
v1.5.34 Latest Latest

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Published: Aug 23, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 3 Imported by: 0




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This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type AnyOf

type AnyOf struct {
	Ref        *string          `json:"$ref,omitempty"`
	Type       *AnyOfType       `json:"type,omitempty"`
	Properties *AnyOfProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`

type AnyOfProperties

type AnyOfProperties struct {
	Type                          TypeClass           `json:"type"`
	GlobalID                      *ItemsElement       `json:"globalId,omitempty"`
	OwnerHistory                  *ItemsElement       `json:"ownerHistory,omitempty"`
	Name                          *ItemsElement       `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Description                   *ItemsElement       `json:"description,omitempty"`
	HasAssignments                *AssignedItems      `json:"hasAssignments,omitempty"`
	Nests                         *AssignedItems      `json:"nests,omitempty"`
	IsNestedBy                    *AssignedItems      `json:"isNestedBy,omitempty"`
	HasContext                    *AssignedItems      `json:"hasContext,omitempty"`
	IsDecomposedBy                *AssignedItems      `json:"isDecomposedBy,omitempty"`
	Decomposes                    *AssignedItems      `json:"decomposes,omitempty"`
	HasAssociations               *AssignedItems      `json:"hasAssociations,omitempty"`
	ObjectType                    *ItemsElement       `json:"objectType,omitempty"`
	IsDeclaredBy                  *AssignedItems      `json:"isDeclaredBy,omitempty"`
	Declares                      *AssignedItems      `json:"declares,omitempty"`
	IsTypedBy                     *AssignedItems      `json:"isTypedBy,omitempty"`
	IsDefinedBy                   *AssignedItems      `json:"isDefinedBy,omitempty"`
	TheActor                      *ItemsElement       `json:"theActor,omitempty"`
	IsActingUpon                  *AssignedItems      `json:"isActingUpon,omitempty"`
	Purpose                       *ItemsElement       `json:"purpose,omitempty"`
	UserDefinedPurpose            *ItemsElement       `json:"userDefinedPurpose,omitempty"`
	OfPerson                      *AssignedItems      `json:"ofPerson,omitempty"`
	OfOrganization                *AssignedItems      `json:"ofOrganization,omitempty"`
	LayerAssignment               *AssignedItems      `json:"layerAssignment,omitempty"`
	StyledByItem                  *AssignedItems      `json:"styledByItem,omitempty"`
	Outer                         *ItemsElement       `json:"outer,omitempty"`
	AppliedValue                  *ItemsElement       `json:"appliedValue,omitempty"`
	UnitBasis                     *ItemsElement       `json:"unitBasis,omitempty"`
	ApplicableDate                *ItemsElement       `json:"applicableDate,omitempty"`
	FixedUntilDate                *ItemsElement       `json:"fixedUntilDate,omitempty"`
	Category                      *ItemsElement       `json:"category,omitempty"`
	Condition                     *ItemsElement       `json:"condition,omitempty"`
	ArithmeticOperator            *ItemsElement       `json:"arithmeticOperator,omitempty"`
	Components                    *AssignedItems      `json:"components,omitempty"`
	HasExternalReference          *AssignedItems      `json:"hasExternalReference,omitempty"`
	ProfileType                   *ItemsElement       `json:"profileType,omitempty"`
	ProfileName                   *ItemsElement       `json:"profileName,omitempty"`
	HasProperties                 *AssignedItems      `json:"hasProperties,omitempty"`
	OuterCurve                    *ItemsElement       `json:"outerCurve,omitempty"`
	Curve                         *ItemsElement       `json:"curve,omitempty"`
	Degree                        *ItemsElement       `json:"degree,omitempty"`
	ControlPointsList             *AssignedItems      `json:"controlPointsList,omitempty"`
	CurveForm                     *ItemsElement       `json:"curveForm,omitempty"`
	ClosedCurve                   *ItemsElement       `json:"closedCurve,omitempty"`
	SelfIntersect                 *ItemsElement       `json:"selfIntersect,omitempty"`
	KnotMultiplicities            *AssignedItems      `json:"knotMultiplicities,omitempty"`
	Knots                         *AssignedItems      `json:"knots,omitempty"`
	KnotSpec                      *ItemsElement       `json:"knotSpec,omitempty"`
	UDegree                       *ItemsElement       `json:"uDegree,omitempty"`
	VDegree                       *ItemsElement       `json:"vDegree,omitempty"`
	SurfaceForm                   *ItemsElement       `json:"surfaceForm,omitempty"`
	UClosed                       *ItemsElement       `json:"uClosed,omitempty"`
	VClosed                       *ItemsElement       `json:"vClosed,omitempty"`
	UMultiplicities               *AssignedItems      `json:"uMultiplicities,omitempty"`
	VMultiplicities               *AssignedItems      `json:"vMultiplicities,omitempty"`
	UKnots                        *AssignedItems      `json:"uKnots,omitempty"`
	VKnots                        *AssignedItems      `json:"vKnots,omitempty"`
	ObjectPlacement               *ItemsElement       `json:"objectPlacement,omitempty"`
	Representation                *ItemsElement       `json:"representation,omitempty"`
	ReferencedBy                  *AssignedItems      `json:"referencedBy,omitempty"`
	Tag                           *ItemsElement       `json:"tag,omitempty"`
