Overview ¶
Map with expiring entries For slightly better performance, replace map[string]string with map[int64]string. See Memory usage can be more than double what you actually store in it. Based on my own testing, storing 10 million 128 byte URLs will take around 3.6GB of RAM, so each 128 byte URL took around 360 bytes of RAM. Entries can only be inserted, they cannot be updated or deleted before they expire. Uses sync.Mutex to protect concurrent access. Adding, getting, and removing entries require obtaining the mutex first. TODO: Benchmark switching to use a RWMutex or a sync.Map for improved performance. I tested sync.Map, it apparently has no reserve feature? Bulk load is slow - 7.8 seconds. Heap-based implementation for performance and simplicity Benchmarks show that Remove_All_Expired takes 3 seconds to remove 10 million expired entries Benchmarks show that NewConcurrentExpiringMapFromSlice takes 3.5 seconds to load 10 million entries No requirement for entries to have same TTL duration No support for updating expiry time - though this functionality can be added later if necessary. Example use cases: 1. Expiring short URLs - short URL -> long URL map 2. Expiring pastebins - short URL -> file path map 3. Expiring tokens - token -> expiry time map Map will return an error for expired entries
It provides an API that has 3 methods: 1. Update map size rounded 2. Append new entry to log file 3. Delete expired log files As well as an "expiring" LogStructuredStorage where you can remove expired entries from old log files and rewrite them into new log files The reason this works is because it's okay to see the same entry multiple times since we'll just ignore it when we see the same entry again We ignore entries that expire earlier than the current entry we have, and we overwrite the current entry as soon as we see another entry that has a later expiration time
This file provides 2 structs: a "base" LogStructuredStorage for storing permanent data As well as an "expiring" LogStructuredStorage where you can remove expired entries from old log files and rewrite them into new log files The reason this works is because it's okay to see the same entry multiple times since we'll just ignore it when we see the same entry again We ignore entries that expire earlier than the current entry we have, and we overwrite the current entry as soon as we see another entry that has a later expiration time
Deletes the oldest files until the size of directory is back within limit ¶
It provides an API that has 3 methods: 1. Update map size rounded 2. Append new entry to log file 3. Delete expired log files As well as an "expiring" LogStructuredStorage where you can remove expired entries from old log files and rewrite them into new log files The reason this works is because it's okay to see the same entry multiple times since we'll just ignore it when we see the same entry again We ignore entries that expire earlier than the current entry we have, and we overwrite the current entry as soon as we see another entry that has a later expiration time
This file provides 2 structs: a "base" LogStructuredStorage for storing permanent data As well as an "expiring" LogStructuredStorage where you can remove expired entries from old log files and rewrite them into new log files The reason this works is because it's okay to see the same entry multiple times since we'll just ignore it when we see the same entry again We ignore entries that expire earlier than the current entry we have, and we overwrite the current entry as soon as we see another entry that has a later expiration time
The purpose of this file is for storing the map size on disk. The purpose of the map size file is to make it faster to load entries from disk into map By storing the size of the map in the file, the next time on program on startup creates the map, the make() function can be given the correct size It doesn't matter if it's slightly too big or small since it won't affect the performance much. Better to be too big than too small to avoid resizing which is costly
This is a horrible hack to work around Go's lack of built-in support for type-safe enums True type safe enums are not possible in Go due to its lack of sum types This is a "best effort" workaround that will prevent some kinds of bugs but is not perfect
We use byte instead of rune because this alphabet contains only printable ASCII characters.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func Assert_error_equals(t *testing.T, err error, expected string, skip_level int)
- func Assert_no_error(t *testing.T, err error, skip_level int)
- func Assert_result_equals_bool(t *testing.T, actual bool, err error, expected bool, skip_level int)
- func Assert_result_equals_bytes(t *testing.T, actual []byte, err error, expected string, skip_level int)
- func Assert_result_equals_interface(t *testing.T, actual interface{}, err error, expected interface{}, ...)
- func Assert_result_equals_string_slice(t *testing.T, actual []string, err error, expected []string, skip_level int)
- func Assert_result_equals_time(t *testing.T, actual time.Time, err error, expected time.Time, line_number int)
- func BuildStruct[T any]() *T
- func CheckTCPPort(port int) net.Listener
- func Check_err(err error)
- func Check_no_other_instances_running(socket_addr string) net.Listener
- func Compute_String_Checksum(str string) string
- func Convert_str_to_uint64(input_str string) uint64
- func Convert_uint64_to_str(bigendian_uint64 uint64, length int) string
- func Copy_Slice_Into_150_Arr(slice []byte, arr [150]byte)
- func Crypto_Rand_Alnum_String(length int) string
- func Crypto_Rand_Base64String(length int) string
- func Crypto_Randint(max int) (int, error)
- func Crypto_Random_Choice[T any](arr *[]T) (T, error)
- func Divmod(numerator, denominator int) (int, int)
- func GetPasteFileName_Common(prefix string, file_contents []byte, timestamp int64) string
- func Get_file_size(f *os.File) int64
- func Getxattr(path string, name string, data []byte) (int, error)
- func Int64_to_string(num int64) string
- func IsSameType(a, b interface{}) bool
- func LBSES_Get_bucket_filename(timestamp int64) string
- func LBSES_Parse_bucket_filename_to_timestamp(filename string) (int64, error)
- func LSPS_Parse_log_filename_to_number(filename string) (int64, error)
- func LoadStoredRecordsFromDisk(params *LSRFD_Params) (ConcurrentMap, *MapSizeFileManager)
- func Power_Naive(a, b int) int
- func Power_Slow(a, b, m int) int
- func PrintMemUsage()
- func PutEntry_Common(requested_length int, long_url string, value_type MapItemValueType, ...) (string, error)
- func ReplaceString(str string, replacement rune, index int) string
- func Retryfunc(taskname string, dotask retrylib_task, expected_duration time.Duration, ...)
