
v0.0.0-...-214bf7a Latest Latest

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Published: Oct 18, 2023 License: GPL-3.0 Imports: 0 Imported by: 0




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const (
	Certificate      string = "Certificate"
	Secret           string = "Client Secret"
	UsernamePassword string = "Username and Password"
View Source
const (
	TLS1_0 MinimumTlsVersion    = "TLS1_0"
	TLS1_1 MinimumTlsVersion    = "TLS1_1"
	TLS1_2 MinimumTlsVersion    = "TLS1_2"
	TLS10  SupportedTlsVersions = "1.0"
	TLS11  SupportedTlsVersions = "1.1"
	TLS12  SupportedTlsVersions = "1.2"


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type AccessType

type AccessType string
const (
	AccessTypeScope AccessType = "Scope"
	AccessTypeRole  AccessType = "Role"

type AccountImmutabilityPolicyState

type AccountImmutabilityPolicyState string
const (
	DisabledState AccountImmutabilityPolicyState = "Disabled"
	LockedState   AccountImmutabilityPolicyState = "Locked"
	UnlockedState AccountImmutabilityPolicyState = "Unlocked"

type AccountStatus

type AccountStatus string
const (
	AvailableStatus   AccountStatus = "available"
	UnavailableStatus AccountStatus = "unavailable"

type AgeGroup

type AgeGroup string
const (
	AgeGroupMinor    AgeGroup = "minor"
	AgeGroupNotAdult AgeGroup = "notAdult"
	AgeGroupAdult    AgeGroup = "adult"

type AllowedCopyScope

type AllowedCopyScope string
const (
	AADScope         AllowedCopyScope = "AAD"
	PrivateLinkScope AllowedCopyScope = "PrivateLink"

type AuthMethod

type AuthMethod = string

func AuthMethods

func AuthMethods() []AuthMethod

type AutoHealActionType

type AutoHealActionType string
const (
	CustomActionType   AutoHealActionType = "CustomAction"
	LogEventActionType AutoHealActionType = "LogEvent"
	RecycleActionType  AutoHealActionType = "Recycle"

type AutoReplyStatus

type AutoReplyStatus string
const (
	AutoReplyStatusDisabled      AutoReplyStatus = "disabled"
	AutoReplyStatusAlwaysEnabled AutoReplyStatus = "alwaysEnabled"
	AutoReplyStatusScheduled     AutoReplyStatus = "scheduled"

type AutomationAccountIdentityType

type AutomationAccountIdentityType string
const (
	ApplicationIdentityType AutomationAccountIdentityType = "Application"
	KeyIdentityType         AutomationAccountIdentityType = "Key"
	ManagedIdentityType     AutomationAccountIdentityType = "ManagedIdentity"
	UserIdentityType        AutomationAccountIdentityType = "User"

type AutomationAccountState

type AutomationAccountState string
const (
	OkState          AutomationAccountState = "Ok"
	SuspendedState   AutomationAccountState = "Suspended"
	UnavailableState AutomationAccountState = "Unavailable"

type AzureStorageState

type AzureStorageState string
const (
	InvalidCredentialsStorageState AzureStorageState = "InvalidCredentials"
	InvalidShareStorageState       AzureStorageState = "InvalidShare"
	NotValidatedStorageState       AzureStorageState = "NotValidated"
	OkStorageState                 AzureStorageState = "Ok"

type AzureStorageType

type AzureStorageType string
const (
	AzureBlobStorageType  AzureStorageType = "AzureBlob"
	AzureFilesStorageType AzureStorageType = "AzureFiles"

type BlobRestoreProgressStatus

type BlobRestoreProgressStatus string
const (
	CompletedStatus BlobRestoreProgressStatus = "Complete"
	FailedStatus    BlobRestoreProgressStatus = "Failed"
	InProgress      BlobRestoreProgressStatus = "InProgress"

type BypassOption

type BypassOption string

Tells what traffic can bypass network rules. This can be 'AzureServices' or 'None'. If not specified the default is 'AzureServices'.

const (
	BypassOptionAzureServices BypassOption = "AzureServices"
	BypassOptionNone          BypassOption = "None"

type CapabiltyStatus

type CapabiltyStatus string
const (
	// Available for normal use.
	CapabiltyStatusEnabled CapabiltyStatus = "Enabled"

	// Available for normal use but is in a grace period.
	CapabiltyStatusWarning CapabiltyStatus = "Warning"

	// Unavailable but any data associated with the capability must be preserved.
	CapabiltyStatusSuspended CapabiltyStatus = "Suspended"

	// Unavailable and any data associated with the capability may be deleted.
	CapabiltyStatusDeleted CapabiltyStatus = "Deleted"

	// Unavailable for all administrators and users but any data associated with the capability must be preserved.
	CapabiltyStatusLockedOut CapabiltyStatus = "LockedOut"

type ClientCertMode

type ClientCertMode string
const (
	OptionalClientCertMode                ClientCertMode = "Optional"
	OptionalInteractiveUserClientCertMode ClientCertMode = "OptionalInteractiveUser"
	RequiredClientCertMode                ClientCertMode = "Required"

type ConnectionStringType

type ConnectionStringType string
const (
	ApiHubConnectionStringType          ConnectionStringType = "ApiHub"
	CustomConnectionStringType          ConnectionStringType = "Custom"
	DocDbConnectionStringType           ConnectionStringType = "DocDb"
	EventHubConnectionStringType        ConnectionStringType = "EventHub"
	MySqlConnectionStringType           ConnectionStringType = "MySql"
	NotificationHubConnectionStringType ConnectionStringType = "NotificationHub"
	PostgreSQLConnectionStringType      ConnectionStringType = "PostgreSQL"
	RedisCacheConnectionStringType      ConnectionStringType = "RedisCache"
	SQLAzureConnectionStringType        ConnectionStringType = "SQLAzure"
	SQLServerConnectionStringType       ConnectionStringType = "SQLServer"
	ServiceBusConnectionStringType      ConnectionStringType = "ServiceBus"

type ConsentForMinor

type ConsentForMinor string
const (
	// Consent has been obtained for the user to have an account.
	ConsentForMinorGranted ConsentForMinor = "granted"

