Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AltDown() bool
- func AppDataPath() (string, error)
- func CommonAppDataPath() (string, error)
- func ControlDown() bool
- func CreateWindow(className string, parent Controller, exStyle, style uint) w32.HWND
- func DriveNames() ([]string, error)
- func EnsureAppDataPath(company, product string) (string, error)
- func Errorf(parent Controller, format string, data ...interface{})
- func Exit()
- func GetAppInstance() w32.HINSTANCE
- func LocalAppDataPath() (string, error)
- func MsgBox(parent Controller, title, caption string, flags uint) int
- func MsgBoxOk(parent Controller, title, caption string)
- func MsgBoxOkCancel(parent Controller, title, caption string) int
- func MsgBoxYesNo(parent Controller, title, caption string) int
- func PostMessages()
- func PreTranslateMessage(msg *w32.MSG) bool
- func Printf(parent Controller, format string, data ...interface{})
- func RegClassOnlyOnce(className string)
- func RegMsgHandler(controller Controller)
- func RegisterClass(className string, wndproc uintptr)
- func RunMainLoop() int
- func SetAppIcon(appIconID int)
- func ShiftDown() bool
- func ShowBrowseFolderDlg(parent Controller, title string) (folder string, accepted bool)
- func ShowOpenFileDlg(parent Controller, title, filter string, filterIndex uint, initialDir string) (filePath string, accepted bool)
- func ShowSaveFileDlg(parent Controller, title, filter string, filterIndex uint, initialDir string) (filePath string, accepted bool)
- func ToggleExStyle(hwnd w32.HWND, b bool, style int)
- func ToggleStyle(hwnd w32.HWND, b bool, style int)
- func UnRegMsgHandler(hwnd w32.HWND)
- func Warningf(parent Controller, format string, data ...interface{}) int
- type Bitmap
- type Brush
- type Button
- type Canvas
- func (ca *Canvas) Dispose()
- func (ca *Canvas) DrawBitmap(bmp *Bitmap, x, y int)
- func (ca *Canvas) DrawEllipse(rect *Rect, pen *Pen)
- func (ca *Canvas) DrawFillEllipse(rect *Rect, pen *Pen, brush *Brush)
- func (ca *Canvas) DrawFillRect(rect *Rect, pen *Pen, brush *Brush)
- func (ca *Canvas) DrawIcon(ico *Icon, x, y int) bool
- func (ca *Canvas) DrawLine(x, y, x2, y2 int, pen *Pen)
- func (ca *Canvas) DrawRect(rect *Rect, pen *Pen)
- func (ca *Canvas) DrawStretchedBitmap(bmp *Bitmap, rect *Rect)
- func (ca *Canvas) DrawText(text string, rect *Rect, format uint, font *Font, textColor Color)
- func (ca *Canvas) FillRect(rect *Rect, brush *Brush)
- type CheckBox
- type Color
- type ComboBox
- func (cb *ComboBox) DeleteAllItems() bool
- func (cb *ComboBox) DeleteItem(index int) bool
- func (cb *ComboBox) InsertItem(index int, str string) bool
- func (cb *ComboBox) OnSelectedChange() *EventManager
- func (cb *ComboBox) SelectedItem() int
- func (cb *ComboBox) SetSelectedItem(value int) bool
- func (cb *ComboBox) WndProc(msg uint32, wparam, lparam uintptr) uintptr
- type ControlBase
- func (cba *ControlBase) Bounds() *Rect
- func (cba *ControlBase) ClientHeight() int
- func (cba *ControlBase) ClientRect() *Rect
- func (cba *ControlBase) ClientWidth() int
- func (cba *ControlBase) Close()
- func (cba *ControlBase) ContextMenu() *MenuItem
- func (cba *ControlBase) EnableDragAcceptFiles(b bool)
- func (cba *ControlBase) Enabled() bool
- func (cba *ControlBase) Font() *Font
- func (cba *ControlBase) GetWindowDPI() (w32.UINT, w32.UINT)
- func (cba *ControlBase) Handle() w32.HWND
- func (cba *ControlBase) Height() int
- func (cba *ControlBase) Hide()
- func (cba *ControlBase) InitControl(className string, parent Controller, exstyle, style uint)
- func (cba *ControlBase) InitWindow(className string, parent Controller, exstyle, style uint)
- func (cba *ControlBase) Invalidate(erase bool)
- func (cba *ControlBase) InvokeRequired() bool
- func (cba *ControlBase) OnClose() *EventManager
- func (cba *ControlBase) OnCreate() *EventManager
- func (cba *ControlBase) OnDropFiles() *EventManager
- func (cba *ControlBase) OnKeyUp() *EventManager
- func (cba *ControlBase) OnKillFocus() *EventManager
- func (cba *ControlBase) OnLBDbl() *EventManager
- func (cba *ControlBase) OnLBDown() *EventManager
- func (cba *ControlBase) OnLBUp() *EventManager
- func (cba *ControlBase) OnMBDown() *EventManager
- func (cba *ControlBase) OnMBUp() *EventManager
- func (cba *ControlBase) OnMouseHover() *EventManager
- func (cba *ControlBase) OnMouseLeave() *EventManager
- func (cba *ControlBase) OnMouseMove() *EventManager
- func (cba *ControlBase) OnPaint() *EventManager
- func (cba *ControlBase) OnRBDbl() *EventManager
- func (cba *ControlBase) OnRBDown() *EventManager
- func (cba *ControlBase) OnRBUp() *EventManager
- func (cba *ControlBase) OnSetFocus() *EventManager
- func (cba *ControlBase) OnSize() *EventManager
- func (cba *ControlBase) Parent() Controller
- func (cba *ControlBase) Pos() (x, y int)
- func (cba *ControlBase) PreTranslateMessage(msg *w32.MSG) bool
- func (cba *ControlBase) SetAndClearStyleBits(set, clear uint32) error
- func (cba *ControlBase) SetContextMenu(menu *MenuItem)
- func (cba *ControlBase) SetEnabled(b bool)
- func (cba *ControlBase) SetFocus()
- func (cba *ControlBase) SetFont(font *Font)
- func (cba *ControlBase) SetHandle(hwnd w32.HWND)
- func (cba *ControlBase) SetIsForm(isform bool)
- func (cba *ControlBase) SetMaxSize(width, height int)
- func (cba *ControlBase) SetMinSize(width, height int)
- func (cba *ControlBase) SetParent(parent Controller)
- func (cba *ControlBase) SetPos(x, y int)
- func (cba *ControlBase) SetSize(width, height int)
- func (cba *ControlBase) SetText(caption string)
- func (cba *ControlBase) SetTheme(appName string) error
- func (cba *ControlBase) SetTranslucentBackground()
- func (cba *ControlBase) Show()
- func (cba *ControlBase) Size() (width, height int)
- func (cba *ControlBase) Text() string
