⚡️ Quick start
First, download and install Go. Version 1.19
or higher is required.
To install use the go install
command and rename installed binary in $GOPATH/bin
go install github.com/AndreGKruger/k8generate@latest
📖 Documentation
run k8generate --help
for more information.
Interactive cli:
- k8generate prompt
Available Commands:
- all Generates all the k8 files (configmap, secret, deployment, service)
- configmap Generates a k8_configmap.yaml file
- deployment Generates a k8_deployment.yaml file
- help Help about any command
- prompt Interactive cli
- secret Generates a k8_secrets.yaml file
- service Generates a k8_service.yaml file
-h, --help help for k8generate
Common Flags for ConfigMap, Secret, Service and Deployment
-h, --help help for configmap
-a, --appname string required name of the application
-e, --env string required name of the environment IE:production, staging, development
-n, --namespace string optional namespace of the application, defaults to appname-env IE myapp-production
uses .env in the root of the folder file to generate the configmap, secret, and deployment file env entries
Deployment Flags
-h, --help help for deployment
-r, --repoendpoint string required endpoint of the repository IE: xyz.dkr.ecr.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com
-p, --reponame string required name of the repository IE: myrepo/myapp
-v, --repoversion string required version of the repository IE: 1.0.0
k8generate deployment -a myapp -e production -r xyz.dkr.ecr.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com -p myrepo/myapp -v 1.0.0
k8generate configmap -a myapp -e production
k8generate secret -a myapp -e production
k8generate service -a myapp -e production
Files Generated
Files are generated in ./kubernetes/{env}/ IE : ./kubernetes/production/k8_configmap.yaml
Any env key that contains one of the following strings will be considered a secret and will be generated in the k8_secret.yaml file
"secret", "api", "key", "pass", "user", "token"