Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CreateTLSClient(ca string) (*tls.Config, error)
- func GetAuthCtx(ctx context.Context) string
- func GetReqID(ctx context.Context) string
- func GetXForwardedFor(ctx context.Context) string
- func IsBatch(raw []byte) bool
- func IsValidID(id json.RawMessage) bool
- func LimitReader(r io.Reader, n int64) io.Reader
- func MaybeRecordErrorsInRPCRes(ctx context.Context, backendName string, reqs []*RPCReq, resBatch []*RPCRes)
- func MaybeRecordSpecialRPCError(ctx context.Context, backendName, method string, rpcErr *RPCErr)
- func NewRedisClient(url string) (*redis.Client, error)
- func ParseBatchRPCReq(body []byte) ([]json.RawMessage, error)
- func ParseKeyPair(crt, key string) (tls.Certificate, error)
- func ReadFromEnvOrConfig(value string) (string, error)
- func RecordBackendFinalizedBlock(b *Backend, blockNumber hexutil.Uint64)
- func RecordBackendLatestBlock(b *Backend, blockNumber hexutil.Uint64)
- func RecordBackendNetworkErrorRateSlidingWindow(b *Backend, rate float64)
- func RecordBackendNetworkLatencyAverageSlidingWindow(b *Backend, avgLatency time.Duration)
- func RecordBackendSafeBlock(b *Backend, blockNumber hexutil.Uint64)
- func RecordBackendUnexpectedBlockTags(b *Backend, unexpected bool)
- func RecordBatchRPCError(ctx context.Context, backendName string, reqs []*RPCReq, err error)
- func RecordBatchRPCForward(ctx context.Context, backendName string, reqs []*RPCReq, source string)
- func RecordBatchSize(size int)
- func RecordCacheError(method string)
- func RecordCacheHit(method string)
- func RecordCacheMiss(method string)
- func RecordConsensusBackendBanned(b *Backend, banned bool)
- func RecordConsensusBackendInSync(b *Backend, inSync bool)
- func RecordConsensusBackendPeerCount(b *Backend, peerCount uint64)
- func RecordConsensusBackendUpdateDelay(b *Backend, lastUpdate time.Time)
- func RecordGroupConsensusCount(group *BackendGroup, count int)
- func RecordGroupConsensusFilteredCount(group *BackendGroup, count int)
- func RecordGroupConsensusFinalizedBlock(group *BackendGroup, blockNumber hexutil.Uint64)
- func RecordGroupConsensusHAFinalizedBlock(group *BackendGroup, leader string, blockNumber hexutil.Uint64)
- func RecordGroupConsensusHALatestBlock(group *BackendGroup, leader string, blockNumber hexutil.Uint64)
- func RecordGroupConsensusHASafeBlock(group *BackendGroup, leader string, blockNumber hexutil.Uint64)
- func RecordGroupConsensusLatestBlock(group *BackendGroup, blockNumber hexutil.Uint64)
- func RecordGroupConsensusSafeBlock(group *BackendGroup, blockNumber hexutil.Uint64)
- func RecordGroupTotalCount(group *BackendGroup, count int)
- func RecordRPCError(ctx context.Context, backendName, method string, err error)
- func RecordRPCForward(ctx context.Context, backendName, method, source string)
- func RecordRedisError(source string)
- func RecordRequestPayloadSize(ctx context.Context, payloadSize int)
- func RecordResponsePayloadSize(ctx context.Context, payloadSize int)
- func RecordUnserviceableRequest(ctx context.Context, source string)
- func RecordWSMessage(ctx context.Context, backendName, source string)
- func ValidateRPCReq(req *RPCReq) error
- type Backend
- func (b *Backend) ErrorRate() (errorRate float64)
- func (b *Backend) Forward(ctx context.Context, reqs []*RPCReq, isBatch bool) ([]*RPCRes, error)
- func (b *Backend) ForwardRPC(ctx context.Context, res *RPCRes, id string, method string, params ...any) error
- func (b *Backend) IsDegraded() bool
- func (b *Backend) IsHealthy() bool
- func (b *Backend) Override(opts ...BackendOpt)
- func (b *Backend) ProxyWS(clientConn *websocket.Conn, methodWhitelist *StringSet) (*WSProxier, error)
- type BackendConfig
- type BackendGroup
- type BackendGroupConfig
- type BackendGroupsConfig
- type BackendOpt
- func WithBasicAuth(username, password string) BackendOpt
- func WithConsensusForcedCandidate(forcedCandidate bool) BackendOpt
- func WithConsensusReceiptTarget(receiptsTarget string) BackendOpt
- func WithConsensusSkipPeerCountCheck(skipPeerCountCheck bool) BackendOpt
- func WithHeaders(headers map[string]string) BackendOpt
- func WithMaxDegradedLatencyThreshold(maxDegradedLatencyThreshold time.Duration) BackendOpt