	// Consent has not been obtained for the user to have an account.
	ConsentForMinorDenied ConsentForMinor = "denied"

	// The user is from a location that does not require consent.
	ConsentForMinorNotRequired ConsentForMinor = "notRequired"

type CreateMode

type CreateMode string

The vault's create mode to indicate whether the vault need to be recovered or not.

const (
	CreateModeDefault CreateMode = "default"
	CreateModeRecover CreateMode = "recover"

type CreationType

type CreationType string
const (
	// User was created as an external account.
	CreationTypeInvitation CreationType = "Invitation"

	// User was created as a local account for an Azure AD B2C tenant.
	CreationTypeLocalAccount CreationType = "LocalAccount"

	// User was created through self-service sign-up by an internal user using email verification.
	CreationTypeEmailVerified CreationType = "EmailVerified"

	// User was created through self-service sign-up by an external user signing up through a link that is part of a
	// user flow.
	CreationTypeSelfServiceSignUp CreationType = "SelfServiceSignUp"

type DayOfWeek

type DayOfWeek string
const (
	DayOfWeekMonday    DayOfWeek = "monday"
	DayOfWeekTuesday   DayOfWeek = "tuesday"
	DayOfWeekWednesday DayOfWeek = "wednesday"
	DayOfWeekThursday  DayOfWeek = "thursday"
	DayOfWeekFriday    DayOfWeek = "friday"
	DayOfWeekSaturday  DayOfWeek = "saturday"
	DayOfWeekSunday    DayOfWeek = "sunday"

type DefaultSharePermission

type DefaultSharePermission string
const (
	NoPermission             DefaultSharePermission = "None"
	ShareContributor         DefaultSharePermission = "StorageFileDataSmbShareContributor"
	ShareElevatedContributor DefaultSharePermission = "StorageFileDataSmbShareElevatedContributor"
	ShareReader              DefaultSharePermission = "StorageFileDataSmbShareReader"

type DeviceProfile

type DeviceProfile string
const (
	DeviceProfileRegisteredDevice DeviceProfile = "RegisteredDevice"
	DeviceProfileSecureVM         DeviceProfile = "SecureVM"
	DeviceProfilePrinter          DeviceProfile = "Printer"
	DeviceProfileShared           DeviceProfile = "Shared"
	DeviceProfileIoT              DeviceProfile = "IoT"

type DirectoryServiceOptions

type DirectoryServiceOptions string
const (
	AADDSService DirectoryServiceOptions = "AADDS"
	ADService    DirectoryServiceOptions = "AD"
	NoService    DirectoryServiceOptions = "None"

type DnsEndpointType

type DnsEndpointType string
const (
	AzureDnsZone DnsEndpointType = "AzureDnsZone"
	StandardZone DnsEndpointType = "Standard"

type EncryptionKeySourceType

type EncryptionKeySourceType string
const (
	AutomationSource EncryptionKeySourceType = "Microsoft.Automation"
	KeyvaultSource   EncryptionKeySourceType = "Microsoft.Keyvault"
	StorageSource    EncryptionKeySourceType = "Microsoft.Storage"

type EncryptionKeyType

type EncryptionKeyType string
const (
	AccountKeyType EncryptionKeyType = "Account"
	ServiceKeyType EncryptionKeyType = "Service"

type EndpointConnectionStatus

type EndpointConnectionStatus string

The private endpoint connection status.

const (
	EndpointConnectionStatusApproved   EndpointConnectionStatus = "Approved"
	EndpointConnectionStatusDisconnect EndpointConnectionStatus = "Disconnected"
	EndpointConnectionStatusPending    EndpointConnectionStatus = "Pending"
	EndpointConnectionStatusRejected   EndpointConnectionStatus = "Rejected"

type EndpointProvisioningState

type EndpointProvisioningState string

The private endpoint provisioning state.

const (
	EndpointProvisioningStateCreating     EndpointProvisioningState = "Creating"
	EndpointProvisioningStateDeleting     EndpointProvisioningState = "Deleting"
	EndpointProvisioningStateDisconnected EndpointProvisioningState = "Disconnected"
	EndpointProvisioningStateFailed       EndpointProvisioningState = "Failed"
	EndpointProvisioningStateSucceeded    EndpointProvisioningState = "Succeeded"
	EndpointProvisioningStateUpdating     EndpointProvisioningState = "Updating"

