Bullshit-free MTPROTO proxy for Telegram

Please see a guide on upgrading to 1.0 at the end of this README.
There are several available proxies for Telegram MTPROTO available. Here
are the most notable:
Almost all of them follow the way how official proxy was built. This
includes support of multiple secrets, support of promoted channels, etc.
mtg is an implementation in golang which is intended to be:
- Lightweight
It has to consume as few resources as possible but not by losing
- Easily deployable
I strongly believe that Telegram proxies should follow the way of
ShadowSocks: promoted channels is a strange way of doing business
I suppose. I think the only viable way is to have a proxy with
minimum configuration which should work everywhere.
- A single secret
I think that multiple secrets solve no problems and just complexify
software. I also believe that in the case of throwout proxies, this
feature is a useless luxury.
- Minimum docker image size
Official image is less than 3.5 megabytes. Literally.
- No management WebUI
This is an implementation of a simple lightweight proxy. I won't do that.
This proxy supports 2 modes of work: direct connection to Telegram and
promoted channel mode. If you do not need promoted channels, I would
recommend you to go with direct mode: this way is more robust.
To run a proxy in direct mode, all you need to do is just provide a
secret. If you do not provide ADTag as a second parameter, promoted
channels mode won't be activated.
To get promoted channel, please contact
@MTProxybot and provide generated adtag as a
second parameter.
Source code organization
There are 2 main branches:
branch contains potentially unstable features
branch contains stable version. Usually you want to use this branch.
How to build
If you want to build for another platform:
make crosscompile
If you want to build Docker image (called mtg
make docker
Docker image
Docker follows the same policy as the source code organization:
mirrors the master branch
mirrors the stable branch
- tags are for tagged releases
docker pull nineseconds/mtg:latest
docker pull nineseconds/mtg:stable
docker pull nineseconds/mtg:0.10
Ansible role
You can find unofficial Ansible role for mtg here:
Also, there is another project on Ansible Galaxy:
To run this tool you need to configure as less as possible. Telegram
clients support 3 different secret types:
- Simple - basically, it is just a flow of frames ciphered by AES-CTR stream
- Secured - the same stream as simple but with some random noise to prevent
statistical analysis of traffic flow.
- FakeTLS - this mode envelops telegram stream in TLS so it looks (in theory)
the same as any TLS1.3 traffic from DPI point of view.
If you do not have preferences, go with FakeTLS or at least secured.
Simple mode is a little bit naive and traffic flow can be easily
identified as Telegram one.
Unlike the rest of implementation, mtg is quite strict about the
execution mode: if you run a proxy instance with FakeTLS secret, you
can't connect to it with simple or secured clients. You can't connect
to the proxy with secured secret with FakeTLS key. It forces one mode
of working. So, unfortunately, there is no way how to connect to the
deployed proxy with another secret (if you know how to construct and
convert them). But at the same time, old clients can't connect so they
won't expose the type of the service.
First, you need to generate a secret:
$ mtg generate-secret simple
$ mtg generate-secret secured
$ mtg generate-secret -c tls
Or, if you prefer docker:
$ docker run --rm nineseconds/mtg generate-secret tls -c
Antireplay cache
To prevent replay attacks, we have internal storage of first frames
messages for connected clients. These frames are generated randomly
by design and we have the negligible possibility of duplication
(probability is 1/(2^64)) but it could be quite effective to prevent
It is possible to disable this cache. To do that, please explicitly set
its size to 0.
If you run this a proxy in faketls mode, this proxy will try to hide
itself cloaking a host provided as a part of the generated secret. It
means that if you cloak then you can curl this proxy and
you'll get a response back.
mtg proxies L3 traffic. In other words, only TCP, without interfering in
TLS, HTTP or any other high-level protocol.