- func WithMaxErrorRateThreshold(maxErrorRateThreshold float64) BackendOpt
- func WithMaxLatencyThreshold(maxLatencyThreshold time.Duration) BackendOpt
- func WithMaxRPS(maxRPS int) BackendOpt
- func WithMaxResponseSize(size int64) BackendOpt
- func WithMaxRetries(retries int) BackendOpt
- func WithMaxWSConns(maxConns int) BackendOpt
- func WithOutOfServiceDuration(interval time.Duration) BackendOpt
- func WithProxydIP(ip string) BackendOpt
- func WithStrippedTrailingXFF() BackendOpt
- func WithTLSConfig(tlsConfig *tls.Config) BackendOpt
- func WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) BackendOpt
- func WithWeight(weight int) BackendOpt
- type BackendOptions
- type BackendsConfig
- type BatchConfig
- type BlockHashOrNumberParameter
- type Cache
- type CacheConfig
- type Config
- type ConsensusAsyncHandler
- type ConsensusGetReceiptsResult
- type ConsensusOpt
- func WithAsyncHandler(asyncHandler ConsensusAsyncHandler) ConsensusOpt
- func WithBanPeriod(banPeriod time.Duration) ConsensusOpt
- func WithListener(listener OnConsensusBroken) ConsensusOpt
- func WithMaxBlockLag(maxBlockLag uint64) ConsensusOpt
- func WithMaxBlockRange(maxBlockRange uint64) ConsensusOpt
- func WithMaxUpdateThreshold(maxUpdateThreshold time.Duration) ConsensusOpt
- func WithMinPeerCount(minPeerCount uint64) ConsensusOpt
- func WithTracker(tracker ConsensusTracker) ConsensusOpt
- type ConsensusPoller
- func (cp *ConsensusPoller) AddListener(listener OnConsensusBroken)
- func (cp *ConsensusPoller) Ban(be *Backend)
- func (cp *ConsensusPoller) ClearListeners()
- func (cp *ConsensusPoller) GetConsensusGroup() []*Backend
- func (ct *ConsensusPoller) GetFinalizedBlockNumber() hexutil.Uint64
- func (ct *ConsensusPoller) GetLatestBlockNumber() hexutil.Uint64
- func (ct *ConsensusPoller) GetSafeBlockNumber() hexutil.Uint64
- func (cp *ConsensusPoller) IsBanned(be *Backend) bool
- func (cp *ConsensusPoller) Reset()
- func (cp *ConsensusPoller) Shutdown()
- func (cp *ConsensusPoller) Unban(be *Backend)
- func (cp *ConsensusPoller) UpdateBackend(ctx context.Context, be *Backend)
- func (cp *ConsensusPoller) UpdateBackendGroupConsensus(ctx context.Context)
- type ConsensusTracker
- type ConsensusTrackerState
- type FrontendRateLimiter
- type InMemoryConsensusTracker
- func (ct *InMemoryConsensusTracker) Behind(other *InMemoryConsensusTracker) bool
- func (ct *InMemoryConsensusTracker) GetFinalizedBlockNumber() hexutil.Uint64
- func (ct *InMemoryConsensusTracker) GetLatestBlockNumber() hexutil.Uint64
- func (ct *InMemoryConsensusTracker) GetSafeBlockNumber() hexutil.Uint64
- func (ct *InMemoryConsensusTracker) SetFinalizedBlockNumber(blockNumber hexutil.Uint64)
- func (ct *InMemoryConsensusTracker) SetLatestBlockNumber(blockNumber hexutil.Uint64)
- func (ct *InMemoryConsensusTracker) SetSafeBlockNumber(blockNumber hexutil.Uint64)
- func (ct *InMemoryConsensusTracker) Valid() bool
- type LimitedHTTPClient
- type LimitedReader
- type MemoryFrontendRateLimiter
- type MethodMappingsConfig
- type MetricsConfig
- type NoopAsyncHandler
- type NoopRPCCache
- type OnConsensusBroken
- type PollerAsyncHandler
- type RPCCache
- type RPCErr
- type RPCMethodHandler
- type RPCReq
- type RPCRes
- type RateLimitConfig
- type RateLimitMethodOverride
- type RedisConfig
- type RedisConsensusTracker
- func (ct *RedisConsensusTracker) GetFinalizedBlockNumber() hexutil.Uint64
- func (ct *RedisConsensusTracker) GetLatestBlockNumber() hexutil.Uint64
- func (ct *RedisConsensusTracker) GetSafeBlockNumber() hexutil.Uint64
- func (ct *RedisConsensusTracker) Init()
- func (ct *RedisConsensusTracker) SetFinalizedBlockNumber(blockNumber hexutil.Uint64)
- func (ct *RedisConsensusTracker) SetLatestBlockNumber(blockNumber hexutil.Uint64)
- func (ct *RedisConsensusTracker) SetSafeBlockNumber(blockNumber hexutil.Uint64)
- type RedisConsensusTrackerOpt
- type RedisFrontendRateLimiter
- type RewriteContext
- type RewriteResult
- type SenderRateLimitConfig
- type Server
- func (s *Server) HandleHealthz(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (s *Server) HandleRPC(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (s *Server) HandleWS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
- func (s *Server) RPCListenAndServe(host string, port int) error
