextMark, within_margin float64, use_align bool, xalign, yalign float64)

ScrollToMark is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_scroll_to_mark().

func (*TextView) SetAcceptsTab

func (v *TextView) SetAcceptsTab(acceptsTab bool)

SetAcceptsTab is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_set_accepts_tab().

func (*TextView) SetBorderWindowSize

func (v *TextView) SetBorderWindowSize(tp TextWindowType, size int)

SetBorderWindowSize is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_set_border_window_size().

func (*TextView) SetBuffer

func (v *TextView) SetBuffer(buffer *TextBuffer)

SetBuffer is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_set_buffer().

func (*TextView) SetCursorVisible

func (v *TextView) SetCursorVisible(visible bool)

SetCursorVisible is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_set_cursor_visible().

func (*TextView) SetEditable

func (v *TextView) SetEditable(editable bool)

SetEditable is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_set_editable().

func (*TextView) SetIndent

func (v *TextView) SetIndent(indent int)

SetIndent is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_set_indent().

func (*TextView) SetInputHints

func (v *TextView) SetInputHints(hints InputHints)

SetInputHints is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_set_input_hints().

func (*TextView) SetInputPurpose

func (v *TextView) SetInputPurpose(purpose InputPurpose)

SetInputPurpose is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_set_input_purpose().

func (*TextView) SetJustification

func (v *TextView) SetJustification(justify Justification)

SetJustification is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_set_justification().

func (*TextView) SetLeftMargin

func (v *TextView) SetLeftMargin(margin int)

SetLeftMargin is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_set_left_margin().

func (*TextView) SetOverwrite

func (v *TextView) SetOverwrite(overwrite bool)

SetOverwrite is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_set_overwrite().

func (*TextView) SetPixelsAboveLines

func (v *TextView) SetPixelsAboveLines(px int)

SetPixelsAboveLines is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_set_pixels_above_lines().

func (*TextView) SetPixelsBelowLines

func (v *TextView) SetPixelsBelowLines(px int)

SetPixelsBelowLines is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_set_pixels_below_lines().

func (*TextView) SetPixelsInsideWrap

func (v *TextView) SetPixelsInsideWrap(px int)

SetPixelsInsideWrap is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_set_pixels_inside_wrap().

func (*TextView) SetRightMargin

func (v *TextView) SetRightMargin(margin int)

SetRightMargin is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_set_right_margin().

func (*TextView) SetWrapMode

func (v *TextView) SetWrapMode(wrapMode WrapMode)

SetWrapMode is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_set_wrap_mode().

func (*TextView) StartsDisplayLine

func (v *TextView) StartsDisplayLine(iter *TextIter) bool

StartsDisplayLine is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_starts_display_line().

func (*TextView) WindowToBufferCoords

func (v *TextView) WindowToBufferCoords(win TextWindowType, window_x, window_y int) (buffer_x, buffer_y int)

WindowToBufferCoords is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_window_to_buffer_coords().

type TextWindowType

type TextWindowType int

TextWindowType is a representation of GTK's GtkTextWindowType.

const (

type TickCallback

type TickCallback func(widget *Widget, frameClock *gdk.FrameClock, userData uintptr) bool

type ToggleButton

type ToggleButton struct {

ToggleButton is a representation of GTK's GtkToggleButton.

func ToggleButtonNew

func ToggleButtonNew() (*ToggleButton, error)

ToggleButtonNew is a wrapper around gtk_toggle_button_new().

func ToggleButtonNewWithLabel

func ToggleButtonNewWithLabel(label string) (*ToggleButton, error)

ToggleButtonNewWithLabel is a wrapper around gtk_toggle_button_new_with_label().

func ToggleButtonNewWithMnemonic

func ToggleButtonNewWithMnemonic(label string) (*ToggleButton, error)

ToggleButtonNewWithMnemonic is a wrapper around gtk_toggle_button_new_with_mnemonic().

func (*ToggleButton) GetActive

func (v *ToggleButton) GetActive() bool

GetActive is a wrapper around gtk_toggle_button_get_active().

func (*ToggleButton) GetInconsistent

func (v *ToggleButton) GetInconsistent() bool

GetInconsistent gtk_toggle_button_get_inconsistent().

func (*ToggleButton) GetMode

func (v *ToggleButton) GetMode() bool

GetMode is a wrapper around gtk_toggle_button_get_mode().

func (*ToggleButton) SetActive

func (v *ToggleButton) SetActive(isActive bool)

SetActive is a wrapper around gtk_toggle_button_set_active().

func (*ToggleButton) SetInconsistent

func (v *ToggleButton) SetInconsistent(setting bool)

SetInconsistent gtk_toggle_button_set_inconsistent().

func (*ToggleButton) SetMode

func (v *ToggleButton) SetMode(drawIndicator bool)

SetMode is a wrapper around gtk_toggle_button_set_mode().

func (*ToggleButton) Toggled

func (v *ToggleButton) Toggled()

Toggled is a wrapper around gtk_toggle_button_toggled().

type ToggleToolButton

type ToggleToolButton struct {

ToggleToolButton is a representation of GTK's GtkToggleToolButton.

func ToggleToolButtonNew

func ToggleToolButtonNew() (*ToggleToolButton, error)

ToggleToolButtonNew is a wrapper around gtk_toggle_tool_button_new().

func (*ToggleToolButton) GetActive

func (v *ToggleToolButton) GetActive() bool

GetActive is a wrapper around gtk_toggle_tool_button_get_active().

func (*ToggleToolButton) SetActive

func (v *ToggleToolButton) SetActive(isActive bool)

SetActive is a wrapper around gtk_toggle_tool_button_set_active().

type ToolButton

type ToolButton struct {

ToolButton is a representation of GTK's GtkToolButton.

func ToolButtonNew

func ToolButtonNew(iconWidget IWidget, label string) (*ToolButton, error)

ToolButtonNew is a wrapper around gtk_tool_button_new().

func (*ToolButton) GetIconName

func (v *ToolButton) GetIconName() string

GetIconName is a wrapper around gtk_tool_button_get_icon_name().

func (*ToolButton) GetIconWidget

func (v *ToolButton) GetIconWidget() *Widget

GetIconWidget is a wrapper around gtk_tool_button_get_icon_widget().

func (*ToolButton) GetLabel

func (v *ToolButton) GetLabel() string

GetLabel is a wrapper around gtk_tool_button_get_label().

func (*ToolButton) GetLabelWidget

func (v *ToolButton) GetLabelWidget() *Widget

GetLabelWidget is a wrapper around gtk_tool_button_get_label_widget().

func (*ToolButton) GetuseUnderline

func (v *ToolButton) GetuseUnderline() bool

GetUseUnderline is a wrapper around gtk_tool_button_get_use_underline().

func (*ToolButton) SetGetUnderline

func (v *ToolButton) SetGetUnderline(useUnderline bool)

SetUseUnderline is a wrapper around gtk_tool_button_set_use_underline().

func (*ToolButton) SetIconName

func (v *ToolButton) SetIconName(iconName string)

SetIconName is a wrapper around gtk_tool_button_set_icon_name().

func (*ToolButton) SetIconWidget

func (v *ToolButton) SetIconWidget(iconWidget IWidget)

SetIconWidget is a wrapper around gtk_tool_button_set_icon_widget().

func (*ToolButton) SetLabel

func (v *ToolButton) SetLabel(label string)

SetLabel is a wrapper around gtk_tool_button_set_label().

func (*ToolButton) SetLabelWidget

func (v *ToolButton) SetLabelWidget(labelWidget IWidget)

SetLabelWidget is a wrapper around gtk_tool_button_set_label_widget().

type ToolItem

type ToolItem struct {

ToolItem is a representation of GTK's GtkToolItem.

func ToolItemNew

func ToolItemNew() (*ToolItem, error)

ToolItemNew is a wrapper around gtk_tool_item_new().

func (*ToolItem) GetExpand

func (v *ToolItem) GetExpand() bool

GetExpand is a wrapper around gtk_tool_item_get_expand().

func (*ToolItem) GetHomogeneous

func (v *ToolItem) GetHomogeneous() bool

GetHomogeneous is a wrapper around gtk_tool_item_get_homogeneous().

func (*ToolItem) GetIconSize

func (v *ToolItem) GetIconSize() IconSize

GetIconSize is a wrapper around gtk_tool_item_get_icon_size().

func (*ToolItem) GetIsImportant

func (v *ToolItem) GetIsImportant() bool

GetIsImportant is a wrapper around gtk_tool_item_get_is_important().

func (*ToolItem) GetOrientation

func (v *ToolItem) GetOrientation() Orientation

GetOrientation is a wrapper around gtk_tool_item_get_orientation().

func (*ToolItem) GetReliefStyle

func (v *ToolItem) GetReliefStyle() ReliefStyle

GetReliefStyle is a wrapper around gtk_tool_item_get_relief_style().

func (*ToolItem) GetTextAlignment

func (v *ToolItem) GetTextAlignment() float32

GetTextAlignment is a wrapper around gtk_tool_item_get_text_alignment().

func (*ToolItem) GetTextOrientation

func (v *ToolItem) GetTextOrientation() Orientation

GetTextOrientation is a wrapper around gtk_tool_item_get_text_orientation().

func (*ToolItem) GetToolbarStyle

func (v *ToolItem) GetToolbarStyle() ToolbarStyle

GetToolbarStyle is a wrapper around gtk_tool_item_get_toolbar_style().

func (*ToolItem) GetUseDragWindow

func (v *ToolItem) GetUseDragWindow() bool

GetUseDragWindow is a wrapper around gtk_tool_item_get_use_drag_window().

func (*ToolItem) GetVisibleHorizontal

func (v *ToolItem) GetVisibleHorizontal() bool

GetVisibleHorizontal is a wrapper around gtk_tool_item_get_visible_horizontal().

func (*ToolItem) GetVisibleVertical

func (v *ToolItem) GetVisibleVertical() bool

GetVisibleVertical is a wrapper around gtk_tool_item_get_visible_vertical().

func (*ToolItem) RebuildMenu

func (v *ToolItem) RebuildMenu()

RebuildMenu is a wrapper around gtk_tool_item_rebuild_menu().

func (*ToolItem) RetrieveProxyMenuItem

func (v *ToolItem) RetrieveProxyMenuItem() *MenuItem

RetrieveProxyMenuItem is a wrapper around gtk_tool_item_retrieve_proxy_menu_item()

func (*ToolItem) SetExpand

func (v *ToolItem) SetExpand(expand bool)

