A simple programmatic Kubernetes Operator template.
Use this to create your own Kubernetes operators with golang.
- Build with KIND (Kubernetes in Docker).
- Express custom behaviours in code - no DSL to learn.
- Generate your CRD's with controller-runtime and import them here.
- Works with built-in kubernetes resource types and custom resource definitions ( example included ).
- Works with Kubebuilder to write your own custom resource definitions, install them and operate with them.
- SlackAlerter is a complete example using this template.
Use this project template
- Click the
Use this template
- Open your new repo...
go get -u github.com/ksubedi/gomove
( Remember to have your $GOPATH and bin on the $PATH )
NAME=github.com/yourname/project make rename
- Update the module name in
- Voila 💅🏼
Run the example... 🥰
Run builtin examples locally:
make up
to start a K.I.N.D cluster on Docker.
make run-builtin-example
This creates some resource interfaces and subscribes to them with some basic subscriptions ./subscriptions
go run examples/builtin/main.go --kubeconfig=/Users/jonesax/.kube/config
I1111 16:03:11.903734 59945 main.go:51] Starting @ 2020-11-11 16:03:11.903596 +0000 GMT m=+0.008013710
I1111 16:03:11.903757 59945 main.go:52] Got watcher client...
I1111 16:03:11.944279 59945 exampledeploymentoperator.go:26] Deployment coredns has 2 Available replicas
I1111 16:03:11.945451 59945 examplepodoperator.go:29] Incoming pod event from kube-apiserver-kind-control-plane
I1111 16:03:11.946563 59945 exampledeploymentoperator.go:26] Deployment local-path-provisioner has 1 Available replicas
I1111 16:03:11.946968 59945 exampledeploymentoperator.go:26] Deployment chart-1605110531-kubeops has 1 Available replicas
I1111 16:03:11.947272 59945 exampledeploymentoperator.go:26] Deployment chart-1605044953-kubeops has 1 Available replicas
I1111 16:03:11.947625 59945 examplepodoperator.go:29] Incoming pod event from kindnet-dmqg9
I1111 16:03:11.948102 59945 examplepodoperator.go:29] Incoming pod event from kube-proxy-qvqpm
I1111 16:03:11.948603 59945 examplepodoperator.go:29] Incoming pod event from coredns-f9fd979d6-2472d
I1111 16:03:11.948863 59945 examplepodoperator.go:29] Incoming pod event from chart-1605110531-kubeops-6957c9d5df-glhxf
I1111 16:03:11.950408 59945 examplepodoperator.go:29] Incoming pod event from coredns-f9fd979d6-vfcd7
I1111 16:03:11.950854 59945 examplepodoperator.go:29] Incoming pod event from chart-1605044953-kubeops-9645784f5-l6xlc
I1111 16:03:11.951771 59945 examplepodoperator.go:29] Incoming pod event from etcd-kind-control-plane
I1111 16:03:11.952974 59945 examplepodoperator.go:29] Incoming pod event from kube-scheduler-kind-control-plane
I1111 16:03:11.953784 59945 examplepodoperator.go:29] Incoming pod event from kube-controller-manager-kind-control-plane
I1111 16:03:11.954150 59945 examplepodoperator.go:29] Incoming pod event from local-path-provisioner-78776bfc44-skrmb
Resources to watch
runtime.EventBuffer(ctx, kubeClient, registry,[]watcher.IObject{
// Buffer events for these built-in types
//Example CRD imported into the runtime-----------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subscriptions on the watched resources
registry := &subscription.Registry{
Subscriptions: []subscription.ISubscription{
// Subscribe to these built-in type events
Build docker image and install into cluster locally:
Please see REQUIREMENTS.md for installation requirements
Please see LICENCE.md for licence enquiries
Development perks
- A simple golang based implementation of an Operator with the boiler plate done.
- Has a pre-made helm chart, so you can build an image of this code and push it into a cluster with your changes.
- Example of using k8s golang API
- Example of using helm
make up |
Creates a kind cluster |
make run-builtin-example |
Runs the ./examples/builtin/main.go |
make run-crd-example |
Runs the ./examples/crd/main.go |
make down |
Deletes the kind cluster |
make |
Builds the project, dockerfile, side loads then installs into the cluster |
make delete |
Deletes all currently installed helm releases |
Suggested development workflow
<write some code>
Test with the above steps.
View your changes in the cluster
If you like it, push the docker image with the kubeops image and use the helm chart to install it cd helm && helm install . --generate-name
How does it work in a nutshell? 🐣
Kubeops uses the go-client for Kubernetes and leverages the watch capability.
The value of this project is wrapping those calls in interfaces and creating some utility functionality for cluster connection.
More information on how to develop your own operator watchers/subscriptions can be found here.
What about Custom Resource Definitions?
Currently the solution would be to use kubebuilder to generate CRD's and then import them either as a library or subproject into KubeOps template.