- func Retryproc(procname string, expected_duration time.Duration, max_wait time.Duration)
- func ReverseString(s string) string
- func RunFuncEveryXSeconds(fn fn_type, run_interval_seconds int)
- func SetLogFile(filename string) *os.File
- func Setxattr(path string, name string, data []byte, flags int) error
- func String_to_int64(s string) (int64, error)
- func Use(vals ...interface{})
- func Validate_Timestamp_Common(timestamp_unix int64) error
- func Write_Entry_To_File(key string, value string, value_type MapItemValueType, timestamp int64, ...) error
- type BandwidthMonitor
- type Base53ErrorChecksumMismatch
- type Base53ErrorIllegalCharacter
- type Base53ErrorIllegalPair
- type Base53ErrorStrWithoutCsumTooLong
- type Base53ErrorStrWithoutCsumTooShort
- type Base53ID
- type Base53IDManager
- func (b53m *Base53IDManager) B53_generate_all_Base53IDs(n int) ([]Base53ID, error)
- func (b53m *Base53IDManager) B53_generate_all_Base53IDs_int64(n int) ([]uint64, error)
- func (b53m *Base53IDManager) B53_generate_all_Base53IDs_int64_optimized(n int, should_be_added_fn ShouldBase53IDBePlacedIntoSliceFn) ([]uint64, error)
- func (b53m *Base53IDManager) B53_generate_all_Base53IDs_int64_test(n int) ([]uint64, error)
- func (b53m *Base53IDManager) B53_generate_next_Base53ID(old_id Base53ID) (Base53ID, error)
- func (b53m *Base53IDManager) B53_generate_random_Base53ID(n int) (Base53ID, error)
- func (b53m *Base53IDManager) Convert_uint64_to_Base53ID(bigendian_uint64 uint64, length int) (*_base53ID_impl, error)
- func (b53m *Base53IDManager) Convert_uint64_to_byte_array(bigendian_uint64 uint64) []byte
- func (b53m *Base53IDManager) NewBase53ID(str_without_csum string, csum byte, remap bool) (*_base53ID_impl, error)
- type CEMItem
- type CEMNonExistentKeyError
- type CEPUMParams
- type CPMNonExistentKeyError
- type CPPUMParams
- type ConcurrentExpiringMap
- func (*ConcurrentExpiringMap) BeginConstruction(stored_map_length int64, expiry_callback ExpiryCallback) ConcurrentMap
- func (cem *ConcurrentExpiringMap) ContinueConstruction(key_str string, value_str string, expiry_time int64, ...)
- func (cem *ConcurrentExpiringMap) FinishConstruction()
- func (cem *ConcurrentExpiringMap) Get_Entry(key string) (MapItem, error)
- func (cem *ConcurrentExpiringMap) NumItems() int
- func (cem *ConcurrentExpiringMap) NumPastes() int
- func (cem *ConcurrentExpiringMap) Put_New_Entry(key string, value string, expiry_time int64, value_type MapItemValueType) error
- func (cem *ConcurrentExpiringMap) Remove_All_Expired(extra_keeparound_seconds int64)
- type ConcurrentExpiringPersistentURLMap
- func (manager *ConcurrentExpiringPersistentURLMap) GetEntry(short_url string) (MapItem, error)
- func (manager *ConcurrentExpiringPersistentURLMap) NumItems() int
- func (manager *ConcurrentExpiringPersistentURLMap) NumPastes() int
- func (manager *ConcurrentExpiringPersistentURLMap) PutEntry(requested_length int, long_url string, expiry_time int64, ...) (string, error)
- func (manager *ConcurrentExpiringPersistentURLMap) RemoveAllExpiredURLsFromDisk()
- func (manager *ConcurrentExpiringPersistentURLMap) RemoveAllExpiredURLsFromRAM()
- type ConcurrentMap
- type ConcurrentPermanentMap
- func (*ConcurrentPermanentMap) BeginConstruction(stored_map_length int64, expiry_callback ExpiryCallback) ConcurrentMap
- func (cpm *ConcurrentPermanentMap) ContinueConstruction(key_str string, value_str string, expiry_time int64, ...)