type Entity

type Entity = string
const (
	EntityUser                    Entity = "#microsoft.graph.user"
	EntityInvitation              Entity = "#microsoft.graph.invitation"
	EntityAppTemplate             Entity = "#microsoft.graph.applicationTemplate"
	EntityAuthMethodConfig        Entity = "#microsoft.graph.authenticationMethodConfiguration"
	EntityIdentityProvider        Entity = "#microsoft.graph.identityProvider"
	EntityApplication             Entity = "#microsoft.graph.application"
	EntityCertBasedAuthConfig     Entity = "#microsoft.graph.certificateBasedAuthConfiguration"
	EntityOrgContact              Entity = "#microsoft.graph.orgContact"
	EntityContract                Entity = "#microsoft.graph.contract"
	EntityDevice                  Entity = "#microsoft.graph.device"
	EntityDirectoryObject         Entity = "#microsoft.graph.directoryObject"
	EntityDirectoryRole           Entity = "#microsoft.graph.directoryRole"
	EntityDirectoryRoleTemplate   Entity = "#microsoft.graph.directoryRoleTemplate"
	EntityDomainDNSRecord         Entity = "#microsoft.graph.domainDnsRecord"
	EntityDomain                  Entity = "#microsoft.graph.domain"
	EntityGroup                   Entity = "#microsoft.graph.group"
	EntityGroupSetting            Entity = "#microsoft.graph.groupSetting"
	EntityGroupSettingTemplate    Entity = "#microsoft.graph.groupSettingTemplate"
	EntityOrgBrandingLocalization Entity = "#microsoft.graph.organizationalBrandingLocalization"
	EntityOAuth2PermissionGrant   Entity = "#microsoft.graph.oAuth2PermissionGrant"
	EntityOrganization            Entity = "#microsoft.graph.organization"
	EntityResourcePermissionGrant Entity = "#microsoft.graph.resourceSpecificPermissionGrant"
	EntityScopedRoleMembership    Entity = "#microsoft.graph.scopedRoleMembership"
	EntityServicePrincipal        Entity = "#microsoft.graph.servicePrincipal"
	EntitySubscribedSku           Entity = "#microsoft.graph.subscribedSku"
	EntityPlace                   Entity = "#microsoft.graph.place"
	EntityDrive                   Entity = "#microsoft.graph.drive"
	EntitySharedDriveItem         Entity = "#microsoft.graph.sharedDriveItem"
	EntitySite                    Entity = "#microsoft.graph.site"
	EntitySchemaExt               Entity = "#microsoft.graph.schemaExtension"
	EntityGroupLifecyclePolicy    Entity = "#microsoft.graph.groupLifecyclePolicy"
	EntityAgreementAcceptance     Entity = "#microsoft.graph.agreementAcceptance"
	EntityAgreement               Entity = "#microsoft.graph.agreement"
	EntityDataPolicyOperation     Entity = "#microsoft.graph.dataPolicyOperation"
	EntitySubscription            Entity = "#microsoft.graph.subscription"
	EntityExternalConnection      Entity = "#microsoft.graph.externalConnection"
	EntityChat                    Entity = "#microsoft.graph.chat"
	EntityTeam                    Entity = "#microsoft.graph.team"
	EntityTeamsTemplate           Entity = "#microsoft.graph.teamsTemplate"

type ExternalAudienceScope

type ExternalAudienceScope string
const (
	ExternalAudienceScopeNone         ExternalAudienceScope = "none"
	ExternalAudienceScopeContactsOnly ExternalAudienceScope = "contactsOnly"
	ExternalAudienceScopeAll          ExternalAudienceScope = "all"

type ExternalUserState

type ExternalUserState string
const (
	ExternalUserStateAccepted          ExternalUserState = "Accepted"
	ExternalUserStatePendingAcceptance ExternalUserState = "PendingAcceptance"

type FtpsState

type FtpsState string
const (
	AllAllowedFtpsState FtpsState = "AllAllowed"
	DisabledFtpsState   FtpsState = "Disabled"
	FtpsOnlyFtpsState   FtpsState = "FtpsOnly"

type GenericEnabledDisabled

type GenericEnabledDisabled string
const (
	Enabled  GenericEnabledDisabled = "Enabled"
	Disabled GenericEnabledDisabled = "Disabled"

type GeoReplicationStatus

type GeoReplicationStatus string
const (
	BootstrapStatus GeoReplicationStatus = "Bootstrap"
	LiveStatus      GeoReplicationStatus = "Live"
	Unavailable     GeoReplicationStatus = "Unavailable"

type GroupVisibility

type GroupVisibility string

Specifies the group join policy and group content visibility for groups.

const (
	// Owner permission is needed to join the group.
	// Non-members cannot view the contents of the group.
	GroupVisibilityPrivate GroupVisibility = "Private"

	// Anyone can join the group without needing owner permission.
	// Anyone can view the contents of the group.
	GroupVisibilityPublic GroupVisibility = "Public"

	// Owner permission is needed to join the group.
	// Non-members cannot view the contents of the group.
	// Non-members cannot see the members of the group.
	// Administrators (global, company, user, and helpdesk) can view the membership of the group.
	// The group appears in the global address book (GAL).
	GroupVisibilityHidden GroupVisibility = "Hiddenmembership"

type HostType

type HostType string
const (
	RepositoryHostType HostType = "Repository"
	StandardHostType   HostType = "Standard"

type HyperVGeneration

type HyperVGeneration string
const (
	HyperVGenerationV1 HyperVGeneration = "V1"
	HyperVGenerationV2 HyperVGeneration = "V2"

type IPAllocationMethod

type IPAllocationMethod string
const (
	IPAllocationMethodDynamic IPAllocationMethod = "Dynamic"
	IPAllocationMethodStatic  IPAllocationMethod = "Static"

type IPSku

type IPSku string
const (
	IPSkuBasic    IPSku = "Basic"
	IPSkuStandard IPSku = "Standard"

type IPSkuTier

type IPSkuTier string
const (
	IPSkuTierGlobal   IPSkuTier = "Global"
	IPSkuTierRegional IPSkuTier = "Regional"

type Identity

type Identity string

The type of Identity used for the virtual machine. The type 'SystemAssigned, UserAssigned' includes both an implicitly created Identity and a set of user assigned identities. The type 'None' will remove any identities from the virtual machine.