- func (s *Server) Shutdown()
- func (s *Server) WSListenAndServe(host string, port int) error
- type ServerConfig
- type StaticMethodHandler
- type StringSet
- type TOMLDuration
- type WSProxier
Constants ¶
const ( JSONRPCVersion = "2.0" JSONRPCErrorInternal = -32000 )
const ( MetricsNamespace = "proxyd" RPCRequestSourceHTTP = "http" RPCRequestSourceWS = "ws" BackendProxyd = "proxyd" SourceClient = "client" SourceBackend = "backend" MethodUnknown = "unknown" )
const ( ContextKeyAuth = "authorization" ContextKeyReqID = "req_id" ContextKeyXForwardedFor = "x_forwarded_for" DefaultMaxBatchRPCCallsLimit = 100 MaxBatchRPCCallsHardLimit = 1000 )
const ConsensusGetReceiptsMethod = "consensus_getReceipts"
const (
PollerInterval = 1 * time.Second
const ReceiptsTargetAlchemyGetTransactionReceipts = "alchemy_getTransactionReceipts"
const ReceiptsTargetDebugGetRawReceipts = "debug_getRawReceipts"
const ReceiptsTargetEthGetTransactionReceipts = "eth_getBlockReceipts"
const ReceiptsTargetParityGetTransactionReceipts = "parity_getBlockReceipts"
Variables ¶
var ( ErrParseErr = &RPCErr{ Code: -32700, Message: "parse error", HTTPErrorCode: 400, } ErrInternal = &RPCErr{ Code: JSONRPCErrorInternal, Message: "internal error", HTTPErrorCode: 500, } ErrMethodNotWhitelisted = &RPCErr{ Code: JSONRPCErrorInternal - 1, Message: "rpc method is not whitelisted", HTTPErrorCode: 403, } ErrBackendOffline = &RPCErr{ Code: JSONRPCErrorInternal - 10, Message: "backend offline", HTTPErrorCode: 503, } ErrNoBackends = &RPCErr{ Code: JSONRPCErrorInternal - 11, Message: "no backends available for method", HTTPErrorCode: 503, } ErrBackendOverCapacity = &RPCErr{ Code: JSONRPCErrorInternal - 12, Message: "backend is over capacity", HTTPErrorCode: 429, } ErrBackendBadResponse = &RPCErr{ Code: JSONRPCErrorInternal - 13, Message: "backend returned an invalid response", HTTPErrorCode: 500, } ErrTooManyBatchRequests = &RPCErr{ Code: JSONRPCErrorInternal - 14, Message: "too many RPC calls in batch request", } ErrGatewayTimeout = &RPCErr{ Code: JSONRPCErrorInternal - 15, Message: "gateway timeout", HTTPErrorCode: 504, } ErrOverRateLimit = &RPCErr{ Code: JSONRPCErrorInternal - 16, Message: "over rate limit", HTTPErrorCode: 429, } ErrOverSenderRateLimit = &RPCErr{ Code: JSONRPCErrorInternal - 17, Message: "sender is over rate limit", HTTPErrorCode: 429, } ErrNotHealthy = &RPCErr{ Code: JSONRPCErrorInternal - 18, Message: "backend is currently not healthy to serve traffic", HTTPErrorCode: 503, } ErrBlockOutOfRange = &RPCErr{ Code: JSONRPCErrorInternal - 19, Message: "block is out of range", HTTPErrorCode: 400, } ErrRequestBodyTooLarge = &RPCErr{ Code: JSONRPCErrorInternal - 21, Message: "request body too large", HTTPErrorCode: 413, } ErrBackendResponseTooLarge = &RPCErr{ Code: JSONRPCErrorInternal - 20, Message: "backend response too large", HTTPErrorCode: 500, } ErrBackendUnexpectedJSONRPC = errors.New("backend returned an unexpected JSON-RPC response") ErrConsensusGetReceiptsCantBeBatched = errors.New("consensus_getReceipts cannot be batched") ErrConsensusGetReceiptsInvalidTarget = errors.New("unsupported consensus_receipts_target") )
var ( ErrRewriteBlockOutOfRange = errors.New("block is out of range") ErrRewriteRangeTooLarge = errors.New("block range is too large") )
var ErrLimitReaderOverLimit = errors.New("over read limit")
var MillisecondDurationBuckets = []float64{1, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 100000}
var NoopFrontendRateLimiter = &noopFrontendRateLimiter{}
var PayloadSizeBuckets = []float64{10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 100000, 1000000}
Functions ¶
func GetAuthCtx ¶
func GetXForwardedFor ¶
func IsValidID ¶
func IsValidID(id json.RawMessage) bool
func NewRedisClient ¶
func ParseBatchRPCReq ¶
func ParseBatchRPCReq(body []byte) ([]json.RawMessage, error)
func ParseKeyPair ¶
func ParseKeyPair(crt, key string) (tls.Certificate, error)
func ReadFromEnvOrConfig ¶
func RecordBackendSafeBlock ¶
func RecordBatchRPCError ¶
func RecordBatchRPCForward ¶
func RecordBatchSize ¶
func RecordBatchSize(size int)
func RecordCacheError ¶
func RecordCacheError(method string)
func RecordCacheHit ¶
func RecordCacheHit(method string)
func RecordCacheMiss ¶
func RecordCacheMiss(method string)