- func (cpm *ConcurrentPermanentMap) FinishConstruction()
- func (cpm *ConcurrentPermanentMap) Get_Entry(key string) (MapItem, error)
- func (cpm *ConcurrentPermanentMap) NumItems() int
- func (cpm *ConcurrentPermanentMap) NumPastes() int
- func (cpm *ConcurrentPermanentMap) Put_New_Entry(key string, value string, _ int64, item_value_type MapItemValueType) error
- type ConcurrentPersistentPermanentURLMap
- func (manager *ConcurrentPersistentPermanentURLMap) GetEntry(short_url string) (MapItem, error)
- func (manager *ConcurrentPersistentPermanentURLMap) NumItems() int
- func (manager *ConcurrentPersistentPermanentURLMap) NumPastes() int
- func (manager *ConcurrentPersistentPermanentURLMap) PrintInternalState()
- func (manager *ConcurrentPersistentPermanentURLMap) PutEntry(requested_length int, long_url string, _ int64, value_type MapItemValueType) (string, error)
- type CryptoRandomChoiceEmptySliceError
- type ERROR
- type ExpiringBucketStorage
- type ExpiringHeapItem
- type ExpiringHeapQueue
- type ExpiringMapItem
- type ExpiryCallback
- type FileEntry
- type GenericConcurrentPersistentMap
- type HandlerTypeEnum
- type KeyAlreadyExistsError
- type KeyExpiredError
- type LSRFD_Params
- type LogBucketStructuredExpiringStorage
- func (lbses *LogBucketStructuredExpiringStorage) AppendNewEntry(key string, value string, value_type MapItemValueType, expiry_time int64) error
- func (lbses *LogBucketStructuredExpiringStorage) DeleteExpiredLogFiles(extra_keeparound_seconds_disk int64)
- func (*LogBucketStructuredExpiringStorage) ValidateLogFilename(filename string) error
- type LogFileDeleter
- type LogStorage
- type LogStructuredPermanentStorage
- type LogStructuredStorage
- type MapItem
- type MapItem2
- type MapItemType
- type MapItemValueType
- type MapSizeFileManager
- type MapWithPastesCount
- type MapWithPastesCount_impl
- func (mwpc *MapWithPastesCount_impl[T]) DeleteKey(key string)
- func (mwpc *MapWithPastesCount_impl[T]) GetKey(key string) (T, error)
- func (mwpc *MapWithPastesCount_impl[T]) InsertNew(key string, value T) error
- func (mwpc *MapWithPastesCount_impl[T]) NumItems() int
- func (mwpc *MapWithPastesCount_impl[T]) NumPastes() int
- type NewBase53IDParams
- type NonExistentKeyError
- type PASTE_TYPE_t
- type PasteStorage
- type People
- type PermanentBucketStorage
- type PermanentMapItem
- type RESULT
- type RandomBag64
- type RandomBagEmptyError
- type SafeTLSAutoCertManager
- type ShouldBase53IDBePlacedIntoSliceFn
- type URLMap
- type URL_TYPE_t
- type ValidationResult
- type XattrParams
Constants ¶
const XATTR_1F604_FILESERVER_CAN_BE_SERVED = "user.1f604.fileserver.can_be_served"
Variables ¶
var IsAlnum = [256]byte{}/* 256 elements not displayed */
Character class lookup table
Functions ¶
func Assert_error_equals ¶
func BuildStruct ¶
func BuildStruct[T any]() *T
func Check_no_other_instances_running ¶
Users MUST keep a reference to the returned listener to ensure it does not get garbage-collected!!! This caveat applies regardless of whether you're using TCP, Unix, or some other socket!!
func Compute_String_Checksum ¶ added in v1.0.0
func Convert_str_to_uint64 ¶ added in v1.0.0
func Convert_uint64_to_str ¶ added in v1.0.0
func Copy_Slice_Into_150_Arr ¶
func Crypto_Rand_Alnum_String ¶ added in v1.7.0
Returns random string consisting of letters and numbers
func Crypto_Rand_Base64String ¶ added in v1.7.0
Returns random string consisting of letters and numbers
func Crypto_Randint ¶
This function works, I've manually tested it. Returns integers from 0 up to AND NOT INCLUDING max
func Crypto_Random_Choice ¶
This function works, I've manually tested it.
func GetPasteFileName_Common ¶ added in v1.11.1
func Get_file_size ¶
this function assumes file pointer is valid. We could probably make this more efficient by calculating the file size in-process instead of making syscall each time.
func Int64_to_string ¶
func IsSameType ¶ added in v1.0.0
func IsSameType(a, b interface{}) bool
This function works, I've manually tested it.
func LBSES_Get_bucket_filename ¶ added in v1.0.0
func LBSES_Parse_bucket_filename_to_timestamp ¶ added in v1.0.0
func LSPS_Parse_log_filename_to_number ¶ added in v1.0.0
func LoadStoredRecordsFromDisk ¶ added in v1.0.0
func LoadStoredRecordsFromDisk(params *LSRFD_Params) (ConcurrentMap, *MapSizeFileManager)
This is the one you want to use in production
func Power_Slow ¶
calculates a to the power of b mod m. If m is 0 then just returns a to the power of b. This function seems to create a memory leak, but it doesn't. Anyway, it's better to use custom power
func PrintMemUsage ¶
func PrintMemUsage()
PrintMemUsage outputs the current, total and OS memory being used. As well as the number of garage collection cycles completed.
func PutEntry_Common ¶ added in v1.0.0
func PutEntry_Common(requested_length int, long_url string, value_type MapItemValueType, timestamp int64, generate_strings_up_to int, slice_storage map[int]*RandomBag64, urlmap URLMap, b53m *Base53IDManager, log_storage LogStorage, paste_storage PasteStorage, map_size_persister *MapSizeFileManager, xattr_params *XattrParams) (string, error)
Shorten long URL into short URL and return the short URL and store the entry both in map and on disk
func ReverseString ¶
func RunFuncEveryXSeconds ¶ added in v1.0.0
func RunFuncEveryXSeconds(fn fn_type, run_interval_seconds int)
Does not tick shift - will run function precisely every X seconds even if function takes some time to run - as long as the function doesn't take too long of course.
Synchronous - next call cannot start until previous call has finished.
func String_to_int64 ¶
func Use ¶
func Use(vals ...interface{})
func Validate_Timestamp_Common ¶ added in v1.0.0
Returns error if unix timestamp is before 2023 or after the year 20,000
Otherwise returns nil
func Write_Entry_To_File ¶ added in v1.0.0
func Write_Entry_To_File(key string, value string, value_type MapItemValueType, timestamp int64, file_handle *os.File) error
IMPORTANT: This function DOES NOT close the file handle!!!