const (
	IdentityNone                       Identity = "None"
	IdentitySystemAssigned             Identity = "SystemAssigned"
	IdentitySystemAssignedUserAssigned Identity = "SystemAssigned, UserAssigned"
	IdentityUserAssigned               Identity = "UserAssigned"

type ImmutabilityPolicyState

type ImmutabilityPolicyState string
const (
	LockedPolicyState   ImmutabilityPolicyState = "Locked"
	UnlockedPolicyState ImmutabilityPolicyState = "Unlocked"

type ImmutabilityPolicyUpdateType

type ImmutabilityPolicyUpdateType string
const (
	ExtendUpdateType ImmutabilityPolicyUpdateType = "extend"
	LockUpdateType   ImmutabilityPolicyUpdateType = "lock"
	PutUpdateType    ImmutabilityPolicyUpdateType = "put"

type IpFilterTag

type IpFilterTag string
const (
	DefaultIpFilterTag    IpFilterTag = "Default"
	ServiceTagIpFilterTag IpFilterTag = "ServiceTag"
	XffProxyIpFilterTag   IpFilterTag = "ManXffProxyual"

type KeyVaultAccessType

type KeyVaultAccessType = string
const (
	GetCerts   KeyVaultAccessType = "GetCerts"
	GetKeys    KeyVaultAccessType = "GetKeys"
	GetSecrets KeyVaultAccessType = "GetSecrets"

func KeyVaultAccessPolicies

func KeyVaultAccessPolicies() []KeyVaultAccessType

type Kind

type Kind string
const (
	KindAZApp                             Kind = "AZApp"
	KindAZAppMember                       Kind = "AZAppMember"
	KindAZAppOwner                        Kind = "AZAppOwner"
	KindAZDevice                          Kind = "AZDevice"
	KindAZDeviceOwner                     Kind = "AZDeviceOwner"
	KindAZGroup                           Kind = "AZGroup"
	KindAZGroupMember                     Kind = "AZGroupMember"
	KindAZGroupOwner                      Kind = "AZGroupOwner"
	KindAZKeyVault                        Kind = "AZKeyVault"
	KindAZKeyVaultAccessPolicy            Kind = "AZKeyVaultAccessPolicy"
	KindAZKeyVaultContributor             Kind = "AZKeyVaultContributor"
	KindAZKeyVaultKVContributor           Kind = "AZKeyVaultKVContributor"
	KindAZKeyVaultOwner                   Kind = "AZKeyVaultOwner"
	KindAZKeyVaultRoleAssignment          Kind = "AZKeyVaultRoleAssignment"
	KindAZKeyVaultUserAccessAdmin         Kind = "AZKeyVaultUserAccessAdmin"
	KindAZManagementGroup                 Kind = "AZManagementGroup"
	KindAZManagementGroupRoleAssignment   Kind = "AZManagementGroupRoleAssignment"
	KindAZManagementGroupOwner            Kind = "AZManagementGroupOwner"
	KindAZManagementGroupDescendant       Kind = "AZManagementGroupDescendant"
	KindAZManagementGroupUserAccessAdmin  Kind = "AZManagementGroupUserAccessAdmin"
	KindAZResourceGroup                   Kind = "AZResourceGroup"
	KindAZResourceGroupRoleAssignment     Kind = "AZResourceGroupRoleAssignment"
	KindAZResourceGroupOwner              Kind = "AZResourceGroupOwner"
	KindAZResourceGroupUserAccessAdmin    Kind = "AZResourceGroupUserAccessAdmin"
	KindAZRole                            Kind = "AZRole"
	KindAZRoleAssignment                  Kind = "AZRoleAssignment"
	KindAZServicePrincipal                Kind = "AZServicePrincipal"
	KindAZServicePrincipalOwner           Kind = "AZServicePrincipalOwner"
	KindAZSubscription                    Kind = "AZSubscription"
	KindAZSubscriptionRoleAssignment      Kind = "AZSubscriptionRoleAssignment"
	KindAZSubscriptionOwner               Kind = "AZSubscriptionOwner"
	KindAZSubscriptionUserAccessAdmin     Kind = "AZSubscriptionUserAccessAdmin"
	KindAZTenant                          Kind = "AZTenant"
	KindAZUser                            Kind = "AZUser"
	KindAZVM                              Kind = "AZVM"
	KindAZVMAdminLogin                    Kind = "AZVMAdminLogin"
	KindAZVMAvereContributor              Kind = "AZVMAvereContributor"
	KindAZVMContributor                   Kind = "AZVMContributor"
	KindAZVMOwner                         Kind = "AZVMOwner"
	KindAZVMRoleAssignment                Kind = "AZVMRoleAssignment"
	KindAZVMUserAccessAdmin               Kind = "AZVMUserAccessAdmin"
	KindAZVMVMContributor                 Kind = "AZVMVMContributor"
	KindAZAppRoleAssignment               Kind = "AZAppRoleAssignment"
	KindAZStorageAccount                  Kind = "AZStorageAccount"
	KindAZStorageAccountRoleAssignment    Kind = "AZStorageAccountRoleAssignment"
	KindAZStorageContainer                Kind = "AZStorageContainer"
	KindAZAutomationAccount               Kind = "AZAutomationAccount"
	KindAZAutomationAccountRoleAssignment Kind = "AZAutomationAccountRoleAssignment"
	KindAZLogicApp                        Kind = "AZLogicApp"
	KindAZLogicAppRoleAssignment          Kind = "AZLogicAppRoleAssignment"
	KindAZFunctionApp                     Kind = "AZFunctionApp"
	KindAZFunctionAppRoleAssignment       Kind = "AZFunctionAppRoleAssignment"
	KindAZContainerRegistry               Kind = "AZContainerRegistry"
	KindAZContainerRegistryRoleAssignment Kind = "AZContainerRegistryRoleAssignment"
	KindAZWebApp                          Kind = "AZWebApp"
	KindAZWebAppRoleAssignment            Kind = "AZWebAppRoleAssignment"
	KindAZManagedCluster                  Kind = "AZManagedCluster"
	KindAZManagedClusterRoleAssignment    Kind = "AZManagedClusterRoleAssignment"
	KindAZVMScaleSet                      Kind = "AZVMScaleSet"
	KindAZVMScaleSetRoleAssignment        Kind = "AZVMScaleSetRoleAssignment"