func RecordGroupConsensusCount ¶
func RecordGroupConsensusCount(group *BackendGroup, count int)
func RecordGroupConsensusFilteredCount ¶
func RecordGroupConsensusFilteredCount(group *BackendGroup, count int)
func RecordGroupConsensusFinalizedBlock ¶
func RecordGroupConsensusFinalizedBlock(group *BackendGroup, blockNumber hexutil.Uint64)
func RecordGroupConsensusHAFinalizedBlock ¶
func RecordGroupConsensusHAFinalizedBlock(group *BackendGroup, leader string, blockNumber hexutil.Uint64)
func RecordGroupConsensusHALatestBlock ¶
func RecordGroupConsensusHALatestBlock(group *BackendGroup, leader string, blockNumber hexutil.Uint64)
func RecordGroupConsensusHASafeBlock ¶
func RecordGroupConsensusHASafeBlock(group *BackendGroup, leader string, blockNumber hexutil.Uint64)
func RecordGroupConsensusLatestBlock ¶
func RecordGroupConsensusLatestBlock(group *BackendGroup, blockNumber hexutil.Uint64)
func RecordGroupConsensusSafeBlock ¶
func RecordGroupConsensusSafeBlock(group *BackendGroup, blockNumber hexutil.Uint64)
func RecordGroupTotalCount ¶
func RecordGroupTotalCount(group *BackendGroup, count int)
func RecordRPCError ¶
func RecordRPCForward ¶
func RecordRedisError ¶
func RecordRedisError(source string)
func RecordWSMessage ¶
func ValidateRPCReq ¶
Types ¶
type Backend ¶
type Backend struct { Name string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewBackend ¶
func (*Backend) ForwardRPC ¶
func (b *Backend) ForwardRPC(ctx context.Context, res *RPCRes, id string, method string, params ...any) error
ForwardRPC makes a call directly to a backend and populate the response into `res`
func (*Backend) IsDegraded ¶
IsDegraded checks if the backend is serving traffic in a degraded state (i.e. used as a last resource)
func (*Backend) IsHealthy ¶
IsHealthy checks if the backend is able to serve traffic, based on dynamic parameters
func (*Backend) Override ¶
func (b *Backend) Override(opts ...BackendOpt)
type BackendConfig ¶
type BackendConfig struct { Username string `toml:"username"` Password string `toml:"password"` RPCURL string `toml:"rpc_url"` WSURL string `toml:"ws_url"` WSPort int `toml:"ws_port"` MaxRPS int `toml:"max_rps"` MaxWSConns int `toml:"max_ws_conns"` CAFile string `toml:"ca_file"` ClientCertFile string `toml:"client_cert_file"` ClientKeyFile string `toml:"client_key_file"` StripTrailingXFF bool `toml:"strip_trailing_xff"` Headers map[string]string `toml:"headers"` Weight int `toml:"weight"` ConsensusSkipPeerCountCheck bool `toml:"consensus_skip_peer_count"` ConsensusForcedCandidate bool `toml:"consensus_forced_candidate"` ConsensusReceiptsTarget string `toml:"consensus_receipts_target"` }
type BackendGroup ¶
type BackendGroup struct { Name string Backends []*Backend WeightedRouting bool Consensus *ConsensusPoller }
func (*BackendGroup) Shutdown ¶
func (bg *BackendGroup) Shutdown()
type BackendGroupConfig ¶
type BackendGroupConfig struct { Backends []string `toml:"backends"` WeightedRouting bool `toml:"weighted_routing"` ConsensusAware bool `toml:"consensus_aware"` ConsensusAsyncHandler string `toml:"consensus_handler"` ConsensusBanPeriod TOMLDuration `toml:"consensus_ban_period"` ConsensusMaxUpdateThreshold TOMLDuration `toml:"consensus_max_update_threshold"` ConsensusMaxBlockLag uint64 `toml:"consensus_max_block_lag"` ConsensusMaxBlockRange uint64 `toml:"consensus_max_block_range"` ConsensusMinPeerCount int `toml:"consensus_min_peer_count"` ConsensusHA bool `toml:"consensus_ha"` ConsensusHAHeartbeatInterval TOMLDuration `toml:"consensus_ha_heartbeat_interval"` ConsensusHALockPeriod TOMLDuration `toml:"consensus_ha_lock_period"` }
type BackendGroupsConfig ¶
type BackendGroupsConfig map[string]*BackendGroupConfig
type BackendOpt ¶
type BackendOpt func(b *Backend)
func WithBasicAuth ¶
func WithBasicAuth(username, password string) BackendOpt
func WithConsensusForcedCandidate ¶
func WithConsensusForcedCandidate(forcedCandidate bool) BackendOpt
func WithConsensusReceiptTarget ¶
func WithConsensusReceiptTarget(receiptsTarget string) BackendOpt
func WithConsensusSkipPeerCountCheck ¶
func WithConsensusSkipPeerCountCheck(skipPeerCountCheck bool) BackendOpt
func WithHeaders ¶
func WithHeaders(headers map[string]string) BackendOpt
func WithMaxDegradedLatencyThreshold ¶