SetExpand is a wrapper around gtk_tool_item_set_expand().

func (*ToolItem) SetHomogeneous

func (v *ToolItem) SetHomogeneous(homogeneous bool)

SetHomogeneous is a wrapper around gtk_tool_item_set_homogeneous().

func (*ToolItem) SetIsImportant

func (v *ToolItem) SetIsImportant(isImportant bool)

SetIsImportant is a wrapper around gtk_tool_item_set_is_important().

func (*ToolItem) SetProxyMenuItem

func (v *ToolItem) SetProxyMenuItem(menuItemId string, menuItem IMenuItem)

SetProxyMenuItem is a wrapper around gtk_tool_item_set_proxy_menu_item().

func (*ToolItem) SetTooltipMarkup

func (v *ToolItem) SetTooltipMarkup(text string)

SetTooltipMarkup is a wrapper around gtk_tool_item_set_tooltip_markup().

func (*ToolItem) SetTooltipText

func (v *ToolItem) SetTooltipText(text string)

SetTooltipText is a wrapper around gtk_tool_item_set_tooltip_text().

func (*ToolItem) SetUseDragWindow

func (v *ToolItem) SetUseDragWindow(useDragWindow bool)

SetUseDragWindow is a wrapper around gtk_tool_item_set_use_drag_window().

func (*ToolItem) SetVisibleHorizontal

func (v *ToolItem) SetVisibleHorizontal(visibleHorizontal bool)

SetVisibleHorizontal is a wrapper around gtk_tool_item_set_visible_horizontal().

func (*ToolItem) SetVisibleVertical

func (v *ToolItem) SetVisibleVertical(visibleVertical bool)

SetVisibleVertical is a wrapper around gtk_tool_item_set_visible_vertical().

func (*ToolItem) ToolbarReconfigured

func (v *ToolItem) ToolbarReconfigured()

ToolbarReconfigured is a wrapper around gtk_tool_item_toolbar_reconfigured().

type Toolbar

type Toolbar struct {

Toolbar is a representation of GTK's GtkToolbar.

func ToolbarNew

func ToolbarNew() (*Toolbar, error)

ToolbarNew is a wrapper around gtk_toolbar_new().

func (*Toolbar) GetDropIndex

func (v *Toolbar) GetDropIndex(x, y int) int

GetDropIndex is a wrapper around gtk_toolbar_get_drop_index().

func (*Toolbar) GetIconSize

func (v *Toolbar) GetIconSize() IconSize

GetIconSize is a wrapper around gtk_toolbar_get_icon_size().

func (*Toolbar) GetItemIndex

func (v *Toolbar) GetItemIndex(item IToolItem) int

GetItemIndex is a wrapper around gtk_toolbar_get_item_index().

func (*Toolbar) GetNItems

func (v *Toolbar) GetNItems() int

GetNItems is a wrapper around gtk_toolbar_get_n_items().

func (*Toolbar) GetNthItem

func (v *Toolbar) GetNthItem(n int) *ToolItem

GetNthItem is a wrapper around gtk_toolbar_get_nth_item().

func (*Toolbar) GetReliefStyle

func (v *Toolbar) GetReliefStyle() ReliefStyle

GetReliefStyle is a wrapper around gtk_toolbar_get_relief_style().

func (*Toolbar) GetShowArrow

func (v *Toolbar) GetShowArrow() bool

GetShowArrow is a wrapper around gtk_toolbar_get_show_arrow().

func (*Toolbar) GetStyle

func (v *Toolbar) GetStyle() ToolbarStyle

GetStyle is a wrapper around gtk_toolbar_get_style().

func (*Toolbar) Insert

func (v *Toolbar) Insert(item IToolItem, pos int)

Insert is a wrapper around gtk_toolbar_insert().

func (*Toolbar) SetDropHighlightItem

func (v *Toolbar) SetDropHighlightItem(toolItem IToolItem, index int)

SetDropHighlightItem is a wrapper around gtk_toolbar_set_drop_highlight_item().

func (*Toolbar) SetIconSize

func (v *Toolbar) SetIconSize(iconSize IconSize)

SetIconSize is a wrapper around gtk_toolbar_set_icon_size().

func (*Toolbar) SetShowArrow

func (v *Toolbar) SetShowArrow(showArrow bool)

SetShowArrow is a wrapper around gtk_toolbar_set_show_arrow().

func (*Toolbar) SetStyle

func (v *Toolbar) SetStyle(style ToolbarStyle)

SetStyle is a wrapper around gtk_toolbar_set_style().

func (*Toolbar) UnsetIconSize

func (v *Toolbar) UnsetIconSize()

UnsetIconSize is a wrapper around gtk_toolbar_unset_icon_size().

func (*Toolbar) UnsetStyle

func (v *Toolbar) UnsetStyle()

UnsetStyle is a wrapper around gtk_toolbar_unset_style().

type ToolbarStyle

type ToolbarStyle int

ToolbarStyle is a representation of GTK's GtkToolbarStyle.

const (

type Tooltip

type Tooltip struct {

func (*Tooltip) SetCustom

func (t *Tooltip) SetCustom(w *Widget)

SetCustom is a wrapper around gtk_tooltip_set_custom().

func (*Tooltip) SetIcon

func (t *Tooltip) SetIcon(pixbuf *gdk.Pixbuf)

SetIcon is a wrapper around gtk_tooltip_set_icon().

func (*Tooltip) SetIconFromIconName

func (t *Tooltip) SetIconFromIconName(iconName string, size IconSize)

SetIconFromIconName is a wrapper around gtk_tooltip_set_icon_from_icon_name().

func (*Tooltip) SetMarkup

func (t *Tooltip) SetMarkup(str string)

SetMarkup is a wrapper around gtk_tooltip_set_markup().

func (*Tooltip) SetText

func (t *Tooltip) SetText(str string)

SetText is a wrapper around gtk_tooltip_set_text().

func (*Tooltip) SetTipArea

func (t *Tooltip) SetTipArea(rect gdk.Rectangle)

SetTipArea is a wrapper around gtk_tooltip_set_tip_area().

type TreeIter

type TreeIter struct {
	GtkTreeIter C.GtkTreeIter

TreeIter is a representation of GTK's GtkTreeIter.

func (*TreeIter) Copy

func (v *TreeIter) Copy() (*TreeIter, error)

Copy() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_iter_copy().

type TreeIterCompareFunc

type TreeIterCompareFunc func(model *TreeModel, a, b *TreeIter, userData interface{}) int

TreeIterCompareFunc defines the function prototype for the sort function (f arg) for (* TreeSortable).SetSortFunc

type TreeModel

type TreeModel struct {

TreeModel is a representation of GTK's GtkTreeModel GInterface.

func (*TreeModel) FilterNew

func (v *TreeModel) FilterNew(root *TreePath) (*TreeModelFilter, error)

FilterNew is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_filter_new().

func (*TreeModel) ForEach

func (v *TreeModel) ForEach(f TreeModelForeachFunc, userData ...interface{}) error

ForEach() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_foreach ()

func (*TreeModel) GetColumnType

func (v *TreeModel) GetColumnType(index int) glib.Type

GetColumnType() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_get_column_type().

func (*TreeModel) GetFlags

func (v *TreeModel) GetFlags() TreeModelFlags

GetFlags() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_get_flags().

func (*TreeModel) GetIter

func (v *TreeModel) GetIter(path *TreePath) (*TreeIter, error)

GetIter() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_get_iter().

func (*TreeModel) GetIterFirst

func (v *TreeModel) GetIterFirst() (*TreeIter, bool)

GetIterFirst() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first().

func (*TreeModel) GetIterFromString

func (v *TreeModel) GetIterFromString(path string) (*TreeIter, error)

GetIterFromString() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_get_iter_from_string().

func (*TreeModel) GetNColumns

func (v *TreeModel) GetNColumns() int

GetNColumns() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_get_n_columns().

func (*TreeModel) GetPath

func (v *TreeModel) GetPath(iter *TreeIter) (*TreePath, error)

GetPath() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_get_path().

func (*TreeModel) GetValue

func (v *TreeModel) GetValue(iter *TreeIter, column int) (*glib.Value, error)

GetValue() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_get_value().

func (*TreeModel) IterChildren

func (v *TreeModel) IterChildren(iter, child *TreeIter) bool

IterChildren is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_iter_children().

func (*TreeModel) IterHasChild

func (v *TreeModel) IterHasChild(iter *TreeIter) bool

IterHasChild() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_iter_has_child().

func (*TreeModel) IterNChildren

func (v *TreeModel) IterNChildren(iter *TreeIter) int

IterNChildren is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children().

func (*TreeModel) IterNext

func (v *TreeModel) IterNext(iter *TreeIter) bool

IterNext() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_iter_next().

func (*TreeModel) IterNthChild

func (v *TreeModel) IterNthChild(iter *TreeIter, parent *TreeIter, n int) bool

IterNthChild is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_iter_nth_child().

func (*TreeModel) IterParent

func (v *TreeModel) IterParent(iter, child *TreeIter) bool

IterParent is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_iter_parent().

func (*TreeModel) IterPrevious

func (v *TreeModel) IterPrevious(iter *TreeIter) bool

IterPrevious is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_iter_previous().

type TreeModelFilter

type TreeModelFilter struct {

	// Interfaces

TreeModelFilter is a representation of GTK's GtkTreeModelFilter.

func (*TreeModelFilter) ConvertChildIterToIter

func (v *TreeModelFilter) ConvertChildIterToIter(childIter *TreeIter) (*TreeIter, bool)

ConvertChildIterToIter is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_filter_convert_child_iter_to_iter().

func (*TreeModelFilter) ConvertChildPathToPath

func (v *TreeModelFilter) ConvertChildPathToPath(childPath *TreePath) *TreePath

ConvertChildPathToPath is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_filter_convert_child_path_to_path().

func (*TreeModelFilter) ConvertIterToChildIter

func (v *TreeModelFilter) ConvertIterToChildIter(filterIter *TreeIter) *TreeIter

ConvertIterToChildIter is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_filter_convert_child_iter_to_iter().

func (*TreeModelFilter) ConvertPathToChildPath

func (v *TreeModelFilter) ConvertPathToChildPath(filterPath *TreePath) *TreePath

ConvertPathToChildPath is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_filter_convert_path_to_child_path().

func (*TreeModelFilter) Refilter

func (v *TreeModelFilter) Refilter()

Refilter is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_filter_refilter().

func (*TreeModelFilter) SetVisibleColumn

func (v *TreeModelFilter) SetVisibleColumn(column int)