Types ¶
type BandwidthMonitor ¶
type BandwidthMonitor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BandwidthMonitor) GetTotalAllBytes ¶
func (bm *BandwidthMonitor) GetTotalAllBytes() int64
func (*BandwidthMonitor) GetTotalTXBytes ¶
func (bm *BandwidthMonitor) GetTotalTXBytes() int64
func (*BandwidthMonitor) RunThread ¶
func (bm *BandwidthMonitor) RunThread(time_interval_secs int)
type Base53ErrorChecksumMismatch ¶
type Base53ErrorChecksumMismatch struct{}
func (Base53ErrorChecksumMismatch) Error ¶
func (e Base53ErrorChecksumMismatch) Error() string
type Base53ErrorIllegalCharacter ¶
type Base53ErrorIllegalCharacter struct{}
func (Base53ErrorIllegalCharacter) Error ¶
func (e Base53ErrorIllegalCharacter) Error() string
type Base53ErrorIllegalPair ¶
type Base53ErrorIllegalPair struct{}
func (Base53ErrorIllegalPair) Error ¶
func (e Base53ErrorIllegalPair) Error() string
type Base53ErrorStrWithoutCsumTooLong ¶
type Base53ErrorStrWithoutCsumTooLong struct{}
func (Base53ErrorStrWithoutCsumTooLong) Error ¶
func (e Base53ErrorStrWithoutCsumTooLong) Error() string
type Base53ErrorStrWithoutCsumTooShort ¶
type Base53ErrorStrWithoutCsumTooShort struct{}
Custom error types
func (Base53ErrorStrWithoutCsumTooShort) Error ¶
func (e Base53ErrorStrWithoutCsumTooShort) Error() string
type Base53ID ¶
type Base53ID interface { GetStrWithoutCsum() string GetCsum() byte GetCombinedString() string Length() int }
type Base53IDManager ¶
type Base53IDManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBase53IDManager ¶
func NewBase53IDManager() *Base53IDManager
pregenerate means strings up to n characters will be pre-generated and stored in RandomBags for fast PopRandom and Push later.
func (*Base53IDManager) B53_generate_all_Base53IDs ¶
func (b53m *Base53IDManager) B53_generate_all_Base53IDs(n int) ([]Base53ID, error)
Generate all IDs of length n
func (*Base53IDManager) B53_generate_all_Base53IDs_int64 ¶
func (b53m *Base53IDManager) B53_generate_all_Base53IDs_int64(n int) ([]uint64, error)
func (*Base53IDManager) B53_generate_all_Base53IDs_int64_optimized ¶
func (b53m *Base53IDManager) B53_generate_all_Base53IDs_int64_optimized(n int, should_be_added_fn ShouldBase53IDBePlacedIntoSliceFn) ([]uint64, error)
Doesn't push it into slice if it's already in map.
func (*Base53IDManager) B53_generate_all_Base53IDs_int64_test ¶
func (b53m *Base53IDManager) B53_generate_all_Base53IDs_int64_test(n int) ([]uint64, error)
func (*Base53IDManager) B53_generate_next_Base53ID ¶
func (b53m *Base53IDManager) B53_generate_next_Base53ID(old_id Base53ID) (Base53ID, error)
func (*Base53IDManager) B53_generate_random_Base53ID ¶
func (b53m *Base53IDManager) B53_generate_random_Base53ID(n int) (Base53ID, error)
func (*Base53IDManager) Convert_uint64_to_Base53ID ¶
func (b53m *Base53IDManager) Convert_uint64_to_Base53ID(bigendian_uint64 uint64, length int) (*_base53ID_impl, error)
func (*Base53IDManager) Convert_uint64_to_byte_array ¶
func (b53m *Base53IDManager) Convert_uint64_to_byte_array(bigendian_uint64 uint64) []byte
func (*Base53IDManager) NewBase53ID ¶
func (b53m *Base53IDManager) NewBase53ID(str_without_csum string, csum byte, remap bool) (*_base53ID_impl, error)
Construction is validation.
type CEMNonExistentKeyError ¶ added in v1.0.0
type CEMNonExistentKeyError struct{}
func (CEMNonExistentKeyError) Error ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (e CEMNonExistentKeyError) Error() string
type CEPUMParams ¶ added in v1.0.0
type CEPUMParams struct { Expiry_check_interval_seconds_ram int Expiry_check_interval_seconds_disk int Extra_keeparound_seconds_ram int64 Extra_keeparound_seconds_disk int64 Bucket_interval int64 Bucket_directory_path_absolute string Paste_bucket_directory_path_absolute string Size_file_path_absolute string B53m *Base53IDManager Size_file_rounded_multiple int64 Generate_strings_up_to int Xattr_params *XattrParams }
type CPMNonExistentKeyError ¶ added in v1.0.0
type CPMNonExistentKeyError struct{}
func (CPMNonExistentKeyError) Error ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (e CPMNonExistentKeyError) Error() string
type CPPUMParams ¶ added in v1.0.0
type CPPUMParams struct { Log_directory_path_absolute string Bucket_directory_path_absolute string B53m *Base53IDManager Generate_strings_up_to int Log_file_max_size_bytes int64 Size_file_rounded_multiple int64 Size_file_path_absolute string Xattr_params *XattrParams }
type ConcurrentExpiringMap ¶
type ConcurrentExpiringMap struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
keys are strings
func NewConcurrentExpiringMapFromSlice ¶
func NewConcurrentExpiringMapFromSlice(expiry_callback ExpiryCallback, kv_pairs []CEMItem) *ConcurrentExpiringMap
func NewEmptyConcurrentExpiringMap ¶
func NewEmptyConcurrentExpiringMap(expiry_callback ExpiryCallback) *ConcurrentExpiringMap
func (*ConcurrentExpiringMap) BeginConstruction ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (*ConcurrentExpiringMap) BeginConstruction(stored_map_length int64, expiry_callback ExpiryCallback) ConcurrentMap
This method properly constructs the object
func (*ConcurrentExpiringMap) ContinueConstruction ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (cem *ConcurrentExpiringMap) ContinueConstruction(key_str string, value_str string, expiry_time int64, item_value_type MapItemValueType)
Caller must check that the key_str is not already in the map.