	FillsVoids                    *AssignedItems      `json:"fillsVoids,omitempty"`
	ConnectedTo                   *AssignedItems      `json:"connectedTo,omitempty"`
	IsInterferedByElements        *AssignedItems      `json:"isInterferedByElements,omitempty"`
	InterferesElements            *AssignedItems      `json:"interferesElements,omitempty"`
	HasProjections                *AssignedItems      `json:"hasProjections,omitempty"`
	ReferencedInStructures        *AssignedItems      `json:"referencedInStructures,omitempty"`
	HasOpenings                   *AssignedItems      `json:"hasOpenings,omitempty"`
	IsConnectionRealization       *AssignedItems      `json:"isConnectionRealization,omitempty"`
	ProvidesBoundaries            *AssignedItems      `json:"providesBoundaries,omitempty"`
	ConnectedFrom                 *AssignedItems      `json:"connectedFrom,omitempty"`
	ContainedInStructure          *AssignedItems      `json:"containedInStructure,omitempty"`
	HasCoverings                  *AssignedItems      `json:"hasCoverings,omitempty"`
	PredefinedType                *ItemsElement       `json:"predefinedType,omitempty"`
	Operator                      *ItemsElement       `json:"operator,omitempty"`
	FirstOperand                  *ItemsElement       `json:"firstOperand,omitempty"`
	SecondOperand                 *ItemsElement       `json:"secondOperand,omitempty"`
	Segments                      *AssignedItems      `json:"segments,omitempty"`
	TranslationalStiffnessX       *ItemsElement       `json:"translationalStiffnessX,omitempty"`
	TranslationalStiffnessY       *ItemsElement       `json:"translationalStiffnessY,omitempty"`
	TranslationalStiffnessZ       *ItemsElement       `json:"translationalStiffnessZ,omitempty"`
	RotationalStiffnessX          *ItemsElement       `json:"rotationalStiffnessX,omitempty"`
	RotationalStiffnessY          *ItemsElement       `json:"rotationalStiffnessY,omitempty"`
	RotationalStiffnessZ          *ItemsElement       `json:"rotationalStiffnessZ,omitempty"`
	ApplicableOccurrence          *ItemsElement       `json:"applicableOccurrence,omitempty"`
	HasPropertySets               *AssignedItems      `json:"hasPropertySets,omitempty"`
	Types                         *AssignedItems      `json:"types,omitempty"`
	RepresentationMaps            *RepresentationMaps `json:"representationMaps,omitempty"`
	ElementType                   *ItemsElement       `json:"elementType,omitempty"`
	Axis1                         *ItemsElement       `json:"axis1,omitempty"`
	Axis2                         *ItemsElement       `json:"axis2,omitempty"`
	LocalOrigin                   *ItemsElement       `json:"localOrigin,omitempty"`
	Scale                         *ItemsElement       `json:"scale,omitempty"`
	Axis3                         *ItemsElement       `json:"axis3,omitempty"`
	Position                      *ItemsElement       `json:"position,omitempty"`
	Radius                        *ItemsElement       `json:"radius,omitempty"`
	Transition                    *ItemsElement       `json:"transition,omitempty"`
	SameSense                     *ItemsElement       `json:"sameSense,omitempty"`
	ParentCurve                   *ItemsElement       `json:"parentCurve,omitempty"`
	CfsFaces                      *AssignedItems      `json:"cfsFaces,omitempty"`
	PointOnRelatingElement        *ItemsElement       `json:"pointOnRelatingElement,omitempty"`
	PointOnRelatedElement         *ItemsElement       `json:"pointOnRelatedElement,omitempty"`
	ConstraintGrade               *ItemsElement       `json:"constraintGrade,omitempty"`
	ConstraintSource              *ItemsElement       `json:"constraintSource,omitempty"`
	CreatingActor                 *ItemsElement       `json:"creatingActor,omitempty"`
	CreationTime                  *ItemsElement       `json:"creationTime,omitempty"`
	UserDefinedGrade              *ItemsElement       `json:"userDefinedGrade,omitempty"`
	HasExternalReferences         *AssignedItems      `json:"hasExternalReferences,omitempty"`
	PropertiesForConstraint       *AssignedItems      `json:"propertiesForConstraint,omitempty"`
	Identification                *ItemsElement       `json:"identification,omitempty"`
	LongDescription               *ItemsElement       `json:"longDescription,omitempty"`
	ResourceOf                    *AssignedItems      `json:"resourceOf,omitempty"`
	Usage                         *ItemsElement       `json:"usage,omitempty"`
	BaseCosts                     *AssignedItems      `json:"baseCosts,omitempty"`
	BaseQuantity                  *ItemsElement       `json:"baseQuantity,omitempty"`
	ResourceType                  *ItemsElement       `json:"resourceType,omitempty"`
	LongName                      *ItemsElement       `json:"longName,omitempty"`
	Phase                         *ItemsElement       `json:"phase,omitempty"`
	RepresentationContexts        *AssignedItems      `json:"representationContexts,omitempty"`
	UnitsInContext                *ItemsElement       `json:"unitsInContext,omitempty"`
	Controls                      *AssignedItems      `json:"controls,omitempty"`
	Dimensions                    *ItemsElement       `json:"dimensions,omitempty"`
	UnitType                      *ItemsElement       `json:"unitType,omitempty"`
	ConversionFactor              *ItemsElement       `json:"conversionFactor,omitempty"`
	SourceCRS                     *ItemsElement       `json:"sourceCRS,omitempty"`
	TargetCRS                     *ItemsElement       `json:"targetCRS,omitempty"`