SetVisibleColumn is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_filter_set_visible_column().

func (*TreeModelFilter) SetVisibleFunc

func (v *TreeModelFilter) SetVisibleFunc(f TreeModelFilterVisibleFunc, userData ...interface{}) error

SetVisibleFunc is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_filter_set_visible_func().

type TreeModelFilterVisibleFunc

type TreeModelFilterVisibleFunc func(model *TreeModelFilter, iter *TreeIter, userData interface{}) bool

TreeModelFilterVisibleFunc defines the function prototype for the filter visibility function (f arg) to TreeModelFilter.SetVisibleFunc.

type TreeModelFlags

type TreeModelFlags int

TreeModelFlags is a representation of GTK's GtkTreeModelFlags.

const (

type TreeModelForeachFunc

type TreeModelForeachFunc func(model *TreeModel, path *TreePath, iter *TreeIter, userData interface{}) bool

TreeModelForeachFunc defines the function prototype for the foreach function (f arg) for (* TreeModel).ForEach

type TreeModelSort

type TreeModelSort struct {

	// Interfaces

TreeModelSort is a representation of GTK's GtkTreeModelSort

func TreeModelSortNew

func TreeModelSortNew(model ITreeModel) (*TreeModelSort, error)

TreeModelSortNew is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_sort_new_with_model():

func (*TreeModelSort) ClearCache

func (v *TreeModelSort) ClearCache()

ClearCache is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_sort_clear_cache().

func (*TreeModelSort) ConvertChildIterToIter

func (v *TreeModelSort) ConvertChildIterToIter(childIter *TreeIter) (*TreeIter, bool)

ConvertChildIterToIter is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_sort_convert_child_iter_to_iter().

func (*TreeModelSort) ConvertChildPathToPath

func (v *TreeModelSort) ConvertChildPathToPath(childPath *TreePath) *TreePath

ConvertChildPathToPath is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_sort_convert_child_path_to_path().

func (*TreeModelSort) ConvertIterToChildIter

func (v *TreeModelSort) ConvertIterToChildIter(sortIter *TreeIter) *TreeIter

ConvertIterToChildIter is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_sort_convert_iter_to_child_iter().

func (*TreeModelSort) ConvertPathToChildPath

func (v *TreeModelSort) ConvertPathToChildPath(sortPath *TreePath) *TreePath

ConvertPathToChildPath is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_sort_convert_path_to_child_path().

func (*TreeModelSort) GetModel

func (v *TreeModelSort) GetModel() ITreeModel

GetModel is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_sort_get_model()

func (*TreeModelSort) IterIsValid

func (v *TreeModelSort) IterIsValid(iter *TreeIter) bool

IterIsValid is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_sort_iter_is_valid().

func (*TreeModelSort) ResetDefaultSortFunc

func (v *TreeModelSort) ResetDefaultSortFunc()

ResetDefaultSortFunc is a wrapper around gtk_tree_model_sort_reset_default_sort_func().

type TreePath

type TreePath struct {
	GtkTreePath *C.GtkTreePath

TreePath is a representation of GTK's GtkTreePath.

func TreePathFromList

func TreePathFromList(list *glib.List) *TreePath

Return a TreePath from the GList

func TreePathNewFirst

func TreePathNewFirst() (*TreePath, error)

TreePathNewFirst() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_path_new_first().

func TreePathNewFromIndicesv

func TreePathNewFromIndicesv(indices []int) (*TreePath, error)

TreePathNewFromIndicesv() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_path_new_from_indicesv().

func TreePathNewFromString

func TreePathNewFromString(path string) (*TreePath, error)

TreePathNewFromString is a wrapper around gtk_tree_path_new_from_string().

func (*TreePath) AppendIndex

func (v *TreePath) AppendIndex(index int)

AppendIndex() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_path_append_index().

func (*TreePath) Compare

func (v *TreePath) Compare(b *TreePath) int

Compare() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_path_compare().

func (*TreePath) Copy

func (v *TreePath) Copy() (*TreePath, error)

Copy() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_path_copy().

func (*TreePath) Down

func (v *TreePath) Down()

Down() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_path_down()

func (*TreePath) GetDepth

func (v *TreePath) GetDepth() int

GetDepth() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_path_get_depth().

func (*TreePath) GetIndices

func (v *TreePath) GetIndices() []int

GetIndices is a wrapper around gtk_tree_path_get_indices_with_depth

func (*TreePath) IsAncestor

func (v *TreePath) IsAncestor(descendant *TreePath) bool

IsAncestor() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_path_is_ancestor()

func (*TreePath) IsDescendant

func (v *TreePath) IsDescendant(ancestor *TreePath) bool

IsDescendant() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_path_is_descendant()

func (*TreePath) Next

func (v *TreePath) Next()

Next() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_path_next()

func (*TreePath) PrependIndex

func (v *TreePath) PrependIndex(index int)

PrependIndex() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_path_prepend_index().

func (*TreePath) Prev

func (v *TreePath) Prev() bool

Prev() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_path_prev()

func (*TreePath) String

func (v *TreePath) String() string

String is a wrapper around gtk_tree_path_to_string().

func (*TreePath) Up

func (v *TreePath) Up() bool

Up() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_path_up()

type TreeRowReference

type TreeRowReference struct {
	GtkTreeRowReference *C.GtkTreeRowReference

TreeRowReference is a representation of GTK's GtkTreeRowReference.

func TreeRowReferenceNew

func TreeRowReferenceNew(model *TreeModel, path *TreePath) (*TreeRowReference, error)

TreeRowReferenceNew is a wrapper around gtk_tree_row_reference_new().

func (*TreeRowReference) GetModel

func (v *TreeRowReference) GetModel() ITreeModel

GetModel is a wrapper around gtk_tree_row_reference_get_path.

func (*TreeRowReference) GetPath

func (v *TreeRowReference) GetPath() *TreePath

GetPath is a wrapper around gtk_tree_row_reference_get_path.

func (*TreeRowReference) Valid

func (v *TreeRowReference) Valid() bool

Valid is a wrapper around gtk_tree_row_reference_valid.

type TreeSelection

type TreeSelection struct {

TreeSelection is a representation of GTK's GtkTreeSelection.

func (*TreeSelection) CountSelectedRows

func (v *TreeSelection) CountSelectedRows() int

CountSelectedRows() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_selection_count_selected_rows().

func (*TreeSelection) GetMode

func (v *TreeSelection) GetMode() SelectionMode

GetMode() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_selection_get_mode().

func (*TreeSelection) GetSelected

func (v *TreeSelection) GetSelected() (model ITreeModel, iter *TreeIter, ok bool)

GetSelected() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_selection_get_selected().

func (*TreeSelection) GetSelectedRows

func (v *TreeSelection) GetSelectedRows(model ITreeModel) *glib.List

GetSelectedRows is a wrapper around gtk_tree_selection_get_selected_rows(). All the elements of returned list are wrapped into (*gtk.TreePath) values.

Please note that a runtime finalizer is only set on the head of the linked list, and must be kept live while accessing any item in the list, or the Go garbage collector will free the whole list.

func (*TreeSelection) IterIsSelected

func (v *TreeSelection) IterIsSelected(iter *TreeIter) bool

IterIsSelected() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_selection_iter_is_selected().

func (*TreeSelection) PathIsSelected

func (v *TreeSelection) PathIsSelected(path *TreePath) bool

PathIsSelected() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_selection_path_is_selected().

func (*TreeSelection) SelectAll

func (v *TreeSelection) SelectAll()

SelectAll() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_selection_select_all()

func (*TreeSelection) SelectIter

func (v *TreeSelection) SelectIter(iter *TreeIter)

SelectIter is a wrapper around gtk_tree_selection_select_iter().

func (*TreeSelection) SelectPath

func (v *TreeSelection) SelectPath(path *TreePath)

SelectPath is a wrapper around gtk_tree_selection_select_path().

func (*TreeSelection) SelectRange

func (v *TreeSelection) SelectRange(start, end *TreePath)

SelectRange() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_selection_select_range().

func (*TreeSelection) SelectedForEach

func (v *TreeSelection) SelectedForEach(f TreeSelectionForeachFunc, userData ...interface{}) error

SelectedForEach() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_selection_selected_foreach()

func (*TreeSelection) SetMode

func (v *TreeSelection) SetMode(m SelectionMode)

SetMode() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_selection_set_mode().

func (*TreeSelection) UnselectAll

func (v *TreeSelection) UnselectAll()

UnelectAll() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_selection_unselect_all()

func (*TreeSelection) UnselectIter

func (v *TreeSelection) UnselectIter(iter *TreeIter)

UnselectIter() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_selection_unselect_iter().

func (*TreeSelection) UnselectPath

func (v *TreeSelection) UnselectPath(path *TreePath)

UnselectPath is a wrapper around gtk_tree_selection_unselect_path().

func (*TreeSelection) UnselectRange

func (v *TreeSelection) UnselectRange(start, end *TreePath)

UnselectRange() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_selection_unselect_range().

type TreeSelectionForeachFunc

type TreeSelectionForeachFunc func(model *TreeModel, path *TreePath, iter *TreeIter, userData interface{})

TreeSelectionForeachFunc defines the function prototype for the selected_foreach function (f arg) for (* TreeSelection).SelectedForEach

type TreeSortable

type TreeSortable struct {

TreeSortable is a representation of GTK's GtkTreeSortable

func (*TreeSortable) GetSortColumnId

func (v *TreeSortable) GetSortColumnId() (int, SortType, bool)

GetSortColumnId() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_sortable_get_sort_column_id().

func (*TreeSortable) HasDefaultSortFunc

func (v *TreeSortable) HasDefaultSortFunc() bool

func (*TreeSortable) SetDefaultSortFunc

func (v *TreeSortable) SetDefaultSortFunc(f TreeIterCompareFunc, userData ...interface{}) error

SetDefaultSortFunc() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_sortable_set_default_sort_func().

func (*TreeSortable) SetSortColumnId

func (v *TreeSortable) SetSortColumnId(column int, order SortType)

SetSortColumnId() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id().

func (*TreeSortable) SetSortFunc

func (v *TreeSortable) SetSortFunc(sortColumn int, f TreeIterCompareFunc, userData ...interface{}) error

SetSortFunc() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_func().

type TreeStore

type TreeStore struct {

	// Interfaces

TreeStore is a representation of GTK's GtkTreeStore.

func TreeStoreNew

func TreeStoreNew(types ...glib.Type) (*TreeStore, error)

TreeStoreNew is a wrapper around gtk_tree_store_newv().

