This a adaption of tomnomnom's kxss tool with a different output format. I didn't want to fork his whole Hacks-Repository so created my Own ;-)
All Credit for this Code goes to Tomnomnom
Changes to original kxss
I changed the output format of kxss to make it better grepable for my recon script. My new Output Looks like this:
URL: https://www.**********.***/event_register.php?event=177 Param: event Unfiltered: [" ' < >]
To install this Tool please use the following Command:
go install github.com/0xtavi/kxss@latest
To run this script use the following command:
echo "https://www.**********.***/event_register.php?event=177" | kxss
If you have an question you can create an Issue or ping me on