type LeaseDuration

type LeaseDuration string
const (
	FixedLeaseDuration    LeaseDuration = "Fixed"
	InfiniteLeaseDuration LeaseDuration = "Infinite"

type LeaseState

type LeaseState string
const (
	AvailableLeaseState LeaseState = "Available"
	BreakingLeaseState  LeaseState = "Breaking"
	BrokenLeaseState    LeaseState = "Broken"
	ExpiredLeaseState   LeaseState = "Expired"
	LeasedLeaseState    LeaseState = "Leased"

type LeaseStatus

type LeaseStatus string
const (
	LockedLeaseStatus   LeaseStatus = "Locked"
	UnlockedLeaseStatus LeaseStatus = "Unlocked"

type LegalAgeGroup

type LegalAgeGroup string
const (
	// The user is considered a minor based on the age-related regulations of their country or region and the
	// administrator of the account has obtained appropriate consent from a parent or guardian.
	LegalAgeGroupMinorWithParentalConsent LegalAgeGroup = "minorWithParentalConsent"

	// The user is considered an adult based on the age-related regulations of their country or region.
	LegalAgeGroupAdult LegalAgeGroup = "adult"

	// The user is from a country or region that has statutory regulations and the user's age is more than the upper
	// limit of kid age and less than the lower limit of adult age as defined by the user's country or region.
	LegalAgeGroupNotAdult LegalAgeGroup = "notAdult"

	// The user is a minor but is from a country or region that has no age-related regulations.
	LegalAgeGroupMinorNoParentalConsentRequired LegalAgeGroup = "minorNoParentalConsentRequired"

type LegalAgeGroupRule

type LegalAgeGroupRule string

Specifies the legal age group rule that applies to users of the app.

const (
	// Enforces the legal minimum This means parental consent is required for minors in the EU and Korea.
	// Default
	LegalAgeGroupRuleAllow LegalAgeGroupRule = "Allow"

	// Enforces the user to specify date of birth to comply with COPPA rules.
	LegalAgeGroupRuleRequireConsentForPrivacyServices LegalAgeGroupRule = "RequireConsentForPrivacyServices"

	// Requires parental consent for ages below 18, regardless of country minor rules.
	LegalAgeGroupRuleRequireConsentForMinors LegalAgeGroupRule = "RequireConsentForMinors"

	// Requires parental consent for ages below 14, regardless of country minor rules.
	LegalAgeGroupRuleRequireConsentForKids LegalAgeGroupRule = "RequireConsentForKids"

	// Blocks minors from using the app.
	LegalAgeGroupRuleBlockMinors LegalAgeGroupRule = "BlockMinors"

type LicenseError

type LicenseError string
const (
	LicenseErrorCountViolation                     LicenseError = "CountViolation"
	LicenseErrorMutuallyExclusiveViolation         LicenseError = "MutuallyExclusiveViolation"
	LicenseErrorDependencyViolation                LicenseError = "DependencyViolation"
	LicenseErrorProhibitedInUsageLocationViolation LicenseError = "ProhibitedInUsageLocationViolation"
	LicenseErrorUniquenessViolation                LicenseError = "UniquenessViolation"
	LicenseErrorOthers                             LicenseError = "Others"

type LicenseProcessingState

type LicenseProcessingState string
const (
	LicenseProcessingStateFalse      LicenseProcessingState = "false"
	LicenseProcessingStateQueued     LicenseProcessingState = "QueuedForProcessing"
	LicenseProcessingStateInProgress LicenseProcessingState = "ProcessingInProgress"
	LicenseProcessingStateComplete   LicenseProcessingState = "ProcessingComplete"

type LicenseState

type LicenseState string
const (
	LicenseStateActive          LicenseState = "Active"
	LicenseStateActiveWithError LicenseState = "ActiveWithError"
	LicenseStateDisabled        LicenseState = "Disabled"
	LicenseStateError           LicenseState = "Error"

type LogicAppProvisioningState

type LogicAppProvisioningState string
const (
	AcceptedProvisioningState      LogicAppProvisioningState = "Accepted"
	CanceledProvisioningState      LogicAppProvisioningState = "Canceled"
	CompletedProvisioningState     LogicAppProvisioningState = "Completed"
	CreatedProvisioningState       LogicAppProvisioningState = "Created"
	CreatingProvisioningState      LogicAppProvisioningState = "Creating"
	DeletedProvisioningState       LogicAppProvisioningState = "Deleted"
	DeletingProvisioningState      LogicAppProvisioningState = "Deleting"
	FailedProvisioningState        LogicAppProvisioningState = "Failed"
	MovingProvisioningState        LogicAppProvisioningState = "Moving"
	NotSpecifiedProvisioningState  LogicAppProvisioningState = "NotSpecified"
	ReadyProvisioningState         LogicAppProvisioningState = "Ready"
	RegisteredProvisioningState    LogicAppProvisioningState = "Registered"
	RegisteringProvisioningState   LogicAppProvisioningState = "Registering"
	RunningProvisioningState       LogicAppProvisioningState = "Running"
	SucceededProvisioningState     LogicAppProvisioningState = "Succeeded"
	UnregisteredProvisioningState  LogicAppProvisioningState = "Unregistered"
	UnregisteringProvisioningState LogicAppProvisioningState = "Unregistering"
	UpdatingProvisioningState      LogicAppProvisioningState = "Updating"