func (*TreeStore) Append

func (v *TreeStore) Append(parent *TreeIter) *TreeIter

Append is a wrapper around gtk_tree_store_append().

func (*TreeStore) Clear

func (v *TreeStore) Clear()

Clear is a wrapper around gtk_tree_store_clear().

func (*TreeStore) Insert

func (v *TreeStore) Insert(parent *TreeIter, position int) *TreeIter

Insert is a wrapper around gtk_tree_store_insert

func (*TreeStore) InsertAfter

func (v *TreeStore) InsertAfter(parent, sibling *TreeIter) *TreeIter

InsertAfter() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_store_insert_after().

func (*TreeStore) InsertBefore

func (v *TreeStore) InsertBefore(parent, sibling *TreeIter) *TreeIter

InsertBefore() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_store_insert_before().

func (*TreeStore) InsertWithValues

func (v *TreeStore) InsertWithValues(iter, parent *TreeIter, position int, inColumns []int, inValues []interface{}) error

InsertWithValues() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_store_insert_with_valuesv().

func (*TreeStore) Remove

func (v *TreeStore) Remove(iter *TreeIter) bool

Remove is a wrapper around gtk_tree_store_remove().

func (*TreeStore) SetValue

func (v *TreeStore) SetValue(iter *TreeIter, column int, value interface{}) error

SetValue is a wrapper around gtk_tree_store_set_value()

type TreeView

type TreeView struct {

TreeView is a representation of GTK's GtkTreeView.

func TreeViewNew

func TreeViewNew() (*TreeView, error)

TreeViewNew is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_new().

func TreeViewNewWithModel

func TreeViewNewWithModel(model ITreeModel) (*TreeView, error)

TreeViewNewWithModel is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_new_with_model().

func (*TreeView) AppendColumn

func (v *TreeView) AppendColumn(column *TreeViewColumn) int

AppendColumn is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_append_column().

func (*TreeView) CollapseAll

func (v *TreeView) CollapseAll()

CollapseAll is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_collapse_all().

func (*TreeView) CollapseRow

func (v *TreeView) CollapseRow(path *TreePath) bool

CollapseRow is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_collapse_row().

func (*TreeView) ColumnsAutosize

func (v *TreeView) ColumnsAutosize()

ColumnsAutosize is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_columns_autosize().

func (*TreeView) ConvertBinWindowToWidgetCoords

func (v *TreeView) ConvertBinWindowToWidgetCoords(bx, by int, wx, wy *int)

ConvertBinWindowToWidgetCoords is a rapper around gtk_tree_view_convert_bin_window_to_widget_coords().

func (*TreeView) ConvertWidgetToBinWindowCoords

func (v *TreeView) ConvertWidgetToBinWindowCoords(wx, wy int, bx, by *int)

ConvertWidgetToBinWindowCoords is a rapper around gtk_tree_view_convert_widget_to_bin_window_coords().

func (*TreeView) ExpandAll

func (v *TreeView) ExpandAll()

ExpandAll is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_expand_all().

func (*TreeView) ExpandRow

func (v *TreeView) ExpandRow(path *TreePath, openAll bool) bool

ExpandRow is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_expand_row().

func (*TreeView) ExpandToPath

func (v *TreeView) ExpandToPath(path *TreePath)

ExpandToPath is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_expand_to_path().

func (*TreeView) GetActivateOnSingleClick

func (v *TreeView) GetActivateOnSingleClick() bool

GetActivateOnSingleClick is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_get_activate_on_single_click().

func (*TreeView) GetBinWindow

func (v *TreeView) GetBinWindow() *gdk.Window

GetBinWindow is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_get_bin_window().

func (*TreeView) GetCellArea

func (v *TreeView) GetCellArea(path *TreePath, column *TreeViewColumn) *gdk.Rectangle

GetCellArea is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_get_cell_area().

func (*TreeView) GetColumn

func (v *TreeView) GetColumn(n int) *TreeViewColumn

GetColumn is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_get_column().

func (*TreeView) GetColumns

func (v *TreeView) GetColumns() *glib.List

GetColumns is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_get_columns().

func (*TreeView) GetCursor

func (v *TreeView) GetCursor() (p *TreePath, c *TreeViewColumn)

GetCursor is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_get_cursor().

func (*TreeView) GetEnableSearch

func (v *TreeView) GetEnableSearch() bool

GetEnableSearch is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_get_enable_search().

func (*TreeView) GetEnableTreeLines

func (v *TreeView) GetEnableTreeLines() bool

GetEnableTreeLines is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_get_enable_tree_lines().

func (*TreeView) GetExpanderColumn

func (v *TreeView) GetExpanderColumn() *TreeViewColumn

GetExpanderColumn is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_get_expander_column().

func (*TreeView) GetFixedHeightMode

func (v *TreeView) GetFixedHeightMode() bool

GetFixedHeightMode is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_get_fixed_height_mode().

func (*TreeView) GetGridLines

func (v *TreeView) GetGridLines() TreeViewGridLines

GetGridLines is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_get_grid_lines().

func (*TreeView) GetHeadersClickable

func (v *TreeView) GetHeadersClickable() bool

GetHeadersClickable is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_get_headers_clickable().

func (*TreeView) GetHeadersVisible

func (v *TreeView) GetHeadersVisible() bool

GetHeadersVisible is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_get_headers_visible().

func (*TreeView) GetHoverExpand

func (v *TreeView) GetHoverExpand() bool

GetHoverExpand is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_get_hover_expand().

func (*TreeView) GetHoverSelection

func (v *TreeView) GetHoverSelection() bool

GetHoverSelection is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_get_hover_selection().

func (*TreeView) GetLevelIndentation

func (v *TreeView) GetLevelIndentation() int

GetLevelIndentation is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_get_level_indentation().

func (*TreeView) GetModel

func (v *TreeView) GetModel() (*TreeModel, error)

GetModel is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_get_model().

func (*TreeView) GetNColumns

func (v *TreeView) GetNColumns() uint

GetNColumns is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_get_n_columns().

func (*TreeView) GetPathAtPos

func (v *TreeView) GetPathAtPos(x, y int) (*TreePath, *TreeViewColumn, int, int, bool)

GetPathAtPos is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_get_path_at_pos().

func (*TreeView) GetReorderable

func (v *TreeView) GetReorderable() bool

GetReorderable is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_get_reorderable().

func (*TreeView) GetRubberBanding

func (v *TreeView) GetRubberBanding() bool

GetRubberBanding is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_get_rubber_banding().

func (*TreeView) GetSearchColumn

func (v *TreeView) GetSearchColumn() int

GetSearchColumn is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_get_search_column().

func (*TreeView) GetSearchEntry

func (v *TreeView) GetSearchEntry() *Entry

GetSearchEntry is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_get_search_entry().

func (*TreeView) GetSelection

func (v *TreeView) GetSelection() (*TreeSelection, error)

GetSelection is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_get_selection().

func (*TreeView) GetShowExpanders

func (v *TreeView) GetShowExpanders() bool

GetShowExpanders is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_get_show_expanders().

func (*TreeView) GetTooltipColumn

func (v *TreeView) GetTooltipColumn() int

GetTooltipColumn is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_get_tooltip_column().

func (*TreeView) InsertColumn

func (v *TreeView) InsertColumn(column *TreeViewColumn, pos int) int

InsertColumn is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_insert_column().

func (*TreeView) IsBlankAtPos

func (v *TreeView) IsBlankAtPos(x, y int) (*TreePath, *TreeViewColumn, int, int, bool)

IsBlankAtPos is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_is_blank_at_pos().

func (*TreeView) IsRubberBandingActive

func (v *TreeView) IsRubberBandingActive() bool

IsRubberBandingActive is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_is_rubber_banding_active().

func (*TreeView) MoveColumnAfter

func (v *TreeView) MoveColumnAfter(column *TreeViewColumn, baseColumn *TreeViewColumn)

MoveColumnAfter is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_move_column_after().

func (*TreeView) RemoveColumn

func (v *TreeView) RemoveColumn(column *TreeViewColumn) int

RemoveColumn is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_remove_column().

func (*TreeView) RowActivated

func (v *TreeView) RowActivated(path *TreePath, column *TreeViewColumn)

RowActivated is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_row_activated().

func (*TreeView) RowExpanded

func (v *TreeView) RowExpanded(path *TreePath) bool

RowExpanded is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_row_expanded().

func (*TreeView) ScrollToCell

func (v *TreeView) ScrollToCell(path *TreePath, column *TreeViewColumn, align bool, xAlign, yAlign float32)

ScrollToCell() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_scroll_to_cell().

func (*TreeView) ScrollToPoint

func (v *TreeView) ScrollToPoint(treeX, treeY int)

ScrollToPoint is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_scroll_to_point().

func (*TreeView) SetActivateOnSingleClick

func (v *TreeView) SetActivateOnSingleClick(show bool)

SetActivateOnSingleClick is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_set_activate_on_single_click().

func (*TreeView) SetCursor

func (v *TreeView) SetCursor(path *TreePath, focusColumn *TreeViewColumn, startEditing bool)

SetCursor is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_set_cursor().

func (*TreeView) SetCursorOnCell

func (v *TreeView) SetCursorOnCell(path *TreePath, focusColumn *TreeViewColumn, focusCell *CellRenderer, startEditing bool)

SetCursorOnCell is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_set_cursor_on_cell().

func (*TreeView) SetEnableSearch

func (v *TreeView) SetEnableSearch(b bool)

SetEnableSearch is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_set_enable_search().

func (*TreeView) SetEnableTreeLines

func (v *TreeView) SetEnableTreeLines(b bool)

SetEnableTreeLines is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_set_enable_tree_lines().

func (*TreeView) SetExpanderColumn

func (v *TreeView) SetExpanderColumn(column *TreeViewColumn)

SetExpanderColumn is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_set_expander_column().

func (*TreeView) SetFixedHeightMode

func (v *TreeView) SetFixedHeightMode(b bool)

SetFixedHeightMode is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_set_fixed_height_mode().

func (*TreeView) SetGridLines

func (v *TreeView) SetGridLines(gridLines TreeViewGridLines)

SetGridLines is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_set_grid_lines().

func (*TreeView) SetHeadersClickable

func (v *TreeView) SetHeadersClickable(show bool)

SetHeadersClickable is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_set_headers_clickable().

func (*TreeView) SetHeadersVisible

func (v *TreeView) SetHeadersVisible(show bool)

SetHeadersVisible is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_set_headers_visible().