func (*ConcurrentExpiringMap) FinishConstruction ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (cem *ConcurrentExpiringMap) FinishConstruction()
func (*ConcurrentExpiringMap) Get_Entry ¶
func (cem *ConcurrentExpiringMap) Get_Entry(key string) (MapItem, error)
func (*ConcurrentExpiringMap) NumItems ¶
func (cem *ConcurrentExpiringMap) NumItems() int
func (*ConcurrentExpiringMap) NumPastes ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (cem *ConcurrentExpiringMap) NumPastes() int
func (*ConcurrentExpiringMap) Put_New_Entry ¶
func (cem *ConcurrentExpiringMap) Put_New_Entry(key string, value string, expiry_time int64, value_type MapItemValueType) error
Will only return an error if the key already exists.
func (*ConcurrentExpiringMap) Remove_All_Expired ¶
func (cem *ConcurrentExpiringMap) Remove_All_Expired(extra_keeparound_seconds int64)
keep links around for extra_keeparound_seconds just to tell people that the link has expired this function will remove 10 million entries in 3 seconds
type ConcurrentExpiringPersistentURLMap ¶ added in v1.0.0
type ConcurrentExpiringPersistentURLMap struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func CreateConcurrentExpiringPersistentURLMapFromDisk ¶ added in v1.0.0
func CreateConcurrentExpiringPersistentURLMapFromDisk(cepum_params *CEPUMParams) *ConcurrentExpiringPersistentURLMap
This is the one you want to use in production
func (*ConcurrentExpiringPersistentURLMap) GetEntry ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (manager *ConcurrentExpiringPersistentURLMap) GetEntry(short_url string) (MapItem, error)
func (*ConcurrentExpiringPersistentURLMap) NumItems ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (manager *ConcurrentExpiringPersistentURLMap) NumItems() int
func (manager *ConcurrentExpiringPersistentURLMap) PrintInternalState() { manager.mut.Lock() defer manager.mut.Unlock() log.Println(" ============ Printing CCPUM internal state ===========") log.Println("Printing slice_storage:") for k, v := range manager.slice_storage { log.Println("k,v:", k, *v) } log.Println(manager.map_storage) values := People{} for k, v := range manager.map_storage.m { values = append(values, MapItem2{k, v.value, v.expiry_time_unix}) } sort.Sort(values) for k, v := range values { fmt.Println("kv:", k, v) } fmt.Println("time now:", time.Now().Unix()) log.Println(" ------------------------------------------------------") }
func (*ConcurrentExpiringPersistentURLMap) NumPastes ¶ added in v1.9.0
func (manager *ConcurrentExpiringPersistentURLMap) NumPastes() int
func (*ConcurrentExpiringPersistentURLMap) PutEntry ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (manager *ConcurrentExpiringPersistentURLMap) PutEntry(requested_length int, long_url string, expiry_time int64, value_type MapItemValueType) (string, error)
Shorten long URL into short URL and return the short URL and store the entry both in map and on disk
func (*ConcurrentExpiringPersistentURLMap) RemoveAllExpiredURLsFromDisk ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (manager *ConcurrentExpiringPersistentURLMap) RemoveAllExpiredURLsFromDisk()
Removed expired URLs from disk every x seconds
func (*ConcurrentExpiringPersistentURLMap) RemoveAllExpiredURLsFromRAM ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (manager *ConcurrentExpiringPersistentURLMap) RemoveAllExpiredURLsFromRAM()
Removed expired URLs from map in RAM every x seconds
type ConcurrentMap ¶ added in v1.0.0
type ConcurrentMap interface { Get_Entry(string) (MapItem, error) BeginConstruction(int64, ExpiryCallback) ConcurrentMap ContinueConstruction(string, string, int64, MapItemValueType) FinishConstruction() NumItems() int NumPastes() int }
type ConcurrentPermanentMap ¶
type ConcurrentPermanentMap struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
keys are strings
func NewEmptyConcurrentPermanentMap ¶
func NewEmptyConcurrentPermanentMap() *ConcurrentPermanentMap
func (*ConcurrentPermanentMap) BeginConstruction ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (*ConcurrentPermanentMap) BeginConstruction(stored_map_length int64, expiry_callback ExpiryCallback) ConcurrentMap
You can call this on nil receiver
func (*ConcurrentPermanentMap) ContinueConstruction ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (cpm *ConcurrentPermanentMap) ContinueConstruction(key_str string, value_str string, expiry_time int64, item_value_type MapItemValueType)
Caller must check that the key_str is not already in the map.
func (*ConcurrentPermanentMap) FinishConstruction ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (cpm *ConcurrentPermanentMap) FinishConstruction()
func (*ConcurrentPermanentMap) Get_Entry ¶
func (cpm *ConcurrentPermanentMap) Get_Entry(key string) (MapItem, error)
func (*ConcurrentPermanentMap) NumItems ¶
func (cpm *ConcurrentPermanentMap) NumItems() int
func (*ConcurrentPermanentMap) NumPastes ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (cpm *ConcurrentPermanentMap) NumPastes() int
func (*ConcurrentPermanentMap) Put_New_Entry ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (cpm *ConcurrentPermanentMap) Put_New_Entry(key string, value string, _ int64, item_value_type MapItemValueType) error
Returns an error if the entry already exists, otherwise returns nil.