	GeodeticDatum                 *ItemsElement       `json:"geodeticDatum,omitempty"`
	VerticalDatum                 *ItemsElement       `json:"verticalDatum,omitempty"`
	HasCoordinateOperation        *AssignedItems      `json:"hasCoordinateOperation,omitempty"`
	ParentProfile                 *ItemsElement       `json:"parentProfile,omitempty"`
	Label                         *ItemsElement       `json:"label,omitempty"`
	HasPorts                      *AssignedItems      `json:"hasPorts,omitempty"`
	AssignedToFlowElement         *AssignedItems      `json:"assignedToFlowElement,omitempty"`
	HasControlElements            *AssignedItems      `json:"hasControlElements,omitempty"`
	IsGroupedBy                   *AssignedItems      `json:"isGroupedBy,omitempty"`
	ServicesBuildings             *AssignedItems      `json:"servicesBuildings,omitempty"`
	OverallHeight                 *ItemsElement       `json:"overallHeight,omitempty"`
	OverallWidth                  *ItemsElement       `json:"overallWidth,omitempty"`
	OperationType                 *ItemsElement       `json:"operationType,omitempty"`
	UserDefinedOperationType      *ItemsElement       `json:"userDefinedOperationType,omitempty"`
	EdgeStart                     *ItemsElement       `json:"edgeStart,omitempty"`
	EdgeEnd                       *ItemsElement       `json:"edgeEnd,omitempty"`
	Properties                    *AssignedItems      `json:"properties,omitempty"`
	Location                      *ItemsElement       `json:"location,omitempty"`
	ExternalReferenceForResources *AssignedItems      `json:"externalReferenceForResources,omitempty"`
	ContainsElements              *AssignedItems      `json:"containsElements,omitempty"`
	ServicedBySystems             *AssignedItems      `json:"servicedBySystems,omitempty"`
	ReferencesElements            *AssignedItems      `json:"referencesElements,omitempty"`
	SweptArea                     *ItemsElement       `json:"sweptArea,omitempty"`
	ExtrudedDirection             *ItemsElement       `json:"extrudedDirection,omitempty"`
	Depth                         *ItemsElement       `json:"depth,omitempty"`
	Bounds                        *AssignedItems      `json:"bounds,omitempty"`
	HasTextureMaps                *AssignedItems      `json:"hasTextureMaps,omitempty"`
	Bound                         *ItemsElement       `json:"bound,omitempty"`
	Orientation                   *ItemsElement       `json:"orientation,omitempty"`
	FaceSurface                   *ItemsElement       `json:"faceSurface,omitempty"`
	ProjectsElements              *ItemsElement       `json:"projectsElements,omitempty"`
	VoidsElements                 *ItemsElement       `json:"voidsElements,omitempty"`
	ContextIdentifier             *ItemsElement       `json:"contextIdentifier,omitempty"`
	ContextType                   *ItemsElement       `json:"contextType,omitempty"`
	RepresentationsInContext      *AssignedItems      `json:"representationsInContext,omitempty"`
	CoordinateSpaceDimension      *ItemsElement       `json:"coordinateSpaceDimension,omitempty"`
	Precision                     *ItemsElement       `json:"precision,omitempty"`
	WorldCoordinateSystem         *ItemsElement       `json:"worldCoordinateSystem,omitempty"`
	TrueNorth                     *ItemsElement       `json:"trueNorth,omitempty"`
	HasSubContexts                *AssignedItems      `json:"hasSubContexts,omitempty"`
	Elements                      *AssignedItems      `json:"elements,omitempty"`
	BaseSurface                   *ItemsElement       `json:"baseSurface,omitempty"`
	AgreementFlag                 *ItemsElement       `json:"agreementFlag,omitempty"`
	CoordIndex                    *AssignedItems      `json:"coordIndex,omitempty"`
	ToFaceSet                     *AssignedItems      `json:"toFaceSet,omitempty"`
	Maps                          *AssignedItems      `json:"maps,omitempty"`
	MappedTo                      *ItemsElement       `json:"mappedTo,omitempty"`
	TexCoords                     *ItemsElement       `json:"texCoords,omitempty"`
	LightColour                   *ItemsElement       `json:"lightColour,omitempty"`
	AmbientIntensity              *ItemsElement       `json:"ambientIntensity,omitempty"`
	Intensity                     *ItemsElement       `json:"intensity,omitempty"`
	ConstantAttenuation           *ItemsElement       `json:"constantAttenuation,omitempty"`
	DistanceAttenuation           *ItemsElement       `json:"distanceAttenuation,omitempty"`
	QuadricAttenuation            *ItemsElement       `json:"quadricAttenuation,omitempty"`
	AssociatedTo                  *AssignedItems      `json:"associatedTo,omitempty"`
	Material                      *ItemsElement       `json:"material,omitempty"`
	LayerThickness                *ItemsElement       `json:"layerThickness,omitempty"`
	IsVentilated                  *ItemsElement       `json:"isVentilated,omitempty"`
	Priority                      *ItemsElement       `json:"priority,omitempty"`
	ToMaterialLayerSet            *ItemsElement       `json:"toMaterialLayerSet,omitempty"`
	Profile                       *ItemsElement       `json:"profile,omitempty"`
	ToMaterialProfileSet          *ItemsElement       `json:"toMaterialProfileSet,omitempty"`
	ForProfileSet                 *ItemsElement       `json:"forProfileSet,omitempty"`
	CardinalPoint                 *ItemsElement       `json:"cardinalPoint,omitempty"`
	ReferenceExtent               *ItemsElement       `json:"referenceExtent,omitempty"`
	PlacesObject                  *AssignedItems      `json:"placesObject,omitempty"`
