Backend for new archive site
Backend for new archive site including, ETLs from BB Metadata DB to Elasticsearch.
The archive-backend is meant to be executed as command line.
Type archive-backend <command> -h
to see how to use each command.
archive-backend server
Execute the backend api server for the new archive site.
archive-backend version
Print the version of archive-backend
The default config file is config.toml
in your current work directory.
See config.sample.toml
for a sample config file.
Release and Deployment
Once development is done, all tests are green, we want to go live.
All we have to do is simply execute misc/
To add a pre-release tag, add the relevant environment variable. For example,
PRE_RELEASE=rc.1 misc/
MDB models
When MDB schema is changed we need to update the mdb
package. Run this script:
(See the next section below for the instructions on installing Elasticsearch for Windows)
Build index
There are two more dependencies required to build index:
- Open Office (soffice binary) - to convert all doc to docx.
- python-docx pyton library - to get text from docx
Elasticsearch installation for Windows
Disable Go Modules.
- Type from within the repository directory:
go env -w GO111MODULE=off
Download and install the Java Virtual Machine for Windows from

Download Elasticsearch 6.8.2 from
Extract it to C:\elasticsearch-6.8.2
If Elasticsearch keep crashing, consider adding these lines to jvm.options file in C:\elasticsearch-6.8.2\config
Xms represents the initial size of total heap space.
Xmx represents the maximum size of total heap space.
Install the Hebrew dictionaries:
- Download: he_IL.aff, he_IL.dic, settings.yml files from
- Put these files under C:\elasticsearch-6.8.2\config\hunspell\he_IL
- Additional dictionary terms are managed in .delta.dic files and located in search/hunspell directory of the repository. Copy these files into corresponding folders inside elasticsearch-6.8.2/config/hunspell/
- Note that on Linux environment the supported format for Hebrew dictionary files is ISO 8859-8.
Download and install Python - version 2.7.x
Install python-docx (to get text from docx):
- in CMD go to python directory
cd C:\Python27
python -m pip install python-docx
Download and install LibreOffice (not OpenOffice!)
Update 'soffice-bin' value with soffice.exe full path in config.toml, [elasticsearch] section:
"C://Program Files//LibreOffice 5//program//soffice.exe"
Copy to config.toml the required commented-out lines from config.sample.toml that are related to Windows.
Updating assets:
In order to make correct data indexing you should update the ES mapping configuration files (JSON files in /data/es/mappings):
- Exec. \es\mappings\ with python from the root path of the project. For example:
C:\Users\[USER]\go\src\\Bnei-Baruch\archive-backend>python C:\Users\[USER]\go\src\\Bnei-Baruch\archive-backend\es\mappings\
- From the root path of the project, type:
go-bindata -debug data/...
- Edit bindata.go file (located in the root folder) and replace "package main" with "package bindata".
- Move the modified bindata.go file to /bindata folder (delete old bindata.go from /bindata if exist and make sure the bindata.go is not exist any more in the root folder).
- Repeat this steps any time is changed and executed.
Install go-bindata
go get -u