func WithMaxDegradedLatencyThreshold(maxDegradedLatencyThreshold time.Duration) BackendOpt
func WithMaxErrorRateThreshold ¶
func WithMaxErrorRateThreshold(maxErrorRateThreshold float64) BackendOpt
func WithMaxLatencyThreshold ¶
func WithMaxLatencyThreshold(maxLatencyThreshold time.Duration) BackendOpt
func WithMaxRPS ¶
func WithMaxRPS(maxRPS int) BackendOpt
func WithMaxResponseSize ¶
func WithMaxResponseSize(size int64) BackendOpt
func WithMaxRetries ¶
func WithMaxRetries(retries int) BackendOpt
func WithMaxWSConns ¶
func WithMaxWSConns(maxConns int) BackendOpt
func WithOutOfServiceDuration ¶
func WithOutOfServiceDuration(interval time.Duration) BackendOpt
func WithProxydIP ¶
func WithProxydIP(ip string) BackendOpt
func WithStrippedTrailingXFF ¶
func WithStrippedTrailingXFF() BackendOpt
func WithTLSConfig ¶
func WithTLSConfig(tlsConfig *tls.Config) BackendOpt
func WithTimeout ¶
func WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) BackendOpt
func WithWeight ¶
func WithWeight(weight int) BackendOpt
type BackendOptions ¶
type BackendOptions struct { ResponseTimeoutSeconds int `toml:"response_timeout_seconds"` MaxResponseSizeBytes int64 `toml:"max_response_size_bytes"` MaxRetries int `toml:"max_retries"` OutOfServiceSeconds int `toml:"out_of_service_seconds"` MaxDegradedLatencyThreshold TOMLDuration `toml:"max_degraded_latency_threshold"` MaxLatencyThreshold TOMLDuration `toml:"max_latency_threshold"` MaxErrorRateThreshold float64 `toml:"max_error_rate_threshold"` }
type BackendsConfig ¶
type BackendsConfig map[string]*BackendConfig
type BatchConfig ¶
type BlockHashOrNumberParameter ¶
type BlockHashOrNumberParameter struct { BlockHash *common.Hash `json:"blockHash"` BlockNumber *rpc.BlockNumber `json:"blockNumber"` }
BlockHashOrNumberParameter is a non-conventional wrapper used by alchemy_getTransactionReceipts
type CacheConfig ¶
type CacheConfig struct {
Enabled bool `toml:"enabled"`
type Config ¶
type Config struct { WSBackendGroup string `toml:"ws_backend_group"` Server ServerConfig `toml:"server"` Cache CacheConfig `toml:"cache"` Redis RedisConfig `toml:"redis"` Metrics MetricsConfig `toml:"metrics"` RateLimit RateLimitConfig `toml:"rate_limit"` BackendOptions BackendOptions `toml:"backend"` Backends BackendsConfig `toml:"backends"` BatchConfig BatchConfig `toml:"batch"` Authentication map[string]string `toml:"authentication"` BackendGroups BackendGroupsConfig `toml:"backend_groups"` RPCMethodMappings map[string]string `toml:"rpc_method_mappings"` WSMethodWhitelist []string `toml:"ws_method_whitelist"` WhitelistErrorMessage string `toml:"whitelist_error_message"` SenderRateLimit SenderRateLimitConfig `toml:"sender_rate_limit"` }
type ConsensusAsyncHandler ¶
type ConsensusAsyncHandler interface { Init() Shutdown() }
ConsensusAsyncHandler controls the asynchronous polling mechanism, interval and shutdown
func NewNoopAsyncHandler ¶
func NewNoopAsyncHandler() ConsensusAsyncHandler
func NewPollerAsyncHandler ¶
func NewPollerAsyncHandler(ctx context.Context, cp *ConsensusPoller) ConsensusAsyncHandler
type ConsensusGetReceiptsResult ¶
type ConsensusGetReceiptsResult struct { Method string `json:"method"` Result interface{} `json:"result"` }
type ConsensusOpt ¶
type ConsensusOpt func(cp *ConsensusPoller)
func WithAsyncHandler ¶
func WithAsyncHandler(asyncHandler ConsensusAsyncHandler) ConsensusOpt
func WithBanPeriod ¶
func WithBanPeriod(banPeriod time.Duration) ConsensusOpt
func WithListener ¶
func WithListener(listener OnConsensusBroken) ConsensusOpt
func WithMaxBlockLag ¶
func WithMaxBlockLag(maxBlockLag uint64) ConsensusOpt
func WithMaxBlockRange ¶
func WithMaxBlockRange(maxBlockRange uint64) ConsensusOpt
func WithMaxUpdateThreshold ¶
func WithMaxUpdateThreshold(maxUpdateThreshold time.Duration) ConsensusOpt
func WithMinPeerCount ¶
func WithMinPeerCount(minPeerCount uint64) ConsensusOpt
func WithTracker ¶
func WithTracker(tracker ConsensusTracker) ConsensusOpt
type ConsensusPoller ¶
type ConsensusPoller struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ConsensusPoller checks the consensus state for each member of a BackendGroup resolves the highest common block for multiple nodes, and reconciles the consensus in case of block hash divergence to minimize re-orgs