- func (cba *ControlBase) ToggleVisible() bool
- func (cba *ControlBase) Visible() bool
- func (cba *ControlBase) Width() int
- type Controller
- type CtlState
- type Dialog
- func (dlg *Dialog) Close()
- func (dlg *Dialog) OnCancel() *EventManager
- func (dlg *Dialog) OnLoad() *EventManager
- func (dlg *Dialog) OnOk() *EventManager
- func (dlg *Dialog) PreTranslateMessage(msg *w32.MSG) bool
- func (dlg *Dialog) SetButtons(btnOk *PushButton, btnCancel *PushButton)
- func (dlg *Dialog) SetModal(modal bool)
- func (dlg *Dialog) Show()
- func (dlg *Dialog) WndProc(msg uint32, wparam, lparam uintptr) uintptr
- type Direction
- type DockAllow
- type Dockable
- type DropFilesEventData
- type Edit
- type ErrorPanel
- type Event
- type EventHandler
- type EventManager
- type Font
- type Form
- func (fm *Form) Center()
- func (fm *Form) DisableIcon()
- func (fm *Form) EnableDragMove(_ bool)
- func (fm *Form) EnableMaxButton(b bool)
- func (fm *Form) EnableMinButton(b bool)
- func (fm *Form) EnableSizable(b bool)
- func (fm *Form) EnableTopMost(b bool)
- func (fm *Form) Fullscreen()
- func (fm *Form) Maximise()
- func (fm *Form) Minimise()
- func (fm *Form) NewMenu() *Menu
- func (fm *Form) Restore()
- func (fm *Form) SetIcon(iconType int, icon *Icon)
- func (fm *Form) SetLayout(mng LayoutManager)
- func (fm *Form) UnFullscreen()
- func (fm *Form) UpdateLayout()
- func (fm *Form) WndProc(msg uint32, wparam, lparam uintptr) uintptr
- type GroupBox
- type HResizer
- type Icon
- type IconButton
- type ImageBox
- type ImageList
- func (im *ImageList) AddIcon(icon *Icon) int
- func (im *ImageList) AddResIcon(iconID uint16)
- func (im *ImageList) Destroy() bool
- func (im *ImageList) Handle() w32.HIMAGELIST
- func (im *ImageList) ImageCount() int
- func (im *ImageList) Remove(i int) bool
- func (im *ImageList) RemoveAll() bool
- func (im *ImageList) SetImageCount(uNewCount uint) bool
- type ImageView
- type ImageViewBox
- func (iv *ImageViewBox) AddMode() bool
- func (iv *ImageViewBox) DeleteSelected()
- func (iv *ImageViewBox) DrawImage(bmp *Bitmap)
- func (iv *ImageViewBox) DrawImageFile(filepath string) (err error)
- func (iv *ImageViewBox) HasSelected() bool
- func (iv *ImageViewBox) IsLoaded() bool
- func (iv *ImageViewBox) IsModified() bool
- func (iv *ImageViewBox) NameSelected() string
- func (iv *ImageViewBox) OnAdd() *EventManager
- func (iv *ImageViewBox) OnModify() *EventManager
- func (iv *ImageViewBox) OnSelectedChange() *EventManager
- func (iv *ImageViewBox) SetAddMode(add bool)
- func (iv *ImageViewBox) SetModified(modified bool)
- func (iv *ImageViewBox) SetNameSelected(name string)
- func (iv *ImageViewBox) SetTypeSelected(typ int)
- func (iv *ImageViewBox) TypeSelected() int
- func (iv *ImageViewBox) WndProc(msg uint32, wparam, lparam uintptr) uintptr
- type Key
- type KeyUpEventData
- type Label
- type LabelEditEventData
- type LayoutControl
- type LayoutControls
- type LayoutManager
- type LayoutState
- type ListItem
- type ListItemChecker
- type ListItemSetter
- type ListView
- func (lv *ListView) AddColumn(caption string, width int)
- func (lv *ListView) AddItem(item ListItem)
- func (lv *ListView) CheckBoxes() bool
- func (lv *ListView) DeleteAllItems() bool
- func (lv *ListView) DeleteItem(item ListItem) error
- func (lv *ListView) EnableDoubleBuffer(enable bool)
- func (lv *ListView) EnableEditLabels(enable bool)
- func (lv *ListView) EnableFullRowSelect(enable bool)
- func (lv *ListView) EnableHotTrack(enable bool)
- func (lv *ListView) EnableSingleSelect(enable bool)
- func (lv *ListView) EnableSortAscending(enable bool)
- func (lv *ListView) EnableSortHeader(enable bool)
- func (lv *ListView) EnsureVisible(item ListItem) bool
- func (lv *ListView) InsertItem(item ListItem, index int)
- func (lv *ListView) ItemAt(x, y int) ListItem
- func (lv *ListView) ItemCount() int
- func (lv *ListView) Items() (list []ListItem)
- func (lv *ListView) OnCheckChanged() *EventManager
- func (lv *ListView) OnClick() *EventManager
- func (lv *ListView) OnDoubleClick() *EventManager
- func (lv *ListView) OnEndLabelEdit() *EventManager
- func (lv *ListView) OnEndScroll() *EventManager
- func (lv *ListView) OnItemChanged() *EventManager
- func (lv *ListView) OnItemChanging() *EventManager
- func (lv *ListView) OnKeyDown() *EventManager
- func (lv *ListView) OnViewChange() *EventManager
- func (lv *ListView) SelectedCount() uint
- func (lv *ListView) SelectedIndex() int
- func (lv *ListView) SelectedItem() ListItem
- func (lv *ListView) SelectedItems() []ListItem
- func (lv *ListView) SetCheckBoxes(value bool)
- func (lv *ListView) SetImageList(imageList *ImageList)
- func (lv *ListView) SetItemCount(count int) bool
- func (lv *ListView) SetSelectedIndex(i int)
- func (lv *ListView) SetSelectedItem(item ListItem) bool
- func (lv *ListView) StretchLastColumn() error
- func (lv *ListView) UpdateItem(item ListItem) bool
- func (lv *ListView) WndProc(msg uint32, wparam, lparam uintptr) uintptr
- type Menu
- type MenuItem
- func (mi *MenuItem) AddItem(text string, shortcut Shortcut) *MenuItem
- func (mi *MenuItem) AddItemCheckable(text string, shortcut Shortcut) *MenuItem
- func (mi *MenuItem) AddItemRadio(text string, shortcut Shortcut) *MenuItem
- func (mi *MenuItem) AddItemWithBitmap(text string, shortcut Shortcut, image *Bitmap) *MenuItem
- func (mi *MenuItem) AddSeparator()
- func (mi *MenuItem) AddSubMenu(text string) *MenuItem
- func (mi *MenuItem) Checkable() bool
- func (mi *MenuItem) Checked() bool
- func (mi *MenuItem) Enabled() bool
- func (mi *MenuItem) Image() *Bitmap
- func (mi *MenuItem) IsSeparator() bool
- func (mi *MenuItem) OnClick() *EventManager
- func (mi *MenuItem) SetCheckable(b bool)
- func (mi *MenuItem) SetChecked(b bool)
- func (mi *MenuItem) SetEnabled(b bool)
- func (mi *MenuItem) SetImage(b *Bitmap)