	ReferencedByPlacements        *AssignedItems      `json:"referencedByPlacements,omitempty"`
	HasFillings                   *AssignedItems      `json:"hasFillings,omitempty"`
	PartOfComplex                 *AssignedItems      `json:"partOfComplex,omitempty"`
	Unit                          *ItemsElement       `json:"unit,omitempty"`
	SizeInX                       *ItemsElement       `json:"sizeInX,omitempty"`
	SizeInY                       *ItemsElement       `json:"sizeInY,omitempty"`
	ContainedIn                   *AssignedItems      `json:"containedIn,omitempty"`
	DefinesType                   *AssignedItems      `json:"definesType,omitempty"`
	DefinesOccurrence             *AssignedItems      `json:"definesOccurrence,omitempty"`
	AssignedItems                 *AssignedItems      `json:"assignedItems,omitempty"`
	Identifier                    *ItemsElement       `json:"identifier,omitempty"`
	IsPredecessorTo               *AssignedItems      `json:"isPredecessorTo,omitempty"`
	IsSuccessorFrom               *AssignedItems      `json:"isSuccessorFrom,omitempty"`
	OperatesOn                    *AssignedItems      `json:"operatesOn,omitempty"`
	Representations               *AssignedItems      `json:"representations,omitempty"`
	PartOfPset                    *AssignedItems      `json:"partOfPset,omitempty"`
	PropertyForDependance         *AssignedItems      `json:"propertyForDependance,omitempty"`
	PropertyDependsOn             *AssignedItems      `json:"propertyDependsOn,omitempty"`
	HasConstraints                *AssignedItems      `json:"hasConstraints,omitempty"`
	HasApprovals                  *AssignedItems      `json:"hasApprovals,omitempty"`
	PartOfComplexTemplate         *AssignedItems      `json:"partOfComplexTemplate,omitempty"`
	PartOfPsetTemplate            *AssignedItems      `json:"partOfPsetTemplate,omitempty"`
	XDim                          *ItemsElement       `json:"xDim,omitempty"`
	YDim                          *ItemsElement       `json:"yDim,omitempty"`
	SteelGrade                    *ItemsElement       `json:"steelGrade,omitempty"`
	RelatedObjects                *AssignedItems      `json:"relatedObjects,omitempty"`
	RelatedObjectsType            *ItemsElement       `json:"relatedObjectsType,omitempty"`
	RelatingGroup                 *ItemsElement       `json:"relatingGroup,omitempty"`
	ConnectionGeometry            *ItemsElement       `json:"connectionGeometry,omitempty"`
	RelatingElement               *ItemsElement       `json:"relatingElement,omitempty"`
	RelatedElement                *ItemsElement       `json:"relatedElement,omitempty"`
	RelatingStructuralMember      *ItemsElement       `json:"relatingStructuralMember,omitempty"`
	RelatedStructuralConnection   *ItemsElement       `json:"relatedStructuralConnection,omitempty"`
	AppliedCondition              *ItemsElement       `json:"appliedCondition,omitempty"`
	AdditionalConditions          *ItemsElement       `json:"additionalConditions,omitempty"`
	SupportedLength               *ItemsElement       `json:"supportedLength,omitempty"`
	ConditionCoordinateSystem     *ItemsElement       `json:"conditionCoordinateSystem,omitempty"`
	RelatingSpace                 *ItemsElement       `json:"relatingSpace,omitempty"`
	RelatedBuildingElement        *ItemsElement       `json:"relatedBuildingElement,omitempty"`
	PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary     *ItemsElement       `json:"physicalOrVirtualBoundary,omitempty"`
	InternalOrExternalBoundary    *ItemsElement       `json:"internalOrExternalBoundary,omitempty"`
	ParentBoundary                *ItemsElement       `json:"parentBoundary,omitempty"`
	InnerBoundaries               *AssignedItems      `json:"innerBoundaries,omitempty"`
	ContextOfItems                *ItemsElement       `json:"contextOfItems,omitempty"`
	RepresentationIdentifier      *ItemsElement       `json:"representationIdentifier,omitempty"`
	RepresentationType            *ItemsElement       `json:"representationType,omitempty"`
	Items                         *AssignedItems      `json:"items,omitempty"`
	RepresentationMap             *AssignedItems      `json:"representationMap,omitempty"`
	LayerAssignments              *AssignedItems      `json:"layerAssignments,omitempty"`
	OfProductRepresentation       *AssignedItems      `json:"ofProductRepresentation,omitempty"`
	Axis                          *ItemsElement       `json:"axis,omitempty"`
	Angle                         *ItemsElement       `json:"angle,omitempty"`
	DataOrigin                    *ItemsElement       `json:"dataOrigin,omitempty"`
	UserDefinedDataOrigin         *ItemsElement       `json:"userDefinedDataOrigin,omitempty"`
	OfShapeAspect                 *AssignedItems      `json:"ofShapeAspect,omitempty"`
	CompositionType               *ItemsElement       `json:"compositionType,omitempty"`
	AppliedLoad                   *ItemsElement       `json:"appliedLoad,omitempty"`
	GlobalOrLocal                 *ItemsElement       `json:"globalOrLocal,omitempty"`
	AssignedToStructuralItem      *AssignedItems      `json:"assignedToStructuralItem,omitempty"`
	DestabilizingLoad             *ItemsElement       `json:"destabilizingLoad,omitempty"`
	AssignedStructuralActivity    *AssignedItems      `json:"assignedStructuralActivity,omitempty"`
	ConnectsStructuralMembers     *AssignedItems      `json:"connectsStructuralMembers,omitempty"`
	ProjectedOrTrue               *ItemsElement       `json:"projectedOrTrue,omitempty"`
