Ergonomadic is an IRC daemon written from scratch in Go. Pull requests and
issues are welcome. Discuss it here or on Freenode in #ergonomadic.
Some Features
- follows the RFCs where possible
- UTF-8 nick and channel names
- gcfg gitconfig-style configuration
- server password (PASS command)
- channels with most standard modes
- IRC operators (OPER command)
- haproxy PROXY protocol header for hostname setting
- passwords stored in bcrypt format
- channels that persist between restarts (+P)
- messages are queued in the same order to all connected clients
If anyone is running and using this software, I'd love to link to you here with
any details you deem appropriate.
I wanted to learn Go.
What's with the name?
"Ergonomadic" is an anagram of "Go IRC Daemon".
What about SSL/TLS support?
Go has a not-yet-verified-as-safe TLS 1.2 implementation. Sadly, many popular
IRC clients will negotiate nothing newer than SSLv2. If you want to use SSL to
protect traffic, I recommend using stunnel version 4.56 with
haproxy's PROXY protocol. This will allow the server to get the
client's original addresses for hostname lookups.
What about federation?
IRC federation solves a problem that was more likely to occur on the internet of
1991 than today. We are exploring alternatives to federation that avoid nickname
and channel sync issues created during netsplits.
go get
go install
ergonomadic initdb -conf ergonomadic.conf
See the example ergonomadic.conf
. Passwords are base64-encoded bcrypted byte
strings. You can generate them with the genpasswd
ergonomadic genpasswd 'hunter2!'
Running the Server
ergonomadic run -conf ergonomadic.conf
IRC Documentation