func (*TreeView) SetHoverExpand

func (v *TreeView) SetHoverExpand(b bool)

SetHoverExpand is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_set_hover_expand().

func (*TreeView) SetHoverSelection

func (v *TreeView) SetHoverSelection(b bool)

SetHoverSelection is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_set_hover_selection().

func (*TreeView) SetLevelIndentation

func (v *TreeView) SetLevelIndentation(indent int)

SetLevelIndentation is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_set_level_indentation().

func (*TreeView) SetModel

func (v *TreeView) SetModel(model ITreeModel)

SetModel is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_set_model().

func (*TreeView) SetReorderable

func (v *TreeView) SetReorderable(b bool)

SetReorderable is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_set_reorderable().

func (*TreeView) SetRubberBanding

func (v *TreeView) SetRubberBanding(b bool)

SetRubberBanding is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_set_rubber_banding().

func (*TreeView) SetSearchColumn

func (v *TreeView) SetSearchColumn(c int)

SetSearchColumn is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_set_search_column().

func (*TreeView) SetSearchEntry

func (v *TreeView) SetSearchEntry(e *Entry)

SetSearchEntry is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_set_search_entry().

func (*TreeView) SetSearchEqualSubstringMatch

func (v *TreeView) SetSearchEqualSubstringMatch()

SetSearchEqualSubstringMatch is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_set_search_equal_func(). TODO: user data is ignored TODO: searc and destroy GDestroyNotify cannot be specified

func (*TreeView) SetShowExpanders

func (v *TreeView) SetShowExpanders(show bool)

SetShowExpanders is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_set_show_expanders().

func (*TreeView) SetTooltipCell

func (v *TreeView) SetTooltipCell(tooltip *Tooltip, path *TreePath, column *TreeViewColumn, cell *CellRenderer)

SetTooltipCell() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_set_tooltip_cell().

func (*TreeView) SetTooltipColumn

func (v *TreeView) SetTooltipColumn(c int)

SetTooltipColumn is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_set_tooltip_column().

func (*TreeView) SetTooltipRow

func (v *TreeView) SetTooltipRow(tooltip *Tooltip, path *TreePath)

SetTooltipRow() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_set_tooltip_row().

type TreeViewColumn

type TreeViewColumn struct {

TreeViewColumns is a representation of GTK's GtkTreeViewColumn.

func TreeViewColumnNew

func TreeViewColumnNew() (*TreeViewColumn, error)

TreeViewColumnNew() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_new().

func TreeViewColumnNewWithAttribute

func TreeViewColumnNewWithAttribute(title string, renderer ICellRenderer, attribute string, column int) (*TreeViewColumn, error)

TreeViewColumnNewWithAttribute() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes() that only sets one attribute for one column.

func (*TreeViewColumn) AddAttribute

func (v *TreeViewColumn) AddAttribute(renderer ICellRenderer, attribute string, column int)

AddAttribute() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_add_attribute().

func (*TreeViewColumn) CellIsVisible

func (v *TreeViewColumn) CellIsVisible() bool

CellIsVisible() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_cell_is_visible().

func (*TreeViewColumn) Clear

func (v *TreeViewColumn) Clear()

Clear() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_clear().

func (*TreeViewColumn) ClearAttributes

func (v *TreeViewColumn) ClearAttributes(cell *CellRenderer)

ClearAttributes() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_clear_attributes().

func (*TreeViewColumn) Clicked

func (v *TreeViewColumn) Clicked()

Clicked() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_clicked().

func (*TreeViewColumn) FocusCell

func (v *TreeViewColumn) FocusCell(cell *CellRenderer)

FocusCell() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_focus_cell().

func (*TreeViewColumn) GetButton

func (v *TreeViewColumn) GetButton() (*Widget, error)

GetButton() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_get_button().

func (*TreeViewColumn) GetClickable

func (v *TreeViewColumn) GetClickable() bool

GetClickable() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_get_clickable().

func (*TreeViewColumn) GetExpand

func (v *TreeViewColumn) GetExpand() bool

GetExpand() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_get_expand().

func (*TreeViewColumn) GetFixedWidth

func (v *TreeViewColumn) GetFixedWidth() int

GetFixedWidth() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_get_fixed_width().

func (*TreeViewColumn) GetMaxWidth

func (v *TreeViewColumn) GetMaxWidth() int

GetMaxWidth() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_get_max_width().

func (*TreeViewColumn) GetMinWidth

func (v *TreeViewColumn) GetMinWidth() int

GetMinWidth() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_get_min_width().

func (*TreeViewColumn) GetReorderable

func (v *TreeViewColumn) GetReorderable() bool

GetReorderable() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_get_reorderable().

func (*TreeViewColumn) GetResizable

func (v *TreeViewColumn) GetResizable() bool

GetResizable() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_get_resizable().

func (*TreeViewColumn) GetSizing

func (v *TreeViewColumn) GetSizing() TreeViewColumnSizing

GtkTreeViewColumnSizing gtk_tree_view_column_get_sizing ()

func (*TreeViewColumn) GetSortColumnID

func (v *TreeViewColumn) GetSortColumnID() int

GetSortColumnID() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_get_sort_column_id().

func (*TreeViewColumn) GetSortIndicator

func (v *TreeViewColumn) GetSortIndicator() bool

GetSortIndicator() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_get_sort_indicator().

func (*TreeViewColumn) GetSortOrder

func (v *TreeViewColumn) GetSortOrder() SortType

GtkSortType gtk_tree_view_column_get_sort_order ()

func (*TreeViewColumn) GetSpacing

func (v *TreeViewColumn) GetSpacing() int

GetSpacing() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_get_spacing().

func (*TreeViewColumn) GetTitle

func (v *TreeViewColumn) GetTitle() string

GetTitle() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_get_title().

func (*TreeViewColumn) GetVisible

func (v *TreeViewColumn) GetVisible() bool

GetVisible() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_get_visible().

func (*TreeViewColumn) GetWidget

func (v *TreeViewColumn) GetWidget() (*Widget, error)

GetWidget() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_get_widget().

func (*TreeViewColumn) GetWidth

func (v *TreeViewColumn) GetWidth() int

GetWidth() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_get_width().

func (*TreeViewColumn) GetXOffset

func (v *TreeViewColumn) GetXOffset() int

GetXOffset() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_get_x_offset().

func (*TreeViewColumn) PackEnd

func (v *TreeViewColumn) PackEnd(cell ICellRenderer, expand bool)

PackEnd() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_pack_end().

func (*TreeViewColumn) PackStart

func (v *TreeViewColumn) PackStart(cell ICellRenderer, expand bool)

PackStart() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start().

func (*TreeViewColumn) QueueResize

func (v *TreeViewColumn) QueueResize()

QueueResize() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_queue_resize().

func (*TreeViewColumn) SetClickable

func (v *TreeViewColumn) SetClickable(clickable bool)

SetClickable() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_set_clickable().

func (*TreeViewColumn) SetExpand

func (v *TreeViewColumn) SetExpand(expand bool)

SetExpand() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_set_expand().

func (*TreeViewColumn) SetFixedWidth

func (v *TreeViewColumn) SetFixedWidth(w int)

SetFixedWidth() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_set_fixed_width().

func (*TreeViewColumn) SetMaxWidth

func (v *TreeViewColumn) SetMaxWidth(w int)

SetMaxWidth() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_set_max_width().

func (*TreeViewColumn) SetMinWidth

func (v *TreeViewColumn) SetMinWidth(minWidth int)

SetMinWidth() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_set_min_width().

func (*TreeViewColumn) SetReorderable

func (v *TreeViewColumn) SetReorderable(reorderable bool)

SetReorderable() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_set_reorderable().

func (*TreeViewColumn) SetResizable

func (v *TreeViewColumn) SetResizable(resizable bool)

SetResizable() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_set_resizable().

func (*TreeViewColumn) SetSizing

func (v *TreeViewColumn) SetSizing(sizing TreeViewColumnSizing)

void gtk_tree_view_column_set_sizing ()

func (*TreeViewColumn) SetSortColumnID

func (v *TreeViewColumn) SetSortColumnID(w int)

SetSortColumnID() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_set_sort_column_id().

func (*TreeViewColumn) SetSortIndicator

func (v *TreeViewColumn) SetSortIndicator(reorderable bool)

SetSortIndicator() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_set_sort_indicator().

func (*TreeViewColumn) SetSortOrder

func (v *TreeViewColumn) SetSortOrder(order SortType)

void gtk_tree_view_column_set_sort_order ()

func (*TreeViewColumn) SetSpacing

func (v *TreeViewColumn) SetSpacing(spacing int)

SetSpacing() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_set_spacing().

func (*TreeViewColumn) SetTitle

func (v *TreeViewColumn) SetTitle(t string)

SetTitle() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_set_title().

func (*TreeViewColumn) SetVisible

func (v *TreeViewColumn) SetVisible(visible bool)

SetVisible() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_set_visible().

func (*TreeViewColumn) SetWidget

func (v *TreeViewColumn) SetWidget(widget IWidget)

SetWidget() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_column_set_widget().

type TreeViewColumnSizing

type TreeViewColumnSizing int

type TreeViewGridLines

type TreeViewGridLines int

TreeViewGridLine is a representation of GTK's GtkTreeViewGridLines.

const (

type Unit

type Unit int

Unit is a representation of GTK's GtkUnit.

const (

type Viewport

type Viewport struct {

	// Interfaces

Viewport is a representation of GTK's GtkViewport GInterface.

func ViewportNew

func ViewportNew(hadjustment, vadjustment *Adjustment) (*Viewport, error)

ViewportNew() is a wrapper around gtk_viewport_new().

func (*Viewport) GetBinWindow

func (v *Viewport) GetBinWindow() *gdk.Window

GetBinWindow is a wrapper around gtk_viewport_get_bin_window().

func (*Viewport) GetShadowType

func (v *Viewport) GetShadowType() ShadowType

GetShadowType is a wrapper around gtk_viewport_get_shadow_type().

func (*Viewport) GetViewWindow

func (v *Viewport) GetViewWindow() *gdk.Window

GetViewWindow is a wrapper around gtk_viewport_get_view_window().

func (*Viewport) SetShadowType

func (v *Viewport) SetShadowType(shadowType ShadowType)

SetShadowType is a wrapper around gtk_viewport_set_shadow_type().

type VolumeButton

type VolumeButton struct {

VolumeButton is a representation of GTK's GtkVolumeButton.

func VolumeButtonNew

func VolumeButtonNew() (*VolumeButton, error)

VolumeButtonNew is a wrapper around gtk_volume_button_new().

