DMVP2P: Donate Monero Via P2Pool
DMVP2P allows you to donate monero to your favorite projects/organisations/individuals using your cpu and the magic of P2Pool
Builds for Linux and Windows are available in the releases page
You can also build the project from source by follow these steps:
(You will have to have go installed)
git clone
cd dmvp2p
go mod tidy
go run .
OR go build .
How can I add myself to get donations?
Edit users.json fill in your details, and create a PR. (you can also contact me and I'll add you contact)
Here is an example of a user:
"name": "4rkal",
"github": "4rkal",
"x": "4rkal_",
"website": "",
"address": "425evPnXucaJcAvgYbcasrYJ5k1qUEB7gAB4DSS7nM73hcxMgf3L9fzQCRA441tZbAcSXhRR4DDxT5B3oxBKbnns9A5Z4mi",
"description": "Programmer, blogger, crypto user."
NOTE: because of the way that P2Pool works the address must be a primary address! (starting in 4 and not 8)