func NewConsensusPoller ¶
func NewConsensusPoller(bg *BackendGroup, opts ...ConsensusOpt) *ConsensusPoller
func (*ConsensusPoller) AddListener ¶
func (cp *ConsensusPoller) AddListener(listener OnConsensusBroken)
func (*ConsensusPoller) Ban ¶
func (cp *ConsensusPoller) Ban(be *Backend)
Ban bans a specific backend
func (*ConsensusPoller) ClearListeners ¶
func (cp *ConsensusPoller) ClearListeners()
func (*ConsensusPoller) GetConsensusGroup ¶
func (cp *ConsensusPoller) GetConsensusGroup() []*Backend
GetConsensusGroup returns the backend members that are agreeing in a consensus
func (*ConsensusPoller) GetFinalizedBlockNumber ¶
func (ct *ConsensusPoller) GetFinalizedBlockNumber() hexutil.Uint64
GetFinalizedBlockNumber returns the `finalized` agreed block number in a consensus
func (*ConsensusPoller) GetLatestBlockNumber ¶
func (ct *ConsensusPoller) GetLatestBlockNumber() hexutil.Uint64
GetLatestBlockNumber returns the `latest` agreed block number in a consensus
func (*ConsensusPoller) GetSafeBlockNumber ¶
func (ct *ConsensusPoller) GetSafeBlockNumber() hexutil.Uint64
GetSafeBlockNumber returns the `safe` agreed block number in a consensus
func (*ConsensusPoller) IsBanned ¶
func (cp *ConsensusPoller) IsBanned(be *Backend) bool
IsBanned checks if a specific backend is banned
func (*ConsensusPoller) Shutdown ¶
func (cp *ConsensusPoller) Shutdown()
func (*ConsensusPoller) Unban ¶
func (cp *ConsensusPoller) Unban(be *Backend)
Unban removes any bans from the backends
func (*ConsensusPoller) UpdateBackend ¶
func (cp *ConsensusPoller) UpdateBackend(ctx context.Context, be *Backend)
UpdateBackend refreshes the consensus state of a single backend
func (*ConsensusPoller) UpdateBackendGroupConsensus ¶
func (cp *ConsensusPoller) UpdateBackendGroupConsensus(ctx context.Context)
UpdateBackendGroupConsensus resolves the current group consensus based on the state of the backends
type ConsensusTracker ¶
type ConsensusTracker interface { GetLatestBlockNumber() hexutil.Uint64 SetLatestBlockNumber(blockNumber hexutil.Uint64) GetSafeBlockNumber() hexutil.Uint64 SetSafeBlockNumber(blockNumber hexutil.Uint64) GetFinalizedBlockNumber() hexutil.Uint64 SetFinalizedBlockNumber(blockNumber hexutil.Uint64) }
ConsensusTracker abstracts how we store and retrieve the current consensus allowing it to be stored locally in-memory or in a shared Redis cluster
func NewInMemoryConsensusTracker ¶
func NewInMemoryConsensusTracker() ConsensusTracker
func NewRedisConsensusTracker ¶
func NewRedisConsensusTracker(ctx context.Context, redisClient *redis.Client, bg *BackendGroup, namespace string, opts ...RedisConsensusTrackerOpt) ConsensusTracker
type ConsensusTrackerState ¶
type ConsensusTrackerState struct { Latest hexutil.Uint64 `json:"latest"` Safe hexutil.Uint64 `json:"safe"` Finalized hexutil.Uint64 `json:"finalized"` }
DTO to hold the current consensus state
type FrontendRateLimiter ¶
type FrontendRateLimiter interface { // Take consumes a key, and a maximum number of requests // per time interval. It returns a boolean denoting if // the limit could be taken, or an error if a failure // occurred in the backing rate limit implementation. // // No error will be returned if the limit could not be taken // as a result of the requestor being over the limit. Take(ctx context.Context, key string) (bool, error) }
func NewMemoryFrontendRateLimit ¶
func NewMemoryFrontendRateLimit(dur time.Duration, max int) FrontendRateLimiter
func NewRedisFrontendRateLimiter ¶
func NewRedisFrontendRateLimiter(r *redis.Client, dur time.Duration, max int, prefix string) FrontendRateLimiter
type InMemoryConsensusTracker ¶
type InMemoryConsensusTracker struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
InMemoryConsensusTracker store and retrieve in memory, async-safe
func (*InMemoryConsensusTracker) Behind ¶
func (ct *InMemoryConsensusTracker) Behind(other *InMemoryConsensusTracker) bool
func (*InMemoryConsensusTracker) GetFinalizedBlockNumber ¶
func (ct *InMemoryConsensusTracker) GetFinalizedBlockNumber() hexutil.Uint64
func (*InMemoryConsensusTracker) GetLatestBlockNumber ¶
func (ct *InMemoryConsensusTracker) GetLatestBlockNumber() hexutil.Uint64
func (*InMemoryConsensusTracker) GetSafeBlockNumber ¶
func (ct *InMemoryConsensusTracker) GetSafeBlockNumber() hexutil.Uint64