type Widget

type Widget struct {

Widget is a representation of GTK's GtkWidget.

func (*Widget) Activate

func (v *Widget) Activate() bool

Activate() is a wrapper around gtk_widget_activate().

func (*Widget) AddAccelerator

func (v *Widget) AddAccelerator(signal string, group *AccelGroup, key uint, mods gdk.ModifierType, flags AccelFlags)

AddAccelerator is a wrapper around gtk_widget_add_accelerator().

func (*Widget) AddEvents

func (v *Widget) AddEvents(events int)

AddEvents is a wrapper around gtk_widget_add_events().

func (*Widget) AddTickCallback

func (v *Widget) AddTickCallback(fn TickCallback, userData uintptr) int

AddTickCallback is a wrapper around gtk_widget_add_tick_callback().

func (*Widget) CanActivateAccel

func (v *Widget) CanActivateAccel(signalId uint) bool

CanActivateAccel is a wrapper around gtk_widget_can_activate_accel().

func (*Widget) Destroy

func (v *Widget) Destroy()

Destroy is a wrapper around gtk_widget_destroy().

func (*Widget) DragDestSet

func (v *Widget) DragDestSet(flags DestDefaults, targets []TargetEntry, actions gdk.DragAction)

DragDestSet is a wrapper around gtk_drag_dest_set().

func (*Widget) DragSourceSet

func (v *Widget) DragSourceSet(startButtonMask gdk.ModifierType, targets []TargetEntry, actions gdk.DragAction)

DragSourceSet is a wrapper around gtk_drag_source_set().

func (*Widget) Event

func (v *Widget) Event(event *gdk.Event) bool

Event() is a wrapper around gtk_widget_event().

func (*Widget) FreezeChildNotify

func (v *Widget) FreezeChildNotify()

FreezeChildNotify is a wrapper around gtk_widget_freeze_child_notify().

func (*Widget) GetAllocatedHeight

func (v *Widget) GetAllocatedHeight() int

GetAllocatedHeight() is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_allocated_height().

func (*Widget) GetAllocatedWidth

func (v *Widget) GetAllocatedWidth() int

GetAllocatedWidth() is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_allocated_width().

func (*Widget) GetAllocation

func (v *Widget) GetAllocation() *Allocation

GetAllocation is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_allocation().

func (*Widget) GetAppPaintable

func (v *Widget) GetAppPaintable() bool

GetAppPaintable is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_app_paintable().

func (*Widget) GetCanDefault

func (v *Widget) GetCanDefault() bool

GetCanDefault is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_can_default().

func (*Widget) GetCanFocus

func (v *Widget) GetCanFocus() bool

GetCanFocus is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_can_focus().

func (*Widget) GetClip

func (v *Widget) GetClip() *Allocation

GetClip is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_clip().

func (*Widget) GetDeviceEnabled

func (v *Widget) GetDeviceEnabled(device *gdk.Device) bool

GetDeviceEnabled is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_device_enabled().

func (*Widget) GetEvents

func (v *Widget) GetEvents() int

GetEvents is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_events().

func (*Widget) GetFocusOnClick

func (v *Widget) GetFocusOnClick() bool

GetFocusOnClick is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_focus_on_click().

func (*Widget) GetFrameClock

func (v *Widget) GetFrameClock() *gdk.FrameClock

GetFrameClock is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_frame_clock().

func (*Widget) GetHAlign

func (v *Widget) GetHAlign() Align

GetHAlign is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_halign().

func (*Widget) GetHExpand

func (v *Widget) GetHExpand() bool

GetHExpand is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_hexpand().

func (*Widget) GetHasWindow

func (v *Widget) GetHasWindow() bool

GetHasWindow is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_has_window().

func (*Widget) GetMapped

func (v *Widget) GetMapped() bool

GetMapped is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_mapped().

func (*Widget) GetMarginBottom

func (v *Widget) GetMarginBottom() int

GetMarginBottom is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_margin_bottom().

func (*Widget) GetMarginEnd

func (v *Widget) GetMarginEnd() int

GetMarginEnd is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_margin_end().

func (*Widget) GetMarginStart

func (v *Widget) GetMarginStart() int

GetMarginStart is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_margin_start().

func (*Widget) GetMarginTop

func (v *Widget) GetMarginTop() int

GetMarginTop is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_margin_top().

func (*Widget) GetName

func (v *Widget) GetName() (string, error)

GetName() is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_name(). A non-nil error is returned in the case that gtk_widget_get_name returns NULL to differentiate between NULL and an empty string.

func (*Widget) GetNoShowAll

func (v *Widget) GetNoShowAll() bool

GetNoShowAll is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_no_show_all().

func (*Widget) GetOpacity

func (v *Widget) GetOpacity() float64

GetOpacity is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_opacity()

func (*Widget) GetParent

func (v *Widget) GetParent() (*Widget, error)

GetParent is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_parent().

func (*Widget) GetParentWindow

func (v *Widget) GetParentWindow() (*gdk.Window, error)

GetParentWindow is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_parent_window().

func (*Widget) GetPreferredHeight

func (v *Widget) GetPreferredHeight() (int, int)

GetPreferredHeight is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_preferred_height().

func (*Widget) GetPreferredWidth

func (v *Widget) GetPreferredWidth() (int, int)

GetPreferredWidth is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_preferred_width().

func (*Widget) GetRealized

func (v *Widget) GetRealized() bool

GetRealized is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_realized().

func (*Widget) GetScreen

func (v *Widget) GetScreen() (*gdk.Screen, error)

GetScreen is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_screen().

func (*Widget) GetSensitive

func (v *Widget) GetSensitive() bool

GetSensitive is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_sensitive().

func (*Widget) GetSizeRequest

func (v *Widget) GetSizeRequest() (width, height int)

GetSizeRequest is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_size_request().

func (*Widget) GetStyleContext

func (v *Widget) GetStyleContext() (*StyleContext, error)

GetStyleContext is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_style_context().

func (*Widget) GetTooltipMarkup

func (v *Widget) GetTooltipMarkup() (string, error)

GetTooltipMarkup is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_tooltip_markup(). A non-nil error is returned in the case that gtk_widget_get_tooltip_markup returns NULL to differentiate between NULL and an empty string.

func (*Widget) GetTooltipText

func (v *Widget) GetTooltipText() (string, error)

GetTooltipText is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_tooltip_text(). A non-nil error is returned in the case that gtk_widget_get_tooltip_text returns NULL to differentiate between NULL and an empty string.

func (*Widget) GetToplevel

func (v *Widget) GetToplevel() (*Widget, error)

GetToplevel is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_toplevel().

func (*Widget) GetVAlign

func (v *Widget) GetVAlign() Align

GetVAlign is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_valign().

func (*Widget) GetVExpand

func (v *Widget) GetVExpand() bool

GetVExpand is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_vexpand().

func (*Widget) GetVisible

func (v *Widget) GetVisible() bool

GetVisible is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_visible().

func (*Widget) GetWindow

func (v *Widget) GetWindow() (*gdk.Window, error)

GetWindow is a wrapper around gtk_widget_get_window().

func (*Widget) GrabDefault

func (v *Widget) GrabDefault()

GrabDefault() is a wrapper around gtk_widget_grab_default().

func (*Widget) GrabFocus

func (v *Widget) GrabFocus()

GrabFocus() is a wrapper around gtk_widget_grab_focus().

func (*Widget) HasDefault

func (v *Widget) HasDefault() bool

HasDefault is a wrapper around gtk_widget_has_default().

func (*Widget) HasFocus

func (v *Widget) HasFocus() bool

HasFocus is a wrapper around gtk_widget_has_focus().

func (*Widget) HasGrab

func (v *Widget) HasGrab() bool

HasGrab is a wrapper around gtk_widget_has_grab().

func (*Widget) HasVisibleFocus

func (v *Widget) HasVisibleFocus() bool

HasVisibleFocus is a wrapper around gtk_widget_has_visible_focus().

func (*Widget) Hide

func (v *Widget) Hide()

Hide is a wrapper around gtk_widget_hide().

func (*Widget) HideOnDelete

func (v *Widget) HideOnDelete()

HideOnDelete is a wrapper around gtk_widget_hide_on_delete(). Calling this func adds gtk_widget_hide_on_delete to the widget's "delete-event" signal.

func (*Widget) InDestruction

func (v *Widget) InDestruction() bool

InDestruction is a wrapper around gtk_widget_in_destruction().

func (*Widget) InsertActionGroup

func (v *Widget) InsertActionGroup(name string, group glib.IActionGroup)

InsertActionGroup is a wrapper around gtk_widget_insert_action_group().

func (*Widget) Intersect

func (v *Widget) Intersect(area gdk.Rectangle) (*gdk.Rectangle, bool)

Intersect is a wrapper around gtk_widget_intersect().

func (*Widget) IsDrawable

func (v *Widget) IsDrawable() bool

IsDrawable is a wrapper around gtk_widget_is_drawable().

func (*Widget) IsFocus

func (v *Widget) IsFocus() bool

IsFocus() is a wrapper around gtk_widget_is_focus().

func (*Widget) IsSensitive

func (v *Widget) IsSensitive() bool

IsSensitive is a wrapper around gtk_widget_is_sensitive().

func (*Widget) IsToplevel

func (v *Widget) IsToplevel() bool

IsToplevel is a wrapper around gtk_widget_is_toplevel().

func (*Widget) IsVisible

func (v *Widget) IsVisible() bool

IsVisible is a wrapper around gtk_widget_is_visible().

func (*Widget) Map

func (v *Widget) Map()

Map is a wrapper around gtk_widget_map().

func (*Widget) QueueDraw

func (v *Widget) QueueDraw()

QueueDraw is a wrapper around gtk_widget_queue_draw().

func (*Widget) QueueDrawArea

func (v *Widget) QueueDrawArea(x, y, w, h int)

QueueDrawArea is a wrapper aroung gtk_widget_queue_draw_area().

func (*Widget) RemoveAccelerator

func (v *Widget) RemoveAccelerator(group *AccelGroup, key uint, mods gdk.ModifierType) bool

RemoveAccelerator is a wrapper around gtk_widget_remove_accelerator().

func (*Widget) RemoveTickCallback

func (v *Widget) RemoveTickCallback(id int)

RemoveTickCallback is a wrapper around gtk_widget_remove_tick_callback().

func (*Widget) ResetStyle

func (v *Widget) ResetStyle()

ResetStyle is a wrapper around gtk_widget_reset_style().