	ConnectedBy                   *AssignedItems      `json:"connectedBy,omitempty"`
	ActionType                    *ItemsElement       `json:"actionType,omitempty"`
	ActionSource                  *ItemsElement       `json:"actionSource,omitempty"`
	Coefficient                   *ItemsElement       `json:"coefficient,omitempty"`
	SourceOfResultGroup           *AssignedItems      `json:"sourceOfResultGroup,omitempty"`
	LoadGroupFor                  *AssignedItems      `json:"loadGroupFor,omitempty"`
	DisplacementX                 *ItemsElement       `json:"displacementX,omitempty"`
	DisplacementY                 *ItemsElement       `json:"displacementY,omitempty"`
	DisplacementZ                 *ItemsElement       `json:"displacementZ,omitempty"`
	RotationalDisplacementRX      *ItemsElement       `json:"rotationalDisplacementRX,omitempty"`
	RotationalDisplacementRY      *ItemsElement       `json:"rotationalDisplacementRY,omitempty"`
	RotationalDisplacementRZ      *ItemsElement       `json:"rotationalDisplacementRZ,omitempty"`
	ForceX                        *ItemsElement       `json:"forceX,omitempty"`
	ForceY                        *ItemsElement       `json:"forceY,omitempty"`
	ForceZ                        *ItemsElement       `json:"forceZ,omitempty"`
	MomentX                       *ItemsElement       `json:"momentX,omitempty"`
	MomentY                       *ItemsElement       `json:"momentY,omitempty"`
	MomentZ                       *ItemsElement       `json:"momentZ,omitempty"`
	Thickness                     *ItemsElement       `json:"thickness,omitempty"`
	Curve3D                       *ItemsElement       `json:"curve3D,omitempty"`
	AssociatedGeometry            *AssignedItems      `json:"associatedGeometry,omitempty"`
	MasterRepresentation          *ItemsElement       `json:"masterRepresentation,omitempty"`
	SurfaceColour                 *ItemsElement       `json:"surfaceColour,omitempty"`
	Transparency                  *ItemsElement       `json:"transparency,omitempty"`
	RepeatS                       *ItemsElement       `json:"repeatS,omitempty"`
	RepeatT                       *ItemsElement       `json:"repeatT,omitempty"`
	Mode                          *ItemsElement       `json:"mode,omitempty"`
	TextureTransform              *ItemsElement       `json:"textureTransform,omitempty"`
	Parameter                     *AssignedItems      `json:"parameter,omitempty"`
	IsMappedBy                    *AssignedItems      `json:"isMappedBy,omitempty"`
	UsedInStyles                  *AssignedItems      `json:"usedInStyles,omitempty"`
	Directrix                     *ItemsElement       `json:"directrix,omitempty"`
	InnerRadius                   *ItemsElement       `json:"innerRadius,omitempty"`
	StartParam                    *ItemsElement       `json:"startParam,omitempty"`
	EndParam                      *ItemsElement       `json:"endParam,omitempty"`
	SweptCurve                    *ItemsElement       `json:"sweptCurve,omitempty"`
	DurationType                  *ItemsElement       `json:"durationType,omitempty"`
	ScheduleDuration              *ItemsElement       `json:"scheduleDuration,omitempty"`
	ScheduleStart                 *ItemsElement       `json:"scheduleStart,omitempty"`
	ScheduleFinish                *ItemsElement       `json:"scheduleFinish,omitempty"`
	EarlyStart                    *ItemsElement       `json:"earlyStart,omitempty"`
	EarlyFinish                   *ItemsElement       `json:"earlyFinish,omitempty"`
	LateStart                     *ItemsElement       `json:"lateStart,omitempty"`
	LateFinish                    *ItemsElement       `json:"lateFinish,omitempty"`
	FreeFloat                     *ItemsElement       `json:"freeFloat,omitempty"`
	TotalFloat                    *ItemsElement       `json:"totalFloat,omitempty"`
	IsCritical                    *ItemsElement       `json:"isCritical,omitempty"`
	StatusTime                    *ItemsElement       `json:"statusTime,omitempty"`
	ActualDuration                *ItemsElement       `json:"actualDuration,omitempty"`
	ActualStart                   *ItemsElement       `json:"actualStart,omitempty"`
	ActualFinish                  *ItemsElement       `json:"actualFinish,omitempty"`
	RemainingTime                 *ItemsElement       `json:"remainingTime,omitempty"`
	Completion                    *ItemsElement       `json:"completion,omitempty"`
	Coordinates                   *ItemsElement       `json:"coordinates,omitempty"`
	Literal                       *ItemsElement       `json:"literal,omitempty"`
	Placement                     *ItemsElement       `json:"placement,omitempty"`
	Path                          *ItemsElement       `json:"path,omitempty"`
	StartTime                     *ItemsElement       `json:"startTime,omitempty"`
	EndTime                       *ItemsElement       `json:"endTime,omitempty"`
	TimeSeriesDataType            *ItemsElement       `json:"timeSeriesDataType,omitempty"`
	ProcessType                   *ItemsElement       `json:"processType,omitempty"`
	PartitioningType              *ItemsElement       `json:"partitioningType,omitempty"`
	UserDefinedPartitioningType   *ItemsElement       `json:"userDefinedPartitioningType,omitempty"`
	CreationDate                  *ItemsElement       `json:"creationDate,omitempty"`
	Creators                      *AssignedItems      `json:"creators,omitempty"`
	Duration                      *ItemsElement       `json:"duration,omitempty"`
	FinishTime                    *ItemsElement       `json:"finishTime,omitempty"`