- func (mi *MenuItem) SetSeparator()
- func (mi *MenuItem) SetText(s string)
- func (mi *MenuItem) SetToolTip(s string)
- func (mi *MenuItem) Text() string
- func (mi *MenuItem) ToolTip() string
- type Modifiers
- type MouseControl
- type MouseEventData
- type MultiEdit
- type MultiPanel
- func (mpa *MultiPanel) AddPanel(panel *Panel)
- func (mpa *MultiPanel) Count() int
- func (mpa *MultiPanel) Current() int
- func (mpa *MultiPanel) DeletePanel(index int)
- func (mpa *MultiPanel) ReplacePanel(index int, panel *Panel)
- func (mpa *MultiPanel) SetCurrent(index int)
- func (mpa *MultiPanel) WndProc(msg uint32, wparam, lparam uintptr) uintptr
- type PaintEventData
- type Panel
- type Pen
- type ProgressBar
- type PushButton
- type RadioButton
- type RadioGroup
- type RawMsg
- type Rect
- func (re *Rect) Data() (left, top, right, bottom int32)
- func (re *Rect) GetW32Rect() *w32.RECT
- func (re *Rect) Height() int
- func (re *Rect) Inflate(x, y int)
- func (re *Rect) Intersect(src *Rect)
- func (re *Rect) IsEmpty() bool
- func (re *Rect) IsEqual(rect *Rect) bool
- func (re *Rect) IsPointIn(x, y int) bool
- func (re *Rect) Offset(x, y int)
- func (re *Rect) Set(left, top, right, bottom int)
- func (re *Rect) Substract(src *Rect)
- func (re *Rect) Union(src *Rect)
- func (re *Rect) Width() int
- type ScrollView
- type Shortcut
- type SimpleDock
- func (sd *SimpleDock) Dock(child Dockable, dir Direction)
- func (sd *SimpleDock) LoadState(r io.Reader) error
- func (sd *SimpleDock) LoadStateFile(file string) error
- func (sd *SimpleDock) SaveState(w io.Writer) error
- func (sd *SimpleDock) SaveStateFile(file string) error
- func (sd *SimpleDock) Update()
- type SizeEventData
- type Slider
- type StringListItem
- type StringTreeItem
- type TabView
- type ToolButton
- func (bt *ToolButton) Checkable() bool
- func (bt *ToolButton) Checked() bool
- func (bt *ToolButton) Enabled() bool
- func (bt *ToolButton) Image() int
- func (bt *ToolButton) IsSeparator() bool
- func (bt *ToolButton) OnClick() *EventManager
- func (bt *ToolButton) SetCheckable(b bool)
- func (bt *ToolButton) SetChecked(b bool)
- func (bt *ToolButton) SetEnabled(b bool)
- func (bt *ToolButton) SetImage(i int)
- func (bt *ToolButton) SetSeparator()
- func (bt *ToolButton) SetText(s string)
- func (bt *ToolButton) Text() string
- type ToolTip
- type Toolbar
- type TreeItem
- type TreeView
- func (tv *TreeView) Collapse(item TreeItem) bool
- func (tv *TreeView) DeleteAllItems() bool
- func (tv *TreeView) DeleteItem(item TreeItem) bool
- func (tv *TreeView) EnableDoubleBuffer(enable bool)
- func (tv *TreeView) EnsureVisible(item TreeItem) bool
- func (tv *TreeView) Expand(item TreeItem) bool
- func (tv *TreeView) InsertItem(item, parent, insertAfter TreeItem) error
- func (tv *TreeView) ItemAt(x, y int) TreeItem
- func (tv *TreeView) Items() (list []TreeItem)
- func (tv *TreeView) OnCollapse() *EventManager
- func (tv *TreeView) OnExpand() *EventManager
- func (tv *TreeView) OnSelectedChange() *EventManager
- func (tv *TreeView) OnViewChange() *EventManager
- func (tv *TreeView) SelectedItem() TreeItem
- func (tv *TreeView) SetImageList(imageList *ImageList)
- func (tv *TreeView) SetSelectedItem(item TreeItem) bool
- func (tv *TreeView) UpdateItem(item TreeItem) bool
- func (tv *TreeView) WndProc(msg uint32, wparam, lparam uintptr) uintptr
- type VResizer
Constants ¶
const ( FontBold byte = 0x01 FontItalic byte = 0x02 FontUnderline byte = 0x04 FontStrikeOut byte = 0x08 )
const ( DirNone direction = iota DirX DirY DirX2 DirY2 )
Variables ¶
var ( // resource compilation tool assigns app.ico ID of 3 // rsrc -manifest app.manifest -ico app.ico -o rsrc.syso AppIconID = 3 )
var DefaultBackgroundBrush = NewSystemColorBrush(w32.COLOR_BTNFACE)
var ImageBoxHiPen = NewPen(w32.PS_GEOMETRIC, 2, NewSolidColorBrush(RGB(220, 140, 140)))
var ImageBoxMarkBrush = NewSolidColorBrush(RGB(40, 40, 40))
var ImageBoxMarkPen = NewPen(w32.PS_GEOMETRIC, 2, ImageBoxMarkBrush)
var ImageBoxPen = NewPen(w32.PS_GEOMETRIC, 2, NewSolidColorBrush(RGB(140, 140, 220)))
var NoShortcut = Shortcut{}
Functions ¶
func AppDataPath ¶
func CommonAppDataPath ¶
func ControlDown ¶
func ControlDown() bool
func CreateWindow ¶
func CreateWindow(className string, parent Controller, exStyle, style uint) w32.HWND
func DriveNames ¶
func EnsureAppDataPath ¶
EnsureAppDataPath uses AppDataPath to ensure storage for local settings and databases.
func Errorf ¶
func Errorf(parent Controller, format string, data ...interface{})
Errorf is generic error message with OK button.
func GetAppInstance ¶
func LocalAppDataPath ¶
func MsgBoxOk ¶
func MsgBoxOk(parent Controller, title, caption string)
func MsgBoxOkCancel ¶
func MsgBoxOkCancel(parent Controller, title, caption string) int
MsgBoxOkCancel basic pop up message. Returns 1 for OK and 2 for CANCEL.
func MsgBoxYesNo ¶
func MsgBoxYesNo(parent Controller, title, caption string) int
func PostMessages ¶
func PostMessages()
PostMessages processes recent messages. Sometimes helpful for instant window refresh.
func PreTranslateMessage ¶
func Printf ¶
func Printf(parent Controller, format string, data ...interface{})
Printf is generic info message with OK button.
func RegClassOnlyOnce ¶
func RegClassOnlyOnce(className string)
func RegMsgHandler ¶
func RegMsgHandler(controller Controller)
func RegisterClass ¶
func SetAppIcon ¶
func SetAppIcon(appIconID int)
SetAppIconID sets recource icon ID for the apps windows.
func ShowBrowseFolderDlg ¶
func ShowBrowseFolderDlg(parent Controller, title string) (folder string, accepted bool)
func ShowOpenFileDlg ¶
func ShowSaveFileDlg ¶
func UnRegMsgHandler ¶
func Warningf ¶
func Warningf(parent Controller, format string, data ...interface{}) int
Warningf is generic warning message with OK and Cancel buttons. Returns 1 for OK.