type LogicAppState

type LogicAppState string
const (
	CompletedLogicAppState    LogicAppState = "Completed"
	DeletedLogicAppState      LogicAppState = "Deleted"
	DisabledLogicAppState     LogicAppState = "Disabled"
	EnabledLogicAppState      LogicAppState = "Enabled"
	NotSpecifiedLogicAppState LogicAppState = "NotSpecified"
	SuspendedLogicAppState    LogicAppState = "Suspended"

type MaintenanceOperationCode

type MaintenanceOperationCode string
const (
	MaintenanceOperationCodeAborted    MaintenanceOperationCode = "MaintenanceAborted"
	MaintenanceOperationCodeCompleted  MaintenanceOperationCode = "MaintenanceCompleted"
	MaintenanceOperationCodeNone       MaintenanceOperationCode = "None"
	MaintenanceOperationCodeRetryLater MaintenanceOperationCode = "RetryLater"

type ManagedPipelineMode

type ManagedPipelineMode string
const (
	ClassicPipelineMode    ManagedPipelineMode = "Classic"
	IntegratedPipelineMode ManagedPipelineMode = "Integrated"

type MessageDeliveryOptions

type MessageDeliveryOptions string
const (
	MessageDeliveryOptionsSendToDelegateAndInformationToPrincipal MessageDeliveryOptions = "sendToDelegateAndInformationToPrincipal"
	MessageDeliveryOptionsSendToDelegateAndPrincipal              MessageDeliveryOptions = "sendToDelegateAndPrincipal"
	MessageDeliveryOptionsSendToDelegateOnly                      MessageDeliveryOptions = "sendToDelegateOnly"

type MigrationState

type MigrationState string
const (
	CompletedMigrationState  MigrationState = "Completed"
	InProgressMigrationState MigrationState = "InProgress"

type MinimumTlsVersion

type MinimumTlsVersion string

type NetworkAction

type NetworkAction string

The default action when no rule from ipRules and from virtualNetworkRules match. This is only used after the bypass property has been evaluated.

const (
	NetworkActionAllow NetworkAction = "Allow"
	NetworkActionDeny  NetworkAction = "Deny"

type ParameterType

type ParameterType string
const (
	ArrayType        ParameterType = "Array"
	BoolType         ParameterType = "Bool"
	FloatType        ParameterType = "Float"
	IntType          ParameterType = "Int"
	NotSpecifiedType ParameterType = "NotSpecified"
	ObjectType       ParameterType = "Object"
	SecureObjectType ParameterType = "SecureObject"
	SecureStringType ParameterType = "SecureString"
	StringType       ParameterType = "String"

type PatchStatus

type PatchStatus string
const (
	PatchStatusCompletedWithWarnings PatchStatus = "CompletedWithWarnings"
	PatchStatusFailed                PatchStatus = "Failed"
	PatchStatusInProgress            PatchStatus = "InProgress"
	PatchStatusSucceeded             PatchStatus = "Succeeded"
	PatchStatusUnknown               PatchStatus = "Unknown"

type ProvisioningState

type ProvisioningState string
const (
	CreatingState     ProvisioningState = "Creating"
	ResolvingDNSState ProvisioningState = "ResolvingDNS"
	SucceededState    ProvisioningState = "Succeeded"

type PublicAccess

type PublicAccess string
const (
	BlobPublicAccess      PublicAccess = "Blob"
	ContainerPublicAccess PublicAccess = "Container"
	NoPublicAccess        PublicAccess = "None"

type RedundancyMode

type RedundancyMode string
const (
	ActiveActiveRedundancyMode RedundancyMode = "ActiveActive"
	FailoverRedundancyMode     RedundancyMode = "Failover"
	GeoRedundantRedundancyMode RedundancyMode = "GeoRedundant"
	ManualRedundancyMode       RedundancyMode = "Manual"
	NoneRedundancyMode         RedundancyMode = "None"

type Relationship

type Relationship string
const (
	RelationshipAZAvereContributor Relationship = "AZAvereContributor"
	RelationshipAZContains         Relationship = "AZContains"
	RelationshipAZContributor      Relationship = "AZContributor"
	RelationshipAZGetCertificates  Relationship = "AZGetCertificates"
	RelationshipAZGetKeys          Relationship = "AZGetKeys"
	RelationshipAZGetSecrets       Relationship = "AZGetSecrets"
	RelationshipAZHasRole          Relationship = "AZHasRole"
	RelationshipAZMemberOf         Relationship = "AZMemberOf"
	RelationshipAZOwner            Relationship = "AZOwner"
	RelationshipAZRunsAs           Relationship = "AZRunsAs"
	RelationshipAZVMContributor    Relationship = "AZVMContributor"

relationshiperated relationships

const (
	RelationshipAZAddMembers              Relationship = "AZAddMembers"
	RelationshipAZAddSecret               Relationship = "AZAddSecret"
	RelationshipAZExecuteCommand          Relationship = "AZExecuteCommand"
	RelationshipAZGlobalAdmin             Relationship = "AZGlobalAdmin"
	RelationshipAZGrant                   Relationship = "AZGrant"
	RelationshipAZGrantSelf               Relationship = "AZGrantSelf"
	RelationshipAZPrivilegedRoleAdmin     Relationship = "AZPrivilegedRoleAdmin"
	RelationshipAZAZResetPassword         Relationship = "AZAZResetPassword"
	RelationshipAZUserAccessAdministrator Relationship = "AZUserAccessAdministrator"