type ConcurrentPersistentPermanentURLMap ¶ added in v1.0.0
type ConcurrentPersistentPermanentURLMap struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func CreateConcurrentPersistentPermanentURLMapFromDisk ¶ added in v1.0.0
func CreateConcurrentPersistentPermanentURLMapFromDisk(cppum_params *CPPUMParams) *ConcurrentPersistentPermanentURLMap
This is the one you want to use in production
func (*ConcurrentPersistentPermanentURLMap) GetEntry ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (manager *ConcurrentPersistentPermanentURLMap) GetEntry(short_url string) (MapItem, error)
func (*ConcurrentPersistentPermanentURLMap) NumItems ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (manager *ConcurrentPersistentPermanentURLMap) NumItems() int
func (*ConcurrentPersistentPermanentURLMap) NumPastes ¶ added in v1.9.0
func (manager *ConcurrentPersistentPermanentURLMap) NumPastes() int
func (*ConcurrentPersistentPermanentURLMap) PrintInternalState ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (manager *ConcurrentPersistentPermanentURLMap) PrintInternalState()
func (*ConcurrentPersistentPermanentURLMap) PutEntry ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (manager *ConcurrentPersistentPermanentURLMap) PutEntry(requested_length int, long_url string, _ int64, value_type MapItemValueType) (string, error)
Shorten long URL into short URL and return the short URL and store the entry both in map and on disk
type CryptoRandomChoiceEmptySliceError ¶
type CryptoRandomChoiceEmptySliceError struct{}
Custom error types
func (CryptoRandomChoiceEmptySliceError) Error ¶
func (e CryptoRandomChoiceEmptySliceError) Error() string
type EXACT_MATCH_HANDLER_t struct{}
type ExpiringBucketStorage ¶ added in v1.7.0
type ExpiringBucketStorage struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewExpiringBucketStorage ¶ added in v1.7.0
func NewExpiringBucketStorage(bucket_directory_path_absolute string) *ExpiringBucketStorage
the bucket interval is the all-important parameter that determines the number of buckets and when buckets will be deleted the bucket interval is in Unix time (seconds). it means that all entries between two time points will go into one bucket when that bucket expires, it will be deleted example: if bucket interval is 100, then all timestamps from 0 to 100 will go into one bucket, all timestamps 100 to 200 will go into next bucket and so on bucketing is done simply by the / (round-to-zero division) operation. expiry time will be divided by the bucket interval and placed into appropriate bucket (log file) e.g. if bucket interval is 100, then all timestamps from 86400 to 86500 will go into bucket 865 e.g. if bucket interval is 200, then all timestamps from 1200 to 1400 will go into bucket 7, all timestamps from 1400 to 1600 will go to bucket 8 and so on. e.g. if bucket interval is 200, then bucket 200 holds all timestamps 0-199, bucket 400 holds all timestamps 200-399, bucket 600 holds 400-599, and so on. bucket files are named "expires_before_18400" where the last number is a unix timestamp
func (*ExpiringBucketStorage) InsertFile ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (ebs *ExpiringBucketStorage) InsertFile(file_contents []byte, expiry_time int64, xattr_params *XattrParams) string
Adds a new entry to the log file
Also important: Make sure the input does not contain carriage return or newline.
type ExpiringHeapItem ¶
type ExpiringHeapItem struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ExpiringHeapItem) String ¶
func (p ExpiringHeapItem) String() string
type ExpiringHeapQueue ¶
type ExpiringHeapQueue []*ExpiringHeapItem
============= All this stuff is just to implement the interface required by heap ===================
func (ExpiringHeapQueue) Len ¶
func (pq ExpiringHeapQueue) Len() int
func (ExpiringHeapQueue) Less ¶
func (pq ExpiringHeapQueue) Less(i, j int) bool
func (*ExpiringHeapQueue) Pop ¶
func (pq *ExpiringHeapQueue) Pop() any
func (*ExpiringHeapQueue) Push ¶
func (pq *ExpiringHeapQueue) Push(x any)
func (ExpiringHeapQueue) Swap ¶
func (pq ExpiringHeapQueue) Swap(i, j int)
type ExpiringMapItem ¶
type ExpiringMapItem struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewTestExpiringMapItem ¶ added in v1.8.0
func NewTestExpiringMapItem(value string, valuetype MapItemValueType, timestamp int64) *ExpiringMapItem
func (*ExpiringMapItem) GetExpiryTime ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (emi *ExpiringMapItem) GetExpiryTime() int64
func (*ExpiringMapItem) GetType ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (emi *ExpiringMapItem) GetType() MapItemType
func (*ExpiringMapItem) GetValue ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (emi *ExpiringMapItem) GetValue() string
func (*ExpiringMapItem) MapItemToString ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (emi *ExpiringMapItem) MapItemToString() string
func (ExpiringMapItem) String ¶
func (p ExpiringMapItem) String() string
type ExpiryCallback ¶
type GenericConcurrentPersistentMap ¶ added in v1.9.0
type HandlerTypeEnum ¶
type HandlerTypeEnum interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
type KeyAlreadyExistsError ¶
type KeyAlreadyExistsError struct{}
func (KeyAlreadyExistsError) Error ¶
func (e KeyAlreadyExistsError) Error() string
type KeyExpiredError ¶
type KeyExpiredError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (KeyExpiredError) Error ¶
func (e KeyExpiredError) Error() string
type LSRFD_Params ¶ added in v1.0.0
type LSRFD_Params struct { B53m *Base53IDManager Log_directory_path_absolute string Size_file_path_absolute string Entry_should_be_deleted_fn func(int64) bool Lss LogStructuredStorage Expiry_callback ExpiryCallback Slice_storage map[int]*RandomBag64 Nil_ptr ConcurrentMap Size_file_rounded_multiple int64 Generate_strings_up_to int }
type LogBucketStructuredExpiringStorage ¶ added in v1.0.0
type LogBucketStructuredExpiringStorage struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewLogBucketStructuredExpiringStorage ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewLogBucketStructuredExpiringStorage(bucket_interval int64, bucket_directory_path_absolute string) *LogBucketStructuredExpiringStorage
the bucket interval is the all-important parameter that determines the number of buckets and when buckets will be deleted the bucket interval is in Unix time (seconds). it means that all entries between two time points will go into one bucket when that bucket expires, it will be deleted example: if bucket interval is 100, then all timestamps from 0 to 100 will go into one bucket, all timestamps 100 to 200 will go into next bucket and so on bucketing is done simply by the / (round-to-zero division) operation. expiry time will be divided by the bucket interval and placed into appropriate bucket (log file) e.g. if bucket interval is 100, then all timestamps from 86400 to 86500 will go into bucket 865 e.g. if bucket interval is 200, then all timestamps from 1200 to 1400 will go into bucket 7, all timestamps from 1400 to 1600 will go to bucket 8 and so on. e.g. if bucket interval is 200, then bucket 200 holds all timestamps 0-199, bucket 400 holds all timestamps 200-399, bucket 600 holds 400-599, and so on. bucket files are named "expires_before_18400" where the last number is a unix timestamp
func (*LogBucketStructuredExpiringStorage) AppendNewEntry ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (lbses *LogBucketStructuredExpiringStorage) AppendNewEntry(key string, value string, value_type MapItemValueType, expiry_time int64) error
Adds a new entry to the log file
Also important: Make sure the input does not contain carriage return or newline.