type AnyOfType

type AnyOfType string
const (
	Boolean       AnyOfType = "boolean"
	FluffyInteger AnyOfType = "integer"
	FluffyString  AnyOfType = "string"
	Number        AnyOfType = "number"
	PurpleObject  AnyOfType = "object"

type AssignedItems

type AssignedItems struct {
	Type     AssignedItemsType `json:"type"`
	MinItems int64             `json:"minItems"`
	Items    ItemsElement      `json:"items"`
	MaxItems *int64            `json:"maxItems,omitempty"`

type AssignedItemsType

type AssignedItemsType string
const (
	PurpleArray   AssignedItemsType = "array"
	PurpleInteger AssignedItemsType = "integer"
	PurpleString  AssignedItemsType = "string"

type Data

type Data struct {
	Type  AssignedItemsType `json:"type"`
	Items DataItems         `json:"items"`

type DataItems

type DataItems struct {
	AnyOf []ItemsElement `json:"anyOf"`

type Definition

type Definition struct {
	OneOf      []OneOf             `json:"oneOf,omitempty"`
	Type       *DefinitionType     `json:"type,omitempty"`
	MinItems   *int64              `json:"minItems,omitempty"`
	MaxItems   *int64              `json:"maxItems,omitempty"`
	Items      *DefinitionItems    `json:"items,omitempty"`
	Enum       []string            `json:"enum,omitempty"`
	Properties map[string]Property `json:"properties,omitempty"`
	AnyOf      []AnyOf             `json:"anyOf,omitempty"`

type DefinitionItems

type DefinitionItems struct {
	Ref  *string    `json:"$ref,omitempty"`
	Type *AnyOfType `json:"type,omitempty"`

type DefinitionType

type DefinitionType string
const (
	FluffyArray     DefinitionType = "array"
	FluffyObject    DefinitionType = "object"
	TentacledString DefinitionType = "string"

type Enum

type Enum struct {
	Bool   *bool
	String *string

func (*Enum) MarshalJSON

func (x *Enum) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*Enum) UnmarshalJSON

func (x *Enum) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type IFCProperties