Post-processed relationships

type ResourceBehavior

type ResourceBehavior string

Specifies group behaviors for a Microsoft 365 group

const (
	// Only group members can post conversations to the group.
	// If unset ny user in the organization can post conversations to the group.
	ResourceBehaviorAllowOnlyMembersToPost ResourceBehavior = "AllowOnlyMembersToPost"

	// This group is hidden in Outlook experiences.
	// If unset all groups are visible and discoverable in Outlook experiences.
	ResourceBehaviorHideGroupInOutlook ResourceBehavior = "HideGroupInOutlook"

	// Group members are subscribed to receive group conversations.
	// If unset Group members do not receive group conversations.
	ResourceBehaviorSubscribeNewGroupMembers ResourceBehavior = "SubscribeNewGroupMembers"

	// Welcome emails are not sent to new members.
	// If unset A welcome email is sent to a new member on joining the group.
	ResourceBehaviorWelcomeEmailDisabled ResourceBehavior = "WelcomeEmailDisabled"

type ResourceProvisioning

type ResourceProvisioning string

Specifies group resources to be provisioned as part of the Microsoft 365 group.

const (
	// Provision this group as a team in Microsoft Teams.
	// Additionally, this value can also be added on group update through a PATCH operation, in order to provision a
	// team from an existing Microsoft 365 group.
	ResourceProvisioningTeams ResourceProvisioning = "Teams"

type RoutingChoice

type RoutingChoice string
const (
	InternetRouting  RoutingChoice = "InternetRouting"
	MicrosoftRouting RoutingChoice = "MicrosoftRouting"

type RuleProcessingState

type RuleProcessingState string
const (
	RuleProcessingStateOn     RuleProcessingState = "On"
	RuleProcessingStatePaused RuleProcessingState = "Paused"

type SSOMode

type SSOMode string
const (
	SSOModePassword     SSOMode = "password"
	SSOModeSaml         SSOMode = "saml"
	SSOModeNotSupported SSOMode = "notSupported"
	SSOModeOIDC         SSOMode = "oidc"

type ScmType

type ScmType string
const (
	BitbucketGitScm ScmType = "BitbucketGit"
	BitbucketHgScm  ScmType = "BitbucketHg"
	CodePlexGitScm  ScmType = "CodePlexGit"
	CodePlexHgScm   ScmType = "CodePlexHg"
	DropboxScm      ScmType = "Dropbox"
	ExternalGitScm  ScmType = "ExternalGit"
	ExternalHgScm   ScmType = "ExternalHg"
	GitHubScm       ScmType = "GitHub"
	LocalGitScm     ScmType = "LocalGit"
	NoneScm         ScmType = "None"
	OneDriveScm     ScmType = "OneDrive"
	TfsScm          ScmType = "Tfs"
	VSOScm          ScmType = "VSO"
	VSTSRMScm       ScmType = "VSTSRM"

type ServicePrincipalType

type ServicePrincipalType string
const (
	// A service principal that represents an application or service.
	// The appId property identifies the associated app registration, and matches the appId of an application, possibly
	// from a different tenant. If the associated app registration is missing, tokens are not issued for the service
	// principal.
	ServicePrincipalTypeApplication ServicePrincipalType = "Application"

	// A service principal that represents a managed identity. Service principals representing managed identities can be
	// granted access and permissions, but cannot be updated or modified directly.
	ServicePrincipalTypeManagedIdentities ServicePrincipalType = "ManagedIdentities"

	// A service principal that represents an app created before app registrations, or through legacy experiences.
	// Legacy service principal can have credentials, service principal names, reply URLs, and other properties which
	// are editable by an authorized user, but does not have an associated app registration. The appId value does not
	// associate the service principal with an app registration. The service principal can only be used in the tenant
	// where it was created.
	ServicePrincipalTypeLegacy ServicePrincipalType = "Legacy"

	// For internal use.
	ServicePrincipalTypeSocialIDP ServicePrincipalType = "SocialIdp"

type SigninAudience

type SigninAudience string

Specifies the Microsoft accounts that are supported for the current application.

const (
	// Users with a Microsoft work or school account in my organization’s Azure AD tenant (single-tenant).
	SigninAudienceMyOrg SigninAudience = "AzureADMyOrg"

	// Users with a Microsoft work or school account in any organization’s Azure AD tenant (multi-tenant).
	SigninAudienceMultiOrg SigninAudience = "AzureADMultipleOrgs"

	// Users with a personal Microsoft account, or a work or school account in any organization’s Azure AD tenant.
	SigninAudienceMultiOrgAndAccount SigninAudience = "AzureADandPersonalMicrosoftAccount"

	// Users with a personal Microsoft account only.
	SigninAudienceAccount SigninAudience = "PersonalMicrosoftAccount"

type SigninType

type SigninType string
const (
	SigninTypeEmail             SigninType = "emailAddress"
	SigninTypeUserName          SigninType = "userName"
	SigninTypeFederated         SigninType = "federated"
	SigninTypeUserPrincipalName SigninType = "userPrincipalName"

type SiteAvailabilityState

type SiteAvailabilityState string
const (
	DisasterRecoveryModeAvailabilityState SiteAvailabilityState = "DisasterRecoveryMode"
	LimitedAvailabilityState              SiteAvailabilityState = "Limited"
	NormalAvailabilityState               SiteAvailabilityState = "Normal"

