Daily notes is a CLI tool for generating note files based on templates and can preserve items day over day.
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Table of Contents
About The Project
Getting Started
- Usage
- Roadmap
- License
About The Project
Daily notes allow you to maintain a customized template in Markdown to generate your note files and allow you to preserve items from the previous day.
For example:
The base template will include a Tasks section:
When you preseve with the -p flag, any unchecked tasks will be brought to the next day.
Any line prefixed with a -p in the note will also be preserved.
For example:
- item 1
-p preserved item 3
- item 3
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Built With
Getting Started
To get started you will need the following installed on your system:
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/BrandenM-OW/daily-notes.git
Build the project
cd path/to/repo/
go build main.go
Add the binary to your system path if you so choose.
Binary downloads to come so no build will be required.
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daily-notes init
Creates the following directory structure:
├── config.yaml
├── notes
│ └── month
│ └── week
│ └── day.md
└── templates
└── daily.md
daily-notes new
daily-notes new -p // Preserves notes from last day
daily-notes new -d 1 // Creates a note for tomorrow
Adds the following file:
└── notes
└── month
└── week
└── day.md
The day.md file will be created based on the template specified in the config.yaml file.
If the preserve flag is set, the last day.md file will be used as a template for the new day.md file.
- All unchecked tasks will be copied over
- All notes will be copied over that are not marked with the -p flag
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- Adding binary downloads to repo.
- Template flag to use other templates.
- Better preseve flag options to allow you to pick a day to preseve from.
See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.
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