type IFCProperties struct {
	Type                TypeClass         `json:"type"`
	Version             OriginatingSystem `json:"version"`
	SchemaIdentifier    OriginatingSystem `json:"schemaIdentifier"`
	OriginatingSystem   OriginatingSystem `json:"originatingSystem"`
	PreprocessorVersion OriginatingSystem `json:"preprocessorVersion"`
	TimeStamp           TimeStamp         `json:"timeStamp"`
	Data                Data              `json:"data"`

type Ifc

type Ifc struct {
	Schema      string                `json:"$schema"`
	Title       string                `json:"title"`
	Description string                `json:"description"`
	Type        AnyOfType             `json:"type"`
	Properties  IFCProperties         `json:"properties"`
	Definitions map[string]Definition `json:"definitions"`
	Required    []string              `json:"required"`

func UnmarshalIfc

func UnmarshalIfc(data []byte) (Ifc, error)

func (*Ifc) Marshal

func (r *Ifc) Marshal() ([]byte, error)

type IfcSchema

type IfcSchema struct {
	Tristate struct {
	} `json:"Tristate"`
	IfcActionRequest struct {
		Domain       string   `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []string `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
			PredefinedType struct {
				Type      string `json:"type"`
				Reference bool   `json:"reference"`
				Many      bool   `json:"many"`
				Inverse   bool   `json:"inverse"`
			} `json:"PredefinedType"`
			Status struct {
				Type      string `json:"type"`
				Reference bool   `json:"reference"`
				Many      bool   `json:"many"`
				Inverse   bool   `json:"inverse"`
			} `json:"Status"`
			LongDescription struct {
				Type      string `json:"type"`
				Reference bool   `json:"reference"`
				Many      bool   `json:"many"`
				Inverse   bool   `json:"inverse"`
			} `json:"LongDescription"`
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"IfcActionRequest"`
	IfcActor struct {
		Domain       string   `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []string `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
			TheActor struct {
				Type      string `json:"type"`
				Reference bool   `json:"reference"`
				Many      bool   `json:"many"`
				Inverse   bool   `json:"inverse"`
			} `json:"TheActor"`
			IsActingUpon struct {
				Type      string `json:"type"`
				Reference bool   `json:"reference"`
				Many      bool   `json:"many"`
				Inverse   bool   `json:"inverse"`
			} `json:"IsActingUpon"`
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"IfcActor"`
	IfcActorRole struct {
		Domain       string   `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []string `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
			Role struct {
				Type      string `json:"type"`
				Reference bool   `json:"reference"`
				Many      bool   `json:"many"`
				Inverse   bool   `json:"inverse"`
			} `json:"Role"`
			UserDefinedRole struct {
				Type      string `json:"type"`
				Reference bool   `json:"reference"`
				Many      bool   `json:"many"`
				Inverse   bool   `json:"inverse"`
			} `json:"UserDefinedRole"`
			Description struct {
				Type      string `json:"type"`
				Reference bool   `json:"reference"`
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		} `json:"fields"`
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		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"IfcModulusOfTranslationalSubgradeReactionSelect"`
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		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"IfcPointOrVertexPoint"`
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		} `json:"fields"`
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		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"IfcProcessSelect"`
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		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"IfcProductRepresentationSelect"`
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	} `json:"IfcProductSelect"`
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		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"IfcPropertySetDefinitionSelect"`
	IfcResourceObjectSelect struct {
		Domain       string        `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []interface{} `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"IfcResourceObjectSelect"`
	IfcResourceSelect struct {
		Domain       string        `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []interface{} `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"IfcResourceSelect"`
	IfcRotationalStiffnessSelect struct {
		Domain       string        `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []interface{} `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"IfcRotationalStiffnessSelect"`
	IfcSegmentIndexSelect struct {
		Domain       string        `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []interface{} `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"IfcSegmentIndexSelect"`
	IfcShell struct {
		Domain       string        `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []interface{} `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"IfcShell"`
	IfcSimpleValue struct {
		Domain       string   `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []string `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"IfcSimpleValue"`
	IfcSizeSelect struct {
		Domain       string        `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []interface{} `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"IfcSizeSelect"`
	IfcSolidOrShell struct {
		Domain       string        `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []interface{} `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"IfcSolidOrShell"`
	IfcSpaceBoundarySelect struct {
		Domain       string        `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []interface{} `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"IfcSpaceBoundarySelect"`
	IfcSpecularHighlightSelect struct {
		Domain       string        `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []interface{} `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"IfcSpecularHighlightSelect"`
	IfcStructuralActivityAssignmentSelect struct {
		Domain       string        `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []interface{} `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"IfcStructuralActivityAssignmentSelect"`
	IfcStyleAssignmentSelect struct {
		Domain       string        `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []interface{} `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"IfcStyleAssignmentSelect"`
	IfcSurfaceOrFaceSurface struct {
		Domain       string        `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []interface{} `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"IfcSurfaceOrFaceSurface"`
	IfcSurfaceStyleElementSelect struct {
		Domain       string        `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []interface{} `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"IfcSurfaceStyleElementSelect"`
	IfcTextFontSelect struct {
		Domain       string        `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []interface{} `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"IfcTextFontSelect"`
	IfcTimeOrRatioSelect struct {
		Domain       string        `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []interface{} `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"IfcTimeOrRatioSelect"`
	IfcTranslationalStiffnessSelect struct {
		Domain       string        `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []interface{} `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"IfcTranslationalStiffnessSelect"`
	IfcTrimmingSelect struct {
		Domain       string        `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []interface{} `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"IfcTrimmingSelect"`
	IfcUnit struct {
		Domain       string        `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []interface{} `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"IfcUnit"`
	IfcValue struct {
		Domain       string   `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []string `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"IfcValue"`
	IfcVectorOrDirection struct {
		Domain       string        `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []interface{} `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"IfcVectorOrDirection"`
	IfcWarpingStiffnessSelect struct {
		Domain       string        `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []interface{} `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"IfcWarpingStiffnessSelect"`
	ListOfIfcCartesianPoint struct {
		Domain       interface{}   `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []interface{} `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
			List struct {
				Type      string `json:"type"`
				Reference bool   `json:"reference"`
				Many      bool   `json:"many"`
				Inverse   bool   `json:"inverse"`
			} `json:"List"`
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"ListOfIfcCartesianPoint"`
	ListOfIfcLengthMeasure struct {
		Domain       interface{}   `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []interface{} `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
			List struct {
				Type      string `json:"type"`
				Reference bool   `json:"reference"`
				Many      bool   `json:"many"`
				Inverse   bool   `json:"inverse"`
			} `json:"List"`
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"ListOfIfcLengthMeasure"`
	ListOfIfcNormalisedRatioMeasure struct {
		Domain       interface{}   `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []interface{} `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
			List struct {
				Type      string `json:"type"`
				Reference bool   `json:"reference"`
				Many      bool   `json:"many"`
				Inverse   bool   `json:"inverse"`
			} `json:"List"`
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"ListOfIfcNormalisedRatioMeasure"`
	ListOfELong struct {
		Domain       interface{}   `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []interface{} `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
			List struct {
				Type      string `json:"type"`
				Reference bool   `json:"reference"`
				Many      bool   `json:"many"`
				Inverse   bool   `json:"inverse"`
			} `json:"List"`
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"ListOfELong"`
	ListOfEDouble struct {
		Domain       interface{}   `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []interface{} `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
			List struct {
				Type      string `json:"type"`
				Reference bool   `json:"reference"`
				Many      bool   `json:"many"`
				Inverse   bool   `json:"inverse"`
			} `json:"List"`
			ListAsString struct {
				Type      string `json:"type"`
				Reference bool   `json:"reference"`
				Many      bool   `json:"many"`
				Inverse   bool   `json:"inverse"`
			} `json:"ListAsString"`
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"ListOfEDouble"`
	ListOfIfcParameterValue struct {
		Domain       interface{}   `json:"domain"`
		Superclasses []interface{} `json:"superclasses"`
		Fields       struct {
			List struct {
				Type      string `json:"type"`
				Reference bool   `json:"reference"`
				Many      bool   `json:"many"`
				Inverse   bool   `json:"inverse"`
			} `json:"List"`
		} `json:"fields"`
	} `json:"ListOfIfcParameterValue"`

