subnet: <choose a different AZ> / next: storage / next
value: web-server-0002
security group
choose the "web-tier" security group we created
specify "key pair" we want the instance to use
launch instance
Add new EC2 instance to load balancer's target group
add the new instance to the target group
enter load balancer DNS into a browser to see your load balancer in action
refresh your browser to see the switching between web-servers-sg
Create auto scaling
Auto Scaling helps you maintain application availability and allows you to scale your Amazon EC2 capacity up or down automatically according to conditions you define. You can use Auto Scaling to help ensure that you are running your desired number of Amazon EC2 instances. Auto Scaling also automatically increase the number of Amazon EC2 instances during demand spikes to maintain performance and decrease capacity during lulls to redues costs. Auto Scaling is well suited both to applications that have stable demand patterns or that experience hourly, daily, or weekly variability in usage.
Configure auto scaling
EC2 / autoscaling / launch configuration
create auto scaling group / create launch configuration
My AMIs / choose your AMI
my image name waw "web-architecture-2019-10-31"
next / next
configure details
name: auto-scaling-config-2019-10-31
next / next
configure security group
select an existing security group /select the "web-servers-sg" security group
next / next / create launch configuration
choose an existing key pair / create launch configuration
Create auto scaling group
Configure auto scaling group
group size: this is the minimum number of instances we'll always be running
network: default vpc
subnet: choose the availability zones (AZs) into which you've launched instances
advanced details
load balancing: check "receive traffic from elastic load balancer"
select your load balancer
health check: ELB (this is what we set up)
Configure scaling policies
keep group at initial size
Configure tags
value: web-sever-auto-scaled
Create auto scaling group
Scaling policies
this is where we'd add polices to say when we scale up / scale down