func (*LogBucketStructuredExpiringStorage) DeleteExpiredLogFiles ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (lbses *LogBucketStructuredExpiringStorage) DeleteExpiredLogFiles(extra_keeparound_seconds_disk int64)
Delete expired buckets (log files) extra_keeparound_seconds_disk defines how long to keep around log files after they expired
func (*LogBucketStructuredExpiringStorage) ValidateLogFilename ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (*LogBucketStructuredExpiringStorage) ValidateLogFilename(filename string) error
Can be called with nil receiver.
type LogFileDeleter ¶
type LogFileDeleter struct { AbsoluteDirectoryPath string CurrentLogFileName string DirectorySizeLimitBytes int64 }
func NewLogFileDeleter ¶
func NewLogFileDeleter(directory_path string, size_limit int64, log_file_name string) *LogFileDeleter
func (*LogFileDeleter) Delete_Excess_Files ¶
func (lfd *LogFileDeleter) Delete_Excess_Files()
func (*LogFileDeleter) RunThread ¶
func (lfd *LogFileDeleter) RunThread(time_interval_secs int)
type LogStorage ¶ added in v1.0.0
type LogStorage interface {
AppendNewEntry(string, string, MapItemValueType, int64) error
type LogStructuredPermanentStorage ¶ added in v1.0.0
type LogStructuredPermanentStorage struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewLogStructuredPermanentStorage ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewLogStructuredPermanentStorage(log_file_max_size int64, log_directory_path_absolute string) *LogStructuredPermanentStorage
Works just like the log rotation library - once log file reaches the max size, create a new log file Except we don't need any clever naming scheme, just an increasing number will do, since we're going to read in every file on startup anyway The increasing number naming scheme is actually good for cloud backups since we can just send the highest numbered file every time
func (*LogStructuredPermanentStorage) AppendNewEntry ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (lsps *LogStructuredPermanentStorage) AppendNewEntry(key string, value string, value_type MapItemValueType, generation_time_unix int64) error
Adds a new entry to the log file
Also important: Make sure the input does not contain carriage return or newline.
func (*LogStructuredPermanentStorage) ValidateLogFilename ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (*LogStructuredPermanentStorage) ValidateLogFilename(filename string) error
Can be called with nil receiver.
type LogStructuredStorage ¶ added in v1.0.0
type MapItem ¶ added in v1.0.0
type MapItem interface { MapItemToString() string GetValue() string GetExpiryTime() int64 GetType() MapItemType }
func GetEntryCommon ¶ added in v1.0.0
func GetEntryCommon(cm ConcurrentMap, short_url string) (MapItem, error)
type MapItemType ¶ added in v1.7.0
type MapItemType struct { IsTemporary bool // if it's not temporary then it's permanent ValueType MapItemValueType }
type MapItemValueType ¶ added in v1.7.0
type MapItemValueType interface { ToString() string // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type MapSizeFileManager ¶ added in v1.0.0
type MapSizeFileManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewMapSizeFileManager ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewMapSizeFileManager(size_file_path_absolute string, size_multiple int64) *MapSizeFileManager
func (*MapSizeFileManager) UpdateMapSizeRounded ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (msfm *MapSizeFileManager) UpdateMapSizeRounded(actual_size int64)
rounds to the nearest size
You can call this function as many times as you like, since it only updates file if rounded size has changed.
type MapWithPastesCount ¶ added in v1.8.0
type MapWithPastesCount[T MapItem] interface { InsertNew(key string, value T) error GetKey(key string) (T, error) DeleteKey(key string) NumPastes() int NumItems() int }
Users of this map are expected to access it with a mutex.