Types ¶
type Bitmap ¶
type Bitmap struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBitmapFromResource ¶
func (*Bitmap) GetHBITMAP ¶
type Brush ¶
type Brush struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewHatchedColorBrush ¶
func NewNullBrush ¶
func NewNullBrush() *Brush
func NewSolidColorBrush ¶
func NewSystemColorBrush ¶
func (*Brush) GetLOGBRUSH ¶
type Button ¶
type Button struct { ControlBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Button) OnClick ¶
func (bt *Button) OnClick() *EventManager
func (*Button) SetChecked ¶
func (*Button) SetIcon ¶
SetIcon sets icon on the button. Recommended icons are 32x32 with 32bit color depth.
func (*Button) SetResIcon ¶
type Canvas ¶
type Canvas struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewCanvasFromHDC ¶
func NewCanvasFromHwnd ¶
func (*Canvas) DrawBitmap ¶
func (*Canvas) DrawEllipse ¶
func (*Canvas) DrawFillEllipse ¶
DrawFillEllipse draw and fill ellipse with color.
func (*Canvas) DrawFillRect ¶
DrawFillRect draw and fill rectangle with color.
func (*Canvas) DrawStretchedBitmap ¶
type CheckBox ¶
type CheckBox struct {
func NewCheckBox ¶
func NewCheckBox(parent Controller) *CheckBox
type ComboBox ¶
type ComboBox struct { ControlBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewComboBox ¶
func NewComboBox(parent Controller) *ComboBox
func (*ComboBox) DeleteAllItems ¶
func (*ComboBox) DeleteItem ¶
func (*ComboBox) OnSelectedChange ¶
func (cb *ComboBox) OnSelectedChange() *EventManager
func (*ComboBox) SelectedItem ¶
func (*ComboBox) SetSelectedItem ¶
type ControlBase ¶
type ControlBase struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ControlBase) Bounds ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) Bounds() *Rect
func (*ControlBase) ClientHeight ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) ClientHeight() int
func (*ControlBase) ClientRect ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) ClientRect() *Rect
func (*ControlBase) ClientWidth ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) ClientWidth() int
func (*ControlBase) Close ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) Close()
func (*ControlBase) ContextMenu ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) ContextMenu() *MenuItem
func (*ControlBase) EnableDragAcceptFiles ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) EnableDragAcceptFiles(b bool)
func (*ControlBase) Enabled ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) Enabled() bool
func (*ControlBase) Font ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) Font() *Font
func (*ControlBase) GetWindowDPI ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) GetWindowDPI() (w32.UINT, w32.UINT)
func (*ControlBase) Handle ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) Handle() w32.HWND
func (*ControlBase) Height ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) Height() int
func (*ControlBase) Hide ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) Hide()
func (*ControlBase) InitControl ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) InitControl(className string, parent Controller, exstyle, style uint)
initControl is called by controls: edit, button, treeview, listview, and so on.
func (*ControlBase) InitWindow ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) InitWindow(className string, parent Controller, exstyle, style uint)
InitWindow is called by custom window based controls such as split, panel, etc.
func (*ControlBase) Invalidate ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) Invalidate(erase bool)
func (*ControlBase) InvokeRequired ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) InvokeRequired() bool
func (*ControlBase) OnClose ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) OnClose() *EventManager
func (*ControlBase) OnDropFiles ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) OnDropFiles() *EventManager
func (*ControlBase) OnKeyUp ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) OnKeyUp() *EventManager
func (*ControlBase) OnKillFocus ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) OnKillFocus() *EventManager
func (*ControlBase) OnLBDbl ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) OnLBDbl() *EventManager
func (*ControlBase) OnLBDown ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) OnLBDown() *EventManager
func (*ControlBase) OnLBUp ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) OnLBUp() *EventManager
func (*ControlBase) OnMBDown ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) OnMBDown() *EventManager
func (*ControlBase) OnMBUp ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) OnMBUp() *EventManager
func (*ControlBase) OnMouseHover ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) OnMouseHover() *EventManager
func (*ControlBase) OnMouseLeave ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) OnMouseLeave() *EventManager
func (*ControlBase) OnMouseMove ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) OnMouseMove() *EventManager
func (*ControlBase) OnPaint ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) OnPaint() *EventManager
func (*ControlBase) OnRBDbl ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) OnRBDbl() *EventManager
func (*ControlBase) OnRBDown ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) OnRBDown() *EventManager
func (*ControlBase) OnRBUp ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) OnRBUp() *EventManager
func (*ControlBase) OnSetFocus ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) OnSetFocus() *EventManager
func (*ControlBase) OnSize ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) OnSize() *EventManager
func (*ControlBase) Parent ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) Parent() Controller
func (*ControlBase) Pos ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) Pos() (x, y int)
func (*ControlBase) PreTranslateMessage ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) PreTranslateMessage(msg *w32.MSG) bool
func (*ControlBase) SetAndClearStyleBits ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) SetAndClearStyleBits(set, clear uint32) error
func (*ControlBase) SetContextMenu ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) SetContextMenu(menu *MenuItem)
func (*ControlBase) SetEnabled ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) SetEnabled(b bool)
func (*ControlBase) SetFocus ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) SetFocus()
func (*ControlBase) SetFont ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) SetFont(font *Font)
func (*ControlBase) SetHandle ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) SetHandle(hwnd w32.HWND)
func (*ControlBase) SetIsForm ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) SetIsForm(isform bool)
func (*ControlBase) SetMaxSize ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) SetMaxSize(width, height int)
func (*ControlBase) SetMinSize ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) SetMinSize(width, height int)
func (*ControlBase) SetParent ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) SetParent(parent Controller)
func (*ControlBase) SetPos ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) SetPos(x, y int)
func (*ControlBase) SetSize ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) SetSize(width, height int)
func (*ControlBase) SetText ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) SetText(caption string)
func (*ControlBase) SetTheme ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) SetTheme(appName string) error
SetTheme for TreeView and ListView controls.
func (*ControlBase) SetTranslucentBackground ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) SetTranslucentBackground()
func (*ControlBase) Show ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) Show()
func (*ControlBase) Size ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) Size() (width, height int)
func (*ControlBase) Text ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) Text() string
func (*ControlBase) ToggleVisible ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) ToggleVisible() bool
func (*ControlBase) Visible ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) Visible() bool
func (*ControlBase) Width ¶
func (cba *ControlBase) Width() int
type Controller ¶
type Controller interface { Text() string Enabled() bool SetFocus() Handle() w32.HWND Invalidate(erase bool) Parent() Controller Pos() (x, y int) Size() (w, h int) Height() int Width() int Visible() bool Bounds() *Rect ClientRect() *Rect SetText(s string) SetEnabled(b bool) SetPos(x, y int) SetSize(w, h int) EnableDragAcceptFiles(b bool) Show() Hide() ContextMenu() *MenuItem SetContextMenu(menu *MenuItem) Font() *Font SetFont(font *Font) InvokeRequired() bool PreTranslateMessage(msg *w32.MSG) bool WndProc(msg uint32, wparam, lparam uintptr) uintptr //General events OnCreate() *EventManager OnClose() *EventManager // Focus events OnKillFocus() *EventManager OnSetFocus() *EventManager //Drag and drop events OnDropFiles() *EventManager //Mouse events OnLBDown() *EventManager OnLBUp() *EventManager OnLBDbl() *EventManager OnMBDown() *EventManager OnMBUp() *EventManager OnRBDown() *EventManager OnRBUp() *EventManager OnRBDbl() *EventManager OnMouseMove() *EventManager // OnMouseLeave and OnMouseHover does not fire unless control called internalTrackMouseEvent. // Use MouseControl for a how to example. OnMouseHover() *EventManager OnMouseLeave() *EventManager //Keyboard events OnKeyUp() *EventManager //Paint events OnPaint() *EventManager OnSize() *EventManager }
func GetMsgHandler ¶
func GetMsgHandler(hwnd w32.HWND) Controller
type CtlState ¶
type CtlState struct {
X, Y, Width, Height int
DockState gets saved and loaded from json
type Dialog ¶
type Dialog struct { Form // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Dialog displayed as z-order top window until closed. It also disables parent window so it can not be clicked.