Environment variables
It is possible to configure this tool using environment variables. You
can configure any flag but not secret or adtag. Here is the list of
supported environment variables:
Environment variable |
Corresponding flags |
Default value |
Description |
-d , --debug |
false |
Run in debug mode. Usually, you need to run in this mode only if you develop this tool or its maintainer is asking you to provide logs with such verbosity. |
-v , --verbose |
false |
Run in verbose mode. This is way less chatty than debug mode. |
-b , --bind | |
Which host/port pair should we bind to (listen on). |
-4 , --public-ipv4 |
Autodetect |
IPv4 address:port of this proxy. This is required if you NAT your proxy or run it in a docker container. In that case, you absolutely need to specify public IPv4 address of the proxy, otherwise either URLs will be broken or proxy could not access Telegram middle proxies. |
-6 , --public-ipv6 |
Autodetect |
IPv6 address:port of this proxy. This is required if you NAT your proxy or run it in a docker container. In that case, you absolutely need to specify public IPv6 address of the proxy, otherwise either URLs will be broken or proxy could not access Telegram middle proxies. |
-t , --stats-bind | |
Which hist:port should we bind the internal statistics HTTP server (Prometheus). |
--stats-namespace |
mtg |
Which namespace should be used for prometheus metrics. |
--statsd-addr |
IP:host addresses of statsd service. No defaults, by defaults we do not send anything there. |
--statsd-port |
8125 |
Which port should we use to work with statsd. |
--statsd-prefix |
mtg |
Which bucket prefix we should use. For example, if you set mtg , then metric traffic.ingress would be send as mtg.traffic.ingress . |
--statsd-tags-format |
Which tags format we should use. By default, we are using default vanilla statsd tags format but if you want to send directly to InfluxDB or Datadog, please specify it there. Possible options are influxdb and datadog . |
--statsd-tags |
Which tags should we send to statsd with our metrics. Please specify them as key=value pairs. |
-w , --write-buffer |
32KB |
The size of TCP write buffer in bytes. Write buffer is the buffer for messages which are going from client to Telegram. |
-r , --read-buffer |
32KB |
The size of TCP read buffer in bytes. Read buffer is the buffer for messages from Telegram to client. |
--anti-replay-max-size |
128MB |
Max size of antireplay cache. |
--cloak-port |
443 |
Which port we should use to connect to cloaked host in FakeTLS mode. |
--multiplex-per-connection |
50 |
How many client connections can share a single Telegram connection in adtag mode |
--ntp-server |
default pool |
A list of NTP servers to use. |
--prefer-ip |
ipv6 |
Which IP protocol to prefer if possible. Works mostly in direct mode. |
Usually you want to modify only read/write buffer sizes. If you feel
that proxy is slow, try to increase both sizes giving more priority to
read buffer.
Unfortunately, MTPROTO proxy protocol does not allow us to use splice
or any other neat tricks how to eliminate the need of copying data into
Now run the tool:
$ mtg run <secret>
How to run the tool with ADTag:
$ mtg run <secret> <adtag>
This tool will listen on port 3128 by default with the given secret.
oneliner to run this proxy
Please ensure that docker is installed. After that just execute
curl -sfL --compressed | bash
statsd integration
mtg provides an integration with statsd, you can enable it with command
line interface. To enable it, you have to provide IP address of statsd
Out of the box, mtg supports 2 additional dialects: InfluxDB
and Datadog.
All metrics are gauges. Here is the list of metrics and their meaning:
Metric name |
Unit |
Description |
connections |
number |
The number of active connections. |
telegram_connections |
number |
The number of active telegram connections. |
crashes |
number |
An amount of crashes in client handlers. |
traffic.egress |
bytes |
Traffic from the start of application. |
replay_attacks |
number |
The number of prevented replay attacks. |
All metrics are prefixed with given prefix. Default prefix is mtg
Also, metrics provide tags (ipv4/ipv6, dc indexes etc).
Prometheus integration
Prometheus integration comes out of
the box, you do not need to setup anything special.
Upgrade to 1.0
Version 1.0 breaks compatibility with previous versions so please read
this chapter carefully:
- mtg now uses subcommands. Please use
mtg run
instead of just
to run a proxy.
- Options which set host and port separately were removed in a
favor of fused
- Own stats server was removed. Prometheus endpoint is moved to
default stats endpoint.
- It is possible to connect to this proxy only with a secret which
was used to run it. So, no backward compatibility of clients.
- Multiplexing involves connectivity with middle proxies and involves
the most complex code path of this proxy. To avoid potential bugs,
we still recommend using direct mode.