type SiteLoadBalancing

type SiteLoadBalancing string
const (
	LeastRequestsLoadBalancing        SiteLoadBalancing = "LeastRequests"
	LeastResponseTimeLoadBalancing    SiteLoadBalancing = "LeastResponseTime"
	PerSiteRoundRobinLoadBalancing    SiteLoadBalancing = "PerSiteRoundRobin"
	RequestHashLoadBalancing          SiteLoadBalancing = "RequestHash"
	WeightedRoundRobinLoadBalancing   SiteLoadBalancing = "WeightedRoundRobin"
	WeightedTotalTrafficLoadBalancing SiteLoadBalancing = "WeightedTotalTraffic"

type SkuConversionStatus

type SkuConversionStatus string
const (
	FailedConversionStatus     SkuConversionStatus = "Failed"
	InProgressConversionStatus SkuConversionStatus = "InProgress"
	SucceededConversionStatus  SkuConversionStatus = "Succeeded"

type SkuName

type SkuName string
const (
	SKU_Premium_LRS     SkuName = "Premium_LRS"
	SKU_Premium_ZRS     SkuName = "Premium_ZRS"
	SKU_Standard_GRS    SkuName = "Standard_GRS"
	SKU_Standard_GZRS   SkuName = "Standard_GZRS"
	SKU_Standard_LRS    SkuName = "Standard_LRS"
	SKU_Standard_RAGRS  SkuName = "Standard_RAGRS"
	SKU_Standard_RAGZRS SkuName = "Standard_RAGZRS"
	SKU_Standard_ZRS    SkuName = "Standard_ZRS"
	SKU_Basic           SkuName = "Basic"
	SKU_Free            SkuName = "Free"
	SKU_NotSpecified    SkuName = "NotSpecified"
	SKU_Premium         SkuName = "Premium"
	SKU_Shared          SkuName = "Shared"
	SKU_Standard        SkuName = "Standard"

type SpendingLimit

type SpendingLimit string
const (
	SpendingLimitCurrentPeriodOff SpendingLimit = "CurrentPeriodOff"
	SpendingLimitOff              SpendingLimit = "Off"
	SpendingLimitOn               SpendingLimit = "On"

type SslState

type SslState string
const (
	DisabledSslState       SslState = "Disabled"
	IpBasedEnabledSslState SslState = "IpBasedEnabled"
	SniEnabledSslState     SslState = "SniEnabled"

type StatusLevel

type StatusLevel string
const (
	StatusLevelError   StatusLevel = "Error"
	StatusLevelInfo    StatusLevel = "Info"
	StatusLevelWarning StatusLevel = "Warning"

type StorageAccountAccessTier

type StorageAccountAccessTier string
const (
	CoolAccessTier    StorageAccountAccessTier = "Cool"
	HotAccessTier     StorageAccountAccessTier = "Hot"
	PremiumAccessTier StorageAccountAccessTier = "Premium"

type StorageType

type StorageType string
const (
	StorageTypePremium_LRS     StorageType = "Premium_LRS"
	StorageTypePremium_ZRS     StorageType = "Premium_ZRS"
	StorageTypeStandardSSD_LRS StorageType = "StandardSSD_LRS"
	StorageTypeStandardSSD_ZRS StorageType = "StandardSSD_ZRS"
	StorageTypeStandard_LRS    StorageType = "Standard_LRS"
	StorageTypeUltraSSD_LRS    StorageType = "UltraSSD_LRS"

type SubscriptionState

type SubscriptionState string
const (
	SubscriptionStateDeleted  SubscriptionState = "Deleted"
	SubscriptionStateDisabled SubscriptionState = "Disabled"
	SubscriptionStateEnabled  SubscriptionState = "Enabled"
	SubscriptionStatePastDue  SubscriptionState = "PastDue"
	SubscriptionStateWarned   SubscriptionState = "Warned"

type SupportedTlsVersions

type SupportedTlsVersions string

type TenantCategory

type TenantCategory string

Category of the tenant.

const (
	TenantCategoryHome        TenantCategory = "Home"
	TenantCategoryManagedBy   TenantCategory = "ManagedBy"
	TenantCategoryProjectedBy TenantCategory = "ProjectedBy"

type TrustType

type TrustType string

Type of trust for the joined device.

const (
	// Indicates BYO personal device
	TrustTypeWorkplace TrustType = "Workplace"

	// Cloud only joined devices
	TrustTypeAzureAD TrustType = "AzureAd"

	// On-premises domain joined devices joined to Azure AD
	TrustTypeServerAD TrustType = "ServerAd"

type UsageState

type UsageState string
const (
	ExceededUsageState UsageState = "Exceeded"
	NormalUsageState   UsageState = "Normal"

type VMDeleteOption

type VMDeleteOption string
const (
	VMDeleteOptionDelete  VMDeleteOption = "Delete"
	VMDeleteOptionDetatch VMDeleteOption = "Detatch"

type VMEvictionPolicy

type VMEvictionPolicy string
const (
	VMEvictionPolicyDeallocate VMEvictionPolicy = "Deallocate"
	VMEvictionPolicyDelete     VMEvictionPolicy = "Delete"

type VMPriority

type VMPriority string
const (
	VMPriorityLow     VMPriority = "Low"
	VMPriorityRegular VMPriority = "Regular"
	VMPrioritySpot    VMPriority = "Spot"

type VaultProvisioningState

type VaultProvisioningState string

Provisioning state of the vault.

const (
	VaultProvisioningStateRegisteringDns VaultProvisioningState = "RegisteringDns"
	VaultProvisioningStateSucceeded      VaultProvisioningState = "Succeeded"

type VaultSku

type VaultSku string

SKU name to specify whether the key vault is a standard vault or a premium vault.

const (
	VaultSkuPremium  VaultSku = "premium"
	VaultSkuStandard VaultSku = "standard"

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