func NewDialog ¶
func NewDialog(parent Controller) *Dialog
func (*Dialog) OnCancel ¶
func (dlg *Dialog) OnCancel() *EventManager
func (*Dialog) OnOk ¶
func (dlg *Dialog) OnOk() *EventManager
func (*Dialog) PreTranslateMessage ¶
PreTranslateMessage handles dialog specific messages. IMPORTANT.
func (*Dialog) SetButtons ¶
func (dlg *Dialog) SetButtons(btnOk *PushButton, btnCancel *PushButton)
SetButtons wires up dialog events to buttons. btnCancel can be nil.
type DockAllow ¶
type DockAllow interface { Handle() w32.HWND ClientWidth() int ClientHeight() int SetLayout(mng LayoutManager) }
DockAllow is window, panel or other component that satisfies interface.
type Dockable ¶
type Dockable interface { Handle() w32.HWND Pos() (x, y int) Width() int Height() int Visible() bool SetPos(x, y int) SetSize(width, height int) OnMouseMove() *EventManager OnLBUp() *EventManager }
Dockable component must satisfy interface to be docked.
type DropFilesEventData ¶
type Edit ¶
type Edit struct { ControlBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEdit ¶
func NewEdit(parent Controller) *Edit
type ErrorPanel ¶
type ErrorPanel struct { ControlBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ErrorPanel shows errors or important messages. It is meant to stand out of other on screen controls.
func (*ErrorPanel) Errorf ¶
func (epa *ErrorPanel) Errorf(format string, v ...interface{})
func (*ErrorPanel) Printf ¶
func (epa *ErrorPanel) Printf(format string, v ...interface{})
func (*ErrorPanel) SetMargin ¶
func (epa *ErrorPanel) SetMargin(margin int)
func (*ErrorPanel) ShowAsError ¶
func (epa *ErrorPanel) ShowAsError(show bool)
type Event ¶
type Event struct { Sender Controller Data interface{} }
func NewEvent ¶
func NewEvent(sender Controller, data interface{}) *Event
type EventHandler ¶
type EventHandler func(arg *Event)
type EventManager ¶
type EventManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*EventManager) Bind ¶
func (evm *EventManager) Bind(handler EventHandler)
func (*EventManager) Fire ¶
func (evm *EventManager) Fire(arg *Event)
type Font ¶
type Font struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
var ( GeneralWndprocCallBack = syscall.NewCallback(generalWndProc) DefaultFont *Font )
Public global variables.
type Form ¶
type Form struct { ControlBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A Form is main window of the application.
func NewCustomForm ¶
func NewCustomForm(parent Controller, exStyle int, dwStyle uint) *Form
func NewForm ¶
func NewForm(parent Controller) *Form
func (*Form) DisableIcon ¶
func (fm *Form) DisableIcon()
func (*Form) EnableDragMove ¶
func (*Form) EnableMaxButton ¶
func (*Form) EnableMinButton ¶
func (*Form) EnableSizable ¶
func (*Form) EnableTopMost ¶
func (*Form) Fullscreen ¶
func (fm *Form) Fullscreen()
func (*Form) SetLayout ¶
func (fm *Form) SetLayout(mng LayoutManager)
func (*Form) UnFullscreen ¶
func (fm *Form) UnFullscreen()
type GroupBox ¶
type GroupBox struct {
func NewGroupBox ¶
func NewGroupBox(parent Controller) *GroupBox
type HResizer ¶
type HResizer struct { ControlBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewHResizer ¶
func NewHResizer(parent Controller) *HResizer
func (*HResizer) SetControl ¶
type Icon ¶
type Icon struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewIconFromFile ¶
func NewIconFromResource ¶
type IconButton ¶
type IconButton struct {
IconButton does not display text, requires SetResIcon call.
func NewIconButton ¶
func NewIconButton(parent Controller) *IconButton
type ImageBox ¶
type ImageList ¶
type ImageList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewImageList ¶
func (*ImageList) AddResIcon ¶
func (*ImageList) Handle ¶
func (im *ImageList) Handle() w32.HIMAGELIST
func (*ImageList) ImageCount ¶
func (*ImageList) SetImageCount ¶
type ImageView ¶
type ImageView struct { ControlBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewImageView ¶
func NewImageView(parent Controller) *ImageView
func (*ImageView) DrawImageFile ¶
type ImageViewBox ¶
type ImageViewBox struct { ControlBase Boxes []*ImageBox // might be persisted to file // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ImageViewBox is image view with boxes.
func NewImageViewBox ¶
func NewImageViewBox(parent Controller) *ImageViewBox
func (*ImageViewBox) AddMode ¶
func (iv *ImageViewBox) AddMode() bool
func (*ImageViewBox) DeleteSelected ¶
func (iv *ImageViewBox) DeleteSelected()
func (*ImageViewBox) DrawImage ¶
func (iv *ImageViewBox) DrawImage(bmp *Bitmap)
func (*ImageViewBox) DrawImageFile ¶
func (iv *ImageViewBox) DrawImageFile(filepath string) (err error)
func (*ImageViewBox) HasSelected ¶
func (iv *ImageViewBox) HasSelected() bool
func (*ImageViewBox) IsLoaded ¶
func (iv *ImageViewBox) IsLoaded() bool
func (*ImageViewBox) IsModified ¶
func (iv *ImageViewBox) IsModified() bool
func (*ImageViewBox) NameSelected ¶
func (iv *ImageViewBox) NameSelected() string
func (*ImageViewBox) OnAdd ¶
func (iv *ImageViewBox) OnAdd() *EventManager
func (*ImageViewBox) OnModify ¶
func (iv *ImageViewBox) OnModify() *EventManager
func (*ImageViewBox) OnSelectedChange ¶
func (iv *ImageViewBox) OnSelectedChange() *EventManager
func (*ImageViewBox) SetAddMode ¶
func (iv *ImageViewBox) SetAddMode(add bool)
func (*ImageViewBox) SetModified ¶
func (iv *ImageViewBox) SetModified(modified bool)
func (*ImageViewBox) SetNameSelected ¶
func (iv *ImageViewBox) SetNameSelected(name string)
func (*ImageViewBox) SetTypeSelected ¶
func (iv *ImageViewBox) SetTypeSelected(typ int)
func (*ImageViewBox) TypeSelected ¶
func (iv *ImageViewBox) TypeSelected() int
type Key ¶
type Key uint16