func (*InMemoryConsensusTracker) SetFinalizedBlockNumber ¶
func (ct *InMemoryConsensusTracker) SetFinalizedBlockNumber(blockNumber hexutil.Uint64)
func (*InMemoryConsensusTracker) SetLatestBlockNumber ¶
func (ct *InMemoryConsensusTracker) SetLatestBlockNumber(blockNumber hexutil.Uint64)
func (*InMemoryConsensusTracker) SetSafeBlockNumber ¶
func (ct *InMemoryConsensusTracker) SetSafeBlockNumber(blockNumber hexutil.Uint64)
func (*InMemoryConsensusTracker) Valid ¶
func (ct *InMemoryConsensusTracker) Valid() bool
type LimitedHTTPClient ¶
type LimitedReader ¶
A LimitedReader reads from R but limits the amount of data returned to just N bytes. Each call to Read updates N to reflect the new amount remaining. Unlike the standard library version, Read returns ErrLimitReaderOverLimit when N <= 0.
type MemoryFrontendRateLimiter ¶
type MemoryFrontendRateLimiter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MemoryFrontendRateLimiter is a rate limiter that stores all rate limiting information in local memory. It works by storing a limitedKeys struct that references the truncated timestamp at which the struct was created. If the current truncated timestamp doesn't match what's referenced, the limit is reset. Otherwise, values in a map are incremented to represent the limit.
type MethodMappingsConfig ¶
type MetricsConfig ¶
type NoopAsyncHandler ¶
type NoopAsyncHandler struct{}
NoopAsyncHandler allows fine control updating the consensus
func (*NoopAsyncHandler) Init ¶
func (ah *NoopAsyncHandler) Init()
func (*NoopAsyncHandler) Shutdown ¶
func (ah *NoopAsyncHandler) Shutdown()
type OnConsensusBroken ¶
type OnConsensusBroken func()
type PollerAsyncHandler ¶
type PollerAsyncHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PollerAsyncHandler asynchronously updates each individual backend and the group consensus
func (*PollerAsyncHandler) Init ¶
func (ah *PollerAsyncHandler) Init()
func (*PollerAsyncHandler) Shutdown ¶
func (ah *PollerAsyncHandler) Shutdown()
type RPCErr ¶
type RPCErr struct { Code int `json:"code"` Message string `json:"message"` Data string `json:"data,omitempty"` HTTPErrorCode int `json:"-"` }
func ErrInvalidParams ¶
func ErrInvalidRequest ¶
type RPCMethodHandler ¶
type RPCReq ¶
type RPCReq struct { JSONRPC string `json:"jsonrpc"` Method string `json:"method"` Params json.RawMessage `json:"params"` ID json.RawMessage `json:"id"` }
func ParseRPCReq ¶
type RPCRes ¶
type RPCRes struct { JSONRPC string Result interface{} Error *RPCErr ID json.RawMessage }
func NewRPCErrorRes ¶
func NewRPCErrorRes(id json.RawMessage, err error) *RPCRes
func NewRPCRes ¶
func NewRPCRes(id json.RawMessage, result interface{}) *RPCRes
func (*RPCRes) MarshalJSON ¶
type RateLimitConfig ¶
type RateLimitConfig struct { UseRedis bool `toml:"use_redis"` BaseRate int `toml:"base_rate"` BaseInterval TOMLDuration `toml:"base_interval"` ExemptOrigins []string `toml:"exempt_origins"` ExemptUserAgents []string `toml:"exempt_user_agents"` ErrorMessage string `toml:"error_message"` MethodOverrides map[string]*RateLimitMethodOverride `toml:"method_overrides"` IPHeaderOverride string `toml:"ip_header_override"` }
type RateLimitMethodOverride ¶
type RateLimitMethodOverride struct { Limit int `toml:"limit"` Interval TOMLDuration `toml:"interval"` Global bool `toml:"global"` }
type RedisConfig ¶
type RedisConsensusTracker ¶
type RedisConsensusTracker struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RedisConsensusTracker store and retrieve in a shared Redis cluster, with leader election
func (*RedisConsensusTracker) GetFinalizedBlockNumber ¶
func (ct *RedisConsensusTracker) GetFinalizedBlockNumber() hexutil.Uint64
func (*RedisConsensusTracker) GetLatestBlockNumber ¶
func (ct *RedisConsensusTracker) GetLatestBlockNumber() hexutil.Uint64
func (*RedisConsensusTracker) GetSafeBlockNumber ¶
func (ct *RedisConsensusTracker) GetSafeBlockNumber() hexutil.Uint64
func (*RedisConsensusTracker) Init ¶
func (ct *RedisConsensusTracker) Init()
func (*RedisConsensusTracker) SetFinalizedBlockNumber ¶
func (ct *RedisConsensusTracker) SetFinalizedBlockNumber(blockNumber hexutil.Uint64)
func (*RedisConsensusTracker) SetLatestBlockNumber ¶
func (ct *RedisConsensusTracker) SetLatestBlockNumber(blockNumber hexutil.Uint64)