type ItemsElement

type ItemsElement struct {
	Ref *string `json:"$ref,omitempty"`

type OneOf

type OneOf struct {
	Type       *AnyOfType       `json:"type,omitempty"`
	Properties *OneOfProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
	Required   []Required       `json:"required,omitempty"`
	Ref        *string          `json:"$ref,omitempty"`
	Format     *string          `json:"format,omitempty"`
	MaxLength  *int64           `json:"maxLength,omitempty"`
	Enum       []Enum           `json:"enum,omitempty"`
	AnyOf      []ItemsElement   `json:"anyOf,omitempty"`

type OneOfProperties

type OneOfProperties struct {
	Type  TypeClass `json:"type"`
	Value OneOf     `json:"value"`

type OriginatingSystem

type OriginatingSystem struct {
	Type AssignedItemsType `json:"type"`

type Property

type Property struct {
	Const    *string            `json:"const,omitempty"`
	Ref      *string            `json:"$ref,omitempty"`
	Type     *AssignedItemsType `json:"type,omitempty"`
	MinItems *int64             `json:"minItems,omitempty"`
	Items    *ItemsElement      `json:"items,omitempty"`
	MaxItems *int64             `json:"maxItems,omitempty"`
	Enum     []Enum             `json:"enum,omitempty"`

type RepresentationMaps

type RepresentationMaps struct {
	Type     AssignedItemsType       `json:"type"`
	MinItems int64                   `json:"minItems"`
	Items    RepresentationMapsItems `json:"items"`

type RepresentationMapsItems

type RepresentationMapsItems struct {

type Required

type Required string
const (
	Type  Required = "type"
	Value Required = "value"

type TimeStamp

type TimeStamp struct {
	Type   AssignedItemsType `json:"type"`
	Format string            `json:"format"`

type TypeClass

type TypeClass struct {
	Const string `json:"const"`

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