const ( KeyLButton Key = w32.VK_LBUTTON KeyRButton Key = w32.VK_RBUTTON KeyCancel Key = w32.VK_CANCEL KeyMButton Key = w32.VK_MBUTTON KeyXButton1 Key = w32.VK_XBUTTON1 KeyXButton2 Key = w32.VK_XBUTTON2 KeyBack Key = w32.VK_BACK KeyTab Key = w32.VK_TAB KeyClear Key = w32.VK_CLEAR KeyReturn Key = w32.VK_RETURN KeyShift Key = w32.VK_SHIFT KeyControl Key = w32.VK_CONTROL KeyAlt Key = w32.VK_MENU KeyMenu Key = w32.VK_MENU KeyPause Key = w32.VK_PAUSE KeyCapital Key = w32.VK_CAPITAL KeyKana Key = w32.VK_KANA KeyHangul Key = w32.VK_HANGUL KeyJunja Key = w32.VK_JUNJA KeyFinal Key = w32.VK_FINAL KeyHanja Key = w32.VK_HANJA KeyKanji Key = w32.VK_KANJI KeyEscape Key = w32.VK_ESCAPE KeyConvert Key = w32.VK_CONVERT KeyNonconvert Key = w32.VK_NONCONVERT KeyAccept Key = w32.VK_ACCEPT KeyModeChange Key = w32.VK_MODECHANGE KeySpace Key = w32.VK_SPACE KeyPrior Key = w32.VK_PRIOR KeyNext Key = w32.VK_NEXT KeyEnd Key = w32.VK_END KeyHome Key = w32.VK_HOME KeyLeft Key = w32.VK_LEFT KeyUp Key = w32.VK_UP KeyRight Key = w32.VK_RIGHT KeyDown Key = w32.VK_DOWN KeySelect Key = w32.VK_SELECT KeyPrint Key = w32.VK_PRINT KeyExecute Key = w32.VK_EXECUTE KeySnapshot Key = w32.VK_SNAPSHOT KeyInsert Key = w32.VK_INSERT KeyDelete Key = w32.VK_DELETE KeyHelp Key = w32.VK_HELP Key0 Key = 0x30 Key1 Key = 0x31 Key2 Key = 0x32 Key3 Key = 0x33 Key4 Key = 0x34 Key5 Key = 0x35 Key6 Key = 0x36 Key7 Key = 0x37 Key8 Key = 0x38 Key9 Key = 0x39 KeyA Key = 0x41 KeyB Key = 0x42 KeyC Key = 0x43 KeyD Key = 0x44 KeyE Key = 0x45 KeyF Key = 0x46 KeyG Key = 0x47 KeyH Key = 0x48 KeyI Key = 0x49 KeyJ Key = 0x4A KeyK Key = 0x4B KeyL Key = 0x4C KeyM Key = 0x4D KeyN Key = 0x4E KeyO Key = 0x4F KeyP Key = 0x50 KeyQ Key = 0x51 KeyR Key = 0x52 KeyS Key = 0x53 KeyT Key = 0x54 KeyU Key = 0x55 KeyV Key = 0x56 KeyW Key = 0x57 KeyX Key = 0x58 KeyY Key = 0x59 KeyZ Key = 0x5A KeyLWIN Key = w32.VK_LWIN KeyRWIN Key = w32.VK_RWIN KeyApps Key = w32.VK_APPS KeySleep Key = w32.VK_SLEEP KeyNumpad0 Key = w32.VK_NUMPAD0 KeyNumpad1 Key = w32.VK_NUMPAD1 KeyNumpad2 Key = w32.VK_NUMPAD2 KeyNumpad3 Key = w32.VK_NUMPAD3 KeyNumpad4 Key = w32.VK_NUMPAD4 KeyNumpad5 Key = w32.VK_NUMPAD5 KeyNumpad6 Key = w32.VK_NUMPAD6 KeyNumpad7 Key = w32.VK_NUMPAD7 KeyNumpad8 Key = w32.VK_NUMPAD8 KeyNumpad9 Key = w32.VK_NUMPAD9 KeyMultiply Key = w32.VK_MULTIPLY KeyAdd Key = w32.VK_ADD KeySeparator Key = w32.VK_SEPARATOR KeySubtract Key = w32.VK_SUBTRACT KeyDecimal Key = w32.VK_DECIMAL KeyDivide Key = w32.VK_DIVIDE KeyF1 Key = w32.VK_F1 KeyF2 Key = w32.VK_F2 KeyF3 Key = w32.VK_F3 KeyF4 Key = w32.VK_F4 KeyF5 Key = w32.VK_F5 KeyF6 Key = w32.VK_F6 KeyF7 Key = w32.VK_F7 KeyF8 Key = w32.VK_F8 KeyF9 Key = w32.VK_F9 KeyF10 Key = w32.VK_F10 KeyF11 Key = w32.VK_F11 KeyF12 Key = w32.VK_F12 KeyF13 Key = w32.VK_F13 KeyF14 Key = w32.VK_F14 KeyF15 Key = w32.VK_F15 KeyF16 Key = w32.VK_F16 KeyF17 Key = w32.VK_F17 KeyF18 Key = w32.VK_F18 KeyF19 Key = w32.VK_F19 KeyF20 Key = w32.VK_F20 KeyF21 Key = w32.VK_F21 KeyF22 Key = w32.VK_F22 KeyF23 Key = w32.VK_F23 KeyF24 Key = w32.VK_F24 KeyNumlock Key = w32.VK_NUMLOCK KeyScroll Key = w32.VK_SCROLL KeyLShift Key = w32.VK_LSHIFT KeyRShift Key = w32.VK_RSHIFT KeyLControl Key = w32.VK_LCONTROL KeyRControl Key = w32.VK_RCONTROL KeyLAlt Key = w32.VK_LMENU KeyLMenu Key = w32.VK_LMENU KeyRAlt Key = w32.VK_RMENU KeyRMenu Key = w32.VK_RMENU KeyBrowserBack Key = w32.VK_BROWSER_BACK KeyBrowserForward Key = w32.VK_BROWSER_FORWARD KeyBrowserRefresh Key = w32.VK_BROWSER_REFRESH KeyBrowserStop Key = w32.VK_BROWSER_STOP KeyBrowserSearch Key = w32.VK_BROWSER_SEARCH KeyBrowserFavorites Key = w32.VK_BROWSER_FAVORITES KeyBrowserHome Key = w32.VK_BROWSER_HOME KeyVolumeMute Key = w32.VK_VOLUME_MUTE KeyVolumeDown Key = w32.VK_VOLUME_DOWN KeyVolumeUp Key = w32.VK_VOLUME_UP KeyMediaNextTrack Key = w32.VK_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK KeyMediaPrevTrack Key = w32.VK_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK KeyMediaStop Key = w32.VK_MEDIA_STOP KeyMediaPlayPause Key = w32.VK_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE KeyLaunchMail Key = w32.VK_LAUNCH_MAIL KeyLaunchMediaSelect Key = w32.VK_LAUNCH_MEDIA_SELECT KeyLaunchApp1 Key = w32.VK_LAUNCH_APP1 KeyLaunchApp2 Key = w32.VK_LAUNCH_APP2 KeyOEM1 Key = w32.VK_OEM_1 KeyOEMPlus Key = w32.VK_OEM_PLUS KeyOEMComma Key = w32.VK_OEM_COMMA KeyOEMMinus Key = w32.VK_OEM_MINUS KeyOEMPeriod Key = w32.VK_OEM_PERIOD KeyOEM2 Key = w32.VK_OEM_2 KeyOEM3 Key = w32.VK_OEM_3 KeyOEM4 Key = w32.VK_OEM_4 KeyOEM5 Key = w32.VK_OEM_5 KeyOEM6 Key = w32.VK_OEM_6 KeyOEM7 Key = w32.VK_OEM_7 KeyOEM8 Key = w32.VK_OEM_8 KeyOEM102 Key = w32.VK_OEM_102 KeyProcessKey Key = w32.VK_PROCESSKEY KeyPacket Key = w32.VK_PACKET KeyAttn Key = w32.VK_ATTN KeyCRSel Key = w32.VK_CRSEL KeyEXSel Key = w32.VK_EXSEL KeyErEOF Key = w32.VK_EREOF KeyPlay Key = w32.VK_PLAY KeyZoom Key = w32.VK_ZOOM KeyNoName Key = w32.VK_NONAME KeyPA1 Key = w32.VK_PA1 KeyOEMClear Key = w32.VK_OEM_CLEAR )
type KeyUpEventData ¶
type KeyUpEventData struct {
VKey, Code int
type Label ¶
type Label struct {
func NewLabel ¶
func NewLabel(parent Controller) *Label
type LabelEditEventData ¶
type LayoutControl ¶
type LayoutControl struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type LayoutControls ¶
type LayoutControls []*LayoutControl
func (LayoutControls) Len ¶
func (lc LayoutControls) Len() int
func (LayoutControls) Less ¶
func (lc LayoutControls) Less(i, j int) bool
func (LayoutControls) Swap ¶
func (lc LayoutControls) Swap(i, j int)
type LayoutManager ¶
type LayoutManager interface {
type LayoutState ¶
type ListItem ¶
type ListItem interface { Text() []string // Text returns the text of the multi-column item. ImageIndex() int // ImageIndex is used only if SetImageList is called on the listview }
ListItem represents an item in a ListView widget.