func NewMapWithPastesCount ¶ added in v1.8.0
func NewMapWithPastesCount[T MapItem](size int64) MapWithPastesCount[T]
type MapWithPastesCount_impl ¶ added in v1.8.0
type MapWithPastesCount_impl[T MapItem] struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MapWithPastesCount_impl[T]) DeleteKey ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (mwpc *MapWithPastesCount_impl[T]) DeleteKey(key string)
func (*MapWithPastesCount_impl[T]) GetKey ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (mwpc *MapWithPastesCount_impl[T]) GetKey(key string) (T, error)
func (*MapWithPastesCount_impl[T]) InsertNew ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (mwpc *MapWithPastesCount_impl[T]) InsertNew(key string, value T) error
func (*MapWithPastesCount_impl[T]) NumItems ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (mwpc *MapWithPastesCount_impl[T]) NumItems() int
func (*MapWithPastesCount_impl[T]) NumPastes ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (mwpc *MapWithPastesCount_impl[T]) NumPastes() int
type NewBase53IDParams ¶
inspired by StripeIntentParams
type NonExistentKeyError ¶
type NonExistentKeyError interface {
NonExistentKeyError() string
type PASTE_TYPE_t ¶ added in v1.7.0
type PASTE_TYPE_t struct{}
func (PASTE_TYPE_t) ToString ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (PASTE_TYPE_t) ToString() string
type PasteStorage ¶ added in v1.7.2
type PasteStorage interface {
InsertFile([]byte, int64, *XattrParams) string
type People ¶ added in v1.0.0
type People []MapItem2
Define a slice of Person structs
type PermanentBucketStorage ¶ added in v1.7.2
type PermanentBucketStorage struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPermanentBucketStorage ¶ added in v1.7.2
func NewPermanentBucketStorage(bucket_directory_path_absolute string) *PermanentBucketStorage
the bucket interval is the all-important parameter that determines the number of buckets and when buckets will be deleted the bucket interval is in Unix time (seconds). it means that all entries between two time points will go into one bucket when that bucket expires, it will be deleted example: if bucket interval is 100, then all timestamps from 0 to 100 will go into one bucket, all timestamps 100 to 200 will go into next bucket and so on bucketing is done simply by the / (round-to-zero division) operation. expiry time will be divided by the bucket interval and placed into appropriate bucket (log file) e.g. if bucket interval is 100, then all timestamps from 86400 to 86500 will go into bucket 865 e.g. if bucket interval is 200, then all timestamps from 1200 to 1400 will go into bucket 7, all timestamps from 1400 to 1600 will go to bucket 8 and so on. e.g. if bucket interval is 200, then bucket 200 holds all timestamps 0-199, bucket 400 holds all timestamps 200-399, bucket 600 holds 400-599, and so on. bucket files are named "expires_before_18400" where the last number is a unix timestamp
func (*PermanentBucketStorage) InsertFile ¶ added in v1.7.2
func (pbs *PermanentBucketStorage) InsertFile(file_contents []byte, _ int64, xattr_params *XattrParams) string
type PermanentMapItem ¶ added in v1.0.0
type PermanentMapItem struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*PermanentMapItem) GetExpiryTime ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (emi *PermanentMapItem) GetExpiryTime() int64
func (*PermanentMapItem) GetType ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (pmi *PermanentMapItem) GetType() MapItemType
func (*PermanentMapItem) GetValue ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (pmi *PermanentMapItem) GetValue() string
func (*PermanentMapItem) MapItemToString ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (pmi *PermanentMapItem) MapItemToString() string
type RandomBag64 ¶
type RandomBag64 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func CreateRandomBagFromSlice ¶
func CreateRandomBagFromSlice(items []uint64) *RandomBag64
The RandomBag steals the slice that you pass to it. You should not use the slice anywhere afterwards.
func (*RandomBag64) PopRandom ¶
func (rb *RandomBag64) PopRandom() (uint64, error)
Removes from array and swaps last element into it
Will only return an error if the bag is empty.
func (*RandomBag64) Size ¶
func (rb *RandomBag64) Size() int
type RandomBagEmptyError ¶
type RandomBagEmptyError struct{}
func (RandomBagEmptyError) Error ¶
func (e RandomBagEmptyError) Error() string
type SafeTLSAutoCertManager ¶
type SafeTLSAutoCertManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSafeAutoCertManager ¶
func NewSafeAutoCertManager(tls_email_address string, ssl_cache_dir string, hostnames_whitelist []string) *SafeTLSAutoCertManager
func (*SafeTLSAutoCertManager) GetSecureTLSConfig ¶
func (m *SafeTLSAutoCertManager) GetSecureTLSConfig() *tls.Config
SecureTLSConfig creates a new secure TLS config suitable for net/http.Server servers, supporting HTTP/2 and the tls-alpn-01 ACME challenge type.
type ShouldBase53IDBePlacedIntoSliceFn ¶ added in v1.0.0
type URL_TYPE_t ¶ added in v1.7.0
type URL_TYPE_t struct{}
func (URL_TYPE_t) ToString ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (URL_TYPE_t) ToString() string
type ValidationResult ¶
type XattrParams ¶ added in v1.12.0
Source Files
- BucketStorageExpiring.go
- BucketStoragePermanent.go
- ConcurrentExpiringMap.go
- ConcurrentPermanentMap.go
- ConcurrentPersistentExpiringURLMap.go
- ConcurrentPersistentPermanentURLMap.go
- ConcurrentPersistentURLMap_common.go
- GenericMapWithPastesCounter.go
- LogBucketStructuredExpiringStorage.go
- LogBucket_utils.go
- LogFileDeleter.go
- LogStructuredPermanentStorage.go
- LogStructuredStorage_Interface.go
- MapSizePersistenceManager.go
- RandomBag64.go
- Type_Safe_Enums.go
- bandwidth_monitor.go
- base53.go
- constants.go
- misc.go
- safe_tls_autocert_manager.go
- singleton.go
- testing.go
Path | Synopsis |
Checks that JSON file does not contain any fields that are not in the struct
Checks that JSON file does not contain any fields that are not in the struct |
Create 200k files in one directory vs 200k files in 100 separate directories See if speed of accessing files is affected
Create 200k files in one directory vs 200k files in 100 separate directories See if speed of accessing files is affected |
Defends against directory traversal attacks
Defends against directory traversal attacks |