func (*RedisConsensusTracker) SetSafeBlockNumber ¶
func (ct *RedisConsensusTracker) SetSafeBlockNumber(blockNumber hexutil.Uint64)
type RedisConsensusTrackerOpt ¶
type RedisConsensusTrackerOpt func(cp *RedisConsensusTracker)
func WithHeartbeatInterval ¶
func WithHeartbeatInterval(heartbeatInterval time.Duration) RedisConsensusTrackerOpt
func WithLockPeriod ¶
func WithLockPeriod(lockPeriod time.Duration) RedisConsensusTrackerOpt
type RedisFrontendRateLimiter ¶
type RedisFrontendRateLimiter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RedisFrontendRateLimiter is a rate limiter that stores data in Redis. It uses the basic rate limiter pattern described on the Redis best practices website:
type RewriteContext ¶
type RewriteContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type RewriteResult ¶
type RewriteResult uint8
const ( // RewriteNone means request should be forwarded as-is RewriteNone RewriteResult = iota // RewriteOverrideError means there was an error attempting to rewrite RewriteOverrideError // RewriteOverrideRequest means the modified request should be forwarded to the backend RewriteOverrideRequest // RewriteOverrideResponse means to skip calling the backend and serve the overridden response RewriteOverrideResponse )
func RewriteRequest ¶
func RewriteRequest(rctx RewriteContext, req *RPCReq, res *RPCRes) (RewriteResult, error)
RewriteRequest modifies the request object to comply with the rewrite context before the method has been called at the backend it returns false if nothing was changed
func RewriteResponse ¶
func RewriteResponse(rctx RewriteContext, req *RPCReq, res *RPCRes) (RewriteResult, error)
RewriteResponse modifies the response object to comply with the rewrite context after the method has been called at the backend RewriteResult informs the decision of the rewrite
func RewriteTags ¶
func RewriteTags(rctx RewriteContext, req *RPCReq, res *RPCRes) (RewriteResult, error)
RewriteTags modifies the request and the response based on block tags
type SenderRateLimitConfig ¶
type SenderRateLimitConfig struct { Enabled bool Interval TOMLDuration Limit int AllowedChainIds []*big.Int `toml:"allowed_chain_ids"` }
SenderRateLimitConfig configures the sender-based rate limiter for eth_sendRawTransaction requests.
type Server ¶
type Server struct { BackendGroups map[string]*BackendGroup // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewServer ¶
func NewServer( backendGroups map[string]*BackendGroup, wsBackendGroup *BackendGroup, wsMethodWhitelist *StringSet, rpcMethodMappings map[string]string, maxBodySize int64, authenticatedPaths map[string]string, timeout time.Duration, maxUpstreamBatchSize int, enableServedByHeader bool, cache RPCCache, rateLimitConfig RateLimitConfig, senderRateLimitConfig SenderRateLimitConfig, enableRequestLog bool, maxRequestBodyLogLen int, maxBatchSize int, redisClient *redis.Client, ) (*Server, error)
func (*Server) HandleHealthz ¶
func (s *Server) HandleHealthz(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
type ServerConfig ¶
type ServerConfig struct { RPCHost string `toml:"rpc_host"` RPCPort int `toml:"rpc_port"` WSHost string `toml:"ws_host"` WSPort int `toml:"ws_port"` MaxBodySizeBytes int64 `toml:"max_body_size_bytes"` MaxConcurrentRPCs int64 `toml:"max_concurrent_rpcs"` LogLevel string `toml:"log_level"` // TimeoutSeconds specifies the maximum time spent serving an HTTP request. Note that isn't used for websocket connections TimeoutSeconds int `toml:"timeout_seconds"` MaxUpstreamBatchSize int `toml:"max_upstream_batch_size"` EnableRequestLog bool `toml:"enable_request_log"` MaxRequestBodyLogLen int `toml:"max_request_body_log_len"` EnablePprof bool `toml:"enable_pprof"` EnableXServedByHeader bool `toml:"enable_served_by_header"` }
type StaticMethodHandler ¶
type StaticMethodHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*StaticMethodHandler) GetRPCMethod ¶
func (*StaticMethodHandler) PutRPCMethod ¶
type StringSet ¶
type StringSet struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewStringSet ¶
func NewStringSet() *StringSet
func NewStringSetFromStrings ¶
type TOMLDuration ¶
func (*TOMLDuration) UnmarshalText ¶
func (t *TOMLDuration) UnmarshalText(b []byte) error