type ListItemChecker ¶
ListItemChecker is used for checkbox support in ListView.
type ListItemSetter ¶
type ListItemSetter interface {
SetText(s string) // set first item in the array via LabelEdit event
ListItemSetter is used in OnEndLabelEdit event.
type ListView ¶
type ListView struct { ControlBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewListView ¶
func NewListView(parent Controller) *ListView
func (*ListView) CheckBoxes ¶
CheckBoxes returns if the *TableView has check boxes.
func (*ListView) DeleteAllItems ¶
func (*ListView) DeleteItem ¶
func (*ListView) EnableDoubleBuffer ¶
func (*ListView) EnableEditLabels ¶
func (*ListView) EnableFullRowSelect ¶
func (*ListView) EnableHotTrack ¶
func (*ListView) EnableSingleSelect ¶
func (*ListView) EnableSortAscending ¶
func (*ListView) EnableSortHeader ¶
func (*ListView) EnsureVisible ¶
func (*ListView) InsertItem ¶
func (*ListView) OnCheckChanged ¶
func (lv *ListView) OnCheckChanged() *EventManager
func (*ListView) OnClick ¶
func (lv *ListView) OnClick() *EventManager
func (*ListView) OnDoubleClick ¶
func (lv *ListView) OnDoubleClick() *EventManager
func (*ListView) OnEndLabelEdit ¶
func (lv *ListView) OnEndLabelEdit() *EventManager
Event publishers
func (*ListView) OnEndScroll ¶
func (lv *ListView) OnEndScroll() *EventManager
func (*ListView) OnItemChanged ¶
func (lv *ListView) OnItemChanged() *EventManager
func (*ListView) OnItemChanging ¶
func (lv *ListView) OnItemChanging() *EventManager
func (*ListView) OnKeyDown ¶
func (lv *ListView) OnKeyDown() *EventManager
func (*ListView) OnViewChange ¶
func (lv *ListView) OnViewChange() *EventManager
func (*ListView) SelectedCount ¶
func (*ListView) SelectedIndex ¶
GetSelectedIndex first selected item index. Returns -1 if no item is selected.
func (*ListView) SelectedItem ¶
func (*ListView) SelectedItems ¶
mask is used to set the LVITEM.Mask for ListView.GetItem which indicates which attributes you'd like to receive of LVITEM.
func (*ListView) SetCheckBoxes ¶
SetCheckBoxes sets if the *TableView has check boxes.
func (*ListView) SetImageList ¶
func (*ListView) SetItemCount ¶
func (*ListView) SetSelectedIndex ¶
Set i to -1 to select all items.
func (*ListView) SetSelectedItem ¶
func (*ListView) StretchLastColumn ¶
StretchLastColumn makes the last column take up all remaining horizontal space of the *ListView. The effect of this is not persistent.
func (*ListView) UpdateItem ¶
type Menu ¶
type Menu struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Menu for main window and context menus on controls. Most methods used for both main window menu and context menu.
func (*Menu) AddSubMenu ¶
AddSubMenu returns item that is used as submenu to perform AddItem(s).
func (*Menu) IsDisposed ¶
type MenuItem ¶
type MenuItem struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewContextMenu ¶
func NewContextMenu() *MenuItem
func (*MenuItem) AddItemCheckable ¶
AddItemCheckable adds plain menu item that can have a checkmark.
func (*MenuItem) AddItemRadio ¶
AddItemRadio adds plain menu item that can have a checkmark and is part of a radio group.
func (*MenuItem) AddItemWithBitmap ¶
AddItemWithBitmap adds menu item with shortcut and bitmap.
func (*MenuItem) AddSeparator ¶
func (mi *MenuItem) AddSeparator()
func (*MenuItem) AddSubMenu ¶
AddSubMenu adds a submenu.
func (*MenuItem) IsSeparator ¶
func (*MenuItem) OnClick ¶
func (mi *MenuItem) OnClick() *EventManager
func (*MenuItem) SetCheckable ¶
func (*MenuItem) SetChecked ¶
func (*MenuItem) SetEnabled ¶
func (*MenuItem) SetSeparator ¶
func (mi *MenuItem) SetSeparator()
func (*MenuItem) SetToolTip ¶
type MouseControl ¶
type MouseControl struct { ControlBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
MouseControl used for creating custom controls that need mouse hover or mouse leave events.
func (*MouseControl) Init ¶
func (cc *MouseControl) Init(parent Controller, className string, exStyle, style uint)
type MouseEventData ¶
type MultiEdit ¶
type MultiEdit struct { ControlBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
MultiEdit is multiline text edit.
func NewMultiEdit ¶
func NewMultiEdit(parent Controller) *MultiEdit
type MultiPanel ¶
type MultiPanel struct { ControlBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
MultiPanel contains other panels and only makes one of them visible.
func NewMultiPanel ¶
func NewMultiPanel(parent Controller) *MultiPanel
func (*MultiPanel) AddPanel ¶
func (mpa *MultiPanel) AddPanel(panel *Panel)
AddPanel adds panels to the internal list, first panel is visible all others are hidden.
func (*MultiPanel) Count ¶
func (mpa *MultiPanel) Count() int
func (*MultiPanel) Current ¶
func (mpa *MultiPanel) Current() int
func (*MultiPanel) DeletePanel ¶
func (mpa *MultiPanel) DeletePanel(index int)
DeletePanel removed panel.
func (*MultiPanel) ReplacePanel ¶
func (mpa *MultiPanel) ReplacePanel(index int, panel *Panel)
ReplacePanel replaces panel, useful for refreshing controls on screen.
func (*MultiPanel) SetCurrent ¶
func (mpa *MultiPanel) SetCurrent(index int)
type PaintEventData ¶
type PaintEventData struct {
Canvas *Canvas
type Panel ¶
type Panel struct { ControlBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewPanel ¶
func NewPanel(parent Controller) *Panel
func (*Panel) SetLayout ¶
func (pa *Panel) SetLayout(mng LayoutManager)
SetLayout panel implements DockAllow interface.
type Pen ¶
type Pen struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNullPen ¶
func NewNullPen() *Pen
type ProgressBar ¶
type ProgressBar struct {
func NewProgressBar ¶
func NewProgressBar(parent Controller) *ProgressBar
func (*ProgressBar) Range ¶
func (pr *ProgressBar) Range() (min, max uint)
func (*ProgressBar) SetRange ¶
func (pr *ProgressBar) SetRange(min, max int)
func (*ProgressBar) SetValue ¶
func (pr *ProgressBar) SetValue(v int)
func (*ProgressBar) Value ¶
func (pr *ProgressBar) Value() int
type PushButton ¶
type PushButton struct {
func NewPushButton ¶
func NewPushButton(parent Controller) *PushButton
func (*PushButton) SetDefault ¶
func (pb *PushButton) SetDefault()
SetDefault is used for dialogs to set default button.