func (*Widget) SetAccelPath

func (v *Widget) SetAccelPath(path string, group *AccelGroup)

SetAccelPath is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_accel_path().

func (*Widget) SetAllocation

func (v *Widget) SetAllocation(allocation *Allocation)

SetAllocation is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_allocation().

func (*Widget) SetAppPaintable

func (v *Widget) SetAppPaintable(paintable bool)

SetAppPaintable is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_app_paintable().

func (*Widget) SetCanDefault

func (v *Widget) SetCanDefault(canDefault bool)

SetCanDefault is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_can_default().

func (*Widget) SetCanFocus

func (v *Widget) SetCanFocus(canFocus bool)

SetCanFocus is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_can_focus().

func (*Widget) SetClip

func (v *Widget) SetClip(clip *Allocation)

SetClip is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_clip().

func (*Widget) SetDeviceEnabled

func (v *Widget) SetDeviceEnabled(device *gdk.Device, enabled bool)

SetDeviceEnabled is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_device_enabled().

func (*Widget) SetEvents

func (v *Widget) SetEvents(events int)

SetEvents is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_events().

func (*Widget) SetFocusOnClick

func (v *Widget) SetFocusOnClick(focusOnClick bool)

SetFocusOnClick is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_focus_on_click().

func (*Widget) SetHAlign

func (v *Widget) SetHAlign(align Align)

SetHAlign is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_halign().

func (*Widget) SetHExpand

func (v *Widget) SetHExpand(expand bool)

SetHExpand is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_hexpand().

func (*Widget) SetHasWindow

func (v *Widget) SetHasWindow(hasWindow bool)

SetHasWindow is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_has_window().

func (*Widget) SetMapped

func (v *Widget) SetMapped(mapped bool)

SetMapped is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_mapped().

func (*Widget) SetMarginBottom

func (v *Widget) SetMarginBottom(margin int)

SetMarginBottom is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom().

func (*Widget) SetMarginEnd

func (v *Widget) SetMarginEnd(margin int)

SetMarginEnd is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_margin_end().

func (*Widget) SetMarginStart

func (v *Widget) SetMarginStart(margin int)

SetMarginStart is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_margin_start().

func (*Widget) SetMarginTop

func (v *Widget) SetMarginTop(margin int)

SetMarginTop is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_margin_top().

func (*Widget) SetName

func (v *Widget) SetName(name string)

SetName() is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_name().

func (*Widget) SetNoShowAll

func (v *Widget) SetNoShowAll(noShowAll bool)

SetNoShowAll is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_no_show_all().

func (*Widget) SetOpacity

func (v *Widget) SetOpacity(opacity float64)

SetOpacity is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_opacity()

func (*Widget) SetParent

func (v *Widget) SetParent(parent IWidget)

SetParent is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_parent().

func (*Widget) SetParentWindow

func (v *Widget) SetParentWindow(parentWindow *gdk.Window)

SetParentWindow is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_parent_window().

func (*Widget) SetRealized

func (v *Widget) SetRealized(realized bool)

SetRealized is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_realized().

func (*Widget) SetSensitive

func (v *Widget) SetSensitive(sensitive bool)

SetSensitive is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_sensitive().

func (*Widget) SetSizeRequest

func (v *Widget) SetSizeRequest(width, height int)

SetSizeRequest is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_size_request().

func (*Widget) SetStateFlags

func (v *Widget) SetStateFlags(stateFlags StateFlags, clear bool)

SetStateFlags is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_state_flags().

func (*Widget) SetTooltipMarkup

func (v *Widget) SetTooltipMarkup(text string)

SetTooltipMarkup is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_tooltip_markup().

func (*Widget) SetTooltipText

func (v *Widget) SetTooltipText(text string)

SetTooltipText is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text().

func (*Widget) SetVAlign

func (v *Widget) SetVAlign(align Align)

SetVAlign is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_valign().

func (*Widget) SetVExpand

func (v *Widget) SetVExpand(expand bool)

SetVExpand is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_vexpand().

func (*Widget) SetVisible

func (v *Widget) SetVisible(visible bool)

SetVisible is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_visible().

func (*Widget) SetVisual

func (v *Widget) SetVisual(visual *gdk.Visual)

SetVisual is a wrapper around gtk_widget_set_visual().

func (*Widget) Show

func (v *Widget) Show()

Show is a wrapper around gtk_widget_show().

func (*Widget) ShowAll

func (v *Widget) ShowAll()

ShowAll is a wrapper around gtk_widget_show_all().

func (*Widget) ShowNow

func (v *Widget) ShowNow()

ShowNow is a wrapper around gtk_widget_show_now().

func (*Widget) SizeAllocate

func (v *Widget) SizeAllocate(allocation *Allocation)

SizeAllocate is a wrapper around gtk_widget_size_allocate().

func (*Widget) ThawChildNotify

func (v *Widget) ThawChildNotify()

ThawChildNotify is a wrapper around gtk_widget_thaw_child_notify().

func (*Widget) TranslateCoordinates

func (v *Widget) TranslateCoordinates(dest IWidget, srcX, srcY int) (destX, destY int, e error)

TranslateCoordinates is a wrapper around gtk_widget_translate_coordinates().

func (*Widget) Unmap

func (v *Widget) Unmap()

Unmap is a wrapper around gtk_widget_unmap().

func (*Widget) Unparent

func (v *Widget) Unparent()

Unparent is a wrapper around gtk_widget_unparent().

type Window

type Window struct {

Window is a representation of GTK's GtkWindow.

func WindowNew

func WindowNew(t WindowType) (*Window, error)

WindowNew is a wrapper around gtk_window_new().

func (*Window) ActivateDefault

func (v *Window) ActivateDefault() bool

ActivateDefault is a wrapper around gtk_window_activate_default().

func (*Window) ActivateFocus

func (v *Window) ActivateFocus() bool

ActivateFocus is a wrapper around gtk_window_activate_focus().

func (*Window) ActivateKey

func (v *Window) ActivateKey(event *gdk.EventKey) bool

ActivateKey is a wrapper around gtk_window_activate_key().

func (*Window) ActivateMnemonic

func (v *Window) ActivateMnemonic(keyval uint, mods gdk.ModifierType) bool

ActivateMnemonic is a wrapper around gtk_window_mnemonic_activate().

func (*Window) AddAccelGroup

func (v *Window) AddAccelGroup(accelGroup *AccelGroup)

AddAccelGroup() is a wrapper around gtk_window_add_accel_group().

func (*Window) AddMnemonic

func (v *Window) AddMnemonic(keyval uint, target *Widget)

AddMnemonic is a wrapper around gtk_window_add_mnemonic().

func (*Window) BeginMoveDrag

func (v *Window) BeginMoveDrag(button, rootX, rootY int, timestamp uint32)

BeginMoveDrag is a wrapper around gtk_window_begin_move_drag().

func (*Window) BeginResizeDrag

func (v *Window) BeginResizeDrag(edge gdk.WindowEdge, button, rootX, rootY int, timestamp uint32)

BeginResizeDrag is a wrapper around gtk_window_begin_resize_drag().

func (*Window) Close

func (v *Window) Close()

Close is a wrapper around gtk_window_close().

func (*Window) Deiconify

func (v *Window) Deiconify()

Deiconify is a wrapper around gtk_window_deiconify().

func (*Window) Fullscreen

func (v *Window) Fullscreen()

Fullscreen is a wrapper around gtk_window_fullscreen().

func (*Window) FullscreenOnMonitor

func (v *Window) FullscreenOnMonitor(screen *gdk.Screen, monitor int)

FullscreenOnMonitor is a wrapper around gtk_window_fullscreen_on_monitor().

func (*Window) GetAcceptFocus

func (v *Window) GetAcceptFocus() bool

GetAcceptFocus is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_accept_focus().

func (*Window) GetApplication

func (v *Window) GetApplication() (*Application, error)

GetApplication is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_application().

func (*Window) GetAttachedTo

func (v *Window) GetAttachedTo() (*Widget, error)

GetAttachedTo is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_attached_to(). TODO: Use IWidget here

func (*Window) GetDecorated

func (v *Window) GetDecorated() bool

GetDecorated is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_decorated().

func (*Window) GetDefaultSize

func (v *Window) GetDefaultSize() (width, height int)

GetDefaultSize is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_default_size().

func (*Window) GetDefaultWidget

func (v *Window) GetDefaultWidget() *Widget

GetDefaultWidget is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_default_widget(). See SetDefault() for the setter. TODO: Use IWidget here

func (*Window) GetDeletable

func (v *Window) GetDeletable() bool

GetDeletable is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_deletable().

func (*Window) GetDestroyWithParent

func (v *Window) GetDestroyWithParent() bool

GetDestroyWithParent is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_destroy_with_parent().

func (*Window) GetFocus

func (v *Window) GetFocus() (*Widget, error)

GetFocus is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_focus(). TODO: Use IWidget here

func (*Window) GetFocusOnMap

func (v *Window) GetFocusOnMap() bool

GetFocusOnMap is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_focus_on_map().

func (*Window) GetFocusVisible

func (v *Window) GetFocusVisible() bool

GetFocusVisible is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_focus_visible().

func (*Window) GetGravity

func (v *Window) GetGravity() gdk.Gravity

GetGravity is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_gravity().

func (*Window) GetGroup

func (v *Window) GetGroup() *WindowGroup

GetGroup is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_group().

func (*Window) GetHideTitlebarWhenMaximized

func (v *Window) GetHideTitlebarWhenMaximized() bool

GetHideTitlebarWhenMaximized is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_hide_titlebar_when_maximized().

func (*Window) GetIcon

func (v *Window) GetIcon() (*gdk.Pixbuf, error)

GetIcon is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_icon().

func (*Window) GetIconList

func (v *Window) GetIconList() *glib.List

GetIconList is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_icon_list(). Returned list is wrapped to return *gdk.Pixbuf elements.

func (*Window) GetIconName

func (v *Window) GetIconName() (string, error)

GetIconName is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_icon_name().

func (*Window) GetMnemonicModifier

func (v *Window) GetMnemonicModifier() gdk.ModifierType

GetMnemonicModifier is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_mnemonic_modifier().

func (*Window) GetMnemonicsVisible

func (v *Window) GetMnemonicsVisible() bool

GetMnemonicsVisible is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_mnemonics_visible().

func (*Window) GetModal

func (v *Window) GetModal() bool

GetModal is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_modal().

func (*Window) GetPosition

func (v *Window) GetPosition() (int, int)

GetPosition is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_position().

func (*Window) GetResizable

func (v *Window) GetResizable() bool

GetResizable is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_resizable().