type RadioButton ¶
type RadioButton struct {
func NewRadioButton ¶
func NewRadioButton(parent Controller) *RadioButton
type RadioGroup ¶
type RadioGroup struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type Rect ¶
type Rect struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewEmptyRect ¶
func NewEmptyRect() *Rect
func (*Rect) GetW32Rect ¶
type ScrollView ¶
type ScrollView struct { ControlBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewScrollView ¶
func NewScrollView(parent Controller) *ScrollView
func (*ScrollView) SetChild ¶
func (sv *ScrollView) SetChild(child Dockable)
func (*ScrollView) UpdateScrollBars ¶
func (sv *ScrollView) UpdateScrollBars()
type SimpleDock ¶
type SimpleDock struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSimpleDock ¶
func NewSimpleDock(parent DockAllow) *SimpleDock
func (*SimpleDock) Dock ¶
func (sd *SimpleDock) Dock(child Dockable, dir Direction)
Layout management for the child controls.
func (*SimpleDock) LoadState ¶
func (sd *SimpleDock) LoadState(r io.Reader) error
LoadState of the layout. Only works for Docks with parent set to main form.
func (*SimpleDock) LoadStateFile ¶
func (sd *SimpleDock) LoadStateFile(file string) error
LoadStateFile loads state ignores error if file is not found.
func (*SimpleDock) SaveState ¶
func (sd *SimpleDock) SaveState(w io.Writer) error
SaveState of the layout. Only works for Docks with parent set to main form.
func (*SimpleDock) SaveStateFile ¶
func (sd *SimpleDock) SaveStateFile(file string) error
SaveStateFile convenience function.
func (*SimpleDock) Update ¶
func (sd *SimpleDock) Update()
Update is called to resize child items based on layout directions.
type SizeEventData ¶
type Slider ¶
type Slider struct { ControlBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewSlider ¶
func NewSlider(parent Controller) *Slider
func (*Slider) OnScroll ¶
func (tb *Slider) OnScroll() *EventManager
type StringListItem ¶
StringListItem is helper for basic string lists.
func (StringListItem) Checked ¶
func (s StringListItem) Checked() bool
func (StringListItem) ImageIndex ¶
func (s StringListItem) ImageIndex() int
func (StringListItem) SetChecked ¶
func (s StringListItem) SetChecked(checked bool)
func (StringListItem) Text ¶
func (s StringListItem) Text() []string
type StringTreeItem ¶
StringTreeItem is helper for basic string lists.
func (StringTreeItem) ImageIndex ¶
func (s StringTreeItem) ImageIndex() int
func (StringTreeItem) Text ¶
func (s StringTreeItem) Text() string
type TabView ¶
type TabView struct { ControlBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TabView creates MultiPanel internally and manages tabs as panels.
func NewTabView ¶
func NewTabView(parent Controller) *TabView
func (*TabView) DeletePanel ¶
func (*TabView) Panels ¶
func (tv *TabView) Panels() *MultiPanel
func (*TabView) SetCurrent ¶
type ToolButton ¶
type ToolButton struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ToolButton) Checkable ¶
func (bt *ToolButton) Checkable() bool
func (*ToolButton) Checked ¶
func (bt *ToolButton) Checked() bool
func (*ToolButton) Enabled ¶
func (bt *ToolButton) Enabled() bool
func (*ToolButton) Image ¶
func (bt *ToolButton) Image() int
func (*ToolButton) IsSeparator ¶
func (bt *ToolButton) IsSeparator() bool
func (*ToolButton) OnClick ¶
func (bt *ToolButton) OnClick() *EventManager
func (*ToolButton) SetCheckable ¶
func (bt *ToolButton) SetCheckable(b bool)
func (*ToolButton) SetChecked ¶
func (bt *ToolButton) SetChecked(b bool)
func (*ToolButton) SetEnabled ¶
func (bt *ToolButton) SetEnabled(b bool)
func (*ToolButton) SetImage ¶
func (bt *ToolButton) SetImage(i int)
func (*ToolButton) SetSeparator ¶
func (bt *ToolButton) SetSeparator()
func (*ToolButton) SetText ¶
func (bt *ToolButton) SetText(s string)
func (*ToolButton) Text ¶
func (bt *ToolButton) Text() string
type ToolTip ¶
type ToolTip struct {
func NewToolTip ¶
func NewToolTip(parent Controller) *ToolTip
type Toolbar ¶
type Toolbar struct { ControlBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewHToolbar ¶
func NewHToolbar(parent Controller) *Toolbar
NewHToolbar creates horizontal toolbar with text on same line as image.
func NewToolbar ¶
func NewToolbar(parent Controller) *Toolbar
NewToolbar creates toolbar with text below the image.
func (*Toolbar) AddButton ¶
func (tb *Toolbar) AddButton(text string, image int) *ToolButton
AddButton creates and adds button to the toolbar. Use returned toolbutton to setup OnClick event.
func (*Toolbar) AddSeparator ¶
func (tb *Toolbar) AddSeparator()
func (*Toolbar) SetImageList ¶
type TreeItem ¶
type TreeItem interface { Text() string // Text returns the text of the item. ImageIndex() int // ImageIndex is used only if SetImageList is called on the treeview }
TreeItem represents an item in a TreeView widget.
type TreeView ¶
type TreeView struct { ControlBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTreeView ¶
func NewTreeView(parent Controller) *TreeView
func (*TreeView) DeleteAllItems ¶
func (*TreeView) DeleteItem ¶
func (*TreeView) EnableDoubleBuffer ¶
func (*TreeView) EnsureVisible ¶
func (*TreeView) InsertItem ¶
func (*TreeView) OnCollapse ¶
func (tv *TreeView) OnCollapse() *EventManager
func (*TreeView) OnExpand ¶
func (tv *TreeView) OnExpand() *EventManager
func (*TreeView) OnSelectedChange ¶
func (tv *TreeView) OnSelectedChange() *EventManager
func (*TreeView) OnViewChange ¶
func (tv *TreeView) OnViewChange() *EventManager
func (*TreeView) SelectedItem ¶
SelectedItem is current selected item after OnSelectedChange event.
func (*TreeView) SetImageList ¶
func (*TreeView) SetSelectedItem ¶
func (*TreeView) UpdateItem ¶
type VResizer ¶
type VResizer struct { ControlBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewVResizer ¶
func NewVResizer(parent Controller) *VResizer
func (*VResizer) SetControl ¶
Source Files
- app.go
- bitmap.go
- brush.go
- buttons.go
- canvas.go
- color.go
- combobox.go
- commondlgs.go
- controlbase.go
- controller.go
- dialog.go
- edit.go
- event.go
- eventdata.go
- eventmanager.go
- font.go
- form.go
- globalvars.go
- icon.go
- imagelist.go
- imageview.go
- imageviewbox.go
- init.go
- keyboard.go
- label.go
- layout.go
- listview.go
- menu.go
- mousecontrol.go
- msghandlerregistry.go
- panel.go
- path.go
- pen.go
- progressbar.go
- rect.go
- resizer.go
- scrollview.go
- slider.go
- tabview.go
- toolbar.go
- tooltip.go
- treeview.go
- utils.go
- wndproc.go