func (*Window) GetRole

func (v *Window) GetRole() (string, error)

GetRole is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_role().

func (*Window) GetScreen

func (v *Window) GetScreen() *gdk.Screen

GetScreen is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_screen().

func (*Window) GetSize

func (v *Window) GetSize() (width, height int)

GetSize is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_size().

func (*Window) GetSkipPagerHint

func (v *Window) GetSkipPagerHint() bool

GetSkipPagerHint is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_skip_pager_hint().

func (*Window) GetSkipTaskbarHint

func (v *Window) GetSkipTaskbarHint() bool

GetSkipTaskbarHint is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_skip_taskbar_hint().

func (*Window) GetTitle

func (v *Window) GetTitle() (string, error)

GetTitle is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_title().

func (*Window) GetTitlebar

func (v *Window) GetTitlebar() *Widget

GetTitlebar is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_titlebar(). TODO: Use IWidget here

func (*Window) GetTransientFor

func (v *Window) GetTransientFor() (*Window, error)

GetTransientFor is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_transient_for().

func (*Window) GetTypeHint

func (v *Window) GetTypeHint() gdk.WindowTypeHint

GetTypeHint is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_type_hint().

func (*Window) GetUrgencyHint

func (v *Window) GetUrgencyHint() bool

GetUrgencyHint is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_urgency_hint().

func (*Window) GetWindowType

func (v *Window) GetWindowType() WindowType

GetWindowType is a wrapper around gtk_window_get_window_type().

func (*Window) HasGroup

func (v *Window) HasGroup() bool

HasGroup is a wrapper around gtk_window_has_group().

func (*Window) HasToplevelFocus

func (v *Window) HasToplevelFocus() bool

HasToplevelFocus is a wrapper around gtk_window_has_toplevel_focus().

func (*Window) Iconify

func (v *Window) Iconify()

Iconify is a wrapper around gtk_window_iconify().

func (*Window) IsActive

func (v *Window) IsActive() bool

IsActive is a wrapper around gtk_window_is_active().

func (*Window) IsMaximized

func (v *Window) IsMaximized() bool

IsMaximized is a wrapper around gtk_window_is_maximized().

func (*Window) Maximize

func (v *Window) Maximize()

Maximize is a wrapper around gtk_window_maximize().

func (*Window) Move

func (v *Window) Move(x, y int)

Move is a wrapper around gtk_window_move().

func (*Window) Present

func (v *Window) Present()

Present is a wrapper around gtk_window_present().

func (*Window) PresentWithTime

func (v *Window) PresentWithTime(ts uint32)

PresentWithTime is a wrapper around gtk_window_present_with_time().

func (*Window) PropagateKeyEvent

func (v *Window) PropagateKeyEvent(event *gdk.EventKey) bool

PropagateKeyEvent is a wrapper around gtk_window_propagate_key_event().

func (*Window) RemoveAccelGroup

func (v *Window) RemoveAccelGroup(accelGroup *AccelGroup)

RemoveAccelGroup() is a wrapper around gtk_window_remove_accel_group().

func (*Window) RemoveMnemonic

func (v *Window) RemoveMnemonic(keyval uint, target *Widget)

RemoveMnemonic is a wrapper around gtk_window_remove_mnemonic().

func (*Window) Resize

func (v *Window) Resize(width, height int)

Resize is a wrapper around gtk_window_resize().

func (*Window) SetAcceptFocus

func (v *Window) SetAcceptFocus(setting bool)

SetAcceptFocus is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_accept_focus().

func (*Window) SetApplication

func (v *Window) SetApplication(a *Application)

SetApplication is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_application().

func (*Window) SetAttachedTo

func (v *Window) SetAttachedTo(attachWidget IWidget)

SetAttachedTo is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_attached_to().

func (*Window) SetDecorated

func (v *Window) SetDecorated(setting bool)

SetDecorated is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_decorated().

func (*Window) SetDefault

func (v *Window) SetDefault(widget IWidget)

SetDefault is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_default(). See GetDefaultWidget() for the getter.

func (*Window) SetDefaultSize

func (v *Window) SetDefaultSize(width, height int)

SetDefaultSize is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_default_size().

func (*Window) SetDeletable

func (v *Window) SetDeletable(setting bool)

SetDeletable is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_deletable().

func (*Window) SetDestroyWithParent

func (v *Window) SetDestroyWithParent(setting bool)

SetDestroyWithParent is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_destroy_with_parent().

func (*Window) SetFocus

func (v *Window) SetFocus(w *Widget)

SetFocus is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_focus().

func (*Window) SetFocusOnMap

func (v *Window) SetFocusOnMap(setting bool)

SetFocusOnMap is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_focus_on_map().

func (*Window) SetFocusVisible

func (v *Window) SetFocusVisible(setting bool)

SetFocusVisible is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_focus_visible().

func (*Window) SetGeometryHints

func (v *Window) SetGeometryHints(geometryWidget IWidget, geometry gdk.Geometry, geometryMask gdk.WindowHints)

SetGeometryHints is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_geometry_hints().

func (*Window) SetGravity

func (v *Window) SetGravity(gravity gdk.Gravity)

SetGravity is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_gravity().

func (*Window) SetHideTitlebarWhenMaximized

func (v *Window) SetHideTitlebarWhenMaximized(setting bool)

SetHideTitlebarWhenMaximized is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_hide_titlebar_when_maximized().

func (*Window) SetIcon

func (v *Window) SetIcon(icon *gdk.Pixbuf)

SetIcon is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_icon().

func (*Window) SetIconFromFile

func (v *Window) SetIconFromFile(file string) error

SetIconFromFile is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_icon_from_file().

func (*Window) SetIconList

func (v *Window) SetIconList(list *glib.List)

SetIconList is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_icon_list(). List should only contain *gdk.Pixbuf elements!

func (*Window) SetIconName

func (v *Window) SetIconName(name string)

SetIconName is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_icon_name().

func (*Window) SetKeepAbove

func (v *Window) SetKeepAbove(setting bool)

SetKeepAbove is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_keep_above().

func (*Window) SetKeepBelow

func (v *Window) SetKeepBelow(setting bool)

SetKeepBelow is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_keep_below().

func (*Window) SetMnemonicModifier

func (v *Window) SetMnemonicModifier(mods gdk.ModifierType)

SetMnemonicModifier is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_mnemonic_modifier().

func (*Window) SetMnemonicsVisible

func (v *Window) SetMnemonicsVisible(setting bool)

SetMnemonicsVisible is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_mnemonics_visible().

func (*Window) SetModal

func (v *Window) SetModal(modal bool)

SetModal is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_modal().

func (*Window) SetPosition

func (v *Window) SetPosition(position WindowPosition)

SetPosition is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_position().

func (*Window) SetResizable

func (v *Window) SetResizable(resizable bool)

SetResizable is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_resizable().

func (*Window) SetRole

func (v *Window) SetRole(s string)

SetRole is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_role().

func (*Window) SetScreen

func (v *Window) SetScreen(screen *gdk.Screen)

SetScreen is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_screen().

func (*Window) SetSkipPagerHint

func (v *Window) SetSkipPagerHint(setting bool)

SetSkipPagerHint is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_skip_pager_hint().

func (*Window) SetSkipTaskbarHint

func (v *Window) SetSkipTaskbarHint(setting bool)

SetSkipTaskbarHint is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_skip_taskbar_hint().

func (*Window) SetStartupID

func (v *Window) SetStartupID(sid string)

SetStartupID is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_startup_id().

func (*Window) SetTitle

func (v *Window) SetTitle(title string)

SetTitle is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_title().

func (*Window) SetTitlebar

func (v *Window) SetTitlebar(titlebar IWidget)

SetTitlebar is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_titlebar().

func (*Window) SetTransientFor

func (v *Window) SetTransientFor(parent IWindow)

SetTransientFor is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_transient_for().

func (*Window) SetTypeHint

func (v *Window) SetTypeHint(typeHint gdk.WindowTypeHint)

SetTypeHint is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_type_hint().

func (*Window) SetUrgencyHint

func (v *Window) SetUrgencyHint(setting bool)

SetUrgencyHint is a wrapper around gtk_window_set_urgency_hint().

func (*Window) Stick

func (v *Window) Stick()

Stick is a wrapper around gtk_window_stick().

func (*Window) Unfullscreen

func (v *Window) Unfullscreen()

Unfullscreen is a wrapper around gtk_window_unfullscreen().

func (*Window) Unmaximize

func (v *Window) Unmaximize()

Unmaximize is a wrapper around gtk_window_unmaximize().

func (*Window) Unstick

func (v *Window) Unstick()

Unstick is a wrapper around gtk_window_unstick().

type WindowGroup

type WindowGroup struct {

func WindowGroupNew

func WindowGroupNew() (*WindowGroup, error)

WindowGroupNew is a wrapper around gtk_window_group_new().

func (*WindowGroup) AddWindow

func (v *WindowGroup) AddWindow(window IWindow)

AddWindow is a wrapper around gtk_window_group_add_window().

func (*WindowGroup) GetCurrentDeviceGrab

func (v *WindowGroup) GetCurrentDeviceGrab(device *gdk.Device) (IWidget, error)

GetCurrentDeviceGrab is a wrapper around gtk_window_group_get_current_device_grab().

func (*WindowGroup) GetCurrentGrab

func (v *WindowGroup) GetCurrentGrab() (IWidget, error)

GetCurrentGrab is a wrapper around gtk_window_group_get_current_grab().

func (*WindowGroup) ListWindows

func (v *WindowGroup) ListWindows() *glib.List

ListWindows is a wrapper around gtk_window_group_list_windows(). Returned list is wrapped to return *gtk.Window elements. TODO: Use IWindow and wrap to correct type

func (*WindowGroup) RemoveWindow

func (v *WindowGroup) RemoveWindow(window IWindow)

RemoveWindow is a wrapper around gtk_window_group_remove_window().

type WindowPosition

type WindowPosition int

WindowPosition is a representation of GTK's GtkWindowPosition.

const (
	WIN_POS_NONE             WindowPosition = C.GTK_WIN_POS_NONE
	WIN_POS_CENTER           WindowPosition = C.GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER
	WIN_POS_MOUSE            WindowPosition = C.GTK_WIN_POS_MOUSE

type WindowType

type WindowType int

WindowType is a representation of GTK's GtkWindowType.

const (

type WrapFn

type WrapFn interface{}

type WrapMode

type WrapMode int

WrapMode is a representation of GTK's GtkWrapMode.

const (

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